140 Allstate Parkway Suite 210 Markham, ON L3R 5Y8 905-948-1872 1-866-392-5446 www.centrallhin.on.ca CENTRAL LHIN CEO REPORT CORRESPONDENCE

CENTRAL LHIN CEO REPORT CORRESPONDENCE · 140 Allstate Parkway Suite 210 Markham, ON L3R 5Y8 905-948-1872 1-866-392-5446 CENTRAL LHIN CEO REPORT CORRESPONDENCE

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Page 1: CENTRAL LHIN CEO REPORT CORRESPONDENCE · 140 Allstate Parkway Suite 210 Markham, ON L3R 5Y8 905-948-1872 1-866-392-5446  CENTRAL LHIN CEO REPORT CORRESPONDENCE

140 Allstate Parkway Suite 210 Markham, ON L3R 5Y8

905-948-1872 1-866-392-5446 www.centrallhin.on.ca




Page 2: CENTRAL LHIN CEO REPORT CORRESPONDENCE · 140 Allstate Parkway Suite 210 Markham, ON L3R 5Y8 905-948-1872 1-866-392-5446  CENTRAL LHIN CEO REPORT CORRESPONDENCE

CCeennttrraall LLHHIINN ––CCEEOO RReeppoorrtt-- CCoorrrreessppoonnddeennccee Table of Contents 1.0 MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND LONG-TERM CARE January 15, 2010 News Release – Enhancing Francophone Input Into Health Care Services (APPENDIX 1.1) January 8, 2010 Memo from Kathryn McCulloch re Aging at Home Strategy 2010/2011 – Extension to Detailed Service Plan Submission Deadline (APPENDIX 1.2) December 24, 2009 Memo from Leela Prasaud to Long-Term Care Home Service Accountability Agreement and Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007 Timeline (APPENDIX 1.3) December 22, 2009 Memo from Ken Deane re Invitation to participate in the MOHLTC/LHIN Integration Consensus Conference (APPENDIX 1.4) December 21, 2009 Letter from Minister – Acquired Brain Injury Funding (APPENDIX 1.5) December 16, 2009 News Release - Nomination of Raymond Hession as New Chair, eHealth Ontario’s Board of Directors (APPENDIX 1.6) December 14, 2009 Memo from Leela Prasaud re Interim Bed Compliance (APPENDIX 1.7) December 9, 2009 Memo from Ken Deane to LHIN CEOs re New Acting Director, LHIN Liaison Branch (APPENDIX 1.8) December 18, 2009 Changs to the Governance and Funding of Regional Infection Control Networks (APPENDIX 1.9) 2.0 LHIN –WIDE January 15, 2010 Letter re Long-Term Care Home Service Agreement and Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007 Timeline (APPENDIX 2.1) 3.0 CENTRAL LHIN/OTHER CORRESPONDENCE January 4, 2010 Letter from Francois Boileau, Commissioner, Office of the French Language Services

Commissioner (APPENDIX 3.1) December 22, 2009 Letter to Central LHIN Hospital CEOs – Hospital Standardized Mortality Ratio 2008/09

Results (APPENDIX 3.2) December 2, 2010 Ontario’s Poverty Reduction Strategy – Ministry of Children and Youth Services (APPENDIX 3.3)

CCeennttrraall LLHHIINN BBooaarrdd ooff DDiirreeccttoorrss CCEEOO RReeppoorrtt ––CCoorrrreessppoonnddeennccee –– JJaannuuaarryy 2266,, 22001100

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NEWS Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Enhancing Francophone Input Into Health Care Services McGuinty Government Supports New Francophone Planning Entities

NEWS January 15, 2010

2010/nr-001 Ontario is giving the province’s francophone community more input into the planning and integration of French language health services in local communities. At least five new French language planning entities in regions across the province will be created through a new regulation under the Local Health System Integration Act. These entities will be selected by the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care and will work with the province’s 14 Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) to ensure that the needs of francophone communities are reflected in local health planning. The advice and input the planning entities will provide to LHINs includes: Methods of engaging the francophone community in the area Health needs and priorities of the local francophone community Identifying francophone health services and health care providers currently available to the

community, and Improving access to, and the integration of, French language health services in the area.

Selection of the planning entities will be completed by July 1, 2010. QUOTES “I’m very pleased this resource will be available to our francophone communities, and welcome their valuable input in our continuing efforts to improve health care in Ontario.” --Deb Matthews, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care “This significant achievement is the result of an unprecedented collaboration between community and government authorities. More than ever, Ontario’s Francophones will be able to take part in the planning of French language health services at the local level.” --Madeleine Meilleur, Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs “We support this regulation and were pleased to be active participants in the government’s move to increase the contribution of the francophone community in the development of French language health services in the province.” --Marcel Castonguay, Chair of the French Language Health Services Advisory Council "I am pleased with the outcome of this process. Many people came together to make this happen. The regulation is consistent with the recommendations of the working group and a positive step forward for the francophone community." -- Charles Beer, Facilitator of the Working Group for the Francophone Community Engagement Regulation

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QUICK FACTS The creation of French-language planning entities was a key recommendation in the French

Language Services Commissioner’s Special Report on French Language Health Services Planning in Ontario, which was released in May 2009.

There are approximately 600,000 francophones living in Ontario, which represents the largest francophone community in Canada outside of Quebec.

The new regulation came into effect on January 1, 2010. A copy of the regulation can be found online at http://www.e-

laws.gov.on.ca/html/source/regs/english/2009/elaws_src_regs_r09515_e.htm LEARN MORE Read more about French language health services in Ontario.

Ivan Langrish, Minister’s Office, 416-326-3986 Andrew Morrison, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, 416-314-6197

ontario.ca/health-news Disponible en français

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BACKGROUNDER Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Francophone Community Engagement Regulation

January 15, 2010

A new regulation under the Local Health System Integration Act will support coordinated, meaningful and effective engagement of francophone communities on health services. This regulation outlines how the ministry will select French language health planning entities to work with the 14 Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs). The ministry is currently developing the process for selecting entities and will have entities appointed by July 2010. French Language Health Planning Entities Planning entities are organizations selected by the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care to undertake francophone community engagement activities with one or more Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) within a geographical area. Planning Entity Role French language health planning entities will provide advice and input to the LHINs on: Methods of engaging the francophone community in the area Health needs and priorities of the local francophone community Identifying francophone health services and health care providers currently available to the

community Improving access to, and the integration of, French language health services in the area.

Planning Entity Criteria An organization may be eligible to apply to become a French language planning entity if it: Is incorporated under the laws of Ontario and is actively in operation Has an active relationship with the local francophone community Has experience with or knowledge of the local health system and the health needs of the

francophone community Has been involved in the planning or delivery of health services Has the capacity and skills to engage and provide advice to the LHIN Can recommend strategies to improve access to, accessibility of and integration of French

language health services into the local health system

Ivan Langrish, Minister’s Office, 416-326-3986 Andrew Morrison, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, 416-314-6197

ontario.ca/health-news Disponible en français

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January 8, 2009
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December 24, 2009
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December 22, 2009
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NEWS Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Ontario Nominates New Chair Of eHealth Ontario

NEWS December 16, 20092009/nr-089

Ontario has nominated health care and information technology executive, Raymond Hession as the new Chair of eHealth Ontario’s board of directors. The nomination is subject to review by the Standing Committee on Government Agencies. As the Chair of eHealth Ontario, Hession would set policy and direction for the government agency responsible for all aspects of e-health in Ontario, including creating an electronic health record for all Ontarians by 2015. Hession would replace Rita Burak who has served as interim chair since June 17, 2009. Hession has held key positions at technology firms including Kinburn Technologies Ltd. and IBM, and has served as Chair of the Board of Directors at Ontario Health Quality Council, Chair of the Board of Governors of the Ottawa Hospital, and Chair of the Cooperative Housing Agency of Canada. Ontario is also appointing Michael Fenn as the new interim president and chief executive officer of eHealth Ontario, taking over for Rob Devitt. The appointment takes effect December 21, 2009 and will end February 26, 2010. eHealth Ontario’s board of directors is currently conducting a search for a permanent CEO. Fenn is a former CEO of Metrolinx and CEO of the Mississauga Halton Local Health Integration Network. Fenn also served as a Deputy Minister in the Ontario Public Service for eight years. QUOTES “I would like to thank Rita Burak and Robert Devitt for their hard work and leadership over the last several months. I’m certain that Mr. Hession and Mr. Fenn will provide the same exemplary service.” - Deb Matthews, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care. QUICK FACTS By 2012, 9,000 physicians, including more than 65 per cent of primary care physicians, will

be using electronic medical records, to the benefit of approximately 10 million Ontarians Electronic health records will provide patients and providers with the ability to access, share

and use health information. This will improve health care delivery, increase patient safety, reduce ER wait times and create a more effective health care system

For public inquiries call ServiceOntario, INFOline at 1-866-532-3161 (Toll-free in Ontario only)

Ivan Langrish, Minister’s Office, 416-326-3986 David Jensen, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, 416-314-6197

ontario.ca/health-news Disponible en français

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December 14, 2009
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December 9, 2009
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140 Allstate Parkway, Suite 210 Markham, ON L3R 5Y8 Tel: 905 948-1872 • Fax: 905 948-8011 Toll Free: 1 866 392-5446 www.centrallhin.on.ca

December 22, 2009 To: Central LHIN Hospital Chief Executive Officers From: Kim Baker, Chief Executive Officer, Central LHIN RE: Hospital Standardized Mortality Ratio 2008/2009 Results Dear CEOs, On behalf of the Central LHIN, I would like to extend congratulations to you and your teams in sustaining or improving your Hospital Standardized Mortality Ratios (HSMR). In 2008/2009, there were 2,678 deaths among 25,460 cases in the Central LHIN, resulting in a LHIN wide HSMR rate decrease from 105 to 97. For 2008/2009, Markham Stouffville Hospital and Southlake Regional Health Centre HSMR results were significantly less than 100; Markham Stouffville Hospital at 86 and Southlake Regional Health Centre at 89. We hope to learn from and share your success stories with others in the Central LHIN. Best wishes for continued success,

Kim Baker, Chief Executive Officer Central LHIN /rs c: Victoria van Hemert, Senior Director, Planning, Integration and Community Engagement

Shaukat Moloo, Senior Director, Performance, Contracts and Allocations

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