CFI July 2010 Newsletter

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  • 8/9/2019 CFI July 2010 Newsletter

    1/ e: [email protected] p: 800-323-2273 (toll ree) p: 906-253-233


    July 2010 Serving the Persecuted Church or over 10 yea

    Christian Freedom International

    Remember those in prison as i you were their ellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as i you yourselves were sufering. Hebrews 13:

    Partnerships...Connecting you with the Persecuted Chur

    Two Students at the CFI Vocational

    School in Mae Sot, Thailand

  • 8/9/2019 CFI July 2010 Newsletter

    2/ [email protected] 800-323-2273

    Christian Freedom InternationFREEDOM REPORT

    Caption can go here.

    CFI PresidentJim Jacobsonand FamilyRelocating to

    ThailandDay ater day,thousands opeople around the

    world suer grave

    persecution because

    o their aith in Jesus

    Christ. Beore this

    very year is out,

    many will even

    surrender their

    lives in martyrdom,

    reusing to deny theirLord at whatever the


    But or those brave

    believers who

    manage to escape

    death, lie is mostly

    lled with haunting

    ear, ridicule, abuse,

    shame, isolation, and

    hopeless poverty. It

    is because o these

    soldiers in Christ, as

    well as the amilies o

    those who have paid

    the ultimate price o

    martyrdom, that CFI

    has existed or nearly

    two decades.

    CFI has invested agreat deal o time

    and resources

    into assisting the

    Persecuted Church

    primarily throughout

    Asia, yet the needs o

    suering Christians

    remain as dire as

    ever.CFI Bible School in Mae Hong Song, Thailand

  • 8/9/2019 CFI July 2010 Newsletter

    3/ [email protected] 800-323-2273

    Christian Freedom InternationFREEDOM REPORT

    Thats why CFI


    Jim Jacobson, and

    his amily-- including

    their eight adopted

    Karen children --

    will be relocating

    to Thailand in the

    all o 2010 to

    personally oversee

    the developmento many o CFIs

    important programs.

    The multi-year

    stint, beginning

    in Thailand,

    is part o the

    Jacobsons ongoing

    commitment to

    the expansion o

    programs in Pakistan,

    India, Bangladesh,

    Nepal, and Laos,

    while also working

    extensively on

    existing programs

    that benet

    persecuted Christians

    in Burma. The amilywill initially stay

    at CFIs Vocational

    School in Mae Sot

    to develop the

    schools academic

    and vocational

    curriculum, and will

    eventually relocate

    to the city o Chiang

    Mai to work with

    CFIs expanding

    Bible school in

    Mae Hong Song.

    Leadership training

    and education

    among the Karen

    and Karenni people,

    as well as the

    development o a

    stronger mentorship

    program or CFIs

    indigenous co-

    workers, are also

    priority objectives or

    the uture.

    We are excited to

    be traveling to the

    eld so that we can

    share all o the things

    that God is doing

    through the ministry

    o CFI, says Karen

    Jacobson, wie o

    CFI president Jim

    Jacobson. It will

    be amazing to be

    able to keep our

    supporters updated

    with onsite reports.

    Meanwhile, CFI

    headquarters will

    remain in business-

    as-usual mode inSault Ste. Marie,

    Michigan, where

    the Jacobsons will

    return each spring

    to reconnect with

    supporters, sta, and

    board members.

    CFI Vocational School Students in Mae Sot, Thailand

    We are excited to be

    travelling to the eld...

  • 8/9/2019 CFI July 2010 Newsletter

    4/ [email protected] 800-323-2273

    Christian Freedom InternationFREEDOM REPORT

    Htooeh Jacobson with completed

    adoption papers

    Over the past two years, Jim and KarenJacobson made lie-changing decisions

    concerning a group o eight children who

    truly needed helpbut these werent just

    any children, and the Jacobsons did more

    than simply lend a helping hand. The

    youth, many o them siblings, all hail rom

    Burma, site o one o the worst civil wars in

    human history; and, ater months o wading

    through bureaucratic red tape, the Jacobsons

    determinedly adopted each one o them into

    their own amily.

    As Jim and Karen have continued to share the

    news o the adoptions, many CFI supporters

    have wondered how the children are aring in

    their new lives as U.S. citizens and the newest

    members o the Jacobson clan. With the help

    o a caring network o riends, amily, and

    volunteers, the oldest our Karen children

    have graduated rom high school and are

    now looking orward to bright, exciting, God-

    inspired utures:

    Htooeh Philip, 20, plans to work at a local

    restaurant over the summer and would like to

    eventually become a medic;

    Winner Lynn, 20, will spend his summer

    months working at a grocery store and is

    considering ministry training to become a

    pastor and teacher;

    Hteekhu Beth, 20, a beautiul young woman

    who loves children, plans to share the love

    o Christ at a Child Evangelism Fellowshipministry this summer;

    Mercy Htoo, 18, will work in CFIs Sault Ste.

    Marie ofce and assist with sharing the

    organizations Leadership Training program

    with churches over the summer. Mercy

    also plans to become a teacher to other

    Karen children at CFIs Vocational School in


    The Jacobson8Where are they now?

  • 8/9/2019 CFI July 2010 Newsletter

    5/ [email protected] 800-323-2273

    Christian Freedom InternationFREEDOM REPORT

    The younger our Karen

    children -- Joseph Shapaysay,

    17; Kutawpaw Elizabeth,

    16; Salglalay Evelyn, 13; and

    Saylaypaw Joy, 10 -- will be

    homeschooled along with

    the Jacobsons biologicalsons, Joshua Peter, 13,

    and James Brian, 16, ater

    the amily has resettled in

    Thailand in the all. All o the

    Jacobsons Karen children

    will be assisting with the

    development o programs at

    the Vocational School.

    Jacobson amily vacatio

    Jim and Karen Jacobson signing adoption papers at Chippewa

    County Courthouse in Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan

  • 8/9/2019 CFI July 2010 Newsletter

    6/ [email protected] 800-323-2273

    Christian Freedom InternationFREEDOM REPORT

    CFIs ministry to

    the Persecuted

    Church has made

    an impact on

    thousands o lives

    -- in act, more than

    will ever be known.

    Through this vital

    ministry, the poor

    have been ed and

    clothed; the sick

    have been healed;

    the downtrodden

    have been

    inspired through

    the love o Christand His Word;

    and hundreds o

    orphaned children

    have been loved,

    educated, and

    given a second

    chance at lie.

    From the very

    moment o CFIs

    inception, God has

    been shaping it

    into an amazing

    network o riends,

    donors, volunteers,

    board members,

    and sta. Without

    this network, the

    ministry -- with itsliesaving touch on

    so many desperate

    and hurting

    Christians -- would

    not exist.

    We are all a part

    o the body o

    Christ, says Karen

    Jacobson, wie o

    CFI president Jim

    Jacobson. Our role

    as a ministry is to

    build up the body

    o Christ through

    our support

    and care or our

    brothers and sisterso the Persecuted

    Church. We value

    all our sponsors

    and Freedom Team

    members, as well

    as those who give

    sacricially over

    and over again.

    CFI wishes to

    extend heartelt

    thanks to

    its partners

    everywhere whose

    support and

    contributions have

    made a crucial

    dierence in places


    Burma, through

    CFIs hospitals,


    orphanages, and

    team o backpackmedics;

    Bangladesh, where

    impoverished and

    disabled Christians

    receive Bibles, ood,

    and clothing;

    Pakistan, where


    brickyard workers

    receive loving


    and special care


    Laos, India, and

    Nepal, where

    minority Christians

    receive ood and

    medical treatment,

    and others are

    learning about the

    love o Christ asindigenous co-

    workers risk their

    lives to share the

    Scriptures and

    other Christian


    The CFI Partnership

    Our role as a ministry is

    to build up the body o


    Children at Mae La Reugee Camp

    near Mae Sot, Thailand

    Ernie rom Bluetree with CFI Vocational School Students

  • 8/9/2019 CFI July 2010 Newsletter

    7/ [email protected] 800-323-2273

    Christian Freedom InternationFREEDOM REPORT

    Bengali Christians receive blankets rom CFI. Karen Christians receive Bibles rom CFI.

    Bengali children receive ood rom CFI. Bluetree Band visits CFI Vocational School.

  • 8/9/2019 CFI July 2010 Newsletter
