CFLS AP Studio Art 2D Design & Drawing Class Guide and Expectations Joy Wang 2019

CFLS AP Studio Art 2D Design & Drawing

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CFLS AP Studio Art 2D Design & DrawingClass Guide and Expectations

Joy Wang 2019

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• Course Structure• Grading• Homework• Example Project work• Sketchbooks and equipment• English Only Policy on the Third Floor• Exams• WordPress digital Portfolio• Plagiarism• Use of phones and computers• Art room maintenance• Research• Annotation • Experimentation• Work created outside of the course• Exhibitions of work• Class outings• Course Timeline• Internet Resources• Photographing your work• Submission guidelines



Billstin Chen 2019

Anakin Sun 2019

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Portfolio and Course Structure

2D Design Portfolio

Quality (selected works) – Section 1( one – third of total score)

5 actual works that demonstrate understanding of design in concept, composition and execution

Concentration ( Sustained investigation) – section 2 (one-third of total score)

12 digital images; some may be details. Works describing an in-depth exploration of a particular 2D design concern

Breadth (Range of Approaches) – Section 3(one-third of total score)

12 digital images; 1 image each of 12 different works, a variety of works demonstrating understanding of 2-D design issues


Chloe Tian 2019

Elaine Zhang 2019

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Quality Sectionhttps://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-studio-art-2-d-design/about-the-portfolio

Portfolio Format

Section I

Selected Works (Quality) — 5 actual works | 33.3% of portfolio score

•Works demonstrating understanding of two-dimensional design in

concept, composition, and execution.

•Includes works that exhibit the synthesis of 2-D form, technique, and


•Works may come from the Sustained Investigation or Range of

Approaches sections, but they do not have to.


Adam Deng 2019

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Sustained Investigation (Concentration) — 12 digital images;

some may be details or process images | 33.3% of portfolio score

•Works describing an in-depth exploration of a particular 2-D design


•Must not include images of the work included in the Range of Approaches


Section II


Apart from some instructional classes at the beginning of the semester, this part of the course will be completely student led. Your teacher will hold regular one to one feedback and tutorial sessions, but mostly you will be able to plan your class time to suit your project needs. This of course puts the emphasis upon the student to be focused and organised. Progress will be monitored by your teacher and you will be graded weekly according to the evidence produced.

Franklin Zhang 2019

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Section III

Range of Approaches (Breadth) — 12 digital images; 1 image each of

12 different works | 33.3% of portfolio score

•A variety of works demonstrating understanding of 2-D design issues.

•Must not include images of the work included in the Sustained Investigation


The works submitted for evaluation may have been produced in art classes or

on students' own time and may cover a period of time longer than a single

school year.

Any work that makes use of photographs, published images, or other

artists' work must show substantial and significant development

beyond duplication. This is demonstrated through manipulation of the

formal qualities, design, or concept of the source. Students' personal,

unique artistic vision should be clearly evident.


This part of the course is teacher led. You will be assigned design briefs which address design questions or a research task to explore. This part of the course should equip you with the broader understanding of the design concerns needed to successfully complete the Concentration portfolio.

Ginger Ren 2019

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College Board Grading of Breadth

Grade 6


‘The work shows an excellent

application of 2-D Design principles to a

broad range of design problems.

Images include figurative work and

abstraction, with exploration of a wide range of 2-D Design issues.’

Examiner Feedback

‘The work clearly demonstrates

original vision and risk taking. Image

4, for example, skilfully combines

representational imagery with

abstraction, and images 5 and 12

venture into pure abstraction.’

‘The work as a whole is confident

and evocative, engaging the

viewer with visual qualities. In

image 2, for example, the

figure/ground relationship serves

to highlight the expressive nature

of the portrait, which is drawn with

confidence and exhibits expressive verve. ’

‘Overall, the work is technically

excellent, and materials and media

are used effectively to express ideas.’

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Grade 3


Student Concentration focus is ‘simplicity in beauty’

Examiner Feedback

‘The body of work demonstrates

an uneven connection with the

stated topic of simplicity in beauty

and nature. Images 9, 11, and

12 present little evidence of a connection to this theme.’

‘The work demonstrates a

moderate understanding of 2-D

Design principles. There is

inconsistency within the

compositions. For example, in

images 2 and 8 the negative

space appears to be unconsidered.’

‘A sense of discovery is difficult to discern’

‘The work shows some

originality when unexpected

elements appear, such as in

image 3, but many other

images don’t convey innovation

in concept or execution.’

College Board Grading of Concentration

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Grading in class on a weekly basis:

• Effort• Participation• English only• Deadlines/homework• Responding and acting on feedback• Growth and development• Willingness to experiment• Being equipped


Harriet Liu 2019Henry He 2019

Jason Bi 2019Joanne Lu 2019Krystal Chen 2019

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Breadth and Concentration Assessment Rubric

Assessing Student name:

Assessed Student name: class

Assignment problem: Breadth and Concentration Project


Circle the number that best shows how you feel the student did in each section below:

Superior (justify







Write the Grade in this column


Teacher’s rating/comments

Composition and design use of the elements of art & design






Impact is it daring/experimental? Does it ask interesting questions?






The problem does the work address the problem posed? Are variations made for a reason?






Care/effort is the work appropriate to the style? Attention to detail – craftmanship






Work habits efficient use of time, asking questions, recording thoughts, annotation, experimenting






Work Complete Is the project complete with 24 finished works? (this can include some







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Work Complete Is the project complete with 24 finished works? (this can include some evidence of research, and photographs






Coherence of the Concentration Is the body of work cohesive and explore a theme that can be clearly recognised by the viewer?






Evaluation Is the Concentration effectively evaluated?






Student comments

Average: Teacher grade:


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• Weekly deadlines/progress of practical work• Project Deadlines (approximately every 4 weeks

during the first semester) • 1 x Research essay 1,500 words• 1 x Project evaluation 1,000 words• 1 x Project Proposal 500 words


Loong Long 2019 Louis Hou 2019 Lucis You 2019

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Example Teacher led Projects in the first Semester

• Sustained Observational exploration of still life subject

• Dynamic Compositions

• Photography

• Black and White shape composition

• Research and analysis of artists

• Directional Dominance

• Line Systems and Value Gradation

• E- portfolios

13Joy wang 2019

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Equipment/Resource List

• A selection of used magazines, newspapers, fabrics, art papers etc• Laptop with access to the internet via mobile wifi/hotspot• Free WordPress account• A3 hardbacked sketchbook• USB pen drive• Basic photo editing software• Access to a digital SLR camera is desirable

Basic art kit within a plastic tool box including:• Scissors, modelling knife• Glue• Masking tape• Vine charcoal, fixative• Selection of graded drawing pencils from H to 6B, eraser, sharpener• Ruler • Outliner pens• Acrylic paint set• Water colour • Brushes, palette, palette knife etc• Oil pastels• Chalk pastels• A3/A2 Portfolio/carrier• A2 drawing board (optional)• Easel (optional)


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English Only Policy• In the art room we obey the same English only policy as on the fifth floor.

• Students caught flouting the rule will be given undesirable tasks in art room in the first instance – i.e. staying behind and cleaning the floor etc.

• If they are caught again they will lose marks (up to 5%) from Engrade under the ‘English only Policy’

• Repeat offenders will be reported to the CP


Lynn Han 2019

Mark Deng 2019Mona Li 2019

Nicole Xu 2019

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Midterm, Final Exam and AP Submission

• The AP Studio Art course does not have a written exam. The format of the Midterm is at the teachers discretion and may include a written element. You will be notified closer to the date.

• The end of year Final will be the presentation of your completed portfolio with an evaluation of your Concentration

• AP submission takes place in May and all of the Quality work must be complete and mounted and ready to send to the US by the first week in May. The digital upload must also be finalized in this week.


Nikko Hu 2019

Peter Ye 2019 Shawn Luo 2019

Steven Zhou 2019

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Digital Portfolio

E-portfolio Objectives

• Manage your work digitally.

• Scan/photograph, store and organize your work.

• Create an electronic portfolio with all the artwork you produced in this class.

Go to Wordpress.com> and follow the tutorial Create a Wordpress Account.

If you have a suggestion for another platform that would make a suitable e – portfolio that can be accessible for your teacher and your classmates to add critiques, comments and questions please let me know.

When you have set up your account please send me the address


Teresa Zhao 2019Victor Zhao 2019

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Academic Honesty

There will be no copying from existing artwork unless authorised by the teacher. Sometimes the teacher will ask you to undertake analysis of well established artists and artworks and this will mean copying parts of them to understand how the artist made the work.

Under most circumstances the copying of existing works or photographs found on the internet is prohibited and will not be eligible for a mark on this course


William Zhao 2019Zoe Zhou 2019

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Use of Phones and Laptops in class

The use of phones and laptops will be strictly monitored, they are useful resources and will be allowed for:

• Internet research• Photography• WIFI Hotspot • Editing• Digital design and art work

They will not be allowed for

• Photographing or showing a still life subject to copy from when your task is to draw from life and from 3 dimensions

Anyone found using their mobile phone or laptop inappropriately will have their device confiscated


Yico Wu 2019

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Art Room Maintenance

• The Art room is not cleaned by school cleaners. It is the responsibility of all art students to keep the room clean and tidy.

• You will be monitored and if you are not keeping your area tidy, marks will be deducted from your ‘ class participation’ grade.

20Joy Wang 2019

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• Undertaking research is an essential part of serious art making and as part of this course you will be expected to be engaged with both primary and secondary research.

• Primary research can include:

• Creating mood boards to gather together materials, images, swatches etcin the first stages of design

• Observational drawing from life (from 3 dimensions not from a photograph) This will be a major source of your primary research

• Photographs these can be for reference or as completed compositions


Mona Li 2019

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Research 2

Secondary sources of research can include:

• Using art books, magazines, posters, cards etc to draw inspiration from• Using the internet and other sources at your disposal to make research

pages which focus on a particular artist or art and design movement. This page will be designed, as a magazine page or art book page is designed, and will showcase your ability to explore, in a creative way, a particular subject.

• Analysis through reproducing parts of published artists’ work – this must be an artist who is recognised by academic sources as contributing to the established canons of art. By reproducing small parts of their work you will be studying their technique and gaining an insight into their process. There is no need to reproduce a whole image and works found on the internet are not an indication of a suitable artist. If you are unsure about an artist’s suitability ask your teacher.


Anakin Sun 2019

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• Annotating your work is crucial to the learning process. You should get into the habit of reflecting on what you have done in your sketchbook and making notes around your art work which comments on things like the materials you used, how successful you think it is, what went well, what could be improved, why you did something in a certain way etc. Your sketchbook should become like a visual diary or journal and the annotation or notes can become a part of the artwork in some cases.

• Annotation should be a natural part of the development process but should not feature on your final composition which is intended for display, unless of course writing is a part of the final composition.


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• A natural and crucial part of art making is experimentation. You should imagine yourself as a scientist who is exploring the world around you and finding things out that others’ have not yet discovered!

• You can experiment with ideas, materials, techniques, processes, equipment, perspective…think outside of the box and be original. You will gain marks for risk taking.

• Annotation is crucial at this stage, both to keep a record of what you were doing and to help your teacher understand your intentions.


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Work Created outside of the Course

• The AP Studio Art course allows works created outside of the course and before the course started, to be included in your portfolio. This should be discussed with your teacher and the work approved well before the submission to the College Board due date.


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Exhibiting Work

• Your aim should always be to develop work that is suitable for exhibiting. Exhibitions of student work will be organized at regular intervals and you should be ready to contribute to these.

• Groups of students will be chosen to design the display and hang the work and then to maintain the exhibition while it is open.


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Gallery Visits and Outings

• It is very beneficial to leave the classroom to visit exhibitions and sketch outdoors. This will be made much easier with student help! The language barrier makes it difficult for your teacher to be fully aware of potential opportunities to visit exhibitions coming to Chengdu. Students will be expected to be aware of, propose and help organize potential educational visits.


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May 2019 -Breadth Section

Completing work set by the teacher

Course Timeline

Summer Project – 5 + complete artworks on a set theme by


September –December

Work created for the Breadth section

until December 2019

December –January 2020

write proposal for Concentration

Spring Festival Break – 6 + works to be completed

From February Individual project work completing


Mid April 2020Portfolio of 24 works must be


May 1 2020All students’ work

is mounted and ready for display

May 2020AP exam



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Ebooks and Internet Resources• The Khan Academy








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White balance – to achieve white whites, photograph in natural lighting if possible

Photographing and editing your work


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Increase Contrast – whites should be white and blacks should be black


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The edges – make sure that you have not taken a photograph of the desk! If you do crop before sending to me


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Photographs should show only the art work and this should be straight.

Photograph every piece of your work and store both the file and the physical work safely. The file size should be no larger than 3MB


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Submission Guidelines

When you are asked to submit a presentation of your work use ppt to create a presentation with annotation and then save as a pdf with your name and the name of the assignment.


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Student name_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Class ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Notes/dates/brilliant ideas________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________











