George Hutton mindpersuasion.com Charisma Generator Listening Guide Visualization Guide

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Charisma generator

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George Hutton mindpersuasion.com



Listening Guide

Visualization Guide

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George Hutton mindpersuasion.com


Nearly all humans are born incredibly outgoing,

charismatic and socially magnetic. Young children are cute

not because of their appearance, but because of their

behavior. They are innocent and fearless. When

something's on their mind, they let everybody know.

Of course, this can be a double edged sword!

This course is designed to bring out that naturally

charismatic person. That person who smiles when they're

happy, easily and naturally starts conversations with

interesting people, and behaves and speaks in an

incredibly charismatic way that attracts the interest of

everybody around them.

But as an adult, you won’t say the wrong thing at the

wrong time. You get all the benefits of spontaneity but

none of the disadvantages.

The secret of personal magnetism is a combination of

spontaneity and focus. Focus on the person they are

currently speaking with, and spontaneous with that

wonderful free flow of expressive emotions.

This natural balance exists within you, and these listening

sessions are designed to bring it back out.

The biggest roadblocks to the naturally charismatic you are

all the inhibitions and insecurities learned through the

"growing up" process. Well-meaning adults have a habit of

having that effect!

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Through these listening sessions and a little bit of daily

journaling, coupled with your genius imagination, you will

rekindle your ability to be in the moment anywhere and

everywhere, and radiate that magnetic attraction that will

bring in more attention, desire, positive relationships, and


Whether you'll be using your newfound magnetism for

sales, generating relationships or just for fun, these

sessions will get you there.

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Listening Instructions - Overview

Each session is one hour in length. The sessions

themselves are a finely tuned combination of sound

technology designed to affect deep and lasting change as

rapidly as possible.

To begin with, you'll be surrounded by 256 voices all

speaking at once. This is to overwhelm your conscious

mind, or more specifically, your conscious critic. Since

there are far too many voices to comprehend, your

conscious mind will simply tune them out and treat them as

background sounds, much like many voices speaking in a

large social gathering.

Your subconscious, however, will accept all of them as

truth. They are carefully chosen statements designed to fill

your deep mind with positive beliefs about your deep and

natural charisma and magnetism.

They are spoken in both a male and a female voice, and in

both the first and second person. This is to fill your brain

from all angles, leaving no stone unturned.

In addition to the voices, there are specially crafted

binaural beats designed to lower your brainwaves down to

the Theta level. Theta brainwaves are when your mind is

most open to programming. It's that wide open window of

possibility just between awake and asleep. It's that point

just as you are drifting off to sleep, and your conscious,

rational thoughts turn into to dream like images lazily

evolving on their own.

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As your brain is held at this ideal, open state, your mind

will be filled with positive suggestions, which will change

your beliefs, and subsequently change your behavior.

To many, these seem to work like magic. Let's consider

how this happens. Whenever you walk into a crowd, before

you even open your mouth or make any eye contact, you

are projecting an incredible amount of information through

your body language, posture, facial expressions and


These inform everybody around you, on a subconscious

level, whether or not you are sure or unsure, confident or

not confident, outgoing or shy, friendly or withdrawn.

Automatically, your unconscious behavior projects a very

powerful and deeply unconscious message regarding your

charisma and magnetism. This, in turn, creates certain

feelings in others.

For those who are particularly uncharismatic, they tend to

notice others as not friendly, not willing to give them the

benefit of the doubt, or unwilling to work to carry on a


After listening to a few of these sessions, their deep beliefs,

and subsequently their unconscious behaviors change.

This radiates a completely different level of charisma and

magnetism, which elicits a completely different response

from others.

In both situations, the initial cause is the internal beliefs.

The primary affect is the outward, unconscious behaviors.

The secondary effect is the behavior of others.

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Since the first two effects (belief and behavior) are

unconscious, the only consciously perceived changes are in

other people.

This is precisely why the results you'll get with these

listening sessions will SEEM like magic, but they are very


To get the most out of these sessions, listen to them at

night, just before sleep. Before listening, create a specific

visualization of how you'd like to behave, based on that

particular session.

You can do this two ways. One is to come up with a

completely new image, purely from scratch. Be as crazy

and outlandish as you can. Picture yourself as a hundred

feet tall surrounded by raving fans dying to be chosen as

your conversation partner. Visualize yourself having

magical powers of influence over others.

The purpose of these visualizations is to simply give

DIRECTIONAL instructions to your subconscious. Of

course, your subconscious and conscious minds, as well as

your biological body, are constrained by physical reality.

But by giving your mind a vivid description of your fantasy

ideal, combined with the accompanying emotions you

would feel in such a situation, your subconscious will have

a clear idea of what to do.

Hold this image, as well as the emotions, in mind for the

first few minutes of the session. Then simply let your mind

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drift off to sleep. Be prepared to have some interesting

dreams! It may be helpful to keep a notebook next to your

bed to write down any ideas or inspirations you have the

first thing you wake up. You'll find many of your BEST ideas

will come to you within the first few minutes of awakening.

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Journaling - Another Method

If you want to create very specific results, or generate very

specific skills, journaling is a fantastic way to do that. At

the end of the day, write down any experiences relating to

personal magnetism and charisma that DIDN'T go as well

as you'd liked.

Then rewrite them, as you would have liked them to go.

Create a visualization in your mind of doing exactly what

you wanted to do, and getting exactly the response you

wanted to get.

Then as you listen, focus on THIS image as you listen while

falling asleep. Next time you are in that situation, you're

unconscious will be much more resourceful, and make your

desired behavior much easier and more natural, almost

without thinking.

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Looking For Results

To accelerate your results even faster, notice any positive

results you ARE getting. At the end of the day, simply

review your behaviors that particular day. Notice any

behaviors that were proof of your increased charisma and

magnetism. Notice any times you've smiled at strangers,

started conversations with strangers, or even felt more

outgoing and confident than normal.

By giving yourself daily pats on the back for behavior you

like, and rewriting behavior you'd like to be better, you will

be on the fast track to natural charisma and incredibly

attractive personal magnetism!

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Session List with Suggested Visualizations

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Social Magnetism

This is designed to make you feel at home in crowds. To

enjoy social attention. To be a magnet for other people.

To visualize, simply imagine you are in a crowd of people

exactly as you'd like. See all the people around you

stealing glances at you from the corner of their eyes. Feel

as tall or as big as you'd like. Visualize a pulsing magnetic

sphere in energy that is mesmerizing to everyone around

you. See purple lines of magnetic force pulling everybody’s

interests and desires towards you. See everybody smile

bigger and brighter as they move closer and closer to you.

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Conversational Magic

This is designed to give you incredible conversational

power. To be a fantastic conversation partner. To always

have something interesting to say, and to keep everybody

involved asking for more.

To visualize, imagine you are speaking to an individual, or

a group. Imagine their face as they look at you with total

desire and appreciation. Notice how they hang on your

every word. Notice them nodding their head as you nod

yours, and laughing as you do.

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Rock Solid Frame Control

This is designed to install into you the belief that allows you

to hold on to your intention, no matter what happens.

Imagine having an intention that you can physically see.

Imagine it as a sphere of ideas above you, and you hold it

with incredible strength. Imagine having your intention

above your head, as everybody else has their intention

above theirs. Imagine engaging with others and the power

of your intention overcoming and absorbing all those

around you.

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Win All Arguments

This gives you the ability to accept any and all criticisms,

objections and disagreements in stride, having the deep

knowing that you can overcome all of them any time you'd


To visualize, imagine their objections as physical objects

coming at you. It may help to label them to help identify

them in your mind. Choose to visualize your most

unwanted objections, as this will make all others simple by

comparison. Imagine you are simply dodging them,

batting them away, or transforming them with only your

words and positive facial expressions. Imagine them

getting smaller and weaker as they get closer and closer to

you. Imagine seeing your conversation partner increase in

happiness as their arguments and objections vanish.

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Social Alpha

This is to install the deep beliefs of a leader.

Imagine you are in a large group, and they are always

looking for you for instructions. Imagine leading a group

across a barren landscape, with you leading them. Imagine

seeing all the people in your life as sheep, with you as the

shepherd. See how much happier and fulfilled they are with

you leading them.

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Charismatic Behavior

This is to install the slow and confident movements of


Visualize yourself steady and solid. Watch yourself walking

from a distance, and see how confident, upright, and slow

and powerful your movements are. Imagine turning your

head slowly and smiling as you notice interesting people.

Imagine seeing yourself holding eye contact longer than

anybody else. Imagine your own gaze as powerful and

magnetic. See beams of powerful light emerging from your

eyes, and locking people into a hypnotic trance of

submissive happiness.

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Sexual Energy

This is to fully open your sexual energy, the source of all

magnetism and charisma. This session is gender neutral.

Imagine yourself in the center of a social situation,

surrounded by attractive members, exactly how you'd like

them to be. Imagine a powerful force of magnetic energy

emanating from your sexual organ, and causing all of those

around you to nearly faint with desire. Notice how they

turn and look at you, and their faces and eyes suddenly

lock onto you with more desire than they can handle.

Imagine all it takes from you is brief eye contact and a

slight smile to send them over the edge into pure orgasmic


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Affirmation List

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Social Magnetism

I am magnetic

I am charismatic

I love crowds

I love being in crowds

I love attention

I love being at the center of attention

I have massive confidence

I have incredible confidence

I love meeting new people

I love making people feel at ease

I love making people feel welcome

I love making people feel important

I attract people everywhere I go

I attract interest everywhere I go

People love talking to me

People love being around me

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People love being near me

I give people confidence

I give people good feelings

I bring people happiness

People are happy when they are around me

People are in a good mood when they are around me

People always smile when they are around me

I easily hold the attention of large crowds

I love speaking in front of large crowds

I love speaking to groups

I love speaking to people individually

People love me

People adore me

People want to be around me

People dream about me

People fantasize about me

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Beautiful people love me

Beautiful people adore me

Beautiful people dream about me

Wealthy people love me

Wealthy people adore me

Wealthy people fantasize about me

I attract the perfect people

I attract the perfect lovers

I attract the perfect conversation partners

I attract the perfect friends

I attract the perfect associates

I attract the perfect business partners

I attract excited people

I am the highlight of people's lives

People look up to me

People support me

People long to be with me

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People respect me

People talk about me

People look forward to meeting me

People look forward to seeing me

People look forward to being with me

People are happier when they are around me

People are more excited when they are around me

I inspire people

I uplift people

You are magnetic

You are charismatic

You love crowds

You love being in crowds

You love attention

You love being at the center of attention

You have massive confidence

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You have incredible confidence

You love meeting new people

You love making people feel at ease

You love making people feel welcome

You love making people feel important

You attract people everywhere you go

You attract interest everywhere you go

People love talking to you

People love being around you

People love being near you

You give people confidence

You give people good feelings

You bring people happiness

People are happy when they are around you

People are in a good mood when they are around you

People always smile when they are around you

You easily hold the attention of large crowds

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You love speaking in front of large crowds

You love speaking to groups

You love speaking to people individually

People love you

People adore you

People want to be around you

People dream about you

People fantasize about you

Beautiful people love you

Beautiful people adore you

Beautiful people dream about you

Wealthy people love you

Wealthy people adore you

Wealthy people fantasize about you

You attract the perfect people

You attract the perfect lovers

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You attract the perfect conversation partners

You attract the perfect friends

You attract the perfect associates

You attract the perfect business partners

You attract excited people

You are the highlight of people's lives

People look up to you

People support you

People long to be with you

People respect you

People talk about you

People look forward to meeting you

People look forward to seeing you

People look forward to being with you

People are happier when they are around you

People are more excited when they are around you

You inspire people

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You uplift people

You encourage people

You excite people

I encourage people

I excite people

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Conversational Magic

I always think of fantastic things to say

I am the perfect conversational partner

People love talking to me

People love hearing my voice

People love learning from me

People love laughing with me

I am a great story teller

I am a great speaker

I have perfect tonality

I have perfect voice tone

I have perfect delivery

I maintain perfect eye contact

I always look at people the right way

I use my gestures with elegance

I use my gestures with perfection

I use my gestures with effectiveness

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People are engaged by my stories

People are enlightened by my stories

People are motivated by my stories

People are excited by my stories

People are influenced by my stories

People are persuaded by my stories

People love my speaking voice

People love my tonality

People love my gestures

People love my ideas

People love my humor

People love my jokes

People love my insight

People love my advice

I give great advice

I give helpful advice

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I give worthy advice

People are happier after they talk to me

People are wiser after they talk to me

People are motivated after they talk to me

People are excited after they talk to me

People are inspired after they talk to me

People are smarter after they talk to me

I use perfect facial expressions

I use elegant facial expressions

People love looking at me while I talk

People fall into a trance when I talk

People eagerly comply with me when I talk

People naturally follow me when I talk

People eagerly follow me when I talk

People happily follow me when I talk

I am a great public speaker

I am a motivating public speaker

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I am a confident public speaker

I am a magnetic public speaker

I am a charismatic public speaker

I am outgoing and happy when I speak

I am charming and witty when I speak

I am courageous and persuasive when I speak

I am magnetic and resonant when I speak

You always think of fantastic things to say

You are the perfect conversational partner

People love talking to you

People love hearing your voice

People love learning from you

People love laughing with you

You are a great story teller

You are a great speaker

You have perfect tonality

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You have perfect voice tone

You have perfect delivery

You maintain perfect eye contact

You always look at people the right way

You use your gestures with elegance

You use your gestures with perfection

You use your gestures with effectiveness

People are engaged by your stories

People are enlightened by your stories

People are motivated by your stories

People are excited by your stories

People are influenced by your stories

People are persuaded by your stories

People love your speaking voice

People love your tonality

People love your gestures

People love your ideas

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People love your humor

People love your jokes

People love your insight

People love your advice

You give great advice

You give helpful advice

You give worthy advice

People are happier after they talk to you

People are wiser after they talk to you

People are motivated after they talk to you

People are excited after they talk to you

People are inspired after they talk to you

People are smarter after they talk to you

You use perfect facial expressions

You use elegant facial expressions

People love looking at you while you talk

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People fall into a trance when you talk

People eagerly comply with you when you talk

People naturally follow you when you talk

People eagerly follow you when you talk

People happily follow you when you talk

You are a great public speaker

You are a motivating public speaker

You are a confident public speaker

You are a magnetic public speaker

You are a charismatic public speaker

You are outgoing and happy when you speak

You are charming and witty when you speak

You are courageous and persuasive when you speak

You are magnetic and resonant when you speak

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Frame Control

My frame is strong

I am dominant

I am powerful

I am a leader

I am kind

I am gentle

I am persuasive

I am in charge

People follow me

People admire me

People desire me

People desire my approval

People desire my presence

People desire my attention

People love to follow me

People love to obey me

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People love to be near me

I feel comfortable in all situations

I feel confident in all situations

I feel in charge in all situations

I feel influential in all situations

I feel in control in all situations

I feel like a natural leader in all situations

I feel like an authority in all situations

I feel dominant in all situations

I feel comfortable with all people

I feel confident with all people

I feel in charge with all people

I feel influential with all people

I feel in control with all people

I feel like a natural leader with all people

I feel like an authority with all people

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I feel dominant with all people

People look to me for leadership

People look to me for advice

People look to me for counsel

People look to me for safety

People look to me for motivation

I make people confident

I make people happy

I make people feel comfortable

I make people feel safe

I make people feel relaxed

I make people feel happy

I make people feel good

People always support me

People always follow me

Women support me

Women follow me

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Men support me

Men follow me

Women admire me

Men admire me

Huge crowds of people follow me

Huge crowds of people admire me

My frame is unbreakable

My frame is rock solid

I am relaxed and confident in my unbreakable frame

I am relaxed and in charge in my unbreakable frame

I am relaxed and dominant in my unbreakable frame

I am relaxed and at ease in my unbreakable frame

I can handle anything

I can deal with anything

I can conquer anything

I can dominate anything

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Your frame is strong

You are dominant

You are powerful

You are a leader

You are kind

You are gentle

You are persuasive

You are in charge

People follow you

People admire you

People desire you

People desire your approval

People desire your presence

People desire your attention

People love to follow you

People love to obey you

People love to be near you

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You feel comfortable in all situations

You feel confident in all situations

You feel in charge in all situations

You feel influential in all situations

You feel in control in all situations

You feel like a natural leader in all situations

You feel like an authority in all situations

You feel dominant in all situations

You feel comfortable with all people

You feel confident in with all people

You feel in charge with all people

You feel influential with all people

You feel in control with all people

You feel like a natural leader with all people

You feel like an authority with all people

You feel dominant with all people

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People look to you for leadership

People look to you for advice

People look to you for counsel

People look to you for safety

People look to you for motivation

You make people confident

You make people happy

You make people feel comfortable

You make people feel safe

You make people feel relaxed

You make people feel happy

You make people feel good

People always support you

People always follow you

Women support you

Women follow you

Men support you

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Men follow you

Women admire you

Men admire you

Huge crowds of people follow you

Huge crowds of people admire you

Your frame is unbreakable

Your frame is rock solid

You are relaxed and confident in your unbreakable frame

You are relaxed and in charge in your unbreakable frame

You are relaxed and dominant in your unbreakable frame

You are relaxed and at ease in your unbreakable frame

You can handle anything

You can deal with anything

You can conquer anything

You can dominate anything

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Win All Arguments

I easily win arguments

I can overcome any objections

I am elegant and persuasive

I come back quickly and strongly

I can defeat any point

I can counter any objection

I argue effortlessly and kindly

I am friendly when I win arguments

I am passionate when I win arguments

I am persuasive when I win arguments

I am kind when I win arguments

I am compassionate when I win arguments

I am humorous when I win arguments

I am gentle when I win arguments

I am persuasive when I win arguments

People agree with me when I win arguments

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I am friendly when I overcome objections

I am passionate when I overcome objections

I am persuasive when I overcome objections

I am kind when I overcome objections

I am compassionate when I overcome objections

I am humorous when I overcome objections

I am gentle when I overcome objections

I am persuasive when I overcome objections

People agree with me when I overcome objections

I am incredibly witty

I am incredibly humorous

I can easily overcome any complaint

I can easily overcome any insult

I can easily overcome any criticism

I enjoy overcoming complaints

I enjoy overcoming criticisms

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I enjoy overcoming insults

I naturally overcome complaints

I naturally overcome criticisms

I naturally overcome insults

I easily win arguments with powerful people

I easily win arguments with wealthy people

I easily win arguments with imposing people

I easily win arguments with beautiful people

I easily win arguments with famous people

People respect me more when I win arguments

People admire me more when I win arguments

People are more attracted to me when I win arguments

People follow me more when I win arguments

People obey me more when I win arguments

People agree with me more when I win arguments

People like me more when I win arguments

People fantasize about me more when I win arguments

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People dream about me more when I win arguments

People are happier to be around me more when I win


People are more excited to be around me when I win


I make people feel better when I win arguments

I make people smarter when I win arguments

I make people more inspired when I win arguments

I make people more resilient when I win arguments

I make people feel better about them when I win


You easily win arguments

You can overcome any objections

You are elegant and persuasive

You come back quickly and strongly

You can defeat any point

You can counter any objection

You argue effortlessly and kindly

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You are friendly when you win arguments

You are passionate when you win arguments

You are persuasive when you win arguments

You are kind when you win arguments

You are compassionate when you win arguments

You are humorous when you win arguments

You are gentle when you win arguments

You are persuasive when you win arguments

People agree with you when you win arguments

You are friendly when you overcome objections

You are passionate when you overcome objections

You are persuasive when you overcome objections

You are kind when you overcome objections

You are compassionate when you overcome objections

You are humorous when you overcome objections

You are gentle when you overcome objections

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You are persuasive when you overcome objections

People agree with you when you overcome objections

You are incredibly witty

You are incredibly humorous

You can easily overcome any complaint

You can easily overcome any insult

You can easily overcome any criticism

You enjoy overcoming complaints

You enjoy overcoming criticisms

You enjoy overcoming insults

You naturally overcome complaints

You naturally overcome criticisms

You naturally overcome insults

You easily win arguments with powerful people

You easily win arguments with wealthy people

You easily win arguments with imposing people

You easily win arguments with beautiful people

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You easily win arguments with famous people

People respect you more when you win arguments

People admire you more when you win arguments

People are more attracted to you when you win arguments

People follow you more when you win arguments

People obey you more when you win arguments

People agree with you more when you win arguments

People like you more when you win arguments

People fantasize about you more when you win arguments

People dream about you more when you win arguments

People are happier to be around you more when you win


People are more excited to be around you when you win


You make people feel better when you win arguments

You make people smarter when you win arguments

You make people more inspired when you win arguments

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You make people more resilient when you win arguments

You make people feel better about them when you win


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Social Alpha

I am a leader

I am in control

I always know what to do

I always am in charge

People naturally follow me

People naturally obey me

People naturally follow my suggestions

People naturally follow my advice

People naturally agree with me

People look to me in times of need

People look to me in times of confusion

Men follow me

Women follow me

Men admire me

Women admire me

Men obey me

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Women obey me

Men follow my guidance

Women follow my guidance

I lead men

I lead women

I help men

I help women

I dominate men

I dominate women

I lead men in all situations

I lead women in all situations

Men naturally follow me

Women naturally follow me

I lead men

I lead women

I easily lead men

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I easily lead women

I am a natural leader

I am naturally in charge

I am naturally confident

I am naturally persuasive

I easily persuade men

I easily persuade women

My influence is felt everywhere

My presence is felt everywhere

My ideas are felt everywhere

My impact is felt everywhere

I leave a lasting impact everywhere

I leave a lasting impact on men

I leave a lasting impact on women

I see solutions when others see only problems

I see opportunities when others see only problems

I am confident when others are worried

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I am relaxed when others are worried

I am confident when others are scared

I am confident when others are fearful

I always know what to do

I always see the solution

I always see the opportunity

People are happier when I'm around

Men are happier when I'm around

Women are happier when I'm around

Men are happier when I'm in charge

Women are happier when I'm in charge

You are a leader

You are in control

You always know what to do

You always are in charge

People naturally follow you

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People naturally obey you

People naturally follow your suggestions

People naturally follow your advice

People naturally agree with you

People look to you in times of need

People look to you in times of confusion

Men follow you

Women follow you

Men admire you

Women admire you

Men obey you

Women obey you

Men follow your guidance

Women follow your guidance

You lead men

You lead women

You help men

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You help women

You dominate men

You dominate women

You lead men in all situations

You lead women in all situations

Men naturally follow you

Women naturally follow you

You lead men

You lead women

You easily lead men

You easily lead women

You are a natural leader

You are naturally in charge

You are naturally confident

You are naturally persuasive

You easily persuade men

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You easily persuade women

Your influence is felt everywhere

Your presence is felt everywhere

Your ideas are felt everywhere

Your impact is felt everywhere

You leave a lasting impact everywhere

You leave a lasting impact on men

You leave a lasting impact on women

You see solutions when others see only problems

You see opportunities when others see only problems

You are confident when others are worried

You are relaxed when others are worried

You are confident when others are scared

You are confident when others are fearful

You always know what to do

You always see the solution

You always see the opportunity

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People are happier when you’re around

Men are happier when you’re around

Women are happier when you’re around

Men are happier when you’re in charge

Women are happier when you’re in charge

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Charismatic Behavior

I move with purpose

I move with confidence

I move with poise

I move with intention

I move with presence

I speak with purpose

I speak with confidence

I speak with poise

I speak with intention

I speak with presence

I have a powerful presence

I have a powerful voice

I have powerful movements

I have a magnetic presence

I have powerful eye contact

My eye contact is steady

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My eye contact is strong

My eye contact is kind

My eye contact creates desire

My eye contact creates submission

My eye contact creates attraction

My eye contact creates interest

My eye contact creates happiness

My eye contact creates love

My eye contact creates admiration

My eye contact creates loyalty

My movements are strong

My movements are kind

My movements create desire

My movements create attraction

My movements create interest

My movements create submission

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My movements create love

My movements create admiration

My movements create loyalty

My speech is strong

My speech is kind

My speech creates desire

My speech creates attraction

My speech creates interest

My speech creates submission

My speech creates admiration

My speech creates loyalty

My speech creates love

My presence is strong

My presence is kind

My presence is powerful

My presence loves

My presence creates interest

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My presence creates attraction

My presence creates desire

My presence creates submission

My presence creates love

My presence creates loyalty

My presence creates admiration

I focus my attention with power

I focus my attention with grace

I focus my attention with kindness

I focus my attention with love

I focus my attention with domination

I focus my attention with energy

You move with purpose

You move with confidence

You move with poise

You move with intention

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George Hutton mindpersuasion.com

You move with presence

You speak with purpose

You speak with confidence

You speak with poise

You speak with intention

You speak with presence

You have a powerful presence

You have a powerful voice

You have powerful movements

You have a magnetic presence

You have powerful eye contact

Your eye contact is steady

Your eye contact is strong

Your eye contact is kind

Your eye contact creates desire

Your eye contact creates submission

Your eye contact creates attraction

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George Hutton mindpersuasion.com

Your eye contact creates interest

Your eye contact creates happiness

Your eye contact creates love

Your eye contact creates admiration

Your eye contact creates loyalty

Your movements are strong

Your movements are kind

Your movements create desire

Your movements create attraction

Your movements create interest

Your movements create submission

Your movements create love

Your movements create admiration

Your movements create loyalty

Your speech is strong

Your speech is kind

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George Hutton mindpersuasion.com

Your speech creates desire

Your speech creates attraction

Your speech creates interest

Your speech creates submission

Your speech creates admiration

Your speech creates loyalty

Your speech creates love

Your presence is strong

Your presence is kind

Your presence is powerful

Your presence loves

Your presence creates interest

Your presence creates attraction

Your presence creates desire

Your presence creates submission

Your presence creates love

Your presence creates loyalty

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George Hutton mindpersuasion.com

Your presence creates admiration

You focus your attention with power

You focus your attention with grace

You focus your attention with kindness

You focus your attention with love

You focus your attention with domination

You focus your attention with energy

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George Hutton mindpersuasion.com

Sexual Energy

I have massive sexual energy

My sexual energy is powerful

My sexual energy is attractive

My sexual energy is magnetic

My sexual energy is charismatic

My sexual energy is mesmerizing

My sexual energy supports my dominance

My sexual energy supports my influence

My sexual energy supports my presence

My sexual energy supports my conversational skills

My sexual energy supports my movements

My sexual energy supports my voice tone

My sexual energy supports my attention

My sexual energy supports my intention

My sexual energy supports my focus

My sexual energy attracts desire

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George Hutton mindpersuasion.com

My sexual energy attracts submission

My sexual energy attracts loyalty

My sexual energy attracts obedience

My sexual energy attracts powerful people

My sexual energy attracts wealthy people

My sexual energy attracts famous people

My sexual energy attracts beautiful people

My sexual energy creates power

My sexual energy creates domination

My sexual energy creates wealth

My sexual energy creates attraction

My sexual energy creates desire

My sexual energy creates obedience

My sexual energy creates submission

My sexual energy creates love

My sexual energy creates prosperity

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People love my sexual energy

People obey my sexual energy

People are drawn to my sexual energy

People fantasize about my sexual energy

People are mesmerized by my sexual energy

People are addicted to my sexual energy

People are hypnotized by my sexual energy

People are attracted to my sexual energy

People are submissive to my sexual energy

People are loyal to my sexual energy

People are drawn to my sexual energy

My sexual energy gives me strength

My sexual energy gives me power

My sexual energy gives me creativity

My sexual energy gives me charisma

My sexual energy gives me magnetism

My sexual energy gives me love

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George Hutton mindpersuasion.com

My sexual energy gives me domination

My sexual energy gives me effortless influence

My sexual energy gives me effortless persuasion

I seduce entire crowds with my sexual energy

I control entire crowds with my sexual energy

I overwhelm all with my sexual energy

I dominate all with my sexual energy

I create all with my sexual energy

You have massive sexual energy

Your sexual energy is powerful

Your sexual energy is attractive

Your sexual energy is magnetic

Your sexual energy is charismatic

Your sexual energy is mesmerizing

Your sexual energy supports your dominance

Your sexual energy supports your influence

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George Hutton mindpersuasion.com

Your sexual energy supports your presence

Your sexual energy supports your conversational skills

Your sexual energy supports your movements

Your sexual energy supports your voice tone

Your sexual energy supports your attention

Your sexual energy supports your intention

Your sexual energy supports your focus

Your sexual energy attracts desire

Your sexual energy attracts submission

Your sexual energy attracts loyalty

Your sexual energy attracts obedience

Your sexual energy attracts powerful people

Your sexual energy attracts wealthy people

Your sexual energy attracts famous people

Your sexual energy attracts beautiful people

Your sexual energy creates power

Your sexual energy creates domination

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George Hutton mindpersuasion.com

Your sexual energy creates wealth

Your sexual energy creates attraction

Your sexual energy creates desire

Your sexual energy creates obedience

Your sexual energy creates submission

Your sexual energy creates love

Your sexual energy creates prosperity

People love your sexual energy

People obey your sexual energy

People are drawn to your sexual energy

People fantasize about your sexual energy

People are mesmerized by your sexual energy

People are addicted to your sexual energy

People are hypnotized by your sexual energy

People are attracted to your sexual energy

People are submissive to your sexual energy

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George Hutton mindpersuasion.com

People are loyal to your sexual energy

People are drawn to your sexual energy

Your sexual energy gives you strength

Your sexual energy gives you power

Your sexual energy gives you creativity

Your sexual energy gives you charisma

Your sexual energy gives you magnetism

Your sexual energy gives you love

Your sexual energy gives you domination

Your sexual energy gives you effortless influence

Your sexual energy gives you effortless persuasion

You seduce entire crowds with your sexual energy

You control entire crowds with your sexual energy

You overwhelm all with your sexual energy

You dominate all with your sexual energy

You create all with your sexual energy

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