CGMA - Customer Value Tool

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  • 7/27/2019 CGMA - Customer Value Tool



    Ho to maagcstom al

  • 7/27/2019 CGMA - Customer Value Tool




    Itoctio a oi 2

    Maag cstom sgmtatio 3

    Mas cstom magis 4

    Mas cstom liftim al 5

    Mas cstom impact 6

    Maag cstom pofitability 7

    Cstom pofitability: A comphsi xampl 8

    Two o the worlds most prestigious accounting bodies, AICPA

    and CIMA, have ormed a joint venture to establish the CharteredGlobal Management Accountant (CGMA) designation to elevate theproession o management accounting. The designation recognisesthe most talented and committed management accountants with thediscipline and skill to drive strong business perormance.

  • 7/27/2019 CGMA - Customer Value Tool


    CGMA TOOLS How to manage customer value


    InTrOduCTIOn And OvervIew

    The ocus on customer relationship management has become central

    to all organisations. Companies have increasingly recognised thesigniicant costs related to the loss o customers and are trying to betterunderstand, measure, manage and improve customer retention. Further,these organisations are examining how to measure and improvelong-term customer lietime value.

    This tool provides a systematic approach or addressing customer valueissues that include: customer segmentation, measuring proitability,estimating customer lietime value, identiying additional sources ocustomer value and managing to enhance customer proitability. Thistool also demonstrates how organisations can create more value or

    and derive increased value rom customers.

    Fig 1: Th cstom al maagmt cycl

    1: Manage customersegmentation

    5: Manage customerprotability

    2: Measure customermargins

    4: Measure customerimpact

    3: Measure customerlietime value

  • 7/27/2019 CGMA - Customer Value Tool



    Segments are oten determined on the basis o customer

    similarities, such as personal characteristics, preerences or


    Demographic segmentation segments customers

    based on thei r observable characteristics, or example,customer demographics like age, geographic area or

    income level. However, or many products and services,

    demographic characteristics are not ully representative

    o buying behaviour and have not been useul in

    predicting customer behaviour.

    Psychographic segmentation builds upon demographic

    segmentation by including criteria that urther categorise

    a particular group o customers. Segmentation based

    on psychographic and liestyle characteristics includes

    criteria such as attitudes and interests, values and social

    roles. The psychographics approach assumes that a

    customers choices and behaviour are related to the

    customers habits and routines.

    Behavioural segmentation based on buying behaviour

    represents the most eective o the current segmentation

    approaches used today. Customer relationship

    management sotware available today enables

    companies to harness this valuable data.

    Analytic segmentation integrates criteria such as cost

    into the value ca lculation o a companys customersegments. Analytic segmentation provides the rm with

    an even more accurate picture o customer protability

    and buying behaviour. This, along with psychographic

    and demographic characteristics, allows companies to

    more eectively target their most protable customers.

    Customer segmentation reers to the process o dividing customers into

    groups or decision-making purposes. Segmentation allows the companyto provide dierential advertising or value propositions to dierentcustomer groups. The appropriate level o segmentation varies accordingto (a) the purposes or which segmentation structures will be used and(b) cost and proitability variations between customers within segments.


    Box 1: Aalytic sgmtatioxamplsBOC, a UK-based supplier o industrial and

    medical gases, now part o Linde Group,utilises an analytic approach to segmentation.

    The companys strategy includes identiying

    the distinct requirements o its customers, such

    as value placed on service and/or the desire

    to obtain the lowest price. Ater identiying its

    customers requirements, BOC is able to adapt

    its business model to maximise the operating

    perormance rom serving the requirements,

    reducing cost and increasing customer value

    rom the customers perspective.1

    This is also true or the planning strategies

    o the American industrial gas market. Air

    Products & Chemicals seeks out customers who

    need high levels o technical assistance or

    their applications (eg, liquid nitrogen reezing

    o hamburgers or oxygen enhancement o

    blast urnaces) or which they can charge

    a high premium price. They spend ew

    resources competing in the area o low-margin

    commodities such as argon and oxygen used

    or welding.

  • 7/27/2019 CGMA - Customer Value Tool


    CGMA TOOLS How to manage customer value


    Many companies have used activity-based costing, or

    ABC, to assign non-product costs. Activity-based customer

    costing recognises that costs required to serve customers

    extend beyond direct costs, and provides a method or

    identiying and assigning indirect costs to the specic

    segments or customers responsible or them. Activity-basedproduct costing can also be used to better estimate product

    costs as well.

    Today much available sotware a llows automatic

    assignment o product costs, and in most companies,

    inormation about the relative margins o customers

    and segments is widely available. As might be expected,

    the costs dr iven by a customer or segment extend ar

    beyond the costs o the products they purchase. Service

    and support requirements can vary signicantly among

    customer groups. See box 2 or examples o cost categories.

    Box 2: Assigig o-poct costsOne way to identiy cost categories and the

    costs they might include ollows:

    Order-level costs are costs associated

    with order placement and processing. These

    costs include order entry, picking inventory,

    delivery and billing costs.

    Customer-level costs are costs associated

    with individual customers or segments. They

    include costs such as acquisition costs,

    advertising and promotions, selling, sales

    returns, responding to enquiries, relationship

    management and managing receivables.

    Channel-level costs are associated withdistribution channels. They include xed

    locations, delivery equipment, inormation

    technology and marketing costs.

    Market-level costs benet all channels.

    These costs include general research and

    development, branding and other general

    marketing, market research and other

    marketing unctions.

    Enterprise-level costs are high-level

    organisation costs. They includeadministrative costs such as administrative

    salaries, acilities and nancing costs.

    Measure CustoMer Margins

    Although almost all companies have careully designed processes

    or assessing the proitability o their products, most are ar behindin assessing the proitability o their customers. Assigning non-productcosts allows measurement o customer proitability through systematicallymeasuring customer-related costs and assigning them to the responsiblecustomers.

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    Customer retention and customer loyalty are important

    concepts or companies seeking to eectively measure and

    manage lietime value. The retention rate, as included

    in the CLV calculation, reers to the probability that a

    customer will continue doing business with the company

    in uture relevant periods. Customer loyalty reers toa customers level o satisaction with the company or

    brand, as well as that customers intention to make uture

    purchases. Understanding the loyalty o customers in a

    segment is important or CLV calcu lations. The prot

    component o CLV is based on estimates o how much

    customers will purchase in the uture, and how much it

    will cost to serve and retain these customers.

    Companies begin incurring costs when they spend money

    to acquire customers. As the customer makes purchases,

    the acquisition costs are recovered, and the company earns

    increasing prots rom customer sales margins as salesrecur over time. Additional costs to serve the customer over

    time include ongoing promotional and service costs and

    retention costs, which include the costs o maintaining the

    customer relationship over time. In addition to recurring

    margins rom repeat sales, companies can gain additional

    prots through selling upgraded or new types o products

    and services to existing customers.

    Together, all o the costs associated with serving the

    customer over time are netted against the total margins the

    company expects to gain through sales to that customer. The

    result is the CLV. It represents the present value to the rmo a customers lietime stream o prots. The CLV model

    thus views the customer as an asset that generates revenues

    throughout the lie o the relationship, and also draws

    resources as it is acquired, maintained and, possibly, retired.

    Box 3: Cstom liftimal fomlaThe ormula or calculating CLV is as ollows:

    CLV = (prot t1 x retention rate t1 x discountactort1) + (p t2 x rt2 x d t2) + + (p tn x rtn x d tn)

    CLVis the sum o prots earned in time

    periods 1 through to n, where n represents

    the last period the company deems relevant

    or protability analysis. Expected customer

    prots in each period are adjusted to refect

    the expected customer retention rate during

    the period and discounted to the present time

    period, t0.

    Proft (p) is the prot earned during the timeperiod. Prots include gross prot, and take

    into account lietime costs and revenues such

    as acquisition costs and growth in margins

    over time.

    Retention rate (r) is the rate at which customers

    in the segment maintain their relationship with

    the company and continue uture purchases.

    This could also include the net dierence

    between new customer acquisitions and

    customer exits within the segment.

    Discount actor (d) is the multiplier used to

    discount uture prots to their present value.

    The discount actor is based on the companys

    hurdle rate (oten the a ter-tax cost o capital).

    Customer lietime value (CLV) introduces a new dimension to understanding

    the value a customer provides to the company. The lietime value o thecustomer relects the present value o all uture lows associated with thecustomer. Although the speciic ormulations vary, CLV calculations all sharethree essential components: proits, retention rate and discount rate. Box 3details the speciic components o the CLV ormula.

    MeASure CuSTOMer LIFeTIMe vALue

  • 7/27/2019 CGMA - Customer Value Tool


    CGMA TOOLS How to manage customer value


    Measure CustoMer iMPaCt

    The inal component o value provided by the customer is customer

    impact. O course, proits resulting rom current or uture sales tocustomers are the most signiicant source o value or most customersegments. But value can be created (or destroyed) by customers inmany other ways that all outside the reach o CLV and other methodso assessing customer value.

    The power o customers is greater than ever and continues

    to increase due to a var iety o actors. In addition to their

    own value-generating behaviours, customers have the

    capacity to aect corporate protability by infuencing the

    perceptions and behaviours o others.

    The most widely recognised source o customer infuence

    comes in the orm o product reerrals. Customers who are

    satised with a product might encourage other customers

    to try the product, or when dissatised, they may dissuade

    customers rom buying it.

    Another important source o infuence is wielded by

    customers who possess h igh levels o power or prestige.

    These customers may infuence others by serving as

    expert users, legitimising the products use or other

    customers. Some customers infuence others by serving

    as a role model. High-prole customers such as celebrity,

    sports or political gures can serve this unction, as can

    infuentials opinion leaders who infuence the thoughts

    and actions o others.

    Customers also contribute value by providing useul

    inormation to the company and its stakeholders.

    Customers who post product reviews provide value to

    potential customers. Other customers may actively share

    their technical knowledge and expertise, providing tips

    or eective use o the product and solving problems or

    other customers. Leading companies are crowd-sourcing

    inormation rom their customers in order to improve their

    products and services.

  • 7/27/2019 CGMA - Customer Value Tool



    Customer prot margins in each period during the

    customer relationship make up the largest share o

    customer lietime value or many segments. Thus,

    improving prot margins on individual transactions is a

    logical starting point or companies.

    In addition to normal revenues and costs, companies

    can increase the lietime value o customers by

    (a) improving customer retention, (b) reducing

    the costs o acquiring and maintaining customer

    relationships and (c) improving customer protability

    through expanded purchasing.

    Box 4: Statgis fo maagig cstom pofitability

    Managing customer proft margins Managing customer lietime value Managing customer impact

    Re-price products and services Improve retention and acquisitionrates

    Increase reerrals

    Reduce customer costs (reduce cost perservice and reduce services available)

    Upgrade customer prots (share owallet, up-selling and cross-selling)

    Pursue infuential customers

    Manage cost drivers (policy changesand charge or services)

    Reduce liecycle costs (acquisition,ongoing promotions)

    Enhance data capture (captureevery interaction)

    Measuring, improving andmanaging customer satisaction Increase customer participation(communities, direct requests,employees)

    Use data eectively(experimentation, innovationand customisation)

    Companies can also take measures to enhance customer

    impact by (a) increasing customer reerrals,

    (b) cultivating highly infuential customers and

    (c) capturing and using customer knowledge.

    To translate these strategies into action, companies must

    use the inormation provided by protability analyses

    to inorm decisions and develop metrics that can be

    incorporated into incentive programmes.

    By developing a more complete picture o the value o a customer or

    segment, a company can improve overall proitability by improvingproit margins, increasing the lietime value o customers and enhancingcustomer impact. Box 4 outlines strategies or managing customerproitability. In summary:


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    CGMA TOOLS How to manage customer value


    CustoMer Profitability: a CoMPrehensive exaMPle

    Tabl 1: r a xpss by cstom sgmt (i millios)

    In-house support









    No in-house support









    New to sotware




















    Total revenue

    Cost o goods sold

    Gross margin

    Operating expenses

    Operating income

    Percent o revenue

    In this section, we provide an illustration o how measuring customer

    proitability can pay o. We apply the customer value managementcycle to a ictitious company that will be called Sagu Systems.A brie description o Sagu Systems is as ollows:

    Sagu works through the customer value management

    cycle in the step-by-step ashion shown in gure 1 on

    page 2 o this tool.

    Stp 1: Maag cstom sgmtatio

    Sagu begins with an analysis o current customers and their

    purchasing patterns. The analysis results in three customer


    1. In-house support: customers with in-house IT sta

    capable o supporting the sotware

    2. No in-house support: customers lacking in-house IT stacapable o supporting the sotware

    3. New to sotware: customers that are rst-time users operormance-monitoring sotware and lack in-house IT

    sta capable o supporting the sotware

    Basic nancial inormation or the three segments is shown

    in table 1.

    Sagu is a sotware company located in

    Dublin. Its primary product, SaguNetwork, is

    perormance monitoring sotware or corporate

    networks. Sagu currently sells SaguNetwork

    and related consulting services to clients. The

    market or perormance management sotware

    is expanding rapidly, and Sagu is pursuing

    an aggressive growth strategy. In an eort to

    maintain protability through the growth period,

    the board o directors has mandated that Sagu

    analyze the protability o its customers.

  • 7/27/2019 CGMA - Customer Value Tool



    In-house support








    No in-house support








    New to sotware


















    Total revenueCost o goods sold

    Gross margin

    Operating expenses

    Operating income

    Percent o revenue

    In the next steps 2, 3, and 4, Sagu will calculate the

    current and expected uture value contributions or each

    segment. In step 5, Sagu will use the results o this analysis

    to make changes in the management o customer value

    in each segment. Finally, Sagu will return to step 1 and

    begin the cycle again re-segmenting customers based on

    protability-related behaviours.

    Stp 2: Mas cstom magis

    Sagu has historically allocated operating expenses based on

    total revenue o the segment. However, Sagu rea lises that

    operating costs vary across segments as a result o dierent

    customer behaviours within the segments. In particular,sales commission costs are associated with sotware and

    consulting sales, and technical support costs are associated

    with the number o maintenance requests submitted by a

    customer. Sagu separates these costs rom other operating

    expenses and assigns them to segments based on the actual

    commissions awarded and technical requests made by each

    segment. Results are shown in table 2.

    When segment prots are re-calculated using the new

    operating expense numbers, the results are shown in table 3.

    With the reallocation o operating expenses, the companys

    $23 million prot has shited, increasing the protability

    o the in-house support segment, and decreasing the

    protability o the other two segments.

    Tabl 2: Opatig xpss allocat by cstom bhaio (i millios)

    In-house support





    Operating expenses

    Sales commissions

    Technical support

    Other administrative


    No in-house support





    New to sotware










    Tabl 3: ris a xpss by cstom sgmt (i millios)

  • 7/27/2019 CGMA - Customer Value Tool


    CGMA TOOLS How to manage customer value


    Stp 3: Mas cstom liftimal

    Armed with inormation about current protability, Sagu

    can begin to assess the long-term value o each customer

    segment. To do this, Sagu will estimate growth in prots

    or each segment and change in size o each segment as

    Sagu loses old customers and adds new ones over time.

    Table 4 shows the CLV calculat ions or each customer

    segment during the coming six years. CLV shows the

    value o a segments customers to Sagu today, based on the

    discounted value o anticipated uture prots. To calculate

    CLV, Sagu estimates:

    1. Operating income or each segment based on anestimated growth rate applied to current period

    operating income

    2. A retention rate based on the expected dierencebetween customers gained and lost each period

    3. A discount actor, which is the net present value

    (NPV) o $1 in a uture time period at 10% interest

    Here, to simpliy the example, income growth and retention

    rates are held constant or the coming six year period. Sagus

    CLV analysis provides a new perspective on the relative

    value o the three customer segments. The in-house support

    segment is expected to grow at a 10% rate, as a result o

    additions in sotware users to existing sotware packages. In

    addition, the number o clients in this category is expected

    to grow each year, as the number o new clients entering

    the segment exceeds the number that exit. Discounting each

    years anticipated prots back to the present using a 10% rate

    results in an expected lietime va lue or the segment o $73.1

    million. The segment is currently the largest, in terms oprotability, and expected to remain that way or the coming

    six years.

    The CLV analysis, however, tells a di erent story about the

    relative value o the no in-house support and new to sotware

    segments. Using current period prots alone, these segments

    showed incomes o $6.3 million and $3.7 mil lion respectively.

    Analysing protability over time, however, shows marked

    dierences in the ability o the two segments to generate

    value or the rm. The no in-house support segment shows

    a modest growth rate, at 5% and a loss o market size, due

    to a low customer retention rate. The new to sotware segmentshows rapid growth both among clients who have adopted

    perormance management sotware or the rst time, and in the

    number o net clients entering the segment. Thus, this segment

    is expected to achieve rapid growth in prots over time.

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    Tabl 4: Cstom liftim al (i millios)





























































    In-house support

    No in-house support

    New to sotware































    Operating income(5% growth)

    Retention rate

    Discount actor (10%)

    Current value olietime prots

    Total CLV

    Operating income(5% growth)

    Retention rate

    Discount actor (10%)

    Current value olietime prots

    Total CLV

    Operating income

    (20% growth)Retention rate

    Discount actor (10%)

    Current value olietime prots

    Total CLV




  • 7/27/2019 CGMA - Customer Value Tool


    CGMA TOOLS How to manage customer value


    Stp 4: Mas cstom impact

    To supplement the CLV analysis, Sagu est imates the

    potential impact o each customer segment. Through

    this analysis, shown in table 5, Sagu realises that a

    small number o its large clients in the in-house support

    segment generate hal the revenue o this segment, and

    virtually all o the customer impact. These loyal clients

    are very well-known and highly respected in the sotware

    industry, and Sagu estimates that they are responsible or

    a signicant portion o the client growth that contributes

    to avourable retention ratesboth through reputation

    and through reerrals. In addition, these customers are

    very knowledgeable, and are used as test ing sites or new

    sotware enhancements and sounding boards or the

    technical planning personnel.

    The benets rom these high-impact in-house customers

    reerring other customers and testing and improvements

    prior to release are estimated to be nearly $7 million as

    shown in table 5.

    Tabl 5: Cstom impact fo i-hos cstoms (i millios)





































    CLV Calculation

    Impact Calculation

    High-impact in-house customers

    Additional value or high-impact in-house customers



















    Operating income(5% growth)

    Retention rate existing

    Discount actor (10%)Current value olietime prots

    Total CLV

    Value o reerrals

    Value o knowledgegained

    Discount actor (10%)

    Current value o impact

    Total Impact

    Total value: High-impact in-house customers




  • 7/27/2019 CGMA - Customer Value Tool



    Stp 5: Maag cstompofitability

    Sagu has learned a great deal about the protability o

    its segments through this analysis, and will use this

    inormation to more eectively manage the value o these

    segments. First, through the step 2 analysis o customer

    margins, Sagu has learned that the no in-house support

    and new to sotware segments have higher operating costs

    than were apparent under the ormer cost allocation system.

    In part, this was the result o high maintenance costs or

    these clients.

    To address this issue, Sagu has decided to change the

    maintenance agreement it provides to customers. In the

    uture, customers will be provided with a limited number

    o technical support hours, and will be charged or any

    support hours above this amount.

    Through the CLV analysis in step 3, Sagu learned that

    the no in-house support segment was expected to show

    protability losses over time, due to low protability

    growth and retention rates over time.

    As a result o this analysis, Sagu conducted interviews with

    key clients in the segment to determine reasons or the

    decline. These clients suggested that they needed additional

    consulting support to help them make the best use o their

    sotware. Sagu has increased eorts to inorm customers

    about available consulting services, and anticipates both

    growth in consulting revenues and increased retention in

    the segment as a result.

    Finally, in step 4, Sagu analysed customer impact, and

    realised that the customers with the greatest impact on

    both attracting new customers and on gaining valuable

    knowledge, were a subset o their in-house customers.

    This group o clients consists o highly knowledgeable

    users, who both contribute product and service knowledge

    to Sagu, and also encourage other clients to adopt the

    sotware either through direct reerrals or through


    Through the customer impact analysis, Sagu has

    recognised the high value o these customers to the rm,

    and has initiated new policies designed to provide special

    benets to these customers. They wi ll receive a discounted

    rate or adding sotware seats, which is expected to grow

    prots more rapidly and strengthen customer loyalty.

    In addition, they will be invited to sit on a newly-ormed

    user advisory board, which will provide them with prestige

    and the opportunity to interact directly with Sagu and

    other high-powered users to share insights and strategies.

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    CGMA TOOLS How to manage customer value


    rpat: Stps 1 thogh 5

    Sagu has learned a great deal by working through the

    rst round o the customer value management cycle. It

    will use the knowledge gained through the process as a

    oundation or continuous improvement in its ability to

    evaluate customer protability, and to develop management

    strategies leading to continual improvements in both the

    value provided to these customers, and the va lue delivered

    by them.

    Moving into the next cycle, Sagu plans to re-segment thein-house support customers into high-impact and low-impact

    segments. In step 2, the company plans to trace a greater

    proportion o operating expenses to segments, or more

    accurate estimates o current operating income. In step 3, the

    company plans to gather more detailed analysis o historical

    rates o both prot growth over time, and o the actual rates

    at which clients exit the rm. These can be used to develop

    more accurate predictions o prot growth and retention.

    In step 4, the company will begin to more careully track

    reerrals, through interviews with both high-impact and

    new clients. In addition, it will ask the R&D department to

    attach value estimates to sotware and process improvements

    suggested by clients. This will allow or more accurate

    measurement o customer impact over time.

    At the same time Sagu gradually improves its capacity

    to measure, it will also improve its ability to manage

    protability. It will careully monitor the eects o the

    initiatives introduced in the rst round, and make changes

    to these strategies based both on their eectiveness and

    on the new inormation obtained through enhanced

    measurements in the second round.

    eot1 Oliver, K., Moeller, L. and B. Lakenan. 2003.Smart Customization:

    Protable Growth Through Tailored Business Streams. Strategy

    and Business, Issue 34.

  • 7/27/2019 CGMA - Customer Value Tool


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    Copyright 2012 American Institute o CPAs. All rights reserved.

  • 7/27/2019 CGMA - Customer Value Tool


    The Association o International Certied Proessional Accountants,

    a joint venture o AICPA and CIMA, established the CGMA designa

    Chartered Institute oManagement Accountants

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