CGS Civil 3D Extensions PIPE Software tools for storm and waste water systems design AutoCAD Civil 3D add-on

CGS Civil 3D PIPE Extensions - Prota Bilgisayar 3D Pipe Extensions... · CGS Civil 3D Extensions is a collection of functional add-ons for AutoCAD Civil 3D intended for sewage network

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Page 1: CGS Civil 3D PIPE Extensions - Prota Bilgisayar 3D Pipe Extensions... · CGS Civil 3D Extensions is a collection of functional add-ons for AutoCAD Civil 3D intended for sewage network

CGS Civil 3DExtensionsPIPE

Software tools for storm and waste water systems designAutoCAD Civil 3D add-on

Page 2: CGS Civil 3D PIPE Extensions - Prota Bilgisayar 3D Pipe Extensions... · CGS Civil 3D Extensions is a collection of functional add-ons for AutoCAD Civil 3D intended for sewage network

CGS Civil 3D Extensions is a collection of functional

add-ons for AutoCAD Civil 3D intended for sewage network

design. The add-ons contain tools for hydraulic

dimensioning, schematic viewing of manholes excavation

quantities calculation, and some general tools, which

facilitate the design process with AutoCAD Civil 3D




S ,,

CGS Civil 3D Pipe Extensions 2010

English,Croatian, Slovenian


Web page:

Current version:

Supported languages:

torm water systems design Sewersystems design Hydraulic calculations andmodelling

Working platform: AutoCAD Civil 3D ver. 2007-2010

German, Swedish, Russian, Polish,Czech, Hungarian,



CGS Civil 3D Pipe Extensions

Hydraulics and


This is a simple module forhydraulic calculations ofcollection systems and includes

� Functions for defining, viewingand editing contribution areas.

Calculation of waste water andstorm water discharge

Dimensioning of thecorresponding pipe diameters

For calculation of storm watersthe software uses a rationalmethod




It supports both constant andtime-dependent rain fall intensity.


Easy to learn

and use

CGS Civil 3D extensions is apure Civil 3D applicationand does not run onAutoCAD. It is integratedwith the Civil 3D objectmodel, it functions as Civil3D does and the user inter-face is similar to the one inCivil 3D.

CGS Civil 3D Extensionsreduces the complexity ofCivil 3D with powerful com-mands and an easy to useinterface that follows thedesign process.



CGS Civil 3D extensions islocalised, translated andused in several countries.The application is inte-grated with variousnational design standards.

The geometry created withCGS Civil 3D Extensions isdynamically connected withCivil 3D objects. For exam-ple: if an alignment in Civil3D is changed, all thegeometry, created by Civil3D Extensions is automati-cally updated.

Page 3: CGS Civil 3D PIPE Extensions - Prota Bilgisayar 3D Pipe Extensions... · CGS Civil 3D Extensions is a collection of functional add-ons for AutoCAD Civil 3D intended for sewage network

Diameter, length and shape ofpipes (Circular, Arched,Eggshaped, Elliptical, Horizontalelliptical, rectangular)

Coordinates and area ofsubcatchment with link toassociated manhole




This is a module forschematic viewingof manholes.A command createsa table withdimensions and a list ofmanholes connections forthe prefabrication of manholes.


This is a module for computingexcavation quantities for sewagesystems

Enables user to set andform parameters of

surface areas abovethe excavation site(humus, asphalt...)

A simple andtransparent user

interface allows quicksetup of characteristic

cross-section parameters



BenefitsComplete set

of commands

Single environment


CGS Civil 3D Pipe extensions

brings exactly those features,

which are missing in Civil 3D. It

also includes some add-ons,

which signifficantly improve

Civil 3D workflows, like

excavations, hydroulic

dimensioning, ... . Plus, there

are bonus tools like raster

management, plot utilities,

hatching, … . With CGS Civil

3D extensions, you get a more

powerfull Civil 3D!

CGS Civil 3D extensions behave

like Civil 3D: it´s 3D and it´s


If pipe design is not your only

field of work, look at CGS Civil

3D extensions for road design

or rail design.

By installing CGS Civil

3D extensions, you don´t need

to learn a second program. It is

a natural exttension to Civil 3D

so you almost can't distinguish

between the Civil 3D end the

CGS Civil 3D Extensions


New CGS Civil 3D

extensions are being developed

continuously, filling the gaps in

Civil 3D, improving its features

and adding to it yet more

useful functionality.

Waste water discharge data canbe added to combined sewagenetworks

There are three different waterflow resistance equationsavailable for calculation of pipediameters (Manning, Strickler,Colebrook)

Pipe diameter on a drawingchanges automatically and isselected from the Civil 3D pipecatalogue

The results are displayed in tableform and are readily transferredto MS Excel or Word

X,Y,Z coordinates of nodes andmanholes






Export converter

to SWMM 5.0


The converter is intended fortransfer of basic graphic datafrom AutoCAD Civil 3D toHydraulic Modelling softwareSWMM 5.0 (USA EnvironmentalProtection Agency). Thiscommand allows transport offollowing data.

Image courtesy of Autodesk Inc.

Page 4: CGS Civil 3D PIPE Extensions - Prota Bilgisayar 3D Pipe Extensions... · CGS Civil 3D Extensions is a collection of functional add-ons for AutoCAD Civil 3D intended for sewage network

CGS lus d.o.o.p

Brnčičeva ulica 13SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Phone: +386 1 530 11 00Fax: +386 1 530 11 32

Internet:e-mail: [email protected]


About CGS plusCGS plus is a reputable CivilEngineering software developerand Autodesk Preferred IndustryPartner for AutoCAD Civil 3D.

CGS plus Software is translatedinto several languages andadapted to national civilengineering standards. It’s usedby more than 3000 customers inapp. 20 countries every day.

CGS plus software products

CGS Civil 3D Extensions




- Software tools and add-ons for Civil 3D

- Software for road design and reconstruction

- Software for canal and river work design

- Software for railway design and maintenence





The user can choose between asingle and a double trench, withor without panellin

All the drawing sections, forwhich the user wants to indicateexcavation quantities, can becollected in one summary table

The record of the excavationquantities is in table form andcan be directly exported to MSExcel




Insert a raster image by selectingone or more files, or insert allraster images that cover thecurrent display and are containedin the selected folder.

Attach/detach raster orload/unload raster from thedrawing with four differentselection methods: inner point,crossing line, crossing rectangleand crossing polygon.

Raster manager

Raster manager is a group of 12commands for easy rastermanipulation within AutoCADCivil 3D. Tools

There is a selection of usefultools and commands, whichenhance the capacity ofAutoCAD Civil 3D software.

� The plot box utility enablesdefinition of drawing borders inthe proper size and automatesgeneration of layouts forplotting.

The cut and fill hatching utilityallows the user to generateappropriate hatch lines andcolour areas

The user can choose differentparameters for hatch and coloursettings

Hatched areas dynamically followthe changes of border lines




ReferencesSince 1990, when thecompany CGS plus wasestablished, CGS softwaregained a number of satisfiedusers in Germany, Austria,Slovenia, Croatia, Russia,Poland, Bulgaria, Serbia, etc. Ithas been successfullyintegrated into the workflowof companies of a verydifferent sizes: from smallengineering bureaus with onlya few employees to the bigand internationally renownedconsulting companies.

Selected references:

Stadt Stuttgart, FAAGTechnik; Germany

Kärntner Landesregierung;Austria


WYG International; Poland

Ingconsult Proect; Bolgaria

In enjerski projektni zavodd.d. Zagreb; Croatia

Lineal d.o.o., PA NG d.o.o.,PNZ d.o.o., PNG d.o.o.;Slovenia

Institut za puteve, Beograd;Serbia

