Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182-186 PowerPoint Notes

Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182 …s3.amazonaws.com/scschoolfiles/241/ch_6_sec_1...Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182-186 •Executive

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Page 1: Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182 …s3.amazonaws.com/scschoolfiles/241/ch_6_sec_1...Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182-186 •Executive

Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182-186

PowerPoint Notes

Page 2: Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182 …s3.amazonaws.com/scschoolfiles/241/ch_6_sec_1...Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182-186 •Executive

Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182-186

• The Federal System (Federalism): See P. 201• A system where power is divided between state/federal government.

• Delegated powers• National- coin money, declare war

• Reserved powers• State- establish schools, marriage laws

• Concurrent powers• Shared- tax, establish courts

• “Elastic Clause”• Make laws that are “necessary and proper” to carry out duties.

• Allows government to be flexible.• Couldn’t be foreseen by founding fathers.

Page 3: Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182 …s3.amazonaws.com/scschoolfiles/241/ch_6_sec_1...Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182-186 •Executive

Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182-186

• Separation of Powers: (See P. 183)• 3 branches with different/unique powers

• Work together• Legislative Branch

• Makes laws (main power)• Congress

• House of Representatives• 435 members, based on population• 25 years old, live in state elected, citizen 7 years• 2 year terms

• Senate• 100 members, 2 per state• 30 years old, live in state elected, citizen 9 years• 6 year terms

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Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182-186

• Leaders:• Speaker of the House

• Majority party leader

• U.S vice president• President of Senate

• Breaks ties

• president pro tempore

• How a bill becomes law (See P. 192, 193)• Suggested>committee>revise>vote>sign/veto

• Other powers;• Impeachment, declare war, approve appointments/treaties.

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Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182-186

• Executive Branch:• President

• Enforces/carries out laws• Native born citizen, 35 years old, U.S. resident 14 yrs

• 4 year term (max 2 terms)• Succession line?

• Impeachment• Formal charge of wrongdoing.

• House brings charge, Senate serves as court

• Powers:• Veto/cancel bills, issue executive orders, sign treaties (agreements w/ other countries), commander

in chief of armed forces, appoint cabinet members/ambassadors/federal judges.

• Electoral College (See P. 196)• Number of electors = number of reps in Congress

• Candidate who wins state gets electoral votes

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Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182-186

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Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182-186

• Judicial Branch:• Federal court system

• Supreme court is head, district courts (94), court of appeals (13) are below.• Interpret laws (main power)

• Serve for life

• Hear few cases based on constitution or public interest issues.

• 9 justices headed by the chief justice• Majority rules, decisions are final.

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Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182-186

• Checks and Balances (See P. 184)• Each branch can check or control the other

• No branch gains too much power.

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Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182-186

• Separation of Powers Clip

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Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182-186

• Relations Among States:• Article 4 states all citizens have the same rights no matter what state they live

in. What can change?• Extradition:

• Procedure for returning a person charged with a crime to the state where the crime was committed.

• Article 5 Amendments: (See P. 202)—to formally change

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Ch. 6 Sec. 1 “Understanding the Constitution” P. 182-186

• Supreme Law of Land:• When state law comes in conflict with federal law?

• 3 things make up supreme law• 1. Constitution

• 2. Federal laws

• 3. Treaties