S y l v i a B u r i a n < s y l v i a b 1 8 7 @ g m a i l . c o m > C h a d a s h o t 1 1 . 3 0 . 1 2 c h a d a s h o t @ s a r a c a d e m y . o r g < c h a d a s h o t @ s a r a c a d e m y . o r g > F r i , N o v 3 0 , 2 0 1 2 a t 1 1 : 5 4 A M T o : s y l v i a b 1 8 7 @ g m a i l . c o m C H A D A S H O T S h a b b a t P a r s h a t V a y i s h l a c h N o v e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 1 2 1 6 K i s l e v 5 7 7 3 C a n d l e L i g h t i n g : 4 : 1 1 p m H a v d a l a h : 5 : 1 5 p m C l i c k h e r e f o r P D F v e r s i o n o f t h e C h a d a s h o t A M E S S A G E F R O M R A B B I K R A U S S D e a r P a r e n t s , I h a d t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t h i s w e e k t o m e e t w i t h M a z a l T o v T o T a l i C o h e n ( 4 t h g r a d e t e a c h e r a n d P h y s . E d t e a c h e r ) a n d M i k e Z e l e n e t z o n t h e i r r e c e n t m a r r i a g e .

CHADASHOT Shabbat November 30, 2012 16 Kislev …...This week Hila Stern visited the “Chocolate, How Sweet It Is” group and together they prepared chocolate covered pretzels that

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Page 1: CHADASHOT Shabbat November 30, 2012 16 Kislev …...This week Hila Stern visited the “Chocolate, How Sweet It Is” group and together they prepared chocolate covered pretzels that

Sylvia Burian <[email protected]>

Chadashot 11.30.12

[email protected] <[email protected]> Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 11:54 AM

To: [email protected]


Parshat Vayishlach

November 30, 2012 16 Kislev 5773

Candle Lighting: 4:11 pm Havdalah: 5:15 pm

Click here for PDF version of the Chadashot


Dear Parents,

I had the opportunity this week to meet with

Mazal Tov

To Tali Cohen (4th grade

teacher and Phys. Ed teacher)

and Mike Zelenetz on their

recent marriage.

Page 2: CHADASHOT Shabbat November 30, 2012 16 Kislev …...This week Hila Stern visited the “Chocolate, How Sweet It Is” group and together they prepared chocolate covered pretzels that

groups of parents in small

settings, to discuss the state of

the school, and some of the

challenges we face, both

educationally and financially.

While the questions are often

stronger than the answers, and the issues are

complex, I was inspired by the commitment of

our parent body to their children's education,

and the passion that our parents were able to

articulate about the value of an SAR

education. I look forward to continuing those

conversations, and allowing all voices to be

heard as we plan for the future.

On Monday night, the administration will be

meeting with class parents to provide an

update on the year so far, and to have an

opportunity to respond to issues that are on

your minds. We look forward to sharing the

discussions at those meetings with the entire

parent body.

To our ELC parents- I hope you will join us for

a light and enjoyable evening tomorrow night

at 8 PM.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Binyamin Krauss

To Moriya (Middle School

faculty) and Ilan Levy on the

birth their son. Mazal tov as

well to big brother Evyatar


To Nomi Kain Smilchensky on

the marriage of her daughter

Elysheva to Noah Zivan.

To Jessica Major on her Bat



To David Kauvar on the

passing of his beloved mother,

Jean Bayer Kauvar.

To Debbie Braverman on the

passing of her beloved father,

Rabbi Dr. Jay Braverman.


The Eighth Grade Goes to Washington

By: Hannah Gabay 8W & Hannah Laifer 8X

Last week, the eighth grade took a fun yet educational trip to Washington, D.C.

The Capitol was one of our first stops. We learned about the House of

Representatives and the Senate. Afterwards, our whole grade davened on the

stairs of the Capitol. It was a really meaningful tefilla and we don’t think any of us

have ever experienced something like this before. We visited the Holocaust

Museum. The museum gave us more of an understanding of the Shoah. It was sad

and shocking to see what the Jewish people went through and how some managed

Page 3: CHADASHOT Shabbat November 30, 2012 16 Kislev …...This week Hila Stern visited the “Chocolate, How Sweet It Is” group and together they prepared chocolate covered pretzels that


survive. We also visited some of the nation’s most famous monuments. We went

to the Washington Monument and then had some pizza and some laughs in the

park area. The Lincoln Memorial was also exciting to see. We had learning packets

and learned a few דברי תורה by the steps. Some tourists even took pictures! We

loved spending time together with all of our friends and learning about our nation’s



Washington DC-- A Poem

By: Aliza Schneider 8X

Very early in the morning last week on Mon.,

The 8th grade students came to school excited for fun.

We packed, we davened and hit the road,

For five hours on the Monsey Bus we rode.

The Spy Museum was our first exciting stop,

We crawled through vents and learned about being cops.

A tour of the Capitol building was next,

we saw sculptures of famous Americans,

who wrote many historic texts.

After mincha at the Capitol and sightseeing at the White House,

Page 4: CHADASHOT Shabbat November 30, 2012 16 Kislev …...This week Hila Stern visited the “Chocolate, How Sweet It Is” group and together they prepared chocolate covered pretzels that

(Where we hoped to see the president and his spouse)

We ate dinner and then enjoyed a basketball game,

The home team, the Wizards did not win, it was a shame.

We went to the hotel and were off to bed,

We got up early the next morning, davened, ate and fled.

We went to see some important historic texts,

Like the Constitution, Bill of Rights and then the monuments come next.

The Washington and Lincoln Memorials were cool places to be,

Where we learned, took pictures and davened for everyone to see.

Following the monuments we went to two museums,

The first was a museum all about news, the Newseum.

We were saddened at the museum about the Holocaust,

And then out to dinner where some people had salads that were tossed.

After two days filled with fun,

we got back on the bus and our trip was done.

Helping Hands

Page 5: CHADASHOT Shabbat November 30, 2012 16 Kislev …...This week Hila Stern visited the “Chocolate, How Sweet It Is” group and together they prepared chocolate covered pretzels that

Last week the 7th grade had an amazing day filled with tremendous chesed. Camp

Oakhurst, a camp for disabled and special needs people, requested volunteers to

help clean up the grounds of the camp from the aftermath of hurricane Sandy. Due

to the storm, more people have joined their emergency respite and the staff has

been occupied with the needs of their campers. We were able to relieve them of

the burden of cleaning up their camp grounds.

The 7th grade students were energetic, cooperative and extremely helpful. In our

short time there, we were able to stuff over 50 large trash bags of leaves, and tape

off areas that were unsafe for campers to roam. Now after our students' work, the

camp pathways are cleared from debris and safe for wheelchair bound campers

and all other disabled campers.

Page 6: CHADASHOT Shabbat November 30, 2012 16 Kislev …...This week Hila Stern visited the “Chocolate, How Sweet It Is” group and together they prepared chocolate covered pretzels that

The students were so helpful and it was vey much appreciated. After seeing the

destruction first hand, they can now appreciate the larger efforts that are

continuing in the region to help clean up from the storm. On our way home, we

were able to catch a glimpse of the devastation that took place on the Jersey

shore. We are so proud of our students and all of their hard work.

A Visit to Museum Village

To enrich the children’s appreciation of Colonial Life, the

fourth grade traveled to Monroe, NY to visit Museum Village.

This interactive, enriching experience allowed the students to

learn about what it was like to live during Colonial times. The

children toured the Village and did hands on projects like

dipping candles and learning how to make a broom from

stalks of corn. The children sat in a one-room schoolhouse

and were taught about Colonial school life. They were

amazed to learn that students of all grades and ages sat

together and learned arithmetic, spelling and writing. The

school year lasted only 12 weeks from Thanksgiving to early spring because most

of the children from the area worked on family farms. The children visited a one-

room, fire lit, log cabin where they learned about daily life from the point of view of

each member of the family. The drugstore exhibit featured authentic herbs, bottles,

healthcare apparatuses, eyeglasses, and even a soda

fountain was on display. The children participated in a

printing workshop. Miss Mary explained that printing was

important to provide local business people with posters and

pamphlets. Then the children participated in a printing

demonstration and even took turns on a hand- operated

printing press. They made their own prints that had the SAR

name on them.

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Brown Bag Seminars Continue

Brown Bag Seminars continued this week as a lunch-time opportunity for our

students in grades 2 -4 to meet with professionals or serious hobbyists in unusual

fields of study in order to continue extending our students experience of the 21st

century world. This week we welcomed Jodie Colon and her Traveling Worm Show.

What do you think of having worms in the closet? If you give worms a dark, cozy

home with plenty of food, moisture, oxygen, and a comfortable temperature you

will be rewarded with piles and piles of worm manure- just what you need to

compost and recycle! This hands-on workshop explored the essentials of indoor

composting with worms. The children had fun discovering the science of worm bins

and meeting some mighty red wigglers! We look forward to our next brown bag


Jodie Colon is the Compost Educator & Manager for the NYC Compost Project. For more than a

decade, Jodie has been providing hands-on practical advice and training to thousands of community

Page 8: CHADASHOT Shabbat November 30, 2012 16 Kislev …...This week Hila Stern visited the “Chocolate, How Sweet It Is” group and together they prepared chocolate covered pretzels that

gardeners, residents, teachers, and members of greening organizations. Jodie and her worms have

been featured on Martha Stewart Living Radio, in articles in the New York Times, Washington Post,

and New York Daily News; in online videos for Fine Gardening Magazine, and in the book, “How to

Cheat at Gardening.” Known affectionately as “The Compost Queen,” Jodie is gentle with those who

are new to composting and may initially be afraid of worms.

"Names, not Numbers"

The eighth grade "Names, Not Numbers" elective

class had a productive training session on

interview techniques with Mr. Jonathan Mark,

Associate Editor of the Jewish Week (and SAR


This was made possible thanks to the hospitality

of Mrs. Marilyn Sopher who graciously opened her home to provide a site for the

sessions. In the end the students benefited from the sensitive and poetic guidance

of Mr. Mark and Mrs. Sopher's heart-warming reminiscences of what makes the

SAR community a family.

This Week in Enrichment Clusters

This week in Enrichment Clusters we were

privileged to have some interesting speakers.

Tamar Ekstein spoke about diamonds and the

diamond industry at, "Rocks, Minerals and

Gems". Author Nechama Liss Levenson visited

with "iBook Publishing", SAR parent and

engineer, Andrew Yarmus addressed the

students at, "Building Bridges", and Matt Okin,

owner of Black Box Entertainment, entertained

the student-actors in "It's All On Stage". The children really look forward to these

weekly clusters and we thank our special guests for making the program that much

more meaningful.

Page 9: CHADASHOT Shabbat November 30, 2012 16 Kislev …...This week Hila Stern visited the “Chocolate, How Sweet It Is” group and together they prepared chocolate covered pretzels that

It is also meaningful for the children when they can do chesed as a part of their

enrichment cluster. This week Hila Stern visited the “Chocolate, How Sweet It Is”

group and together they prepared chocolate covered pretzels that will be sold on

Motzaei Shabbat at ELC night. The money collected will benefit Hurricane Sandy


Kol Hakavod to our Choclatiers!

Eighth Grade Yearbook

This year we are offering an early-bird special for ads submitted

by December 19, 2012. All ads submitted after December 19, 2012

will be charged at the usual rate. January 31, 2013 is the last day that

we will be accepting ads for the 2013 yearbook. In order to ensure that

Page 10: CHADASHOT Shabbat November 30, 2012 16 Kislev …...This week Hila Stern visited the “Chocolate, How Sweet It Is” group and together they prepared chocolate covered pretzels that

your children receive their complete yearbooks in time for graduation, we

must adhere to strict deadlines.

Early Bird Prices are:

Full Page- $225

Half Page- $175

Quarter Page- $125

Regular fees are: $250, $200, $150 respectively.

CLICK HERE to place your ad.

If you have any questions regarding designing or uploading your ad,

please email [email protected]

Sports News

SAR Lady Sting started their season with a strong performance and a win against

YHT. SAR played aggressively on defense led by Rebecca Hyman, Hannah Gabay,

Sophie Hecht and Eva Ingber. SAR also had a strong offensive performance from

Davida Krauss and Sara Morris. SAR played another strong game against Ramaz.

The game was close until the very end. SAR was led by the scoring of Davida

Krauss and Rebecca Hyman and the tenacious play of Michal White.

SAR 7th grade boys had a great game against HAFTR. SAR was led offensively by

Sammy Sokol, Yoni Fine and Noah Gurin. Oshi Bloom, Joseph Minkove, Judah

Fortgang and Jake Epstein paced the Sting defensively.

Congratulations to the 8th grade Boys Basketball Team on their big WIN against

Westchester Day School! The high scorer was Dovie Marcus with 10 points.

The SAR boy’s hockey team continued their winning ways, defeating last years

champions, Yeshivat Noam, 3-2. Goals were scored by Jonathan Haims (1) and

Gordie Kolb (2).

And in other sports news...

The Riverdale Press published an article entitled “You Don’t Need Skates to Excel

at Hockey”, featuring the SAR boy's hockey team! Click here to read the article.


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The weather this Fall has had a little of all 4 seasons in it!

What's your favorite season and why?


Anina & Raphael Jasper Brody recently went to Israel for a Bar Mitzvah and took

letters written by Class 3X for the chayalim. The Third Graders thanked the soldiers

of the Israeli Army for their bravery and wished them well. Many of the Third

Graders mentioned that in SAR we daven for the safety of the citizens and soldiers

of Israel every day! Anina & Rafi were very proud to deliver these messages of

support to a unit of soldiers that they met at the Kotel.

"Fall, because I love to jump in the leaves." - Leah Stern 4X

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"Winter, because you might get a surprise "snow day" which is

always a treat!" - David Massaro 8Y


Parshat Vayishlach

By: Joshua Cohen 5X and Jacob Edelstein 5X

Q. In this week’s Parsha, we read about יעקב and עשו reuniting for the first time

after יעקב stole the ברכה of the בכורה from עשו. After this, we read a פסוק about-states פסוק The .עיר שכם going to יעקב

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"וDַָבֹא יֲַעקֹב ָ;ֵלם ִעיר ְ;כֶם"

“And Jacob came intact to the city of שכם”

What does it mean when it says that יעקב came to שכם “intact” or full, “שלם”?

A. There are many possible answers to this question, but we would like to give two

answers that relate to the meeting between עשו and יעקב which happened

immediately before.

When יעקב was speaking to עשו he told him “יש לי כל”, “I have everything” whileI have a lot. This can show us what it meant when it says that ,”יש לי רב“ said עשוwith everything he could שכם is saying that he came to פסוק was “full.” The יעקב

possibly need. He had a big family, and a lot of money and cattle, he felt that he

was complete with all of his needs. Another possible answer is that יעקב now felt

complete once he worked out his fight with עשו. Before their meeting יעקב was

constantly in fear of meeting עשו, he now felt complete that he and his brother

were at peace.

Shabbat Shalom.

"Spring, because the flowers bloom." - Talia Aranoff 1Y


More than 450 members of the SAR community came together for the "Motzaei

Shabbat Live Auction," in support of the Scholarship Fund. Thank you to all of our

bidders, donors, sponsors and volunteers who collectively raised more than

$100,000 for the Scholarship Fund.

Kol HaKavod to Michal Abehsera and Mindy Luxenberg-Grant, our brilliant Auction

Co-chairs. At their side was an amazing team: auctioneer Cory Baker ('91),

photographer Harry Pocius, and more than 100 faculty, staff, and parent

volunteers, to whom we extend a heartfelt thank you. We also thank the High

School students who worked the event and the SAR High School Chagiga Band who

Page 14: CHADASHOT Shabbat November 30, 2012 16 Kislev …...This week Hila Stern visited the “Chocolate, How Sweet It Is” group and together they prepared chocolate covered pretzels that

entertained us all.

Corporate sponsors - Skyview Wines, CenStar Energy, Shoshana Schwartz, Esq.,

Silverleaf Caterers, Sopher Realty, TNT Design Group and Tristate Plumbing

Services Corp. - joined by 52 family sponsors, all contributed. We are appreciative

of everyone's efforts along with the hundreds of item donors and solicitors.

Thank you again for your continued support!


A special thank you to Shira Wurzberger for organizing the New Parent Breakfast

for grades 1-8 on Nov. 20th. It was a wonderful opportunity for parents new to SAR

to meet administrators and fellow new parents, ask questions and get a glimpse of

school in action.

"Summer, because I get to celebrate my birthday in camp

with all of my friends." - Yamin Semer 5Z


Chanukah Gelt for Staff

Our community has come together in remarkable ways in

response to Hurricane Sandy. At SAR, we have all benefited

from the dedication, creativity and tenacity of our incredible

teachers and administration as they ensured that our children

continued to learn and give to others even under difficult

circumstances. The life lessons that our children gained from

their teachers and the Riverdale and SAR communities will stay

with them forever.

This year, as in prior years, we ask you to please express your hakarat hatov to

SAR’s outstanding faculty and staff by donating Chanukah gelt in their honor. The

Parent Teacher Council plans to give each staff and faculty member Chanukah

Gelt, on behalf of the parent body, in appreciation for the teaching, guidance and

love they provide daily to our children. These collective gifts are greatly

appreciated by our staff and parents are not expected to present teachers with

gifts on their own.

Please click here to make your online donation by Friday, Dec. 7th.

Page 15: CHADASHOT Shabbat November 30, 2012 16 Kislev …...This week Hila Stern visited the “Chocolate, How Sweet It Is” group and together they prepared chocolate covered pretzels that

Gift amounts per family:

$18 per child in Nursery-5th Grade

$45 per child in Junior High (6th,7th & 8th grades)

Wishing you all a Chanukah Sameach!

"Winter, because there are no bug bites when it's cold." - Avi Roth 7Y



Saturday Night, December 8th – 1st Night of Chanukah

Tuesday, December 11th – Picture Day – Grades 2-7

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Thursday, December 13th – Picture Day – Grades N-1

Friday, December 14th – Rosh Chodesh Tevet – Wear Blue & White!

Monday, Dec. 17th -9:30am - Prospective Parent Information Session. Click

here to RSVP

Tuesday, December 18th – 6th Grade Matan Bat Mitzvah Program

Wednesday, December 19th - 4th Grade Navi Play – 9:15 am.

Wednesday, December 19th – Faculty Meetings – Early Dismissal -3:00

ELC, 3:15 AC

Monday, December 24th – Tuesday, January 1st – Winter Break – No


Wednesday, January 2nd – Sessions Resume


Join us for an evening of food and fun!

Our children are spending their days with friends, old and new.

Now it's our turn too!

Page 17: CHADASHOT Shabbat November 30, 2012 16 Kislev …...This week Hila Stern visited the “Chocolate, How Sweet It Is” group and together they prepared chocolate covered pretzels that

Tomorrow Night!

Saturday, December 1st at 8:00pm.

A parents' evening featuring a photo gallery of our children at play, with a short

program to follow. Light dairy dinner and desserts will be served.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Click here to RSVP

Cookbook Marketing Kickoff Meeting

Please join us on Monday night 8: 15 PM December 3rd at SAR High

School. We are seeking volunteers to help market the cookbook to

the SAR community and the Jewish community at large as a means

to continue to raise money for SAR. We have already sold nearly

1500 copies with all proceeds going to SAR. If you are interested in

helping out please email Shoshana Winter at

[email protected]

"Spring, because it gets warm but not too hot." - Josh Haims 1Y


"An Evening Together"

The real heroes of Hurricane Sandy are the communities and the people that

served each other so selflessly…the synagogues, schools, community leaders,

volunteers and, most of all, our neighbors. Shuls and homes and families are still

severely devastated, with lost clothes, cars, appliances, furniture, torahs &

seforim, plus numerous medical, emotional & financial services. It's time to show

our support and put smiles back on everyone's faces by honoring them all. We all

now have the opportunity all make a big difference TOGETHER.

Next Thursday night, December 6th at Town Hall in New York City, The National

Council Of Young Israel together with the Orthodox Union (OU) will present "An

Evening Together," an all-star concert produced by Gershon Veroba and starring

Lipa, Chazzan Sherwood Goffin, Elli Kranzler, Yosi Piamenta, Avraham Rosenblum

Page 18: CHADASHOT Shabbat November 30, 2012 16 Kislev …...This week Hila Stern visited the “Chocolate, How Sweet It Is” group and together they prepared chocolate covered pretzels that

and other special guests, accompanied by the Neshoma Orchestra.

Now two major Jewish organizations have joined forces to help bring life back to

these communities by helping to raise the hundreds of thousands of dollars

needed. You can help raise this money for the affected communities by donating

and buying tickets to the concert. It all just the beginning, but an important step

that we can all take part in. Even if you can't make it to the show, you can still buy

tickets for affected families to come and enjoy a free night of amazing

entertainment in their honor. Your donation will not only give them an evening to

remember, but will help our communities rebuild.

Tickets and donations are being accepted online at youngisrael.org/concert and

through the concert hotline at 212-929-1525, extension 120, where you can also

request to sponsor an affected family with tickets for the show, raising even more

money for these communities.

Join us for our upcoming adult education classes!

Daytime Classes at SAR HS

These classes are free of charge, no registration required. Classes meet in the 3rd

floor conference room.

*Women's Leadership and Resistance in the Book of Shmot - Dr. Tammy Jacobowitz

Thursdays from 12-1 Dec 6, Dec 13, Dec 20

When the book of Shmot begins, women play a pivotal role in leading the Jewish

people towards a redemptive future. As the book progresses, women's contributions

require more work -- on the part of the reader -- to detect. In this series, we will

study the powerful contributions made by individual women, as well as trace their

message of hope and resistance as the Jewish people make their way in the desert.

Evening Book Club at SAR HS

Join parents and community members for a fascinating discussion of important

works of literature. Classes meet 7:30-9:00 PM, in the high school library. (In order to

run the program this year we will require a minimum number of participants to pre-register for the

entire 5 book series.)

THE NEXT BOOK CLUB WILL BE ON Tuesday, December 4, 2012 with Mr. Hillel

Broder. A Single Man, by Christopher Isherwood. Cost: $85 for the 5 book series,

$20 per class at the door.

Register online: www.sarhighschool.org/adulted

"PAWS for a CAUSE" Enrichment Cluster is visiting YONKERS ANIMAL SHELTER on

Wednesday, Dec. 5 to bring donations of supplies to help the animals, particularly

Page 19: CHADASHOT Shabbat November 30, 2012 16 Kislev …...This week Hila Stern visited the “Chocolate, How Sweet It Is” group and together they prepared chocolate covered pretzels that

in light of Hurricane Sandy.

We have a donation box in the lobby for collecting:

• Old towels, sheets or blankets (tattered is fine)

• Dog or cat food

• Extra leashes, collars, or harnesses

• Dog toys (used in good condition or new – NOT stuffed animal toys because most

dogs in this shelter are big chewers and need sturdy non-destructible toys like


• Edible dog chew treats like bully sticks (Please NO Rawhide!)

THANK YOU for showing kindness to animals!

Please contact [email protected] with any questions.


Do you have a loved one currently serving in the IDF or in the reserves? If you do

then these feelings will probably be familiar to you, immense pride, tremendous

anxiety and frequent sleepless nights. JBFCS/HIR social worker, Anna Kirshblum,

whose son served in the IDF will be facilitating the group. Come share your

experiences, concerns, questions and pride in a supportive environment. The group

will meet on Sunday December 2nd from 7:30pm-8:30pm at HIR. To RSVP or to just

share a concern please call Anna at 718-601-9714.

UJA-Federation of New York in Westchester - Gift of Chanukah Celebration

Sunday, December 2, 2012 from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. Kittay House – 2550 Webb

Avenue, Bronx, NY

Join us for a Chanukah celebration with the seniors at Kittay House, a senior

assisted living home run by Jewish Home Lifecare, a UJA-Federation beneficiary

agency. Space is limited and advance registration is required. Contact Blair at

[email protected] or 914.761.5100 ext. 110, with the names and ages of your

children. *Couvert $36 per family. (*The couvert represents the value of the event

and is not tax-deductible.)

HIR Teens present a Chanukah Carnival

Proceeds to benefit children affected by Hurricane Sandy

Sunday, December 9th, 12:00pm – 3:00 pm @HIR

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See flyer for more details.

Riverdale Y - Chanukah Concert

December 9th, from 11:00am-12:00pm at the Riverdale Y with Danna Banana. Click

here to see flyer.


Trump Wollman Rink, Central Park --**Starring the Maccabeats**

3rd night of Chanukah, Monday, December 10th. 6 - 9 PM. Lighting of the giant

hand-carved ice Menorah. In advance: $22/adult, $18/child 3 - 13, under 3 are free

. At the door: $25/adult, $20 child 3 – 13.

Price includes food, skate rental, admission and more! For more info and to

RSVP,visit www.chanukahonicenyc.com. Click here to see flyer.

Moshava Ba’ir day camp has limited space available for summer 2013!

To learn more, please join us at an Open House at 8pm, Monday Dec 17 at the

home of Rabbi Davidi and Natalie Jonas, 2610 Henry Hudson Parkway.

Moshava Ba’ir offers your pre-K to 4th grade child a caring, warm, and chinuchi

environment with exceptional swim, sports, arts, trips and more, deeply infused

with the religious Zionist values of Bnei Akiva. Enjoy affordable tuition and

convenient door to door busing from Riverdale.

Special offer: attend the open house and receive $100 off full summer tuition! To

RSVP or for questions: email [email protected], call212-465-9536, or

visit www.moshavabair.org.

Note: All Submissions to the Community Ev ents section are due to Chadashot@saracademy .org the Tuesday prior to

publication in copy ready f ormat. The Chadashot reserv es the right to f urther edit submissions due to space constraints.

SAR ACADEMY~Jesselson Campus~655 West 254th Street~Riverdale, NY 10471


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