CHAKRAS 1 st Chakra, or Root Chakra The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine. In the body this is your 1st chakra. The ancient Sanskrit word for this chakra is Muladhar Chakra, meaning root support. This chakra is your energy foundation, and is where you connect with your physical body. By connecting with this chakra you feed both your physical and spiritual needs. In Balance When your Root Chakra is balanced energy is free to flow down into the earth, as well as being drawn up from the earth. It gives you a feeling of security. Life seems stable when this chakra is in balance. At the same time you are filled with active positive energy, giving you a strong sense of community and good relationships. Physical energy is very strong and that energy is determine a person with strong 1 st chakra. With this chakra in balance you have a solid foundation to build your life in material world. Out of Balance When this chakra is out of balance you may feel as if you don’t belong, you may feel disconnected from others or over concerned with your personal survival and security. Your experience of these feelings may come in different degrees of severity depending upon what you’ve experienced in your past. Finding balance in your Root Chakra builds a solid foundation in support of all your other chakra centers. The Earth Element All solid matter is associated with the Root Chakra. Focusing on the earth element in meditation can help you gain a sense of stillness and groundedness. Also bringing elements from the earth into your meditation space is helpful in adding to the atmosphere and to remind you of your connection with the earth. These elements can be anything from rocks to gem stones, pine cones, or even soil. Meditation Feel earth, smell it. Use nose for this meditation. Sense of smelling is


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1st Chakra, or Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine. In the body this is your 1st chakra. The ancient Sanskrit word for this chakra is Muladhar Chakra, meaning root support.

This chakra is your energy foundation, and is where you connect with your physical body. By connecting with this chakra you feed both your physical and spiritual needs.

In BalanceWhen your Root Chakra is balanced energy is free to flow down into the earth, as well as being drawn up from the earth. It gives you a feeling of security. Life seems stable when this chakra is in balance. At the same time you are filled with active positive energy, giving you a strong sense of community and good relationships. Physical energy is very strong and that energy is determine a person with strong 1st chakra.

With this chakra in balance you have a solid foundation to build your life in material world.

Out of BalanceWhen this chakra is out of balance you may feel as if you don’t belong, you may feel disconnected from others or over concerned with your personal survival and security. Your experience of these feelings may come in different degrees of severity depending upon what you’ve experienced in your past.

Finding balance in your Root Chakra builds a solid foundation in support of all your other chakra centers.

The Earth ElementAll solid matter is associated with the Root Chakra. Focusing on the earth element in meditation can help you gain a sense of stillness and groundedness. Also bringing elements from the earth into your meditation space is helpful in adding to the atmosphere and to remind you of your connection with the earth. These elements can be anything from rocks to gem stones, pine cones, or even soil.

MeditationFeel earth, smell it. Use nose for this meditation. Sense of smelling is connected to this chakra. Visualize solid material as energy. Your body likes a part of earth. Strong, big, tall like a tree.


“I am grounded in the strength and calm of my inner spirit.”

“I share the light from above with the earth below; the earth sustains and heals me.”

“I recognize and honor my connection to the earth.”

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“I draw the healing energies of the earth into my being and return to the earth love and light.”

“I am grounded in the knowledge that I am where I need to be at this time.”

“My life force is strong and grounded.”

“It is safe to me to be here.”

“The earth supports me and meets my needs.”

“I love my body and trust its wisdom.”

“I am interested in abundance.”

“I am here and I am real.”

“I trust my Higher Self fulfills all mu needs. My life is full of prosperity”

Chakra connection:

Sanscrit name: Muladhara (root)

Location: Base of spine, at the seat of Kundalini

Symbol: A circle surrounded by four lotus petals, with a square inside it.

Central issue: Survival, stability, acceptance, self-preservation, deep-rootedness, perception, grounding, fear and safety

Color: Red

Essential oils: Patchouli, cedarwood, sandalwood

Crystals and Stones: Garnet, Ruby, Agate, Onyx, Haematite, Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Bloodstone, Red Coral;

Stars and Astrological signs: Planets Mars, Pluto, and Saturn; Signs of Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, and Capricorn;

Sound or mantra: "Lam"

Sense: Smell

Body: The physical body

Orientation to self: Self-preservation

Goals: Stability, grounding, physical health, prosperity, trust

Rights: To be here, to have

Developmental stage: Womb to 12 months

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Identity: Physical identity

Level of relationship: Tribal

Demon: Fear

Element: Earth

Hormonal glands: Sexual and adrenal

Organs: Immune system, base of spine, legs, bones and bone marrow, feet, rectum, physical body support

Excessive: Sluggish, lazy, tired, monotony, obesity, overeating, hoarding, materialism, greed, Fear of change, addiction to security

Deficient: Fearful, anxious, restless, lack of discipline, underweight, financial difficulty Chronic disorganization

Balanced: Good health, vitality, well grounded, sense of trust in the world, feeling safe and secure, stability, prosperity, ability to relax

Physical Dysfunctions: Frequent illness, disorders of the bowel, large intestine, bones, teeth, problems with legs, feet , base of spine(chronic lower back pain, sciatica); eating disorders; depression; immune-related disorders; skin problems; lack of energy;

Addictions: Food, gambling, shopping, work

Traumas and Abuses: Birth trauma, abandonment, physical neglect, poor physical bonding with the mother, malnourishment, feeding difficulty, major illnes or surgery, physical abuse, inherited traumas (eg. war, poverty, etc.)

Spiritual challenge: How well we manage our physical world;

HEALING STRATEGY: Physical activity, lots of touch, massage, reconnect with the body, grounding, Hatha yoga, look at earliest childhood relationship to mother, reclaim your right to be here.


2nd Chakra or Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is located just below the navel in the lower belly. This is your 2nd chakra and is also called the spleen chakra. The ancient Sanskrit word for this chakra is Swadhisthana Chakra, and it means “Sacred home of the self.”

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This chakra holds the energy of creativity, procreation, sex, morality, and control. Your dreams fantasies and emotions are also governed by this chakra.

Through this chakra you get your sense of freedom and being open to change. It allows flexibility and flow in your life.

In BalanceWhen this chakra is in balance you flourish with the qualities of sensitivity and intuition. You are idealistic and a dreamer. You also do well with change and are able to go with the flow of life. You have a strong sense of self and what you want and find creative ways to get it.

All creative ideas and impulses originate from your Sacral Chakra.

Out of BalanceYou may have a tendency toward being over-emotional or very theatrical. Keeping yourself grounded may be difficult and you can get overly caught up in day dreams. Your creativity may become blocked and dealing with change can be difficult.

Frustration can build and turn into aggressive behavior. You could have feeling of being unsettled and stuck, feeling as if you have no choice.

The Water ElementThe Sacral Chakra represents liquid. There is a connection between the planet and your body; both are made up of a significant amount of water.

MeditationMeditating with the water element in mind will help you tap into the flow of this chakra’s energy. You will also become more attuned with the flow of life. Energize your meditation space with a beautiful bowl filled with water. Anything related to water will do, sea shells, coral, even a picture of fish swimming in the ocean.

Taking a relaxing shower or bath before meditating will help bring the sense and essence of the water element into your awareness. Feel the water as it flows over your body becoming one with it.

Use your imagination and visualize a gentle flowing stream. Try to feel the fluidity of your body. Imagine you are floating downstream without a care in the world.


“I follow the flow of my natural abilities.”

“I float downstream with all life situations that come my way.”

“I change and adapt easily to whatever comes my way.”

“I follow my dreams and trust my decisions.”

“I let go of old negative feelings and open to new ways of thinking.”

“I welcome new ideas and go with the flow.”

I accept and acknowledge my sexuality. My physical health is strong and pure.

I deserve pleasure in my life.

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I absorb information from my feelings.

Life is pleasurable.

I move easily and effortlessly.

Chakra connection:

Sanskrit name: Svadhisthana (sweetness)

Location: Lower abdomen

Symbol: A circle surrounded by five or six lotus petals.

Central issue: Sexuality, emotions, financial, creativity, codes of honour and ethics

Color: Orange

Essential Oils: Rosemary, juniper, sandalwood, jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang

Crystals and Stones: Amber, Citrine, Topaz, Moonstone, Fire Agate, Orange Spinel, Fire Opal;

Stars and Astrological Signs: Moon, Planets Venus and Pluto, and the signs of Libra, Cancer, and Scorpio;

Sound or mantra: Vam

Sense: Touch and taste

Body: Ethereal body

Orientation to self: Self-gratification

Goals: Pleasure, healthy sexuality, feeling

Rights: To feel, to want

Developmental stage: 6 to 24 months

Identity: Emotional identity

Level of relationship: One-on-one

Demon: Guilt

Element: Water

Hormonal gland: Pancreas

Organs: Sexual organs, large intestine, lower vertebrae, pelvis, the kidneys, appendix, bladder, prostate, hip area, the lymphatic system, all the body fluids;

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Excessive: Sexual, pleasure addiction; excessively sensitive and strong emotions; invasion of others, seductive manipulation; obsessive attachment; emotional dependency.

Deficient: Poor social skills; frigidity, fear of sex, lack of desire, passion, excitement, denial of pleasure; fear of change; rigidity in attitudes

Balanced: Graceful movements; emotional intelligence; ability to experience pleasure; nurture of self and others; ability to change; healthy boundaries

Physical Dysfunctions: Sexual dysfunctions; ob/gyn. problems; Dysfunctions of reproductive organs, spleen, urinary system; loss of appetite for food, sex, life; chronic lower back pain, sciatica;

Addictions: Alcohol, sex, heroin

Traumas and Abuses: Sexual, emotional abuse, neglect, rejection, emotional manipulation, physical abuse, alcoholic families, denial of child's feelings, inherited (untreated incest, sexual issues)

Spiritual challenges: Negative one-to-one control patterns need to be confronted

HEALING STRATEGY: Movement therapy, emotional release, inner childe work, boundary work, assign healthy pleasures, develop sensate intelligence


3rd Chakra or Navel Chakra

The Navel Chakra is located between your navel and the bottom of your rib cage. It is your 3rd chakra and also known as the Solar Plexus Chakra. The Sanskrit word for this chakra is Manipura Chakra and it means “city of shining jewels.”

This is where your strongest sense of self is stored. Here is where all your personal boundaries are set. It is the chakra of self esteem and willpower.

Your personal growth and change stem from this chakra. It is the key to transformation.

In BalanceWith the Navel Chakra in balance you have a sense of value and uniqueness. You are energetic and confident. People recognize your integrity and personal honor.

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Your strong sense of personal worth is your advantage in avoiding the pitfalls of excess. You enjoy a challenge, but at the same time you are not a workaholic.

Out of BalanceWith this chakra out of balance you can be manipulative of others or easily controlled by others. Your self confidence is threatened and you may have a fear of rejection.

Lack of energy takes away your ability to put ideas into action.

The Fire ElementThe Navel Chakra signifies fire. Here is where you burn the old negative aspects of the past and gain the power to command and manage your life successfully.

MeditationThe benefit of meditation on this chakra comes from its purifying qualities. It helps to transform old thoughts and feelings from negative to positive energizing thoughts and feelings. Meditation with candles burning in the room helps connect with the energy of this chakra (or in front of a fire place on a cold wintry day).

As you meditate let the fire of this chakra burn old unwanted bad memories by visualizing them going up and away through the smoke and flames.


“Through the fire I transform negativity into positive uplifting thoughts and actions.”

“With powerful enthusiasm I achieve my hearts desires.”

“I own and accept responsibility for my life.”

“I am confident and courageous in my life decisions.”

“The fire within me sparks the flames of great achievements.”

“I transform fear into confidence and strength.”

I can do whatever I will to do.

I honour the power within me. I accomplish tasks easily and effortlessly.

In a smooth and healthy way, I release all unresolved emotions. I claim my personal power.

Chakra connection:

Sanscrit name: Manipura ( lustrous gem )

Location: Solar plexus, below the diaphragm

Symbol: A circle surrounded by ten lotus petals, and inside it a triangle

Central issue: Power, self-esteem, self-image, energy, will, responsibility

Color: Yellow

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Essential Oils: Juniper, lavender, bergamot, rosemary

Crystals and Stones: Citrine, amber, tiger's eye, peridot,, yellow tourmaline, yellow topaz

Stars and Astrological Signs: Sun, the planets Mercury, Jupiter, Mars and the signs of Leo, Sagittarius and Virgo

Sound or mantra: Ram

Sense: Sight

Body: The astral body

Orientation to self: Self definition

Goals: Vitality, purpose, strength of will, vitality, spontaneity

Rights: To act and be an individual

Developmental stage: 18 months to 4 years

Identity: Ego identity

Level of relationship: Basic relationship with inner self

Demon: Shame

Element: Fire

Hormonal glands: The pancreas and the adrenal

Organs: The respiratory system and diaphragm, the digestive system, stomach, liver, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, the small intestine, the lower back, the sympathetic nervous system

Excessive: Overly aggressive, dominating, controlling, blaming, arrogance, manipulative, power hungry, stubbornness, hyperactivity, excessively ambitious and competitive

Deficient: Low energy, weak will, poor self-esteem, passive, sluggish, fearful, poor self-discipline, emotionally and physically cold, victim mentality, blaming of others, unreliable, poor digestion

Balanced: Feeling of tranquillity and inner harmony, self-acceptance, respect for the nature and emotions of others, feeling of unity with the rest of humanity, responsible, reliable, confidence, spontaneity, sens of humour, able to meet challenges

Physical Dysfunctions: Arthritis, digestive disorders, ulcers, colon and intestinal problems, anorexia or bulimia, pancreatitis, diabetes, gallstone, allergies, problems with the stomach and liver

Addictions: Amphetamines, cocaine, caffeine, work, anger

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Traumas and abuses: Shaming, authoritarianism, physical abuse, fear of punishment, dangerous environment, age inappropriate responsibilities, inherited shame from parents

Spiritual challenges: Maturation of the ego

HEALING STRATEGY: Risk taking, grounding, emotional contact, deep relaxation, stress control, vigorous exercise, sit-ups, psychotherapy (release or contain anger, build ego strength, work on shame issues, strengthen will)


4th Chakra or Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is located in the center of your chest. The Sanskrit word for it isAnahata Chakra meaning “un-struck.”

This chakra has subtle harmonies that can be likened to plucking or striking a musical instrument. It lies at the center of your subtle body and is linked to both physical and spiritual aspects. It can take energy from the upper chakras and transform it to be absorbed by the lower chakras. In turn it can take the lower chakra energies and transform them into energy that forms your ideas, dreams, and thoughts.

You use this chakra center to touch others with love and compassion. Opening of your Heart Chakra enables you to give and receive the gift of love and compassion.

In BalanceWhen this chakra is in balance you feel free yet grounded. You are accepting of yourself. You are trusting and compassionate, not only toward yourself but toward all beings.

You openly give and received love, compassion, trust, and joy. This chakra is also important in helping to manifest ideas into physical reality. It is the center that filters both the upper and lower chakras; it is where the physical and spiritual meet.

Out of BalanceIf this chakra is over-active you become too airy making it difficult to be grounded. You may feel lonely and afraid of being hurt. On the other hand if the Heart Chakra is under-active you may feel weighed down with a lack of joy in your life.

You can become possessive or jealous, even selfish. With this chakra out of balance you feel unfulfilled emotionally.

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The Air ElementThis chakra is represented by the element of air. This is the chakra that will bring a “breath of fresh air” to your life.

MeditationMeditating on this chakra clears your mind of its limited thinking and makes your body, mind, and spirit lighter and carefree. There is a Buddhist meditation technique called metta or “loving-kindness,” that is used to open the Heart Chakra and heal old emotional wounds.

When meditating on this chakra it is best to be out in the open air if possible or near an open door or window. Wind chimes are a wonderful reminder of the air as it flows around you.

Feel the gentle breeze and imagine your body is as light as air, feel living joy.


“I free my heart of hurt and pain.”

“With my feet on the ground I let my spirit fly.”

“I forgive past hurts and open to infinite joy.”

“I release the heavy burden of guilt and embrace the lightness of my heart.”

“The air of change surrounds me and places me on the road to joy.”

“My heart is filled with trust and compassion for myself and others.”

I freely and easily give and receive love. Totally forgive others and myself for all past errors and judgements.

I am worthy of love.

I am loving to myself and others.

There is an infinite supply of love.

I live in balance with others.

Chakra connection:

Sanscrit name: Anahatra (unstruck)

Location: Chest, hart, cardiac plexus

Symbol: A circle surrounded by 12 lotus petals, and inside it a six-pointed star

Central issues: Love, unconditional love, self-love, forgiveness, relationships, intimacy, devotion, depression and loneliness

Color: Green and pink

Essential Oils: Sandalwood, rose, cedarwood

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Crystals and Stones: Rose quartz, emerald, jade, aventurine, malachite, rhodonite

Stars and Astrological Signs: Planets Venus, Saturn, Sun and the signs Libra, Leo and Sagittarius

Sound or mantra: Yam

Sense: Touch

Body: The feeling body

Orientation to self: Self-acceptance

Goals: Stability, trust, physical health, prosperity, grounding

Rights: To love and be loved

Developmental stage: 4 to 7 years

Identity Social identity

Level of relationship Loving relationships with significant others, with oneself and with all life

Demon: Grief Element: Air

Hormonal glands: The thymus gland

Organs: Hearth and circulatory system, lungs, bronchial tubes, shoulders and arms, diaphragm, thymus gland, the immune system, the skin, the upper back

Excessive: Demanding, jealousy, co-dependency, poor boundaries, overly sacrificing, possessive

Deficient: Antisocial, withdrawn, cold, shy, critical, judgmental, intolerant, loneliness, depression, fear of intimacy and relationships, lack of empathy, narcissism, bitter

Balanced: Compassionate, loving, self-loving, empathetic, peaceful, balanced, good immune system

Physical Dysfunctions: Disorders of the heart, lungs, thymus, breast, arms, asthma, allergy, circulation problems, immune system deficiency, tension between shoulder blades

Addictions: Tobacco (smoking), sugar, love, marijuana

Traumas and Addictions: rejection, abandonment, loss, shaming, constant criticism, abuses to lower chakras, unacknowledged grief, divorce, death, conditional love, loveless environment, sexual and physical abuse, betrayal

Spiritual challenges: To learn compassion, the value of forgiveness, unconditional love

HEALING STRATEGY: Self-discovery, codependency work, forgiveness, inner child work, work with arms, reaching out, taking in, breathing exercise

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5th Chakra or Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is your communication center and is your 5th chakra. Its Sanskrit name is Vishuddha Chakra meaning “the pure place.”

This chakra oversees your ability to make responsible decisions and speak up for yourself. It is also your spiritual voice.

Creative ideas manifest in your life, once they are expressed through speech. This chakra helps you convey the truth from your heart and ideas from your mind.

In BalanceWith this chakra in balance your beliefs, creativity, and emotional needs are expressed clearly without fear of what others will think. You have an ability to listen and empathize with others, being able to communicate clearly results in self empowerment and self esteem.

You know that there are times when silence is beneficial and at the same time your motivational words can help empower others.

Out of BalanceThis chakra being out of balance or blocked can inhibit your ability to communicate clearly. You may end up unknowingly speaking half-truths.

You will suffer in silence rather than express your true feelings. This being said it most certainly disrupts your ability to communicate and stand up for yourself. On the other hand an out of balance Throat Chakra can also result in becoming a gossip and developing negative habits.

The Ether (space) ElementEther is associated with this chakra. It is the last of the physical elements. Ether (space) is matter in its most subtle state.

MeditationMeditating on this chakra will help you use your words in a more positive way and express your thoughts and feelings honestly. Meditating outside under a clear sky is best, but if not possible you can sit by a window.

Visualize yourself within the infinity of a clear blue sky.


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“My words are pure and honest.”

“I use my words wisely and express my feelings clearly.”

“The sky is the limit for all my dreams and desires.”

“Silence is golden I listen to other with an open mind and heart.”

“I communicate clearly and empower other with my words.”

“I am true to my words and my actions reflect that.”

I easily and gracefully express my deepest feelings and emotions.

I hear and speak the truth.

I express myself with clear intent.

Creativity flows in and through me.

My voice is necessary.

Chakra connection:

Sanscrit name: Vissudha (purification)

Location: Throat

Symbol: A circle surrounded by 16 lotus petals, and inside it a circle, or a circle containing a triangle

Central issue: Communication, self-expression, self-discipline, speaking one's truth

Color: Blue, light blue, turquoise

Essential Oils: Lavender, patchouli

Crystals and Stones: Lapis lazuli, aquamarine, sodalite, turquoise, sapphire, blue lace agate, blue tourmaline, blue quartz

Stars and Astrological Signs: Planets Venus, Mercury, Uranus and Mars and the signs of Taurus, Gemini and Aquarius

Sound or mantra: Ham

Sense: Hearing

Body: The mental body

Orientation to self: Self-expression

Goals: Clear communication, creativity

Rights: To speak and to hear the truth

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Developmental stage: 7 to 12 years

Identity: Creative identity

Level of relationship: Relationship with our personal truths

Demon: Lies

Element: Ether - Akasa

Hormonal glands: The thyroid and parathyroid gland

Organs: Throat, thyroid and parathyroid glands, the neck, vocal cords and organs, mouth, teeth and gums, jaw, ears, muscles

Excessive: Too much talking, talking as a defence, inability to listen, gossiping, interruptions, over-extended, stuttering

Deficient: Fear of speaking, small, weak voice, difficulty putting feelings into words, shyness, tone deaf, poor rhythm

Balanced: Good listener, resonant voice, good sense of timing and rhythm, clear communication, lives creatively

Physical Dysfunctions: Raspy throat, chronic soar throat, mouth ulcers, gum difficulties, scoliosis, laryngitis, swollen glands, thyroid problems, headaches, pain in the neck and shoulders, ear infections and problems

Addictions: Opiates, marijuana

Traumas and Abuses: Lies, secrets, verbal abuse, constant yelling, excessive criticism (blocks creativity), authoritarian parents, alcoholic, chemical dependent family

Spiritual challenges: To recognize that your strength of will is measured not by how well you exert your will over others, but how well you control yourself. Conscious self-control and discipline means living according to the truth that every thought you have is either a potential act of grace or a potential weapon. Right thought leads to right speech leads to right acting.

HEALING STRATEGY: Learn communication skills, letter writing, inner child communication, practice silence (excessive), story telling, singing, chanting, toning, release voice, loosen neck and shoulders


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6th Chakra or Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra (or brow chakra) is your 6th chakra. The Sanskrit word for this chakra is Ajna Chakra.

This chakra is located at the center of your forehead just above your eyebrows. Your inner wisdom is housed here. This chakra governs both your conscious and subconscious mind. It allows you to see beyond your physical existence.

In BalanceWhen in balance this chakra is your doorway to all things of your senses and beyond. Your intuition is heightened and you can develop psychic abilities. You are not attached to material possessions.

You are able to learn from your past experiences and plan for the future. This chakra is the home of your rationality, emotional intellect, and wisdom. It gives you a sense of self above and beyond the physical world.

Out of BalanceIf your Third Eye Chakra is out of balance or deficient you may lack discipline, have a fear of success, and have no inner vision. You can have difficulty recognizing subtle signs and may set your goals and standards too low.

Also, if this chakra is overly active you may not be able to trust or recognize your intuition. You may become self-righteous. You live in your head so much that you forget your heart, your heart and mind are not in balance.

There is no element associated with this chakra; however, you could consider the mind as its element, since the mind controls the senses.

MeditationMeditating on this chakra helps you calm the mind. It will ease the endless mind chatter and clear the way toward inner peace and vision.

Experience stillness through meditation and visualize a calm lake with crystal clear water.


“I am able to see the big picture that surrounds my life.”

“I trust my intuition and make clear decisions from the heart.”

“My heart and mind are in agreement.”

“I have a clear view of my life’s purpose.”

“I listen to the wisdom of my higher self.”

“I have confidence in my judgment and sense of self.”

My inner vision is clear and strong. I trust my intuition and inner vision.

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I see all things in clarity.

I am open to the wisdom within.

I can manifest my vision.

Chakra connection:

Sanscrit name: Ajna (to perceive)

Location: The centre of the forehead, brow

Symbol: A circle surrounded on each side by two large lotus petals ( or a lotus with 96 petals ), and inside it a triangle

Central issue: Intuition, imagination, ability to see one's life clearly, use of the mind/intellect

Color: Indigo

Essential Oils: Geranium, lavender, rosemary, spearmint

Crystals and Stones: Amethyst, azurite, fluorite, lapidolite

Stars and Astrological Signs: The planets Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury, Neptune and signs Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces

Sound or mantra: Ham-ksham

Sense: Intuition (the sixth sense)

Body: The high mental body

Orientation to self: Self-reflection

Goals: Psychic perception, imagination, clear seeing, accurate interpretation

Rights: To see

Developmental stage: Adolescence

Identity: Archetypal identity

Level of relationship: Our relationship to knowledge, wisdom and vision

Demon: Illusion

Element: Light

Hormonal glands: The pituitary and the pineal gland

Organs: The brain, nervous system, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, face, the pineal and pituitary gland

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Excessive: Hallucination, nightmares, obsessions, delusions, difficulty concentrating, headaches

Deficient: Poor vision and memory, insensitivity, lack of imagination, difficulty visualizing, difficulty seeing the future, can't remember dreams, denial

Balanced: Intuitive, perceptive, imaginative, good memory, able to visualize, able to think symbolically, able to remember dreams

Physical Dysfunctions: Headaches, eye and ear disease, nose and sinus problems, facial nerve problems, nightmares, brain tumour, stroke, neurological disturbances, seizures, full spinal difficulty, learning disabilities

Addictions: Hallucinogens, marijuana

Traumas and Abuses: Frightening environment (war, violence), what you see does not go with what you are told, invalidation of intuition and psychic occurrences

Spiritual challenges: Pride and the ability to make judgements. The spiritual lessons relate to insight and intuition, to seeing beyond the visible.

HEALING STRATEGY: Meditation, visual stimulation, create visual art, coloring and drawing, working with memory, dream work, hypnosis, guided visualization, past life regression therapy


7th Chakra or Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is your 7th chakra. In the language of Sanskrit it is known as theSahasrara Chakra.

This chakra is considered the door to divine universal energy. It takes you far beyond physical worldly things into timeless infinite consciousness. It is the pathway to your higher consciousness.

In BalanceBeing in balance and open allows you to see far beyond the material world and into your true nature. The more balanced the Crown Chakra is the better your connection to the divine consciousness.

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You will experience more joy, receive guidance, and be drawn to spiritual teachings. You will easily understand these teachings and they will feel like home as you incorporate them into your life. You will also have access to your intuitive nature and inner guidance.

Out of BalanceBeing out of balance in this chakra will limit your vision of what is beyond your material existence. It may be difficult for you to connect with the world around you and to find the joy in life.

Your sense of wonder, spirituality, and creativity will be lacking. The world can be a dense physical place without energy. You may become very materialistic, stuck in the past, and worried about the future. Having material possessions may be your only vision of a successful life.

MeditationMeditating on the Crown Chakra will open the door to a stronger understanding and intuitive knowledge of your inner spirit, your divine source.

You will see and experience the universal connection within all beings and strengthen your spirit through its infinite joy.

Visualize a beautiful lotus flower and your being as its sparkling center.


“I am open to the joy of my universal connection to all beings.”

“I receive and welcome the intuition of my inner spirit.”

“I recognize the limitless potential of my body, mind, and spirit.”

“My existence moves beyond the material world and touches the divine source.”

“The joy of my inner spirit lives in me and is expressed through me.”

“I allow the light from above to flow through my being, enlightening my spirit.”

I accept and acknowledge my spirituality.

Divinity resides within.

I am open to new ideas.

Information I need comes to me.

I am guided by higher power.

I am guided by inner wisdom.

The world is my teacher.

Chakra connection:

OM MANI PADME HUM(Pronounced: “om mahnee padmay hum”)

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These words of wisdom express the energy of this chakra and touch your inner spirit.

Sanscrit name: Sahasrara (thousand-fold)

Location: The crown of the skull

Symbol: A lotus with thousand petals

Central issue: Awareness, spiritual search for meaning, issues of karma and grace, grace bank account, spiritual awakening, divine discontent

Color: Purple, white, gold, silver

Essential Oils: Jasmine, frankincense

Crystals and Stones: Diamond, clear quartz, moldavite, selenite, pyrite

Stars and Astrological Signs: The planets Saturn and Neptune, the signs Capricorn and Pisces

Sound or mantra: Om

Body: The soul, the karmic, causal body

Orientation to self: Self-knowledge

Goals: Wisdom, knowledge, spiritual connection, consciousness

Rights: To know

Developmental stage: Throughout life

Identity: Universal identity

Level of relationship: Relationship to our life's true purpose, relationship between the ego and the higher self, relationship to God and spirit

Demon: Attachment

Element: Thought

Organs: The muscular and skeletal system, skin, central nervous system

Excessive: Over-intellectualization, spiritual addiction, confusion, dissociation from body

Deficient: Spiritual cynicism, learning difficulties, rigid belief systems, apathy, materialism, greed, domination of others

Balanced: Sense of spiritual connection, open-minded, wisdom and mastery, broad understanding, intelligent, thoughtful, aware, ability to perceive, analyse and assimilate information

Physical Dysfunctions: Energetic disorders, mystical depression, coma, migraines, brain tumours, amnesia, chronic exhaustion not linked to physical disorder, sensitivity to light, sound and other environmental factors

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Addictions: Religion, spiritual practices

Traumas and Addictions: Spiritual abuse, forced religiosity, blind obedience, misinformation, lies, withheld information, invalidation of one's beliefs

Spiritual challenges: Hope and faith, spiritual conscience. Spiritual quests and questions of your life: For what purpose was I born? What is truth? What is the deeper meaning of life? Can I find that? Failure to hear and respond to these questions can lead to anxiety and depression.

HEALING STRATEGY: Reestablish physical, emotional, spirit connection, spiritual discipline, meditation, examine belief systems, goal setting