Chandler Marchman, CSCS / CPT www.MarchmanStrength.com

Chandler Marchman, CSCS / CPT - Amazon S3...improving your strength in these four and you’ll see a spike in your anabolic hormone levels, which will help build more muscle and burn

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Page 1: Chandler Marchman, CSCS / CPT - Amazon S3...improving your strength in these four and you’ll see a spike in your anabolic hormone levels, which will help build more muscle and burn


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!Chandler Marchman, CSCS / CPT www.MarchmanStrength.com


Page 2: Chandler Marchman, CSCS / CPT - Amazon S3...improving your strength in these four and you’ll see a spike in your anabolic hormone levels, which will help build more muscle and burn

The Hard-Gainers Weight Gain Solution !Few of you may know this, but when I started training, I had a HELL of a time adding muscle onto my frame. Oh I could gain weight, but not the LEAN MUSCLE MASS that I wanted. It was straight up body fat! And if you’re reading this right now, I’m willing to bet that you’ve experienced the same damn problem! !Well lucky for you I had enough of those failures and let downs, and decided to do something about it. I got coaching from some of the top coaches and trainers in the world of bodybuilding, powerlifting, and strongman, who showed me some of the fastest and easiest ways for ANYBODY (regardless of age, experience, or genetics limitations) to build stacks of rock solid and ripped muscle mass. !Amongst those weight-gaining hacks, here are 21 that you can plug in today that will deliver IMMEDIATE gains in both size and muscularity. !!

1.Compound over Isolation: Existing bodybuilders might want to crucify me for this one, but the simple fact is that isolation exercises that just work one muscle group aren’t going to magically make you more defined. If you want to grow more as well as become more ripped, choose exercises that incorporate multiple muscle groups instead of just one (ex. Dumbbell bench press over cable crossover).

Page 3: Chandler Marchman, CSCS / CPT - Amazon S3...improving your strength in these four and you’ll see a spike in your anabolic hormone levels, which will help build more muscle and burn

***These compound exercises also stimulate a far greater release of Testosterone than isolation exercises do which as we discussed earlier help build muscle and burn fat EXTREMELY efficiently***).

2.Go ‘Til Failure: Old-School Bodybuilders were big on this and got big because of this! Today people fear “overtraining” so they avoid going to failure on any sets, but the fact is if you aren’t pushing yourself with the intensity that going to failure necessitates then you can never expect to build the jacked or ripped look you’re going for. The prolonged stress and tension that you will place your muscle fibers through when going to failure will cause massive “trauma” to the muscle being stressed. This “trauma” results in your body sending the signal to “rebuild” the muscle that was damaged. That means you’re growing bigger, stronger, and more dense muscle mass. !

3.Use DB & BB Complexes: I’ve told you the power that free weights have over machines, and compound movements have over isolation, well when you put those two principles together you’ve got a recipe for building STACKS of dense and ripped muscle all over your body while doing just one set of multiple exercises. How? By doing barbell, or dumbbell complexes. !

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Here are my favorite examples: !I.) DB Curl Press Complex: a) Curl and Overhead Press [5 reps] b) Alternating Overhead Press [5 reps / arm] c) Curls [5 reps] !and… !II.) BB Complex: !a) Military Press [5 reps] b) Front Squats [5 reps] c) Rows [5 reps] d) Deadlifts [5 reps] I like to plug these in as finishers at the very end of workouts to help not just add that last element of muscle building to the session, but also to help better condition the lifter and help burn off tons of excess body fat

4.Train Your Legs: We have 2 names for people who don’t train legs at my gym in Tampa….and neither of them are very flattering! One is a “light bulb” because they’re big up top but are narrow on the bottom. The other is “SMALL”!!! Plain and simple, if you want to activate enough muscle fibers, and put them through the prolonged stress that is needed to spike your testosterone levels so that you can

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build stacks of dense muscle all over your body, then you better be prepared to start squatting and deadlifting! Best part is, by doing these two exercises you won’t just see growth in your lower half, but your upper body as well (stabilizing the weight in both will give you a MASSIVE superhero V-Taper back!!!). So don’t wimp out on the lower half! I know it sucks to have your legs sore as hell, but the sting of getting “Light Bulb” comments is far worse! Start throwing some plates on the bar and get your squat & deadlift on immediately if you truly want to add stacks of dense, ripped, and dominant muscle mass!!! !!

5.Don’t Neglect Bodyweight Exercises: I wish more people knew how powerful bodyweight exercises can be when added to their arsenal. They can be used as plyometric exercises to increase explosiveness so that you can lift heavier weights and add the size and density you’re looking for….They can build a level of endurance and conditioning that leaves you not just Jacked, but ripped to shreds too…And they always give you access to a gym! All you need is a little bit of room and you have the ability to build muscle and burn fat whenever you want…Here are my top seven bodyweight exercises for those trying to get Jacked & Ripped: a) Push Ups b) Dips c) Pull Ups !

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d) Squat Jumps e) Walking Lunges f) Sprints g) Burpee Pull Up Combo !As for how you can best implement them, my favorite way is to superset them after any compound weighted movement that uses the same muscle group (i.e. push- ups after a set of Dumbbell Bench Press). The reason this is so effective for building more muscle and giving you a harder, more defined, look is that it continues the stress that you’re placing your muscles through while training them. And this prolonged stress means more micro-tears in your muscle fibers that result in more muscle growth!

6.Use Supersets: Not only will these powerful circuits increase your metabolic rate so you can shred body fat without losing muscle mass, but they’ve actually been shown to build dense muscle mass too! The key is super-setting compound movements. This allows for optimum amounts of muscle activation to take place, in a short amount of time. The overall stress to the muscle because of these intense sets causes a strong anabolic response that leaves you with a chiseled and more muscular look. !!!!

Page 7: Chandler Marchman, CSCS / CPT - Amazon S3...improving your strength in these four and you’ll see a spike in your anabolic hormone levels, which will help build more muscle and burn

Here are my favorite ways to superset exercises: !a) Agonist-Antagonist [i.e. db bench —> db row] !b) Dumbbell-bodyweight [i.e. dumbbell row —> chin ups] !c) Upper-Lower [i.e. Military Press —> Front Squat] !

7.Keep Training Under an Hour: News flash for all you out there that think you have to pull marathon sessions of 2-3 hr. every day you train: doing this will cause you to over train and actually get FURTHER from your goals. Why? After roughly 75 minutes of lifting weights intensely, massive amounts of the fat storing and muscle-wasting hormone, Cortisol, are released in massive doses! On the flip side, when you lift intensely for LESS than 75 minutes, your bodies most powerful Muscle-Building and fat burning hormone, Testosterone, is released in doses that make getting Jacked & Ripped easy as pie! My advice is to get organized with your training, stay focused and on task instead of checking yourself out in the mirror and talking on the phone, and keep your training to where it lasts no longer than an hour. This forces you to stay intense and focused on the exercises that MATTER and keep your body in an anabolic state that is needed to build size, strength, muscularity, and explosiveness.


Page 8: Chandler Marchman, CSCS / CPT - Amazon S3...improving your strength in these four and you’ll see a spike in your anabolic hormone levels, which will help build more muscle and burn

8.Focus on the Negatives: When it comes to the part of muscular contractions that are responsible for more muscular growth, the negative (eccentric) portion of the lift is responsible for greater results. So next time you’re lifting weights, focus more on lifting the weight more explosively during the actual “lifting” portion, and lower the weight for a 2-3 second count. This will cause major soreness, but will result in MASSIVE amounts of growth when you eat right and get adequate sleep. !

9.Perfect Your Lifting Form: The most valuable thing you can learn that will help you see immediate gains in both size and strength is if you learn to lift with perfect form. Sounds crazy, but I’ve seen guys change one simple little thing in their bench, squat, and deadlift form, and see an increase of up to 45 lb. on their max! And overtime it’s responsible for faster size gains too. The reason is that when your form is on point, you’ll be able to recruit far more muscle fibers during the lift. And when this occurs, think of it more workers being present, so that more work gets done! So if you haven’t prioritized this, put it at the TOP of your to do list RIGHT NOW! Because I can promise you that by simply fixing your form, you could add immediate weight to your max, activate more muscle fibers for growth, and even see increased levels of the muscularity enhancing anabolic hormone, Testosterone, being sent through your veins. !

Page 9: Chandler Marchman, CSCS / CPT - Amazon S3...improving your strength in these four and you’ll see a spike in your anabolic hormone levels, which will help build more muscle and burn

10. Focus on the 4 Core Lifts: Speaking of the “core lifts”, these four (Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, & Military Press) should be the main focus of your entire program. Focus on improving your strength in these four and you’ll see a spike in your anabolic hormone levels, which will help build more muscle and burn more fat. Trust me, even if you don’t care about how much you lift, when you treat it as a central focus in your lifting routine, the amount of stress you put your muscles through, and the large increases in the release of your bodies most powerful anabolic hormone, Testosterone, will directly result in massive amounts of ripped muscle growth.

11. Ditch the Machines: One of the common themes I’m sure you’ve picked up on by now is the need to activate as many muscle fibers as you can, for a prolonged period of time if you’re going to stimulate serious amounts of muscular growth. This is far tougher to do when you are working through a fixed range of motion like all machines offer. Why? Because it “sets” the range of motion of the lift, which dramatically reduces the recruitment of any of the stabilizing muscles that are responsible for building strength and size. Real quick and easy fix to this problem though… choose free weight compound exercises (barbells, dumbbells, bodyweight and odd objects) over machine based fixed range of motion exercises from this point on. !

Page 10: Chandler Marchman, CSCS / CPT - Amazon S3...improving your strength in these four and you’ll see a spike in your anabolic hormone levels, which will help build more muscle and burn

12. Stay Tight & Choke the Bar: One of the tricks that will automatically allow you to recruit more muscle fibers so you can build stacks of muscle, and lift more bar bending weights, is to keep your entire body as tight as possible and squeeze the life out of the bar. This trick not only allows you to recruit more muscle fibers for faster growth, but because all of your force that you apply into what ever implement you are lifting (barbell or dumbbell) is sent THROUGH your hands, it’s important to have a solid handle on it so that you can optimize the transfer of force from your body to the weight. !!

13. Go Heavy: I can’t tell you how many times I’ve set in my office during goals consultations with lifters who tell me they want to build more muscle, but can’t remember the last time they maxed out on the squat, bench press, or pull up. It’s real simple: if you want to get stronger, more explosive, and more jacked…you better lift in the 90%-100% zone!!!!

!!14. Do Plyos for “CNS Stimulation”: Speaking of your nervous

system, one way to ignite and excite it is to complete 3-4 sets of low volume and high intensity plyometrics before your core lift. !***Bonus points if that plyometric mimics the same movement pattern as the core lift you’re about to do afterwards*** !

Page 11: Chandler Marchman, CSCS / CPT - Amazon S3...improving your strength in these four and you’ll see a spike in your anabolic hormone levels, which will help build more muscle and burn

15. Very Your Resistance: Our bodies are meant to adapt to the demands we place upon it. If we don’t mix it up then we can’t expect it to adapt to higher demands that lead to us pushing the envelope and getting bigger/stronger. To make sure we don’t hit any plateaus what we do is very the percentages we lift at during our core lifts and the rep ranges we lift at during our supplemental lifts (lifts done after core lifts that function to patch up weaknesses exposed in our core lifts and also to build muscular size and endurance). For Max Effort lifts rotate all the way from 5 Rep Max to the heaviest you can lift in a 1 Rep Max. With Repetitive work rotate days where your working sets are at 60% of your max to days where your working sets are all the way up to 80%. This varies the resistance and keeps your body from hitting the plateaus that can be so frustrating. !

16. Beware the “90% Trap”: Lifting heavy is great. It allows you to test your body physically and mentally, and builds the strength, size and explosiveness to foster extreme confidence in whatever your pursuits may be. But the dark side is this. If you train at 90% of your one rep max in any lift for more than 2 weeks in a row, your nervous system will be zapped and you’ll actually start to see declining results. Simplest thing to do in order to avoid this cluster is to follow the advice on the above trick…vary the resistance! !

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17. Accelerate Through Every Lift: Every lift you do, no matter what it is should be lifted with speed and control during the concentric/positive portion of the lift. You can make the argument to slow it down on the eccentric/negative portion to build muscular size, but keep the concentric portion as fast and explosive as possible to get your body to adapt to moving that way on a regular basis. !

18. Do Most Demanding Lifts First: Think of your workout in terms of a pyramid. At the base of this pyramid is the foundation. This is the most important part. And because you want to focus all your efforts on building a strong foundation to support the rest of the workouts, as well as what they can do for our bodies, you need to put the core (squat, bench press, deadlift, or overhead press) at the very beginning when you are fresh enough to get the absolute most return from them. Doing it the opposite way would be the equivalent of stepping over dollars, to pick up pennies!

19. Maintain a Caloric Surplus: This is the simplest rule for you to follow that I can’t stress enough. If you want to build muscle you have to consume more calories than you burn. If you don’t, you won’t gain weight.

!20. Increase Caloric Intake Incrementally: I know you want to

do everything you can to add the muscle you want, but the last thing you want to do is just gorge yourself with no real

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method or system in place. Follow these couple of guidelines and you’ll be in a far better position for success. !a) Eat balanced meals every 2-3 hours b) Add an additional 200-300 calories to each meal c) Eat CLEAN calories packed with nutrients

!21. Use the Mirror as a Gauge: Pretty simple here. Instead of

just relying on the scale to monitor your success in attempt to gaining weight, use the mirror. Let’s say you gain 5 lb. but it’s all fat instead of muscle. The mirror will bring that to your attention and allow you to make adjustments. The scale alone won’t.!

Each one of these has been proven to work on ALL of the clients that I’ve personally trained at both my gym in Tampa, FL, as well as my insider personal coaching clients online. But without a doubt the #1 method that has catapulted their size and muscularity gains to levels not one of them thought they would ever attain for themselves, has been the “Anabolic Priming” method that you can find right here in “PRIMED” <<<< !!!!!!!

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Why is it so powerful in conjunction with any “Muscle Building” program? !Simple! !It will help to: !• Activate 100% of Your Muscle Fibers (most lifters only are able

to recruit 60% -75% of theirs) !

• Unleash Large Amounts of Your Bodies Most Powerful Muscle Building & Fat Burning Hormones Testosterone and HGH

!• Suppress the Catabolic Hormones Estrogen & Cortisol That

Wreak Havoc on your Muscle Building Gains !• …Plus much, MUCH More!!!

!!Here’s just a taste of the results that some of my recent clients have received…

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! !Pretty phenomenal results, right?!!Normally my clients online, and at my gym in Tampa, FL, gladly pay the $247 that this system routinely goes for, but to make sure that you have the same opportunities as they did I’ve got a killer deal going on for the next few days that I think you should take a look at if you’re genuinely interested in adding stacks of dense and ripped muscle mass. !

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Take a look right here for more details: !>>>> ‘PRIMED’ - Build Muscle Fast & Easy {89% Savings} !I’ll see you over there!!! ! !