Changeling Lost: The Gambit

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  • 7/29/2019 Changeling Lost: The Gambit


    Angelus Morningstar

    Dream ShardDream Shard

    The GambitThe Gambit

    Author:Angelus Morningstar

    Artwork:Gavin Hargest AcknowledgementsLost Shards are fan- made products designed for use with

    the World of Darkness book, Changeling: the Lost.

    Absence of trademarks from copyrighted materials does not

    constitute a legal challenge to the original owners. Any

    original material is the intellectual property of Angelus

    Morningstar unless otherwise c redited.


  • 7/29/2019 Changeling Lost: The Gambit


    Angelus Morningstar

    The system of the Great Courts is a dynamic of powers

    that is thought to keep the Fae away from the influence of

    a freehold. The shifting and conceding of power is

    considered to be the basis of confusion for the Fae, who

    cannot understand such voluntary surrender of power.

    For the most part, the extant Courts in the world are

    based on naturally shifting phenomena, such as the change

    of the seasons, the partition of directions or the cycle of

    day and night. Yet here, there exists another principle ofpower division that is not based on natural events, but

    rather that of chance and whim. Even more erratic than

    the power plays of the changing seasons or encroaching

    direction is that of the Court of Suits. Each of these Courts

    derives their power from one of the suits of the tarot,

    which many changelings assert have a strange affinity with

    the fickle flow of fate.

    By placing their trust in the shifting powers of the suits,

    a freehold can claim a more chaotic dynamic than any of

    the other Court systems can attest. Power relies solely and

    purely on the fickleness of fate and chance, and not some

    determined order.However, the Court of Suits is very rarely stable, the

    shifting sands of politics is temperamental and conflicting

    as the members of the freehold are constantly in arms and

    struggling against each other. The Court of Suits has found

    popularity in cities where there is an immense level of

    gambling, Las Vegas is notorious for the influence of these

    Courts, as is Monte Carlo. Beyond those two casinopoli it

    can be more common to find the Court of Suits to be

    utilized in freeholds found entirely within the Hedge. With

    fortunes literally turning at the toss of a dime or turn of a

    wheel, few changelings are will ing to commit long- term to

    the art of the Court of Suits.

    From these circumstances, has emerged the custom ofthe Gambit. It is a temporary ( albeit sometimes longer

    than expected) cessation of the normal method of politics

    within a freehold and the establishment of the Gambit.

    The whole purpose of this is to cause a great dissembling

    within the freehold, to throw off the Others in times of


    The Four SuitsA t the heart of the Gambits power lie the four Suits,

    and more often changelings will refer to their group as a

    suit, rather than by the more common name of Court. The

    four suits are Swords, Cups, Coins and Staves.What follows is a break down of the different suits.

    Each small write up will contain the overarching themes of

    the Court. Unlike the normal courts, the Suits have

    neither conventions regarding their players ( or courtiers),

    nor dedicated rituals. The Suits are far to transient to

    develop trends like these. Furthermore, unlike the

    traditional Courts, the Suits do not so much have an

    emotional affinity as a strategy of game. This fundamental

    shift in property of Courts is just one of the factors that

    confounds the Fae during the great game. Each Suit is

    aligned with a stratagem, a modus operandi that flavours

    their theme.

    Like the emotional affinities of the Seasonal and other

    Courts, if a harvest is performed in a manner associated

    with the stratagem, the changeling gains a surplus of

    glamour as though they had harvested with the emotional

    affinity of the Seasonal courts. That is to say, if a

    changeling in the Suit of Swords harvests in a manner

    aligned with their stratagem of risk, they gain the extra

    glamour from Harvest.

    The Suit of SwordsThe Fae are stagnant and unchanging, the Fae are

    renown for their inability to create or innovate. The

    fundamental philosophy of the Suits is one of novelty andaction. Thus, the Suit posits, an entire faction dedicated to

    the pursuit and celebration of such things must surely be

    beyond their grasp.

    Of the four Suits, the Swords are almost always the first

    to move. They are guided by a philosophy of action and

    movement. They, like the fires of their crown, must always

    be in motion and hunger for novelty and originality. For

    the courtiers of the Swords, life is punctuated with huge

    bursts of glory and luck, followed by an equally devastating

    downslide of disaster. They are commonly found pursuing

    activities involving risk, from high stakes gambling, to

    extreme sports, to entering the chambers of marriedspouses.

    Unsurprisingly, the changeling that originally bartered

    with the suit and forged an alliance with it , managed to do

    so with a gambit where he literally placed his life and soul

    on the line. This great game of cards has been sung to hav e

    spelled out defeat for the hero, when he bet double or

    nothing on the last card, offering his life and soul as

    recompense. The suit took this bid, only to find that with

    the last card the suit had lost. Some still whisper that the

    real game was no the cards, but to see how much the

    changeling would risk to get the alliance.

    Typically, the courtiers of Swords are also the most

    martial of the four courts. Not because they necessarilyhave any particular prowess at combat, but because they

    are quick to rush into the face of danger and spite their

    enemy with whatever cunning artifice and device they may

    have at hand. One may just as easily see a Sword courtier

    battling hand to hand as gleefully throwing explosives from

    range into the heart of the enemy.


    The Suit of Swords principally corresponds to Summer,

    the midday sun and the southern direction. For this reason,

    they may draw upon the heraldry of the Summer and

    Northern courts which are very familiar to them.

    Beyond this, the changelings in the court of Swords,also draw upon images of fire, heat and light. In particular

    the metal bronze is a favoured substance that the

    changelings forge their weapons and trinkets in. Indeed,

    such changelings are known for having an array of bronze

    knick-knacks hanging from their lapels and skirts, some

    gaudy, some refined but almost all seem to enjoy the

    gentle clink these trinkets bring.


    The mantle of the court of Swords is highly vibrant and

    energetic. As their affinity with the court grows, their body

    develops a certain movement, like the erratic flickering of

    flames. At low levels of Mantle, from to , the

    changeling is suffused with a subtle sense of power, there is

    an aura about them like a heat haze that radiates energy.

    At higher lev els, +, the changelings body is filled


  • 7/29/2019 Changeling Lost: The Gambit


    Angelus Morningstar

    with almost volatile energy and their skin seems to flicker

    like the crackle of flames, their voice is more magnified

    and their hair and skins shines with a lustrous radiance.

    A t Mantle , the changeling feels a simple quickening

    in their steps, and function as though they had the Fresh

    Start Merit.

    Once the changelings Mantle reaches , they begin

    to manifest a much more fluid motion and step. With the

    cost of a glamour, the changeling may add their Wyrd totheir Speed and Initiative.

    A t the height of their power, the changelings internal

    energy lifts and moved them, and at Mantle , the

    expenditure of Willpower on a physical action grants them

    the + 4 instead of the normal + 3 modifier.


    A t the heart of the Sword stratagem is to place a

    powerful faith in the game itself, to trust to fate, chance

    and all the forces that would push and pull at the hapless

    players. This is the art of risk, to take the leap of faith into

    the depths, the go beyond the new horizons that no-one

    has explored. Yes, with risk there is danger, but the greater

    the risk, the greater the reward (usually). Thus, the court of

    Swords play high on the gambits, and very often rash and


    A lmost always, the players in Swords are daredevils,

    thrill- seekers and in constant search of the next big gambit

    or punt. They veritably feed on the rush of adrenaline that

    comes with the risk, and such intense emotions heightened

    by risk are ambrosia to the Suit of Swords. Of course, as

    players of risk, they are not above putting their targets into

    risks way for the sake of the harvest. After all, the risk is

    often intensified when forced unwillingly into the gambit,

    as its that lack of control that puts you on edge.Stereotypes

    Cups: Who has time to worry and wallow in the depth

    of emotions? Thats old news.

    Coins: Sedentary misbegotten wretches. Getting them

    out of their comfort zones would do them a world of good.

    Staves: Lofty and proud, but their keen wit is a sign of

    some worth.

    The Suit of CupsEmotions are a deep source of glamour and power, as

    every changeling knows. The Fae may have some intuition

    of emotion, but the Cup courtiers attest that they are onlyperverse mockeries of those made by human hearts and

    minds. By truly and profoundly embracing the range of

    mortal emotion, the Cups hope to put themselves beyond

    the influence of the Fae who cannot truly ken their depths.

    The Suit of Cups draws upon the vast array of emotions

    as tools as much as energy. Each single emotion is just one

    carefully made brush in a broad and wider palate. They are

    moved by their emotions and just as equally move their

    emotions to great heights. In attempting to seek these

    depths, the Cup courtiers are more succinctly drawn to a

    sense of aesthetics. They love art in its manifold creation

    and enjoy surrounding themselves with beauty. More thanany other suit, Cups will patronize the arts and other

    endeavours of beauty.

    The first changeling to strike a deal with the Suit of

    Cups, was said to be a master charlatan and swindler. This

    character came to the suit itself and produced such a soul

    wrenching tale of heart break that the stones were said to

    weep for him. Broken and pit iful before them, the suit was

    moved to great measures of compassion, freely offering the

    protection of an alliance against the Fae. However, like

    most of his acts, this was one ruse among many. Such was

    the pride of the suit, and the legend that he spun, that

    upon the discovery of the falsehood, the suit was more

    inclined to uphold the agreement than to wreak vengeanceon the shyster.

    Within the freehold, the courtiers of Cups are

    entertainers, performers, artists, creators of beauty and

    refinement, and even masters of etiquette. Beyond these

    roles, the Cup courtiers are often drawn to works of charity

    and compassion, seeking to provide succour and healing to

    their fellow Lost, and nurture their freeholds much like a

    priest with their flock.


    The Suit of Cups principally corresponds to Autumn,

    the setting sun and the western direction. For this reason,

    they may draw upon the heraldry of the Autumn and

    Western courts which are very famil iar to them.

    Changelings in the Suit of Cups will also garb

    themselves in elegant and flowing clothes. Any outfit that

    can be composed of folds of cloth is considered highly

    desirable, including scarves, veils and sarongs. The Suit of

    Cups is also highly drawn to displays of exotic apparel;

    piercings, tattoos, face paints and extravagant make- ups are

    a common motif.


    It is often said that the Mantle for Cups is called the

    Veil of Tears. Those who are blessed with it draw aboutthemselves a Mantle of emotional outlet that hides and

    disguises them. At low levels of Mantle, from to ,

    the changelings skin and hair feel slightly damp to the

    touch as though they had just emerged from water. At

    higher lev els, +, the changelings skin and hair seems

    to ripple as though the changeling is moving underwater.

    The first of Mantle ( Cups) grants the changeling the

    ability to understand emotions with a simple flair. They

    gain a +2 bonus to any roll designed to understand


    Upon achieving dots in Mantle, their art of

    emotion becomes succinct, allowing the changeling to

    subtract their Wyrd from any attempts to discern thechangelings true emotions.

    When a changeling becomes the epitome of Cups, all

    actions of deceit and guile becomes second- nature. For at

    Mantle , the changeling gains the 8 Again rule on

    all rolls involving deception and deceit or subterfuge.


    Never let the opponent know what youre truly

    thinking. If they cannot perceive your motives, then how

    can they out-manoeuvre you? This is the purpose behind

    the powerful emotional array, for one display of emotion

    becomes a veritable mask to disguise what one truly feels.

    This is the stratagem of bluff, to keep the enemy constantlyoff guard.

    The changelings of Cups feed best when the emotions

    they elicit are the result of false emotions portrayed. Thus


  • 7/29/2019 Changeling Lost: The Gambit


    Angelus Morningstar

    the Cups changelings can be found anywhere from playing

    the false lover, to traipsing the stage and screen, to giving

    false but stirring speeches at the chapel. They cultivate

    false love, false hope and other tokens of unrequited



    Swords: So forward, so direct, so very easily led astray.

    Coins: There is some common sense to making afoundation of fortitude, but theyre always so grim.

    Staves: They may be aloof, they may be mercurial, but

    they are so confoundedly rational.

    The Suit of CoinsThe best offence is a good defence, claims the Suit of

    Coins, and the best defence is to root the self in the

    materialism of the world. By virtue of the fact that Earth is

    far from Arcadia, then if immerses themselves in the

    foundations of the world one distances themselves from the

    influence of the Others. In particular, while the

    materialism of the modern world may help to detach from

    Arcadia, the foundation of human technology and

    invention further confounds the others.

    The Suit of Coins luxuriates, invests into technology,

    and the array of human world. They surround themselves

    with trapping of the modern and human world, and more

    than any other suit, will make intensive endeavours to

    install modern contrivances and technologies into their

    homes. It is the home that is the foundation and pinnacle

    of each changeling in the Suit of Coins. They become

    veritable bastions against the encroach of the Gentry. Not

    for the Coin suitors are the havens of the Hedge, for they

    feel most comfortable surrounded by the good solid brick

    and mortar of human hand or, even better, their own. Forthose changelings who do not seek monetary fortune, there

    is a strong satisfaction that can be gain from constructing

    things with ones own hands. Whether accruing wealth or

    building monuments, the impetus is toward some measure

    of security.

    The story of the alliance with the Suit of Coins was not

    one of trickery, guile or chance. No, it was simply a matter

    of purchase. The pragmatic founder of the suits alliance

    simply offers a considerable sum of payment to the suit, and

    after much haggling and negotiation the terms of payment

    were agreed acceptable. Howev er, what exact ly that

    payment consisted of is a matter of speculation, and will

    run the gamut of inordinate amounts of wealth to

    payments with strange abstractions.

    The influence of the Suit of Coins within the freehold

    generally ensures a measure of stability and growth.

    Though not necessarily profiteers and entrepreneurs

    (though many are), they are more directed to the stable

    and fundamental building of the society through tangible

    and fungible commodities.


    The Suit of Coins principally corresponds to Winter,

    the night and the northern direction. For this reason, they

    may draw upon the heraldry of the Winter and Northerncourts which are very familiar to them.

    Coin Suitors are known for displaying their materialism

    in ostentatious fashion. Whether it is a gross display or

    wealth, or an array of technological apparatuses. There is

    also the sense of heav iness about their apparel, as there is a

    strong preference for leathers, denims, and other clothing

    that give the changeling a sense of protection (sometimes

    even turning to clothing with plates inside them as

    genuine armour).


    The Mantle of Coins provides the changelings who

    sport it a very powerful resilience to the world aroundthem, offering a sense of stability and grounding.

    Changelings with Mantle to , will give the

    impression of being solid and firm people, even the more

    softer personalities will seem to hold a hard edge

    underneath like steel under velvet. When the changeling

    reaches a Mantle of +, the changelings skin tends to

    become tougher, like leather or perhaps even calloused,

    their eyes turn steely or flinty and their face more angular.

    Mantle ( Coins ) imbues the changeling with a sense

    of earthly stability. It grants them a +2 modifier to prevent

    themselves from falling over or otherwise losing their


    For the changeling with dots in Mantle, the

    changelings skin takes on a slightly obdurate nature and

    offers the changeling a 1/0 armour rating ( in addition to

    any other mundane armour that he may wear) .

    Changelings who have reached the peak of their

    Mantle with , will find that while they are within

    their chosen home, it will take on the defensive qualities of

    the Suit. For a point of glamour, the changelings

    homestead will impose a negative modifier on anyone

    trying to break in (for that scene), equal to the

    changelings Wyrd.


    Security is paramount for the Suit of Coins, their first

    line of defence is the only line, and one that everything is

    invested into. To do this, a changeling must exercise

    prudence and caution by investing their good fortunes into

    something that will be a tangible barrier between them and

    the Fae. From the vantage point of these bastion estates,

    the changeling can safely extend their influence and will.

    For the changelings of the Suit of Coins, the most

    endearing emotions are also the most enduring. Not for

    them are the extreme, but ultimately transient emotions of

    the ev ery day, but those emotions rooted deep within the

    psyche. Thus these changelings will dip into deep wells,

    and bring them to the surface, either by inciting nostalgiain veterans, or reliving the unrequited love of many years

    or even the torturous trauma of childhood that never went



    Swords: So very, v ery reckless. All we hav e to do it wait

    them out.

    Cups: We both hav e fortifications, ours are simply worn

    on the outside.

    Staves: You cant out think rock, and eventually you

    will come to the mountain.

    The Suit of StavesEvery changeling can attest that at the heart of Arcadia

    is madness, a seething cold irrationality that undermines all

    reason. Even those Fae with a v ain and cold logic of their


  • 7/29/2019 Changeling Lost: The Gambit


    Angelus Morningstar

    own are underscored with specious reasoning. Thus, the

    Suit of Staves attests that a truly profound set of logic and

    reason is anathema to the mindset of the Fae.

    The Suit of Staves cultivate a keen and careful

    intellect. Even beyond the game of the Gambit, the

    changelings of the S taves are known to indulge in parlour

    games and board games to keep their edge. By learning

    strategy inside and out, the Staves hope to apply it to the

    larger reality of the Gambit. Beyond that, the Staves arehighly Mercurial, fond of conversation and sophistry. For

    everything there is a reason, and the Staves like to reason

    about it all. Furthermore, of all the Suits, the changelings

    are the most communicative. Not only do they have an

    affinity for the written and spoken word, they extend that

    affinity to the pursuit of the contractual nature of the

    Wyrd. A Stave suitor is just as l ikely to go into depth about

    the minutiae of a legal accord underpinning a pledge to

    look for either loopholes or edges to their advantage.

    It is said that the Suit of Staves was swayed to an

    alliance with the changelings through the weight of a well-

    reasoned argument. The Suit forced the supplicant to pleadhis case before a mock-court, and argued it so succinctly

    that the Suit could not but help accede to the case. Just as

    notoriously, legend abounds that the changeling had

    planned the case in its entirety, citing litigious loopholes

    and all manner of precedents. In doing so, the changeling

    was able to catch the Suit out in an accord it was obliged

    to fill to the True Fae, that was argued extended to their

    once kept vassals. She went on then to further posit that

    the Suit was then subsequently freed from its former

    obligations to the Fae as its purview was far more closely

    tied to the mortal world..

    Stave suitors are diplomats, mediators, strategists,

    thinkers, philosophers, lawyers and keepers of the variousaccords. The Suit lauds talent of any description, placing

    mental faculties above any other. Yet, as long as those

    talents are applied in a carefully considered and rational

    manner, such skills are not gone to waste.


    The Suit of S taves principally corresponds to Spring,

    the rising sun and the eastern direction. For this reason,

    they may draw upon the heraldry of the Spring and Eastern

    courts, which are very familiar to them.

    Of all the Suits, the Suits of Staves tends to be the most

    utilitarian in their outfits. Though they may not dress drab,

    but there is often a formal cut to their fit and lessembellishment in their design. The Suit of Staves also

    prefers lighter garments, with minimal layers, and clothing

    that gives of certain softness. Simple, unadorned robes in

    pastel may accompany lightweight suits and fashions.


    The Suit of Staves offers a Mantle the brings to the

    changeling a quick and clear mind. When a changeling has

    a Mantle (Staves) of to , the changelings hair and

    clothing tends to ripple gently as though in a soft breeze.

    At higher lev els of +, the changelings every litt le

    movements are accompanied by simple gusts, their

    footsteps being a whirl of wind.

    When a changeling has of Mantle (Staves) the

    changeling gains a +2 modifier instead of the normal +1 for

    rolls that utilize Specialities

    With dots in Mantle, the changeling suffers no

    negative modifiers for using unskilled Mental Skills.

    When a changeling attained Mantle (Staves) ,

    the changeling has a keenly functioning intellect. By

    spending a point of glamour, they may re-roll a failed

    Mental roll, but must keep the second roll.


    Nothing beats a good game play. The best stratagemthe S uit claims is one that is planned out to as many

    eventualities and variables as possible. Games of chance

    are about the odds, and these too can be calculated and

    included. While there is, of course, no such thing as a

    perfect plan, or a perfect plot, the Suit of Staves are all

    about devising the best plan for the occasion. If that means

    the occasional cheating, or underhanded tactic, than that

    is simply part and parcel of the plan.

    The changelings in the Suit of Staves harvest emotions

    best that are produced as the result of some carefully

    planned contrivance. For the emotion harvested to

    produce the bonus, it must be the result of some



    Swords: Their brevity can sometimes match our levity.

    Coins: They are stuck in a bed of mud they have made

    their own, and cannot adapt.

    Cups: They cannot shake off the irrationality of their

    emotional detritus

    Face CardsWithin the traditional tarot deck, there are four face

    cards per suit. These cards are the King, the Queen, the

    Knight and the Page. Each of these cards holds certainfunctions and duties for the changeling lucky (or unlucky)

    enough to draw them).

    The King: Just as the Seasonal Courts have their King

    or Queen, so too does the Suits. The King of a suit is their

    leader, competent or otherwise, selected by Fate to guide

    and direct their fellow suitors. Naturally, the different

    Kings will be inclined to different leadership styles pending

    the suit they must lead. Kings of Swords are often brash,

    direct and aggressive, while Kings of Coins are subtle,

    patient and unyielding.

    The Queen: This role serves as counterpoint to the

    King, the role of the Queen is to lead from the shadows.

    They work to be the power behind the throne, or thecourtly advisor. Queens of Cups tend to assume a role of

    spy masters, while Queens of Coins become like some

    dynastic matriarch protecting her clan. Queens of Sword is

    likely to be a tyrannical beta to the Sword King, and the

    Queen of Staves tends towards becoming a taciturn


    The Knight: Knights are given the task of being the

    champions of their Suit. Thrust upon them is the

    responsibility to defence the interests and honour of their

    suit. When there is a call for a Hedge Duel, they are

    expected to front up to face the enemy at the appointed

    time, and they are asked to be the last stand in defenceagainst assaults upon the freehold. Of course, not all

    champions use conventional weapons, or even

    conventional combat. As long as they apply their powers,


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    Angelus Morningstar

    arts, talents or sheer brutality to the task, they fulfil their


    The Page: The role of a page is somewhere between

    that of an errand boy and a great advisor for the King.

    They are expected to insert themselves socially among the

    other suits and represent the suits interests, or bring back

    good will. They are an all- round task performer for the suit,

    ranging from hosting the gathering, to marshalling the

    throng, to becoming a missive envoy. In all things they arethe intermediaries between the suits.

    Rules of the GameSo what is the objective of this Gambit? If it is a game,

    it must surely have goals and rules. There is, and they are

    rules that go back beyond memory. It is said that the

    Gambit is not just a game, but a smaller manifestation of

    the workings of the Wyrd itself. This is the game that the

    Fates play, the objective is to come out on top. For while

    the Gambit is in play, luck (both good and bad) runs

    rampant through the freehold, and a canny changeling can

    use this achieve things they might otherwise be unable to.

    Fortunes seem to come hard and go fast in the Gambit, and

    the hope is to have won more at the end of the events than


    The game itself is a game of politics, where each Suit

    makes bids, and attempts to win tricks. These acts accrue

    each Suit a measure of power, designed to place their Suit

    in charge for the next turn. Each Suit is either trying to

    build enough influence to trump the Suit in power and

    take charge, or maintain enough power to declare a

    victory. The Suit that can declares victory gains a

    permanent bonus for all its players.

    Central to this game is the Deck. This is a tarot deckthat becomes the focus of the game, and is imbued with the

    powers of the game like a Corporal for a pledge. This Deck

    is mystically weighted with the influence of the Suits, and

    can literally control the fate of the freehold. It is from this

    deck that the players are assigned a Suit and potential role,

    and it is the Deck that shapes the play. This Deck is the

    sole property of the Fool (see below) and attempts to wrest

    it from him or her by force or guile will inevitably fail.

    Their bond is sacrosanct.

    CommencementAs is custom, the reigning King or Queen has the right

    to cal l the procession of Suits to order. When this happens,the current state of politics is dissembled and the members

    of the freehold are called to draw a single card from the

    Deck (which has first had the Major Arcana removed).

    The card they draw determines the Suit they join, and if

    they are lucky enough to draw one of the four face cards,

    then they assume that cards responsibilities as well.

    Each changeling in the freehold then represents a

    single card within the deck. As is to be expected, most

    freeholds do not have enough changelings to form an

    entire deck. It may be chance that determines that one suit

    is plentiful, while another is sparse, and that is the set up

    for the Gambit. It may also be that certain face cards arenot drawn, and in these cases, those Courts will have to get

    by without those roles to support them.

    There is one single exception to this. The original King

    or Queen who called the Gambit does not draw a card.

    They become the Fool, of no suit, and yet representing all

    of them, for they are the keeper of the pledge of the

    Gambit. Their function is one part Master of Ceremonies,

    one part Peace Keeper and one part Dealer (or Broker) .

    The cards drawn remain in the possession of the

    changeling that drew it. The remaining cards are shuffled

    with the Major Arcana and kept by the Fool.

    PlayThe game is broken down into turns, which is typically

    one week, but may be any regular interval. At the

    commencement of each turn, the Fool draws a card from

    the Deck. The first suit card is called the Rule, for it

    determines which Suit is in charge. It is the draw of the

    Rule that determines which Suit is in power for the next

    turn. For the first draw, simply which suit it is sets the

    power for the first turn. For subsequent draws, the Rule can

    be trumped by the actions of that Suit.

    Throughout each turn, the Suits will commit to pledges

    and attempt to fulfil them, which contributes to the

    strength of their play. If a play is strong enough, that Suitmay trump the Rule.


    The first action to be taken is the bidding. Each Suit

    puts forth a number of bids. Each pledge is sworn for the

    duration of each turn. The Task are either Endeavour or

    Forbiddance, with the limitation that Endeavours must be

    completed before the end of the Duration, and

    Forbiddances must be upheld for the length of the


    For Sanctions and Boons, the normal range are not

    permitted, allowing and introducing a single Boon called

    the Award and a single Sanction called the Penalty. BothAward and Penalty giv e their suit a measure of influence

    over the Deck, equal to their numeric value (both Award

    and Penalty can be of Lesser, Medial or Greater

    magnitude). Thus if a changeling has a Task with the

    Award, Medial Boon and Penalty , Greater Sanc tion,

    should they succeed, then their Suit is granted two

    measures of influence, but failure would penalize them

    three measures of influence. Influence can be reduced to,

    but not below zero.

    It is also be possible for multiple changelings to swear to

    serve the same bid. That is, there are more changelings

    working to serve the same pledge, thus giv ing it a better

    chance of success. The trade-off is that there are less actualbids being made, as the resources of players are ordered into

    fewer bids. They either succeed or fail as a group.

    These bids are made to the Fool, who takes note and

    score of the final result for each turn. The following factors

    in making the bid may increase or decrease the final value

    of the Award or Penalty by the stated amount. T hese

    values need not be calculated in the pledge- crafting.

    Pledging the oath publicly before the freehold

    for all to hear +1

    Forswearing any aid from friend or foe + 1

    The Task is in line with the Suits stratagem +1

    The Task is in line with the opposing Suitsstratagem (Staves vs. Cups /Swords vs. Coins) - 1

    For every three changelings participating in the

    same pledge - 1


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    Angelus Morningstar


    Throughout the remainder of the turn, the changeling

    is expected to pursue their pledge and fail or succeed. The

    core changelings will go out and attempt to fulfil their

    pledges, while those unsworn will typical ly run interference

    with the fulfilment of those pledges.

    The game will either run as an internal game, where all

    the pledges are designed to affect the other members of thefreehold within the limited space provided, or an external

    game where the players must perform their deeds and

    return at the appointed hour.

    There are a large number of tactics available in the

    pursuit of these tasks. They primarily involve the

    attempted interference of the other Suits tricks, or

    intervention to prevent such interference.


    A t the t ime of the next draw, the changelings return to

    the appointed place. All pledges are declared fulfilled or

    forsworn by the Fool, and the total amount of influence is

    tallied.Then, the Fool makes another Draw. Like the original

    Draw, the Rule determines who is the ruler of the next

    turn. However, should a Suit have a higher amount of

    influence than the numerical value of the Rule (Pages =

    11, Knights = 12, Queens = 13, Kings = 14), then they are

    declared the ruler instead. In cases of multiple trumps, the

    highest wins. In cases of draws, the Fool keeps drawing till

    one of the tied Suits cards is drawn. That Suit then

    becomes the ruler for the next turn.

    It should be noted, that the players should all have

    their cards they originally drew. This means that while

    some Suits may certainly be larger, or missing their face

    cards, this gives them an advantage in the draw, as the

    Suits with fewer players will have more chance of their

    Suit being drawn. Suits lacking face cards, have chances of

    very high numbers being drawn that are rarely trumped.

    DenouementThe game will come to an end when one of three

    things occurs.

    Stalemate: The game can only go on for so long. At the

    beginning of the game, the duration is declared and when

    this time runs out, the game is at an end. Should the period

    of the Gambit expire in such a fashion, then the freeholds

    normal power reasserts itself.Checkmate: If the ruling Suit trumps a draw of their

    own Suit. That is, if the Staves are the Ruling Suit, and a

    three of Staves is drawn, with the Suit having an influence

    of four, then they gain a state of absolute Rule and win the


    Foolsmate: The Final way for the game to end is

    through the death of the Fool. However, this is an

    undesirable ending for most of the payers and is possibly

    the most dangerous part of the Gambit, ( the risk is party,

    why it offers up so much protection) . If the Fool is

    destroyed by treachery, then the freehold is dissolved until

    the start of the new season. This leaves all of the freeholds

    residents without the protection a freehold formally offers.

    Variant RulesThe following rules can add a little more complexity to

    the game. They are entirely optional:

    Fortune Favours the Brave

    When the Gambit is enforced, the influence of the

    Suits kicks in and creates the following effects throughout

    the freehold. It should be noted that these benefits extendonly to changelings, faerie creatures and the Ensorcelled:

    Luck truly does run rampant in the Gambit, the

    requisite number of successes to gain an exceptional

    success is reduced by one. That is, an exceptional

    success can be achieved normally though four


    Conversely, if an action fails normally then the chance

    for it to become a dramatic failure also increases. If,

    upon a roll with no successes, if any of the dice show a

    1, it automatically becomes a dramatic failure (this

    may seem strange at first as more dice means failure

    has a greater chance of becoming a dramatic failure,

    but more dice also meant the roll had a better chanceto succeed in the first place).

    A player may spend a point of Glamour once in a

    scene to make a single roll again attain the 9-Again

    rule (or upgrade a situation with the 9 Again rule to

    the 8 Again rule for that one instance).

    By Hook or By Crook

    Not only are the face cards providers of significant

    roles, they are augmented with particular powers that can

    be used once during a turn.

    King: The Kings participation in a pledge grants it a

    +2 influence modifier to the Award or Penalty

    Queen: The Queens participation in any attempts to

    interfere with an opposing Suits pledges automatically

    grants +2 to all rolls relating to running interference by

    mystical or occult means.

    Knight: The Knights presence in a pledge offers that

    group (or any pledges self- sworn) a bonus 2 to any

    Resistance draws against physical assaults.

    Page: If the Page participates in no pledges, they may

    request from the Fool the details of one of the hidden

    pledges of one of the Suits. The pledge is chosen by the

    Fool, though the Page may choose the Suit.

    Lords of Misrule

    The Fool shuffles the Major Arcanum into the Deck.

    Upon performing the Draw, if a Major Arcanum card is

    drawn, then it triggers a freehold- wide event provoked by

    the symbolism of that card. After this, the Fool must draw

    another and another until a suit card is drawn. In this

    manner, a number of Major Arcanum cards may be drawn,

    each exerting their influence over the freehold.

    The Fool: This card symbolises capture by the Others.

    It represents both our kidnapping to Arcadia and our

    escape through the Hedge. In fact I would suggest it has

    close affinities to all journeys through the Hedge and newly

    emerged changelings.

    The Magician: This is the card representing the Wyrd,and those who would master it. While these mysteries are

    most closely associated with the Court of Autumn, it can


  • 7/29/2019 Changeling Lost: The Gambit


    Angelus Morningstar

    also represent a greater magical intrigue at play. The

    workings of faerie magic are strong in this time.

    The High Priestess: This is the card of the human

    mystery. It represents the power and intrigue of that part of

    humanity lost to the changelings. When this card appears

    it nominally represents the influence of humanity into the

    freehold, unknowingly. It is also the card of humans within

    mystery, such as the ensorcelled.

    The Empress: This is the card of the nurturer. Itrepresents the home and hearth, the mother, the family.

    With the influence of this card, the significance of

    changeling families come to the fore. It may mean an

    external threat to loved ones for the freehold, or the

    significant of their role.

    The Emperor: This is the card of the builder, the

    empire maker. This card represents the strong influence of

    the current ruling monarch (for whatever season it is). It

    suggests that the freehold's activities rely strongly on his or

    her leadership and activities right now.

    The Hierophant: This is the card of human divinity.

    While changeling may owe allegiances to some divineprovidence, they still seem the province of humanity at

    heart. This card represents the pull of such agency, either

    through their religious institutions or some other unknown

    Dues ex Machina.

    The Lovers: This is the card of the Fetch, it represents

    the influence and play that a Fetch can bring upon a

    freehold and their resident changelings.

    The Chariot: This is the card of conflict, of war. While

    it has strong associations with the Court of Summer, not

    all conflict comes from within. This is not the subtle

    Byzantine conflicts of politics, but the brutal politics of

    conflict and strife. It suggests blood will be spilled.

    Strength: This is the card of temptations and personalgratification. While it is strongly associated with the Court

    of S pring, not all yearnings come from their haunts. It

    suggests that the court is caught up in affairs of the heart

    (or other desires) , possibly frivolous, or possibly grandiose.

    The Hermit: This is the card of isolation. It could be

    suggesting the influence of bridge- burners or other militant

    groups. It could be a warning to sever more ties from the

    mortal world. Whatever the situation, it is a sign of

    distancing from either A rcadia or the mortal world at large.

    Wheel of Fortune: This is the card of Fate and the

    Wyrd. It represents powerful influences of these forces

    throughout the freehold, and potentially the nearness of


    Justice: This is the card of oaths and pledges. It suggests

    that commitments and obligations should be upheld and

    honoured, or that some form of broken pledge may occur.

    The Hanged Man: The Others in disguise. It represents

    the hidden influence of the Fae within the court, either a

    Fae who is currently trapped as a Charlatan, or loyalists

    under their sway .Death: This is the card of change. It represents that

    fundamental political/social or change within the freehold.

    There is a change in the winds.

    Temperance: This is the card of prudence and caution.

    While strongly associated with the Court of Winter, it is

    not the court exclusivity. It could be advise for a fallow

    period in the freehold, or for times of reflection and


    The Devil: This is the card of servitude. It represents

    potential capture by the Others, or the work of privateers.

    It is the fundamental card of bondage and enslavement

    that brings horror to the freehold. It is a v ery ominous card.The Tower: This is the card of disaster. Some ruinous

    activity is set to befall the freehold. Be it an invasion,

    natural disaster or internal war set to tear them apart.

    The Star: This is the card of magic itself. It represents

    the influence of non-faerie magic within the freehold.

    While it could potentially point to supernal magic, it is any

    source of mystery that is not ken to changel ings.

    The Moon: This is the card of madness itself. It could

    mean something that will profoundly shake the clarity of

    the freehold, or it could mean that an agency of madness

    itself will wend its way through the freehold. It is a time of

    uncertainty, treachery, lies, deceit and illusion. (It may also

    represent the influence of the Moon Court) .The Sun: This is the card of revelation. It is a period

    where truth will out and clarity is stabilised. It will

    represent a time where power triumphs over indignity and

    illusions are shattered. It is the glory of righteousness and

    justice to be done. (It may also represent the influence of

    the Sun Court).

    Judgement: This card suggests that something lost will

    be restored or returned to the freehold. Someone who has

    left wil l return. It is a card of redemption, rejuvenation and

    reinvigoration for the freehold.

    The World: This is the card of Earth. To it are

    attributed all aspects of the mundane world.
