Revista Economică 72:2 (2020) 99 CHANGES THAT OCCURRED IN THE BANKING SERVICES DUE TO THE SARS-COV-2 PANDEMIC Giulia-Elena ZAHARIA 1 Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania Abstract Suddenly, the everyday life turned into something completely different regarding all the sectors. Having grabbed hold of day by day life around the world, the Coronavirus has pummelled practically all yearly arranging and monetary gauges inside weeks. Presently it is essential to keep a reasonable mind and deliberately explore through these dubious occasions. Banks and budgetary administrations suppliers should and can contribute essentially to in the end defeating this worldwide financial emergency in the most ideal manner. Along these lines, in the accompanying article, the attention is on how SARS-COV-2 constrained the financial framework to proficient to the better approach for living. SARS-COV-2 has brought the world into a highly sensitive situation. The economy is losing its equalization and innumerable once strong business people and organizations are sent into a spiral. The financial exchange has additionally gone frantic, bringing about a critical requirement for counselling among the many frightened speculators. Brisk arrangements and quick help measures are presently required. Governments have just responded and assembled complete salvage bundles that must currently arrive at those organizations and specialists who critically need them. Banks are currently the security net that should get the economy in free fall. In spite of the fact that the full degree of the crown pandemic can't yet be anticipated, there is no an ideal opportunity to lose in forestalling the most exceedingly terrible. It is in this way vital for banks to connect with their clients now and guide them through the troublesome occasions with as meagre harm as could reasonably be expected. All things considered, the essential objective is to get the larger part through this outrageous circumstance and afterward come back to a typical state. Whatever 'ordinary' may mean later on. 1 Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, e-mail: [email protected]

CHANGES THAT OCCURRED IN THE BANKING ...economice.ulbsibiu.ro/.../archive/72210zaharia.pdfRevista Economică 72:2 (2020) 99 CHANGES THAT OCCURRED IN THE BANKING SERVICES DUE TO THE

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Revista Economică 72:2 (2020)




Giulia-Elena ZAHARIA1

Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania

Abstract Suddenly, the everyday life turned into something completely different

regarding all the sectors. Having grabbed hold of day by day life around the world, the

Coronavirus has pummelled practically all yearly arranging and monetary gauges

inside weeks. Presently it is essential to keep a reasonable mind and deliberately

explore through these dubious occasions. Banks and budgetary administrations

suppliers should and can contribute essentially to in the end defeating this worldwide

financial emergency in the most ideal manner. Along these lines, in the accompanying

article, the attention is on how SARS-COV-2 constrained the financial framework to

proficient to the better approach for living.

SARS-COV-2 has brought the world into a highly sensitive situation. The

economy is losing its equalization and innumerable once strong business people and

organizations are sent into a spiral. The financial exchange has additionally gone

frantic, bringing about a critical requirement for counselling among the many

frightened speculators. Brisk arrangements and quick help measures are presently

required. Governments have just responded and assembled complete salvage bundles

that must currently arrive at those organizations and specialists who critically need


Banks are currently the security net that should get the economy in free fall. In

spite of the fact that the full degree of the crown pandemic can't yet be anticipated, there

is no an ideal opportunity to lose in forestalling the most exceedingly terrible. It is in

this way vital for banks to connect with their clients now and guide them through the

troublesome occasions with as meagre harm as could reasonably be expected. All things

considered, the essential objective is to get the larger part through this outrageous

circumstance and afterward come back to a typical state. Whatever 'ordinary' may mean

later on.

1 Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, e-mail: [email protected]

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Keywords: Bank, Sars-Cov-2, Pandemic, Banking system, Marketing

JEL classification: G20, F01

1. Introduction

While thinking back and considering it, banks are regularly a colossal

piece of everyone's life. Individuals store their checks, take out credits, and set

up investment accounts, all at a bank. Of late, the whole world was hit by the

unmerciful SARS-COV-2 pandemic. Since the principal reports of novel

pneumonia (SARS-COV-2) in Wuhan, Hubei region, China, there has been

impressive conversation on the beginning of the causative infection, SARS-

CoV-2 (additionally alluded to as HCoV-19). Diseases with SARS-CoV-2 are

presently far reaching, and as of eighth of July 2020, 11.955.847 cases have

been affirmed around the world, with 546.737 deaths and 6.902.486 recuperates

from the all out of 7.796.580.100 ebb and flow total populace. (Worldometer,


Banks have been more earnestly hit than most parts since the

unsettlingly fast worldwide spread of SARS-COV-2 sent budgetary markets

into a spiral. This Bulletin analyses markets' evaluation of banks' exhibition so

far. The attention is on stock costs, credit default trade (CDS) and bond spreads,

and FICO assessments.

The value elements have been comparable across value and fixed pay

markets. Following commonly contained decreases during the beginning phases

of the emergency, costs fell significantly after 5 March, in a way similar to the

quick post-Lehman liquidation period. An adjustment and halfway recuperation

set in not long after the centre of the month, on the rear of remarkable approach

estimates taken by national banks and different specialists.

The approach quantifies likewise denoted a defining moment as far as

the degree to which speculators were separating across banks as per their pre-

pandemic attributes. During the underlying time frame (from mid-February to

mid-March), the auction was wide and very unpredictable, despite the fact that

Chinese banks remained generally solid and the most dangerous banks

encountered the biggest increment in CDS spreads. The separation turned out

to be increasingly articulated during the adjustment stage (from mid-March

onwards), when gainfulness and monetary record quality – as reflected in

capitalization, stable financing and FICO scores – turned out to be especially

acceptable pointers of advancements in bank stock costs, CDS spreads and

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rating viewpoints. The significance that business sectors ascribe to solid

monetary records is probably going to increment in a domain that sees a further

debilitating of borrowers' budgetary wellbeing.

2. Banking

Banking in its advanced sense developed in the fourteenth century in

the prosperous urban areas of Renaissance Italy yet from numerous points of

view was a continuation of thoughts and ideas of credit and loaning that had

their foundations in the old world. Throughout the entire existence of banking,

various financial administrations – quite, the Medicis, the Fuggers, the Welders,

the Berenbergs, and the Rothschilds – have assumed a focal job over numerous

hundreds of years. The most established existing retail bank is Banca Monte dei

Paschi di Siena, while the most seasoned existing dealer bank is Berenberg

Bank. (Bank of England, 2014)

A financial framework is a gathering or system of foundations that offer

budgetary types of assistance for us. These foundations are liable for working

an instalment framework, giving advances, taking stores, and assisting with


Banking frameworks play out a few unique capacities, contingent upon

the system of foundations. For instance, instalment and advance capacities at

business banks permit individuals to store assets and utilize their financial

records and platinum cards to take care of the tabs or make buys. They can

likewise assist residents with financing their vehicles and homes. (Sironi, 2003)

By examination, national banks or frameworks convey cash and build

up cash related approaches. Speculation banks or frameworks direct exchanges

or manage capital markets. (Bliss, 2000)

Numerous banks are benefit looking for elements with investors. They

get benefits by charging more enthusiasm for advances and paying less

enthusiasm on stores. For instance, a bank may charge a 3.91% financing cost

on a 30-year, fixed rate contract, yet offer a loan cost of just 0.15% on an

investment account of $100,000. (Banking System)

During that time there were established various sorts of banks like:

1. Business Banks which assume the most significant job in present day

monetary association. Their business for the most part comprises of getting

stores, giving credits and financing the exchange of a nation. They give transient

credit, i.e., loan cash for brief periods. This is their uncommon component.

2. Trade Banks that money for the most part the remote exchange of a

nation. Their fundamental capacity is to limit, acknowledge and gather outside

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bills of trade. They likewise purchase and sell outside monetary forms and help

businesspeople to change over their cash into any remote cash they need. Their

offer in the inner exchange of a nation is generally little. Moreover, they carry

on normal financial business as well.

3. Modern Banks that play out the capacity of propelling credits to

mechanical endeavors. Ventures require capital for an extensive stretch for

purchasing apparatus and gear. Mechanical banks give this kind of Mock

capital. Mechanical banks have their very own enormous capital. They likewise

get stores for longer periods. They are consequently in a situation to progress

long haul credits.

4. Agrarian or Co-employable Banks, their primary business is to give

assets to ranchers. They are taken a shot at the co-employable guideline. Long

haul capital is given via land contract banks, these days called land-

improvement banks, while momentary credits are given by co-usable social

orders and co-usable banks. Long haul credits are required by the ranchers for

buying land or for lasting enhancements for land, while brief period advances

help them in buying actualizes, composts and seeds. Such banks and social

orders are accomplishing helpful work in India.

5. Reserve funds Banks which play out the helpful assistance of

gathering little investment funds. Business banks also run "reserve funds

offices" to activate the investment funds of men of little methods. The thought

is to energize frugality and demoralize accumulating. Mail station Saving Banks

in India are accomplishing this valuable work.

6. National Banks which are normally controlled and frequently

possessed by the administration of the nation. (Tushar)

These days, to draw in more clients banks utilize the innovation to offer

an assortment of administrations like: Advancing of Loans, Overdraft,

Discounting of Bills of Exchange, Check/Check Payment, Collection and

Payment Of Credit Instruments, Foreign Currency Exchange, Consultancy,

Bank Guarantee, Remittance of Funds, Credit cards, ATMs Services, Debit

cards, Home banking, Online banking, Mobile Banking, Accepting Deposit,

Priority banking, Private banking. (iEdu)


Coronavirus malady 2019 (COVID-19) is an irresistible illness brought

about by serious intense respiratory condition coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It

was first recognized in December 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei, China, and has

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brought about a progressing pandemic. The main affirmed case has been

followed back to 17 November 2019 in Hubei.

Regular side effects incorporate fever, hack, exhaustion, windedness,

and loss of smell and taste. While most of cases bring about gentle side effects,

some advancement to intense respiratory pain disorder (ARDS) conceivably

encouraged by cytokine storm, multi-organ disappointment, septic stun, and

blood clots. The time from presentation to beginning of indications is normally

around five days, yet may extend from two to fourteen days.

The infection is principally spread between individuals during close

contact, frequently through little beads delivered by hacking, sniffling, and

talking. The beads for the most part tumble to the ground or onto surfaces

instead of going through air over significant distances. In any case, research as

of June 2020 has indicated that discourse produced beads may stay airborne for

several minutes.

Prescribed measures to forestall contamination incorporate incessant

hand washing, keeping up physical good ways from others (particularly from

those with manifestations), isolate (particularly for those with indications),

covering hacks, and getting unwashed hands far from the face. The utilization

of material face covers, for example, a scarf or a handkerchief has been

suggested by wellbeing authorities in open settings to limit the danger of

transmissions, with certain specialists requiring their utilization.

There are no immunizations nor explicit antiviral medicines for SARS-

COV-2. The board includes the treatment of side effects, strong consideration,

separation, and test measures. The World Health Organization (WHO)

announced the SARS-COV-2 flare-up a general wellbeing crisis of global

concern (PHEIC) on 30 January 2020 and a pandemic on 11 March 2020.

Despite the fact that the lockdown was required and furthermore an

advantage for the populace's wellbeing, then again, talking from a financially

perspective, the lockdown spoke to a fiasco for the vast majority of the

influenced nations.

Concerns are developing in certain edges of monetary markets about

the more drawn out term outcomes of government and national bank bolster

bundles - and two specifically are beginning to acquire consideration.

The first is that a gigantic infusion of strategy upgrade in the end

prompts a get in expansion. Ideas, for example, 'helicopter cash' and 'shortage

monetisation' have now entered the standard, conjuring pictures of Weimar

Germany post-World War One. The second is that the expenses of offering

monetary help will prompt an impractical ascent paying off debtors.

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These worries are really related, since one method of disintegrating

obligation troubles after some time is through higher swelling. In any case, both

are exaggerated. In the event that current strategies stay set up, that makes the

danger of higher swelling critical, either in light of the fact that total interest

bounce back and economies come back to full work, or on the grounds that

expansion desires rise and the ghost of stagflation shows up. (Chatham house)

4. How did SARS-COV-2 affect the banking system? European national banks have little ammo with which to manage the

SARS-COV-2 pandemic. Governments will before long be compelled to adjust

the soundness of their residents with financial steadiness and their own


After over a time of extraordinary monetary development, the world is

confronting another worldwide financial downturn. Since the 2008 emergency,

governments have had the opportunity to collect enough riches to get ready for

the following emergency.

Be that as it may, to prop the economy up, most European governments

and national banks have to a great extent depleted their toolsets (quantitative

facilitating and low to negative loan fees). (Reisz, 2004)

As indicated by ECB information, just three EU part states (Germany,

the Netherlands and Malta) have preferable obligation to-GDP proportions over

before the 2008 emergency. The capacity of certain nations to run out huge

guide programs is constrained, best case scenario and will rapidly spike new

discussions about mutualising obligation in the European Union.

In the previous two months, European governments have been

acquainting help programs with facilitate the financial weight achieved by the

SARS-COV-2 episode and the inescapable monetary downturn that will follow.

The size of those projects is astronomic. Germany designs a €822

billion financial guide bundle — adding up to 26% of yearly German GDP —

and says it will make increasingly accessible if necessary.

The UK Treasury presented a £330 billion bundle — 15% of yearly

GDP. The Czech Republic intends to ensure advances to business to the tune of

19% of GDP.

Be that as it may, the guide connects just a constrained and obscure

period. Governments are making a dangerous call. On the off chance that the

pandemic triggers an out and out downturn causing broad defaults, mass

joblessness and extreme death toll, the help and improvement assets could

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neglect to rejuvenate the economy and considerably bigger sums will be


This could make ready for the following sovereign obligation

emergency given the commonness of obligation financed government reactions

in Europe.

Despite the fact that banks are not being hit by the novel coronavirus as

legitimately as other retail establishments, they are at the cutting edge of open


Banks sit at the core of the economy and give financing to corporates

and people. Their soundness is pivotal to keep the framework going.

A huge number of customers are presently being put under isolate or

lockdown. Accordingly, they may lose their capacity to pay for credit,

especially contracts.

Likewise, business credits, particularly to little and medium ventures,

are in danger because of the constrained shutdown. In any case, whole ventures,

for example, travel and F&B will be hard hit, as they will have no real way to

compensate for the lost incomes later on.

Different enterprises, for example, assembling and retail, will endure

now yet may see expanded movement once things return to ordinary.

Banks have just begun postponing charges, expanding Mastercard

restricts, and giving home loan instalment occasions and access to fixed sparing

records to those affected by the infection.

At this troublesome time, it's critical to cause the affected customers to

feel that a bank has their back and to offer instalment occasions or transient

income support. This is obviously additionally to their greatest advantage;

however, this is just a brief fix.

For the most part, banks ought not have an issue with liquidity and

offering customers a home loan instalment occasion because of record low

financing costs. Be that as it may, they ought to reconsider the hazard profiles

of their clients and especially renaming borrowers affected by the coronavirus

as high hazard.

In the event that the SARS-COV-2 emergency keeps going longer than

a couple of months, this choice will progressively get unsound. Obviously,

except if the state steps in and powers a ban on obligation or loans

straightforwardly to the client, banks themselves will start to battle.

For instance, loan cost instalments are basic salary for banks. Without

it, banks will see liquidity deficiencies themselves, at a time where the expense

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of advances is going up because of the absence of liquidity in the interbank


An impressive concern is the ascent in cyberattacks and extortion, as

customers, organizations and representatives adjust to this new condition.

Emergency and quick change consistently make an open door for agitators, and

SARS-COV-2 will be the same.

Banks must know about new sorts of assaults and extortion, especially

as more staff telecommute and, in this manner, open new danger vectors. The

danger of imperative colleagues being wiped out or inaccessible or less effective

in light of the fact that they are telecommuting will turn into a test.

A few controllers, for example, the Monetary Authority of Singapore,

have just commanded part group courses of action. This implies various groups

split so that if a disease bunch shows up in one, the specialty unit can in any

case continue working.

Regardless of the negative standpoint, monetary vulnerability makes

open doors for new plans of action controlled by developing innovation. Firms

based on strong ground will win customers and the best ability from those that

won't adjust.

In the coming years, shoppers will fear disease. This will quicken the

change to a cashless society and the selection of option incorporated instalment

highlights controlled by portable wallets.

Individual cell phones will turn into a client's focal working gadget,

empowering instalments to peers and to organizations. Customers will utilize

cell phones to work ATMs and terminals remotely without contacting the

screen. Innovation suppliers ought to concentrate on elective confirmation

strategies through biometrics.

Some European nations are currently in a highly sensitive situation that

would normally just be presented during wartime. Battling the novel

coronavirus is a war too.

Regardless of the terrible misfortunes that a war normally brings, a war

consistently drives mechanical progression. In 10 years' time we will take a

gander at the pandemic as a trigger that empowered us to invest our energy all

the more proficiently and to concentrate more on exercises that issue.

The progressions in computerized innovation are making the

emergency increasingly tolerable and are empowering organizations to continue

working with access to key administrations (correspondence, instalments,

credit, joint effort, and so forth.), while empowering social separating and

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assisting with battling SARS-COV-2. We anticipate that computerized

innovation should encounter another lift during and after the emergency.

Simultaneously, customer selection will build, given the absence of

different choices right now, and this will improve recognition. SARS-COV-2

could remain with us for a considerable length of time (even years) and it's

probably not going to be the main pandemic later on.

At regular intervals the world sees new flare-ups of diseases (SARS, H1N1,

Ebola, Zika, and so forth.), yet the worldwide effect of SARS-COV-2 could lead

us to reconsider how we get ready for such fiascos. Advanced innovation and

the cloud will assume an essential job. (Zink, 2020)

5. Changes that occurred in the banking services due to the SARS-

COV-2 pandemic

The Financial World Now Needs to Be Able to Provide Coronavirus

Aid Quickly.

It is currently a significant undertaking for banks to have their impact

in balancing out the monetary circumstance as quickly as time permits. To have

the option to do this, nonetheless, they should above all else have the option to

give organizations the important help speedily to guarantee their endurance.

The applications for advancement credits (for example KfW advances

in Germany) from innumerable little and medium-sized endeavours should be

prepared and checked as fast as could reasonably be expected, and the cash from

devoted assets (for example the German monetary soundness subsidize) should

be circulated. When conceding advances themselves, banks need to adjust

security from one viewpoint and quick, productive assistance on the other.

Dynamic financing models and the suspension of home loan instalments, the

deferral of advance reimbursements, just as the execution of further help and

adjustment measures by the administration will be themes money related

foundations need to address. A mammoth assignment.

SARS-COV-2 will Dramatically Accelerate Digital Transformation in


To have the option to adapt to this, monetary establishments face the

extra test of keeping up their own ordinary tasks. All things considered; the

monetary division is likewise intensely influenced by the measures taken

against the spread of the Coronavirus. Branches are being shut for security

reasons and individual contacts between bank counsels and clients are as of now

barely conceivable. Whole divisions are briefly telecommuting, which defies

manages an account with extraordinary managerial difficulties – entrenched,

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frequently paper-based procedures out of nowhere no longer carry out the

responsibility. For an all-encompassing period, numerous inward and outer

administrations will be accessible solely on the web.

The need and direness of computerized change, particularly in

monetary establishments, turns out to be more than clear in the current

circumstance – presently things need to get going quick. Because of the

sweeping limitations of open life, banks are compelled to promptly make proper

contributions with which they can arrive at their colleagues under the given

conditions and urge and bolster them to utilize these. The consistent outcome is

to decrease reliance on the branch by rapidly expanding the carefully accessible

administrations. Along these lines, it is currently critical to comprehend the

basic procedures and the impacts of the emergency on them and consequently

recognize the most significant online capacities that can be offered or improved

rapidly. Client assistance is the conclusive factor in demonstrating that money

related organizations can be depended upon, particularly now.

Clients Rely on Experience in Times of Crisis.

In financially testing occasions, trust is a key factor in business.

Undoubtedly, the current improvement could assist customary saves money

with taking the lead now following a few troublesome years in direct rivalry

with fintechs and neobanks. While as of late, speculators and test bank clients

have been progressively ready to endow the best in class advanced locals in the

market with their cash and business, the tide will presently change for security

and experience, that is the built up money related players. An extra hindrance

for fintechs in the current circumstance is that a large number of the new

computerized banks don't have the important accreditation to furnish their

business clients with the particular crisis help, (for example, KfW credits in


In the protections part, as well, numerous speculators will concentrate

fundamentally on safe speculation openings after the huge accident, which

could negatively affect the investment of new money related new businesses.

Moreover, the financial downturn will prompt less exchanges, causing an

absence of expense incomes in accounting reports of numerous fintechs.

For banks, this is an extraordinary open door act rapidly and

intentionally during the emergency and accordingly recapture the trust lost

through reluctance in the computerized change.

Coronavirus as a Nutrient for New Ecosystems

So as to address this worldwide difficulty, fintechs and banks will

presently need to participate in new joint efforts. This will empower them to

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supplement each other with their particular qualities and mutually make

compelling move. For, in spite of all the security prerequisites, the interest for

computerized arrangements is at present developing quickly – and fintechs have

increased a great deal of involvement with this region throughout the most

recent couple of years.

As in numerous specific situations, Corona can likewise be the force in

the monetary world to handle the up and coming difficulties as a group. As of

late, farsighted organizations have just started to understand the capability of

banking biological systems as a methods for packaging the qualities of

particular specialist co-ops. Presently like never before, the correct technique

will likewise decide the achievement or disappointment of a monetary

foundation's own portfolio. (Rehfisch)

6. Conclusions

The size and extent of the SARS-COV-2 emergency, practically

identical so far to those of the Great Financial Crisis of 2007–09, infer that no

banks will be left solid. The underlying business sector response was a tidal

wave that immersed numerous banks in a fairly unpredictable manner. An

ensuing unobtrusive adjustment uncovered more grounded separation, profiting

basically better promoted and progressively beneficial banks, in this manner

underscoring the estimation of sound accounting reports. In any case, financing

conditions stay tight and long haul rating viewpoints have been modified to

negative for some banks, particularly those with low gainfulness. In the interim,

real evaluations are beginning to find this pattern, with more minimizations not

out of the ordinary as the money related possibilities of banks' borrowers

crumble. In spite of a general value recuperation in late April, markets stay

careful about the more extended term possibilities in the financial segment,

particularly its most hazardous portions.

As control communities for instalment exchanges, store assortment and

loaning, banks assume a focal job for the strength of the worldwide economy.

However, they are exchanging organizations, yet in addition offer significant

types of assistance to people, organizations and networks. Their own wellbeing,

the progression of their tasks just as their security and steadiness are in this

manner of critical significance in defeating the Coronavirus emergency with all

its financial outcomes and at last in balancing out the worldwide monetary


It is currently significant for money related establishments to settle on

the correct choices rapidly. From one perspective, to keep up their own

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activities, then again, to help those whose financial presence is greatly

undermined. This is a test we can just ace together.

7. References

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Rehfisch, M., Coronavirus: How it impacts the financial services

sector, Knowis, [online], Available at:



Reisz, A. and C. Perlich, (2004), “A Market-Based Framework for

Bankruptcy Prediction”, Unpublished working paper

Sironi, A., (2003), “Testing for Market Discipline in the European

Banking Industry: Evidence from Subordinated Debt Issues”, Journal

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Tushar Seth, 7 Important Types Of Banks, Economics discussion,

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