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Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

Chapter 08 Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

Multiple Choice Questions 1. (p. 249) The goal of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority's ad campaign was to: A. undercut new gambling destinations in other parts of the country B. reduce the promiscuous image of Las Vegas C. position Las Vegas as a full-blown vacation destination D. increase tax revenue E. promote Las Vegas as a retirement destination

See opening vignette.

2. (p. 249) The "What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas" ad campaign was designed to create a unifying theme of: A. sophistication B. indulge C. serenity D. shopping E. low-cost living

See opening vignette.

3. (p. 251) The role of any advertising message is to: A. communicate information about a company's product or service B. motivate a consumer to take action C. shape consumers desires and goals D. create images that can position a brand in the consumer's mind E. do all of the above


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

4. (p. 251) In the development of an advertising campaign or message, creative _____ involves determining what the message will say or communicate, while _____ deals with how the message will be implemented or executed. A. strategy; tactics B. tactics; strategy C. mission: strategy D. tactics; vision E. vision; mission

5. (p. 251) Which of the following statements about creative strategy and execution is true? A. A good creative strategy and execution guarantees a brand will exceed its sales objectives. B. A good creative strategy almost never helps generate sales for a brand. C. Ads that are very creative and popular among consumers still may not increase sales of a brand. D. Companies have no trouble coming up with creative advertising that differentiates their brands from the competition. E. Good creative strategy cannot help a struggling brand regain its former prominence.

6. (p. 251) Many companies are willing to spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year on creative advertising because: A. they believe strongly in competitive parity B. they realize marketing success is unrelated to their creative advertising effort C. good creative strategy and execution are often critical to the success of a product or service D. they want to win creative awards in order to respond to the intangibility and homogeneity characteristics of service E. the development of good creative strategy is a science and is explained by marketing research


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

7. (p. 252) Nissan ran an advertising campaign using "Shift" as the umbrella tagline. The campaign uses a combination of emotional and product-focused ads designed to strengthen Nissan's brand image while showing its revitalized product line. Creative advertising, like Nissan's, is likely to be particularly important when: A. companies are selling brands that are very similar in quality and difficult to differentiate on functional features B. a brand clearly has functional superiority over the competition that is easily noticed by consumers C. companies are very risk averse D. consumers are not responsive to advertising messages E. any or all of the above conditions are met

See Exhibit 8-2

8. (p. 252) Which of the following statements regarding awards for advertising creativity is true? A. Ads that win creative awards almost always have a positive impact on sales. B. Most advertising and marketing people are supportive of advertising awards because they feel creative people are more concerned with creating advertising that sells their client's products than with winning awards. C. As a rule, all advertising people believe awards are an inappropriate way of recognizing advertising creativity that often helps sell a client's products. D. Not all advertising campaigns that have won creative awards have successfully generated sales for the clients' products. E. None of the above statements about advertising creativity is true.

9. (p. 254) _____ is a quality possessed by individuals that enables them to generate novel approaches to handling problems and that is reflected in new and improved solutions to those problems. A. Uniqueness B. Dramatization C. Creativity D. Proficiency E. Personification


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

10. (p. 254) From the perspective of a product manager, a commercial is likely to be judged as creative if it: A. is novel and innovative B. has a high level of artistic or aesthetic value C. communicates the message clearly and leaves favorable impressions among the target audience D. wins creative awards E. is unlike anything currently in the marketplace

11. (p. 254) A study by Elizabeth Hirschman examined the perceptions of individuals involved in the creation and production of television commercials and found: A. product managers view advertising from an aesthetic perspective B. product managers and account executives both view advertising as a promotional tool whose primary purpose is to communicate favorable impressions about a brand C. art directors and copywriters view advertising primarily as a promotional tool whose primary function is to communicate information D. brand managers prefer creative commercials that take risks E. art directors and copywriters evaluate advertising on the basis of how well it fulfilled preset communications objectives

12. (p. 254) Based on the findings of the study conducted by Elizabeth Hirschman, which of the following individuals is most likely to be risk averse and prefer commercials that focus on the product rather than creative impact? A. product and brand managers B. art directors C. copywriters D. creative directors E. product consumers


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

13. (p. 253) Which of the following statements about the advertising competition at the Cannes International Advertising Film Festival is true? A. The Cannes International Advertising Film Festival is the only award given for advertising creativity. B. The Cannes International Advertising Film Festival is not a global competition C. Entry into the Cannes International Advertising Film Festival is limited to members of the European Union. D. The award given by the Cannes International Advertising Film Festival is called the Clio. E. None of the above statements about the Cannes International Advertising Film Festival is true.

See Global Perspective 8-1.

14. (p. 253) The Cannes Gold Lion award is: A. recognized as the most prestigious of all advertising awards B. given to the best example of product placement in the preceding year C. only awarded to companies that are members of the European Union D. awarded to the most creative tourism development advertising campaign of the preceding year E. not nearly as prestigious as the U.S.-based Clio awards

See Global Perspective 8-1.

15. (p. 255) _____ is the ability to generate fresh, unique and appropriate ideas that can be used as solutions to communication problems. A. A unique selling plan (USP) B. Promotional uniqueness C. Problem detection D. Positioning E. Advertising creativity


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

16. (p. 255) Which of the following statements gives a reason why a marketer might want to emphasize creativity in the development of an advertising campaign? A. Creative advertisements that are creative for the sake of being creative often fail to produce sales. B. Creative advertising can break through the clutter and make an impression on buyers. C. Creative advertising cannot create positive feelings that transfer to the product or service. D. Creative advertising is effective even if it is irrelevant to the target audience. E. All of the above statements give a reason why a marketer might want to emphasize creativity over all other elements in the development of an advertising campaign.

17. (p. 255) Which of the following statements about the use of creativity in an advertising campaign is true? A. Because most advertising is creative, creativity is not nearly enough to break through the clutter. B. Creative advertising always has a positive impact on sales. C. Creative advertising that is not relevant to the target audience may have a greater impact than advertising that is relevant. D. The nature of advertising requires that everyone involved in the promotional planning process engage in creative thinking. E. Users of creative advertising can avoid using big ideas and unique selling propositions in their advertising campaigns.

18. (p. 256) According to the universal advertising standards developed by the D'Arcy, Masius Benton & Bowles agency, a creative advertising message is built around a: A. unique selling plan (USP) B. strong brand image C. power idea or a creative core D. slice-of-life concept E. dramatization

See also Figure 8-1.


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

19. (p. 256) According to the universal advertising standards of the D'Arcy, Masius Benton & Bowles agency, creative and effective advertising: A. requires synergy B. does not use a brand personality C. uses a complex product or brand positioning strategy D. is careful to not be distinctly different from other advertising E. neither rewards nor punishes the prospect

See also Figure 8-1.

20. (p. 258) When planning creative strategy, an advertising agency hopes to have: A. clients that appreciate the formalized system used to develop this strategy B. clients that are risk-aversive to squelch unorthodox strategies C. products with winning ad campaigns that simply need a slight tweaking D. clients who realize there are no new strategies left--only modifications of existing ones E. none of the above

21. (p. 258) Some of the more successful advertising agencies, such as TBWA and Wieden & Kennedy, attribute their excellent creative work to the fact that: A. they have clients who are risk averse B. they have clients who are willing to take creative risks C. they have clients who never become involved with or interfere in the creation process D. their clients keep them in check and don't let them try creative approaches that are excessively different E. their relationship with the client is significantly more important than any creative work

22. (p. 259) The perpetual debate over the most effective role for advertising is between: A. rationalists and poets B. environmentalists and pragmatics C. liberals and conservatives D. functionalists and operationalists E. supporters of centralization and supporters of decentralization


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

23. (p. 259) The proponents of creative advertising argue that: A. the more information in the ad the more effective the ad B. the only purpose of advertising is to sell the product C. advertising should be designed to make consumers buy products that they do not want or need D. advertising should be designed to create an emotional bond between consumers and the brand or company E. advertising should break through the clutter by focusing on logos and products

24. (p. 260) Advertising creative personnel tend to: A. rely on intuition rather than logic when solving a problem B. have educational backgrounds in nonbusiness areas C. be more abstract and less conventional in their approach and solution to a problem D. be more intuitive and perceptual than people with a business background E. be all of the above

25. (p. 260) Advertising creative personnel tend to: A. be more concrete and formalized than intuitive when solving a problem B. have majored in marketing in college C. rely on intuition more than logic D. be highly structured and organized individuals E. be no different from people with business executive backgrounds

26. (p. 260) According to James Webb Young, a former creative director at the J. Walter Thompson agency, the production of creative advertising ideas: A. is a random process that cannot be taught B. does not follow a definitive plan C. cannot be learned and controlled D. is a definitive process that can be learned and controlled E. has as many different routes as there are different forms of creativity


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

27. (p. 261) There are five steps in the creative process as designed by James Webb Young, a former creative director at the J. Walter Thompson agency. They are: A. preparation, brainstorming, growth, reality check, and verification B. immersion, testing, illumination, creation, and verification C. immersion, digestion, incubation, illumination, verification D. preparation, incubation, immersion, illumination, and reality check E. immersion, brainstorming, incubation, creation, and reality check

28. (p. 261) According to the work of sociologist Graham Wallace, in order, the four-step approach to the creative process includes: A. preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification B. immersion, brainstorming, creation, and reality check C. preparation, illumination, creation, and verification D. preparation, immersion, creation, and verification E. immersion, incubation, illumination, and creation

29. (p. 261) A client who manufactures maternity clothes for businesswomen wants a new advertising campaign. Visits to obstetrician's offices to observe the clothes being worn and to maternity shops at the mall to see how they were selected could be a part of the _____ stage of the creative process. A. preparation B. verification C. revision D. reality check E. incubation

30. (p. 261) Leon is the creative director for an agency that has just been hired by a manufacturer of golfing equipment to create a new advertising campaign for the company's titanium clubs. Before starting to develop creative ideas, Leon reads some golfing magazines and spends time talking to some friends and co-workers who play golf. These activities are part of which stage of the creative process? A. preparation B. incubation C. illumination D. verification E. revision


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

31. (p. 261) Inna has been hired to promote a membership-only genealogical Web site, which provides demographic information on over one billion people. She has gathered together all the relevant environmental information and has studied the product as closely as possible. Now it is time for the _____ stage of the creative process. She needs to work on another project and put the genealogical project completely out of her conscious mind. Her subconscious needs time to work on a solution. A. preparation B. digestion C. incubation D. illumination E. verification

32. (p. 261) For weeks, Bridgette had been trying to come up with a creative approach to advertise light bulbs. She had decided to try not to think about it for a while to see if her subconscious could figure something out. As she was relaxing in her bath one night, a great idea for a creative light bulb advertising campaign just seemed to pop into her head. She leapt out of the tub and began to write it all down before she forgot it. In terms of the creative process, Bridgette has just experienced the _____ stage. A. immersion B. verification C. revision D. illumination E. reality check

33. (p. 261) Why are models of the creative process valuable to those working in the creative areas of advertising? A. The models let the client see what he or she is paying for. B. The models provide an organized approach to a creative problem. C. The models let creatives approach the creative process in whichever manner feels most comfortable to them. D. The models were developed by people who were successful advertisers themselves. E. The models create heuristics needed to determine whether an ad will accomplish its goals.


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

34. (p. 261) No matter which model of the creative processes you use, the last step in the creative process is: A. resolution B. illumination C. verification D. market evaluation E. confirmation

35. (p. 261) _____ is a process that involves conducting research and gathering all information about a client's good or service, brand, and members of the target audience. A. Incubation B. Germination C. Account planning D. Creative research E. Account seeding

36. (p. 261-262) An advertising executive who works for Hughes & O'Reilly Agency has just been assigned to a new Schlotsky's restaurant account. One of the first things he may want to do is: A. sit down and begin writing copy for sample ads B. spend some time visiting similar restaurants, eating their food and talking to consumers about some of their specific likes and dislikes of Schlotsky's and their competitors C. try to come up with some big ideas that can be the basis of a creative ad campaign D. come up with alternative positioning concepts for Schlotsky's E. any of the above

37. (p. 261-262) Account planning plays an important role during creative strategy development by: A. making sure the client knows the agency has the final say on which strategy will be used B. driving the process from the customers' point of view C. making sure all advertising complies with local, state, and FTC regulations D. determining whether the account should be accepted E. forecasting demand for the product category


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

38. (p. 261-262) Which of the following statements about account planning is true? A. Account planners do not conduct any quantitative research. B. Account planners work with the client as well as other agency personnel. C. Account planners only work with the client to avoid agency bias. D. With account planning, the agency takes the permanent leadership role in the development of creative strategy. E. The knowledge gained during account planning can only be used during the planning period because it is proprietary information.

39. (p. 262) How might an advertising creative specialist acquire general preplanning input about a market that can be used as to develop the creative strategy for a calcium-enhanced sports drink? A. Talk to coaches and trainers to get their reactions to the new product. B. Talk to nutritionists about the actual nutritional value of the added calcium. C. Get a group of athletes to sample the drink and give their opinions about its taste and consistency. D. Read reports on consumers' feelings about the addition of vitamins and minerals to their food. E. Do all of the above.

40. (p. 262) Tiffany is the creative director for an ad agency. The agency has just been hired to develop a promotional campaign for a company that produces exercise videos for women. As part of her preparation for developing a creative strategy, Tiffany reviews some studies conducted on the overall fitness and exercise market as well as a report on the changing roles of women in society. This information is part of the: A. general preplanning input B. product specific preplanning input C. problem detection studies D. illumination studies E. brainstorming process


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

41. (p. 262) Jonathan is the creative director for the Peet, Williams & Greene advertising agency. He spends an hour every morning reading publications such as Advertising Age, The Wall Street Journal and Brand Week to gain a better understanding of what is happening in the world of marketing and advertising. This activity can be characterized as: A. general preplanning input B. product specific preplanning input C. verification research D. brainstorming E. problem detection research

42. (p. 262) Product usage, attitude studies, and perceptual mapping would be examples of: A. general preplanning inputs B. product/service specific preplanning inputs C. verification studies D. revision studies E. demographic studies for business-to-business clients

43. (p. 262) Ramon participated in a study done by an advertising agency. During his interview, he was asked to gauge the services provided by a regional airline on the basis of his experiences and what others had told him. The interviewer asked Ramon specific questions about the food, the seating arrangements, the ease with which he entered and exited the plane, and the service provided by the flight attendants. Since the ad agency doing the research is the one that will develop the creative strategy for the airline's new ad campaign, you know Ramon most likely provided the agency with: A. product/service specific preplanning inputs B. general product inputs to be stored and used later C. secondary internal data D. secondary external data E. quantitative data which will be used by the client to determine market development strategies


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

44. (p. 264) ______ is a research technique whereby consumers are asked to generate an exhaustive list of things that bother them or difficulties they encounter when using a product or service. A. Consumer brainstorming B. General preplanning input C. Perceptual mapping D. Problem detection E. Market profiling

45. (p. 264) Douglas was asked to fill out a survey on dill pickles. He was asked questions about what he liked and disliked about dill pickles, when and where he usually ate dill pickles, and to list and rate all brands of dill pickles he could recall. He was also asked about packaging as well as degree of sourness in the different brands of pickles. Since the survey was conducted by an ad agency prior to developing a creative strategy for its client, a pickle manufacturer, and there were several people surveyed besides Douglas, you can assume he was participating in a _____ study. A. consumer brainstorming B. general preplanning input C. perceptual mapping D. problem detection E. market profiling

46. (p. 264) Psychographic studies are used by advertising agencies to: A. identify age, educational level, and ethnic background of the target audience B. provide creative personnel with a better understanding of the target audience for whom they are developing the advertising message C. determine how to allocate the advertising budget D. understand specific consumption problems consumers encounter with various products and services E. do all of the above


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

47. (p. 264) In-depth interviews with consumers, focus groups, and observational studies of how consumers conduct their daily lives as consumers are all examples of: A. quantitative research techniques B. qualitative research techniques C. problem detection studies D. econometric research E. secondary internal research

48. (p. 264) Young & Rubicon developed, BrandAsset Valuator, a proprietary tool for building and managing a brand. Their tool measures four factors including ________________ to identify issues and evaluate brand performance. A. focus group quantification, brand power, associative cognizance and creativity B. problem detection, account planning, ethnographic diversity and campaign theme C. brand differentiation, relevance, esteem and knowledge D. brand preparation, brand valuation, brand drama and brand diversification E. projective brand respect, animatic projection, brand proposition and brand creativity

49. (p. 264) Lisle Ju, the creative director for JTT ad agency, is observing a focus group for fourwheel drive SUVs. She is gathering _____ before she begins to develop creative strategy for an SUV manufacturer. A. general preplanning input B. market detection research C. product specific preplanning input D. illumination research E. secondary internal data

50. (p. 264) Focus groups can be used during the advertising creative process to: A. find any special needs that are not being satisfied B. gain detailed insight into how and why consumers use a product or service C. evaluate creative concepts, ideas, and campaign themes D. better understand consumers' specific needs for a product or service E. do all of the above


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

51. (p. 265) _____ research involves anthropologists or other types of trained researchers observing consumers in their natural environments. A. Psychographic B. Internalization C. Demographic D. Sociocultural E. Ethnographic

52. (p. 265) Researchers Daniel Miller and Don Slater monitored Web sites, lurked in chat rooms, and hung out in cyber cafs and observed how Internet users act. The users they observed consider the Internet to be a tool to augment traditional forms of communication. Miller and Slater conducted _____ research. A. e-marketing B. ethnocentric C. demographic D. communal E. e-commerce

53. (p. 265) Canadian researchers went into people's homes and observed how they watched television and more specifically what they did when commercials came on. This was an example of _____ research. A. psychographic B. demographic C. ethnographic D. perceptual E. interactive marketing

54. (p. 265) At what stage of the creative process are various ideas evaluated and refined before actually being used? A. preparation B. incubation C. illumination D. verification/revision E. verdict


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

55. (p. 265) At what stage of the creative process would consumers in the target audience be asked to evaluate storyboards and animatics? A. preparation B. incubation C. verification/revision D. illumination E. verdict

56. (p. 266) The ideas of Malcom Gladwell in Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, suggest that many unique insights that drive innovation and great advertising campaigns are NOT gained through: A. focus groups B. surveys C. sampling D. traditional market research techniques E. all of the above

See IMC Perspective 8-2.

57. (p. 267) A(n) ____ is a series of drawings used to present the visual plan or layout of a commercial along with a description of the audio for each scene. A. animatic B. rough layout C. storyboard D. creative map E. copy platform

58. (p. 267-268) To make a creative layout of a commercial more realistic, a(an) _____ may be produced by making a videotape of the _____ along with an audio soundtrack. A. animatic; storyboard B. storyboard; animatic C. animatic; copy platform D. copy platform; storyboard E. campaign; storyboard


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

59. (p. 268) The Rogers Agency wants to test a creative idea it has for a new commercial before moving ahead with the production of the spot. To make the test more realistic it wants to test both the visual layout of the commercial as well as the audio portion of the message. The commercial should be tested in which of the following forms? A. storyboard B. animatic C. reaction profile D. print copy E. rough layout

60. (p. 268) One of the most popular and long-running advertising campaigns was created by the Leo Burnett agency for Maytag appliances. The ____ or central message of the advertising campaign was "Maytag Dependability." A. animatic B. campaign theme C. repositioning strategy D. copy platform E. product specific preplanning input

61. (p. 268) The print ads and the television ads for Maytag appliances were designed to show "The Loneliest Man in the World" was a Maytag repairman. Public appearances by the actor who appeared in the commercials as well as consumer brochures and point-of-purchase displays were also used in this interrelated and coordinated effort called a(n): A. advertising campaign B. copy platform C. animatic D. campaign illumination E. interrelated marketing campaign (IMC)

62. (p. 268) A(n) _____ is a series of advertising messages in a variety of media that center on a single theme or idea. A. advertising campaign B. copy platform C. unique proposition D. creative blueprint E. creative work plan


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

63. (p. 268) Visa credit cards ran ads for a number of years that center around the basic theme that "Visa Is Everywhere You Want to Be." These ads emphasized the fact that Visa is accepted more places than any of its competitors are. This is an example of a(n): A. inherent drama appeal B. long-running advertising campaign C. conflict between the agency and the client producing an inability to create a new campaign theme D. copy platform E. creative blueprint

64. (p. 268) Advertising campaign themes: A. are always tactical in nature and design B. set the tone or direction for all of the individual ads that make up the campaign C. are typically designed by the client and implemented by the agency D. are usually used for ads that run in only one type of media vehicle E. are accurately described by all of the above

65. (p. 268) An advertising campaign may last for only a short time period: A. because of changing consumer trends B. due to an ineffective campaign theme C. because competitors develop similar products and remove the product's competitive advantage D. because market conditions change, and a new campaign is needed E. due to of any of the above reasons

66. (p. 268) "Diamonds are forever," "Tastes Great, Less Filling," and "Just do it" are all examples of: A. unique selling propositions B. long-running advertising campaign themes C. inherent drama appeals D. copy platforms E. creative blueprints

See Table 8-2.


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

67. (p. 268) Which of the following is NOT one of the top 10 advertising slogans of the century? A. "The pause that refreshes" B. "Taste Great, Less Filling" C. "Good to the last drop" D. "That dog won't hunt" E. "Does sheor doesn't she"

See Table 8-2.

68. (p. 268) The creative strategy is affected by: A. the identification of the target audience B. the basis problems, issues, or opportunities that advertising needs to address C. the major selling ideas that the advertising needs to communicate D. any information supporting the major selling ideas that needs to be included in the ads E. all of the above

69. (p. 268) A(n) _____ is a work plan or checklist that is used to guide the creative development of an advertising message or campaign. A. animatic B. working document C. copy platform D. selling idea E. unique selling proposition

70. (p. 269) A typical copy platform does NOT contain: A. the basic problem to be addressed by the advertising B. advertising and communication objectives C. the major selling idea D. a creative strategy statement E. media goals and objectives

See Figure 8-3.


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

71. (p. 269) The copy platform: A. specifies the basic elements of the creative strategy B. is also called a creative platform C. is usually prepared by the account representative or manager assigned to the account D. is also called a creative blueprint E. is accurately described by all of the above

72. (p. 269) The copy platform: A. is typically developed by agency personnel with no input from the client B. is developed by the client before ever meeting with the agency C. often involves individuals from both the client side and agency personnel D. has a predetermined format that makes it easier to compare platforms from two disparate products E. typically contains both the advertising and the communications objectives

See also Figure 8-3.

73. (p. 270) According to A. Jerome Jeweler, the _____ is the strongest singular thing an advertiser can say about its product or service and should be the central point in every ad. A. unique selling plan (USP) B. mission statement C. major selling idea D. brand equity statement E. competitive advantage

74. (p. 270) According to well-known advertising executive John O'Toole, a flash of insight that joins together a product benefit with what consumers desire in a fresh, involving way is called a(n): A. unique selling theme B. epiphany C. revelation D. big idea E. illumination


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

75. (p. 270) All of the following could be considered an example of a big idea used as the basis of an advertising appeal EXCEPT: A. "You're in Good Hands with Allstate" B. "Go Milk" C. "MacintoshA Computer for the Rest of Us" D. "We Build Excitement" E. "Buy Yoplait Yogurt Today"

76. (p. 270) Leslie is working for a local agency as an intern. Her company has been hired to develop an advertising campaign for chain of coffee shops. She has been given the task of coming up with the big idea. You can tell her big ideas: A. are very easy to come by B. really only matter in advertising for consumer products not for retail establishments C. are typically not the basis for effective advertising campaigns D. are only effective in business-to-business advertising E. are easier to develop when the service being advertised is heterogeneous

77. (p. 271) The "Softer Side of Sears" and Dr Pepper's "Just What the Doctor Ordered" advertising campaign themes are examples of: A. universal selling propositions (USPs) B. big ideas that have been the basis for effective advertising campaigns C. inherent drama approaches to developing big ideas D. big ideas for ad campaigns that did not last very long E. creative platforms that support products in the pioneering stage of their product life cycles

78. (p. 271) Hubba Bubba bubble gum is the only chewing gum that lets you blow great big bubbles that won't stick to your face. This statement represents the gum's: A. unique selling proposition B. brand image C. inherent drama D. competitive weakness E. brand equity


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

79. (p. 271) Unlike other alkaline batteries and traditional rechargeable batteries, Rayovac Renewal alkaline battery is reusable 25 times or more. The ad headline read, "Introducing the Best-Performing Battery System in All of Creation." This ad was based on the Rayovac Renewal alkaline batteries: A. unique selling proposition B. brand image C. inherent drama D. tangibility E. brand equity

80. (p. 271) A unique selling proposition (USP): A. should offer a specific benefit to the consumer B. must be a feature, benefit, or advantage that the competition either cannot or does not offer C. must be strong or important enough to pull consumers to the brand D. should be an important part of a repetitive advertising strategy E. is accurately described by all of the above

81. (p. 271) Poinsettias are a very popular plant during the Christmas season. A major problem for growers of poinsettias is root rot. Syngenta has developed a patented product that eliminates root rot when it is placed in soil mix in which the plants are grown. Syngenta can use _____ to develop its creative strategy for advertising this new product. A. brand image B. inherent drama C. unique selling proposition D. diversified promotion E. transformational advertising

82. (p. 271) When using a unique selling proposition (USP) as the basis for a creative strategy, an advertiser the least important consideration for the advertiser would be: A. Does the USP provide a sustainable competitive advantage? B. Can the USP be easily copied or imitated by competitors? C. Can the USP claim be substantiated? D. Is the claim used as a USP important to consumers? E. Does the UPS create a brand personality?


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

83. (p. 271) Nizoral A-D shampoo is the only dandruff shampoo made with the number one doctor-prescribed ingredient, an ingredient that its manufacturer holds the patent on. This is the product's unique selling proposition (USP). Which of the following statements about this USP is true? A. This USP can be easily imitated. B. This USP does not benefit a large enough target market. C. This USP creates a sustainable competitive advantage. D. This USP will cause the copy platform to be more cognitive than affective. E. This USP allows for the creation of a strong brand personality.

84. (p. 272) The online component of advertising campaigns is becoming the focal point of many campaigns because: A. there are more creative opportunities through online advertising B. for many companies that is where their customers are C. it provides the opportunity to interact with customers D. it allows the opportunity to integrate traditional media with online E. all of the above

See IMC Perspective 8-3

85. (p. 273) Poinsettias are a very popular plant during the Christmas season. A major problem for growers of poinsettias is root rot. Syngenta has developed a patented product that eliminates root rot when it is placed in soil mix in which the plants are grown. Unlike other unique selling propositions such as new packaging, this USP creates a(n): A. sustainable competitive advantage B. need for a repositioning drama C. opportunity for an inherent drama appeal in the consumer market D. potential weakness for Syngenta's competition E. opportunity for ethnographic research


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

86. (p. 273) When an advertiser uses an ad that emphasizes psychological associations and attempts to wrap the consumer's perceptions into a tight concept or symbol, what type of advertising approach is being used? A. unique selling proposition B. image advertising C. inherent drama D. attribute-based positioning E. refutational appeal

87. (p. 273) All Nippon Airways (ANA) is the largest airline in the Far East. It ads focus on the Japanese hospitality that is offered on its planeseverything from elegant tableware to the finest in Far Eastern cuisine. If comfort and fine food is important to you when you travel, then you should think of ANA next time you are booking a flight to Asia. This development of a strong, memorable identity for ANA is an example of: A. a universal selling proposition B. image advertising C. inherent drama D. attribute-based positioning E. refutational appeal

88. (p. 273) Fortnum & Mason in London is a retail store committed to providing the best of traditional British meats and cooking. The store is lit by crystal chandeliers, and there are deep red carpets underfoot. The staff all wear tail-coats. Its ads want customers to associate the store with the royal treatment they will receive when they shop there. This development of a strong, memorable identity is an example of: A. a universal selling proposition B. image advertising C. inherent drama D. attribute-based positioning E. refutational appeal


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

89. (p. 273) Spanish vintners want to improve consumers' perceptions of the sparkling wine they produce, which they contend is just as good as or even better than that produced in France. The French call the sparkling wine they produce in a specified region, champagne, and this is what most people choose when they are celebrating. Which of the following methods for developing a creative strategy for Spanish sparkling wine seems most appropriate? A. testimonials B. image advertising C. inherent drama D. benefit-based positioning E. refutational appeal

90. (p. 273) Which of the following statements about image advertising is true? A. Image advertising is used most often when there are significant functional or performance differences among brands. B. Image advertising is often used when competing brands are difficult to differentiate on a functional or performance basis. C. Advertisers often use image advertising when their products or services offer a unique attribute or benefit to consumers. D. Image advertising is most commonly used for business-to-business products. E. All of the above statements about image advertising are true.

91. (p. 273) Which of the following products would be least appropriate for an image advertising appeal? A. designer jeans B. soft drinks C. beer D. dishwashing detergent E. perfume

92. (p. 273) For which of the following products would image advertising be most appropriate? A. cologne or perfume B. motor oil C. laundry detergent D. cereal E. lawn mowers


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

93. (p. 274) An approach to finding a major selling idea that uses consumer benefits as a foundation with an emphasis on presenting these benefits in a dramatic way is the _____ approach. A. unique selling proposition B. positioning C. inherent drama D. brand image E. benefit

94. (p. 274) An ad for Federal Express shows a toy manufacturer the day before announcing a new action-figure soldier. The CEO is being shown a tape of the commercial for the new figure and is not amused to see the macho soldiers wearing ballerina costumes. His assistant explains that he tried to use a cheaper carrier, and the tutus were sent instead of military uniforms. Across the bottom of the screen reads the logo, "When it absolutely has to get there, use FedEx." This ad is an example of the _____ approach. A. unique selling proposition B. positioning C. inherent drama D. brand image E. benefit

95. (p. 274) An ad for a medication that helps people undergoing chemotherapy feel more energetic showed a grandfather sorrowfully wishing he could participate in his grandson's birthday celebration but saying he was too tired. The next scene occurs at the birthday party and shows how much better the grandfather feels after taking the medication. This ad is an example of the _____ approach. A. unique selling proposition B. positioning C. inherent drama D. brand image E. benefit


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

96. (p. 274) Jack Trout and Al Ries introduced _____ as the basis for advertising strategy and creative development in the early 1970s. A. inherent drama B. positioning C. brand image D. unique selling proposition E. transformational advertising

97. (p. 274) _____ is the approach to finding a major selling idea can be done on the basis of product attributes, price/quality, usage or application, product users, or product class. A. Brand image B. Inherent drama C. Unique selling proposition D. Positioning E. Emotional appeals

98. (p. 274) Which of the following is often the basis of a marketer's creative strategy when the company has multiple brands competing in the same market? A. unique selling propositions B. brand image C. inherent drama D. transformational advertising E. positioning

99. (p. 274) Procter & Gamble markets Zest, Safeguard, Camay, and Lava brands of bar soaps. Zest is a "get-you-started in the morning" soap. Safeguard is marketed as a germ-fighter. Camay cleans without drying or injuring the skin. Lava is for tough cleaning jobs. Procter & Gamble uses a(n) _____ strategy. A. brand image B. universal selling proposal (USP) C. inherent drama D. positioning E. divestment


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

100. (p. 276) General Mills has multiple brands of cereal that compete among themselves and with Post, Quaker, and Kellogg's brand cereals. General Mills would most likely use the _____ approach as a basis for its creative strategies. A. unique selling proposition B. brand image C. inherent drama D. positioning E. dramatization

101. (p. 276) Aurora Foods Inc. markets Log Cabin, Mrs. Butterworth's, and Aunt Jemima brands of pancake syrup. Aurora is most likely to use a _____ approach to developing creative strategy for each brand. A. inherent drama B. brand image C. unique selling proposition D. positioning E. repositioning

102. (p. 276) Procter & Gamble markets Tide, Cheer, Gain, Dash, Bold 3 and Ivory Snow detergents to a variety of different target markets. P&G advertises these different brands using what type of creative strategy? A. inherent drama B. brand image C. unique selling proposition D. positioning E. repositioning

103. (p. 277) According to Advertising Age, experts in creative advertising don't write books or espouse theories. They see advertising as: A. an inherent drama working to offset the reality of social issues. B. an uplifting social force, as a way to inspire and entertain. C. the replacement for the 20th century salesperson D. publicity created through unique selling propositions E. a cultural force redefining societal needs and wants


Chapter 08 - Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

104. (p. 277) With the growth of integrated marketing communications, advertisers are being challenged to think beyond traditional mass media and develop creative advertising that: A. offsets the weaknesses associated with storyboard ad design B. provides opportunities for effective government oversight C. centralizes American consumer values in a global marketplace D. engages consumers and enter into a dialogue with them E. minimizes the risk of offending technology-savvy consumers
