Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Lessons 1,2,3 Lessons 1,2,3 Understanding Health & Wellness Understanding Health & Wellness - Health & Wellness - Health & Wellness - Promoting Healthy Lifestyle - Promoting Healthy Lifestyle - Reducing Health Risks - Reducing Health Risks

Chapter 1 Lessons 1,2,3 Understanding Health & Wellness - Health & Wellness - Promoting Healthy Lifestyle - Reducing Health Risks

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Page 1: Chapter 1 Lessons 1,2,3 Understanding Health & Wellness - Health & Wellness - Promoting Healthy Lifestyle - Reducing Health Risks

Chapter 1Chapter 1Lessons 1,2,3Lessons 1,2,3

Understanding Health & WellnessUnderstanding Health & Wellness- Health & Wellness- Health & Wellness- Promoting Healthy Lifestyle- Promoting Healthy Lifestyle- Reducing Health Risks- Reducing Health Risks

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Do NowDo NowWhat does it mean to be healthy? Do

you consider yourself healthy?

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What can impact your What can impact your health?health?

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Health – is the combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social wellbeing.


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Health Triangle (p 7)Health Triangle (p 7)3 Parts of Health

1) Physical Health – body functions- exercise, food,

2) Mental/Emotional Health- feelings & thoughts- coping, emotions,

*spiritual health – deep seated sense of meaning and purpose

3) Social Health – way get along with others- friends, communication Wellness –

balance / total health

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Your Your Personal Personal Health Health


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Label your paper:Label your paper:My Health TriangleMy Health Triangle

Physical Health1.

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Statement # 1Statement # 1I get at least 8 hours of

sleep each night.

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Statement # 2Statement # 2I eat a well balanced diet; trying to include

all food groups.

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Statement # 3Statement # 3I keep my body, teeth,

and hair clean.

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Statement # 4Statement # 4I do at least 60 minutes

of moderate physical activity each day.

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Statement # 5Statement # 5I avoid using alcohol,

tobacco, and other drugs.

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Statement # 6Statement # 6I see a doctor and dentist for regular

check ups.

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Label your paper:Label your paper:

Mental Health1.

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Statement # 1Statement # 1I generally feel good

about myself and accept

who I am.

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Statement # 2Statement # 2I express my feelings

clearly and calmly, even if I am upset or angry.

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Statement # 3Statement # 3I accept helpful criticism.

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Statement # 4Statement # 4I have at least one activity that I enjoy.

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Statement # 5Statement # 5I feel as though people like me and accept me.

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Statement # 6Statement # 6I like to learn new

information and develop new skills.

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Label your paper:Label your paper:

Social Health1.

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Statement # 1Statement # 1I have at least one close


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Statement # 2Statement # 2I respect and care for my


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Statement # 3Statement # 3I know how to disagree

with others without getting angry.

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Statement # 4Statement # 4I am a good listener.

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Statement # 5Statement # 5

I get support from others

when I need it.

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Statement # 6Statement # 6I say “no” when people ask me to do something

that is harmful or wrong.

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Graphing Your Graphing Your ResultsResults

Add up the number of “yes” answers for each of the three categories.

Choose a symbol to represent all of your

“yes” answers.

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Graphing Your Graphing Your ResultsResults

For example, if you like softball/baseball, you

can use:

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Graphing Your Graphing Your ResultsResults

Use your symbols to form a Health Triangle

to represent your scores.

Label each side.

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Mental (5)Social (5)

Physical (3)

Graphing Your Graphing Your ResultsResults

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Analyzing Your Analyzing Your ResultsResults

1.) Does your Health Triangle have equal sides?

2.) In which area(s) are strong?

3.) In which area(s) do you need improvement?

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Summarizing Your Summarizing Your ResultsResults

What can you do to improve your Health,

and balance your triangle?

How exactly will you be able to accomplish this?

** TWO sentences for each. **

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Do Now:Do Now:• What are factors at Cherokee, that

you as students, face everyday impacting your health in either a positive or negative way?

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Influence on your HealthCan control and Can’t control

1) Heredity – all the traits that are biological (Good or Bad)

2) Environment – is the sum of your surroundings - physical environment - social environment - culture- customs and behaviors of a group

3)Attitude- way you view situations

4) Behavior – how you act

5) Media & Technology – media – various methods of communicating. Info delivered via technology (radio, tv, internet)

.gov and .org (professional organizations)

Website check health info

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Write a Protective Factor and Risk Factor For each Influence Write a Protective Factor and Risk Factor For each Influence on your Healthon your Health

1) Heredity – (+) – Grandparents living to 90(-) – breast caner in family

2) Environment – (+) good school system(-) poor family life

3)Attitude-(+) positive thing will work out(-) poor attitude

4) Behavior – (+) – exercise(-) drugs

5) Media /Technology(+) new health information(-) negative characters in TV

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Carousel ActivityCarousel Activity• Break off into 5

groups, one group to each influence.

• Each group member will write down either a positive or negative factor for each influence

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• On a half sheet of paper list the 5 influences

• Star the ones you can control

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Think…then shareThink…then share

• Every day you are faced with some degree of risk. What are some situations you have been in where you had to make a choice

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Risk Behaviors– actions that threaten your health

CDC Risk Behaviors in Teens

• Tobacco use• Alcohol & drugs• Sexual behaviors• Poor Diet• Lack of Physical Activity• Behaviors result injury

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Teen risk taking

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Reduce RisksReduce Risks

1. More positive health behaviors – good for you

2. Prevention – taking steps to keep something from happening

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SkitsSkits• You will be assigned one of the 6

Risk behaviors in teens. As a group you will perform a skit that promotes healthy decisions and avoids risky behaviors. The skit will be two parts. The first part will show the wrong behavior and then the second part will show the healthy decision.