Chapter 11: Fraunhofer Diffraction Chapter 11: Fraunhofer Diffraction

Chapter 11: Fraunhofer Diffraction

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Chapter 11: Fraunhofer Diffraction. Chapter 11: Fraunhofer Diffraction. Diffraction is… . a consequence of the wave nature of light an interference effect any deviation from geometrical optics resulting from obstruction of the wavefront. Diffraction is… interference on the edge. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Chapter 11:  Fraunhofer Diffraction

Chapter 11: Fraunhofer DiffractionChapter 11: Fraunhofer Diffraction

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Diffraction is…

Diffraction is… interference on the edge

- a consequence of the wave nature of light

- an interference effect

- any deviation from geometrical optics resulting from obstruction of the wavefront

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…on the edge of sea

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…on the edge of night

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…on the edge of dawn

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…in the skies

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…in the heavens

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…on the edge of the shadows

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…on the edge of the shadows

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With and without diffraction

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The double-slit experiment

interference explains the fringes-narrow slits or tiny holes-separation is the key parameter-calculate optical path difference D

diffraction shows how the size/shape of the slits determines the details of the fringe pattern

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- far-field

- plane wavefronts at aperture and obserservation

- moving the screen changes size but not shape of diffraction pattern

Fraunhofer diffraction

Next week: Fresnel (near-field) diffraction

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Diffraction from a single slit

slit rectangular aperture, length >> width

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Diffraction from a single slit

plane waves in

- consider superposition of segments of the wavefront arriving at point P

- note optical path length differences D

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Huygens’ principleevery point on a wavefront may be regarded as a secondary source of wavelets

planar wavefront:


curved wavefront:

In geometrical optics, this region should be dark (rectilinear propagation).

Ignore the peripheral and back propagating parts!

obstructed wavefront:

Not any more!!

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Diffraction from a single slit

)( tkriLP e


for each interval ds:

Let r = r0 for wave from center of slit (s=0). Then:



0 trkiLP e

rdsEEd D


where D is the difference in path length.-negligible in amplitude factor-important in phase factor

EL (field strength) constant for each ds

Get total electric field at P by integrating over width of the slit

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Diffraction from a single slit



0sin tkriL

P erbEE

where b is the slit width

and sin21 kb






0 sin22

rbEcEcI L



20 sincII

After integrating:

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Recall the sinc function


1 for = 0

zeroes occur when sin = 0

i.e. when mkb sin21

where m = ±1, ±2, ...

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Recall the sinc function




maxima/minima when



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Diffraction from a single slit 2

0 sincII

b 2


Central maximum:

image of slit

angular width

hence as slit narrows, central maximum spreads

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Beam spreadingangular spread of central maximum independent of distance

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Aperture dimensions determine pattern

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Aperture dimensions determine pattern

220 sincsincII




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Aperture shape determines pattern

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Irradiance for a circular aperture

J1(): 1st order Bessel function

sin21 kDwhere

and D is the diameter

Friedrich Bessel (1784 – 1846)

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Irradiance for a circular aperture

Central maximum: Airy disk

circle of light; “image” of aperture

angular radius

hence as aperture closes, disk growsD

22.12/1 D

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How else can we obstruct a wavefront?

Any obstacle that produces local amplitude/phase variations create patterns in transmitted light

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Diffractive optical elements (DOEs)

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Diffractive optical elements (DOEs)

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Phase plateschange the spatial profile of the light

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ResolutionSharpness of images limited by diffraction

Inevitable blur restricts resolution

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Resolutionmeasured from a ground-based telescope, 1978


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measured from the Hubble Space Telescope, 2005

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Rayleigh’s criterionfor just-resolvable images


22.1min D where D is the diameter

of the lens

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Imaging system (microscope)


ffx 22.1minmin

- where D is the diameter and f is the focal length of the lens

- numerical aperture D/f (typical value 1.2)


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Test it yourself!visual acuity

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Test it yourself!

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Double-slit diffractionconsidering the slit width and separation

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Double-slit diffraction

220 cossinc4II

sin21 kb

sin21 ka



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Double-slit diffraction

220 cossinc4II

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Double-slit diffraction

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Multiple-slit diffraction


0 )sin(sinsin


Double-slit diffraction



0 cossin4


single slitdiffraction

multiple beaminterference

single slitdiffraction

two beaminterference

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If the spatial coherence length is less than the slit separation, then the relative phase of the light transmitted through each slit will vary randomly, washing out the fine-scale fringes, and a one-slit pattern will be observed.

Fraunhofer diffraction patterns

Good spatial coherence

Poor spatial coherence

Importance of spatial coherence


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Imagine using a beam so weak that only one photon passes through the screen at a time. In this case, the photon would seem to pass through only one slit at a time, yielding a one-slit pattern.Which pattern occurs?

Possible Fraunhofer diffraction patterns

Each photon passes

through only one slit

Each photon passes

through both slits

The double slit and quantum mechanics

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Each individual photon goes through both slits!

Dimming the incident light:

The double slit and quantum mechanics

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How can a particle go through both slits?

“Nobody knows, and it’s best if you try not to think about it.”

Richard Feynman

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ExercisesYou are encouraged to solve all problems in the textbook (Pedrotti3).

The following may be covered in the werkcollege on 12 October 2011:

Chapter 11:1, 3, 4, 10, 12, 13, 22, 27