Chapter 12 - Forces 1 - Newton’s First and Second Laws 2 - Gravity 3 - Newton’s Third Law

Chapter 12 - Forces

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Chapter 12 - Forces. - Newton’s First and Second Laws - Gravity 3 - Newton’s Third Law. TN Standards. CLE.3202.3.2: Investigate and apply Newton’s three laws of motion CLE.3202.4.1: Explore the difference between mass and weight CLE.3202.4.2: Relate gravitational force to mass - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Chapter 12 - Forces

Chapter 12 - Forces

1 - Newton’s First and Second Laws

2 - Gravity

3 - Newton’s Third Law

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TN Standards

• CLE.3202.3.2: Investigate and apply Newton’s three laws of motion

• CLE.3202.4.1: Explore the difference between mass and weight

• CLE.3202.4.2: Relate gravitational force to mass• CLE.3202.3.3: Examine the Law of Conservation of

Momentum in real-world situations• CLE.3202.Math.1: Understand the mathematical

principles behind the science of Physics

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• How many laws of motion did Newton create?

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1 – Newton’s 1st and 2nd Laws

• Key Questions:

• What makes an object speed up, slow down, or change directions?

• What determines how much an object speeds up or slows down?

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Newton’s First Law• An object at rest remains at rest and an object in

motion maintains its velocity unless it experiences a net force

• Objects change their state of motion only when a net force is applied

• Objects tend to maintain their state of motion

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Inertia• “Laziness” of all matter based on mass

• Is the tendency of an object to stay at rest or to move at constant velocity ( if moving )

• Seat belts and car seats

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QuickLab – Newton’s 1st Law

• Place an Index Card over a glass; Coin on card

• Flick the card sideways off the glass – what happens to the coin?

• Does coin move with Index Card?

• Repeat but slowly pull card sideways – what happens to the coin?

• Explain the results using Newton’s 1st Law – In your notebook ( lab grade )

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Newton’s Second Law

• The unbalanced force acting on an object equals the object’s mass times its acceleration

• Net force equals mass times acceleration– F = ma

• Unbalanced force on an object determines how much an object speeds up or slows down

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Newton’s Second Law

• Force is measured in Newtons ( 1 N = 1 kg x 1 m/s2 )• For equal forces, a larger mass accelerates less• Acceleration depends on force and mass

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Newton’s Second Law

• Force is measured in Newtons ( 1 N = 1 kg x 1 m/s2 )• For equal mass, a larger force accelerates more• Acceleration depends on force and mass

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1 – Newton’s 1st and 2nd Laws

• Key Questions:

• What makes an object speed up, slow down, or change directions?

• What determines how much an object speeds up or slows down?

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• What is Newton’s First Law (in your own words)• What is Newton’s Second Law (in your own words)

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2 – Gravity• Key Questions:

• How are weight and mass related?• Why do objects fall to the ground when

dropped?• What is the relationship between free-fall

acceleration and mass?• Why does a projectile follow a curved path?

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Weight and Mass• Force on an object due to

gravity is WEIGHT– Weight is measured in Newtons

• Free-fall acceleration is a constant acceleration all objects on earth experience

• Weight is equal to mass times free-fall acceleration– w = mg

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Law of Universal Gravitation

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Law of Universal Gravitation

• All matter is affected by gravity• Gravitational force increases with mass OR

decreases with distance

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Free Fall• Without air resistance, all objects

falling near Earth’s surface accelerate at the same rate regardless of their mass

• Due to the Law of Gravitation

• Air resistance can balance weight– EXAMPLE : Leaf falling at constant

velocity– TERMINAL VELOCITY ( max velocity

obtained )

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Projectile Motion

• Curved path of an object thrown, launched, kicked, or otherwise projected near Earth’s surface

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Projectile Motion• Two components – horizontal and vertical– Curved path when both are combined

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Projectile Motion

• Orbiting is projectile motion

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2 – Gravity• Key Questions:

• How are weight and mass related?• Why do objects fall to the ground when

dropped?• What is the relationship between free-fall

acceleration and mass?• Why does a projectile follow a curved path?

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• What is the difference between weight and mass?

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3 – Newton’s Third Law

• Key Questions:

• What happens when an object exerts a force on another object?

• How do you calculate the momentum of an object?

• What is the total momentum after objects collide?

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Action and Reaction Forces

• Foot on Ball – ACTION

• Ball on Foot – REACTION

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Newton’s Third Law

• For every ACTION force there is an opposite and equal REACTION force

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Newton’s Third Law

• Forces always occur in pairs

• Forces in a force pair do not act on the same object– Do not cancel each other

• Equal forces do not always have equal effects

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QuickLab – Action/Reaction Forces

• Hang a 2 kg mass from a spring scale

• Observe and record the reading on the spring scale

• With the mass on the first scale, link a second scale to the first

• Observe/record readings from both scales

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QuickLab – Action/Reaction Forces


• What are the action and reaction forces in the spring scale-mass system that you have constructed?

• How did the readings on both scales compare in the last step? Explain how this demonstrates Newton’s 3rd Law?

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• A property of all moving objects

• Along a straight line, momentum is the product of an object’s mass and velocity– p = mv

• Increases as mass and velocity increases

• Force is related to change in momentum

• How does moving the catcher’s glove back change the force needed to stop the ball?

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Conservation of Momentum

• The total amount of momentum in an isolated system is conserved

• Total momentum of two or more objects after a collision is the same as the momentum before

• Explained by 3rd Law

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3 – Newton’s Third Law

• Key Questions:

• What happens when an object exerts a force on another object?

• How do you calculate the momentum of an object?

• What is the total momentum after objects collide?

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• What is Newton’s 3rd Law ( in your own words )?