Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace, can be held by its edges with the bare hands. Initially, the heat transfer from the surface is relatively rapid; however, the thermal conductivity of this material is so small that heat conduction from the interior [maximum temperature approximately 1250C (2300F)] is extremely slow. This material was developed especially for the tiles that cover the Space Shuttle Orbiters and protect and insulate them during their fiery

Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,

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Page 1: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,

Chapter 17: Thermal PropertiesA white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace, can be held by its edges with the bare hands. Initially, the heat transfer from the surface is relatively rapid; however, the thermal conductivity of this material is so small that heat conduction from the interior [maximum temperature approximately 1250C (2300F)] is extremely slow. This material was developed especially for the tiles that cover the Space Shuttle Orbiters and protect and insulate them during their fiery reentry into the atmosphere. Other attractive features of this high-temperature reusable surface insulation (HRSI) include low density and a low coefficient of thermal expansion.

Page 2: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,


• How does a material respond to heat?


• How do we define and measure... --heat capacity --coefficient of thermal expansion --thermal conductivity --thermal shock resistance

• How do ceramics, metals, and polymers rank?


17.1 IntroductionThermal property: Response of materials to

the application of heat

Page 3: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,


• General: The ability of a material to absorb heat.• Quantitative: The energy required to increase the temperature of the material.



heat capacity(J/mol-K)

energy input (J/mol)

temperature change (K)

• Two ways to measure heat capacity: -- Cp : Heat capacity at constant pressure.

-- Cv : Heat capacity at constant volume.


Page 4: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,


Vibrational Heat CapacityGeneration of lattice waves in a crystal by atomic vibrations.The phonon versus photon

Page 5: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,

The temperature dependence of the heat capacity at constant volume.

D = Debye temperature D = ħmax/kD < Troom

Cv = constant = ~3R

Heat Capacity vs T --increases with temperature--reaches a limiting value of 3R

• Atomic view: --Energy is stored as atomic vibrations. --As T goes up, energy of atomic vibration goes up too

Debye temperature (usually less than Troom)

T (K)

Heat capacity, Cv3R


Cv= constant

gas constant = 8.31 J/mol-K

Page 6: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,


• Why is cp significantly larger for polymers?

Selected values from Table 19.1, Callister 6e.


• PolymersPolypropylene Polyethylene Polystyrene Teflon

cp (J/kg-K) at room T

• CeramicsMagnesia (MgO) Alumina (Al2O3) Glass

• MetalsAluminum Steel Tungsten Gold

1925 1850 1170 1050

900 486 128 138



ng c


cp: (J/kg-K) Cp: (J/mol-K)


940 775


Page 7: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,


• Materials change size when heating.

• Atomic view: Mean bond length increases with T.

Lfinal LinitialLinitial

(Tfinal Tinitial)

coefficient ofthermal expansion (1/K)




Bond energy

Bond length (r)








T5bond energy vs bond length curve is “asymmetric”

Adapted from Fig. 19.3(a), Callister 6e. (Fig. 19.3(a) adapted from R.M. Rose, L.A. Shepard, and J. Wulff, The Structure and Properties of Materials, Vol. 4, Electronic Properties, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1966.)


Page 8: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,


Potential energy versus interatomic distance. Interatomic separation increases with rising temperature. With heating, the interatomic separation increases from r0 to r1 to r2, and so on.

For a symmetric potential energy-versus-interatomic distance curve, there is no increase in interatomic separation with rising temperature (i.e., r1 r2 r3).

Page 9: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,


• PolymersPolypropylene Polyethylene Polystyrene Teflon

145-180 106-198 90-150 126-216

(10-6/K) at room T

• CeramicsMagnesia (MgO) Alumina (Al2O3) Soda-lime glass Silica (cryst. SiO2)

13.5 7.6 9 0.4

• MetalsAluminum Steel Tungsten Gold

23.6 12 4.5 14.2





• Q: Why does generally decrease with increasing bond energy?

Selected values from Table 19.1, Callister 6e.


For thermal expansion of fractional volumeFor isotropic materials v = ~3l

Page 10: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,


• General: The ability of a material to transfer heat.• Quantitative:

q k



thermal conductivity (J/m-K-s)

heat flux(J/m2-s)

• Atomic view: Atomic vibrations in hotter region carry energy (vibrations) to cooler regions.

T2 > T1 T1

x1 x2heat flux


Page 11: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,


• PolymersPolypropylene Polyethylene Polystyrene Teflon

0.12 0.46-0.50 0.13 0.25

k (W/m-K)

• CeramicsMagnesia (MgO) Alumina (Al2O3) Soda-lime glass Silica (cryst. SiO2)

38 39 1.7 1.4

• MetalsAluminum Steel Tungsten Gold

247 52 178 315



ng k

By vibration/ rotation of chain molecules

Energy Transfer

By vibration of atoms

By vibration of atoms and motion of electrons


Selected values from Table 19.1, Callister 6e.


for pure metals

Page 12: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,

Thermal conductivity versus composition for copper–zinc alloys.

Impurities decrease thermal conductivity (scattering centers in solid solutions)

Page 13: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,

Dependence of thermal conductivity on temperature for ceramics

Nonmetallic materialsThermal insulatorsPhonons for thermal conductionPhonon scattering by imperfectionsAt higher T, radiant heat transfer

Porosity: increasing pore volume reduces thermal conductivity also gaseous convection ineffective

Page 14: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,

• Modulus of Elasticity, E: (also known as Young's modulus)


• Hooke's Law:

= E


Fsimple tension test

Linear- elastic


E: [GPa] or [psi]

17.5 Thermal Stresses


= E

= stressE = modulus of elasticity= displacement

Page 15: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,


• Occurs due to: --uneven heating/cooling --mismatch in thermal expansion.

• Example: --A brass rod is stress-free at room temperature (20°C). --It is heated up, but prevented from lengthening. --At what T does the stress reach -172 MPa?


thermal(T Troom)




compressive keeps L = 0 E( thermal) E(T Troom)

100GPa 20 x 10-6 /C

20CAnswer: 106C-172MPa


Page 16: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,
Page 17: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,


• Occurs due to: uneven heating/cooling.

• Ex: Assume top thin layer is rapidly cooled from T1 to T2:

rapid quench

doesn’t want to contract

tries to contract during coolingT2T1

Tension develops at surface

E(T1 T2)

Critical temperature differencefor fracture (set = f)

(T1 T2)fracture


Temperature difference thatcan be produced by cooling:

(T1 T2)

quenchratekset equal

• Result:

• Large thermal shock resistance when is large.


(quenchrate)for fracture



Page 18: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,


Page 19: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,


• Application:Space Shuttle Orbiter

• Silica tiles (400-1260C):--large scale application --microstructure:


~90% porosity!Si fibersbonded to oneanother duringheat treatment.

Fig. 23.0, Callister 5e. (Fig. 23.0 courtesy the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

reinf C-C (1650°C)

Re-entry T Distribution

silica tiles (400-1260°C)

nylon felt, silicon rubber coating (400°C)

Fig. 19.2W, Callister 6e. (Fig. 19.2W adapted from L.J. Korb, C.A. Morant, R.M. Calland, and C.S. Thatcher, "The Shuttle Orbiter Thermal Protection System", Ceramic Bulletin, No. 11, Nov. 1981, p. 1189.)

Fig. 19.3W, Callister 5e. (Fig. 19.3W courtesy the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Fig. 19.4W, Callister 5e. (Fig. 219.4W courtesy Lockheed Aerospace CeramicsSystems, Sunnyvale, CA.)


Page 20: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,


Low expansion alloys

Page 21: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,


• A material responds to heat by: --increased vibrational energy --redistribution of this energy to achieve thermal equil.• Heat capacity: --energy required to increase a unit mass by a unit T. --polymers have the largest values.• Coefficient of thermal expansion: --the stress-free strain induced by heating by a unit T. --polymers have the largest values.• Thermal conductivity: --the ability of a material to transfer heat. --metals have the largest values.• Thermal shock resistance: --the ability of a material to be rapidly cooled and not crack. Maximize fk/E.


Page 22: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,

T = Q

m cp

cp = (375 J/kg - K)2.39 10 4 Btu /lbm - F

1 J /kg - K

= 0.090 Btu/lbm - F

T = 65 Btu

(10 lbm)(0.090 Btu /lbm - F)= 72.2 F

Tf = T0 + T = 77 F + 72.2 F = 149.2 F (65.1C)

Heat CapacityTo what temperature would 10 lbm of a brass specimen at 25°C (77°F) be raised if 65 Btu of heat is


SolutionWe are asked to determine the temperature to which 10 lbm of brass initially at 25C would be raised if 65 Btu of heat is supplied. This is accomplished by utilization of a modified form of Equation 17.1 as

in which Q is the amount of heat supplied, m is the mass of the specimen, and cp is the specific heat. From Table 17.1, cp = 375 J/kg-K for brass, which in Customary U.S. units is just



C=dQ/dT c=(1/m) dQ/dT

Page 23: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,

(a) Briefly explain why Cv rises with increasing temperature at temperatures near

0 K.

(b) Briefly explain why Cv becomes virtually independent of temperature at

temperatures far removed from 0 K.

Solution(a) Cv rises with increasing temperature at temperatures near 0 K because, in this

temperature range, the allowed vibrational energy levels of the lattice waves are far apart relative to the available thermal energy, and only a portion of the lattice waves may be excited. As temperature increases, more of the lattice waves may be excited by the available thermal energy, and, hence, the ability of the solid to absorb energy (i.e., the magnitude of the heat capacity) increases.

(b) At temperatures far removed from 0 K, Cv becomes independent of temperature because all of the lattice waves have been excited and the energy required to produce an incremental temperature change is nearly constant.

Page 24: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,

l = l0lT = l0l (Tf T0)

= (15 m) 17.0 10 6 (C)-1 ( 9C 40C)

= 1.25 10-2 m = 12.5 mm ( 0.49 in.)

Thermal Expansion

A copper wire 15 m (49.2 ft) long is cooled from 40 to –9°C (104 to 15°F). How much change in length will it experience?

SolutionIn order to determine the change in length of the copper wire, we must employ a rearranged form of Equation 17.3b and using the value of l taken from Table 17.1 [17.0 10-6 (C)-1] as

Page 25: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,

Briefly explain why metals are typically better thermal conductors than ceramic materials.


Metals are typically better thermal conductors than are ceramic materials because, for metals, most of the heat is transported by free electrons (of which there are relatively large numbers). In ceramic materials, the primary mode of thermal conduction is via phonons, and phonons are more easily scattered than are free electrons.

Page 26: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,

For some ceramic materials, why does the thermal conductivity first decrease and then increase with rising temperature?

SolutionFor some ceramic materials, the thermal

conductivity first decreases with rising temperature because the scattering of lattice vibrations increases with temperature. At higher temperatures, the thermal conductivity will increase for some ceramics that are porous because radiant heat transfer across pores may become important, which process increases with rising temperature.

Page 27: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,

M w

M w

For each of the following pairs of materials, decide which has the larger thermal conductivity. Justify your choices.

(a) Fused silica; polycrystalline silica.(b) Atactic polypropylene (

= 106 g/mol); isotactic polypropylene (

Solution(a) Polycrystalline silica will have a larger conductivity than fused silica

because fused silica is noncrystalline and lattice vibrations are more effectively scattered in noncrystalline materials.

(b) The isotactic polypropylene will have a larger thermal conductivity than the atactic polypropylene because isotactic polymers have a higher degree of crystallinity. Since heat transfer is accomplished by molecular chain vibrations, and the coordination of these vibrations increases with percent crystallinity, the higher the crystallinity, the greater the thermal conductivity.

= 5 × 105 g/mol).

Page 28: Chapter 17: Thermal Properties A white-hot cube of a silica fiber insulation material, which, only seconds after having been removed from a hot furnace,

What measures may be taken to reduce the likelihood of thermal shock of a ceramic piece?

SolutionAccording to Equation 17.9,

the thermal shock resistance of a ceramic piece may be enhanced by increasing the fracture strength and thermal conductivity, and by decreasing the elastic modulus and linear coefficient of thermal expansion. Of these parameters, f and l are most amenable to alteration, usually be changing the composition and/or the microstructure.