Chapter 2 An Integrative Approach to Psychopathology

Chapter 2 An Integrative Approach to Psychopathology

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Chapter 2 An Integrative Approach to Psychopathology. Models of Approach. One-Dimensional Models Single cause, operating in isolation Ignores critical information Multidimensional Models Systemic Several independent inputs that become interdependent - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Chapter 2 An Integrative Approach to Psychopathology

Chapter 2

An Integrative Approach to Psychopathology

Page 2: Chapter 2 An Integrative Approach to Psychopathology

Models of Approach

OOne-Dimensional ModelsOSingle cause, operating in

isolationO Ignores critical information

OMultidimensional ModelsOSystemicOSeveral independent

inputs that become interdependent

OCauses cannot be considered out of context

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Components of Multidimensional Models

OBiological Factors OBehavioral FactorsOCognitive FactorsOEmotional InfluencesOSocial FactorsODevelopmental FactorsOAll of these interact


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Biology: The Influence of Genes

What are genes?◦ Functional sections of

DNA located on chromosomes

How do they influence our risk for psychopathology?◦ Increase or decrease

risk for psychopathology Polygenetic influences

Multiple genes interact

◦ Often interact with environmental factors Example: nutrition and


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The Study of Genes and Behavior Quantitative genetics

accounts for the effects of several genes on a phenotype◦ Estimates “heritability,”

but does not involve measuring genes Relies on twin-studies,


Molecular genetics accounts for the influence of specific genes ◦ Involves measuring

specific genes and determining their specific influence DNA collected via saliva,

blood, or cheek cells

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How Else Do Genes Contribute to Psychopathology?

Diathesis-Stress model:◦ Diathesis:

Inherited tendency to express traits/behaviors Usually genetic

◦ Stress: Life events or contextual variables Environmental

◦ Effects of stress (environment) on psychopathology depend on one’s diathesis (genes) Genes can make a person more or less susceptible to negative effects of environment

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The Diathesis-Stress Model: Illustration

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How Else Do Genes Contribute to Psychopathology?

Epigenetics: Environments affect gene expressionOActivation of dormant genesOhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?


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Biology: Neuroscience and Psychopathology

OThe Field of NeuroscienceOThe role of the nervous system in

disease and behavior

OHuman Nervous System (2 Branches)OCNS

OBrain and spinal cordOPNS

OSomatic and autonomic branches

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Overview: Neuroscience and Brain Structure

OTwo main parts:OBrain stem – basic functionsOForebrain –higher cognition

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Divisions of the Brain StemOHindbrain

OMedulla – Heart rate, blood pressure, respiration

OPons – Regulates sleep stagesOCerebellum –physical coordination

OMidbrainOCoordinates movement with sensory

inputOContains parts of the reticular

activating system (RAS)

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Brain Stem and Forebrain Connections

O Thalamus and hypothalamusO Relays between brain stem and forebrainO Behavioral and emotional regulation

O Limbic systemO Emotions, basic drives, impulse controlO Strong links with psychopathology

O Basal gangliaO Motor activity

O http://www.g2conline.org/?gclid=CIa4pvrL47YCFQNlMgodOG0ACw

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Divisions of the Forebrain

OForebrain (Cerebral Cortex)OMost sensory, emotional, and

cognitive processing

OTwo specialized hemispheresOLeft – verbal, math, logicORight – perceptual

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Neuroscience and the Brain Structure

O Lobes of the Cerebral CortexO Frontal

OThinking and reasoning abilities, memory

O Temporal OSight and sound recognition, long-term

memory storage

O Parietal OTouch recognition

O Occipital OIntegrates visual input

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Major Structures of the Brain

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Neuroscience: The Peripheral Nervous System

OPNS - SomaticOVoluntary muscles and movement

OPNS - AutonomicOSympathetic (activating)

OE.g., increase heart rateOParasympathetic (normalizing)

OE.g., decrease heart rateOBoth divisions regulate:

OCardiovascular system/body temperature

OEndocrine system/digestion

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Neuroscience: The Peripheral Nervous System

O The Endocrine System O Hormones

O The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenalcortical Axis (HPA axis)O Integration of endocrine

and nervous system

O Involved in stress response e.g., fight or flight

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Neurons The Neuron (aka nerve cells)- basic

building block of nervous system◦ Soma◦ Dendrites ◦ Axon◦ Axon terminals◦ Synaptic cleft

Function: Electrical Communication: Chemical

◦ Neurotransmitters

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O Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) GABA – inhibitoryO Implicated in anxiety and its treatment

OBenzodiazepines are tranquilizers that act as GABA agonists.OAgonist vs. antagonist.


O NorepinephrineO Respiration, reactions, alarm responseO Implicated in panic


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OSerotoninORegulates behavior, moods, thought

processesO Implicated in depression and many

other forms of psychopathology

ODopamineO Implicated in schizophreniaOAlso associated with reward

processing and impulsivity


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Medication Effects on Serotonin

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Neuroscience and Psychopathology

OPsychosocial influences on the brainOPsychotherapy and functional

normalization in OCD

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Cognitive ApproachesOcognitive approaches: identification

and modification of maladaptive thoughts• Aaron Beck (cognitive therapy)• Albert Ellis (rational emotive behavior






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OLearned helplessness (Seligman)O Implicated in depression and anxietyORelates to one’s belief that they are

not in control

Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences