Chapter 20 The Roaring Twenties

Chapter 20 The Roaring Twenties

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Chapter 20

The Roaring Twenties

Americans and Post War Issues

U.S. Population Wanted Normalcy

1. Renewed Isolationism

- Moving away from the rest of the world

2. A resurgence of Nativism

- Fear of those foreign born

3. Political Conservatism

- Turning away from progressivism

The Threat of Communism “Workers of the world unite”

The Russian Revolution

- 1917

- New Danger Communism

- Vladimir Lenin

1. Bolshevik Revolution

2. Communist Government

- What is communism?

The Threat of Communism The Red Scare in The United States

-70, 000 join Communist Party in United States ( 1/10)

of U.S.

- People in U.S. afraid

1. Bombs in Government Buildings

2. Mitchell Palmer

- “Red Scare”

The Threat of Communism

The Palmer Raids

- J. Edgar Hoover

1. Get rid of Radicals and Anarchists

2. Government Agency becomes Federal Bureau of

Investigation (FBI)

3. What did the agents do?

The Threat of Communism

Sacco and Vanzetti

The Threat of Communism

The Klu Klux Klan (KKK)

1. 4.5 Million

2. Dominated Politics in….

( Arkansas, Ohio, California, Indiana, Oregon, and Texas)

- how high does it go???

Labor Unrest

Strikes were suppressed during the war1. Why?

Some Notable Strikes

1. The Boston Police Strike

2. The Steel Mill Strike (U.S. Steel)

3. The Coal Miners Strike ( United Mine Workers of


Labor UnrestThe Boston Police Strike

1. Police did not have a raise since beginning of WWI

- Police Complain (What happens????)

2. Calvin Coolidge

“There is no right to strike against the public safety by anyone, anywhere, anytime.”

Labor Unrest

The Steel Mill Strike

U.S. Steel 1919

1. 12 hour day

2. Dangerous conditions

- 350,000 walked off the job

What happens?????

Labor Unrest

Steel companies

- hire strike breakers

- link workers to communists


1. 8 Hour Day

2. No Union

Labor Unrest

The Coal Miners Strike

- United Mine Workers (1919)

1. John L. Lewis

- Nov. 1st Strike

President Again

Labor Unrest

Labor Movement Loses Appeal

- Much of the work force consisted of immigrants

- Immigrants spoke a multitude of languages

- Farmers who moved to cities did not organize

Normalcy and Isolationism

1920 Presidential Election

Republicans (GOP)

- Warren G. Harding

Democrats (D)

- James M. Cox

Republicans 16 Million

Democrats 9 Million

Normalcy and Isolationism Harding Administration on World Peace

1. Kellogg- Briand Pact

- 1929

- 64 nations

- One Problem ?

Normalcy and IsolationismHarding Administration on Isolationism

1. Isolationism

2. Fordney -McComber Tariff

- raised tax on imported goods to its highest level ever

- What would this do???????

1. War Debts

- Britain / France / Germany


- Who are they ???

What do Immigrants represent

1. Anarchists

2. Less need for them

(Unskilled Labor)

3. Racism

- Madison Grant

Limiting Immigrations

Limiting Immigration

U.S. Government and Harding Administration on Immigrants


- The Emergency Quota Act

1. Quota System

Possible Problems With This System????????

Scandal Hits Harding

Harding’s Administration on Harding’s Administration

1. Good Choices

- Charles Evans Hughes

- Herbert Hoover

2. Bad Choices

- The Ohio Gang

1. Close Friends From Harding’s State of Ohio

The Ohio Gang



Poker Players


Teapot Dome Scandal

Oil Rich Government Lands

- Teapot Dome Wyoming

The Business of America

Government is Pro Business in the 1920s

Pro Business President

- Calvin Coolidge

“ The chief business of America is business… The man who builds a factory builds a temple-- the man who works there worships there.”

The Business of America

The Automobile

By the late 1920s 80% of all cars in the U.S.

1. 1 Car for Every 5 People

The Business of America

Changes The American Landscapes


1. Family Garages

2. Traffic Signals

3. Repair Shops

4. Motels

The Business of AmericaThe Automobile For Rural America

1. Could Travel to the City

City Living

1. Urban Sprawl

The Business of America


- Carries mail for Government

- Carries People

1. Ford plane

- 10 People

The Business of America

Electrical Conveniences

1. Radio

2. Phonograph

3. Washing Machine

4. Vacuum Cleaner

5. Electric Sewing Machine

6. Refrigerators

7. Lights

The Business of America

More Businesses Means More Competition

1. More big businesses

The Business of America

How Does This Change America??????

The Business of America

All This New Stuff That You Have To Buy

What Do You Need To Buy It???????

The Business of America

People Living on Credit

1. Installment Plan