Chapter 2_International Science (FOOD and DIGESTION

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  • 7/29/2019 Chapter 2_International Science (FOOD and DIGESTION


    C l i c k t o e d i t M a s t e r s u b t i t l e s t y l eC h a p t e r 2

    I n t e r n a t i o n a l S C I E N C E

    B y : M S s u m a t h i


  • 7/29/2019 Chapter 2_International Science (FOOD and DIGESTION



    Contain the right proportions(amounts) ofcarbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals,

    water and fibre

    Others(Fats,oils and sweet): eat


    Meat group: protein 2-3 servings

    Fruit group: vitamins,

    fibre 2-4 serving

    Grain group:carbohydrates 6- 11 servings

    Milk group: protein3-4 servings

    Vegetable group:

    Vitamins, fibre3-5 servings

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    1. CarbohydratesInclude sugars and starchesStarches are made up of molecules of simple sugars such

    as starches

    Main role: To provide the _____ our bodies need tofunction

    2. ProteinsMade from chains of chemicals called __________Repair damaged cells and help to build the bodyToo much or too little protein can lead to deficiency

    diseases such as _____________(common in Africa)

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    3. FatsMixture of molecules called _______When such mixture is ______at room temperature, it is

    called a ______(margarine and butter)When it is _______ at room temperature, it is called an

    _____(olive oil, canola oils)Good source of energy1 gram of fat has _____ the energy value of one gram of


    Also important for keeping us ____ and protecting ourorgansToo much animal fat can result in high levels of _______ in

    our blood which causes arteries to become blocked andcauses _______ and ____________.

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    Nutrients that protect our bodies to fight ____________4) Vitamins

    5) Minerals

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    Fibre and Watrer

    6. FibreSometimes called ________Is actually _______, a carbohydrate found in all plantsCellulose ______ be digested by human body but play role by

    keeping food moving through our digestive systems whichhelps to prevent ___________ and more serious problemsuch as cancer

    7. WaterHuman body is about _____% water

    Necessary for transporting substances in the sweat, urine andbloodSweating cools the body when it overheatsOn overage , we need to drink 1 litres each day


  • 7/29/2019 Chapter 2_International Science (FOOD and DIGESTION



    1) Mouth The mouth is the beginning of the digestive tract. Chewing breaks the food into pieces that

    are more easily digested, while ______ mixes with food to begin the process ofbreaking it down into a form your body can absorb and use.

    2) Throat Also called the _______, the throat is the next destination for food you've eaten. From

    here, food travels to the oesophagus or swallowing tube.

    3) Oesophagus The oesophagus is a muscular tube extending from the pharynx to the stomach. By means

    of a series of contractions, called _________, it delivers food to the stomach.

    4) Stomach

    Food is mixed with __________, which are produced by stomach lining. The stomachsecretes acid and powerful enzymes that continue the process of breaking down thefood. From there the food moves to the small intestine.

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    5)Small Intestine Made up of three segments, the duodenum, jejunum,

    and ileum, the small intestine is a long tube looselycoiled in the abdomen (____ m long) where mostdigestion takes place. The small intestine continues

    the process of breaking down food by using enzymesreleased by the pancreas and bile from the liver.Digested food is absorbed into the ______ throughthe walls of the small intestine

    6) Large intestine Water, mineral salts and vitamins are absorbed from

    the undigested food here. Wastes are stored in the_______, until they leave the body in the form of________.

    7) Pancreas Produces ________ juice These enzymes break down

    protein, fat, and carbohydrates from the food we eat.

    8)Liver Produces ______ which helps to break _____ into

    small pieces

    9)Gallbladder _____ is stored here until it is needed

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    Mechanical and Chemical Digestion

    Two types of digestion take place in our bodies:

    1. Mechanical digestion Food is ______ broken down into smaller pieces. Starts with the ______ and continues throughout the digestive system as

    food is squeezed and pushed by various ______ in the process ofperistalsis

    2. Chemical digestion Involves changing food into molecules of simpler substances, which can

    dissolve in ______.

    _______ juices at various places in the digestive system help this happen These digestive juices contain_________, which break down large foodmolecules into smaller ones

    When digestion is complete, the food particles are small enough to passfrom intestine into blood. The blood then carries these nutrients aroundthe body to be used for energy, growth and repair of cells

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  • 7/29/2019 Chapter 2_International Science (FOOD and DIGESTION


  • 7/29/2019 Chapter 2_International Science (FOOD and DIGESTION


    Different Digestive System

    Digestive system of different animals are adapted to suitthe eating habits of the animals

    Omnivores-eat both plant and animal foodstuffs

    Front teeth(incisors) are used for ______ and bitingDo not really need to tear flesh, so _______ (side teeth)

    are not well developed

    Flat teeth at the back(molars) used for ________ andchewing food

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    Carnivores-eat the meat of otheranimals

    Specially adapted ______ canines

    Herbivores- only eat plants

    Have no _______ at all

    Front teeth adapted for biting and cutting

    grass and the molars are designed forchewing _____ matter

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    Cows digestive system

    Structure of an animals digestive system is adapted to suit whatthe animal eats.

    ______ is a plant fiber that cannot be digested by humans.Herbivores, such as cows are able to digest cellulose because they

    have special ______ living in their ___________stomachsCows chew their food and swallow it. Later on, they bring the foo

    back up and chew again. This is known as _____________.After chewed second time, it goes into another part of stomach,

    where bacteria break down the cellulose in the process ofchemical digestion

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    The digestive systems of some other animals Birds do not have ______ at all. They peck their food into smaller parts before

    swallowing it and storing in in their crops. When food leaves the crop, it enters a chamber called a ________. In most birds,

    the gizzard holds grit and small stones that the bird has swallowed. These work together with the strong muscular walls of the gizzard to break down the

    food. Snakes are able to eat whole live animals that are bigger than their mouths. They do this by unhinging their ______ to allow the food to pass through into the

    oesophagus Once the prey is in the oesophagus, strong muscles move it onwards. The snakes have

    extremely powerful ________juices, which allow it to digest bones, teeth and fur Earthworms live in soil and eat decaying plant material. They, like birds, store their food in a _______ before it enters a gizzard. The gizzard has strong muscular walls, which help to crush and break down food Digested food is absorbed from the intestine and dirt, stones and undigested food are

    passed out through the _______