Chapter 3 Internship Activities In this chapter, the writer will discuss about what was done when doing internship program in UPT P2B of Sebelas Maret University as a translator. The writer had translated 36 texts in total, including 26 legal/official documents consisting of birth certificates and graduation certificates, and 10 personal document consisting general texts or non-legal documents such as speech manuscript and abstract. The writer will firstly discuss about activities in general in order to give an overview of the activities done by the writer during the internship program, after that the writer will explain about translating legal document including explanation about what does legal document refer to, then the writer will also explain about translating personal document including explanation about what personal documents refer to, and the last the writer would discuss about the problems during the internship program along with the solution. Activities in General When doing the internship program in UPT P2B, the writer had translated many legal and personal documents. Before translating text, a client is required to fill a translation contract in order to make a deal and to inform the client about the rights and responsibilities by both client and translator. The picture of translation contract is attached bellow:

Chapter 3 Internship Activities - abstrak.ta.uns.ac.id · Internship Activities In this chapter, the writer will discuss about what was done when doing internship program in UPT P2B

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Chapter 3

Internship Activities

In this chapter, the writer will discuss about what was done when doing internship

program in UPT P2B of Sebelas Maret University as a translator. The writer had translated 36

texts in total, including 26 legal/official documents consisting of birth certificates and graduation

certificates, and 10 personal document consisting general texts or non-legal documents such as

speech manuscript and abstract. The writer will firstly discuss about activities in general in order

to give an overview of the activities done by the writer during the internship program, after that

the writer will explain about translating legal document including explanation about what does

legal document refer to, then the writer will also explain about translating personal document

including explanation about what personal documents refer to, and the last the writer would

discuss about the problems during the internship program along with the solution.

Activities in General

When doing the internship program in UPT P2B, the writer had translated many

legal and personal documents. Before translating text, a client is required to fill a translation

contract in order to make a deal and to inform the client about the rights and responsibilities by

both client and translator. The picture of translation contract is attached bellow:

After the client signs the translation contract, then the translator starts to translate

the text as soon as possible considering many other documents needed to translate.

1. Translating Legal Document

Legal document refers to documents that are officially legitimated according to

law or a Decision such as birth certificates and certificate of graduation. Translating legal

documents requires translator to know the terms that has been patented to be used as equal words

in legal documents, for example the words “Surat Keputusan (SK)” shouldn’t be literally

translated into “Letter of Decision”, but “Decision”. Therefore, in order to make acceptable,

readable, and accurate translation, there are some procedures done by the writer when translating

legal documents in UPT P2B of Sebelas Maret University.

a. Comprehending Text

In the earlier semester when the writer takes translation class, the writer realizes

that comprehending text is needed to be done in order to make a grammatically

acceptable translation since translation couldn’t be done by translating word by word.

Translating word by word tends to make a grammatically wrong translation since

grammar of Bahasa is different from English grammar. Therefore when translating legal

documents, the writer would firstly try to understand the text. This is started with

understanding sentence by sentence.

b. Finding Parallel Text

After doing text comprehension, then the writer starts to search parallel text on the

internet because the writer have never translated any legal documents although the writer

had taken translation class in the earlier semester. Therefore, finding parallel text is

needed when the writer does not understand terms in legal document.

c. Translating

If the writer finds parallel text related to legal document that is being translated,

then the writer will start to translate the text. In translating, the writer needs dictionary

both online and offline to help finding new vocabularies.

d. Revising the First Translation

If the writer finishes with the translation, then the writer submits it to the

supervisor. Next, the writer discusses it with the supervisor, and then the supervisor may

revise and edit the writer’s translation if there are any mistake.

In order to give a clear picture about the writer’s translation in UPT P2B of

Sebelas Maret University, bellows are the pictures of source text, of the writer’s first and

final translation, and table of comparison between source text, first translation, and final

translation as the example.

Indonesia to English

Picture 1.1 Source Text of Certificate of Graduate of Sebelas Maret University

*Several information have been discarded to protect the secrecy of the document

Picture 1.2 First Translation

Picture 1.3 Final Translation

Below is the table of comparison between the source text, the first translation and the final


Table 1.1

Source Text First Translation Final Translation

- NO

- Departemen

Pendidikan Nasional

- Universitas Sebelas

Maret Surakarta

menyatakan bahwa


Department of National


Sebelas Maret University


Certificate Of Graduation


The Ministry Of National


Sebelas Maret University


Certificate Of Graduation

- NRM:

- Lahir di…tanggal

- Telah menyelesaikan

dan memenuhi semua

syarat pendidikan

program pascasarjana

Universitas Sebelas


- Program Studi: Ilmu


- Minat Utama: Teori

dan Penelitian


- kepadanya diberikan


- Magister Sains (M.Si)

- Beserta segala hak dan

kewajiban yang

melekat pada gelar


This is to certify that:

Student Registration


born in…on

Finished and fulfilled all of

the educational


Graduate program of

Sebelas Maret University

Study Program :

Communication Science

Core Interest: Theory And

Research Of


and therefore he was

admitted to the degree of:


with all rights and

responsibilities appertaining


This is to certify that:

Student Registration


born in…on

completed and fulfilled all of

the educational requirements

for the Graduate Program

in Communication Science,

the Core Interest of Theory

and Research of

Communication, Sebelas

Maret University

and therefore he was

admitted to the Graduate

Degree of


Graduate Degree in Science

with all the rights and

responsibilities appertaining


- Diberikan di Surakarta

pada tanggal Tujuh

Belas Januari Dua Ribu


- Direktur Program


- Rektor

granted in surakarta on the

seventeenth day of january

in the year of two thousand

and four

Director Graduate Program


Granted in Surakarta on the

Seventeenth Day of January

in the Year of Two Thousand

and Four.

Director of Graduate and

Postgraduate Program


Based on the figures and table above, it can be seen that the writer applies two

technique of translation namely (1) literal technique that can be seen in most of the words in the

text that were translated literally, and (2) pure borrowing that can be seen from the degree

“Magister Sains (M.Si)” that was also translated into “Magister Sains (M.Si)” in the first

translation, but the supervisor revised it by adding explanation of the degree in English.

English to Indonesia

Picture 1.4 Source Text of Chinese Marriage

Picture 1.5 First Translation of Chinese Marriage

Picture 1.6 Final Translation of Chinese Marriage

Below is the table of comparison between source text, first translation and final translation.

Table 1.2

Source Text First Translation Final Translation

- Certificate Bearer

- Date of registration:

July 28, 2014

- Zi and No. of

marriage certificate

- Remark:

- Name:

- Sex: Male

- Nationality: China

- Date of Birth:

- ID Card No.:

- Name:

- Sex: Female

- Nationality: Indonesia

- ID card No.:

- Stipulated in the

Marriage Law, both

the man and woman

desiring to contract a

marriage must register

in person with the

marriage registration


- If the proposed

marriage is found to

Pemegang Akta

Tanggal Pendaftaran: 28 Juli


Zi dan Nomor Akta




Jenis Kelamin: Laki-Laki

Kewarganegaraan: China

Tanggal lahir:

Nomor Identitas


Jenis Kelamin: Perempuan

Kewarganegaraan: Indonesia

Nomor Identitas:

Menurut Undang-Undang

Perkawinan, kedua belah

pihak yang ingin melakukan

pernikahan harus mendaftar

sendiri ke Kantor Catatan


Apabila ajuan pernikahan

telah memenuhi ketetapan,

Nama Lengkap Pemegang


Tanggal Pendaftaran: 28 Juli


Nomor Akta Perkawinan



Jenis Kelamin : Laki-Laki

Kebangsaan: Cina

Tanggal Lahir:

Nomor Kartu Identitas


Jenis Kelamin: Perempuan

Kebangsaan: Indonesia

Nomor Kartu Identitas:

Ditetapkan dalam Undang-

Undang Perkawinan, laki-laki

dan perempuan yang

menghendaki Akad

Perkawinan harus mendaftar

sendiri pada Kantor

Pencatatan Perkawinan.

Jika perkawinan yang

diajukan diketahui sesuai

be in conformity with

the provisions of the

law, the couple shall

be allowed to register

and issued the

marriage certificate.

- The husband-and-wife

relationship shall be

established as soon as

they acquire the the

marriage certificate

maka pasangan akan diijinkan

untuk mendaftar dan diberi

Akta Perkawaninan.

Status hubungan suami-istri

akan disahkan setelah mereka

memperoleh Akta


dengan ketentuan-ketentuan

undang-undang yang berlaku,

pasangan tersebut harus

diizinkan untuk mendaftarkan

perkawinannya dan Akta

Perkawinan harus diterbitkan.

Hubungan suami dan istri

harus dijalankan segera

setelah pasangan tersebut

memperoleh akta perkawinan.

The writer also received a legal document from China that had been translated

into English. From the figures and table of the legal document from China, it can be seen that the

writer used literal technique in translating the text. But the writer’s supervisor used

particularization technique to translate “Certificate Bearer” into “Nama Lengkap Pemegang


2. Translating Personal Document

Personal document refers to general documents owned by someone, a group or on

behalf of an institution without officially legitimized based on law or a decision, such as speech

manuscript, and abstract. As well as translating legal document, translating personal documents

requires the writer to know terms usually used in certain fields such as Economic, and to do

some procedures as follows in order to make acceptable, readable, and accurate translation:

a. Comprehending Text

In translating any kind of text, the writer will firstly try to comprehend the text to

find the meaning of the sentences so that every word will not be wrongly translated

considering that one word can be translated into several words.

b. Rearranging Text

Translating general text is different from translating legal text. The sentences in

legal text will not be rearranged considering that legal documents already have pattern

sentence issued by government, but general texts sometimes need to be rearranged due

to several inappropriate grammars or dictions. This needs done in order to make

readable and acceptable sentences.

c. Finding Parallel Text

Finding parallel text is needed in translating any kind of text since this can make

the writer sure about certain terms in equal words.

d. Translating Text

After the writer is convinced about grammar and dictions in each sentence by

rearranging it, and about terms that should be used, then the writer will start to translate.

e. Revising Text

Although the writer feels convinced about the translation, the writer still have to

give the first translation to the supervisor to be revised. From here the writer learnt a lot

about the mistakes.

In order to give a clear picture about personal document translated by the writer,

the writer will also give a table containing source text, first translation and final

translation from Bahasa to English related to a personal document. But unfortunately the

writer did not receive any personal document in English that needed to be translated into


Table 2.1 Journal Document

Source Text First Translation Final Translation

Jika perusahaan mendapatkan

laba yang terus meningkat,

hal itu direspon positif oleh

para investor sebagai prospek

yang baik untuk perusahaan,

dan hal ini akan direspon

positif, sehingga menaikkan

If company gets profit which

keeps on increasing, it will be

positively considered by

investors as a good prospect

for company so that it will

increase stock price. Brigham

and Houstom (2006) stated

If company gets profit which

is increasing, it will be

positively considered by

investors as a good prospect

for company so that it will

increase stock price. Brigham

and Houstom (2006) state

harga saham. Brigham dan

Houston (2006) menyatakan

bahwa “rasio profitabilitas

akan menunjukkan efek dari

likuiditas, manajemen aktiva,

dan utang pada hasil operasi”.

Rasio ini digunakan untuk

mengetahui kemampuan

perusahaan dalam

menghasilkan laba atau

seberapa efektif pengelolaan

perusahaan oleh manajemen.

that “profitability ratios show

the combined effects of

liquidity, asset management,

and debt on operating

results”. This ratio is used to

find out about company’s

ability in getting profit or

about how effective the

company’s management by


that “profitability ratios show

the combined effects of

liquidity, asset management,

and debt on operating

results”. This ratio is used to

investigate the company’s

ability in getting profit or

about how effective the

corporate management is.

In the table 1.2.1, the writer chose 1 paragraph from a personal document entitled

“Journal Document” as the example. From the first translation, it can be seen that the writer

applies literal technique in translating this text. But in the last sentence of the source text, “Rasio

ini digunakan untuk mengetahui kemampuan perusahaan dalam menghasilkan laba atau

seberapa efektif pengelolaan perusahaan oleh manajemen.” was translated into “This ratio is

used to find out about company’s ability in getting profit or about how effective the company’s

management by management.” by the writer. From these two sentences, it can be seen that the

word “menghasilkan laba” is not literally translated into “producing profit”, but “getting profit”

because company’s profit is not produced, but it’s gotten by selling a product. This is why

comprehending text is necessary to be done in order to understand the meaning of the text.

Problems during Internship

During the internship program, the writer faced several problems in translating.

That’s why, the writer’s logbook not only does it contain of lists of activity, date and time, but it

also contains lists of problem and solution. Bellows are the problems faced during the internship

program along with the solution:

a. Lack of Vocabularies related to Certain Fields

Although the writer is an English Diploma Program student and had taken

translation class in the previous semester, the writer was still lack of vocabularies

related to certain fields such as economic and field of law. This was because the

writer only faced general texts in translation class, and mostly spoke and wrote

colloquial language in every class in the previous semesters. Lack of vocabularies

sometimes caused grammar problem. For example when translating a certificate

of appreciation, the writer translated ”DISBUDPARPORA Kabupaten Klaten”

into ”Ministry of Tourism Cultural Affairs,Youth and Sport of Klaten Regency”,

but then the writer’s supervisor revised it into ” The Office of Tourism, Cultural

Affairs, Youth, and Sport of Klaten Regency”. This is because the writer never

translated name of an institution before. The strategy done by the writer to solve

this problem is by checking the new vocabularies in online or offline dictionary

and in parallel text. That’s why, when doing the internship program the writer’s

laptop is always connected to the internet in order to make it easier for the writer

in accessing online dictionary and in finding parallel text.

b. Election of Equal Word

When the writer faced new vocabularies in English that needed to be translated

into Bahasa, or otherwise, the writer would search it in dictionary. But sometimes

the writer was confused in selecting words that should be used. This was because

one word can be translated into several words. Although this seems trivial, but if

the writer chose the wrong word, then it would make the text not acceptable,

accurate or readable. For example in the document entitled “Journal Document”,

there’s a sentence “Teori Struktur Modal yang dikemukakan oleh Modigliani dan

Miller menjelaskan bahwa…” that was translated into “Capital Structure Theory

stated by Modigliani and Miller explains that…”. The writer was firstly confused

whether the word “dikemukakan” should be translated into “claimed”, “stated”,

“declared” or just “said”. But then the writer chose the word “stated” because

most of parallel text used the word “stated” to refer to a quotation of a theory. The

strategy done by the writer to solve this problem is by checking it in the parallel

text. If the writer finds the equal word in the parallel text but still feels confused,

then the writer would directly ask the supervisor.

c. Text Comprehension

Comprehending text became the first thing done by the writer before translating

any text. But sometimes the writer felt confused in comprehending text due to

complexity level of a text. In a speech manuscript entitled “The Role of Family in

Environment”, there’s a sentence “Hingga kepada usaha dari beberapa keluarga

untuk membentuk keluarga pemerhati lingkungan hidup untuk mendengar jeritan

minta tolong oleh bumi ini karena keserakahan pelaku-pelaku hidup” that was

literally translated by the writer into “Till the effort of some families to found

environmentalist family to care about this earth’s cry needing help due to human’s

greed.”, but then the writer’s supervisor revised it into “Families must also strive

to become environmentalists to care this earth, which “cries and appeals” for help

due to human greed.”. From the comparison between these three sentences, it can

be seen that the writer didn’t understand the meaning of the sentence so that the

writer literally translated “jeritan minta tolong oleh bumi” into “this earth’s cry

needing help” that made the idiom sound strange. The one and only strategy that

can be done by the writer to solve this problem is by reading the text again and

again in order to get the meaning of the text. .