Chapter 3 Section 4 Notes I. The Search for A Promised Land

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Page 1: Chapter 3 Section 4 Notes I. The Search for A Promised Land
Page 2: Chapter 3 Section 4 Notes I. The Search for A Promised Land

Chapter 3 Section 4 Notes

Page 3: Chapter 3 Section 4 Notes I. The Search for A Promised Land

I. The Search for A Promised Land

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Land of Canna

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A. Hebrews lived in the land of Cannan

also called Palestine

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B. First five books of the Old Testament

were called theTorah, the holy book of the Hebrews

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C. Abraham was the father of the Hebrew

and lived in the Mesopotamian city

Ur around 2000 B.C.

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D. Around 1650 B.C. his

descendents decided to move to Egypt where they became slaves

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E. Hebrews had one God named

Yahweh, monotheism

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F. Covenant was where Abraham

promised to obey God and God

promised to protect Abraham and his


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G. Ark of the Covenant



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Ark of Covenant

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1. Where Yahweh lived

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2. Ten Commandments

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3. Moses staff

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Moses by Michelangelo

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H. Hebrews became enslaved

in Egypt

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1. Forced to do hard work

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3. Moses leads them out called the


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4. Passover

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5. Mt. Sinai he receives the Ten Commandments

from God

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I. Judges would govern in times of


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1. One women judge named


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J. Religion teachers called prophets interpreted the


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II. The Kingdom of Israel

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A. The Hebrews were threatened by

the Philistines

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David and Goliath

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B. One of the large tribes was from Judah thus the

Hebrewsbecame known as Jews or Judaism

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C. Three strong kings of Israel

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1. Saul chosen because he drove out the Philistines

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2. David establishes

Jerusalem as the capitol of the


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Jerusalem today

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3. Solomon

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Kingdom of David

And Solomon

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a. Built trading empire

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b. Built a large temple

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1. Which held the Ark of the Covenant

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D. Discontent divides the

kingdom with Israel in the north

and Judah in the south

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III. The Babylonian Captivity

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A. In 738 B.C. both Israel and Judah began paying a

tributeto the Assyrians

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B. In 722 B.C. all of Israel and Judah

fell to the Assyrians

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C. Babylonians conquered Syria and Palestine by

586 B.C.

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1. Babylonian Captivity

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2. Time of Nebuchadnezzar

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D. Persian king Cyrus the Great conquered the

Babylonians and eased control over the Hebrews

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