© 2003 by CRC Press LLC 30 Open Channel Hydraulics 30.1 Definitions and Principles Classification of Flows • Flow Regimes 30.2 Balance and Conservation Principles Conservation of Mass • Conservation of Momentum • Piezometric Head • Boundary Shear • Total Thrust and Specific Force • Balance of Mechanical Energy • Specific Energy • Hydraulic Jump 30.3 Uniform Flow 30.4 Composite Cross-Sections 30.5 Gradually Varied Flow 30.6 Water Surface Profile Analysis The Mild Slope Profiles • The Steep Slope Profiles • The Critical Slope Profiles • The Horizontal Slope Profiles • The Adverse Slope Profiles 30.7 Qualitative Solution of Flow Profiles Phase I — Determination of Critical Depths and Normal Depths • Phase II — Virtual Control Section (VCS) Determination • Phase III — Profile Sketching 30.8 Methods of Calculation of Flow Profiles 30.9 Unsteady Flows 30.10 Software Open channel hydraulics, a subject of great importance to civil engineers, deals with flows having a free surface in channels constructed for water supply, irrigation, drainage, and hydroelectric power generation; in sewers, culverts, and tunnels flowing partially full; and in natural streams and rivers. Open channel hydraulics includes steady flows that are unchanging in time, varied flows that have changes in depth and velocity along the channel, and transient flows that are time dependent. This chapter deals only with rigid- boundary channels without sediment deposition or erosion. In addition, this chapter assumes that wind and surface tension stresses exerted on the free surface are negligible, and that velocities are low enough that air is not entrained. The emphasis is on the one-dimensional treatment of uniform and nonuniform flows which are common in civil engineering practice. Design aspects of structures involving free surface flows are discussed in Chapter 35. Sediment transport in open channels is covered in Chapter 33. 30.1 Definitions and Principles Open channel flow is the flow of a single phase liquid with a free surface in a gravitational field when the effects of surface tension and of the overlying gas can be neglected. Because laminar open channel flows Aldo Giorgini (deceased) Donald D. Gray West Virginia University

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30Open Channel


30.1 Definitions and PrinciplesClassification of Flows • Flow Regimes

30.2 Balance and Conservation PrinciplesConservation of Mass • Conservation of Momentum • Piezometric Head • Boundary Shear • Total Thrust and Specific Force • Balance of Mechanical Energy • Specific Energy • Hydraulic Jump

30.3 Uniform Flow30.4 Composite Cross-Sections30.5 Gradually Varied Flow30.6 Water Surface Profile Analysis

The Mild Slope Profiles • The Steep Slope Profiles • The Critical Slope Profiles • The Horizontal Slope Profiles • The Adverse Slope Profiles

30.7 Qualitative Solution of Flow ProfilesPhase I — Determination of Critical Depths and Normal Depths • Phase II — Virtual Control Section (VCS) Determination • Phase III — Profile Sketching

30.8 Methods of Calculation of Flow Profiles30.9 Unsteady Flows30.10 Software

Open channel hydraulics, a subject of great importance to civil engineers, deals with flows having a freesurface in channels constructed for water supply, irrigation, drainage, and hydroelectric power generation;in sewers, culverts, and tunnels flowing partially full; and in natural streams and rivers. Open channelhydraulics includes steady flows that are unchanging in time, varied flows that have changes in depth andvelocity along the channel, and transient flows that are time dependent. This chapter deals only with rigid-boundary channels without sediment deposition or erosion. In addition, this chapter assumes that windand surface tension stresses exerted on the free surface are negligible, and that velocities are low enoughthat air is not entrained. The emphasis is on the one-dimensional treatment of uniform and nonuniformflows which are common in civil engineering practice. Design aspects of structures involving free surfaceflows are discussed in Chapter 35. Sediment transport in open channels is covered in Chapter 33.

30.1 Definitions and Principles

Open channel flow is the flow of a single phase liquid with a free surface in a gravitational field when theeffects of surface tension and of the overlying gas can be neglected. Because laminar open channel flows

Aldo Giorgini (deceased)

Donald D. GrayWest Virginia University

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are seldom encountered in civil engineering practice, only turbulent flows will be considered in thischapter. The analysis of open channel flows is largely based on the approximation that the mean stream-lines are nearly parallel. As shown below, this implies that the piezometric head is nearly constant onplanes normal to the flow, and allows a one-dimensional analysis. Regions of nonparallel streamlines areconsidered by using control volume arguments. In some cases, these assumptions are inadequate, and amuch more complicated two- or three-dimensional analysis must be used.

For any given cross section, the following terminology and notation are used:

• The region of the cross section occupied by the liquid is called the flow area, A.• The part of the cross section perimeter which is below the water surface is called the wetted

perimeter, P.• The length of the free surface is called the top width, T. This is normally assumed to be horizontal.• The hydraulic depth is D = A/T.• The hydraulic radius is R = A/P.• The water surface elevation, h, is the vertical distance of the free surface above a reference elevation

or datum. In Fig. 30.1, h is the water surface elevation at cross section 2.• The invert is the lowest point of the cross section.• The vertical distance to the free surface from the lowest point of the cross section is called the

depth of flow, y, or depth. Referring to Fig. 30.1, y1 is the depth corresponding to the invert at point A.• The perpendicular distance from the invert to the free surface is called the thickness of the stream,

d. Referring to Fig. 30.1, d1 is the thickness of the stream at cross section 1. If the free surface isnearly parallel to the bottom of the channel, d = y cos q, where q is the angle between the bottomof the channel and the horizontal. For the small slopes normally encountered in rivers and canalsd � y. The pressure head on the channel bottom is y cos2 q = d cos q. For q < 5° the error inapproximating the pressure head by y is less than 1%.

• The width of a rectangular channel is its breadth, b.

Special importance attaches to prismatic channels: those that have a constant cross sectional shape,longitudinal slope, and alignment. The generators of prismatic channels are parallel straight lines. Themost common prismatic channel cross sections are trapezoids, rectangles, and partially full circles.Constructed channels often consist of long prismatic reaches connected by short transition sections.Natural channels are never prismatic, although the assumption that they are is sometimes tolerable.

The direction of flow is indicated by the spatial variable x; the two coordinates orthogonal to eachother and to x are called y ¢ and z ¢. For a parallel flow, the total volume of water flowing per unit timeacross an orthogonal flow area, is the flowrate or discharge, Q, given by

FIGURE 30.1 Definitions: y, depth of stream; d, thickness of stream; z, bottom elevation; q, angle between channelbottom and horizontal; E, specific energy; h, piezometric head and water surface elevation; H, total head; aV 2/2g,velocity head. Subscripts denote flow area.





z = 0datum

















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Open Channel Hydraulics




where v(x, y ¢, z¢,t) is the local x-velocity at coordinates x, y ¢, z ¢ and time t. The integral extends across the whole flow area, and V is the mean velocity.

Classification of Flows

Steady flows are time invariant and unsteady flows are time dependent. Because open channel flows aretypically turbulent, and thus inherently unsteady in detail, these terms are understood to apply to thetime-averaged components of the flow variables. Uniform or normal flow is the important special caseof constant thickness flow in a prismatic channel. More common is gradually varied flow in whichstreamwise changes in the flow area are sufficiently gradual that the time-averaged streamlines can beassumed parallel. When the deviation of the time-averaged streamlines from being parallel cannot beneglected, the flow is termed rapidly varied. If the flowrate changes along the direction of flow (due toaddition or withdrawal of liquid) it is a spatially varied flow.

Flow Regimes

Since free surface flows are affected by gravitational, viscous, and surface tension forces, the relevantdimensionless parameters are the Froude number, the Reynolds number, and the Weber number. Themost important of these is the Froude number, Fr = V/c where c, the celerity, is the velocity of propagationof a small amplitude, shallow water gravity wave. For an arbitrary cross section c = (g D)1/2. For arectangular cross section this reduces to c = (g y)1/2. The Froude number compares the speed of the liquidto the speed at which small disturbances of the free surface propagate relative to the liquid. When Fr < 1,small disturbances can propagate upstream as well as downstream, and the flow regime is called subcritical,tranquil, or streaming. When Fr > 1, small disturbances are too slow to propagate upstream. This regimeis called supercritical, rapid, or shooting. This distinction is of great practical importance because if theflow at a given cross section is supercritical, downstream events cannot influence the flow unless theyare large enough to force the flow to change to subcritical. The rare case of Fr = 1 is called critical flow.The Froude number can also be interpreted as being proportional to the square root of the ratio of theinertial forces to the gravitational forces. Some authors define the Froude number as the square of thepresent definition.

The Reynolds number may be defined for open channel flow as Re = 4reRV/m, where r is the massdensity and m is the dynamic viscosity of the liquid. (Many authors omit the factor of 4.) The Reynoldsnumber is proportional to the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces. For Re < 2000, open channel flowis laminar. When Re exceeds about 8000, it is turbulent. At intermediate values the flow is transitional.In hydraulic engineering practice, laminar and transitional flows are rare, occurring mostly in shallowsheet storm runoff from roofs and pavements.

The Weber number for open channel flow is defined as We = reDV2/s, where s is the surface tensioncoefficient. The Weber number is a measure of the ratio of inertial forces to surface tension forces.Although threshold values have not been determined, the high values typical of hydraulic engineeringapplications indicate that surface tension effects may be neglected.

30.2 Balance and Conservation Principles

As shown in Chapter 28, the fundamental principles of nature may be written in a balance form for anarbitrarily specified region called a control volume. In this chapter we consider a control volume whichcontains all of the liquid between an upstream flow area (A1) and a downstream flow area (A2). Thelateral boundaries coincide with the wetted channel lining and the free surface.

Q x t v x y z t dy dz V x t A x t


, ( , , , ) , ,( ) = ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ = ( ) ( )ÚÚ

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Conservation of Mass

The principle of conservation of mass states that the time rate of change of mass inside a control volumeis equal to the balance between the inflowing and outflowing mass through the control surfaces. Forliquids of constant density, conservation of mass implies conservation of volume. In the case of steadyflow in a control volume which contains all of the liquid between an upstream flow area and a downstreamflow area, we have Qin = Qout = Q or


This is known as the continuity equation. For a rectangular channel of constant breadth


where q = Q/b is the specific flowrate or flowrate per unit breadth.

Conservation of Momentum

The principle of conservation of momentum states that the time rate of change of the momentum insidea control volume is equal to the sum of all the forces acting on the control volume plus the differencebetween the incoming and outgoing momentum flowrates. Note that it is a vector equation. For steadyflow with constant density along a straight channel, the streamwise component of the momentumequation for a control volume that contains all of the liquid between an upstream flow area and adownstream flow area becomes


where SF ¢ is the sum of the streamwise forces on the control volume. These forces typically include the hydrostatic pressure forces on the flow areas, the streamwise com-

ponent of the weight of liquid within the control volume, and the streamwise force exerted by the wettedsurface of the channel. b is called the momentum correction factor and accounts for the fact that thevelocity is not constant across the flow areas:


The value of b is 1.0 for a flat velocity profile, but its value increases as the irregularity of the velocitydistribution increases.

Piezometric Head

As a first application of the momentum equation, consider the control volume shown in Fig. 30.2 havingsides AB and DC of length Dx parallel to the streamlines, sides AD and BC of length Dy ¢, and breadthDz ¢ normal to the page. Since the momentum fluxes and shears along the faces AB and DC have nonormal component, the net pressure force in the y ¢-direction (∂p/∂y ¢) Dy ¢DxDz ¢, must be balanced bythe normal component of the weight of the liquid in the control volume r gDx Dy ¢Dz¢cos q =r gDxDy ¢Dz ¢(∂z/∂y ¢), thus ∂/∂y ¢[z + p/(r g)] = 0.

Integration gives


where g =r g is the specific weight of the liquidh =the elevation of the free surface

Q A V A V= =1 1 2 2

q V d V d= =1 1 2 2

¢ = -( )ÂF Q V Vr b b2 2 1 1

b = Ú12


V Av dA



h+ =g

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The sum of the elevation head and the pressure head, called the piezometric head, has the same valueat all the points of the same cross section of a parallel flow. This value is the elevation of the free surfacefor that cross section. This result is of fundamental importance for open channel hydraulics and suggeststwo corollaries: the pressure distribution within a given cross section of a parallel flow is hydrostatic, andthe free surface profile of a parallel flow may be defined as its piezometric head line or hydraulic grade line.

Boundary Shear

Apply the streamwise momentum Eq. (30.4) to a control volume that contains all of the liquid containedbetween an upstream flow area and a downstream flow area in a prismatic channel. For uniform flowthe momentum flowrates and the pressure forces on the entry and exit faces of the control volume cancel.Therefore the streamwise component of the weight of the fluid in the control volume must be balancedby the shear force acting on the wetted perimeter. Thus, if t is the average shear stress on the channellining, g A Dx sinq = t PDx, or

t = g R sinq = g R S (30.7)

where S = sinq is the bottom slope of the channel. Because the flow is uniform, S is also the slope of the piezometric head line and the total head line.

When Eq. (30.7) is applied to gradually varied flow, S is interpreted as the slope of the total head lineand is usually called the friction slope.

Total Thrust and Specific Force

Consider a control volume containing all of the liquid between upstream flow area A1 and downstreamflow area A2 in a prismatic channel. In this case the flow depth may vary in the streamwise direction.The forces in the streamwise momentum Eq. (30.4) are the hydrostatic forces on the end surfaces andthe component of the weight of the liquid in the flow direction. Friction forces are neglected. Themomentum equation in the flow direction is thus


where d1 represents the vertical depth of the centroid of flow area A1 below the free surface of A1, andW is the weight of the liquid in the control volume.

FIGURE 30.2 Forces and momentum flowrate on a fluid element.

gd gd q b r b r1 1 2 2 22

2 12

1A A W Q A Q A- + = -sin

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This can be rearranged as


where the expression in parentheses is called the total thrust, F.


The total thrust is the sum of the hydrostatic thrust g dA, which increases with flow thickness, and themomentum flowrate brQ2/A, which decreases with flow thickness if Q and b are assumed constant.Therefore the total thrust reaches a minimum at the critical stream thickness, dc, as illustrated in Fig. 30.3.This value can be found by setting the derivative of F with respect to d equal to zero with the result that


For most cross sections, Eq. (30.11) must be solved numerically. The function F/g is known variouslyas the specific force, momentum function, or thrust function.

Balance of Mechanical Energy

The mechanical energy of a body of mass m is the sum of its gravitational potential energy mgz and ofits kinetic energy mv 2/2, where z is the elevation of the mass m above a reference datum. The principleof conservation of mechanical energy states that the time rate of change of the mechanical energy in acontrol volume is equal to the net flowrate of mechanical energy at the inlet and outlet sections, plusthe work done by the pressure forces at the inlet and outlet sections, plus the loss of mechanical energyin the control region. For the steady flow of an incompressible liquid through a control volume wherethe flow is parallel and normal to a single plane inflow area and a single plane outflow area, the mechanicalenergy equation in terms of head becomes


where hL is the head loss and a is the kinetic energy correction factor that accounts for the nonuniformityof the velocity across the flow area.

FIGURE 30.3 Total thrust curve.










gd b r gd b r q1 1 12

1 2 2 22

2A Q A A Q A W+( ) = +( ) - sin

F A Q A= +gd br 2

A T Q gdc

3 2( ) = ( )b qcos

zp V


p V






2 2+ + = + + +



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The value of a is 1.0 for a flat velocity profile, but increases as the velocity profile becomes moreirregular.

The total head H is defined as the sum of the elevation head, pressure head, and velocity head, or asthe sum of the piezometric head and the velocity head.


Therefore Eq. (30.12) states that the total head at cross section 1 exceeds that at cross section 2 by thehead loss between the sections. In terms of the variables shown in Fig. 30.1, Eq. (30.12) can be written as


Specific Energy

Bakhmeteff (1932) first emphasized the importance of the quantity E, where


which he called the specific energy. (Because of its dimensions, E is more properly called specific head.)In terms of the specific energy, Eq. (30.12) becomes


which shows that the specific energy is conserved when hL = z1 – z2, i.e., in uniform flow. It is this propertythat gives the specific energy its importance.

Equations (30.16) and (30.17) are the foundations for the calculation of gradually varied water surfaceprofiles. Given Q, q, a1, d1, and the geometry of cross-section 1, E1 can be evaluated using Eq. (30.16).Then Eq. (30.17) can be solved for E2, if an estimate of the head losses hL is possible. Once E2 is known,Eq. (30.16) can be solved for d2.

Equation (30.16) shows that E is the sum of two terms. Assuming that a and Q are constant, the firstterm increases and the second decreases as d increases. Hence there is a critical thickness, dc, for which Eis a minimum. By differentiating Eq. (30.16) with respect to d and equating the derivative to zero, thefollowing condition for critical flow is obtained.


The expression A3/T is called the section factor for critical flow. For most cross sections, Eq. (30.18)must be solved numerically. Note that the critical depth is independent of the channel slope and rough-ness. It is interesting to recognize that the critical thickness which satisfies Eq. (30.18) differs from thatwhich satisfies Eq. (30.11) unless a = b, which is true only for a flat velocity profile. In practice, thedifference is usually negligible; and Eq. (30.18) is used in the calculation. The velocity corresponding todc, called the critical velocity, Vc , is given by


a = Ú13


V Av dA


H zp V



g= + + = +

ga a

2 2

2 2

z d V g z d V g hL1 1 1 1 12

2 2 2 2 222 2+ + ( ) = + + ( ) +cos cosq a q a

E d V g d Q gA= + ( ) = + ( )cos cosq a q a2 2 22 2

z E z E hL1 1 2 2+ = + +

A T Q gdc

3 2( ) = ( )a qcos

V g Dc = ( )cosq a 1 2

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If the slope is small and the velocity profile is flat, this reduces to the previous expression for the wavecelerity.

The behavior of the specific energy function can be clarified by considering the rectangular channel,for which Eq. (30.16) becomes


The variation of E with d for a rectangular channel assuming constant a and q is shown in Fig. 30.4(a).For any value of E > Emin there are two possible flow thicknesses, dR < dc corresponding to supercriticalflow and dT > dc for subcritical flow. These are called alternate thicknesses (or alternate depths in the smallslope case). For E = Emin only one thickness is possible. It is impossible to transmit the specified flowratefor E < Emin. Eq. (30.20) can also be presented in dimensionless form as shown in Fig. 30.4(b) and inTable 30.1. In a rectangular channel, Eq. (30.18) can be solved explicitly for the critical thickness.


and the corresponding minimum of specific energy for a rectangular channel is


In reality, a always varies with d. When the variation is appreciable, as in the case of a river and itsflood plain, there may be multiple local extrema in the specific energy vs. thickness curve and hence

FIGURE 30.4 (a) Specific energy diagram for rectangular channel; (b) Dimensionless specific energy diagram forrectangular channel.



Emin=1.5dccos θ


dc d



a. Specific Energy Diagram

b. The Non-Dimensional Specific Energy Diagram




d cos θ



E d q gd= + ( )cosq a 2 22

d q gc = ( )[ ]a q2 1 3cos

E dcmin . cos= 1 5 q

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multiple critical depths. Discussion of this recently recognized phenomenon is found in Chaudhry (1993),Sturm (2000), and Jain (2001). Channels having a single critical depth are called regular.

Hydraulic Jump

A hydraulic jump is a sudden increase in depth that occurs when the flow changes from supercritical tosubcritical as a result of a rapid deceleration. For a stationary hydraulic jump in a horizontal rectangularchannel, the depth before the jump, y1, and the depth after the jump, y2, are related by the expression


where Fr1 = V1/(gy1)1/2 is the Froude number of the flow before the jump. The depths y1 and y2 are called conjugate depths (they are not alternate depths). The formula obtained

by interchanging the subscripts is also valid. The head loss in this hydraulic jump, hJ, is given by


The length of the jump is approximately 6y2 for Fr1 > 4.5. The hydraulic jump is an effective meansof dissipating excess kinetic energy in supercritical flows.

Example 30.1 Subcritical Flow on a Step

Consider the subcritical flow in the rectangular horizontal channel shown in Fig. 30.5, which presentsan upward step of height s with respect to the direction of the current. The specific energy upstream of

TABLE 30.1 Dimensionless Specific Energy for a Rectangular Channel (Giorgini, 1987)

E/dc cosqE/yc





E/dc cosqE/yc














y y Fr2 1 12 1 2

1 8 1 2= +( ) -ÈÎÍ


h E E y y y yJ = - = -( ) ( )1 2 2 1


1 24

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the step is larger than the minimum (3yc /2) and the flow is subcritical. The water surface elevation atsection 1 is higher than at section 2. Given q = 10 m2/s, y2 = 3.92 m, and s = 0.5 m, find y1, assumingno losses.

1. Find yc = (q2/g)1/3 = 2.17 m2. Find E2 = y2 + q2/(2gy2

2) = 4.25 m3. Find E1 = E2 + s = 4.75 m4. Enter Table 30.1 with E1/yc = 2.195. Find y1/yc = 2.07. Thus y1 = 4.49 m.

This result can also be obtained by solving Eq. (30.20). If the bottom of the upward step increasesvery gradually, one can find intermediate points along the step as shown in Fig. 30.5. It is useful to drawthe critical depth line in order to visualize the relative distance of the free surface profile from it. Fig. 30.5also illustrates a graphical technique based on the curve E(y). Follow the path A, B, C, D, E, F. The limitcase is where the specific energy on the upper part of the step is a minimum, i.e., where the depth is critical.

Example 30.2 Supercritical Flow on a Step

Consider the supercritical flow in the rectangular horizontal channel shown in Fig. 30.6, which presentsan upward step of height s with respect to the direction of the current. The specific energy upstream ofthe step is larger than the minimum specific energy (3yc/2) and the flow is supercritical. The water depthat cross section 2 is larger than at section 1 due to the decreased kinetic energy of the stream. Given q =10 m2/s, y1 = 1.2 m, s = 0.5 m, find y2, assuming no losses.

FIGURE 30.5 Subcritical stream on upward step.

FIGURE 30.6 Supercritical stream on upward step.




1 2


































1 2







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1. Find yc = (q2/g)1/3 = 2.17 m2. Find E1 = y1 + q2/(2gy1

2) = 4.74 m3. Find E2 = E1 - s = 4.24 m4. Enter Table 30.1 with E2/yc = 1.955. Find y2/yc = 0.612, thus y2 = 1.33 m.

This result can also be obtained from Eq. (30.20). Fig. 30.6 shows a graphical technique based on thecurve E(y). Follow the path A, B, C, D, E, F. The limit case occurs where the specific energy on the upperpart of the step is a minimum, i.e., where the depth is critical.

Example 30.3 Contraction in a Subcritical Stream

Consider the horizontal rectangular channel of Fig. 30.7 with a lateral contraction in the direction of thecurrent. The width of the contracted channel is half that of the upstream channel. The specific energyupstream of the contraction is larger than Emin = 3yc/2. The water depth at section 2 is shallower than atsection 1 as the kinetic energy of the stream increases. Given q = 10 m2/s, y2 = 5.46 m, find y1, assumingno losses.

1. Find yc1 = (q12/g)1/3 = 2.17 m and yc2 = [(2q1)2/g]1/3 = 3.44 m

2. Find E1 = E2 = y2 + (2q1)2/2gy22 = 6.14 m

3. Enter Table 30.1 with E1/yc1 = 2.83.4. Find y1/yc1 = 2.76, thus y1 = 5.99 m.

It is seen that E2 > 1.5yc2 = 5.16 m, thus the flow is subcritical in the contraction. Fig. 30.7 shows agraphical technique based on the curve E(y). Follow the path A, B, C, D, E, F. The limiting case occurswhen y2 = yc2. Further information on sills, contractions, and expansions for subcritical and supercriticalflows can be found in Ippen (1950).

30.3 Uniform Flow

When a steady flowrate is maintained in a prismatic channel, a constant depth flow will be reachedsomewhere in the channel if it is long enough. Such a flow is called uniform flow or normal flow. Inuniform flow there is a perfect balance between the component of fluid weight in the direction of flow

FIGURE 30.7 Subcritical stream in a channel contraction.

1 2y




2 C DE



v21 / 2g










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and the resistance to flow exerted by the channel lining. Assuming that the average shear stress t givenby Eq. (30.7) is proportional to the square of the average velocity gives


Equation (30.25) is called the Chezy equation and C is the Chezy C, a dimensional factor whichcharacterizes the resistance to flow. The Chezy C may depend on the channel shape, size, and roughnessand on the Reynolds number. Equation (30.25) and the equations derived from it are often applied togradually varied flows. In these cases, S is interpreted as the slope of the total head line, called the frictionslope. Numerous equations have been suggested for the evaluation of C. The most popular was proposedindependently by several engineers including Manning for high Reynolds numbers where the flow isindependent of Reynolds number (fully rough flow). This is


where B is a dimensional constant equal to 1 m1/3/sec in the International System (SI) or 1.486 ft1/3/secin the U. S. Customary System, and n is a dimensionless number characterizing the roughness of a surface.

Table 30. 2 lists typical values of n; a much more comprehensive table is given by Chow (1959). Manyinvestigators have proposed equations relating n to a typical particle size in particle lined streams. As anexample, Subramanya (1982) proposed


where d50 is the diameter in meters chosen so that 50% of the particles by weight are smaller.Substituting Eq. (30.26) in Eq. (30.25) gives


Multiplying this by the flow area A yields


TABLE 30.2 Manning Roughness Coefficient (Giorgini, 1987)

Nature of Surface nmin nmax

Neat cement surfaceConcrete, precastCement mortar surfacesConcrete, monolithicCement rubble surfacesCanals and ditches, smooth earthCanals:

Dredged in earth, smoothIn rock cuts, smoothRough beds and weeds on sidesRock cuts, jagged and irregular

Natural streams:SmoothestRoughestVery weedy








C BR n= 1 6

n d= 0 047 501 6.


nR S= 2 3 1 2


nAR S KS= =2 3 1 2 1 2

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Equations (30.28) and (30.29) are both called the Manning equation. The multiplier of S1/2 inEq. (30.29) is called the conveyance of the cross-section, K.

Because Eq. (30.26) is valid only for fully rough flow, the Manning equation is likewise limited.Henderson (1966) proposed that for water at ordinary temperatures, the Manning equation is valid if


In the event that the Henderson criterion is violated, but the flow is nonetheless turbulent (Re > 8000),C can be calculated iteratively from a transformation of the Colebrook equation of pipe flow.


Here, e is the equivalent sand grain roughness (Henderson, 1966, Table 4.1, p. 95).The thickness of a uniform flow is called the normal thickness, do. Assuming that the Manning equation

is valid, the normal thickness for a general cross section is found by solving Eq. (30.29) for do. This isfacilitated by writing the Manning equation so that the factors which depend on d are on the left side.


The expression AR2/3 is called the section factor for uniform flow. For most cross sections, Eq. (30.32)must be solved numerically, but for a wide rectangular channel do can be calculated directly from


For open top cross sections, do is unique; but when the channel has a gradually closing top, such as acircular pipe, there will be two normal depths for some flowrates. For the case of an open top section,if do > dc the normal flow is subcritical and the channel slope is mild; if do < dc the normal flow issupercritical and the channel slope is steep. The critical slope, Sc, for which uniform flow is also criticalflow, can be found for a wide rectangular channel by equating the thicknesses given by Eqs (30.21) and(30.33) and solving for Sc.


A channel whose bottom slope is less then Sc is called mild and a channel whose bottom slope is largerthan Sc is called steep. For a wide rectangular channel, Eq. (30.34) can be solved for the critical discharge,qc, when S, n, and a are fixed, or the critical Manning coefficient, nc, when S, a, and q are fixed.

30.4 Composite Cross-Sections

Consider the determination of the discharge, global Manning n, normal depth, and critical depth of acomposite section as shown in Fig. 30.8(a) having a small slope. The three parts of the global channelare assumed to behave as three different channels in parallel with the same slope and the same watersurface elevation. The wetted perimeters of the subsections include only the portions of the solid bound-ary belonging to that subsection. According to the Manning equation, the total discharge is


n RS12 26 261 100 10 3 61 10≥ ¥ = ¥- -. .m ft


g R


g82 0

14 8

2 51

810= - +





. log.



2 3 1 2( ) = ( )

d nq BSo = ( )[ ]1 23 5

S n B g qc = ( ) ( ) -2 10 9 2 9cosq a

Q Bn


P n


P n





l m


m r



= + +ÊËÁ


1 1 15 3

2 3

5 3

2 3

5 3

2 31 2

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where the subscripts l, m, r refer to the left overbank, the main channel, and the right overbank. From Eq. (30.35) with A representing the total cross sectional area and P the total wetted perimeter,

the global value of n is


Given the quantities Q, S, n1, nm, and nr, and given the functions A1(y), Am(y), Ar(y), P1(y), Pm(y), andPr(y), the normal depth is the root yo of Eq. (30.35). Then yo can be substituted to find the actual valuesof the areas and wetted perimeters of the subsections to obtain Q1, Qm, and Qr.

To find the critical depth it is necessary to obtain an estimate of the kinetic energy correction factor.For an irregular cross section, a defined in Eq. (30.13) becomes


Substituting Eq. (30.37) into Eq. (30.18) (for small slopes) yields


The critical depth is obtained by solving Eq. (30.38) for y = yc. Numerical techniques are generallyneeded to obtain the root(s).

FIGURE 30.8 Composite cross-sections.

Left Overbank Main Channel Right Overbank



qL qR





S2 S4

S3 S5













1 15 3

2 3n n


P Pil



= ( )( )Â

a = ÊËÁ






=ÂÂ Â1 13 3 2

3 2 3 2

3 3










Q n








i il







A n






3 3 2 3







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Usually river cross sections are given as sequences of station abscissas, si, and bottom elevations, bi,and a general cross section is approximated as shown in Fig. 30.8(b). With zi as the water surface elevation,the flowrate Qi in trapezoidal element i is


30.5 Gradually Varied Flow

In gradually varied flow, the depth changes in the flow direction slowly enough that the piezometric headcan be assumed constant on every cross section. The channel need not be prismatic, but it cannot changeabruptly in the streamwise direction. In contrast to uniform flow, the slope of the channel bottom, So,the slope of the water surface, Sw, and the slope of the total head line (the friction slope), Sf , must bedistinguished. Consider the development of an expression for the rate of change of the depth along thechannel, called the gradually varied flow equation. In the interest of simplicity, consider only the specialcase of a regular open top prismatic channel of small bottom slope in which the velocity profile is flat(a = 1) and Q does not change with x. For such a channel, there is one normal depth and one critical depth.

From Fig. 30.1, the total head H for an open channel flow of small slope with a = 1 is


Differentiate Eq. (30.40) with respect to x; recognize that dH/dx = –Sf, dz/dx = –So, and dA/dy = T;and solve for dy/dx to obtain


Recalling the definition of the Froude number, the gradually varied flow equation for a prismaticchannel may also be written as


where � is the numerator and � is the denominator of the right side of Eq. (30.42). Eqs. (30.41) and(30.42) are forms of the differential equation for the water surface profile y(x) in a prismatic channel.They are some of the ways of writing the gradually varied flow equation for regular open top prismaticchannels. Note that dy/dx is the slope of the water surface with respect to the bottom of the channel, notnecessarily with respect to the horizontal. Eq. (30.42) is a separable first order ordinary differentialequation, whose formal solution is


where y1 is the boundary condition at x1 and x is a dummy variable.







s s z b b

s s b bSi



i i

i i i i i

i i i i

= =-( ) - +( )[ ]{ }

-( ) + -( )[ ]+ +

+ +

5 3

2 31 2 1

5 3


5 3




2 1 31 2


H z y V g= + + ( )2 2














o fo

f o


f o=-



=- ( )


- ( )-1





12 2








yo f=


= ( )( )1 2

x x d



= + ( )( )Ú1




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Because of the physical restrictions on the direction of surface wave propagation discussed in Section30.1, the boundary condition for a given reach is usually given at the downstream boundary if the typeof flow in the reach is subcritical, and at the upstream boundary if the flow in the reach is supercritical.

As Eq. (30.43) is integrable in closed form only under very particular conditions of channel geometryand of resistance law, some general observations, valid for any regular open top prismatic channel andfor the Manning resistance law, will be made here. In Eq. (30.42), � Æ So as y Æ • because Sf Æ 0. Asy Æ yo, � Æ 0. Thus the derivative of y with respect to x is zero when either the curve coincides with theyo line (normal flow) or as the curve approaches the yo line asymptotically. As y Æ 0, Sf Æ •, so � Æ -•.

As y Æ •, Fr Æ 0 and � Æ 1. As y Æ yc, Fr Æ 1, so � Æ 0 which implies that if a free surface profileapproaches the yc line, it must do so with infinite slope. But in such an event, the assumption of quasi-parallel flow becomes invalid; and Eq. (30.42) no longer represents the physics of the flow. This means thatwhere the mathematical water surface profiles cut the yc line, they do not represent accurately what happensin nature. Fortunately this phenomenon is of limited extent. In reality, the water surface approaches the yc

line at an angle which is large, but less than 90°. A similar discrepancy occurs as y Æ 0: namely Fr Æ •, so� Æ -•. This makes dy/dx indeterminate, but it can be shown that dy/dx Æ • as y Æ 0. Observe that,for any reach of given constant slope So, the lines y = yc, y = yo (if it exists), and the bottom line y = 0,divide the x,y plane into three regions if yo π yc, or two regions if yo = yc. With these observations in mind,a brief presentation of all possible types of water surface profiles is made in the next section.

30.6 Water Surface Profile Analysis

Once again consider only the special case of a regular open top prismatic channel of small bottom slopein which the velocity profile is flat (a = 1) and Q does not change with x. Figure 30.9 illustrates thedifferent classes of profiles which can be distinguished according to the relative magnitude of the criticaldepth, yc, calculated from Eq. (30.18) and the normal depth, yo, calculated from Eq. (30.32). The signof dy/dx is determined by considering the gradually varied flow equation Eq. (30.42).

The Mild Slope Profiles (yc < yo)

The M1 Profile (yo < y)

With the actual depth y exceeding the normal depth yo, the friction slope Sf is less than the bottom slopeSo so that � is positive. The actual depth y also exceeds the critical depth yc so that the flow is subcriticaland � is also positive. Thus dy/dx is always positive, and y grows as the stream proceeds downstream.As the depth increases, Sf Æ 0 and Fr Æ 0, so � Æ 1 and � Æ So. Thus dy/dx asymptotically approachesSo. Since the slope is with respect to the channel bottom, the water surface becomes horizontal. The watersurface asymptotically approaches the normal depth line in the upstream direction for reasons givenpreviously. Since the M1 profile is subcritical, it is drawn from downstream to upstream, starting froma known depth such as P6. The M1 profile is called a backwater profile.

The M2 Profile (yc < y < yo)

Because the actual depth is less than the normal depth, the friction slope must exceed the bottom slopeso that � < 0. With the actual depth greater than the critical depth, the flow is subcritical so that � > 0.Consequently dy/dx is always negative and the depth decreases from upstream, where the surface profileis asymptotic to the yo line, to downstream, where it approaches the yc line vertically. Since the stream issubcritical it is drawn from downstream to upstream, starting from a known depth such as P7. The M2

profile is a drawdown profile.

The M3 Profile (0 < y < yc)

In this case � < 0 and � < 0, therefore dy/dx > 0. Since dy/dx tends to infinity as y approaches eitherzero or yc , the profile has an inverted S shape. It can be shown that the tangent to the profile at the

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inflection point is slightly larger than So, which means that the profile has always a slope above thehorizontal line.

The Steep Slope Profiles (yo < yc)

The S1 Profile (yc < y)

In this case � > 0, and � > 0, so dy/dx is always positive; and y grows as x increases from a startingdatum. If this datum coincides with the critical depth yc, then the profile grows from it with infiniteslope. The slope decreases very rapidly to become So for large values of x (where the values of y are large).This means that the S1 profile has a horizontal asymptote for x Æ •. Since S1 is a subcritical profile, itis drawn from downstream to upstream, always below a horizontal line through the known control pointP1. It cuts the yc line vertically at Q.

The S2 Profile (yo < y < yc)

Since in this case � > 0 and � < 0, dy/dx is always negative; and y decreases as x increases from thestarting datum. If this datum coincides with the critical depth yc, then the profile decreases from an initialinfinite slope to approach yo asymptotically. Since S2 is a supercritical profile, it is drawn from upstreamto downstream through a control point such as P2.

FIGURE 30.9 Gradually varied flow water surface curves.
































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The S3 Profile (0 < y < yo)

In this case � < 0 and � < 0, therefore dy/dx is always positive; and the water surface profile tends tothe yo line asymptotically downstream. Moving upstream, the depth approaches zero vertically. The S3

profile is drawn from upstream to downstream because it is supercritical.

The Critical Slope Profiles (yo = yc)

Critical slope profiles rarely occur in practice because equality of the critical and normal depths is highlyunlikely.

The C1 Profile (yc = yo < y)

In this case � > 0 and � > 0, so dy/dx > 0. Eq. (30.42) is indeterminate at yc, but it can be shown thatthe slope has a finite value there that decreases asymptotically to So as x increases. Since the stream issubcritical, it is drawn from downstream to upstream, starting from a known datum point such as P4.

The C2 Profile (y = yc = yo)

Region 2 degenerates to the yo = yc line. In reality this profile is unstable and a wavy surface occurs.

The C3 Profile (0 < y < yc = yo)

In this case � < 0 and � < 0, so dy/dx > 0. According to the mathematical model, the profile risesvertically from the channel bottom and decreases in slope until it intersects the yc = yo with a finite slope.Because the stream is supercritical, it is drawn from upstream to downstream, starting from a knowndepth such as P5.

The Horizontal Slope Profiles (yc < yo ÆÆÆÆ �)

As the slope of a channel is reduced, the depth of a uniform flow of magnitude Q tends to infinity.Therefore region 1 does not exist for a horizontal channel. Because So = 0, � = –Sf < 0.

The H2 Profile (yc < y)

The flow is subcritical, so � > 0. This implies that dy/dx < 0. As x increases, y decreases toward the yc

line, which it approaches vertically.

The H3 Profile (y < yc)

The flow is supercritical so � < 0. This implies that dy/dx > 0. As x increases, y increases from the channelbottom toward the yc line, which it approaches vertically.

The Adverse Slope Profiles (So < 0)

It is impossible to have uniform flow in a channel of negative bottom slope because both gravity and frictionoppose the motion. As a consequence, the normal depth does not exist. In all adverse slope cases, � < 0.

The A2 Profile (yc < y)

The flow is subcritical so � > 0. This implies that dy/dx < 0. As x increases, y decreases toward the yc

line, which it approaches vertically.

The A3 Profile (y < yc)

The flow is supercritical so � < 0. This implies that dy/dx > 0. As x increases, y increases from the channelbottom toward the yc line, which it approaches vertically. Persons who believe that “water always flowsdownhill” are often astounded by the A3 profile.

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30.7 Qualitative Solution of Flow Profiles

The steady water surface profile in a series of regular open top prismatic channels connected by shorttransition sections will consist of the elementary solutions discussed above, connected by short reachesof gradually or rapidly varied flow in the transition sections. In addition, hydraulic jumps may occur inthe prismatic reaches. Among the possible transition sections are upward steps, downward steps, channelcontractions, channel expansions, weirs, gates, spillways, and culverts. If the flowrate is given, the firststep in deducing the form of the profile is to draw the channel bottom and the normal and critical depthlines in each reach. This determines the slope family (M, S, C, H, or A) to which the profile in eachprismatic reach belongs.

As the gradually varied flow equation is a first order differential equation, it needs only one boundarycondition to define the elementary water surface profile in a given reach. In some cases, this conditionis fixed by the requirement of continuity with the water surface elevation in the upstream or downstreamreach. But there will always be one or more features which provide a definite relationship between flowrateand depth. Such features are usually called controls in open channel hydraulics. The second step insketching the profile is the determination of the control points. By fixing the zone (1, 2, or 3) throughwhich the profile must pass, the shape of the profile in that reach can be determined. Fig. 30.10 showsa long mild channel flowing into a long steep channel. In any long channel, the flow must tend towardyo far away from a disturbance. Therefore, the only possible profiles in the mild channel are M1 and M2.If the M1 profile occurred, the profile in the steep reach would be an S1, which could not approach yo.The same problem happens if the mild channel contains an M2 profile unless it crosses the yc line at thebreak in grade. In that case, the flow in the steep section follows an S2 profile that does approach yo. Inobtaining the numerical solution, it is important to start the process of integration for both reaches atthe known depth yc because the normal depth is approached, but not equaled, in both reaches. Thus thecontrol in this example is at the break in grade. In general, the correct solution is deduced by the processof elimination; however there may be several possible alternatives in more complicated situations.

Figure 30.11 illustrates a complex channel system in which each prismatic reach is a wide rectangularcross section of small slope. As is usual, the vertical scale is drawn much larger than the horizontal scalefor clarity. The prismatic reaches AB, CD, DE, FG, HI, and JK are intermingled with shorter transitionsections: BC, a downward step; EF, a sluice gate; GH, an upward step; and IJ, a contraction. Discharges,slopes and roughness coefficients are shown on the figure. The channel terminates at K in a free overfall.The solution process can be divided in three phases as follows:

FIGURE 30.10 Channel with abrupt change of slope from mild to steep.

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Phase I — Determination of Critical Depths and Normal Depths

Calculate the values of yc and of yo throughout the channel length:

From Eq. (30.21) yc = (q2/g)1/3 = 3.68 ft from A to I. Similarly, yc = 5.84 ft from J to K.From Eq. (30.33) yo = [nq/(1.486 So

1/2)]3/5 = 6.99 ft on AB. Similarly, yo = 10.59 ft on CD, 1.81 ft onDE and FG, 6.99 ft on HI, and 10.59 ft on JK.

The yc and yo lines are then sketched as shown in Fig. 30.11. Reaches AB, CD, HI, and JK are mild;reaches DE and FG are steep.

Phase II — Virtual Control Section (VCS) Determination

The adjective “virtual” indicates the uncertainty that these cross sections are actually “controlling” thewater surface profile. Only at the end of the solution process will it be determined whether a virtualcontrol section actually does control the flow. Recall that subcritical streams are controlled from down-stream and supercritical streams are controlled from upstream.

Start the search process by inquiring whether the cross section A is a VCS. No indication of this isgiven by the sketch of Fig. 30.11. It is permissible to assume that AB is long enough to allow the depthat A to approach yo.

Next consider the downward step BC as a possible site for a control section. It is obvious that if anycross section between B on C is a control section, it should be B, because if no loss of energy occursbetween B and C, B is the point of lowest specific energy. This would make cross section B a naturalcontrol, that is a section that controls both upstream and downstream.

As seen in Fig. 30.11, there is the possibility of another natural control at D. Moving downstream,consider the segment EF where a sluice gate is situated. The flow from E to F is a strongly curved rapidlyvaried flow. If the efflux from the sluice gate is not submerged, then the water surface elevation at F, thevena contracta of the efflux, is known to be Cc a where Cc is a contraction coefficient and a is the gateopening. Notice that the water depth at the cross section through E can then be found as the alternateof the depth at F, assuming negligible loss of energy occurs between E and F.

Go now to the upward step GH. If any cross section between G and H is a control section, it is Hbecause, with no energy loss, H has the lowest specific energy. It could possibly be a natural control if

FIGURE 30.11 Complex open channel system with some possible water surface profiles. Profiles U1, U7, U12, D1,and D3 are shown. Refer to Tables 30.3 and 30.4 for details.

q=40 cfs/ftM1

















S0=0.001n=0.03Mild Slope S0=0.001

n=0.06Mild Slope

S0=0.001n=0.03Mild Slope

S0=0.01n=0.01Steep Slope









q=80 cfs/ft




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the water surface profile would cut the cross section through H at the critical depth, but this is notpossible because HI is a mild reach and no mild elementary solution starts at critical depth and movesaway from it.

The same argument is valid for the contraction IJ: neither I nor J nor any cross section in betweencan be a control. The only section left is K, which is a virtual control. If K is a control the water depthis critical there.

Phase III — Profile Sketching

The action of the sluice gate allows the profile analysis of the channel to be divided into two parts.Fig. 30.11 shows the opening of the sluice gate to be in zone 3, implying that the flow at the vena contractaF is supercritical, unless a drowned hydraulic jump occurs. Assuming no loss of energy between E andF allows the depth at E to be determined, providing the relationship between the profiles upstream anddownstream of the sluice gate. The depth upstream of the gate at E is the subcritical alternate depthcorresponding to EE = EF = yF + q2/(2gCc

2a2). Here yF is the actual water depth, whether or not a submergedhydraulic jump occurs.

Table 30.3 lists 15 possible profiles upstream of the sluice gate. Fig. 30.11 illustrates U1, U7, and U12.Solutions U1 through U7 are entirely subcritical and are controlled from E. Solutions U8 through U12,U14, and U15 contain one or two hydraulic jumps. For a hydraulic jump to occur, the depths before andafter the jump must be conjugate, i.e., they must have the same value of specific force. Solution U13passes from subcritical to supercritical at B and from supercritical back to subcritical at D without ahydraulic jump. In the transcritical cases, the subcritical segments are controlled from downstream, andthe supercritical parts are controlled from upstream.

Table 30.4 lists the eight possible water surface profiles downstream of the sluice gate. Fig. 30.11 showssolutions D1 and D3. Solutions D1 and D2, being entirely subcritical, are controlled from K. SolutionD3 is completely supercritical and has its control at F. Solutions D4 through D8 have a supercriticalportion controlled from F followed by a subcritical portion controlled at K.

Each of the 15 upstream solutions could be followed by any of the eight downstream solutions so thatthere are 120 possible qualitatively distinct water surface profiles for this problem. Only a detailednumerical calculation, based on the lengths of each prismatic reach and the dimensions of each transition,can determine which would actually occur.

TABLE 30.3 Water Surface Profiles Upstream of Sluice Gate

Profile AB BC CD DE Comments

U1 M1 Rise M1 S1 Control at EU2 M1 Rise M2 S1 Control at EU3 Uniform Rise M1 S1 Control at EU4 Uniform Rise Uniform S1 Control at EU5 Uniform Rise M2 S1 Control at EU6 M2 Rise M1 S1 Control at EU7 M2 Rise M2 S1 Control at EU8 M2 Rise M2 S2-J-S1 yc at D, Control at D and E U9 M2 Drop M3-J-M1 S1 yc at B, Control at B and EU10 M2 Drop M3-J-uniform S1 yc at B, Control at B and EU11 M2 Drop M3-J-M2 S1 yc at B, Control at B and EU12 M2 Drop M3-J-M2 S2-J-S1 yc at B and D, Control at B, D, and EU13 M2 Drop M3 S1 yc at B and D, Control at B, D, and EU14 M2 Drop M3 S2-J-S1 yc at B, Control at B and EU15 M2 Drop M3 S3-J-S1 yc at B, Control at B and E

J = hydraulic jump

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30.8 Methods of Calculation of Flow Profiles

The integration of the gradually varied flow Eq. (30.42) can be performed by either direct or numericalintegration. The direct integration method is based on tables for the evaluation of the integral in Eq.(30.43). This integral cannot be evaluated in terms of elementary functions except for some simplifiedcases such as an infinitely wide rectangular channel, but a much wider class of channels can be treatedby the introduction of special tabulated functions. This requires the definitions of the hydraulic exponentfor critical flow (Chow, 1959, p. 66) and of the hydraulic exponent for uniform flow (Chow, 1959, p. 131).The varied flow function for regular open top prismatic channels was developed and tabulated by Bakh-meteff (1932) and extended by Chow (1959, p. 254–261, tables p. 641–655). Keifer and Chu applied themethod of direct integration to circular pipes (Chow, 1959, p. 261–262, Tables p. 657–661). With thewidespread availability of computers, the various methods of numerical integration are the most widelyused methods of solving the gradually varied flow equation. We shall consider only two: the direct stepmethod, a non-iterative method suitable only for prismatic channels, and the standard step method, aniterative method which can be used for both prismatic and nonprismatic channels. Either can be readilyadapted for computer solution using a programming language such as Fortran or a spreadsheet program.To establish the equations for the direct step method, a new form of the gradually varied flow equationis derived by differentiating the specific energy E with respect to streamwise distance x.


Multiplying by dx and integrating from station 1 to station 2 gives


Here ·SfÒ, is the average friction slope over the reach from 1 to 2. It can be approximated by thearithmetic average of the friction slopes calculated at 1 and 2 using the Manning equation to find Sf .


Solving Eq. (30.45) for x2 gives the equation for the direct step method.


TABLE 30.4 Water Surface Profiles Downstream of Sluice Gate

Profile FG GH HI IJ JK Comments

D1 S1 Drop M1 Drop M2 yc at K, control at KD2 S1 Drop M2 Drop M2 yc at K, control at KD3 S3 Rise M3 Rise M3 Control at FD4 S3 Rise M3 Rise M3-J-M2 yc at K, control at F and K D5 S3 Rise M3-J-M1 Drop M2 yc at K, control at F and KD6 S3 Rise M3-J-M2 Drop M2 yc at K, control at F and KD7 S3-J-S1 drop M1 drop M2 yc at K, control at F and KD8 S3-J-S1 drop M2 drop M2 yc at K, control at F and K

J = hydraulic jump



d H z

dxS Sf o=

-( ) = - +

E E S x x S dx S S x xo f



o f2 1 2 1 2 1



- = - - = -( ) -Ú( ) ( )




BARf f f= +( ) = ÊËÁ







˚˙˙1 2

2 0 5 2 31


2 32



x x E E S So f2 1 2 1= + -( ) -( )

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In a prismatic channel, knowing y permits the calculation of A, V = Q/A, E = y + aV 2/2g, and Sf . Thecalculation starts at x1 where y1 is known. By specifying y2, Eq. (30.47) can be solved for the correspondingx2. (The restriction to prismatic channels occurs because of the need to calculate A(y2) at an unknownx2.) After y2 is found, station 2 becomes the new station 1 and the process is repeated for the next reach.The computation should proceed upstream if the flow is subcritical and downstream otherwise. Theaccuracy of the solution is improved by using smaller y increments. Care must be taken to specify depthsthat lie within the zone of the solution, i.e., which do not cross the normal or critical depths.

Example 30.4 Direct Step Method

A trapezoidal channel having a bottom width b = 10 ft, side slopes 2 horizontal on 1 vertical, n = 0.02and So = 0.0016 carries a discharge of 160 cfs. Assume a = 1.0. A dam creates a depth of 4.5 ft. Calculatethe backwater profile.

1. Find yo = 2.47 ft by iteration from Eq. (30.32):

2. Find yc = 1.76 ft by iteration from Eq. (30.18):

3. Find profile type: since y1 = 4.5 ft > yo > yc the solution is an M1 curve.4. The direct step method is illustrated in Table 30.5 using only two steps for brevity. For an accurate

solution, much shorter steps should be used.

In contrast to the direct step method, the standard step method solves for the depth at specified valuesof x. This method is especially suited for natural rivers for which cross-sections have been surveyed onlyat specific stations. The calculation begins at x1 where the depth y1 and the total head H1 are known. Thestandard step method uses two equations to calculate the unknown total head at x2. The first is simplythe definition of total head in a channel of small slope.


The second equation is the mechanical energy Eq. (30.12) written in terms of the total head


where hE is a minor loss term to account for local expansions, contractions, or other localized irregularities. The standard step method proceeds by choosing x2, guessing a trial value for y2, estimating a2, finding

A2 and V2, and calculating H2¢ from Eq. (30.48). Then hL is calculated based on the assumed y2 and Eq. (30.49)is used to get H2". If the correct y2 has been used, H2¢ = H2". If the difference between the estimates is too

TABLE 30.5 Example 30.4: Direct Step Method

y A V R E E2-E1

Sf ·Sf Ò So-·Sf Òx2-x1 x

ft ft2 ft/s ft ft ft ft ft

4.5 85.5 1.871 2.838 4.554378 0.0001570 03.5 59.5 2.689 2.319 3.612285 –0.942093 0.0004243 0.0002907 0.0013093 –719.5 –719.52.5 37.5 4.267 1.771 2.782678 –0.829607 0.0015313 0.0009778 0.0006222 –1333.4 –2052.9

y yy y

yo o

o o


10 210 2

10 2 5

0 02 160

1 486 0 0016

2 3

+( ) +( )+( )







= ( ).

. .

y y yc c c10 2 10 2 2 1 160 32 23 2+( )[ ] + ( )[ ] = ( ) .

¢ = + + ( )H z y V g2 2 2 2 22 2a

¢¢ = - = - -( ) -H H h H S x x hL f E2 1 1 2 1

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large, a new y2 is chosen and the process is repeated. After the calculation has converged, station 2 becomesthe new station 1 and the process is repeated for the next reach. The computation should proceed upstreamif the flow is subcritical and downstream otherwise. The accuracy of the solution is improved by usingsmaller x increments. Care must be taken to specify depths that lie within the zone of the solution.

Example 30.5 Standard Step Method

Although this method is generally used for nonprismatic channels, this example repeats the flow ofExample 30.4, specifying in Table 30.6 the same x values calculated in Table 30.5. In Table 30.6 the y valuesare guessed and adjusted until H¢ and H≤ are nearly equal. It can be seen that the agreement betweenthe two methods is excellent. Table 6 contains only two steps for brevity. For an accurate solution, muchsmaller steps should be used.

30.9 Unsteady Flows

Applying the conservation of mass and conservation of streamwise momentum principles to unsteadyflow in a prismatic open channel control volume of infinitesimal length which contains all of the liquidbetween an upstream flow area and a downstream flow area yields the St. Venant equations:



This is one non-conservative form of the St. Venant equations; several other forms are also common.The St. Venant equations are nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations that can be solved by

the method of characteristics. This means that there are two families of special lines in x,t space calledcharacteristics along which Eqs. (30.50) and (30.51) can be replaced by ordinary differential equations.The characteristics, along which information propagates, are themselves defined by the solution of thefollowing ordinary differential equations:

(30.52, 30.53)

The characteristics defined by these equations are known as the C+ and C– families. Excluding singu-larities, one characteristic of each family passes through each point in the computational domain, asubregion of the x,t plane. If a flow is subcritical, V < c and the C+ characteristics will have a positiveslope in the computational domain while the C– characteristics have a negative slope. In supercriticalregions, V > c so both families have positive slopes.

Because the St. Venant equations are partial differential equations with x and t as independent variables,both initial and boundary conditions must be specified. A typical initial condition would be the speci-fication of y and V at every point of the channel at t = 0. To understand how the boundary conditionsare specified, it is useful to consider the characteristic equations. One boundary condition must bespecified for each characteristic where it enters the computational domain. For a subcritical flow, onecondition must be specified at the upstream boundary and the second must be at the downstream

TABLE 30.6 Example 30.5: Standard Step Method

x z y A V aV2/2g H¢¢¢¢ H≤≤≤≤ Sf ·Sf Ò ·SfÒ(x2-x1)ft ft ft ft2 ft/s ft ft ft ft

0.0 500 4.500 85.500 1.871 0.054 504.554 504.554 0.0001570–719.5 501.15 3.500 59.500 2.689 0.112 504.763 504.764 0.0004243 0.0002907 –0.2091403

–2052.9 503.28 2.500 37.500 4.267 0.283 506.067 506.067 0.0015313 0.0009778 –1.3038386


+ ∂∂

+ ∂∂








+ ∂∂

+ ∂∂

- + =V





xgS gSo f 0


dtV gD V c= ± ( ) = ±1 2

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boundary. For a supercritical flow, both conditions are specified at the upstream boundary; none can begiven on the downstream boundary.

The method of characteristics can be solved by hand in some simplified cases, yielding importantinsights; but for more realistic applications two variants have evolved for computer solution: the char-acteristic grid method and the method of specified intervals. The programming of these methods is rathercomplex, and most recent work has used the finite difference or finite element methods in which theSt. Venant differential equations themselves are discretized and solved numerically.

30.10 Software

Numerous software packages have been developed to solve problems of open channel hydraulics underthe approximation of one-dimensional flow. Perhaps the most powerful program presently available isthe U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System (HEC-RAS).This Windows-based program can solve both steady and unsteady flows in single channels, dendriticsystems, or complex networks. It can handle mixed subcritical and supercritical flows with hydraulicjumps, and can model the effects of obstructions such as bridge piers, culverts, and weirs. HEC-RAS hassuperceded the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers’ HEC-2 (formerly the industry standard) and the NaturalResources Conservation Service’s WSP-2, both of which are limited to steady state simulations. Anothercommonly used steady state program is WSPRO, developed by the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) forthe Federal Highway Administration. The USGS has developed several programs for unsteady openchannel hydraulics including FEQ, BRANCH, and FOURPT. All of the programs mentioned in thissection are in the public domain. Those that have not been superceded can be downloaded from theWebsites of the appropriate agencies.

Defining Terms

Alternate depths — The subcritical or tranquil depth, yT, and the supercritical or rapid depth yR for agiven specific energy and flowrate.

Conjugate depths — The depths before and after a hydraulic jump corresponding to a given total thrust(or specific force) and flowrate.

Control section — A section in a nonuniform flow at which the depth is known a priori and whichserves as a boundary condition for the calculation of a water surface profile. Often the flowgoes through critical depth at the control section. In general, a control is any feature whichdetermines a relationship between depth and flowrate.

Critical depth — The depth of flow corresponding to an extremum (usually a minimum) of specificenergy. The Froude number is unity at critical depth.

Critical slope — The slope of the bottom of a channel in which the normal depth and the critical depthcoincide.

Critical velocity — The velocity occurring at critical depth. It is equal to the celerity or speed ofpropagation of an infinitesimal gravity wave in still shallow water.

Hydraulic jump — The sudden increase in depth that occurs when the flow passes from supercriticalto subcritical, usually accompanied by turbulence and large energy loss.

Mild slope — A slope less than the critical slope.Specific energy — The sum of the vertical component of the thickness of flow plus the velocity head.Specific force — The total thrust per unit weight of liquid.Steep slope — A slope larger than the critical slope.Subcritical flow — The flow that occurs when the velocity is smaller than the critical velocity and the

depth is larger than the critical depth.Supercritical flow — The flow that occurs when the velocity is larger than the critical velocity and the

depth is smaller than the critical depth.Total thrust — The sum of the hydrostatic force on a flow area plus the momentum flowrate through

that area.

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References and Bibliography

Bakhmeteff, B.A. 1932. Hydraulics of Open Channels, Engineering Societies Monographs, McGraw-Hill,New York.

Chanson, H. 1999. The Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow, Arnold, London, UK.Chaudhry, M.H. 1993. Open-Channel Flow, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.Chow, Ven Te 1959. Open-Channel Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill, New York.Fread, D.L., 1993. Flood Routing in Maidment, D.R., ed., Handbook of Hydrology, McGraw-Hill, New York.French, R.H., 1985. Open-Channel Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill, New York.Giorgini, A., 1987. Open Channel Hydraulics, unpublished class notes, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue

University, West Lafayette, IN.Gray, D.D., 2000. A First Course in Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers, Chapter 13, Water Resources

Publications, Highlands Ranch, CO.Henderson, F.M., 1966, Open Channel Flow, Macmillan, New York.Ippen, A.T., 1950, Channel Transitions and Controls, in Rouse, H., ed. Engineering Hydraulics, John Wiley &

Sons, New York.Jain, S.C. 2001. Open-Channel Flow, John Wiley & Sons, New York.Lai, C., 1986. Numerical Modeling of Unsteady Open-channel Flow, Advances in Hydroscience, Vol. 14, pp.

162–323, Academic Press, New York.Nezu, I. and Nakagawa, H., 1993. Turbulence in Open-Channel Flows, (IAHR Monograph Series) A.A.

Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands.Subramanya, K. 1982. Flow in Open Channels, Vol. 1,Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, India.Sturm, T.W. 2001. Open Channel Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill, New York.Yen, B.C., ed. 1992. Channel Flow Resistance: Centennial of Manning’s Formula, Water Resources Publi-

cations, Littleton, CO.

Further Information

Gray (2000) provides an extended introductory treatment of open channel hydraulics.Chow (1959) wrote an extensive text that remains the classic reference on the subject. Although Chow’s

numerical examples predate the computer era, his book contains much useful material which canbe found nowhere else.

Henderson (1966) is a pedagogically superb textbook covering open channel flow including unsteadyflows, flood routing, sediment transport, and physical hydraulic models.

French (1985), in addition to classical open channel hydraulics, provides chapters on turbulent diffusionand buoyant surface jets.

Chaudhry (1993) emphasizes unsteady flow problems and their solution by numerical methods. Alsoincluded are two-dimensional flows and finite elements applied to both one- and two-dimensionalflows. Several simple Fortran computer programs are listed and provided on a diskette.

Chanson (1999) covers sediment transport, hydraulic modeling, and hydraulic structures in addition toopen channel hydraulics.

Jain (2001) and Sturm (2001) are modern, rigorous treatments of steady and unsteady open channelhydraulics.

Yen (1992) is the proceedings of a symposium on the history of the Manning equation and on newdevelopments in the calculation of resistance to flow in open channels.

Nezu and Nakagawa (1993) deal with open channel turbulence, boundary layers, and turbulent transportprocesses in rivers and estuaries.

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