CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving

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Page 1: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving

CAP. 303.





Page 2: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving

2 CAP. 303.1 POST OFFICE. . ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ --.__ .____ .. - __ .-- . .




Page 3: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving

/.CAP. 303. 3

Slwrt t i l I C s 1. This Law inay I N cited as t h e Post Oftice TA\I .

2. In this Law- lnterprcta tion

fictitious stamp ” means any facsimile or imitation or representation, whether on paper or otherwise, ot any stamp for denoting any rate of postage in Cyprus or the United Kingdom or of any of Her Majestv’s possessions or of any foreign country ;

I ‘ inland ” when used in relation to any postal packet or any description thereof nieam postcd within t lit. Colony a d addressed to sonic 1)lac.e in the Colonv;

“‘ mail ” iiieaiis and includes any one of the bags, I ) ( )scs, or packages whereof cuiy niail consists ;

“ post ofice ” nieans any liouse, building, roon1, or place Lviiere postal packets a s tlefiried 1)\, this Law or : t n ~ ~ of then), are under the autliority of‘the Postmaster- General, received, delivered, sorted, or made up. or from which such packets or any of tliem are by the authority of t lie Postni~ster-Gerle~-~~l despatched, and iiiclutles an^ p o y t office let ter-boa;

‘ ’ post olfice 1t.t ter-box includes m y pillar-box, \vall-box, or othrr box or receptacle provided under the authority of the Posttnaster-C;ener~ll for tlic purpose of I eceiving postal packet$;, or m y of tlieni, for transmission by or under the ;iiithority of the Posmias t er-G eneral ;

“ postal packet ” means a letter, post-card, news- paper, book-packet, pattern or sample packet, circular, legal and comniercial document , packet of photographs, and every packet or article which is not for the time being prohibited from being sent by post.

I 1


3. The Governor may appoint a Post master-General and $;;;it:- so many other postmasters and inferior officers as shall be officers.

necessary for the purposes of this Law.

4. The Governor may from time to time appoint one (;overnor General Post Office and so many branch post offices through- establisll out the Colony as he may deem expedient, and may from post offices-


sl (2)

Page 4: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving

4 CAP. 303.1 POST OFFICE. . ___-

time to time abolish any of such offices and appoint others in lieu thereof, as he may deem necessary.

5. (1) The Postmaster-General shall by himself or by his deputies and their servants and agents have the exclusive privilege of conveying from one place to another in the Colony, wheresoever posts now are or hereafter may I-w established, all letters, except as hereinafter provided ; and shall also within the Colony have the exclusive privilege of performing all the incidental services of receiving, collecting and delivering all letters, except as hereinafter provided.

(2) There shall be excepted from the exclusive privilege ot the Postmaster General all letters of the following rlescrip- t i o i l \ , t h a t i y t o say--

( t i ) letter. sent hv a Iu-ivate friend o i l his \\ay, journey 01’ t rav t~ l , so ab thev arc clcliveretl hj- him to the person to \\-honi they are dil.ected;’

( h ) let terh sent bv a messenger on piirpo~e concerning the private affairs of t tie scwder or rcceivc>i- thereof ;

(0 rommission\ or returns thereof and affidavits or writs, process or proceedings or retiirns thereof, iqsuing out o f a c-ourt of justice :

cliandise or the caigo or loacling tlicrein, w i t 1 1 ~ 7 siicli \-cssels and cleliveretl t o tlie pcrw~ih to n;honi tliey are directed, so that 110 hire oi reward is gij-en or receivcd for tlie satne 111 anywise ;

( ( 7 ) letters conctmiing goods belit by (wiiiiiioii knoivii carriers or iniileteers to be delivered \vith the goods which t lie letters concern \vithout hire or reuwd or other profit or advxit age for receiving or delivering the letters.

S}Wi 1‘11 I l l ” - (3) liiit nothing herein contained shall ;Liitliorise any peison to make ;t collection of such excepted letters for the ptirpow of sending them in the ni;iiiiier hereby aut lioirised ; and t lie follow~ing persons are cxyressly forbidden to carry ;i Ictter, or to receive or collect or deliver a letter. ;~lthoiigIi t 1it.y sli;ill not rccci\-c hire. or rc\v~ird for tlic samc

( N ) ( w ~ i i ~ i i o i i lmw!~ r.ixkrs and iiiiilcteers a i i t l their \erwilts or agents, c w y t ;i letter concerning good.; in their carts 01- \v;igoiis, or on t licii- lxirk-

Exc lus i~ e privilege


( d ) letter., ot mcrchmt5, o\viiers 01 vt+\eIs ()i 1 1 1 t ’ i

11 1 1 1 1 tioil.

Page 5: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving

horses, camels, mules, or asses; and owners, drivers, or guards of public conveyances;

(t) owners, masters or commanders of ships, vessels or steamboats, sailing or passing coastwise or otherwise between ports or places within the Colony, their servants or agents, except in respect of letters of merchants, owners of ships or goods on board;

( c ) passengers or other persons on board any such ships, vessels or steamboats.

4. The Postmaster-General in his own name with the PoPowel to

q)prowl of the Governor may enter into any contract in tomake

Colony, and may also employ mail carriers for the convey- ance of mails, or forward mails by any other mode of conveyance that he may deem hest, and mav appoint letter carriers for the delivery of letters at pris-at; house.; in anv town or village of the Colony.

Postmaster I 1 writing for the conveyance of mails within or from the contrart,

1.1 <

7. Subject to the provisions of any treaty or convention ~~~~~f~ t, ,

with any State binding on the GovernmeIdt of the Colony fix rate> (>+

the Governor may by Order in Council from time to time l’oSta~e

fix the rates of postage or other sums to be charged by or under the Postmaster-General in respect of postal packets 01- ally description thereof conveyed or delivered for convcvance by post, whether in the Colony or elsen-liere. and &gulatc: the scale of weights and the circuinstances ,ic-cording to which such rates or sums arc to bc chi-ged:

Provided that for every letter not weighing niow t h a n half an ounce sent by any aion-commissioned ofliccr 01 private soldier, seaman or marine in Her Majesty’s Scrvncc. to any place beyond the seas there shall be chargeable for its conveyance and delivery a postage of five mils and no more; but on every letter so sent there must be written in the handwriting of and signed by the Commanding Officer of the regiment, detachment or ship to which such non- commissioned officer, soldier, seaman or marine belongs, the words “ soldier’s letter,” “ seaman’s letter,” or “ marine’s letter,” as the case may he, or words to that effect, and everv such letter must be prepaid.

8. Where any treaty or convention binding on the Govern- to ~ * l n l ,u-rdiige

ment of the Colony has been or hereafter shall be made with ,nentq w l t l l

any State with respect to the conveyance by post of any f o r w n countme<>

Page 6: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving

postal packet the Governor may from time to time make such regulations as may be deemed necessary for carrying into effect such arrangement, and as to charges for the transit o f postal packets, single or in bulk, aiid the scale of weights to be adopted, and the accounting for and paying over to any such State of any moneys received by the Post mast er-General .

k g l s t r r u t

I),,ita, IXU kct\

9. The Governor may, on the representation of the Postmaster-General, from time to time make regulations with respect to the registration of ar,d giving receipts for any postal packet, and may also by Order in Council froin time to time fix the sum to be paid in addition to any other rate of postage for the registration of or giving a receipt for such pac.ket :

Provitled that the registration of or giving a receipt for ;I 1)ostal packet shall not render the Postmaster-(;eiieral or the lwst office revenue in any manner liable for the loss ot an\. S U C - I ~ picket or the contents thereof.

~ ) I J U { , ~ to f i x 10. The Governor may from time to time direct what ! , ‘ L l < , ,(L, ,1111, suins shall be picl to the masters or owners of ships and Il , i t< ‘ l 5 vessels, not being ships or vessels ernployed in the convey-

ancc of inails under any contract with Her Majesty’s Govc~rniiimt or the Government of the Colony, in respect of postal packets and every description thereof, whether tmught to the Colony frbrn ports beyond seas or to he cai-ried trorn the Coloriv to such ports.

‘ ( 1 i l 1 1 ~ ~ t l ~ ) l ~ ~ 11. (1) All I)ost,(l packets shall lie posted, forwarcltd, I15 t f ) pt,\t<ll ,,tick( t5 conveyed and d(~livcre(1 subject to such regulations.

wnditioris, prohibitions and restrictions respecting the tiine anti mode of posting and delivery and of the paynient of riites of postage and other sums chargeable under this Law, or any Orcler in Council under this Law, and respecting stamps, covers, forms, dimensions, maximum weight, enclosures, the use of packets (other than letters) for making communications, and otherwise as the Governor may, on the representation of the Bostnaaster-(;eneral, from time to liine direct.

(2) Every Order in Council to be made under the authority of this TAW, shall forthwith be published in the Gazette; and shall specify a date on and from which the provisions thereof shall take effect, and shall have the like authority as though the provisions thereof had been :ncorporated in this Law.

,c i i t l rc( elpt5

~ . \ 1 1 1 1 % 1 , ) I)[*

Page 7: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving

l'OS1' OFF1 C E . /CAP. 303. 7 _I_-

* Every mail or loose letter not exempted from the Es2tgf ~~rIx*dege of the Postmaster-General which shall be on board deliver mail

k f ~ n y vessel arriving at any port within the Colony, shall and letters. j ithout delay be delivered by the master thereof, or by his accredited agent or deputy, to the postmaster of the port or any person authorised by him to receive it, who is hereby required to give a receipt for it ; and the master of the vessel .ilkall not be allowed to enter at the Custom House until he has produced the receipt.

X3. Whenever any stamp affixed or appearing on any g2z;:;tor ~:al-packet for the purpose of defraying the rate of soiled

pmf age chargeable thereon, is so soiled or worn as to render stamps

~t cloubtful whether it has been before used, the decision t b > e 1: of the postmaster at whose office the letter is posted ;a - to whether such soiled or u.orn stamp is to be xccepted shall be final and conclusive between him and the pe~-c'.oii posting.

14. If any question arises \\hether any postal-packet is a E',t:Er;5c,f letter, postcard, newspaper, supplement, book-packet, postal- circular or other description of postal-packet within the packet meaning of this Law or any order or regulation made under this Law the decision thereon of the Post mast er-General shall be final, save that the Governor may, if he thinks fit, an the application of any person interested, review or mnotlify thc decision and order accordinglv.

5. ( I ) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. arriving OI ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or pos1c.d ,,,t~,

p ipor t s to 1)i prepaid by iiieaiis ot ;L stanip which has been fict1t1olls 0 1

used before, the Postmaster-Genei-al, with the authoritv of the Governor, but not otherwise, may open it, in the presence of t lie addressee, for t h pin-pose of discovering the name and address of the sendtxr, and may either retain it or give it tip to the sender, or deal or dispose of it in siiclt othcr ~iiaiiner ;IS may be authorized by the Governor.

(2) Where anv letter or postal-pwkage posted in Cyprus ~ x w s ;I fictitious stamp, or purports to he prepaicl by means r i t ;E s[anip which has heen used lwfort., the Postniaster- B ;cner,d may for\vard it to thc. post office of tlestination togetluc~ with a spccial report n i t h t c\fcrencc thereto.

used staiiip

6. 'ii'tie Postmaster-Gc ncr-a1 may open all lctters postecl ' ~ n ~ ; ~ ; ; ; ~ e d iux the Colony whicli rei11 i i n uiiclairned or undelivered for a letter\

Page 8: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving

s CAP. 303.1

period of three months, or which have been returned to the Colony from any other country as unclaimed, for the piirpost= of retumilig the111 to t l r writers; ant1 in 1 hc evelit of thc writer of any such letter being unknown or dead, or of his signature being illegible or of his liaving left the Colony or not claiming the letter within t~velve nionths, suclr letters mav be destroyed:

l'rovitltd always that i f any lct t cr at1dres;sed to a loreign c-ountry where pre-lxiynieiit is necessary is posted insuffi- ciently stamped the Postmaster-General may open it anti return it to the sender.

17. The postagc on every letter not prepaid which shall be retiirned a.; rinclaimed from any other country, 01- Lvhicli shall be r t ~ f i i r t ~ t l as addressed t o a person who is ctcnd or caiiliot 1)tJ fouiici or has left the Colony, shall be p i id by t lic u.riter or scnt1c.r t l i c w o t ; and all such lcttcl-.; i ~ a y tw olwnecl tjr. tlie Post mast t~Gerir*ral at any time for the 1)tirpow of :wct.rtaining who tht* ~vritei- or wider is.

(2) In case of a parcel sent by p a i c - t l 1 ~ ) s t from abroatl t o Cyprus containing goods thc duties on ~-laicts a r c h clnaa gctl a: ud 7uzlo~e1~1 rates, tlw proper Officer of C u c t o n ~ i may, i t lias reason t o be1iei.e that the declared value is insufhcicnt, assess the value for customs duties at seach amou:!F a s hib shall think propw. In such a case, the importer slaal~, within ten days of notice of sucli assessment Ywing dvlavvrec'

Page 9: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving

POSl' OI;I;ICE. [CAP. 303.

$0 him or posted to him a t his address, inform the proper Officer of Customs in writing whether he desires-

(a) that the customs duties shall be paid by him on the

(b) that the Officer of Customs may, at his discretion, (i) take the goods on paying to the importer

or his agent the amount of the value declared by him or the sender, as the case may be, with an addition of five per centum, such payment to be made within fifteen days following the date of such information given by the importer in writing, or, alternatively,

value assessed by the Officer of Customs, or

(ii) take the duties in kind. I f the importer fails to notify the Officer of Customs

.-ithain ten days from the date of the notice of assessment being given to him or posted to him at his address as aforesaid whether he wishes to avail himself of either of the above-mentioned options (a ) or (b ) , the parcel shall be treated as undeliverable.

20. (1) If the Postmaster-General has reasons to believe z:;;;, that any postal packet contains any goods-- postal

packeta (a) the importation of which is forbidden or restricted containing

or the conveyance of which by post is forbidden, g;Cddcn or which is subject to the payment of any tobe Gust oms duties ;

( b ) in respect of which an offence has been committed, 3 o f 4 4 1 5 3

is being committed or is ntteinpted to be coimiitted,

he sttall order it t o be retained a t the post oftice of the chief town of the district wherein the place to which it is addressed is situate, and require by notice in writing the attendance at such post office at a specified time of the addressee or his duly authorized agent for the opening of such postal packet in his presence.

(2) At the appointed time and place such postal packet shall, in the presence of an officer of the post office authorized for the purpose by the Postmaster-General, be opened by the addressee or his duly authorized agent, or if such addressee 01- agent fads to attend or refuses to open such packet, by the said officer of the post ofice, in the presence of an of5ci.r of the Customs in the case of paragraph (LZ) of subsection ( 1 ) or a police uficer in the case of para-

impor1i.d. rtc

raph (b) thereof.

Page 10: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving

- 10 .-

CAP. 303.1 POST O F F I ( * E - .. . . - - - . - - - . - -

(3) If the postal packet is found to contain any goods- (a) the importation of which is forbidden or restricted

or the conveyance of which by post is forbidden, the packet shall be forfeited;

(b ) liable to the payment of any Customs duties, the packet shall be retained in the post office until such duties are paid;

( 6 ) in respect of which an offence has been conimitted, is being committed or is attempted to be committed, the packet shall be detained for the purpose of any further proceedings undcr this Law or any other Law in force for the time being.

21. Tile sender of any parcel for conveyance by post from Cyprus shall before posting i t fill up a custoins declaration, giving an accurate statclment of its contents and value, and of the address of the person to whom it is to be sent.

If the Postmaster-General has reason to suspect that any such declaration as to the contents or value of any such parcel is fake, he may open the parcel; and if it is found that the declaration in respect of it is false, it shall be forfeited wit 11 its contents.

22. If any parcel is found to contain any letter or other postal packet intended for delivery to a person other than the addressee of the parcel, such letter or postal packet may be sent forward by post to the person to whom it is acldressetl, and charged with postage at thc unpaid ratc applicable to such letter or postal packet if duly posted froni the place where the parcel was posted.

I’arcels, etc ,

offensive o, InjurIoIis.

23. If any parcel or other postal packet becomes offensive or injurious to any officer of the post office or other person or to other parcels, it may be destroyed or otherwise dealt with as the Postmaster-General may direct.


Contraveil- 24. (1)- ing the

I’ostmaster- (;cneral.

privilege of ( U ) Whoever shall convey otherwise than by the post a letter not exempted from the exclusive privilege of the Postmaster-General shall for every letter be liable to a penalty not exceedin

, letters, not so exempted, shall for every X - d,

(b) whoever shall be in the practice of so conve:

Page 11: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving

POST OFFICE. [CAP. 303. 11

during which the practice is continued be liable to a penalty of ten pounds;

(c) whoever shall perform otherwise than by the post m y services incidental to conveying letters from place to place, whether by receiving or by taking up or collecting or by ordering or despatching or by carrying or by re-carrying or by delivering a letter not exempted from the exclusive privilege of the Postmaster-General, shall be liable for every letter to a penalty not exceeding one pound;

( d ) whoever shall be in the practice of so performing any such incidental services shall for every week during which the practice is continued be liable to a penalty of ten pounds;

(e) whoever shall send a letter not exempted from the exclusive privilege of the Postmaster-General otherwise than by the post, or shall cause a letter not so exempted to be sent or conveyed otherwise than by the post, or shall either tender or deliver a letter not so exempted in order to be sent otherwise than by the post, shall be liable for every letter to a penalty not exceeding one pound;

(f) whoever shall be in the practice of committing any of the acts last mentioned shall for every week during which the practice is continued be liable to a penalty of ten pounds;

(g) whoever shall make a collection o f exempted letters for the purpose of conveying or sending thein otherwise than by the post, or by the post, shall be liable for every letter to a penalty not exceeding one pound;

(h) whoever shall be in the practice of making a collection of exempted letters for either of those purposes shall be liable for every week ~~~~~~

which the practice is continued to a penalty of ten pounds.

(2) The above penalties shall be inciirred whether the letter is sent singly or with anything else, or such incidental service is performed in respect of a letter eirher sent or to be sent, singly or together with some other letter or thing; and in any prosemiion for the recovery of any such penalty, the onus shall lie upon the party prosecuted to prove that the

Page 12: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving

t of which. the penalty is alleged to have been done in coiifm inity with this Law. person, being either the master of a vessel

inward-wund, or one of the officers, or one of the crew or a passenger thereof, who shall knowingly have any letter in his possession not exempted from the privilege of thie Post- master-C;enernl, after the master shall have sent any part

rs to the post office, shall be liable for every not exceeding five pounds; and whether

e baggage or on the person of the offender, or otherwisch in his custody, it shall be held to be in his

e ~ e r y such person who shall detain m y demand made, either by the Oacer of the a person authorised by the X'ostnnaster-

General to dciraand ships' letters, shall be liabk for cwry letter to a penr~ltv of m t less than f i ~ ~ pmnds i i o~ more tliaii tt'n ~ic)unds.

etc., not tieilverlng letters


v.3ing old ~:alrlps.

Enclosing letters, etc in ncws- papcrs.

.- 26. \Z'hoever shall fraudulently get oft' or remove or

cause to be gotten oft' or removed from any letter, cover, I' r.< I , (1 1 I 1 ent 1 1 I ' m o v i n ~ 01

paper, or other substance or material, any postage stamp already used, or shall fraudulently use, join, fix, or place with or upon any letter or cover or any paper or other su-bstance any postage stamp which has been already used, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds.

827. MJhoever- ( ( I ) shall knowingly enclose or cause or procure to be

enclosed in any newspaper to be sent by the post or under cover thereof any letter or paper or thing (except such newspaper) ; or

( I ) ) s l d l put or caiase to be put any printed or written mark, words, or communication either upon the newspaper or upon the cover thereof other than the name and address of the person to whom it is sent and such other printed or written matter as shall be allowed to be put on such newspaper or cover by the regulations of the post office; or

(c) shall knowin$lly either send or cause to be sent by the post a newspaper in which any letter or paper or thing (except as aforesaid) is enclosed,

shall for every such offence bc liable to a penalty not ten pounds; and such newspaper together with

such SS i ts enclosures as are not prohibited to be forwarded by the post shall be :..:warded as an ordinary unpaid letter, and all prohibited encia tsures shall be forfeited.

Page 13: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving


28. Whoever shall fraudulently retain, or wilfully keep or ~~~~~~~

secrete, or retain, or being required to deliver up by an officer etc.,

of the post office, shall neglect 01 refuse to deliver up a postal packet which has been delivered to him by mistake and ought to have been delivered to any other person, or a mail or postal packet which has been sent, whether it has been found by him, or by any other person, shall be liable to be punished by fine or imprisonment or both at the discretion of the Court, the imprisonment not to exceed two years.

delivered 54 mistake

29. Whoever shall post or cause to be posted, or send or Sending 1,)

cause to be sent, or tender or deliver in order to be sent by cxp~osl,c

the post any postal packet containing any explosive or or c h w t ) i * -

other dangerous material or substance, shall be liable fon- cl-rry such offence to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds, : i11(1 :in! sucli postal-packet may be destroved.


\11 lPst<rnLe*>

Page 14: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving

.)stal- jlackcts, ctc .* u,f 4/33.

i ’enaky 0 1 1

tiersons eiideavrrur- ing tf) )J?ocIIrc coxn in i ss ivii of offencr. i .inlitatioii o f saits.



rate of speed appointed by and according to thc iqplations of the Iwst office for the time being,

shall I.)(, l i a l k to a penalty not exceeding five pounds.

31. I1:l.ery person employed by or under the post officct,

(a) q e n or procure or suffer to be opeiied it postal

(6) wilfully detain or delay or procure or suffer to be

s M 1 be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be Ijable to inq)rismmexit not exceeding two vears or to a line or to both such imprisonment and fine:

Provided that nothing in this section contained shall a~)]ply or extend----

( I [ ) t o the opening or detaining or delaying of a postal packet in pursuance of any of the provisions of this T A W or of any other Law tor the time being in force for the management of the postal business of Cyprus, or

(0) to the opening or detaining or delaying of a yc)st:il packet in obedience to an express warrant in ijrriting under the hand and seal of the Governor.

who shall contrary to his duty--

packet; or

detained or delayed a postal packet,

32. Every person wlio sliall solicit or endeavour t o 1)rocui ( 5

any other persoii to conirnit an offence punishable iindei- t htb

preceding sections of tliis Law shall be liable to be im- prisoned for any term not exceeding t \vo years.

33. 1911 penalties incurred by any person fur offence5 against thc preceding sections of this Law shall be sued for within the space of one year nest after the penalty shall he incurred.

. The Postmaster-General may compr oniise a i d coiii- pound any action by proceeding which shall at anv time liereafter be commenced bv his authsritv or under his control against any person for recovering penalties iiiciirred under the preceding sections of this Law, on such terrns and conditions as lie shall in his absolute discretion think proper, with full power for him, or any of his officers or agents by him thereunto authorised to accept the penalties so incurred or alleged to have been incurred or any part thereof without action 07 other proceeding brought or conimerLced for recovery the. :of.

(kneral may I onlpound actlonc

Page 15: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving

I 'OS7' 01:1; I ( * l { . ]CAP. 303. 15 _ _ - _. __ - -

35. Any portion not exceeding one-half as t Iir (hi-enlor ,'~;;,';l~;;l;il'l'

iii'iy in any case direct, of any penalty reco\wc~I under the p i eccding sectioiis of this Law, may bv the order of tlw (;overnor be Imid to any person by whose infonuation t Iic >ainc shall have been recovered.

I >Id< Ill/: 36. Any perscm who shall place or 'Ittempt to place in or ,1111,111,11,

agaiiist :thy post office letter-box any fire, light, matches, ~i i Imi l~ ('5

cxplosivc or dangerous substance, or any filth, anv noxious ngall,st 0 1 - deleterious substance, or any fluid, or do or attempt to bosr.; do anything likely to injure the box or its appurtenances or contents, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding fil-e pounds, or to imprisonment for any terni not exceeding tiveli-c nion t lis.

in or


b l l l h t ' \ i l < <- I l l C l < ~ < ( I1 t

37. No yersoii shall send or atteinpl to sellti ;i postal ~ i ~ l i i q c , l , , i , . .

((i) tw-loses anj- explosive or dangerous subst ante, any 1" i i l t s ~ t (

filth, any noxious or tleleterious substance, an!. sharp instrunient not properlv piott.c.tt.d, anj- lii.ing ci-eature ivhicli is t4ther.no\iotis \)I 11kel;- to injure ot~ier postal packets in c*ouisc' ;f ~ o n \ ~ y i n c e 01- any officer of the post oi'hce ; or

(b ) ellcloses any article or thing whatever ivhicli is Iikeli. to injure either other postal packets in the cotii-~e of C ~ J i i i c j x i ( ~ ~ or a n y officer- of tlie lwst office>, 0 1

( ( 1 Ii,is thvi eon or eiiclob7e5 tlicrt'iii any uords. iii'irl;~, (1,i1 1 ' 4 I

tlesign5 or pictures of a wditiou.;, s(wr1i1ous. thrcatening, indeccmt, obsccne, or growl!. offen4i.e character.

l : ,~cke~ t it liich either--

,lny person who acts in contravention of paragraph (a) shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five pounds, or on conviction on information to a fine not exceeding ten pounds or to imprisonment for any term not exceeding twelve months. Any person who acts in contra- vention of paragraplis ( b ) , and (c) shall be liable to a fine W (4 14 ';

not exceeding five pounds. Any packet sent in contravention of this section m;ty be

detaiiied in tIie post office, and ciealt with in sucl i manner as 3(,.) *, 44/53 the l~ostinnster-(;ent.ral inay deem fit and the detention shall not exeinpt the sender from any proceedings which might have bwn taken if it had been delivered in due course of post.

Page 16: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving


\ l l l Y l l ~ g

t6 , c)n 1105t

38. Anj' pc~son who shall without due authority affix or attempt to affix any placard, advertisement, notice, list, dociiment, board, 01- thing iipon any post office or post letterbox, or p i n t , tar, or in any way disfigure any such office or box, shall be lialde to n fine not exceeding forty shillings.

1 A ~ c ards.

0 1 It*tter box

( N ) make, issue, or send by post or otherwnse any envelope, wrapper, card, form, or paper in imitation of one issued by or under the authority of any postal authority in Cyprus or any British or foreign postal authority, or having thereon any words, letters, or marks which signify or implv or may reasonably lead the recipient to belieire that a post letter bearing the same is sent on IIcr JIajestj.'s Service; or

( I ) ) niake on an\- en\.elope, wrapper, card, form, or paper for "the purpose of being issued or sent by

i;t or otheiwise, or otherwise used, any mark PO: in imitation of or similar to or purporting to be anv stamp or mark of any postal authority in Cfprus or of any British or foreign postal authoritJr, or any words, letters or marks which signif?. or iniplj. or inay reasonablv lead the I-ecipient tliereof to lxlie\-e that a -post letter bearing the same is sent on Her Majesty's Service ; or

(c) i s u e or send by post or otherwise any envelope, ~vrapper, card, form, or paper so marked,

shall be liable to a fine not exceeding two pounds.

40. . \ i i ~ - person who shall with intent to defraud--- ( t i ) inake, klion.ingl\r utter, sell, deal in, hawk o r

dis t rib u t c - (i) an\- fictitious stariip, whether inipressed or

adhesive ; or (ii) any counterfeit International or Imperial

reply coupon ; or (iii) any counterfeit impression of a stamping

niachine ; or ( i l - ) aiiv iinp-cssion alIeady used, providctl

t 1 u t siic.1~ impression is forged or imitated i i i sucli a iii;uiii(~- as it niny be mistaken for an i i i i ~ ) r ~ ~ ~ s c c l or adhesive stamp issiied by the

Page 17: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving

POST OFFICE. [CAP. 303. 17 -.------.A

postal authority in Cyprus or by any British or foreign postal authority; or

(b) make or circulate any fictitious postal identity card; or

(c) make, or unless he shows a lawful excuse, have in his possession any die, plate, instrument or materials for making-

(i) any fictitious stamp; or (ii) any counterfeit International or Iniperial

(iii) any counterfeit impression of a stamping

(iv) any fictitious postal identity card,

reply coupon; or

machine; or

shall be guilty of an offence and on conviction shall be liable to imprisonment for any period not exceeding seven years.

Any person who acts in contravention of this section without intent to defraud shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds. In every case the burden of proof of absence of intent to defraud shall be upon the accused person.

Any stamp, reply coupon, impression, postal identity card, die, plate, instrument or materials found in the possession of any person in contravention of this section may be seized and shall be forfeited.

Knowingly using or possessing flct Itlous

41. Any person who shall-- (a ) knowingly use for any postal purpose-

(i) any fictitious stamp; or stamps, etc 1 < I / l l / ? d (ii) any counterfeit International or Imperial

(iii) any counterfeit impression of a stamping

(iv) any impression already used; or (17) any fictitious postal identity card; or

( b ) have in his possession, unless he shows a lawful

reply coupon; or

machine; or

excuse- (i) any fictitious stamp; or

(ii) any counterfeit International or Imperial

(iii) any counterfeit impression of a stamping reply coupon; or

machine; or c.-v. tl

Page 18: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving

\\ it11 regard I I reception 4 ' I lettcl-s.

l ' L > l M l t y lor falst tlrclarat 11111.


18 CAP. 303.1 POST OFFICE.

(iv) any fictitious postal identity card, shall be guilty of an offence and on conviction shall be liable to imprisonment for any period not exceeding one year or to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.

42. No person shall without due authority place or maintain on any house, wall, door, window, box, post, pillar, or other place belonging to him or under his control any of the words, letters, or marks following, that is to say-

I disc nut1cc5

( a ) the words " post office "; or ( b ) the words " letter box " accompanied with words,

letters, or marks which signify or imply or may reasonably lead the public to believe that it is a post office letter-box; or

(c) any words, letters, or marks which signify or imply or may reasonably lead the public to believe that any house or place is a post office, or that anv box is a post office letter-box.

:lily person when required by a notice given by the Postmaster-General to remove or efface any such words, letters, or marks as aforesaid, or to remove or effectively close up any letter-box, belonging to him or under his control wliich has been a post office letter-box, shall complv with tlie request.

.31ij- person who acts in contravention of this section shall be liable to a fine not exceeding two pounds, and, if tlie oftence is continued after a previous conviction, to a fine not exceeding two liundred and fifty mils for every day cliiring which the ofience so continues.

43. An\- person who shall knowingly make a false declarati6n with respect to the contents or value of any I)arcel sent hv him for conveyance by post from Cyprus .;11a11 Iw liabld oil siininiarv conviction for the first offence t o a tine not exceeding ;ne pound and for a second or aiiy hubsequent offence to a fine not exceeding five pounds.

44. Any person who wilfully obstructs, or incites any one to obstruct, an officer of the post office in the execution of liis clutv, or who whilst in any post office obstructs the course of . bnsiness of the post office shall be liable on siiiiiniary conviction to a fine not exceeding two pounds.

45. I n respect of any matters arising under this Law or linder anj. contract entered into by him under the authority

0 1 rllllcclz of ,),,,t o t [ l , ,

1 ' ~ l l ~ ~ ~ l

.ll, . l , , t ~ I,, ( . c iwr . \ l to

Page 19: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving
Page 20: CHAPTER 303 OF THE LAWS - sbaadministration.org · (I) \\'hc11 any letter or postal-packt~t is scnt iron1 1,cttel.. ,rl)ro,id to Cq)rus, \vhic.h 1)eal-s a fictitious stanip, or arriving