chapter 4-chromosome abnormalities.ppt [兼容模式] · 2012. 4. 13. · NumeriA iical Aberrations AchromosomecomplementwithanyA chromosome complement with any chromosome number

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  • Chapter 3pChromosomal Aberrations

  • Abnormalities of chromosomes may be either ynumerical or structural and may involve one or more autosomes, sex chromosomes, or both simultaneouslysimultaneously.

    Numerical Aberrations

    Structural AberrationsStructural Aberrations

  • i A iNumerical Aberrations A chromosome complement with anyA chromosome complement with any chromosome number other than 46 is said to be numerical aberrations.Numerical aberrations involve the loss and/or gain of a whole chromosome or chromosomes and can include both autosomes and sexand can include both autosomes and sex chromosomes.


    A l idAneuploid

  • EuploidEuploidAn exact multiple of the haploidchromosome number (n) is called euploid.

    •Haploid•Haploid•Germ cells (egg and sperm) have 23 chromosomes: one copy of each autosome pyplus a single sex chromosome. This is referred to as the haploid number.

    •Triploid•A condition in which there is an extra copy f h

    69,XXX 69,XXY 69 XYYof every chromosome.

    •Tetraploid•A condition in which there are two extra


    92 XXXX•A condition in which there are two extra copies of every chromosome.


  • i l idTriploid

  • From cancer genetics and cytogenetics 143(2003):169-171

  • AneuploidAneuploidAn clinically significant chromosome abnormality which number due to an extra or missingwhich number due to an extra or missing chromosome.1. Hyperdiploidyp p– Somatic cells in which chromosome numbers are more than

    46.Those cells with an extra chromosome show trisomy for the– Those cells with an extra chromosome show trisomy for the chromosome involved.

    – Trisomy is the most common type.47 XX(XY) 21 (D S d )– e.g. 47, XX(XY), +21 (Down Syndrome)

    2. Hypodiploid– Somatic cells in which chromosome numbers are less than– Somatic cells in which chromosome numbers are less than

    46.– Cells which have lost a chromosome are monosomy for that

    chromosomechromosome. – e.g. 45, X (Turner Syndrome)

  • Multicolor FISH analysis ofMulticolor FISH analysis of interphase amniotic fluid cells

    47,XX,+18 (trisomy 18) cellChromosome 18 aqua, X q ,chromosome green

    trisomy 21cellsCh 13 hChromosome 13 green, chromosome 21 red

  • Mechanism of numerical aberration

    1. Diandry and digyny2 E d li i d

    The reason for triploid2. Endoreplication and

    endomitosis3 M i i di j i

    The reason for tetraploid

    3. Meiotic nondisjunction4. Mitotic nondisjunction

    The reason for aneuploid

    The reason for mosaicism5. Loss of chromosome Also the reason for mosaicism

  • Structural Aberration

    Quantities and positions of genetic material altered.M h i Ch b k f lMechanism: Chromosomes were broken, fragments lost or connected to a wrong position.Description: number sex chromosomes abnormalitiesDescription: number, sex chromosomes, abnormalities– Brief pattern:using the breakpoints– Detailed pattern:using the form of the bands in rearrangedDetailed pattern:using the form of the bands in rearranged


    symbols:– p、q、 ter、 pter、qter、cen、t、inv、:、::、del、der、i、

    fra、rob etc.

  • Some abbreviations

    Abbreviation Meaning cendel


    used for description of h



    deletionderivativedicentric chromosomeduplication

    chromosomes frai


    fragile siteisochromosomeinsertioni iinv



    inversionmarker chromosomematermal originshort arm of chromosomep


    short arm of chromosomepaternal originlong arm of chromosomering chromosome



    reciprocal translocationRobertsonian translocationtranslocationterminuster


    terminusgain ofloss ofbreak


    b eabreak and joinmosaicism

  • Common structural aberrations

    Deletion, delRing chromosome, rT l iTranslocation, tInversion, inv,Dicentric chromosome, dicIsochromosome, i

  • Deletion delDeletion,del

    • Deletions involve loss of material from a single chromosome. The effects are gtypically severe since there is a loss of genetic materialgenetic material.

    Terminal deletion

    Interstitial deletionInterstitial deletion

  • Terminal deletion

    A terminal segment of a chromosome is deleted.

  • i l d l iTerminal deletion

  • lloss

    Brief pattern:– 46, XX(XY), del(1)(q21)46, XX(XY), del(1)(q21)

    Detailed pattern:– 46, XX(XY), del(1)(pter→q21:)

  • Notice:NThe detailed description usually begins from the terminal of short arm (pter), but when

    i d l d i h ld b i f hpter is deleted, it should begins from the terminal of long arm (qter).E g Cri du chat syndromeE.g. Cri du chat syndrome– Brief pattern:46, XX(XY), del(5)(p14)– Detailed pattern:46 XX(XY) del(5)(qter→p14:)Detailed pattern:46, XX(XY), del(5)(qter→p14:)

  • i i l d l iInterstitial deletion

    An intermediary segment, i.e., excluding a centromere and terminal ends (telomeres), of a chromosome is deleted.

  • I i i l d l iInterstitial deletion

  • q21


    Brief pattern:– 46, XX(XY), del(1)(q21q31)

    Detailed pattern:– 46, XX(XY), del(1)(pter→q21::q31 →qter)

  • Chromosomal Microdeletions:Chromosomal Microdeletions:

    Prader-Willi and AngelmanSyndromesSyndromes

  • Gene imprinted (turned off)

    Gene not imprinted (turned on)Gene not imprinted (turned on)

    D Dele



    tedd d




    AngelmanSyndromey y

  • Prader-Willi Syndrome

    Cause:•Usually caused by micro deletion in region q11-13 of the paternally

    transmitted chromosome 15.•Several genes in this region are genomically imprinted in the maternal•Several genes in this region are genomically imprinted in the maternal

    chromosome.•Hence, if there is a paternal deletion in this region, there are no active genes.

    Symptoms:•Short stature•Mental retardation, learning difficulties•Decreased muscle tone

    y p

    •Decreased muscle tone•Hypogonadism•Emotional lability•Unregulated appetite or hyperphagia ( obesity)Unregulated appetite or hyperphagia ( obesity)

  • Prader Willi Syndromey

  • Tanis, a girl with PWS

  • Angelman SyndromeAngelman Syndrome

    Cause:Cause:Microdeletion of region q11-13 of chromosome 15 that deletes agene(s) that is paternally imprinted.

    •Normal development until 6-12 months then delayed development


    •Normal development until 6-12 months, then delayed development•Disproportionate head growth microcephaly•Abnormal EEG, seizures•Marked deficit in language (no words to a few words) but betterMarked deficit in language (no words to a few words) but better

    communication using nonvebral methods (e.g., facial expressions)•Motoric problems (balance problems, ataxia of gait, hypermotoric actions)•Attention problems (short attention span)p ( p )•Emotional exuberance (frequent laughter, smiling)

  • AngelmanSyndromeSyndrome

  • Angelman Syndromeg y

  • i hRing chromosome, r

    Two broken ends of a chromosome have j i d t f i lik t tjoined to form a ring-like structure.

  • loss




    Brief pattern: Notice:p– 46, XX(XY), r(2)(p21q31)

    Detailed pattern:


    No ::p– 46, XX(XY), r(2)(p21→q31)

  • T l i Translocation, t

    Translocations involve is the transfer of chromosomal materialexchange ofchromosomal materialexchange of material between two or more chromosomeschromosomes.

    Reciprocal translocation

    Robertsonian translocationRobertsonian translocation

  • Reciprocal translocationReciprocal translocation

    R i l t l tiReciprocal translocationis a translocation in which the segments of h h b h dchromosomes have been exchanged.

  • i l l iReciprocal translocation

  • 2q21




    d (5)


    Brief pattern: – 46,XX(XY),t(2;5)(q21;q31)


    Detailed pattern: – 46,XX(XY),t(2;5)(2pter→2q21::5q31 →5qter ; 5pter →5q31::2q21 →2qter)

  • Notice:In reciprocal translocation between autosomes, the larger one should be described antecedently;In reciprocal translocation between sex chromosomes and autosomes, the sex chromosome should be described antecedentlydescribed antecedently.

    e g 46 XX t(X; 2)(q21; 2q31)e.g. 46,XX,t(X; 2)(q21; 2q31)

  • The best-known tumor-specific rearrangement produces the Philadelphia (Ph1) chromosome, a very small acrocentric chromosome seen in 90% of patients with chronic m eloid le kemiachronic myeloid leukemia.

    T(9;22)(q34;q11), The breakpoint on chromosome 9 isT(9;22)(q34;q11), The breakpoint on chromosome 9 is within an intron of the ABL oncogene.

    The translocation joins most of the ABL genomic sequence onto a gene called BCR (breakpoint cluster region) on chromosome 22 creating a novel fusion geneon chromosome 22, creating a novel fusion gene .

    This chimeric gene is expressed to produce a tyrosine This chimeric gene is expressed to produce a tyrosine kinase related to the ABL product but with abnormal transforming properties

  • A metaphase cell positive for the bcr/abl rearrangement using FISH

  • Burkitt's lymphoma is a childhood tumor common in y pmalarial regions of Central Africa and Papua New Guinea.

    M i d E i B i b li d lMosquitoes and Epstein-Barr virus are believed to play some part in the etiology, but activation of the MYC oncogene is a central eventis a central event.

    A characteristic chromosomal translocation, t(8;14)(q24;q32) is seen in 75~ 85% of patients .

    E h f th t l ti t th MYC lEach of these translocations puts the MYC oncogene close to an immunoglobulin locus, IGH at 14q32.

    MYC is expressed at an inappropriately high level.

  • Pairing at meiosis



  • Alternate: ①3,21 ②3*,21*Alternate: ①3,21 ②3 ,21

    Karyotypes of offspring:① ②

    Karyotypes of offspring:

    ① 46,XX(XY) Normal ① 46,XX(XY)

    ② 46 XX(XY) t(3;21) (q23;q21)Balanced translocation, phenotypically normal

    ② 46,XX(XY),t(3;21) (q23;q21)

  • Adjacent 1:③ 3,21* ④ 3*,21Adjacent 1:③ 3,21* ④ 3*,21

    ③ ④

    Karyotypes of offspring:

    ③ ④

    y yp p g

    ③46,XX(XY), -21 , +der(21) (21pter 21q21::3q23 3qter)

    unbalanced translocation, abnormal(21pter →21q21::3q23 →3qter)

    ④46 XX(XY) 3 +der(3)


    b l d l i④46,XX(XY), -3 , +der(3) (3pter→3q23::21q21 →21qter)

    unbalanced translocation, abnormal

  • Adjacent 2: ⑤ 3,3* ⑥ 21,21*Adjacent 2: ⑤ 3,3 ⑥ 21,21

    Karyotypes of offspring:

    ⑤ ⑥

    Karyotypes of offspring:

    ⑤ 46,XX(XY), -21 , +der(3) (3pter →3q23::21q21 →21qter)⑤ , , , ( ) ( p q q q )⑥ 46,XX(XY), -3 , +der(21) (21pter→21q21::3q23 →3qter)

    Both are unbalanced translocation, abnormal

  • Robertsonian translocationRobertsonian translocation

    Translocations involving the centromeric regions and with both long arms ofregions and with both long arms of acrocentric chromosomes. C t i f iCentric fusionBalanced translocation

  • b i l iRobertsonian translocation

  • loss

    lossBrief pattern:


    Detailed pattern:

    45,XX(XY),rob(14;21)(14qter→14p11::21q11 →21qter)

  • 2012年4月6日星期五

  • 2012年4月6日星期五

  • ④⑤ ⑥③②①

    • Karyotypes of offspring:

    ④⑤ ⑥③②①


    Normal ① 46, XX(XY)


    Balanced translocationDown syndrome

    M 21

    ② 45, XX(XY), rob(14;21) (p11; q11)③ 46, XX(XY), -14, + rob(14;21) (p11; q11)④ 45 XX(XY) 21 Monosomy-21

    Be similar to trisomy-14Monosomy-14

    ④ 45, XX(XY), -21⑤ 46, XX(XY), -21, + rob(14;21) (p11; q11)⑥ 45, XX(XY), -14


    Monosomy 14⑥ 45, XX(XY), 14

  • FISH detection of balanced translocation between chromosomes 11FISH detection of balanced translocation between chromosomes 11 (yellow) and 16, using a painting probe for chromosome 11.

    Karyotype is 46,XY,t(11;16)(q24;q23)


  • FISH detection of a cryptic translocation in a developmentally delayed proband, using specific probes for the telomere of chromosome 3pp g p p pand chromosome 11q.

    An unbalanced translocation between 3p and 11q carrying partial trisomy for 3p and partial monosomy for 11q


    trisomy for 3p and partial monosomy for 11q.

  • I i iInversion , inv

    Inversions occur when there are two breaks within a single chromosome and the broken segment flips 180° (inverts) g p ( )and reattaches to form a chromosome that is structurally out-of-sequencethat is structurally out of sequence. – Paracentric Inversion– Pericentric Inversion

  • Paracentric inversion

    An inversion of a chromosome segment that excludes the centromereexcludes the centromere.

  • Brief pattern: 46 XX(XY) i (2)( 13 24)– 46, XX(XY), inv(2)(p13p24)

    Detailed pattern: 46 XX(XY) inv(2)(pter→p24::p13→ p24::p13 →qter)– 46, XX(XY), inv(2)(pter→p24::p13→ p24::p13 →qter)

  • i i i iPericentric inversion

    An inversion of a chromosome segment that includes the centromere.

  • 1


    p p13q31p13


    q31p 3





    Brief pattern:2

    – 46, XX(XY), inv(2)(p13q31)Detailed pattern:– 46, XX(XY), inv(2)(pter→p13::q31→ p13::q31 →qter)

  • • Although an inversion carrier may be completely• Although an inversion carrier may be completely normal, they are at a slightly increased risk for producing a chromosomally unbalanced embryo. This is because an inverted chromosome has difficulty pairing with it's normal homolog during meiosis which can result in gametes containingmeiosis, which can result in gametes containing unbalanced derivative chromosomes if an unequal cross-over event occurs.unequal cross over event occurs.

    Inversion looploop

  • i i h diDicentric chromosome, dic

    A chromosome with two centromeres.

  • Dicentric chromosome, dic

    di t i Xdicentric X

    Normal X

    Combined FISH and centromere analysis in a 46,X,idic(X) patient, with a dicentric isochromosome of the X chromosome.BLUE h i d i h DAPIBLUE– chromosomes stained with DAPIGREEEN– functional centromeres, as detected with antibodies against a protein specific for active centromeres/kinetochores.RED– X centromeres detected by FISH using a specific alpha satellite probe from the X.

  • h iIsochromosome , i

    The two arms of the hchromosome are

    identical to each thother.

  • 46,X, i(Xp) 46,X, i(Xp)(pter→cen →pter), , ( p)(p p )

    46,X, i(Xq)46 X i(Xq)(qter cen qter)46,X, i(Xq)(qter→cen →qter)

  • DiandryA condition that


    one egg fertilized by two sperms. y p


    69 XXY23X


    23X 69,XYY23X

  • In meiosis Ⅱof oogenesis, the secondary oocyte for someDigyny secondary oocyte, for some unknown reasons, fails to exclude the 2nd polar body. Then fertilization occurs


    Then fertilization occurs between it and a normal sperm.



    23X 69,XXX23X

  • Endoreplication

    Chromosomes duplicate twice in a single cell di i idivision.

  • EndomitosisAlthough chromosomes duplicate once normally in interphase, the nuclear envelope doesn’t break up until metaphase resulting in tetraploidmetaphase, resulting in tetraploid.

  • Meiotic nondisjunction

    Nondisjunction can occur either in meiosis Ⅰi i ior in meiosis Ⅱ.

    – All the gametes will be produced abnormally due to the disjunction in meiosis Ⅰ namely disjunction of homologousdisjunction in meiosis Ⅰ, namely disjunction of homologous chromosomes.

    – Half of the gametes will be produced abnormally due to the Ⅱdisjunction in meiosis Ⅱ, namely disjunction of sister


  • Meiotic nondisjunction

  • Nondisjunction in meiosis Ⅰ Nondisjunction in meiosis Ⅱ

  • Mitotic nondisjunctionThe types of the cell lines in mosaicism and their proportions are related to the time of disjunction in mitosis and viabilities of themmitosis and viabilities of them.

    – The earlier disjunction occurs, the moreThe earlier disjunction occurs, the more abnormalities are.

    – The later disjunction occurs, the less abnormalities are.

    Vi bilit f h di l id i t– Viability of hyperdiploid is stronger; – Viability of hypodiploid is poorer.

  • 46 46

    47 45 46 46

    46 46 47 4547 47 45 45

    47/45 or 47 46/47/45 or 46/47

    Nondisjunction in 1st Nondisjunction in 2ndNondisjunction in 1st segmentation

    Nondisjunction in 2nd segmentation

  • Loss of chromosomes

    During mitosis, some chromosome cannot move normally to any pole of the cell because of not attaching to microtubules of gthe mitotic spindle or delayed movement resulting in loss or being digestedresulting in loss or being digested.

  • 46


    46 45

    46 46 45 4546 46 45 45

    e.g. 46,XY/45,X