Chapter 4 - Membrane Characterization (1)

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  • 7/23/2019 Chapter 4 - Membrane Characterization (1)



    A small change in one of the membrane

    formation parameters can change the (toplayer) structure and consequently have adrastic eect on membrane performance.

    REPRO!"#$#%#&' is also problem

    hy need embrane "haracteri*ation +&o relate structural membrane propertiessuch as pore si*e, pore si*e distribution,free volume and crystallinity to membraneseparation properties

    &o obtain impression about si*e of particlesand molecules and ions to encountered, a-ide range of particles and molecules -ithvarious dimensions are available

    E$RAE "/ARA"&ER#0AO $E"OE1

    PRO2RE11#3E%' ORE #44#"!%&1 A1 &/EPORE 1#0E E"REA1E1.


  • 7/23/2019 Chapter 4 - Membrane Characterization (1)


    embranes -ill be classi5ed in t-o maingroupsi. porous

    ii. nonporous

    46!4 7 58ed pores are present, can becharacteri*ed by several techniques

    e5nation of porous (#!PA")i. acropores 9 :; nmii.esopores < nm =pore si*e = :; nmiii. icropores = < nm

    Pore diameter or more arbitrarily pore width

    4 7 porous media containing macropores,

    !4 also porous -ith mesopores in top layer.

    &herefore, it is not the membrane material-hich is characteri*ed, but the pores in themembrane

    Pore and pore si*e distribution (P1) mainlydetermines -hich particles or moleculesare retained and -hich -ill pass throughthe membrane


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    &he material is of little importance in

    determining the separation performance.

    ense pervaporation6gas separation

    membranes 7 no 58ed pores are presentand the material itself mainly determinesthe performance.

    &he morphology of the polymer materialused for membrane preparation directlyaects its permeability (crystalline,amorphous, glassy, rubbery)

    4actors such as temperature and the

    interaction of the solvent and solute -iththe polymeric materials, have a largein>uence on the segmental motions(molecular orientation).


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    1hape of the pore or its geometry 7 is not

    -ell de5ned in membrane characteri*ationtechniques.

    #n order to relate pore radii to physicalequations, several assumptions have to bemade about the geometry of the pore.

    Poiseuille equation 7 pores are considered

    to be parallel cylinders,

    ?o*eny@"arman eqn 7 pores are the voidsbet-een the close@paced spheres of equaldiameter

    Actuality, such pores do not e8ist. /o-ever,

    in order to interpret the characteri*ation

    results, it is often essential to maeassumptions about the pore geometry

    #n addition, it is not the pore si*e -hich is

    the rate@determining factor, but the


  • 7/23/2019 Chapter 4 - Membrane Characterization (1)


    smallest restriction. 7 #ndeed, somecharacteri*ation techniques determine thedimensions of pore entrance rather than

    the pore si*e. better info aboutBpermeation relatedC characteristics

    P1 in a porous !4 and 4 membrane 7

    means pores do not have same si*e bute8ist as a distribution of si*e.

    1urface porosity 7 is also a very important

    variable in determining the >u8 through themembrane. 7 1P is a factor of acombination -ith the thicness of the toplayer or the length of the pore.

    &-o dierent types of characteri*ationmethod for porous membranes D@

    i. 1tructure@related parameter 7determination of pore si*e, P1, toplayer thicness and surface porosity.

    ii.Permeation@related parameters 7determination of the actual separationparameters using solutes that are more


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    or less retained by the membrane (cut@o measurements)

    #t is often very dicult to relate the (i) and(ii) because the pore si*e and shape is notvery -ell de5ned.

    &he con5guration of the pores (cylindrical,paced@spheres) used in simple model

    descriptions deviate sometimes dramaticallyfrom the actual morphology, in


    Pores D ;.F 7 F; m range

    &echniques used such as Electron

    microscopy, $ubble point method, ercuryintrusion porometry, permeationmeasurements

    E @ 1E, &E (&ransmission Electronmicroscopy).


  • 7/23/2019 Chapter 4 - Membrane Characterization (1)


    1E 7 provides a very convenient and simplemethod for characteri*ing and investigatingthe porous structure of 4.

    &he resolution limit lies in the ;.;F m (F;


    1E principle

    A narro- beam of electrons -ith ineticenergies in the order of F@ected are called secondaryelectrons.

    1ec electrons (lo- energy) are not re>ectedbut liberated from atoms in the surface 7mainly determine the imaging 7 -hat isseen on the screen or micrograph.

    &o avoid sample damaged or burned due tothe electron beam, sample is coated (thingold layer coating)

    1E 7 allo-s a clear vie- of the overallstructure of a 4 membrane (top surface,


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    8@section and bottom surface) and anyasymmetry structures. Also the geometryof the pores can be clearly visuali*ed.

    Atomic 4orce icroscopy (A4)

    %atest development

    1uitable for 4 (even though only on thesurface morphology)

    A sharp tip -ith a diameter smaller than F;;Angstrom is scanning across a surface -ith aconstant force. %ondon@van der aals

    interactions -ill occur bet-een the atoms inthe tip and surface of the sample and theseforces are detected.

    $ubble@point method

    Provides a simple means of characteri*ingthe ma8imum pore si*es in a givenmembrane.


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    &he method essentially measures thepressure needed to blo- air through a liquid@5lled membrane.

    &he top of the 5lter is placed in contact -itha liquid (eg. ater) -hich 5lls all the pores-hen the membrane is -etted.

    &he bottom of the 5lters in contact -ith airand as the air pressure is gradually increasedbubbles of air penetrate through themembrane at a certain pressure.

    &he relationship bt- pressure and poreradius is given by %aplace equationD@

    &his method can only be used to measurethe largest active pores in a givenmembrane.



    $P method gives limited information, and



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    Eg. epends on the liquid use (dierent

    -etting mechanisms, but not re>ected inequations), rate at -hich the pressure is

    increased, anity bt- -etting liquid andmembr material etc.

    $P -ith gas permeation combines the

    bubble@point concept -ith themeasurement of the gas lo- through theemptied pores.

    < stepsD@

    gas >o- is measured through a dry

    membrane as a function of the pressure isgenerally a straight line.

    &hen, the membrane is -etted and again

    the gas >o- is determined as a function ofthe applied pressure

    At very lo- pressures the pores are still5lled -ith the liquid and the gas >o-(-hich is determined by diusion throughthe liquid) is very lo-

    At a certain minimal pressure (bubble

    point), the largest pores -ill be empty and

    the gas >o- -ill increase by convective>o- through these pores.

    At the highest press the gas >o- of the dry

    membrane must be equal to the -etmembrane.


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    1uitable for characteri*ation of macropores,

    eg 4 -ith si*es up to :; nm.

    Permeability ethod

    #f capillary pores are assumed to be present,the pore si*e can be obtained by measuringthe >u8 through a membrane at a constant

    pressure using the /agen@Poiseuille eqn.

    G H -ater (>u8) through the membrane at adriving force of P6I,

    r@pore radius (m), H liquid viscosity (Pa.s)m,H surface porosity of the membrane, Htortuosity factor.

    hen the pressure is increased further the >u8increases linearly -ith pressure.


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    /P assumes the pores in the membrane arecylindrical but generally this is not the case.

    ?o*eny@"arman eqn 7 pores are intersticesbt- close@paced spheres. 1uch pores arenot commonly found in syntheticmembrane.


    "onsidered as porous, but moreasymmetric compared to 4.

    "haracteri*ation 7 involves the

    characteri*ation of the top layer (thicness,P1 and surface porosity).

    &ypical pore diameter of top layer D

  • 7/23/2019 Chapter 4 - Membrane Characterization (1)


    Resolution of 1E is too lo- to determine

    the pore si*es in top layer accurately.

    ercury intrusion and bubble@point

    methods cannot be used because the poresi*es are too small, so that very highpressures -ould be needed 7 -hich -oulddestroy the polymeric structure.

    Permeation e8p can still be used. Other

    techniques are D@

    2as adsoption@desorption&hermoporometryPermporometry

    %iquid displacement4raction or reJection measurement


    1O%!&E REGE"O EA1!REE&

    !se concept of cut@oC to characteri*e !4membranes


  • 7/23/2019 Chapter 4 - Membrane Characterization (1)


    "ut o is de5ned as that molecular -eight-hich is K;L reJected by the membrane

    Eg. embrane has a cut@o value of M;,;;;7 implying that all solutes -ith a molecular-eight 9 M;? are more than K; L reJected.

    /o-ever, it is not possible to de5ne theseparation characteristics of a membrane asingle parameter, i.e "O. Otherparameters such as shape, >e8ibility of themacromolecular solute, its interaction -iththe membrane material and membranefouling 7 have drastic6signi5cance eect onseparation characteristics.

    &o characteri*e the membrane(determination of membrane structure suchas pore si*e and etc) 1olute reJection data 7is combined -ith the models (developed forthe particular membrane system) 7 such asN

    ernst Planc@equation

    #rreversible &hermodynamic model (1Pieglerand ?edem odel)


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    onnan 1teric Pore odel

    Electrostatic model



    #n nonporous, the chemical nature andmorphology of the polymeric membraneand the e8tent of interaction bet-een thepolymer and the permeates are theimportant factors to consider.

    &he determination of the physicalproperties related to the chemical structureis no- more important and, the methodssuch as D@Permeability


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    Other physical propertiesPlasma etching1urface analysis


    !sing a simple e8perimental setup

    &he cell containing a homogenous

    membrane of no-n thicness is pressuri*ed-ith a chosen gas. &he e8tent of gaspermeation through the membrane ismeasured by means of a mass >o- meter orby a soap bubble meter.

    1ophisticated method 7 use a calibrated

    volume connected to the permeate side -iththe small pressure increase in the calibratedvolume being measured -ith a pressuretransducer.

    &he gas permeability or permeabilitycoecient , P can be determined

    G H Pl


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