Chapter 8 The Rise of Rome

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Chapter 8 The Rise of Rome. The Rise of Rome. Chapter Introduction Section 1 Rome’s Beginning Section 2 The Roman Republic Section 3 The Fall of the Republic Section 4 The Early Empire Reading Review Chapter Assessment. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • Chapter IntroductionSection 1 Romes Beginning Section 2 The Roman RepublicSection 3 The Fall of the RepublicSection 4 The Early Empire Reading Review Chapter AssessmentThe Rise of RomeClick on a hyperlink to view the corresponding slides.

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    Chapter ObjectivesExplain how Rome became a republic. Describe how Rome gained control of the Mediterranean region. Explain how the failure of the republic led to the creation of a Roman Empire. The Rise of RomeRelate how military and political reforms made Rome rich and prosperous.

  • Get Ready to ReadSection OverviewThis section describes the beginnings of Rome, the founding of the republic, and early conquests.Romes Beginnings

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    Get Ready to Read (cont.)Focusing on the Main IdeasRomes BeginningsGeography played an important role in the rise of Roman civilization. The Romans created a republic and conquered Italy. By treating people fairly, they built Rome from a small city into a great power.

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    Get Ready to Read (cont.)Locating PlacesSicily (SIHsuhlee) Apennines (ApuhNYNZ) Latium (LAYsheeuhm) Tiber River (TYbuhr) Etruria (ihTRUReeuh) Romes Beginnings

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    Get Ready to Read (cont.)Meeting PeopleRomulus (RAHMyuhluhs) Remus (REEmuhs) Aeneas (ihNEEuhs) Latins (LAtuhnz) Etruscans (ihTRUHSkuhnz) Tarquins (TAHRkwihnz) Romes Beginnings

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    Get Ready to Read (cont.)Building Your Vocabularyrepublic (rihPUHblihk) legion (LEEjuhn) Reading StrategySummarizing Information Use a diagram like the one on page 262 of your textbook to show how the Etruscans affected the development of Rome.Romes Beginnings

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    The Origins of RomeItaly is a boot-shaped country in the Mediterranean. The Alps are mountains at Italys northern border, and the Apennines is a mountain range that extends through Italy from north to south. (pages 263265)The toe of the boot points toward the island of Sicily. Italys terrain was easier to farm than the terrain of Greece, so Italy could support more people. Romes Beginnings

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    The Origins of Rome (cont.)The Latins built the city of Rome on the plain of Latium. Rome was located in central Italy on the Tiber River. Romes BeginningsTwo stories tell about Romes beginning: the legend of Remus and Romulus and the tale of Aeneas and his Trojan followers. (pages 263265)

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    The Origins of Rome (cont.)The Greeks and the Etruscans influenced the Roman way of life. The Etruscans were skilled metal workers who helped shape Roman civilization. Romes BeginningsThe Etruscan army was the model for the Roman army. (pages 263265)

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    The Birth of a RepublicThe Tarquins were leaders of the Etruscan-ruled Rome. (pages 265267)After 100 years under the Tarquins, the Romans rebelled against Etruscan rulers. The Romans established a republic. In a republic, the leader is not a king or queen but someone voted into office by citizens. Romes Beginnings

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    The Birth of a Republic (cont.)Rome had a large, powerful army made up of excellent, disciplined soldiers. Roads connected all of Romes military settlements. Romes Beginnings(pages 265267)

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    The Birth of a Republic (cont.)The Roman Confederation gave full citizenship to some people, who could vote and serve in government. Romans gave others the status of allies, which meant they could rule their own local affairs. Romes Beginnings(pages 265267)

  • The Roman RepublicGet Ready to ReadSection OverviewThis section describes the Roman Republics political development and the defeat of Carthage.

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    Get Ready to Read (cont.)Focusing on the Main IdeasThe Roman RepublicRome slowly destroyed the Carthaginian Empire and took control of the entire Mediterranean region. Romes republic was shaped by a struggle between wealthy landowners and regular citizens as it gradually expanded the right to vote.

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    Get Ready to Read (cont.)Cincinnatus (SIHNsuhNAtuhs) Meeting PeopleHannibal (HAnuhbuhl) Scipio (SIHpeeOH) The Roman RepublicCarthage (KAHRthihj) Locating PlacesCannae (KAnee) Zama (ZAYmuh)

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    Get Ready to Read (cont.)Building Your Vocabularypatrician (puhTRIHshuhn) plebeian (plihBEEuhn) consul (KAHNsuhl) praetor (PREEtuhr) veto (VEEtoh) The Roman Republicdictator (DIHKTAYtuhr)

  • Get Ready to Read (cont.)Reading StrategyCategorizing Information Create a chart like the one on page 268 of your textbook. List the government officials and legislative bodies of the Roman Republic.The Roman Republic

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    Romes GovernmentTop government officials were called consuls. Another important group of officials were the praetors. Patricians and plebeians were the two classes of people in Rome. (pages 269273)The Roman RepublicThe Senate was the most important lawmaking body.

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    Romes Government (cont.)Plebeians challenged the class system by going on strike. The Romans then allowed the plebeians to set up their own legislative group called the Council of the Plebes. Another important legislative body was the Assembly of Centuries. The Roman RepublicToday, a dictator is an oppressive ruler.(pages 269273)

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    Romes Government (cont.)Cincinnatus, the best-known early Roman dictator, led an army of men to defeat a powerful enemy. The Twelve Tables were Romes first code of laws. In the Roman Republic, a dictator was a person who served the people and ruled temporarily during emergencies. The Roman RepublicThey were the basis of all future Roman laws.(pages 269273)

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    Romes Government (cont.)The rule of law is the idea that laws should apply to everyone equally. The Law of Nations was created to address issues of conquered peoples. The Roman Republic(pages 269273)

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    Rome ExpandsCarthage, a state on the coast of North Africa, was a powerful enemy of Rome. (pages 274276)The First Punic War began as a dispute between Rome and Carthage over the island of Sicily. The war continued for 20 years before Rome won. The Roman RepublicThe Second Punic War began after Carthage expanded into Spain.

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    Rome Expands (cont.)Rome helped the people of Spain rebel. Hannibal was a great Carthaginian general who fought in the Second Punic War. At the Battle of Cannae, Hannibals forces overpowered the Romans. The Roman RepublicThe Roman general Scipio led his forces to defeat the Carthaginians at the Battle of Zama. (pages 274276)

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    Rome Expands (cont.)Rome destroyed Carthage in the Third Punic War. Rome also took all of Greece and Macedonia and parts of Africa during the Punic Wars.The Roman Republic(pages 274276)

  • The Fall of the RepublicGet Ready to ReadSection OverviewThis section describes the events that led to the end of the Roman Republic.

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    Get Ready to Read (cont.)Focusing on the Main IdeasThe Fall of the RepublicThe use of enslaved labor hurt farmers, increased poverty and corruption, and brought the army into politics. Military hero Julius Caesar seized power and made reforms. The Roman Republic, weakened by civil wars, became an empire under Augustus.

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    Locating PlacesRubicon (ROObihKAHN) Actium (AKsheeuhm) Julius Caesar (joolyuhs SEEzuhr) Meeting PeopleThe Fall of the RepublicOctavian (ahkTAYveeuhn) Antony (ANtuhnee) Cicero (SIHsuhROH) Augustus (awGUHStuhs) Get Ready to Read (cont.)

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    Building Your Vocabularylatifundia (LAtuhFUHNdeeuh) The Fall of the Republictriumvirate (tryUHMvuhruht) Reading StrategyFinding the Main Idea Complete a chart like the one on page 277 of your textbook to identify the main ideas of Section 3 and supporting details.Get Ready to Read (cont.)

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    Trouble in the RepublicThe gap between the rich patricians and the poor plebeians grew, and farmers especially suffered. Latifunda were large farming estates created when wealthy Romans bought small farms. Farmers whose land had been bought traveled to cities to try to find jobs. (pages 278279)The Fall of the Republic

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    Trouble in the Republic (cont.)Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus were two wealthy brothers who tried to reform government. They were killed. Marius, a former military leader, was appointed counsel and promised land to poor men if they became soldiers. Sulla drove Marius out of Rome, declared himself dictator, and spent three years reforming government before resigning from office. The Fall of the Republic(pages 278279)

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    Julius CaesarJulius Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey formed a triumvirate after Sulla left office. A triumvirate is a political alliance of three people. (pages 280281)The Fall of the Republic

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    Julius Caesar (cont.)Caesar declared himself dictator of Rome for life and made many changes to Rome. Julius Caesar marched on Rome and defeated Pompeys forces after Crassus died in battle. The Fall of the RepublicThe Julian calendar was created during Caesars rule. (pages 280281)

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    Julius Caesar (cont.)This calendar was changed slightly in A.D. 1582, but is basically still in use today. The Fall of the RepublicCaesar had many enemies as well as supporters. His enemies plotted to kill him and succeeded on March 15, called the Ides of March.(pages 280281)

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    Rome Becomes an EmpireAntony and Lepidus were two of Caesars top generals. Octavian was Caesars grandnephew, who had inherited Caesars wealth. (pages 282283)Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus formed the Second Triumvirate, although the triumvirate began to quarrel immediately. Antony fell in love with Cleopatra VII and formed an alliance with her.The Fall of the Republic

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    Rome Becomes an Empire (cont.)Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatras forces at the Battle of Actium. Octavian declared war on Antony to keep him from taking over the republic. The Fall of the Republic(pages 282283)

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    Rome Becomes an Empire (cont.)Octavian restored the republic with some reforms and took the title Augustus, meaning revered one. Cicero was a political leader, writer, and public speaker who favored representative government and supported Octavian. This began the Roman Empire.The Fall of the Republic(pages 282283)

  • Get Ready to ReadSection OverviewThis section describes the expansion and contributions of the Roman Empire.The Early Empire

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    Get Ready to Read (cont.)Focusing on the Main IdeasThe Early EmpireBy expanding the empire and reorganizing the military and government, Augustus created a new era of prosperity. Romes system of roads, aqueducts, ports, and common currency made the empire rich and prosperous.

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    Get Ready to Read (cont.)Locating PlacesRhine River (RYN) Danube River (DANYOOB) Puteoli (pyuTEEuhLY) Caligula (kuhLIHgyuhluh) Meeting PeopleNero (NEEroh) Ostia (AHSteeuh) Hadrian (HAYdreeuhn) The Early Empire

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    Get Ready to Read (cont.)Building Your VocabularyPax Romana (pahks rohMAHnah) aqueduct (AkwuhDUHKT) currency (KUHRuhnsee) Reading StrategyCause and Effect Use a chart like the one on page 286 of your textbook to show the changes Augustus made in the Roman Empire and the effect of each change.The Early Empire

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    The Emperor AugustusThe Pax Romana is the long era of peace that began with Augustus. Augustus built a permanent, professional army and created a special guard called the Praetorian Guard, who guarded him. (pages 287288)Augustus restored Romes splendor and fed the hungry poor of Rome with imported grain. The Early Empire

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    The Emperor Augustus (cont.)Augustus appointed a proconsul, or governor, for each province, replacing politicians appointed by the Senate. Augustus reformed the tax system by making tax collectors permanent workers, and he reformed the legal system by creating a set of laws for people who were not citizens. The Julio-Claudian emperors were the rulers who followed Augustus: Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero. The Early Empire(pages 287288)

  • The Emperor Augustus (cont.)Caligula and Nero were cruel leaders, and Tiberius and Claudius were competent rulers. The Early Empire(pages 287288)

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    Unity and ProsperityVespasian restored order to Rome after the chaos following Neros death. (pages 290294)The Jewish temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by Vespasians armies in the effort to put down a Jewish rebellion. Mount Vesuvius erupted and destroyed the city of Pompeii in A.D. 79. The rulers known as the good emperors were Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius.The Early Empire

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    Unity and Prosperity (cont.)The Roman Empire flourished under their rule. Aqueducts are human-made water channels for carrying water long distances. They were created during the prosperous times of the good emperors. The Roman Empire became one of the largest empires in history during the reign of the good emperors.The Early Empire(pages 290294)

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    Unity and Prosperity (cont.)The different people of the Roman Empire were united by Roman law, Roman rule, and their shared identity as Romans. Most people were farmers who grew olives, grapes, and grain. Other people were artisans who traded with others inside and outside the Roman Empire. The Early Empire(pages 290294)

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    Unity and Prosperity (cont.)Roads and currencya system of moneywere important to the prosperous trade that developed. A gap existed between rich merchants, shopkeepers, and skilled workers and poor farmers and city dwellers. The Early Empire(pages 290294)

  • Italy 500 B.C.

  • Growth of the Roman Republic 500146 B.C.

  • The Punic Wars 264146 B.C.

  • The Roman Empire: Trade and Expansion

  • The Rise of RomeIntroduction

  • Romes Beginnings

  • The Roman Republic

  • The Fall of the Republic

  • The Early Empire

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    The Aeneid

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    A Roman Triumph

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    Cicero Calls for War

  • Focus on Everyday LifeBefore Rome became a powerful empire, Romans ate simple meals of porridge, dried vegetables, and greens. People rarely ate meat or seafood. After Romes conquests, the dining habits of wealthy Romans changed. Newly rich Romans showed off their wealth with expensive feasts that included exotic foods and lively entertainment for their guests. At Roman dinner parties, guests reclined on couches. The enslaved servants served the food, which would be carried into the banquet room on great silver platters. Roman dishes might include boiled stingray garnished with hot raisins; boiled crane with turnips; or roast flamingo cooked with dates, onions, honey, and wine.Roman Dinner Parties

  • Science and InventionsTransporting water is a complex problem. Roman engineers solved it by building aqueducts. Roman aqueducts carried water across a valley or hillside using gravity, aboveground stone arches, and underground pipes made of stone or clay. Between 312 B.C. and A.D. 226, 11 aqueducts were built to bring water to Rome from as far away as 57 miles. Once the water made it to Rome, it was held in collecting tanks. Most people gathered water from these public tanks. Only the rich and high ranking officials had private water tanks in their homes. Many Roman aqueducts still stand and are used today. Engineers in ancient Persia, India, and Egypt built similar water systems hundreds of years before the Romans. However, historians agree that the Romans were the greatest aqueduct builders of the ancient world.Roman Aqueducts

  • Connecting to the Pastby using gravity, arches, and underground pipes1.How did the Romans transport water to the city of Rome?2.Why do you think that only the rich and powerful had private water supplies? It was very expensive and complicated to pipe water to individual homes, so only a few could afford it.Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.

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    c. 519438 B.C.Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus

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    Augustus63 B.CA.D. 14