Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

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Page 1: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter
Page 2: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter



lo• ''-''' Put~••• ot <•do '"' '' '' ... , .. ''~"'""""' !n<I ••.••• :ti:" Loa!Loo '"' ••••• AP'""'"' of pl•o• &04 ,,.. .•.• , .. ,. ..... ~<l~eo.Uoo• loo 10.00 Oh•n~o o! u .. '"' ''·' ! vi"'"'' of apo••••l '"' .... , Exomot<on !•om oodo '"' ''·'' Aoo••••l of "'"''""'~ .............. motho<.• "°' 4••lo••

Ind 50.001 Purp-oS< of code. Th• purpose of \hi• eodc ls to promote \he health, safo<y and welfare or \ho publlo hy eotablishin!l' porform· ano• .. ,;,,iniums oor.tainod thct<•i11 for design, <ons\tucUon, oltcration, use"'"' "'"'pancy o! b<ii]d,,,g, anll I'"''' tbere~f.

n,,1,; T"'' porp'"' "' -"'""" ''''' '"'"'"''Lo the t•<m• "''"lo'"' "S•<• Pl•o• •<OlUlc•" or''",,,,,."',,.,,,, .... ",""'"''' 101, lVJ,. S<•l•,

Not•'' Thl• oodo i• inl""'''d tor th•'''''''''" o< th• puOllO on• not '"'''•O•d oo • <•-•lgn m•nuol. • toXt "ook "'' " '"'"''"'""" ntanunL.

"'"'"'''Cr "'~"'''· l>•<oml""· 1010. ~·o 150, ert. 1-1-•1. Ind !i-0.-002 Appli .. tion. (I) NEW "U1WJNGS ANO <\DUITlC>NS. This

•ode •h•ll apply to all now building•, o\nroture•, and also to Rdditlon• to existin" buildings ""d struclurc,, oxcopt as in Wis_ Adm. Code, •e<tion ind 6U.O:J.

(2) EnmNo BlllLl>mos. llulld1ngs and atruotur .. erected prior to th• offeotlve date of \he firs~ building oodo (Ootober ,, 191() oh•ll «>mply with \ho general ordore on existing buildings, isoued by tho department of induotzy, labor ar.d human rclat.inns.

Uloto.,-, 1-l-1!; '""""'· from Jnd >0.001 lo Oo ino 00-002, lt<J<l•ter, Do,,mbo,, >110, ~o. 180, •f!. 1-1-71-

ln~ 50.0! AltoralioM. This code oh~ll apply to all alteration• in any bu;tding or •tnrcture whieh afleol.s the olnrctural otrength, fi,. h•>•«l, exits or lighting ol any new or existing building o• otnJctnre. This co<le doc• not apply to ordinary non-structural ohnngeo or minor repair• noc••""-'Y for the mai,,lcnanoe of any bul1ding or structure.

si.10.,-1 1-)--!I; ~m. n•J<l•<••, D•o•mbor, l''" No, 14, of!. 1-l-<•. Ind 50.02 Change "' use. (!) When the u•e of s bulldlng or stnrc·

turc ;, chang•cl and the requircmonls for tho nc1v uoo are more 5trin~ent than thoso for the previous use then ouch building or •lrUoture •hall l>e n<ade lo comply with th• rcqulret,,ent1 for tit" now use .. prol'ided in this code.

(2) Jf, upon on Inspection of a building or structure, lt ia found thst Ito u•o wss ohani:ed oin<• \he efl'eotive date of tho first building <ode (Oct<>O.r 9, l~l4) and that it do .. not comply with th" roqulre­m•nto o! !ho bwlding <:nde in ef!oot •I tho limo of ..,.i. <han;o it ohall then bo made to oomply wi\h the oode requlument• in effect •t tho time ol oh)nge in use.

Jnd 50.0! E<""'~!lon f..,., <Odo ttq~irement •• Thio code doea not opµly \o the following building>:

(l) Dwollings, ond outbuildinp in connoction therewith suoh "" barns and private g•"'1l••- '

(2) ,l.pa<tment buildinga used e><ohalvely as the noidonoe o! not rnore than 2 families.

(3) Building• wed OJ<<]usively for agrioultura! purpooeo whioh are llOI w:ilhhl d>o litnlll of a el\)' or ..,, Incorporated .-lllage.

ltegloto,, F<h•ua•l'. !011, Xo ''' l!ulldlu~ 4n0 h''""""' vontll•llnK

•n• "'' con01tLohL"g codo


Page 3: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

WlSCON~lN AD~1JNIS'l'R.~1'1YJ•; CODI!: Soop,

(•) Tom],orary building• or •hetl• used oxol~•ively for consrni.c. tion pUfllo•es, not ex<eedinir 2 stori .. in hei&ht, and not u1od !or Hvlng quarters.

Ind 50.04 Locol r<gulalion•. Thi• <ode •hall not limit th• powet of c'Ueo, vill•i><• and town• to make, or cnfor<e, additional or mor-e 1\rlngcn\ regulation•. provided the •ome do not con!\lct with thio wdo or v;ith •ny othol' rule of the dopartmont of industry, Jobor and human "'lation,_


Ind 50,lO Approvo.l o( 1•!ans ""d speoificalions. (I) Complete plan, Uld ll""'ifioations for al! builclinp ond otnic!;uNa iti tho following cla.osifications •hall be sui>nd\tod la the dopartmont or induo\ry, labor and humon relations lo· "pµro1,1 bofor• l•tting contraet• or com. '"'"ciog work

(•) Thoa<ers and .. scmi>l)- balls. (0) School> and other pl"oos of instruction, (<) Apartment bulldulgs, hotels and place• o! detention. (d) Haoardous oooupon•ie<-(e) Factories, office and >neroa,,t..il• building•. N~<•• J<v••Y bulldln·;c. '''"'''u''· Olli, o' d•voloen1•t<t o•ao•d '' ona;n.

'''"'" "'""'" ony Mood '''''" " "'''""''d to ""'"''" 1oeol oc ''"'' '''"'·''''''""' "'''"•dlo,· '" <,•, '·", .'; '· "''· ~'"'' "'''' ac1·t1i:<·•·< ,,nd ''''' ''"" "''' '"'"'"""'~ '""";'"'th<'""·

'''"''""" or any''"'''""'"''"'' ou1>lk lunJ• •h~LI "''"'lo tho'''""" or final bnl• "" '"''" ''""'""'' >«I"'"',.''·""'" "'"""· '"'"'"'"'~ ,_-hcl"'' •och ''""''"'' on,·~I• "''''''-'no<""'''[,.,,,,,'""""' ''"I''' """'"''""" "''""''"'· to "'" coo11-,,,""' ""''"'' ••·•·o•·d•ng tn '''""" 101 ''' ",, "'"''

(2) Th• oubmi•oion ol 1•ln>is •ud •J>•cilloolion• for foc\oric•, ottl'• and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter than 30 feel and are not moro than z ''"''ie• high. Bu1ldinga lo• v,·hich the oubmts•ion of piano and speoiji,ution• ls waivod •hall comply \¥Jtl, the requirement. of thio 'od' -

(3) All pl•no oholl Le subtnit\ct! ;n triplicate and wor~ sholl not 1, started until pl~"' ''" oppro,·od_ Co1n1>l<to foundation and foohng piano m•Y be •ubmitted for al'P'<r1'a: r•ior to •ubmltting the building plan• if the plot plan, i(omized 't• uotu•al loads, complete foundat10ll or footing deoiJ;T< oal<ulat!on' and schematic floo• plan• ore included •howing e>:ito, window• anti other pertjnOJtl information. The !oil""· ing data sh"ll be o pa•\ o! or shall acco>nµany all plan• oubtn;lt•tl fo, approval, l\elns (h) nnd (i) need not acoomi>any loundauon and footing plans submJtted p1·i<n co final buihling plans.

(a) Tho lo<alion and grades of adjoining •troeto, all•}·•, lot lineo and any oth•r building, on the some lot or prop•rty.

(b) Na.mo of owner. (o) Intended use or U!OS of all room,, and the nuntbo, ol pert!Dno

to be aorommodated the•ein. (d) AB"1!rn<d b•OU'ing volue of ooiL (•) A .. umed li•• lood3. If) Assumed dead lo'Od<, j(etn;z,·tl. (g) Assum<>d unit •tr<!s&o• for struoluroJ materi~ls. (h) Stres• diagrams !or oil In>••<,..

R<gt•t•r. F'''"'""· ''''· "" 18" Uu>ld.o.;' "'·" c.,,Hn>:. '''""""'n­ond &I• oontllL'""'"' oOd•

• •

Page 4: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• ('

Dl>PT. OF INDUSTllY, J,AUOl~ & HU~!AN Jll>LA"l'J0]';8 3 Sooo•

(i) Typical calo11lalioos f<•r slab$, h<ams, gir<l•,.. an<l oolumn•. (j) Diagram indi<a!,ng b!oc·ong and ,\abil;\y of lhe strurtu<O

and compononts 1n rigid fi·ame-> an<l 01h,.,- <>pon tr!"' buildHlg<. ~"''' '""ff'""" ore lntendo<l to •1•ph lo "'" opo••P""'" """' ••­

"""' "' bu ldln1<• ''~""""'' nf '"""''''"'" or con•!'"""""· ""' Job '""'''"" of o,,,;,,i;,.g, "'" \\'" .\dn1 <'o•h' •hal•"'' :::,, ""''''Y Ln

''"'" ' "'" ' ""' (k) Sohomatic dJagram• •howing exit,,,g 011·an~ement,,_ Sol<' fll•O'·""' •houl<I """" '""'"'"' l••lh' <>[ '""''' ''"-''" "" inteD<lo<l

'"' or any "'"" or "" "'"'""'g, (I) Known Bpe<ial h~,..r<I• l-0 nocu1>ont• •hall be not.-1, ·-~· fl"n1-

1nol1lo and oomhu<tible hqu,,],, oxrlo;iYL'o, toxic i:c~-"'' ""d chonli<alo, on<! !'adioa,~h·o "'atel'Jal;,

(~) Compl•t< strnotural calc"la\;ona ahall b• furnished upon re­quO!t of the de!"'rtment of Industry, labor and human relation• o• other authorized ar1,rovin1: official. All plan• •nd •P•oi~oatlone shall be .. aled or stamped b)• a registered orchiteot or ro,,-Jster<d profos-1lonal enr!neor oxC€pl that plans for buildings havin11 • total volume ol lOiS than ~0,000 oubic feet ohall he oli:nod by tho de•igner.

(5) Thia .. ctlon aha!) appiy to oddltioru and olterations, as well ,.. to ~ew hnildlnro, s.nd ohall also apply to all ""-' .. wheto there io a elumgo of oeoupanoy or use of a building.

(6) Jn cities when! plans •re e•amin"<I, nnd butldlng permit.I! or< issued, by a city building ofHc•ial In a mannor nj>proYod by tho depart· ment cf industry, labor an•l huina" relntton•, ndditionnl approval by the department of Industry, labor and hun1an rel.ation• is not re<1uiro<I .

(1) Thia .. ot1on ohall not apply to oanitary applian< .. , Ollch u wot.or oupply s.nd oewage W.posnl •Y•temo, chemloal and 1epUo toileto and similar "'luipment whioh shall he submitted ror approval and illlltalled in aeeordance "'ith the "'gulntions of the stat< board of health.

(8) After beb>g approved, plans and •peciftoaliOIUI •hal1 nol bo ch•nged in OilY f<!•pect which may involve any provloiono of !hi• code, e•copt with the written consent of the approving oftloiat.

(•l The approval of a plon or spocificntion io not to bo construed os the nosomption of any '"-'POnsibillty for tlio de•ign.

'"''"'"" 1-hl•: "'"- Ro~'''''· fJ<>o'"'"'"'· ''''· No ''· '~ 1-•-," .. ',· ' """ ''''· ""- "'~'""" J """"""· ''"·'· "" ,,,, ,.f[ :<-J-•,; •J). (1') """OJ.'"~""''· 1-"cO;ua,,•. '''' O<o '''·,.IT '-1 ;1

Ind 50.ll Erldenoo of appro•a!. Th• orchitoot, profea•ional engi· neer, build•r "' owner shall koop at tho building ouo st! of plan• b.,.ring tho stamp of appro1·a\.

Ind 50.12 Appro•al of material., moth<><l• ond d•Tl< ... All ma!o­rialo, mothodo of construction and devioos dosigned for u•• in tho oon>tTuotloD, a!~Uon or equipment of building• or •lructureo under tll1o code and not .,..,illeally m..,Uoned In this oode .ball not be so uoed until approved in writing by the department of indu.try, labo• ond human relation•, excopt •anitary appliances, 1vhtch ohall lio approv<>d in accor&ln<e with the •late plumbing code i"'uoJ by tho stat.<> bonrd of h••lth. Tho data, toots and other evidence ne.,.•snry to proYo th• merit• ot ouoh mnteriol, method of construction or deYioe shall ho dotormined by the doparitno>ll of indoo\r)-, labor ond hunian ftlat.1omi .

"'"""'''"· "'"'""'"·''''·No 100 BulldJno and h.,,t<n~. >•nt"•Un~ and ••• oondllionln~ ood•

6t>7 '

Page 5: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• ..

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Page 6: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• (



DEfT OF !;\DUSTI;\·, J.,\llOR & llUJIA;; l'.LL,\TIO;\,, '"""'"""' '"rl ,,.,, •• , ••

lad ILOOl ,, .. , ''·'' ,, '' '' '' ~::::)

''"'' Ind t,i.O<<


''"' ,,_,,, ""' '' r·1:

"''' '"·''' '"' ''·''

Chapter Ind 51


l'lro-roolotl•• oon· otructloa )IUI coootru<tlon O•dLn•ey <onotruoHon ,.,.,,,. '"""''"'"'" --°"""'"""' """'''' ""'"'"'"'''-'' .,.,., ..• '"''"" ""'"" •• -'""'"'"'" """'' n '' ,.,,., '"'""'" T>"PIC«, ''"'"•Pie• ·'' 0 ro • ,...,,,, '' ot; '"''" ,, I •·omponont•

""''"'"""" "''"''"' ""'"'""' '" "'' , .• ,,,, """'''"'""" Roo• "'"."""' ffOl~ht of buHd1n"

Ind 01.!3

Ind 01.l< '"'' , .. ,, L"J CL!•

Jnd •t.17 Ind 6!.l!

Ind '"'' lnO ''·'' T"d '' '' lnd 51.2' Ind''·'' Ind ,, I< Ind''·''

,..,,mont Otll Ooo,, numbot ot ot••••• soroot: ""''' oourt Standard ''" ~la,.wo>• '"<l olcY••"•' n\ottorm• Bmo~opcool otolr tow<r '"''''"' '"'''''' ,,,,,_ . ., ,,., ••••••• ••l< Fir• oocao•• StandP""' ,.,,, ''""~""''' ,l.utomoUc onr1r.kL•r• Fire olorm •Y•t•m• ~ped"ootion• "'''" Lo '"" ,.,,,,,. ~""""'"'"'"' , ''" Ln thl• '""'

Ind St.001 Fi,.._.....i.tive conslrndion. (I) A bullding lo of ftre­,..,;sti,·• oonotruotlon if all the wallo, porl.ltlon•, piol'l!, oo\urnn•, noors, ooilingo, rool ud stain are buil; of incombuetible material, oxoopt "' herelno!ter provldod, and if a!! motallio •lruotunl mombon a,.. proteo\od by a" lnoomhu.otiblo flre-re•iot.ive ooverin~, all n• •peoifiod in this •<<lion.

(2) All Ol<t<rior and inner '""'·t ""'<ll< oholl b~ nf not l••• than 4·i>our flro-,..,•i•tive «>ns\1-u<·\;o", os •pccified in '"'\;on JnO 51.04, ,.,,0 pt tho\ nonlo~d lica\·ing ext<l'io1· wall• 1vhkh f,,,., <1100\•, alle)·<, ""'"'- or inn•>· rou1'\s 20 feet or mo,.. in 11•1dth lllO)' be con.,trucCe<I ,,f noncombu•tiblc panelo ,,f not lo'; Ulan l·hou" fire-re"''"'' '"'·'""'lion.

(a) Non-load bearing ''terior "'allo whi'h face streets, alleys, outer or Inner courts 30 !eel or more in width may bo constructed of Incom­bustible panel• wiU. no flre-rosiotivo rating.

(3) Interior parllt!oDo •hall be eonotruct<d of !noombustihlo mat•­ri•ls, exrc~t that dividing partition• In stor<<, offi,c.<, and similar pl•••• not e~ceedinf S,ooo oqoaro feet in area, oooupied by ono tenant only, ma7 be ll01llltruoled of wood panel• or airnllar l!ght conotruotlon,

(o) Pnrt;\inn< ontlrcJy 11·ithln nportrnont.• hnvinv .o floor nrco of no\ more <h.tn B!JO squal'O feet &hall bo of l·hou1- hl'o-1·osi•th·,. f<'>l­<ll·uotion but such partitions may ho oon•truoted with wood •tuds ao ,r•c<fio<l in '""tion Ind 01.0!. DMr• in su'h partition• may ho \\·ood l'"'"'i door.<.

14) fnolo<\lL'O> f<>< el<''"'''" "' Jun;b11-~ltcr ;hafts, \"Oll< <hafts, sla"'"'lls, wa<I<> p.apei· ohutes and other &1m,1ar v•1·"e•l •haft< shall h• ol 2-hour fire-reoistive <on•truotion a• sp0<ified in ••otlon Ind :;1.04 "'ilh all interior or•ningo therein protected by 1i1"<-l'"Sisth·e doll' or 11·indo\\·• 0-' S)>cc1flc<L Jn <Cctlon Ind ;:;1.04;.

ltor!Jler, J'obrv•"'· 197<, ~o. ''' BuUdJn~ ond hoa<lo~. v••lll•11h~

ono •Ir oondi<•onJn~ oodo

'. ,

Page 7: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

,, \\'1~('0:\~J:-; AfJ,ll:\lo'l'i:.\11\·i,: Cl>]JJ:

"'""'"""' anO """""'"'

(0) Slruotul'al framo'l·orl< .<holl be of stn1oturol steel or roinfol'Oed o0l1cre'.e, All o\'l'ctural steel nienibe_,-,, no< in,ludJt>g structulal "'""'­bers for elevators ancl elevator onclosures shall ile thoroughly fi1e­protectod with not le.s• than 4-hour !\ro-ro•i•tivo prote<tion fur eol­umn•, boom• ~"<l girdc'1l and S-hour fire-re,,,tlve protection for fioors, for all buildings niore thun S ,wries or 85 feet in h'ight: and v;ith not 1 .. , th"" 3-hour fire-r.olstivo pro~tion for columno, boam. and i::lrtlers and 2-hour fire-re,iot.ive protoction for floors, for oll build­H.~-1 "hich arc 8 storie• or 85 feet or leos i" height. All '"'h fire­re•istive protoot.ion o!IBU be n• •pecified in section lnd 51.M.

(~) All reinfor<ed concr•te colun1"'' Leam• and gird"" ohali bo thorou~hly firo-protcctod \\'ilh ;.hour fire-re.<i>tive proU.ction, ond oil floors, joi>ts ond •labo >hall he thorough]~ fire-protected with""' lcs; thor .1-J,our firc-resi•ti\c protect,on for a'I builJi"~' n>oro thon 8 stor•e• or g; foet In ho•ght; and 1vith not les• than a-!\our hre­resistive protection for oolun1no, beams oud girders and 2-hour fire­,,,.,,,., e protccti<>I> for oli floo,-,,, joists ""d •lab•, for oll buHdingo "·Oich are 8 otorieo or 80 f.,,t or lcos in height. All such f•r•·>••i•th·c protection shall b. a, •pocified in •ection Ind 51.04_

\;) Floo1· con->\ruction ,h~ll '""''"' o( any ajJJ!L'OVed ftoH)' -'l''''l\l pro•-idin~ not less than 3-houi· fi1-.-•·esis\ove con•truction !01- all hu;ld»\g' 1nore than 8 stod•-• or 8" feet Ln hoigh!; and p1-ovid;nK nnl ],,, than 2-huur f>ro-rc<Lst11·c· con-tr1'c\io", for buddtuw; 1vhich arc 8 s\or;e, or 80 f.,.\ or I••' in he,ght All sucb firo-l'e•i•li•·e pi·o<e<t'"" ,hall be"' _0pccitle,I in sc<t,oo Ind 51.04.

(8) Roofo >hall te con,tn,r\•••I ~· •P<eJfio<l for ftooi·s, except that 11·ood sh•atOi"~ of not lco< tr.on ~ in<h nominal thicl;n•'' ""'Y ho u•erl r,,. J,1.,1<1:,,._., not n101"€ th,n 8 ot'"'" .,,. 8• feet i" h<igl>t "'hon oil <>f •uch •i>eathn1g 10 more than ~;; f..,t distant f1·om ony floor, baloon;- or i:-alle•y, or wood sheathing of not l• .. th•n I lneh nominal 1ln1·kne-< >nor bo used a< any <I"'~'"'" not cxoe<d1ng 5 fe•I f11lnl a Z-hout· fi,.,._,.,.,;_,,"-,. at\«' nnr>L, and "hen <uch 'h'•"<hii'g ;, c'!vorod ''" tl1e ou~,,Jo J,)' u clas' ·'.\" o,- ••[uUI nl'e·t·oturdo"t 1oof ,.,,.,,.,,,~, ,.,, .• pt "" p11lv1do<l under "'''"''"'"l' requi!'cnients.

(9) Stair' and stair platform• •hall be oonolruotN) ot reinfono<l concrete, iron or steel- Bri<k, concrete, marble, tlle, terrnz7.o OT other hard incomhustitlle materials ma;- ho ,...d lor the tlnlsh uf tread• ~nd rl••r<.

(10) Doo'' nnd '"indo11·0 mor be of wood except •• otber11·ise speeified under occt>p«noy requ;rement.o and in Wio, .A.dm, Code oee· tlon• Ind 51.17, 61,19, 5!,20 and 62.21.

(11) Pro)eetlons from tho buildini;, lneluding boys, orleb, and pent­house•, together with other root structur"-' shall be oonl!lruet!!d ot inoombu.tible material as opooifiod In thla .. ctlon.

(12) Wood miy be uood for fim.hod fioon Rnd aloo to• trim, in­clud,ng pioture mold.<, chair ruil,, "·•ln•<otini; and b••cboord•, ii 'P"'"" betw .. n wood ,[eopero and wood gnllmdl a .. fin>-•tappod with lneombustible mat.rl&lo.

(13) Acoll2tieal matorinb may bo ll8ed on ceilings and on wnll• from a level ol 6 feet above th& tloor provided lhey are attached

''°""'"' .............. 1171, "'"" ,., ll~llOinr ua hooUnr. qnt!l•Ung onO at' oonO!Uonlnr o<>do

• •

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Page 8: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• c ,

• c

• •

DEl'T. 0)' INDUSTRY, 1.-~noE & tiC'.11.\N Hf:J .. \TIONS 7 '''"";"""' '"" •<on••••• direotly U.er•Lo, and oll opoccs bet1veen wood grounds are fire-stopped witO inoombushbt, '""t'·'iol•

u;.,.,,, ,_,_,,, "'" ''" ,,, lo>: "' '· '" ,_,_,, "'" ,,, '"''' '""' ,..,.,,,,.,,., ,,,,, "" ,,, ,.,,-, ,_,_,,_ \' .. \• Ill ' ' '" ),

<•>:"'~"'''·Jun•. '''' ''' !7l ""rt cs1. """""'':

Ind 51.01 ~Jill con•<<u<Lion, (1) In a bulldlog of nlill """'''uotion \IJe •truotural frame &hall consist of otee\ or iron which aha\! be fire­p!'<>tttled, o! reinforced concrete, of ma,onrf, or ol hcovy timber•, oxcept that in buli•J;ni;• not OJ<oeeding one •lory in hoight the otruo­tn,.,.l ot .. l or l•on tn>y h•"' th• Oco-r•"''"""" omitted.

(2) r;,,,.,.,o,- e11d "'"'' ,,._,:1_, -h.111 '"' ~-hou>" firo-1·,.,;,1;1-e co•i­''''"''i"" os spoc•iried '" "'''';_,., '"" 01 <1!, '''('O;>i Lilu\ '10'1[,.,,] C·,.,:,," >'\t<'t'IOr 'l'O]J> \\"hlCb fU<"<' ''"''''· "[;,, __ <iete1 <H' ;""'' •·nu,-l, :!(> ( .. , .• or'~"'";,. ''"!'h '"·"' »· ,.,.,,,11-,,·t·•I, r ''·'"•' ,,,,,.,,1,.,- po1.<> o,f ""' ;,.,_, "'"" J-J«>U• H.c-lo"''"' COll>\lUC'<OJ>,

(•) Non-load b<oring •'terior "'ails whioh faoo s!roots, allors, outoc or inner courts :JO loet or more in "'idlh ma)' be consttucted or incombuslibl• panels \\'ith t>o tre·reslst1ve ra\\n~.

iaJ All wood columns in the •tructural frame shall be dir..,\ly '-upenmpn•ed, ot>o 01">1·0 li><• "Lhe', :<nci shall be prov1docl witn steel or °""t i«n e•p>, onl••• the fioor or rool boamo and girdero """ car­ried on Oloo~o s•ouroly fa,tened to the columns and with the loods transmitted to tho oolumn• by molal rin~ ot simLlar type oOJIIlectoro or by caps of otherw:iso suitable material. Thci- shall not r .. I on "'ood bo],ters or floor timbers. 1,\'ood bol•t•r• may be U•od to 1ruppor\ rool timb•ro. No wood column shall be loss tbon 8 inches nominal in its lea<t d1monsion, an<l no boam, girder or joist shall b< 1~• than G Lnche, notninal in it• least dimension nor le'' thHn 45 square inch•' .n ''"''·sectional area. \Vhere "'""" ar,hes or wood tru .. eo aro used to support <0of load•, the froming membero shall not b< leso th•n 4 inohes by 6 inches, nominal dlm•nsions. In no ca•• •hall niO>OOC)' or reinforced concrete be <upportcd on wood construction ••<"Pl tile or concrete floor tn1shcs not more \h•n 3 inches !n th;cknoss.

(l) For struc\ural stool or iTon memh•r-', U>c fl,·•·protoo!ion shall he not 1.,, tMn 3-hour fire-re""'"'" protcotion for columns and not l••• than 2-hour flre-n<istl\'• protcotion for beams, a-itder• and floor _,ystem.<, •• speclflod Jn seotion Ind 51.04.

(S) All reln!oroemont in concrete columns shall be fire-p•otootcd "'ith "ot le•• thnn 3-hour lire-re•1stive protection, and all joi•ls, boam>, gitd•ni, •lab• and •teol floor• with not leos than !!-hour fir<>-n<i•t.ivo protection oul•i<le of all steel reinforcing a• spe<iftod in ooot1on Ind 51.~l.

(6) Wood a.or oon.otruction Mall bo of longuO! and rroons, or opllnod lumber not l••• than 3 inohes nominal th!olm .. o, orith • lop larer of ftoor;ng or one inch non1iool thiokne'' loid thor<on, or of solid lutober plao•d on edge and ••ourely spikod together to> male• • ftoor not le•• than 4 lnohe• nominal thlokne ...

(7) llocf c'1n.<truct;nn ,h~ll bo 03 'pec;fie~ for floor•, oxc•pl that Lbe nlhlbH•Jtn no1n;nal t],,,·l."C'' <hall h•• ~ Inches. !lnof <OVO"n~s shall to. ola<-• "A" or ••1u"l li><"·NOtordan\ i·oof,,,~ "' specified in

Ro•"'°"· February, 1i7l, No. ''' BuoLdong •nd h•&Un~. •onHl•!lo~

and •Lr oond!l!on!ng oodo


Page 9: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

WlSCONSIN AD~\JNJSTRATIVE GODE "· "''' '"" "'-" ,,,., ,,.,_

•0<tion Ind :i!.01 and shall I" ''''l'""'d '"-''' all eon1bu;tible ,.o,.f oon•t"1otion .

<8) J;:nelo,ui-os lol' clc-1·at.o•· ,,,. dun1h"·";le1· ;hallo, \'e11l _.hai<-.

-''""""II" "'d'l<J>Op<-l' ,·)'"""'' a,,d <>th,·r '""""'" 'etli•·al ;hail• 3holi be of 2-houi· &,_.,_,e.,sti>·e oonst1-uct1on as •P•eified in section Ind ;il.04, \Vilh all lnt<11oi· ope_,,;ngs lh'''"' pro\<'<\o<l bv f1re-1·e;is\;,c dou>> os specified;., •eotion Ind 01.047. •

(9) Stai• con.otr110Uon tn•1 bo of wood in bv.ildinp not exoeodln1r 3 storie• in height. In building• 4 or moro storie' in h•ight all •!•irs and •lair «>n•\<uotion •hall bo "-' required for lirc-resi,ti•e oon•:ruo. tlon opocillod in •ectlon Ind 51.001.

110' floors •nd window, may be of wood e>oopt a• fied u <ler oeoupan<)' rc4uiremen\;; 1n thi• oode.

otherwis• •poci-

'""''"'' !-•-••· •m (0). '') (o): R•~l•t••, Jun, '''' ~'· 6 'ft -1-', .. ' ' ''' P.c<''''' i'• ""' ••e• 1•;• ,-, ,,; ',' ),._,_;o . .,,, '"'- ,.,, ,-, "'"' .,. '""''''' .... ,.,,,,,-, '''" ~, ,,, ,_,_,,

lnd "l.02 Ord,nat') '""'tl'U<Lio<>, (\\ -~\,,did,.,~ io of ,,,.1:11_, ·~ oon,truot<on if all enolo"ng u·a:lo a1·e '""''''UCted et>tne]y of no>.­oHmbu•tihle rn•t•rial, ond the 1·00! ho• o clo>' "H'" Ol' equal fi,·e­''""-,[,,,,, '"1"01·ing •-' .poc11i,·d "' o<ec<Jon ),.d :;J,04.

(2) Tho interior otruetura.l lnunework oboll bo of oteol, iron, rein­loto<d ooncret~. m••onry, or wood. Fire proteotion of steel, !ton or wood •tru,turaJ members mo)' bo omitted, e,; .. pt that all memb''' carrying tnuonry in buildings more than one •tory in hoigbt •hall bo fire Pro\ect..d with not \es• than one-hour proteotion as opeeified in sootion Ind 61.(M.

(a) Flaors, roof and port<tinn. "'"'be of 11·ood hut no jol,t, i·af\e,. ·•1 -tu.''""'! I,..• los• th,.,,~ ind·.<·< '11 nonHnol !h"kl\e''· J,, 11''1·1·""' of 4 sturies or "'"'" Jn h"Rht. Iii<• iov.·e,· oLde of all n1e(a] or \\'OC>(i fioor 01· roof con•truclion sliall bo proteet..d by n eeilin~ of 1-hnur fil-<'->'osist•v• con.<t•U<tLon "' •l>eoii\eJ in ••<tian Jn<\ Ql.01, unlos> o·J:er,.,-,,o prov;rl<d uncle<' ll.o occ~1•oncy ,equir01nc1<ts.

(4) Stair• may ho of ot•<I, iron, reinfor""d ooncret.., maoonry or woe<\, with enolosures •s specified under oo,upancy roqult'Oment•.

(5) Bay<, '"'I' an'I slinil•,- lll'<'j""t;on.< ftnm th• \\'a\l, •hall he C'"''t1•1ete'l of """""'"''U--'Lhle "'"l<l'Jal< "' •pocii\c.l in th"'"''"'"­J'onthou•es and other ro<>f s\rllctur<• sho.ll be of not less than [.]iour fil'•-r•SJsth·e oon,t•·•"l'on "' •Pe<iliod in ,,,i;,,. Ind 51.0i.

(G) Rao! cnvoring• •hall l1e olas' "B" or O'lllRL lll•••<r• 1-•-0<, '· •••d ''''· lte~"" '· '""'""'"'' 10"•0 No ''' •O

lll--l·'"· am. (1). (I) •nd <•l, ano ''· 10). R<J<Lote,, F•L•u•••', ''''· N~ >•>, e!t. 7-l-11..

ll>d 51.03 Frame .. nslruotlon. (l) .A building- i• ot frame con­•tnleUon if the .tnlet:aral part. and enolming- '"'allo aro <>f ..,ood, •• of '"'ood in combination witb other ""'terlal•. If ouoh onolosing ..,.n, are vooo<red, •ncaood or !a,od with ,wno, brick, tilo, oon<rO\o, pl.,.\or or ntetal, tho building is al.•o t..rm&d & !rome building'.

(2) Root rovorings •hall be clas.< "C" or equal lll•torr• l-~•, ''· '''· """'''''· F•b•ua,y, 1•11. ><o. 100. <Ir.,_,_,,_

R<J<l•!o,, F•brua;>. 1•11, O<o ' '' Bull4•os .n4 he•1•ns, v'"'""""" an4 Ol• <O~lt•oo OS -·

6 f I

• •

• •

Page 10: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• (


' DEPT. OF ll\DUST!(\-, J,ABOR & HC~!A:-1 RELATIONS ~1

LJ,Onlllo"' and •!aodardo

• "OTE: S<etion• Ind 01.0l lhrntt~h [nd .\l.07 or• •·•µ•o!ed ell't'<ti•·e J"ll' J, 1911. See St•ttial :-ntit" •«tion folloMillg •<oLion Ind 5!.0~.

Ind Sl.O' Flr•-r .. io\i•e otandardl; •tru<lura\ mombero, (l) M'.<NI­'";" THICKNESS IN INCH"S FOR \'~!UOl'S FlltE·""S!STI\0 ,,,T.RIAl.0,

Oll>il,IU"1 Tiil<"""""' 11'1 n\"CllE• "<lH \'.<RlOl > FIRIO-RIO•<•Tl~S lllATERIAt.•

c~, ,.,,. ,, "'!"'" "' "''''"" m Ca•••«•!> <><k '" GY1>'Um Ill<><>''''""" C.nourn All 'Th"k­'o•= >L1 .. J. ""'•' '''"' "' "''~"'

I 11,.,,,,,,~ '''""' --. 'I!:.:~"' __ • __ -- -''"'''"" C •moot '"~"•·• "" l' 0

M<u.L L"'' •·<h ·~ l

i L """'"''I '"'' '''·' \'o.Oow«b•'.I P\ I'i ''''" Ff11,d ood "'"' T1,. •!i '"' ~o m ""'~'"'"'Joi"" >'lltLo< F>ll.o<


Cl•> T,tZ ~'"Cu""'·''"''"''' 'I_'' -- ------- c .. ,,,.,,"-, - ___ I_ _ ~ e I I'; =

:~:~~,,cu,_.~"'·""""~''' -1--'--1~11 _3_ "''" '"' ''"''"' of""' l\eom;

""' "'~""'"' ~"''~

"'""'"'""''" ,,, ,,. ,,, '" ----- ------ -·--c~,Tllo, C'"""" Ulo••. "''-I ·1 I

>um BL"'-'"' """"'d (1 ]><Om ' ' 2 ' - - - ---·------'-·--'"f~;,i:;~ ~:;;_;~'••:~~~- I. --:__:I=-:.:_:_} __ ,'_··_ I __ _

__ I __ ._. __ :__~: ____ _

.'.",o·,'.~ •• "l,·~,i,~;',".'.'-' 1

_·_·_·_·_ .. _·_· _______ -I'~ __ ._'_· ___ . _____ ··_ "'"'""'' '"" '" l'<loro.e«l Co•- C~•'°'" L ! 1( ;; "'" ,..,, e---­....................

llolAI- 0- o., .... ""' "''"'

---1---l------• "' "'

(2) CoNCll>:'n. Coner.ta shall have a eoar .. agfl"O&"a\e of lim••tOlle, <•\<a!"<!OUI gnv<I, illlPtook, bllLllt furnace slag, burnt olay, burnt ohalo or othor eoar:se aggr•~•'•' <outainlng not mor• than GO% of •iiio«>u• rnateriol ouch a• 8"''"'"• oand.Btone, cltert, flint or quart•.

!\<"'•'••. "'""'""'' ''''· >ro. ii: Bu\ld1n~ and hoal,>r,g, vou.,l•L<Og ono •if ,-oodlUooLng ,code

Page 11: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

WlSCO;.lSll> AP~Jl:>;JS1R,\T!VE CO!JE '""'"''""' ""'' -·'·'""'"'"'

(3 J AFFllOY'-L OY OTHEfl MATEfllAL.>. Ot.h•r materials, ao1embli•• and thiclrnesses of nece11S&l'Y otr•nfl.li 11.nd durability for the us• intonded and which have ou0<eS>fullY p•rlormed under to•ls mndo by a reoog­nll•d laboratory in accorda1>oe with the r•quiremcnl< ol \he "St.nd­ard SpecificatiOJ1.0 for Fir• Te•ts of IluiJdtng Con,truotion and ~lat.­rial•" (Cl9-83) of tho American Society for T"'ting ~lat<rialo, obail l>• ac<cpt<d for specific ranngs in addition to those pre•cribod in th1.,

'''"""· '""'.''' ,_,_,,, ,_ n'"'"''''· "''"""''"· ''''· ""- '''· '"· ,_,_,,_ Ind 51.-05 Fir.,.<••lsli<o standord•: wall• and partilion""

"' Moo•mom TOLo'""" lo !o<h.,,

Y•co <o >><• ' 11- .1 ,,, I ' "' 1 H·

' ' ' ' ' ---1--- --- -'"''' ""''"· "''·-·~·· '"'.'""· ,.,,.,, .. ,,.,., ---- -1· --"- __ ._, __ ._ ----'--"'''' Snok. l~d "'""'"'' '"''-'"'"' T•o "''''' • ' R ' . . . I . ------------,, ,, , ,

l-(<•11 '-Cc]! '-Co•" , <-C<ll

' • .!' .. I ' >·Cdl ~ !·G•IL --- ,--

'-''" ,., •" '·"·" 0-<'•" ,, " , I ,

Hollo~ Cl•> T'''· Noo-Lo..i n''"""' l'L~""' T•o 1------,,-,--1--,- < '"~ ___ 1 0-C•iL ..=':'~- i.C.U 1-C•lL

"""""' Bl«k. Load B'""'· '''"'~'""'' I '' -~ ' • <'o"'''"' ""~"· """·'···•• .,~;'"'·-~-"'""'"'"' I " - " 1--,,---,-Coo"'" D~~~·:••· 1·L~""'' T••_'_'''''.=- ____::__I ; ' _ ~ C"""'"' Hl~k. ,.,,,,_, "'"""" "''"''''' 'l'•o ,,., " ' ' ,, """' p.,,,, ''"""" ,_,,,, "''""';' - ---.-·- 1--,---,-, --,,,., Pl•m ~ooe><«, ~o•-l.o•d B•• '"' - - -,- --,- --,-, '"''' '"""'"'"" """"""'• i~·· "'"'"" -- --, -1 -" 1--,- --,----- ,-- -----'"'·" Be;n,o·c"1 ColO'"•"· ~00°Lo•<l H "'"' ' ; ' '

>ohd GJ-o••m "''"'": N._..1.o.d E'"""'· l'o1•I•;'"'"' ---, " -I ·~·: - S

Sol '" " ' "'""' EH~k. ~ o"-lh•rl l\, '" "'<· l 'L~c.,.J T•oS,oe- < l · ·'

"'"'w n,,..m lil•ck, N•o-l~··' '"''"·"•· - -------'I u ...... ,,.,.~ ' " • "f'"' ,., '""'" "'"'" ~"""' ""' "'""""· ;-., .... ...J --- ---''' "''"' • l ' '

"'~~.~t:::l',t.'.,,~:;"''m ,.,ll,,, ., "'""' "::'._____ ____ ----1----- _ --1 , ,,,,,,,., .• ,,,, "·'·'"'"·•·•'" -·> .. •"'-"'·'""''"' : .

"'"" U.i<h•·~· "' "•""" "·"· '""' ""' '' •.•• , o· 1 I ' ' '>''''l:"'""°"''"'"m' UN~""" .. "'°"" I I ...... , ,,,.,, .... , .. ,.,,,~•- - ·-----·-·-·-·,· -

'"" "'"' J·\·O••·''l", l•Ol, "" 1>2 '""'"-'"' """ "'"""~- ''"'""·'''" ""' "" ''"''"'""'"~ ''"'"


• •

• •


Page 12: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• (


• (

OEPT. OF !NDUS1'lll", LA.HUil & HlJ.\IAI' H.LL.\TJON~ l>•OnlLIOI" •nd ''"""''"'

12) Other materials, "'''embli•• and lhickne5 .. o of """"-''~'~ •lrengtil ond durabih'ty tor the u"" intended and which have succes•­Jully p•rformeJ under '"""' niade by a re<:og>uzed laborn\ary in accordance wLth the r•Quiromenl' of th• "Standn1"<1 Speci~cations for fire Tests of Jlu•Jding Con•truction and Material•" (Cl!h'l3) of the A1nerican Soeiety for T .. ting Mate,,a!s, shall be accepted for •p•cific ratinp in addition to tho .. pnsoribcd in this ... lion.

(3) Th,cknosscs as establi•hecl in tllis section shall~. const,.uc~ •-• ostabh•hing nun1n1Um ''''I"''''"""'" for fire-re>Jsl•nce ond shall not pre<l~de the application of other requir<menta ol tll1s <Ode ..,-here <onsider•lion• of strength, d1,.ahi];ty or •t•b;lity r<"l"i<"O 11:1·oater thick""'"'·'

j4 · \l'h<•re plaster is req'l•reo in <h" '"''"or. it •hall have a ll''"·­murn tl>i,knes< o! '> ;c.ch "-'"'I'' \),·,\ for ilollo\\' P'"·:itiono tld• t),,cl, '·"''sh.oil be ""'Joss lhau ~. H•<il. !lLther Portland """'""(or ~)"J>SUn1 pl.1ster >n•Y be "'ed.

"'"'"''' l ._,-,, ' "'"'-"" ,.,,_,,,,,,-, '''·· "' '''· '" 1-1 ''

Ind SI.06 Fi,..-re.i.11,0 Door wn•trurlion. (I) Firo-re•istive ~oor '""'""llCtion sholl b. oooc·ptoJ /01 lt.•• follo~·ing rospo<tive de~r<"es DI fire-"'"'"''''" protection .. -hen con;tructed as •(J<'<i~ed in th<> •ection. Th•y •hall be Wl'latruct.d entir•ly of ;noambus<ihle materials.

12) J"OUR·llOUR CONSTn~crooN. Four·hour ftr.-re•iitive floor con­slruot1on shall oon•i•I ol ,-einfor<od oonoret.e, gypsuni or solid )nH'""'l' slabs or arclie• not Jes. than 4 inches in thickness, or Mall eonsist ol hollow ntasonry olabs or arches not le•s than 4 inch .. 1n thickness ""iLh • top <n•ering ol not le>• than 2 inclioa of •olid masonry, 01· shall '''"'-'' nf ,,.,:.iin>L< or '""I floor construction prot<<ted with n,,_ '''''''"''"'"'"''~ls"' Wl.ula<od in this oectoon. Except 111 the<•><· of steel Joisted construction, all rein!oreint. \1e rodo and <uppo1·t1ng ,L<-u<tural members in ouoh fl""'' sh•ll he protootcd 'l"ilh not :,., il1an 4-hour ~r<·r<sisliv• oon•truot1"n os specificJ in >ec\ion Jnd O• 01.

I~) TURer,HoUi< CONSTR\'CTJn,,_ Th"'''-h""r nro-1-osi•liYo floor COi\­

,, 1 "'tJon •holl con> isl of '''' '"'" ,.,d '""'''''''• Kl'I''"'" or $Ohd n1•<on '')' ,<lo~s OT "''hes not I••• tho» 2% inches in thickne••· or •hall '""'i't ,,( ho]:o\\' niasonr~ ,labs 01" ,,,-,.1;,, n·" 1,,, thoo 4 ""!>'-' ;,, lh"kno,5 "ilh a top •overing of sob<l rn,so,,ry ""' Jes• than IU. inohes in th;oknes<, or shall OOh•ist o( <te<l joists or st<cl floor co11<truc""" I""''''"" \\"ith fi••-1·0,Lst11·e ni~tcl"ials "' lal,ulatNI "' tl1i' ,..,.""" Jo:,_ cept Ln th•'"'" of sle€] joi,,ed con>(hlc\"'" all 1•1nfote•n~. tle locls and supporting •ttu<luinl mc•nh<t• Ln suoh floor oonstl"\1on'on shall be prol•<l<d with not less tl1an ~-l1our fi•·e-rosis\h·o con.<l1-1H·tinn n; •l"''lied "' ,,cc(ion Ind 51.01.

(4) TW<>-BOll1l OO?l!ITRUCTIO~. Tw<>-hour lire-r09i•tive ~oor con•truo­tion sho!i oon•ist of reinlo>:<ed '""''"'"· ~yp<um 01· ;ol1d mosnnrv ,]<,;,, '" orche' not !es, th"n 2\1 1n<L•s ;,. thiokno'"• or shall ,,,n:_ •ts! of hollu\V m'-'oncy slabs or ol'ches not less than 3 inches in thiolrn<•• with a top oo\·ering o! not le•• th•n one incli of oolid masonry, or •hnll ...,,;,,of oleo) joi.;\< nr •'••·I floor ronstruotion pr0• t<o<t<d "·ith fire-10,;s1;1·0 n1oto,·ial' "' tobulat<<I in this •ootion. Exr•rt '" tho '"'' ol ateol joisto<I construction oil reinforcing, toe rod, ond

Il··· ... ,, , .... , .. ,, ... , .. '''' " ,,_, '""'""'" .... """'"'~· '''"""""~ •n<l "'' c·ond,.lon'n" eo;,.

Page 13: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• •

• •


·'O•> •ufuo•\''""' ''" ""' """WOl\UOA ·~···••q OU•"""'"""" ''' "Ol 'll•l '.<J•n•q"" ,,,,,,,,..,,

'op:; ••pun •111 "" ~"'i!'' P'''''"id "'"'d.'11 lo 1uouroo pu11 'P"I l"''"' v ••vn1ou1 q>i'!M ""!l><UlSUO> 1U0\j •l•lotlO> p•:>.tOj'.UJ•l ~u· UJ (6)

''l•!•f poo" pu11 !"l•W JO UOfl>Ol -o.1d llOTI<U!U[\tl qOU\ '!!, u11q1 "''I ''I 11•q• ••>U>p!ql OU ln<t 'uoµmoco•l 3<111!•> '"Y .10) uoq>o• s1q1 "' P'"'"'"'' uon"1nqo1 oq1 UJ p>11nb•1 uuq1 '''I qou1 ¥. •q .tow '''"'l'!'ll uonoo101d •qt •uo11,.1o.id •'{l pu• •oq -Luocu ''!' "''""''! oood• '!" '''J'. 11 m.101 01 popuodsns •! •'l"I' '"Y •o '''P''lll ·•w•"'l ••J uo110•1o.id ~unr•> 'Ill'''""' •ll"llJ'' 1"11 l!Y (91

•, I i '

-I .,,., ,.,"" JO'"'" >p•• UI. ''"~ P-~'0'"'" ~"'"'''""I"

,<'•o••' ' ' "' '' '•t>' I '"""'"' ''"""!'"" '"'' ..... ~,. ''-""'' P'"'""·' •• ruoo

'"' uo '""" "'""' "". "'""' ...,. JO OO'>~lOH! >•1111"0>

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"·""'' '' '" "'"''"'' '"f' "''"""I''"""'" .,,,.~1·• .,,.,_, .. ""'I'·"·''""'"' -d • ' P" • 'I '"l " "' •0 l"'" ''

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'''''"""-V1' t•~1.i,v•1,1•~1 ,,-101uv_, 1'0.1 •<10111:<.t "'''"' ~o ""'''" •.L>lor aoo.<• u~v "IV.LOIL• uo<1 -~O'·'"'""'ou.1 •<~1<1.<1><

,.,,.,,,.,,,'!< ~-'LL\'l,1<x! "'""'"' llOd '"o'"''' ""'l -~O OJS<" S:L>10r 0001" 0_,., ~¥1'!1 ""' .~<ll.l..1".tO"d !'l.~W1N!J~ (_;)

•to·t~ pUJ uor1 -oa' <l! P"U'·'·"'' •• uo11onJ1>Uoo "·'""'''-''Y Jno<1-ouu UU~l ''•I ic•U 'Ill.II p•1»;0.1d oq II"~' SJ•qmo<U l"'OTJTIJ1' ~U<lJOddn• puu <po.! •ri ·~-, '·''')U"l :iu '""!''"''''"'' 1'"1'''( IO·'l' ;o ''"' ''ll rq 1d•>XJ: (~\

·oor.ds •1qo,nun ''·'o l>!O( Joay 1''-"01 °'ll -"o:•q po.{<n00J "l '"" H•~s iu'I-'"' ""''•id pu• ~l•I 1inour 0~1 ;e~1 \ctoox-. '•'l•!of ~'"' JO 'I"' ''""'" '~' '"OJJ poru•dsr.s Jo 01 P""'' -'"!Ai'·'''""' 'uouoo• •1~1 u1 P'''l"'1"' '"~"'I''' •. ,psrso;-.µiJ • '!''·" puu {~·'1~1 '"'{JUI ~,l UU\fl ''•I 10<! SJo.<•i o.~l >~l )0 '''" :"' 1u:o1 ·~1 ru• ·~,t~l ~'"! ~ "'"' ''"I 1ou '""li-qn• >'fl) 1!01 uo '""" poo.~ •1qnop • '!!!-" UO!l>lUlOtlolO p>1sfof pOOM JO ''i•UOO IJB'(S JO 'UO!\=> 'T\[1 UI !'"l•lnq•J <• <jU••>lU\U ''!l')SO,·>J~ ~11NI p>l""10.ld UO!lOilJ\0 -""' .1001' I'"'' Jo '''!"[ I""'' JO 1'!''"' ;1•qs "" .,TI\JOLU "'""I''~ '" iuawao 'Ill"' !'>UY ~1qJ0""10'(l Ua>1>n.q•uoo i1un """ll"'I qon• UJ •1u1of It• "'"" •••mpµn U! .. '!""! c ""'ll ... 1 \OU ••q:>n '" f<l"l• &rna.-.m ·"0110'( JO 1>!•UO> l\O'(S JO '>'""'!>lq1 U) <•qour *; UO'(l '''I \OU •q•!< .tJ.uoS•UI pna• Jo 1unsd.\J '"l'''UO> p>>lOJ=llTO> JO 1•1SUOO tl•lf' UOfl'"''' ·uoo ~oay •~!l•!'"'""-'9 Jnoq-ouo "NOJJ.JOliWNOO ono11-<0no (g)

-,0-19 Plll llOJl>O• U) p•yrood• '" """·'"·'''""" '·"1'''''-''Y •no•1-z UC~) "''l tOU 'llf"' p•1>•1otd •q 11"'1' uo11on.11ruoo Jooy qon• UJ sJ>qu••UJ 1o•nl>n•1• Ju1µoddns

'"''""''" """ '""'"""·'" J:QO;J 1.ILLYU.1,L':ll\<I'." .<:lf'S-:0~'1!1\ 01

Page 14: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

; :

• c )

• (

DEPT. OF !l'iDUSTRY, !,ABO!!. & HUblA.N R1':LA1'10N~ IJ '-""""'""' ~n• •t&Pd•,••

not les• than ~ incli thiok, the r"<luired olab \h;okn••• may be ••· <iuoed II. )nch but in no case sh•ll 00 le:is \llan 211. inches th,ok

lll•••n• i-2-••: r. RO~l•I••. Fobru~•,·. 1071, ><o. 18•, ore. 7-1-71.

Ind 51.0'J Fire ret•rdont rool «>ver:inp. (1) F!re-retard..,,e rool ,overing, have no tione resi•tanoc ratings hy governmental t••ting lak>ora\<lrie>. The Unde,..,,.;i.rs' Laboratorio• in their "List o! ln­•peotod Fire Protection Equipment and Material•" classifies thoir d<gr<o o! fi'e-re•i•t•noo by the lett<rs A, B and C Cla•s A r0-0f oovoringa have the highest reoi•\A1>ce llJld Cl"-'• C the ]owes~

(2) Roo! eovoring• on building• of fire--,..oistivo and mill oon•truo­t'"" ,··,•Ii be not le•• than Class A, oc ·~u•l, thc>e on buildings of ordir-')' constructiou sholl be net les, than Cla•s. B, or '"''"I· "r.d cho80 on !nun• buildings •hall bo r.ot lcs; thon Cl••• C, or cc,uol.

(3) Tho dopartmont of industl')', lahor '"'d hum•n relations Will ace.pt roof oov•r,ngs for ddf•rent firo-r<•••tan<• valuoa a• e<t.ab-­lished by, and If !notallcd accordin~ to, the i·cqulrem.•nto of the l)ndei-wr•ler•' Laboralor1os.

N•f•." Th• UoOorwrlt•••" i...bo••lorl,. '"Llot •I IDSP<otoO M•tocl•lo"' lo ob<0loo.b!o !rom tho Fi"' ln•oraoco ""tine Bor<•u >nd Fl'' lo•u"""" ~ ... 01 ..

(<I) The department of industr)'. labo• and huonan relation• will ;.pprov•, •uhJeot to the provisions nf this section, any roof <overlng "'ilich ha, <i<veloped tho req'lired firo·rcsi•t""'' in tests us 'pccifiecl in tho "S\nndard Specific•tions of Fire Te-'\' or fluildin~ Gonstruo\io" ond ~laterials" (A.S.T.~!. Jlco,gnation Cl9-31) \Vhon ool\ducted b)' a n>tionally re<ognized te•tin~ laboratory,

"'"''"' ,_,_,, '· "'''''"' "'"''"''" ''''· "" ,,, '"" ,_, ,, ~l'ECL~L _\O'ill'J:'.

-! _, f,,;i,,,,.,,,~ ' o!eo for "F,'' .i:,,,;,t11·0 ~l"nd.u·d, f,,r )["''" a:' of '""'""'"on,· "'''''"' !<.i :.1.L>.; Ll"'""~i. ln·l .".J.lllf, -,,,


A'• ''"" ,,;,.,Jul)' 1, 19;1_

l'"c-J(,,,;,,;,,. ~,,,,i.!.11·,[<

Jo,· )lat,.,;,,1, o! ('.,n,truclion

111<1 ~>1.Gl ·"''"'''• 'Il>i> seet:<>n <hall Lnolu<ie st•n<1"'<1s oppli,ob,e to ,-,,,,.,,,'-"I'"',,,. fi,.,.,.,,,,,"' ''""''''uct;o"- l~e< 1uno'"""t' •-'"'"'''h'<l -"'·'-"'are con•i<leoetl uiin1n""" ,nfoty stantlai·<l• and "·ill "ot ""'""·

" y r•>11!t ;" the "'"'' a•11.,,nta~eo"' '"'"'"""" i-ates . .. ,,,.,,,,,, ,,,,. ,, '''· ,[(_ ,_, ;1

Ind 51.~ll Definilion•, (I) AP"""'""- ~l•nn• app1..,,·al g1ant•tl by ''"· ,1opa1·ton»>1' nt indu,tr)-. lal••" and huonon 1"€lations.

'"' .\C70\[\'l•C- _•\Uloin:<1l. ,,,,,1, ••. '" ·' flLO l'L'''''''-·'' c1,,,-,,·c, ,, ""• ,,-ht<h func·toon' "'"'""" huu'"" 1nt•1vention an<I ,, a•·luntod .,,.a !"<<ult uf the p1-edolel'>n,nod temp"'~lu•e '""" oato uf 1·••e ot'

. .,,,,,.,."''""· cornhushon P'"d"''-' "' ,n,oko <len,ill" '"'h "'an out<>­·"·'''" •l''"·k!,•r '·''-'''"'· " ·," .1:. J'._, .io<>L, '1Ut.-n1.q"· fl,,. ,•huL\.», n1· au!omotic fi•·o v•nt.

""""'"'· ~''"""''". ''''· ~·., ,,, BuBO'"" •nd "'"""'· ''""''""" •n•! '" •'onO,<lon,ng '"''

Page 15: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

WISCONSIN AIJlil!N!STRA.TIVE CODE n.,n,,itlon• """ •laod·•'·'--

131 <.'r"-'-'G l'kcnEc'l"'- Tl«· rii·e 1''"'"''1"'" Ul•'l'I"·'"' -'"'l"'L>·I-' kl•n•alh u,, floor or <c,ling eonstrtJotiot> ~l>ich, "'"'" ''"·iud<J "'ith the con,t1'1ction, d<'"elo]" the fi''"'''''"'"' ra"ng fo, the overali "''trnbl).

I.JI Co""''"''"L" •'<l~>Tl'1'<'1'1'•S_ An a•ocn1b',y •10<h "-' •' i;·ol!, lion> <>i· roof ),ov>ng '""'"""•nle ol oombu•tLble moterial.

1:·) l"L•»t~c n.:1Ic<: 11·.,,,. '""'''!- -~ ,:o""'~ ,1,,-;,, ;, one- ""he<·O ""' c·ioso the cloor, and t.. •d"'luate \o late'I\ ond 'o•· hold h>ll~e,I o•· olLdnig <loor in a •·l<»od JX>Si\i<>n

(.. ''""'"c. A"'•"'''"''" ''"''''~de,·ice io one "-h.,-h fnn<'t'o"' ·I ·.n_.n lllh•l'''-'""" ""'' '"''"·•"'''' "'" ]'<''Uit nf \IH Plc-

'""''"'-"' .,.,. ··'""' '''"· '~" ,-f '"' ur ton1J"'-"""''· <ombu'""" ] I ,,[,,<l -00 Sll'"'" ,j"·'-':•-

(b) .~clf·c/o,.,1g. A o<lf-clo,inH dovico ;, one 1vh"h ~·ill maint,in the •loor 1n a clooc<\ po'i"on-

Vi) Cn'1•l:STJ••·• "'T>OIU\L. Ali '"~ter,,1_, not c],_,,,1;011 a< """n­<·oinbu,til>lc" ""' con•idereO 1•on>h<>,ti'ole. This prop•rl)" of a moterial doc-•'"'',.:""''""'""'''')"'" o\l'C•\''"·d!r ]H'>IOL'>l\ "'-"''' ;;, •• ,,_ r.""ure. The degi·ee ol oon>bustibiiity '' not defined h) •<andaTcl fir< to•t proce<lures.

<;I TJCl '"J"'''· ~!ear•< tl\O <i•'i''' \menl of ind<>''' 1·, l"bor a)ld h<ionon rc!at1on,,

(8) FLl:f ""°"·A door'" c·on't,-u,ted os to gi\'e protection a~ain,t th" f"l-''age of foro.

l~) l-'u;,. ooor. A'''-''"LY. Th<• ,,,,,,,,hi) of l\1e ''"'"' '''"] it•"'''' """'''· in•·lud,ng all ha>·d~·n10, !""""'• clo_,,,,H <l<'\'JC•·o at>J then anchor•, '" con•truel•d a' to gi>'e protec!ion against the pos,.ge of

"'''· 1101 }'HL•.-"L'I'~''" cL•><lFl<".\TIO.,, ]',,.,._,,,,,,;_.,. ,.),,,"fica\c/"' ''

:]" Lme ,, boni·o durin~ "h.,·h a ""'"""d or "'"'i>ll·l·: <0''·'"'"''' to <·xl"b" fin• i~oistancc undo1· <'llll'1ot1on' ,,f 1<·;\s "'"I J"••foL>nao<-•' '>­spedfi<•d ;,, A~T~I E-ll'I. AS"!)[ l':-10~ on,J _.i,.ST~1 F.-1<'3.

ll'J Fl"'--"""''r"" IL\Tl~G. Ref,-,-"' HI"'-'''""'"'" ,1.,,_.,n"'''0"-1121 FtJ<JO •ESIS'r,~("£ """ >ll<E-""'''T!\'E ''"''-'"'L Ra\·,r.g the

ln>]"''''" ;o i;oth.'".anO 1i1-o -01' "'''' ]'10t.e<t1on f•o1n 1\. A• appl"•d t<> ''""'""'of building, jt ;, oh•1-u<·«?1·izeO hy tbo abilit)' "' eonlin• a fire ""to '"n"nue to J>ci·fu,,n u giY•'fi ottuctu"'I ru,,etLOll, ot· both.

(l3) ]"tR~-ltESISTl\f: PROTEC"t'IO~. An in•11l~tin~ 1natorial ·'1'Plied <li1-,,etly, attaohed tn, 01- Sl\>pen•led froni a ot1·uctcn·ol ,,,_,onibl)-, to "'"'ntain th• sti-uetural inl•gril)' of a membet· ot· sr,te>n fu>' tho 'P''"· fi,,I t'"'' i-ot:n~.

< 111 J Htl'-IL>'SJOll''· J'1'<,1>• ""'-''""'"fl.\ _\f'''Llf"" _\ ''"·•til>O l>l.'l1. i·ial ap)di<d •h•cotly \o th.c oti·uctuial eloincnt fol th.c )'Ul']lOSe of fi10 p1·p\ect1on.

11·,, l"""·"f:T,Cnl'T """r '"''-"'~''°· I'.oof •"0\''''''''' ']"''! I,, •l'!· .lie<\"" tile 1,~.,. of l'''''"''lio,, l•lO'•d<·d "~"'"'" ti1-c orig-1''~';1,,; outeide the build•ng or ,\ruc•ture on "'hich tboy ho,·o t..en lnsUtll<d .

"'''''''• ><b,uar>-. ll:1. No J60 )lu,ldlh• ood h<•llo~. "<ntLJo"nK ond OJ' OOTI01!LOhihK <Od>

(, 17

• •

• •

Page 16: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• (


DEJ'l', OF INDus·r1:r, L..\.HO!! Ii.-- JJU~lAN l!LL.~TIO ..... ~ 15

'''''"'"""' '"" ''"""""'" (•) Class A roof oov<•ing< a'" tho•• "-h;cb "''" <!feet;,., a""'"-''

,.,-,,, fie• •>Po<ure' 1mc'<ln'~ cho th"'o '"ctho<ls for fire tc-'t' of cla.J;• A i·oof '""'""~ (AST1! Standa1'1 B-108)) and I'"'''"' no fl)'· Ing brand hn•ard,

(b) Cl"" ll l'•><Jf co1·c"nce "'''' \l,os.· "hich """ ,ff,·cli'" ,.,,,,;,,,, motl•n.lc lire <~J>O•"'''" (m«tLng th• lhi·ec inctho<ls for fi1·e ~"ta of cla!lo B roof rov<ringo (ASTM Standard E-108)) nnd P" .. '"'' nn ~.1·inf brand ha•ard.

(<) Cla'• C JOO[ oove>"nlgo are \hose WhH·h 01-, clfcc!Jvo ngaLns: hght fil'e •xpooures lm.,.tillf the thr<o m•thods lo>" fire tests of rlas~ C roof '"'"''"l<' (AST~! Stand'lr<l Jo'.-ltl8JJ nn<I P"'"''' no ftying I i .• n<I ha<a!'d.

I I fl I FllH" "'T"""·'-' T - T"' \Tl r- """"· r; ''<'-T•tor<1ont \\'OOd ,,,,:,,J,_' Juo»be• "' p:)\\'OOJ that l>u> Oc•c,, tl'c,<ted "-i<h" f1n·-,.·\u1·d"'·' ,.h,.,,,,_ ""' t.> p1~v1de cla•sificat.ions (fiamc-sp•ca1I (FS('.) and f"ol '"'"" '"""v-d (FCC!) of 25 or le's b)- AS1"A! incthod E-84, sho""' "" i•lO~r·esoJ\'e <ombusl1on d<'rin~ 30 <lllTIUtes of fir< exposure by !hrs m••thod, and is so lob<lc<I. Ftr<·1ctor<lont wood for deroi·ative and it1tr1io>' flni'h pul'po'e' r•·o.-r<ic' l'cducc.l ~amc-sp1"<'a<I o1a,,if1ootion (FSC) 0)' AST~! nretood E-8l as specified b~ the cvde ror malor!al' u.00 in th• pa.rt!<ulor application•.

(17) F1R>o WINoo~· ASs•>HlCY. A fi,,. \\'uiJow n1clu<l•·o gla;,, fi'"""'­hanlwat-c and anohors oon<tructed and glazed to gil"O protootion •g•inst tlie paooa,. of flame •

( 18) F!.•>!E-SP•EAD C'-'SSIF<t".I TlO>'.. Flam<-•p1-cad olas•inoatLOl< (FSC) is a comparat;"' '"''"~of th•· "'""-'"''' of ~an1•-•pl'<a<1 on .L -c.:·face .,•" n>oto1·,ol 01· O·<c-lHl,:_1 "' d<·t1•»'"'"'I ""-lc·J ('Olldil1o'l' of '"''' and performan« •• specified ;,, ASTM E-81,

il~) y,.,,U:-•l"llt'u l<1TJS<: J!,.f,., to n .. me-'l"''""il •·la<<ific"\ion.

i~O) ft-eL CU~THJUl:'.[Fll ('LA.<Sl~ECATJQN. Fuel cont1·ibuted olas>i~oo­tion (fGG) ;, a oompo1·ati,·o '"""'"''of the fuel oontribution of a """' '"! 01 "" ·'·'''"'blr Ln (f <' ft.,l\lC-'P''(·O<I '"'t I'<' -~STJ! E-84-

·~l ! -°'"'' "'ll<l'olli,LJ ""'',,JI"'' 110_, -~" "-'''''1'h~)' ,•ll<h "' u 11·•11, il"c" 01 .oof Jia1·rng oon1ponento ot l10!lc'Oll>l>u;t,hle n1a<o1·iol.

(22) SONCOMBU•Tl•LE ''AT<."!AL A """'·ombootible material is o"' "-hi< h, it> tho fonn in ""hich it ;, u.;01!, nll·<l' """ o( \ho re~nirorncnt• l., ~ OL" 0. ),_,,,J bc-lu", ~l•«•>1uis useJ adJOc<r.t '" 01 "' con1or< 1''1lh heal-p10<lu<ing appliances, "'"''" ai1· dnoto, plonuin; """ •·h1n1n,.rs ,hall Loe ol•"->iliod as nonco111bus!Li>l< only on lite ba•i• of i·equn-c­"" nt l. :-; '"'"""'bu•t1blo d<>< - """ "p~d :. t" th<· II""" -of" 1•nd "ha 1·,,cte1-i.1 ks of n\tor;a,· finr•h Ol' !> "" n>•let·1al.,. 1'i o lllUl'''ial •hnll lie clo;secl a• nonoombuwblo bull~ing construcHon moter;al v.'h;ch '' •ubjcct to ;.,,,..,,, ih oombust;bilitJ' 01- fiome-spr.acl clo,,.ific,,tion (FSCI kyoncl ,,,. I''-' l:<1e:n <-'tohl1 i· .• ,l ''""""h lh;· •·ff,.,.,. <>f "-', ""'i't'110 "' othe' ullno•phei·ic conditroni;,

l. Matc1-;als "·hich po•s the te•t pt-oocdu"~ of AST~! E-136 101 •lennin~ noocomhu,tibility of ol<m•·ntu•y n1oteriol• 11•h•·n rxpo.<ed to

i\11r.:ic'' """I''"""'"' of 1:;02 de~,,,._, F, for o 1nininium l"''iod ol 5 m'""'''• ond do not c•u .. a 1-empe1·oturo ,;.., of tl1e surfooe o>

Roe"'''·"'''"""'· i•:L Xo ''-' nu11.t1"" '""' '"'''"'"- ,.,.,,u1 01 ,,,"

'"" 011 •'''"'"""""'" '""'

61 J'

Page 17: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

\\'ISCONS!N AD.'Jll-!!STR.~TIVE CODE D•nn5'1oo' '"d """"'""'

int•T'io" the1·n1oco"P"' ;,. '''"-"' of 5·1 <leg1·eo.' t' obn1·0 \ne fo1·"oce "" teicipe'"'""' "'th. b,.";"""'" ,,f tile,,.,, ""d "h;,i. do'""-~,,,,.,, uf\e,· "" ox;oo-<"•' of 3G ".,.,.,.·

2. ~!nt•i·ialn having a ''''"''l\lt•ol b••" of none<1nobusl,blo n>:<lCfJ.d "" Coti1'ed >l\ p•1a~"nph 1 .. >1'1tk "-''Jl"Le<·1ng n<>t mn1·(' lha11 '•inch th1ok "'htoh has a ~ulH<-•1''""'1 ''"'"li,·a\i(l" {!'SC) not gl'oulcl' '""" ;u ~-hell te<ted "' a,·.-01·.i.1icc·•• 11·,tn th' 1n••tlu,,1 of '"'' fD,. •'J\·f,,,, burning oharacl<>1stic• of buil<ling J\ll>t<l'ialo (AST~! E-84).

0. _\lot<•o"\!' 0!110' tho--1 ,i-fin,,,\ ;,, l''<'·'~'""l'h' 1. r<r><l 1 .. h"''"''l" .\ 1°,.'11<'-o[•!e<e<i C',.\f.•<t\•,<l,,.L 1] ~l') n<>l ""'·'"'' lh"n ~C, "<lh•'''' ,,.,_ de1u·< of cuntlnu ... I µl'O~><'•'.l'O oon1i1us<io" .. and o! ouch '""'l'O><tion '1101 '"'-f"''' that \\'OHi.i be O'f'"-'"J b)' <'Ullin~ thl'<O"~h th• 1natoriol 1n o»Y \\"·•>' 11·01<1•1 not h,,,-,. ,\ fl_,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,J <l:i,«tic.111on (F.'.'CI ~' '''"' .. 11 .. ,, ~' .,, "'' "· ·'''' '.[_,,,, ... 1•1th ""' '"' ''""' Jf ,,.,, ;.-,,. :.,,•: h·n·c,•r.o ,,._. '" .;,,_,,~I•'"''"';' 1A~'J)I ;::_,_,'

(~3) RF.Fm-:<l~fn ·~'""''"T A ~''"'·al 01e<nl101· whOl'C the <llP"O'''

Otl'"''-' again'' '·'""''''' , I l » .,,,_[, '" ti,,, ""'hliJO!' and or i'"···~! "o<tr.oint ara1c>t h,,,;,_on1.1i <h<p',:.c<·n,ont "hon suhjoet to" ~r~1•l)' i :n I,.,. '""'l'''"t" ,·'·"'0'"

124) ~l,!PlE si·L'eOl\T. _; llox;,,,1 ,,,,.,,,1,,., v.·1,..,.,, ti.~ -'"I''""''' a<\d.' '<e adjoc-••Jl( ''''"'" '' ""' :di"'' f,.' .01'1'-'"" ,,( thc <n'I· •,ft'.•·

"" :,,,. ""'! h· 1 '- ,_ Lai '; ;.,, •·1 ,_, L 1·. ''"" -u!•j<,·t t" '' "1.n· tr i '"d "' ''' a tem1'"'·atu1·e ,.;,,,.,,: ·

'"'""''Cc l"•g,,tec !•'c'"'""'''·· 11;1, ~.> l"." "·" ,'-1-'I

ln<l 51.012 f;e"'''al ''''"";,.01ne11\,_ ,,d,t:: Of lH:>lO>!a: "'''d f"L th,,

'Joe\•·.-\,,.~ labotato') i,,,. <·-·•;, ro"-'' ' "'' !Lon r ''"'' "'".

(1) CuuO"''"'"'"' <],,,,,,,, " '"'"''"'''ho ,1,,~, _., . .,~-

__ ,_, ''·"' ,, .. :.n.,l ··.'

111 Conn<'''""" of <1<-uctut·al ,, '"1he,-, i'I The n1il,,,,1u1n fire­'''·''"'' 1·1"0t<·c't'''" <>f a c<>ol.oc·tion 'ho][ be '-''""I to Lhc 101a.<.L'1'Jtn re 1uuod fo1· the JllOl>lh<>r>,- to "·hich ;l '' aLtachoJ.

111 lo, 't'"''"''"i <'On1pon•''"-' "-;10 a fire-rc>i,t''e i·otir.g ob-1a.ioe·l by '"" ,,.,,c, "·"'""""(] ,,,,[,, 1be ;~)lpOl'ling 'tl-u<l'J>< •b.,11 J,,. d(·Si~ne,I to p>o,·o<i<· 101· th« i·e,trn<nt.

{4) ,\s·r~! ''"'"la>d "'"'ho,l< of t'·ot, t:<) All p<O<h>c!> Hl.Jnu­ia<tut·od an<\ to<~·o "'''<1''HLng to .~$T.\l ;tandatd noo!11,Jds Pt·iol' ''' cf.,,o:i,·c• J.1tes of ;tondauls >P<>r•f1ed h> "Firo·Re3i•!ive Standan:lo fo, '<!oterial' of C,,n,tiuction" 'hall he a<·OO)•tod u.,J..;< the ASTJ! _., .. ,,,i,,d '11othod "'"din th' to>t is judged to Lo Lnndequoto in com­i,al'ison with tho cun·ently adopted standard method.

(-·I The heat tran•ml>•ion requirement• ol ASTM E-119 (250), '·'''" <bo e~~.ption of hi~li hazard"''"~ p•nal ""J h"<l<il ,•nre faoili· "'' and warehouses for combustible matoi·ial>, '""Y i,. i-educ•<I to one-half ( \l) ol the hourly ;·ati»g requited by this oode, but

·::,._.,!non o)J\0 ho"' ~o·r1-o, >'oc ·'STll >O·lJ8 ''"""''" .Uoµt,J "'' lnU '' .; (lO).

(a) The fi,..._te•istive ra<ing lo• &tructural int<gri\r reqoirod br this oode ohall \>e mointain•d who1·e the hoat tran>misoion orit<ria '""' Leon rerluced.

'°f"'"" I'eh• .. ,Y.1•71. No,''' Bu •••ns •n~ h••llns. ••""'"""" aod &L• "'"d'1!0hln1 "'''

• •

• •

Page 18: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• (

DEPI'. OF !NDUSTR1', LAEOR & HUMAN RELATIONS D•nnlllon• onO •lo»do,do

(6) The. u-"' of fi, .. _,,_,;,t"·' piotooli<>n implies cnn,ont b)· •""'" to n1i1nta;n m~t•>i•I '" > ,,,.,.,,,.,o;e cnn01t1"n \\'he'>• lhi' pro""'"'" ;, ronoeal•d, pro,·i.sion• shnll be Jnado fol' pe1·iodtc YJSU"l ;n,pert;on o! the stn.lctur•I in•ulalit>!r material ot •arh •tory.

,-oT"• DoOn.c1un or "" ,,,.,_,,, 101 Ol ''''· lVl• Seal•

"'"'"''" L"r R•1<i•l•r. F<""'"'''· ''''· .~o '''· ett. '-1-11

l"d 51.01) Approv•d rutln~ no;Ohods. {l) Roting' of fi>·e-1e•1.•lh1· o<><mhlies •hall he do<erm1ned by oo>e of the following methods:

(a) Test by approved ,,,\,ng lahoratoci•• (see Ind 51.044). tb) Typi<><l <~ample, as h.,ce,I h1 thia rode in li<•u or ap11roved

t<•< lsee Ind f•l.045). l<I _\!>proved m<•lh"d of ,.,,i,.,,L•'··'"· ''· I eu of appToved te't ('"' j ~·:/;•'

Ill••••>•'-'' Bogl•L<c, !•''"''""''· lfr71, Ko '''· •~- •-!-?!,

lo<l 51.014 APl''"'od l••llng laboratories. (I) Fil'e l'Rling te.<(< '""d"rteO aocord1ng to table I hsted AST)! O\an<lat<l> _,hull he "' -oeptable if oonduoted by th• <•OO(:'Oi'-<cl tos\;ng labo1·otor~ fot· t·ef· ,,,.,,,,d test.

-'~TE• O<h•l' l•oL;n~ '•''"'"''"'" w ... "' '''"~"'''" •• "" app;oY•d og•ncy ~ "'"'"''" Jn w,Lt!n~ Or lhe "''"'""'"'·

' '""""' '·"~·''''• '"''"'""A"'' j "'

l •-"''""'"" ,,.,,_, '""' ''"'''"''"'" '""" ,. '""""


'' i ''' ' - I

A'I'M ''"""""' T~<> ~-···· ,1:· 11, ,.,, ''" >;.1:.C 1£


' '

' '

!---' '

' '

' '

-- -- _, '

' !



' ' __ !






.,o-r•, "°''""~hood - ~'"" '"" "'"''"'m"'' """'· F•<lhty 1o ""' ov•ll•bl• loc ~·"""'' "' "'"';,,, ""'" """·

'<1'1'>'' '''' <olumo '"'"" "'" llon """ '""' "" ''"'"'"'"• """'''' ''· " ,. '"''''"""' '"" •1 '' ''') thr• (0;), "'''""'er Rosl•t•r, .-.brU••>·. ''''·No '''· .~. ,_,_,,_

Ind bl.Gl5 TY1•i<al ''''nplc'' <>f r1re-Hes10Uve S!rLLclur~I Con\· ~""''nlo. (l) llas'c <l•'lgn ""<l construction for sp•cifi'<l fil"i!·l"i!•i•li''• protecl1on of •truolui·al '""')>Oncnls li•ted !n table 2, including r•f· ''"""''la) thl'oug-h (p), shall l,o "'''''Pl•blo ~o·rn, T•< followJngc '""'" '' O••<d on "'''"'maOo•, Jnt•'P"''""""

Ol """""' ... , data .... ,0. data ''"m ASTl< E--110 ... , ( ... !&bl• ''·

l\<'gl•ter. F•br"'-rY. ''''·No ''' BuHdtn~ and bootJn~. ••""''"""

and~'' conOLlJoolng oo<•

Page 19: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

WJSCON8!'l AJJ~11NJSTRA'l'!Vf. CODE ' " ,.,, " - "·" '' "" "" ·''

(:<) '!')'PO• of COtl('ll'lc',

1. T)l'" l-t.Ol1l"'l ""'~lit '''""''''" "'·'!' !'""'"'"''"· ,·oleo•"'"' ~·avel un<l ""'-oool•d •lo~ -~~···~"te-

2. Ti·pe \]_""'1nol "'"gilt 1"<>H<'f01•' ~,th ;d"cou< gto,,•I, gt·,,n1to ,,.. quat'tZ aggrego"' 0011to,.,;,,~ 1not·e tha1• ·IO'C quartz, che;t or fi1"L \'olues g;'""" rot· ll'I'" J oppl)' "-'<••''where ,-aluos ~'' tabu­lated for type II.

'l':.-pe 11!-l,·.(!it"-''''hL .LC'' ,., •. de ,. ;•:, "'l'"nded .<lo~, sl,ulo or ,:,,y ''g"'-'""'' Include< ;,1t>d•••l-l,;;ht"'Otgh\ '''"cnotos ""' OYO>' ll.\ Ibo. ,,_,.""·It. OY•'Ol-•b '"" a, ,,,,ty_

l~n ro\et "" 1·oi1'~<u1·1n~ -'"''; :, fol ,;,le• on<l botton'' \\he,.,, ', 1'-11•• ,,,.,,[,,,.,.,~<•I•'·"'·''),,,,.,. 1b:il•t1·1 •'"''''· ,,,., tob•.l.dc·,l ""''' ·- ,;,,. ,,,.,,,,,,, of ti.<· """""'·'·" '"!u•» 1·r th•• indtvHluol <>l1·11><'"l> . . ,.,,, ,.,,_.,.,. "l ,_, ct,],,._,l.i": "''"·''"' ,].,,' .t t,• :,._, :h .. -n '' ,,,, 'abula!ed ,-.,ue. Top <o,·•·r to b," nun"""'" o( '" lllc"h,

IO) Foi· the houl t,·u11smi.''"'n '''''l""''""'nt> of lloor an<l "'of ''""'ti·uction, tho thichno'' .,f the lop Ol"b >HO)" h,· ,.,_d•.•c1·'1 ,f non­oombu>Hhi< ll\,ul~\ion is 1h•·oc'tl) upp;•eJ lo eJthc1· ••'"-'of ''' -'l~h and p<ovided tho U-foc\01· i; equoled O\' >"e<luccd,

(di Tho th1Ckn•'' of,,,,, ;1,,l, ,, •n a·,··>11lon<'•' "i10 A~T)\ f:-11:> hoat lt'OTI"ni•;io01 1·equu-<n1•n<>. Fo' vai·iat1on' in thtoknes' of top 'lob"'" "''tion Ind fol.0-12 1:;).

'"'"' "''' .>>T'l 1'-110 >laoJ,,J "Jop;,•J ''' 1"0 Ol 0' (j0),

• •

(<) Longit,,,1,nal joint< be\woon in<hvidual p>·ecast floor or roof • unit.>, or 1ndtv,,iu,,] ""•Ii ""'''shall ho in,tollod as losted 0'' •hall Le ~'·ou\011 sohd f<» the thi<·k""'' ,.,o_uh·e<I h)' !he hre-t·eslst,,·c rating. ~on1 qnl"''"''lc '"'"lotion n>:>)- be 'uh<t.lutNI for lOe ?t'O\I\ if \ho l-f.<,- ' ,, .. ,,.,,.,,,,1 Oi ,,.,],,.•1·d J·I' ,-,,i , .. , 1111' ""''"1-.l)" oi "'"1Ll.>llo11

iern••no os in,t.illc'<l. Tho toppi01~ used ><• rloo,- or roof UIHts may he included.

If\ Tyl"' I 11.,110"· :11""'"'''" '' " ""'""n>')" "-;cb cal,·"''"'"' or -di"••"'" ·~~1-~.Jte. T)'"' ll ]j,,11.i\\ ;\!asonry '' ,\ lll.l<olll)' \\"Lth ""i'~"Jod ,l.•;r, clay, -'Lalo 01 !>um·,., agg1•~ato.

'f.,t.1i Yol.,,no llllllH> \ol\llll"' of \'01J.< {~) Equivalent \h1ckne>s = --i.·,,~Hi tini€s hci~ht-ihl t.-oquivolont thid,"ess= T '"'-,,,,,,..,·'"'a »ti»"',.,.,,, of ,I

wi1lth (i) Clo)". ,hale, oonc1-el« •'l' sund 1:'""-\\·ith )e,; than ~5~o 1·oid•

"· "llh .1li >I'"''' lilied (j) 1', inch <pace h1·tweon ''"iunin and lllO>Olll'!' unit-no fill


(I.) J\,i· '"''loained cnnd'''""'' tb1Chll"'' of fire pi-oteet;on may be reduced 11 suiJ,tantinted by test "'"" 01 cah·ulation n1o<bod.

(1) Elenient• \\"ith (h's minin,u>n oize ~•e !'e<oglll""d for heovy timber conot>uction, ooocpto.blo for certain b1'ild;ngs in ]iou of one h'''' non<·n011b11.,ttblo coo<\' n'tcoo,

(m) \Yhere eombu•t.ble m'-'"bers ·''" l>·amed inl<> ~ "-uol, t;ie wall shall be of •uoh th;okness or be so conslruoted that the lire Lanier betweom tbe m•mber and the oppooit..o faoe of the wall, or bctw••<> odjaoont member., <ot in from oppo•ito sille• "'Lil bo o~·-; of \l'o equ;,·a)ent thki;,_, __ , .ho"n in table 2.

Re<!•t•r, F<b_niar>', t•7>. No. !02 ~uildln~ •nO ~e•tin~. vontll•llng •n• •1• oon••toonlns codo

• •

Page 20: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• •


.... ,. " '· "' PLAC£ ....

AND 0 <C PRECAST ' .. " "' -.... .. .. ., ,_ " 0 :i: ,_ 30


t;;~o ozµ'C·f-------------j•>< - ,...;_ j~ z uiz f l"t'-'_'_'_'_'_~_•_•_'_"_'_'_' ___ -j..c'7 "'o.2:ocn 7. a: "' - {-U.:.:z"'ll.I S•~GLE TEE

... - ""~ _, l'''·t-----------i .... ,_,.... ........ 11.. ~

"'"' ,_ Ul -1· t":":"~' ·;':';';;";";'-';'::;;--i~G!l~ ·~~?' 0:: <t UI Q; UI •

(I) ~u:rll. SOLtO .. CORED St.Aas <F!J:;Jj:'.}:¢

JOISrs a WAFFLES WITHOUT ~ ... ~. -· REIN•. COllER 1 t: t t' I :1 l • ·""' Fll.LE!<SORPAflTIAL,ILLERS L .~f.';~-' CO"CRETE TYPE! uam WLDTHWE•l•) 6 sis~!~:~ 4:4:4141414 Of TYPO !(Vilt llASOllllY OR 2 i • :.,.1.,_: i_J. ' ' CLAY TIU< 1 .. t @@o •@ TH.TOPSLA"'J~"-!71""1~,,. .... ,4 ···~1-•i-'!z'

SL"81 OR JOISTS !I. WAFFLES A""·fi'ti'"'~~'I RELNF. COVER I l l, ·~' ' \!'\F:J;\i\i\ WITH TYPE XOR lI llA$0NllY 1.,,....,.,.... ~ ,; •• .,. o;; CONCRET!: TYPE I ll a Ill , ,

QR CLAY TILE FILLER r.- . 'zf @@@@@@@ ! TOP SLAB(!) s\11 l~ 4\15 !3 !~Al , """"""'"""---~,H-:'::"':-:'::A,-:f, ~ , : .... '" ... ,, .,..

I CONCRETE TYPEIIl!il!I' RE<NF.COVEl<iilil\:t,t-.,:-.,:-..-..:11:·'>

: : ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' '' ' '·"- ·---~ ' ' @@@ I THIC~t.IESS{tl 6' ~· ...-, 4,4 4 ' ''''

-1-'""'"':--::::-:-::-:c,. ... t'"""'"'"lrfl ' I ' 1 811 • lII CONCRETE TYPE l l[ 8 m:_t,, AVE. CO>'ER 31\> I 3 l :z 2\<o; i 2 I I'\ 11'14

(wJflilo~'s-~ 4:4

AVE COi/EA 3 !~3 12 t\2 I 2 ~ ~'\ AVE WEB 1lt.W fl" • 10 9 ; 1, 16 4 I

•• ,,,~.:=--j!~~:'O'~"'';-;;;--;--;;-;-;i'!-+'!'1'~''i'l'b1'"1-j'"'ll'i'J'[l" . 5 ,, ;; AV£. COVER >0~ :2 I ;t ' 11 1 i'

AVE WEDTH.(o .•. s :~.. I , I 4. "' TOOTHOC!c"Sl!l J7,5 5 le• 4 •5' " '

1,oR '< \i? is12 5\:6 i 4 4\!slo\ 3~:012!2\ •vE. COVER ~\ :2 ... 2 11;}41\ 1111:2 I ' : l

CONCRETE TYPE ' ue.:m;~ @@©@Xi)© ~

CO .. CRETE TYPE ' ' <l]Ili

@@©®©D CONCRETE TYPE ' rr• m





" ~~~~~·'~·1--~~~~~~-+~'~~~..!::l" ~ MASONRY f'L'L·t:,:,•,, ',,,~',',:_',~:::::':~',0:'::;:;:','·':ci-----'-·,"'1,,,,,.~1· :•;·.;"~~---+'~'',®,','_'_'_' __ '_'_'_' __ '_rr_•_~--t-'-'_'_'_'_'_'_'_' +'--,:,

1612_-,,i_'+'_,: ·-~"'-''i-•"·-~--'i.'+-'" ,:_,~: _•1


(.) •• •• SOLID MASONRY a•ucx St.OCK ... CLAY TILE WITH LESS ' ~-



13. THE CORES FL' LEO ,, •• ' OR LIME @


,, • • "" ••• " 2' .... , . -

• ! • ' • '

WALL TH (oJ 8"

:i; '11 1l!l I1lI'l!I I ,lt:m 1 ;Jl,ill 2 1..,_ I

' : 2 : ' :1"2: 1 : ' : ' ' 0l.!0 li! •\:•~.! 2} ,,~, ' " ., . <'>.:''~

' ' • ' ' ' ' ' I I :a: 'm I:ll:llI I:n::w: i:lI:Jll ' . 2 121i:z: 1~ I < J

1 ""2' 1 1 , I : . ·~ : ' ' ' ' • ' ' '


ti).... Z ~..;'. ~, ~ 7,._ ! CONCRETE TYPE Ill &. lll @@ THICKNESS

I- <) Q COLUMNS ,.- ""- OF (0)

"'"-z cc L1J r- l'"'·t.-::::-.-:::::::-::::i----~·-· 1·1-~·~_,. 9. , ... ,·.~cc:;v1'":::':':'..:":':':':':':':...:0'. '---::::1'';';';';';';';';';'t~~t;f;'1~tf:+;J:t~;T;; 0::1 .. ":i::t ........ ~~-f"'h;;;;;;;.-:o:;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;::-[---=:=="'1'.-'.·,,··.·, . .-~·-·'_·.·_·_i-;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;-:;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-t~·,·,·:~:,·,·.· .. :··+:.::~.-tL:Lf.L"--t_;_;_ ... ;".'. G•ROERS BEArdS .. TRcSSES ,,~ CONCRETE TYPE I ll<IJI!@@ v'


:!;i-c:i;0 COLUr.tNS .BEAMS .. OOROERS.. SPRAYED Fl•ER .. CEME .. TLTIOUS 0 - <C = = ~ (,) ~ Q.. TRU5SES .•. J0JSTS 6. STEEL =' '=<' v=t """- r.t1XTURE. oNTlJMESCENT


' - , u. "'"'"" ~·"=•i·.1•••·'" "

Page 21: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

' WISC01'<>1N ADMINISTRATIVE CODE DoHn"I01'o an• otanO&Tdo




" •E1'NICUl.ITE •.• GYPSUM ... OR ""-RL!TE THICK OF ,. 314"



'-• '··· .. ~. ''· !,' ,_1'.f I 112" AtR SPAC• (D INSULATION <O 0 ' .- z STEEL GI ROERS. •• llEAMS, •• ,t; > TRUSSES •.. J~ISTS, COLU,.NS -m-- SPRAYEO F1 BRE ... CEMENTIT!O U S " ' '" .. OR LISTING " •w • INOIVIOUALLY PROTECTED MIXTURE •. LATH B PLASTER APPR "' '" ING LAB.


<r " JOISTS .. W/C!Or<.•N6 PROTECT"N 11


SV TE TS ••• OR L•STING " w lflN•MUM 2 lilt" T"- TYPE J'..lI ORllI 0 w ACOlJSTICA<. Tr<.£


'" COftCRETE S<.AS • • ' " • " GYPSUM .• PERLlTE PLASTER ON PER +o PLASTER ,,,,r I 3/8" 1/"i'/3/S" ·o STEEL STUD PAATITIOM J'~~T~D_§f__!o__!-~'!,,~!{?.::_o;r_u_Q__. 't) LATH

' Mo:-u.Y:Y·- ---- ----;w "'" BE•RING GTf'StJM WAL<. SO•R0. •. 3 ~18" STUD -~~ """ ~, .. " ' THICK. ACH

u WOOD JOISTS MIN. z" x 10", "• nzuza'.:/ GYPSUM ....... """""---<-2 xoo··.- 't'1 •NSUI..

~ ;;:~ ~,] '"" 4" -0"'11. Jl/9'" P<.YWOOO F<.OORING

WOOD F<.OOR .,L. GT~ ....... 80ARD __ 2''i10·, 16" "le 'l'i '"""'"-.


'' ATTACHEO CE!CING ' •-• YW o'"Xlf~ll ·• "tf FL '"' R 1'"x , .. T BG

'r z w 0 WOOD JOISTS lflN. 2" X 10'", NON COMBUSTl8CE 2"• lO" 16""% .... ~· " - '.?,~ I. 1-'?'USTICAL T•CE W/518'" PCTWOOO

•r, INSUL_ r.!"PlM • " WOOD FLOOR

' - 0 -- ..

" I __ l SUSPEND!i:D CEl<.ING CIR 1" X 4" T. llo G- SUB FLOOR•NG It F!DORING .-xi·~t '"' • , , < NO.'- SI •o • " '~ ""PSUM WAt.U!OAl!D .!'LOf.~<;l!. ii !."2..~'!. ' > • ~;;;;su .. -Pi"RLIT'f Pi:.\s"iER-oN - - !' z " 91•6" '.._ 0 0 ~00 STUD PARTITl(IN 316" GYPSUM LATH " 0 ----- ----0 MIN. 2" X 4" STUii GrPslii"e-sANOPL'iSTE"i" OiiU.I::-µ " ~/4" w .!:!!!!_0_'!!.~.k_A.!.H - ____ -· 1-.------ ---· GVPSUM 11 V•RMICUl,.ITE PL•STER

" S/4"

'' ON .. ETA<. LATH


~ .. , s"x 8"

COCUMNS wooo A<.L SPECrES .•• ~i ----'

ll P_TH. •"x a··

0 < • ' w 0 " > .- < • ''· < >" 0 z

" _o , " ,. •

" '· ' ,. .. -. ...,_,._ '''' LL•1n.- ..,,4 "°"""" " "'' con•ltlonf""


•ft1lff 9 TRU$$ FOii- AOOF ONLT

Fci>oft llo A00-1' OECK

WO. 13~ ~t!tatOnlt


~·-' .•


~IN. Wll1!"H X . ..-COD 01.l SPECIES • •• 10"



.. 4" x 6"

MEMeEn ' ' m •oo• Y<OOO &cl SPEC•ES '------



• •

Page 22: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• )


• '"""'"""" •l'J •l•Od&'d'

(n) Cov•r thickno>s on rcin!oro'"~ steel as ino;cat.!<l ;, ba•o,J ot> eontlnu>ty ol 'Y''"'"· For siniplo ;pan rondLtion' increase oo,·er th10k­nes• by 507<.

fp) \\'«• '""'" 1·einforced and ''ith u "'"""'""' '"'" nf 0.01.-, inches •quare per foot of length or e<Juivalent.

!li•h••Y• !'• "''~"'"'· Fc•OJ«,<C)', !O;L, 'Co L<2 (>U. ;-L ;1

Ind 51.016 Calculation noe!ho<l. (1) The rational design of ,tructutal '""'""'''" r,,. fi"• ''''"'"'"" .'hall ho '"h•nittcd to th,• department ancl •hall he bd••<I on Lhc t)·pe of •pan (sim1il• or ,..,,,.ained), the 1nacnltnde of longitudinal ,.,.,,,-alnt, accep!•d •lructurnl en~inoc,in~ •·lllc'•I'·'> "'-" ""'Lho·l·

lO) Appt'Oj)l'i""' '"''"''" ,!,.t.< ~"" tlo,ig1' "'"~"'''" \•> 'ubst:<HH.1'•' '.,,. n1eth( d, 1- 0•'' pret1ng bel 1''0ell kt"'" 'l '" [0J'Jna1'-0n. ,hall a''""'I'""~· ""' aiH•\'O '".lt.·ual ""'I >•>al! b1rlodo:

!. 1'ime-i.•111perature t'clat1""'h1p .\STJI E-119. ! Tl" to1upc,.itu1·,,_,~,,.noth dicu·ocw>J,t;c_, o/ the '"'uctui·al


o. Tile tin1'•-l•n111ec:,tu,.o cl>ari<·to"'slics of the insulating tnate1·ial, at "''"l"i-atuic '""H" d'-''"n,<ted \,\. ,\ST'r F.-11~

4. The e'pa11sion oharactoi·"th·, of the "'""'''1alo co1api·1•1t>1> \he •11emb'"· Ol lh• <•mpera\uJ'e i·ang<! """"""te<l by AST~! E-119.

~Ott., 1. l'o' AST>! E·11• ''"""-•"I '"'"'UL•·<l ' '' lo<I ll '0 <•0),

Tl" "'''""""'"' ~-•JI '"'''"' ""'''"""•l •"c'<Oal'oh d"'" ''"" '"'"'"'' '"'""'"A"•"""'"'-"'""'''°''"''"" & SL·'' IH<!•U.t··, ;''"' ·'"'°'"'"" !o<t'I'"' ,, ,, ,, ,.,,,,«•"'"""· '"'' :,_The ,,\[et>" Cuct<Jr of not lo'' ll••n 1.0 sh"ll bo HlfiJt>tai<oc•d at

tl>o end of the tioie i·oquLL'••nelll fol' the full <l•>ign liYe and doa<l :"""

"'"'"''' ln<l 5!.0lJ Opening> Jn fire r•t<d <un<truction. (1) OJ>Cnings in fii·o

,,,,,,1 eon,ti·u<t,on 11·hci;-c pe1uHUeJ I>) other soctioi>.< of the cod" _,hall >atisfy the follov.·it>v appropliato l"<qU'1'0ments.

(a) Fire <loot "'"''"/'/" '· 1. (ll''"lJng<. \\'hoo'O openings al'<> po1·­'•'''·"I '" n,, t.Ll1'd 11·a11, i··· "'"''I 11·"h ,k,01· "''"'"i.1;,., th<·r ,1,.,11

'·"" · .• toJ anJ labclc.I "' :•,, 1. '•I"""· hr"" "l'l""'"'•I h1l>o1·1-,,.) "'"J ,.._,t.•d "' accor';""''' "'Lh .\3'!'.11 1';-1:,2 •lanJard '"'"'ud­,.,.,.,.,, '- , .... , ''"™ &-,,,, _,,,,,,,.,." '''"'''''" •..• ""'""" '"" '" ,.-, '" .. ' Tl,•··--1"'"' '""'" """'' ""' ""'''"J•l•'" ""''"'"'"""I""'·" '"'' ,.1,oc.c "''-'''""'' """" u.,, '"d ""•··l>Olf <l',J hou' '~<•d dooo•o ''"

,.,.,_,.,, ... ., '"' "" ""•""'»• '" ,_,,,,, "'''-'''""'" inte•io• """ ""''""' ""·'"' Th;e,••qUOl''O' <J<) hou, t&l•d doc"',., .• UO<•Pt"l fO• """""'~' '" '"I'"'" "'•·f•-"-'"'' w•ll• '"" o"""'"~' to"'''""'""' ,._.,.,.1.,., '"'"' ·'''"".'~'''' ""'' "'""' '""" '~""" •0''"-""'" ""'''· '" "'''"' """'" ""al•>''''''-""'~'-"""'""~·""''"""' \\ood,.0'1< ''"-"'""'''"'"''' -''""­<JOOIOO '"""'"' "'""dotd j' ,_,,, aod '" """'""" f""'"'"'"' '"' ,.,,,. •'O•d•. may "' "'"' wh•to th• "''""""'''" '''"""' o thJ, oo e P''"'"

~- The door a•••mbhc, •halt ho in.<!atled with fi·ame, hinges, !atchc·'· el'""'"'""''"'''' Oti<l ,.,.,,,,,.,,."'':cr.t< JJ\ O<·<nnla'1CO ll"itli 1neth­.,,[, :.>id ''"'"taru, appr",-.,,J by ""' ,;,l'""'""'n\.

3. )!ethoJ, ol seourlllg dno1· fi·an>• to adja'-"'!of <onst1"Uetlon •hall he i]IU<tratod <Ill tile t1ians SUhlnit\ed to tho deportment fol' approval.

'""'"' Th" '''j"'''m'"' W•ll "'''"' ''''"'"m'"""'' "'''<I•'"' ''' In­_,,,,.,,,,,,.""''•' "' ··e10•,·l."d '"' [';o i•oo; and \V,,,U<>w•' N.l•',P .• ,, ·'"· ... "'"'''''· ,,.h'1l&.-y, 1•11. "" ,,_,

lluELdlng &nd hoallng, '""'"'""~ .... •le '"""""'"'"~ ,,,,

' '

Page 23: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

\\'JSCONSJ;; AD~!!);lSTRA1'1\"£ <,;UIJC: "'"""'""' "'"' ....•. ,,.

J. Tho '""'·>nun> '"''"~'"~ Joo1· oie • .,anoc., t-0 IL"'"' •i>all !Je 1, in'h on 8'd<s ,nd top """ '• "''h at botwn1 he\\\"Con ,i[J '" floor.

,;_All laboled fiL'e <loo'' "'f.e1e >·••qu11·e.<I oholl bo •·quipped "·ith O.'L app1·01,•1: clusJn~ d,,;,,

a, Dou>• V."•\h ••ll-elo"ng rle>'LCe •hail >cniai" n> ,\ clo,<d po·LL;on except \\"h<n in use.

'U'l!Oo TJ,_ "LlcnL "'"'LO oool'I'' "'"""' H•,10C o[ <\<>,>o 00l 0"1 '"'"'"

"""'' """ '"" "''""'" '" "' "''''''" '""'" ., .,,,,. """· b. \\"here a pilot ""''~ht Ls used, jt •hall be sns1""'Je,\ fr'ln\ o

ch..,n or Wile cable •nd 'hall b< in•tullod in a l>l'Q\eotive hnusiltg. -'oTL.. l• '' "J" o! ''"" "~ 0•',lc'c ;''"'"'"''' I" '' J,.,- '" ,,, •;•I• I'

,,, ,, .. ,,, "' '""'''"'""" '""''' '''"'''"''· 6 .• ~d•quat• 'lcoran<e S]\~il be rnai11tained '" peunit /•Ce op<r••i••L\

vi' Cn1• J,,-,,, -'"'" 1 ,,,

.. , .. .. , " ·'' ., ,., ' '""'"'' T•L,"o"•'" '""" .•"'••-• "' loLl'•'I> "'" In•'"'''"'"-"<]

e'od '" '" "''"'"' "'"' ,,,-l'.'l l>C "'"''"' 0n1•Ll.OJ (b) Fir• "'indow ""''"'bl,es,• l, Opening>. \\"h<•c oµ<nings "'"

p<l'llli<t•d in 11,,, L"ULCd "~11, µ,~,,,,,j "''h fi,,_ 11-i,,tlO"" a''""bh<< the~ •hall be l-Jl\lO •.LtcJ us ·., ho•.n· b_1 "" appc>· 1·cd h\l>Ol otOl')" an1I testod in =otdanoe \\'ith .A.STY! L-163 •tando1·d nle\hod.

"OTC. Fo' AST.\! E--!•: ,,,,.,.,,. ,_ • .,, ••• o .,.. ''''""" fod ,, ,, '''I

2. Size. The fi>-< window "'''1nblr '''' ,h,11 no•. •X<e•d si;:e to•t<d. \Vindow• combin•·<l in n1u1tiplo ao<<'>l\bl1e. shall be '""pa1nted by ·'P· pooved nonbeating '""'"l J>\U~l10no.

3. Wi~<d GW.,,. Lobo.'<d ~-n..,d gla>s h inch th"k shall be install,•d in a~>< ''"'"<low "'''n1hly.

•-'<>TL'' ,.,,, V."Lndo"• ho,·c b•oo ""'''"•d ""' ''""' "'""'''''' 01· ''"'" "'' ''''"'uce Fo1 m<>O•>•t• '"' ''""'""' '"' ;,,dl;,duol "'"" -""' """"""" '" ,,, •0- '"''"-' '""' ,,,,,_,.,;,., '"'"' ,, ;.,,,, ""'' "'"'" "' ., '"·" "'"' h•»·hl) Fo· "'"' '"" <"•L<"""' the"'"""'""'"'"'',.,, ,; I'"·'''''"'·'"" <o """'~ <·''"• ""·"•""" o·1h,, '' '"'" '""' '"''" ,,,. '' ''"" '""' """"'' ''""'' '''''' '" •'""'""' 101 '''"''''' o' ion­''''"'""" and/(""''""'"'''"' Oc• wlndo" ''"''""""""'·

1. /,,<r<il/nli""·' o. l''·""''" s~ull be '"'"''<iy r,,;tened to th•',,.,. '"·""'' ""d "'' ''"l'"!>h· of L"OS•''"'g ~II ,,.;,,,1 ..... ,.,,,, aod otlHL'

'''"'~'5 <o "b"h \h<·)· o •' l1kel, to ho 'uhJ<<ted L. 'lh• \\">l'Od glas> ;h,di be well h•thled in •l>l""'''d Rlaz111g <'Olll·

pc•uc,11 and all •>PO'<d joi,,'.o bet11·c·OI\ <he n>etal ;hall be '!l'U{'k an.I pOLt.ied 'Jh'· 'lea1·~"''' b'''"'''" ''" ···i¥··-· ,o! <I.~·"'''"·' .,,,.1 l>H•l.Ll f1·an1ing Ohall not •x<c'Od 'i '"'"-

''"''"' ''" '"'"'"''''"' \·)" ' " "". '"" '" " ' ,, o<o. ••-

'"" '"""'""""'"' ,,, .. ,.,, .. ,_. ,,.,. ,,.. J•'I,. ''""'-• "'·' \\'''"''"'·,· ~·1·.1•.\

(<) {,"!"'' bloc/;. l. Oµ,.,,;,,,,~ ll'hc\C opening' al'e p<rniCtLed in fire r&ted well• protootod vcLth gl•-•• blnck th•y sholl be time r"tod a• ·~ hour by on aPJ>ro;·ed lnl•orot.>ry and !e,te<i '" occ11rdan<'O \\ith .~S"rM E.-J6a s\an<la1·d method.

""OT>l• Fo' AST" E-l<' '''""••• •Oool•d ••• '''"'" lnd ''-'' IO'),

2 s;,, o,f 'P'"'"·"· Gia,, li .. ok· "''' su•Lai>h· fo•· "!''"'"". 1'<>t

exceeding 120 sq"aoo /,.,, ·n "''"' "'Lth "'Lthe' \ho """IL" ""' '"'"'''' •x<••dlng J~ feot

"'""'''• F<b'"l"Y· 1011, :<o 11' """''"g """ "'"''"" ,,,,. '"""" '"" "" oo,.JLt;onLn• '"'''

• •

• •

Page 24: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• (

• •

' !lF.l'l', OJ•' JNUL-STR\', J,AJIOJ; & 11\:01,\.N l!~J.,\!J(JC:~ ""

"""""'""'and a\aodn<d•

3. installation. ~UT~. Th•"''""'""."'"''' a· 01-t ''""'"""""'"' '"'"'"'"' fo" "'" "·'"·"'''" •O•ocod on··-;,,,,,,,.,,] I••,.,,,. J\o"'' ""'\\••><I-'"'" ',j"l','

So, •o. (rll L,.o,i,,, l. The lal>o·l ,,l<11ll identify the thlll' 1·aling lo• r.,.,,

'1no1· a•son1blies a!Hi <la;, of foo·e 'l'inOo"' as•cinhh<•' a'ld glo_,; hi"'''· :!. The label •hall identifr !lie \<•.<tin" l"l"H'u\01·y, lost;n~ :.g<n<y

a.nd manu!acturer. :i. The label shall bo .<e<'ut·oly attat·hecl and loca\••d '" P''"""' '''""''

in>l"~'io11 aft>-1· 1ns,allat1on. (e) ~f••oello>noo"" op'"'"·"'· J. 0110.,init-' •round oluots, pipe;, onn­

,\uit or othel" oer1·ioo in,lail.Llinn; pe•H'iL'ating reqLu•·ed fi<e-,·O;ls\lYC i·atod flooL·, 'YBll anO roo( "'''"'hli•• 'hLdl b<• fill•·d •oHdly "-nh n1atenul of fi1·o·l'O,LStol"< l'Ul"'~ equal t<• (ho requu·od i·othl~ of n•­_-.·,nbl) l'"notL·otod.

C lh-<< ''1"''1•'>~> "' "'I'""',] ""' ""''"''' '"'''(I LI""' apJ ""II "''""bb<< shall bo p1·otootod a• .<peeifiod undor '''tion Jnd .-,~.•iC' 11~).

"'"""'' ,.,, """'''''· "'''""·">'· ''''· ~"·'''·elf.,_,_,, h•d ,\l.Ol~ 11oof <01-orin~•· (1) 11oof '"'''ringo of 1·ia•o A. II, C

"' unol"s>tfiod shall b€ p>o1·idod "' sp<eifi0<I un<I<'" "Clnsso' ,,f CoH· n<11.-·n" or 1'lld•r \h<• -'l'"''ific .,c,·upor.<)' ,.cquirenionts.

~""'"' D' ''" <O""'''' lllo, '''"''· "''''"' """ o·oor•ouo "'''" _, •n•I '''"" "'""' "'"' '" ""'•PL•d ,, ·~·····,\"roof OOVOO'lng•

"''"''''Cl', !1<·&"'''· FcL.,u·•;y, l011, Xo_ '''· ofl' '-1-:1.

lnd 51.08 Clen<p&n<~ oeparaLiono. (1) Who" a building i• u .. d !or more \hon one oe<up•"<Y purpose, each p•rl of tho building oom­prising a dJotlnc\ o<oupancy division shall b• •epar-:>ted trom ""1' o!her o«upanoy diviaion aa provided to• under the oocup•noy re­QU;~rnent, of thjs eode.

1~J Occup•ncy oeparat"'"' •hail be c!as•ed aa "Ab•olu\o"', "Spe<ial"' and "Ordinary" and .i>all apply to both horizont.al and ••rtical •opara\ions.

(,\) .\'1 .<b,.,;'110 O<TL<p,toity <C'i'•Hut">ll sh"Jl ii.L'·,, "" "l•'"""U' there>n an<I ;hall h~1-e ,,-all< on<l floo,., nf no( le.., than 4 hour 1\1-e ,,._.;_,"'' r•>01stt·ueli"" "' 'l"'''lfi<•-1 ;n _,,.,.,,.,., 1.,,1 'd.04.

(b) .-\. 'Jlecial occupath'Y ''I"""'"'" ,hall ha1·0 "-alls and """'' "' "·" ],,, thRn 3-h""" ~,.,_,.,,,_;,,,.,,, ''"'"""''';"" as -'P•"'"'''l '" ••'•'""" l>t<I i;l.U4. All "'"'"""' '" "'alls f,.r,nin~ su<h sepat·a•1on .•hnll be prot..-~·<I on ••ad1 ,;a, u,,.,,,.,r hy ,,)f..,lo'i"ll: f,.o-1o•is\,v•• <],.,,,., a• -'l'"'iflod Jn '"'ti"" lnd 51.<H:, 'n<l suoh doo1·s •Oall ho l.•pt noJ.,>a'iy e[,,sed. The \,.lal ";di:O of all "l""ll'll"' in a1.~· such '"l''''at1ng "'ail in any 011« 't.liy ,hall no\ oxcc0<I 2f>~O of llle length of th• woll in thnt slo>y and no •inglo nJ><•ning shall ho••• an a1-.n ~' o.1t<·1- tha'l 12~ "I""''' fo<·t.

1. All oµo'""g' 'n Aoo1·• forining th,, lyJ>e o{ ••parahon ohal! b€ i•rote<t•d Dy verti<al enclosure• extending above and Dolo1>· •uch opening•. Th• walls of •uol• 1•orlic•l ""closu,.., •hall be of no\ I•;• ,; .111 ~-h"'" fno·\o,,;,,;,,. ',,_,t1'\!ct""' "' -'l""-,1;,,1 ;,, •ec<ion Jnd ;,).U-1 a"d all opening• th<•elil >hall be pro(Oc\ed on nnc sido \hereof by sell ok'lling l-houi· fi1-<'·1-<·•,,live door• "' s(><'eified in seobon !nd "J.U47 and ouoh ;,.,,, ohall ho ~•pt normally cln•od.

{<·) A" ""lina1·r ""'"!"""'" sc]'ar.ih<>n ,hall h.1l'<' "-all- 0,,,1 tlo•l>'£ o{ not less than l·bo"r fil'e-t·e,i•t<1·0 '""'lrO<\ion a• Sl>•Oified

"""'•tor, l'"<booa.-,', 1011. No. ••• n.,lt11n~ and hoal1ng, "'"'"'""~

•Od "'' oond•(I""'"" ''"'

Page 25: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

WJSCONSJ!>' AD~JJ~!STR.~'l'IVE CODE r"'""·'''"' "'"' ''"""'''do

in sorlions Ind [;1_0;; ~11d :.11•G .. ~II oronin~, I" snch soro,.utinn, shall be P>'Otec\eJ 0_1' s,.]f-•·io.,ng fi,c·-«·< .. ·l"' dooJ> '"' •l"'''bc•J in 8'otion Ind ;,1.047 and •uch doo'• shall be koµt n<>Hna!ly clu>OJ. "'''"''' ,_,_,,, r. and'"''·<:) (o), Rc~L•l•r, (kl"""'·''''· t<o !!2.

elf J] .. \-<;, '"'--<CJ I•).'"' """ C<l, R•·g.<t••, Fc·U,·uor>·, ''''· ~o 18:, "N, 1-1-,1,

,';0'f1':; f;ec!io11• ],,\ ,l.~'> 1l""""h J"d ;;1.1! OL'<" '"l"'"l<•J ell'ec!hc• July I, 1971.

Ind 51.09 ~'iro·ros,.ti•e door .. (1) F!r•-resi•ti~e doo!"ll tio•e no tin>• re,ioi...nee rnting •st...bli•h<..:I by go••rnm<n\.01 agencies. It will bo the


p<licy of tho deportment of industry, labor nnd human relation• lo appro1·0, subject tn tho pro1-isions of th'' '''\ion, any door ~',·on o >"Oting b)' the Under-o·ri\e;o' Laborato"os in lheir '"Building ~lo\criols Li•t" as ela"" A, B, C, P on<l E having varying d<g•••• of '"'ist...nce, and •ult...b!e for various location~

f~] \\-~"''" fi•·c-l'ooi>t1>e doors ore roqu l'Od, clo's A clnors, or equal -'ha'I he U>ed for all op,id1•~; ir. 3 ond ~ hour fir.,.ro,Lsti1·e \\'ail>. C1a,, H, 11!.·hour firo-re·"t"'" Co·'r', ,,. "1·'•1 sl>"ll b<• ,,,,.d fo1· u:I ")"'""'~-- ir, ~-hu<n' ~alls_ Dooi·; 101' ,_,•\'alor ,l.~ils ,,.ail"" u! ,.;.,,; ll typo or equal, Class C doors. or oqual, ;hnH bo usOO in opening• in corddor partition• in fi,.,._,..,,,11,-0 building> and for op•nln~< in ono. I"'"'' fi10-iosi,l"• parl,tions ""'"P' th•l 11·00d Jo,;rs of solid ftu'b type, 1% in<hos thiek may be used in suob bu,ld1nga ""hich are leos lhan 85 f..,t in heigh\. Cla_o, D and Edon''·"" better, •hall be used '" out.oide wn11 openings ,.-he"' r-equired foi fi"' escapes.

(3) All r-equired fi.., • ..,,1.tive doora shall be equipped with a oel!-olosino de'''''·

111•<•0-,-• ,_,_,,, '· ono ''''· )<•~>•t''· eeo!•mb••· ''''·No_ <5._ctt 10-1-;;, um "-"~"''" l>•'<•,1nO••. ''''· ~o 8<. ''" 1-1-•lo ""'· ''' K<g· ""''· n·-··•-""''' ''''· ""·'''·,ff >-1-0>. "'~"'''• t•',•On1acy: 1•;1, ~" '''· ,n 7-1-;l.

Ind 51.10 Fire-reoi•ti•e window•, (1) Windows shall be of a dos!gn approved b)' th• departmont of jr.Justry, labor nnd hnma,, rolatinc.< for tbe intended u""' aa prov«letl under ooouponcy clni•ificationo. Tho term "window'° in thlo •ectlon •ball include \lie frame, •••ti ond nll other part. of a oomple\e a'sembly, Approvotl wire glaso % tnoh in thickne•o shall b• usod for gl•zing_

(2) Windowo shall be limited eo oi .. • for which effeotive fire-­reo,.to.nc• ha• been demonstrate~ by nctual !\re to•t, nnd wh"h in no easo ex< .. d Sol square t•et in "'"' and 12 f••I in greateot dimension. Su,b window• may be <<>mbinOO in mu\t;p\~ asoernbll .. wh~ •epara .. d by approved metal mull,on•, wh1oh shall be <on•odered non-beor1ng.

(3) Jndlvid~al ~!'-'• light• shall not •~<eed 720 •quaro inches in orea, and 54 lnoh•• in vertocal ~nd 48 inches in horizontal dunen•ion.

~-,,,, l! '<'ill bn "'' PDJlcy "' <h• "''""'"""' o! lndu>tO-,-, lobo' onJ human "''""'"• to •PP'"v' •uble<ot !O "" P'"""'""' Of thl• ••<tlOn, ""' wlndo"' """""• tho ln•peotlon "'"""''' o! tho Und•'""""'''' L>.Oo•;torlo' '"' "" oltu•ttOn o< lnata'1a00n-

I1io1o<•• 1-'·00: r- Ro"""''· Fob'""''· 10'1 S,,, '''· <<f; 1 ;:_

Ind SJ.II GloY bloek. (I) \JLiE. Approvod glass bla<k "'•Y bo u;ed in non-l°"d bearin~ panol• in wallo whero ordinary glo•• w:ill bo P•rmitt..d, unleos •Pe<lficaliy prohtbited by ocouponoy requir<>ncnt• of <ti10 code.

• •

• •

Page 26: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• ('


DEPT. OF INDUSTRY, LABOH & HUMAN TIELATIONS 25 P<~"lllon• •nd •!anda,d•

(2) lllBTALL.tTlO>I, Glass b!oclc panet. oba.ll not oxoeed '" oqua,.. t .. 1 in un.oupport.id area, with a =u:imum hlllght of 20 feot and a maximum width of 20 f•ol The hori•Ontal and vertical mortar joint. bet.o .. n u.ch block WU be <o:npo~ of one part of Portland <etnent, ono part of llD>• and 4 part. of .,.,,d, or it.a equiva!ont.

(•) All panolo over 6 feot in width sholl 0. •upporte<l on eo<h lido by oh- n<>I l""" than l \lo inoi... in depth, of motal or other in­eombultlble nuoteria~

(b) A.pprnved oontinuou• metal bond ties ohall bo pro,·i<led Jn oa.oh horl>ont.&I mortar Joint for bi<><k ol nominal 12 x 12 inch •ize and In al IUiil e-.ecy thin:! joint for bl<POk of ""'aller dim•noion.

(o) Provision oliall be mode in all pnn•l• for e<ranoion, using approved expon•I°" material not le•• than '!. Jnoh thiok for heodo and lint•l• ond not 1 .. , than >,; !noli thick for Jambs.

""'"''' ,,, '" ,_,_,, Ind ~1.12 Bolrhl <>I bulidlng. The hoight ot • bn!ldln<r i• rneooured

oe the oon!OY hno o! Its pt{nolpo.I front, from tho •idcwnlk g,.,.de (or, If ••<l>ng baok from tho sidowalk, from the gm.do o! the 1rround odjolnin~ tho building) to tho hlgh••t part o! tho rool, !r a flat rool, or to o point 2/3 of the heivht ol lhe roof, if a gablod or hippo<! t<><>!. II the i:rado ol the lot or adjoin1ni •idewalk in the rear or along•1de ol the building tallo h<Jow the grade al the front, the height Mall be m•UtJn!d ot the """"'r ol the lowo•t side.

Ind .11.1! Basemen!: fir<! ftoor: number 01· •tori"'·.-\ ""'"n>•nt ;, ''"'' rort;on of~ buildin<r whos• fio"' level '' 1nore !ha" ~·:, ro~t :,.•I·'"' •i>e .,.,.,.,,,-,, '""'"'' ,,-round ],.1·el .>t the ••xt•rior "·alls of tho ·,,,;!,];"~-The n•x! floor al>o\o <hall he consiOor0<I tho l\t't ,torr. The ,,.,,,,\,. of -101,es of o b·.,,:dn\g LnOhl<le< oil 'to,·io' <XCO]\\ t],., l>a•ement.

,,.., • .,., ,_,_,,,, '· '"" ,.,,. ftOK"'''· Feb'"'''- ''''· Xo_ '''· •ff -1-:L

Ind 51.l' S!r••I; &!leJ; eourl. (l) A otreet io any publie thorough­f,1to 30 feet or moN In width_

(2) An alley is any publlo thoroughfo,.. l••• thon 30 teot, but nll\ l••• tlian 10 t .. t, ln width.

{3) A oourt i• "" OP•n, unocoupied spoeo oilier than a olri'€t or all•y and bounded on one or moro •i~e• by tho walls ot • building.

Ind 51,15 St=dard <xlt, (1) F.very door 'vhioh ••l'V•• as a requir'd exit from • pnhl;e pa•sogewoy, <tolNn)' or building •J,all ho a soandar<I ,,;t door un!e,; exempted by the oocupancy ""luiremenl• of 11i;, oodo .

. ;o:~· !:'' '"'"""~ ••lt• ••• "<l"L~ A'm- CO•l• "'<LiOn• lo<! 6<.00, ,,.10, !<.O< ·"•'· "'·''"

(2) Evozy •tsndard .,,;it d<H>r oh•ll owing oolward or to"·ard tho oatur.d m<>ans of •OTOS' {ex"'P' O< bolo"·), 11 'boll be le1·ol with tho ~"''• ""d shall be'' hun~ that. "'h<·n OllOtl, it 1vill not block any port of tho 1·equi,..d w;~tii of any oilier doorway, passa1>eway, •lairwoy or dro e•cape. No revolving door, ond no sliding door excopt wh•,.. it opens onto a stain1·ar •nclo,u,, nr <erves as a looti.,,nt~l oxit, •holi ~·o con;,Jorod as o standard ex'< door .

""""''" """'"",.,., ''''· "" ,,, """"'"" """ ""·"'"~· ,,, "''""" '"'" "'' <ondltr.'"'"~ <od•


Page 27: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

- - ' '

ll'll!COl<lll!-l AD~llNISTJ\A'J'lVF. CODE

''··'"'''"''° "' ''""d'"'' (1\ A ,tat>,larO OX•t <loo\\' 'ha:I h"'" ''"'11 fnstcnino' or harth1-"1-•·

th"' it'"" \>P o]\On•d f1orn th•• '"'"i'' by P"'hin~ "~oin~t o oin"h• hn1· ,\' Hloto or'""""~" ;in~!.· kn-'h '" h.1ndlc_

ra\ Th,-"'' of a kC)" f,,, •'I""·"~,;,_,, frnn1 th< in,,do '' p•·ol'.•b't•·d (\,) Tho Ono•· •holl nn! h•• ha.-red, bolt,.,1 or <h•ined at any ~mo. (4) A •landarO •Xii doo,,.,·oy •hall not 110 les' than 6 f.,t 1 io<h•'

hi~h by 3 le.t ¢ in<heo 1•i'1e, except where •'P<Oially provid<d unOe\' ~<oupancy <l•••1fioation• a"'I in v.·1s. Adm. Code Be<tlon Ind lil.20. Who,.. <loubl• door< ore rro"id<~ with "" "·i!hout mullion,, th• ""idth of <ach sin~h· ,j '"' '"')" l.o 1-, l""''I tfi ~ feet f, inoh••-

(li) All etil doors. uni''' other""'''" •.<eonpteO hy the O<ODO-'""' r•qul,..ment• al U.I• oode, sh•ll Oe rlainly market! b,- n rod illulni­R•t•d tmnslu<•nl o~it <:on boarin~ lh(' ,,-o,-t! EXIT 01• OltT ir. pla.r, lotter,""''''' 11,,,,, _;it ·~o- '" h<iRht "'"!in •Uch 0'11er place< •• m.1r he,,,,,.,,,..,. to •I·,,..,']-_, ~'''""""L· to'''' iloot"\\-o)"·

i~I Doo,·o. "-;.,,["""' ' ' ''" "'·" · ,-~_,,.1-, '"' ''" ,_, •, hr.' whloh .-ive the appea1-un<o nf exit• shall he offoctiv"ly ~uar<iod.

(•) Gia,, """''· All ~I"'' Ooors ,hall be pmviOe<I with o ""'h )•or o• plo!c in""I' ond ""'' .O• Tho f'"h 1,a, or p:.1to •holi he "''O',­S2 in<h•• to 44 inch•< aOOve lh< floor.

(h\ f:;/n,, '""lls P"~'I" r.loog wull p•nPl_, hovin" o outb or sill lo•• than 2-1 1nche.< ;., heirht sh.1:1 1 ... P'""'clorl hy o ho'i'""ta' O.n· 01 roil at loost l~i, inch•• 1\'iOe Olt<l loc"ted within 3 f•••! 6 inche• to 4 fe•t R inrho' ohovo the ~oor. The ba\· oc 'ail "''''nblv 'ho\I he '''rob:o or \<"i\li<tand;n~ a lote,Ol fore• ,.f 100 pounO< oppli•O nl ony po;nt.

17) Snf<,~uorOs for ph1-•ic.Jl,· hondirappetl 11or,on;: lol Any plore or on1ploymrnt or puhllr buildin~. the inili.cl ,,.,_

'troetio" of ~·hirl. ;, """""""'"" r,fter July l. 19;0. '""II Lo '0 <I·'· '''""'' nn<l """'tn,rtetl "'to l'""""ir roocon,hlc •n"'"' .,fin~'"'' n1·,I '""'-''hr \ho pl1.""""ill" l"""i"""-'"''I 11·1ti1 th""~<"''''"" of,

1. Apartm•nt house< \\'tlh I''' thnn 21> unit•. r""' hou''-' onrl '""1'1· '"U ]10"''':

(.,,.,,-.. ,,1,, ,,,,,1 "'"'-"'"'''""· ,1,,n, "' othe• pl'''"' of""'""!'""'

J, <;"'"~"" hnllRO'-' Ot><I boathou,r>. ; A'I O"il<l•n~' ,.10,,;11,-,i 1 ''''""I""' ""'"I'""";,., o ,,·orehouso,, ""'I

~late liu•hlin~, ·"l'""'fi,,11,- hudt fn,- f1cl<I ,,,,.;,.c l'll''P"'"' '"ch "' l'nt not Hmit-e<l to ''"''''"''"n fn·o In~·"''· fi•h ha!rhorie,, t>eo ""'""'-'' bt<ilO"'""

8, Univ>rs1ty re.;d<o'' halls at vn,,<l"•ities ''hich hove nt lea't three ,..,,deno• halls for '"'" and th:re< ,..,ldenoe halls for ,,-o,,,.,, <o cons(ro"t"l "'to allo"· rhr<"alJr hand"opped I''''""-' ,,,_,onab'1e onoans of ,ni:r'"' and 'I'''''-' In •uch buildinK'-

(b) The requirement• of so<tion Ind 51.1.1 (7) (a) nl•y be"''""'" pi1°he0 hy ot l•n't nnr ~''"""" "'' •t.-eet lc\·cl on!,ilnce nnd exit "'ith­nut '"'P'

Th< entran<e and ex;t .<hnll be h,, l. Ra>nps with elopos nnt tnoro than one loot ol rise in 1~ l<ot

""•ted \Vith a nonskid •u•·raco, nr

''!''''" ''""'"''· ,,,1. '"' ,,, l!u IO•nr and h•atLng, v•otol~tl"~ •nd "'' <ondltlohlng "'''

• •

• •

Page 28: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• (


• (


DE.Pl. (.)1" 11'1>\;~"fJ~Y, LAIJ0ll 0.: l!\;}J.-\.N J:!CL,\'1101'~ D•·nnlHon• and •t•nd•,d•

2. By ole\'~tor '" such <>Lhcr olf.ingeHl""''- "'!>lo)" be'''"-'""""'' "l'Pl'Vl'l'"'" undo1· the '"'"U'"'"""'''" :end wh•ci\ '"'"'' "''h !he"''" ('t'v,·al uf the de1>"l'tn1.·nl oi HldU,Lf)-, l~t..,,· ""'I hunian iclu"<>l\3 ul' "' J,cu there<>f "''h tlie •Pl''"'"l ,.r (be 11iunioipal1\y \\'hci·cin the Ot.11\lin~ i; located.

8. JJOo<> ha\"lll"' " clcuf UJ><·•"n~ ol at l<•a.,\ 40 in1·hc• in 11·idlh and _,hull otheiwis• conlo•·•u to tile Jeµa1·tn1e11\ of industJ:y, labor a"<! ILan,.in i·ela:ian• building cod.•.

l< I Ji "")" g10UL><i "" <\1,,' [, '1·1 , nl ·""'' 01 • .\·l ,,. '1v1 ''' d,,,~nc.J ,.,. <<>n•ti·uoted a ,,~'ll •llall ~" placed at such entrance or exit 1nJi­.at1ng th• hH·a!'"" of tho ~ntl'ance 01· exit available loo' •;heel ohail' ,._, ·. "''

tdJ \\hel'(- l'O'I""""''"'' o; "''"·"''· J,,d ,,_,_-, (;) (a) apJJi)-, the,-, '"'i be'''"'""""''"'''""• ui "''"""" !1ot>\" pu.h>n~ lot, if anr, anc01-

.a1)- to '''<h OuilJ;.,~-- an.i 1·ca,00lal<;o nioa11.< "j llll:l•'SS and"~""''" "' lea•l ur.e ttoo1· ou ~·hoch the prllnaL)' bu•in<>3-' of ouch butlduoi:" h"·alcd

10) Th<l r~ll>P 'hail be al l<a•\ -l le"\ 1'1 ""lth uf ''liich nut lllll'''-' than 4 ;nohes on eaeh •ide 1<oa~ be oocu~1eJ b)' a hanJi·ail.

ti) All ran'L'" shall ha\'e a har.dto,l un <ach side. J, Hand•a•I ohall be not ],,, \han 2 foot 6 1nrhes in h•iih~ "'1\h

"" inter.,,odiate rail at mid he•g:ht-IJ<J '!'he ftoo1· on tho in,nlc ~nd ""'"-"" .,/ cu<h '""'I' doOL\\'fi)' shall

l.e le\'ol 101· a tl•<ID.nce of 6 fec•t fl'•'ll\ ti"· doot. (hi 1':\'ory ramp shall h""' "t I""'\~ l''<'t of le\'ol ol••"1·ance a\ the

\>ottan•. I<) All >a>aps sJiall h.11·0 il l<'\c•I i';.1LJutH• al '10 lcct u\tcO''"I' """

,hall ha1-o a le\'el platloi>" at l1·'1>t 6 ;,.,.,Jn lcn~th \Yl"1t·1·e, tll'')

""·n. (j) The J'"l""'""<ut, of '"''""" In'' "'·'" (•) (a) tiu1Jugh (1J

-ilaJl apply "1 bu,Jdtn1<• p>eseiltl)· eAen1pt or "-'''""" _,houhl thetc '"'" cJ1a"~' Ln otCUJ!"n<)' of ''"'h huild1JLg to thot of o l'toee of en,. pl<l)'>nent or 11ublic bu1l<i,n1< nut olhe'"'"" "'"'"l'l aftei· Jell" J, 1~;<1,

.Yvlc- "'' ••ot5on lnO ·''' '"' ""''""' ""'""""'"'"''· '"''"''' ,_,_,,, ""' "••'""''· "''''""''· ''"" -~· ''· .~. 1-1-'-1: ""'­,,, ""'' "' l1J. He'""'''·~"'°'""'''· ''''· ·'"· "'· ,n. ,,_,_,-; L &R<l

''''· 1''"""''• u''"'""· '"'''· "' ''' ,ff, 11 i-01, ""'· ''l '"· '''"'''"'· "-'> ''"'· ,., l{" "" ,_,_,, .. , .• "' ,;,, .,,.,,,,,,, ,,,,,.,.,,.,. .. , ,,,_, ',., l'l', •~- J .. ( ;1, ;. """ "''- \J,, ''''-'''''''· L•'eb•'""''' JO;l. -.:,,_ Jo;, ""· 3-J-<l.

J,.tl ~.1.16 51"''~•)> .111d '''"'''''l ,,1,,t10Lon,. \IJ l'l;r1~1·1ro~. ll •• " .1ai•·"·ay '' n>ea"' one oi· n10.-. fi1ght• of step• an<i tho nece•sarr pl••Jonn• conn<>:ting the1n to fonn " <"<>ntinuous P•"-'O~e fi~m on•• 1,.,.,., "' al'othc1· wiU"" " hudd"'" '" 'l'-"'''"'''" <'X«pt u; l>'"'·"l'•d in .ub<ect1"" (S) (b).

(tJ WJDTK, Evuy required exit •t&irwoy, whether enclo""<! or not, sholl be no\ le•• than 3 foet S inohe• wide ol which not more than 4 ""I.es un eoch side lll"Y he "''"l'i<d bi• a hand>'aJl. Every platfoi·n1 •l1all be al least a• wide as tloe staL<way, measurinK at <i~ht angle• to the diT«tion ot travel. Ev•ry olraig:h~ run platform olutll n>easure al l•••t 3 f""t In the dite<tion of travel. Wherever a door open• onto a sta,r11·ar, a platlorm ,hail bo provided extending at l"a•t the full width ot the door in I.he direction of travel. E~uption:

ne.;,1oc, "''"""''"'''''·No ''' ""''"'"" """ ~·"""~· '"""'"""~ ond •L• <ondltlnnl"O 1·ode

Page 29: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• Wl~l:<JNS!N ADMINISTRA'l'IVE CODE Den""'""'""" ''""""'d'

(a) In apartmont buildings no~ mor• thon 2 atories in height and hav:ini; nol more than 2 apartments on a ~oor and in roomin1r house•, ho.,pit.als, hotels an<l si>niJar buildings not more lh~n 2 ;tori es in hoight and hnving not onore than 6 Jh·in~ or sleeping rooms on a noot, suoil st.airway• shall no\ ti. loss than 3 feet "'ide.

(b) lf other stairways ai·e provided in addition lo thoso required by this code, ouch additional 'tai•"'"l'' ""'d 1>ol conforn1 to th" "'idth roqwroments of this OC>de.

(al Jl,\~011••i.s. All stnil'"'O)'> aoid sl''!" of"'""' tha" 3 rioors shnll n~vo at l<asl OU< hondra1l, Sta,rv.&)'S and steps b feet or more in width, oc open on both sides, ohall have a handrail on each Bi•le. St.air­wors onJ ,leps 11·hioh ""'less tb"n f. foot in ..,.;,!th .<hall ho1·e .1 hon,1· r•:I 1,r, iiond ,;.], " or._· "'''''"I' the''""' an•: on l"' oper. ,;1,, ;; "'·.'·

(a) St"''"'")"S ..,·hich "'' "'"''' !loon 8 feet "'ido shall bo di,·idoC b)· oenter rails into width' not more than ~ fe•t nor l• .. thon 3 foe! 8 inoh<•. Rail' •hall be nol less thon ~ feet 6 inche' aho,·e \ho no•e of tile tceaJ> or 3 f,•et 6 inches ~bo'e lhe ~latfor'n except os specif••<I in Wio. Adm. Code aec\ion Ind 51.20. Railing• on tile opon •ide• of S(airwoys ond platfo1·ms •hoil IJe pro\·ided with an ;ntermodiote me>n· ber at midhe,ghL or with verto<al membe"' having u mnxirnum spacing of ll inche•, or it• fqui,·•lent in •ufely.

(b) Stulrw•y• on the out<icle of buildings and an int•gral part tllereof, having more thnn 3 risers, >hall have a han<lrnil nt each gjde, and if the •laiFv;ay ;, more than 50 f,,,, wide, one or mot·• inl<rn•edi­ate handrails •hall be provide<l.

(c) Where an exit door l•a<l• to on outside staicwo)', platform or ,,dowal\,, the lc\'•I of t~e plotforn\ or ''"'"alk •hall not he more than 7;,o inches below th• Joor sill except as provided in section Ind 51.20 (4) (g).

(4) R'SEl<S ANO 'J'RF.•OS. All ''"'''"~I'S and '''I'' l'•gu.,,d •.• exJt• io)" thio code ahall ha\"O n unifou~ ri'e of not mo1e than 7'\i. u1ohes und n unlfor<n trond of nol l••< tho., 9\i inohcs, oncasuring from tceod t.o [,ea<I, and from ri•er to riser. Ko winder• shall he u•<d Th•r• 'hall no' IJc more thon JS. "o' l<•.1.> tbon 3 rl'"'"' h"t"·een ph1tform< or bet~·een lloor and platform and not n1ore than 22 riser• fro•n 8oor to ttoo• with no pln<Iorm.

(a) Sta;,~·•r-> an<I '''I'' '"'t '"I':""' "" o.<•!.< hr thi' <n<I• sha'I have n uniform rise of not n1ore than 8 inches and R uniform tc•~d of not I••• tll•n 9 inohes. If winders are used, tile treod shall be •'· lea'\ 7 inches wide at a point one foot from th• narro"" en<l

(h) 'l'h• ed"°"s of all t>e~d, a"d the edges of nil >tah-..·ay landing' shall be ttolshed with a non-slippery surfaoo not I~•• thnn S inohe• In width

(0) Bt~\"A~LU PI.-\TFO•'''· Elo,·a«d l'latfoLm5, "alk< "'"' "'"""": not otherwise rn•ntioned. v.·h;eO "'"' at> •nlegral part nf a builrl'"~ 01· otrnoture, shall haw raibn~.< "' ''''"""I hy (hi.< ,.,.,.i..,n.

"''"'''· F•bcu"''' I•;J, x .. <, Bolldln~ anO "••ting, ''"'"""'"' &nd al• oOll~ltloolns ""''

• •

• •

Page 30: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

DEP!'. OF INDUSTRY, LABOR & HUMAN REL.ATlONS 29 IloOoit••n• on• o ... n•ord•

(a) For stairway• to elevated pla\fo1·•ns, wal\;s ond run"'")"' "' l'I""'' of oniploymcnt ••• \Vi•. Adm. Cod•, chapt<1· I, Safot)'•

11101•••• ,_,__.,.om. 11)' (21 (•)' t>) 'b)' Roglo<••. '""•·''''·No.• »ff. ,_,_,,, '· .,,:i ''''· "'g'''''· '''''•'"""'· '"'"'· ~" "'- •'"- ,.,_,_,,,, ' tJ) "''· '""""'· t<·l t<> o,· d>/, """ <r, '''· "''"'"''''• F<'I"""'·"· 1>71. ~"- '''· •ff. ,_,_,,_

Ind 51.17 Smukoproof ol.alr tower. (1) A •mollop1·oof sl.air tn\\'cl" ,hoil bP ao Ct><losed sta;•·wny v;hich ;, •nlll"<l)· cut oJf f,"tttn ti.< buil•I ,,_g and which LS <Oucllecl i,y "''""" '' opcJL !ml<'<''"'' ul' platfc,t·n1,, Th< •t.anwa~•. london~. platform• •n<i ~alconies shall be of n<>1>· «n>bustlble material throughout. Th< enclosing wall• •hall bo of nol 1,,, \nu" 4 hour fio·e-1"<•>stne ''""'t1·u0Holl, and tho flou .. , and c•ilingo of than ~-ho<" 1i1<·l"<Si.''"'' con•tru,tion "' "l"''111•d "' -«t..n 1,,, 01."'

(.'J ln1· '""" - •. 1.l.'l,; f_ '"- "-' l•u.:. '"'' 1 .. , •• -,,ni<•' aio.J f,,,,. tho lmlconL<' to I.ho """'""' L)S >h.>11 be lnc-O"csi,li>•• <I'""-» an1i all <>poning< "·ithin JU fee' <>fan)· b<Lk<lny ,hall b<o po·otcctc•l \\'Llh fi>"c· '''""'"'' "·1ndu""' OL' fi1, -JL'-""t"c 1ivoL; .,,; "l"'cdiod >n ,cctiu:o 11\d ;;1,0;1.

(3) Eocli balcony oh.all ho open on at l•••t one Bide, wJU\ • railing not lee• lhan 3·~· h>gh on all open •id••.

'"''""'" !-'"''' on1, R<s>•L«, '"-'."""'''· 100,, Xo SJ.·~ 1-l-''· '"' •Ll '"" L;J, """'''"-· J•'•'"""'J', l>,l ·'" ,,;,,ff ;-1-:1

h•d OJ,)~ !n!e<Lor enclo"'~ ''"""•). <l) .\n inteJ""' <nc<u.~·J ,,~;n·oy shall be "'""Ph'"'i)' enclosed "•th "-all> uf '"'t I<·-> :ii<IH ~-hour fi,.,_,.,,;_,i;co ''""''''"'i"n "' 01><·•·11ioJ ;., "'''lion lnJ ,)) Ill, oxc•J" that in or1ILnaL')' 01· frain< i>uil111>tgs ai\<l JH ni.ll 01· fioo­"'""""'- buil1i1n~c n1>< '"""' tiian 3 <1"1'''' in hc•1Kht 1-hoUL' tic-10.<ioll'" {•Jlcl-0 "'''' '"•'l 1,0 used. -~·L du"'-' <>~•'L>ill~ Into '"'I-, ,.,,_ <lo•Ur<• ohall l>e as ·~eoified Jn 00<\>0ll l»U ~l.047.

(2) Tho eaclooure 1hall !n<lud• at el>Ch ftoor le•el a portion o! oucli aoor whicl• will be a< loast .., wide "" \he ouurwoy; and •uoh ••· o!o.oure oh•ll ala• inolude the pa<••~•way of the ftrst ftoor le<el (i! any) l•adill£' trnm tho •taltway to an out•id• door, •• as to afford unintorrupt•d passago fron1 ihe UP])•l'Juost ftoor to suoh ou\•icie door ,,,;thout loa,·ing the en<losure_

I~) I[ ,,-ind""" aL·c pl.,,·.,]"''"'·' _ _,,.1, ,.,, •. 1 .. ,\ILI' "'')' ,,~;1 1,,. ,;,,d fire-L-<·s;•tive ""'"""" "' -'l"''"i<d "' s<•rli1>L\ ln•I :,1.u1: .. ,,.,•ill "' <'111-•Hlc "'ail<-

illd Sl.19 Horlzonta! e..il, (1) A horl,onto\ e:<ll oholl oouslst o• Otoe "' more oponinw.; lhrough or "'"""'I "" "'"'<ior 11·all or "'"Jpancy ><•paro\io!L, or of one 01· moro brhlgeo "' balconies ronnootin;; ~ Luild. in&I or ports c! building• •ntir•l)' oep;omtod by O<<UP•nc)' sep•rn· tion• "' .i,,,orihed in •oetion Ind 01.08

\C) \ll'Ol\Lll~> US<'d 111 ('Vnn0'110'- "-<11 iv»IZ'""'" ,_. L' .,,,.] pt·otecl<J by fir<·l'(!SL$1n• tiO<.»> oe; •pe<'lliOO in seot1on Ind i;[.1)!; lf swinginit door• ai·o installed in pai1·•, th•y ohall be ai·i·ange<l t~ '"'ioc '" oppo•>te direction'; with dire•linn .,{ l>"•t1•ei i11dic•t•d hy >i~<. O.\c·<•pt \Oat "-h•l'' the '""'I '" lll OILO ,[11-,,,-("'" nnl\', both d<1u1, _,hall •11-ing '" thot <liioc·"""· 8uch <loo1·s shall bo kept ront111uou<lr

Roo;•\<C, Fob,un;,-, 1071, "o 18° n.,ud1ng ond h••<Jnc. •eotLl•lJn~ .,. '" '""""'""''·~ '''•

Page 31: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

\VISC()N311' AD.\11/;•STJ(,\'rJl"B CUIJI::

"'"""'"'" "'"' "''"''""'' '"""'''·l , .. 1,,,,",, .. ,1,, "·'''"''·-' ,,. ·''''"l''' J "'"I i,,. """n.dl! c.u- · '" [,c ·1·lf·,lu,ll1~ O>nl '''l<'·i•l"''I "'Ll1 lu•<I,:, I"'''·

\3) Floor; 1n ho"zontul ••XltS -'1>"11 h=>,-e" ;lop""[ n"\ '""'" l•l''ll

On" !0'"'' Ill c

iLJ _\Ji Joor, "·''I "'"'I"''· '''""" '",,.,.,of,,,_,. l,,,i,."") ''' h1_c1,.,. sholi l,e firl-l'e"Sli''•' Joot'' Ol' fae-1·e,ist11·e \Vindo'"' os •PO<ifiod "' "''''""Ind .-11'1-!;, ,,-","I'' tl1 .. l i!: -1.-•1 ''""''' "' wi111l""' ,,..,,in LI,,­'""'" l•i"ne, l!u< '"'I"·"""'"' -ho'.l .>PJ'i) ,,,, ... 1<1 tlH><c \\'.Lil,11 • f1·1·\ of ,;,, b~l<OJ>~ U> lHJJ;;,•.

(5) Th• fioor on each •idc· of a horizontal exit "''d all pa•sagewoys ]''"''-"~ tJ-.e'''" ;1,ctll ~o ],,·~>l ,.:,·or c.nd ut>ob-tnl<t<·,\ "" ,,: '"" ''

"'"'o''' o-·:-O,- '"" ''' "'"' ''' Ho,'"'''·'''"'"'"), Ll;l, ~"'- [o_ '" ,_,_,, !otl ;1.2~ i--;,, "'''"'"· (lJ Lo,·1T"\N,

Y; le.,,,\, .. ~,, Lo ieai .1,,,,,1~ too"''

""''''' '''-"'. '' "' )lvcl'y fi1·0 ""'"I'" .<lioll b,.

olloy, o• open cooct oon.

'"i L,-,., "'" '"'": -1.· "·'" -'""'"-'' "l.,l.1· .. , w,dl '' l'O'sible. 1r suoh a I'"""''" 1' 110L ''"•''""'then"'"''' \\',tli Ol'""'"lf ,,-hich ;, le•s \hare li f.,., di>t"n\ hol'izo"tJlly !LOO\ "")' ti·oad ul '''"''"''"' ,,f '" ,,,,. , .. , _ ,1; 1,. I"'''''''" h)-" 1,,,_,,.,1.«h.- 11•• or hr" lho-1-.,•l•t••• WiJlliOI' "' .pec•ried Lil <•etoul\ llld :,Lu4;.

{!) f.~ll'S 10 rrnr ,-,.·11•: '· )l,.,._,. ~l'< '"'ape <ho'l he "'''-''ible fou)n a public pao.,uge1'a) '"' ,,1,"ll oo ducc<ly "''""'"iblc from•""'' ocoupLed room. K~its I<> 1:te o'C"f"'" •holl be sUlndard exil doo1·s os '''" .fiell 1n soct,on 11111 :,1_J,,. ,._,,·.·1•t ''"" ,10.,._. ,o ".~"' n,. "'''"!>'­'"")- bo no< I••• chuL< ~ <'••'" .o><h"' "''le.

(3) DESIGN ANP F~BJlJCATION. Each pait of ov•'Y fire oseape [ex. ,-op: ooUnterweigh<• for holat"''d ,1a1n1·.1ys) >ball he .),,,;~,,ed an1I

'""'""'"'" '" '"'TY ~ l"c' 10,,i of lu<i l"'""Jo I"'' "I""'" loot of l1""'~r.toi "'"" o,.,, the"·"''' fil<' ""'"~" c:ac·h l''"' ,,1 ,.,.,,,.)- fl1-, ''"'";"' •locll '"' JeslB'1e.i oL.J cOll•ll"'''"l ilL "''"'d!lll<<' "-"I. \ne ''"lui1·e1nen<s of section Ind 53.IG, '~"'Dt tli"~ tno unit s\r""''' the1"€i,, 'I''-''''"' d ,1,,,11 be t·e~ueed by one lout t.b, Tho 1ninin1um "'"lions au,[ ,_, ,,,,,.,,; .. d below shall bo i'"'""sed "·hcne\'e1· uooossarr so \i1u; nicdol' fLlll ],.ad the allnw"hle ut.LI slre•ses "'ill not ho exeeed<d.

'a) '><> 11;hor mat"''"' ;b"t> \\'Oough\ irvt>. soft ,,!eel or me<liulu 'toel ,,)i.,il he used for any ~art of a fire e«apo, e<<OPI for "''i~ht•, sepa. 1ulu1·s "nd ornament,, No""' tn"tcrial le;s than~ inch thick 'h"ll Lo U>eC in the <onstructJon of "">' fir, •scupc, oxeopt lo' ''P"'"'"'" "''"""'"'nts, s\<-uctural •hnpes o"''' 3 inehes and •1girlly built up lt~ado ond platforms of approved design. Ir. the tobrication <>f n fir• '"'"'"• al: <Ollnootior,, or joint• oha~l be moJe by ri\·etJng, boltin~ "' \\'oldC~g '" an a1,p>-u1·ed monner. All Lolts or rivet>, cxeopt for ornnni•r"al woct, aha.I! l>e not le•• thon % incl! Jn diam•tec.

(4) Pv.TroRMs. Each pla\!onn on an "A"' II.re escape •hall boat least 2S inches w14o; enoh platfomi on a "B" fire escape shaU b• nt l•a•t 3 feet 4 in<h"-' wide. Such widll>• ahall b• ll>e cl•ar dlstan0< bot"·oen st"n~ecs, tn••'"'"'" at tl-.e ""rro1ve't puint. E"oh plat'•''"' ,hall •Xtend at Jeaot ~ inohes beyon<i lh• jaoib> of ox;t opening. The above minimum widUia ond l•nglh• oha!l be increased, wh•r•v•r neo. •"'SJ"1, so that no exlt door or window will, when open, block any part

re.,,,,,,, F•''""'"'" ''''· l<o 18' l!u.L<lng """ "'""'""' "'"'""""" &nd ~•r <ood,.Lon•o~ '°"'


• •

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Page 32: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• (

• (



UEl'T. OF J:\IJ\;:iTI:\. f _\J;,i;~ <~ 1:1 _',!,\:\ 1:1:1..\' H•'' '""'""'""' """ ''""''''"'• of the required width of tho fire esc•P•- Evory 1>latrorrn oh•ll <onOJs\ of e.thel',

(a) Flat bars on edge, no( Jes• lbnn 1 x '-' inch, but not less \h,,n 11, , ~l Hi<h \\'hero bollo and >O]JOC~tors are used e~c•pt tl>o\ i•la:· fo""' and tronoJs conslructod of Ila! ""'' on e<l~• onay bo made of ,,,_ll<·rinl ,'a Jnch 1'l th;ckness pe<n·)dod lhe material io galvanized after latirication. Bnro Bhall not b., opnced moro than I'A. inches, eenter to

''"'''· {bi ;, il"h o; % •nch square boro Wl\h >harp edge up, uot >note thon l 'A. inches, center to center.

(c) % inch round Oars, not more \hon JI> inche-" center to oenter. id) Platform nnd treads mar Oe •olid if '"'''red by a ronl, I<) plat!orrr fr;r-., •h•H """"•'of no\ los• than 2 x '' inoh

ft al b. , 'l eJr• oc '""'''ale"'• prov1dod the brackets are no: n101"€ than ·1 foot apart. If bracket>"'" mor• \han l [,,,,\ "i'·'"· li>o f'~"'' ,hall bo oorre.spondi.llgly ot<ODl[Cr and allil'et. Every platform wider thon a~ inoh••, if mll<le or square or round bars, shall ha1·e a third rra>ne 1>·1r thruuHii tho <c'nter; if niado of flat bars, tho platfo1·m shall ha\'e separators and bolts through the oenlor, Frame b" .. sh•ll not poojo<t more th•n II. inch above platform bar>, e•oept arounJ the out­_,,.,0 of plui!onn.

(!J There shall be • platform a\ eaoh ''"'Y above the first, ond ;"tormetl1ato plotfarm• if floor• are ntoro than 18 foet apart verticoll)'.

lg) r1otforms shall not be moro than 8 inches below tho door till

(5) BR,\C.KCT$, Bracket, far n 2S inch or SO in<h platfonn, when <f'O<<d no\ mar• than 4 feet apart, <hall b• mode of not le•o than !1 inoh oquon bara or 1,,. x l'A. x '4: inch angle•; suoh bar• or angle• ;hall be larger ii th• platform i• 'i';ider or if the braokets aro fnrther op:ict. Eaoh braokot shall bo fasten•d at the !op ta the watl by a thrau~h bolt (at least 1" in<h diMllol.e<), nut, .,,d wa•hor (at l•ast 4 inoh diameter). Tho •lo?e of lhe lower braoket bar shall be not le•• th"" 30 deir<""' with th, hori"°ntal. The la"•• bai· shall have a "'a•h•r or shoulder to give ""ffieie"t bearing against tile ~·all,

(•)The •trength ot th• wall ta whioh braokots are ta be nttaohed •holl be car•tully considered in determining the spaci .. g, <hape and '"'i<!e «><>noction of brackot,, so that ~nJor full IMd the wall ,v;11 '-"' be unduly struinod, \\'here ii LS noco•,ary ''' install bl'ackct.< adjaocnt tc wall openings they shall be localed at a •uitable distanoe therefrom, '"the wall aha\! be pr<Jpedy <o<nfarce<I.

(6) STAl"WAYS, (a) Bach .<\airway of an "A" fire e•core •holl b• at Joas\ 24 inchco wide bct"·ecn stringers; $Uch stairway ,hall hnv~ a uniform rise of not more than 8 inches and a uniform run of not 1,,, (han 8 Inches.

(b) Eacli s<airway of • "B" fi,.. escape shall be <>t least S feet 4 inche• w1do between •tringers; snob •lairw•y •hall ha,·e a uniform rls• of not more than S lnolieo, and a uniform run of not le•• than

l. Tho rioo is tho vertical distnnoe fro1n \ho extre•ne ell~o al ony st•p In the oor,..•ponding extreme edge of \ho noxt •top. The run I• the horl<0ntal di•tan<e O.t....,en the some points.

(r) StO>l'\\''l' stringo's '!'"II c1>n<><l of either: 1. A 5 inch channel or lorgor •

"""'"''· J'ehro•ry, 1071, No. 11i B"Lldln~ ond hooun~. vonlllotl•~

""d <>Ir oond,!LonlnK oodo

Page 33: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

\\'J8C0Nhl" ADMJ1'l~J'Jl,1"J'l~·)'; CUllE J>•OnJUon• •od ''""'"''J'

2. T1>0 anglo> 2 x 2 x '~ inch or :arger. 3. Two rla• bar• Z x 'ii. •noh or lo:rger. 4. On• flat bar 6 x '.l. inoh or Ja:rg•r. 5. If 2 oc.glo• "' 2 fiat hors are usod, thoy shall be properly tied

tog•th•r by latt<ce bar,, vcrt1col a• .,·ell..,, horiwntal. lf ~•l bars ar• u&ed, every stairway ol iuore than IO ri••1'• shall llave la••ral bracing . The oonn<ot1on of s•nnger• to platloi:m, at top nnd bottom, shall boat Joas< ,.qual in st1·ong\h to the •trll<ger• ancl shall •afoly ca,-i·y the full hYo and d•a<l loads. lf ;tr1ngers a!'e curr1e<l by •nloi-mediuto bro,·ket., the otringers ohall have a horizontal bearing on tho braolret• and shall be Prope,ly and secucolr oonne<<od thereto.

0. Tre•d• st.al~ consist of ,,,i,,, ft•t Gt squ.ue bars, (noL rouniJ. of the oi:r.. and •P""lng •peeifle.; for plotforrns. An ""A" tread shall <on­•lst ol ot loost 6 squaro boro, or 7 fiat hars. A "B" tread 'holl con' -, of at lea•t ~ square ""''• or 8 flat bars, A "'Fl'' tread m'«le ol f:, J ,o s]-.o!] have •<!>Orators and bok through tho <<nter. A' B" <roa,: L",O••' cl squore bof> .<hall L<• trl>'''d

T'''"'I' a'ld ]'i"if,,,,,.,_. '"·'t "'' soi"l ;r ,,,, .• ,.,,,\ b)' a r.·,.L.

(7) BAl.A"CED STAIR\\".•Y. All "B'' fi,., escape•, an1I all fii·e '''"!"'' L•n school>, theatei.', as,oc·n.l.:) l1alls, hoop1tal;, nu1·,;ng homes, 1"€sidoi,. ""I'""''' Ln><><ul'""~ gi·uu~ !o,t•.· ho>ne~ a>Ld lh>lll•'• '·'• tile <•iJcl'i) either shall <.a<h to t/lo gi·ounJ 01· ohall hav• a bolanr"tl •tal!'"'a)" ·each1n;; to the" '"'"L '"A" ft, .. ,,·,1rei "'hL<h :no ,,ot on ''h""I',

th<•ters, "'''Hlbl)' hl<ll<, h"sp1talo, nu''"'lt hon"'·'· io•idenllOl 'are ;nsu·ru~·oo>, group foster hon"'' ond homes fo1· tho <iclet'I)' "'"~ ,,,.,,,, . note u1 a pl•<fo1m at lea.'t 3 loot long, loc> "'d not n10<·• than l" ic<t aLovo th• growid and <1000 nol ,.,, . ., "'"'' than 8 pe1·•on,.

(S) RA1L1><c•. A railin1t ot leaet 42 inohos in h•igl>t and havi"g 2 intormediote ra11s, uniformly •pae•d, me .. uring v•rtically from the ftoor of th• platform, ohall be pro•Lded on all open oideo of plotfo""", RaHin~• a< lea,\ 36 inches in hoi~ht, me.•,udn~ vertically from the no•e of the \re.ads, shall "" provided on the open side• o! oil •toirways and on both oideo ol balanood •toirways. Either L raHing or a hand­rail fastened to tn• wall shall b, provid•d on e•cli ,;de of •ll '"B" fire '''~P' stai,.,.·a;s.

(a) Every railing shall have posts, not more than 5 feet apart mad, ol not !es• than l'h x 1'"' x '"- inoh angl•• or tee.', or J\!. tn,:, pipe; top rail not less than lit x 1'>1. x % in<h angle"' N]Uivalont; oenl•r rail not l••• than 1\!. x h flat bar or oquivalont. All connoc· tions 'h•ll be ouch as to rnal,e tho r•it,,.~ still; 2 bolts ('i inoli or lar~or) shall be uoed at the foot ol 0ach post wherover po•o<blc, or at lonsl ono Oi Jnoh bolt oh•ll be used. R:tHing sholl be continuous. No proJ•cllons on the inside of tho ralHng shall bo permitt«l. \\'here a railing re\"rru to the \Vall, it •hall be !a•t•ned th•reto with o thr<>agh bolt (at l•a•t % inch d!amele1'), nu~ •nd washer; or (in roin!orcod concrete) with an approved ins•r~: or the ta>ling •holl be mad• equ•lly securo with a diagonal brace extending •< lca>t 3 feel bori .. nlally and 8 feet vertically.

(b) AU oo\$i<lo railinp which are more than 60 fttt above grade shall be at le~st 6 leet o.~h. moaoucitig ,.,,.t'"'ny f!'on1 n0 ,,, of rla•· lorm or froru no'• ol s~p. Such railings •hall bo ol sp«ial de"~" approved by the department of Industry, labor and human relaHon',

R••'''''· F<O;uaey.1011 No lhO Bc1l<bo< •nd heating, V•otllot.o; anO •Lr oond>ttoolog coo,

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Page 34: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• c

• (

DLl'·1. ut' l:\D\'S'fj('l', LAHUE lie l!L:~l.~X gi.:LATl<>:.:s 22.\ D<no•<'on• •nO •!a,,da,do

ha•;ng not !._,, than 4 longtludinul rail>, ond Yertical la!t\ee b•1·s no•, more than 8 inohe• ap•rl, and 1>ropor stiffening b1-a<es ul' b!'ackets.

{9) ~ TO aooF. Every !ire eso~pe whi<h extends h>ghor ch"n the """""d floor oliall be provided with • ladder l.adin; from the uppor plotfonn to tile roof, unless the fil'e '"°"P' •t•i>'\\'ay lead• to the roof. The ladder ahall h:ive stringer• no\ I<<• than l \4 inch pipe, ar not 1 .. , 1J1an 2 x % ineh flat ha:r1, •I le&St 17 inches apart In th• oieor, Tho ru"~' •h•ll be not les< than \io ineh ''JUa<• or % 1neh round bar>, 14 '"'hes oenter to een!ec. The >l1·in~'''' sl>all be securely tied topt.her at in<ervals no i:c<•t•r Iha" overy fifth rung. '!'ho otringors of eaeh ladd"r •hall oxt<nd not lesa th~n 4 feet above th• roof cop1ni; and return to witnin 2 feet of the rool, "·1th tho top rung of the ladder level .,.,th th• <npin~

\l0) 0TJH:R T>;Lx ''' '"JLF, ,-;,_"'•-<. '"""'R Of''""" fi". ,,,.,q.c·_, '""Y !>< u;ed, upon the aJ'l''"""l of th<> .i<'pa1tmc•nt of n\clusLJ·)', l:.h"'' aod htinlOll relatoon-<, ;,. Ilia<'• of",\ .. <ll' "ll" fi>'i' <S<apos. Eve/)' ,<liJOn~ f.,, es<ape ,1,"ll h.· pl\>11d1•0 I 11 •. L u lnd,loi· con,(1·11,tod a.- Jn •ubs•,l•on Ind 51.20 (9), cxtendH>g f1-on1 5 feet above gi·ade, to 4 fee\ ahovo the roof oopLn~. "'"'"''' ,_,_,,, ""' '""'<!' ''·-~'""""" ,,,,,_ -'" ,, '" 1-l-bJ, "'"

,,) , 0 1. '""'"'''· ;'"'"''' "'''· ~"- '''· c·rr. 7-J-11, ""' 111, lteg""' ,-,.bcu•r>, 1111, No. !B2, ell a-1-01

Ind 51.21 StondpJpos. (1) Cusses OF BtRVIC"- St:indp1pe •i-•t•n1, ar• de•igned for 2 cluse• of service: (a) lor Ulle by fire department> or other• \rained in handling hea•y •Ir...,,,. lrom ZI> inch ho•e, and 1bJ for use by oceupa1>!• nr a bu,Jd1ng on Incipient nres, Tho_,, ore referred to in U!eae aoetion.< "' firo department•, and first aid stand· r'P''' 1·e•l'"'"'"<i;·. The features of each system n1a)' be combined in a single equipment, if •en'ed by an aut<>matic wal<r supply con· forming to suboeotion (2) (K) or lh), All thr•ods on hose and ho;o '"'·"'"''ions ohall be intcrchal\g-cablc with those of thc public fi1e <k·p"Ttment.

(2) FJRO 0£PARTMENT STA><UP!PO• (a) Slanjp!P"• ,1,.u o, prol'ideO Jor all b"1hlu>"' exoced1n~ Ulo ;,•el in h«ight. Requil"<d standpipes sha:l he in<tut:cd as conotruetiOtl pi-"~'""'""· lo t"al-e them "'""iloble to the f,,, department in the topnio't rlwr 'a=>st,u<led_

(b) Standpipos ohnll be sutlioicnt in nurnh<r "" that nny pn!'t of every ftoor area oan bo reuohed within 30 feet by a no<olo o\taoh<d to 100 fe•t of hose connoctod tn the •tandpipe. \\'hen 2 or mor• •'-"nd· P'P"' ore reqUiN!d, they shall be <ro•s ronnectod nt the bottc.m, and oquipped wlth individu&l wntrolling valves local<d not higher than the r,,, t •lol'r.

(c) Standpip .. Bhall ho protcc"'d against meoh•nionl and fire dam· •g•, with outlets in •tain.ay onolom...,; whi!re •tairw•yo at• not endosed, outlet. shall b. al Inside or outside of outside walls, within one /uot of an,, to"·or, "'!"''"'' '''l"""Y 01· fi,.. escape, Dry •taod­p>p•s sh~ll be aoeessible for >nspc,llon and uot concealed.

(d) No required 1W:idplpo ohall be 1 ... than 4 lncheo ln diameter, and no\ I••• U!Ln 6 inches in diameter for buildings e~oeeding 75 f••t ;n height- Ma\er;aJ •liall be steel or wrouglit iron pipe with appr<>ved ti\ton~•, dmi;ned !or a working pre••Ure o! 100 pound• in

""~"'''· F<b•U,,,-, ''''·No_ J'' B"""'"' aod h••llo~. ''""''""" M<l "" c<ood'11on•o~ , •.. ,,


Page 35: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter


"'·'· ,,_,.

-,,·o-- <>It' ''"'" .,,_,, .1_,,. ,,, ,.,,,_,;,,,,_ _\,. ""l"''''"'l ~,, ;,,,.!, hoe• \ill''"•·'"" be'"' ,,; ,.,,..!_ ,101)", "· '"'"' ;, f,.cl a·,,,,., \i.< floor level. An apl""''ed J>i-o'-""-' reduoit>~ de,•ioo sh"ll be in.,talled at ho.'e vai,·e• Where the P'''-"'uro would othor1vi.., be in •<co•• of 00 11ou~d; 'l>'hci·e a <ta· dpi)" '.i ll'>~ norn,ally undor [Jre.su1·e, ho,, ''alvea .hall be e4utppe1l ""'th a L~ht ~tHng oap on a cha>n fi".1 having lug> for a spanno, w<cnob.

(e) An apJ>'OV<d ''""'"'e con.,cction w;th a chock valve in eoch in:ei •ho:I be ,n,t,.il,: c'- " ' '"'h i''l'' ''"""'''"g ".do ,,,.n "tunl­pipe syot<m and shall be mark•d "Ta Standpipe". The elevation ol the oonnect1on •hall be not 0'''' S feet al>ovo \he sidewnlk or ground. An '' co,,,atic dr:l' Ya!' e 'h"ll h< instai!ed "'het·c noc·o·.·a·--; I<> pre­;-er._ i.-o.:i.n~ l" :,,· !. .-.;_ . .-:<o ''V<ra! >lar,clpipt.<, niore than one ''"'"'''e <01.ncot1on n1a)" be e<'q'J_r,··'

(I) }'Jr< depar<inent slandpi)"'-' ·.c,(l '·"! bo eq~ipr,od "'l'.h ottaoh•cl ho••·

(g) Automotio v-·ater ;upplies ~·1\] not ordinarily bo r<qui1od, e;<­

rept as p1·o•·•Jed in 'ubsec\ion (~) (hJ, Ol' where judsed """'''"''" by ttasoo of the bi~h rombustihillty or potential l>a•nrd of the "00\lpanc)' \\'he>i ,,~,,,,-,,1_ <he~ _,h.il] ho ,h·••Pn•·d (o p.-ovj,1.-- l>Ot I«•< th;'1 40 pound• ~o~·;n~ PLC·<"''"\ th» C<lp oullel, ""Hh ,-,,1u1nc fo, \1'-o fii·c stre•m•. An)' of the fol;O"''"" supplie, 11ill "-' 4<~optable:

1. Connection lo city ~·~tor work.< S)"'lon> \\'hen providing !'equ;i'JOd rnin11nu1n \'1>iun1c ond l>l'OSsure.

2. Grovity tank of not less th"n a,500 gallon• oapaoity, •levated 50 I••( above the top •tory.

3. Pro.,.ure ti.Ilk ot 5,250 K•llons grO<• oapao;ly (3,500 gallons """'., '·'l"·'Jt)') .

. \, ,\uto1n"tic ]•Unlp or p""'P', '""h oon10in<d cfiecli\'o 'opacity of ,·,oo ~a\loo< I''' minute_,

(h\ Ao au\omotio water oupply trom an approved fire pump oholl be otov;de<l ;n building• over 1;0 feet hi.,h, or in 1,uihlin1<' over JU,000 <quaro f•ot ;n """' per fioor and requiring o ston,lplpo, Th• oapacily of the pump 'hall be not less than 500 .,ollons por minut• for a 4 inoli •tandpipe, r.oo gallon' por minute for 2 int.roonnec!od .I Inch '" s;n~lo f, inc·h stnn<lr-ir'-'• and 1,000 gallon• r•1· onin•Jt• for I~,-~''' "i'•"'"'"

(S) FIRS'!' AID ST'~""'""-'- la) StandP•r•• •hall bo providod os re­'.-"'''! ir. '''"on, Jnd iLl-1. <i.<3.•, ar,d 5'.Zl.

(b) Standplp .. •hall bo ,.,1n"onl 1n number oo that 1>ny port of evory floor area can he roa,hed within 20 feet by a no .. le altacti.d to not mor• than 75 feet of hos• oonneolod to a •tandpipe.

""''' """'""'"' ""'"'' •hould '" locat•d in 0<<uol"' ,.,, .. ond U•U•1LY •< lnt•rlo, oolumn• In '"'"" "''" buUdiO••· A•ylw-o• ""d ,....,.; or d•t•n'1oo m..- ""'""' ,..,,._, ""'"""'m'"'"· lt oftoutO bo OO-bl• In al\.,..., to d""" "'' ot.-eam loto "11 Im"""·'"' '"""'""'" '"'" ,.. "'°"'to, etc.

(o1 ~"required 't.an<lpipe <h"ll be less than 2 inohes in dinm•ter. and not \•'• than 2% in•ha< in diam•ler for building• 5 stor••• or mott In hei~ht. lola..,rial •hall be wrought lron or oteel and piJ>< and fitting• .ohaU be of •uitab]e woi~ht for tho PUBl!Ure U•ed. An ap· proved l'h !nob hooe volve .•hall be loe•t•d ln each •to11•, not"'"'' than 5 fe<t above tl>c floor level; c,,]I·,, of the gate t1·pc shall b'

""•IM<r, """".,.,- llT1. No. ''' eundLn~ "'"' h•.tino, ''""'"""" '"'' '"' """'"'""'"g """'

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Page 36: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• 0


• (

UJ·:l•T Ul l.\!1l'~T1:,-, LAl«>J: & JIL'_\l.\:\ 1:1-.1.ATJ\l:\~ ~2 • DoOn•<;• "" ,,od """"""''

equipped with a suitable open drip conne<\oon. An approved pres•u .. -roduo'1ig device shall be Installed al ho .. val••• who,.., p"'ssute wo•Jld oth<rwise be 0''"' ~O pounds.

{d) Not mo,.. than 70 ffft ot ho•e shall be attach«! \<> eoch outlet. Ho .. shall lte o! unlined linen oon•tniction, 1% inohoo In diameter, with o % Incl> nozzle attach•d, and •llall be located in approved CAbinet• or raek>.

(•) Wal<r oupply ohall be automatic, and be de•ignod !or 70 gal­lons per niinute for ao minutes wilh 25 pounds flo"·ing pte<oure at \he top outlet. Suoh •Upply m.o1 ho from city ronnoction, env1ty tank, preuuro tuik or pump.

Nol•' p..,,."" tho d••t<D of •!a.odoloe "l'•tonu ca.n hO found In th• •tand· •"'-' o' the Na<lonal llo••d or Fir< \Jnoo""'"''' !<>!" \ho 1 .. 1 .. u~uon ol S<•odr· °" ~d ,. ... S>>I'"'~ TO• dooartm•ot ol indmtn< lal>or .,.. ~""'"" '''"""'' ""' oNln•"ll" •oo<o''' ony •nstallatlon wbLoh lo """"'''' by "" ''"'"'"''''''''-

Ind 51.22 Fire extin,,-ul,hora. (I) Wh•re fire extinguisher-. ar• r•­~u1rod, they •hall he of a !)'I" aprrovo<I by the department of 1n<lus· '')", i"bn1· and hu•nun rolar101". All fi10 .xtinrmishers shnll i,., <harg<'d ;., aoeordance with the instt·uctions of the manufactU>'•l-.

(2) E•tln!rllishers •hall be conspicuously louted whore they ,..;n alway• be readily aoc .. oible and so d;strlbu~ as to be immediately a•ailable in en?tl ot fire Th•y olla!I be hung on hangers or ••I on bracket• or •holvao so that the top of ~ oxtlngUlsher l• nat inare than Ii fe•t abov• the ftoor .

-'""'' "'""'"'"""'"'or'"""''''· '""o• anO hun•nn '"'""""' wll> "''''­"'"''" •PP''''' any o•Hn<u;,,ltor whl"h "'"'' 0)10 "'"'""'""''' l·d~I "'"' "''''''I• o! tlto "''- """ -'"""'"" ''" ""' "·"""' '"' "'""'''" '' '"''''"''"' ,.,,,,,ult th• "''""'"''"' '' '"'""'''· '"'"' and "'"""" '''""""' '"' "''' ,, ,,,,,,,.,,,, ''""'"'""'''

Ind 51.23 A•tomati< •Prinkl•ro. (I) Requir<'<l automatio •prir,kler .>r•t•m• ohall be deoign<d an4 cons\rnot..d in conformity with ~ne•I o-tabli•h><l pr:u-!10<. Only n1 •• tor'ol< and <lovir•< "i'r•·o,·<-1 11)" lho depa'""'"t of in<iu><ri·, labor ao<I hun\"" '"lol1on; n1ay be ""''I. Rein,tollation of uoed "l"'in!,]pr heo•ls ;, l'rohibiteJ, and othor ''conO­ho,.·I de,·ico' m•y he inot"ll<·d !1) spoo,ol permission onl)'.

(2) V.1tere an automatic sprinkler syotem ;, required throughout • building, oupply oholl be from a city wotor main, or from a grovity or pr<ssure tank. If tho cil)' wator •upply i• inadequato in ei\h•.r P'"""'re or TOlume, a tank of not 1 ... than 5,000 pllono eapaoity •hall l>o provided. The ho\t<om of a gravity tank shall be no\ lc•o than 8~ fe•t •ho•e th• undor •id• of tho roof.

(3) \\1tore automatic sprinkler• ""' required in a baaement QOly, Ute 1upply ohall be from a city ,..ator maln. Where there lo no <ity ~·•t•r .upply. ouoh ba .. mont oprinklero need not he !n•tallod; but at suoh tirn• as a oity aupply becomes available, suclo required basoment oprlnklors •holl he lnotallod.

(~) Ev•ry b .. oment sprlnkl•r OY8lern shall a\oo inolude sprinkloro in all <hafts (except olcvotor ohalts) ]eadin~ \o tlie otory above.

(Ii) Evory •prinkler •Y•l<rn shall havo o suila\le audible a\nrrn and an &PJlro"<d olamese connection morked "To Autnma~c Sprinkler•"· and othen-ioe <0nformin1'" to •eot;on Ind 51.21 (2) (e).

,-,,,.It""' M th• ool><\· or"""''"""''"' o< '""""'"'- '·'''"' ""'' ''"'"'" ''""'"' lo •oo•O•• •ouEom•nt oontormln< (o '"'"""'d' "' th• Natlonol

"'''"''· hb<uary, ''''· No ''' IHtil<lln~ nnd henhno. '"""'"""" anO "'' <ond5tlooEn< '"''

Page 37: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

-J~d 11·1sco;;s1;; <\[l.\ll\"1~11(_\Tl\"E CllDL

"'""'"""' ""'' """.·'"" ~"""' ,, "''' \;oden•·•lt<c• roe Sp"ok"' """""'""' at.o "'"'"""'" and do''"'' ""'''""' l'•<•d by th• UndecwfO<•••' '""bocalo•"' 'l'h• '"'"m"""" "'"''''' tho ,;~•t to"'"'' a'"''"'"'''''"" in ony """"'""· ''""'"'''' or h•l•h< o• numb•r ol o<••on•, If th• ""'""""'' •• ••o<o••Hy ru. .. .,Joo•.

Ind 51.2t Fir, al••"' •retom•. lnt•rior fire alarm •r•tonis required under V.'1s. Adm, Code seotions Ind 54.JG, !i0.19 on• 51.22 oh•:I be doo;gnod and corutract.d in conformity "ith the following require­ments:

(l) All suoh alarm systems •holl oon,is\ of or•rating •t.Uons on .. ob fioor of tho building, ineluding the basomont, with bell•, horn•, or oth•• approoed sound'"-C devic'> which are olfec\lvo thr<>1'ghout tJ,o buil<ling. Th• ,rst.<in ohall b,, oo arrangC<l that tho operation ol any one otation wlli aotu.,\e all alarm de,,ocs connect.M to th• system "'''Pt in \h> '"''of a pro.'Lc'nal ,,y<t<nt Fire alarm• shall ho, roadlly Oistin)CUL,bable from aH)" oth<J' ,;,,.,,olhn~ devl,e< u'od in tho buil<lln~­A sy;\crr, de'"'""'' for fire alol"<n ar,cl po~iH~ ser.'H, nla)' )" Used Lt tho desi;;-n ;, sucil lhc.t ~'' o:"-n' "~"a.;.,,.,:; 1,a\'c pce<eden,·o over "II ,,, ''·' ,-,_

(2) Every ~'e alarm ,ystein shall bo electrioally operoted or act;. vated by non·oon1b1'<hh:c·, non-1-<IXL<' ~-,, e~oept a• pro\·idod In ,oction In.I OG,l~- Elccti·,coi;y opOl'"\"d systen'' •hall bo oper· ated on closed oir<uit <Ucr<nt und•r ronstant •leotrle11l ou~cr-­v,sioc., so urrango<l that UJ'°" a ci,cui• or•ning ond remainin~ oren or in c•'• ol n ground or sbort "''oil in the underg=nOccl con<luc· tor, audible tl'<lnble oignals will be gi"<'n instantly. (las activ•ted '!''''"'',hall be n\echan1colii· super,·i•oil and under oonstant gao pros­oure, so artanged that in'"'" o~ a p•e•surc dro]' '"'audible '"'ublo signal wtll be giv•n ln•tantly. Moan• shall be provided for t.sting p\\rf>0$0S.

(a) In building• more than 3 storioo in heigh\, coded firo alarm ,y_.,,.,, sholl be pro";,lod, and \he •yst<ms shall bo so "''·'n~<'d that \_,,, oodc transmitted shall ind""'" the i'>catior, and the <lory af the •truoturo in whioh the signal <>ri~inatod.

Eze<pti<m: (a) In •partrnent buildings, non-i'o~od continoou• •ound­'"~ ~"' alarm •y•!o>ns und•, <onstant eleetrioa\ or gos aoti,·ated !Upervision w,11 be approved.

(41 Operating >talion< sh"ll be l"·on1inently located in an aeoos-iblo positinn at all ~uired ~xit doors and re~uirod oxit stairways. Oper­ating '~'bono shall be of an approved typo and shall be oonopiouoO•lY 1d•nt,fiod. All such o)"'"'"'~ stattoil.< shall 0,. of a type, "''hioh aftor hoing opera\•d, will Indicate that an alarm h .. be<il unt th•relront unt,] r••el by an ~uthori•od m""ns. (Operating- •tations having a "Break Gla•-"" panel will be acceptable. On "'Jed •)·•terns having a de••c• to pormanently r•,ord the tran,.,i••ion of an alarm, '"Open Doo"" type ola!ions moy be used). The ftre alarm oporating station• shall be moonted not less than ~ f..,\ nor'""'"" than 5 feet aOOvo the fin;shod floor •• m•a<ured from th• floor to the center of the box.

(5) All such alarm <ystems sholl bo \e•t.d at !eoot oneo a w0€kand a recor<l of suoh test• •hall he l<<pl. '

'"' Lxis:in~ fire al"''" ,y;teiois th'\ "'e ,(footive in OP"'"''"" will be aocepted if approved by the dopartonent of indu->try, labor and human relations,

~""~'"c, r"'""''''- '''' 'Co 1<•

""'"'"''" ""'' '" "'"" ''"'''"""'" ·"''' "·' '""'""o"'"" '°"'

• •

• •

Page 38: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• c



DE:PT. or !);J)l ~Tl:Y, L.~!IUll .~ Hl-:.1-~:\ r:1:1.,1·11oxs 8~ ..

"''"'"""' ""'' '~'" .. "" (7) The pa for oporation of non-rombustible, non-toxic go• 11<ti-

1·a(od fire alarn> systorus sholl be supplied from •l'l""""d I""'-'"'" ,yJ;ndero on the premi'''· The <)anders ohall have ,uffioiont oapaoLty ond P"""'u"' to prop<rly operate all ""und,ng dev;ces connected to the •yol•m tor a pol'iOO o! not le>s than IU minutes. Cylinders sholl be removed for """barging imrnedialoly aftor "'' and ohall be >•· pla""d by fully eharired cyhndero.

(8) Spa,.. cylinders •hall be kept on the premises at oil t.inies for i""""l;ote i·er:ocement nnd -"'caca'.e oyJ;nders fo, testing 'hall be >IlCOrporated in the •Y•lem_

(Sl Tubing in connection with non-combustible, non-toxic ga< aoti. \"ated fir• alarm ,yst•m' sholl be in,talled in i·igid n1etal eon<lui:, rloxi\ ' " C•l conQc:t, Dl' Sul'fil,o •nctal ''''""")·' '"h"'" ouOJoct to moch•nical injury, No1.-corios,yc n>otai!"' tuh~n~ not I•"·' Lh"n ,1 '10" .r. d,,,,,,.,, .,,.:,:,;, ""'ll 1>·itl1,:,r.J a l·J,st,::« )•l<.•o'Jre ,.f '""le>• 1J1Jn ;iGO pounds per square inch 'hall !Je used. 'l'h• maxinium length o! a11~· tubing •hAll not o>t<ood 300 foot bet,v•en charged oylindet·s. All ''''"~ an<I ntho> c•oniponc"l I'"''' ,l .. dl he inotallo<l hi• ,;,,;1,·d "·oti.­nien in a<eordaneo with tho pi·o,·i,ion• of <h•< code .

. ,.,,,,. 'rh• fotlnwlnp; '''""'"' •ro '"'"'" ''""' !h• \VL•oon•ln ,\d•n1n­,,,_,,, ,.,,.,, •• ,,1 C,>d<

(10) Th• onol'ITT' for tho oper11tion "' •loct>ic11l fire alar•n sy.,tein• shall be taken from oourco• suittd to the design of the system. Bal· '''"s on •rstem• of 1 .. s than 110 ,·oils oholl not bo "'""·

(11) A 3·wire 121}..240 volt or 121}..2~8 volt (3 phase 4 wire) •ervico 'viii be accepted for '"fle'''i'ed •l''\<nu; p1·ovided the operating cUJ"ront ;, ,ocur•cl from one ungroun<l•G conductor •nd the noutrol, "' un­~1ounde<I conductor, anrl tho current f"' <>perating trouble .<ip;nal or "1'T·"l' i• socurod from tho other utogr<>ur.<led conductor ond tho neu· tral or grounded <onduetor.

(12) Electrical wiling in conn•etion with fire alarm oystems shall he in,t•ll•,t in rigid rn•tal oonJuit, n•xible metal oondui~, •loc<rical m•tall1c tubing or surfac• n1etal raeo\\"•Y•· Armored cable (metal) moy bo u•ed where it con bo fi•hcd In hollow •P•<•• of wall• or par­titions in apAr(menl• or '""n'ing ho"''' not ooer ~ stories in height. \\'here the wiring is subjoot to eXc•,•iYo moisture or se\·ero me­ohanical injury, rigid metal conduit shall be u•cd. Tho •mallo•t ,ize conductor to be used in any n,.. alarm system in a building ""'' 3 stories in holght shall be No. 14 AIVG or No, 16 AWG for buildings not 01·er S stories in height. Tho wires shall be provided with in•u· lotion suitable {or U<e on circuit. not "''"'ding GOO volt•. Fite alarm oysttrna •h•ll ho wnneoted to tho line in•ide of the moin .. ITlee o"'1teh ar to tblt emergency feoder through 2 •Ingle pole bre•ker• or .;wit, he• used for no other purpo.<e and arranged so \hoy can bo lork•d in the "'on" pooitlon, and under tho supervision of a qualified per•on. Th• b,..,.Jier or BWi!ch•s •hall be identified by a red «>lor. Two polo b•e•k•r• •hall not be u•od,

'"''"''' l-,-06: om, (<I <•I. RogJ''''• ""''m"''· ''''· "" '' etr. ,,_,_,,, am. R•"''"''· AUJ<UO<, , •••. No. 10l •"'· ,_,_,,, '

Ind OZ.25 Spe<i6catl<>ns olted in this cod•. The opooifioolion• of tbo .\modc~n Socioty !or Testing and ~1ateri2>_, ref•rrod to '" th's rode "'' lis,cd bclo1v .

R•.O•ter. hb.-u•rv, >•71, N"o ''' llullJi"" and '"'"';"~ ''""''"""" "'"' '" "'"""'""'"" ,.,.,,

Page 39: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

11-!SClJ\ OJ.\ _\J •• \:JC.Jc'I J;_; J'l IL: (U!JL

"''"'""''" •'"" '""'''''"" t., I~\\ hl.ll.DL'v "'"' k, l~Oi,d "'"'''"'l' un<L-' >n.><h· fnlln ,_,

·OL shal•.) Patt 12 AST)! Dcsi~"a\LOO C 02-01:_

12) S~,P-Ll>ll: "' ll.1'1~0 oRJCK, Parl lC • .\.STM l!<>;1gnation C 78-_;J 11c,,;J1-

(S) c;o~c=& "''LDl.'" ·~'""· Pare 12 A~T~I Uesigna\i~'' C ;,;­r;r;T.

1:,) ST1n:eTL'"''· ,,_,,. L'1_\0 B\0-\r.1,G \\\LL Tll I:, l''11t 12 . .\.~T\l (,' 3-1---{;~.

(6) s .• .,PLl~G AXD r,_sr1~0 sr•L'CTURAL CLAY Tl!,E. !'art 12 _.\.ST)[

c '~ '"'-I·'~-'·""'''" '·'P re,,1_,., c'-'-'"""1'. 'L.101·''" ,_,,,, !'""' ;c

:.c.:,'. '-""'"'"-"'" r 'lt>-G .. i

(8) ~'f~UGfUJ<llL COAl -~0,,-UJA!J-•l.Al<JNC 1llL. j'a•t 12 ,\_~J)! j),,cgnat;o,. C 5<>---62.

\0) 0:1''l<'1'1:KAL W-<l J·Luu,; TlLL, )'"'' 1.J ,\_~J.\1 ;,,;,gt1aL c 5;-07 (\960).

l 1 J J )'vJ. <"-'~" '"·'l"~'f_ l '"''' I u ,,, 0 1·;.1 u,_,,g<-"'-"" L l~U-0<>

1)1) _-\.JR-ENTK.-1!,'l~G lU,,TL<'U L'L''L"-''· J'ni·t 10 AS'fJ.I J}e;<gno­t"'Ll c i;o-ou.

(l~) l'o"''--'"u "'·''' ,.''"'-'ce ,,,,,, ""'"·-''· l'~•t 10 .-1.s·r~l llo,­igna:,on C 20J---<i41'.

11.l) )!ASU.>R1 Cl:.\11',T. l'"rt ~ Abl')! ue,;gnutlon c; Ul-<J<J.

\lli Ql'1 0'.hLl\l>' t'O.' _,J!:t-c'1iC.\C '''"'O>>',; l';J'\ ~_.\.OT~! Jlc',,~­J>atoon C "- ;;u_

\)~) H\nEL''"" LC"" l'O" ''-·'"~"y '~"r"""'- rart 9 AST~! Uo,,~­"'"0" c 207--19 (l~"il).

\lvl _-\.GCREGhTO '"" "''"~'" """''"- l'"r' IU AS1'~1 Do•l~l\O­""n G J44-<;0T.

\ 1'.I • .\.GG!il.CAlEO ''"" ''-''"~'·'' CRDLi. ]'ult JO AST)! Uc"'"'·'' t.OL> C 4U4-Gl.

(JS) l'ORTW\~o->OZZOLA~' CC>l>:NT, l'ol'I 9 -"-STM U,•.,anoc,,,,, c ~40---661.

(l~ J Co"CRET~ AGG!il.CAT~S. l'a•·\ )0 AST bl D••rgnatool' c 33-60,

(20) LIGllTWCIGllT ~GGRECATES FOii •TRIIC7UKAL CoNCRl-"lE, l'al'C 1n ASTll De-""""\""' C 3-1U-f.:T_

(21) llll.IET-STElll. ~ ...... ron "'NCHETE -~ronc~,,E~T. l'a1t .: -~ST)! Des>gnotion A15-0l\

(C2) ](Allr•T>:LL ",,., J "" co_,,., ... -1,_ "'''-' !'UHC!.>LL, f, I 'u' \ j .-1.:i')' _'.: Dea•Jjll.otion A 16-66.

o<<-"·''"'· Fe'"'"'''· 1>01, "" '""'J'"' ""'' '"·"'""· ,., '""'' '" ·"·' ., '""""'""·"" "'"

• •

• •

Page 40: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

DEPT. OF !"IDl'STlll", LAHOI\ & HV~!.A.N ll.BLATIONS 32g """"lllon• ""~ o<andanl•

(23) DEFORMED R.\1!. •TCEL "-'"·' ron """"'""'" R"1'1FO!ICE>fE'1T \\'!TH 60,000 P.S.I. '''"'"''' Yl~Lll Sl'1'E."GTH. l'art 4 ASTM Do•igna. lion A 61-66.

(2t) AXU:-S'lnL BAHS FOR CONCRETE "'-'""""'"'"ENT. Part 4 ASTM D•siirnation A te()-;50.

(25) SrttJAL LAllOE SIU: DCTORM"" ~lr.L~'f-i!TF:EL BAn!I "'°" CONGl<I:TI! ""''"FOnCE'!"NT. p.,,, ~ ,\qr~! n,,;,,nat""' ,\ -JOB-GU.

(26) }l!GH·"""EN"1'1' DEF<>R>IEP 0!1.Lo:l'-llTEEL BAUS FOR CONCRJm:

RE1NP<lnCE>IEN1 WITH 75,000 P.S.J. '""''''-''' YIEID STRENGT!!. Part 4 AST~! Dosignat;"" A 4-1J-G•(

(27) ~,,,.,,,,,.,, REQl'Ir."'"'~T< '""TH" or.ron,!ATEON' Of' DEFOOM>:T,

srecL "'"" fOH C0'1CITT:r>: """'' "'"'->=LN1'. Part 4 AST~! Dc•ignation A 30&-65.

(281 TIU:>:DING or co><ci<r.r>:. Part JO AST:\! Dcstgn~tion C ~~2-58 (1966).

(29) FA•n•C<TED STer.L "'" "" ""'' ,,,,.,. f"<ln C.ONCO~'tt REINPORCE. MENT. Pait 4 ASTM De,,~natio" A lf.4·-05.

(SO) COIJ>.DTIAIY:< STI:>.L "'""' ror: ("{l"r,n1m: ""'""'"""'!ENT. Pa"t 4 ASTM D•,ign•hon .\ S2-GC.

(SI) wi:wrn >m:EL l\"lRF. ••""'" '"" CO:<CRETE RF.!NfORCEMENT, <'•1~ 4 AS'l'M Deo1gn&C<on A IB&---64 .

(32) UNroATEll SF.YF.1'-•0IRI: STR!O.<S·REtt•IEP STRANO FOil l'RE· STrtcSS~O '''~CRE:'TC. p,,,-t .1 AS1')1 l!c,;gn,tion A 416-GO.

(33) UNCOATE[l •TRESs-n•·ucv>:n Wl•>= """ """"'"""""" <XlNOR>-Tf. Part 4 AST.M DesignoHon ,\ 121-05.

(34) ST"'L FOR BRlDC·rs '"" "'"!Wl:<<.<. l'art 4 ASTn! Deaign•­tioo A 7-66.

j35) STRCCT1'KAL STCE.L. P.ol't 4 A.ST'! Drsi~nati"n A. 36-66.

(361 FLl:Xl'R..\L ST""~"O'J'H ~' C'1.~t'r.ETE (u•ing aiml'l• bo•m \Vlth th>l'd-potnt loadit>g). Pait lU .~S'l'.I[ [leoign"<Lon (; 7&---64,

{87) WJ:ulED Al<P SEA•ILEB• "TF..EL PJPC. Part l ASTM n .. igna­''o" A 6~··65.

(38) CAST IRON AND uUCTEL• IRON PHE9SUJ<E PJPE. Patt Z ASTM Dol!ignation A 377-66,

(39) AIR..:NT!U!NING AP,!IXTUROS PO" CON{'"r,TE. P~ct 10 .\ST~! D•.,irnation C 2G0----06T.

(40) C!!"'llCAL ADMIXTUk•• l'CR CONCRE:m Part 19 A.STIEi ~If· no~"" C 494-65T.

(41) FLY ASJI FOii Us• AS AN ADMl~I"lJR!] !N l'CRTLAND CEM~N1 CON=. Part 10 ASTM De>.iirnation C 35()..65T.

(42) RAW O& CALGl~"•D N\~ll"\L PO•<OL,\N' >'<>H t'SC AS Al>MO:· Tl.,,,,. ,,. l'ORTLA~n CF..",JE.,"r C(J~'(ltL"'''· p.,, JO AST~! Designation 9.~T.

"''""'''· Fob"'"'''• ''''· J<n, ''' ""'"''"" ""' '"''""""· '''"'"""'" ·'"" &I•''"""";""'"""'"'"

Page 41: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

321l \\'ISCO:>Slh' .~llJ:l:>JSTk.\1'1\'F. CODr: D'"""'""' ond •t>nd••do

(43) ~!l"THOOS AN]) PEFL~17!0.,S !~\R •!ECllA1'1CAL 'IT.STlNG OF STE>L PRODVCT£. Part 4 AST~! 1.Jo.<iviotion A 310--65.

(44) D1'Fo"''"° n11.!P.I"-eTr1:i. "'"" F<lR CONCRETE Ht!NFO!tr::>:!l<•NT W!Tlj GV.OVO r.s.1. 'H"l\CU,1 \lf,J.V •TL\ENCTH. Part 4 ASTM D•>ii· n•tion A •3~-fi~

(45) ~lAKJNO """ CCRl~G c-o~C'RE'TO C()MPReSS!ON AND F!.&XUKE TEST s;f,cJ;'"''" '" TllO tlCLD. p,,,l 10 AST~ Do,ign"""" c 31-06.

(46) CO."l'REss1;..: STl'F~GTK OF MOrni:o CON"""""' CYLINDER" P•r~ lQ AST~! Desigoo\lOH C 39-iiG.

(-j;\ {)ETA!l'EN,; A'D ,,,,T,~C JW.!tJ.F.0 '"RE> Al'D ,_\\~<." O&l>!S OP CO~C•L-:-C l'art 10 Ag';"_\! ,,.__,,,_,,t_on ( 42-04.

(48) REA!lY-MIXU> co~onr.Te, Part 10 ASTM Vos;gnation C 9<1-W.

(j9) ~'"'Ll~C ,-ni·~,, co.~ce.1;re. Pa,\ 10 ASTM De,;gi,ation C172-5>

(00) ~lAK!NC AND Cl'Rl~·r. CONCRETE CO'!!'JlESS!ON ANO n.r;l;UllF. TL<T ''CCT\!C~S l~ 1llL r '""'''"'°' l'"''I 10 AST~! llcsil'J\•"bnn c 192-66.

{51) SPl.IT'TlNG TF.~""·" '''"''"'~"or MOLDED CONC•>:TE CYLr~D-:>ts. Pa<\ 10 .\STl>! D,•<if'."'"'"" G ,,.,,_i;G.

(52) ~l&THODS OF"'·'"" \~•C•L TE>TINGS. Part 31 AST~1 D••lirna· tion :E 6-66.

(~3) MILD STEEL CQ11',r.En ARC·WE,D!~G ELEC'J'RDDF.!l. Part 4 AST)>l D•siJ<oati<>tl A ~33-64T.

(&4) REc0.'1"END~D Pl\ACTlOF. '"" l'RDOAl!ILl'!'Y SA>l"1.JNO o~ ,,,..,,. RIALS, Part 30 ASTM Desii<naEor, E 105--.IS.

j55) CAtCll"" CHLO"fDE. Par: 10 AST~l Designation D 98--0~.

("6) Clll.,H~A!. A~\Ll<lo OF J11DRAULlC cr·,10.'<T. P"rl U AS'!")\ Do•i~nation C 111__,,;

(57) Fl~•NESS or roRTLAXo Cf>:ENT ·~THE TUllBID!>!mTR. PaL·t 9 AS"l'Jl Designation ( !10-08.

(~S) FL'<ENESS DP P<JnTLANo ce•!"1'1T UY AIR PER'!F.AllH,JTY ""'ARA· Tl'• P•rl 9 AS'fJ! De,,~nat,oo C 2('4-55.

(09) Cu"P!IBSSl\'E STRr.1'GTli O>' l!YDR•<H.!C CEMf-NT MORTAR• (using Z->n. <Uh< •pecilnens). Pa•t 9 ASTM D<signation C 109-ll4.

(60) A!JTOCLAVE &XrANS!O' O>' P<JRTLANn cEMCNT. Part 9 AST~! DeSlgnallon C 101----0L".

(61) SP>;C!FlC ORAVlTl' u•· lfYOOAULlC CEMENT. Part 9 ASTltl D••· ;cm,tion G IBS-l1 (1~0~1.

(62) R"''"TANCE TO """-'"'"" or SMALL SJz>: COARSE ..OORIOOA1'1l "" USE OF Tl!E Los AN~El.l:S ••ACllINE. l'••t 10 AST/I!'. Dcolpation C !3J~G.

( 63) ~!.\1'1lEUAu; tl~ER ;,; \_, NU, 2<JU """\ 10 lN '\l~ERAL AOORF.GAT,.> IV WASHIN<I. Part 10 AST~l llos>~ation C ll7----06.

Ji',:IT:r,;;;- ."~~"~!~(1,~:"\;;.i,1. ;,;; ''"·' "" '""''"'"""'" ooJc

• •

• •

Page 42: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• ('


DEPT.()!·' l~'JJL'S'fl:Y, LAl«JJ( &. Hl:,\l,\:-.; ]([:LATIONS 3~i

..,"""''"' """ '""""''"-' (64) FRIABLE PARTICLE• IN A000t£<MTF.S. Patt 10 ASTM D••lgna·

tion C l42-60T.

(65) LIGHTWEIGHT PIECO:S '" A""jill'.;AT ... Part 10 ASTM Dfflgna· tian C 123-BG.

(66) ORGANIC l>!r<.;J<]TlES JN "·'""" •a• CONCRmE. Part 10 ASTM Designation C 4CHl6.

167) SIEVE OR sc•rEN •NALYSES or,,,.,, ·~·n COA!l.<F. ACGJ<EG<TE:>. Part 10 ASTM Desigiiation C J31l-Gl

(68) SoUNl>N!:Ss OF AGGREG,\TF.S "'' Usr: OF •<>OIUM •ULFATI: "" '''G"""""'' SULFATE. ,.,,, 10 AST~ Dosi~natian c 88-1'3.

(69• SPECIFIC GRAl'JTY AN!> '"'""PTlCK or COAR•• AOC.HEOAIT. Pa't 10 .~3T~! De.1,gn,,ti.on Ci~:-:,,,,

(70) SrECiflC CRA\1TY '"" ABSORl'T!ON or •lNf. AGGREGATE. Part 10 AST~! De<<Wt•~oo C I2S 09.

(71) SURFACE MOISTIJllE JN r'NE AOORCCATE. Port JO ASTM Desig· nation C 7C>-66.

(72) U~lT \\'CIGI!T or AOC">:GATE, Pait 10 ASTM Doo;rrnation C 29-GO.

(7~) Vol!>• IN AOOREGATr. FOR fONCRr.Te. p,,rt 10 ASTM De•igna­t;on C 30-<37 (1964) .

(74) E>n:CT OP ORGANIC l>!PUJUTlES IN F!Ne AOOllEGATE ON =•NGTH DP •<ORTAJI, Part 10 AST~! Desig-natio" c 87-t<3T,

(7.\) l'ETROGR'"'"" EXA\fl"\TJ't" <•r AC.G">:G.\T~S ron co,,cn,To;, P•rt !0 ASTM De•jgnotron G 29;,_r,:_;,

('i6) PoT"NTl.\L RF,ACTf\'JT1' or AGGREGAT>.S (CllCM!CAL •rLTHOD). Part 10 AST~! Desii:nat;on C 2S'-~"-

(711 POTENTIAL ALK \l! "'',\CT!\ !TY OF C>:>JF,NT-AGORWATC COMB!· ~,\TlO~S (1!MTAR "·'" >E>:Tano). Poi·: 10 AST:i! D•>ii:nation c 227-GS.

(781 Tm"" RCI.\T!NG 1'0 CO,,CRCTE AND CONCNF,1" AGCOEGATE-~ J'at't JO ASTM Designation C !~8--00.

(79) \VE!CJ!T rm cu•1c •om, YIF,LP, AND A!R CONTENT (C!lAVI· MC'!R<C) OF CONCRo;TE, rort 10 A~T~I D••i,,.n•\ion c 138--03.

(80) Al~ CONTENT OF FltmllLY MLU:D CONCP.l:TE BY TH~ \'OLU>1o:TJllC •1CTllOD. Port 10 ASTM D••ii:nation C l73-ll6.

(81) .~·· CONTENT or "'"'"l)" •nxrn CO><cn.-rc •Y PRESSURE '1CTHOO, Port 10 ASTM Des.ignation C 2~1-t<2.

(B2) SLUMP OP PORTLAND rn:MCNT CO'«O•ETJ<. P"rt 10 ASTM De•lg· !>.1t>on C 1~3-0~.

(83) FL<lW or FORTLllNO Ci:M"NT CONCRf.TE BY U•E OF .,.,,~ .,,, .. TilU:. P~rt 10 ASTM Deeignntion C 124"-39 (1966),

(84) ('O>t•R•S•l\'E STRENGTH Of C'-ONCR>OT" ""'"" ronT!ONS OP B&<M• BitO><r:N IN FLEXUBr;. Part 10 ASTM Designation C ll&--1l5T .

"'"''''"'· Februaey. 1071. N"o. I!' lrull<llO~ and """""'' venttlatlo<

and Ai''"" ''"'"'"" <O<l'


Page 43: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

11-lSCCJ'>; 0 I~- _\ ' •\fl ~-1.~·o 1: \TT\'!·: ('Op I·: ],, ""'"0"' "'·" "''"''"" j.

{S5) FilNDA>!ENT•L TIU.NS\"EME. 1.UNG!TUDINAJ0 AND 'f{)RS[ONAL f'RE4C£.~CJC' or e<>~CR<:TE srecr:>lf"·'· Par\ 10 AST~! Doaigna\ion c 215-60.

(86) C"-"""' C<>NTLNT or )lAR"ENf:]l FORTL.\ND """""' CONCRETE, Part 10 AST~! Pesignat.on C SO-CD.

(87) L<~GTH CliA~Or, or CC>!ENT '101'T•n '~" CONcRETE. Part 10

ASTM D .. ;g-n~\1on C 157.-JJ;T.

(88) s'"'"c" "''"~'~" CIL\Y.,(7>"Hl<TlCS or "l'i1nE~G '1\T>.l<!ILS. Pal'l 14 AS'f~l [le>i1<rt•tion L" S4-C8

(SU) f"!RE TESTS 0>' '"'"'" cor.-•<~G3. p,.,\ ll ASTM D<•<i[na<ion i: l';-;,,

(!• ]-1s:c TO>T' OF lH'lLOC'"'' '"-'"''·'-<"TL"' ''" "'T\'J<C,\l>. Po1l 1-1 ACT)l [),' 01 '"''"' !- :J"-C!

(.')]) 'io.,<.U'11lt-~Tl"LlLJ\" OF !.LC>ll;KTA"I- .\\ATCLtf•L> ]'.JL\ ][

,\ST~l VO!L!<O"\inn E 136.-JJ5.

(~Ci j'[].C TL.<T< U)' !><.'"°' \<oC"JO[_]'._,, J'.1'1 J-C ,\~J)J \),"~""''"" E 15~.-JJ8.

(~3) FH" 'rl''' or 'l"l'D'"'- "''"'rn:.n·< Pa>\ 11 .~ST~! De«'~'" l>on E l<iJ-{i;,

"''" Tl>< ""'"~ ''""'"--"' "''"' Oo ""''"""'' lo•· "'''"""' ""' ""om An>ncl­' .,. ""'"''Y of T••tln< """ ''"'''''"'' ''''' H•"' s"~''' L"h;lo,]ol!'l""• Pa. J>103_ 'Jt>o1 ,,,., ·'''""""" '"' '","''"""" '" "''""'"'or'"''"""''"·'"'· tho "''"''""' O! •<ate on<I lt<e ''""o' "' ot.olu<e'

Ill•<~•,-,,., Llo~I''-' <•·""'"' ,,,:;, ,,.,, t1' ,.IT 1\-1-0,o •-r. (8G)_ J_'<i~;,_'"», <"ti ''''- '""' ''"- ''''""'' , .. , '"""'· ''''· ~ ... '''· ,.,,_

lnd 51.20 Sp«:ifi<ali<'"' <iled in th;, cotle. The •P<cifio>tinno of the Anier;oan Concrete lo.,ci\o'c' ,,,_,,.,.,._,It:. i" th'-' code ore ];,,,J below,

(1) Building ro<le 11',JUit''"""""' f(" ,,-,nlurcod conc!oto AC! 3JS-

" (2) )!in,,nu>n stond<o,,l ,.,,,,,,;,,,,,,"[' !01· pro<"-'' concrete ~oor and 100! unit,_.\('] 012-c;; -

j3) ~!ioilnum roquit·e""'"'' f,,,- th'"_,,.,.t:.,n p1ocnst ,.,,,,,,.,,, con· <t111ction AC! ;;25--ti:I.

~'"''-" Tho ''"'''' olondo'J' ""'' 0. obt ""'" (0' D<•>on"1 "'' '''"' Arne,1. can Cooo,oto !n•tllut<, ''"" "'''"'' n "''' " ' '""'"' ''' 1,, on Tl,e, ••• ~'""'"'''' k·> '"'"''""" '" "" """'- "' "" '"''"""'""'· ""'~.,,,,,.,,.or ,, .• ,. ••4 '"' ''"""' "' '''""''

u1""''''"'- nogl•tor. "''""''' ''''· '"- '''· '" ,,_,_,,

Next ~age l• numbe1ed 33

"'""'''· '"'"'"'''' 10;1, ~o l>C """'""~ '"" '""'""~· ''""'-"'"" ond ai• '""'""""'"~Wik

• •

• •

Page 44: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter



... ,,_,,, 1•• 11.01

'"' '"' '"' '"' '"' '"' '"' '"' ••• ••• ••• '"' '"' •••

''·'' ''·'' '' ,., ''·'' :i·i~ '' 11 ''·'' ,, '' !i·ll '' '' ,, '' .. , .

, .. ,, '' lnd II''

Chapter Ind 52


0.ol~n and '""''vLaloo ... ,., ... ''""' "' con• >DoUon WLndowo WLndow ''"""'"~ '-'•Onlllo"' or oour<• 81<< ol <ourt•

"'""'"'''" "' '"""' c ... ,,, •• , .• Met&! omo><••<••k• Srno<• o•P•• S!oom onO hot "''"''' •. , .. ""''' Floor pro<ootlon \\'oll ond c•Llln~ 1•••· tootLon Gao vooto Ga•""' oll l•mo•' go• ....... Eao,·t"'"' work LooaUoo '""' maint•· n.onoo Of Ult•

Ind ''-''

,,,J '"-'' '"' '•'·'' '"" ,,_,, Ind ''-''

Ind ''-''

''·'' ~i-t! ,, '' '' "' '' ,, "'-"' ,,_,, '' '' ''·''

Toloviolon an4 '"'" ........ s ••••••• roLl•t roomo ,..OU1tod TD"•' roomo tor tl>o '"" ..... Boo dooi~n•t•d '"'''"""· 1L1rti< ond veotllo<!nn L<>oatloo w;<t.out ••<· oLOo window•' whon por.,Lttod Arhfiooal lLght Sl>o Floor •nd booo Wollo •Od oollJn1ro Enolo•uro ol ~oturoo

"'''"''' Prntoc<loo lrom tr<••·

·~ D•opn••l or ••wogo Outdoor loLl•<• J<olnlononoo ond bouook••P'""'

Ind 52,00J D.,.Jgn and aupenision. (l) Every new bulldin" con~ain· ing moro \hun 50,000 cubic fe•t tot.al volum•, or a~d!Uon ton building ""hich by''''"" of ouch ad<lilL<>n r••ulto in a building eontoining over W,000 cubi< r .. t tot.a) volume, or structural alteration to a building contalnhtg over ~0,000 cubic feet total volume shall Oe d .. igned by an arcliit.ct or en1>in .. r in aocordanc• with I.he p•ovision• of this code; and ohall he con•tructod under the supervision of an orchitect or engineer who shall be ~sponoible for it. erection in aocordnnoo with the plan• and spttifioat;ons or th• dosl~n''· No ohango from the original plan• and specification• shall be made o~oept with the knowl­•dgo and oonsont or the de,ii;ner, and a• p"'vided In Wis . .A.dm. Code ooction Ind S0.10.

(~) On completion of the oonstruclion, the ouperv!olng ar<hitoot or •ngin••r shall Hlo a written stotkm•n! "·Ith the d"portment of industry. labor ond human rolat.ions oorlifying that, to the besl of his knowledge and beli..t, the corutruotion hu been performed in aooord· an .. with the plan• alld 1peolfications approved by the department.

(3) No owner sholl <<>n•tru'l or alter ~ny buildin~, o" portion of •building, or permit any building to be oonstruoted or alt.red, exc•pt In accordance wllh th<> J»'Ovlalono of tl\!a section.

-'"•<•: a, th• term ... ..,,,,,,,,, .. o< "'""""'~· obo,·o '' '"''"' "''"''''"" orohl(<ct'' oc ""gl>l•,..d pro<••.•lonol ,ng•n•<<··, '" <i•"'1oe<l '" "'° A•c1'1<ooto '"' Fro••••Lol>al En,slo ..... """"''"ti"" ..... B"'ltloo '"'·''· WI~ Stat..

Ht.1.,.,., 1-2-•~: er. 1i1 Reg"'"'· ""g"''· ''''· No. ••. oft. 1--1-;•

Ind 52.01 Heigh! and cla .. of con•truo(lon. (ll AU buil<linl'' hi~her than 70 feet above I.he adjoe""t ;mde shall bo oJ firo-,..sisti,·e -- "-'~'"''· F•bouocy, 107!, No '''

BuLlding ond b""'"'g· v<n<LI•""" •n• "'' oondLUon•n• '""'

Page 45: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

. -

IV JSCO!'~I.\' .11'~1;.; I S'l 1: '\ Tl\'B couE

(2) BuUdingo of mill conolru<tion •hall not exceed a hcigh\ of 70 leet in whioh height theto shall not 1,, 1not' than 7 •torioo; pro1•idod, that U>o height ol a iJu,lri1ng ereo<"d on alop•ng ground may be not to oxceed 75 leet plu• a vertical diste.noe e~ual to the vertical clian~e in alope along tho length of any side o/ •uoh building, hut in no '"'' ahe.11 •uch height e.<Cecd 85 feet above the adj"''"' fini5h<•<I ground level, Towero, othe" than t«'lk~ s~h"<s and oteeplos er0<·t•d ..,, a par~ ol tho bnilding Bnd no~ used for hah!t.ation or otor"g' may extend not to exceed 20 !eel above such hei~ht limit.

(8) Building, ol ot<l•''"'Y <on•trootio" ohall not e~oeeJ a height ol ~O l«>l in "·hich height there >holl Oe ""' "'ore than 4 •torie>; pro­vided, that th• hcight ,,f " buildh,~ ,_,,.,,,·teci "" oloping ground may be 00 f< t f'lus a vertioo! d••'""'' oqu,,I to the vertical ch~nge in •lope aioni_ and in the length of any _,Jde of ouoh building. Lui In no '"'' shill >ucJ-, hoi~ht ,,.,,,-,,,; 0() [,,,, nbo1·0 ti,~ •<iJa<<'"' !ini,oh<•J c·roc·,j level, Iower>, other \hon tanks, •p•res ond •Ceeplos not ,,,,.Jing 2<J% of th• roof area, e-tod as a P•rt or •uoh building and not uoed !or habitation "' 6toragc mor C<tor.d no~ to exce•d 10 lee\ abov• <uoh lieigh\ lim>~

(') Building• ol lrame con•trnotion •hall not exeood a he!,,ht ol 36 feet in which he•ghl th.re ohail bo n<>t "'"'' thon 2 stories, ''''Pt "" provided >n •cotton Ind lii.01; "'''v1ded, !hut tho heL~ht of a building erootcd on slopi"~ R'·ound n1ay he .li fe<t plus a '"'rti<al d"t«nc• oqunl <o th' ''cr\ical ch""~'' in sloµc along th• length ol ony side of •uch building, but In no ease shall •ueh height ••«•d iu feet above the adjacent ~~ishcd ~1ound Jovel. Spires, to~"'"'· other lhan tonks, or o(eeplos not exoeed1ng 20o/o o! tile r<>of ar•a, erect•<! "' a pa•\ of oueh buildin~ and not used for h"bitotion 01· stol·oge ma)' e,!,·nd not to "''''ed ~O fN't obo\'e surh height limit

(,-,, lll e1·u'y bud.ling "'"'" <b•H I •torieo in ho,~ht, all rloor,, windo~·s ""d other •l'•nU<gs 1n outside walls shall be pi·"tccted with fi,·e-rcsistive dol>r-< nr ohutte1·_, Ol fi'e·resistive wind0"'0 a; specified '"section Ind 51.0l7, unleo< ""'h opontngs are on atl'eets or on allci·• or outer court> ~O f•-•t o> n\ore in width.

lll•10•>• L-0-,,, &ITL (0), ""~'''''· f'el"OO,)'. 1,1!. "' '''· .~. •-l-71

Ind 52.02 Windows, ()) Every room in whioh one o< more person, Jh-o, sl<"i'' 01' ""' "'"Pl0}'0d, (e,ccpl storoge roonc, ,,,. other '"'''"' where tho nature of tho o<·c·oµan')" \Viii not permit) t!hall be lighted by a l'·indov; or windo"< opening <llre,tly upon a gtreet Ot alley, or upon a 'oui·t (ao dcf>.,od in seoti'"' JnJ 52.04) on lhe sa>no lot ~·it), the butlding. "fhe window• shall be co con•tructcQ and diotributod •• to afford proJ>'r li~ht and ''cntilatoon. Every building more than 40 1 .. t deep (,.,...suring a\ right angle> W the windows) t!ha!I have 11·indnws nn at )oust 2 s;des. l>~r<pHon:

(a) Ihe provioiono of this rule may be waivod for factory, office or m•reantile buildings if prov;"nno are mnOO for rfO!l•r artifiol•I 1:~;,,_lnf, •n<I 1j '''"'-1•'.•on :'"0,-1-Jol Cn .h·conlano• \\'ith the l''OVI· '"""" of chapter Ind ~9 of the bu>id•ni: and heating, ventilating and air oond!tionini: oode,

(bl f:v•ry buildin<r niorc thon one s\01·y in height which doe< not hR''' 1''L~dov'' "p<·ning d"ecll.1- "!'""" '''''' Lh oaoh •tor'/ •bovo the

Re"'''''' Fob'""''· tt•>. No. 182 'UuLl<lln~ •nd ~'"""~· ventllotlng ""d "'' conOIHooln~ <ode

• •

• •

Page 46: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• c

DLPT. OF IKDrs·r1:\', L.\HuJ:" Hl'.l!A!>l" RJ·:l,ATIOSS , .. ,,,,; .. "''""· ""''"""''

Chapter lnd ~'I


'"' .. _ .. , "'""' '" ,,_,,

T'•P .. ,,,. ... ""' '" '' 01 Con•<<ucUon1

h<l•ht ........ ond •Llowab • "''' '" ''· '' L•ohtlno ... ...• , llumbo• &Dd IO«.tian ot '" ''·'' s...,1,.,ry ".,","lgm•nt ,,, .. '" ''-'' ,,., ..... 0 ••• , ••

!nd •<.~• 'I'> ... , '''" '"' ''·'' S'""dolP<• and Oco " Ind l<.0< ToW wld!h """"'''''' !nd ''·'' C.fMLTI' o/ """''""' '"'' ·''·,' Auto=llo '"''""'''' '"" ,, ,, "'' '"'"' '"~ .I< l < "''' "''"" '"' ,, '' p., ..... ~-..,-· '" ... ,, l<1oo• , ... ··r.:· Ind Ot.OI !'oclOBUTO Ot .......... ,. ... • •••• SJ..,.. lndloat or num""' .,, ........ ot .. ,.. •• ,

'" ••••• 00<0100 to TOO/ '"' ''·'' No omok!nr ..... '"' '' '' Tonl•

Ind ~,.001 &ope. Thlt claoolft,ation inolud<a all f•ot.<>rl•o and wo•k· 1hopo (iooluding all p1'.eo, where manual labor i• employed), oflke building•, telog,.,.ph and lolephone office•, mercantilo e•tablishment. whore """""oditi"" aro bought or sold, tavem•, wa..ehouoeo, nilroad •tationo, exhibition building•, and plllCoo whe..., not more than 100 perooll! .. ,emble fot •""reotion, ontertainm•nl, worship, or dining purpo•••·

lnd Sl.01 Conolruotion, hei~hl and ollowablo ana. (l) Building• in th" oiasaifioation shall be of the L) ''' or ounotr"ollon, and shall not oxoeod the nurnbe• of ator'"' •• spoCJfied in thi• ••otlon. The floor ar.a of any ouoh building ohall not exceed that permitted !or tho "'""'' spondlng l)'pe o! oon•truot;on ond oumb•r o( otories.

,, .... , '''"''"'"' ···~"~""''

F,•m• Co""'"'"'' .... , .....

,.,,,,,,.,, "' ''"'~

' O' ' '">nH

''"" '""'" 2 •od ' '"'"a

'"""' ~-

'•"'"~ 2 •od > •<o""' .. _ '""'"" 1 """

M••imura ""°'A-<<•- Ft.I wo •• "''"''"' .... ,.~ "' --1 I '••mo,.

' '''_'"_' __ ,_c'_'c'c'"~"~'--'''''''"''c' _ No""'"""'''

----'·""' . ·''' ''·""' 10,000 ''·""" ''·""' ''·°"° ...... ···-'"·'"" ...... ''·- -'·''' '·''' ''-"'" '·"°' ,,_ ... ''·''" ''·""' ''·""' ''·""' ' '"' •.ooo '·""' " ·'"' " "" ''·"''

' (2) When the entire building I• protected by on oulomatio oprinkler

•Y•tern, the obove areas may bo inonooed 6G1li%. There oholl be no ore• restriction in one olory nlill construc!•d buildings pro:eclcd by ~n approved au\o.,atic •Prinkler •)·otem, In one 1tory building• of

Re~iole•. l'•b,uo•y. 1>;1, So 1•! """''"~ •nd h ... <Ln~. ••otU•l!n~ '""' "'' '~"'"'""'"" ,,,,

Page 47: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

\Y1sco.-;s1:-> All~!l:->lSr\l.\TI\'[': COl•f. ' ' " "" " '" ''" ""

ord111•r)' <unslruct"'"• \\ho'" content'"''' inc,,n,Oui;tiOI.•, ond "!>""'-' floon;, roor,, nn<\ structur"l lr<n»ng "'• of i"oombu;tiblo "'"'•rial "'"'" oi1all .a• "" ci·ea ,,.,\l'i<'l'''"·

(:\) :->o huild1n~ 'l1all '"' 1;,,,,,,.,1 -"""'a wl1''" d"'nh·d i"'" ><'<\H"" \\'llicli d" ""' exc .. e<i lh" "'·''"11""' al''as lubul""''I in tl1is -''''\Loi. ;~- .1 1 _.,,,,., ""11-- ~,,,- ,r,,,,,,,, "'·"'',ball l\.ne '''":,,.than a ;.1.,,11 I" '"'''''' ·""'" "' .,,,.c11: ... : '" \\',,, _\,lt>i. 1·,.,•o _,.,.\,.,., In<\ ;.i,U-1 and •h"ll o'lc•n<I ~ I<••» ubc>\·e ti'" •·oot' ""I'''' the 1-.J.,j ,. "' fi10 ,.,.,,,ti,·e ''""''"'"''''"· .1~1 "'"''""~'in >U<·h \l'oll> 'h"ll In•

,,,,, ,;,,_ ""·' .,,,, .. \,.[ ·" ''''''"" 1,· .. 1 -, ,, "''"'h -·oo•·, "'")' l)(>l'TI"I! .,,,,,, "]"''-,,hold Lll '""' l'''"I'"" I•)' fllS>blo 1,.,, •.

,,,,,,..,.,'' 1-'-''· ·""

"'" ,,, '"·' '· J,,~,-'"

"'~'""' "'!''"'""·· ,,.,, ,.,, ,., !'''· x., '''· ,,, ,_,

ln<l [1<D2 :->un1b•r ,,,,i !"'"''""of 0''''- (l) E,-,,y h1,j',d'"~ "'° "'''Y •tor)- <hec•uf sl.oll I''"'" ot I''"' ~ "''''• "1th the iol101ving e' Oejl \!on o:

{o) F1ro: one\ ,,.,.,,,,,j Sl•'l') oi(•>Ot' '"""', 1101 o\er 3Drti• oq·.1oco feet in""'"·

lbl Tho· ,econ•] >IOI) ,,r o ·> ·t•'t\' h'<iidll>~, pl'oVi,\o,I >uch 'tot-y .• "'''' ""''' f,,, ,,,,,,.,._, ,_ "''' ,,,,., '"''" ''"''"' f,-c, "' ,,,-, .. ,, ""': ho< a ''""'""Y encln",I "-,\!1 1101 lo;; \ha" 1-houl' ~l<-l'O"''"'' '"''""·' ,,, ,,,,., .. fi,-.1 ''"''"'' !lld C,]JIJ. l""'I"'" ,1,,·,•ctlr t" ~h .. "'"""'' "''·•I t>Ol lec.·'·"'- '" 111" b.l-''"" "'- S\loh c·=ic·lo'\"''' -ilcill ],, . unvi•• ''"I exoept 1.,,. the on\ 1 ""''' 011d ,.x;t do•"•-

lo) Onl)' <>UO exit will bo requ;,ed for ~ retail •>"'-Llish111<J"l Ol' offioe oc<upancy hav,ng fi ftooi- ac••a of no\ more than 600 •quare feet pro,-ided the entrance door "l''"" d1r•ctly to the outside, ond no part of lho roon1 is more th,,n 50 feet i"'"' tCe ,_,ii_

(2) A<l•l:L,on;I exits sli'll he pro\'ide•l "" that no ~art of •n)' lac­tory or rncrcontile buildtng ha,·in~ contents which ore liahl• to burn ~-itb exlrem• ropidity or froon ~·hioh poi,ooou• (ume, n'o~ be liber­oled or explosions 00<·c; ·" e~oo of Hco, "'iii he muro than 75 leol di•lent from an oxil In otJ1or b"ihl,ngs in this clusoifieation WI• dis· tance ma)' be incr<ase<l to 100 feet ood 1vhero appro»ed oprinkler• •r• proYided tllrougbout tbo building, a furtller incroao• to 150 le•t "·ill he r•-rmit\ed, All of the ahov• d"tan'e• are lo i,, measured •Ion~ pcbli< pa>sage'Y•)"> an<l aisic·s.

(3) Exit• in all buildin~s or this ola•,ili,ation shall he"" located and di,tributod •o os to afford the bco( po•sible '""'"~

ll•••o•'' 1-2·•<: ''· (1\ lo), R•~<••••. See1emb<• '''' '°'' '' -~ 10-l -,9_ '"" <l> ''"· "'"'°''''· Fl•'""·"''· l•i1. ~"- ''' "IT- :-1-:1

Ind 5,,03 Tne of oldts. (I) At lea•t one-halt of tho e:tl\s obov, T"!Uir<d •hall bo •to;n»ays "' 'P'"fled in oe,tlon.< Ind 51.10-!;1.J8 . Th• other exit• sholl be either stairways or hori>on\ol exit• •• •r•<i­fted in ooction Ind 51.19, or firo e•eapeo u opocifted Jn section lnd 51.ZO. No fire es,op•, howol'or, will be ocoepted ao a requlrod •xii on any building more th•n 5 •Iorio> or 5! feet in height. Jn a 2 story bu!lding, an ouleido wooden oto.inray may be wiod u an oxi!.

(2) Every buildinr whioh will acoommod&to more than r.cl pe,..ono abzy<e the •ttond otoey oha!l ha'~ a\ loast 2>tsirways.

'"-~'•'"· ;·o·t.ru•,r. !9il. ~o lf.' Bu!io<ns an• hYtl~s. ••ntll•H•g anO air condttlonLns <Odo

• •

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Page 48: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• c )

• c


DEJ''f_ ut- 11\Dl'~TRY, LAllOJ( & l!C.ll.~N l~LL,\Tl0:\S l•ll

""''"''"'· ""'''· "''''•""" (S) Wborever •lairwayo are reQuired under thl• clns•ification,

'amps with a slope not grealor <han one fool in 6 feet may be onbsti­tut..1 Ramp• oh.all com1,1y ~->th all th• rcquiromento for ><airway• u to construction, onolosures, width, landing and ll;ht;ng, and ohal! bo ourlaoed with fill approved non-slip maleriol. Handrails •hnlt not be required where the •lope of the ramp !o le .. thi:in ono foot ln JO feet.

fud 5,,0, Total width. (I) In a bull ding not provided with horizontal exlta, the total width of otalnvays shall be not less than the following:

(a} In ordinary or frame buildings, 60 inches per 100 peroons: if oprinklered, 40 incheo per 100 peroons.

(b) In fir<>-reoistlve and mill bqHoh"R'' ",.

••• "'~'"' 'f~"

.... " " " • • • • ..

... ~-... •.... ·'"" .. , .\bll ••

'f.:'!l'" ·r~~· •r::.r· " " " Lo. ,.., 100 "'""" oo '"' , .. ,

" " " ;, .... , .. ,...... .. '' ,,, ,.., " u " ''· ... '""-""' '"' ,.., u " u ; •. "" '°" ""''"' '" ,., ••• , " • u "· "" , .. ....., .. '' ,,, '""' • • • ...... ,, ... ,,., .. "" "' ·~· • • • .. ..... , .. ,.....,.. .........

,,, ····· ""' io •• ..,, oh>IL oo<h to1'.L """' •• •- "''' .., '' ,, I ···.r.::, , .. P'HOOO •••• , ,. •

(2) Standard lire eBCapes (section Ind 61.20) may be aubo\llul•d for •tai,...·ay• to tf• e:<tent of no~ more than 'A. o! the required lotn! "·idth, oui>jO<( t.~ the pruvli;1on o( oecllon Ind 04,02.

(3) lf hori<011tal uit.. (section Ind Sl.19), are provided for uiy Jloor. th• number of person• acoommodated on such floor may be ine,..aoed at tho rate of 100 per.;ons for e•eh 40 b"heo of wl<lth of ouch ••It•. provided •u<I> lnerease •holl i.ot oxoe•d 100% ol th• number ol per­sons acc<>mmodotod by the stain1·ol''· E~"mple: Ao examplos of caleul•tiono under t.hio oectlon whor• the

sam• number of persons .ll'C w be acoommodat.o:Nl on •·aeh no.,r. th• following table ohowo the nuinber accommodated by a •\atrwoy• of on\ninium widlh (•u<h 44 inch"" wide) t

1a) Frame a"d ord.,iary buildings. 1'7 p•r...,no total, above first story: if •ur1nklered, 22~ per•ons.

(b) Fire-re•i•li•e and mill buildings;

·-......... H~1•< olOo ...... 'r.'!t --------

~ ....... ·········· •• .. _ . -----···· , .. ''""'"' .......... '" '•'""~- .......• ,,, '""'""

,,, ..... ""' ';co.i•:: "' .


'""'''' .. , "'""'" "'~

"' "' • .. " ,,


... M'" ••<

•r;:r ·r;=· "' "' ...... ......... _ "' • ................. , "' .. .............. .., '" " r•~o"' •• -•h ''"' " " ··~''' '" ,,,, '"" . "~••••••i.oo .. ,

no~i•<•r. >"'""'''"· '''l. ~"· t8:· D"lt<•oo aoJ hC'>lln~, ''"'"'"""

"'"' ·"' ''""'"lonln< ''''

Page 49: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

\Vl~CO'>S!~ Afl~ll'!\S'I'RA1'1VF CO!lE ' '"' ,. 0 "'''· ' •<'" '"' 'I•

(4) V<'h•r• one tn1ntnn'm -''"'""'")' ""d on• "A" fire e.oape aro provid•rl, take~ of tho oho\'< numb'''' •ubject t<> the limitation• of '"'"o" lnd 54.02

lnd 5•.65 Capacity of build,ng•, (1) In <•loulotini: the aggregate •ddth of •xits, the c•pao.ty o! the building, sh•ll be <•tobli•h•d "' follo,,·s:

"' ") <')

'"' ) ")

Stor.,, first ~oor •n<I basemen• -------­Stor<s, oecolld fiooc ""<l obo,e --------­Ll,Hlll" '"""-'·'"I' - Ll\'Ol'll-\ etc Place, of oeoted o•,<mblaRe ---------­\Vorehouses

30 •q. ft. per person ~o .. " " J 0 " )

aoo " "

(2) The obove fi~ures ore ba,ed on the n<•t "''~ ol '""h occ<lplcd 'PO<e. WJ-,ere dining room-', c~~ _, dance balls ond pl a< es of o•nted •ssemblage a<<ommOOate more than 100 persons, see se<\ion Ind 5$.01.

(31 In o\bor Oc'"'P""''·'-' :iot "] <'Cdiod aho\·o, the capaoit)' •hall be det•rminod by the actuoJ numh•• of pe,.,,on• liable to b• accommodated !herein ond no rrrootor number of P'"""' will b• permitted thorein.

Ind 54.06 E•lt door•, (1) Every door which ••rvc•"" an exit from a room aocom1nodatinH moro thon 10 P'''""'• or whi<h is on e~it !com o public pa<>ovoway or -''"'"''"Y .<holl be a •\a"doTd exit door •• spe<ified in oe<tion Ind !il 10, except that •uch oxit door need not •wing out,•ard if it o<commodat•• le'' thnn 25 p•r•ons, i• not located ot th• loot ol a st•irwoy, or i' not more than 4 rio•rs •hove \he out,ido grnde.

(2) Every exit doorwa'' loom •a<h noor, other than the J>rincipaJ entrance '" the fir•t floor, shall be indioatod hy nn approved iUumi­nat-ed •ig-n over the door bearing the word EXIT or OUT !n plain letter' not le,, than Ii lnohc• in height.

lnd 5~.DI Poo•agcway•. Wher• there i• not dire<\ oo<•s• to out;ido exi\ doors, •al• and continun"< passa~O\\'O)'•, aisle• or <Ol'Tidor• l••d· ing dlrectly to every exit shall be mo1nta•ncd at all llmoo on all flOOT• o! oll buildings. Every passagewa~, aisle or oorridor shall conform In width to the rule for ,vidoh of •toirwoy• os specified I" '''lion In<l 5;.04. Width, ohall b• measured In the <lear, ot their narrowest poinl' produr•d by an7 projection, radiator, p;po or other object and th, re<1·Jirod wi<ith shall be "'""'t .. tnod ,1.ar and unoh•\n:J<ted at all t;mes.

Ind 5t.OS Eooloour• ol otairw•r• and •hart& (l) All at•h·way,, ramp• and elevator •haft• in building; 3 or more otori•• in height, including l~n~ings shall b• or.olosel, a• follows:

t.il F,,-,,_,,,i,t;ve b1'i10in~•, llot less th.,,, ~·hour fil'•-1"'-"''i'·• <·np•!ru,·tion "' specifieO in >C<ttnn )n,I ·,1 01_

·,._- :1,,,,, :'-:,._., ,;,, .• _,,.,,, cor,trurtlon "' spe<·1f,. <I '" ,<ec"on ]n,I OL!I<.

(<) 0Tdina1·r con•\>u<!C<I b1'ilO:ng', 110! Je,.< than l-ho1n· fi1e­,.,,.,oth·o con•\L'\lCtin" •• specif,,•<! in ><<toon lrt<I ;,l,fll.

""''-"' , .. ,""'''' ''''· ,-, ''· »u"''"• """ b<&Ho~, V•n!LL•Un~ •nd ••• coo•nlon!ns '"''

• •

• •

Page 50: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• l

• c

PE!''J' 01' JNDUSTllY, ).AHUll & ll~.11.~N lll:L.\1"10);"0 l<J'I !"••<ode•.'""''·"'''"""'"'

( d) ~·,·an>e eon;\L''1c te~ ],,,, 1,1,.. c.•, ""' le<.< tloan l·houi· fir• -, ' ' ''"'" COll,lL'UCtion as spe<•fi•d "' '''''""" ltHI OLll-1.

(Jj All <!"""' QI"'"'"~ """ s11<i1 ''""""'"'> >lioll ho "' 'l"'"lle•I in ""'lion Ind fil.047, anO oil "·inclo"'' 'halt t .. of wn-.d ~la•• an.\ 111ctal fra1nes and ,a,h.

(3) E~o<?lion; Monutnontal st&ir• leading fron1 the otreet ftoo• In <he ...,ond ~oor or to • booemenl u•ed for commen:ial purpo•e• n .. d not he enoloood, provided they are elfectiv•ly cul of! at the '""ond floor (and ba•emont) br partition> havin~ fire-ce;i•lano, as specified above.

,,.,,,,. El•••<••• ooo IOlrrato• IOo<loou,.oo Fe• ''"""""''"'' "''''"­.,,~ "'' '""'~""""" """ """'·'""" "' •'-'""'""· "'"' <h• '""'''"""'" '"" "'''••·•Ion o/ •l<•ator •ha!<wayo, ••• "" "'''"'"' cod• '''"'" by <h< '"''"'"''"' ,, '""""'''· ,,,, ,,,,, ,,., ''" ''"''"'"· __ ,,,, .. '"""""''"'' ,,, "" ''"''''c """'"""' ""'' "'' or,,.-· "·'''''

' " '- '-1 ' '"' ' ' .:l ''"C'

Jnd 5(.0~ Op•ning to roof. Every building, or oe<tion ot a building, 2 stories or rnore in height •h•ll h•v• a pormonont mean• of "''''·' to tho roof from the inside. Whoro suoh aooess cons.i•t. of a •ou~tle in tho roof, the opening •hall bo not le.ss th.an 20 by 30 inohe• and thore sholl h• a ponnanont ladde' or •tain<ay leading \h•re\o.

l11d OJ.lti Tra1• doo,, "'"I II""' n1><•nin••· E1·<r)" openini: !hl'Oll1t'1 an~- <1,.,.,- "' tl>J"(>Ul(h 011_1 '""f ll.•<·'1 I•)' \b<· 1•<>hli<' a1 h)· c11>plc.·;e_, <h,dl "'' .rua1-de<i by a '""'i"ntial <·ncl"'"'" '" Lull n"t If'<- lha"

{,00; ,; ""'hf'_, hi"lc. l'lo>o1 "''''"'''' 10 hadcl;nirs of 1no>e th.1n 2 '''" '"· unle•s enclo,ed '"ith fi1•-L''''''""" enolosuo·e, "' 'l'<'lfie,j in ,o,·t1on In~ 54.08 oh.all 1 .. "'"'l<<·t.-cl b.'" fiL'•• 1·esi,(i1·f' <I'"''"' <1-''c.fi<d in ,,,.t;nn Incl 51 041.

"'""''' -., .. '"' J. "'···- , ,, '· -'' Ind W.11 tJchtlnr. (1) AU •tairwAys, flre •ooal>"I and exlto and tho

pa•••SOWAY• leading thereto when used al night •holl be P"•P•rly illuminated to focilitote e,,-r•••- The Intensity of illumination shall be not !es• tha.n 2.6 foot ca.ndl••·

(2) All go• J•t• or gas lights in footorics or ~-o•kshops where rom· hu•tible moUriol io used, •hall be properly enol.,.ed by globes or wire cage•, or otherwise properly o:uaNlei\.

l"d 04.12 Sonit•r1 eq"i"m"n(. (1) Toilot facllitios •holt bo provided ""d mointain•d in eonnootion ~·«O e1·ecy p'lblio building and place of 01nploym•n• under thlo olasslficatlo".

12) In all public buildin1ts under thi• olas•ifteotion, •epurat• toil•t room• ohall be prnvid•d for malea ond female•, ox~pt •• !n oect.ion Ind 02 51 and .. otherwi,,e providod ho,.un<ier.

(3) In puhlio pl•<•• where stiniulating drinks, ouch"' boor, wino• and olh•r alooholio bevorag<s, ore oerved for "°"oumption on the prnmi• ... except In dining room•, re•tauranto and oimilor plooe• wh•r• t~e ''""'"~ of drink• i• only ineiden'al to the regular foo<\ sen·ice. and where no puhiic bar is provlOod, toilet fixtureo ohall bo provided in oonneo(ion with tho area oerved, for the •ex (or ••xe•) ••rv<d. •• follow1:

(a) One water-olo•et for •••.-Y 40 femole•. or traotion thereof: (b) 0"• woler-OIQoet for ''"''l' 75 mal••, or t.,..tlon tho11!of, and

)tc~L•••r, ]•'"'"'"''>", ''''· '{,. ''' """"'""and h.._llTI~. '"""'"'""~ ond •Ir'~"""'""'"""'"'"

Page 51: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

\\'] sro~ ~I ~ _\!>~)I~ JS'I IL\ T II' E ('Ol!E

''·"''""' """' '""'''"""''' (4) Wh•re thono ano more than 20 male.o IOCCOOUDodated there thall

ho ono urinol for e>Cr)-' t>O "'"les, or fraction thereof, Jn cxce•o of 2~. (5) Tbo number• ,nJico<e<l a\>01·e refer to lho number of peroon•

tho< can 00 occornmoda\ed nt the •ame time and •hall ~c de\enn!nO<I on the ba•i• spcci~ed Jn section Ind lit.OS.

(6) In toilet rooms used by rnolo•, all wat..r·clo•et.. shall have o.n olon~al<!d bowl and op<n front seat ~·ithoul cover. Ail urinals ohall be of the type of con•truclion •r><clfied ho section lnd 52.G\l. Wt..r< a u•inol IS not provided, the "-•l•r·closot sholl ha\'O nn elo"go\cd b<>wl with self·rioini •ea~ In t<nlet room> us.od by femal••, all "'a\o,_ c\o,•<s •hall have •n eiongote<l bo"·l and ope'I front •eots without cu1·er

(7) In public oeoupancies 01b,, than (Cose "'bero s:imulat"'g d1·.nk' (as Oefined nbo>ei "'" sen·eJ f,,, co"'""'P'"'" or. lhc µ><·>nJ>('<, O'-c ,. ,'-<'' <<O<et of the· 1:.-1·e 1l•'"'"l>e·d al>O''' _,nail],, provi<le1l In,.,,,. neot,on the>eWdh for <•ch """ aoconunod•L•d. Except that u miall mer<a"tile <•tablishtn•"' "'het·e nornoully not more than 25 patrons are expected l<J be on the '"'"'-'"'at <h- ,,,,.,,.time. neerl have Ln conne<t!On therewith <H>ly one toil•' '°'"" l<J accon~nodate boch \he publ10 and ernl'loyes.

(a) To<I''' in ~),'''' of '"'l'loJl"l'"" See secti"n It1cl 22.03 u! \),. general order• on sanitation following this ••<tion.

(b) r,,,.,,,.,_1 ''</'"''""'"''· !""' ~cncral tuile\ roan> requi,emetol3 Ln re~•rO to looat,on, <'"""""''"on. '""'"~con, Jixtu>e,, "''·• ''" seo­ttons lnd 52.50 to Ind 5~.Gl, 1noiu;i''"

(SJ Whet'e l<Jilet room< U.'<·d by "'"]"" utoJ fo1nales a<lJ<""' the v.·alls bet"''"'" such toilot 1·ooins, ;f or •!uJJing with latti ""d plnster, the lath shall be of metal.

(0) D1t1.~Kl~O \\.,T>" 3.,,;,,;,,., l''Jl'O d1·inf"nJ: "-ate•· J>'ped fron• m•tn•, OT in sanitary container•, •hall be provided in connection with every pubho building under this cla••ifl,ation. Drinkini< {ou"ta1n, ••Porate from other fixtu1·e< """ '"""'Ll'U<t<J a' P''"'·;,lod in the o(a\o plumbing co•IO, or indivi<l<ial •l•inkLng <UIOS of R lYI'" approl"ed bv the ''''' board of heal<b, 'hall Oc provid•·<l, ''''<pt in pla<•' ~-h,,~ foo1! 01' drink is ,.,,·ed and in l'uhhc buildings "'ile'e ""rmolly not inoro than 25 1•a\rons a"' ''-'P<-<'lc•d to b" on \),., !""'"''"' at lhe ""'"' tin•<. Drinkini< /oul\toL"'' '""ll ""' LJe ,,1 ... ,,1 in 1,,,!,·t '., "''

(•) For drinkini "'ator requirement• ln plac•• o! ernploymen~ •ee o•etH,n Jr,d 22,]7 of the ~'"''"i 01ders nn oanitation followini th;_, 'eot1on. See also se<tinn 14U.o;, \\'l•. Stats., whi<h F'"hibtls th• u;o of common drinl;ing oup•.

{10) WABHlNG FAG!t.1T<""· ln every public bul)cling and in every plac• o! employmont, •xcopt "' P""''J,,I ;,, •<<tion Ind 2~-1.1. wash bowls sh>.11 bo pro,·ide~. in oo)<n<ot1on ""ith toilet rooms, ou• for every 2 w•t•r-c!ooe\o or urinals. or fraotion, Cloan Individual cloth or paper "'"-•'• and soan •h.,11 b, pcol'hleJ '" oonneotion "·ith '"'''' la,·atory Ln,tollalH'"- Tl" '"-'t.\lla\,on of a to"·el fol "'""""" "'" o'r th• u,. of alof common l<J"·el ;, not pormi,..ible.

Seo al-"" .. <lions Ind 22.13 to lnrl 22,15, inclu•i"•-Hlo1n.,-, !-t-,!; •m (•) <•) ond (h) oh<l <•l, R'g'''''· •<nt<<nb•c

''''· ,,0, ''· ·~- ,,_,_,, ,,,,.;,,,,. l•'eD•u•;y, 1011. No ''' BullOln~ and h,,.un,.-, ''"'''"""~ AnO al• oonOIUonLn~ ••••·

• •

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Page 52: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter


• (


• c

DEPT. OF INDUSTRl', ),A!l0]( & J]l_;)l,\N l(llLAT!ONS JQO >"•<\Orio•. offloo, moe<·•J"ll"

·''"'''The toJLow•n• .. '""'"·Ind •2.0.1. •nd ''-'' Ind''·''· Ind'''' loO ''·'" """ Ind '' 1• "'' tHk••n ''""' the """'".[ '"'""'" on "·'""""o'' '"'""'by tho"''"''''"'"' o< '"""'"'· j•boc an<l """"'" rol,,.>on• J•'o' f••<'><r ''"""''"'""' Ob oonJ1.a"on, ... !l>Ot pul•l<ea\IO"-

lo4 =.W 10 ........ ··~··· ••••• 1 ... 1 •. Ol) In"'''''''"''"''''"''''" '"'"~ who!he• "''''"'"'' '' hor••ftec ''''""''"'"'· '"'' WHO<·•·o;o"'l '""" "'"""'"'"tor,,,.,,'"'"'''''"'·'" (co•·L,•"' ''"'''''"'·of•''''" 1 "'­

•''Jn addLUoo '"'"'''· "'"'' '""'' ''"'" l<I "'"''' ,,,,. •'"'''"'''•'-'"' ur;nol •h•IJ be p1·n•ldod rnc ,, .• ,, '" moL<•- '" ''"'""" ''"'''"' \Yh••• not mora th•n 10 '""'"' "'" ••nPloy•<l •"h•• a""""' "'"" 1,. p•o•ld•d o• <ho w•l••-clo••t •hull ""'" "" •·long•t<-<l """'I ""d ''"· '"'"g ,,_.,

,,, Th• ··~"''On\•0"0 in '"I';'''""'' (1) llll<I (') <0>11to b1• <'Oll•l'""'tl "" "" baoJo ot tho'"''-'""'; ""'""'' ot """'"''''""au'' ono ""''­

''' In 01' now ln•\l'll•"""'· "'•LY 1n1;vnlu"I """''' >l·Hll ,,,. "''d S11<h '".""'"'') uc>nal• ol••ll 1·

0 ''' l"'"'•I"'"· '"''"'" '''""' "' ,,.,,,,_ ,,,.' ,,., ,.t '"'" '"' """'· "'" "'"' ~,,,,,d '" '"' '"'n•I '"' "'·'"

'" ,, ''"'' wLLh "" ofte<-11>·• OOLOH••"' '""'' "' '"''" '· • ''""'•<LOC) root"''''"''"~""""'"''""''" ""·"I~ .• ,,,_,,"",• 1,,.,. '"'" """'""" ''"'" "' "' "" "·'' '·'"I" I'·""'"' ''''""""" """ '-• """ "'"" 1, .. ,., '''""-lnO ""·'" L•,·•to.,••1 '"'""''"'• \\'"'"'"" '"''"""' ah•" be P•~,·LJed

In o; ad)oo•n\ ro "''''' '"'"'' '"'"" "' """ ln•t•ll'""'""· th••• •h•ll "· "'""''on•'"'"'"'' '"' ,,.,, 0 "''""' ,,.,., ... ,, """ "'"'""' "' ,,.,.,.,,.

C.-.•• ,,,.,......_..., ...,Lion lnd 22.l< !O• O<ldlt.loul , ... 1 .. mont. /o, PL•••• ot enooloymooL

"'" '"'"'" Ind ''·'' Oh "'"''"~' ''"'" whl<h Lo••'-""'' "'"" I.• m•d< ••d lo• •Llowoblo <.-- o< !noLOllauoo•. Nor'' Ono l•v•(Ot)' !Dr ,, .• ,., • or • fixtorao O. '"°"'""''ndod,

'"" '"·'• "-••••~s '"'°""'' '"' '""''" "' '""""'''"' '"'"'"¥"''"'· <l> '"'''•"'"'"~(a) Thor•''"'""' n\ "'""on• I••~<••>'"""'"" ,,111, hoc •n• oold "'''"' o•ovld•d '"' evecy 10 ''""'"''' o• fru,·Uo" "' "'' lol· Low•n• "'"'''or''""'"''"'"'-

! Ju"""'"''' or""'"'''"'''" .,.,,,,, '••d "'''"'' "' "'""' ''"""""'" or '"'"''o''' "'"''''"'' ,,,. hooaiea "'tho,,·,.,,,.,,~ '· In al1 pl•<•• or ''"''I">""'" "'''''• rood •a p;opu•od or '"'""­

"'"'"''d-.i [n n>1 "''"' "''"'' .,r ""'''"'"""' ""''' th<· ''"'1•111l•"' '"""''

"'''""'"I'll' •• "''"''' •"I "'•oh '"""'' on'-LL he ,-onou·ucL•d aooo,dLn• to"'" ''""'••m•nlo

"" '"'''' •o0"'~ 10) Tw•1><y Lnch•• or''"""" ~·••h "'"k. •• o< <h< ••~•of & ''"'"'"' ,.,.,.,1, '"""'"'" '''"" '-• ,,,,,,,.,,d ''·' .,,,,,,,,.·nt "' o"• '"'''"''·Th, ''"""" ""''' ''"k "' "''"''" ""''' '"""'"'" '""" ""' •• '""'"'"'" ""'' a plo~ o• olhor ''"'''"'' \·:,,,-1, '"'"'"'' an<l '"'" ;o '"'''"' or ''"""" "'••h ""'' oh•LI '"' """'"''"d "'"'' elth•• o '"'"'' '' •ocay ....... '" , .. ,,, ... , ... '' "' '"''''"' ,.,..,,,,, "' '"" ···"'" '''"''''"'''-

,., AH '"''ato•l<• '"'" '" '""''' or 00<c•la10. '"'"''''d """· •• "'"'' "m•l•' ''""'"vlouo "'"''"Loi

<'l 8"ow1-eo, SJ1ow•• '""I""'' ,1,,,;1 he ,,,,,_;ded '" '''"'"""''' """ "'' !olloWI"" ''"";"''"""'"

''" ln L'ln•·•-• or •n>ployo•eot "''"'" "'''""""" .,, i••l1aUng mnto•lal• "'"'"'' oenot••lo <h• clo>IH1>~ "'' ""'"''''d '' l•••L """ ahowo• •hnl> b• "'"''"•• lo• ''''' 10 '"'"''''' '' '"'""'" who handl,· oc ''""'" '" <OI""' I Wllh '"'" '""'"""'<

(0) Jn gluo la•<o.,ea. '"""'''''· '""""''"'- '""''•· •od o<he' vl•c•-• o! ""'1"'Ymonl wh••• n••<•rl•l• wt<loh pon•l••<• the olothlng ••• handlo •t ,, .. , ono ohow•• tot ''''' '" ouob omployoo. .,, ''"'""" .1,.u "' "'"''••• ·

<ol """'"''' '""" '" ''""-'"'" wlt!o hnl ond oold wotor •nd b• '""'""'" '""" • hot on« "''' ''~ulal\n~ ••lve. The ••SU'"""" d••L<• or '"''' •••II bo ol•Lnly ma•k•d ond ohoLL Qo oo looa<od <ha< l~• ••••• oan bo o .. •at•d "'"houl ot•ndLng undor th• ohowot. SU"P'• •• f••d o•o•• '" ohow••• -'""" h• o••<•d ••••head "' v•n\toted to avoid th•'"""'"""-'' or•""'"''· '"'"'"~In'""'""' "'"' tl" ho< wot•• OIP••

'"' Ea<h ohow'' '"o'" '' '""'"''""'"' ohaH b• oon•tcucted of mote· •L•I lm"''•Oou• <o mololu••. •nd th• """' undo• ooch ohowe' booO •b•H bo of •uoh oon•t•uollon, or bo P•••ldod _.!th a oultablo •••!!••Y •••!e•. •• "" to P•OYOhl oBppln~.

''' So;P_ For"" hand waoblnJ< !ao>liU•• In ploO<• ol •molo>m•nt. •n •"'!"''• ~u•n<lty "' "'""'· non·l•"<•llng, no.,·•b••olve •o•o wh"h •hoil o ..,<i••l1 ''"'"'' <h• •k•n •h•U 0. PfOYidod

R,gL•<•t, !·'•b•u•;y, t•71, Xo '"' 1'uUdinJ< and h00-Un,. vontllat!n~

""'' "" oond lloo•ng ondo

Page 53: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

IVISCONSIN AD~l!NlSTRATJVE CODE !'"'''"'"'· "'"•'•', '"'''''""'''

J•O ""''" T•,.•••· Jn •" ol•c•• or '"'"loymon\, th• "'• o< tow•l' Ln eorumon •• "'""'~"'" Who'• h••.d wa•hLn~ '"'""''' ••• ''""'''"­LndLvldu•l oloth tow•••. ma~••tno t>"P• ''" ototh lowol•, or "''"' tow•l• '''"" "' '"'"""'' by th• •mpl"''''- Elc<\dc nond "'''''' m•)' b• U••d >< •po•ovod by <no Lnduotn•I oomml•"""

l•O 0111 l>"•kl•• "''''· Cl) E••<Y plooo of e<nploymont •ball "' OUPPH•• "'"" '"'"'''"' ""'" dcLnl<Lng w••·· ond lh• '""'''' o• ou<L•t• ''' "'' '""'' •h•1l "' ploccJ convonlo'd '" tno '"'oloy,,, ""' not '" ''"'' ;oom• Co'""'"" d'1""'"~ ""'" ••• P<oh•05'•d """""'' d''""'"g foun<>•n· •haLt b. Ln•tollod Or jn,J•vL<l•.d OUPO '""" "• p,o,·Ldod b) '"' ,., •.. ,., ..

.,,.,, .. ,....,.,,.__,... th• ''"'' olumbl•• oo•• <•• """"''' """'''"'"'" or """"""" d"okLog fountain•-

''' \Vh''' '"""'"~ "'"'''''no< "'"Llabl,," 'over•d ddnl<Ln~ ,, .• ,,, '""'"'"'' """'•P•d with • ,,,,,.,, "' '"""''' '""" Oo "'"''"'' 1'h• '""'"'"'' •hall oo '''""''' •nd o<ocLLC.od nt !•••"'"' '"'''vol• •no k•ol <n • ••nl<••y oonolL"'" •od "'good''""''

lod ::>.1• n••< ••o'"•· (1) A''" room •hoLI bo otovLd•d •<tho o••n· oLp•I "'"'' or """"''-' '"~·n•d, ''"'''· or ••n\od), who•• > or ... o,, "'''"'·• ''' •mpl,,-,"

<C) ~·''- roo"" •ha>'. h, '""''''"' ~·"h o ''"' o; "'"'ct. and•''"' ,, h~h'""· ""'"'' ""' ''""""'"' '" ,,. . .,,.,,,,,.. "''" "'' """'""""' •l•n•~••• pubL!ohod '" \VJoool"'" '"""""''""'" ood••-

<)) A toLl•t room oho\\ not, und•' thL• '"'" b• oon•l•u•d to bo nor may"'''''••,'''' ,0,.,,,_ A"'''"'"'""'' moy ''''" .. o re•l room

"'•'"''' 1-c-06:, ond '""' l(c~'''''· "'"""''· 1007, No, 1<0 .~. 9-l·''

lnd :,J.13 l•nl•l;nn or ha1o•d<. ( l) All h<uHn~ boilers ""<l f""""''"" , ......... ,011 •. ,., fuo: L'OO>H-<, ""'''·'~",·~ult.' f.,, ]>Oint•, '"I<, ,,,,,j .,nHI•' , "'"""'""''' on<l oUt••' .,itnihH· ha,;1-do "' o buil<L'nK shall "" i•olat"d f., • .,. 111•• t'•"<\ "f the b\dld,,.µ by o\ I<"••\ n 2·hO'll" fi>e·1~s;st<1·,, '''"I~'"''""" opeoified in''''''"" lt>d :,1.<1-1, oxce1•t that in huihlLHg .• "''' 10.0>0 than 2 •tOl''e' in h"'~ht anO hovin~ O floo1· "''"" of not ,,,,,.,_ 1han R,OOG square fee\'"'' rloot·, a l·houi· fil'e·l..,,;_,(jve enolosu,.,. ,,. 'l'"':fi,.,] in •ection )nd C.J.Ol, ,,.. betle1·, •hall he J>ro1·jJcd.

121 .~ll nuc,.ing> >hull].,. l"'O\<<'(<'d \\'ith self.,·[o,ing r,,, .. icsi<th" .1 .... ,_. 'l"<ift••I in '"''\,on Jn,J ·,1 •1;;

(S) Spaco heatero, ""'ponded furn.oce•, &:ld direot·fi..ed unit heaters, fi•od with vori<>U• tuel>, may be uaod without an enolo•ure wh•re approved by tho department of tndu•tty, labor and human relation,, Where ouspended furnace• ond dit"eot fired unit hooter• are used withoH\ an onologure, all such llnit• •hnll bo lo<ot•d at least 7 feet above the lloor. '"""'"l' ,_,_,,, ""' {l) on.t (0\, ll••~J'L'"'- l'''"'OOt)'. 19,!, :<" 1•:. ·" ,_,_,, Ind 5,.1. Standpipe• and tlro e•tlnsulohoro. (1) For exterior ol•nd·

plpea ••• ooct.ion Ind 51.21. (2) St.a>ttbfd interior fi,..l old •landpiP••· .., speoift•d in •ecllon

Ind 61.2.1 oball bo provlded In aU buildinp of more th•n 2 storieo and tno .. than !000 ~ fool undlvidod lloor area, .,.h,,.. flammoble motorial o• ony other ha>ardou• condition I• prosent, un\e•• on ap· p•oved .. ulomat.io 1prinkler •y•tem ;, providod.

(3) WhoreYer wator 1<t1pp!y of oul!lolent presaure to not availobl•, 2 otondard fir• •xlinguiohers •• spooified In •ect!on Ind bl.22 oh•\! be provided on eB<h fioor ln place of each ,..qUil"<!d interior •l•ndpipe.

Ind 5(.15 Automatic sprinklers.. (l) A complete autmnaUo sprinkler s~s!•m, aa sr•olftod in section Ind 01.~3, •hnll be pl'ov;dod in "'"'")'


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Page 54: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• c-


• c


DEl'T 0!' 11'.'UL~'J'J(\, LABO!( & llL:~lAN !(ELATIONS 1V1

""''""''· ""'''· "'""'"""'' building of this olo>Sifiration 1\'ho1·• lno1·e th"" 00 l''"'"n-' "'" omplo)''d Ol' a'con>modot<•d 'd!O\'C tho thL.•,l sl"LY •>ccpt ao pruvi<i<·d Ii.low.

(•) Offico buildings. (b) In 3 Stoey hu,J•lin"_' nl<>er th"n offico buddi""' 11·ith moo" thal\

50 peronns on tho thjl'<l floor, onl) lu>>•m•«t' uonl sul,.Lasomonts must b• oprinklel'<d.

(<) An olfJ<•o hu;1.i;ng "' "-J,.,·11 ''"' ,,,. 1 "'"'ii""'' at<• "''''If,,, .,,,.,._ <ua\ilo P"'I'"""'• only tho lH<·rca•ll•lo porLH>.1 rnuot ho sprtnklci·cd.

(d) Building• of fire-rooioLh·e con.<\ruction \\'ho•e ''"""'"\' ""' not ''"J.ly oun11Justiblo . ........ ,, , ___ ,,_ . , ' ' '-l-1 L,

Ind 54.16 F•re •larn1, A Iii,• ularm ,y,\<rn oornplying with o•oUalo Ind 51.24 1hall be provided ln "very fa,tory Qf WQ•k•hop ""h""' rnnr• than l~ P''"""' •re et:,p!orod abo1·, the _;econd •\or)' except building, wlu'h are l''ovided u·1th o co1Hplcte ""''""atic spr1nkl•r oy•tem and ox0<pl ftro-r••i•tive buildings who•e content• nro praotloally lncom­busti'llo.

Ind 5.f..IJ Floo• J.,.d .;~,.,.. (l) ln ''~'Y factory, ''"'k'h<'l'· """~ hous,•, or o\f_.., hu'l'li"~ ,,.J, .. ,, n1a"·roa] i• piled,""'"''·• of a porma­"""I ,.;,a,oc·\•'J' sli.dl I"' l'"""''d <>r nll<el'Wl•< 1•ron1,.1cntlv dL>playod, stalin~ th<• hi"• loaO '" P"nnds poc s~UOl'•• foot "h'•·l1 \ho f!nor ;, designed to carry. Such notloeo shall be placed in full vi•w, on oocO floor.

12) \\")"-'"fl'." - "'" ol"'"l'' u;o,] f,' ""' "'"""'"•" uf snmo pa,ticul.,, .natcrial. the "',dis shall be marked to tho heigh\ \o "'hlch !h• mote•i"I shall 1,.. piled without exceeding the oafe load.

Ind 5~.IS Si~n• ind;c•lhi~ number of person•. ln all bu!lding• of th;, ,Jassifioa\lon "·here 00 or rno,-e per>ons are accommodated on any floor ohovo the •<oond. not1ocs shall he prominently displayed •ta<ing th-' mo,imllm nuniber of persons on "''" floor for whom •lai'"""")"-' •n<l othe' •xiL• h>1-e been r•·ovi<lod nooording to ••ctlon• Ind 54 D2-l"d 54.06_ Sueh lootioes sh"li i>e p]ace'I in full view, on •aoh floor.

Ind 5t.19 ~o •mnkino •i~n•. Smoking shall nol be penuitted '" ret.,il eotabliohrnent.s whore Oarnrnable material• are handled or , 010. Suli.at.le signs bo&ring tho words "No Srnokin>r' shall bo oreotod Jn oll place• where such hazai-d exists.

Ind 5~.20 Ten10. All tents used for •oleo ur •loraKe purpo•eo siiall oonlorrn to the requiroment.s •pecifiod for l.<nta in ••<lions Ind 56.~8-lnd S6.63, inclU•iVe, of thl, code.

""''''"Cr_ R•Kl•t••. Soo<•••.bor. ''''·No ''· .~. 10-1__,0_

n'"'"'"''- ,.,.,, ",., .. ,.,-, "" ''' BoHOlOC &nO n .. ""'· .... , ... .,.~

'"' ~,, '""""''"'"~ '""'

Page 55: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• •

• •

Page 56: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• I

• (

D!'PT. OF INPl'.STRY, LAl!OR & il\iMAN REL.\'f!QNS lU8 Thoat•••· &o .. mbly b&llo

'"' '" '"' '"' '"' '"' '" '"

''·''' t!:i: .... , .. ,, '"·'' ••••• ,;,o;

""' ,, '' ... ''·'' '"" ,, ,, '"" ,.,,,, l~i l~.il '"" •• l< Ind '' '' '"' ''·'' '"' ''·'' !nd ••.!! Tod o:.:• InO >! ;o '"' ,.,, '"" ,,, '' lnd '' '' '" ' 51 '' lnd ''-'' Ind ''·'' '"' '' '' TnO '' '' '"' ''·'' '"' 5 I '.i '"" '"' ''-''

Chapter Ind 55

THEATERS AND ASSEMBLY HALLS Th ... ,,,, A•••mbl> boll• CL ... o! .,. .. ""'tion Hol•ht •"'"'' &T&do F.>ooou,.. "°d ,oucL•

"'"""'"""" '''"' ''"'' ........ , ... """""'"' Numb<' and locatl"n ''

'''" ~, ... ,,,,,,_, St>.,wa}'O

""' '"'"''l"• •nd ''''' E<lt ti~hl• ll"ld<h ot ••LI•

"'"""" WlO<O of •<•loo Lobhl•• """ roy,,, Jnollo•• and ""'' '''"' OOotructlon )"""''' ""' fat,, op•n­

'""' "''''"'"""' EJovato• ond vent ohatt.o S<o .. ,_ .. uon ~""'"'"'""' wall p'"'°'"'""' '"'"''" """'""''" •m••• outl<l '"'" vootlOul••

""" """' '"'""" > "''"'"' "'"'"' ., .. , "'''''''' "'""" aonoo '"' '"'"'''' ''""" Ll<h<• •nd llghtln<

'·'"""''" "'"'''"'"' •-•••oe•

lnd ''-'' Ind ''·'' Ind •l.<0

'"'' ''·'' lnJ >o <2

Ind ''·'' '"" ''-'' Ind ''"' '"'"''' ""' ,,,,,, lnd ''·''

''·" '''·'' ,,,_, ,,_,, ""' ''·'' Ind '' '' ,,_,, ·''·'' ''"' '''-"' '"" ''·'' '"" ''·'' lnol ,., 17

""' ''-'' '"' ,,,.,, Tnd 05,c,O

'"'' ''-'' '"" ,_, ,, '"' '·'-"' '"" '' ,, '"'' ''-'' '"' ....• l" I 05 67

'"' ''-''

Fl•o •'"'"'"''""'' ""'""""' ., .... ,.,, Motion plcluc< "''""'"' boolh" "'"•••L Con•<'"'"'" o< booth Duo<• 01"""""' V•ntll•llOn or """'"' R<LI<< ou<lolo ~,.,,,,, " ''"" "''"'n '"'"""' "'"'"' Fl•• ''"''c'''" >O Ooo\h,

""'' '"" "'' "' "'"' p,,, "'"'" ''"'"" '"''"''"""'' c,and•ta•"'' E<it• A1•1•• •r.ct ''''""''""•)'•

"""'"" ""·'hi '"'" Pmtab1o o•andot•nd• or

"""'"'"' ,,,.,,, ""'' T•nt• ~t"«lo•n1 .-.oul••m•n<o "'""" ,.,,,,.,,,, >fr•"""'"'' "'"" ""''"=' '"''""'"'""' Fl c< <x<,noul•h•.•r

''""'"'""' '"""''"""""' ''" """" on•l ''""" """'' ond '"'"''' "'o'n

'J '""' ''"'"'''' OutO""' """'"''

Ind ~~.001 Th<•l<tn. In th• th•ator olassifiootion are inol01d•d all bu ilrling, _or ports of build;.,g,, contain•11g on a•••n1i11y h•ll, ha,•ing a '''"' wh,eh may be equipped with curtain.• or p•rn>On•"l or movoble soon•')', or wl>Joh lo othe,..,-,,e Rrloptahle lo th• sho~·ing of plays, operas, motio" piotur•s or oimllar forn>> of •nt.rtainment.

Ind 5!.01 A•oomhly h•ll,, (l) ln \he '''""'hlr h"ll <las•iftoation, or• lnoluded o.ll buildings, or ""''' uf huildings, othor than theaters. whlrh will aooommodata more than JOO porson• for entertalnm•n\, reorootion, Instruction, wor,hip or dining puT]loses.

(a) Every ••-~lf h•ll wbloh will ~«ont1nodate not mo,.. thon 100 l'"r""ns !!hall ~nlorm to tho roqui,..,mont• <:>I Wis. Adm. Code ch,p\or Ind Ot, <:Overing factories, offioo and rnoreantllo buildings.

Ind 55.~2 Clua of ~nstruction. (1) The capa.cltl .. ot bulldlngo or P'lrl• of building• In thl• c\.,..l~oation for th• varioUl! types of con­•truetion •h•li not exceed, ond shall coml'ly, with the f~llowin~ r•quirements:

MAXJ)IUM CAPACITIES T•P• ol Coo•lrt><tlOa \V1!11 Sl•go

f,', rr . ~'. ~'. ~~~-·- :_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-: _-:_----~---_ ~--· _-_-:_·_-. -. No, : ~ml I

~~::::: '~-=== ::::::::: :: ::::: : ::::: :: ::::: ::: l i~ R••l•<c' P•'"'""''-· 107\, No'''

auLLdlog i.od heall'n~. ••n<ll•HnH and &O• oondltLonlo~ code

Page 57: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

\\"ISCO:-O'S))'; AD~11:-0'!S1'RAT!VE CO[JJ;: .... ,.,,,.,, "''''"""' ""'" (a) .l.'xc<ption. Then,, prot"'""" for •tructural •\eel •upport:n~

!be roof 1noy b• omitted in one-story bu,Jding' in tli•s claoolficotlon provid•d the roof ond its oupport• •ro of in<ombustible "' m.ill con. •truc•tion throughou\.

(2) Frome c<>nstruct, 0n. \Vhere a building of this cla"'ification ls •rooted of frame coOBtrnction, th• following r<strictiono shll apply:

(a) :-O'ol •H<'«' lhun OJH'''"') 'n hoi"OL ""hou\n ba]c·ony. ao•l "'Lh "" L.>><'onent exte1•t " l"·~tit>i< and fc<·I i·onn• c·n<lo'e<l w,\O il>c· iesistive con•tru,·t,on "' >poei~eJ •n s•<·Unn Ind 6.J.Z9, with nil inl<·<ior opelll"~' l>l'Qtort<d l'"ith self-,·l"oing fi1~-l"e•ist1ve doo''' "' -l"'<•fio<l ;,, ,,.,.,,,,,, 1,,,1 .;i "~'-

(b} Located at IO"-'I 20 feet from any oth•r building or aOjoini"g property J;ne.

(c) Js r,ot built 'n connection "'lh • buildin~ used for any Olhc' purpose.

(<l) ls pr<ivi<le<I .. ·ith !oundatioP. ''"ll' nnd PLcrO of n"''''r·1• ''~'strll:\ion

(o) Whoro motion plctun booth• ""' roquired, they •hall b• en­closed w1tb 2-hour ~r•-resisl1ve construcUon.

E~'<J>lion1 In ploceo ol worohip, a full l>a""mcnt and • bolconf sooting not more than SO peroono may l>e provided.

(3) Ba!,on''' nccowmo<lating n>o>"c thon 100. In any theater or ao .. mbly ha.JI, baloonies which accommodat.o more lhon 100 perwno shall be of l!re-r.,.lstive construotion •• opecifi•d ln ""'tion lnd 51.00J

Hl•<••r' ,_,_,,, (11: 01) {a). <•l: <•I (•l: 12) Cl•I: (2) {o): (01 (O): (0) <•I. ''I (fl: tl)_ """'''"'''"'•Jun•. tO•<, No.'· •tt. 7-1-•<: •m. (1) ("'·"'~'''''·A"""'' ''''· '"'· '' .~ >-1-•1• •>rt. "'"''''" J•ou­"· '""·'· ~" ,, ·~- ,_,_,,, ,_, '"'· "''"""'· ,_.,.,,,,,.,,_ '"'' ~. ,,, -~ ,_,_,,

Ind 05,Gl Heigh! abn,. "''de. (l) Tu•ATEllS Tho hei11:ht o! the ,;11, of the principal ontL'"'"' J,,,.,, to ony thealec, a> doflr.ed in seetion Ind 0.1.001, shall be not n>ore than 18 inch"8 abov• the out.side gr•d• "' that point. The floor l•••l ot the hl1th•st row of ••~t• on the •n.un n""' •l\oll not I""""'' than(; r,.,, obn1·e the outside grade nt the "'"'" tnti·ance' t],e lloo> level al <ho lowest '"''of •<at'"" tho rr,a,n floor •h~ll be not n1oce th~" 6 loot below, or above. \ho grade at the"""'''' cxil

(21 As••'tBLY HAI.LS ·~n ""'"" G•Rn., .• ;nO\'g FIRST STORY. \\"he>·• hS-<co,hl)' holl-' a•e prov,,l••d "'''"0 the r,,-,\ story, the !ol1011·ing lin,i­<ation Of oo<upane)', type of oonstruction and exit fadlili•• shotl appi}"'

"'~""'"'"' --­""'· ., ""'''·"' "'"· ~ ,,,,...,,.

""""'""' "'· o( "''"''"'"

No Ihm< 000 - No liml<' ... "'"' '' .. '"' ,,, .,..,. ......... I

~--~----°'-''' '"'""'""'' "'"' ··~, """' <h• ,,,,, ,, ,,, _,,.,,,, ..... ,.,,., '""''" " ,,,

''""" ., "'"' ..... '''" .. ''""''" ·~ •• .,,. '"' ,.,..u ''""'"'· .. '"'"~ ..... ~ .. T"- ...,,..,.,,. oholl bo •< '""' •<''''"~do-· o .. Lt bolo ..... ,,,'°°'""''""''" '"'~··· ,, , ..... , .... _

""'''"· ,-,,,,,,.,,, ,,,, ~' ,,_. I:"'""~'""),,.,.,,,,,.,''"""''·"'~ "'"' .,, '"""'"""'"~ '""•

• •

• •

Page 58: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• (

u1;PT. or INDl'~T1:1·, I _\li<ll: ·' llL.1L\X iil·.1..\ll<>:\~ 111 '""·''' .. ,,_, ,,,_,,,, ''·"'

(3) BAS0.\1£.~T _\SSE.\\liLY lL\LL. An a .. <oonhly hall may b< plaeed ilL Li'<' i>aoe""'"' of a fi,.._.,,_,"'"' ],,;IUing ,f the ''•'f'Ocity dooo not,,. C<c·<i 2,000 P•'r»ns OL '11 '"' bosen1en' of n buildLng of n1ill Ol' ':-n,­'101")' cnn•H·u,-t;on if tho ,-,\p,\city doe• loot ox0<'<'d 400 poo·•ons.

""'"''' ,_,_,,,,' ""' ''''· R•~'''''· S•-o<•mb••, '''" ""· <•. •~-10-1-S•

Jnd 55.0~ E•po•ure and eourl•. (l) Every theal.or or •••embly hall ~·hich '"'"'"'""""''' moro thai. 600 µcr•ons shall have "t least 3 wail• ab'lttinir on •l-\o, alle)',, or op•n eouru.

12) Tho "all oonlatn,ng tho inain entrance to any \heolcr or"''""· bly hall •h•ll abut on a •tree!, 'l'h• lol.>Ly or possagcv.·ay leadini:: (ron1 the ·:aic entrance doors to tho forer or RUdl\oriom •h•ll bo o;,.,,,t 01;0 -.o\"''"'lod ,,nrl "r" m"d"'''"- "'idth equal lo tho .<uni o' •_h., "'d.J,, of 11'._ "·"·'• ,•,,:ca1,,e 0001,, Th:·re sholl be nu 0110L1ng_, ;,,,n\ oth•r 0<oup•1><i•• to ou<h a oorridor "' ""''agewoy.

r:q 'I h·· ••·:du, .,f ,.,,. ,- '''" '""-' -i>dl I><• aL l••a<! r: f•·•t '"' ·"''"'"I·'•"') t.ol <'\«-e•l:n" ;.'"'I"""'"-'·'""! ,f,.,11 lw ll\<1"<'·'"" ,;•,ti'' '"'''or""" f<K>( I"'' ""''" ··"'' i''''''"'' "'ld"i"n"I. ~;,.,;·;• •u<·h '""'' .],all ic"'! to a 1•01,hc· tl1""'""1\!.uc, •·ithe•· d;n'<'!ly, OL' thH•;l;<h a f'.l<-,\0~"'"·'- of eq1ia! ,,-idth. 11·'' i<'·' '''"" R 11•<'1 h1"h rncl,,.c,; ,,-,,1, "'·l'"''""d 1-1,,..,, f>,.,_,-"''''"-'' ""IL·, ,.,.11,,,~ "'"I 11<><>1 "' 'l"''':n•·d '" .. ·ot'"" l•·.d ;,1,i\4 'fl1.- 11,,,,, u,,,1 c·1·d.t>>: shall ho <l1·,tcne•I fn· ,, lho load of not I•.•< \l1'•n 1:,<l l'"""'L- l"'I' .«n1a1e fnnt. ~o 'u'h """I" ,.,. l'"''a"''"'")' .hull ],., u><·d r,,, ''"'""" ,,.. "")' nth<>1 11" '""'' whal•0<-1·01.

'"""''''I'-.,,,·'"' '·> "' ,1,_,,,,, "'''· '" ,,, '" ,_,_,,

Ind 55.00 S<poration /rom olh•r ""'"pan<i••· (l) E\•ecy !heal•' and &•••mbly hall ohall be oeparated f'om any other 0<oupanoy by an ab.oolute O«upaney ••P•'ation a• •po,ified in ••,lion Ind 51.0E, ox<•pl !h,1t • •T''';,1 n<oupanoy '"P"'otioti o• specified in ••<tion Jn•l lil.Oil may he us<d between en a•sembly hall accommodoting not moro than 7li0 porson• and 1>ny other non-ha•ardous occupancy. Where a •peeial ,.,coponcr separation is perinitted in this soction, a sing!• fire-r<'9ist-­h·e door may bo U••<l for the pro~•etion of opening<;.

12) For "'"etnhly boll.< of unlimited capacity local.cl on \\pper fiooro of fire-,..,•i•tivc buildinW< "-h"h at<• scrv<d by elevoto,.., the elevot<>r npenin~• may be )'<rn1lt1od under the requirements for opeelal occu­l'""'Y ••oarntion •P•'ifiod in section Ind 51.0S, but othorwiso, abso· lute occupan<~ •eparation is required.

~t) \Vh•I'• a ~"'"W v•htch is nioro tMn 5110 square f..,t in or•a. rhcn>IOnl 1aho1'ato1·,. Ol' othe!' o<·cupancy "'he•·e fiammahl• o~ o<~ln<i,·c l,qui<1< "' "a''' "'" '"'"" '" •<o•ed is built >n oonncot1on 11·ith a h,,,1,1in,,. "·"'d loi· a theato1- "" "'''nihl;o hHll, it .<hall h;> ••rarate<I th••l'<•f''"" In >111''11'' «F 1-11"'1' fi'<'-'''i<\"'" W.Lll' "Tid ""i>H'H'o.l 1-h·'"' f_,,'"'-••:,,-,. rl""' ,,;,,,,. .t1 .. I b'''""- ,,, 'i"'"'rio.I '" "'''-'"' ITid OJ.1>4, All openin~. "' t!" woll ln •djoinin" f"'O'ts of thr huild1n" <hall be p<"ol<'cted hr 1no""' of •olf-elo_""" fii" ,,._,i<tive <lnot'< "o 'l""·ifiod in ,,,.t,nn lnO '•1.0-\;

'"""''-'' 1-0-'•"· '"" '""'>'•' '·'" "'· ''"''· ~ .. '·' '" ,_,_,,, ''" '"- '"'~"'''''· , .. , .. ,,..,,._ ,,,, '" I,. ··~ ,_,_,,_ ""'~;<I''· l•'o•h,-,,,.,,-, 1•71. Xo 1•;

BH,,<ling and h•··'""~· ••n<ll•ti"" nnd •Ir'"""";'"'""'""'

·------- ._4$1=~--

Page 59: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

-'ii'.- ,_ ,.

11~ \\'lSCO"IS!S .~])l!l~·1sri:ATlVE CODE ,.,,,,"''' ·"'<'""'' '" ,,

Ind 55.06 Copaeilf. (1) '.11>• following tablo includes varlotu1 lypeo of ""'upnney within tho ..,ope of this oe<llon, together "'1lh tho melh· od to be u••d in deterrniniror tho <npaoity.

{~) No greater number ol persons thaO\ the nwnbe1· thus estab-1;,hed •hall be f>Brmitted in any lheal<r or ""'"•mbly hall.

Use or ()c,upan<)" (a) A••n•• and fioh1 hou•e•

<h\ .~S'"'"1h• hall,, "-Ith'"'' o _ (<) B•nquet h•ll< __ <cll rhuroh•• (auditoril,.no) l·'J Chu1cii<'' (doning ,.,,,,,.,, !f) Dar"-' 11.\lis • 1.-1 nc-_,,,~ roo"'' __ _ ,.,, c;,_.,n,,,_,,,,,,_, __ _

Ii) Loo\ur• hRlls ·-------1·) L>dgo h•ll' _

•k\ Sch·•Ol ou•IPo,;u,,., ti) S';ot1nrr ri"l'' __ _ 'l•>) TC.<·0L1'1, __ <nl 1'i><•ter lobi>1cs ______ _

Basi• of Capacity 4 sq. ft. por person. l 1 • .,

seated areas only. 7 '~- f,, per P"'''"·

JO ''I· ft. (J"r por><ln. 7 sq. ft. per porso"IT.

!Gsq. ft )>Or po!'snn 10 s~. ft. J"'l'person. 10 sq. I\. per P"''"'"

U "I ft. per P'"'-"'" f ·r •<·atod spa<·<.

1 O sq. ft. por P'''o" for 11nsoot<•d ;p '''

7 >q. ft, pe1· P""'""' 6 sq. ft porperson for

"'''''" •po•·e. 15 oq. ft. pe,. person fo>·

un•ooted •P''"· ; sq. ft. rcr P"-'""·

1:. sq. ft. poi· r•rson. 7 sq. fL por po•>on. 7 sq. fL. per r•rson.

{3) The capooity ol thcotcrs anti t'1cntor lobti<' mus\ ho co1:1bined lo d•torm.ine the th•at.r copadty.

(4) (a) Ev~:ry \heat.er or o<•o>nbly hall having rno,•able ,.,.i.. •hall display,,_ sign staling th• onax!tnum '"'"'bcr of per.;ons p•rmitto<I by oocie

1 The ,ign •hall be P'"'"d '" " c•on5picuau; plo<e "' ti1c main en­trance tn oach thootO• or ossc-1nbly hall.

~. 1'ho sign sh.oil ho>o \he fol]o11·ing wnnjjn~: "Limit (Numb•r) l'orsono" The inaximum n<lmbor o{ P""'""' aholl Le determined bi· tho capao<\Y •• permitted by sub;,•ctton (2) ond •eo\ion Ind 55.12. 'fho lettering shall be 11·h1tc on a 1lark bockg;roun<I. The letters •hall be nol less than l'h inchec in hoi~ht ant! the nun•hor •hall be not le,• than S inohes In hoight.

RLoto••• l->-01: ••· <•l (•), nogioto•, ~~ly, Ill,, No. 117. olf. l-1-4L

Ind 55.07 Nntobor •nd l<><atlon or exilo. (1) Every ftonr ond b•l· <ony o! a lbeator &nd .. ,embly ho.II ob.all he pr<>>:lded with not t ... ihan 2 exi\9, pl,.,,ed .. fa• apart "" praotlcablo ond •o lo<otod that ii any exit ls bl0<l<•d, so>no other exLt ";Jl st.ill be avaltablo fcorn """l'f part.

E~""p!Um: In pla< .. of 'll'Orohlp, only one exit will bo nquir<d from a baloonr .. atlnv not mo•• th•n 3-0 p•raono.

••il•t••. Pob;u••r. 1111, ~·o. II' llo ldlnS •n4 ~ .. ..,.s. YootUa<lns ••~ o!r .. ,..,\llontos ....

• •

• •

Page 60: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• (

• c


DC:Pl'. OF !NDCSTRY, LABOR & HU~lAN J(LLA1'10NS 113 T~oa .. r1 ..... mbly hall•

(2) Where...,,,.. thao 600 person• a,.. aooommo<latod, there shall be at lea•! 3 •~it1 and whore more ths.n l,000 peroon> o.r• .,,oonimoolaW, there 1hall be at least 4 oUts.

(3) Exits ahaU be diotriboted on o.ll oid .. whl<h adjoin streots, 11leyo ar open eoul'to.

Ind "-08 Type of a:l~ (1) 'I1a nqnired. ults from any pal'I. ol • U..al•• or auembly ball oball bo •:cit doorvrayo, otairwayo or romps.

(2) All e:cits to lf'"l'd• ''"m a higher or lower level shall '" •tair­·~ or •PJ>l"OV«I ramps. In al! I.heat.en. and !n ..,,....,,bly ho.I!• having 1 ""paclty of IQOro than 400 peroona, wMro tho exit rioe !o not more than 3 fe•! appro,·ed ramps ,1ia1: Lo usod. By approved ramp i• me.o.ll\ a.n inclino lo""ted inoLde I.he building and having" & slope ol not moro tban one foot of ri•• !n 8 feot.

(3) Stsirway exit• oball be interior stsiro·oy•, or omokoproo/ tow''' ... •!""'ified in .. ctlon Ind ~1.11; except that "I!" type fire eocApe• rnoy be u•ed ... exl'3 from bnloon;,, for nQt more thnn one-hair the "'quir<d ex!\ width, ll l0<aled again•t hlanl< walla.

lod 55.09 Stoirwoyo. (l) f,,·ery· '~"i"''"Y in a theater o• osscntb:y hall thall be enclosed as ,pcc1fi<"d Jn 'ccttona Jnd 0),1 i and 51.IS with the following exceptlono:

(a) Stairv;oyo fro•n tb• n1oin floor to the ~r•< b.tlcony noecl ""' be enclo•ed.

(b) S'3irways fr<>trt th• b•oemet>t to the first fioor of a s;ngl<> ••ory p!aco of wor•h;p ncod not be enclo,ed ii the;' l•ad d11·octlr !o the ox;ts,

(~} !;o •\oro~' eloseto .<l1all he rlooorl uod•r an;· •toirw.1y, plcl· f-0r1n "' luHd1n~. A '"""'" ""'-'' h.- J'i.>cod t>t>Jc•1· a sta.l''"~)' oc ''"·''• landing of Z-hour tlro-r•si.<tivo con•tl'uction or betWr provided such room doe> not ha•• con1bustibl• material "' hoiordou• oquiµment stored or oµeratod th.,r.in. ,\JI '"'" '"""'' •hall have a cr•ilin~ h•l~Ot of not le;' than 7 foot a'1d the door thereto shall be a •elf-clO.'Lt>~ ,011d fiush type wood door J'~ inch'' in thi<kn••s 01- l>etlcr.

(al S<a;r1~ays an•\ 5WJ'-' "h;ch !'"'"" '""'"" tl><H• 3 L'i>ers shal: ha\"<• han•lrails on both ,;<1,._~

tL) f>:orr '''"""•')',.,,.,[hi th,, l"·'b!ic '"a th<cil"" .. ,. "''"'"h!)" hall shall have a u11;f"rni '''"of not more tban 01!: inohea and a unif•,nn !1..,ad of not lo•• than IO inohe', measu1·ing fi'Om tread '"

'"',' 01"1!"""1isor to i·i-.:- >.«' "ir-<l<·L'S shall be"'"~ :.1111'·"'" ,•l>ail b• not le•• than S noL' '""'"' lhan JO ,;,ors ;n uny nin.

ll•tc. S•• ••otlon Ind •1.!0 fo• sen<rol ot&l?.,.ny ••oulro"''"''· H••••••' ,_,_,,, ""'" n•~••<•'· '""""''·''''-No ''· .n ,_,_,,,, ""'' ':·•''- !'.~\"''"~" ".'"'"~'>'. ''''·,No, ''" err ,_,_,,, otn. l<I, B<s;;ter.

¥eOcuu.,, 10.1, No.18., '"' l-1-,1.

lad "'I~ kit doonran and doors. (1) Every .. quired oln~le exit doorway shall oontain o otandard exit door "' •reol~ed in oootion Ind 01.10. For dQoble doors, with or without "'uU1o"• the width of ,..eh door moy be reduced t;o 2 foot 6 inehoa. '

(2) No ainfle door or 1 ... t o! • double door, shall bo mor• than 3 toet 6 inoheo wide, and no 2 dool"I! ohall be hingod together.

(3) No rolLing, olidin~ or r••olvin& door ohall be counted "' an exit ·~:':'~ . from uy ~ "' &AemblJ hall, nor ohall any 1uoh door be per­.·,·~.· n•gi•t•c. F<O•,,•tY, 1•71. No '''

Bulldln~ ond hoa.tln~. •entlLotin< and "'' rond.,!onin• ••••

Page 61: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

"' \l'!Sco;.;sJ;.; .~1"')11'\iSTRATIVE COflF: Th<oL•••. •••<•Obly h•»o

mitt.d Who .. It would bo liabl• t<> be uood by tho pub!io .,, an exit (4) S>U• at all exit doorwav< sh>ll be )eve! and ftuoh "ith ad,iooent

b"1do floors and rnmp•- wnOre an "''!• or p ... agowoy 1 ... d.o to an eidt fl'Om o!Ul&r old• of the exit doorway ii.on &hall b< •level ftoor •P•<• at tho doorway ouht•nding tho width of the ai•le and the doorway.

llld JG.11 Ell.ii u .. bla. (1) In ever)' \heotcr and ••••mbly hall, •~0<0p\ ehu,,,)> •udilorium•, exit \ightl •hall be provJded immedlat•IJ ovor •ll •<ii door~·a)·s, and in B'lch ulher plooes a• may bo neoe••al")' to direct the oe<upa.nts to exit doorway• ond to a g\reet, alloy or exit tourt. Tho 1n•Uillot!on of ouch e:cil Ui::lll• shall comply Jn all t••p0<ts with lb• rrcvisions of the \'lisco"sit> stole elecl"cal «Jde.

(21 f.vory li~h\ over an <xit cloonvor sholl be• red illumin•t•d oii;n bearing the word EXIT "' OUT in plain letters nol 1,,, than o !noh•• in height.

(S) A)] e:tlt lil!"ht.o th&ll r•main ligh~d during each <><cuponey and until the occupant• have loft the buil<lin~-

Ind 55.12 Width or e•ito. (1) Tho tobl width of exito from every th•at.er and a• .. mbly boll, ond from •vory part th<>Toof, •hall not be I••• than the following: Builtlu,gs ol fire-T'e•l•tivc conolru<tion, S~ inoheo J>"r 100 "°"""'· Buildings of onllnocy construction, 40 inoheo per 100 peroons. Building:o of frome con•truc~ion, 44 incheo per 100


• •

(2) In thoate,..., the wldth of tho front enlranc• sh•ll h< not le•• • than 'i!o ol tho total "'quirod •rit width.

Ind 55.13 SealinJ:. (1) All se•t•, chairs and b•nohoa shall ho placed not le•• thon 32 lnche• bock to ha'k mea•ured hori•ontally, except that for ~r&ndstand• and ble"<'hors 1•ithout ]Jack rests thi• tlin1en>ion onay be roducod lo 22 inche•. Fot benches witllout •rmll, rrandstando, and b!ncher .... ta, the •••ting capacity ob.all b< e1to.blished b~ allow. !ng one oittlng or seat to each lS ;.,ehes ol lenr:tlo. (See seotion lnd 55.04).

l~J All soots, chaics, and bench••, except chair• in boxe• or loggia,, •h&l! be oecurely fll3tened to the floor; or if the floor ;, level, the •••t• or ohair• may bo fa•tened togother in group• ol 3 or more. Loo•e chai"' or ••at• shall not h• u•ed unless a opccial permit is •e<nre<l from tho department of in<!ustry lobor •nd hum•n 1•l•t•ons.

{3) Th•~ •hall not be moro thon 12 s~ats in o row betw•on aiol••, nor m<"c than 6 scats in a "'"• which ha; an •;•le on one ,;de onl~ •XO<lpt that for grandstands or bloaeh•ra without baok ""t' and with a railing along the front, th••• figure• may b< doubled. No oiol•• wlll be reqnirod fo• suoh grondstand• or bl<aohors where th• •cats •~tend to the lloo• or ground without a railing along the front.

(a) Th• numh<r ot oeat. in a row may bo increased to 100 where Mlt-n.ilin~ .. au are provldod which leavo an unobetruoted pa! ... ge­woy betw .. n rowa o! not l•s• than lS inch•• in width l•oding to a siUo ""l• on "'"" •ide o! tho •nd,tor•unt in 1vhich exit door1vay• •r• looated at not more than 20 foel inton'flla to an exit corridor or exit court.

(4) No oeat bonoh or platlorm on wh!oh •••t• ore plao•d shall be moro than 22 In< hos in height of ri'''·

• •

Page 62: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter


• r·



Jll:l'J' OF ll'Dl:~TnY, L.\H"li .~Ill)[,\;\ HJ·:1 .. 1:r1n:-"3 llJ <h<•''''· •••<m01>- h•ll•

(6) No oeat \>encl>, or other platfo1'm or floor a"'a on which ••at.B are placed, or u,. top •••t of any LJl"aehors •hall he noaror to the oeil­ing than 8 feet, nor nearer to tho bottom of an1 truss or g,rder than 6 feot 4 !n<hea.

(6) The roquh-.ments of thi• oo,tlon do not apply to rostaurant.o, dining or donee holl•.

Riot.,.,., 1-•-.fl; ....._ Ro1rl•<•t. J•n•••>· ''''· Ho. 11, orr. l-1-41.

Ind 55.lt Wid!h of al•le~. (1) Ai>les hoving oool• on both oides sh•ll not ho le.s• than 2 !oot lO inohe> wide at tne bcginnini: and shall in­oreo•e in width toward tho exit• at the rate of 14, !noh per fool of run; o• tho aisle may have a uniform width not less than th• average 11·iOth of the foi·egoing coloulntion No "'al! ai,lo shall be le>• than 3 feet wide and no oth•r •tr•ight ai,lc siloll be lesO th•" 3 feet 6 in<hos wide.

(2) Tuer• sh,11 he a Cl'OOS aisle leading to eo•·O '''luired side exit­Croso aisl•• &hall not be less than G feet a !nohes bock to back ol odjacent ro~·• of oeat..

Ind ~5.15 Lobbie• and foyer•. The width of lobbies ond foye?"S •hall bo determined on the •a1ne basi• as required for eJdt. in oect.lon ind !li.12, but ohall In no ''"' be le•• tha» 5 foet 1vide, anO ohall be so d•oigned and apportioned as to prevent congestion an<! confusion. Lt.bbies and foye?"S which secve as means of •1<••<• •hall be ot leas! equal In combined width to the r•quir•~ wJJth ot the stairway•. pasoo.geways. aiole• or <Xii doorway• leading to thorn.

Ind 65.16 ""'lin•• and alol• •<•P•· (1) 1'o overeome any dill"e•enco In l•vel betw .. n court., corridors, lobbies, p•••ageways or aialc• rcquil"<'d, or u•od, In cgross from n thoator or an aosemblr holl, op· pro•ed ramps "" specified in soct-.ion Ind 56.08 oh,.11 he cmplo)·ed wh•re tho dill"erenoe lo elevation does not ex~ 8 feet, exoept that thio Nquiremcnt n .. d not apply t<> baloonl••·

(2) Stops in baloony aisles •h•ll oxlond tho full width of the ai•I• ond oball ha•• a 1111iform riso and run "" specified in aoction Ind 55.00. No handrails .,,;u bo requiN<l.

Ind 65.17 Obotruetion. (1) All lobbie•, aisle•, p"'sagewnyo and door­""aY• oh•ll b< kept free from furniture, drop••. dtsplay oquipment. merehandise, vending machines and other obstru<tiono, and no pernon e•<er•t an •mploye shall be alto"·e<l lo •ta1'd In, or oo<ury, ony of th• ai•l•s, passageway<, corrldors "" loLI"'' <luring any r•rformnnce or public: gathering. Exoept that potrona may be allowed to wait fn a lobby or llimi!ar •P"C• !touch uoe does not enoroaoh upon tho ""!Uired dear width of the •xlts, Suoh waiting ohall be restricted to a"'"' •oparated from tho required oxit ways by fixed railings not le•-• than 42 inchel high. In ontnn<o lobbies only, the exit •)la<• may be divided by rall!ngs no\ le•s than S6 inches high oet up In the direction ol trovol in on approv•<I m"nner for the reITTJl"tion or Ingres• and egr•••-

(2) A booth or count,r for the oale ot packo.ge m•r<handise mny be placed In the lobby .,,. foyor of a thoal<r whore there ia outllolent uuu •Pl'<" oo that Ibo front of the booth or <ounter oan be located not le•• than 6 feet book of the Hnc morkin,g the width of the !obby or fo)"!r roquired for exit purposes.

Re~""''· F<'b•u•''' 1•71. No. !I' l<<>Bdln~ ond hoatln~. v•n1U•tln~

ond •L< oond1Honln~ code


Page 63: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

J Hi 11·1scONSlN AIJ!lll'\lS'fRATl'r'E COl•E Tho•t•<•. "''""''' ''"'"

Ind 00,JS ~!irror• aod fal•e opoiung•. (l) No mirror •hall b• plao,J ln any p•rt of a th .. t•r or assembly hall usod by \h• public tor extt purpo•••, lnoluding lobb•••, oorrido,.., otnirwoy&. romps or any other •~'' facility. 1;'.'heru a mirror is usod in on nuditorium, i\ oh•ll be placed fiuoh with the wall and w\th the bottom at l•ast 7 feet abo>e any ffoor, balcony, plloey or platform,

(2) No lnl•e open!og or decorative devico giving the appearanc• ot a door or "'lndow, wh•t• Rone exiot•, shall be plaeod in anr part ot a th•a\•r or U!emblJ hall u..d b1 the public.

Ind 55.l~ l}e<o•ot;on.o. Fabric d•<ora!ions u••d !n theater• and •••embly hall• shall bo flam• proof.

!nd 55.2~ t~lo1ol•"" •'1ri ••nl shoftB. Enclo•Ut•• foi· ele,ot"t ,,,,] ,,.," •halt..l ;b,,11 he of 2-houL h.c-Le-·i•ti''' "'"'tf'H'\io,, "' 'l'''-;1h•<l ill '''lion Ind 01.04 and ,.II "I""'"~' lho1e1n l'"'"":te<i b;.- ''"'­J'<-'i''"' ''""'' oi ~·inOo"' "',,,,,;nod in •eet.Lon Ind !;l.017.

""'"''' :-2-· .. ,, "'- ),.-,,.,,,, ,,,, "'· 1''''· "" ,,,

Ind 55.21 ~··~• ••pa•acion. ill ln evei-y thoot•t• •nd assemhl~­h:>l~ tj,e ''"''" 'hull be '"!llpletel)- -''P"'·ol•il from lh• nud1tO!'I'"" b;- .i !""·"''""'" ~·ali of 1-h""' fiL''-"'"''"''' cOLl>t>U<'\inl\ "''I"''"'"'' '" oect•on Ind 51.04, e:i<ce11t a< foll""'''

' al ) n !heat<:!> and a-'" "' ],.; holl• havini o ('~T>•oi!)' not ••xcoed•n .'. 5<1~ r•rsono, the prosoen1un1 "'"Ii 'hall be n{ 2-hour li,.._,.,,,,th• construot\on •• op<oified in ,,,f,on Ind 01.04, or be<to1·.

(b) In lheot•ro ond assembly hall< nn open sl•oo or plotform "·ill b• permitt.d without the ]'roocenium wall aepara\Jon from tho oudi· toriurn, provided the sla!<< or platform is not mor• than 6 feet highe• or wider than the proseonium opening.

lll••••r• L->-r": am (!l '"''" ''"' """ 11) in), Il<g'-"''· Fobr""''-''''· So '''· etr 1-l-11. ,

Ind 55.22 Proooonhun wall. jl) The pro•cen•um wall sh•il exte:id from an lnoombustible foundation, or from the lowe•t fireproof ftoor below tho •lag< floor, to the hi"he•t adjoining roof, ""''Pt that "·hor< a 4-hour fire-resist!•• wall I' required it sholl e'\en<l ot leo•t Z feet above the hlgh•st a<ljol!ling roof.

(2) Thero shall be not more thnn Z openings in the pro•cenluon wall Oelow the lev•I of tho auditorium floo•, snd not more lh3n 2 openings oth•r than the proscenh•m oponlng, fn \he pro<oeolum wall ahooe tho looel of the auJitoduni foor, oxcept that in addition \o the nbove openings there may be ono opening to provide ""'''' throu¥h th• pro•cenium wall to \he oroheotro pit.

(3) Each such opening •h•ll not cxcoed 21 square le•l In area aa<I •h~ll be proteeled by a tlre-rosistivo door a• specified In ••<tion Ind 51.09, or equal.

Ind 55.i3 Pr00<enium curtain. (1) Wbere a prooconium wall fs required for the oeparation of a slag• from on ouditorium, the prooc•nlum openl~ It more than 60 feet !n width •hnll be provided with a rigid m•t•l curtain oonlorming to the regiolation• contoinerl in Appendix P ol the Buildir.g Co~e recommended hr \he Natior-"1 Boor<! of Und•rwrilon, Fifth Edition, Revised R•print 1~34. For a proscenium openlnr 60 f<et or leu !n width, a rigid meial ourt.aln or

"'"""'' l•'el'""-'l' 19'1 'Co 1<' D'"'"''·~ ooO t.eo<I"~ ,.,,.t,loLo< an• •" <OOdll•onln~ o<Hl•


• •

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Page 64: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• (.'


• (

DBl'f. OF INDL'ST!l'I:, LAllOH & llC)!.\N ll!CLATIO:'-IS 11; Th•al<••· o•••<n0!> h•ll•

• curtain oC ubertos e<mforming to the !oll<>Wlnr 1p«!firation.o, or ol "'luivalent app!'<Wod coni\rootion, sha.11 bo ... ed.

(2) A•b!!sto• curta.ln• shall h• subst..ntia.lly woven of osb••to• fiber not 1 .. , than 95% pure, and shall weJgh not le•• than 21' poundo l""' oqu..,.. yard. The .. •ha.ll be Incorporated into lhe yarn btlore weaving, either 1»onel metal, niokle, brass or o\hor metal or allo)', ho.ring 110t 1 .. llln.,.th than th• .. l!letala at te111perature11 up to 1700 degnes Fohronbeit and no le•• ns!stonce to cor,..,.ion at onli. nary tempero.tun•. All '"""'' sh•ll bo verUoa.l, llhall be Javped not 1 .. , lhon oue li><h and ohall bo •ow...:l ln ~ rowa with not le•• than r. inch pure aebo•I•• twine. At the top and bottom of the curtain a 21> Inch (or larger) oleel pipo aha!! l>e plnoed and •ho\l ho •e<urely lo•tenod !n, and cover<><! by, tho curtain. The <UI1filn Mall ovcrl•p the pto•<•niun-. ""Oll no\ Jes.' than 12 Ir.oh<• ot each •Id• ond at !h> top, and slul.ll be ~•d<><i ot each oido by metallic loop• or ringa •liding on a -% inch •t<•l oo.blo or ?-'o. 6 U.S. standard gauge wire.

(3) In addition to allY decoration, tho curtain ohall bo painted on both oid•• with a minoral paint having a oillcate o! .OOo bindor, whl<h will oompletely ~ll tho Cloth. FiUor paint abllll have not I••• !hon 4 pa>U o! <•••in in each 10 part• of olhcato o! •oda. The paint shall bo well brushed >n\o the cloth so that no lltrht or •moke can come through.

(4) For curtain& of ""Y type, the oonntttions O.t"·een curtain and wall shall be made u n•arly •moke-prool as possible. Smoke groo,·•s oF poekol;!! •hllll bo of n<uctura\ oteol olui.pe• and plotes not le•• than % inch thick. Thooe grooves or pocket• ohall be >1ot Jo,. than 14 in,he• d0<p anJ 6 inches wide aud shall be oel hack from the !ace o! the arch at loasl 6 incbe1. Th•Y •hall utend l•orn the •loge floor to • poinl B f .. t above the top ol th raised C1>rtain, and ohQ!l be •OCUNly bolted to the pro1oonium wall.

(5) Provision ohall be niade to prevent the cum.In {rum leaving or binding on the guide• under any condition•. Apprupriatc limit cha!n• shall h• provided to otop th• downward 1,.,.vel of the l0p o! the curtain at a line not. Jess than 12 inche• above the lop of the pro•c•ni"m oponing. No part of a curtain, nor :<ny of the curtain lr\ll&!s, or "<luip­m•nt, shaU be oupport..d by, or fa•\•"od to, any combu•tlhle materiol.

(G) The hoisti"g apparatus for the curtaio oholl bo do,igned ""ith •!actor ol saf•ty of Sor moro.

(7) Deold"" the ,..gular ope,.,.\ing me<hani•m. thore •hall be "" omorgency devlco whleh will allow the curt.a.in to drop by trravity. The device ohall be aoarninged tbat !t '""be eaally "'°ral@d by hand flooo each side .,f tho 1tage and from the fty irallorioo, Eld al•o that !t• oporation will be controlled by l:i.I dogree !W1ib!e llnko, or other •ppro\'ed hut ..i .... device•, placod on each tide of th• •toge, and when thu• oporated the curtoln •hall deocend at ti;! normal rate o! •peed.

(8) Tho oorta!n and II;! openi.tlng mechaniom •hall be oo deo!gnod and eoMtrueted at all point.., wMther opoclftcally mentlonod or not. •• to form an el'l\cient and rollab!e barrier agoinol ftre and omoke.

.... aceord!nr to the best pnctice.

'~"-"f~ •. ,;~'lf~.<.',<~i:w·· : i' "'''"'"'· Fobruarr. ''''·No 100 Bui •1u1r and h""""~· von<!latlo~ ••• "'' ...... 1on•n~ ••••

6/,S '

Page 65: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

j ' ' \\"JSCO'>!I.~ ,\l'lll.\IS11~~TlVE CO!JE ""'"''''· .. ,, .. ,,,,,. ,,_,,,,

(~) De\.0.110<! plan• and op<cillcation• for aJ! ourtain• and th<ir oper­otin~ mcchon••'" shall l>e submit•.ed to lh• department of indu•tcy, labol' •Hd humon 1el•'"'"' fc' a1 pm1·": before 1n>tall"tion.

Ind i>~.24 AuLon1•ti< smoi<e outl<L. Where a ftr•prool pro""onium ouruin '' r<quircd, or pr<>vided, the •tug< shall be provided with one Of niore "utomotic smol<e ou\le(6, eonstruet•d of metal or other incombustible mat.rial, placed near tbe cenler and aOOve tile Jiigh••t pal"t of tho stage. and having a com'iln•d aroa equal to not le•• than ''' of th•·~'"' of tho sC:tgc !loo,. 'ictlic"l lo'J'Cr o~onings 'h"ll he ~l""ocl not I••• ti\an a f,,, above tloo roof and oh.oil l>e no~ leoo Utat> twice the area of the sh•ft. The smoke outl•t shall be fl••ii;nod •nd colistruoted so as to ope" hy gra,·ity, and'" as to effectivoly overcome the •ffects of n•'~lecC, rust, dirt, frost. snow, heal, twtstlng, Of "'arp. ;,,~cf tbo lr•tne work. The louv'''· "' dampe'' in th•, opcnCrg• 'hall !'e he:d clu'.c'J b)" cot:o" v• h'''"I' curC, rul.'"''" lo tho ·'\""" Ho"' close to <ach stag< door. Fusil>lo hnks. or olh•r approved h•at roloase dov;ces, shall be in•eried in each cord near tho outlet•.

Ind 55.25 Sia~• •<stibul••· All Olllnt.n<e• to tile •Iago shall be ve•tib\ilod in ou'h manner as to µ'oto't the curtain, •cenery, and o,<litonum !rum drafts vf aic-

lnd 55.26 ~'ool!ight \rou~h. The lootlight trou~h sbnll be made of. or J;ned ~·ith, incombu,lihl• matcnal.

• •

lnd 55.27 Fireproof pain!, All stage SC€ne•y. pro1>c'rties. curtains, • and deeofation• made of combustible matetial, and all wood~·ork in or about the stag<, oh.all be <lleetively ftamo-proofod.

Jnd 55.28 Stag• o«<••ory roon1•. \l) All dressing foon>•, ~1·operty room•. '"d other storage or workroom, ohall bo built of inoo1nbus\ib]e matorial throughout, and •hall ho separated from tho stage b>' a spectal occop•ncy '"P"'"'i"n us -'!'e"fied in 11·,,, Adin. ro,le se,tion In<l 51.08.

(2) No dtc•sing room or 01nplo)·es' room •h•ll be ploced more than <>HC sto,·v b<·low tile !'"HI< I"''- aod no ,hesstni; room shall be plae<.J oho•o oibelow th• auditoriun1 unlcs• sopara\e<l thorcfrom b)" o special oooupat>cy separation a• specified in ••et;on Ind 61.GB.

!nd ''''·2" llo1h·r an<I r"''""'' ""'""'· 111 l·:,cr)' l><>1I"" ,,,. fu1·n"'''' '"""'' '"''il<<l.11c the h"'''''IHic~ u1vl f,"·I '''"'"· 'h"ll he 010cl<>-><•<l ~;ti, o S·hon1· fi>·<•-nOS<Sli''e encl"""' "' 'l'"''fied ;., ;c,•tion IHd OJ.OJ. except l[,,it Ln ('OSe <•f "",,,;encl\;)' ha~I «<"cvt>HlH•<lat<ng,,.ot 1no1·e than 300 p•1·,ons. a 2-hour fi!'c-L~''·'t"·e onel..,ure a' •1iocified in .. ctlnn In<\ 01.~4 may bo used. All up<nlng, shall l>e po-0teoted 'vith self· •·lo•inr< HLe-re,i<I<><' 'I""'',,, ;pec,fu•<l ;,. •<·<tion lnd ,>]_'14;.

(2) All appllonoes used for h•a\ing water which or• fired .. !tit solid fu.J, liquid tuel or r.a• •hall be located In a !>oiler or tum•c• room exo•pt that g:<.< "'"'! booster ~·ater h"ol<rs usod '''-lu.<l\'Cly for oanit;zing di•h•o and cooking uten>Ha n••d not b< in•l•li•d in a ftre-r..,i1tive eno!Mu.,,.

H .. , • .,, 1-1-11: r. 1nd ""'· t•l. Rootot•r .... uruot. ''''· No. ''· '"-0 ·1-'7' '"' <l\, l<og,.t.·; "''''"""' i;;,,, S•• ;·,,•·IT ,,,_,_-,, "'"· '1), "'"""''· ,_.,,,,,,.,,, ,,,, ,, ,,, ,.,, ,_,_,,

l<•~L•I<•, •"ebru••>· t•71 No ''' llUlld I~• a nd hM.tl ng. ,;,,, t lloli n ~ ••• ''' condllLun•n~ '""'

• •

Page 66: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• I

• (


DEPT. Of 1;.;ui.,STJ:Y, L.;i.vJ; .~ 11\;.llAN l\bLATIO:\S II" ...... , •••.• ,,.,,,,,,, h•ll•

Ind 55.30 Li•h!o and llghling. (1) Eloctrio lighls •hnll be used for )L,-hting wl>••• eltttr1c ourr<n\ ;, available. No o,] lorn po or other open 1,gh" oh•ll be used in or obou• any •t•g• contai1ung ocenery.

(2) No g .. lightini" ol ony kind •h>ll bo u•ed on any oblge <ont•in· ing •oenery, nor in any pruporty roon>, •torage room, ooe"e dook, or ~Y gallery, oxeept !n loonlitie• whe"' electricity is not availoble.

(3) In nil theo.ter• ond uoemhly h•ll•, "11 otalrwaya, l""''O~ew•Y'• and exit doors ohall be properly lighted und •h.ell remein Ughtod thrc•Ll~ho"\ •l"Ot;' perlorn>an<c or entertainlnent and until th• audience has left th• butlding.

ln<l S5.!2 Sanilary o~uipmene. (I\ 1'01<.>;TS ANn un1NA!-' Sep>rato "" .'. i·oo:n; "' con"ec·tior. "'"h (ho uud1\o,,un1 •il•ll \>e ~lOC'Hied for '""I•• and leinale;, One "'a(•r-<lo<ot ohall i,,. "''"°'JJ'd for cacl> 200 fen>ale• or fraotion, •nd ""' 1vator-ci<>•et ""d one urinal for each 3•,•,I 1nale• 01· frao\,on, "'''-"";"~ W.c audionco W bo equally d"·ided Oetw0<n male• and fon>alos; except that in daneo hallo there shall be provideO one "''ater·closct for '"'h 100 female• or fraotion, one "'""'"·clo>el fot eaoh 300 males or fraction and one urinal for each 150 rnal•• or frnotion.

{ !) to; [ >!BER OF T<"l.CTS ''ll1'1\C A!.COl!OL!C ""V"""'Gt:ll An& Si:l"Ul Q>I

'"'""S"'" \l'h<>"e atimulating drinka, BUeh "" beer, winos and other aleohobo bevei·ageo, are ser,·•d for oon•urnption on the P"''nioos, '"''• •hall be provided ono 'va\er-.:Joset !or every 40 !em•lel. or fr•et;on, one wate,_.,1.,,..t for e~ery 100 rna1 .. , or fro<llon, and one u<Jnal for every 60 malo•, or fraction: Olleept th•t who~ tho oapaelty "' 1ueh pl•«• •xoeedii SOO persons, the ratio of tho number of fixture• to the nun>O.r of peroono aocommodated in exee .. of 3\IO need be only c.ne-h•ll of the above.

(3) TOH.ET• JN CONNECTION W!Tll STAOE. There M>all .. oeparato "'ater-oloul.t provided for mal09 and females Jn cunnectlon with th• •toge of every theoter •nd a••embly holl whloh la <>qnipped for the sho11·ing o/ ;ta~• production•.

<4) Tolj.<T< IN CONNECTION \YITff MOT,ON PICTUB!l BOOTff. In thea'''' \\'here motion picture machineo ace run continuouoly for a period of moT<! than 2 hour• without at l&ast 10 minut-• intcrmi••ion for tho motion pictuN maehin• operator for O£LCh 2 hour POlJod, tQll•l.o ahall be provided in direct oonneetion with tho motion pioture

>"olo • >'o• "'"'''' toolet roan' r<quif•n>0nt, ••e \V" Ad>»- (00.lo •<ollono '"d ''-'' lo lnd ••-•<. lncl .. lve.

(5) Dl<INKINO WAT>:!O. Seporate drinking f<>Unl.ain• of a type ap­proved by tho •t>.te lx>ard of health oholl be provided for the •l.a~e and Auditorium whe.-. wal<r oupplJ !a &YAllable. Drinking fountain• ahall no\ bo pt>.ced in toil•t room>.

(6) IV ASHING FACILIT!l:S. Woshbowlo M>al! be pro'fided in eonn .. Uon with toilet room•, one for every 2 eloseto and urinal• or frae"""·

Ind r.5.U Studplpea. Where proper -i.or anppl, lo &Tailable, a\ leul one 11rat aid otandplpe, WI 1peclftod ill aect.l°" ll>d 61.21, lhall be provided on the otage o! every theator and 0>oembly hall "'h•re a lire ourtaln i• requi""'1, Each ~ooe .hall lM! not moN than 11i feet long,

"llotor. F•b•u•I'>', 1!11, No.''' """ Lng and b"'-•ln~. ••ntllaUog

ond oir oondl!LonLn~ ood•

6 67

Page 67: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

\\'JSC01''EJ~ Afl~!l:\J3'JR·\TJ\'J·: CU!·i: 'fheot'''· ••••mOlY h.'10.

and whero •uch ho•• will not ""a'h every psrt o! tho otago •ection odd.iUonal ho,, <on:t••ctions and ho•e, or add.iUot>al standp•pes, shall i.. provldod.

Ind 55.!' Fire •~tlnguloher•. (l) S1an~a>'d fin e1tiD~i•hon1 of on appropriate type •• specified •n aectio<> Ind 61.22 shall be provided !or all tloeat.ro and assenibly h"ll> as follows:

(a) Two on •tage, 11 oconory is u•<d. (b) One on stag•, 11 no scenery i• usod. (<) One Ill ln•lion p<eture booth,"' in Ucket of!loe i1 the,.. l• no ....... (d) One in dr>•sing room •eotion. l"J E>ti»KU.silers •hall Le p"opei,,- oxµosed to VLo~· anO olwa)''


Ind 05,35 Autornalic •1>rinklcrs. In evo<}' theater and o••ernbly hall whero a proscenium curtain io required, npproVed &ulornat.io sprin• kle:r1', a• opecjfied In •<<toon lnd !il.2~, shall bo provided under the o\11.go, under the ota~e roof, •nd Ill tho dr•aolng rooms, but no\ Jn tbo •utom&tio omol<e outlet.

Ind 55.,0 Mollon picture mocltino hoolhs. pnora!, Ev•cy motion pieture moehine using nitro-<:ollulooe ftlm, Oog•thttr with all au:dlt.cy and a•soclotod equipment, sholl ho enclosod in a booth •o arnngod os to permit the opcrot"r !o walk f("(!ely on eltlt<r oide and in hack of tho mochine. Al least 48 oquore !eot iD &?"ea •hall l>o prnvlded for

• •

one maohine, and 24 •quare feel additional for oaoh machine over one. • The celling holght ohall bo not I••• than 7 f<et.

],,d :,;_1\ Conslrucli"n of hu"th. The fto"r ,,f ooch n.otion piclt11·,, hooth ,),illl be O'!n>t,-u,·l<il of l\Oa ""', l ,,,. 'oinf,,,~,·•I con<'rc•I(", ,.,- >ha:, l>e CO\'€l'ed ~·1th not les> lilan 2 inches of tiro·reoi;tivo niateLial. The """ll' ond ceiling shall bo not lo<o than 2-hou•· ft1-o t·esi<lh, ,,,nst•'UCtl0'1 n_, opoc•fte,I Jn seo\ior, lt><l 01.04.

"'"'"''' 1-'-''· "'"- "'""''' , .. ,.,,,,,.,,, 1071, -~" '''· o!f ;-1-:1

Ind 55.4i ll<><>••· (1) The door to th• booth oho!! be not larjj:er <hat> nooossary for the oafo and proper u•o end malntenano& ol the booth ilnd eqwp1nent, but in no ••>• shall itll dimensions be omaller than 2 fe•t b)' 5 feel or la,gor than 8 le•\ by 1 reel. The top of the door •hall he not leoo than 12 inches h~low the oellln~ of the booth.

(~) Th,· ,[""' ,1,,,1: h<' " t.c•kt-fitt'n~ -.·If-ti,,,,,,~ n,, do"'' specir>od on section Ind Ol.04'i, •hall 01><n out\\·ar<llr, ctud 'hall not he equippe<\ Wjth any latch .

....... ,, ,_,_,,, "'"· ,,,, """''"''· J",b"''''· ''''· ""- !S:, ''" '1-:-Ind 55,,S Openinp. (I) Two op•ning• for each motion J>ictore ffi•­

<hii>e may l>o pro'rided. Tlte ono for th• op<ralot'a view shall not he l&rget Ulan 200 •qun,.. inohos •nd the one £or projection no\ larger • than 120 squ"r• inches. Whore s•racale 'toreoplicon, op"!, t•r flood-!Jghl machln•o aro installed, not onore thnn one opening Jhall be p•o-Tided for oaoh ""'h m .. hin• !or h<>th tho op•rator's view and th' pl"Ojecl:ion ot lighl All '""h opening• •hall b< •• llnal! as p..,ctie&ble.

(2) Eaoh openlog ;!,nil t.. provided "•l!h an approved gravity ohu\­ter 1ot into ~ide>I no~ !cos than one !noh at side, and bottom, ""d

'R ... l•<•r. Feb"'• ..... lll!, !<o. 110 I\u,,ding •nd "••tlng. '""'""""~ •nd •>C eond"loning oodo •

Page 68: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

( •

DEPT. 01·' 11'0Ul;'J'Jft, W.11,lR !;_ Ht:~L\S 11ELA110~5 l~l Tt"~''''· L••ombly h•ll•

overlapping tho top of the opening by at least on• inch "'h•n closed. Shutlere •hall be not lo .. tl>ail No. !O U.S. St..nd•rd gauge iron"' equivalent, ana.nged to move freely in guide• of like material ud thiokn ... bolted to tha wall. Eoch abutter ahall be OUl!Jlende<I by a eord, and oh.U ho •• •=pd that closing l• by gr!lvity ecllon. A fusible link shall bo prov:ided in the cor<I over each •hutter. A link aha.ll aloo be pr<>'l'ided over each magazine, which on operating will olo.., all shuttero. A manual ,..leuo shall be provided n .. r each exit '!""'by which all shutters can De ,;oscd simultaneously, Shuttor• ahall nol be blooked open nor held opon Jn any manner excepl by th• harn••• of cord• ond link• as h•,..in <lcseribod.

lnd 65.4' ''entil•tion of booti.... E\·crr booth or room housing pco­j..,tion, •ound or lrlY otlcc•r oqwpment whioh vitiate• g-ood air cond;. t1on• or r•quiros tho attention of an ottondant oh•l1 be \·en•Jinl<!d as roqu>red by •eetion Ind 59.43 of the building and heating, vontilating and air conditiunin,g code issued b;• the dopartmcnt of indus:1·y, la~""" an<l ilu1nan r•.lations. J>"rosh oir in:ake' in booth \Yalls, except fol' uuts,Je ..Jr, •hall not exceed 72 square inches in area, nor be "''""than 3 inch,.. above the floor. They ohall be equippod "'ilh auto­"'"''' shultoro a> described for projee\ion oJ••nin~•.

111•!••>• ,_,_,,_ r. ond roc,. ><•~'''''· O<tobor, ''''· No. 1<•, .~. 11 • , _,,

lod 55,45 NeLi<I outlet•. Every booth or room housini; pcoJc'-<ion, •ound or other oquipment which oousti,ulo, n nrc, smoke, explo•ion or fuming ho.zonl shall be equipped wiUo one or "'""' gravity outlet• exl<nding upwanl from th• ceiling througb the roof, 1'h• noO arco of •uch gravity reli•f outl•l> •hall bo oquot lo one per oont of tho room or booth floor "''"• but not loss than 12 inches jn diameter. SucO outlo\o •hall bo c.,..tructed ao •heel metal ducts having double wall• "1th '6 inch air "II""" betwe<n, or better con•tructlon. Wbere a relief outlet P"'''' througll, or is ~·lttiin 18 inohcs of 0")' combustible con•truetion, or P••ses through any othor oe<uponey, appro~ed maoonrY fiu•• "' opocifled for chimneys, seo<ion Ind 62.10, shall be u•ed. 'l'h• ''lief outlet• sh•ll be equipped, at the booth or room oul­l•t•, with a irravity shutter whjch "-ill open automstloally undo• <·xocssive l>•at condition,, 'l'he auto.natic shutter shall normolly be tightly olOlled when meohani<al •xhous\ ventilation ;, required in t~• same room.

Ind 55.46 El•o\r:ie wiring. All light• and •lectri< wiring, a\oo rnoton, arc "'"'P'• rheo.t.to, and ao•ooillted electr:ioal equipment •hall con­{o.,,, in type and arrangement to the NqUil'Om""t. of the Wlooonoin •lat• elec<rie&l eod•-

lnd 55.41 Motloo:o pl<ture .,aehlno, Every projoot!on machin• •hall \. be S""1r<ly t.ion-.1 to the l!oor, and tog<thor with oound head and r uther aso<><lat<d equipment, oholl bo of .. r. d•1ign. No port of th•

film shall be ouloide of a tight metol enolooun during projoc\lon, ~nd tho feed and take-np rttl• •hall have ri.,.ted, llanged, or welded Jolnt.o. A 1hutter Jhall be placed In !=t 11! the oond•n•or, arranged •o ""to be clo1od P""Pt when hold open by th• operator, or by som• mechanic•! dovioe which will a•suro immediate clo•un when operation

'f.:'"'....,_,:t!:e" ~?~t" J . ·~' •· r Ro.-l•tOr. F<b'u"''· l>!t. ~o '''

Bua••"~ """ h..,.,,~, vonlil•tl•~ and olr oondiUonLn~ cod•

Page 69: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

WISCQ);Sll' ADMl:\J~l'l\ATlVl: CODE "!']"''""''· .,,,,,,,,,,. ""'"

Ind 55.4~ F11e j>ro(oc<Jun in haulh; <arc a"d "'' o/ film. (1) All •hel'""'· lurniture and fixture, ,ha.II [,., incombu•tible. No eombu,tible '"al<rinl shall be l'ermitted lo bo within such haoth, excepC filrn' and f>lm cement not exce<dLni; """ p;nt. Smok•t>g ;, prohibit.d. Heating equ.ipment in bootlls •hull be limitetl to •lean1, worm air, hot "'"''" or elect<ie eonvoetion heat.ors with low •urlace 1<mpo11Uu,.. •len•<nto . ltod!al'"S shall be prute,\ed by 1~ inch m•oh ocreen with th• top sloped at least ;!l degree-' 10 tho hori,ont.'.11

(2) F1lma not in prooess of r<windini;, e~aininat.ion or proJc'<tion ahail be kept in n>ctal oontainero. Up to 40 pounds o! film may b< kept in the IJrojection bo,,,J, in inte'''a'.• '""""'"'e eomrn[;,ion sh;p­pini '"'""'"""'· Exo•"' "''er ~O J>oun<l• sh"ll be ""pt in '"' appruvo<I filn> o•binet, but the total qu•nllty of film in nny booth sh•ll not oxceod 125 pocind<.

l~J P.e11"\d,r.f ll\ Lhe ploJcoLioo boo<h ,, proh<botod u>ii"'" d,,,,, Ln an approved enclosed <Yl'• rowOr.d n1oc1>,nc. An ""~rov•d '"" '-'1h ><lf-clo•Ong h'""'J co1·er >hali b< l'~"·<lod !or S•'"'I' 1i:1n.

(4) Up \o 120 pound-' of film in addition to that pern>i<ted '"a projection booth, may be kept in oontalners •• spe<1U•d abov•, \H'C· ,;dJ"g th•' oxceso i• Hl a i·o11-,nd l'•>O!ll of not less than 80 ''•""'' oe<·I ••~, and of the oonsti·uclion specified in sootiona Ind 05.41 an<J lnd 65.42. Suoh rootn shall h"'"' o vent of at leaot 50 oquoro inoh•o •r•• o~'onding up~ard lo tho uutsid• of 'h< build\ng, 11·'1h s ol•"''"'' to combustible mat•rial conformll1g to •<otion Ind 55,45. Fum1ture and hooting Sholl ho a' for the projection booth. and smokin~ is J•n">i>Lbited.

No<•' Jn th• ro,.<filn• ooot\on th• w•l•ht ol • 1000 toot •olL ot '' mL!ll· ""''' n•m " •••um•O •• 5 pound•.

Ind 55.'9 rortoble boutho. (1) E,·eri• portable booth "''d to confine the ~r• hozards of a n1otiun pictu•• n>•<hlne ,hall be o! appt·o,·ed d•­"g" ooniorming lo the roquir•n>cnts for JlOfJnon»n\ hno,hs.

(2) Every bootlt used for n1ore than 3 oonsocuti,·e perform•nco, in ono loootlon will be oon>idetod a permanent OOoth.

lnd 50.50 ~laintenah<•. All tl1e"'"'' and aoso>nbly hall•, and •ii part' thereof, shall b< kept <l•on, sanitacy and in ~ood repair.

hHI ·,:,,;;! G,audo!Ju<l-. ll) ,;,,,,,,i,t,""I, ,.,,,,.,,,[ ol f1al>lc' ,.,,,,_ '""'\>On shall l« lu<·ate<l at lo·.<.•t ~O jro·t f""" on)' otho,. huddi'l~ '" '"l10111'1cg i"01'•1t~· 1,,,, uHle,; th•· <·xlc1·•"' ,,-,,11, <'l ""'" a<i,1"""'" l,utld"'~ aO'• of :!·hOUl' fi1<-to,,,t1ve ''""'"'Uction 01· hcttCL' and all "l"''""C' th'''""',,.,, l""t''''L<·<I 11·;lh f,,,._,.,,,,,the """''""'I ".;.,,1""' "' 'P''' food in '"'"on Ind ;;J,(tl7.

(2) :So "'ood grandstand unit •hall exoeed 10,000 oqu•'' !o•t in "round are• or 200 feet in length.

(S) Wo<><l grandotand unito eh•ll bo plaoed not leoo tban 20 r .. 1 arort o' •h•ll be separat•d by wa~ls of not le"" than 2-hour fire­resioLivc oonO\l'uction.

(4) The high.,t levol of ooat pl~U•nn• of any wood grandotando •hall not be mOff than 20 feeL Portabl• gi·and.t.ndo or bl•a•h•r•

'" ,,., ··-''"'"' '"'' ,, ,,. I "''•<'·""'''"'""·"''""''-~ ""'' "" '""''''''"'"~ '""'

t ?<i

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Page 70: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• c l





"l'h<•'•''· ''''"'""- huH•

1>·ithin tent' •h•ll not be n1ore than 12 feet above the ~round or •urface •I \f.o /ront ol th• gr.,nd,..,,,J.

(1>) All grandacand• 5hull Oe designed and eOt>Sl!"Uctod lo oon!ot·rn with the ;tructu,.•I r"'lu1reH1ent• of chapte,- Ind 53 ol this code.

(6) Sea< l.oords and foot bo•J-.is oholl he <les>gned to e•fely support a il'e load vi not leao tiion 12U pounds per lu>eal /oot. The "'i4th of foot t>oard• •hall nol bo Jeoo thon 7 \~ inoh••-

( 7) The space under a gr•l<d,Lanci oholl be kept free fro"' ''" traneous ilumn1•l.>lo motcrJU.s W•d •hall not be oe<up•ed for othet' th•n ex.it purpooco e~<ept that such opace, if enclo•ed with one-hour fire­r<oistive oon•tr1Jction or be"<r, mo)' i,, uged for non-ha•ardous i'", '"'-' c> ,f aj>prov<d in ,., : ,c,, g 1., ll.e do1,.n <r.icn< <>( ind•o•t' ) , _a,,0< an I hun1an i-.lation~

""""'· .---·' ·"·· '" "_, , ; ' ',, L '-

lnd 55.E» E>ul.8. (1) Evory grands!and, Lo!cony ur i.er conoider•d soparalol)' •ball bo provrdoO w"h Ot loost 2 ex"' loca!ed ao ,..._ "'"''')' from each o~her "' l·l'"''ic.lblc a"J Je.•diug di.-ootly \u the ouuoide a; gnode. II the cap•cLty of any such ot!UO\Uf'O, baloony, or tier exceeds J,000 person<, there shall be at lea•! ~ exits and where the ca~acily exo<<<i• 4,UO!J µerwno, thore ,hall ho at !O"-'t 4 exits.

(2) E•iUO shall be di•tribu:ed uniformly tu prevent <onge•tion and >hall be oo located lh•t tho ltn• of tra,·•I to •n exLt or to l-h• ontrance to an exit P"-'••g•way is J>ot greater th•n 100 f<•<.

1aJ The total wldU. of oxi« from any grandstand, boleony or tier ,hall not be I••• than 22 11iohes per JU<! per•ono, exoopt that for ~rand•tanda whioh are cousti·uotod of ln<onobustible materiol through­out •nd havo • olo•ed incorobustible dook undor tho ooaU!, the totsl "'Ldth of exit" niay bo not lo>s than 22 inchoo for oaoh 500 P'''""' or fr...,tion.

lad 55.5~ Aioi .. ond PA••agew•r•- (1) All ramps, •lain, doocwa)'• ancl dooro used for exit ?Urpo•es shcdl conform to tho requirement• o[ sootion• Ind 55.03, 5l'.0~ ond 55.10 of t),i, <ode.

(2) Ai•I•• having sea\a on both sid'-' shnll not be le•o than 3 feot ~ inoh•• in width !llld ai•le• h:<v,ng •••t.• on on• side only ohall not b• leas than Z4 inch•• wido_ Co"<»< atsle• shall not be le•• than ~8 inohe• in width. No •!•I•• will bo required for grando\ando or ble•ch•'' whel" the oeaU! •xtond to tho floor or to the ground without a roil· Ing olong the front.

(3) Trailor oeating mounted on incomb\lSUble d•<king no\ excoed­lng 300 o•PAOily ea.ch llh•ll be provid•d with aiolo1 or otainray• not I••• than 36 incho• in width.

Jnd 55.54 S••Ung, (1) The seating arrang•ment •hall comply with Ibo reqUif'Omonto ot oe<tion Ind 05.IS exc•pt that tor ..,_.to without back• tho hori<on\a! distance from back to back of oeat.. ohall not be I••• than 22 inche•. Th''' •hill be a •p•o• ol not le•s than )2 inchos h<tweoo tho bock ol oooh s•at and tho front of tho 1oat !rnmodiately bohind it. All rneasuroment io to b1 takon botweon plumb Unos,

(2) Wiloro tl•o same level i• not u•etl for bo\11 •e.•t bonoh and loo< <••t, indopendont foot re•<• •hall be provided.

'"'"'''"'- ''"""'""'''• ,,,, ""- ''' ll·•Etd!hg ond h"""""· v•n<ll•tlng ond "'' cond1'1""'"" ooO•

Page 71: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

124 \YISCONS!'> A[)~!NISTllAT!VE CODE The•''''• "'<"'""'' f, dlo

(3) All wot board! s.nd !ooe board, aho.ll be oeourely !..,,\ened in pl~o in oueh a molll'lor tJiat tJiey e&ru1ot be aocident..lly dlophu:ed,

(~) Vihere tho ri;• of" a..,.\ bonch or pla!!orn1 •~<e<d' 11 ln<heo, lnlennodiat. •t<!"' •hall bo provided tho full .. ~dth of th• nioles. SU<il •t•p• •ilo.ll bavo a ri .. of no\ more lhan 11 lnohoa and a tr.ad ol not le•• than 10 inoh"" nominal ..,.;d!h. In no oaoo sholl Uio nnglo ol oeatlng v:eeed (6 degreo•.

Ind 50,55 G11&rd ••Lia. A oub!tantlol runrd nil not luo thon U U,obe1 in hoight and havin~ ~ int•rmediolo rail• shall be pro>'idcd alon~ the b>.c'.: ond end, ol nll i;rand,u.,nds where lho •e•t. ar• "'o"' thon ' f .. t •hove lho ~round. Whe ... tho front foot toot ol any ~rond•tan<l is mor• than 2 f,et above the gr<>und, a ~uard tall ••­t•nd'ng not 1,,, than 36 •nche, above such front foot rest o.'iall be µro;id•'L

ln<l S5 . .56 P<>rtable grand•tand• or bleacher•, (l) l'01t~blo i;ru"d· otonds or ble•choro shall O• self-contained unit. having !lil nece•aary ,,,,, .• , to ;vj\)'_,tond ""'1 resto.;in all force" which may be developed duri<>l: OC<Ul'an<f. The)' shall be'" Jo,ig,.<<l a,«I '""'Lruclod that i( ""l' •\n>otural memb-cr es,.ntial to the stren,;th nnd stability of tho ''"''tllro i< orr.itted during orue\ion. tl1e pl'<>senco of unu•cd conner. !ions or fitting• v.ill make the ami'""" seli-evide.,l.

(2) A po,tabio g-randsu.nd shull not b• u•ed for public oocupancy i:ntil it ho' b<en '"'"roly "'''rnblcil in occon!ance with thi• re~u;ro • men\,

(3) Portable i;l'ondstnnd• shall he provid•d with baa Flnlea, •lllo, floor runner,, "' sleeper• ol su!l'.cient 01·ea an4 •trongth to support ••lely ti1o total live and deocl loaJ,,

I~) \Yitere po1table ~>~n<ls:and> re,t Jircctly on tho grou»d, mud •ills of suitable ma~rial and ha\iog '"~icieOt areo to p,ovcnt O•n· ll•!"Ou• •ettlemont sholl b€ provido<l under th• b>.oe ploteo or •l••pera. All mud silk: shall bo prope,I;· "noho"'d to the ground and all bearing •urlaeea shall be in conta,t.

(5) A-f<OlU<' or othe, support> anO •••t st;ingero for portoble grandstand' or bleaehcrs sh•ll be ••cured to prevent accidental dla· plneement durin~ oocupa"'l'·

10) F,eld connertioll• to "·ood me"'h''' shall bob)· moon• of rivet,, boll>, connootnrs, log "'''"'''• frietion or oth•r approved device•. Log ''''w' sh oil not be us<d for direct tension. The us• of noils and 'vood ''''''"'is permi<•ible for holding "ood posts together oxcept that they •hall not be u•ed for demounblble connections.

(7) Wood meinbert ln lenalon sho.ll be connooted at each end by not le•• than 2 bolts or lag 0<rows or by approvod conne,toro or oth•r approvod de,i<••. Adequo.te provision shall be rnado to prevent the •p\1lUn,g ot ohMring of wood at llUOh connootiono.

(S) The following requirement• shall apply to folding and movablo bleachora used in plocca of assembly in ad<i>tion lo tho ot!i•r requlro. m.,,ts of .. otions Ind 55.5G and Ind 55.57.

(a} Shop dTBwlng•, specification• and caleulationo oT a te•t report mado hy a n=gnj...,d testing ag<ncy covoring each bloaoher model

'"""''.'- ''"'"""'''-''" ~- .. ,,,. BuLJO•ng •n• h<•Un~. ''"'''~""g •"4 al• oon~Lt!Qn!O&' °"""

• •

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Page 72: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• (

• (

DEPT. OF JNUt:STI~\, L,\U01: & Hl')L\:\ J:l:L/,fl0:\S 101

"""""''· "''''' "' '""" "'"""

Chap1er Ind 56


lnd ••.• ,, ''"" lnd ••.•• Ae<o .... attlo ... ..00! lod 00.0l

.. ...i ...... "''"'" Ind 00.ll Floo• •- ond .. !11'11 '"" .. '' Cluo or oon"""""" h•l•h•

Ind O•.O> ... ,., "°"' ........ ,,,,, .. '"'' ,,_,' lluo•m•nt room• Ind •l.-0< Oubdl>I••••• "' '"

,., ,, '' A•••mOly n>Om• ,,.,, '"' '' , , s ...... d•••• ••• "'"'' '"' .... , "''"'"'' """ '"""' '"' '' , ' "'~""• '''"" ··-'· ,, "' Numh••. '''''"'" "'' '"• '' , ' ,, . .,,..,. '""'"'"'"' '''' ot '""' '"' '"-'' Ll<hl>n<

'"' .... , Tou.l w!d<h ol '"'" ,.,

''·'' Fl,.. .......... h••• '"' oo.01 "''" . ..,,, '"' .. ,, ...... , ....... '"' '' .. Pu•o<'w•>"•

lad 5~.UO\ S...p0. The requimD•nl.o ol !hi• chapter, ooo:tlon1 Ind 5G.001 to 56.19, in<lush·e. ohall npplr to nll public, par0<hiul and pr1vato •ohoolo, uni••'•it<e•, colleg<o, ai:aderni .. , ..,,,,;nari••, Hbrorie1, mu•eum• ond art .rall•r,••; including all building• or parta of bulld-1ngo used for the purpo"" of aoquiring lrnowlodgo .

Ind 56.0\ Maximum height. (l) No bu!ldlng whioh acoommodal<o pupH• b<low oenior or junior high ••hool grade• oho.JI b< more than 3 ototi .. high, nor •hall the topmost floor !0'1el be more than 30 foet a\>ov• the grade ~l any out•h'e e'it door.

(2) No Ouil<hng wh,oh is used a• a aenior or junior high school ohall be more lhan 4 atorie• high, nor aho.11 die topmoel floor lo•el bo more IJ\on 48 feet oOOvo the vade al any outsldo oxil door.

Ind ~6.D2 c1 .. , of wnolru<tion. (1) Every building not more than one ''"')' Ln hei~ht ma~ Oe of !rrun< oonolruction A• •P•cilled in ,,,. lion Ind 61.03.

(2) f:,,,I' building 'vh1ch ;, more than cno •tory, but not mo,.. than 2 otor1es in height. ohall bo o! O?'dinary oon.tnlction .. •Poci­lltd ln oeotion Ind 51.02, or better, noep\ "" provided ln oeotlon Ind 06.0S.

(3) Ev•ry buildin~ w/tioh i• rnor• than 2 otori .. in height •hall bo of lh-e-,.....otiw coootruotion as •JHN'illed in -tion Ind 61.001 p:copt lhat !n • ~ •tory bnildiog ordinary constnicl:lon, as •poclfled ln """· lion lnd 01.02, may be uoed above lhe third fl<>Ot level.

Ind ,16.03 Fir•t ftoor fire-rosJollvo. !n otl 2 story buildinirs having ,,,,.,." than ; cla,,, 'tu1i)', "· recitation 1·oon1s of 01<ii""'l' ,;,. (7',o "LUat·e loot Jn a1·ea) on any fioo1, lh• fi,·,t llo"r oh~ll be of ot loast ~-hour llre-resi•UW> oon•tn•cU<m ao spocifiod in •ootion Jnd 51.04 uni••• nll of tho stai1w•y• and oorr1dot·s th1"0Ughout tho building, i"c·ludini; <ta;,.,, ""Oil'. ccilill~O "r.d ftoors ai·o of at lea•t ~-hou,. fi!'e-re,:•t11·e oons\ruo\inn "' specified in ,,,.\,on lnd 51.0<I. In •II

••1l•t•r. Fob,u•ry. ''''· No. 11! B"UI din.- ond hoo<!n.-. v.,,tt\at!n.­

and "'' ,ondhionln.- '''•


Page 73: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

\\'l~(:U!;,;J~ .\U~li'.,J~rl:.~Tl\"E (:Ol>E "' ''""'"· pl..c<< "' "'°""'I••;;.

O<il<J" • s:o1 r huil<l1"~'' tin· ... ,,_,,,· ('el 1,,,~ sr all "' "' j ·1101>1 hre·resi>Cn~ ""'"''~'!"'" " .\'<'CLfied rn '''tioo ],,J .; l.~J. rn be\\. 1.

H!otor>• ,_, __ ,., "'" "'~''"''• 1'ob,u••l', ,,, l. ""· '''· "

,_,_,,, Ind .;fl.DI Subdh·i•i""' and fi,,, ;to1•<. E\'OI)' b11ildin" uf th;,

<l".'''fi'·utron ""h;,.;, ''built '" c•OJ\l\P('li"n "'Ith a lruilJrn~ of n lo"."' grade of <0nsl1uotion •hall te -""pa1·oted fL-O!n •uch other buBdi"g IJ1· \\'alls of 4-hour n,.o-t'l'.«'L"·r· ,.,,,,_.(''"'""" "' 'i'«<ifi<>d in '"'tinll 1;,d ;;!,04, ond nil COOl"'"""'"''''~ OP<''""~' shall Uo pl'o\oetod b)· fire-ruiativo door• u •peeifiod in "'":tion hld Sl.Ot7 or equal. If "'"'h ""'"'"~' '"" ""'~ "' " ""'"'"' ,.r eoi·o•~. the)' 'hall h" kept "''"' ·"I"''· d1:i1ng ch, '"'"i''"""• ,,i Lho building.

'""'"''' C·•: ""' """''''' l"cl' '"' ''''· "" '''· .~ !nd OU.05 Expo•ure a"d <ourl•. :-io "'ail cont.ainlng windowo or vl­

olon area which light a cla•s, study, recitation room or reading ""'"' •hall he le;s !h"n 20 f•et away fron1 an)' op,oo.,ite ]Juilding. olcuoturo, "' lol line or OJ'P""'' 'our\ "·'ll,

lll•<•r•• \-0-00: ~m. Re~'''''· Jo""'''·''''· No 01. o!f. 0-1-<L

Ind 50.06 1''umber, loc•tiun and type of •xit8. (I) '!'ho nunlk>•r and loeotion ol o;;!to sholl be suoh that •n cose ony exit is hlookod a\ any roinl some other exit ~·ill 'till Lo "''"''Ihle throuith public passage· wo)'s. irom •'·ery room u'<·d bi• to,, public or hy the oooupants gen­erally. E>oept that in a hi~O school. unl\·crsity, college, librarr or muscun1 builtlin~ OQ\ "'"'" than 2 clu,sroonis of ordinor;' si•• {900 square fee: or•n) nla)" Le plaeed bot~·ecn "" exit an<I th• end of the bu<ld!ng, provided tho\ the exit doer., from S<ich o!ass•oorns are not "'"'"than 10 fe•\ berond the"·'"

(•) Exits •hall be SQ distributed that \he elltrancc to any roo,,, used for oducational pul'pOS<" \Vill not l"' moTe th~n 100 feel distant f,o,n an e'it measuring along public• ]\O''""'"")'S.

(2) Jn bu:ldin~• ol nioro :hon uno stor)·, there sh•ll be ot loast ~ stair.,'0)" ''Lts. oach loadin; <li1.,,ctly uut of rloo;o The remai~inR e,il• ohall be either such ''"''"'")"S or hori,ontal exlts as op•oified in 'e<<ion Ind 51.19. \\'her• su'h stuln\'O)'S l•arl lo the h•oenient !hey 'hull Ile e.•rlo.<ecl holow the firs\ ftoor a' •J>oOiliod in '"'lion l"d O\.lB

(3) In buil~Lng• of more !.han 2 >\o•i<•, all •tninvar• shall he en-<l,,><11 n; 'l""'''fi"'I in "'''''"'"' Ind rol 1;-~,!.lR,

(·LI Fu~"''-"!"'' may onl) i>e "''d as 0>C>ts !ton\ tile ten1rora')" end of incomplet.> oT ~nit typo building•, as approved in Writing by the department of indu•try, labor and human i·elations. Suoh fiL'e earape• •h•ll he of ti'le "'B" t)"pO ~·l101·e more \Jion 100 P<l'wn• can l.c "''""'"n'o· rl•<•d aho\'O the fir·•\ slot'}'.

(6) Hondrail• •hall he provided on bo\Ji oideo of •ll <Xl\ •laira u••d bl" p<>pi)s.

(0) '>o •lorage closet ur St·orage ·'""'' shall bo placed undor any stairwa)", platform or landinH A room moy be plao•d under a stair­way or otalr landing of two-hour fir< l'ffiative construotiQTl OT better provid•d ••<h room doc, not have any oombnolibl• motorial or ha•­ar<lou, eguipmonl, stor.d "' oper"te<I tho,-.,in. All such room• shall have a ooillni height of not le>• th•n 7 feet and the door thereto oh•ll

""'"'''''· , ..•• .,,.,, ''''· "" ,,. Eull<\ln.- """ h ... Hn.-. v/"'"'"'·< •nO ai• conO<tionLn~ <O ,

• •

• •

Page 74: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• ( ,_

Dr'1', or JNDt;STJtl•, LA!IOR & JJUM.\.N llELA1'JONS I~"

Boboo!o. "'""''' or '"'''"'"""

be & .. tr .. lOJill( .olld ~l>Bh tj'P• wwd door l'l:I lnohes ID thlokn ... or bett<.r.

111•<•..,., l-0--ii: •m (11. ''· 111 {•), R•~••<or, ~ep••mb•'· ''''·No. <I. •"· '~'-''' - n • .,,,,,,, ''""'''· ''''· ''" ''· •"· •-•-••·

Ind 56.117 Totol 11'1dth of ...:ii.&. (1) Tho total width of •~its from any noot shall be not !eu than the loUowing ra~ based on th• tot.al <apaeil:1 of 012oh Ooor and of th• Hool'I aho%.

{&) Fire-rea!sti•e bn1ld1n!rl', 30 lnches P•• 100 peno~o. (b) O•dinacy or fran>o building" 40 inche• per lOO p•r•o"•· (2) Wher• permitted under W1>. Adm. Code oe<tlon Ind 06.06,

standard fire escapes may bo used for not to exceed on.third of the oho•~ total w:id<h•·

(3) The capacity of a ochool building ohall l>e eotab!iahed by th• octuat number of fi~od .. ato in room• wheT< ouoh ore u .. d or by the number of p•r•on< ll'hic·h •n>y o, ac<·Onl<"odalc<L {S<•• \Vi•. Ad'"- Cocie oeotioo Ind 60.11.) The <11pacity o! a hbrsry, inuoeum, ot art gallery •hall be ~•tabliohed on the ba•is o! 100 ·~uate feet ol total ftoot area ot tho Ouildih>:, •-<clu>ivo nl .<ta,c11-a)'< ood •i•»•.,\oc•, !<> eaoO pet•on, •~cepl that lot library reading ""''"" thi• area ;holl be ,..,ducod to 20 •quaro f .. t por poroon for tho space so occupied.

Id 5S.OI £di doon. Exit door• •hall oomply wilh tho ""IUire. menls ol Wi•. Adm. Code section lnd Ol.15, exoep! that in elomentary •chool• tho widlh "'ay be r<•luce<l to 3 feet. Tho aggregate width ol exit doors lhall be ... Nqui~ In ••c\ion Ind 66.~7. No odngle door or leo.! of a double door oh•ll be more than 42 inch .. wide.

Ind 6&.09 P .... 11...-•1•· (1) Corrldora and p...ag<wayo ahall be oo de•lgned a1 to prev•nt cong•stion end =lu•ion end •hell be provided with window• and artificial light oo u to 1naintain a light iaton.oity thnougboat of not 1 ... than 2.5 foot UDdlea at lho ~oor Uno wbcenr tho \ftlllding lo occupied.

(2) Tho minimum unobstructed width ol corridors and po .. ago­way• whieh ara uaod by the public or by the oeoupanta goltOrally, ahol! be detemilnod !n th• oame "'""-n•r •• opocifted for .talrwoyo Jn section Ind 06.07, but ln no cose shall lhi• width be 1 .. s than 4 r .. ~ Corridors and p.., .. geways serving a• a mean• of egres.o shall be at lout equal in combined width to tho required width of the otai,.. ..-ay1 or p~y1 loading to thorn.

' Ind 56.JC A«:<ss lo ottic and roor. Every building '"""' \hon one 'tor)' jn height sholl ha\'e µci·n,an<>nt nieons of acoess to the roof and a1:1io 1pa«> from irudde the building. Whe"' a ooulUe orening i• pro­vided, the •1><ning shall be not le•• than :W ~ ao lnehes, with a pennao•nl enclOSllN fo• a otairwa)' or ladder leading lheNto-

Ind 5~.11 Floor •Pa« and <eilln~ Might. (1) All <l••• and "'oita­tion rootn' 'holl IH<ve n •niniinun1 ftoor spa'• or 2'! squai'€ foe! por J>c»'sur .. Rooms used onlr !or study put·po''' ,hall have e n>inimun• ttnn• •1,ace ol Iii <qua•e foet ''"' P"""'"

(2) In <0lleg•1 o• univorsities, <l• .. =m• "'"ted with tablet arm chairs or sent.. without desk< shall ha1·0 o miniinum floor spaee of JO oquare foet per person.

,_. .i;; lle~;,,,,-, 1··•••""''· 1071. No 11'

!lu<LdLnc •nd ne~un~. v<ntUat•n~ ond olc oo,,dltionng ""'''

Page 75: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

134 II l~CO:-!SJ:> ,\D~!r:-,·1s 'ff'..'\. Tl\'),; CO) 'E "''"'"'' '"·'"''' <•f '"'''UcU<''>

(3) All rooms u>ed for oducation•I purp<>seo ohaU not be les• than V feet hi"h in the cl<'"" ox<ep\ \b,\t school huildings ~·hich ho,-e a slop­ing coiling •nay have a "'""'g hcighl ol not le>s than 8 !col on the lo"'· •id• of the ''"'"'""'" JH'O''"le<l the ave'a"e ceiling height •• not leoo tll"-ll 9 feet in tll• ol ... r. ll•am>, girders, or other otructur•l mom. bers •poced not le•• thon 4 foot on ccntars whioh support tho ceil­inJI' wn•truotion •hall not be leoo \hen 7 leet 6 iru:h .. ~hove the lloor. Toilot "'°""• 1.....iu roomo, otore room• and similar opaceo ah&ll no\ be 1 .. , \hon 7 10€1 6 incheo ln tile clear.

111010.,-, ,_,_,,,am. (J).1<<~"'''· ~•olomb•<. ''''· !<o. <>,oft, 10-1-••: •m. .......... '"""'"'~· ''''· •ft. ·-·-···

Ind 5i.l2 !lasement rooms, (l) Wlt•r• olassrooms in school building, ha•• fiooro more t.han 2 feet b<lo"· the adjoining Jl'r•d•, guch room, shall compl)" "'ill> tho follo"·in~ condit,on' ;,, '"l<lilioll to th• roqui"€­m('Ill> of'""';"" lt><l OOll •nJ ,·haptel' Ind 10, Ill<""''-·'"'" r,.,;,_

{u) All walls anc! fio"'" "-Juc•I, ul'C Jll '""'-"'l "'•th ihe suLI sl1'1il "" '"OJBtUr<·proof and in•"lu!•<l.

'""'"''' i-c-<•; am TI•-•"'"" """'"''""' ''''· "" RI ''" 1_-l-C'I- ''" (i) """' """) ""~'''''· ,,,,ooc,, ·'"' ·'"· i;,. "" .,_,_,

Ind S~.13 Aosembly ••om•. A room whioh seat•. or "·hi oh eon aocom. moda,e. lltO or more P•'<•or.s oJ,oll oonform to tile ""4"'"""'n~ of chopter ln•I 55 (Theoters ond A•sernbly }Jolls) ol this oodo except th"t lh" >r.ininiun1 1vid<h •J[ any exit d"or11·ay U>ed e<olusi,·oly by ele­n,ontary sehool chihl'"" nla)' be 3 let\; but in any oa•e the ·~~··~ato "·idth of ouch <looru·•i• 5hall 1,0 in "'"'"d""'" "'ilh \\'is. Adi". Code chap\er l•i.I c;,,

Ind ~6.lt Seal•. d••k• and •isle_,, 11) Seal,, chairs and d'"'h' hi ,]"''· recitobo•,, or stuO;· '"''"'" "'"';"" "'"'" than 50 P''""" shall bo secure);· fustcned to tho lloor' or "'"''shall bo fa,lc>H·<l togetil•r in in<'"P" of 4 or more, or in ,.roups ol 2 ..,,\• nnd 2 de•k•. Ex<~pt tli•t this r<~<>iremcnt •hall ""t opplr '" Josks and cho'•• u•ed by teachers, or to chair>, tahlo• ood e~uipn\cnt \<sed "' kHldcrgart•n

12) Cl•>•, ro,itation .1od '""Ir '"'o"" •hall h••c ai'l'' alooit ail ~·•II•.

(3) lo <1em•nl•'Y <ehool ''""''- !ho intern1edia!c oisl•-' shall be not le•• than 18 inche• and \he Wall aisle> not los• tl1a<> 30 in<l10• in widtll.

(4) In high ;chonl '""'"'· and in ull oll'.c' cl""" i~dtnbon ao.) •tudy room•, u,. interrned<alo aislo• shall be not Jc,, lh•" 2V in<h<o and won aiole• not le•• than sn inche> in width.

(5) Where r<>0m• ar• u••d for a .. ombly purf>(l•eo, Rot• and •i•l•• ,1.,,11 confo;n> lo lho roquu·e,nent_, .,[ '"'tiono In<) 00.)-1-.\\.1';-.

Ind :,r,.1:, H••tiu~ 1•lou!,. ( l) 11, e,-or;· buil•li"~ more than on< slur)· '" ho,~il\, all hea\t!'~ rl.u>l- .\nfl fuel '"""''<hall he onclo••~ "'Ith .... , ,,._- ''"' •-h,,,r fi, ,,, '" '"'"'!''""';"" "-' ,1,..,;n .. ,1 "' \l'i­Ad.n_ (.,,:,. >«tlon ltl<I .,1_u1. _.\JI Oi'oni11gs •hull lie 1•i<>\ooted "''\h 'olf-clo•Lng fir<'-o•si•ti\·e <loots"' sp•c,fieO In soctoon ln•I 51047

(2) In one •lory buildin~' oil he•tin~ plonls and fu("I 1ooms •hull 1,,, •·>n]o'<,1 \\",\h not l"-'' 11 "" C-h""' fi'''"-l""i,\i1" "'"''\•ucl "" "'

11•~'''''• <ebruari·· 1071, s,. 1fio BuUOtn~ and ho• lnl'. ••ntllaHn~ on• "'' oon<,.ln"ln~ <oOo


• •

• •

Page 76: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• (


• (~.

DEPT. 01'' !NDUSTl(Y, LAIJ01l & llU!il.'LN Rf.LATIO:-!S 130 Ochool•, pLa<o• O! ""''"'"'"

'P''""'d in soc\ion Ind ;;1.0;, "'''"I'' that this 1equhen>•n\ shall not ·,q,pli to buold.n{t' wh•l'"- ja<·kcted ''''"'' '" o<·hooi too•n il•'"'''' 0!1' pet·ntltt.ed. All op•n1ngo shall be l''otc·ctod b)' -'<lf·clo>i"g fi10-rosi'ti'"' doors as Bf"'oJfiod n1 s<•ction lr-<l :,1_u~;.

"'"'"''' ,_,_,,, a•n. '"'"''"'·roe.-.'"'· ''''· x ... ''' ,.l'f ;.,.;1.

Ind 56.16 Sa»i!•r1 oqulp111onl. (l) To1u:rs. S<hool buildings ahall havo tho following toilet oq11ipment:

(a) In high oobool•, ono water-olo!el for O\'ory 30 female• or fra<'"'"-

(b) On• water-.c!o .. t ror every 60 l!l&l .. or fracUon BJ1d on• url­t>~l fo, .,.,,)' 30 n1alos Of fra<!1.1n.

(c) 1n junior lugh and elementary •<h<>ols, one 1vator-clo•ct for overy 25 l•mal•s '" fracti<>n, on• '""'"'-clo•et for every 00 malo• or l."et.on an<l one ur>nal l<>c cl'Ot'Y ~[, n>ale• or fra<!L""·

(2) DRIN><!NC WAT•n. One drin~ing fountain ohall W ln,tall<d in ""'h ot<lry and ba•ernont, fo, <•oh 6000 o<iuare feet ol olassroo1n ::oo• "'""• or lro<lio". l>tink,ng lounlaLH-' >hall nnt he ii>•Ullle<l '"

Ulil•~ "'°""· (3) 'l'.'Asuro-;G >AC!l.ITJC>. Lovato,ies •hall l>e rro1•idod In oonnec­

toon with 1oil•l room• in the rat•o of one lavatory tor every 60 per­<on' of oaoh .. ~ in hiKh •<hnol• and ono la1·atory for O\'ery 50 per­'""" of each •o< in Jut.,or h;oil schools and clcinentnr; school-•

(l) \\'RAPS- It shall be.,,, .•. ,,,.,.\,, l'"""le fuell't''-' for tho 1dac­"'g aod ''"'""" o( \\'l"OI,·' of all ""'"l'""t' h• ,,c,-y ,,haol buildiHi:. Tho aho'o fac1htio_, •hall be oonst111c,0J anJ nri·ang<d to facil"a\o cleoni"g.

lol T)ns prohibit< !he uoo of c'C>t.-idor' on<l 1·•,tih"I"' fat· oloak room purpo••• uni ... v•nt1lated looker•, wa,-<l,obce, or open front wa.-<lrobo• Rre pl'OVidecl. Op•n hooi<o and hangers in the corrido,.. "·'11 not l>e Rpprov•<I.

"'•"'''"' ] ,,_,_,, am_ ''' ''' (4) '"'' <<l '"'· r.-·~'""' ,,.,,.,.,,,.,,., .,.-,;, "" ,-, "" ,,_,_,, ,., ,,,_,, ,, ''· l<l. ""'"· '"''· ""~ .,,,, ''·•'''""''· '" ''' '"- ,_,_,,_

lod 56.!J l.iohtlog. (1) t:t.>:CTR!c L!"ltTJNG. Every olas•, •tudy oc tocitaUnn room shall be <g<llppod ""•th sufficient ,1.,,,;.,,_1 ll~htinr """'to i.:aintain !he illunl•nntion '"'luic•rl in \Vis. Adm. Code ohap­'"' Ind 19, !llurn!nolion 'u~e.

(2) Gct<,,,.,,L. Al! other '"""'·' •nd •P•••• tn sohool building• shall l>a oquipp•~ with mean• for oupplying electric illumination in lh• quRnllty ,..quired for the purpo•• fo:r whloh <be room or opa.oo i• ooed. All el«tric&l work shall be !n•lalled to conform t.o the requi,.... mento ol lhe Wl50onsin gtllle eloctrioal code.

) (8) W1111>(11f& (•) All ol&Nl'OOill.I and spaoeo in e\emontaey 50hool

bullding-s used for !n•truotion or •tudy PUl'JlOtt• •h.otl i,. provldod with .,de wall <lear glass or other app,oved t111ruparent material vision panelo or windows opening directly upon a otreet, alley, o; open .ourt a• •pecllied In ""'\ion Ind 56.05 exoopt gymn•olnrns, audl· torlorns, .. reteriu, lunoh rootr11, libral'ies, audio-v!oua! roomo, ool· .,,,. room,, homomaking rooms, art room•, mu•io rooms, v0<ational

-,~~·and, ~omilar area>. '"'W""'. {~~~~-'~.'"' - Ro~l•l•r. Fol>'""'' t•7l Xo 18'

BuUdtng •nd ••'"'";,, ,,;,";"""~ ond •L• oondJHon•ng ood•

6 9?

Page 77: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

"" \l'!SCONS!N ADMI1'13TRAT!VE CODE "chool•. pl•<•• or '"'''"""""

(b) TO.• w'ndowo or vision •r•·ao shall ha•• • to!o.l gl••• ore• n! not le.so thlU'I 40 squa,.. f••t. The sill hoigh! shall no\ oxceed 3'6" ahovo th• lloor and the horiznnt•l "·id•h ol th• V•sion ar<a ,hall not b, le.so than 5 f .. t. A min,mun-, of JO •4"'"' feet of the oggr<ga;e ~los• ar<a •hall Le arra,,~ed to 01''"·

(c) Gloss bloek con>lruc!JO>t conf<>rtnJng with the ,..quiremonts of section Ind 5!.0<17 onay \w "'c'I '" cla,si·nom• anti spaces u;od for in•trucHon l'"'l'"''' oxc<•pl "' '"'''fieJ in{~) and (b).

(d) G! ... blocl: ,....u panels wltiob. &re up~ to diroo\ .<iln r•y• •nd o.ro 5 f..,t •<more above tho floor level shall be of a typo capable ol dire,ting the light ray• horizontally or up1vard.

>U•lo"'' 1-1-'0; om. llegl•l••. Jo.nU&fY. 1•11. No, <l. •If. •-1-01; or. '''·He~"''' ·'""'""""· ''"'· ""· ''· cIT, l'-1-03' "'"· (J) \o), "'~"''''· l"eh' ,a,y ''''· "' 18,, <'~ 1 \-'\

lr.u 56.18 F"• ••!in"""""'•· In ,, .• ry building, stan<lard fir• •>lingulsh•r•, a• spo,ifiod in V.'i,, Adtn. Code s0<t1on Ind 51.22, •hull be pl'ovioed in \he proportion of ""' oxtini;-ui>hcr to ••<I> 2500 square feet, or fra<:tion, ot lloor area, but there ohall ba at leaot ono fire oxt!nnulshor on eaoh l\oor including ba .. ment. In addition to the nre oxHngui,hers for genorol prot•<tiou there ohall bo at lea•t one extin. guiahor ot apprnpriato typo and •i"' in •aoh laboraiory, llhop or other voootional room. Every fire e<liugui,her sholl ho promln•ntly expo•ed to '''e" and •l11·a)S oocoss.iblc.

• •

Ind 56.19 Fire alarms. (l) E''''Y building 2 or mor• otorie• in • h•ight and e•ery on.,.story hulld1ug with 6 or more ol•••roomo and an assembly hall or gymnaoJum aocommodating mote than 1GG per. oon• shall be providod with a proper alarm •y•tem ""mply!ng with W••· Adm. Code •ootion Ind Sl.2f. E~•<pticm:

(•) A hond·operated alarm !I permanently ln•lalled ond •• arron"•d that ii can ho "P<L·otcJ frn•n any sto1·y, inclucl,n" the baoernen~ ma)' ho uood in school buildingo nol more !hon 2 otoriea in h•icht and havinll' not moro than Z 1tandard ,;,,. <la,srnom• on the oecond floor.

R<g"'''• >"ob,uary, ''''· ><o !Sj ouildln~ &nO h<o.<Ln~. vont•l•llng ••d •lr oondltlon•n~ cod•

• •

Page 78: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• ( ,_




DEPT. OF INDUSTR\', LABO!\ & HU~!AN llLL.~Tlll:\~ 107 """''mont buHdinto. hololo, ol•••• o! O•<•nllon

(~h.ap!"t' Ind 57


'"'' ""' '"'' ""' I n<l ;, C 0 l

'"' -; ,-, -,

'"'' ''·"' Jnd '' "' ,.,, J "'' .,, "' '"'' ''-'" "'"''''' '"" ] _ '"'' ,,, l '"' '' ,,

Scope ('I,,<, <>! <OO'"'UCl>OO

,.,,,, """' "'''"'""''·''' ""'·'g' """ """'"''' ''''''"'" ''"'"""' ''"' '""""" ,. "''''"'·· ~-._,_,, ,.,,,,, '"''"' ~ .. ,,,,,.,_ '°'''""" '"" ,,.,,, ot ''"' •,co•·"·"''"''"'''' ''~ L"l "'""' Pa•••~<wn>• l.l"h<lnJT or ,., I• J:·,·h"'"' ,, ••• '"'' '""' ,,,.,,, To1>ct •oom• \\'a.<>""" ''"'''''·'"

'"' '"'' ''-" ,,, '"' '''" ,,_J lnd

''"' '"" ' ' '"'' ''"' ,, __ ,

''-'' '' "' • ;,;_J -,

'; "" ,,_,, l

"' ... -'" 1 ,, .i't

"''''"' ,. ''""""'""' ·'"" o! '''"'"' ""'''"'"' ''"'"" '''Lndo~• '-''""'"" ,, ,,, '-·''"'"-' J ·,,' "' ""'' ' ' _,.'' ,,,,.,,, , .. ,,, a'''"'' .~." '"'' ,,,,.,.,,., .. '"' ,,.,, ... ""'-' ''"'"' ""'"g"-' J·'Hl'n~ '"'''""-<: hulLJ· H•g• 00><] <1'U•'tUOO• .\Ut•"""""" '"' o• '·"­«TY '''"[" AnlmnoO' o ""' ''"" """"'

Ind 5J,llUl S¢op.. (!) Tli<' '''l"'"'""'nts of this chapter sholl avpi;· to ull upartonont Duii<lings. 0011' hou''''• roon1ing- h•n•"'-'• hotel;;, dn>n>L­'"""'• <'un1·onts, monasteries, ilospit"is, cbilolre1''s hu1nos, horn•-' for tl\e l\~•·O anO inlimi, noroin~ hon1e•, ''"'"·alesoent hosrit,ls, eon\'nles· ,-,nt ho'"''· ,,,., '-'"'· nu·n1al ho<p:t.1],, jnil<. an<l nlll•'' )' ,,,,., <'f "l>Od» o• detent,o", "''''J>l os p•ovid<<i Ll\ section lnd 57.20 (~).

(2) By """"° of a.hO<lo ls _..,,t a building or part of a buJlding, suoh as ap,rtment bulldinµ, ro\v hou''• rooming hou>e, hot•I, dormi­tO>")·, convent, ho,pital, as follo;ys:

(•) Ocoup1«l •• • ro•idonoe_ of 3 "' mn>e fa1nilies livin~ jndopend­'"tl)' or oc<upiecl by 2 such familic> "'"I usod ,,lsn for b\lSln,.,. 1>urµoscs, 01·

(b) O<oupiod for Bleeping or lodging purpose• by a nr '""''person• not mcmbc,., of the some family.

f31 llr pl"''' of <i•I<'"'"'" ,, ,,,,.,,,. a bu~!Jing 01· I""' of,; l,u,]d"1;; used as a place o! abOOe and 1vhcrttn persons ar< foroibl)' confined, -1uoh a.o u~lums, mental hoop!talo, .and jaila.

No<• 1! 'l'l>• atto;noy ~•o<rul h .. ""''' oh•t all p•••on• oomon;tt•d to "" '""''"' .,,.,.,.,, 0)' '""''""'"'<om• wlthln the on•anon~ or th•·''"'"' "[O"''bly oonM,,od'" ''''' lhOI 1he ""''' "fO,'<iLJI)' con0h••U" •ill>[)' <O ~Jl ""'''""' conOnod wltho•" tho•• """'"" N••• 1.- Foe ..,.,,,1 .. ment• ''~a•d•n• ml.-.ant l&bo' cam"', .. \\'"· AdnL C'ude ohap\ec Ind <• .

.... "'·""' '""'"''' ,., """"'''· ·'"·(· l'"' ""· '''· -~ ·-\-·;­'''''· "''"'""''· '''"·No ''"· er.. 1-1- l,

Ind 57.Cl Class of <onstruotion. (I) All places of "h"rl• "'hieh nro tHON' •h"" :l stones in heigh' slH1'I ht· of :ire-"''"!1;•,o '"'"ll'Uc:ior. "'" •J>0<ified in section Ind lii.001.

"'~''"''· Fobn<o•,-. 1•:t. '<o \q_• ""'"'"~ •nd """'"~' ••ntil•tlng •"d •<r ,ondl\ionlng """'

Page 79: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

138 \\'!SCO:-;sl:-; ,\DhlJ:o;l~1'RA'lll'lS CUDL Ai••tcrn•n< "u"'"'"'' ho<<l~ "'"''" or "''"""o"

(2) All 3·1tol"j' pl•«• of abode, other \h•n bo•pital• and p\~ce1 ?I <lotontion, •holl t.. ot lea'\ of ordinac1· oon,truction •' sp<'Clfcod >n ••ction )nd 51.02, <~c•pt that a ~·•l•rr aportmont building "''hioh will accommodato not more than one lomily on each ftoor and • a·story hotel or roomin~ hou'e which wH\ acoommodote not more than 6 porsons on eoch flour n1ay be of frame oons\ruotlon as opcoiHed in •«\ion Ind 6J.03, except as provided in section Ind 67.02.

(3) All pl•<•• of <ietontion •ha\\ be of fir•·reslstive oon•trucUon throu~houl as 'P"'ifiod in soction l".d 5).Wl. All hospitol<, conva­leoo""' hospital,, and nur;.Lr.~ homes O o,- "'ore >torte• Lfi heL~ht >ha:I l>o of fi,•-,••istive oonsti'U<\ion a• ope,lfie<i in section Ind 61.001.

'''•'"''' 1-0-00, om.(,), RogL•t••. S•o<•mbor. ''''·No. <0. •"· 10-1-;9

Ind 57.02 Fir>l floo, fi1e-ro>i•li'''· (I) ln 3 •tory huilJ.,,g,, '-'''I'' thoso haviTif no· l>:O'e \hon Ollc f""·'I,- on caoh flOOl', the fb>l fio,,, ar,d ;,, oup~"''' '""11 I" c'. ""' ;,.,., :1,_,n ~-1"'-'' fin·.10,ist"·-- ''''1'· •t1-uct•on a• sp,,..ified Jn section lnd 51,04, ex<•pt that in a 3 •to1y apartn>ent hou<• "•hi<h "·ill ac<omm"datc not "'"''than four lam'li•;, or ,, 3 sto1 )- hotoi or '""""' '• J·,,,,, _,. " b:c ii ".ll nec-•l>Hnlo•loto not "'"' c than SO person•, a\>Ove th•- fi\-,I story, tho ba•omen\ ceil!ng •l>a!I be of not les, than l·ho•,,,· f»o-c·e'i''""• con,\1-u,tion "' specifi•d in ""'lion Ind 01.04 01· sh":1 be p10Lc,tcd by autorn•"" >P>'Jn!ders ,._. specifiod in section lnd 51.23.

(Z) Sp•<•• botweon fioor joi•t•, bel 0,, or above olud portitfona whero tho Rud• ext<>nd through one or more •Wri•O. shall be fir.,. tlonpe~.

'""'""·'' \-.'-'"" ''" ,,, ""'''""- ····"""'"'- ,,;,_ "",,,•ff-,_,_,, Ind 57.~3 Garooe an(\ b"''"''' '''''"'"lion. (1) In C\OLf LuiJ,lin~ i"

"·h~oh o lo·,,.,,. atory i< "~''d f-1r ~"'"f"' purpo'"'' the ceiltn~ 0'''-' the ~arage •hall be of un1llerc,,l -1-oou'· nco·ro-'tsti,·o constcuoboo "' opec1fied !n !eelion Ind 51.04. Stair"-''" from garag<c• leading to the ~ppor otories •hall be o•pa1·ated f>om th• garag" area With walls of ·1·honr fire·i·e,istive oon•tructi"" o< 'J-ocifie<l ;,. secti<Jn )>HI 51 Ol. "·ith opening• protected "' oµccified for speci•I occupancy ••puration, ""'tfon lr.d 51.0B.

(2) Jn o. huildin.<: more than 2 ':'"'"'' in height 11-horo tho lo"·ei· stocy is u•ed for bus'""'" P1'1P"-'''· oth<l' than tho hu,,.ll'd< IL><c.I ;n Chapter Ind 5'i of this co<lo, the ,.,.,ii.,~ over the io,·.f•>' 'to'''' 'boll bo of not Joss than 1-hour firc.1~-<i;ti1'tl construction "' spe"fiod in sect:on Ind 01.0l.

'""''''',,,_,,_am. I'•~'"''·)''"'"'''-· 100\, :;,_ '''· <~- ,_, ;L

Ind 57.0~ Corridor and dividing partitions. (1) .'\JI 3 story pl"''' of abodo which have more than one apartment or 8 ''"'ms on any fl<»r, •hall hnvo the public pa,ssw>W•Y• enclo••d 11·ith partitions ol not 1._,, than l·l>onr fire·rosistJ\'C ,onst1·uctlon a• 'l'ec•ficd in sect'"" lnd 61.0~. If thero is more than one aportment on any floor, such •.partn1en!s shall be separated by •u<h partition,, 11 there are n101·<• tnan 8 roo1n• on at>y floor, \''"' ,hall be di,·i<l<<l by su<·b pat·t.tion· into J!TOUP' of not mor< than 8 room• each.

(2) Doon in 1ueb ccrridor poutlt!oru may be solid slob door1, 1;;, illohe1 Jn lhickn•M, and n .. d not bo .. 11..:Joolng.

1110,0.-,, ,_,_,,, •'"- (1), R<·~''''''· ;•,b_,,,e>-. 10:1, ~o !S' ,~ 7-l-:i •ui••r. ,, .......... ltll, No. !SI Bl>ll '"" and U.ilnO-, •ontllatlnir and "'' <onOllLonln~ oo<o

• •

• •

Page 80: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter


• (


llEl''l'. OF INDUIJTJ(Y, LAIJOR & !!\:~!AN [(EL.-\.T!O:\S t:l~

Ao•c<m•n< ''"""'"~'' hot•L•. '''"''' o< d'''""'"

Ind .17.0:; L"ourt "'all ... 1ho 11'.lll' uf cou1\o und si1nilor i11lcl'io1· Sh"fls fol' ILgl't ao·l "'' sh.Lil he oi ;iol leS< than ~-hou' firo-1'.·si;;:i\'o const1·uc"O'• "' ;p<,ified 1n ""''"" Ind 31.U·l, oxoepl th;t 11·hon the buil~i"g '' p<1mitted to b<· of ordinary constru<tion, the court walls n>oy bo of I -hour fi n>·<<•isti;·o const•·u'""'"

lll•"'<YI I' 0••, '""- H•~1•Lo1·, !•'c""'"")', 1•71, :<o !8.\ o~ 'I''

Ind ~7.06 Yardo. (l) ll•hin<I ov•ry aportment hou .. , t.h• re&r of whJ'l' does not uOut "" "" oliey or slr<€t, th••• oholl be o yard aero» U.• entiro width of the lot, ore:n and unobotruoted from the ,..roun4 w tho ,ky. The width of the yard b<hind a 2 •lory building shall be oitbcr:

(a) At loai;t ~ f•et of unobotrHot.ed ,,,Jth; or (bl At loast 10 fe<t from th• roar lo\ ILne ta tho building lino, of

"-hie'- "' loa'r 3 feet ohall ,,, 01.,tstruot<d, and the remaind'r may l>o occupiod by an open (or a<r~ned) porcli.

(2) For apartment hoo0<>• of more !hon 2 •torie•, the unobotnlct.ed width of the entire yo!"d sh al: bo increased one foot for each oddi~ional atory, except !n U.e ..... of corner lots.

13) No opartment hou,.. shall be placed behind ~ny other buUd!nr unles• tho"' io at lea•t 60 feot ho\We•n \-he bu1\din~s.

Jud ;;;.o; s,,.nher, J .. cati<>n and L)i>• of,.,;,,, (I) Thei·o shall be ot ]..,.,, ~ ''i(_, accessible fl'uln each !Ovtn or apartment by lr.oans ol ''"" "a)'o, 11Ull]lS or horizontal <'it,, Tbo numb<r and location of '"'h

•'-'"' •l•nll bo such that in c•o• any exit or pao,•g•way is blocked a\ :iny 1>oint, -''""e oth•r ,,;t 11·111 '"L 11• ncocssiblc \hrou~h puhbc P·''" •a~o"-"Y-' [l'otn "'"cry roo1n or :.porl1nonr.,

'·I In fire·>'•''':.ti''' b111id11•;; ., ,,.,.d "''''" ol not n1o>·c than l,2n~ ''I"""' leet mar b<> l'i•red I"''"'''''" "" e~it ~nd the end of tho building.

(2) Ex!tl lh•ll bo di.otributed so tha\ the entr011ce to each r<>0m or ap•rtm•nt will bo not n101·e than 50 foci di•t•nt !mm on •<II, ""'"-'"'"'" along public r-'''""'""ays, if in a buil<ltng or non-~,-.. ro•istivo construction, or ;r; <••\ in a fire·resistivo building.

(0) At lto-<t <>n•·hall or <he reqn,,-•d exits, in building• ol niore than on• story, shall be stairwa;-a as •Pecified In ... tion Ind 51.lG. Tho r•1TinLning exit• •hall be <lther stnir11·ai•s, or horl•ontal exit•: or fit• ~""apes ma)• bo u•e<I ••••its from floor• which are not moro U•nn 40 feet above grade ii they are placed againot blank wallo. Evory buildin~ 11•0loh nocommo<late< more than one family, or S I"'''""'• above I.he •oeon(! ••ory •h•il have a• lea•t 2 otalrways.

, (~) Apartment buildings 3 •tori .. or i .... ln ho!ght wh<>Be 11001·• ' arul. npport:lllll' momben aro of not I••• than 2-h°"r 11,....,...jlti.,.

oon,trucl1on as •pecified ;,, ><cbon Ind 51.04, an<l whieh havo a plan "" arranged that not more U.an 2 ""'"l'•ncies on nny floor make use of • COJl>lll<ln otnirway, may be oonstruot<d with one common •tni''""'Y n< a sincle e,,(, prnvi<h•d the ""alls ho\wcon "''"l'anoie' """ '""'' •ncl"<inJ< lhe stn"'\l'O)' "'" or 2-hour fire·r•.<istivo oon­struotion a• •l~ill!!<I in •oetion Ind 5J,{).j. In this oase, the •lairwayo muot l>e of not l<•• than ~-hour fir,..resi•tiv• oonrtru<tion, mu<t l•od dil'<otl)" to the outside and hove oil interior 01>•n1n1,-, protected by app.-oveJ fire->-o,i;llvo doo1·, as spec1fiod in section Ind 51.04i. ,.

Page 81: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

"" WISCONSIN AD~!INISTRATIVE CODE Ao••<meo1 """d"•~•. h•l•I•, ol•<•• or d•<•ot1on

(6) Whore a jail or otlt<>r pill<• of dotenUon wheo~in peraon• ai .. forolbl)' confined is located on the UPI"'' floor• or a court house O>" ollk:e building, ~t lea;\ one of the exlts lrom the jail shell be a 0&parato smokeproof stair lower leading dirootly from the jell soc· t!on to the QUI.Bide nt &tr•et grade. Thla stairway shall serve only tho

• jail aru. aod the,.. shell be no doo .. opehing into !t from the <>Ill.. •

, or court houoe oeot!OJI of the building.

Jfl•1•070 1-•-•I: r. and ''''· (1). Ro!l•ler, D•<•mb<r, 1110, No. '''· ••fr. 1-l-<1, '"" 01), '"'g"''''· ]'eh>'U•r>, 1•71, ~O, 10;, ,•fr 1-1-71.

llld lf,08 A11,..Ple width of ellt1. Tli• ag;ngate width of exit. oha!J h< ••provided for in section Ind Ot.04.

Ind ~7.09 Ell! do..,., E><lt door• •hall bo..., ol*'ffl•d In oectlon Ind 5).1~; ••<•Pt that a door wh;ch is usod by not more than 6 familie•, o• 40 ~oon•, ohall be not leso Uuin 8 tut wide and ohall not be ~uired to open outword.

Intl 57.lG P ... arewa10. E•efy publi< __ .,. leading f,.,m •• exit •h•ll be at loa•t as "'id• u tho ,..quired width of ouch •xiL Every publio pa!SBgewa)' leadini: to an oicit ohall be at 1....,t 3 feet ,,.;de. The r<qu,.,..d wJdtb shall be ~ept clear and unob•truoted at all tim••·

Ind 57.11 l,iohting of exii... In eV•t}' buUding which aooommodateo mo~ tha.n 4 tamilit•, or 80 pe,..ons. and in evory building whl<h ~ooonimodateo \fan•ient•, the publio posugewoyl and ot.oirwayo and exit door• •hall he illuminated from one hour after oun•et to one hour Deforo ouorioe. Thi• illumination oha!I lnoluda light> at all Inter...,. tiono of P••sageoray•, at all e~lU., and at the bud, foot and luid~ of every sta!.,.·ay, The lights at emorg•noy exit doo,.. aha!! be red lights and shall bo a<oompanled by a sllfl\ boarlng th• won! "EXIT" or "0ITT'', in plain lett.r•.

Ind ;r.ia ~:11<1"""'" of ''";'"•Y••n<l •h•fls. (l) In 3 story bui\dtng• all ,.,,;,."'Y' ,hall l"· ,.n,·1,,,,.,1 o.< 1,,.,,_.,.1cd in ""'ti""' Ind fil.l; 01· ;;1.18, ,,.,th 1-linui· ft,.._,.,,;•ti"" pn•tition•, aa •Peoilled in •O<lion !n<I 01.01, 01· b•\O.Or, u11h''' the building <s either o! fi1~reolottv< con•ll'Uclion or equipped th1-oughout with autoniat•c sprinklers. The doo1·s m•Y be omitted in the •torle• aOO.e the loasem•nt ln one •U.i1"W&y enolo•ur@. In all S s\ol"J' bul\dlng& aeoommodaUng m""°' than 2 families, or 15 pe1-.ons, abo"o the ll"'t •too-y, all b .. <ment .<<air~·•)'' sh•ll be ""closed "'ith 2·hour fir•·'••i•th1• 1iartitlono n• •pO<<fied in ""'\ion lnd 51.04.

(2) In buildings "'"'' than .1 'to1·;., in hei~ht, •11 •tai.,..,nys •hall hu <·11cio<ed \\"1\h 2·hour Un'·l'esisti\'C part,tions, a< •porifi•J in sootio'1 Ind ~l.M, •~••pt that one stairw&y may b@ unenclosed in the l\nt and -d •t<llie.o, p1.,,vided suoh •talrway dou not Ind IA> th• h"'om•n!.

><•fl•t•r, "'"'""''· ''''- ~"- ''' au ldlO.S Lnd i..,.,,,,.. v•"'""""~ """ ... """""'""'""' .....

• •



Page 82: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• c


• (,


OEPT. Of' 1NDU81'11)', LAllOll & JlU~IAN l!ELA1'1UNS \41 Ai'Ul<l'l••>t OWldl .......... , .. P''""'' •I .... Dtion

(~) ill nil buildings n10L~ than ~ ,tori••• in height in which th" fio"•l •lo•')';_, used for bu,inoo.< putpo,c<, at lca't one stairl'>·ay shall h<• cnclosNI in tloe ll'Sl story \vith an unpie1red wall of 2-houl' fi10· ,..,,;sti1·0 <onslL'Uotion, a• spe<i!te<l in se<tion Ind !i!,04, and sut•h •tai1·>>a)· shall not connect "-ith tho hosorn•nl

(4) E\·e1·y cle•a!.o)' •h"f\\\'OY, du1nh"·ait•1· ohaltway, <lolheo chute, """•stepapet• ohuto, pipe •haft-• and other oimilar vei-Uoa! shoft. in hnildinu.• ""'"' than 2 •to1·ie-< in height shall b•• onclo,.,d \\'i(h ~-ho1"' fi1~·,.••1>"'"" purtitiono, as ,;,,,,.,bod in oeolion lnd 51.04, exceiit that tor 3 •tor~- building>, l-hou,. ft...,.,..,,;,liv• partilioM may b• u••d "·he!" tl1e onolo•u1-o •IOe< l]ot pass thl'ough o bu•ino•• pui·tinn, In "II •·n<e• thi! buwn1on\ enclu,\lt'•• shnll l>e <>f nt>\ l••os thou 4-houi f1H'­l">'"''i1·e '""-'tl'urtion.

.,,,,.,,,-_ ''''· ~ ... '''· '" ' ;1

Ind 57.13 Tolle! ,...m,, 11) E,·or;- huilding 1vithin Ibis oco"pano)" cla•o1Hcntic.'1 'hall bo prOl'l<i<><I "ilh toilet l<>UI»> meeting th" "''l"'"'­onents of thio .. otlon t111d tho "''luir"oncnts for geueral •nnitation, sootinn Ind '52.50 through 52.64.

(a) Eaoh living unit of an apa1·t1nent or row houso building shall be prn,·idod with a toilet room having a \\'nler olo .. t, lavatory ""<I batbin" !"oilitie•.

(2) Ev~ry bu!l<llng within thi• ocoui•onoY ela•,i6"'1tion, except ar"rt-1ncnt buildings, ohnll hn,·c •l lea•! ono ,.-oter clo.set for every 10 pcr­oons or fraction theuol.

(a) Occupants of roo1ns "-ilh i•ril·ato ,.·akr closets shall not be oon­siOorod in oounting either the nun1bcr of perwna or !be number of fixtllru.

Nol•.- For sonor&I loll•l room roqulr•,non(" ,.., .. '"""' Jnd l> .In <• Ind ''-''· lnolu•lv•

"'"'"""' ,_,_,,, •m. (I),''' ••• <>>. R"<••I••. Juno, 10•f, No.•. olf. ,_,_,.,_ ''· '''· 1'•"'''''• July, 10o1. No.'''·'"·,_,_,,, r. &nd ••<•-. l«•g­'''''• n.ocmb<•, ''''·No, 1ao .• ~. 1-1-11_

Ind 5(.1, Wo•hin1< f~<il•ti•>, i;_;,-.,,.y hu1hlino; "'i\l•in this OO<Upa'1cy ola•sifiootion whe"' "'al•r supply is "vollable or can be mode avail­><ble. There shall be at l•~•t one •ink or ,,·osh ho"·! in conneotion \\·ith '"'h toilet fixture.

"'''"''' ,_,__,,, r. ond roor .. R••L•Oor, Deoomb••. 1070, No. liO. ott. ,_,_, .. Ind 57.15 lkpalra. Every building of this ol,...ffte•tlon, and all

11nrt• tberoof, shall bo kept in good repair and the roof shall be malnta!~ to prevent leaka~o. All rainwater ohall be oo dralbod and conveyed th•,..from to pro1••nt dampnes• in the wall• and eoillngs.

hod 57.16 Clean.lineoo. Ev•ry building oh&U be kepi clean, and 1hall aloo bo kept free from .•ny sccumulotion of din, filth, rubbioh, ""rboge, or other matter in or on the oame or In the yardo. oourts. 1>asoage.,, "''''"' or allci·s """'""le<i "'ith or belonging to the oomo.

~H,,,_.-, ,_ .. -"-.. ,,,, --1 R°"'lotor .... b,uoey, 1171 '<o ''' llulloln.- and h-••.-. •oft!oiu,;

and air <OOdl<lonln~ •ndo

Page 83: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

"' WISCONSIN ADllllN!STRATlVE CODE AO••'m•nt buUd•n1ra. hol<lO, 1>!&•<• ol dol&nllon

lnd 57.17 Sl•e of"'°"'"· (1) EV<ry sleeping room •hall \H! of ouf­ftcient size to atlord at least tOO cubic feet of Air opaoe for <acb •c<U· pant over lZ yea .. of age, at1d !!00 cubic fee\ for oach occupant lltldu 12 y .. n, •~«Pl that a minimum of 150 eublc feet may be providod for ln1ont.. in hospital nuroeries. No groater number of oc<uJ>aDI• th""­tho number thus ... tablished, oho!! be permitted Jn ""Y ouch romno,

Hl•ton• 1-0-11; r. aod ..... Roglotor, ~uno, 1117. No. Ill, o«. 7-1--1; r. ""~ ''''· C•). 1tog11<•« July, 10•1, No.'''· eft. •-•-1'' r, (O), ll•lr· ''''" Dooemoer, 1110, No. 1•0. oft. 1-1-7>.

Ind 57.18 Bo•e•enl rooms, (1) No livinr or o!eeplng room •ha!\ ha''' lts tto•• level belo\v the adjoining- )'an!, court, alloy or oerect -(Z) No "'"'"'wherein per•••• are forcibly confined ohall be locoted in a ba•ement,

Ind 57.19 Window•, (I) 'l'll• outsid• window• in e~er~ oleeping or jj,·lng room shall h~;·e a Wtal ,ash area o! at lea•! l./lOth o! tho 1loor a:rea o! tho l'OOm but not loss tlu.n 12 squa,.. feet. Th• oponnblo area o! oueh \v:indows •hall be e<iual to »ot le•• than li'7o o! the floor oroa o! tho room 1W1rved.

liUtor'' ,_,_,,, '· a"O ''''· Rogl•<•'· "'"''"'""'' 1•11. No. +•, •" 10-1-••: '· .od ''''- ]<•~''"''· ·'""'·''''·No llB, et!. 1-t-&1: •, •nd '''"'· (,), B•g"'''• Juh', '''" :<o. 1'0 .• ~. •-1-,;, r. (0), "'""'''• ,,,_ •<mCo>·. 1•70. l<o. 100, o!!. l-1-71

Ind ~7.20 lso!ot!nn of fl re h••••ds, (I) All boiler nnd lumoce l"'•ms, ;noluding !Uol ro()]n< anU bl·oeohin~. all laundrie.•, <h·ying ,,,""''• oarp•ntor shops, paint sl•op,, ~nd other ho•n1'dou• wo1·k rooms '""1 <toro~ '~om• in hoBJ>itab •Ud buihl1ng< ao<om,,,odnting tron•i•nt' whi<h are more th•n 8 sto1·ies in h<tght and in nil a;ylums and othel' pluooo of detontiol> shall b•• enclosed "'Llh a -l-houi· fit'o-resisUve <nclosu1-.. •• spocifiod "' '"'tion 111.! 51.04. All OJ>Cningo shall bo J>l'Ote<ted by .. 1£-<!ooing ft1·.,._1 .. si•tive doon a• opeoilied in -lion Ind 51.047.

C~) In all other builoJ1n~; unde!' th;, oln,sifionlinn, such 1·00'"' shall l1e ""'''~·''~ "'ith a 2-hour firo-1·osi"\i\ o <'llclo•\"'" "' l''"' iolecl in •ecti<"' Ind :,l,01, <>t' i>ettoc, "''''''as 0>lh.,,-"'i'c p1·0,·idod in this ,,.,·lion.

(~) In aparln1ont huild,,,~, not'""''" \h~n ~ •torics in hoight, ouch l' 'ol»3 shall be <noJo,od "'ith a 1-hOUI' fit·e-re•isti\•e onolnsu1·e ns spec_i~ed in so,tion Ind 51.04, 01· better, <>x<•1>t os p•·oyided In •ub· ,,,(J,,., (0).

(.J) In ono-story 1Jud<l;'1g• h•Yin~ a floo1• nrea nf not •nore thou 8,000 """"''< f<•t a"d two-sto1·y bu1ld1nl('S having a floor area of not mont thall 1,$00 oquare feet !>"• floor which are u .. d for busine .. putpo .. , nnd also ocoon1n1odate not "'""' than two fomilLe•, ouch toom• shall b• enolo•ed ""i\h a I-hour llre·1"esistiVe enclo•ure, a• spe<ified in ... tion Ind 51.0(, or better.

(51 'rho enolo<"re fo• tho ho•tin~ plant may be o•niltod in npoYI· ment iluildings l>ot n>o10 than 2 sto>·io' in h~ighl and having not "'°"' than 2 Qpnrtments on "' floor and In rooming hou,eo not more

R•1r•••••. Fob"'"""· 1111, l<o. 111 BuUOlng ~nd h••1lng. ••nt!l&lln~ """ ... ''"'""""'"" ,,,,

• •

• •

Page 84: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• c

• (,

DEPT, OF INDUSTRY, LABOR & HUMAN IlEL;l.'flONS 143 Apar<m•nt bu!ldlnJ< .. hOto!o, pl.o•o of d••onlLon

Uinn 2 stol'io• ;n height an'I hnving nut 1nor<' thnn S li,•ini: UL' sleeping roouis on a floor, P"''·,dod no r~•I of th•• 1>u,1dini; is used fot· bu•in<>• purpo••• and all interior baso1nent o\au,vays ai·o onolo-o•d with • I-hour firt-ruistive enclo1mre as •l"'t•fied in ooetion ln<l ~l.Ol, or better. Se• ..,.tion l"d 57.20 fot· exrr1,\inn to J'•J\\' hou.•e in•tallation• .

Ex<eption' ia) Ga•·fii·od spa<€ h•al,.rs 1nny be n•od in pri1·ate npaotmont• and

in ~e•t """"' in n•olels 01· \uuri•t courts '>''ithout an enclosure if app•·oved by the Depnrtm•nt ot lndusti·y, Labor and Hu1nun Rolo­tions. Sp"oe heaters ftl'<cl "'ith li~uid !uel moy be u••d \\'ilhout on ~ncloaure in rnot•I> and 'P"''"'""l building• not mor• than one 2tory In height.

'""""'' 1-0-''' am <1\_ H•·~"''.'· """''"''""'· ''''· ""- 4 .. err. l·)-1-;o, -,,,, J:~. '"'• !"'"'"""· '"''· -'' ''-'·'"·' 1 ,,

lad 51.21 Fin proloel!on oqulpmont. (1) Sta.ndard lint-aid ttand­pip•• ohall bo pro•id•d in every buil<llng whl<h I• rnOTo th on 2 •tori•• hi&"h and •eeommod&tu 20 or more \ran111<mt.8, and jn all h<>llpitAlo, ..,.1 ...... and other pl"""' l1f detention.

(2) In \be above buildings whore adequate wator •upply It not availobl" and !n building> aoeomrnodating 1,,.. than 2U trnulento whe"' ftrst-aid tt.&ndpiJ>Os are not provided, a •tan<lard fl"' oxtin­guioher &hall bo plaood on eaoh floor at tho head of eoch st.Airway an<l at each elevator or lrfOUJ> of •lovatota.

Ind 57.22 Fire alormo. (I) Every buildln11 which aooomrnodate• 20 or mot• per.on• exoopt hoopilal•, plaoos of de\ont.lon, and motels not more then 0.,, •'-~"Y in height in "·hich each u>dt ha> an outside door at grad• love!, ohaU b< prov•ded with a tire olarm ey•t<m complying wilh ...UOJI Ind ~13'.

(2) Every hoop!tel which a<comrnodalff 26 or moro person• oholl bo pr0v;dcd "''ilh a fit• alarm oon1~lying with ooolion Ind !il.24 except that cllime• or other approvod oounding d•vi .. • ohall be us<rl wh•o within hearing di•l•nce or the patients. Vi•U•I attention corn­polling device• may bo u•ed in boopitals where appnwed by the department of !nd111try, !oOOr and human relat.lon•.

(a) A preoiionnl fire alsrrn oystem may be install•d !n hoSJll!als or hotelo when not l••• than 4 employes ate on du\)' at all tin1es to reopond to ft re alarm•.

(b) \Vhero preolgnal •y•ton•• are ln•tolled, it i• rooommelldod that th• Ill-• department bo i::&Ued Immediately af\or tho pre-alarm 1(p.ool lo ,_jved.

{8) ThD oe<tion appl!eo to bu!ldlngo now !n e<i•tonee and to build­i11g11 her .. tt<r """''"":led.

,,,.,....,, 1-0-11; •m. R••l•tff. Octobor. llJll. No. It, ort. 11-1-11.

[nd 57.U Scultle. Every building more \hon on• otory In height which ....,..m'"'1W more tban ' famUleo, or 80 _..,, lh1U ha-.. • .,..._,,..,, .....,,. ot ...... to the roof from th• lnolde. The opening ohall be not le,. than :W ~ 30 lnch"' and there !ha!I be a p<mn•n<nl ladder or •tel'""."•Y_ ) .. ding th<reto.

~~••,.1 ~-,i;l ll•~l•<•r. Jo"obruor•.1•7>. No.1!• Bul\dln~ ond h"""""· ffnlilotlnit

onO ••r •ondltionlng coOo

Page 85: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

"' WISCONSIN AD~!IN!STRATIVE CODE """'''"''"' ""''"'"''· ''"'""· v'"'"' "' "''"'"'""

Ind S7.24 Oirtc!i<><1> for eo'"P" (!) In evory r<><>m liable \o be used bf \r&n•1•nta, a noti'e •h•ll bo <on•piouou•ly po•!ed i:i•lni: complete ond pl•in di,....t.IOJlll tor ,.aohing al lu•t 2 exits.

(2) In addition to thi•, a ,..d exit light •hall be provided over each exit on every floor.

lml 57.U Row loom<. (1) D~11Nll'ION. A row hou•o ia a plar< of abode no! more titan 2 otorleo tn height, arranged to a<oomrnodote a or'""'" at""'hod row <lw•llLng units in whiolo each dwelling unit;, 11panitod from ~adjoining unit by an unp1ereod v.rtlcal oreupanoy .. parallon of not I• .. than one-hour fiT<·r••tstivo conolruotion, extend-ing from \he b"""'"'"t 01· lo\\·est noor to the u1Hler •ido of tho roof -· (~) lleQvJRE!!ENTs. (a) r.ooh d"·ol'ing unit sholl hove s•p•r~te en\raJl<•• and ""ibl leading directly to U.o outside,

(b) Hut!ng duol.I! may be in•tsllod in the spa<• bet,veen atud• in the <><cupancy •eparnlion wull provided all such duo\s are oovored w1\h '4 inch oor<0gat<d a•be.otoo or t~ equiYalent prot.ctiOtl. Heating dncts Bhall not be lnatslled back to baok In tho ocOllpanoy !8p.,...tlon wall.

(<) w;..,.. oaeh living unit ha• a ""poratll 11 .. ting oyattim, th• 1·oqui,•mont• of ,..,l,ons Ind (>7.~0 and 57.22 nood not b• '""'" plied "''th. ·

• •

(d) Each living unit shall havo acoes, to \he attic from tho in•ido by mean• of on openinR not lo•• than 20 ~ 30 incite• located above • the •tsir londlng on the ottond floor, but tho other prov!tlono of ...,t!on Ind 57.23 n""'1 not bo oomJ•li•~ With.

HAZARDOUS OCCUPANCIES Ind 57.50 G···~· .. (1) DEF!NlTCONS, (•) A garug• is a buildtng, or

part of a building, ''h"h accommodalos or bou-••-• solf-propolled vehi­<I••· For the purpose of thlo codo tho term vohiolo inoludos land, air nnd "'ater vehicl••.

(b) A privotll garuge lo one used In connection with a prlvat< rosidence for th• purpose of hous;ng self-propelled vehicl•s O\l'Jled by the oecupant of the r .. idon"" and u•ed only for per.onol or famil)'

l!) C ... ,,LJ:l'OTT<>~ ""'''[[lLO'L>:~T,, {U) .\ii ~an>~<''• ••X<Cpt I'''"''<\'' ~o,·ages, ,vhioh a1·c n""" !hoto ,\UU squa1-. feet Jn 01·eo •hall hove "'oils and >oof of 01•Jino•y con>tructinn, as •peejfi!"d in ocction ln,I r.1.02, "' b<ttor, ond all fl,.,,._, of vel•i<·lo storn!?" ro'""'· 'alcs''''""'• "'"I >"•rah· •h"T'" •holl I•' "r not le•o than 4-hn'" fii'<'·t'''"'"'' c nns\ructio11, n• '?E'<ifie<l LI\ '''<lion ln<l [;l.04.

E~ooptjon. 1. A garage not more than one •tocy In hoighl and %,000 oquare f•el In ano may bav• 1vall• and roof of frame con•lruction if luoa\od at lea>t 100 feet from any othor build\n; or boundary Ii"• between pnmiRo.

2. A bupr for the atorage o! not moro than one alrplano or a boat houe for th• ltorall" of not nwre than on• motor boot moy bo of frame oon•lrnotion if looatod at loast 10 foot from any proporty

•,',~{::!~-~.~ .. ~ u l'l•~••te'. Pobnt~•,:, 1171. '<n '''

Hulldin.- anO heotln~. vont;Jotlng nna •<r oonOl!Lon!n.- '"'''

• •

Page 86: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

" •

DEPT. OF DQ>USTRY, LABOR A HUMAN RELATIONS 145 ,,,_, ~~11- o.tolo, pl&uo o! dotontlon

(h) All \\'Bll•, or pa1{, nf wnll•, '"'"'"'' than_;;_ feel to u bounda•y hno Between pl••m;,es ot· to any other bu1)d1ng Mall bo mipi<>'Ced. All wall~ or parts of wall•, nea1~1· th•n 10. leet, bu\ not ,.....,,, than ~ f .. t, to s boundary line between p1·onu..,. or to nn)' othei• buildin"' shall have all openings th~,.•in r•'<>leoted by mean-> or fl»<-r•.,s!tv• doot·s and ,,-;ndo~·· "' speci~ed in section Jnd 51.tl4•-

(<) Wh<-1., • prage which is moo~ th"11 &00 oqUBl'<! leet in.,. .. is b'ullt Jn eonn...,tion with n buil•ling usod for othel' purposes, it shall he ••parat•d !h•t.,from by lhC011.' of 4-h""'' ft1-e-resisUv• \\'alls "' 'l'"<'lled 1n •e<tion Ind 51.04 and unpte•·cccl 4-houi· lh~·1·esistive floo1·• aOOve and below as sp.,..ified '" section Ind 31.04, All openin~' in 1he wull• to "djoining pa1to of tho build•ng •hall be IJN\ec\00 by moan• of sell-olo,in~ fire-i·e,i<tiv<> door., as speoified in .. ,\,on Ind 01.1147. Staii-ways ll'on1 '"""~"' l<·o'I"'~ to urpe1· .•\01·io, shall he ,<or.11at•d (1nn1 the"""'"''"''"" w,\], \\'nil• of \-h<Hl'- fiLe.,.e,i;the <'ono!J·u<lion u• 'l'""'fi..J '" seot1on ],.([ ;J.UI with all opening< p!'Olocled hy n1enns of •elf-oln•in~ fi,.,._,,,,;,i.ve rioor• as speolflod "' •ection ln•I c,1.0l"i.

id) \\"hoi-,, a gai·a~e 11·h,oh i; le'' than :.<lo "'lu",., fO<lt in a1 .. a is built in ronn,..,tion with a pnhlio huil<Un~ or 1•111<"• of em1>loyment ""''"''!hi• ,.,.,le, the garu~,, •h:>ll h"''' ~·oll, ""'I «·iHn,,., of 110\ 1,,, than l·hou1- aie·>•si•llvo '""'''''llOtl<>o "' 'l'O<ifi<d in >e<tion !nO :,!,01, and tho opening• to ad.Joi""'" po>t;· of the l1llilding -•hall i,., p!"Olo,ted hr n1eans of fi>"<·l'eSLoti,·e tloo1·. ,,, 'l"'cifi,•rl in ,,,t,on Jn,I ;,1_04";,

{3) FlRC rRnT<CTION. Boile!'s, '"'""''' a11rl all open flanoo ''lui11· •non~ witli'n 11••·a11•• and •••Tice ,t,.ti<>11> ohall be •lf•ctiv••ly sopa<·at•<I ft·oon other 01-.oa• by not I<-<• lhon 2-hnut· fire•O'e"S\1Vc wull'. flool'3 and oeilin"" "' 'reoifie<I in •ectOon l11d .'il.04, Such onclo•n1·0• in I,~-'"'"''"'' ,ball l\a1e no n1·01Hn;::s i"t" <'th<L' l'-l><·n><·nt "'"'"'- All •tnirways lead;,.,, to ••ch i.,._.,.•n•oHt 010olo-•U1-es from the fit·st fioot aluill i. -to.NI on tho fio·st flo<ll' with not lo•• than ~-hou1· flt~ '""l•tlve <<m•tt'"ction a< 'l'•cified ;., •C<tion hHI ;,1_u.1. "'"I the opo>n1nr tho1-et<> i'"''''·toJ """a fi.,_,.,,,;,tivo ,1001· as _,pccified ;n .<ect1on Ind iil.041.

(~) Su~pended fnt'llo<c, ""'I d"ect fi1·od unit he•!•"• ftrod with liquid fu•l or ga• may be used ""'thout on onol""""" where ap~ro1·ed by the <lepartrn•nt of Industry, labor ond human ""latlon•. \Vhore approved, tho "'IUipment an<l installation •hall sati•fy NqUiremonts of •ection Ind 5~.66.

(b) In pra.gu or senioe otation• which are heated by r. ouspendod furnaco located in r. ntillty room or 5torage room, the encloaing wall•, lloor ""d oollin.e .Pall he of 2-honr are-,...;•tivo oonatracelon uni­- .us. of tlM ...,,., Is loft open.

14) 1'1.l>oa I'll"& Tb.,.. !hall bo no pita or other depre,.ions in tho lloor ot ""Y p._ r.-, _,,.Pl; Utr.t th.ii rt1q11lmnent ahaU nol r.pplJ l>o tbe oluollow depruo!on1 formed to """1lro floor drainage, nor to .,.teh bas.ins in•talled ln oompl!ance with th• provi•ions ol tho plumbing eod1 iuuod bJ" tho •talo boa.rd of healtb nor lo Huor openinp for ......, to rq'll]ar buemento.

';o.,/ ·~·" "''· la) 'tblo will pormlt Hn-lco openin.p In tho doon of p,..... or .. rvioe !tatiorut prm·idod that the at"" below can bt cl ..... d u Hgll·


Page 87: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

"' WISCONSlN ADM!NISTRA.TIVE CODE "'"''"'""' ''"""'"~' ,,., ....•.. ,,, "' ••''""""

lar ba>einonts and a1·0 ventilated in aoeordanee with the ,..quire.,.nts of the buildinir, Ilea.ting, ventilalLng and air <oruiltloninfr rode.

Hlooo•r• 1-0--tO: '· and roo•. <•l <•l, floslotor, """''"''''· ltlO, No. <•. •tt l0-1-01' •rn. R•gl•t•r. Jonuary, 100!, N•- ''·oft. 2-1-01; •rn (3) '•!. '"'"''''''· ,._,.,.,.,o,•o, '""'· -~''· 1<1. •·tt. L-1-0<o ""' l'l <•l '""" ''"'. <tl. ''"/· (d) """ •-n ""'" "''· l«•gloter, l·'•D1u•1·y, 1011. ~"­'''· •ft. ,_,_ !.

Ind 51.Sl Fll!ln1 oLation•; building• •nd .. truetur.,., (l) DllflNl· fJONS.. (a) By fil!infr •talion ;, meant 011<1 or more pump•, t.nkl, and <>ther pi.,.,.. of equipment u•ed In th• .ton.ire and dlopen.rinr ~t liquid !uelo and arranged for the •ale of suoh Kquid fuolo to Ille pub\I<.

(b) BJ dlopenoing area i• m<ADt any al'U within 15 f .. t of any pump or othor dlopen•lng equipment.

(c) By bagom•nt o< Op<n spa,• und•r & ftoor or dl•p•nolng are• ;, meant an1 opa,e tha\ doe• not have an outlet a\ it.o low .. t love! at or abov• gra<l•.

(2) Cor<STRUCTJON. (a) All budd;ngs hoving a servioe •P"'" ol mon than 60-0 oquare 1 .. t in area, des•gnod to a<C<>mmodate motor dr;,·en v•h•ol•s, and nll other bu;ldinJtS ei,,.,t.d within 15 foct of tho diop•>•&ng 04u,pment sh•ll bo of ordinacy oon>ti-uction as op•<•fl•d in ~on Ind 51.02, or bott.r, l!llOO(lt where oanopie:a are provided over tho diopenoing •qu;pment, •uoti oanopie• shol! be of incombustible construction througl>out.

t. Pllmpo or o!hor Jispen,in<t equipment .. ,'Ving liquid fuel to th• public which ah! locat.d ,,-,1h1n ~• undor ony occupied part of any building or 1trnotur< oha]I be installed in oomplionco with the provi­olon• of \he ftammablo liquid• oodo.

(b) Building> not more than one •lor;" in height and not aeeeding ~00 square feet ln area may be of fram• oon•l!"Uotlon lf loated at least 15 feel from dl•pon,ing •quipni•nt and 10 f•el from tho boun· dary lines t..tw .. n p•·oniises and from other building• on the sam• prezni .....

(c) lluildings more than 000 oquoro f .. t in ah!• u•ed ao ofllco building• e~clu•i>ely, or ;n oonn•otion ""ilh other non-hazardou1 oc­eup.ancie• may be of frame con•tructlon if not moh! than on• atory In height and located at le,•! 30 f<<I from boundary !inos bet"'••n premi ... , from other bui!dii.gs on the ••me p,,_;, .. and from th• dlopensin~ equipment.

(d) Ali \\"all.<, or va>-L< of ""11,, i" building• unJ•• pa1·. (•) ll"hioh Ol'e neao·ei· thun C, fe•t to a houn<lol')" hne botwoen po•emises 01· to any othe•· !Ju•ldin_~ .<hall he unpiei·c"'l. All ,,.,,11,, 01· ports of ""ail.< n••>·ei· lh•n JO feel, but HO! nea•·<r than O leot, to u boun•l•>")" line betw.,.n p•·emi'""• OL' "' any othei· building shall Jul'• oil oponing• therein pYOtecled by mean• of 11,..,..,.,.il\i~• dooro and windowa •• opecllled in >0otion Ind l'l.0~7.

(•) Tloe main ftoor le,·el o! any buildinll" •r•elod within 15 r .. t of oquipmont uoed to di.ipen•o liquid !ue\ •hall not be bolow the le\tel of tho driveway or grado nt ouch oquipment.

(f) 'rhere sh•ll be no basemont or ~<hor open spa<·• uncle< the ftoor of th• diaponsin~ •<•• oul•ide of the buildmll". There ahnll be no )>aaement or othor open spaco under the ftoor of any tilling Ila· tlon buildlnf, nnl•••:

• •

• •

Page 88: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

• •


DEPT. OF INDUSTRY, LABOR & HUM.~N itELA'l'IONS 147 Ab•''"''"' buUdl"~" hotolo. ol•<•• ol """""""

l, Tho main ftoor !evel Is at leaot G inehes aboV<! the dr!WtWay <Ir grade al the dispensing equipment, and

2. There io no outside da<>r, window or othor wall oponing to ouch llnder ftoor """""' except fuel ohutes or other a;mila~ vertical opon· ingo having a tight-fitting cO\'er, wtth the bottnm of •Ueh opening at least 6 inohes above the dri•ev;ay or grade nt the dispenoing equipmenL

3. The Aoor and enolo'"'"" of the unde1·floo>· spaO<' io nf 4-houi· file•>"•••>ll\'C ''"l\<t1·u,·t""' a.< 'l"<'lfi<ll In '''·tion [,,,I :.1.04.

4. The under floor •pa« i• cffe<tively vented by gl'nvity m"'"n•. Noto: "'" '"""''"'"- •OOlYlnr to "°"' olt.. ,,. ... tl"" Ind 17.00 . ....... ,, ,_,__,,, &!». ,,, [&); ''· ,,, (&) 1., """"''r· ........... . ""'" ~"· '''· .~. ,.,_,_,., "'" ,,, ''" """ ,,, ,,, '·· '''"'''"'· "•''"""''· ,,,,: ~ .. '''· .~. 7-1-7\,

!nd 57.52 Autom-0bile tir• <>r batlery •hop•. (1) Any buil<llt>lt, "' part ol • building, In which tire, are repaiwl -0r fitted to vehlc!H •hall be oonotructed, oquipped and maintained a• a gora~• 1'ndet •«lion In~ 61.50,

(2) Any building or part ol a bui!di~, ;n whioh ele<trio ttorago t.atteri•• ar• charged, r•poo,.,,d, or ••• ln•tolled in vehicl•• •hall be <:OD.1truttod, oquippod and maintaino<l ao • garage und•r section Ind 67.50.

Ind 57.U Automobile parking decks, (1) Do:tINlTJON. For the pnr­pos< of this cod<, a parking dttk is on un•n<losed or pnrtially enolo•o<l struoturo u!l<d for the parking or stor•ge ol .. it-propelled vohlcl••, whioh are driven into lhe structure and are parked under their OWll po\\·er with no faellities for tho repnir,ng <>f sneh '"ehicl.,.

(~) OlN•TRUGTlON ""'' ll<"·"~NT•. (a) l'a1 ~ing <i<Ck' "'"Y be , · ....... wltblmt -'oalng walls except tbat nnplerred enol.,.ing walls "'·of nol lo•• than 2-houi· fi•·•·l'@•i•t.ve oon•tructi<>n, as •l>"'ifted in

.• ,.,.,,on Jn<i ;,1 O~, sh"ll b,. i'""'"l•·•I "" all ,;,1,., ~·hi1·h ore loca1'•1I les' th•n 111 fe•t f1om th,• b•'111Hlat·y 11'1" !"'("'"'" 1><-emises or f•n>H ""Y oth••· buildin1<.

(b) Parking d«.~s ot 4-hour fire-resistive coo•truc\ion shall not b< limited in heifhtor in floor areo.

(c) Parking decko ha•ing ftoor and •upporting membora of 2-hour fi>"e-resiotlvo oott•tructlon or better shall not ex"""d 75 f<>et in h•l~ht or 40,000 1quare f•et in area. Th10 ar•a may be inorea.<ed to 50,000 "'JIIAN f11<\ Ront the atruclu'" faoeo 2 st,..,.19 and to fi0,000 oqua« t .. t where the struoture faceo 3 or more •lroet.a.

(d) Parkinr dedat of unpr<>t«led Jnoombo•tlb\e oonotruclion dta!I not oxoeed ~ fell in hoight or 20,000 oq11aro feot !n area, Thi• area ,...y be incJUNd to 25,000 0quaro feo\ where the otn:ictnro fa<Of f - lllld to so,ooo 0quare r .. 1 wh•nt Jt fa ... Sor m""' rtrMto.

(e) A continuous ... h .. 1 J:ll•rd not 1 .. , than 10 inohes in height •holl b• pnntided on a]] old"" of the stn:tcture on all fioor•,

jf) A suard nil not lets Ulan 3 fMI fi tnohM ln hei[!bt and havini an tnia....edblte rail at mid-helrhl and a to.board at le&IJt 6 !ncheo high al the base, or the equivalent, shall be vroo:lded on all open sld•• of the atructun on each fioor,

~· l!iiOlll!'_'_ Rol<l•t••. '""b'"""· 1011. Nn, 10' llutldlDO' and b.._"""· vontllaltn~

•n• "'' ''""."'""'"" <odo

Page 89: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

WISCONSIN ;1.DMIN!STRATIVE CODE Ap&rtm•o! "ul!dJ•••· hDl•l•. oloooo ur do<ontLon

(i) All parkinll" d""k' and JJar\s thereof shall b• do•ii"<d and oo.n­ltr\l<ted lo •upport th<> followinll" ininimum auperimpoR<I Livo load.I in pound• per •quan foot of hori.ontal ar .. , in addition lo tho dead load:

Pruttn.9"' Ca.-• Oidii f'Dllnd. P.r Sqt<QN Fool

Top llo<>r ---------------------------------------- SO Fir•t floor --------------------------------------- SO lnO.nnodiato fioora -------------------------------- 50 Ramp• ------------------------------------------- 80

B""''' and T,..,,k, A.II floo' nnd romp ai·eas , ______ 3,000 pound axl• load

in any pos•thlo position or 80 pounds per square foo~ whichever produces tho greater stress.

"'''""'' Cr R••'''''· ••<or, Au•u•!, 1•07. No \o. o< cff 1-l-, .. :: "'" ;-1-11.

J»n, '''' "" 6. ott. •-1--.10' er. (') /g), R•~­io, •tt 9-l-O': am. Hog"l•r, ""'''""''· ''''· <.'\ '"'· "'~'"'', F•b;uo;,-, 1•;1, ~o 18:, •ff

"'""''"''· .... ,, ...... ,-. ''''· "" ,,, Dulld1n.- '"d healio~. "'"'""""~ &nd ''' '""d"'""'"g <•do

• •

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Page 90: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

' '

DEPT. OF INDUSTR\", LAllOR & l!UMAN RELAl'IONS H<•ti..,., Vontil•tl•• o.nd Al• ConO>tLonln~


1pa .. " ou!.aid• ol \he window h••·1ng a width not lees than l\1 time• Ute dlounoo l>olow ir1·ad• at the bottom of the 1vindow.

Noto .. WlCto ol ..,_, ,...,.., 11 "" h••' ... "'' ""'*""' mo&&U••• al""'" -"' t<I tt. ''""" o! tt.e window.

(3) ;U.T>:RNAT>: """'l~G AND C>.PAC!T•. li•atin.g nnd ventilatinK •r•-~ !nJI•"" ID Ol<Cllplooj- ..-.. ot UWi clw lll&f be an...,,pd for • Ye d<Uvory ol the enti•e oervio• to eilher \he auditorium ftoor


"''~"'to the bas•nlel't Jiu"> a<•a pro·.1JcJ (J,,,., ao·ea' a,e not U>•J oi=lltaneo..aly. -..... .,.., c •. a .......... ·~·••ry. ''''·No. IOI, oll. 1-1-1•.

llld 59.'5 &boo!.. (l} SoolT- Thio elaselll"'tion aha!I include all claa:i, 1tudy, ro<lUthoto, l""ture, project rooms, kindetgar1•no, libral'y •eading rooms anJ oiinilur a1ea> in all ocho<>I, oolleg< alld Jib1·a!')' bllildinp uood tor -educa"onal purf>04'•· (S"" Wio, Adm. Codo ..,,,. tion Ind '59,42 for a••ombly roomo).

(2) VENTILATION kEQUlRE!>. (a) G•n•!"GL Tiie air tnovern•nt and oupplf tor all oooupaneie• in thi• cl••• oltall conform to th• require­monts of •«liono !11J 5~.10, 09.-ll and 50.42.

(I>) Air """"",_.t and suw/~. The air mov<menl and •upply for all oocupanciee under this ola••1fi<"~<Lon •hall oonforrn lo the 10<1u1rcn1•n" uf s«tion !nd 59.41. Fol' corri<lot·s antl hallo uacd in conjunction w;ith ocoupied aree.a of this clas•, the u1r movement shall nol bo !es• Utan JO <ubic feel per minuf.e per lineal toot of corridor or hall. This air oupply shoU be a<"<OmplishcJ by n1oan< of air inlets admit· tinR "''' froon adjooent 0J3osroon\s or bi• a dil·eet te1npe"'d air •uµply,

""••••• c,, Reg"''" Jauu•ry, ''''· .~o. 100, ""· o-•-1>.

·.:W llMi'fbio. for •aa.u...&I ~-.-_... (l) Soon:. Thl1 cl-16oatioo ahall in•lude all pl&t!<6 for """athma! Jnatruotion ond resear<h, •Uoh as l"bo,.ator"''• ,,-honl nh"ps, •h>n>e<lic science rooms and s1niLl!<r oecU]'ied "'""'-

(2) V&NTIU.TION REQCllU:O, Tho &LI' movement nnd supply for a1 .. a> '" thi• ola•• shall confo1n1 to the •"luirement• o( soo:tion• Ind 09.41 nnd 59.li2.

{~) EqurrM~NT AND flwei:SS l'.XllAU ... (a) An exhaust •yo tom •hall bo pro,·ided for all equipment and proo••••• that ''""f.e Justs, fume., vapot• or pooo injuriou• to healUi.

Nol<' SM Wll. Adm. Oo4o, Ch. 1AO 10.

(I>) Esl>&urt 1J91oms llhall 1"o .. parate tTom and indepeAdont of all other aerv!oes and •Y•tem• in a building.

HI•••.,., er. 11...-•••••. ~'"""'Y· 1000, No. 100. •II. •-1-f•. Ind 59.(8 G•neral ••nllation and ••r•l<o •••••· (1) Scor~. Thia clas·

,;aoation ohall include toilet roonis, lock~r morns, nQUtorium• and --· N .. o 11 - .,, .. "" v .. tU•tl•• -"'"""'" .. In .... oltal oo•vlOO ~•. '''WO•. Adto. Codo •octlon Ind''·'' t•I.

NoOo '' "'' "'""'"'' v•o!Jtatooo ''""'"'""'"" io pl•<><• of omolO>"IDOn\, ••

~~~ ln4-I, Ro~I•<<"•. l•'<h•'uar;, l•O!. ""· ''' ~-~-.·· n'"'"'"~ ""d ~ .. ,,.,~. ''""'·"'"~ and al• eoodl[tonlng <Od•

l'· ,,

--'--'=-~---- -

Page 91: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter

WISCONSIN ADMINISTRATIVE COIJE ><••""'· VontUatilt.• ••• Al• CondLlion!n•

(2) V&NTU..TION R>:Ql!Ut>:D. (•) Exhau•I v11n\ilation •hall be pro­'Oldod for all ...- ot this ola>1 unlea• othe,....ist oxeinpttd. Tho vol­umo ot air exbauo\ed shall not be Joos than 2 oul>le fe•t. pt:r 111lnute per •quare f«>t of t\oor ., .... •. (b) Tbo <tll'eotiven .. s of tho exhatut Mall be rnator thaii tho Apply.

(c) Exhau•t ventilation shall be inot.allod in toilet. rooni• havin~ ""'"than one t.xt.ure (watoM'lo .. i.. and urinala). ' Nol•.- E&haU>t V<ntll•Hon " not '"""'"" <<om toll•t ''"'"'"' i..vi. ODO "'&tor·oiooet or ono urJnal wt"" tho wlndo"' •«• t• ••••<•• '""" t oou•ro <«<an• mo"' than : ..,.,_.,. I•<< L, •>•••"'._

(d) The air movem<nt !n lh• notatorium shall be not i .. o than 6 oir cllang<>• p<r hour an1I the \'olume of \emr•<•d out>!de air •uppliod and llllhau•t.od •hall be not lesa than 2 oubi<: feet. per mlnuto p•r oquaro foot of pool •urface.

{•) Looker rooms used with na!ato,iums, baUu atod toil•\ room•, lhall be aupplied With tempered air.

No<o · 'l't•• ••• •Uopllod m•r bo ••h~"'"'" thoou<h boUto OJ" t<>llot roomo. (3) EXHAUllT VU<1'1'-'TINa S>·=s. Ed.auot ventllatin.ir 1yatemt

.....,.,, thio olals of oeeupa1>;y shall not he used for any other !•T'lice. lll•tor•• C,. 1<•¥<•t•,, ''""'''· ''''· No. 10•. otr. :-l-••·

lJid 59.(9 Kll<heu. (1) Seo,.,,_ Thi• cla••ificat.lon includo• all areao when lood ii prepared, o>'.<ept plao•a of vooational lnat.ruot!on and 8lnirle Wiit oparlmonta Jn apartment building., hotols and rnol•lo.

(2) V£NTJLATION REQlli•ED. (a) £~ha"'1t, The e~h•u•t ventilotlon required !or evei·y o<cupLod "roa of thi• clooo •hall not be lo•s thon 4 oubio ft<\ par minuta por •4Uaro foot o! floor &NIL. For kitchona in chu..,hes, auditorium•, lodgo hall• and ochoolo, the e><hous\. ventil•· I.ion •hall bo not I••• than 2 cubio foe! per minute por •qua<• foot of floor atoa.

(b) E~itauat v.,.tilating •Y•I"'"- Exhau•t v<11tilating •y•t•m• ••T'I· inK thlo oluo ol occupancy shall not be u .. d for any other .. rvicea.

(3) RANoc 11000.0. (o) Tho air velocity over the face area ol • 1ln1rl• wall hood oh.all be not l••• than 100 feet por iuinuto or 350 foot par DliDUle through the olot oponing ol 1 double woll hO<>d.

(b) The eleot<ico! wirinK ond fi..<turos shall be of a type approved for n.oe in damp locations.

No<•: - w,_..., sto.te El«trJ""' cO<le, Vol""'' a {'l Do"1'B. (•) Ducta or V<nts connootod to rang<> hoodo and P•"'·

ing through any other a"'a of the buildinr shell bo proteet.od with not le.u than 2·bour fiT.,.!'e.!i.o\ivo oonatniotion. Where Z..hour Ii,.... roal•tlv. comtnctlon cannot be provi~, • m!UlufaotUT<d or rna0<>nrf chimno)" shall b• ••ed. Th• manufactured chitlUley shall be tcatod and appr<>vod for ...., at a flue go, ten>p•Toiure of not 1 ... than 1000'

""""'"" Nol•,- a<• w ... Adm, ~OO< """""n InO •1.0t tor"""'""' boi)<!Ong nta!•r!&l• "'''"" a •·•our r&<in•

(b) Acees&iblo <l .. n-<>ut openings olLall be ino\allod in th• a- of \' .... flllt Jl!ll HC!airinc • 2-hour lire-r<oiotlve eon1tnt<\ion,

"'~"'''· Feb,,,ory, 1>71. >lo ''' Dulld•nr &nd ""'""~· von<lla<>ng attO "'' oondLtlonin~ """'

• •

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Page 92: Chapter Ind 50 - DSPS Home · and mero!lllttle b"llding• '""ta.inlng lo•• than 25,00() cubic !oe! toW volume iii waived, providing thei· have no noor or roor spans ~renter