Chapter Seven Sub and Function Procedures Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 5 th Edition

Chapter Seven Sub and Function Procedures Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 5 th Edition

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Page 1: Chapter Seven Sub and Function Procedures Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 5 th Edition

Chapter SevenSub and Function


Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010

5th Edition

Page 2: Chapter Seven Sub and Function Procedures Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 5 th Edition

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Previewing Harvey Industries Application


Open the Harvey.exe file The Harvey Industries application

calculates payroll for an employee

Figure 7-1 Interface showing the payroll calculations

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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Lesson A Objectives


After studying Lesson A, you should be able to:

Explain the difference between a Sub procedure and a Function procedure

Create a procedure that receives information passed to it

Create a Function procedureExplain the difference between passing

data by value and passing data by reference

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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

More About Sub Procedures


ProcedureA block of program code that performs

specific taskTwo types of Sub procedures in Visual Basic

Event procedureProcedure associated with specific object and event

Independent Sub procedureIndependent of any object and eventProcessed only when called (invoked)

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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Passing Variables


VariablesHave both value and unique address

Passing by valuePasses a copy of the variable’s value

Passing by referencePasses a variable’s address

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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Passing Variables by Value


Provides only the contents of variable to receiving procedure (called procedure)

How to pass by value:Include keyword ByVal before parameter

Reasons to pass by value:Procedure needs to know the contents of

variableProcedure does not need to change original

value( 此變數只會出現在 assignment statement 右邊 )

By default, Visual Basic passes by value


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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Figure 7-5 ShowMsg procedure and btnDisplay Click event procedure7

( 定義程序時的參數 )

( 引用程序時的參數 )

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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Passing Variables by Reference


Provides the address of variable to receiving procedureAddress : memory locationReceiving procedure can thus change the value

of the variableReason to pass by reference

Procedure needs to change variable’s contents( 此變數會出現在 assignment statement 左邊,異動值傳回呼叫的程式 )

How to pass by referenceInclude keyword ByRef before parameter


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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Figure 7-8 CalcGrossPay procedure and btnCalc control’s Click event procedure




lstHours lstRate

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Passing Variables by Reference (cont’d.)


Figure 7-9 Argument values before the Call CalcGrossPay statement is processed


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Figure 7-10 Argument and parameter values after the Call statement and CalcGrossPay procedure header are processed



(Called by ByVal)

(Called by ByRef)

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Figure 7-11 Argument and parameter values after the first statement in the CalcGrossPay procedure is processed


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Figure 7-12 Argument and parameter values after the statement in the selection structure’s true path is processed


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Figure 7-13 Argument and parameter values after the CalcGrossPay procedure ends


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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Function Procedures


Function procedureA block of code that performs specific taskReturns a value after completing its task

Visual Basic provides built-in functionsCan also create your own functions

As datatype in header indicates return type of data

Return expression type must agree with As datatype

Syntax & example

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Figure 7-14 Function procedure syntax, examples, and steps

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Invoking Function Procedures


Figure 7-15 Examples of invoking the GetNewPrice function

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Figure 7-16 CalcGrossPay function and btnCalc control’s Click event procedure

Sub procedure方式

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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Lesson A Summary


Two types of Sub proceduresEvent and independent

Function: Performs task and returns a valueIndependent procedures and functions

Called from application’s code using Call statement

Pass by valueSend a copy of variable’s contents to procedure

or function Pass by reference

Send variable’s address to procedure or function

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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Lesson B Objectives


After studying Lesson B, you should be able to:

Include a combo box in an interfaceAdd items to a combo boxSelect a combo box item from codeDetermine the item either selected or

entered in a combo boxCode a combo box’s TextChanged event


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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Including a Combo Box in an Interface


Combo boxAllows user to select from a number of

choicesAllows user to type an entry not on listCan save space on form

List box does not share features two and three

DropDownStyle propertyValues: Simple, DropDown (default),



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Including a Combo Box in an Interface


Figure 7-19 Examples of the combo box styles

Program for this UI


cboCity cboState

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Figure 7-20 Code associated with the combo boxes in Figure 7-19

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Including a Combo Box in an Interface (cont’d.)


To process code when Text property changesUse TextChanged event procedure

Use Item collection’s Add method to add itemOther properties of combo box

Sorted: Sorts items in dictionary orderSelectedIndex: Used to select item in list portionSelectedItem: Contains value of item selectedText: Contains the value that appears in text

portionUse label control to provide keyboard access

to the combo boxexam


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Including a Combo Box in an Interface (cont’d.)


Figure 7-22 Gross pay amount shown in the interface

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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Lesson B Summary


Use ComboBox tool to add combo box to a formSpecify style of combo box using DropDownStyle

propertyUse Items collection’s Add method to add items to

Combo boxUse combo box’s Sorted property to sort items in

combo’s listEnter code in combo box’s TextChanged event

procedureTo process code when Text property changes

Usage of SelectedIndex, SelectedItem, or Text property:To select combo box item from codeTo determine item that was selected

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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Lesson C Objectives


After studying Lesson C, you should be able to:

Prevent a form from closingRound a number

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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Creating Harvey Industries Application


Application objective is to calculate:Employee’s weekly gross and net pay ( 初步薪

資與淨薪資 )Federal withholding tax (FWT)Social Security and Medicare (FICA) taxNet pay

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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Coding FormClosing Event Procedure


FormClosing eventOccurs when form is about to be closed because:

Computer processes Me.Close() statement User clicks Close button on form’s title bar

Typical functions of FormClosing event procedureVerifying that user wants to close applicationTaking appropriate action based on user’s

responseTo prevent closing

Set Cancel property of FormClosing procedure’s e parameter to true

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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Coding the FormClosing Event Procedure


Figure 7-27 Pseudocode for the FormClosing event procedure


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Coding the FormClosing Event Procedure (cont’d.)


Figure 7-28 Message box displayed by the code in the FormClosing event procedure

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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Coding btnCalc Control’s Click Event


Figure 7-29 Pseudocode for the btnCalc control’s Click event procedure

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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Creating the GetFwt Function


GetFwt function emulates FWT table lookupDetermining federal withholding tax (FWT)

Evaluate weekly taxable wages ( 可稅週薪 ) and filing status

Use data to look up FWT in special FWT tables

How to calculate weekly taxable wages Multiply number of withholding allowances

by $70.19Subtract this result from weekly gross pay


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Creating the GetFwt Function (cont’d.)


Figure 7-35 Pseudocode for the GetFwt function

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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Creating the GetFwt Function (Married)


Figure 7-33 FWT calculations for a married ( 已婚的 ) taxpayer whose weekly taxable wages are $388.46

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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Creating the GetFwt Function (Single)


Figure 7-34 FWT calculations for a single ( 單身的 ) taxpayer whose weekly taxable wages are $600

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GetFwt Function Header and Footer


Figure 7-36 GetFwt function header and footer

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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Completing the btnCalc Control’s Click Event Procedure


Must call GetFwt function from btnCalc’s Click event procedure

Math.Round functionRound value to specific number of decimal

placesSyntax: Math.Round (value[, digits])

value: Numeric expression to work ondigits: Integer indicating number of places to

right of decimal point

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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Adding an Existing Form to a Solution


• Add an existing form to Chap07/Harvey Industries Solution– Make sure that added form uses a different form name

from any form name of Harvey Industries Solution in • Visual Studio and disk file system

• The splash screen for Country Charming Inn in Chapter 1 is to be integrated into Chap07/Harvey Industries Solution– The splash screen identifies the application’s author

and copyright year, or shows welcome message

實作練習 : 需下載 Chap07/ Harvey Industries Solution Chap07/Splash Solution Chap02/Playtime Solution

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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Adding an Existing Form to a Solution

Figure 1-31: Completed splash screen


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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Adding an Existing Form to a Solution

1. Rename the form in Splash Solution2. Project-> 加入現有項目 ->Find Splash Form.vb to add

Open a new form by Timer’s Tick event Add following codes in the Tick event of the timer


tmrExit.Enabled = False

Dim mForm As New frmMain



Syntax used to instruct the computer to create an object from a class:

Dim variablename As New classname

The name of the main form in Harvey Industries Solution

Otherwise, the form frmMain will show up many times.


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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Include Image File for the Added Form

VB doesn’t import image files automatically for the added


You can do it by one of the following steps

Make the statement Me.picCountry.Image = …… as a


Click Splash Form’s PictureBox picCountry

Use the task box of the PictureBox to set up its image

file (image file is in the Resources folder of the

Chap07/Splash Solution )


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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Assigning the Startup Form

When an application is started, VB.NET automatically invokes the form set as the Startup object of a project

The setup steps for Startup object are as follows:

1. Right click on the project in the Project Explorer Window to open the Properties Window

2. Click the Application tab in Properties Window

3. Click the Startup object ComboBox to set up the startup form → choose frmSplash


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ShowDialog() vs. Show() Method

A form object’s ShowDialog() method allows you to display the form object on the screen with focus transfer (dialog-style interaction)

The syntax is: form.ShowDialog()

The form object’s Show() method allows you to display a form object on the screen without focus transfer

The syntax is: form.Show ()


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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Show Another Form by a Button

Download Chap02/Playtime Solution, Chap07/Harvey Industries Solution

How to use a button to open a new form

1. Project-> 加入現有項目 ->Find Playtime Form.vb to add

2. Include Image File for the PictureBox PictureBox1

3. Add following codes in the Click event of a button Show Playtime on the Harvey Industries’ MainForm Me.Hide() ‘Show a form at a time

Dim hForm As New frmPlaytime


Me.Show() frmPlaytime.Show() or .ShowDialog() ‘Show 2 forms

frmPlaytime.Focus() (when using frmPlaytime.Show() )

The name of main form in Playtime Solution


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Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition

Lesson C Summary


Use form’s FormClosing event procedure to process code when form is about to be closed

Set Cancel property of FormClosing event procedure’s e parameter to true to prevent form from being closed

Use Math.Round function to round number to specific number of decimal places