Chapter_18 Trends in Urbanization

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  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_18 Trends in Urbanization


    Chapter 18

    Changing Trends

    in Urbanisation

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_18 Trends in Urbanization


    What is urbanisation?

    Process whereby the proportion of people living in

    urban areas increases

    Urbanisation in developed countries

    76% of the population live in urban areas

    Began in the 19th century

    Result of industrialisation and steady economic growth

    Urbanisation in developing countries !% of the population live in urban areas

    "tarted after 19# when the $nformation &ge' began

    ndustrialisation and economic growth have not (ept up

    with urbanisation) resulting in many urban problems

    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation

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    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation

    Percentage of urban population in the world

    0 2,000km

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    actors that in!luence urbanisation

    Push factors encourage people to leave a certain place

    Pull factors attract people to move to a particular place

    t is a result of both push and pull factors that rural

    people are migrating to urban areas

    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation

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    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation

    "ull !actors o! cities "ush !actors o! ruralareas

    More jobs Fewer jobs

    Higher-paying jobs Lower-paying jobs

    More job security Less job security

    More retirement benefits (e.g. pensions) Less retirement benefits

    More housing Less housing

    Better housing Poorer housing

    More educationa opportunities Fewer educationa opportunities

    Better heath care ser!ices Poorer heath care ser!ices

    Better infrastructure Poorer infrastructureMore accessibe Less accessibe

    Better recreation faciities Poorer recreation faciities

    Better sporting faciities Poorer sporting faciities

    More entertainment Less entertainment

    More !ariety of food (restaurants) Less !ariety of food

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    Urbanisation in the Caribbean

    &bout two*thirds of the countries in the +aribbean have

    more than #!% of the population living in urban areas

    ,he percentage of urban population is pro-ected to

    increase to .% by /!0!

    Reasons for the increase

    12 "ura-urban migration

    #. $atura increase in urban popuation

    %. Migration from other countries in the &aribbean

    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation

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    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation

    Countr#$ urban


    $ urbanpopulation

    'nguia *amaica +#

    'ntigua %, Martiniue +

    Bahamas / Montserrat %

    Barbados + $etherands 'nties 0

    Bei1e $.'. Puerto "ico 2&ayman 3sands 4t. 5itts %%

    &uba ,0 4t. Lucia %

    6ominica , 4t 7incent ++

    6ominican "epubic 02 4uriname ,2

    8renada % 9rinidad : 9obago ,2

    8uadeoupe 9ur;s 2+

    8uyana %0

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_18 Trends in Urbanization


    Rural*urban migration started in the early /!th century

    ,he push and pull factors include

    = Mechanisation on farms has caused increased rura


    = Limited agricutura and to support the growing popuation

    = Lac; of socia amenities in rura areas

    = 6e!eopment of transport infrastructure has made urban areasmore accessibe

    = More and better-paying jobs in urban areas

    People from some countries in the +aribbean have also

    migrated to the urban areas of other countries in theregion in search of more -ob opportunities

    ,his has contributed to growth in the urban population

    of the destination countries

    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation

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    "opulation gro%th in "ort o! &pain

    Port of "pain is the capital) main port) and commercial

    and ban(ing centre of ,rinidad

    t has a municipal population of 9)!!! 3/!!1 census4)

    with a population density of about 0)6#! persons per (m/

    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation


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    ,he municipal population e5panded between 19!1 and

    196!) when it reached a pea( of almost 9)!!!

    &fter 196!) the population declined as people movedout to the suburbs in the north) west and northeast of

    the city) outside the municipal boundary

    ,his was because land in and around the central

    business district became too e5pensive for manypeople

    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation

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    (ene!its o! urbanisation in "ort o! &pain

    ,he city has become a ma-or growth pole of ,rinidad

    and ,obago) contributing to the country's overall

    economic development

    t has developed into an important port and a dynamic

    centre for industrialisation and financial services

    ost of the government offices are also located in the


    ts population en-oys higher incomes and generally

    better living conditions than those of the smaller towns

    and the rural areas

    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation

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    "roblems o! urbanisation in "ort o! &pain n certain parts of the city)

    suatting have developed

    8 a result of rising

    unemployment and the

    lac( of cheap housing

    &ssociated socialproblems include higher

    crime rates

    ,he volume of human and motor traffic has grown much

    faster than the transport system can support) resulting in

    problems such as traffic congestion

    &ir) land and noise pollution may cause health problems for

    the people living and wor(ing in the city

    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation

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    &evere !looding in ")& on *ovember 18, 2008

    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation

    ,his was the worst ever recorded in the capital

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    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation

    Wa#s o! controlling urbanisation in the


    . 6e!eop the rura areas

    ,he government could improve the road lin(s between the rural

    areas and the urban areas

    ,his would facilitate the transportation of agricultural products

    to the urban ports for e5port) thereby enhancing the profitabilityof farming and raising rural incomes

    ,he government could also develop social amenities to

    improve the uality of life in the rural areas

    #. >stabish new centres of growth ,his would redistribute the population away from the traditional

    centres of growth

    2g2 :uyana has developed secondary towns in the interior

    regions through the building of factories) housing) etc

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    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation

    %. ?ffer incenti!es

    ,a5 incentives can be offered to encourage the development

    of industries in the rural areas ,his would provide employment opportunities for the rural


    2. 3mpose tra!e restrictions

    ,he government can ma(e it more difficult for foreigners to

    migrate into the country through visa reuirements

    +. 3ncrease the pace of urban renewa

    Rebuilding in the city can be sped up to (eep pace with thegrowth in the urban population

    n Port of "pain) familiar buildings are being torn down to

    ma(e way for new structures such as multi*storey buildings

    to house shopping malls and government offices

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    ovement of people from one place to another

    ,emporary migration is movement that occurs on a

    seasonal or daily basis

    Permanent migration involves a change of residence

    nternal migration

    ovement of people within a country

    ncludes rural*urban migration and seasonal migration

    ;oes not affect the total population of the country) but

    changes the distribution of the population

    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation

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    Rural*urban migration

    +ommon in developing countries

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    "easonal migration

    =ften for agricultural reasons

    2g2 people moving to an area temporarily to wor( as

    e5tra labour during harvest time

    nternational migration

    ovement of people across international boundaries &ffects the total population of a country

    any people move voluntarily) i2e2 of their own free will

    >hen people are forced to move due to social) political

    or economic factors) it is called involuntary migration

    2g2 prolonged droughts in "ahel) &frica) had forced

    millions to flee thiopia to avoid starvation

    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation

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    mmigration in the Caribbean

    ?rom outside the +aribbean

    n the middle of the 19th century) people from +hina)

    ndia and ndonesia migrated to the +aribbean to wor(

    on the sugar cane and banana plantations

    ,hey later became citi@ens of the destination country

    ?rom within the +aribbean

    n the early /!th century) Puerto Ricans migrated to the

    ;ominican Republic) +uba and the

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    -migration in the Caribbean

    ,he main destinations of

    +aribbean migrants have

    been the

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    nternal migration in the Caribbean

    ,he most common form is rural*urban migration

    ,he push and pull factors are similar to those in most

    other countries

    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation

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    +igration in .u#ana n the 19th century) migrants came from

    &frica) ndia and +hina to wor( on thesugar cane plantations

    Between 1.0 and 1917) about /!)!!!

    uns(illed males from ndia aged /! to /#

    years old migrated to :uyana

    ,hese migrants eventually became citi@ens

    and started families in :uyana) accounting

    for some #!% of the country's population


    n the mid*/!th century) emigration started

    to e5ceed immigration) resulting in negative

    net migration migration increased sharply in the 19.!s)

    with 1!)!!! to 0!)!!! emigrants each year

    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation

    "estination countries of emigrants from #u$ana

    0 2,000km

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    +auses of emigration

    .!% of the country is forested and sparsely populated

    ac( of good -obs and opportunities for socialadvancement

    Cigh levels of unemployment and under*employment

    &griculture) which contributes more than #!% of the

    :;P) is the main employer Datural ha@ards such as floods are a constant threat to

    the agricultural sector

    ittle potential for the development of sun) sea andsand tourism

    Bau5ite) gold and diamonds are the most importantminerals to be mined

    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation

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    mpact of emigration on the country

    "ignificant $brain drain'

    7!% of the emigrants are highly*educated and s(illed

    middle*class professionals such as doctors) engineers)

    teachers and nurses

    oss of s(illed wor(ers who are necessary for the

    economic development of the country

    "tagnation of economic development

    Rise in unemployment and fall in foreign investments

    due to the stagnant economy

    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation

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    ,he future

    ,he economy is showing signs of rebounding

    :rowth has been based on the e5pansion of the

    agricultural and mining sectors

    +ontributing factors include a more realistic e5change

    rate) fairly low inflation) and the continued support of

    international organisations

    ,he rate of negative net migration is decreasing

    Degative net migration in /!!6 was less than *. per

    1)!!! persons) compared to a high of *1026 per 1)!!!

    persons in 199!

    Chapter 18: Changing Trends in Urbanisation