HBio Unit 1 Review UNIT ONE HONORS BIO REVIEW! Know your 3 labs Know your additional objectives Know your terms Know your GO Papers CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE 1. Living things are organized (made of cells) 2. They acquire materials and energy. 3. They maintain homeostasis. 4. They respond to stimuli. 5. They reproduce. 6. They grow and develop. 7. They adapt 8. and die Click next to the words.... ATOM MOLECULE (ORGANELLE) CELL TISSUE ORGAN ORGAN SYSTEM ORGANISM POPULATION COMMUNITY ECOSYSTEM BIOSPHERE 1 What class are we? A primata B homo sapien C animalia D mammalia 2 Which sequence represents the correct order of increasing complexity in living systems? A cell, molecule, organ, tissue B organ, tissue, cell molecule C molecule, cell, tissue, organ D cell, organ, tissue, molecule ,


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HBio Unit 1 Review

UNIT ONE HONORS BIO REVIEW!Know your 3 labsKnow your additional objectivesKnow your termsKnow your GO Papers


1. Living things are organized (made of cells)

2. They acquire materials and energy.

3. They maintain homeostasis.

4. They respond to stimuli.

5. They reproduce.

6. They grow and develop.

7. They adapt

8. and die

Click next to the words....



ECOSYSTEMBIOSPHERE 1 What class are we?

A primataB homo sapienC animaliaD mammalia

2 Which sequence represents the correct order of increasing complexity in living systems?

A cell, molecule, organ, tissueB organ, tissue, cell moleculeC molecule, cell, tissue, organD cell, organ, tissue, molecule


HBio Unit 1 Review

3 What domain are we in?A EucaryaB Protista

C ArchaeaD PrimatesE Fungi

My sister's twingirls, Kait and Gwen....apparently my slide showbored them.

4 Classification involves

A similaritiesB evolutionary historyC Neither A or BD Both A and B

5 The ultimate source of energy in any ecosystem is/are

A the green plantsB the sunC fungi

D animals

AS IN: amount ofartificial sweetner

AS IN: amount ofcancer foundin rats

VARIABLES6 Information, results of a

experiment, collected during scientific inquiry is calledA interestingB conclusionsC observationsD data

HBio Unit 1 Review

7 What are organs comprised "built" out of? ALC (All Lower Case)

8 What is the mechanism for evolution called? (ALC)

9 What is the most inclusive category of the classification categories? (ALC)

10 What genus is man categorized as?

11 Which kingdom contains eucaryotic, multicellular, absorptive heterotrophs? (ALC)

12 Which kingdom contains eucaryotic, uni-->multicellular organisms that could be autotrophs or heterotrophs? (ALC)

HBio Unit 1 Review

13 Term: death of a species or larger classification category

14 When you formulate a hypothesis, what type of "reasoning" should you do? (ALC)

15 What do you call the part of your experiment that has all the variables the same except for the one you are testing? (ALC)

16 Quantitative data is measurable.

True False

17 What do you call a concept that joins together well-supported and related hypothesis?

18 What type of variable (give both names) is the result or change that occurs due to the experimental variable (data)?

HBio Unit 1 Review

19 I have read and written out the answers to the Additional Objective.

Yes No

1 How many neutrons are found in Calcium? 2 How many neutrons in chlorine?

round down to 35

HBio Unit 1 Review

3 How many electrons in calcium?

Atoms of the same element that differ in their number of neutrons


4 How many electrons in chlorine's second level?

round down to 35

5 How many more electrons would it like?

round down to 35

What does each molecule want to do?

HBio Unit 1 Review

6 Ionic bonding involves

A loss of electrons

B gain of electronsC attraction of opposite chargesD All of these are correct

7 Atoms of an element that have the same number or protons but different numbers of neutrons are ___, while molecules that share electrons is called ____ bonding

A ions, ionicB ions, covalentC isotopes, ionicD isotopes, covalent

This makes the oxygen of one water molecule slightly attracted to the hydrogen of a different water molecule....these are called hydrogen bonds.

This gives water some unique properties as a result of H-bonding....

1. Liquid (instead of gas)2. A good solvent3. Fills vessels4. Gains and loses heat slowly5. High heat of vaporization6. Is less dense when frozen

This gives water some unique properties as a result of H-bonding....

1. Liquid (instead of gas)2. A good solvent3. Fills vessels4. Gains and loses heat slowly5. High heat of vaporization6. Is less dense when frozen


HBio Unit 1 Review

8 Which of these ions is important for acid-base balance?

A K+B Na+C Cl-D H+

9 Carbon can engage in

A only ionic bondsB only covalent bonds with hydrogenC four covalent bondsD only bonds with oxygen

THINK: Carbon is Atomic Number 6....





HBio Unit 1 Review

Lab 3









TEST WITH:brown paper

TEST WITH:Biuret (caution)

TEST WITH:Benedicts (boil)



10 Hydrocarbons are carbon atoms in covalent bonds with ? (ALC)

11 Monomers join to form a ? 12 Hydrolysis is a reaction that breaks down a polymer into monomers and requires the input of ? (spell it)

13 Dehydration reaction forms a polymer from monomers. A molecule of water is formed as a result of removing an ~H from one monomer and an ~OH from another monomer so a ? bond can be formed between the two monomers.

HBio Unit 1 Review

14 What do you call a molecule that speeds up chemical reactions by bringing the reactants together? ~ An ?

15 Which polysaccharides are "structural"? (MAP)

A celluloseB chitinC glycogenD lactoseE starch

16 Which polysaccharides are "storage for energy"? (MAP)

A celluloseB chitinC glycogenD lactoseE starch

17 What type of fat has no double bonds, solid at room temperature and usually from animals?

18 What type of lipid is made of four fused carbon rings and cholesterol is an example of it.



HBio Unit 1 Review

19 What do you call the specific covalent bond between two amino acids?

20 The secondary structure of proteins is not dependent upon the "R" group.

True False

21 The tertiary structure is dependent upon the "R" groups and the quaternary is more than one amino acid chain.

True False

NUCLEOTIDES: the bricks of nucleic acids. Each nucleotide is composed of three items: a base a sugar and a phosphate group.

22 Nucleic acids are built out of ? 23 Amino acids build....

A carbohydratesB proteinsC nucleic acidsD lipids: fatsE lipids: steroids

HBio Unit 1 Review

24 Four rings of carbon build....

A carbohydratesB proteinsC nucleic acidsD lipids: fatsE lipids: steroids

25 Sugars, like glucose, build....

A carbohydratesB proteinsC nucleic acidsD lipids: fatsE lipids: steroids

26 Nucleotides build....

A carbohydratesB proteinsC nucleic acidsD lipids: fatsE lipids: steroids

27 When you do dehydration synthesis using two... (MAP)

A amino acids you form a proteinB amino acids you form a H2O molecule

Cfatty acids and glycerol you form a nucleic acid

D polymers you form monomersE nucleotides to form a nucleic acidF two freshmen to form a sophmore

28 When you do hydrolysis to a fat you produce....(MAP)

A sugarsB fatty acidsC nucleic acidsD glycerolE waterF oils

29 Which of the following is a DNA nucleotide?

A phosphate, deoxyribose, uracilB ribose, phosphate, thymineC phosphate, ribose, uracilD phosphate, ribose, guanineE deoxyribose, adenine, phosphate

HBio Unit 1 Review

1 The cell theory states:


Cells form as organelles and molecules become grouped together in an organized manner.

BThe normal functioning of an organism does not depend on its individual cells.

C The cell is the basic unit of life.

DOnly eucaryotic organisms are made of cells.


2 Which structure is characteristic of prokaryotic cells?

A nucleusB mitochondriaC nucleoidD all of the above




3 Which organelle is the powerhouse of the cell?

A nucleusB chloroplast

C mitochondriaD E.R.E golgi apparatusF cell wallG cell membraneH lysosomeI vacuoles

J ribosomes

HBio Unit 1 Review

4 Which organelle determines what goes inand out of the cell?

A nucleusB chloroplastC mitochondriaD E.R.E golgi apparatus

F cell wallG cell membraneH lysosomeI vacuolesJ ribosomes

5 Which organelle processes, packagesand distributes?

A nucleusB chloroplast

C mitochondriaD E.R.E golgi apparatusF cell wallG cell membraneH lysosomeI vacuolesJ ribosomes

6 Which organelle is the stomach of thecell?

A nucleusB chloroplastC mitochondriaD E.R.E golgi apparatusF cell wallG cell membraneH lysosome

I vacuolesJ ribosomes

7 Which organelle supports, protects and is permeable to gases and water so they can enter and exit the cell?

A nucleusB chloroplastC mitochondriaD E.R.E golgi apparatusF cell wallG cell membraneH lysosomeI vacuoles

J ribosomes

8 Which organelle is the control center ofthe cell?

A nucleusB chloroplastC mitochondriaD E.R.E golgi apparatusF cell wall

G cell membraneH lysosomeI vacuoles

J ribosomes

9 Which organelle compartmentalizes thecell, it is called rough if it has ribosomes?

A nucleusB chloroplastC mitochondriaD E.R.E golgi apparatusF cell wallG cell membraneH lysosomeI vacuolesJ ribosomes

HBio Unit 1 Review

10 Which organelle converts light energyinto carbohydrates (photosynthesis)?

A nucleusB chloroplastC mitochondriaD E.R.E golgi apparatusF cell wallG cell membraneH lysosomeI vacuoles

J ribosomes

11 Which organelle is the multipurposeorganelle, stores, transports and support, turgor pressure in plants?

A nucleusB chloroplast

C mitochondriaD E.R.E golgi apparatusF cell wallG cell membraneH lysosome

I vacuolesJ ribosomes

12 Which structure is the site of proteinsynthesis?

A nucleusB chloroplastC mitochondriaD E.R.E golgi apparatus

F cell wallG cell membraneH lysosomeI vacuolesJ ribosomes

13 Which of the following structures would be found in both plant and animal cells?

A centriolesB chloroplastsC cell wallD mitochondria

EAll of these are found in both types of cells.

Can you find the four important organic molecules in the cell membrane?

Cool LinkClick on link after first column of notes completed.



HBio Unit 1 Review

1 Carrier proteins are ____ in their action.

A specific

B not specific

C involved in diffusionD none of the above

2 Cholesterol is found in the ___ of ___ cells.

A cytoplasm, plantB plasma membrane, animalC plasma membrane, plantD None of these are correct


HBio Unit 1 Review



3 When mixed together, water is a ___, and dye is a ___.

A solute, solventB solvent, solventC solute, soluteD solvent, solute

4 The hypotonic solution contains the most solutes.

True False

5 When a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, (draw yourself a picture if you like)

Asolute exits the cell to equalize the concentration on both sides of the plasma membrane.

B water exits the cell toward the area of higher solute concentration.

C water enters the cell toward the area of higher solute concentration.

D solute exits and water enters the cell.

E Both a and c are correct.





HBio Unit 1 Review

6 This is

A ExocytosisB EndocytosisC Diffusion

7 Which of these are methods of endocytosis?

A phagocytosisB pinocytosisC receptor-mediatedD All of these are correct.

8 Pumps used in active transport are made ofA sugarsB proteins

C lipidsD cholesterol

9 Pickles appear wrinkled and shriveled because they have been placed in a(n) ___ solution.

A hypertonic

B hypotonicC isotonicD basic

HBio Unit 1 Review