Charleston's Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church

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  • 8/21/2019 Charleston's Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church



    Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church

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  • 8/21/2019 Charleston's Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church


    , , , .

    E A E C

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    RIP to the victims who passed. 

    These ribbons are used to commemorate the lives of victims of the shooting.

    The History of the Church

    C. C C

    A A .

    . C

    . . .

    . B

    , A A C G.

    G A E, . G

    . B 1739, ,

    . 65 . 2

    C, . A , E A E C C, C

    A E . I

    A. I 1816 A A

    E C C. , 1818, B ( )

    . H 4,000 B .


    C 140

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    . C 1820 1821. D

    . H .

    C, , H .

    ( )

    . J 2, 1822. H 55.

    , .

    . H,

    1834 C,

    C 1865. A C , . A,

    , C . ,

    . C

    1868, 11 31 B. I H, A A

    71 124 . B

    . H ( C )

    A A 1876 .

    K . E B C

    B H . A

    , J C

    . 1890 B

    . L, B

    C . I C,

    . Tillman, elected to the U.S.Senate in 1895, took to the floor to boast of his political success in disenfranchising African

     Americans: "We [the white South Carolinians] took the government away. We stuffed ballot boxes. We shot them [Blacks]. We are not ashamed of it. We have done our best...We havescratched our heads to find out how we could eliminate the last one of them."

    . C . H ..

    H . H C

    C .. H .

    C .

    1865 1872. (

    D ) .

    1886 . G C 10

    . C 20 C H D

    ( D D ). I

    1909, B . E AE C. B .

    , , , . (

    G , C) . I 1951, 2,400

    $47,000 ( $427,000 2015 )

    , C C


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    D C 20

      . D

    D J C, , ,

    , . D F . FD

    D . FD

    , G A, F F,

    A, A, . H JA (  E 9066). I FD

    . H D

    , B

    . G D. H

    C A 1964 1965. F

    1965 , ,

    , , ,

    , , . .

    I 1962, , D. L K J. .

    C L C (

    1960), .

    C C . F , C

    C C , ,

    . C .

    C .

    J C 1961 H, C. F

    J C C

  • 8/21/2019 Charleston's Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church



    30 C .

    F , , ,

    A C ", " . I

    1962, C AA , H

    G, . G C .

    H C C C 1974 1983,

    C .

    C 1968. F 8, 1968, H ,

    , C C , . 3

    ( H, H , D

    ). 28 .

    . C '

    . A , D

    .  ( 10:30 ..), C H

    150 . E , ,

    , 10 15 .

    . C J. . B C J. (

    CC) , .

  • 8/21/2019 Charleston's Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church



    This is Coretta Scott King and other people during April 30, 1969 and they were protesting with hospital workers in Charleston, South Carolina.

    I 1969, C K 1,500 C. A ,

    C G. 900 .

    19, 1969.

    . , , .

    B ( , )

    B . L 1199B D H

    . . C K

    E AE C C A 29, 1969.

    H ,

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    C K , A , $1.30 . I .

    , I

    , ,

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    , . CLC

    K C .

    . G


    AFLCI IL. I J 1969, .

    A A L 1199B.

    . . C K

    , A. . G , , ,

    . , .

  • 8/21/2019 Charleston's Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church


    The Victims’ Extraordinary Great Lives

    9 H C . I

    B .

    B . , ,

    G. C . H C

    . H

    . C A

    . B C ,

    . H

    . 13 . H

    18. ,

    C . ,

    . .

    45. G C

    B C, C. , . C .

    G C , C , C C

    . ,

    . , , C.

    E AE . H C

    C .

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    C H 54 . . A ,

    C C . 31 . H

    C G.

    . C H . .

    G .

    2014 A

    . H 26 .

    , L J C

    , C . H

    . H ,

    . H , A


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    D D C

    . .


    . 2005. 49


    D. D L. . 74 E AE C.

    H .

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    E L 70 30

    . L, 70, 30 ,

    . G , J L

    C ,

    . C, ; I . I , .

    59 A H EC

    C C.

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    J 87 .

    Combatting Hate

    J 17, 2015, 9 . '

    , ,

    . .45 .

    . , I

    . ' . A ."

    . . H

    A . I , C .

    D D. G, C. D

    ( H E C

    C A . I

    . C C


    , C. D D . .

  • 8/21/2019 Charleston's Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church


    , .

    . . H

    , , , , .

    A Beacon of Hope

    , , , . 

    C ( , , H, A , .) , , .


    A E

    E. A,

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    . ,

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    , ( B

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    ), I . C

    . A D. L

    K J. A 1967 C:

    “…It is this moral lag in our thing-oriented society that blinds us to the human reality around us

    and encourages us in the greed and exploitation which creates the sector of poverty in the

  • 8/21/2019 Charleston's Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church


    midst of wealth. Again we have diluted ourselves into believing the myth that Capitalism grew

    and prospered out of the protestant ethic of hard word and sacrifice, the fact is that Capitalism

    was build on the exploitation and suffering of black slaves and continues to thrive on the

    exploitation of the poor – both black and white, both here and abroad. If Negroes and poor

    whites do not participate in the free flow of wealth within our economy, they will forever be

    poor, giving their energies, their talents and their limited funds to the consumer market butreaping few benefits and services in return. The way to end poverty is to end the exploitation of

    the poor, ensure them a fair share of the government services and the nation’s resources..."


    ( ).

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    . .

    . ( , A

    L, ,

    ) .

    . .


    A, C .

    C .

    C. D 1960, C

    . . G

    H , , B, A H. AFA ..

    . C . C G

    C C.

    . E E C B 2013

    A A . C

    , G . ,

    , , 48.7 2002

    2012. C ..

    18.6 2013.

    . , ' 40 .. L

    C ILA L 1422 ILA L 1771.

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  • 8/21/2019 Charleston's Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church



    “…I removed the flag not only in defiance of those who enslaved my ancestors in the

    Southern United States, but also in defiance of the oppression that continues against black

    people globally in 2015, including the ongoing ethnic cleansing in the Dominican Republic. I

    did it in solidarity with the South African students who toppled a statue of the white

    supremacist, colonialist Cecil Rhodes…I did it for all the fierce black women on the front

    lines of the movement and for all the little black girls who are watching us. I did it because I

    am free…”

    -Sister Bree Newsone

    Appendix A: Bree Newsome’s courageous action

    Brittany Newsome is a hero. She courageously expressed her disagreement with the flying of the

    racist Confederate flag by climbing up the 30 ft. flagpole to peacefully take down the flag. She did

    this action outside of the South Carolina statehouse. She worked with James Tyson in order to

    accomplish this action. Bree was arrested and Tyson was arrested too. They are charged with

    defacing a monument, which is a misdemeanor. A freebree crowdfunding campaign at Indiegogo

    raised almost $100,000 in less than 24 hours. Bree is now bailed out and she is free. Bree’s actions

    come in a long tradition of activists using civil disobedience to protest injustice. Black people

    decades ago did similar actions like those from SNCC, the SCLC, etc. who protested injustice.

    Thousands of people went into jail for civil disobedience. We know that Fannie Lou Hamer, RosaParks, Dr. King, and others were arrested for civil disobedience or violating unjust laws. We are all in

    solidarity with Sister Bree. Bree is an artist and a film maker. She is also a social activist of the Black

    Lives Matter Movement, which is growing every day. That’s great. Bree has promoted voting rights

    and encouraged young people to vote. That is why she worked in the Moral Monday movement,

    which opposed North Carolina regressive voter ID law and the evil Supreme Court decision which

    struck down parts of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. She quoted the Psalms as she was being arrested.

    The Confederate flag is a symbol of hate, bigotry, white supremacy, and treason. Therefore, we have

  • 8/21/2019 Charleston's Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church


    the free speech and moral right to publicly oppose that flag. Hopefully, that flag will come down not

    only in the South Carolina capitol grounds, but all across America.

    She or Bree graduated at Oakland Mills High School in Columbia, Maryland in 2003. She created an

    animated short film called “The Three Princes of Idea” while she was in high school, which earned her

    a $40,000 scholarship from the National Academy of Television Arts 7 Sciences. "She was an

    absolutely lovely person, so sweet, but at the same time you could tell she wasn't a pushover and she

    would stand up for things that were right," Ebony Hypolite, 30, of Columbia, who graduated a year

    ahead of Newsome and knew her through choir, told the Sun. "That's why her doing this is not

    surprising at all." Her father is Clarence G. Newsome. Clarence Newsome is a former dean at Howard

    University, a trustee of Duke University, and he’s now the President of the National Underground

    Railroad Freedom Center.

    It is time now to end racism, exploitation, and any form of oppression in the world. Racial oppression

    and genocide is linked to the capitalist system. The class struggle is expansive and it deals with the

    elimination of racism, sexism, etc. There should be no worship of material wealth, especially since

    imperialism is based on the theft of resources of others for the benefit of a few. In a statement

    through activist group #BlackLivesMatter, Newsome explained her actions, saying, "We can't wait any

    longer." "We can't continue like this another day," Newsome said. "It's time for a new chapter where

    we are sincere about dismantling white supremacy and building toward true racial justice and

    equality." I agree with Bree 100 percent in her statements.

    By Timothy

    We will continue to advocate peace and justice. Wewill never back down and we desire social justice.

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    I want to make this point too. A lot of people wantto mock those who pray (which is disrespectful).

    Well, there is absolutely nothing wrong with prayerat all.

    If you want to pray, then you have the right to prayand use proactive action too.

    The struggle continues

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    We shall overcome.