Chartered Accountants - Singapore Exchange · "--€, ff''t~j & Co CtwlMed Accouotonls September 2019, total revenues ofRs. 9,868 Lakhs and Rs 18,819 Lakhs, total net profit after

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Page 1: Chartered Accountants - Singapore Exchange · "--€, ff''t~j & Co CtwlMed Accouotonls September 2019, total revenues ofRs. 9,868 Lakhs and Rs 18,819 Lakhs, total net profit after
Page 2: Chartered Accountants - Singapore Exchange · "--€, ff''t~j & Co CtwlMed Accouotonls September 2019, total revenues ofRs. 9,868 Lakhs and Rs 18,819 Lakhs, total net profit after

City Office

To The Board of Directors 3i Infotcch Limited

Chartered Accountants

3rd & 4th Floor, Vaastu Oarshan, 'B'wing, Above Central Bank or India, Azad Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai • 400 069. Tel 022· 61919293 1222 1200 Fax . 022· 2684 2221 16191 9256 E·mall: [email protected]

[email protected]

I. We have reviewed the accompanying Statement of unaudited consolidated financia l results of 3i lofotech Limited ("the Parent") its subsidiaries and joint ventures (the Parent and its subsidiaries together referred to as " the Group") for the quarter ended 30tb September,20 19 and year to date resu lts for the period from I SI April , 2019 to 30lh Seplember,20 19 ("the statement"), and its share of Nil Profit/CLoss) and total comprehensive income of its joint venture for the quarter ended 30 lh

Septemb~r 2019 and year to date results for the period Ii'om 1 SI Apri l, 2019 to 30lh

Scptember,2019, being submitted by the Parent pursuant to the requirement of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obl igations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as

amended("Listing Regulations").

2. This Statement, which is the responsibility of thl! Parent's Management and approved by the Parent's Board of Directors. has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles laid down in Indian Accounting Standard 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" ("Ind AS 34"), prescribed under Sect ion 133 of the Companies Act, 20' 3, and other accounting princ iples gem:rally accepted in India . Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on the Statement based on our review.

3. We conducted our review of the Statement in accordance with thl! Standard on Review Engagements (SRE) 24 10 "Review of Interim Financia l Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity". issued by the Inst itute of Chartered Accountants of India. A review of interim financial infonnation cons ists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conductl!d in accordance with Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable liS to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters thaI might be identified in an audi t. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

We also perfonned procedures in accordance with the circular (Circular No. CLRlCFD/CMDl /4412019 dated March 29, 2019) issued by the SEBI under Regulation 33 (8) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations. 20 15, as amended. to the extent applicab le.


: 38-B, Onlooker Building, 5th Fir. Sir P.M. Road, Fort, Mumbai- 400001. Tel. : 2257 277816635 2778 Fax: 2267 2778

Page 3: Chartered Accountants - Singapore Exchange · "--€, ff''t~j & Co CtwlMed Accouotonls September 2019, total revenues ofRs. 9,868 Lakhs and Rs 18,819 Lakhs, total net profit after

4. The Statement includes the results of the fo llowing entities:

Sr. No. Subsidiar ies reviewed: I 3i Infotech Consultancv Services Limited

2 3i Infotech BPO Limited

3 Locuz Entemrise Solutions Limited 4 Professional Access Software Develooment Private Limited 5 3i Infotech (Middle East) FZ LLC

6 3i lnfotech Software Solutions LLC

7 3 i lnfotech Inc 8 3i Infotech SON BHD 9 3i lnfotech {Thailand Limited

Sr. No. Subsidiar ies not reviewed:

I 3i lnfotech Asia Pacific Pte Limited

2 3i lnfotech Services SON BHD 3 3i lnfotech (UK) Limited 4 3i Infotech (Western Europe) Group Limited 5 3i Infotcch (Western Europe) Holdings Limited 6 Rhyme Systems Limited 7 3i lnfotech Saudi Arabia LLC 8 3i Infotech Holdin,gs Private Limited 9 3i Infotech (Africa) Limi ted 10 3i Infotech South Africa) (Pty) Limited II Ele,gon Infotech Limited

12 Locuz Inc.

13 3i lofotech (Cyprus) Limited (fanneriy known as Black-Barret Ho ldin~s Limited) 14 IFRS Cloud Solutions Limited 15 3i lnfotcch Netherlands R V 16 3i Infotcch Nigeria Limited

Sr. No. Joint Venture not reviewed I Process Centra l Limited, Nigeria- Joint Venture

5. Based on our review conducted and procedures perfonned as stated in paragraph 3 above and based on the consideration of the review reports of the branch auditors and other auditors referred to in paragraph 6 below, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying Statement, prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles laid down in the aforesaid Indian Acco unting Stundard and other accounting principles generall y accepted in India, has not disclosed the information requircd 10 be disclosed in tenns of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosures Requirements) Regulations, 20 15, as amended, including the manner in which it is to be di sclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement .

6. The accompanying Statement includes financial results/statements and other infomlalion of 6 subsidiaries whose financial in fonnation includes lotal net assets of Rs. 9,258 Lakhs as at 30th

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Page 4: Chartered Accountants - Singapore Exchange · "--€, ff''t~j & Co CtwlMed Accouotonls September 2019, total revenues ofRs. 9,868 Lakhs and Rs 18,819 Lakhs, total net profit after

"--€, ff''t~j & Co CtwlMed Accouotonls

September 2019, total revenues ofRs. 9,868 Lakhs and Rs 18,819 Lakhs, total net profit after tax of Rs. 976 Lakhs and Rs. 3,231 Lakhs, total comprehensive income of Rs. 909 Lakhs and Rs. 3,182 Lakhs, for quarter ended September 30, 2019 and for the period from 1st April 2019 to 30th September 2019, respectively, which have been reviewed by us.

We did not review the financial results/statements and other financial infonnation, in respect of 3

subsidiaries, whose financial infonnation reflects total net assets of Rs. 44,902 Lakhs as al 30th September 2019, total revenues of Rs. 10,760 Lakhs and Rs. 21,367 Lakhs, total net profit after tax ofRs. 3,012 Lakhs and Rs. 4,523 Lakhs, total comprehensive income ofRs. 3,012 Lakhs and Rs. 4,523 Lakhs, for the quarter ended 30th September, 2019 and for the period from 1st April 2019 to 30th September 2019, respectively. These financial results/statements and other financial infonnation have been reviewed by other auditors, whose reports have been furnished to us by the management. Our opinion, in so far as it relates to the affairs of such subsidiaries is based so lely on the report of other auditors.

Our conclusion is not modified in respect of the above matter.

The Statement includes financial results/statements of 16 subsid iaries, whose financia l

infonnation reflects total net assets of Rs. 1,016 Lakhs as at 30th September 2019, total revenues of Rs. 3,709 Lakhs and Rs. 7,482 Lakhs, total net profit after tax of Rs. 1,632 Lakhs and Rs. 3,325 Lakhs, tota l comprehensive income of Rs. 1,613 Lakhs and Rs. 3,310 Lakhs for the quarter

ended 30th September, 2019 and fo r the period from 1st Apri l 2019 to 30th September 2019, respectively, I joint venture which reflects total net asset of Rs. 5 Lakhs & Group's share of net profit of Rs. Nil for the half year ended on September 30, 20 19, which are certified by the Management. In our opinion and according to the infonnation and explanations given to us by the Management, these financial results/statements and other financial infonnation are not material to the Group.

Our conclusion is not modified in respect of the above matter.

ForGMJ & Co Chartered Accountants F~03429W

. .'- "--Sanjeev M bcsbwari Pan ner M. N.38755 UDlN : 190387 55AAAA HZ3205

Place: Mumbai Date: October 17. 20 19

Page) of)

Page 5: Chartered Accountants - Singapore Exchange · "--€, ff''t~j & Co CtwlMed Accouotonls September 2019, total revenues ofRs. 9,868 Lakhs and Rs 18,819 Lakhs, total net profit after

-===== ;; & c -- ---- - 0 ----- -- ---- ------- -- - --Chartered Accountants

3rd & 4th Floor, Vaaslu Darshan, 'B'wing. Above Cenlral Bank of India, Azad Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 069. Tel 022- 6191 9293 / 222 /200 Fax . 022· 2684 2221161919256 E·mall . [email protected]

info@gmj .co.in

Auditor's Review Report on Quarterly and Year to Date Unaudited Standalone Financial Results of 3i Infotech Limited pursuant to the regulation :13 of the SEDf (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements> Regulatiolls. 2015

To The Board of Directors 3i Infotech Ltd

We have reviewed the accompanying statement o f unaud ited standalone financial resu lts of 3i Infotecb Limited ("the Company") fo r the quarter ended September 30, 20 19 and year to dale unaudited standalone financial results for the period from April 1,2019 to September 30, 20 19,(the statement ) attached herewith, being submitted by the company pursuant to requirement of regulation 33 of the SERI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requ irements) Regu lations, 2015 a~ amended.

This statement is the responsibility of tlte Company's Ma nagement and has been approved by the Boa rd of Dircclors, has been prepan .. -d in accordance with the recognition and measurement plinciples laid down in the Indian Accollllling Standard 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' prescribed under section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with relevant rules issued thereunder and other account ing principles generally accepted in India. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on the statements based on our review.

We conducted our review of the Statement in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagement s (SRE) :!41 0 "Review o/ Interim Fillancial "!formation Per:formed by the Indepelldent Allditor oflhe Elltity", issued by thc In:-titutc of Chal1ercd Accountants of India. This standard requires that we plan and perfonn the review to obtaill modcr;lte aSSll rolnce as tu whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily tu inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financia l data and thus provides less assurance than an Iludit. We have not pcrforrned an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes li S to believe thal the accompanying statement prepared in accordance with applicable Indian Accounting Standards prescribed under section 133 of Companies Act 20 13 read wi th rules issued thereundcr and other recognized accounting practices and policies generally accepted in India, has not disclosed the infonnation required tll br.: disclosed in tenns of Regu lation 33 of the SEm (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, includi ng thr.: ma nner in whi.;h it is to b~ disclosed, or that it conta ins any material misstatement.

ForGMJ & Co Chartered Accountants FR~034~9W

..... {J.-. ; ... \

Sanjeev J aheshwari Partner M.No.03i755 UDIN, 190387 55AAAA lAI 196

Place: Mllmbai Date: October 17, 2019

City Office : 38 .. B, Ontooker Building, 5th Fir, Sir P.M. Road, Fort , Mumbai· 400 001, Tel. : 2267 2778 / 6635 2178 Fax : 2267 2178

Page 6: Chartered Accountants - Singapore Exchange · "--€, ff''t~j & Co CtwlMed Accouotonls September 2019, total revenues ofRs. 9,868 Lakhs and Rs 18,819 Lakhs, total net profit after

31ln(otcch ,_ .............. .

3i 1oI00Kh UmIIed JCW: LI7120MH'"lPLCOl40611)

Re.gd. oIfioI: Tow..- /I 5. 3" '0 6" Floor,. 1roI_loneIlnIotltCh Pall<. Va"". Nevi /obnbai 400 103 E ........... 1OnfI3oMn/~·<;On'I _aile: _ .)i..inlOleCll.<;On'I To! "",- ,022·712) BODO

Stal ..... nt of Unaudited Coneollcbted FI ..... '1aI R" u1!8 lor ..... quertor end . Ix monlh. ended September 311, 211"

pqe~ng~ _ .. ~".


Rgur"for , ...... ..,. period .....


'1Our» lot p, ... ious peoiod

""'" (30I09I20'')

fill"''' lor p.evlou. period .....


Page 7: Chartered Accountants - Singapore Exchange · "--€, ff''t~j & Co CtwlMed Accouotonls September 2019, total revenues ofRs. 9,868 Lakhs and Rs 18,819 Lakhs, total net profit after

3i Inrolech

31lnfoltoCh Limit..:! (ClN' LI11lOMH,H3PLC014411)

Regd oI6c« T_ . 5. ;t"toS- FIowa, ~ W-. p .... Valli, N"'; """'* 400 703 EIMit ........... -....... __ ,_ ._

U ... L>dlled Con,olldel'" BaIoonce Sh,.t .. . t Septe_ 30, 2011

Page 8: Chartered Accountants - Singapore Exchange · "--€, ff''t~j & Co CtwlMed Accouotonls September 2019, total revenues ofRs. 9,868 Lakhs and Rs 18,819 Lakhs, total net profit after

31Info1Kh I..ImItMI (CIH: U112OMHfnloPlC07 ... ,,) Reogd. oIfQ: T_ • 5, 3"10 ~ floon, 1nI~ ~ Park.A233, VuI'II, __ 40D 703

EII'IIII:_IInO~_ _ :____ 7"_:O22·71231!OOO

SlaIerMm of UnIIudltM C_o_tM Financial R. .... 1f, for Ih4I ~ end ... _UIe ..... s.p1ember lO, 2011

3 _III. .­(34IOtJ2011) (Unll>dit.dJ

PrKeding 3 _., '0"'"

(3Oo'OIo'ZOl.) (Un .... dUM)

fIgu, •• , ....

pno"kMJ. petIod ~~,


110 ..... 10' pr.~~r1od

"" .. (31/03/21)1')

The _tlld finrocial ""'hi oIlI'II Compeny for 1M quart .. ~ Sept..-nber 30, 201!lha .. , toe.n .... -.ct by the AWol Convnittee aod approyltd by the Board 01 0ired0r11Ol ~I ~ he" on OcIOOW H, 2010,

2 M ,~"" _IndAS lG9, iller, hal DMI'I .... 8dditionall;t\WQl 01 inl""" (noIional) on flna..o.c inalrumentl. viz. P,eI .. .nce ot>ar .. : FCCBI and inllo'lI! " " Otbtl,...nich hal bHn"--' II I uparlte liM ~8<1\ viz. (Item 1'10. VIII) Inu. F~ R'_I,

3 The Company haG ...,......, 1IW'l"'8I from ,.,. MiniIIry of CorporI1. All .... {MCA) for __ of RI, " .54.4521, auaiNl • toIal ,~ion of R., 1,23,III,i03I· pIid 10 It-.. ~ 0irKl0r of Il'ol

C"""*",, lor III perioa from 11/812016 10 31f312017 wilt! • "'- 10 Ule Corripanr-IO _ • .....,;r;ng {.-all ........... -'- 01 lb. e l ,54,451 1~

The ~!\ad obIaiNd 8I>PfOWI1rom.......-s MId also from ~.IhIINI'UII GenIoraI~ _on ~" 2017 1OI'1I'oI_I.-;on pIid 10 IhII MaIIIgIng 0irKt0r. The C~ IINobtIinId I t.g8I ___ from ill ~ __ nlMt, uponlhll .. oIooClO'IIIi~ 01l1'li __ 10 Sedoon 117(10) 01 Ule ~I Ad 2013, II-.. ~of III ~

............. iDn ""'" IhII ~ ~ 10 ..... C"""*,, In ilM~, _ ~ ..-id 10 IIand ...r..d MId ~1 Ule M...-..ging OW'KIOI"I obIigallon 10 _ !hil ..- wiD also OUH 10 .xilt. ~~~~~~I 01 O~Klon. on \he !>asis of me QIWIion and IoUbjIt;:IIO \he ~ .. 01 me SlIer_I, ~ ,..,......:1. ha ... w.r..d \he 'KOYWY 01 ....... e.ll ................... _ "sokAion puHod .. l1'li Board MIMIirIt;I held on J......., 18, 2019

4 O""NIu me "",In .. , 3i inI<Iledl NlIlherlMlds BY was incorporlilld II I II~ Oublidiliy in ..... Nelheflandl on July t 1, 201010 tIP \he businH. opportunll •• in 1hal ' l>Qion.

5 Elfeet ... April " 2019, me Company 1'III11ICIopt1ld Ind .... S 1 Ie, The COI'I'IpIfat;" irlOONlliorl ia 1'>01 ,"latlld In lhe conlOlidll..:1 flMtle4.c ... 1UI1L The ltdOpIion olIN • .tandard _I not l'1li" any mel"';. impac:t to \he 00I'IS()/;0aI1Id fll'l8l'lCill ._ 01 the Con'opan)r.

6 "9". lor .... pr&YiouI period _ bHn ~ __ IlICISI.Y to conform 10 1he p'1IIf'IIItion 0I11W curren1 period.

1 The ...... lor !hi ~ _ pIIriod ..-s.p._ 30, 2010 •• ... ~ 0tI SSE lknitIdl _. (W*W,t>M;nOia,oom). N.uon.I SIOdI ~ 0I1ndi11 ~. WIbsiIe (www.l'oHIfIdIa.oomland

on 1l'1li C~I~' (\oww li-o'i_,-...),

Page 9: Chartered Accountants - Singapore Exchange · "--€, ff''t~j & Co CtwlMed Accouotonls September 2019, total revenues ofRs. 9,868 Lakhs and Rs 18,819 Lakhs, total net profit after

""wt MUO'IIi>;ai Oct_H,2011

3 manlhs --13010lI201.) (u.....dIlltd)

PI'K ..... "II 3 -.. .... (lCllOll2OII, (U ... udltltd)

r."u ••• for cu • .-nl poorlod .... fIgou ••• lor

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Page 10: Chartered Accountants - Singapore Exchange · "--€, ff''t~j & Co CtwlMed Accouotonls September 2019, total revenues ofRs. 9,868 Lakhs and Rs 18,819 Lakhs, total net profit after

.~ 3i Infolech

3oI111fot..:" LIlI'II~ (CIH: U7UOMH,"SPLCQ7M"j R-od. ofroce: Tower' 5, 3" 106"' Floors, lnIefn,lionIIllnI"'eeh P. ",. "'sI'II, Npvi ~ 400 703

EtnoiI: 1-we0l0rS0 __ """, ~ _ . __ .cam T .. ~.:On·l'2J eooo s.a_ 01 Standoo ...... O_IH FInancial R ....... for u.. quwttf WId III • ..-u.. ..w.d Sapl_r :1(1, 201 .

,-'" -~ (lOIOi/:t019)

(Unl udiIMl)

Prfttdlng3 --. .,Id~

(30/01/201') (Un . .. dlled)

V .... ,o O, 'e Ilgour •• for

eUrHn\ ptorlod


Page 11: Chartered Accountants - Singapore Exchange · "--€, ff''t~j & Co CtwlMed Accouotonls September 2019, total revenues ofRs. 9,868 Lakhs and Rs 18,819 Lakhs, total net profit after

.. Ji Infntt>di

31lnfolltCh Llmltad (CIN : 167120MH1 H 3PLC07Ul1 1

Regd. offoce: Tower ' S. 3" 10 6'" F~. InlOmatioNollnfo1odl PI"', Vishi, Navi "",""bei 400 703 Em .. , In_tcnO~..,,. w .... ~. : .......... 3H'II<>ttdI.oom To! NO.:022·71 23 BOOO

Un. ""lItod StMldollone a , lance Sheel •• at September 30, 201 '

Page 12: Chartered Accountants - Singapore Exchange · "--€, ff''t~j & Co CtwlMed Accouotonls September 2019, total revenues ofRs. 9,868 Lakhs and Rs 18,819 Lakhs, total net profit after

The S,~ fonaoci., r. tuits of the COIT"Iproy for Ih& 111*1'" _ hIoH )'Nt ""'*' s.pt_ 30, 2011i1'lBv. boen rlviftwd by !he Audit CommiH .. MId IIfIPOY'8CI by Ihe SOlid of OQo;Iors .1 KS "-ling held on ();IObet 17, 20111.

2 AI ~..- Ind AS 1011. __ hH -.. ___ ......... \notionaI) onronanciel ~II; vi:. Pref ................. : fCCas • .-.w. SlIr .. deCU _ ...... """'" itt Pr,f ... _ S,.,.,.. • . 'II4"Iid"I


• , • 7

I"IU -. II-. _ ~ separate line ............ Item no. VHI in Ihe Financilli R_.

TN ~ I"I:Id ..-~ InIm Ihe Ministry at CCWporMe Nt .... (MeA) kif _ of R •. 61 .54.4521_ ~I ~ !DIal --... 01 Rs.l .23.0II.1IOlI. paid 10 Ihe Managing ~or 01 ..... ~ lor "'" period from 11181201610 311312017 with • dorlCtion 10 "'" ~ 10 r_ ... 'emaonong (non.) r---allon 01 R • . 51.S4.4511-.

The CompetI)' had oblaoned _""II lrem lender. _ "10 lrom S"-ehoIdet • ., lhol ~ Genetll MMI"", hekl on S~en"Oet 5. 2017 for l/le .. celt ,-.ne,.,"'" paid 10 l/le MlnagirloQ Oortctor. Thol Compeny hoIl obI-'ned.1egal opinion Ifom~. CDU"lHII...nich ""',, tiIal. upon lhol enlorca<TIWIl 0I1he _nd",.....'o S~ion 1117(10~ 01 lhol Companiel AcI 2013. lhol recovery 01 the bll.nc. , ......... , .. Oon I,orn Ihe Managing O~ector 10 the Company In KHH. CltlbI' Rid 10 IlInd wai.1td _ c:onlequenUy the M~ O;rOdor"l obiill"1ion 10 "'>1M 1M amovnt will .'IOCI."to '~L Thol a_a 01 0'--•• on !he basia 01 1M opinion _I<JbjrIcIIO Ihe 'PI'fO"II 01 the Shw,hoIders. f r~.a. _ wlivltd \he recovery olIN ace .. r8ll'U'Wlr"I1ion .idoo r. l<llution paned II 1M 80erd MMling held onJ........-y16.2019 .

o..tng lhoo quet!et. 3i WoIacII ~ a v. _1I"ICOrJI(II'a!'" 'IIII~ IUbuIIIry itt .... __ on -""Y 11. 201910 IIPlhoo bIAitloI .. lIppOIlo.ntill in lhll ~

EfIean.. April 1. 2019. III ~ hH Idopted Ina AS 116. The COI"r"4*.w. itlIonNIion is not .. _eel in !he "'-ed rn..a.to.-. The Mk>pIion of .,... slandard _ not _ ..., ..... ..., imped 10!he ~ fonanoll multI of !he ~ .

figw •• lOr lhoo pr ....... pIriod hev. _ ~""'enged _ ..... i'lIOtluot"y 10 codorm to 11M ,,",_lOtI oIlhoo CU"TiInI period.

The rllllflllOrll"le C[U8IIet and periOd ""'*' September 30. 2019 ......... illlbl. on BSE Limiled's WIbI~. (wwwb5eif\di • . com). NatiorlalSIad<ElcchaogeollrdilLimilldl weblitl{wwwnHindil.com)1tld on Ihe Company'l weDlill (www.3i~nrO!.ch.com).

Page 13: Chartered Accountants - Singapore Exchange · "--€, ff''t~j & Co CtwlMed Accouotonls September 2019, total revenues ofRs. 9,868 Lakhs and Rs 18,819 Lakhs, total net profit after



Particulars September 3D, 2019 March 31, 2019


Profit/f l oss) before Income tax 2,300 1,911 Adjustments for: - -Depreciation and amortisation e)(pense 1,080 211 Employee share-based payment eKpense 168 68 Other income 548 (635) Remeasurement of Defined Benefit Obligation (201) 185 Allowance for doubtful debts 263 359 Interest income classified as investing cash flows (281) (436) Finance costs 4,S64 8,423

Net foreign e)(change differences 193 512 Change in operating assets and liabilities: - -(Increasel/Decrease in trade receivables 1,014 (2,949) (Increasel/Decrease in inventories 16 39 Increase/(decreasel in trade payables (3,807) (795) (Increase) in other f inancial assets (968) (3,164) (Increasel/decrease in other non-current assets 389 (598) (Increasel/decrease in other current assets (1,788) (758) Increase/(decrease) in provisions 294 153 Increase in other cu rrent liabilities 1,218 5,580

Cash generated from operations 5,062 14,106 Less: Income ta)(es paid / (Refund) (Net) (159) 624 Net cash inflow from operatin, activities 4,903 14,130

CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: - -Payments for property, plant and equipment (974) (1,082) Payments for software development costs (72) 543 loans to employees - (D) Repayment of loans by employees (D) 13 Interest received 306 49 Net cash Inflow/(outflow) from investln, activities (740) (477) CASH FLOWS fROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES: - -Proceeds from/(Repayment of) borrowings (1, 225) (4,505) Interest paid (2,440) (4,423) Rent - Right-To-Use Assets (IndASU6) (684) -Dividends paid - (64) Dividend distribution ta)( paid - (32)

Net cash inflow/loutflow) from financing activities (4,349) (9,024) Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (186) S,229 Cash an d Cash Equivalents at the beginning of the financial year 10,119 4,890

Cash and Cash Equivalents at end of the year 9,933 10,119

Reconciliation of cash and cash equ ivalents as per the cash flow statement: - -Cash and cash equivalents as per above comprise ofthe following: - -Balances with banks: - --On current accounts 2,091 2,690

-On deposit accounts 7,841 7,428

Cash on hand I I

Balances as per statement of cash flows 9,933 10,119

Page 14: Chartered Accountants - Singapore Exchange · "--€, ff''t~j & Co CtwlMed Accouotonls September 2019, total revenues ofRs. 9,868 Lakhs and Rs 18,819 Lakhs, total net profit after



Profitl!lon) belore Income tax:

Adjustments for:

Depreciation and amortisation expense Employee share-based payment expense Allowance for doubtful debu Net loss on disposal of property, planl and equipment Net gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment Guanntee Commission Income In leresl lncome on Financial Assels ill Amortised Cosl Miscellaneous Income Remeasurement of Employee benefit obligation Inleresl lncome c~slfied;)5 Investing ash flows Finance costs Net foreign exchanse difference5

Chlnse In opel'lting lueu I nd "'bllhles: !lncruse)!Oecrease In trade receivables Increase/!decrease) In trade payables !lncruse) In other financial assets (Increase)/decrease In other non·current aSSets jlncrease)/decrnse In other current assets Innease/(de< rease) In provisions Incruse In other currentliabililles

Payments for property, plant and equipmenl PavmenU for software development COSU Proceeds from sale 01 property, plant and equipment Repaymenl of loans by employees IntereS! received

CASH FLOWS fROM FINANCING ACTlV1T1E5: Rent· IIIBM·Ta-Vse AsseU {lndAS116) Repavment of borrowings Repayment 01 borrowlngs· Related Parties IntereS! paid Oividends paid Dividend distribution tax paid

Net cash Inflow outflow from fl nancin activities

Net increase (de<rease) in cash and cash equivalen ts Cash and Cash Equivalenu at the beginning of the financial vear Effects of ucllanle rate changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and Cash E uivalents al end of the ear

Cash and cash equivalents as per above comprise of the following:

(ash and cash ~uivalents

8alances with banks: • Ofl current Kcounts - On deposit accounts

Cash on hand

Balances r statement of cash flows


'" 168



0 11,931)







m 7,618




682 68

o 13


(251) (2'U)


(64) (32)





Sl9 7,428

