CHECKDESK SORTING, DEVELOPING & DISSEMINTAING CITIZEN REPORTING IN THE MENA REGION ´,PDJLQH \RX DUH D MRXUQDOLVW UHSRUWLQJ RQ SURWHVWV LQ 'DPDVFXV RQ )ULGD\ )HEUXDU\ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO MRXUQDOLVWV DUH ODUJHO\ EDUUHG IURP HQWHULQJ 6\ULD ZKLOH local journalists face repression — your main source is citizen media. Within a period of an hour you see multiple YouTube videos purporting to show demon- VWUDWLRQV LQ 0H]]HK 0LGDQ DQG .DIHU 6RXVHK 6RPH VKRZ FLYLOLDQV LQMXUHG E\ JXQÀUH DQG ZKDW DSSHDUV WR be plainclothes security men arresting protesters. You also see Facebook and Twitter updates announcing SURWHVWV LQ WKH $O +DMDU DO $VZDG DQG <DOGD GLVWULFWV :KDW FDQ \RX GR WR YHULI\ WKH UHSRUWV" +RZ GR \RX draw a coherent narrative from such a rich but frag- PHQWHG VWUHDP RI LQIRUPDWLRQ"µ Checkdesk allows a journalist to bring a “Report” from a diverse range of sources, and quickly add it to WKH GHVN LW JHQHUDWHV DQ HPEHGGHG YLHZ RI WKH 85/ rendering YouTube videos, Bambuser feeds or any user generated content playable from within the plat- form. From here a journalist can turn on the “Fact- FKHFNLQJ :RUNÁRZµ 7KLV FUHDWHV DQ DGGHG OD\HU RI interaction at the report level, and highlights the report DV XQGHUJRLQJ UHYLHZ -RXUQDOLVWV DQG FLWL]HQ MRXUQDOLVWV can then collaborate around a report-bound, free-form fact-checking process, designed to encourage ques- tions and to replicate the common ad hoc fact-check- ing activities taking place on Twitter and Facebook. At any stage of the fact-checking process, a journalist FDQ DVVLJQ D VWDWXV WR DQ\ UHSRUW ´9HULÀHGµ ´&DQQRW EH YHULÀHGµ ´,Q SURJUHVVµ ´)DOVHµ 7KHVH VWDWXVHV display wherever the report appears within Checkdesk, and journalists and community managers can link to individual reports, where all statuses and fact-checking GLVFXVVLRQ LV UHWDLQHG DQG YLVLEOH ,Q WKLV ZD\ &KHFN- desk brings transparency to the fact-checking process: even if users choose not to participate in fact-check- ing, they are able to see the “working out”. Building on the success of this two year project, 0HHGDQ DQG %&8 WHDPV DUH QRZ ORRNLQJ LQWR ZD\V WR H[SDQG WKHLU SDUWQHU EDVH WR LQFOXGH MRXUQDOLVP VFKRROV LQ /HEDQRQ -RUGDQ DQG (J\SW DQG HPSRZHU activists and journalism students to fact-check news reports and political statements in countries undergo- ing turbulent constitutional evolution. The aim is to model a culture of critical inquiry that FRXOG EHQHÀW ERWK FLWL]HQ DQG PDLQVWUHDP MRXUQDO- LVWV DQG WKH UHJLRQ·V QH[W JHQHUDWLRQ RI WUDQVSDUHQF\ advocates through supporting them to deploy media OLWHUDF\ DQG FULWLFDO WKLQNLQJ VNLOOV DQG WR H[DPLQH DQG UHSDLU LQIRUPDWLRQ ÁRZV LQ WKHLU FRXQWULHV 8OWLPDWHO\ WKH SURMHFW VKRXOG DOORZ DOO EHQHÀFLDULHV WR HPEHG these new media practices into their everyday life through training, curriculum design and collaboration. ,Q RUGHU WR PD[LPLVH LPSDFW DQG FUHDWH VXVWDLQDEOH YDOXH WKH SURMHFW·V GHYHORSPHQW DQG UHVHDUFK WHDPV are now working on integrating Checkdesk into curric- ulum design, and training activists and students on us- ing the platform as a learning tool that can inspire new PRGHV RI OLWHUDF\ LQ D KLJKO\ SRODULVHG UHJLRQ ,Q WKLV FRQWH[W D ÀUVW SLORW SURMHFW ZDV LQLWLDWHG ZLWK WKH /HE- DQHVH $PHULFDQ 8QLYHUVLW\ RI %HLUXW SURYLGLQJ IDFXOW\ VXSSRUW WR 'U <DVPLQH 'DEERXV DQG KHU ,QYHVWLJD- WLYH -RXUQDOLVP FODVV 7KURXJKRXW WKH )DOO 0HHGDQ DQG %&8 WHDPV ZLOO EH WUDLQLQJ 'U 'DEERXV and her journalism students on the basics of syllabus GHVLJQ DQG 2SHQ (GXFDWLRQDO 5HVRXUFHV 2(5 RQ media literacy skills and interactive ways to integrate technology into their teaching/learning process. An /$8 LWHUDWLRQ RI WKH &KHFNGHVN OLYHEORJ LV VFKHGXOHG to be launched in December 2013, allowing the stu- dents to use the platform as a learning tool inside their classroom, and to fact-check all content published on their student online newspaper The Tribune. THE CHECKDESK SOLUTION// CONCLUSIONS// THE CHECKDESK FACT-CHECKING PROCESS CITIZEN JOURNALISTS CHECKDESK FACT-CHECKING WORKFLOW DISSEMINATION 'LPD 6DEHU

Checkdesk: Sorting, developing and disseminating citizen reporting in the MENA Region

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A diversity of practices have emerged in the last five years that have permitted new forms of present tense responses to crisis. H20 seeks to link and learn from these diverse but related initiatives by providing a forum through which pioneers of web 2.0 technologies can be brought into productive dialogue with experts in humanitarian relief.

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Page 1: Checkdesk: Sorting, developing and disseminating citizen reporting in the MENA Region



is citizen media. Within a period of an hour you see

multiple YouTube videos purporting to show demon-

VWUDWLRQV�LQ�0H]]HK��0LGDQ��DQG�.DIHU�6RXVHK��6RPH�VKRZ�FLYLOLDQV�LQMXUHG�E\�JXQÀUH�DQG�ZKDW�DSSHDUV�WR�be plainclothes security men arresting protesters. You

also see Facebook and Twitter updates announcing

SURWHVWV�LQ�WKH�$O�+DMDU�DO�$VZDG�DQG�<DOGD�GLVWULFWV��:KDW�FDQ�\RX�GR�WR�YHULI\�WKH�UHSRUWV"�+RZ�GR�\RX�draw a coherent narrative from such a rich but frag-


Checkdesk allows a journalist to bring a “Report”

from a diverse range of sources, and quickly add it to

WKH�GHVN��LW�JHQHUDWHV�DQ�HPEHGGHG�YLHZ�RI �WKH�85/��rendering YouTube videos, Bambuser feeds or any

user generated content playable from within the plat-

form. From here a journalist can turn on the “Fact-

FKHFNLQJ�:RUNÁRZµ��7KLV�FUHDWHV�DQ�DGGHG�OD\HU�RI �interaction at the report level, and highlights the report

DV�XQGHUJRLQJ�UHYLHZ��-RXUQDOLVWV�DQG�FLWL]HQ�MRXUQDOLVWV�can then collaborate around a report-bound, free-form

fact-checking process, designed to encourage ques-

tions and to replicate the common ad hoc fact-check-

ing activities taking place on Twitter and Facebook.

At any stage of the fact-checking process, a journalist

FDQ�DVVLJQ�D�VWDWXV�WR�DQ\�UHSRUW��´9HULÀHGµ��´&DQQRW�EH�YHULÀHGµ��´,Q�SURJUHVVµ���´)DOVHµ��7KHVH�VWDWXVHV�display wherever the report appears within Checkdesk,

and journalists and community managers can link to

individual reports, where all statuses and fact-checking

GLVFXVVLRQ�LV�UHWDLQHG�DQG�YLVLEOH��,Q�WKLV�ZD\��&KHFN-desk brings transparency to the fact-checking process:

even if users choose not to participate in fact-check-

ing, they are able to see the “working out”.

Building on the success of this two year project,


VFKRROV�LQ�/HEDQRQ��-RUGDQ�DQG�(J\SW�DQG�HPSRZHU�activists and journalism students to fact-check news

reports and political statements in countries undergo-

ing turbulent constitutional evolution.

The aim is to model a culture of critical inquiry that



WKH�SURMHFW�VKRXOG�DOORZ�DOO�EHQHÀFLDULHV�WR�HPEHG�these new media practices into their everyday life

through training, curriculum design and collaboration.


are now working on integrating Checkdesk into curric-

ulum design, and training activists and students on us-

ing the platform as a learning tool that can inspire new



0HHGDQ�DQG�%&8�WHDPV�ZLOO�EH�WUDLQLQJ�'U��'DEERXV�and her journalism students on the basics of syllabus

GHVLJQ�DQG�2SHQ�(GXFDWLRQDO�5HVRXUFHV��2(5���RQ�media literacy skills and interactive ways to integrate

technology into their teaching/learning process. An

/$8�LWHUDWLRQ�RI �WKH�&KHFNGHVN�OLYHEORJ�LV�VFKHGXOHG�to be launched in December 2013, allowing the stu-

dents to use the platform as a learning tool inside their

classroom, and to fact-check all content published on

their student online newspaper The Tribune.