Checklist for Focus Group Discussions (FGD s) 1. What are the sources of irrigation water? Is the irrigation water available throughout the year? Ella: source of irrigation Hamassa River. Flow: throughout the year but the volume of water/discharge decreases after December. Abaya Bilate: source of water 2. What is your perception and understanding about small scale irrigation? There was poor perception and understanding (e.g. I am not a forage assumption, like Durge regime are you going to plough us like oxen) but currently they have good perception and understanding. Moreover, they all said that “we have given great efficiencies about water management and utilization” e.g. Waste water from each household member. Now a day’s those young farmers are highly motivated to practice this technology and they are very interesting to accept any advise that are given by NGOs and extension workers. 3. Have you ever got training on irrigation activities from anybody? Some model farmers were taken minor training that was given by World Vision and Areka Research center, but it was not address the whole irrigation users in modern way. 4. Have you got any kind of support regarding to irrigation activities from the government/ NGOs? (If yes, how much it is effective?)

Checklist for Focus Group Discussions

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Checklist for Focus Group Discussions (FGDs)1. What are the sources of irrigation water? Is the irrigation water available throughoutthe year?Ella: source of irrigation Hamassa River.Flow: throughout the year but the volume of water/discharge decreases afterDecember. Abaya Bilate: source of water 2 What is your perception an! un!erstan!ing about s"all scale irrigation?here was !oor !erce!tion and understanding "e.g. # am not a forage assum!tion$li%e Durgeregime areyou going to !loughus li%e o&en'butcurrently they havegood !erce!tion and understanding. (oreover$ they all said that )we have givengreat e*ciencies about water management and utili+ation, e.g. -aste water fromeach household member. .ow a day/s those young farmers are highly motivated to!ractice this technology and they are very interesting to acce!t any advise that aregiven by .01s and e&tension wor%ers. # $ave you ever got training on irrigation activities fro" anybo!y? 2ome model farmers were ta%en minor training that was given by -orld 3ision andAre%a Research center$ but it was not address the whole irrigation users in modernway.% $ave you got any kin! of support regar!ing to irrigation activities fro"thegovern"ent& 'G(s? (If yes) how "uch it is effective?) hoseinstitutionsaremostlysu!!ortustoshiftourfarmingactivityfromcerealcro!s to cash cro!s li%e tomato$ !a!er$ garlic$ cabbage$ etc.Even if the fre4uencyof thetrainingis limitedandnot covers thewholeirrigators but weareveryinteresting and a!!ly their idea !ro!erly. 2till we are very egger such ty!es of shortterm training even there is no any !erdiam. * What arethe"a+orchallengesinusings"all scaleirrigationinthisarea(capital)conflict) "arket) etc)? Lack of infrastructure such as road, transport Lack of market chain, such as they have only Humbo market. Lack of improved seed variety, they mostly access poor quality seeds per cup. Lack of agric-chemicals Lack of capital and skill manpower to maintain the water supply structures Conflict due to illegal turn utilization , What are the rules an! regulations (bylaws) practice! by water users association?heyhavewaterusersassociationandthroughthisassociationthereisastrongrulesandregulation. .g. si! hours for only one household irrigators and penalty he"she abuse before thegiven time is not overcome there will be punishments of #$$ birr for day time and %$$ birr fornight time. &here are number of commits to implement their ob'ectives. (f a household has smallirrigation farm land he must transfer"give another users and if the land size is large there is timead'ustment by water distributer commits.- What arethe"a+orconstraints forthe!evelop"ent an!"anage"ent ofirrigationsche"es in thisarea? Lack of technical support Lack of maintenance such as division bo! )seofpoorconstructionmateriale.g.mostlyuseconcreteandnaturalsoilrathernotcement, etc *oor watershed management &here is high siltation or sediment problem *oor community mobilization on watershedmanagement +oil acidity and salinization challenges &here is no any soil test"check up regularly from the concerned bodies ,perate, re-design and planthoseunlined canals to lined canals *oor design of furrow length . What organi/ational set0up of water users associations are you practicing?(organi/ational structure) 1What is the nature of conflict relate! to irrigation water an! "easures taken to solveconflicts? &urn abuse especially by those kids and youngsters -dvise by management commits *enalty either #$$birr or %$$ birr. He"she will block water user members.23 What "arketing support is given to pro!ucers to tackle "arketing bottleneck? Is therea!e4uate "arket linkages? &here is no adequate market linkage .even if we are working day and night time we arenot happy by current market system/. 0earehighlyaffectedbymiddlemen.&hereisnoanymarketaccessforagriculturalinputs like improved seed variety, chemicals, fertilizers, etc. &he e!tension agents advise and increase us to work hard so as to produce three times peryear using irrigation water but after harvesting our product they leave us or they do notfacilitate market access and linkage for us. 5&'3'a"e of 6ebele'o of5che"es7ctual Irrigate!7rea (in $a)'o of8eneficiaries 22#%*,-.19otal