Chernigov Secret Caves_gr

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  • 8/9/2019 Chernigov Secret Caves_gr




    atalia, lga, nder ,, Boldin Hill Eternal Flame



  • 8/9/2019 Chernigov Secret Caves_gr


    CHERNIGIV SECRET CAVES/ . 12, 15121 , . 210-6149149. 6937097443-mail [email protected] 210.8065618 6937097443

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    , Cherniga.

    . , Chornyy, ChornaGrave.Most Chernigiv Dytynets,

    . , 8-12 , . , Dytynets Desna , . 11 - . Kyivan , Prince ,

    , Prince Svyatoslav. Chernigiv . Glib, Dytynets, 12 , . , 18 Hetman Mazepa, , . 18 - Dytynets Chernigiv. (.: 0462-43-236).

    Chernigiv , Mezinska . 20 , . , , . Chernigiv VV Tarnovsky (4 ., .: 0462-17-66-50, 17-67-93). " " Castanet ! , . Chernigiv Chernigiv St Anthony - (92 .), Kyivan Rus. 1069 -Pechersk , , Chernigiv. , 12 century.For . . 1960, , . 1970,

  • 8/9/2019 Chernigov Secret Caves_gr


  • 8/9/2019 Chernigov Secret Caves_gr


    . , UIA +380 44 ( ) 581 -5050,

    Slovyansky Hotel Complex 200 -

    deluxe , , /, , .: Chernigiv, 33 Myra Ave., Tel.:(04622) 74-604Gradetsky Hotel

    Chernigiv 10 deluxe -deluxe , .

    : Chernigiv, 68 Myra Ave., Tel.: (04622) 45-025Etoile Cafe , , , , .: Chernigiv, 50 Pyatnitska ., T.: (0462) 18-57-30 ,

    .: Chernigiv, 32 Myra Ave., : (04622) 7-41-65


    Chernihiv .

  • 8/9/2019 Chernigov Secret Caves_gr


    , ', . Chernihiv . Pechers'k?

    . ,

    ceremonials , (kymityrii) . . , . Totems'kyi 8 m 40 cm, ( !). , , - . , 350 . , . - . ? ? : ,

    , Anthony . ... midair . Anthony Pecherskyi. , . Anthony , . Boldyn Hills ." Anthony" , , 10,00 .. 6,00 ... . ?

  • 8/9/2019 Chernigov Secret Caves_gr


    , Of Chernigov

    , , Peter Petrovich Kedrov, 30 1876 ( , 1877) Yaransk, Vyatka, ( , - ). hieroconfessor Abercius, Zhitomir. ,, Kremenetz . Wraclaw, . , , . , , Bishop Anthony(Khrapovitsky) . -. , Peter : , (. 5,29), . Maximenko, Jordanville. , . , . , , . 1898 Bishop Anthony,

    Volhynia. Fr. , Derman Pochayev . 1899 , 1900 . 1905 . 1906 Derman. 30 1911 -Seversky. 1916 Starodub, vicariate Chernigov. 1917 Chernigov.

    1917-18 Vladyka , 30 1917 .

  • 8/9/2019 Chernigov Secret Caves_gr


    , , . , , ! , , Chernigov,

    , . , . Chernigov -- . . . . . , , , . -- . , , , , :

    "". . 1922, , . , . , . , , thronged archpastor . GPU . , , - , GPU .

    . . .

    , "" , , ""

    incorruption . , , .

    , incorruption, , . , , - -

    . , . .

    Chernigov . ""

  • 8/9/2019 Chernigov Secret Caves_gr


    , , , , , , sobbed, . ,

    , Chernigov, . , - . , , . , . 1923 , , , Volokolamsk. 29 1923 ( :

    1927 1929) . , Vladyka 1923 1924 , 1924 1925- . 10 1925 Peter Krutitsa, Butyrki . , ( , 1926 1928), Zyryansk. , Solovki, Mai-Gub - 1928 Zyryansk 1928 1930. 1927, , Abercius, traitrous "

    . : , , . , ." , ? - ! ! ; ; . "

    Nesterov, . , , 1932 Kuzema. ': , , . Nesterov, . Kuzema . Kuzema . .

    . :

  • 8/9/2019 Chernigov Secret Caves_gr


    " ', Vladyka!" -- . , . , .

    Nesterov, , . , , . , . . , . , Chernigov 1930,

    , , . Chernigov , Vladyka "antisergianist" . Igumen Laurence (Proskura), Smaragdus (Chernetsky) (Tyshkevich) . ( Igumen Laurence ! sergianists, .) , Igumen Alypius (Yakovenko) (Korma), Vladyka , . Vladyka , , Glukhov,

    , . , "" "- " Chernigov 1936, 1930 Chernigov, Peter. 3 / 16, 1930 ( , 1932) Chernigov . 54 (10) - " " ' . , ,

    Zyryansk 1925-28, , Chernigov , "" , . 4 , Kotelnich, Vyatka . , 15 1937 ( ), - 11 1937 Kotelnich. , Yaransk, , protopriest '. GPU , Vladyka , .

    , , Vladyka podvig

  • 8/9/2019 Chernigov Secret Caves_gr


    ...(: Gubonin, Akty Svyateishego Patriarkha Tikhona, : , 1994, pp. 877-78; RusskiyePravoslavnye Ierarkhi, : Press, 1986, . 58; Andreyev, , Platina , Ca.: . Herman Press,1982, ch. 12? Regelson, Tragediya Russkoj Tserkvi, 1917-1945, :

    Press, 1977, pp. 543, 550; Ikh Stradaniyami Ochistitsa , ,1996 , . 73; . Stankevich, "Budyet Zhe Vam dlya Vsidetel'stva", Troic'kij Visnik(Chernigov), N 9 (18), 1995, . 4 Ambrose (von Sievers),"Episkopat Istinno -- Pravoslavnoj Katakombnoj Tserkvi 1922-1997g. ",Russkoye Pravoslaviye, 4 (8), 1997, . 5? II Osipova," Svoz Ogn i VodySlyoz ", : Serebryanniye Niti, 1998, . 263)


    Lazar Baranovich Chernigov Zosima Ilinsk, 16 24 ,1662. , Chernigov ., . , . , , , , .

    , . . , . , , . 16 (OS).

    ? ? , ? , ?


    , . ? ? ? . , ( , ). NationMaster . , , Ludmila .

    . , . Ludmila , ,

  • 8/9/2019 Chernigov Secret Caves_gr


    , " ! ! " , . , ?" . , , Ludmila, " ! ! "

    " Bogoroditsa ", lined-up .", ," I ." , Luda, ." , . , . 6'9 " . ... , ... , Ludmila - "

    , . . , . " shimmy , . in. " Bogoroditsa!" ."Presviataia Bogoroditsa, nas spasi!" ." ?" , 10 . . , , . , !" , !"

    , , , "St wasn'ta , ? " , ," . , , ! ", , , 40 . ... , Ludmila , , , . doubter !


    . / . / , . , . . Chernigiv (Chernigov) 11-. Rus Anthony

    -Pechersky (). Chernigiv ,

  • 8/9/2019 Chernigov Secret Caves_gr


    . Boldin. Illya 12- . 350 . . 18-

    19- , . ', . 1987, Chernigiv . 300 . .

    Chernigiv . Chernigiv () Lubich(Lubech), Anthony Eletsky Val.

    Chernigiv . . . tunel Eletsky Val. ? . tunels posibility . , , grownd 60 . , . pasages , Chernigiv. Eletsky 1853.

    . . . . Val 20- . Anthony . " " Alypy 1918 Boldin . . Pahomy. . .

    Chernigiv. , . Lubich, Chernigiv . . -Preobrazensky -Siversky (Novgorod-Seversky). Ryhlovsry Svyato-Nicholaevsky Korop 19- . . Sedniv (Sednev). . 100

    Galagan Sribna (Srebnaya) . Petrushin

  • 8/9/2019 Chernigov Secret Caves_gr


    Chernigiv 1623. 20 Sosnitsa.

    Mason Osich Bahmach. .

    connately Irzavets Ichnya. . Zaporozhkaya . Sich (Sech) .

    Chernigiv .Rremember ' .

    - Pechersk


    . Andriy PYROHIV, Pechersk .

    , " (Varangians , , Kyivan Rus

    Dnipro , ). Dnipro River Kyivan . ; . , Kyivan Rus.Antoniy Pechersky (Anthony ) Pechersk (Laura ). Lyubech Chernihivshchyna

    . (Hustynsky ) " 1013 Antoniy Varangian." Varangians, .Vikings ( Norsemen Northmen), . . , , .

    , .

  • 8/9/2019 Chernigov Secret Caves_gr


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    , . , 1098, , Fedir Vasyl,

    . reburied

    , (MstyslavSvyatopolkovych) Kyivan. Mstyslav .

    . - .

    , . , Mstyslav . - - Kyivan Svyatoslav, .

    . , . - Troyitsko- Illynsky Chernihiv, ; Vydubetsky , ; , . , (

    - , ). . Varangian . , , , . , Varangian Dnipro River. ; .

    Antoniy Pechersky

  • 8/9/2019 Chernigov Secret Caves_gr


    . , . ; ; "Varangian " .


    " " ( )


    Antoniy Pechersky,


    Monastery.Photo . Onishchuk

    Chernihiv -Rus. VII. . - Siveryany. . . 907 . 1024 - Chernihiv. , , Chernihiv . Mstislav Vladimirovich dvoryscha - ( Val) . Chernigov

    , . Chernigovskie jewelers armourers . perehorodchasta, filigree, ... Siverskoy: , Yelytskoho () .Chernivtsi 1239 -. XIV . . 1618 Deulinskoyu - . , zaznayuchy , , vidrodzhuvalos onovlyuvalos zlatohlavyh . 1623, Chernigov Magdeburg , , 1635 - Chernigov. 1648-1654 Bohdan Khmelnytsky Chernihiv . 1802 - Chernihiv, prostyralasya . Chernigov . . Chernihiv zakomorni () . tynku , plinthoi " , ...

    Chernihiv -Rus. VII., IX. - . . . 907 . 1024 - Chernigov. , , ,

  • 8/9/2019 Chernigov Secret Caves_gr


    Chernihiv . Mstislav Vladimirovich - Detinets( Val), . Chernigov , . Chernigov armorers . cloisonne, filigree, ...

    Siverskaya : Borisoglebskij , Eletski , Pyatnitskaya () . 1239 Chernihiv -. XIV . . 1618 Deulino - . , , , , - . 1623 Chernihiv Magdeburg , , 1635 - Chernigov. 1648-1654 Bogdan Khmelnitsky Chernigov

    . 1802 - Chernigov, . Chernigov, . , . Chernihiv Zakomorny() , . , plinfy , .

    Chernihiv (Chernigiv, Chernigov) . Chernihiv , 305.000 50 .Chernihiv Dnipro, 150 .

    , . , , . Chernihiv . (11-13 ) . -Rus . .

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    A seat for prayers cut in the wall of a cave.

    The cross that could have been cut in the wall by Antoniy Pechersky,the founder of the Lavra Monastery in Kyiv in the eleventh century.

    A view of the Lower Lavra Monastery.Photo by O. Onishchuk

    Chernivtsi. Catherine Church, 1715 1725 . .

    Chernihiv James Lyzohub, Jr Lyzohubs . -

    zvytyazi Chernihiv ( JacobLyzohub), 1696 , . ', .

    Chernigov. ,1715

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    Detinets. The chur ch 1725 .

    . Chernigov Lizoguba Lyzogubov . -sveobrazny ChernigovRegiment ( Jacob Lizoguba),

    1696 , ., ' , St. Elias Church.

    Ditinets ( ) Chernihiv VII-VIII, 2 . .. Dytynets Chernigov - "Chernigov-Siverskoy . Murovanye Prince Terem, , . Detinets ( ), Chernigov VII-VIII Spot 2 .. Detinets Chernigov - "" Chernigov-

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    Severskoy . , , .

    Val . XVI-XVIII , Chernihiv.

    XVI Desna . Pohorila () . sporudzhuvalysya , , . chavunnih Val, Chernihiv.Val Detinets. XVI-XVIII , Chernigov. S XVI Desna Detinets . , Pogorelov () . , , . , Chernigovski Gear


    Shafts Detinets .

    Stronghold: (1033-1041). - , . Vladimirovich "Brave". V-IX . , , , , .

    Detinets: (1033-1041). - - . Vladimirovich "Brave". V- . , , XVIII , ,

    ."-Preobrazgensky" . in1033-1041. .

    . . XI ., Slate , , , 1795-1798; . Igor Svjatoslavovich, Regiment .

    . .

    XI .; , , , 1795-1798;

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    . Igor Svyatoslavovych, "Lay.

    Stronghold: Boris Cathedral (1120-1123) - , monumentalnist! 1120

    - Gleb, mizhusobytsi Svyatopolk . Boris cross- . plinthoi , . , .

    Chernihiv .

    Detinets: Gleb (1120-1123) - , ! 1120 Davyd Prince Vladimir - Gleb, Svjatopolka "". Gleb cross- . plinfy , . , . - Chernigov , .

    "Borisoglebsky" . during1120-1123.

    Boris . . , - : , , , Fused 1700. Danzig (). - . Borisoglebskom pohovanyo ,

    XVII. Lazar Baranovichi.

    Gleb . . , - : , , 1700. Danzig (). - . Borisoglebsky , XVII . Baranovich.

    Stronghold: Chernihiv Collegium XVI - XVIII .


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    Baranovych . . , Maksimovich, 1702 XVIII , undeservedly

    Samoilovitch, Louis Pasteur. Borisoglebskogo ,40- . Collegium perebudovuvalasya pereobladnuvalasya. .

    , . - : .

    Detinets: Chernigov Collegium

    XVI - XVIII . , Gleb Baranovichi vozrodzhdeniya. - . , , ,

    1702, Borisoglebskii, 40- . Collegium . . , . - :

    Stronghold: Chernihiv Collegium XVI - XVIII . , Baranovych .

    . , Maksimovich, 1702 XVIII , undeservedly Samoilovitch, Louis Pasteur. Borisoglebskogo ,40- . Collegium perebudovuvalasya pereobladnuvalasya. . , . - : .

    Detinets: Chernigov Collegium XVI - XVIII . ,

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    Gleb Baranovichi vozrodzhdeniya. - . , , , 1702, Borisoglebskii , 40-

    . Collegium . . , . - : .

    Stronghold: House of Jacob Lyzohub. Lyzohub - , XVII. Hetman Mazepa, XVIII Chernihiv.

    Hetmanate - . . , . , , . , - .

    Detyntsu: Lyzohub. Lizoguba- - ,

    XVII. Hetman Mazepa, XVIII Chernigov . Hetmanshchyna-

    - , . .

    , . ,

    - . , -

    Stronghold: .

    Detinets: . .

    Ditintsem: Pam `yatnik .

  • 8/9/2019 Chernigov Secret Caves_gr


    Detinets: . , , .

    Chernigov, :


    " " H 2002 200 Chernihiv .

    Chernigov, : . ( ):" "

    2002 200 Chernigov

    Pyatnitska , XII - XIII . Chernihiv torzhyscha . - , . - 12h10, 5 m, - 15h10, 5 , 27 .

    , XII - XIII . Chernigov Paraskieva. , . - 12x10, 5 m, - 15x10, 5 , 27 .

    "Pyatnytskaya" hurch. - 12 . .

    Pyatnitska . Dome .

    , muruvannya . 1786 Pyatnitska. ' "" , XVII . , , , .

    . . , Pyatnitskaya

    . 1786 Pyatnickogo .

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    ' , "" , XVII . , , , HIG Hest

    Pyatnitska . . 1962, .. Baranovsky MV Holostenka . .

    By Detyntsu: House of Jacob Lyzohub.the name of Colonel James Lizoguba-bound senior is another monument of UkrainianBaroque architecture - his house, built in the late XVII century. After the death of thefirst owner of this building became hetman Ivan Mazepa, and in the XVIII century thehouse served as the Office of the Chernigov Regiment.It should be recalled that in an era Hetmanshchyna Left-bank Ukraine had a kind ofadministrative-territorial unit in which the colonel had not only military but also thecivil authority throughout the regiment.

    Construction is a fine example of civil Baroque building. In terms it is an ordinarypeasant's hut with two halves, but the facades of houses are decorated with numerousdetails. These were troubled times, so the house walls were made thick and thewindows - narrow. If necessary, its inhabitants could withstand a siege - in thespacious cellars of stored reserves of food

    Stronghold: Monument of Pushkin.

    By Detinets: A monument to Pushkin. Pushkin bust.

    Ditintsem: Pam `yatnik Taras Shevchenko.

    By Detinets: Monument to Taras Shevchenko.Taras Shevchenko, high relief, free standingsculpture.
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    Chernigov, Red Square: burial in the

    Square.Pam wrote on `yatniku:"Eternal glory to the heroeswho died for freedom and independence

    of our homeland"Square was rebuilt in 2002 after 200 yearsof Chernihiv province at the expense of

    South-Western Railway.Chernigov, Red Square: a common grave in the park .The inscription on the monument (in Ukrainian):"Eternal glory to the heroes who fell for freedom and independence of our motherland"A square was reconstructed in 2002 to markthe 200 anniversary of the Chernigov district the means of South-western Railway
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    Pyatnitskachurch, the end of XII - the beginning of XIII century. Built in Chernihiv office in the oldtorzhyscha and named after the patron of trade Paraskeva Friday. Church is a cross-dome house, which rapidly extends in height. Its size in terms of relatively small -12h10, 5 m, with the apse - 15h10, 5 m, but the internal height from floor to highest point of the dome is 27 m.

    Friday Church, the end of XII - the beginning of XIII century. Built on the Chernigov regionof the old tenements in the market place and is named in honor of the patron saint of

    trade Paraskieva. Church is the cross-domed church, is rapidly drifting to the heights.Its size in terms of relatively small - 12x10, 5 m, with an apse - 15x10, 5 m, but theinternal height from floor to highest point of the dome is 27 m.

    "Pyatnytskaya" hurch.Byzantine style Church - built in 12th century. Often used in illustrations of differentbooks as characterizing byzantine style.

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    Pyatnitska church. Dome Church from within.In the construction of facilities used wonderfully decorative brick features, ornamentalmuruvannya Bloc churches are early examples of such decoration. In 1786 was themain building Pyatnitska monastery. Significant bomb damage during World War II shewas "dressed" in the baroque form and looked at first glance, the temple of the XVIIcentury. After careful study of its remains, scientists and archaeologists came to asensational conclusion, showing that the temple, which embodies the highestachievements of architecture of Kievan Rus.

    Friday Church. The dome of the church from within.In the construction of buildings used wonderfully decorative possibilities of brick,ornamental masonry Pyatnitskaya church serves as an early example of such adecoration. Before 1786 was mainly the construction Pyatnickogo monastery. Until a

    significant bomb damage during World War II, she was "dressed" in baroque formsand looked at first glance as the temple of the XVII century. After careful examinationof its remains, researchers, archaeologists came to the sensational conclusion that thetemple was found, embodying the hig hest achievements of architecture of Kievan Rus

    Pyatnitska church. Iconostasis.In 1962, the project architects PD Baranovsky and MV Holostenka reproduced in itsoriginal form. It was not the first attempt in Ukraine play during the reconstruction ofthe initial shape of the church.

    Friday Church. Iconostasis.In 1962, the project architects PD Baranovsky and MV Kholostenko church rebuilt in itsoriginal form. It was almost the first attempt to recreate in Ukraine during thereconstruction of the primary forms of the temple.
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    Monument to Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

    Monument to Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

    Bohdan Hmelnic'ky monument.

    Monument to defenders of Chernigov.Located in the mountains Boldin.

    Defender Chernihiv monument.Boldin is located under the mountains.

    Monument to the Defenders of Chernigiv.

    Burial graves in the mountains Boldin.Mounds "Hulbysche" and "anonymous" - the largest burial mounds on Boldinmountains - the historic district of Chernigov. There is a burial complex - one of thelargest necropolis IX-XI centuries. It consists of six burial groups defined territoryinhabited city, and has about 230 mounds.The name comes from the mountains davnoslov Slavic "bold" - an oak, or from theRuthenian "boldy" - mountains.

    Kurgannyi burial on Bolding mountains.

    Mounds "promenade" and "Bezimyanny" - the largest burial mounds on Boldingmountains - the historic district of Chernigov. Here is mound complex - one of the
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    largest cemeteries IX-XI centuries. It consists of six mound groups, defining theterritory inhabited by the city, and has about 230 mounds.

    The name comes from the mountains of the Old Slavonic "Bold" - an oak, or fromstaroukrainskogo "boldi" - mountains.

    Monumentfamous Ukrainian writer

    Michael Kotsyubinskogo (1864-1913) onBoldin mountains.

    Monumentoutstanding Ukrainian writerMichael Kotsyubinskoe (1864-1913) .Photo Elias Church (first quarter of XII century) Trinity Monastery.Architectural Ensemble Trinity Monastery (XI-XVIII century). is anexcellent example of Ukrainian Baroque. The monastery is situated onterraces of high Boldyn mountains. It consists of two parts - the former

    Trinity Monastery Ilinskom and combined landscape and architecture into a single group.Home annals of the monastery was laid in 1069, the monk Antony Caves. Dug him and hisfollowers of the cave gradually expanded and turned into a multi-layered underground

    complex --Antonievyh cave.Elijah Church (the first quarter of the twelfth century), Trinity-Elias Monastery. Architectural ensemble Trinity-Elias Monastery (XI-XVIII cent.) is a beautiful example ofUkrainian Baroque. The monastery is situated on the terraces of high Bolding mountains. Itconsists of two parts - the old Elias and Holy Trinity Monastery, combined landscape andarchitecture into a single ensemble. Start the Monastery of the chronicle was initiated in 1069a monk Anthony of the Caves. Excavated by him and his followers of the cave graduallyexpanded and transformed June into a multilevel underground complex 2004. Elias Church(first quarter of XII century) Trinity Monastery. Iconostasis.Little Elias ChurchThat nestled at the foot of the mountains, combined with direct entrance tothe cave. The church - the only such school odnonefnoho Chernihiv ancient templearchitecture have been preserved.It is said that in 1662, after the death of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, with the miraculous icon of Our

    Lady of St. Elias Church was a miracle - within ten days from her eyes flowed tears, she weptfor the future fate of the Ukrainian people. The event attracted many pilgrims and ChernihivMonastery became too small for visitors. It also was the impetus for the start of constructionon the highest plateau Boldin monastery of the Trinity Mountains. Subsequently, the two

    institutions merged in the Trinity Monastery.

    Elijah Church (the first quarter of the twelfthcentury), Trinity-Elias Monastery. Iconostasis.Little Elijah Church, Nestled at the foot of themountain, directly connected to the entrance of thecave. The church - the only surviving example ofsingle-nave church Chernigov school of ancientRussian architecture.

    It is said that in 1662, after the death of BohdanKhmelnytsky, with its miraculous icon of the Churchof Our Lady of Elijah was a miracle - for ten daysfrom her eyes flowed tears that she wept over thefuture of the Ukrainian people. The event resulted inChernigov Ilinsky many pilgrims and visitors to themonastery became too small. This triggered the startof construction on the highest plateau of mountainsBolding Trinity Monastery. Subsequently, they wereboth united in the Trinity-Elias Monastery.Antonievyh cave. How caves.

    The total length of explored caves - 315 of theoldest layer is at a depth of 12m. There is a

    legend about the existence of the undergroundpassage once one hundred and fifty miles long

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    , connecting these caves of Kiev.Antoniy cave. Scheme of the caves.The total length of the investigated part of thecaves - 315 m. The oldest layer is located at a

    depth of 12m. There is a legend about theexistence of the once-underground passage

    length one hundred and fifty kilometers, whichconnected these caves with Kiev.

    Antonyevy caves. Chart of caves.12th century caves. Similar to what isfound in Kyiv


    These were underground temples and burials.

    The mysteries of monastery caves.The first artificial caves appeared inChernigiv (Chernigov) in the 11-th century. They were founded by famous OldRus religious man Anthony who had been founder of the Kiev-Pecherskymonastery (Lavra).His monastery in Chernigiv consisted of churches, cells and burial places. Allof them were situated in the slopes of the Boldin Hills. St. Illya's church wasbuilt near the entry to the cave monastery in the 12-th century.Nowadays it is the united underground complex the length of which is about350 meters. There are three churches and a few other premises and corridors.Most of them were formed in the 18-th and the 19-th centuries but there aresome sections of the caves where ancient architecture is preserved. First of allit is a large burial temple which appeared before Mongolian period. It was

    discovered in 1987, cleared away and investigated by Chernigivarchaeologists. This room is more than 300 cubic meters. Here were foundsome rich archaeological materials and traces of the ancient burial rite.There are many legends about Chernigiv caves. They say that longunderground passages connected Chernigiv with Kyiv (Kiev) and Lubich(Lubech), that Anthony caves were connected with the Eletsky monastery andthe Val.

    "Pyatnytskaya" hurch.Byzantine style Church - built in 12th century. Often used in illustrations of differentbooks as characterizing byzantine style.
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    Pyatnitska church. Dome Church from within.In the construction of facilities used wonderfully decorative brick features, ornamentalmuruvannya Bloc churches are early examples of such decoration. In 1786 was themain building Pyatnitska monastery. Significant bomb damage during World War II shewas "dressed" in the baroque form and looked at first glance, the temple of the XVIIcentury. After careful study of its remains, scientists and archaeologists came to asensational conclusion, showing that the temple, which embodies the highestachievements of architecture of Kievan Rus.

    Friday Church. The dome of the church from within.In the construction of buildings used wonderfully decorative possibilities of brick,ornamental masonry Pyatnitskaya church serves as an early example of such adecoration. Before 1786 was mainly the construction Pyatnickogo monastery. Until a

    significant bomb damage during World War II, she was "dressed" in baroque formsand looked at first glance as the temple of the XVII century. After careful examinationof its remains, researchers, archaeologists came to the sensational conclusion that thetemple was found, embodying the hig hest achievements of architecture of Kievan Rus

    Pyatnitska church. Iconostasis.In 1962, the project architects PD Baranovsky and MV Holostenka reproduced in itsoriginal form. It was not the first attempt in Ukraine play during the reconstruction ofthe initial shape of the church.

    Friday Church. Iconostasis.In 1962, the project architects PD Baranovsky and MV Kholostenko church rebuilt in itsoriginal form. It was almost the first attempt to recreate in Ukraine during thereconstruction of the primary forms of the temple.
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    Monument to Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

    Monument to Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

    Bohdan Hmelnic'ky monument.

    Monument to defenders of Chernigov.Located in the mountains Boldin.

    Defender Chernihiv monument.Boldin is located under the mountains.

    Monument to the Defenders of Chernigiv.

    Burial graves in the mountains Boldin.Mounds "Hulbysche" and "anonymous" - the largest burial mounds on Boldinmountains - the historic district of Chernigov. There is a burial complex - one of thelargest necropolis IX-XI centuries. It consists of six burial groups defined territoryinhabited city, and has about 230 mounds.The name comes from the mountains davnoslov Slavic "bold" - an oak, or from theRuthenian "boldy" - mountains.

    Kurgannyi burial on Bolding mountains.

    Mounds "promenade" and "Bezimyanny" - the largest burial mounds on Boldingmountains - the historic district of Chernigov. Here is mound complex - one of the
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    largest cemeteries IX-XI centuries. It consists of six mound groups, defining theterritory inhabited by the city, and has about 230 mounds.

    The name comes from the mountains of the Old Slavonic "Bold" - an oak, or fromstaroukrainskogo "boldi" - mountains.

    Monumentfamous Ukrainian writer

    Michael Kotsyubinskogo (1864-1913) onBoldin mountains.

    Monumentoutstanding Ukrainian writerMichael Kotsyubinskoe (1864-1913) .Photo Elias Church (first quarter of XII century) Trinity Monastery.Architectural Ensemble Trinity Monastery (XI-XVIII century). is anexcellent example of Ukrainian Baroque. The monastery is situated onterraces of high Boldyn mountains. It consists of two parts - the former

    Trinity Monastery Ilinskom and combined landscape and architecture into a single group.Home annals of the monastery was laid in 1069, the monk Antony Caves. Dug him and hisfollowers of the cave gradually expanded and turned into a multi-layered underground

    complex --Antonievyh cave.Elijah Church (the first quarter of the twelfth century), Trinity-Elias Monastery. Architectural ensemble Trinity-Elias Monastery (XI-XVIII cent.) is a beautiful example ofUkrainian Baroque. The monastery is situated on the terraces of high Bolding mountains. Itconsists of two parts - the old Elias and Holy Trinity Monastery, combined landscape andarchitecture into a single ensemble. Start the Monastery of the chronicle was initiated in 1069a monk Anthony of the Caves. Excavated by him and his followers of the cave graduallyexpanded and transformed June into a multilevel underground complex 2004. Elias Church(first quarter of XII century) Trinity Monastery. Iconostasis.Little Elias ChurchThat nestled at the foot of the mountains, combined with direct entrance tothe cave. The church - the only such school odnonefnoho Chernihiv ancient templearchitecture have been preserved.It is said that in 1662, after the death of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, with the miraculous icon of Our

    Lady of St. Elias Church was a miracle - within ten days from her eyes flowed tears, she weptfor the future fate of the Ukrainian people. The event attracted many pilgrims and ChernihivMonastery became too small for visitors. It also was the impetus for the start of constructionon the highest plateau Boldin monastery of the Trinity Mountains. Subsequently, the two

    institutions merged in the Trinity Monastery.

    Elijah Church (the first quarter of the twelfthcentury), Trinity-Elias Monastery. Iconostasis.Little Elijah Church, Nestled at the foot of themountain, directly connected to the entrance of thecave. The church - the only surviving example ofsingle-nave church Chernigov school of ancientRussian architecture.

    It is said that in 1662, after the death of BohdanKhmelnytsky, with its miraculous icon of the Churchof Our Lady of Elijah was a miracle - for ten daysfrom her eyes flowed tears that she wept over thefuture of the Ukrainian people. The event resulted inChernigov Ilinsky many pilgrims and visitors to themonastery became too small. This triggered the startof construction on the highest plateau of mountainsBolding Trinity Monastery. Subsequently, they wereboth united in the Trinity-Elias Monastery.Antonievyh cave. How caves.

    The total length of explored caves - 315 of theoldest layer is at a depth of 12m. There is a

    legend about the existence of the undergroundpassage once one hundred and fifty miles long

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    , connecting these caves of Kiev.Antoniy cave. Scheme of the caves.The total length of the investigated part of thecaves - 315 m. The oldest layer is located at a

    depth of 12m. There is a legend about theexistence of the once-underground passage

    length one hundred and fifty kilometers, whichconnected these caves with Kiev.

    Antonyevy caves. Chart of caves.12th century caves. Similar to what isfound in Kyiv


    These were underground temples and burials.The mysteries of monastery caves.

    The first artificial caves appeared in Chernigiv(Chernigov) in the 11-th century. They werefounded by famous Old Rus religious man Anthony who had been founder of the Kiev-Pechersky monastery (Lavra).His monastery in Chernigiv consisted of churches, cells and burial places. All of themwere situated in the slopes of the Boldin Hills. St. Illya's church was built near theentry to the cave monastery in the 12-th century.Nowadays it is the united underground complex the length of which is about 350meters. There are three churches and a few other premises and corridors. Most ofthem were formed in the 18-th and the 19-th centuries but there are some sections ofthe caves where ancient architecture is preserved. First of all it is a large burial templewhich appeared before Mongolian period. It was discovered in 1987, cleared away andinvestigated by Chernigiv archaeologists. This room is more than 300 cubic meters.

    Here were found some rich archaeological materials and traces of the ancient burialrite.There are many legends about Chernigiv caves. They say that long undergroundpassages connected Chernigiv with Kyiv (Kiev) and Lubich (Lubech), that Anthonycaves were connected with the Eletsky monastery and the Val.Caves were being built in Chernigiv for centuries. Many of them were ruined andforgot.But sometimes caving-in take place in Chernigiv. One of such episodes happenedbetween the Eletsky monastery and the Trinity monastery in 1853. Three men venturedto penetrate into the pit and saw the cave. But it was pity they did not measure theunderground premises. The pictures were not made also. The entrance to the cave wascovered up with earth.Filling-in appeared in some places on the territory of the Val at the beginning of the 20-

    th century. After they had been investigated it became clear that all of them were madelater than Anthony caves.So called the New caves which were digged out by monk Alypy in 1918 are situatedin the slope of the Boldin Hills not far from the Trinity monastery. The underground premises were decorated by Ukrainian folk ornaments. After the erection of thatcomplex had been finished it was sanctified by bishop Pahomy. Some time later theNew caves were deserted and partially ruined. Most of the ornaments disappeared.Nobody knows how many caves there are on the territory of the Chernigiv region. Butwe are firmly convinced of the fact that there are many of them. The most famouscaves are known in Lubich, if we set aside Chernigiv caves. It is explained by theinformation that father of Russian monkhood saint Anthony was born in this Old Rustown and spent there his youth.No less known are caves of Spaso-Preobrazensky monastery in Novgorod-Siversky

    (Novgorod-Seversky).The cave small and secluded convent of Ryhlovsry Svyato-Nicholaevsky monastery in
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    Korop vicinity was widely known at the end of the 19-th century. Now it is neglected.Many legends about the local caves exist inSedniv (Sednev). One deserted cave wasfound accidentally near this settlement.An underground corridor the length of which is about 100 meters is under formerlandlord Galagan's estate in Sribna (Srebnaya) vicinity.The similar cave under landowner's house in the village Petrushin of Chernigiv vicinity

    was mentioned in documents in 1623.20 years ago a half-ruined cave was found in Sosnitsa.The vast underground premises strengthened with mason are known under villageOsich of Bahmach vicinity. They say there is a sarcophagus in one of the underground premises of that complex.A very interesting legend is connately with the caves in the village Irzavets of Ichnyavicinity. They are situated under the ruined old cossack church. The local people aresure that the famous Zaporozhkaya Virgin icon is hidden there. The icon was deliveredto that village by cossack after the Itself (coulter) had been liquidated.The tradition of the cave building in Chernigiv land exists for eight centuries. We mustremember

    that caves are monuments of history and culture that's why they required our



    Antonievyh cave. Inside the caves.Second tier. Anthony Cave Church.

    Antoniy cave. Inside the caves.Second tier. Anthony Church Crypt.


    Antonievyh cave. Inside the caves.Third tier. Chapel with burial.

    Antoniy cave. Inside the caves.Third tier. Chapel with burial.
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    Nicholas SvyatoshaPrince of Chernigov, Kiev Thaumaturgy (about 1080-1143) in the world - Prince Svyatoslav of Chernigov-Taormina Davidovich(Svyatosha was shortened name Svyatoslav: so people called him) was bornabout 1080 and was the son of David Sviatoslavovych Chernigov Prince,grandson and great Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavoich, patron Pecherskihmonks. Prior to the adoption monk was Lutsk Prince, owned land in thePrincipality of Chernigov, had a wife and children (his daughter was latermarried to Prince of Novgorod Vsevolod-Gabriel).

    February 17, 1106 Prince Svyatoslav, Taormina, leaving the family took thename postyh and Nicholas spent 36 years in the Kiev-Pechersk monastery,leading a strict ascetic life.He suffered a monastery hospital to the other side of the monastery andexpanded so that formed a "hospital monastery. With funds SvyatoshiNicholas was builtTrinity Church of Kyiv-Pechersk monasteryhospital andthe Church. Nicholas. Near his cell Nikolai Svyatosha solution perfectgarden.After the death of the prince-monk was canonized. He is buried in the Middle(Antonievyh) caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

    Nicola SvyatoshaPrince of Chernigov, Crypt the Miracle (c. 1080-1143), inthe world - Prince Svyatoslav of Chernigov-Pankraty Davidovich (Holy Man

    was the abbreviated name of Sviatoslav: they called his family) was bornabout 1080 and was the son of David Svyatoslavich Chernigov prince andgrandson of Grand Duke Svyatoslav Yaroslavovych, the patron Pecherskikhmonks. Before vows as a monk was a prince of Lutsk, owned land in theChernigov principality, had a wife and children (his daughter later becamethe wife of the Prince of Novgorod Vsevolod-Gabriel).February 17, 1106 Prince Svyatoslav-Pankraty left the family, received, andmastered by the name Nicola spent 36 years in the Kiev-Pecherskmonastery, leading a severe ascetic life.He suffered a monastic hospital on the other side of the monastery andexpanded so that they formed a "sick monastery. The funds Nikolahypocrites were builtTrinity Gate Church of the Kiev-Pechersk monasteryhospital and church of St. Nicholas. Around its Svyatosha the cell Nicola

    threw a beautiful garden.After his death was canonized. He is buried in the Near (Antoniy) caves of
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    Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

    The Holy Nicolas /Sviatosha/- the Prince of Lutsk Sviatoslav, the son ofthe Chernigov Prince David Sviatoslavich, having lost his princely domain1107, he took the monastic vows of Kyiv (Kiev) Pechersk Monastery underthe name of Nicolas. He had been living in the Monastery for about 40 years

    living a stern and ascetic life. It used his means to buildthe Trinity Church ofthe Kyiv (Kiev) Pechersk Monastery of the Caves. After the death he wascanonized.


    Antonievyh cave. Inside the caves. Lower tier.Gallery to unearthed after the collapse of theChurch of XI-XII centuries.

    Antoniy cave. Inside the caves. The lower tier.Gallery of excavated after the collapse of theChurch of XI-XII century.

    Chernihiv (Chernigov). The Caves of the

    St.Anthonys. The lower circle. The galleries.


    Antonievyh cave. Inside the caves. Lower tier. tier- One with lots of modern Antonievyhcaves. Launched in the Old days. First, there wasa place of accommodation monk-hermit. In theXVII centurywas extended to the XVIII century.used as a necropolis Cave Monastery.The composition of the lower tier includesgalleries, cells of monks and burial nyshi - lukuly.

    Antoniy cave. Inside the caves. The lower tier.Lower tier- One of the sites of modern Antoniycaves. Based in Old Russian times. First was theresidence of the monk-hermit. Following theexpansion of (XVII century.), Until the XVIIIcentury. used as a cave necropolis EliasMonastery.In part nizhneogo tiers are galleries, cells of themonks andburial niches - lukuly.

    Chernihiv (Chernigov). The Caves of theSt.Anthonys. The lower circle.The lowercircle - one of the parts of theSt.Anthonys caves. It was founded in the ancientRussia period. First it was the place where themonk-anchorite lived. In the 17-th c. it waswidened and it was used as a burial place ofSt.Illiyas monastery up to the 18-th c.It consists of the galleries, the monks cells andthe burial niches - lukuls.


    Antonievyh cave. Inside the caves. Lower tier.Ossuary (kimitriya) XII century. Scheme.

    Antoniy cave. Inside the caves. The lower tier.Ossuary (kimitriya) XII century. Scheme.
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    Antonievyh cave. Inside the caves. Lower tier.Gallery.

    Antoniy cave. Inside the caves. The lower tier.Gallery.


    Antonievyh cave. Inside the caves. Lower tier.Kelly Anthony Cave.

    Antoniy cave. Inside the caves. The lower tier.Qilya Anthony Crypt.


    Trinity Monastery. Trinity Cathedral.Construction of Trinity monastery associated withthe name of the famous Ukrainian religious,political, cultural figures and enlightener LazarusBaranovichi. Even in a time when the typographyare just beginning, and Lazar Baranovych foundedin Novgorod-Seversky printing, which was latertransferred to the Trinity Monastery. She wasknown to the skill of its engraver, and themonastery library had more than 11 thousandbooks.Please do read about this with mya brief history ofthe Ukrainian culture, education and science ofthose times.Central sporudu ensemble Monastir - velichnysemiverhyTrinity Cathedralwas founded in 1679on the project and led by architect John Baptist.

    Trinity-Elias Monastery. Trinity Cathedral.Construction of Trinity monastery associated withthe name of the famous Ukrainian religious,political, cultural activist and educator LazarusBaranovichi. At a time when the printing press wasjust beginning, Lazar Baranovich founded inNovgorod-Seversky printing press, which was

    subsequently transferred to the Trinity Monastery.She was known for his mastery of engravers, asmonastic library consisted of more than 11
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    thousand books.We also invite you read about it with myvery shortexcursion into the history of Ukrainian culture,education and science of the time.The central building of the ensemble -majestic semiverhyTrinity Cathedralwas

    founded in 1679 on the project and under thesupervision of architect John the Baptist.


    Trinity Monastery. Trinity Cathedral.Iconostasis.Trinity Cathedral- The first big house that wasbuilt across the Dnieper in Ukraine after the princeof days, after a long break in the builder of art thatwas caused by the Mongol invasion and decline ofthese centuries. Trinity Cathedral, and so farremains the largest religious buildings inChernigov, its height is within 35 m and the size ofthe plan - 38h26 am to the present time kept Wall-

    painting XVII - XVIII century. and the mintedsouthern altar doors. Construction of the templeaccompanied by great difficulties and withtrimming zatyahnulosya for 17 years. He wasalready consecrated successor LazarusBaranovych Theodosius Uhlytskym. Thisoutstanding Ukrainian religious leader died in1696 and 200 years after his death was connectedto the saints. In the years of Soviet powerimperishable holy relics were taken in churchesand kept in state institutions, only in 1986 theyreturned to believers.

    Trinity-Elias Monastery. Trinity Cathedral.Iconostasis.Trinity Cathedral- The first great temple, built inthe entire Naddniprianske Ukraine after theprince's era, after a long hiatus in the developmentof architectural art, caused by the Tatar-Mongolinvasion and decline in subsequent centuries.Trinity Cathedral, and to this day remains thelargest cult construction of Chernigov and hiselevation is within 35 m while the dimensions inthe plan - 38h26 am to the present time arepreserved murals XVII - XVIII century. and struckthe southern doors of the altar. Construction of the

    temple soprovodzhalos great difficulty and at thefinish was delayed for 17 years. He was already asuccessor osvyaschn Lazarus BaranovichiTheodosius Uglich. This looking Ukrainian clericdied in 1696 and 200 years after death, wasnumbered among the saints. In the years of Sovietpower the incorrupt relics of the saint wereremoved from the church and held in publicinstitutions, only in 1986 they were returned tobelievers.
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    Trinity Monastery. Chasovenka over the cryptof the Russian diplomat and scholar GSScherbiny. The second term - the chapel crypt ofthe genus Stefanovich.Gregory S. Shcherbina came from a family ofChernihiv carpenter, made a brilliant academic

    career and tragically died in 1903 as a Russianconsul in Mitrovica in Serbian.

    Trinity-Elias Monastery. Chapel of the tomb ofRussia diplomat GS Shcherbina. In thebackground - the Chapel of the tomb kindStefanovich.Grigory Stepanovich Shcherbina was born inChernigov carpenter, made a brilliant scientificcareer and tragically died in 1903, Russia's consulin office in the Serbian town of Mitrovica.


    Refectory Church of Vvedensky (1677-1679)

    Trinity Monastery. Dvohkupolna only church thatremained in Left Bank Ukraine. For forms ofexpression is one of the best monuments of theBaroque period in Ukraine.

    Refectory with the Church Vvedensky (1677-1679) Trinity-Elias Monastery. Only dvukupolnachurch, preserved in the Left-Bank Ukraine.Expressive forms refers to the best monuments ofBaroque pores in Ukraine.


    Trinity Monastery. Bust at the tomb of poet-fabulist LI Glebova.

    Burial of the famous Ukrainian poet and fabulist,Leonid Glebov is located near the southern facadeof Trinity Cathedral.

    Trinity-Elias Monastery. Tits on the grave ofpoet-basennika LI Glibova.Burial of the famous Ukrainian poet basennikaLeonid Glibova located near the southern facadeof the Trinity Cathedral.


    Belltower Trinity Monasterycrowning thehighest hill Boldin mountains.Bell Tower was built in 1771-1775 years in the late

    baroque forms, both with brick walls and cornertowers. The building has ambitious plan, concaveinward front walls. The height of the bell tower withcross - 58 meters. Belltower-like posestrubelltower of the church in the Nativity of the VirginKozeltse.

    The bell tower of Trinity-Elias Monastery, whichcrowns the hill nivysshy Bolding mountains.The bell tower was built in 1771-1775 years in thelate baroque forms together with a stone wall andcorner towers. The structure has a bizarre planand concave inward front walls. The height of the

    bell tower with cross - 58 meters. The bell towerresembles sister -belfry of the church of the Virgin
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    in Rozhdvestva Kozelets.


    Landscape Chernigov with Bell TrinityMonastery.

    Panorama of Chernigov from the bell tower ofTrinity-Elias Monastery.


    Chernigov, Trinity Monastery. Printing(architectural monument of the XVII century.)Elias andGates.

    Chernigov, Trinity-Elias Monastery. Printing

    (architectural monument of the XVII century.)and Ilinskij gate.


    Photo Yeletsky Monasterywasfounded 60 years of XI century.Chernigov Prince Svyatoslavwest of the castle in theconiferous forest, where he alsogot his name. The architecturalensemble of the monasteryconsisted gradually during the XI-XVIII centuries. and has thefeatures of the Ukrainian Baroquestyle. On its territory is ancientcave days.Assumption CathedralEletskogo monasterywas builtin XII century.

    Eletsky Monasterywas foundedin the 60 years of XI century.Prince Svyatoslav of ChernigovYaroslavovych west of Detinets inthe coniferous forest, where hereceived his name. Thearchitectural ensemble of themonastery was formed graduallyduring the XI-XVIII centuries. andhas the features of the Ukrainianbaroque. On its territory are foundancient cave age.Cathedral of the AssumptionConvent Eletskiwasin 2002.built in XII century.
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    Yeletsky monastery. Church burial LyzohubJacob, 1689.

    Eletskii monastery. Church-tomb Jacob

    Lizoguba, 1689.


    Yeletsky monastery. Peter and PaulChurch with the refectory,

    Eletskii monastery. Peter and Paul Church with a refectory,

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    " ".Monument yatnyy mark on themound.

    " ". Memorialsign on the mound.


    Church near the museum


    Church not far from the museumKotsubynskogo.



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    Church of the HolyPrince Mikhail of Chernihiv and boyar Fedor(belongs to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church KievPatriarchate).Church 2 nd half of the XVIII century, was part of the formerseminary.

    Church of the Holy Prince Michael of Chernigov andboyar Fedor(belongs to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kiev

    Patriarchate).Church 2 nd half of the XVIII century, was part of the former s eminary.

    Chernihiv city cemetery "Yatsevo" grave OG Molodchogo.The inscription on the monument (in Russian):

    "Twice Hero of the Soviet UnionLieutenant General AviationFreeman Chernihiv

    . . 1962, .. Baranovsky Kholostenko . .

    Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

    Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

    Bohdan Hmelnic'ky . Chernigov. Boldin.

    Defender Chernihiv .Boldin .


    Boldin.Mounds "Hulbysche" "" - Boldin - Chernigov. - IX-XI .

    , 230. davnoslov "" -
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    , Ruthenian "boldy" - .

    Kurgannyi Bolding .Mounds "" "Bezimyanny" - Bolding - Chernigov. - IX-XI .

    , , 230 .

    "" - , staroukrainskogo "boldi" - .

    Michael Kotsyubinskogo (1864-1913) Boldin .

    Michael Kotsyubinskoe (1864-1913)

    .Photo ( ) .

    Ensemble (XI-XVIII ). . Boldyn. - Ilinskom . 1069, Antony. -Antonievyh .Elijah ( ), Trinity-. Trinity ensemble- (XI-XVIII .) . Bolding. -

    , . 1069 . 2004. ( ) . . ChurchThat , . - odnonefnoho Chernihiv . 1662, Bohdan Khmelnytsky, - , .

    Chernihiv . ,, Boldin . , .

    Elijah ( ), Trinity-. . , , . - Chernigov . 1662, Bohdan Khmelnytsky,

    - . Chernigov

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    Ilinsky . Bolding . , Trinity- . Antonievyh . . - 315 12.

    , .Antoniy . . - 315 .

    12. - , .

    Antonyevy . . 12 .


    . .

    Chernigiv (Chernigov) 11-. Rus Anthony -Pechersky (). Chernigiv , . Boldin. Illya

    12- . 350 . . 18- 19- , . ', . 1987, Chernigiv . 300 . . Chernigiv . Chernigiv () Lubich(Lubech), Anthony

    Eletsky Val. Chernigiv . . - Chernigiv. Eletsky 1853. . . . . Val 20- . Anthony . " " Alypy 1918 Boldin

    . .

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    Pahomy. . . Chernigiv. , . Lubich,

    Chernigiv . . -Preobrazensky -Siversky (Novgorod-Seversky). Ryhlovsry Svyato-Nicholaevsky Korop 19- . . Sedniv (Sednev). . 100 Galagan Sribna (Srebnaya).

    Petrushin Chernigiv 1623.20 Sosnitsa. Mason Osich Bahmach. . connately Irzavets Ichnya. . Zaporozhkaya . Itself (Coulter) . Chernigiv .

    ' .

    .. Antonievyh . . . Anthony .

    Antoniy . . . Anthony Crypt.

    .Antonievyh . . . .

    Antoniy . . . .

    .Chernivtsi. Antonievyh . . . Svyatoshi.

    Chernigov. Antoniy . . . .

    Chernihiv (Chernigov). s. St.Anthony . . .

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    Nicholas SvyatoshaPrince Chernigov, ( 1080-1143) - Svyatoslav Chernigov-Taormina Davidovich(Svyatosha Svyatoslav: ) 1080 Sviatoslavovych ChernigovPrince, Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavoich, Pecherskih. Lutsk Prince,

    Chernigov, ( , Novgorod Vsevolod-Gabriel).17 , 1106 Prince Svyatoslav, Taormina, postyh Nicholas 36 -Pechersk , . " . Svyatoshi Trinity -Pechersk . . Svyatosha . - . (Antonievyh) -Pechersk .

    Nicola SvyatoshaPrince Chernigov, (c. 1080-1143), - Svyatoslav Chernigov-Pankraty Davidovich (Holy Man Sviatoslav: ) 1080 David Svyatoslavich Chernigov Svyatoslav Yaroslavovych, Pecherskikh . Lutsk, Chernigov, ( Vsevolod-Gabriel).17 , 1106 Prince Svyatoslav-Pankraty , , Nicola 36 -Pechersk , .

    . - Pechersk . Svyatosha , Nicola . . (Antoniy) -Pechersk .

    Nicolas / Sviatosha / - Lutsk Sviatoslav, Chernigov David Sviatoslavich, 1107, () Pechersk . 40 .

    , Trinity () Pechersk . .

    ..Antonievyh . . . - .

    Antoniy . . . - .

    Chernihiv (Chernigov). s. St.Anthony . .

    .. Antonievyh . . .

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    - Antonievyh . . , -. XVII XVIII . . , nyshi - lukuly.

    Antoniy . . . - Antoniy. . -. (XVII .), XVIII . . nizhneogo , - lukuly.

    Chernihiv (Chernigov). s. St.Anthony . - St.Anthony 's . . - . 17-

    St.Illiya 's 18- , - lukuls.

    ..Antonievyh . . . (kimitriya) XII . .

    Antoniy . . . (kimitriya) XII . .

    .. Antonievyh . . . Gallery.

    Antoniy . . . Gallery.

    .. Antonievyh . . . Kelly AnthonyCave.

    Antoniy . . . Qilya Anthony Crypt.

    .. . Trinity Cathedral. , ,

    enlightener Baranovichi. , Lazar Baranovych -Seversky, . , 11 . ', . ensemble sporudu - velichny semiverhy Trinity Cathedral 1679 .

    Trinity- . Trinity Cathedral.

    , , Baranovichi.

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    , Lazar Baranovich -Seversky , . , , 11 ., ' ,

    . - semiverhy 1679 .

    .. . Trinity Cathedral. .Trinity Cathedral - , . Trinity Cathedral, Chernigov, 35 m - 38h26 ..

    XVII - XVIII . . zatyahnulosya 17 . Baranovych Uhlytskym. 1696 200 . , 1986 .

    Trinity- . Trinity Cathedral. .Trinity Cathedral - , Naddniprianske , ,

    - .Trinity Cathedral, Chernigov 35 ., - 38h26 .. XVII -XVIII . . soprovodzhalos 17. osvyaschn Baranovichi Uglich. 1696 200 , . , 1986 .

    ... Chasovenka GS Scherbiny. - Stefanovich.Gregory S. Shcherbina Chernihiv, 1903 .

    Trinity- . GSShcherbina. - Stefanovich.Grigory Stepanovich Shcherbina Chernigov, 1903, .


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    Vvedensky (1677-1679) . Dvohkupolna . .

    Vvedensky (1677-1679) Trinity- .

    dvukupolna, - . .

    ... - LI Glebova. , Glebov Trinity Cathedral.

    Trinity- . -basennika LI Glibova. basennika Leonid Glibova Trinity Cathedral.

    ..Belltower Boldin.Bell Tower 1771-1775 , . , . - 58 .- posestrubell Kozeltse.

    - , nivysshyBolding . 1771-1775 .

    . - 58 . - Kozelets Rozhdvestva.

    .. Chernigov Bell .

    Chernigov Trinity- .

    ..Chernigov, . ( XVII .) .

    Chernigov, Trinity- . ( XVII .) Ilinskij .

    ..Photo Yeletsky 60 . Chernigov PrinceSvyatoslav , . XI-XVIII . . . Eletskogo XII.

    Eletsky 60 . Svyatoslav Chernigov Yaroslavovych Detinets ,

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    . XI-XVIII . . . Convent wasin Eletski 2002. XII.

    .. Yeletsky . Lyzohub Jacob, 1689.

    Eletskii . - Jacob Lizoguba, 1689.

    ..Yeletsky . , XVII .

    Eletskii . , XVII .

    " ". yatnyy .

    " ". .

    .. Kotsubynsky.


    .. Chernihiv .

    Chernihiv Strizhenov.

    .. Chernigov, - Palace .

    Chernigov, Strizhenyj - .




    Chernihiv boyar Fedor( ). 2 XVIII , .

    Chernigov boyar Fedor( ). 2 XVIII , eminary.

    Chernihiv "Yatsevo OG Molodchogo. ( ):"

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    Freeman ChernihivOleksandr Molodchiy Gnatovich Chenigivschyna 150,000 , , 1 .. , Siveryans. , Chernigiv

    , . 17 , Chernigiv-Siverschyna , , Tsardom Rech Pospolita. 17- 18 , Chernigivschyna Hetmanschina, 19- 20 , . 1932 Chernigiv , , . , 5,000 , , , .

    Chernigiv Polissya -. - , Spasopreobrazhensky (11 ),Borysolibsky (12 ), Uspensky Cathedral of Yeltsky (12), Illinska ( 12 ) Pyatnyska ( 12- 13 ) ., "Chernigiv , (11-12 ), Yeletsky Troitsky , Chorna Mohyla ( " ) Mound Boldyn , ( 1700), (Mazepa , 17 ), Katerynynska ( 18 .) 70,000

    . Lyubech, The Chronicles 882, Dnipro. . Zamkova ( "Castle"), , Lyubetsky 1097, . Antony Pechersky, 11 Lyubech, . . VII. , Chernigov. , . SiverskaPrince Chernigi. IX. Oleg

    siveryan Desny, . 1239 -. . . domongolskogo .

    Detynets (Val), . Kovel. . XI. ( , Brave, IgorSvyatoslavovich, Igorevom"); BorisoglebskyCathedral ( ), . XI.; Chernigovskogo

    Collegium (1700); Kamenica . Lizoguba (XVIII .) , Tarnovskogo (str Grkogo, 4).

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    Terem . 12 XVII-XVIII ., .Ekaterinenskaya (1715), Alley . Detintsa . . Lizogubami, Kozatskyi. Troitsko-Ilyinsky (1069), st. .

    , 92. Anthony . Antonievyh 315 . -Ilyinskaya . Trinity Cathedral(1679), Vvedenskaya (1677), 58- , . L. Glebov. Ilinskoy .Kotsyubinskogo . Yeletsky (). Str. Proletarskaya 1. Chernigov Prince SvyatoslavYaroslavovichem (1027-76 .) 1445-95. Mongol- . . : (XII )., 36-meter nadvorotnaya, , ,

    Lyzogubov. Pyatnitskaya (XII-XIII cc), Khmelnitskogo. 1786 Pyatnitskogo . . 1962, . (X in.) . Vorovskogo. , Chernigov Prince. 1873 . Yalovschina,SD. Yalovschina. . Strizhenov , , . zastroena . - . Kotsyubinskogost. Kovel, 3.

    ST. CATHERINE , Dytynets, Zemlyakiv -Chernihiv . . Chernihiv 1696 Chernihiv Yakiv Lyzohub. 1715 , . . 1837 1908( 1951).

    1941 - 1943 ( ). 2 : 1947 1955; 1975 1980. , , , . centrical, pyramidally : , - . , - octahedrons . , . .

    : , , - . ,

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    , , . . . pillarless . - .

    . Chernihiv () XVII-XVIII , ; XVIII .

    Chernihiv - (11 12 ) Hetmanate ( 17 18 ). Chernihiv (1030s) . 1036 interior.The 5- Saviour Cathedral, 1030s , . Gleb, 12 , , 20 . , . Chernigov

    Paraskeba (Pyatnitskaya), 12 13 . ; PeterBaranovsky.Eletsky Pechersk . Thre 12- 17 . Eletsky Pechersk . 6 - 11 12 ; 750-year-old . 1611, . , ,

    17 . - . , Svyatoslav Chernigov 6 1060. , Eletskaya , Svyatoslav - Princes Boryatinsky - 1579.

    Troitsko - Illinskyi (. -St. Elijah)

    Troitsko - Illinskyi (. -St. ) -

    Chernihiv. - - ;

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    Boldyn 1677 - 1780, . , , Anthony Pecherskyi 1069.The " " Boldyn Hills -

    "Anthony . pillarless . 1239 Batyi. " ' 1,649 , , Stephan Podobaylo, Chernihiv , Zosim Tyshkevych, Superior ..." , . , Chernigiv Baranovych. 1672 Chernihiv - Siverskyi. -

    . , 10 , 24 , 30 , 31 , . " " . . Vvedenska (1677 - 1679) , - ; , - . , 1679 - 1695 Ioann Zauer-project.An Baptyst: tholobate Hetman

    Mazepa Baranovych Mazepa . VIII ? 58. . 1770 1780 Ioil (Bikovskyi). - ; Iogan Shedel, . , , Nizhyn, Lyubech.In VIII-I, Chernigiv

    Filaret Humilevskyi, Miloradovich, Kochubey . Uhlych Chernihiv . - , , Leonid Hlibov, Hryhorij Scherbyna, Chernihiv Nizhyn Anthony. -St. 1786, . : , Chernihiv , 11 books.After Tavrida Grigoriy Potyomkin ,

    , . 1790 :

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    Chernihiv St Borys Hlib monastery.From - Chernihiv . Boldyn Hills, 1918. 1929.

    Chernihiv . , 1941 ; Anthonia (Sorokina). 1941 1943 '40 . 1961; 1967 Chernihiv . 1988, , Marionila Govdenko Volodymyr Babyuk, Chernihiv.

    . Regents - '90 . , XVII , .Chernihiv 907, 9 , Khaganate. 10 , . Grave, , 19 . . 11

    Chernigov, Kievan Grand Princes, . Kievskaya Severian Murom, Ryazan Tmutarakan. Chernigov, 25,000, 1239, Batu hords , . 1353. Giray 1482 1497 , (1408-1420 1503), - ( 1618-1648 ),

    Magdeburg 1623 1635 Czernihiv Voivodship. Khmelnytsky . Hetman Chernihiv Chernihiv ( ).paso-Preobrazhensky Mstyslav, Chernihiv . , , , , . , up- . . Hleb. . Hleb (Borisohlebsky

    Cathedral). 12 .

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    Chernihiv , . 13 17 . The Collegium 18 . Kozak .

    , TheologicalSeminary, 1917. . -. cast- 18 Petr , Chernihiv . . 17 18. Chernihiv. Yakov Lisogub, . .Troisko-Ilyinsky (1069) Antoniy Pechersky, -Pechersk .

    Chernihiv . . Antoniy , 316 . Ilyinska ,Troitsky Stile 17 , Vvedenska , 58 . Bell Tower 1774 1778. Chernihiv Troitsky .Troisko-Ilyinsky Boldyn Hill. Chernihiv - XVII-XIX. 200 . - Spas'ka ()

    Borysohlibs'ka , Antoniyev Illins'ka (XI-XII), P'yatnyts'ka (XII) Chernihiv, Yur yeva () Ostroh. : Tarnovs'ky (), Kachanivka Ichnyans'ky, Halahaniv (XVIII), Sokyryntsi, P.Rumyantsev-KY Zadunajs (XVIII), Vyshen'ky Korops'ky. Chernihivshchyna . KY . Lysyans ,Mariya Zan'kovets'ka , . Dovzhenko. , ky .Bodyans , . Martos, - . Zabila, . Kocherha, . Tychyna,Oleksa Desnyak, . Veryovka, L. Revuts'ky, T. Shevchenko,

    . Skovoroda, . Hlibov, KY . Kotsyubyns, Vovchok, . Samijlenko, KY . Verbyts , . KOROLYOV, O. Bohomolets ", .Derzhavin, . Hohol, . Hrebinka, O. , O.Hryboyedov, . Tolstoj, kyj . Hor , Mhlinka, KY . Chajkovs.Sivers'ka Val - Dytynets Chernihiv. centurys . buldings . Spasky - .

    Chernihiv XL- . Mstislav Svyatoslavich .

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    Borys Hlib Chernihiv- Davyd Svyatoslavych. Nowdays cananized . 1123 Jaroslavich . nonument

    arehitect- "drevniy Chernihiv".

    XVII- Borys Hlib . 1700-1702 Bogoslov . knowon ccupied o "Chernihiv drevny" Ukrainean icons.At XVII - Dytynets. Mazepa . Hetman - - Motrya Kochubey. .

    Chernihiv. .

    , , baazars -. nowdays. 1780. .I t6hink , , tunel , . . bpart . 1799 Chernihiv.

    Remparts . Val. . Baazar, - tran-sfered . ereted . . VVTarnovsky. , . "Ukrin-" . pasages . Dont ?1859-1870 . . The nobiliary 1894.

    . 1899 - Schoot ). . 1900. . . Chernihiv ubtedly . 12 - . Peter Svedish . des-


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    Catharin . seperatlby Val. Chernigiv . Chernihiv. cossak Yakiv Lyzohub 1715 inpregnable . Lyzohub, Yakiv., ?, 9 1698 Chernihiv. starshyna . Kaniv (1666-9), Hetman Briukhovetsky (1667), osaul Doroshenko (1669-74), Hetman (1670 1673). 1674 - . Kolomak Hetman 1687. Lyzohub ; Chyhyryn , 1677-8, Chernihiv (1687-98)

    Hetman Oziv (1696). Yeletskyi Chernihiv . Sedniv snov ( "" Leonid Hlibov ). 1072, Chernihiv Polovtsians . . Sedniv , 15 (1482 1497) Sedniv , Chernihiv Regiment" Khmelnytsky .

    Sedniv , . ( ) . Sedniv 1847, Shevchenko marveled snov , ; . Lyzohub, Sedniv, . 3 1847, Sedniv , - .

    , orsk Novopetrovsky Sedniv, (- 1846; - 1847) Shevchenko , . Mykolayivna Repnina (7 1850) , " cherishing . Sedniv . " Sedniv: Kobzar( Sedniv "

    " , , " "); snov ( 1883);

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    Lyzohub ( ). Lyzohubs, . Repnina ( 1844) Andriy Lyzohub: "

    Andriy Lyzohub. , . ", - Chernihiv gubernias 1842-43; " " " ." , , , Lyzohub , , , . Lyzohubs Sedniv 17 ; , 17 . Kindrat

    Lyzohub, Zolotonosha, ( Uman, 1661, Yakiv Kaniv ). Lyzohubs Hetman Samoilovych; Yakiv Lyzohub Konotop . .Andriy Lyzohub (. 1804) Illia (. 1787, ) Kindrat YakivLyzohub. Lyzohub Sedniv, , , (Zhemchuzhnykov . , 19 1883,

    , , , . Lyzohub , . . Sedniv : snov ( Hlibov 1859 , , ", , "), Lyzohubs Linden Shevchenko ( ). 3 1847,

    . prophesying Hryts , Sedniv ( yurodyvy, ). Hryts Shevchenko , , " ! Bad ! "Taras .Lyzohub . , . Shevchenko, , . 11 , 1847, Shevchenko Lyzohub :

    . .

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    ... ! . , , . , ! ! , ! , ,

    Charion; . "Lyzohub . Lyzohub 1850. . Orlov, , Chernihiv, Lyzohub. Shevchenko, " , Lyzohub, ." Dmytro freethinking , . 1879

    -martialed Odesa . , Dmytro , . 10 1879. . Shevchenko Sedniv , . , Sedniv (Lyzohub, , ) , , . , . ,

    . , , Sedniv,. - VV Tarnovsky . Dytynets, Tretiak & Midtown


    Chernihiv . , . conutrymen . . Kotsubinsky, .Primakov, V. Antonov-Ovseenko, . Podvoysky, . Shchors, . Kropyvyansky,. Senko. - - . A