Childbirth Education Curriculum This curriculum is designed to be taught in a small to medium group setting (min. 3 and max 12 people) in nine classes. Having enough people is important to help conversation to flow well and to allow for group activities during class, but having too many would make me nervous and make it feel too formal. Each class should run between 1 hr and 45 minutes to 2 hours and 20 minutes long. These classes can be run every day over the course of 5 days if two classes are taught each day. Alternatively, they could run once a week over the course of 9 weeks. I would choose based on my audience. The total time it should take to teach this course could range between 14 hours and 25 minutes to 18 hours, depending on break times, discussion, etc. Since I live in a multicultural area, I am surrounded by people of various ethnicities, vocations, economic statuses, and religions. This is the demographic that I will most likely teach. They may be married or unmarried. I would encourage husbands/partners to attend as well. I want the environment to be warm, inviting, and professional. The classes would take place in my home or in a room at a community center or pregnancy care center. My goals for this course include the following: to educate women (and their partners if they attend as well) regarding major topics within pregnancy, labor and birth, breastfeeding, postpartum, and the newborn stages to equip them with the necessary knowledge of these topics so that they can come away feeling encouraged, confident, and excited about these changes rather than fearful of what they might bring to help women understand what is going on in their bodies during this time, trust that the process of pregnancy, birth, and beyond was

Childbirth Education Curriculum

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Childbirth Education Curriculum  

This curriculum is designed to be taught in a small to medium group setting (min. 3 and max 12 people) in nine classes. Having enough people is important to help conversation to flow well and to allow for group activities during class, but having too many would make me nervous and make it feel too formal. Each class should run between 1 hr and 45 minutes to 2 hours and 20 minutes long. These classes can be run every day over the course of 5 days if two classes are taught each day. Alternatively, they could run once a week over the course of 9 weeks. I would choose based on my audience. The total time it should take to teach this course could range between 14 hours and 25 minutes to 18 hours, depending on break times, discussion, etc.    Since I live in a multicultural area, I am surrounded by people of various ethnicities, vocations, economic statuses, and religions. This is the demographic that I will most likely teach. They may be married or unmarried. I would encourage husbands/partners to attend as well. I want the environment to be warm, inviting, and professional. The classes would take place in my home or in a room at a community center or pregnancy care center.   

My goals for this course include the following:  

● to educate women (and their partners if they attend as well) regarding major topics within pregnancy, labor and birth, breastfeeding, postpartum, and the newborn stages   

● to equip them with the necessary knowledge of these topics so that they can come away feeling encouraged, confident, and excited about these changes rather than fearful of what they might bring   

● to help women understand what is going on in their bodies during this time, trust that the process of pregnancy, birth, and beyond was 

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Basic Course Outline 


First lesson: Beginnings 

Introductions (15 minutes) 

Birth stories-activity (45 minutes) 

The impact of fear in pregnancy and birth philosophies- lecture, video, and  

discussion (45 minutes) 

 Second lesson: First Trimester 

Understanding Conception- In the Beginning slideshow, lecture, and  

discussion (30 minutes) 

Understanding the Placenta- video and discussion (30 minutes) 

Pregnancy Anatomy and Physiology/Maternal Development- discuss  

picture, video, handout activity (45 minutes) 

 Third Lesson: First Trimester, cont. 

Fetal Development- video, picture/handout, activity (fetus models), and  

specially designed by an all-wise Creator, and believe that they can do this   

● to welcome and show love to those who attend, no matter who they believe or what their background is   

● to present evidence-based information in a clear, engaging, and understandable way that encourages dialogue and supports women in their decisions 

Page 3: Childbirth Education Curriculum

discussion (30 minutes) 

Nutritional needs- slideshow, lecture, activity (smoothie), discussion (45  


Common discomforts during pregnancy and remedies- handout, lecture,  

discussion, activity (massage, stretches-involving partners) (30 minutes) 

 Fourth Lesson: Second Trimester 

Birth locations (home, hospital, and birth center) and choosing the birth  

team- handout (questions to ask doctor/midwife/doula and pros and cons  

of each location), lecture, and discussion (45 minutes) 

What is a doula and why you might want one- lecture, informational handout, 

Q&A (15   


Breathing techniques and Understanding of Pain (done toward the end of  

2nd trimester)- video (Penny Simkin and Ina May), activity (ice cube  

challenge), discussion (60 minutes) 


 Fifth Lesson: Second Trimester, cont. 

Interventions and tests in pregnancy-lecture, video, pro and con handouts 

(60 minutes) 

Exercise and movement in pregnancy- Lecture, activity (spinning babies),  

discussion (30 minutes) 

Herbs for pregnancy and birth- lecture, handout, activity (making tea blend  

and/or postpartum herbal bath kit) (30 minutes) 


Page 4: Childbirth Education Curriculum

Sixth Lesson: Third Trimester 

Constructing the birth plan- lecture and discussion, handout (to be filled  

out at home) (15 minutes) 

Signs of labor- lecture/discussion, visual (either video or handout) (30 


Physiology and Stages of Labor- Slideshow (which includes videos and an  

activity), discussion (60 minutes) 

 Seventh Lesson: Third Trimester, cont. 

Helpful Positions during third trimester and labor- lecture, handout, video,  

activity (game) (45 minutes) 

Comfort/Relaxation Measures- lecture and discussion, handout/visual aid,  

activity (30 minutes) 

Interventions during labor and Informed Consent- lecture and discussion,  

handout, activity (45 minutes) 

 Eighth Lesson: Postpartum and Newborn 

Postpartum Physiology: What is Normal and What Isn’t- Lecture, handout,  

discussion (30 minutes) 

Warning Signs for Mom and Baby- Lecture and discussion, video (45  


Healing from Birth- Lecture and discussion, activity (herbal bath kit,  

padsicles) (30 minutes) 


Ninth Lesson: Postpartum and Newborn cont. 

Breastfeeding Basics and nutrition- lecture, discussion, video (latching,  

Page 5: Childbirth Education Curriculum

Bonding, positioning, etc.), activity (practice w/dolls) (60 minutes) 

Normal Newborn Development- lecture, infographic, discussion (60  



First Lesson: Beginnings, Fear, and Birth Philosophy Class length: 1 hour 45 minutes to 2 hours 


At the beginning, I would hand out a notebook to each woman for her to take 



Introductions (15 minutes)  

Go around the room, each participant introduces self, and offers a fun fact about 

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Birth stories- Activity (30 minutes) 


Break- 15 minutes 


The impact of fear in pregnancy and birth philosophies- lecture (10 minutes), 

video (20 minutes), and discussion (15 minutes) 



This will help release tension and allow the women to become acquainted. 

Go around the room and share birth stories/experiences of birth. Ask questions such as the following: “How has your experience of birth shaped your understanding/view of birth (birth perspective)?”; “What are you hoping to gain by attending these classes?” 

This activity will help to further comradery and understanding among participants. Hearing birth stories is a good way to develop one’s own birth philosophy. Plus, it is usually very fun! 

Lecture: “The Impact of Fear in Pregnancy” power point file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/The%20Impact%20of%20Fear%20in%20Pregnancy.pdf  Video: Reducing fear of birth in U.S. culture: Ina May Gaskin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9LO1Vb54yk  Sourced handout:  https://transitiontoparenthood.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/tracking-your-tigers.pdf  

Objective: to inform women that fear does not have to characterize their pregnancies. Although uncertainties will always be present, they can become confident in their ability to mother their baby and in the beauty and wisdom of God’s design for pregnancy and birth. 

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Second Lesson: First Trimester Class length: 2 hours and 5 minutes 

 At the beginning of this class, I would handout the anatomy and physiology worksheets found on pages 3 and 4 of the following document: file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Handouts%20for%20Childbirth%20Education_%20Week%204%20(1).pdf I would also handout the document about the placenta: file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Childbirth%20Education%20Files/The%20Placenta_%20Its%20Design%20and%20Function.pdf  

Understanding the Reproductive Cycle- Lecture/powerpoint and discussion (30 minutes) 

 Understanding Conception- slideshow/lecture, and discussion (30 minutes) 

Lecture: Show and teach “Understanding the Reproductive Cycle” powerpoint (20 minutes) file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Childbirth%20Education%20Files/Understanding%20the%20Reproductive%20Cycle%20(Anatomy%20and%20Physiology%20Assignment%209)%20(1).pdf Discuss any questions they may have (10 minutes) 

Objective: Many women do not know about how their bodies work with regards to cycles and reproduction. The objective is to make them aware and to help them grasp this information better. 

Lecture: Show and teach “In the Beginning” power point (20 minutes) file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Childbirth%20Education%20Files/In%20the%20Beginning.pdf Discuss any questions they may have (10 minutes) 

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 Break- 15 minutes 


Pregnancy Anatomy and Physiology/Maternal Development- discuss picture 

(10 minutes), video (10 minutes), handout activity (10 minutes) Total: 30 minutes 


Understanding the Placenta- video (10 minutes), handout, and discussion (10 

minutes) Total: 20 minutes 



Objective: to give women a better understanding of their bodies and conception 

Show the following picture and discuss features and differences. file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Anatomy_%20Pregnant%20vs.%20Not%20Pregnant.pdf  Watch the following video about maternal physiology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0sp7I9rlz8  Answer any questions  Activity: Anatomy handout  

To give better understanding of what goes on internally and externally during pregnancy 

Show and discuss the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbextFwqnY4  

The objective is to inform about the placenta, its function, and help women understand the importance of doing things to allow sufficient oxygen and nutrients to go to the baby through the placenta.  

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Third Lesson: First Trimester, cont. Class Length: 2 hours 

 At the beginning of this lesson, I will hand out the fetal models for the women to 

examine and pass around. I will also have my smoothie ingredients (coconut 

water, lemon, ginger, avocado, banana, berries, flax, and greens) assembled and 

prepared for the activity. During each part of the lesson, I will hand out the 

appropriate papers. 


Fetal Development- video (11 minutes), picture/handout, activity (fetus models), 

and discussion (25 minutes) Total: 36 minutes 


Nutritional needs- slideshow/ lecture (20 minutes), activity (smoothie) and 

handout (20 minutes) Total: 40 minutes  

Watch video about fetal development (start video at 29 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VktZZEeGdSs  Discuss video and pass out handout: file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Fetal%20Development%20Pictures_Handout%20.pdf 

Show and teach powerpoint “Nutrition in Early Pregnancy” file:///C:/Users/shann/Pictures/Nutrition%20in%20Early%20Pregnancy_How%20it%20Helps%20You%20and%20Your%20Baby%20Prenatal%20Assignment%209.pdf Activity: Pass out take-home smoothie recipe. Make smoothie together and discuss the nutritional elements (carbohydrates, healthy fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals) that are in the smoothie and contribute to a healthy pregnancy. Smoothies are an easy way to consume large quantities of nutrients quickly, especially when you don’t feel like chewing a salad.  Handouts: 

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Break-10 minutes 


Common discomforts during pregnancy and remedies- handout, video, and 

discussion (15 minutes); video activity (stretches-involving partners) (20 minutes) 

Total: 35 minutes 

 Baby and Body Builder Smoothie Recipe- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Childbirth%20Education%20Files/The%20Baby%20and%20Body%20Builder.pdf  Pregnancy Nutrition Game, pg. 1,2- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Handouts%20for%20Childbirth%20Education_%20Week%204%20(1).pdf  Building a Pregnancy Diet- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Childbirth%20Education%20Files/Building%20a%20Pregnancy%20Diet.pdf  Take Home Nutrition Diary- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Childbirth%20Education%20Files/Nutritional%20Diary%20(1).pdf  

Interactive session! Discuss common discomforts, ask questions, pass around handout, talk about solutions presented in handout. Could they be helpful for you? Why or why not?  Handout: file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Childbirth%20Education%20Files/Common%20Discomforts%20During%20Pregnancy.pdf   Watch the following video for another teaching angle: (3 minutes) 

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Warning signs in pregnancy- handout/lecture (15 minutes), discussion (5 




Fourth Lesson: Second Trimester Class Length: 1 hour and 50 minutes 


Birth locations (home, hospital, and birth center) and choosing the birth team- 

handouts, take home resources, and discussion Total: 20 minutes 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zqzwcut862U   Activity: Learn pregnancy stretches to help alleviate discomfort and optimize flexibility and strength. Participate while we watch this video: (20 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCeCCeZYVqI  

My Handout: file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Childbirth%20Education%20Files/Pregnancy%20Warning%20Signs%20and%20Indications%20(CBE%20Assignment%207).pdf 

Sourced handouts:  Where to have my baby? http://motherfriendly.org/resources/Documents/Having%20a%20Baby--Ten%20Questions%20to%20Ask%20(2015).pdf Choosing a caregiver https://transitiontoparenthood.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/caregiver.pdf  Homebirth pros and cons https://www.cwhn.ca/en/print/yourhealth/faqs/homebirth  https://www.ontariomidwives.ca/home-birth  Choice of birth place https://www.ontariomidwives.ca/sites/default/files/CPG%20supplemental%20r

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What is a doula and why you might want one- lecture, informational handout, 

Q&A (15 minutes) Total: 20 minutes 


Break-15 minutes  Breathing techniques and Understanding of Pain (done toward the end of 2nd 

trimester)- video (Penny Simkin) (11 minutes), activity (ice cube challenge and 

breathing practice) (20 minutes), discussion Total: 45 minutes 


The goal with giving the women resources to take home or to look up at home is that I want them to have documents they can read and think over for a longer period of time than just at my class. 

Lecture and Q&A: What is a doula? Aren’t they redundant if I have my… with 

me? What do they do? Are they paid for by my insurance? etc. 

My own handouts:  

Doula: file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Birth%20Doula%20Information.pdf  

This will help to inform women about the importance of establishing a good support system both during pregnancy and birth, whether or not she chooses to have a doula.  

Watch the following videos: Penny Simkin Breathing Techniques- (7 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mo4VmgpHmxs  Pain vs. Suffering in Labor- (4 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlj9ehB-hLc  Let’s implement these techniques: Practice breathing, moving according to the 3 Rs Ice cube challenge- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Handouts%20for%20Childbirth%20Educatio

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Fifth Lesson: Second Trimester, cont. Class Length: 1 hour and 37 minutes 


I will need to gather supplies for the herbal bath kit (epsom salts, calendula, 

comfrey, lavender, chamomile),  

Exercise and movement in weeks 13 to 28- video (7 minutes), activity (spinning 

babies) (30 minutes), discussion (10 minutes) Total: 47 minutes 



Herbs for pregnancy and birth- video (10 minutes), activity (make postpartum 

herbal bath kit) (30 minutes) Total: 40 minutes 




Objective: to help women become more aware of how their bodies work in relation to pain and what they can do to cope with it 

Watch the following video about the importance of movement/exercise during pregnancy:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjFoD5gRbT8  Find movements recommended by spinning babies for the specific weeks that each of the women are at. Practice them. https://www.spinningbabies.com/pregnancy-birth/pregnancy-week-by-week/second-trimester/  

Safe herbs for the second and third trimester: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcAs0hUHCJM  Recipe starts at 2 minutes and 36 seconds (10 minutes) 

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Sixth Lesson: Third Trimester Class Length: 1 hour and 45 minutes 

 Constructing the birth plan- lecture/brief discussion, activity, handout (to be 


out at home) (15 minutes) 


Fetal Wellbeing and Fetal Kick Counts- Lecture, handout, and discussion (30 



Break-15 minutes 


Discussion on birth plan: importance, flexibility, understanding priorities  My Handout: Birth plan- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Childbirth%20Education%20Files/Birth%20Plan%20(CBE%20Assignment%207).pdf 

Pass out your handout and the sourced handout. Read through them both and discuss. My handout: file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Your%20Baby’s%20Movements%20in%20the%20Third%20Trimester%20and%20the%20Fetal%20Kick%20Count.pdf  Work through the following worksheet with the women.   Sourced handout: Alberta’s document on fetal kit counts and well being. It includes a chart to track the baby’s movements. https://albertahealthservices.ca/frm-20589.pdf 

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Physiology and Stages of Labor- Slideshow (which includes videos and an 

activity)(45 minutes), discussion (15 minutes) 



Seventh Lesson: Third Trimester, cont. 

Class Length: 2 hours 


Supplies needed: rebozo/sheet (enough for class members), access to water, 

cold/hot pack, tennis ball, essential oils, ability to dim lights in room; helpful 

positions handout 


Helpful Positions during third trimester and labor- lecture, handout, (15 


Teach “Physiology and Stages of Labor” powerpoint 




Objective: to teach women about the labor process, how it begins, how it progresses, the baby’s cardinal movements, signs that labor has begun, etc. so that they will be more confident in their ability to go through it and birth their babies. 


Objective: to help the women become acquainted with beneficial positions to use both during the third trimester (to help baby stay in correct position) and during labor (to ease pain and discomfort and aid in baby’s correct positioning 

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Comfort/Relaxation Measures- lecture and discussion, handout/visual aid,  

activity (45 minutes) 


Interventions during labor and Informed Consent- lecture and discussion,  

Handout, video (45 minutes) 



Eighth Lesson: Postpartum and Newborn 

Class Length: 2 hours 


and descent). 

Teach through this lecture/handout and do the activity detailed at the end (practise comfort measures and movements)  My handout- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Childbirth%20Education%20Files/How%20Position,%20Movement,%20and%20Comfort%20Measures%20Ease%20and%20Advance%20the%20Stages%20of%20Labor%20(CBE%20Assignment%206)%20(1).pdf 

Objective: similar to above. These two can be combined into one lesson and activity 

Teach and discuss the pros and cons of common interventions during labor, the cascade of interventions, and informed consent: My handout- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Childbirth%20Education%20Files/Common%20Interventions%20During%20Labor.pdf Sourced document- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Epidural%20Anesthesia%20(Sourced%20document).pdf 

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Supplies needed: my postpartum handout, Penny Simkin recovery handout, 

supplies for padsicles (maxi pads (4 for each woman), witch hazel, aloe, healing 

herbs-thyme, goldenseal, lavender, rosemary, calendula and comfrey), spray 

bottle, baggie for freezing, recipe handout. 


Postpartum Physiology: What is Normal and What Isn’t- Lecture, handout, 

(30 minutes) 

discussion (15 minutes) Total: 45 minutes 


Break- 15 minutes 

Healing from Birth- Lecture/handout and discussion (30 minutes, activity 


minutes Total: 1 hour 

Teach this handout, then share it with women so they can take it home for further reference: My handout: file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Changes%20During%20the%20Fourth%20Stage%20of%20Labor.pdf 

Teach and go through Penny Simkin’s handout regarding recovery after childbirth: file:///C:/Users/shann/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe/TempState/Downloads/Factors%20That%20Influence%20Postpartum%20Recovery%20(2).pdf  Activity: Make padsicles in preparation for postpartum recovery: Recipe- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Postpartum%20Herbal%20Padsicles.pdf 

Objective: to teach mothers what activities or attitudes hinder or help recovery after childbirth 

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Ninth Lesson: Postpartum and Newborn cont.   

Class Length: 2 hours 


Supplies needed: pack of newborn sized diapers, breastfeeding handout, 

newborn development document, dolls (with diapers, clothes, blankets, etc.), and 

methods of birth control handout 

Breastfeeding Basics and nutrition- lecture and discussion (15 minutes), video 

(latching, Bonding, positioning, etc.) (20 minutes), activity (practice w/dolls) (15 


Total: 50 minutes 


Normal Newborn Development- lecture, discussion, activity (game- learning to 

change diapers on dolls-race) (30 minutes) 

Teach/go through the following handout together and discuss any questions that arise: Breastfeeding Basics- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Childbirth%20Education%20Files/Breastfeeding%20Basics%20(CBE%20Assignment%208).pdf  Early Initiation of Breastfeeding, Bonding, Skin to Skin- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMcgJR8ESRc&list=PLxVdpaMfvxLCDSNEgM2QcN5pAc-LraJgL (10 minutes) Proper Latching- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjt-Ashodw8&list=PLxVdpaMfvxLCDSNEgM2QcN5pAc-LraJgL&index=3 (10 minutes) Activity: practice different breastfeeding holds with dolls 

Objective: to help mothers become more confident with the idea breastfeeding 


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Break-10 minutes 


Family Planning and Contraception- Lecture/handout (20 minutes)  





Normal Newborn Development- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Childbirth%20Education%20Files/Normal%20Newborn%20Development%20(CBE%20Assignment%208).pdf Activity:  Play a diaper changing game on dolls (Dads can be included in this one!). Begin racing once they get the hang of it. The winner gets a pack of free (bought by myself) newborn diapers. 

Objective: to teach mothers what is normal and what to look out for in their babies during the first couple months outside the womb. 

Teach on the different forms of family planning and birth control (pros and cons) 

if desired. 



Objective: to inform and help those who wish to use a form of family planning/birth control to space out their children or not become pregnant again  

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Original Handouts  

Changes during the fourth stage of labor/postpartum period (includes some warning signs)- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Changes%20During%20the%20Fourth%20Stage%20of%20Labor.pdf  Normal Newborn Development- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Childbirth%20Education%20Files/Normal%20Newborn%20Development%20(CBE%20Assignment%208).pdf  Common Interventions in labor and Cascade of Interventions- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Childbirth%20Education%20Files/Common%20Interventions%20During%20Labor.pdf  Forms of family planning and birth control (including pros and cons)- 




Comfort/Relaxation Measures- 

file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Childbirth%20Education%20Files/How%20Position,%20Movement,%20and%20Comfort%20Measures%20Ease%20and%20Advance%20the%20Stages%20of%20Labor%20(CBE%20Assignment%206)%20(1).pdf  Helpful positions/movements during pregnancy and labor- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Childbirth%20Education%20Files/Positions%20to%20Ease%20and%20Advance%20Labor%20(CBE%20Assignment%206).pdf  Fetal Wellbeing and Kick Counts- 

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file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Your%20Baby’s%20Movements%20in%20the%20Third%20Trimester%20and%20the%20Fetal%20Kick%20Count.pdf  Birth plan- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Childbirth%20Education%20Files/Birth%20Plan%20(CBE%20Assignment%207).pdf    Pregnancy Nutrition, anatomy worksheets, comfort measures and pain appreciation, Ice cube challenge- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Handouts%20for%20Childbirth%20Education_%20Week%204%20(1).pdf  Doula- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Birth%20Doula%20Information.pdf   Warning Signs in Pregnancy- file:///C:/Users/shann/Downloads/Childbirth%20Education%20Files/Pregnancy%20Warning%20Signs%20and%20Indications%20(CBE%20Assignment%207).pdf   

Resourced Hand-Outs  

Midwives, Doctors, Doulas 

 Family Care Midwives-  This team of 13 midwives provide typical midwifery care during pregnancy, labor at home or the hospital, birth, and up to six weeks postpartum. They provide extensive support with 30 to 60 minute appointments, natural labor, skin to skin care, and breastfeeding. They are also trained in emergency skills.  9983 Keele St., Unit 102, Vaughan ON, L6A 3Y5 (905 553-5899)  


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West End Midwives-  

This group of 20 midwives provide midwifery care during pregnancy, labor and 

birth at home or at the hospital, and during the first 6 weeks postpartum. Like the 

group of midwives listed above, they believe in the natural process of birth and 

provide extensive support with 30 to 60 minute appointments, natural labor, skin 

to skin care, and breastfeeding. They are also trained in emergency skills.  

102-1017 Wilson Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M3K-1Z1 (416- 792-5665)  



Midwifery Care North Don River Valley-  

The over 12 midwives who work at this midwifery clinic focus on providing safe 

and respectful care to women in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area). They believe 

strongly in the natural process of pregnancy and birth and attend nearly 500 

home or hospital births every year. They provide the same specific services as the 

midwives above. They too are well trained to handle any emergency should it 


Unit 109 200 Finch Avenue W, North York, ON (416- 222-0093)  




Dr. Modupe Tunde-Byass-  

OB/GYN who specializes in helping women with early pregnancy complications 

and loss and increasing access to trial of labor after C-section (VBAC). Also 

provides gynecological care.   

4001 Leslie Street Toronto,ON,Canada- North York General Hospital 

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(416-756-6000) and 5 Fairview Mall Drive, North York, ON M2J 2Z1- 

Gynecological clinic (416- 497-4999)   


Dr. Rebecca Cash-  

Specializes in high risk pregnancies (pregnancy disorders, miscarriages, multiple 

gestation, ovarian cysts, hypertension, endometriosis, women's health & 

abnormal bleeding) and works out of a clinic and local hospital.  

8077 Islington Avenue, Suite 207, Woodbridge, Vaughan, ON L4L7X7 



Dr. Esti Friedman-  

OB/GYN works in both a clinical and hospital setting serving women dealing with 

pregnancy, labor and delivery, and gynecological problems. Also works as a 

gynecological surgeon.  

110 Queens Plate Dr, Etobicoke, M9W 0B4 (416-741-5094)-Private practice  

100 Humber College Boulevard, Etobicoke, ON M9V 5G4 (416- 741-5094)- 

Etobicoke General Hospital 




Clairhurst Pediatrics - 

Specialize in general pediatrics, pediatric respirology, pediatric allergy & 

immunology, and pediatric neurology. They provide care in both walk-in 

and private appointment settings and are covered by the province’s 

insurance policy.  

1466 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON M5R 3J3 (416-531-3331)  

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Vaughan Pediatric Clinic - 

Provides a full range of pediatric care, including pediatric consultations with 

referral from family doctor, well-baby care, annual physical exams, 

immunizations, and circumcisions, x-ray, ultrasound, physiotherapy, 

laboratory and pharmacy services. They work closely with SickKids 

Hospital in downtown Toronto and local hospitals to ensure that every 

child receives optimal care. They provide educational links and resources to 

parents, and their services are also covered by OHIP.  

8333 Weston Road, Suite 310, Woodbridge ON L4L 8E2 (905-850-3250)  




The 6 doulas at Graceful Birth Doula Services offer a range of services 

including placenta encapsulation, night doula/nanny, doula support during 

the labor and postpartum periods, virtual Hypnobirthing classes, online 

workshops and lactation assistance. They attend births all over the GTA 

and at locations including the following: Credit Valley Hospital, Oakville 

Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Trillium Health Partners, Milton District 

Hospital, William Osler Hospital (Brampton Civic and Etobicoke General 

Hospital), Humber River Hospital, Mount Sinai Hospital, St. Joseph's 

Hospital, St. Michael's Hospital and the Toronto Birth Centre.  

1548 Warland Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6L1N5 (416-804-9617)  

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Claire Gallagher and her daughter Nadine Ross work together as a doula 

team to provide comprehensive prenatal, labor, and postpartum doula 

support for women. They also offer placenta encapsulation, gentle sleep 

support, and dancing techniques for helping the birth process.  

Claire is an independent doula as well as a doula for the 

Markham/Stouffville Hospital’s Birth Doula Program. (905-995-3852)  

Markham Stouffville Hospital- 381 Church Street, Markham, ON L3P 7P3 

(905-472-7373) https://birth-bythedoulaway.ca/   



Janet deBoer is a DONA trained independent doula who provides prenatal, 

labor, and postpartum support to women and their families. As a Christian, 

she loves helping women to understand the original design for birth as God 

intended it to be. She attends births both at homes and in hospitals.   

Located in: Alliston, Ontario (705-440-9740)  


Dinner Doulas:  


Alex James is a postpartum doula and nutritionist in Toronto who has a 

passion for helping moms and their families during their postpartum 

experience so that they are well-fed and rested and feel loved, honored, 

celebrated. https://www.alexjameswellness.com/ 

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The Rutherford Medical Clinic- 

Provides a wide range of care for children up to 17 years old, including 

after hours childrens’ clinic, sick visits, newborn care, pediatric consultations,  

immunizations, personal health/annual check-ups, minor injuries, and 

non-emergency illnesses. Their team includes pediatricians, after-hour 

pediatricians, an allergist, and family doctors.  

5283 Rutherford Road, Unit 3, Woodbridge, Ontario L4H 2T2 



Birthing Centres and Hospitals 


Toronto Birth Centre-  

Provides a safe and professional place outside the hospital for women to 

give birth in with registered midwives. They care for women with 

uncomplicated and normal pregnancies. Their purpose is to achieve optimal 

health and wellness for the whole community through culturally integrated 

care, education and research, and through supporting the practice of 

Aboriginal midwifery in its fullest scope both culturally and professionally.  

525 Dundas Street East, Toronto, ON M5A 2B6 (east of Parliament Street) 



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The Markham/Stouffville Hospital’s midwifery unit provides unique and 

specialized care to women who wish to give birth under the care of a 

registered midwife with access to all the medications and interventions 

common at a hospital should they need it.The midwives here recognize the 

importance of allowing the physiological process of labor to happen as 

undisturbed as possible. They provide accessible, responsive care provided 

in partnership with women, respecting their diverse needs and choices, and 

encourage patients to be involved in all aspects of their care. Midwives in 

the community and hospital working closely together to deliver 

high-quality midwifery care that supports normal birth with confidence and 

competence. Waterbirth is a birthing option they provide.  

381 Church Street, Markham, ON L3P 7P3 (Building B, 4th floor) 



h-children/alongside -midwifery-unit-amu   


Family Birthing Centre-  

Baby friendly hospital unit which supports and promotes and protects 

breastfeeding. This team includes highly trained obstetricians, midwives, 

family doctors, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, dieticians, certified 

childbirth educators and lactation consultants. 825 Coxwell Avenue, 

Toronto ON M4C 3E7-Michael Garron Hospital (416-461-8272) 


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Etobicoke General Hospital-  

The Primary Care Obstetrics group at this hospital provides care during 

pregnancy, during labour and delivery, and postpartum. They also provide 

services such as non-stress tests (NST), Rhogam shots, health, exercise, 

and nutrition programs; and prenatal and breastfeeding classes.  

101 Humber College Blvd, Etobicoke, ON M9V 1R8 (416-494-2120) 




Dr. Courney Ranieri, ND specializes in helping men and women regain 

control and optimize their health through research driven and naturally 

focused care. and offers a number of services including topics such as 

weight management, pelvic floor therapy, hormonal health, integrative 

fertility and pregnancy support, and repairing digestion, meal planning and 

individualized nutrition, women’s health/menopause, comprehensive lab 

testing, and anti-stress management techniques. Her goal is to treat the 

root cause of an illness instead of just the symptoms to become truly 

healthy. She works in several locations in the GTA.  


DM Cosmetic & Wellness Centre, Medical Clinic and Medi-Spa- 7681 

ON-27 Unit #13, Woodbridge, ON L4L 4M5 (905-790-6644)  

Zawanda Health- 4 Robert Speck Parkway, Mississauga, Ontario, L4Z1S2 


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Swat Health- Queens Quay Terminal, 207 Queens Quay W Toronto, ON 

M5J1A7(289-297-7928) (SWAT) ext. 3  



The Kleinburg Integrative Health Clinic offers a full range of services 

through the care of a large team of naturopathic doctors, a chiropractic 

doctor, an osteopathic manual practitioner, registered massage therapists, 

an acupuncture and shiatsu therapist, a registered psychotherapist, a 

registered holistic nutritionist, and a homeopath. They specialize in concerns 

such as anxiety and depression, those relating to children, digestive upset, 

heart disease, hormone issues, pain and injury, and weight gain. These 

practitioners (both male and female) are passionate about providing holistic 

and evidence-based treatments and care.  

10480 Islington Ave, Unit 10, Kleinburg, ON L0J 1C0 (905-893-2898)  





The Vaughan Chiropractic Clinic offers extensive care for those from all 

walks of life, from the newborn stage all the way to adulthood through 

chiropractic and pediatric care. They believe that people do not need to live 

in pain, but can achieve a higher level of health through proper care. They 

also specialize in pregnancy and pediatric chiropractic care.  

8383 Weston Rd #108, Vaughan, ON L4L 1A6 (905-850-0909) 

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Dr. Avesh Rakkar, DC specializes in treating sports related and personal 

injuries, motor vehicle accident and work related injuries, paediatric and 

senior care as well as post-surgical orthopaedic care and rehabilitation, 

fertility and cosmetic acupuncture.  

Islington Village Chiropractic Health Centre- 9600 Islington Ave., Suite B9, 

Woodbridge, ON L4L 1A7 (905-893-0539)  



Massage Therapists:  


Amanda Laconettii, RMT works with people of all ages and has additional 

training in pre/post-natal massage and experience with high-risk 

pregnancies. Her massage therapy treatments use a variety of techniques 

including deep tissue massage, myofascial release, trigger point release, 

neuromuscular techniques and stretching.  

Islington Village Chiropractic Health Centre- 9600 Islington Ave., Suite B9, 

Woodbridge, ON L4L 1A7 (905-893-0539)  


Elise Zakaib from Full Function Rehab and Wellness provides professional 

massage therapy and offers individualized care. She has experience doing 

assessments, Swedish massage, trigger-point therapy, fascial release 

techniques, soft tissue release techniques and exercise prescription.   

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8633 Weston Road, Unit #5 Woodbridge, ON L4L9R6 (289- 217-6940)  





Leora Barak BA (Hons), RHN adopts an individualized approach to holistic 

nutrition because she believes that each person is biochemically distinct 

and has unique nutritional and lifestyle needs. Her integrative approach to 

health focuses on customized nutritional therapy, stress-reducing 

techniques and lifestyle changes. She specializes in gastro-intestinal 

disorders and in healthy, sustainable weight loss and makes it her mission 

to educate and empower her clients on ways to achieve optimal health by 

healing with nutrition.  

10480 Islington Ave, Unit 10, Kleinburg, ON L0J 1C0 (905-893-2898)  


Sana Motlekar, Nutritionist/Dietitian, MS, RD provides evidence-based 

nutritional counseling that is tailored specifically to each individual client. 

She works closely with her clients to empower them to find a pattern of 

eating that will support their mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. 

Her core mission is to help people develop the fundamental skills for 

long-term behavior change. She specializes in weight management and 

chronic disease management. Other areas of her practice includes digestion 

and GI nutrition, food allergies and intolerances, menu planning, sports and 

athletic performance, vegetarian diets, women’s health, prenatal, postnatal, 

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and obstetrics. Located at: Toronto Street, Toronto, ON M5C or Integra 

Health 130 King Street West #1320 Toronto, ON M5X (647) 694-1147 


Lactation Consultants:  

The Lactation Clinic in Toronto offers free (or optional paid services if one 

doesn’t qualify for OHIP) breastfeeding support from board certified 

lactation consultants. They specialize in helping women who experience 

any form of nipple pain and those who have preemies or multiples. 

(416-804-9300) (They currently do not have a physical location because 

they only offer online or phone consultations due to COVID.)  


The International Breastfeeding Centre/ Newman Breastfeeding Clinic 

supports women who are struggling to breastfeed for any number of 

reasons, such as pain or a baby’s tongue tie. To help with breastfeeding, 

Dr. Jack Newman (Pediatrician and lactation consultant) personally 

provides a free email answering service to women and health professionals, 

maintains this website as a source of reliable breastfeeding information, 

and creates videos for women to learn about breastfeeding. He and his 

team of lactation consultants provide prescription renewals, prenatal 

classes, and either in-person clinical or virtual consultations/appointments. 

Lactation consultants are not covered by OHIP, but each appointment is 

fairly inexpensive at $65 plus tax. They do accept coverage from private 

insurance companies.  

Located at: Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM)-1255 

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Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto, M2K 1E2 (416-498-0002)  



Breastfeeding Support Groups: 


The La Leche League of Canada provides breastfeeding support all over 

the country through its local chapters, virtual or phone consultations, and 

its online breastfeeding resources. They strive to equip women and families 

with the help and knowledge they need in order to breastfeed successfully 

and reach their individual goals.  



York Region provides free Breastfeeding Clinic support from public health 

nurses at locations all over the city.  

Georgina- 24262 Woodbine Avenue, Keswick, Ontario L4P 2N9 Markham- 

4261 Highway 7 East, Unionville, Ontario L3R 9W6 Newmarket- Tannery 

Mall (1st floor) 465 Davis Drive, Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 2P1 Richmond 

Hill- 50 High Tech Road (2nd floor) Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 4L9 

Vaughan- 9060 Jane Street (1st floor) Vaughan, Ontario L4K 0G5 






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Mommy and Me Groups:  


Mama Tribe is a mother’s support group in Midland, Ontario. “This drop-in 

peer support group is offered to mothers who are looking for caring, 

non-judgmental, mother-to-mother support and educational opportunities. 

Pregnant women, new moms and their babies will have the opportunity to 

meet other moms in the area, speak with trained peer leaders and visit with 

special guests including a public health nurse, lactation consultant, nurse 

practitioner, postpartum mood disorder specialist and many others.”   

CSC CHIGAMIK CHC, Cedar Room- 845 King St #10 Midland ON L4R 0B7 

Canada (705-527-4154) 




Toronto Moms and Moms to Be is an organic (freely organized) group 

of mothers who focus on supporting each other through pregnancy 

and beyond. They enjoy organizing or attending workshops and 

events that help them grow as moms. 



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North Toronto Moms Group is a non-profit organization that offers 

social activities for Toronto area moms. Members include 

mothers-to-be, stay-at-home moms, women on maternity leave and 

moms who work full-, part- and flexible-time. 




Resource Library 




Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth 




Babies are not Pizzas; They are Born, not Delivered 






Taking Charge of Your Fertility 


Page 36: Childbirth Education Curriculum




Natural Health after Birth: The Complete Guide to Postpartum Wellness 





The Natural Pregnancy Book, Third Edition: Your Complete Guide to a 

Safe, Organic Pregnancy and Childbirth with Herbs, Nutrition, and Other 

Holistic Choices 










Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding 




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sc=1&refRID=TSF7 6FEMPSR2GG6Z890H   


Dr. Jack Newman’s Guide to Breastfeeding 






Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers 

Summarized for Parents and Researchers 








sc=1&refRID=TFHG Z928JM5TRB88BRYR   


Childbirth without Fear, by Grantly Dick-Read 

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R&psc=1&refRID=TF HGZ928JM5TRB88BRYR   


The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding   








8BRYR&psc=1&refRI D=TFHGZ928JM5TRB88BRYR   

Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing, by Sheila Kippley 




=1604232090&s=b ooks&sr=1-1 


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Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parent's Guide: How to Make Safe, Sensible 

Decisions about the Risks, Benefits, and Alternatives, by Aviva Romm 






The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to 

Immunity and Health-from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years  










Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn: The Complete Guide, by Penny 






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&psc=1&refRID=7N 51KXP52RRZFA1433H9 


Birth Partner 5th Edition: A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, 

Partners, Doulas, and All Other Labor Companions, by Penny Simpkin 








&psc=1&refRID=D4T 88ZKE3FTD7C6XE9TT   


The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth, by 

Genevieve Howland 






Husband-Coached Childbirth (Fifth Edition): The Bradley Method of 

Page 41: Childbirth Education Curriculum

Natural Childbirth 






Homebirth Cesarean: Stories and Support for Families and Healthcare 






Birth Trauma: A Guide for You, Your Friends and Family to Coping with 

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Following Birth, by Kim Thomas 






Reducing fear of birth in U.S. culture: Ina May Gaskin 



Dr. Stuart Fischbein: Delayed Cord Clamping 


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Dr. Stuart Fischbein: VBAC 



Dr. Stuart Fischbein: Pregnancy is NOT a Disease That Needs to be 

Treated Medically https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6UzyNirqnE 


Dr. Stuart Fischbein: Cesarean Sections 



Dr. Stuart Fischbein: GBS 



Breech Home Birth 



Breathing Techniques https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fIPRseZyJM 


Natural Ways to Cope with the Pain of Labor Without an Epidural 



Sure Signs of Labor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lBA7d1RR8U 


Tips for Avoiding an Unnecessary C-Section 

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How to Engage Baby’s Head in the Pelvis | Positions to Help with Labor 

and Birth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fE78iHxnvjs 


Birth Story: Ina May Gaskin & The Farm Midwives   




Dr. Jack Newman’s Breastfeeding Clinic- https://ibconline.ca/ 


Evidence Based Birth- https://evidencebasedbirth.com/ 


Ina May Gaskin’s website, which includes access to educational articles 

and videos- http://inamay.com/ 


Dr. Stuart Fischbein’s website, where he discusses homebirth, breech 

deliveries, and VBACs, and pregnancy with multiples. 




Mom and baby fitness and pelvic floor recovery: 



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