CHILDREN’S LITURGY FOR SIX SUNDAY MASSES IN LENT FOCUS COUNTRY 2014: SOLOMON ISLANDS - Gospel readings - Reflection on the Gospel and a Caritas project - Prayers - Further information available at www.caritas.org.nz/schools/lent-schools

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- Gospel readings

- Reflection on the Gospel and a Caritas project

- Prayers

- Further information available at www.caritas.org.nz/schools/lent-schools

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Gospel story

Before Jesus began his special life-work, Jesus wanted to think hard and to pray to his Father about it. He went away on his own into the desert. The sun glared down on bare rocks and dry sand. There were no green trees or fresh grass to be seen. There was no food to eat, and the only sound to be heard was the howling of the wild beasts.

Jesus realised that he would not be like other kings. He would not have fine clothes, a rich palace and slaves to obey his orders. He was going to be poor and badly treated and at the end he would be cruelly killed. All this was part of God’s loving plan to rescue the whole world from the power of evil. And Jesus willingly accepted God’s plan.

But Satan, the enemy of God and the source of all evil, was determined to try to stop Jesus from obeying God, just as he had made Adam and Eve disobey God long ago.

When Jesus was hungry and exhausted, after many days of prayer and going without food, Satan suggested to him: ‘God has said that you are his son, so why go hungry? Just order these little rocks to turn into loaves!’

‘The Bible says that man cannot live by bread alone,’ Jesus answered. Jesus refused to use his power to satisfy his own needs. He knew, too, that food in not the most important thing in life.

Satan went on: ‘This world belongs to me. Recognise my power and do things my way and I will give it all to you.’

A glimpse of all the glittering kingdoms of the earth flashed before Jesus’ eyes in a moment. But he shook his head.

‘The Bible says that God is the only one to be obeyed and worshiped,’ he replied. ‘I will do things God’s way.’

Once more Satan tried to make Jesus give up God’s plans for him. ‘Do something daring and spectacular,’ he suggested. ‘If you throw yourself down from the top of the temple you will be a popular hero. You need not worry, because God says in the Bible that he will take care of you and save you from hurting yourself.’

‘The Bible also says that it is wrong to test God and then expect him to get you out of trouble,’ Jesus replied.

In no way could Satan persuade Jesus to turn from God’s plan and go his own way. For a while Satan left him alone and God sent angels to help and strengthen Jesus, after his long struggle against evil.

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Gospel:- Jesus had trouble hearing the voice of God as Satan’s voice was trying to get his attention- Satan offered Jesus riches, power and fame, but all Jesus wanted was to be close to God

Caritas project:- San Isidro Care Centre for the Deaf, in Solomon Islands- Special training centre for teenagers and young adults who are unable to hear- Students learn new skills like sign language, and begin to feel that they belong

Gospel / Caritas project:The desire to belong somewhere and to be loved by God is stronger than the desire for power, fame or riches.

Students at the San Isidro Care Centre for the Deaf. Their house is in the background.

Kia inoi tātou – Let us prayWe pray for our parish, family and friends that we may be generous and share what we have with others, so that all of us may have enough. May we never forget that there are others who are less fortunate than we and are longing to be loved. Lord hear us.


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Gospel story

One day Jesus set off with Peter and the brothers, James and John, to climb a steep mountain ridge. Jesus wanted to be alone with God, to find out what his father wanted him to do. The sun was setting as Jesus prayed and the three friends, tired out, fell fast asleep.

Suddenly they were wide awake. At first they did not know what had disturbed them. Then they saw a warm, bright light shining through the darkness.

They looked across at Jesus. His face was dazzlingly bright and his clothes glistened with a light more beautiful than any on earth. Two men, Moses and Elijah, were talking to him.

James and John were silent in wonder but Peter felt that he would burst if he didn’t speak.

‘This is wonderful, would you like us to put up three tents – one each for you and Moses and Elijah?’ He really didn’t know what he was saying.

At that very moment a cloud shone above them. It was the bright cloud of God’s presence.

‘This is my own dear son,’ God said. ‘Listen to him.’

The disciples hid their faces, full of fear and wonder. Then they felt a gentle touch on the shoulder. They looked up fearfully, but it was Jesus alone.

As they walked down the path in the morning light, Jesus said, ‘Don’t tell anyone what you have seen until after I have been put to death and have come to life again.’

The disciples did as Jesus said. But they never forgot this glimpse of Jesus’ real glory.


Gospel:- Jesus asks his friends not to tell anyone about what they have seen- Jesus rises from the dead- Jesus’ friends tell everyone about the things they saw and learned when they were with him- Jesus’ friends spread the good news about his resurrection

Caritas project:- Radio Timor Kmanek (RTK) is a Catholic radio station based in Dili, in Timor Leste- Timor Leste is a country where only a few people have televisions but many have radios.

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Gospel / Caritas project:The importance of spreading the news and telling the people about what has happened and what was to come.

Domingas Bian, the director of Radio Timor Kmanek (RTK).

Kia inoi tātou – Let us pray

We pray for people who work in radio and television, that they might bring good news stories to the world. Te Atua o te Rangimārie, Peaceful God you give us teachers and parents who tell us about the good news. Help us to stand up and tell other people about your love for all of us. Lord hear us.


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Gospel story

The hot midday sun beat down as Jesus waited for his disciples by the well near Sychar in Samaria. He was tired and very thirsty. A woman came plodding wearily towards the well, her water pot on her head. She was startled to see Jesus. No one was usually around at noon.

‘Would you give me a drink of water?’ Jesus asked her. Now the woman was really surprised. She could see that Jesus was a Jew, and Jews did not speak to Samaritans – let alone a woman!

‘You mean you would take water from me even though I’m a Samaritan woman?’ she asked. ‘Whoever can you be?’

‘If you knew that,’ Jesus told her, ‘you would ask me for a drink. I would give you living water.’

‘You haven’t even got a bucket,’ the woman said laughing. ‘How do you think you’d draw your wonderful water?’

‘The water I give is different from the water in this well,’ Jesus explained. ‘If you drink the water I give, you will never be thirsty again. It will satisfy your deepest needs.’

‘That sounds good as it would save me coming here every day,’ said the woman.

‘Then why not get your husband to do it?’ Jesus suggested.

‘Because I haven’t got one,’ the unhappy woman retorted sharply.

‘I know that,’ Jesus replied gently. He knew all about this unhappy woman. She had been married five times and was not married to the man she lived with at the moment. The woman was astonished that Jesus knew all about her. She put down her water pot and ran back to the town full of the news.

‘Come and see the most wonderful person!’ She told everyone. ‘He has told me everything about myself. I think he must be the Messiah.’

The villagers were full of curiosity and followed her back to the well. ‘Please stay here a few days and tell us about the good news you have brought,’ invited the people.

And Jesus did.

He told me everything I've ever done.

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Gospel:- Jesus asks the woman at the well for water – water that is needed to survive- Jesus tells her that knowing him and following him is also important and gives us everlasting life

Caritas project:- repairing pipes and water tanks for fresh, clean, drinking water- rebuilding the old water system in Auki, Solomon Islands

Gospel / Caritas project:Drinking water and living water for everyone is essential. By sharing it with others and helping them to repair their water tanks, we work together so that we all have enough.

Little girl in Solomon Islands, doing her washing.

Kia inoi tātou - Let us prayWe pray for those who don’t have easy access to fresh water. May they be helped by the generous donations of New Zealanders this Lent.Lord hear us.


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Gospel story

As he walked along, Jesus saw a man blind from birth. He spat on the ground and made mud with the saliva and spread the mud on the man’s eyes, saying to him, ‘Go, wash in the pool of Siloam’ (which means sent). Then he went and washed and came back able to see.

The neighbours and those who had seen him before as a beggar began to ask, ‘Isn’t this the man who used to sit and beg?’ Some were saying, ‘It is him.’ Others were saying, ‘No, but it’s someone like him.’ He kept saying, ‘I am the man.’

They brought the former beggar to the Pharisees. Now it was a sabbath day when Jesus made the mud and opened his eyes. Then the Pharisees also began to ask him how he had received his sight. He said to them, ‘He put mud on my eyes. Then I washed, and now I see.’

Some of the Pharisees said, ‘This man is not from God, for he does not observe the sabbath.’ But others argued, ‘How can a man who is a sinner perform such signs?’ So they said again to the man, ‘What do you say about the man who opened your eyes?’

He said, ‘He is a prophet.’ They answered him, ‘You were born in sins, and are you trying to teach us?’ And they drove him out.

Jesus heard that they had driven him out, so when Jesus found him, he said, ‘Do you believe in the Son of Man?’

He answered, ‘And who is he, sir? Tell me, so that I may believe in him.’

Jesus said to him, ‘You have seen him, and the one speaking with you is he.’

He said, ‘Lord, I believe.’ And he worshipped him.


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Gospel:- Jesus always had a special love for those who were disabled in any way- Jesus has compassion on the man born blind and he heals him

Caritas project:Providing training for teachers at San Isidro Deaf and Disability Centre in Solomon Islands helps the disabled in their training

Gospel / Caritas project:By training teachers for the Deaf and Disability Centre, the students will be able to get education, will have hope and will see that they are loved.

Teachers Cathy and Aniseto at the San Isidro Deaf and Disability Centre, Solomon Islands

Kia inoi tātou - Let us pray

We pray for those who feel lonely because they are disabled. Help us to see them, be good friends to them and to give them hope. Lord hear us.


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Gospel story

One day, Lazarus became ill. As he grew worse, Martha and Mary, his sisters, were beside themselves with worry. The doctor could do nothing to help and shook his head sadly.

‘Jesus could make him better,’ Mary said. So they told a messenger, ‘Tell Jesus that his dear friend is ill.’.

Jesus was very fond of Lazarus and the two sisters so when he heard the bad news he became very concerned. But he told them ‘Death will not be the end for Lazarus. This illness is going to bring glory to God and to his son.’

Two days later Jesus and the disciples set off for Bethany. By the time they arrived Lazarus had been dead for four whole days. The house was full of mourners.

Martha rushed out to meet Jesus on the road and told Jesus that Lazarus would not have died if he had been there earlier. Jesus replied, ‘Martha, I am the resurrection and the life. The person who believes in me will live again even though he has died. Do you believe that?’

Martha replied fervently ‘I believe that you are God’s son the promised Messiah.’

Martha ran to tell Mary and then they all went to the rocky grave to weep. Jesus cried too with everyone else because death brings sadness to everyone.

‘Show me his grave,’ said Jesus. Then he instructed them to take away the stone that blocked the grave entrance and he prayed to his Father.

Jesus called out ‘Lazarus, come out!’ Everyone held their breath in silence to see what would happen.

There was a soft sound and Lazarus shuffled out into the sunshine still bound up in grave clothes.

The people were in shock and they took off the strips of linen that covered his face,hands and feet. Lazarus had returned to life!

Everyone began to hug one another saying ‘Jesus must be the Messiah. Look at what he has done!’


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Gospel:- Lazarus died – a disaster for his family- Jesus brought Lazarus back to life and showed everyone how powerful God is

Caritas Project:- Typhoon Bopha struck the Philippines just three weeks before Christmas, 2013- with winds reported at 250 km/hr, it was a category 5 ‘super typhoon’- many people lost their homes and many people died

Gospel / Caritas Project:God didn’t stop the disasters from happening, but he sent he sent us his Son and he is sending us to give support to those who have suffered

Rocky Silverio (right) works for Caritas Philippines. He is helping this man to build a new life after the disaster.

Kia inoi tātou - Let us pray

For the people who are sick and those who have been affected by natural disasters and who need shelter and medicines and food. Help us to help others. Lord hear us.


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Gospel story

Because Jesus said that loving kindness was more important than laws and rules, some of the law-keepers became angry.

‘This man is dangerous,’ they said and they plotted to kill him.

Jesus knew that he would be killed and he knew death was not the end. He would rise up from the tomb to show that death was a new beginning.

While Jesus had God’s knowledge in him, he was also fully human, and afraid of the pain he would suffer. His followers were scared too. When Jesus was arrested most of them ran away.

All this was meant to be.

Jesus had to know betrayal, fear, loneliness, hurt, all the painful feelings that people experience, so that in the future, his Spirit could be with us, comforting us in our fear, loneliness and pain.

That is why we call the day of his death Good Friday.


Gospel:- Terrible things happened to Jesus on Good Friday- After all the horror of the crucifixion, there is the joy and the hope of the resurrection

Hope is an important gift that God has given us. Pope Francis asks us to ‘open a horizon of hope’.

This Lent we are called to be people who bring hope to the world. We can bring hope to those around us by showing them concern and love. We can bring hope to those who live a long way away from us by being generous and sharing what we have with them.

Kia inoi tātou - Let us prayWe pray for those who live in countries where there is great poverty and suffering.May they receive help from Caritas and other aid agencies so that they can rebuild their lives. Lord hear us.


The Way of the Cross

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Looking ahead to Easter day! (Jelly Bean Prayer)

Red is for the blood He gave,

Green is for the grass He made,

Yellow is for the sun so bright,

Orange is for the edge of night.

Black is for the sins that were made

White is for the grace He gave,

Purple is for the hour of sorrow,

Pink is for the new tomorrow.

Give a bag full of jelly beans,

Colorful and sweet,

Tell them it's a Prayer... It's a promise ...

It's an Easter Treat!

Notes:If you would like to download a powerpoint of the Stations of the Cross to use with the children, please go to www.caritas.org.nz/schools/lent-schools. Each station has two slides. One slide tells the story of the station and the second slide has a reflection for us to consider today.

AcknowledgementsThe scripture readings used in these liturgies are adapted for younger children from The Children’s Bible in 365 stories.The reading in Week 6 is from The Easter Story by Joy Cowley. Pub. 2011, Pleroma Press, Otane 4202


Note to Children’s Liturgy Co-ordinator or PPRE Teacher

During Lent we focus on prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

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We describe these things to children as praying, giving up something and giving money or practical help to others.

From the Children’s Liturgy prayers for each Sunday you will have realised that the theme of Lent 2014 is opening up a horizon of hope for the people of the Solomons. The Lenten donations will fund education and water projects, specifically:

renovating a water system for a group of villages training early childhood education teachers providing equipment for rural training centres which teach young people skills

in carpentry, sewing, animal-rearing, agriculture and mechanics supporting teacher training in a care centre for the deaf.

In the activity described below, children can create their own koha or donation box. The money that they put into the box during Lent will go towards supporting these projects.

The following are some suggestions and instructions about how to do it.A template is also provided on the next page.


Decorate your own koha box and use it to make small donations to Caritas during Lent.

Draw symbols and pictures on this box template before you cut it out and glue it together. Remember to put a small slit in the square at the bottom of the template so that you can put money in! Leave the centre square blank as this will be the bottom of the box.

Suggested images on the other surfaces: Caritas symbol picture of a tap with water coming out of it picture of children at kindy picture of a Pacific island picture of someone sewing, building, planting or feeding an animal picture of someone using deaf sign language.

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