Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 September 2006 ~ September 2007

Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God

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Page 1: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God

Children’s Club

Grades 1 - 3

September 2006 ~ September 2007

Page 2: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God

WEEK 1 - I TIMOTHY 1:1 - 2:4

MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 1:1-3

Paul was close to Timothy, and writes this letter to encourage him. Timothy is the pastor of a

church and Paul writes some instructions for him as he teaches and leads the church.

Fill in the blanks below.

1. Using verse 3, why did Paul want Timothy to stay there in Ephesus?

To instruct certain men _______________ to ______________________

strange doctrines

2. Using verses 1 & 2, write the words that are used to describe God and Jesus.

God our ________________________________________

Christ Jesus, who is our _____________________________

peace from God the _______________________________

and Christ Jesus our _______________________________

TUESDAY -- Read I Timothy 1:5

The goal for teaching God’s truth is love. We love others, so we teach them God’s truth. Some

were adding false things about God in their teaching. They didn’t do that out of love for God.

Paul said our hearts should be pure, or without anything bad in it. He said our conscience should

be good, which means you know you haven’t done anything wrong, like adding to or taking

away from God’s Word. Then he said you should have a sincere faith, or honest faith in God.

Match the words to their meanings below.

pure heart honest faith in God

good conscience without anything bad in it

sincere faith know you haven’t done wrong

Page 3: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEDNESDAY -- Read I Timothy 1:12-14

Paul used to be a leader in the Jewish religion and was against believers in Jesus Christ. He even

had many killed because of their faith, thinking he was doing good. Then Paul believed in Jesus,

and now is thankful for all that God did for him.

Unscramble these words that describe God and His qualities listed in verses 12-14.

cymre _____________________________________________________

cegar ______________________________________________________

vole ______________________________________________________

rLod ______________________________________________________

THURSDAY -- Read I Timothy 1:15-16

Paul tells us very clearly why Jesus came as a man and died on the cross....to save sinners from

their sin. This is a trustworthy statement. God will never change the reason, He’ll never change

how to be saved, He’ll never change His love for us.

God has done so much for us by saving us from our sins. He wants us to be thankful and bring

Him glory and honor by what we say and do. Circle the ways you can do that below.

pray sing songs about God tell others about God

rent a video speak kindly to others take things from other people

not lose your temper obey your parents lie a lot

FRIDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:1-4

Paul tells Timothy how important prayer is. He says in verse 1 that our prayers and petitions and

thanksgivings “be made for others”. We should be praying that others will be saved from their

sins. It’s important for us to obey God and pray. He wants to hear our prayers. We get closer to

God the more we pray and talk to Him.

Write what kinds of things we can pray for others about, besides being saved.


Who does verse 2 say we should pray for?


Who is included in this list? Teachers? List some titles or names:


Page 4: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11

MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8

Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God. Another truth

is that His Son, Jesus Christ, paid the ransom or price for our sins. Without Jesus we could never

get to heaven or have a relationship with God.

Being thankful is very important. In our prayers, we should tell God “thank you” for whatever

we are thankful for that day. Write the words, or draw pictures of things you are thankful for


_____________________________ _______________________________

Does God want us to pray? __________

TUESDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:9-13

Paul gives instruction for women in these verses. Women and girls should dress appropriately.

They should be more concerned with how they are pleasing God with their life, than how fancy

they dress or look that day. Also, Paul tells women they are not to teach men or be in authority

over men. God set up leadership in the church through men.

Fill in the blanks below, using the paragraph above.

1. Women and girls should ________________________ appropriately.

2. Women and girls should be more concerned with how they are ________________

God with their life, than how ___________________________ they dress or look

that day.

3. God set up leadership to be through _____________________________________ .

WEDNESDAY -- Read I Timothy 3:1-4

Here Paul tells Timothy what an elder should be like. In the Bible, the word overseer means

elder. In our church we have a group of elders.

Circle the answer to each question below.

1. Why are these qualities important for an elder to have?

a. It shows they love God and want to obey Him and are responsible.

b. It’s a way of picking who you want to be an elder.

2. Why do you think the elder must be able to manage his family well?(see verse 5)

a. So the church has less bad kids in it.

b. If the man can manage or handle his own family well and be a good father,

then he will most likely be able to handle things of the church.

Page 5: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read I Timothy 3:8-9

Here Paul talks about deacons. They are the group of men under the leadership of the elders,

who help get many things done in the church so the elders are free to teach and work on different

things in serving people. The qualities for deacons are almost the same as for the elders.

Circle the correct answer below.

Why does God care so much about what kind of man is a deacon?

a. Serving in this way is important to the whole church and the church needs men who are

living to please God and are responsible.

b. So only a few men in the church need to do the work.

What does verse 9 mean when it says “with a clear conscience?

a. Without having sin in their life that they know about and keep doing.

b. Not on cloudy days, only clear days.

FRIDAY -- Read I Timothy 3:11

After talking about elders and deacons, Paul talks to their wives, or perhaps the deaconesses.

God wants those women, in particular, to be dignified or worthy of respect; well-balanced and

faithful, or trustworthy.

Circle the correct answer to the question below.

Why is it important how the elder’s wife or deacon’s wife acts?

a. She will honor her husband by being respected and faithful.

b. She will get them more invitations to dinner that way.

Page 6: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 3 - I TIMOTHY 4:1 - 5:8

MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 4:1-3

“The later times” for Paul were times yet to come. Paul warned that people over the years would

turn to false ideas and other gods instead of putting their faith in the true God. For us, it means

to be aware of false teachers. Don’t just let anyone teach you about God, be sure they know and

teach the truth. Where can we check someone to see if they are teaching the truth? In the Bible.

Circle the word “TRUE” or “FALSE” for each statement below.

1. If someone taught that Jesus is God’s Son, that is: TRUE or FALSE

2. If someone taught that you need to do lots of good deeds, or works, to be saved,

that is: TRUE or FALSE

3. If someone taught that God didn’t save you from your sins, but that YOU had

to save yourself from them, that is: TRUE or FALSE

TUESDAY -- Read I Timothy 4:7-9

Godliness is a goal for believers. Believers want to grow to be more like God. These verses tell

us it takes work and discipline. This kind of discipline is having self-control. Controlling your

body, thoughts and words so that you do, think and say what is honoring to God. Circle the

words below that are ways to help believers grow.

playing tag reading the Bible singing songs to God

hitting someone obeying your parents calling someone mean names

learning Bible verses helping others lying

WEDNESDAY -- Read I Timothy 4:12

Timothy must have been a young man when he got this letter. Paul encourages him not to be

uncomfortable about his age and being a pastor. Paul said Timothy would let others know his

knowledge of God’s Word by how he lived. What we say and do shows where our heart and

thoughts are. They show what’s important to us. Our words and actions should show we love

God and are trying to obey Him. Write something you could say or do to encourage someone in

the following examples.

1. A friend is sad, what could you say to them? ____________________________


2. Your parents tell you to do something, what action should you do? __________


Page 7: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


3. Someone at school is being left out, how could you show love? _____________


4. How can you show others your faith, or belief in God? ____________________


5. Some kids are talking using bad words, how can you stay pure, or clean?


THURSDAY -- Read I Timothy 5:1-3

Paul gives Timothy advice on how to relate to people in his church. Timothy is to be harsh or

mean to NO group of people. Paul wants him to treat people gently, kindly, and with purity.

These are good ways for US to treat people too. Match the group to how Timothy should relate

to them below.

older men as a mother

younger men as sisters, with purity

older women as a father

younger women as a brother

FRIDAY -- Read I Timothy 5:8

Women whose husbands have died are called widows. Widows had a hard time back then,

because women didn’t usually live on their own and work at a job to earn money. They usually

went to live with a family member. But, some families were letting the church support the

widows instead. Paul tells them and us that families should take care of family members.

What are some ways parents might help their parents?

___________________________ ______________________________

___________________________ ______________________________

What are some things YOU could do to help your grandparents?

___________________________ _______________________________

Page 8: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 4 - I TIMOTHY 6:1 - 12

♫MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 6:1-2

Timothy was to encourage those who were slaves to be good, obedient slaves, no matter how

their master treated them. This would give God glory, or honor. Masters are told to treat their

slaves fairly and with respect. We don’t have slaves and masters today, but we are still under the

authority of others and should show respect and honor to them, for this pleases God. Circle the

names of who you should respect below.

parents teachers older people pastors

coaches friends friends’ parents church leaders

♫TUESDAY -- Read I Timothy 6:3-4

Paul tells Timothy that anyone who teaches things about God that are NOT in the Bible, are

wrong and should not be allowed to teach in the church. We need to protect the church body

from false teachers. Circle “Yes” or “No” to the following questions.

1. Would it be confusing to hear from one person that Jesus was God’s Son,

and from another person that Jesus was just a good man? YES NO

2. Would it be confusing to hear from one teacher that Jesus died for your sins,

and you only need to have faith to be saved; and from anther teacher hear that

you have to do certain actions to be saved? YES NO

3. Do you see why it’s important for us to have only God’s truth from the Bible

taught in the church? YES NO

♫WEDNESDAY -- Read I Timothy 6:6

Godliness, becoming more like God, is a great gain in life. People in the world think the greatest

gain is to have lots of money, or lots of toys, or a huge house, but we believers know that

obeying God and growing in our understanding of Him is the greatest gain.

Find and circle the following words in the puzzle below.










Page 9: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


♫THURSDAY -- Read I Timothy 6:10

Some love money so much that it becomes more important than God is in their life. Paul warns

here that living that way will bring trouble. Nothing should be more important than God to

believers. Money is a blessing from God, not something we live for.

Circle the correct answer to each question below.

1. If you love money, you will

a. have trouble in your life

b. look like money

2. If you can only think of money and getting more money and what to buy with your

money, you may be

a. too hungry

b. too wrapped up in the desire for money

3. Paul warns about making money more important than

a. God


♫FRIDAY -- Read I Timothy 6:11-12

Paul tells Timothy to flee, or run, from bad things like loving money. We need to be more

concerned about living life pleasing to God. We need to pursue, or go after, things like

righteousness (pleasing God), godliness (becoming more like God), faith, love, perseverance

(enduring hard times) and gentleness. These are what we should be trying to grow in.

Cross out the word or phrase that doesn’t fit in each line below.

1. Growing in righteousness is: pleasing God obeying God cheating

2. Growing in godliness is: becoming more like God being mean reading your Bible

3. Growing in faith is: disobeying parents trusting in God praying

4. Growing in love is: helping others putting others first being selfish

5. Growing in perseverance is: enduring hard times hitting when you’re bothered

trusting in God and not doing wrong back

Page 10: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 5 - I TIMOTHY 6:13 - 21

MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 6:13-14

Paul gives Timothy a “charge” or a command to keep God’s Word free from false teachings.

Don’t add to the Bible and don’t take things out of the Bible.

Circle “YES” or “NO” to the following questions.

1. Is it really that important to keep false teachers out of the church? YES NO

2. Is Paul kidding about the danger of false teachers in the church? YES NO

3. Should we all be on the alert for false teachers in the church? YES NO

TUESDAY -- Read I Timothy 6:15-16

Wow, these verses are full of descriptions of Jesus Christ. Praise God for who He is and all He

gives us! Circle the words or phrases below that Paul used to describe Jesus below.

King of Kings Sovereign (in control) Lord of Lords

mean blessed has immortality (never dies) gets hungry

no one has seen dwells in unapproachable light likes animals

WEDNESDAY -- Read I Timothy 6:17

Here Paul tells Timothy to be sure the wealthy, or rich, in the church are warned about trusting in

riches instead of in God. Their wealth is a blessing from God. We should never think that

money will make you a better person, or help you please God, or get you to heaven. Circle the

correct answer to each question below.

1. What can money do?

a. buy things

b. save you from your sins

2. What does God see as important?

a. us having lots of stuff here on earth

b. us having faith in Him and honoring Him

3. Does God say you shouldn’t have money?

a. yes

b. no

Page 11: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read I Timothy 6:18-19

Paul is still talking about the rich people in the church. He wants them to use the gift of money

in ways that will please God, like being generous and do good deeds.

All we have in life is a gift from God. What should we say to God for them?


What should we do with our gifts: be generous and share OR be stingy and selfish?


FRIDAY -- Read I Timothy 6:20-21

Paul ends his letter to Timothy with a warning. He warns Timothy to keep God’s Word pure,

free from false teachings. We need to guard God’s Word, too. God’s Word teaches us about

Him and how to live life pleasing to Him. We can learn so much from the Bible, don’t let God’s

enemies change it.

Fill in the blanks below.

1. What book should we protect and keep pure? _____________________________

2. What book can you learn about God from? _______________________________

3. What book has all the answers to how to live life pleasing to God?


4. What book should we treasure and read often? ____________________________

Page 12: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 6 - I PETER 1:1 – 1:19

MONDAY -- Read I Peter 1:1, 3-5

Peter writes this book to the believers who lived in many different areas. Peter reminds us God

has saved us from our sins by His MERCY, not by giving us what we deserve. We’ve done

nothing to save ourselves. Sin makes us spiritually dead. Peter tells us we are born again

spiritually when we believe in God by faith. Jesus paid the price for our sins on the cross, and

we are given new spiritual life. Believers have the promise of living forever (eternally) in

heaven with God.

Write below the words Peter uses to say in another way that you have new spiritual life.

_________________________ ___________________________

Who wrote this book? ____________________To whom was it written? _________________

TUESDAY -- Read I Peter 1:6-7

The words in verse 6 “In this” refers back to what Peter just wrote about. All that God has done

for us, should make us greatly rejoice. Peter says we’ll have problems and troubles as believers,

but we can trust completely in God to get us through them. We don’t have to rejoice that we

have a problem, but that God loves you so much He’ll help you through anything that happens.

When problems come, we can see how much faith in God we have, how much we trust Him, and

how we’re growing in our response to problems. Problems and hard times help our faith to grow

if we put our trust in God.

According to Peter, our faith is more precious than what? Unscramble the word below.



WEDNESDAY -- Read I Peter 1:12

In the Old Testament many things are written about Jesus Christ dying for our sins. But the

prophets who wrote them down, didn’t know how it would all work out. They didn’t know when

Jesus would come. They were writing information that people in the future would be able to

look at and see how Jesus fulfilled what they wrote about.

Along with a lot of other information about God, where could we and Peter look for proof that

Jesus came and paid the price for our sins on the cross? Write it below.

_______________ _______________________________________

Page 13: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read I Peter 1:13-16

Verse 13 starts out with the word “therefore”. We need to look back a verse or more to see

‘because of what’? Peter says because of all that God has done for you, you are to do some

things. He wants us to “gird your mind for action”. That means to control your mind and

thoughts. We’re also to keep “sober in spirit”, which means to have thinking based only on

God’s Word. Our whole focus of life is to be on God. Peter goes on to tell us that if we’re living

to please God, we’ll be different from the world. The world doesn’t live to please God. The

world is against God. We are to be ‘holy’, which means “set apart” We are set apart from the

world and live to obey and please God.

Circle the correct answers below.

1. We can control our thoughts by

a. watching a lot of TV

b. reading the Bible and thinking about what we read and know during the day

c. taking a lot of naps

2. We can get thinking that is based on God’s Word by

a. reading scary books

b. reading comics

c. reading the Bible

3. The focus of our life is to be on

a. myself

b. God

c. others

FRIDAY -- Read I Peter 1:17-19

Peter says we should “fear” God. That’s not the kind of fear that is scared and afraid. He means

fear like honor and respect and have awe for. We should never forget who God is. He is the

God over our entire world. There is no one stronger or more powerful than He is. He deserves

our respect and honor. God is to be “feared” because He is AWESOME! Peter tells us again

God redeemed, or paid for our sins through Jesus Christ.

Color in the word below that means to have respect and honor for.

Page 14: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 7 - I PETER 1:22 - 2:12

MONDAY -- Read I Peter 1:22

Peter tells the believers to whom he’s writing to love one another. Believers today should love

one another also. You love others by helping them, serving them, caring for them, putting them

before yourself, and more. Peter says that we should try to love others EVEN MORE.

Circle the word or words below that show love for others.

doing your chores at home taking a toy out of someone’s hand

letting someone take a turn before you not complaining

hitting someone who called you a name helping your mom or dad

around the house

TUESDAY -- Read I Peter 2:1

We just read how we should love others more. Then Peter writes in verse 1 “therefore”. So,

because we should love others more, we should put aside the sins he lists here. These words

mean things like wanting bad things to happen to someone, being tricky and sneaky to get your

way, speaking hurtful things about someone, and saying one thing is true, but doing a different

thing yourself. None of these actions are how God wants us to act. We need to watch what we

say to others. We can hurt others very easily by the words we choose to speak. Believers should

want to help and encourage others, NOT hurt others. We should speak the truth, not lies.

Circle “YES” or “NO” to the following questions.

1. Does God care how we speak to others? YES NO

2. Can we hurt others by the words we say? YES NO

3. Are you showing someone love by saying mean

things about them or to them? YES NO

WEDNESDAY -- Read I Peter 2:2-3

Peter says newborn babies need and want milk to grow. Believers should want to read the Bible

and learn from it to grow spiritually. The Bible is where we find out about who God is and what

He is like. It’s where we find out how to please God and what we need to do to obey Him. It’s

where the answers to all of our questions about life are found. How are some ways we can show

that we want to grow? Write the correct vowel in the blanks below. The code will help you.

A = # E = * I = + O = > U = @

1. R ___ ___ D T H ___ B ___ B L ___

* # * + *

2. G ___ T ___ CH ___ RCH

> > @

3. PR ___ Y


Page 15: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read I Peter 2:9-10

Our purpose in life is given in verse 9. It is to “proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called

you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” Wow! Now you know why God made you and

put you here on earth...to give Him glory and honor and to proclaim God to the world; not only

with our words, but also with our actions. Remember, believers are different from the world,

because believers have spiritual life. God changes people who become believers and the people

around them can see a difference. That difference is shown by living God’s way, not the world’s


Remember, what you do and say can shows others that you are a believer. Color in the word

below that tell what our purpose is in life.

To give God...


FRIDAY -- Read I Peter 2:11-12

These verses say again what Peter wrote in verses 9 and 10. We proclaim to the world the

wonderful things of God by how we act and talk. We should be showing God’s love to others by

putting them before ourselves. We should be forgiving, kind, generous, gentle, and much more.

Circle the correct words to fill in the blanks below.

1. Believers should be ______ the world.

the same as different from

2. How we ________ should show that we believe in and love God.

eat and drink act and talk

3. Believers should proclaim the wonderful things about ______ to the world.

God ourselves

Page 16: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 8 - I PETER 2:13 - 3:9

MONDAY -- Read I Peter 2:13-15

Peter talks more about ways we can show the world the wonderful things of God. Obeying

authorities is one way. He says we should obey the king or whoever is in charge over us. We

don’t have a king in our country, but we do have a president, government and state leaders,

policemen and even teachers. You can show the world you are a believer by obeying those

people. You can do that by not breaking the rules. Not cheating. Not lying. There are many

laws we need to obey and many rules at school. We should obey them and not complain and

disobey because we don’t like them. . That’s how God wants us to act. Circle “a” or “b”,

whichever shows how God wants us to act for each of the following examples.

1. When your teacher tells us her rule of walking quietly in the halls, and you want to

tell your friend something....

a. you talk anyway because what you have to say is important to you.

b. you keep quiet and wait until later to tell your news.

2. When the teacher on the playground says to take turns on the slide, and you

don’t want to wait to go down the slide, you.....

a. go to the back of the line and wait your turn.

b. cut in line up near the front when she isn’t looking.

3. When the policeman tells you to not play in the parking lot of a certain

business, but it’s got a great parking lot for roller blading and bike riding, you.....

a. go back later when he’s not there and ride and skate all you want to.

b. find a new place to ride and skate.

TUESDAY -- Read I Peter 2:18, 20

Peter talks to slaves and servants in these verses. We can learn from this because like a servant,

we are under the authority of others, such as teachers, principals, and parents. Sometimes they

will not know if we did right or not, and sometimes will blame us for doing wrong. God says be

patient if you end up suffering for doing the right thing. God says if we are unfairly judged and

did right, He’ll be pleased with our good behavior if we are patient. If we do something wrong

and are blamed for it, then we deserve punishment and God is not pleased. Circle below the

authorities you are under now, and do your best to obey them.

Parents Boss Sunday School Teacher

Government leaders School teacher Friends Policemen

Pastor Sales clerk at a store Club teachers

WEDNESDAY -- Read I Peter 2:21-23

Our best example to follow is Jesus Christ. Before He was hung on a cross for our sins, He

heard lies about Himself. He heard people call Him names. They spit on Him. They beat and

whipped Him. Yet He didn’t loose His temper, get mad and hurt them back or call them names.

He patiently endured it. When someone is mean to you, God doesn’t want you to be mean back

to them. That’s getting revenge and God says we’re not to do that. We shouldn’t hurt others, no

matter what they say or do. We are to trust God and obey Him in those situations. (next page)

Color in the name of who we can use as an example of how to live, and who we can go to in

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prayer when we need help and comfort.


THURSDAY -- Read I Peter 3:1-4

Peter has just finished talking about obeying those in authority over us, and now he looks at

wives, and says “in the same way” wives should be under the authority of their husbands. None

of you are married yet, but you may be some day. So these verses tell what is a good wife. First,

wives are to be submissive to their husbands. To be “submissive” means to put yourself under

the authority of someone. Wives put themselves under their husband’s authority. He is the head

of the home. God made it to work best that way. Another thing Peter tells women, and this is

for a girl of any age, is that her beauty is to be on the INSIDE, not just the OUTSIDE. So, girls

should be more concerned with what kind of qualities show in your life, instead of being more

concerned with how your outfit or hair looks. That certainly doesn’t mean we should not take

care of our bodies and our appearance. But in the world we live in, it’s easy to get mixed up.

Peter has two things to tell women (girls) today. Fill in the blanks below.

1. Wives should be ______________________________________ to their husbands.

2. Women (girls) should be more concerned with what kind of qualities you have

on the _________________________________ and not more concerned with

your looks on the ___________________________________________________ .

FRIDAY -- Read I Peter 3:7-9

Peter talked to the girls yesterday, and today it’s for the boys. When you are older, you may

marry and become a husband, and God wants you to treat your wife with special care. Peter

uses the words “weaker vessel” to describe the wife. That means she’s fragile, special and

valuable. You are to treat her like a delicate treasure.

Then Peter talks to all believers in verses 8 & 9 about our actions to each other. Be kind, loving,

humble, peaceful, not returning evil for evil (or hit for a hit, or nasty word for a nasty word), but

give a blessing. Circle the correct words for each statement below.

1. Husbands are to treat their wives with special care like a ________________ .

old tire delicate treasure

2. All believers should be ____________ to each other.

kind, loving, peaceful rough, mean, selfish

3. Not returning evil for evil means _______________ .

not getting caught doing wrong back at someone not doing wrong back to someone

Page 18: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 9 - I PETER 3:10 - 4:2

MONDAY -- Read I Peter 3:10-11

Peter takes these verses from Psalm 34. Peter shows us from the Old Testament that God wants

us to watch how we speak and how we act. Color in the letters below.

“Refrain his


“And let him

from evil and

TUESDAY -- Read I Peter 3:15

This means that we should be able to tell others about God and how important He is to us. Take

the time now or as soon as you can to tell one or both of your parents about God and who Jesus

is (just for practice).

WEDNESDAY -- Read I Peter 3:17

God says if we suffer for doing what’s right that’s good. If we suffer for doing what’s wrong,

that’s not good. If kids you know tease you because you won’t do something wrong, that’s good

because you are standing up for what God wants and obeying Him.

Put a “G” by the statements that show suffering for doing GOOD. Put a “B” by the statements

that show suffering for doing BAD.

______ You get laughed at because you obey your parents.

______ You get sent to the principal’s office for stealing school supplies.

______ You get left out of a group at school because you won’t join them in being

mean to someone

______ You get teased because you won’t swear or say bad words.

Page 19: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read I Peter 3:18

This verse tells us what Jesus did for us. He died and paid the price for our sins so that we could

have a relationship with God.

There’s a drawing called “the bridge illustration” that shows this in picture form. Look at the

pictures below and read what it is showing. Then you fill in the missing names in the blank


1. Sin separates us from God.

us God


2. Jesus paid the price for our sins and now we can have fellowship with God.


Jesus is our bridge to God.

us God


Now you fill in the missing names. Do it with one of your parents and try to explain or have

them explain the diagram to you.

1. 2.

______ ______


FRIDAY -- Read I Peter 4:1-2

“Therefore” points back to the verses about what Jesus did for us. So, since Jesus died for our

sins and saved us from the punishment for them, we should live to please God. We should look

on sin the same way God/Christ does...we should hate sin. Circle the word below that is what all

believers should HATE.


Page 20: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 10 - I PETER 4:4 - 5:5

MONDAY -- Read I Peter 4:4-5

These verses are talking about the people that give you a hard time because you live to please

and honor God. Unbelievers don’t understand why you do good things, and why do things that

please God. Sometimes they tease you or are even mean to you for doing good. These verses

explain why. It says they are surprised you don’t want to do bad things, and may “malign” you,

or are mean to you because of it. But verse 5 assures us God will someday judge all unbelievers,

so let God judge them and don’t you get even with them. Find and circle the following words in

the puzzle below.













TUESDAY -- Read I Peter 4:8-11

Peter gives us more ways to live to please God with our actions and words. He says we should

love each other more, be hospitable, or friendly to those we don’t know, to speak and do things

in ways that honor God. Why act in these ways? “So that in all things God may be glorified”.

Circle the correct answer below.

Who should be glorified, or honored, by everything I do and say?


WEDNESDAY -- Read I Peter 4:15-16

We’ve been told now that believers will suffer for doing right and obeying God. The world’s

values are different from ours. They won’t always like us being good. Peter says be sure that if

you suffer, or get teased, treated differently, or punished, it’s for doing GOOD, not BAD things.

Don’t do bad things and then think God will be pleased. Fill in the blanks.

When we suffer for doing ________________________________ it’s okay and we’ll

be blessed by God. When we suffer for doing ________________________________

and are disciplined, it doesn’t please God.

Page 21: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read I Peter 5:1-3

Peter talks to the elders, or pastors, of the churches he’s writing to. He wants them to be pastors

that please God by how they teach and help others in the church. Elders are like shepherds, and

the church is like the flock of sheep. Elders should serve with eagerness and be loving, not cruel.

Write a name of one of our church’s elders below.


Pray for them that they’ll continue to be the shepherd God wants them to be. They need our

prayers and encouragement.

FRIDAY -- Read I Peter 5:5

Now Peter talks to the flock of the church, us. Believers have the responsibility to be

submissive, or under the authority, of the elders. So, we help them, we don’t complain, we pray

for them, we serve in the church.

Circle ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the following questions.

1. Is it helpful for you to be noisy during church?

Yes No

2. Is it alright for you to break the rules set at church because you don’t like them?

Yes No

3. Are you being submissive to your pastor if you help when asked to?

Yes No

Page 22: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 11 - I PETER 5:6 - 14

MONDAY -- Read I Peter 5:6-7

God assures us that we can give Him all our worries and cares. He’ll take care of us. God loves

us and will not leave us alone to go through hard times. Fill in the blanks below.

1. What word is used in verse 7 that means to throw? (Hint: it is used as a fishing

word too) ____________________________________________________________

2. What can we cast, or throw, to God for Him to take care of?


3. Why would God want us to cast, or throw, our worries and troubles for Him

to take care of?

BECAUSE HE ___________________________ US

TUESDAY -- Read I Peter 5:8

Peter tells us to be of “sober spirit”, which means to have self-control. We should not give in to

sinful desires. Also Peter tells us to be on the alert for Satan, the devil. Satan wants us to sin and

go against God. He is God’s enemy. We need to trust in God and look to Him for help, instead

of doing it all ourselves. Why? Because we can’t live to please God on our own. We need God.

Using the code, fill in the missing vowels. a = & e = + i = # o = > u = @

1. W ___ n ___ ___ d t ___ h ___ v ___ s ___ l f - c ___ n t r ___ l.

+ + + > & + + > >

2. W ___ n ___ ___ d t ___ b ___ ___ n t h ___ ___ l ___ r t

+ + + > + > + & +

f ___ r t h ___ d ___ v ___ l , S ___ t ___ n.

> + + # & &

WEDNESDAY -- Read I Peter 5:9

Who are we to resist? Satan. We read that yesterday. To “resist” means to withstand, to stand

firm against. We can stand firm in God’s truth. Sometimes it feels like we’re the only ones

being picked on or suffering as a believer. But you’re not the only one. We can encourage each

other to get through with God’s help.

How can you stand firm or resist Satan? By trusting God to help you and using self-control.

Also by pleasing God with your actions more than pleasing others or even yourself. Circle the

things below that will help you stand firm.

watching TV reading the Bible playing games

memorizing Scripture prayer running going to church

taking a bath riding your bike being with other believers

Page 23: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read I Peter 5:10-11

Remember, no matter what you go through in life, God is in control of everything. He wants us

to learn things about Him and about ourselves by suffering for doing good and going through

hard times. But God never leaves you. Sometimes we suffer for our own good in God’s plan.

Our faith in Him should grow from times like that. Peter praises God for who He is and His

wonderful power in our world.

Write in the name of who is in control of our world and is with us always.


FRIDAY -- Read I Peter 5:12-14

Peter ends his letter with one last encouragement, “Stand firm”. He sends his greetings to them,

and closes his encouraging letter. To ‘stand firm’ means not to be swayed. By using the Bible

as our only source of truth for living life, we will not be swayed, or pulled away from God’s


Draw yourself reading the Bible below.

Page 24: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 12 - ACTS 1:1 - 2:41

MONDAY -- Read Acts 1:1-5

Luke writes this book of Acts. He writes to a friend, Theophilus. He tells him about Jesus and

how He showed Himself after He rose from the dead. Jesus then told the disciples to wait in

Jerusalem for what He had promised earlier. What He promised was the Holy Spirit. Fill in the

blanks below using verse 3.

1. Jesus appeared for ____________________ days to the disciples.

2. Jesus showed Himself to the ______________________________ and gave

many _____________________________________.

3. Jesus spoke of things concerning the kingdom of ______________________ .

TUESDAY -- Read Acts 1:8-11

Jesus tells the disciples that soon the Holy Spirit will come. Luke says the Holy Spirit will give

the disciples power and they will be witnesses for Jesus. In other words, they would tell others

about Jesus. Then Jesus ascended, went up to heaven right before their eyes! They watched

Him go up until they couldn’t see Him anymore. Jesus won’t be seen by men until He comes

again in the future, when He’ll come as King to rule for 1,000 years. Circle “YES” or “NO” to

the following questions.

1. Would the Holy Spirit give the disciples power? YES NO

2. Would the Holy Spirit help the disciples witness for Jesus? YES NO

3. Will Jesus ever return to earth? YES NO

WEDNESDAY -- Read Acts 1:13-16

The disciples and apostles were waiting as Jesus told them to. They devoted themselves to

prayer. That means it was very important to them and they did it often. Judas, the disciple who

turned Jesus over to the Jewish leaders who crucified Jesus, had killed himself. Peter reminded

everyone that the Old Testament scriptures had predicted that Christ would be betrayed by one of

His disciples.

Circle the correct answer.

1. Where did Jesus tell the disciples to wait?

a. Egypt b. Jerusalem c. Chicago

2. What did the disciples do while they waited?

a. watched TV b. played soccer c. prayed

3. Who reminded everyone what the Old Testament said?

a. Mary b. Peter c. David

Page 25: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read Acts 2:1-8

Pentecost is the day the Holy Spirit was given to all believers. He would live in all believers

from then on. He came with a sound like a strong wind, and looked like small flames of fire.

Also, the Holy Spirit made it possible for the apostles to talk to a crowd of people from many

different countries. Each person could hear the apostles in their own language. These were

special signs from God that were written in the Old Testament.

Circle “YES” or “NO” to the following.

1. Was the Holy Spirit promised by Jesus before He rose into heaven? YES NO

2. Will the Holy Spirit ever leave a true believer? YES NO

3. Do we see fire and feel wind now when someone becomes a

believer and the Holy Spirit comes into them? YES NO

FRIDAY -- Read Acts 2:38, 41

Peter was preaching to the Jews about Jesus and they asked him how they could be saved. Peter

said they needed to repent. To repent means to turn and change direction. You’re a sinner and

when you repent, you turn away from your sinful direction and turn to God and go God’s way.

You ask God to forgive you of your sins. Then the Holy Spirit comes to live inside the believer.

Peter says to be baptized, too. Baptism is done AFTER you repent and ask for forgiveness and

follow God’s way. After you become a believer, then you get baptized as a public sign you’re a


Match the phrases that go together by drawing a line between them.

be baptized you do this in order to be saved

repent and ask God for this happens to you the moment

forgiveness of your sin you are saved

receive the Holy Spirit God tells us to do this after we

are saved

Page 26: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 13 - ACTS 2:42 - 5:42

MONDAY -- Read Acts 2:42, 46-47

As the church was just getting started, two important things were happening. One thing the

believers did was to make hearing the apostles teach about Jesus very important to them. We,

too, should make learning more and more about Jesus and God very important. Another thing

the believers in the church did was fellowship a lot together. That means they met together

often. They ate meals together, shared their things with others who had needs, and were

encouraging each other in their faith.

Verses 46 and 47 tell us the believers’ attitude about learning and fellowshipping with other

believers was very good. Circle the words or phrases below that show what our attitude should

be, like the believers of the early church.

praising God complaining willingly sharing

hate to do it sincerity of heart be selfish

be glad be mad enjoy

TUESDAY -- Read Acts 3:6-9, 16

Peter meets a man who was lame, meaning he couldn’t walk. This man believed in Jesus and

Peter healed the man because of his faith. This man praised God for the miracle done for him!

God was glorified/honored by healing this man. Those that saw the miracle and the man

walking, also saw God’s power. Follow the directions below.

Draw a lame man (who couldn’t Draw a man healed and

walk) talking to Peter walking and praising God

WEDNESDAY -- Read Acts 4:1-4, 12

The Jewish leaders weren’t happy that Peter was teaching about Jesus and healing in Jesus’

name. They met with the apostles and Peter will tell them it’s by power in Jesus’ name that they

can heal others. Then in verse 12, Peter clearly tells them and us that salvation is by faith in

Jesus alone! Even Jesus’ name speaks of His greatness and power.

Write at least two words below that describe God or Jesus below.

_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

Page 27: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read Acts 5:19-21, 23, 28-29

All the apostles were thrown into jail for preaching about Jesus. But God can’t be stopped by

men, and God lets the apostles out of jail through a miracle. God told them to go back and

preach again to the people. The Jewish leaders found the apostles and reminded them they were

told not to teach about Jesus. But verse 29 tells us who we should obey first. Believers must

obey God and not men. God tells us to obey people in authority over us UNLESS they want you

to sin. Then it’s okay to disobey what man says because we are obeying God. The Jewish

leaders here wanted the apostles to sin and not teach about Jesus. The apostles did right to not

obey them.

Write “O” by the statements that you should OBEY. Write “D” by the statements that are okay

to DISOBEY because they would cause you to sin.

______ Your Dad tells you to clean up your room.

______ Your coach tells you to cheat in a game.

______ Your teacher tells you to listen and be quiet in class.

______ A friends parent tells you to lie to your parents and not tell them you were

at the park that day.

FRIDAY -- Read Acts 5:38-42

The Jewish leaders were meeting about what to do with Peter and the apostles. One leader

speaks up and tells them that if God is truly giving the apostles power to do miracles and preach,

then no man will be able to stop Him. So the leaders whipped the apostles and let them go. And

the apostles kept on teaching and preaching. What a wonderful truth that no man can stop or

mess up God’s plans. God is more powerful than anything! That gives us great peace.

Circle the correct answers below.

1. Who is more powerful than anything in our world?

a. me b. God c. Satan

2. Who can mess up God’s plans?

a. everyone b. Satan c. no one

3. What can believers feel because they know that God is the most powerful being?

a. at peace b. nervous c. scared

Page 28: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 14 - ACTS 6:1 - 8:38

MONDAY -- Read Acts 6:1-4

Many people were accepting Jesus as their Savior and the apostles were busy teaching and

preaching and helping to meet the peoples’ needs. But as more people became believers, it was

harder for the apostles to do all that was needed. So they decided the church should choose 7

men to be helpers for the believers and we call them deacons. That way the apostles could

concentrate on teaching and preaching. Verse 3 gives three qualifications for a deacon.

Write them below.

1. ___________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________

TUESDAY -- Read Acts 6:6-8, 10-11

The church chose seven men to be deacons. One of them was named Stephen. Verse 8 says he

was full of God’s power and grace and did miracles in Jesus’ name. Some men, out of sinful

reasons, began to spread lies about Stephen so that others wouldn’t listen to him.

1. The men who lied about Stephen were:

a. acting loving; b. acting kindly; c. acting sinfully

2. The men who lied about Stephen:

a. were protecting God’s truth; b. were thinking only of themselves; c. were heroes

WEDNESDAY -- Read Acts 7:51, 54-60

Stephen is talking to the Jewish leaders. He’s been reminding them of certain events in the Old

Testament. Then he compares those leaders to the stubborn Jews of the Old Testament. Then

Stephen sees into heaven and sees God and Jesus and then the leaders go wild! They take

Stephen out and kill him by throwing stones at him.

It’s sad that Stephen lost his life for preaching about Jesus! But God was allowed it to happen

and it brought God glory, honor.

Circle “YES” or “NO” to the following questions.

1. Did Stephen preach wrong things about Jesus? YES NO

2. Did Stephen stop preaching about Jesus when lies were

told about him? YES NO

3. Did Stephen stand up for God’s truth when talking to

the Jewish leaders? YES NO

4. Did Stephen please God by how he acted? YES NO

5. Was Stephen a good example to other believers

about standing up for God’s truth? YES NO

Page 29: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read Acts 8:1-3

Saul was a Jewish leader who watched Stephen get killed. Saul decided to go after other

believers to stop them from preaching about Jesus. He persecuted the believers. Keep in mind


Saul will later become a believer and be known as the apostle Paul. Find and circle the

following words in the puzzle below.



FRIDAY -- Read Acts 8:26-31, 37-38

Philip meets with an Ethiopian official and helped him understand the Old Testament book he

was reading. The official believed in Jesus and accepted Him as his Savior. Then he was

baptized. Philip spoke with the man about Jesus, but only God leads a person to accept Him as a

personal Savior. We all need to share what we know about God with others.

Draw a picture of Philip reading to and teaching the Ethiopian official below.








Page 30: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 15 - ACTS 9:1 - 9:42

MONDAY -- Read Acts 9:1-8

God got Saul’s attention by removing his sight for a while. God had allowed Saul to persecute

the church, but that ended. God had a plan for Saul to be a great witness FOR Him. Number the

following events in the correct order below.

_____ Saul was persecuting the church (believers)

_____ a light from heaven flashed around Saul

_____ Jesus told Saul to go to the city of Damascus

_____ Jesus said “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?”

_____ Saul went to Damascus

_____ Saul went 3 days without food or drink

TUESDAY -- Read Acts 9:10-16

God tells a man named Ananias to go and find Saul and heal him. Ananias has heard about Saul

and his bad treatment of believers, but he trusts in God. God told Ananias what Saul’s service

for God would be. Using verse 15, answer the questions below.

1. What does God call Saul in the first part of verse 15?

a chosen ____________________________________________________

2. What will Saul do before the Gentiles and Israelites?


WEDNESDAY -- Read Acts 9:17-20

Ananias obeys God, even though he knew Saul hated believers. He found Saul and healed him.

Saul became a believer from that moment. God opened Saul’s heart to believe in Him and He

saved Saul that day.

Using verse 20, write below what Saul proclaimed, or said about who Jesus was.



Page 31: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read Acts 9:22-25

We read that some Jews didn’t believe Jesus was God’s Son. They didn’t like Saul preaching

about Jesus. So they made plans to kill Saul. God allows Saul to safely escape.

Fill in the blanks using the following names.


1. _____________________________ has everything in His control and allowed

Saul to escape.

2. _____________________________ used to persecute believers, but has become

a believer and is preaching to others about Jesus.

3. ____________________________ is the only one who can save us from our sins.

FRIDAY -- Read Acts 9:36-42

What a wonderful event this was! A godly woman dies, but God gives Peter the power to bring

her back to life! This is one clear way we see God’s power at work! Verse 42 says that many

believed in God when they saw and heard about this miracle.

Color in the word below that describes this event.

Page 32: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 16 - JOSHUA 1:1 – 3:16

MONDAY -- Read Joshua 1:1-3, 6-7

As you will remember, Moses had lead the Jews out of slavery in Egypt. God promised to lead

the Jews to a land where they could live. But the Jews were disobedient and God made them

wait until later to bring them to the “promised land”. Moses died and after that God chose

Joshua to be the leader of the Jews. God tells Joshua in verse 6 and 7 to be strong and

courageous. God will lead the Jews into many battles to conquer their enemies and they need to

trust God and be strong. God also wants them to obey only Him, and He will bless them with

victories. Circle the correct answer to the following questions.

1. Who did God choose to be the leader of the Jews after Moses died?

a. Moses b. Joshua c. Gary

2. God encouraged the Jews in verses 6 & 7 to be two things. They were

a. brave and confident b. smart and rested c. strong and courageous

3. God wanted the Jews to only obey and then He would bless them with

victories. Who were they to obey?

a. God b. themselves c. their parents

TUESDAY -- Read Joshua 1:8-9

The law was the 10 commandments God gave Moses, along with many other rules God wanted

them to follow. They were rules for worshipping Him, making animal sacrifices for their sins,

how to treat others, and many more. God told Joshua to meditate on the law day and night. To

meditate on means to think about carefully.

Don’t quickly read the Bible and be done and not give any thought about what you learned about

God from it or how any thought about what you learned about God from it or how to obey God.

Think it over and take time to know more about God and what you can do to obey. God said He

would give the Jews success and prosperity (wealth) if they obeyed the law. We are not

guaranteed success in our world by following God, like the Old Testament Jews were. We will

have spiritual growth and good things. Fill in the missing words from verse 8 below.

“This book of the _______________________________ shall not depart from your

__________________________________ , but you shall _____________________

on it day and _________________________________ , so that you may be careful

to do according to all that is __________________________________ in it; for

then you will make your way ________________________________________ ,

and then you will have _________________________________________ .”

Page 33: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEDNESDAY -- Read Joshua 2:1-7

The Jews needed to cross the Jordan River to enter the land God promised them. The first city

they came to was Jericho. God told them to conquer the city. Joshua sent spies ahead to get to

know the city and how best to attack it. A woman named Rahab took the spies in and hid them

from the people of Jericho. God provided safety for the spies through Rahab. God worked it all

out according to His plan. Match the name to what they did below.

Rahab sent spies to Jericho

God was in control of everything

Joshua hid the spies

THURSDAY -- Read Joshua 2:8-13

Rahab send the spies back to their camp with Joshua and the other Jews. But first she asks to be

protected when they all return and go to battle. She says the people of Jericho have heard how

God has worked things out for the Jews before and they are afraid of God. The spies agree to

save her and her family.

Fill in the name below.

Who did God use to protect the Jewish spies?

FRIDAY -- Read Joshua 3:7, 13-16

The Jews prepare to cross the Jordan River now, and God does a miracle to help them. He parts

the water in the river so the people can cross over on dry land. Does this sound familiar? God

did the same thing for the Jews and Moses when they needed to cross the Red Sea to get away

from the Egyptians. Answer the following questions.

1. What did God do in today’s lesson to show His power?


2. Is anything too hard for God to do?


Page 34: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 17 - JOSHUA 6:1 – 9:27

MONDAY -- Read Joshua 6:1-5

This was a very different way for the Jews to attack a city. God told them to march once a day

around the city and blow their trumpets. Their trumpets were used in feasts (big dinners) to tell

of the presence of God. Six days they did it. The seventh day they marched seven times. Seven

in the Bible is usually used as a number of perfection or completeness. The seventh time around

the city would be all that was needed, the job would be complete then. They obeyed God, even

though that plan was probably different from their own.

Circle “Yes” or “No” to answer the following questions.

1. Did it take a lot of faith on the part of the Jews to follow God’s war plan instead

of their own? Yes No

2. Was the number seven sometimes used to represent perfection or completeness

in the Bible? Yes No

3. Were the trumpets used at funerals to show sadness for the person who died?

Yes No

TUESDAY -- Read Joshua 6:15, 20-21

Here the seventh day has come and the walls of Jericho fall down. God allowed the Jews to win

the battle and take the city. Their obeying God gave them a victory. Sometimes we don’t

understand God’s plan and question His way of doing something. But if we obey, we will be

better off. His way is always best. Find and circle the words in the puzzle below.












WEDNESDAY -- Read Joshua 7:5, 11-13

God was very clear to the Jews that when they won the battle at Jericho, they were not to keep

any of the city’s treasures for themselves. But one man decided to anyway, and hid them with

his things. God can’t be tricked or fooled and He punished the Jews by defeating them with

another enemy. Joshua was very upset and asked God why it happened. God told him about the

man and the treasures he took. God said He would give them victory again if the man returned

the stolen goods. He did. Answer “Yes” or “No” to the following questions.

1. Can God see everything? Yes No

2. Can you hide from God? Yes No

3. Can you or anyone else fool God? Yes No

Page 35: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read Joshua 9:3-4, 15-16

Many people from other nations were afraid of the Jews because of the power of God they saw at

work in them. One nation though, decided to try to make the Jews their friends so the Jews

wouldn’t go to battle against them. But they lied to the Jews. They were the Gibeonites. The

Jews made a peace promise with the Gibeonites.

Circle the correct answer to the following questions.

1. Who were the Gibeonites really afraid of?

a. God

b. you

c. having no food

2. Why were so many of the Jews’ enemies afraid of them?

a. because the Jews were very tall people

b. because the Jews had bigger weapons

c. because they saw God’s power at work in the Jews

3. What did the Gibeonites hope to do by making friends with the Jews?

a. be able to exchange recipes with them

b. not have to go to battle against them

c. be able to buy food from them

FRIDAY -- Read Joshua 9:22, 24, 27

Joshua found out the Gibeonites lied to the Jews. He was very angry with them. Because of

their promise of peace, the Jews couldn’t fight the Gibeonites, but they punished them for lying

by making them slaves. The Gibeonites were to carry water and chop wood for the Jews. God

allowed the Gibeonites to live, but they were punished for their sin.

Fill in the missing word below.

Who should Joshua and the elders have talked to before making an agreement with the



Who should we talk to before making big or little decisions?


Page 36: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 18 - JOSHUA 10:4 - 23:8

MONDAY -- Read Joshua 10:4-6, 8

Other nations have heard that the Gibeonites made peace with the Jews and that made them

angry with the Gibeonites. The Gibeonites were attacked and asked the Jews to help them fight.

God told Joshua that He would give them victory in the battle.

Fill in the missing name below.

Who is the one who gives victory (winning) or defeat (losing)?


TUESDAY -- Read Joshua 10:10-11

God was true to His word to Joshua. He indeed gave them the victory. God never goes back on

His word. God’s promise is a promise and we can count on it. The Jews were obeying God as

He commanded them, and He then did what He said He would…win their battles for them.

Circle the correct answer below.

1. Who really won the battle? The Jews God

2. Who did the Jews trust in? themselves God

WEDNESDAY -- Read Joshua 10:40-43

These verses tell us that the Jews were winning battles with all their enemies in the land that God

said He would give to them. Joshua obeyed God, and God gave them the land.

From verse 42, answer the following question.

Who fought for Israel, giving them victories?


Page 37: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read Joshua 11:5-8

Another battle takes place and once again God gives the Jews the victory. God told Joshua to

cripple the horses and burn the chariots of their enemies instead of keeping them. Horses and

chariots were things the Jews might be tempted to put their trust in when in battle, instead of

trusting in God. He was protecting them from being tempted to disobey Him. We, also, need to

be careful that we don’t get involved with things that can pull us away from God.

Answer the following question.

Who should our trust be in at all times?


FRIDAY -- Read Joshua 23:1-3, 6-8

The Jews have now conquered al their enemies and have the land God promised them. In the

chapters we didn’t look at, the Jews divided up the land among the tribes of Israel. We pick up

the book again here in chapter 23 where Joshua is going to talk to the elders, leaders of the

family groups. Joshua encourages them to continue to obey God’s commands and stay true to

Him. He warns them not to follow the false gods of their enemies. He also says not to marry the

women of other nations (non-Israelites) nor associate with people from other nations.

Circle “Yes” or “No” to the following questions.

1. Do you always understand the rules you must follow at home, church, school,

or wherever you are at?

Yes No

2. Do you sometimes think you can be around a bad example and not follow it?

Yes No

3. Do you think God knows what’s best for you, and you should obey Him even

if you don’t understand?

Yes No

Page 38: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 19 - JOSHUA 23:11 – 24:31

MONDAY -- Read Joshua 23:11-13

Joshua continues his talk to the elders and gives them a warning. He says God will not give

them victory in battle if they turn away from Him and follow false gods, marry non-Jewish

women, or associate with non-Jews. Those are things that will pull the Jews away from God.

What did Joshua urge the Jews to do in verse 11? Write it below.

“So take diligent heed to yourselves to

_________________________________________________________________ .”

TUESDAY -- Read Joshua 24:8, 14

Joshua finishes his list of what God has done for the Jews with recent things. He lists victories in

the land God promised them. Then Joshua encourages them to fear and serve only God. To

‘fear’ God is NOT to be afraid of Him (just be afraid of His power), but rather to have respect of

His holiness and awe of Him. See Him as who He is, the Creator and Lord of our world. Write

below the 2 things listed in the first part of verse 14 that Joshua encourages the Jews to do.

1. ______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

WEDNESDAY -- Read Joshua 24:15-17, 21

After Joshua reminds the people how God has worked in their history to bring them along, and

how He saved them from their enemies and gave them victories, he now says they must choose

who they will serve and follow. Will they serve and follow the true God or false gods that their

enemies follow? Joshua says he and his family will serve the Lord. The people see God’s love,

protection, and guidance and they will follow God, too.

Verse 19 says God is a jealous God. He does not want anyone to follow Him AND a false god.

You can’t say you obey God and then follow a false god (which could be money, things,

ourselves). God wanted them and us to only follow Him. Fill in the answer below.

1. Who did the Jews and Joshua say they would follow and serve only? ____________

2. Who should WE follow and serve only? ______________

3. Could the Jews (or could we today) serve two or more gods plus the true God? ________

4. What word did Joshua use in verse 19 to describe the quality that God has, that

means He would be hurt and doesn’t want to share our love? Write it below.

(Hint: it starts with the letter ‘j’).


Page 39: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read Joshua 24:22-23

The Jews must keep themselves away from the people who lived around the Promised Land.

The beliefs and gods of those people may tempt the Jews to turn from God.

Write on the line below who the Jews said they were still going to follow and serve as they did in

the past.

FRIDAY -- Read Joshua 24:29-31

Joshua died and was buried. We read that Israel served God all the days that Joshua led them.

What a good leader he was to the people! He loved and served God and obeyed Him. He set a

good example for the people to follow. Israel did not always have good leaders who served God.

Write two or more things Joshua did that is a good example for us to follow below.

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________

Page 40: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 20 - MATTHEW 1:18 – 3:17

MONDAY -- Read Matthew 1:18,21

The book of Matthew is a gospel written by the apostle, Matthew. The gospels are the first four

books of the New Testament. The gospels tell of Jesus Christ's life on earth as a man. In these

verses Joseph finds out Mary is pregnant and he doesn’t want to marry her. But an angel of God

tells Joseph to marry her, that her baby is from the Holy Spirit and that His name will be Jesus.

Fill in the blanks below by using the list of names given.

Joseph Jesus an angel Mary Matthew

____________________ was Jesus’ mother

____________________ told Joseph to marry Mary

____________________ was who the gospels were written about (His life on earth as a man)

____________________ wrote this book of the Bible

____________________ married Mary

TUESDAY -- Read Matthew 2:1-2, 7-9

The word "magi" meant "specialists in astronomy, the study of the stars". Men from another

country were led by God to look for and follow a star. The star would lead them to Jesus' birth

place. King Herod, the king in Israel, didn't believe in God and didn't want anyone else being

called "king". He acted like he wanted to worship Jesus like the magi did, but he really didn't.

He wanted to kill the new "king". Circle the correct answer to each of the questions below.

1. What were the men from another country called? a. mid-fielder; b. magi; c. magnet

2. What was the name of the king over Israel then? a. Harold; b. Henry; c. Herod

3. What were the magi following? a. a planet; b. a map; c. a star

WEDNESDAY -- Read Matthew 2:11, 13-15, 23

The magi brought unusual gifts to Jesus. They were gifts for a king. The gold represented Jesus'

royalty as King. The frankincense was used in worship and showed His deity (being God). The

myrrh represented His death that would come. God tells Joseph to move to Egypt until King

Herod is dead. The time to return came and God told Joseph to return to Israel. They settled in

the city of Nazareth.

Write what the three gifts the magi brought to Jesus were below.

1. ___________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________

Page 41: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read Matthew 3:1-6

John the Baptist was preparing the way for Jesus. He told the people they needed to repent from

their sins. Repent means to see what you did was wrong and to turn away from it, to try your

best not to repeat it again. The Jews didn't think they needed to repent to get to heaven. They

thought being born a Jew and in the family line of Abraham, would automatically get them into

heaven. John also baptized the people after they repented of their sins. Baptism was a sign that

you were a believer and have repented and are committed to obeying and loving God. Baptism

does not save you. Your faith in God saves you.

Write what John the Baptist taught people needed to do to go to heaven.


Write what John the Baptist did to people who had repented of their sins and were believers in



FRIDAY -- Read Matthew 3:13-17

John the Baptist was in the Jordan River baptizing new believers in God, and along comes Jesus

asking to be baptized. John knew that only sinners needed to repent and be baptized, and that

Jesus was not a sinner. But Jesus told him to do it anyway, (so Jesus could do what was right

(fulfill all righteousness) with us). The Holy Spirit came down as a dove on Jesus, and God the

Father spoke and said that Jesus was His Son and He was well-pleased with Him.

All three parts of God, the Trinity, were there at the river. Write which name for God fits the

description below.

the Son the Holy Spirit the Father

_______________________________________________ came as a dove

_______________________________________________ spoke to the people there

_______________________________________________ was baptized by John

Page 42: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 21 - MATTHEW 4:1 – 5:16

MONDAY -- Read Matthew 4:1-11

God wanted Jesus to go out into the desert and be alone for 40 days and nights. He did not eat

during that time. That's what's called "fasting" in verse 2. Satan is allowed to test Jesus. He

gives Jesus three tests. The first test was to see if Jesus would make food out of the rocks, being

so very hungry. Jesus would not sin or give in to Satan. He quoted the Old Testament

Scriptures saying God is all we need to live. The second test was for Jesus to throw Himself off

a very tall temple and have the angels save Him from hitting the ground. Jesus again says “no”

to Satan and quotes the Old Testament saying we should not test God. Satan’s last test was to

see if Jesus would bow down and worship him and then he would give Jesus much power over

people. Jesus won't do it and quotes the Old Testament again, that we should worship God only.

Circle the correct answers to the questions below.

1. What did Jesus use to fight Satan that we can use too?

a. a cookbook; b. the Bible; c. wise sayings of people

2. Who knows first-hand what it's like to be tempted and yet not give in to the

temptation? a. Jesus b. Satan

TUESDAY -- Read Matthew 4:17-23

Jesus was done with the tests so when Satan left angels came to serve Him. Jesus now returns to

the cities and begins His work of calling the Jews to believe in Him. He begins by getting men

He will closely teach for the next 3 years, known as His disciples. These men left everything to

follow Jesus and live with Him and be taught by Him.

Write what words Jesus said to the disciples as He called them to go with Him. See verse 19.


WEDNESDAY -- Read Matthew 5:1-6

This is the beginning of what is commonly called the "sermon on the mount". In the first part of

the sermon, there are many statements that start with the words "blessed are". That part of the

sermon is called the Beatitudes. This sermon was to teach all believers in God how to live their

lives pleasing to God. The word "blessed" means "happy or fortunate". Let's look at the first

part of the Beatitudes today.

Verse 3 - the "poor in spirit" depend on God instead of themselves. They will get into heaven.

Verse 4 - "those who mourn" are saddened over. They will be comforted by God's love.

Verse 5 - "the gentle" are humble and meek. They are not proud. They accept that God rules

over them. They will get into heaven.

Verse 6 - "hunger and thirst for righteousness" means to be spiritually hungry and want to

grow and learn more and be closer to God. God will help them grow.

Match the phrases from the Beatitudes with their meaning.

the poor in spirit" be spiritually hungry and want to grow

"the gentle" sad over sin

"hunger and thirst for righteousness” humble and not proud

"those who mourn" depend on God and not themselves

Page 43: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read Matthew 5:7-11

Today is the last part of the list of "blessed are's", or the Beatitudes.

Let's look at what they are saying.

Verse 7 - "merciful" means to show mercy. Remember, mercy means to not give someone

what they deserve to get. ( God shows us mercy by not punishing us for our sins.)

Verse 8 - "pure in heart" are those who are clean from sin in their hearts. (That's only done

by faith in Jesus paying the price for our sins.)

Verse 9 - "peacemakers" have peace with God and man. Believers are at peace with God and

seek peace with others.

Verse 10 - "persecuted for the sake of the righteous" means to have others treat you meanly

because you are living pleasing to God.

Verse 11 - "when men cast insults at you", why be blessed when insulted? Because you

are obeying God and pleasing Him and others don't always like you if you are different from


Match the phrases to their descriptions below.

"persecuted for the sake of at peace with God and show

the righteous" peace

"merciful" hearts are clean from sin

"men cast insults" having others talk about you

and treat you meanly

"pure in heart" insulted because you are

obeying God

"peacemakers" to show mercy

FRIDAY -- Read Matthew 5:13-16

Salt makes you thirsty. Jesus said believers are salt to the world. In other words, believers love

God and obey Him. Others in our world see. They get “thirsty” for God by seeing believers’

close relationship with God. Jesus also compares believers to light in our world. Believers are

light to the unbelievers who are living in the dark, apart from God and without understanding..

Circle the correct set of words that this passage told us we should be.

home and comfort food and drink

salt and light games and fun

Page 44: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 22 - MATTHEW 5:21 – 6:33

MONDAY -- Read Matthew 5:21-22

The law of the Old Testament said you should not murder. But Jesus taught in the New

Testament that you shouldn't even get so mad at someone that you called them mean names. We

need to show self-control and not let our anger get out of hand. Cross out the wrong ways to

speak to someone below.

"Hey, stupid, watch where you are going!"

"Could you please not do that anymore?"

"Shut up and let me talk."

"Listen dummy, I'm not going to repeat this."

"Would you please stop making noise, so I can hear better?"

TUESDAY -- Read Matthew 5:38-42

In the Old Testament law you could get back at someone who did something bad to you. They

called it "an eye for an eye" or "a tooth for a tooth". So if someone took a sheep of yours, you

could take one of theirs. You could not take back more than what was taken from you. But

Jesus said in the New Testament not to get back at someone. We should love our enemies. We

should not get revenge. Circle "yes" or "no" to the following question.

If you had a chance to get back at someone who took something of yours, or hurt you, should

you get them back?

Yes No

WEDNESDAY -- Read Matthew 6:8-13

Here Jesus gives the disciples an example of how to pray to God. It's commonly called "the

Lord's Prayer". Jesus teaches us the important things to put in prayer. Let's look more closely at

the prayer ….

"Our Father who art in heaven" - the worship of God

"Hallowed be Thy name" - respect and honor is due His name

"Thy kingdom come - an assurance that God will do all He promises

in the Bible

"Thy will be done" - that God's will and plan will happen. He is

in control. (sovereign)

"On earth as it is in heaven" - God's will being done on earth along with His

will is being done in heaven

"Give us this day our daily” - requests for personal needs like food

"And forgive us our debts, as - debts or transgressions are wrongs done to you

we also have forgiven by others. You forgive others like God

our debtors" forgave you

"and do not lead us into - we know that only God can protect us from Satan

temptation, but deliver us and evil and we trust in Him

from evil" Go on


Page 45: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God







Match the phrase on the left with the meaning on the right by putting the number in the box.

1 Our Father who art in heaven

God will do all He promises in the Bible

2 Hallowed be Thy name

You forgive others like God forgave you

3 Thy kingdom come

the worship of God

4 Thy will be done

requests for personal needs

5 On earth as it is in heaven

God's will and plan will happen

6 Give us this day our daily

respect and honor is due His name

7 "And forgive us our debts, as

we also have forgiven our debtors only God can protect us from evil

8 and do not lead us into temptation,

but deliver us from evil God's will done on earth

THURSDAY -- Read Matthew 6:19-21

Treasures are wealth and material things like toys, clothes, games, etc. God says we should NOT

make money and things so important in our life that we don't put Him first. Heaven goes on

forever and we should be storing up treasures for that. How do you do that? By growing as a

believer in understanding God and serving people more and more. In verse 21 Jesus said ‘where

your treasure is, there is where your heart is’. In other words, what you make as important to

you, whether it be in getting more toys or clothes or in getting closer to God and being more like

Jesus, that's where your heart is. We find time to do what we want to do. God should be more

important to us than other things in our life. We should always be able to find time to study the

Bible and pray to God. Find and circle the following words in the puzzle below.







FRIDAY -- Read Matthew 6:25-28, 33

Jesus tells us we don't need to worry about our physical needs here on earth. God will take care

of us. He says God takes care of the birds, and He”ll care for us even more since we know He

loves us so much! What we do need to grow closer to God. In verse 33 He says "seek first His

kingdom and His righteousness". We should put God first in our life, and trust that God will

take care of the needs we have. Circle the correct answer to each question.

1. Which animal is used as an example of God taking care of nature?

zebras birds lions

2. If God takes care of the birds, for example, He will take care of us because He

loves us has to hates us

3. We should seek first His: commandments permission kingdom and righteousness

Page 46: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 23 - MATTHEW 7:7 – 9:25

MONDAY -- Read Matthew 7:7-11

Jesus is talking about prayer here. God wants us to go to Him in prayer. He says we can ask,

seek and knock on His door, like visiting a friend's home to talk. We know He hears us and will

answer us in His timing and with His answer. Jesus gives us an example with our earthly fathers.

They love us very much and if we asked for bread, they wouldn't give us a stone instead! Well,

God is our spiritual Father and He loves us more than any person ever will. We're not told in

these verses, but in other places in the Bible we can find out what to ask God for. We can't ask

God for a bigger bike tomorrow and know we'll get it. We can't ask God for fancy clothes today

and know we'll get THEM. What can we ask God for and know we'll get? Things like growing

closer to Him, understanding the Bible better, ways to serve Him, and things like that.

Write the 3 words Jesus said we can do in our prayers to God. See verse 7.

1. _____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. _____________________

TUESDAY -- Read Matthew 7:24-27

This may sound familiar to you because these verses were made into a song. It compares two

kinds of people. The wise man is a believer who built his house (his life) on a relationship with

God. Storms and rain, which are problems in life, come but the wise man can stand firm because

of God. The other kind of person is the foolish person. He built his house (life) on sand. The

sand refers to doing deeds without faith in God. The foolish man falls when the storms and rain

comes. The wise man obeys God, the foolish man turns away from God. This is how Jesus

ended the sermon on the mount.

Draw a house that is built on rock (God) and will hold up against the storms and rains of life.

WEDNESDAY -- Read Matthew 8:5-10, 13

Jesus is again out teaching the Jews. He's moving from one place to another and He meets a

centurion. A centurion was a Roman officer in charge of 100 soldiers. That man's servant is

sick and near death. He knows about Jesus and has faith that Jesus could heal his servant. His

faith is so strong that he knows Jesus doesn't even have to be close to the servant to heal him.

Jesus is pleased by the centurion's faith. Jesus heals the servant.

Believing that God is able to do more than we can understand is part of faith. No human could

have done what Jesus did and does. Circle which phrase describes faith below.

I know God can do I don't think God's powerful

anything. enough to do everything

Page 47: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read Matthew 9:2, 5-8

A paralytic was someone that was paralyzed, they had no feeling in parts of their body. Some

are paralyzed in their legs and need to be in a wheelchair, since their legs won't support them.

Jesus meets a paralyzed man and heals him. Jesus says his sins are forgiven.

Answer the following question.

Jesus did two things for the paralytic man. Write them below.

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

FRIDAY -- Read Matthew 9:18-25

Jesus meets an official from the synagogue, or temple. His daughter has just died and he

believes Jesus can bring her back to life. While going to the official's house, a sick woman

touches Jesus' robe so she can be healed. Jesus is pleased with her faith and heals her. Then He

goes to the official's home and brings the girl back to life. What power we see in Jesus! He has

control over nature, sickness and even death.

Unscramble the word that tells what these two people had in Jesus.



Page 48: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 24 - MATTHEW 10:1 - 14:21

MONDAY -- Read Matthew 10:1-6

Jesus is sending out the 12 disciples for a short time. He calls them "apostles" for the first time.

The word apostle means "one sent forth to represent an official". They were going to tell the

Jews about Jesus. Find and circle the names of the apostles/disciples in the puzzle below.













TUESDAY -- Read Matthew 10:39-40

This sounds confusing at first, but let's look carefully at it. "He who has found his life" means

'he who lives for himself and rejects God'..."shall lose it". If you reject God and live your own

way, you'll live forever in hell apart from God. "He who has lost his life for My sake" means 'he

who has given over control of his life to God and lives obeying and loving God'..."shall find it".

You shall have eternal life in heaven with God. It's one or the other. Those are our only choices.

Match the phrases that belong together below.

he who has found his life shall find it

(lives without God in his life) (have eternal life in heaven)

he who has lost his life shall lose it

(lives obediently to God) (eternally apart from God in hell)

WEDNESDAY -- Read Matthew 13:1-11

Here is Jesus' first parable to the Jews. A parable was a story that compared a known truth to an

unknown truth. In this parable we read today, the known truth was about a farmer sowing seeds

that fall on different types of ground. The "unknown truth" was told only to the disciples when

Jesus explained the hidden meaning of the parable. We'll read about that tomorrow. Let's look

at the known truth today. A farmer drops seeds on different types of ground. Some is eaten by

birds, some has no root and dies, some is choked by thorns and some grows in good soil and

gives a crop.

Circle the correct answer to the questions below.

1. There are 4 types of soil talked about. How many made the seed grow and give a crop?

a. 3 b. 2 c. 1

2. A parable is a story with 2 truths. What are they?

a. a known truth and an unknown truth b. a master and a slave c. a house and a garden

Page 49: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read Matthew 13:18-23

Jesus tells the disciples today the "unknown truth" or hidden meaning of the parable from

yesterday. The farmer is God, the seed is the Word of God, the Bible, and the different types of

ground are the different ways people react to God.

Draw a picture of each seed and what happens to it in the different types of ground they fall on.

1. Beside the road, the seed is eaten by birds. 2. The seed fell on rocky ground, and had no root.

3. The seed fell in thorns, and was choked and died. 4. The seed fell on good soil and grew and made a crop.

FRIDAY -- Read Matthew 14:16-21

Jesus is teaching many, many people away from any towns, and now it's near evening and they

all need to eat. The disciples do not have enough food to feed all those people. Jesus provides

them with food. He takes 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, and through a miracle, feeds everyone.

They even have left-overs.

Circle "Yes" or "No" to the following questions.

1. Did Jesus provide for the peoples needs today?

Yes No

2. Can Jesus provide for your needs?

Yes No

Page 50: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 25 - MATTHEW 14:25 – 17:9

MONDAY -- Read Matthew 14:25-33

The disciples are out at sea, when Jesus joins them. He comes to them walking on the water. At

first they were afraid, but then they knew it was Jesus. Peter wants to walk on water with Jesus,

and Jesus says to come out to Him. Peter does fine, until he looks away from Jesus and looks at

the water, the waves, and the storm. Peter then began to sink. Jesus helps him. When we take

our eyes off Jesus, and begin to live life on our own strength, we begin to have trouble. Wen we

doubt God and His ability to work in our life and handle our problems, we weaken our faith. We

need to keep our eyes on Jesus, so-to-speak, and keep our faith strong.

Fill in the answers below.

1. When Peter was walking on the water, he had his ____________ on Jesus.

2. When Peter began to look at the water and waves, he took his eyes off of Jesus and

began to _________________________________________________ in the water.

3. To keep our faith strong, we need to believe that __________________

can handle our problems and work in our lives.

TUESDAY -- Read Matthew 15:1-2, 7-9

The Pharisees and scribes were the Jewish leaders who left from the true Scriptures and were

teaching their own made-up rules more than God's Word. Jesus called them hypocrites.

Hypocrites are people who say to do one thing, but do something else. They think you should

obey the rule, but they don't have to. They would say "don't interrupt" and then interrupt others.

Circle the correct answer to the question below.

Why is it hard to follow someone who is a hypocrite?

a. Because the word hypocrite is hard to say.

b. Because they don't follow their own rules.

WEDNESDAY -- Read Matthew 16:13-17, 21

Jesus asks the disciples who people think He is. They give some names including Old Testament

men who were highly respected. Jesus then asks who the disciples think He is. Peter answers for

the group, and says that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus is pleased with his understanding. In

verse 21, Jesus begins telling the disciples that one day He will have to die on the cross and then

rise from the dead three days later. They don't understand yet, but later will look back and see

that Jesus had been telling them this for a while.

Write on the line below who the disciples knew Jesus was.


Page 51: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read Matthew 16:24-26

To "deny" yourself, means to say that you are no longer master over yourself, but you are giving

that job to God. You are saying that you will put your desires aside, and do God's desires. To

take up your cross daily, means to daily show by your actions if you are a believer and that your

faith is in God. Believers put themselves under God's authority. Unbelievers are under Satan's

authority. Their sinful nature controls them.

Fill in the missing word below.

We are to give God control in our life as believers, and __________________________

take up our cross and follow Him.

FRIDAY -- Read Matthew 17:1-9

This is called the transfiguration. Transfiguration means "changed in form". Jesus' form

changed from His human body to His glorified state, how He'll look in heaven. Three of the

disciples were there to see this wonderful thing. God's voice is heard that again showed Jesus

was God's Son. Peter's very excited about seeing Jesus this way and wants to stay up there. He

offers to put up tents for them to live in. Jesus tells him they can't. His work on earth is not


Fill in the answer.

What did Jesus have to do on earth that he didn’t have yet?


Page 52: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 26 - MATTHEW 18:21 – 26:28

MONDAY -- Read Matthew 18:21-22

Peter asks Jesus about how often should they forgive someone. The Old Testament law said you

should forgive someone three times. Peter thought he was being generous and suggests

forgiving someone seven times. Jesus said forgive them 70 times 7. That's 490 times! That’s a

lot! The point is to keep on forgiving and don't keep count. If someone is really repentant

(sorry), then we are to forgive them.

Circle which answer is correct.

How many times should we forgive others?

3 times 100 times never stop forgiving

TUESDAY -- Read Matthew 21:1-2, 6-9

Jesus is arriving in the city of Jerusalem. He comes in riding on a donkey. Riding a donkey was

a sign of peace. The people saw Jesus coming and laid their coats and palm branches down for

the colt to walk on. The crowds said "Hosanna". That word means "save us, we pray". The

people wanted Jesus to be a military leader to save them from their enemies. This day is called

Palm Sunday in churches today.

Fill in the blank

Jesus didn't come to save people from their enemies, He came and died on the cross to

save them from their ___________________________________________ .

WEDNESDAY -- Read Matthew 23:1-6, 13

Jesus was talking about the Pharisees again here. They were the Jewish leaders. They were

hypocrites. They told the people to follow their rules and laws, but they could not do them

themselves. They had added many rules to God's words and made them as important as or more

important than God's Word. Jesus is very angry at their actions. They didn't love God.

Circle the correct answer.

Who did the Pharisee's want to live for and please?

God Themselves

Page 53: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read Matthew 26:1-5, 14-16

The Pharisee's, Jewish leaders, were planning to kill Jesus. They did not want Jesus teaching the

people about God and His truth, because they didn't teach the truth about God. Judas, one of the

12 disciples, didn't believe Jesus was God's son. He was willing to turn Jesus over to the

Pharisee's for money.

Write the name of the disciple that betrayed (turned Jesus in to His enemies) Jesus below.


He would be paid _______________________________ pieces of

silver for turning in Jesus.

FRIDAY -- Read Matthew 26:21-28

This is commonly called "the Last Supper". It was Jesus' last meal with the disciples before He

went to the cross. Jesus broke the bread, tore off pieces from a loaf and they all ate. Jesus said

the break symbolized or stood for His body that would be killed for them. Then Jesus took a cup

of wine (a common drink then) and passed it around for all to drink from. Jesus said the wine

stood for His blood that would be shed on the cross. We are to have communion to remember

that Jesus paid the price for our sins.

Answer the following question.

What do we call the lat meal Jesus had with the disciples?


What do we call our celebration to remember this meal?


Page 54: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 27 - MATTHEW 26:46 – 28:20

MONDAY -- Read Matthew 26:46-49

After the Last Supper, Jesus went to a nearby garden to pray. He took Peter, James and John

with Him. Jesus prayed to the Father about going soon to the cross. Judas had gone to get the

Pharisee's and their soldiers. He told the soldiers he would greet Jesus with a kiss so they would

know which man was Jesus. They were going to arrest Jesus.

Circle the correct answer to each question below.

1. Which disciple was paid by the Pharisees to betray, or turn Jesus over to them?

a. Peter b. Judas c. John

2. What did Judas do to Jesus to show the soldiers which man was Jesus?

a. hugged Him b. waved at Him c. kissed Him

3. Where did Jesus go with 3 disciples after the Last Supper?

a. the temple b. a garden c. a friend's house

TUESDAY -- Read Matthew 26:65-75

Jesus has been taken by the soldiers and was brought to the Pharisees to accuse Him of a crime.

They beat Him and spit on Him. While Jesus was held by the soldiers, Peter was outside and

afraid. He was afraid that he would be taken by the soldiers too. Peter denied he knew Jesus 3

times. Jesus had told Peter earlier that he would do this. Realizing he denied, or said he didn't

know, Jesus-- Peter was very sad. Peter didn't give up though and repented (said he was wrong

and turned from the wrong) and was greatly used by God later.

Number the following statements in the correct order.

____ Peter denies, says he doesn't know Jesus

____ Jesus is held by the soldiers of the Pharisees

____ Peter wept bitterly

____ Jesus was beaten

WEDNESDAY -- Read Matthew 27:26-31

Jesus was again teased and mocked and beaten. Then they nailed Him on a cross to die. While

on the cross, Jesus paid the price for our sins and was separated from God the Father. But being

God, Jesus was then restored to the Father and conquered death.

Use the following words to fill in the blanks below.


1. Jesus died for my sins on a _______________________________________.

2. Jesus conquered death and was restored to ___________________________ the Father.

3. Jesus paid for my sins by paying the ______________________ set by God.

4. Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins because He ________________ us so much.

Page 55: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read Matthew 28:1-10

How wonderful the story doesn't end with Jesus’ death on the cross. Jesus conquered death. He

rose from the dead. He did something no person could do on their own. The price for our sins

was paid in full. Jesus offers believers eternal life in heaven if we put our faith in Him. How

surprised the women who came to Jesus' tomb were to find He was alive!

Write your answers to the questions below.

1. Because Jesus paid for our sins, do we have to also pay the price? _______

2. Jesus died for our sin and all we need to do is have ________________________ in Him.

3. Where will believers go when they die? ________________________________

FRIDAY -- Read Matthew 28:18-20

Before Jesus went into heaven after dying on the cross for our sins, He told the disciples to do

something all believers should do. It's often called "the great commission". Jesus wanted them

and us to tell others about God.

Unscramble the following words that are the 3 things to do in the great commission.

1. make _________________________________________ of all nations


2. ________________________________ them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit


3. _________________ them to observe all I commanded


Page 56: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 28 - COLOSSIANS 1:1 - 14

MONDAY -- Read Colossians 1:1-2

Paul writes this book from Rome while he was in prison there. He writes to the church in the city

of Colossae. Paul first tells us who he is. He was an apostle. Then he greets the believers there

with a desire for God's grace (favor) on them. Next he says he desires for them to live


Circle the correct answer to each question below.

1. Paul tells us he is

a. a great speaker b. an apostle c. a good writer

2. The church he writes to is in the city of

a. Colossae b. Rome c. Jerusalem

TUESDAY -- Read Colossians 1:3-5

Paul has heard of the Colossians” faith and love and is thankful to God for their growth. The

Colossians were hopeful, or confident, that God would return some day.

Fill in the blanks below.

Paul is thankful for the Colossians

________________________________ and ______________________________

WEDNESDAY -- Read Colossians 1:9

Since the Colossian believers were faithful to God and loved Him, Paul says he has not stopped

praying for them. Paul prays that the believers there would grow in their knowledge of God and

their understanding of His Word.

Fill in the blanks below.

1. What 2 things did Paul pray constantly about?

> grow in their ________________________ of God

> grow in their _____________________ of His Word

2. What do we need to read so we can grow in our faith? ___________________________

Page 57: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read Colossians 1:10-12

Verses 10-12 tell us how the knowledge of God and His Word will be seen in our lives. Mainly,

it says we will walk, or live, in a way that is pleasing to God. Then Paul gives us 4 things that

will come from that kind of life.

1. doing good deeds

2. grow in our knowledge of God

3. be strengthened spiritually

4. joyously give thanks to God

Circle "Yes" or "No" to the following questions.

1. Is it important to God that I live in a way that

pleases Him?

Yes No

2. Will God help me grow?

Yes No

3. Will reading a story book help me to know more

about God?

Yes No

FRIDAY -- Read Colossians 1:13-14

We are forgiven of our sins when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. God

delivered (saved) us from dark separation from Him to bring us into the light of His kingdom and

love! What a wonderful gift He gives us!

Write your answer to the following questions below.

1. What does God forgive?


2. What separates us from God?


3. Jesus Christ paid the price for our __________________________________ on the cross.

Page 58: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 29 - COLOSSIANS 1:19 – 2:7

MONDAY -- Read Colossians 1:19-20, 22

To "reconcile" means to "restore to friendship or harmony". In other words God brought us back

to Himself by taking away our sins through Jesus Christ. It was for "the Father's good pleasure"

that Jesus paid the price for our sins. What a loving God we have! He had His Son, Jesus Christ,

pay for our sins and be separated for a time from Him--all because He loves us.

Write the word that means "to restore to friendship or harmony".

Are you thankful that God did that for you?


TUESDAY -- Read Colossians 1:25-27

Paul tells us that he is serving God by preaching the gospel to Gentiles too. This was very

different from the Old Testament times. The Israelites had a special relationship with God. Now

God was freely offering salvation to non-Jews (Gentiles) also. That was a mystery that the Old

Testament people didn't know about that was now being revealed.

Find and circle the following words in the puzzle below.










WEDNESDAY -- Read Colossians 1:28-29

Paul told others about Jesus and salvation by counseling or encouraging and teaching them with

God's wisdom. The goal of the teaching is to present all believers complete, or mature, in Christ.

Circle below whose wisdom we should use when counseling, teaching and encouraging others


man's wisdom God's wisdom

Page 59: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read Colossians 2:1-3

Paul says he struggles or labors for believers that they would be united together in God's love

and grow in their knowledge of Him. In God are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Knowledge is getting truth and wisdom is applying that truth to our lives.

Circle the correct answers to the questions below.

1. Where can you find God's truth?

the Bible school books

2. What 2 things does Paul struggle or labor for?

food and work believers knowledge of God and His wisdom

3. What should I be doing to grow in my knowledge of God and in His wisdom?

read my Bible and pray watch TV more

FRIDAY -- Read Colossians 2:6-7

Paul encourages believers to walk in Jesus Christ. That's a way of saying live for Him and

follow His example. We should be standing firm in God's truth and living it.

Answer the following questions below.

1. Who's example should we be following in our life?


2. What word does verse 6 use that is a way of saying we live for Him?


Page 60: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 30 - COLOSSIANS 2:8 – 3:2

MONDAY -- Read Colossians 2:8

We are warned not to change our belief in God's truth. Men have tried it before, and will try in

the future, to get people to follow their own ideas and wisdom instead of God's. We need to not

listen to their ideas and not follow them. Circle the correct answer below.

Whose ideas and wisdom should we follow?

God's Man's

TUESDAY -- Read Colossians 2:9-10

By faith in Jesus Christ we are made complete in God's eyes.

Jesus Christ is in charge over everything and everyone in our world. Nothing is too hard for Him

to do. No one is too strong or powerful for Him to handle. What a comfort that is for us as


Color in the letters of who is over everything in our world.

WEDNESDAY -- Read Colossians 2:13

"Transgressions" means sins. We were dead spiritually because of our sins. Jesus Christ saved

us from our sins and made us spiritually alive and clean. No person could do what Jesus did in

paying the price for our sins. Believers should be very thankful for their spiritual life. That

means having a close relationship with God and the promise of life in heaven forever and His

forgiveness and power in our lives now.

Circle the correct answers below.

1. Before someone is a believer, they are

a. dead spiritually b. alive spiritually

2. After someone becomes a believer, they are

a. dead spiritually b. alive spiritually

Page 61: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read Colossians 2:16, 20

In the Old Testament times, the Jews followed the law given to them by God through Moses. It

was very detailed and it showed them that men could not follow the law perfectly. When Jesus

Christ came to earth as a man, He ended the need for the law, and we live under God's grace

from that time on. But the Jews that Paul was talking about were troubled because they still

hung on to the law. Paul points out to them that Jesus ended those rules.

Unscramble the word and fill in the blank below.

Jesus Christ ended the need for the _______________________________________


and we now live under God's grace instead.

FRIDAY -- Read Colossians 3:1-2

Believers need to show that we are changed and different from the world and unbelievers around

us. Believers live by God's standards, not the world’s. We follow God's commands and obey

Him. Verse 2 says to 'set your mind on the things above'. That means fill your thoughts with

godly things, not evil, selfish things of the world.

Write your answer on the line below.

Which will help you to set your mind on godly things above?

TV movies the Bible

Prayer video games church services

Page 62: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 31 - COLOSSIANS 3:5 - 21

MONDAY -- Read Colossians 3:5

Remember, God changed us and made us alive spiritually when He saved us from our sins. That

means we do not live like the world lives. Some of the qualities that the world hss are listed in

verse 5. We are not to live like that. It says to consider your body as dead to those qualities. In

other words, those qualities are not even to be done a little. You are to avoid them as best you


Circle the correct answer below.

Who are you to follow and live like?

the world and unbelievers God

TUESDAY -- Read Colossians 3:8-10

Here are more qualities that believers are not to have. There are 2 main areas the qualities are

about. One is anger and the other is our speech. Both need to be under control. God will help

you if you let Him. He will renew you in His image. (RE-new means ‘make new again’)

Write on the lines below what the 2 areas the qualities are about today.

1. ____________________________ 2. ____________________________

WEDNESDAY -- Read Colossians 3:12-15

The qualities the unbelievers have that we've looked at before are self-ish qualities.

Today we read about the qualities believers should have. These qualities put others before

ourselves, they are self- less. WE are to “put on” these qualities.

Using the following words, fill in the blanks below.


1. When someone does something wrong to you, and says they are sorry, you love them and let

it go.

You are being _______________________________________________________

2. When there's a fight starting and you help to settle it, or when you don't argue back with

people you are being _____________________

3. When you explain the rules to a game over and over calmly and nicely to someone,

you are being ________________________________________________________

Page 63: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


4. When you speak kindly and are not rough and mean you are being ________________

THURSDAY -- Read Colossians 3:17

We are told to do everything in the name of Jesus. How do we do that? You do that by giving

God the credit for all that you can do, all that you have, all that He teaches you, and more. And

you give Him thanks for all He does for you. All that believers do and say should give God

glory, or honor. What we talk about and how we say it should give God glory. The activities we

do should give God glory.

Write an example on the lines below of how you could give God glory, or honor by doing or

saying the following.

1. How could you give God glory when playing a game with other children?


2. How could you give God glory when talking to your friends about a new kid in the class?


FRIDAY -- Read Colossians 3:18-21

Here are some ways to put the good qualities into practice at home. For wives, they should be

subject, or submissive to their husbands. That means they put themselves under their husbands’

authority. For husbands, they are to show love to their wives. That's the kind of love God

showed us by sending Jesus Christ to pay the price for our sins. It's the kind of love that

sacrifices for someone, protects someone, puts the other person first, and more. To children,

Paul says to obey their parents in all things. That's one way children can obey God, by obeying

your parents. Obeying should be done with a good attitude, too.

Match the person to how they can please God below.

Wives obey parents

Husbands submission to husband

Children love their wife

Page 64: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 32 - COLOSSIANS 3:22 – 4:12

MONDAY -- Read Colossians 3:22-25

Slaves were a part of the society back in Jesus' day. Paul gives them instruction about how they

can please God. They should obey their masters, and do it with a good attitude. This can apply

to students with their teachers, and workers with their bosses. We should obey those in authority

over us, and with a good attitude. Verse 23 says to work as unto the Lord. That means we should

know that God knows our thoughts and sees our actions, and we should work to please Him.

Circle the phrases below that show an attitude that wants to please God.

I hate doing this job. This isn't too much to do.

I want to do a good job. If I do a bad good job, maybe they

won't ask me to do it again.

TUESDAY -- Read Colossians 4:1

The masters, or bosses, are given instruction here. They should be fair and just when dealing

with the people under them. We need to treat others with respect and kindness and know that

God will be pleased if we do. The world may say that if you don't have nice people working for

you, you can treat them harshly. Or, if you have a mean boss, you can do a bad job at work.

God says do what is right, no matter what.

Write the 2 words that Paul writes in verse 1 that tell masters how to treat their slaves (or

workers) below.

1. ________________________ 2. ________________________

WEDNESDAY -- Read Colossians 4:2-4

Paul encourages the believers to be praying. The word "devote" in verse 2 means “to be

persistent.” We need to pray often. What kinds of things should we pray about? Pray for

understanding of God's Word, for His wisdom, pray for other believers' faith to grow, pray for

your faith to grow. We can pray about problems we have and ask God for strength and guidance.

Thanksgiving is again seen as important in our prayers, too.

Circle "Yes" or "No" to the following questions.

1. Do you need to know fancy words to talk to God? Yes No

2. Do you need to spend a long time in prayer each

time you pray? Yes No

3. Does God want you to pray to Him? Yes No

4. Should we pray to God often? Yes No

Page 65: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read Colossians 4:7-9

Two men are mentioned that have been a big help to Paul. Tychicus and Onesimus are bringing

this letter from Paul to the church in Colossae. They traveled unsafe roads to get to Paul and

then visited him in prison. That may have been hard, since other Jews who didn't like Paul and

his teaching about Jesus would not have liked him getting visitors and support. Then these men

traveled back to Colossae.

Circle the word or words that describe these men below.




FRIDAY -- Read Colossians 4:12

Paul mentions another believer who has done well in serving God. Epaphras is with Paul and

prays often and hard for the believers in Colossae that they would stand firm in their faith. He is

a good example to us in showing us how important praying for other believers is.

Write what Epaphras did to serve God in big, fancy letters.

Page 66: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 33 - I THESSALONIANS 1:1 – 2:13

MONDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 1:1-3

Paul wrote this letter to the church in the city of Thessalonica. Timothy and Silvanus were with

him when he wrote it. Paul gave God thanks for the believers at this church for their strong faith,

their service to God and their patience in waiting for Christ’s return. Paul prays often for these

people. What a good example for us to follow! We need to be praying for each other often.

The believers had three qualities that all believers should have. They are underlined above.

Write them on the lines below.

1. _____________________ 2. _____________________ 3. _______________________

TUESDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 1;6-8

The believers in Thessalonica were being persecuted for their faith. That means others were

giving them a hard time because they believed in God and obeyed Him. The word tribulation is

another word for persecution. The Thessalonians were being a good example to churches near

them. They were not backing down from the truth to stop the persecution.

Find and circle the following words in the puzzle below.









WEDNESDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 2:1-2, 4

Paul and those with him have been persecuted for their faith in God. He tells the Thessalonians

that they had been persecuted in the city of Philippi (the city where the book of Philippians was

sent to). So Paul knows what it is like and yet he has endured and gone on preaching the gospel.

He encourages the Thessalonians to do the same. Paul said in verse 4 that they were pleasing

God, not men. Sometimes it’s hard to stand up for God and obey Him when unbelievers give us a

hard time. We can and should. Paul and the church in Thessalonica are two examples for us.

Circle ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the following questions.

1. Does it sound easy and fun to be persecuted for being a believer? Yes No

2. Should we be more concerned about standing up for God and

our faith than pleasing people? Yes No

3. Will God help you through whatever persecution (hard time) you face? Yes No

Page 67: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 2:5-8

Paul reminds the Thessalonians that he and the others with him did not preach to please men, but

to please God. And that they only taught God’s Word. Paul says he was like a mother with a

new baby. He was gentle, yet gave them what they needed to grow spiritually.

Match the people from Paul’s example to what they did.

Mother needed to grow spiritually

Baby was gentle, but taught from God’s Word

FRIDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 2:11-13

Paul tells us why he, and the others with him, worked hard at encouraging and teaching the

believers there. Verse 12 says it clearly. Paul wanted the Thessalonians to walk, or live, in a

manner worthy of God. That’s another way of saying, he wanted the Thessalonians to live their

life pleasing to God. We should give God glory, or honor, by all we do and say. That’s the

reason for learning God’s Word, so we will know how to live life to please God.

Write the missing parts of verse 12 below.

“So that you may ___________________________________________________


who calls you into His own kingdom and glory.”

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MONDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 3:1-3

Earlier, Paul couldn’t make the trip to Thessalonica, so he sent Timothy. Timothy was able to

encourage the believers there and give a report to Paul about how they were doing. Traveling

back then was hard, dangerous, and took a lot longer than it does today. But Timothy made the

trip and returned to Paul.

What two things are listed in verse 2 that Timothy did for the Thessalonians and their faith?

Write them below.

1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________

TUESDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 3:6-7

Yesterday, we read of a trip Timothy made to Thessalonica for Paul. When Timothy returned to

Paul, Paul wrote how happy he was to hear of their faith and love. Paul and others were

encouraged by the Thessalonians strong faith and love for each other. We can be a good

example, and encourage others by how we live for God.

Write what the two things Timothy told Paul the Thessalonians had, which made Paul happy.

1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________

WEDNESDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 3:11-13

Paul knows of the Thessalonians faith and love for each other. And now in this prayer, he wants

them to love each other even more. Even for those believers who are good at showing love for

others, Paul said to love even more. We will never love others perfectly, so we all need to work

on showing love more and more.

Color in the words that Paul encouraged the believers to do below.

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THURSDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 4:1

Here we read the word “walk” again. Remember it is another way of saying “to live your life”.

How should they live, or walk? They should walk in a way that pleases God, and excel still

more at it. In other words, please God by how you live, and keep working at it to do it better and

better. Believers of all ages can grow in their faith and obedience to God. We’ll never reach a

point where we can’t grow or learn any more.

Answer the following questions.

1. What does the word “walk” mean?


2. Where do we find out how to live pleasing to God?


3. Will we ever reach a point where we can’t grow or learn any more?


FRIDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 4:7-8

Paul wants the believers to be careful that they live a pure life. “Pure” in the sense of not being

physically intimate with someone until after you are married to them. And then, you are only

intimate with that person and no one else. The world thinks it’s okay to be physically intimate

with anyone, and often can even make it look fun. But believers know that God does not want us

to live that way, so we won’t. Don’t look to the world to see how to live life, look to God and

read His Word.

Unscramble the word below that tells what kind of life believers should live.



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WEEK 35 - I THESSALONIANS 4:9 – 5:11

MONDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 4:9-12

Now Paul writes about the believers’ love for each other. He says they are doing a great job of

showing love in their church and to other believers from other areas. But Paul says to excel still

more at it. To excel means to do it very well. Even though they were doing a great job, he

wanted them to do it even better. We can always improve on something, even if we are doing it

well. We’ll never be perfect at it, but God says to keep pushing yourself to do it better. How do

we love each other in the church? By doing things for others, by being a friend, or by listening

when someone needs to talk.

Love needs to be put into action to do any good. Write something you could do this week for the

following people to show you love them.

I could do this for my dad: _____________________________________________

I could do this for my mom: _____________________________________________

TUESDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 4:15-17

Paul is talking about something that will happen in the future. It’s called the rapture. It’s when

Jesus Christ will come down to the clouds, and all believers will rise into heaven with Him. No

person knows when it will happen. It will be a wonderful for all believers to join Jesus and go to


Color in the word that describes when Jesus will come and take the believers into heaven.

WEDNESDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 5:2

This verse tells of a time following the rapture that we call the tribulation, or “the Day of the

Lord”. Paul says it will come “like a thief in the night”. That’s a way of saying that no one will

know when to expect it. A thief comes quietly and tries not to make noise so people will not

know he’s there. The tribulation will come quietly and people will not know it’s about to

happen. No one will be able to say it will be next Thursday. God doesn’t tell us the date it will

happen in the Bible. Why doesn’t He tell us? Because we don’t need to know. All we need to

know is in the Bible. Some things God does not give us details about, because we need to accept

them by faith. In His wisdom He has not listed it all out for us. We need to live obediently for

God, so that whenever the rapture comes, we will be found by God to be living for Him.


1. What will “come like a thief in the night” (or unexpectedly)? _________________________

2. What’s the word that means to be “caught up” in the clouds with Jesus? _________________

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THURSDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 5:7-8

Paul encourages us to live obediently to God, so when Jesus does return, we are found living

pleasing to Him. Paul uses the words “day” and “night” to give us a picture of how people live.

Believers should live like in the “day”. That is when it is light out and you do good, nice things.

Remember, Jesus was described in another book of the Bible as being “light”. We are “lights in

the world” too. The “dark” or “night” is used to refer to the sinful things unbelievers do in night

and in secret to hide their bad deeds.

Match the words below that go together from our verses today.

Believers night, darkness

Unbelievers day, light

FRIDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 5:11

Paul says an important thing we can do for each other is to encourage and build each other up.

How do we do that? We do that by saying truthful, but kind things to each other. We tell

someone they did a good job teaching, or they did a good job doing a project, or they were a

good example to others, and so on. We all like to be encouraged that we are doing right. We

also need to be encouraged to obey God, because we are still sinful and obeying doesn’t always

come easily.

Circle the phrases below that are encouraging things to say.

“Come to Sunday School and hear the lessons about God.”

“I hate getting up early, I wish I didn’t have to go to church”

“You did a nice job helping the younger kids with their game”

“You are stupid and can’t do anything right”

“I saw you make friends with the new kid, and I thought that was very nice of you”

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MONDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 5:12-13

Paul wants us to respect the leaders in the church. They are working hard to teach the truth,

guide according to God’s wisdom and encourage and build up the members. We need to

cooperate with them and pray for them and encourage them.

Fill in the names below.

My pastor’s name is: _________________________________________________

My Sunday School teacher’s name is: ____________________________________

One of the elders at church is: ___________________________________________

I need to respect, encourage, cooperate with, and pray for them.

TUESDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 5:14-15

Paul is telling us to encourage all the believers at church, not just the leaders. We can do that by

things we say, how we act, what example we show others, and by praying for others to grow.

Unscramble the word below that tells what we should do to all believers at church.


necrougea WEDNESDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 5:16-18

Here are some final words of Paul to us. He says to rejoice always. To rejoice is to have God’s

joy inside of you. It’s not a happy feeling that comes and goes, depending on what’s happening

to you at the moment. It’s a joy, or deep happiness that comes from being a believer and

knowing all that God has done and will do for you. Paul also says to pray without ceasing, or

stopping. We can pray to God anytime, anywhere. We do not have to pray out loud, nor do our

prayers have to be very long. God wants us to talk to Him in prayer. God wants us to go to Him

with our joys and troubles. Paul finally says to give God thanks for everything. We need to

know that everything that we have, everything we can do, every ability, every situation God has

given us is for a purpose and is from God. We need to be thankful people.

Write the three main things Paul tells us to do in these verses below. They are underlined above.

1. ____________________ 2. _____________________ 3. _____________________

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THURSDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 5:21

We are to examine everything that we hear about God, or Jesus, or how to live life, very

carefully. What should we compare what we hear to? We should compare everything to the

Bible, God’s Word. So when someone tells us something about God, we need to make sure what

they said is written in the Bible. We can trust what is in the Bible, and believe it completely.

Find and circle the following words in the puzzle below.










FRIDAY -- Read I Thessalonians 5:23-28

Paul prays that the believers would continue to grow in their knowledge of God and in their

relationship to Him. He reminds the believers that God is faithful to do all He says He will do.

Being “faithful” means that person is true to their word. What they say, they will do. Paul also

asks the believers to pray for him and those with him. We all need the support of prayer from

other believers. Then Paul closes the letter.

Choose two or more things that help you to grow in your knowledge of God and in your

relationship with Him, and draw them below.

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WEEK 37 - GENESIS 1:1 - 31

MONDAY -- Read Genesis 1:1-8

The book of Genesis was probably written by Moses. We first read about the wonderful account

of God creating our world and everything in it. Day and night were created on day 1 and the

heaven, or sky, was created on day 2. All God did was speak the words, and it was made. And

God saw it was good. GOD IS POWERFUL!

Draw under DAY 1 what God created on that day, and draw under DAY 2 what He created that



TUESDAY -- Read Genesis 1:9-13

On day 3 God made the earth. He formed land and seas, then made plants and trees. Just think

of how many kinds of plants and trees there are. God made them in such a short time! And God

saw it was good.

Draw below what God created on day 3.

WEDNESDAY -- Read Genesis 1:14-19

It’s day 4 now and God creates the sun, moon and stars. The sun gives us light and heat and the

moon gives light at night. They separate day and night for us.

Draw below what God created on day 4.

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THURSDAY -- Read Genesis 1:20-23

On day 5 God created all creatures that live in the water. He also created birds. Think of all the

kinds of animals that live in water. God gave each kind special colorings and different things to

eat and different ways to live. The same goes for all the kinds of birds there are.

Draw below what God created on day 5.

FRIDAY -- Read Genesis 1:24-31

On day 6 God created animals that live on land. Think of all the different kinds of animals.

Each kind of animal has their own coloring, food to eat, and way to live. Then God made man.

Man was made “in the image of God”. That means we were made with God’s nature and have

abilities to please God and have spiritual life. Think of all the body parts you have and how

everything works together to give you life, allow you to walk, talk, play, run and so on. And

God saw it was VERY good.

Draw below what God created on day 6.

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WEEK 38 - GENESIS 2:1 - 3:13

MONDAY -- Read Genesis 2:1-3

The last day of creation, day 7, is not like the other days at all. On this day God rested. His

creating was done. God blessed the 7th day and made it a special day of resting for men too.

Draw what God did on day 7.

TUESDAY -- Read Genesis 2:16-19

The Garden of Eden is where man, Adam, is living. God had 1 rule for Adam. He couldn’t eat

the fruit from one tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Fill in the blanks below.

1. How many rules did Adam have to obey? _____________________________

2. How many trees was Adam not to eat from? ___________________________

3. How many days did God create our world in? __________________________

4. How many days of rest did God bless? ________________________________

5. How many people were created so far? ________________________________

WEDNESDAY -- Read Genesis 2:21-25

Adam was the only person on the earth and God saw he needed a helper that was like him. So

God created a woman. She was to be his friend and helper.

Unscramble the answers to the following questions.

1. What did God take from Adam’s body to begin making a woman? __________


2. What did God call the helper for Adam? __________________________


3. She was called ‘woman’ because she was _______________ out of man.


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THURSDAY -- Genesis 3:1-7

Satan takes the form of a serpent and talks to the woman, Eve. She tells him their 1 rule and

Satan makes the tree they can’t eat from seem wonderful. He tempts her to eat that fruit and lies

to her. Satan is full of lies and evil. Sadly Eve decides to disobey God and eat the fruit from the

tree she wasn’t supposed to. Adam does too.

Unscramble the answer below.

This is the first time people choose to disobey God and it’s called



FRIDAY -- Read Genesis 3:9-13

Sin has now come into the world. Adam and Eve feel guilt because they’ve disobeyed God.

They saw they had no clothes and felt wrong about it. They even tried to hide from God. Both

Adam and Eve tried to blame someone else for their wrong doing.

Find and circle the following words in the puzzle below.










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WEEK 39 - GENESIS 3:14 - 5:32

MONDAY -- Read Genesis 3:14-19

God never allows people to disobey Him and not have any discipline or punishment to come at

some time. God punishes Satan, Eve and Adam for disobeying Him. The serpent is punished

first. He would crawl on his belly and there would be trouble between God, Satan and man.

Then Eve gets her punishment. She (and all women in the future) will have pain when having

babies. Also there will be a struggle between her and her husband in the home over who is in

charge. Adam’s punishment is last. His is that he’ll have to work hard to grow things. Sin has

now entered the world. That’s the sad part. But God, because He loves people so much, will

pay the price later for their sins through Jesus Christ.

Match the person to their punishment below.

SERPENT Pain in childbirth; fight for who’s in

control in the home

EVE Hard labor in working the ground

ADAM Crawl on ground; struggle with man

TUESDAY -- Read Genesis 3:20-24

God gave Adam and Eve clothes. But they had to leave the Garden of Eden. Life will be very

different from now on. They are no longer living in a perfect garden, and now they have sin to

deal with. Also, due to sin, their relationship to God is now hurt.

Write the name of the garden Adam and Eve used to live in but had to leave when they sinned.


WEDNESDAY -- Read Genesis 4:3-7

Adam and Eve have two boys now. They were Cain and Abel. Adam and Eve taught them what

to do. Each would bring an offering to God. Abel did it just the way God told him, and Cain

didn’t obey God so God didn’t accept his offering. God wasn’t pleased with Cain. Cain got

angry at God and Abel. God warns Cain to be in control and not sin.

Fill in the names below using their names:

Cain Abel God

1. Who pleased God with His offering? ___________________________________

2. Who did not please God with his offering? ______________________________

3. Who is most important in our lives and should be pleased by what we do? ____________

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THURSDAY -- Read Genesis 4:8-12

Cain did not control his anger with Abel and killed him. God sees and knows all things, but Cain

says he doesn’t know where Abel is. We may be able to fool people with our lies, but we can

never fool God. God punishes Cain by sayings he’ll have to wander around and not be able to

grow food.

Circle “Yes” or “No” to the following questions.

1. Can anyone hide from God? YES NO

2. Can God see and know everything? YES NO

3. Can anyone ever fool God? YES NO

FRIDAY -- Read Genesis 5:29-32

Many people have been born since Cain and Abel. We read here that Noah is born. See how

long people lived at that time. WOW!

Circle the correct ages of these people:

1. Lamech (Noah’s dad) died when he was ______ years old. 777 82

2. Noah had three sons when he was _______ years old. 29 500

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WEEK 40 - GENESIS 6:9 - 8:21

MONDAY -- Read Genesis 6:9-13

People, because of sin, have gotten very bad at this time. They are doing evil in the sight of the

Lord. God looks at the world, and decides to destroy all the wicked people in it. Earlier, God

told Noah that He was going to keep Noah and his family safe because Noah was a righteous

man, blameless and walked with God. To “walk with God” means to want what God wants, to

obey Him and make Him your priority in life.

Fill in the missing words in the sentences below.

1. God was going to destroy all people except Noah and his family because people

were so ____________________________________________ by that time.

2. God was going to keep Noah and his family safe from the destruction, because

Noah was ______________________________________________________ .

TUESDAY -- Read Genesis 6:14-19

God tells Noah to build an ark. The ark will save Noah and his family from the flood that God is

going to bring to the earth. A flood so great that all people will die in it. God tells Noah to bring

two of every kind of animal on the ark, to keep them safe also. This was a big project for Noah,

but he obeyed and trusted God. It’s a good example of how to “walk with God”.

Find and circle the words in the puzzle below.








WEDNESDAY -- Read Genesis 7:15-18, 23-24

Well, the time had come, and Noah and his family and two of every kind of animal got into the

ark. God closed the door behind them, and the rain began. It rained and rained until even the

highest mountain tops were covered with water. No life would survive, except for those on the

ark. How thankful Noah must have been to have been saved from the flood! God takes care of

those who love Him.

Write on the line how many days the water covered the earth. (verse 24) _____________

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THURSDAY -- Read Genesis 8:1-3, 6-7

The rains have stopped now, but think of all the water that has to go down so Noah can leave the

ark ! It takes quite a while for that to happen. Noah is patient and knows God has His timing

for everything.

Color in the name of who is in control of EVERYTHING in our world.

FRIDAY -- Read Genesis 8:15-17, 20-21

At last, the ground is dry enough and Noah is told by God he can leave the ark. What a

wonderful day that was for Noah and his family. They had been in the ark, with all those

animals, for a total of 377 days. That’s a very long time. But Noah was trusting in God and

patient. Noah built an altar and offered a sacrifice to God in thanks for saving him and his

family. God told Noah He would never again destroy all people again.

What was the first thing Noah did when he got off the ark? _________________

Was God pleased with Noah’s offering? (verse 21) ________________________


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WEEK 41 - GENESIS 9:11 - 17:5

MONDAY -- Read Genesis 9:11-13

God again tells Noah about His promise to never destroy all people by a flood. As a sign of His

promise, God puts a rainbow in the sky after it rains for us to see. The sign is for us to remember

God is faithful and true to His promises. God is perfect and doesn’t have a problem

remembering things. We can always count on God and that His promises will be done, no

matter what.

Circle “Yes” or “No” to the following questions.

1. Does God ever forget things? YES NO

2. Will God ever change His mind about a promise of

His we read about in the Bible? YES NO

3. Can we count on God to always be true to His word? YES NO

TUESDAY -- Read Genesis 11:1, 4-7

People were growing in numbers by this time. And they were getting proud of themselves.

They wanted to build a tower that went up to heaven. God knows that pride in people is a bad

thing. We need God and to be proud is to say you DON’T need God. So God “confused their

language.” In other words, He had some suddenly speak a different language than they had been

speaking. Another group spoke a different language from the first group, and so on. They

couldn’t work together, so they stopped building the tower. The people got in groups that spoke

the same language, and left the area to live together.

People can make all the plans they want, but who is stronger than any man, and knows more than

any man does? Write His name below.


WEDNESDAY -- Read Genesis 13;1-2, 6-9

Time has gone by, and now we read about Abram. God will change his name later to Abraham.

Abram and his nephew, Lot, need to move away from each other so they can each have more

space for their animals and servants.

Write the name in the blanks below, using these names:


1. Abram let _____________________________ pick first where he would move to.

2. ___________________________________________ was Lot’s uncle.

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3. _________________________________ is in control of everything in our world.

THURSDAY -- Read Genesis 13:11-13, 15-16

Lot made a bad choice of where to go to live. The cities he picked to move to were known to be

full of very wicked, bad people. God told Abram that the land for as far as he could see would

be for him and his relatives in the future.

Match the name with what land they got below.

ABRAM He picked to move to the evil, wicked


LOT God told him all the land as far as he

could see would be his and his

relatives in the future

FRIDAY -- Read Genesis 17:1-5

God makes a covenant with Abram. A covenant is like a contract, a promise. God was

promising to give to Abram and his relatives in the future all the land of Canaan. Abram would

from then on be called “Abraham”, because God would make him the father of the nation of


With the promise God made with Abram, God changed Abram’s name. Write his new name



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WEEK 42 - GENESIS 18:20 - 27:10

MONDAY -- Read Genesis 18:20-21, 24-26

God is going to punish the evil people in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, where Lot lives.

Abraham asks God not to destroy the cities if some righteous, good, people live there. God

agrees. God ends up saying He won’t destroy the cities if 10 good people live there.

Abraham is close to God because he loves God and “walks with God”. God allows Abraham to

be a part of His plans. Abraham is close enough to God to ask for mercy for the good people.

Circle the word that tells what kind of relationship they have below.

1. God ___________ Abraham. LOVED HATED

2. Abraham ____________ God. LOVED HATED

3. Most of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah

_____ God. LOVED HATED

TUESDAY -- Read Genesis 19:12-13, 24-26

Remember yesterday we read Abraham asked God not to destroy the two cities, Sodom and

Gomorrah, if ten righteous people lived there? Well, God agreed and only Lot and his family

were found righteous. So God sends angels to get them out of town before He destroys the

cities. Lot and his family were not to turn around and see how God punished the evil people.

But Lot’s wife disobeyed and turned into a pillar of salt.

Draw a line from the name to the sentences below.

1. Who disobeyed God and turned into salt? LOT

2. Who hates sin and evil? GOD

3. Who helped Lot get out of Sodom and

Gomorrah? LOT’S WIFE

4. Who was Abraham’s nephew? ANGELS

WEDNESDAY -- Read Genesis 22:1-3, 9-12

Abraham is given a very difficult test. God tells Abraham to take his son, Isaac and offer him as

a sacrifice. Abraham no doubt loved Isaac very much! Abraham knew obedience to God was

most important. So he obeys. Just before Abraham kills Isaac, God stops him. God sees that

Abraham will obey Him.

Who did Abraham put first in his life? Circle the name below.


Who should be first in your life? Circle the name below.


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THURSDAY -- Read Genesis 25:21-23, 27-28

Isaac is now grown up and married to Rebekah. Rebekah has twins and God tells her the older

will serve the younger. That’s not how it usually went. The twins are very different. Esau is a

hunter and Jacob isn’t.

Fill in a name for each blanks below.


1. Who was the older brother? __________________________________________

2. Who was the younger brother? ________________________________________

3. Who did God say would serve the younger brother? _______________________

4. God doesn’t always work things out like we would expect. Does God know

what’s best? __________________________________ (Yes or No)

FRIDAY -- Read Genesis 27:1-4, 8-10

Isaac is getting very old and feels close to death. It’s the custom for the dad to give the older son

a special blessing. Rebekah wanted Jacob, the younger son, to get it. So she plans to lie to and

deceive Isaac.

Circle who were Rebekah and Jacob thinking about when they did that?

themselves God others

Circle the two names below of who they sinned against by doing this?

themselves God Isaac

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WEEK 43 - GENESIS 27:18 - 41:57

MONDAY -- Read Genesis 27:18-23

Jacob dressed up like Esau and cooked food like Esau would and he tricked his dad into thinking

he was Esau. So Jacob received the special blessing. God knew this would work out this way.

He told Rebekah and Isaac that the older would serve the younger. But Jacob did it his way. He

didn’t wait for God to work it out for him. God’s plans weren’t changed, but Jacob sinned by

not letting God work it out. He will be punished later for this sin.

Color the name of

who’s in control of

everything in our world.

TUESDAY -- Read Genesis 29:15-18, 25, 30

Jacob has left his home and gone far away to his uncle Laban’s house. Esau was so mad at Jacob

for tricking his dad out of Esau’s blessing, that Esau wanted to kill Jacob. Well Jacob meets

Laban’s two daughters. He likes the younger one better and offers to work for Laban seven

years to be able to marry her. But Laban tricks Jacob, and after the wedding Jacob finds out he is

married to the Leah, the older sister. So Jacob agrees to work seven more years to be able to

marry Rachel, whom he loved. Jacob got a punishment from God that fit the sins he did to his

father. God often uses things like this to teach us and we should learn from them.

Find and circle the words in the puzzle below.







WEDNESDAY -- Read Genesis 37:3-4, 27

Time has passed, and Jacob now has children. Leah has given Jacob sons, but Rachel has only

had 2 sons. They were Joseph and Benjamin. Since Jacob loved Rachel the most, his sons by

her were more special to him. The other sons were jealous of Joseph and hated him. One day

they took him and were going to kill him. But then decided to sell him as a slave to some

traveling people. Being jealous of someone is not good. Jealous is when you want what they

have really badly and start to treat them badly because of it. Because you can’t have it, you

don’t want them to have it either. God wants us to be loving and be happy for others when they

get things, not be mad. We need to put others first, not ourselves first.

1. Who were the brothers thinking more of? Joseph themselves others

2. When we put ourselves first, we are going to act Godly selfishly

3. When we get mad because we don’t have something, we are acting

jealous loving

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THURSDAY -- Read Genesis 39:1-3, 20-21

Joseph has been sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. He is taken to the country of Egypt

and is a slave to a high officer of Pharaoh. The Lord caused all he did to prosper. That means

God made Joseph do well for that official, in how he ran the house, took care of things for him,

and so on. Joseph obeyed God and did well in whatever he was given to do. He did this to bring

glory to God. He did not say to himself that he would not be a good slave, because this all

shouldn’t have happened to him. Sadly, the officer’s wife lied and got Joseph in trouble. Joseph

was sent to jail. But here too, Joseph obeyed God and God made Joseph prosper and do well.

Circle the correct word for each question.

1. What did Joseph do when he was made a slave and taken to Egypt?

a. he tried to escape

b. he did a good job at whatever he was told to do

c. he was mad at God for letting this happen to him

2. What did Joseph do when he was wrongly put in jail?

a. he tried to escape

b. he lied to make his life easier there

c. he did a good job at whatever he was told to do

3. Why did Joseph want to be a good slave?

a. to be able to escape when he could

b. to trick them into thinking he was good, but then make a mess of their things

c. to obey God and bring Him glory and honor

FRIDAY -- Read Genesis 41:38-40, 56-57

God gives Joseph the meanings to Pharaoh’s dreams, and Pharaoh lets Joseph out of prison and

puts him in charge of everything in Pharaoh’s rule. Think of it: a Jew, brought to Egypt as a

slave, is now second in command under Pharaoh, the ruler. He is in charge of large amounts of

wealth and property! God told Joseph there would be a famine coming, a time where food would

be hard to find and grow. So Joseph planned ahead and stored food for those hard years to come.

God’s plan for Joseph is for him to be in this position in Egypt. All of the things that happened

to Joseph to get him to Egypt were no accident. We may not understand God’s plan and why

things happen to us, but we can trust Him and know that all things that happen to us are part of

God’s plan and are for our good.

Circle “Yes” or “No” to the following questions.

1. Do you think Joseph was afraid when he was sold into slavery? YES NO

2. Does trusting God mean you know what He’s going to do next? YES NO

3. Knowing how much God loves us, as believers, do you think

God would do anything to harm us and not care? YES NO

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WEEK 44 - GENESIS 42:3 - 50:26

MONDAY -- Read Genesis 42:3-4, 7-8

Joseph’s family is affected by the famine, the shortage of food, too. They come to Egypt to buy

food and meet Joseph. God is bringing them together. God uses Joseph in Egypt to help the

Jews too, by storing away the food like he did.We don’t often know how God will use us, but we

need to obey Him, and then see how He works in our lives.

Fill in the blanks using the following names:


1. _______________________________ has everything in His control.

2. _______________________________ were helped by their brother they sold into slavery.

3. _______________________________ was used by God to give food to many people.

4. _______________________________ gave God honor in all he did.

TUESDAY -- Read Genesis 45:1-5

Joseph has not told his brothers he knew who they were until now. They haven’t recognized him

yet. Joseph is so happy to finally tell them who he is. But he doesn’t punish them, yell at them,

or even get angry with them. He sees the good in what happened. He knows God sent him into

Egypt and God had a plan. Joseph trusted God even when the troubles were BIG!

Look at verse 5, who does Joseph say sent him to Egypt?


WEDNESDAY -- Read Genesis 45:16-18, 24

Pharaoh finds out Joseph’s brothers are there and tells them to go home and bring all their

belongings back to live in Egypt. Pharaoh is so pleased with Joseph and his work that he also

wants Joseph’s family there to please Joseph. Why is the leader of Egypt so pleased with

someone who was a Jewish slave? Because Joseph wanted to please God by his behavior and in

doing so pleased Pharaoh.

To give God glory means to give Him _________. Color in the word below.

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THURSDAY -- Read Genesis 47:4-6

So Joseph’s brothers and families arrive in Egypt and Pharaoh gives them an area called Goshen

to live in. With all his brothers, and their families, the number of people could have been quite


Unscramble the word in the blank.

God has made what we saw as a bad situation with selling Joseph, into a

___________________________________ situation by saving many, many people


from the famine.

FRIDAY -- Read Genesis 50:20-22, 26

Joseph dies at the end of the book of Genesis. He is a wonderful example for us to follow in his

desire to please God by his actions. He had many hard things happen to him, but in them all he

behaved in a way that pleased God. We know God and know that He works all things in a

believer’s life for good.

We’ve read about great men in the faith in this book, like Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and

Joseph. Who did you like reading about the best?


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WEEK 45 - GALATIANS 1:1 - 2:13

MONDAY -- Read Galatians 1:1-5

Paul writes to many churches in the area called Galatia. They would read the letter and then pass

it along to the next church in that area. Paul gives them a common greeting of “grace and

peace”, but notes that grace and peace are from God who sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to save us

from our sins.

Fill in the blanks below.

1. The name of the book is called Galatians because the area of churches Paul

wrote to was called ______________________________________ .

2. What 2 words does Paul greet the believers with?

1. ______________________ 2. ______________________

TUESDAY -- Read Galatians 1:6-7, 9

Paul knows there are some false teachers that have come into the church who were teaching

wrong things about God. He asks why they allow that. Paul wants it to be very clear that a

church should not let someone come in and teach wrong things about God. People get confused

and may start believing in wrong things. Verse 9 is a very strong warning. It says that anyone

who teaches wrong things about God should be accursed, which means eternally condemned.

False teachers are to be eternally, forever, condemned and sent to hell apart from God.

Circle the words or phrases that show why it is bad to have false things about God taught in a church.

people would get confused as to what is the truth people would

eat too much

people would teach wrong things to others then people would not sing well

people would laugh too much people might not be truly saved and

not go to heaven

WEDNESDAY -- Read Galatians 1:11-12

Paul tells them that he was not taught the truth about God and Jesus from other believers, but

was taught directly from Jesus. He was a Jew that didn’t believe Jesus Christ was God’s Son.

He was against anyone who said Jesus was God. So Paul would even kill believers in Jesus.

Then Jesus made Paul go blind for a short time, and during that time taught him the truth about

God and Himself. From then on Paul preached the truth about God.

Color in the name of who directly taught Paul below.

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THURSDAY -- Read Galatians 2:5

Paul said in verses 1-4 that he was told by God to preach to the Gentiles (anyone who is not a

Jew). Some of the Jews had a hard time believing God wanted it that way since all through the

Old Testament, the Jews were God’s chosen people. Some tried to say Paul was wrong in going

to the Gentiles. Paul says he is not wrong. And in verse 5 he says he didn’t stop preaching to the

Gentiles, even when pressured by others. Paul did what God wanted him to and stood up for the


Answer the following questions.

1. Who are the Gentiles? _____________________________________________

2. Are you a Gentile? _______________________________________________

3. Are you thankful that God offers salvation to Gentiles? __________________

FRIDAY -- Read Galatians 2:12-13

Paul tells us that some men would act one way, but then say that way was wrong. That is being a

hypocrite. God doesn’t want us to do that. Here, Cephas (who is really Peter) believed the

Gentiles could be saved and would eat meals with them. Jews didn’t eat with Gentiles in the Old

Testament. But when some Jews came who didn’t think Gentiles could be saved, Peter wouldn’t

eat with the Gentiles. Paul says that was wrong.

It’s important that we know what God says is good to do, and then do it.

Write a “H” by the statements that show someone being a hypocrite (saying one thing but doing

another). Write a “B” by the statements that have someone doing what they believe.

____ Telling someone they need to share, but then you won’t let anyone play with

your toy.

____ Telling someone they need to follow the rules of the game, but later you break

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the rules so you can win.

____ Telling someone to speak kindly to others, then you encourage a friend with

your words.

____ Telling someone they should obey their parents, and when your dad said to

get ready to leave, you got up and got ready to leave.

WEEK 46 - GALATIANS 2:16 - 4:7

MONDAY -- Read Galatians 2:16

This can sound confusing, but let’s look at it slowly. Basically what the verse is saying is that

we are justified, made right with God, by our faith in Him. We are not made right with God by

any good things we do. He paid the price for our sins. We are made right, clean from sin, in

God’s eyes through faith in Jesus Christ. Doing works, or good deeds, will not get us saved.

Faith alone saves us.

Circle “Right” or “Wrong” to the following statements.

1. Someone tells you that you had to do good deeds to get to heaven. They are:


2. Someone tells you that you get to heaven because you have faith alone in God. They are:


3. Someone tells you that you need to go to church 5 times a month to be saved. They are:


TUESDAY -- Read Galatians 3:1-2

Here again, Paul is telling the Galatian believers how wrong they are for adding the works of the

law to salvation by faith. He asks them a question in verse 2, did they receive the Holy Spirit

because of their faith or because of following the law? We all know it’s because of faith. When

you become a believer in God and Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit lives in you. It’s only by faith,

not by any works you did. Even the faith is a gift from God.

Color in the word that tells us what we are saved by:

WEDNESDAY -- Read Galatians 3:6-9

The Jews looked to Abraham as their father, and they knew Abraham lived under the law. So

they felt they must, too. But Jesus Christ fulfilled the law and believers are no longer under the

authority of the Old Testament law. Paul points out that God told Abraham that all nations

would be blessed under him. God was saying way back then that Gentiles would be saved by

faith also. God told Abraham he was righteous, right with God, because he believed in God. So

faith alone is all that is needed.

Using the following names, fill in the blanks below. GOD ABRAHAM GENTILES

1. God told _______________ that he was righteous because he believed in God.

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2. Who do we have faith alone in? _________________________________

3. Not only the Jews, but also the ____________________ can be saved by faith alone.

THURSDAY -- Read Galatians 3:11, 13

Paul reminds us that Christ redeemed us. To redeem means “to buy out of”. Christ bought us

out of slavery to sin. Christ died and rose again, doing what no other person could ever do. He

paid the price for our sins. Believers are free from the control of sin and are God’s children and

are promised eternal life in heaven.

Write your answer in fancy letters if you want.

What word means “to buy out of”?


FRIDAY -- Read Galatians 4:4-5, 7

Christ died to save us from the penalty of our sins. Remember what ‘redeem’ means? It means

“to buy out of”. Christ bought us out of slavery to sin. Believers are made children of God.

Being a child of God brings with it many, many blessings and promises.

Match the words to complete the ideas.

When we accept God as our Lord promises and blessings

and Savior by faith, we are made

It means “to buy out of” children of God

Being a child of God brings many redeem

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WEEK 47 - GALATIANS 5:1 - 21

MONDAY -- Read Galatians 5:1

Paul wants believers to “stand firm” in their faith, instead of being swayed by false teachings

about needing to follow the law. Some preach you need to do certain things besides have faith in

order to be saved. They are wrong. We need to keep our church free from false teachings.

Find and circle the following words in the puzzle below.







TUESDAY -- Read Galatians 5:7, 10

Paul is very concerned about the Galatians accepting other things about God and following the

law to be saved. He asks who hindered them, or got in their way? He doesn’t want them to

follow anything but the truth in God’s Word and not let anyone add to it.

What book is the only book that teaches us about God and His truth and how to live life pleasing

to Him? Decorate it below.

WEDNESDAY -- Read Galatians 5:14

Do you know how much we love ourselves? A lot! We take care of ourselves. We make sure

we get food when we are hungry and drink when we are thirsty. We make sure we are happy by

doing things we like to do, and having toys and stuff that we like to have. We do this naturally.

God says to love others like we love ourselves. Believers will put others before themselves, and

show love to them.

Circle the words or phrases below that give ways to love others as yourself.

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be kind yell at others when they bother you share

help others when they need it let others go ahead of you

criticize others say mean things when you’re mad

be first in everything let someone else make a plan

THURSDAY -- Read Galatians 5:16-17

The flesh is the word used to describe what our nature is without God. Our sinful desires are

called the flesh. They are desires that are against God and what He wants us to do and be like.

When a person becomes a believer, God changes their nature and they are spiritually born again.

They are given new natures and have the Holy Spirit to live in them to help them. We are to

live, or “walk” by the Spirit. In other words, live to please and honor God.

Write the following words or phrases under the heading of the SPIRIT or the FLESH, depending

on where they fit.

Hating people Being honest Lying

Helping Sharing Loving others

Being kind Saying mean things


_____________________________ ______________________________

_____________________________ ______________________________

_____________________________ ______________________________

_____________________________ _______________________________

______________________________ _______________________________

FRIDAY -- Read Galatians 5:19-21

This is quite a list of bad things to do and act like, isn’t it? It has things on it like putting other

things in life more important than God, like not controlling your anger, or wanting someone to be

hurt because they have something you don’t have, or causing trouble and hurting others, and

more. No believer should be doing these things. We still all sin, but the key word in the end of

verse 21 is the word “practice”. No believer will practice these bad things. They will not

continue to do them over and over again.

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The list of bad things are called what? Write it below.

According to verse 19, these are the ________________________ of the

_______________________________ .

WEEK 48 - GALATIANS 5:22 - 6:18

MONDAY -- Read Galatians 5:22-23

Here is a list of good actions that believers SHOULD do. They are called the “fruit of the

Spirit.” Remember, believers have the Holy Spirit living inside. The things we do because we

love God and want to obey and please Him are called fruit. We can’t do them without the Holy

Spirit giving us the power to do them.

Write the names of the fruit of the Spirit below. Draw a kind of fruit for each word. One, for

example, is love. Keep these fruits in mind as you deal with others.

TUESDAY -- Read Galatians 5:25

We know what the fruit of the Spirit is from yesterday’s verses. This verse tells us to live by the

Spirit. Walking is also a common picture word used in the New Testament. Our life is day by

day walking as God wants us to.

Circle the correct answer to each statement below.

1. God wants me to talk to others:

a. using mean and nasty words b. using kind and gentle words

2. God wants me to put others

a. after myself b. before myself

3. God wants me to obey my

a. parents b. own desires

WEDNESDAY -- Read Galatians 6:3-4

Paul tells us God wants us to have an attitude of not being proud. We should not put others

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down, and think less of them because they do things differently than we do. We need only be

concerned with if we are pleasing God or not, not whether others are. We should be helpful to

others, not put them down and be nasty to them.

What word that describes someone thinking highly of themselves and putting others down?


________________________________ (dourp)

THURSDAY -- Read Galatians 6:6-8

Think of yourself as a farmer. You plant, or sow, seeds. Then those seeds grow into a plant.

Now, think of those seeds you planted as deeds you have done. They will grow into something.

If you are planting seeds of good deeds, they will grow into good things that please God. IF you

are planting seeds of bad deeds that are selfish and go against God, then they will grow into

things that displease God.

What we do and say makes a BIG difference. We make choices all day long about how to react

and handle things. We can please God or displease God by what we choose. For example, if

you know someone who lies a lot, then they can’t be trusted and they are then known to be a liar.

That person has planted bad seeds. Think of someone else now that is kind and thoughtful and is

known to be that way. They have planted seeds of kindness and have pleased God.

Draw a picture of a farmer planting a seed. Write what that seed is. For example, it could be a

seed of sharing your things. Then draw a picture or write how that seed has grown into a plant.

With the example of sharing, you could draw yourself sharing a toy.

FRIDAY -- Read Galatians 6:9-10, 18

Paul is near the end of his letter. He encourages them, and us, to not get tired or weary of doing

good things for others. When we only think of ourselves, it is very easy to get tired of doing

good things. When we are thinking of God and pleasing Him, then doing good for others is

easier to keep on doing.

Using the following phrases, fill in the blanks below.


1. When we are ___________________________________________

it is hard not to get tired of doing good for others.

2. We _________________________ when we are thinking

about Him and others, and just not ourselves.

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3. We are not to get tired of ____________________ for others.

4. When we are thinking only of ourselves, we will ____________________

___________________ of doing good for others.

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WEEK 49 - JAMES 1:1 - 15

MONDAY -- Read James 1:1-4

James writes this letter to Jews who were dispersed, or scattered in an area. Many churches

would have passed the letter around. James encourages them to still have joy even though at

times they would have trials. Trials are hard, or difficult, times. James says to have joy in them,

because your faith will be tested in that hard time. Believers want to grow in our faith. We learn

many good lessons about God and who He is during hard times in our lives.

Match the word to the right phrase below.

James is a hard, or difficult time

joy wrote this letter to Jews

trial what we should have during trials

because we know our faith is being

tested and can grow from the trial

TUESDAY -- Read James 1:5-6

God says He’ll give us wisdom from Himself. That is far greater than the world’s wisdom. God

knows more than any person. God knows more than any person can fully understand. And He

offers us some of that wisdom. All we have to do is to ask for it. But....you must ask without

doubting that God can do it. Doubt makes us sway back and forth in our belief. God wants us to

trust Him and believe.

Answer the following questions.

1. What did God give for us to read, that tells about Him and His wisdom? _________________

2. When can you read the Bible? ____________________________

WEDNESDAY -- Read James 1:9-10

All believers should be thankful to God, whether if they are poor or rich or in between. We all

have things from God, from our salvation to the little blessings in life. Being thankful reminds

us that all we have and can do are gifts from God.

Circle the things that are from God and that we should be thankful for below.

toys family friends where you live

your abilities your personality your church

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THURSDAY -- Read James 1:12

Love for God helps believers get through trials, or hard times. As we trust in God, we grow

closer to God and our faith grows. God is concerned with how you handle a hard time. Are you

trying to handle it like He wants you to, or are you doing it your own way and ignoring God?

We need to trust in Him and obey Him.

Circle the correct answer to each question below.

1. How do we know how God wants us to handle hard times?


2. How do we grow closer to God in hard times?


FRIDAY -- Read James 1:13-15

To be tempted means to think about doing or saying something that you shouldn’t. For example,

your mom says to get cleaned up for dinner. On the way to wash up, you see a toy that you want

to play with. You are tempted to play with the toy, and forget about washing up. But that would

be disobeying your mom. You make a choice, either to obey or not obey. James tells us that

God does NOT tempt us. Our sinful natures bring sinful thoughts to our mind. We need to

control them and stop them. Believers can because God gives us the power to control those

thoughts. But we have to want to obey God.

Put an “X” by the statements that show a WRONG way to handle temptations.

____ You’re told to do your homework right after dinner. But you want to keep playing

outside. You’re tempted to say you don’t have any homework, so you can still

play. You choose to go in and do your homework.

____ Your brother makes you mad, and you are tempted to call him mean names. You

choose to call him names.

____ At school, the teacher is giving rewards for reading a book. You didn’t finish the

book on time, but want the reward. You are tempted to lie and say you read it.

You choose to be honest and not get the reward.

____ Your dad says to put your bike away and pick up the yard toys. When you get out

there, you decide to play and ride your bike. As it gets dark, it’s harder to see the

toys and you are tempted to just leave them out until morning. You choose to go

inside the house the leave the toys and bike outside in the yard.

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WEEK 50 - JAMES 1:17 - 2:9

MONDAY -- Read James 1:17

God gives us many blessings. James says every good thing and every perfect gift is from God.

God won’t ever change either. God won’t ever change His mind about the many promises we

have in the Bible from Him.

There are two things listed in this verse that use the word “every” before them. Write them


1. every _______________________ 2. every _______________________

TUESDAY -- Read James 1:19-20

James gives us good tips on controlling our anger and getting along with others better. First, he

says to be “quick to hear”. That means to take the time to listen to the other person’s side of

what happened. Then, he says to be “slow to speak”. That means don’t rush in and start yelling

things, or saying things before you think. Our words can hurt very much, so choose your words

carefully. Then, he says to be “slow to anger”. That means to not let your anger get control of

you. Verse 20 tells us that our anger does not help us become more like God. You are not a

good witness for God when your anger is not in control.

Write the three things we should do below.

1. be quick _________________ 2. be slow __________________

3. be slow __________________

WEDNESDAY -- Read James 1:22-24

Someone who “hears”, or listens, needs to do what they hear or they’ll soon forget what they

heard. Just hearing God’s Word isn’t enough. You need to DO what you’ve learned.

First, draw below someone listening to God’s Word at church or reading the Bible at

home. Secondly, draw that person doing what they’ve learned. Choose one idea listed below, or

make up 4 or 5 ideas of your own.

Ideas: learned about sharing learned about being honest

learned about obeying learned about not cheating

Number 1: Listening Number 2: Doing

Page 102: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read James 2:1-4

Favoritism is giving one person special treatment and not someone else. We are to treat

everyone the same. Sometimes people are nicer to those who dress better, have more toys, are

more popular, and so on. God wants us to show love and kindness to all.

Put an “F” by the statements showing favoritism. Put a “K” by the statements showing kindness.

____ “Here Tom, you sit here by me. No Bob, I’m not going to move over for YOU.”

____ “Beth, let’s ask Mary to come over after school too. Oh, Jill looks lonely, let’s ask

her also.”

FRIDAY -- Read James 2:8-9

James reminds us that we should love others as ourselves. Again, we’re not to be kind to only

certain people. We all love ourselves, and God says make others important to you too.

How do we love others? Circle the words or phrases that show love.

being selfish helping calling mean names

sharing letting others take a turn ahead of you sticking our your tongue

Page 103: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 51 - JAMES 2:10 - 3:17

MONDAY -- Read James 2:10-11

Some Jews reading this letter might think that showing favoritism wasn’t a bad sin like murder.

James says its still a sin. You should obey God in all He asks, not just what you want to obey.

Check the statements below that are ways people do wrong and show favoritism.

____ letting certain kids get in line in front of you and not others

____ sharing your snack with everyone that’s in the room

____ only picking your close friends to be on your team

____ including others into a group

TUESDAY -- Read James 2:14-17

Works are actions. We are saved by our faith only. But after we’re saved we should want to

please God and obey Him and do good things. James gave an example of someone needing food

and clothes and a believer not helping when they could. God wants us to help and serve others.

Circle the correct answers below.

1. You are playing with your friends at your house. One friend is cold because

they didn’t bring a jacket. You have sweatshirts and jackets in the house.

What good deed could you do?

a. tell them to go home and come back on a warmer day.

b. let them use a jacket.

2. You are eating lunch at school and have 3 cookies for dessert. The person

next to you had only a little lunch because they don’t have much money. What

good deed could you do?

a. give them a cookie

b. tell them you hope they get an “A” in spelling.

WEDNESDAY -- Read James 2:20-23

Remember when God told Abraham to offer his son, Isaac, on an altar? Abraham showed his

faith to God by obeying. God stopped Abraham in time, so Isaac wasn’t killed. God was

pleased with Abraham’s faith and obedience.

Using these words, fill in the blanks below.


1. ______________________ obeyed God and offered Isaac on an altar.

2. We are saved only by our __________________________________________ .

3. Abraham pleased _______________________________ by putting his faith into

action and obeying Him.

4. _____________________________ are actions that show our faith in God.

Page 104: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read James 3:5-6, 9-10

James talks about the tongue. The tongue means the words we choose to speak. He compares a

tongue that’s NOT under control to a fire. Fires can be bad and spread quickly and hurt people.

The words we say can hurt others and quickly get us into trouble.

Circle the words or phrases that are GOOD things to say.

you’re nice you stink at that you did a good job

thank you you’re stupid good try you’re a good helper

you can’t do anything right

FRIDAY -- Read James 3:17

Here is a list of qualities of wisdom from God. They are the opposite of what the world around

us would say is wisdom. They are qualities that put others before yourself, thoughtfulness,

gentleness, mercy, and more.

Unscramble the word to fill in the blank below.

Some qualities of God’s wisdom puts _________________________________


before ourselves.

Page 105: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 52 - JAMES 4:1 - 15

MONDAY -- Read James 4:1-2

People fight or cause problems because they can’t get their way. They don’t control themselves

and they end up fighting. That’s being selfish and God doesn’t want believers being selfish.

Circle the correct answer to each question below.

1. You are playing with your sister and you decide it’s time to change games. She

doesn’t want to change. One good way to handle it is: a. to hit her

b. say you’ll play another 10 minutes, and then you’ll change games together.

2. Your brother came home from the store and he bought a neat toy with his own money. You

want one too, but you spent your money already. One good way to handle it is:

a. you take his toy and play all you want with it

b. you ask him to share it once in a while, and you save your money to buy your

own if you want it so much

TUESDAY -- Read James 4:3-4

If we ask God for something with a bad motive, or attitude, then we may not get what we asked

for. If you ask for a new bike so you can be popular, or show off, then you have a bad attitude.

God doesn’t bless us with things so we can show off.

Circle the word to finish the sentence below.

Our attitude or motive should be ____________________________ when we


ask God for something.

WEDNESDAY -- Read James 4:7-8

James says we should submit to God. To submit means to put yourself under the authority of

someone. Believers are under God’s authority. They can draw near, or get close to God.

Circle the correct words.

1. How do we submit to God? By _______________ Him.

obeying disobeying

2. How do we get closer to God? By ________________ Him.

trusting and praying to not trusting and not praying to

Page 106: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read James 4:11-12

These verses have to do with judging others. To judge someone is to decide they are wrong

because YOU decided they’re wrong. There are family rules to follow, but different families

have different rules. You obey your parents; they need to obey their parents.

Color in the word below.

FRIDAY -- Read James 4:13-15

When we make plans we need to remember that God is in control of everything and be able to

change our plans to follow God’s plans if need be. Some people think they know better than

God. We need to plan and think “if the Lord wills” I’ll do this or that.

Write what verse 15 says we ought to say when we make plans.



Page 107: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


WEEK 53 - JAMES 5:1 - 13

MONDAY -- Read James 5:1-3

James is upset with the rich here. Why? Because they were putting their trust in their money

and what they had instead of in God. God may bless you with money or nice things, but they are

gifts from God and you should be thankful for them, not get greedy and make money and things

more important than God.

Circle “YES” or “NO” to the following questions.

1. Can having money save you from your sins? YES NO

2. Does God love rich people more than poor people? YES NO

3. Does having a lot of toys and things make you

more like God? YES NO

4. Are toys and things gifts from God that we

should be thankful for? YES NO

TUESDAY -- Read James 5:7-8

James encourages us to be patient waiting for Jesus to return to earth. We should live to please

and honor Him, no matter how long we wait.

What should we be doing here while we wait for Christ’s return?


WEDNESDAY -- Read James 5:9

Complaining is saying that things aren’t going as you wanted them to and you know what’s best

for you. God knows what’s best for us and we need to trust in that and not complain.

Circle who we should NOT complain to below:

God friends pastor parents

teachers grown-ups

Page 108: Children’s Club Grades 1 - 3 WEEK 2 - I TIMOTHY 2:5 - 3:11 MONDAY -- Read I Timothy 2:5-6, 8 Paul starts out with some basic truths about God. First, there’s only one true God


THURSDAY -- Read James 5:12

Swearing here is not saying bad words, but it means to make a promise. When we are asked to

do a job, we shouldn’t have to “swear” we’ll do it, or say anything extra to our “yes” to make

sure the other person knows we’ll do the job. Our “yes” should mean “yes”.

Find and circle the following words in the puzzle.







FRIDAY -- Read James 5:13

James ends his letter with an encouragement to pray to God more and praise Him more. We can

pray, or talk to God, anytime, anywhere, any way. God wants us to pray to Him. One way to get

closer to God is to pray more. Praise God too for all He did and does for you. Praise is a joyful

thanks to God. It’s telling Him how wonderful and awesome He is.

Write at least three things you can praise God for below.

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________