Children’s Lesson – May 27, 2020 GOD IS POWERFUL! BACKGROUND FOR CAREGIVERS Bible Passage – 1 Samuel 16-17 When the high priest, Samuel, grew old, the elders of Israel said, “You are old, and your sons do not follow your ways; now appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have.” But when they said, “Give us a king to lead us,” this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the LORD. And the LORD told him: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.” (1 Samuel 8:5–7) The people of God wanted to “be like all the other nations, with a king to lead [them] and to go out before [them] and fight [their] battles” (1 Samuel 8:20). God had set up a system of leadership in which He led His people through the priests, prophets, and judges who spoke on His behalf. But the people didn’t want the system God had set up; they wanted the system man had created. By asking for a king, the nation of Israel showed their refusal to be set apart for God’s glory. They wanted a king so they could be like other nations. They also wanted a king to lead them into battle. This request is particularly disconcerting given that God had recently led them victoriously through battle after battle against their enemies. By asking for a king, the Israelites showed a disregard for the God who had led them, fought for them, taken care of them, chosen them, and loved them. But these actions of God’s people didn’t disrupt His plan for them. And though the people chose Saul to be their king, God would eventually reject him. David was God’s choice because he was a man who would model for the people of Israel what it meant to worship God and give Him the glory for all things. God would show His power by anointing a king of His choosing. In 1 Samuel 16:13, David’s anointing was not an empty ceremony. Though King David wasn’t able to sit on the throne until many years later, the Holy Spirit came upon him in power from that day on. The Spirit of God expanded David’s courage and wisdom so much that even King Saul’s servants had heard of him. Pray that God will anoint you with His Spirit. Pray you’d know the assurance David had, that God was with him and that the victory was His. Then pray for God’s Spirit to fill your child(ren). Pray they experience confidence that God is able to fight the battles in their lives. Pray that God would cover them with His power so they can know their lives are in His hands. God is powerful!

Children’s May 27, 2020 GOD IS POWERFUL!

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Page 1: Children’s May 27, 2020 GOD IS POWERFUL!

Children’s Lesson – May 27, 2020



Bible Passage – 1 Samuel 16-17

When the high priest, Samuel, grew old, the elders of Israel said, “You are old, and your sons do

not follow your ways; now appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have.” But

when they said, “Give us a king to lead us,” this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the LORD.

And the LORD told him: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have

rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.” (1 Samuel 8:5–7)

The people of God wanted to “be like all the other nations, with a king to lead [them] and to go

out before [them] and fight [their] battles” (1 Samuel 8:20). God had set up a system of leadership

in which He led His people through the priests, prophets, and judges who spoke on His behalf. But

the people didn’t want the system God had set up; they wanted the system man had created.

By asking for a king, the nation of Israel showed their refusal to be set apart for God’s glory. They

wanted a king so they could be like other nations. They also wanted a king to lead them into battle.

This request is particularly disconcerting given that God had recently led them victoriously through

battle after battle against their enemies. By asking for a king, the Israelites showed a disregard for

the God who had led them, fought for them, taken care of them, chosen them, and loved them.

But these actions of God’s people didn’t disrupt His plan for them. And though the people chose

Saul to be their king, God would eventually reject him. David was God’s choice because he was a

man who would model for the people of Israel what it meant to worship God and give Him the

glory for all things. God would show His power by anointing a king of His choosing.

In 1 Samuel 16:13, David’s anointing was not an empty ceremony. Though King David wasn’t able

to sit on the throne until many years later, the Holy Spirit came upon him in power from that day

on. The Spirit of God expanded David’s courage and wisdom so much that even King Saul’s

servants had heard of him.

Pray that God will anoint you with His Spirit. Pray you’d know the assurance David had, that God

was with him and that the victory was His.

Then pray for God’s Spirit to fill your child(ren). Pray they experience confidence that God is able

to fight the battles in their lives. Pray that God would cover them with His power so they can know

their lives are in His hands. God is powerful!

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Lord, no one is like you. (point up)

You are great. (thumbs up)

You are mighty and powerful! (Bend arms to show muscles)

Jeremiah 10:6


Our lesson today is about how God is powerful!

Whenever we say, “God is powerful”, can you flex your muscles like

this (flex muscles)? Are you ready? God is powerful! (flex muscles).

In the Bible, there is a story about a big fight. The fight was between the

people of Israel and the Philistines (who were not nice people). The

Philistines did not love or obey God – and they wanted to hurt the

people of Israel.

The Philistines had a huge army of big, scary soldiers. They also had the

strongest soldier that anyone had ever seen. His name was Goliath.

Goliath was a giant and everyone was afraid of him.

But – we know something that many people didn’t know. We know that

our God is stronger and mightier than anything or anyone else. Our

God is powerful (flex muscles)!

One day a shepherd boy named David heard Goliath the giant saying

mean things about God and God’s people. That made David very mad

(can you show me an angry face?). David loved God and he didn’t want

to see people get hurt. So, he said, “I will fight Goliath”.

David was much smaller and weaker than the big, giant, Goliath. But –

David knew that God was big and strong – because God is powerful

(flex muscles)! He also knew that God would be with him. So, he

decided to fight Goliath – but his only weapon was five little stones

(show 5 small stones in a bag). David was not afraid – because he

trusted God.

Page 3: Children’s May 27, 2020 GOD IS POWERFUL!

Who do you think will win the fight? Thumbs up if you think David will

win… Thumbs up if you think Goliath will win…

When the fight began, David took a stone out (hold up one stone), put it

in his sling, swung it around, and shot it at Goliath. The stone hit

Goliath between his eyes and he fell down, defeated!

God had helped David win the fight! God will help us during our lives

as well – whenever we face challenges. We can rely on God to help us

be strong because, God is powerful (flex muscles)!

Activity: Have your child give examples of things they are scared of.

Write these things on cue cards (or a white board). Give your child a

bean bag or a white board eraser. Have your child say, “God is

powerful” and then throw the bean bag at the cue cards or erase a fear

from the board. Get rid of all the fears - through God’s power.


Dear God,

We thank you that you are always close to us, no matter where we are.

God, you are powerful and mighty!

We do not need to be afraid, because you are always with us.

God, you are our strength.

Thank you for loving us so much – we love you too!


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• My God Is Powerful


• Big Bold Powerful God


• Nothing’s Too Big


• My God Is So Big (cartoon and slower pace)


• Super Wonderful




Supplies Needed:

• Download and print templates of David and Goliath figures

• Crayons/Markers

• Scissors and Tape

• Popsicle sticks


Download and print the template pictures of David and Goliath.

Cut out the figures.


Colour the pictures of David and Goliath.

Tape a craft stick (popsicle stick) to the back of the picture.

Enjoy your puppets!

When you show your puppets to others – say, “GOD IS POWERFUL”!

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Reproducible for church use only.© 2018 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved. TB 4.1

© 2013 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.


Page 6: Children’s May 27, 2020 GOD IS POWERFUL!

Reproducible for church use only.© 2018 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved. TB 4.1

© 2013 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.


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