CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Kristin Graves Web viewyour word alone, through. Jesus Christ. Amen. *THE LORD’S PRAYER. ... Grada. Herrick . for ushering during this morning’s service. Our

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Page 1: CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Kristin Graves Web viewyour word alone, through. Jesus Christ. Amen. *THE LORD’S PRAYER. ... Grada. Herrick . for ushering during this morning’s service. Our
Page 2: CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Kristin Graves Web viewyour word alone, through. Jesus Christ. Amen. *THE LORD’S PRAYER. ... Grada. Herrick . for ushering during this morning’s service. Our

Round Hill Community Church

ORDER OF SERVICEFebruary 7, 2016

Simply Smiles Sunday

PRELUDE Toccata and Pastorale Pachelbel



CALL TO WORSHIPLeader: We gather this morning for worship, tender with personal

concerns and brittle from the bruising of the world.

All: We come searching for meaning and hungry for peace.

Leader: We pray from personal longings and in intercession for all God’s children; we share our hopes and doubts; we offer gifts and celebrate healing.

All: May we receive God’s unexpected blessings, exalt God’s holy name and taste God’s love.

*HYMN No. 23 Praise, My Soul, the God of Heaven Verse 1 – All

Verse 2 – ChoirVerse 3 – All

Verse 4 – Soloist

Page 3: CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Kristin Graves Web viewyour word alone, through. Jesus Christ. Amen. *THE LORD’S PRAYER. ... Grada. Herrick . for ushering during this morning’s service. Our

Verse 5 – All

*The congregation is invited to stand

*OPENING PRAYER God of all trust,may we who confess your faithprove it in our lives, with abundant joyoutrageous hopeand dependence on nothingbut your word alone, through Jesus Christ. Amen.

*THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven,hallowed be thy name.Thy kingdom come,Thy will be done,on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread,and forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive those who trespass against us,and lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from evil.For Thine is the kingdom,and the power, and the glory,forever and ever. Amen.

*GLORIA PATRIGlory be to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning,

Page 4: CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Kristin Graves Web viewyour word alone, through. Jesus Christ. Amen. *THE LORD’S PRAYER. ... Grada. Herrick . for ushering during this morning’s service. Our

is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Kristin Graves and The Rev. Dan Haugh Children may now leave for Church School.

ANTHEM Now I Walk in Beauty Gregg Smith (Navajo Prayer)

Now I walk in beautyBeauty is before me

Beauty is around me, above and below me

SCRIPTURE LESSON Luke 5: 1-11Once while Jesus was standing beside the lake of Gennesaret, and the crowd was pressing in on him to hear the word of God, he saw two boats there at the shore of the lake; the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little way from the shore. Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets.” When they had done this, they caught so many fish that their nets were beginning to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both boats, so that they began to sink. But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!” For he and all who were with him were amazed at the catch of fish that they had taken; and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. Then Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.” When they had brought their boats to shore, they left everything and followed him.

Page 5: CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Kristin Graves Web viewyour word alone, through. Jesus Christ. Amen. *THE LORD’S PRAYER. ... Grada. Herrick . for ushering during this morning’s service. Our

SERMON DIALOGUE The Rev. Dr. Ed Horstmann The Rev. Dan Haugh

Bryan Nurnberger, Founder/CEO of Simply Smiles

RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS Mathew Dylewsky, Robert Drysdale, Ginger and Josh Jewett,

Doug and Sally MacSwan

*WORDS OF WELCOME FROM THE CONGREGATION Friends, we joyfully accept you into the fellowship and mission of Round Hill Community Church, and pledge to support you with our prayers and encouragement. May you continue to grow in the knowledge and love of God, in service to this community and the wider world of which we are a part.

*HYMN No. 433 Blest be the Tie that Binds (verse 1)

OFFERINGInvitationAnthem Come Thou Fount Parker*Doxology Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all

creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host: Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*Hymn O Beautiful for Spacious Skies O beautiful for spacious skies, for amberwaves of grain, for purple mountainmajesties above the fruited plain!

America! America! God shed full graceon thee, and crown thy good with servanthood

from sea to shining sea.

Page 6: CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Kristin Graves Web viewyour word alone, through. Jesus Christ. Amen. *THE LORD’S PRAYER. ... Grada. Herrick . for ushering during this morning’s service. Our


*HYMN No. 606 God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending

CHURCH PRAYEROur Heavenly Father, shed forth thy blessed spirit upon all our lives. Make each one of us an instrument in thy hands for good. Purify our hearts, strengthen our minds and bodies, fill us with Christian love. Let no pride, no self-conceit, no rivalry, no ill will ever spring up among us. Make us earnest and true, wise and prudent, giving no just cause for offense; and may thy holy peace rest upon us this day and every day throughout the coming week, sweetening our trials, cheering us in our work, and keeping us faithful to the end, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


POSTLUDE Trumpets in Dialogue Clerambault

ROUND HILL COMMUNITY CHURCH MISSION STATEMENTWe, the members of the Round Hill Community Church, a self-governing, non-denominational body, seek to foster a community of faith where people of all ages and backgrounds pursue spiritual growth; where God is worshipped in Word and praised in music; where friends are made and hurts are healed. We seek to be a community where individuals commit their time and resources to education, fellowship, and to helping those in need among our Church family and in the broader world. We are a church where faith, hope, justice and love are valued, and above all, Jesus is Lord.


Page 7: CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Kristin Graves Web viewyour word alone, through. Jesus Christ. Amen. *THE LORD’S PRAYER. ... Grada. Herrick . for ushering during this morning’s service. Our

I believe in God, the one universal Father of all mankind, revealed supremely in Jesus Christ, our Lord, and present with us to guide, comfort and inspire in the Holy Spirit. I believe in the Kingdom of God; and in the mission of the Christian Church to proclaim the Gospel to all the world, exalting the worship of the Lord our God, and laboring for the progress of knowledge, the promotion of righteousness, the reign of peace, and the realization of human brotherhood. United in Christian love, we pray and labor for the coming of the Kingdom, the triumph of righteousness and the life everlasting. Amen.

CHURCH NEWSThank you to Bill and Grada Herrick for ushering during this morning’s service. Our thanks, as well, to Jenny and Manit Rye for ushering during the afternoon service.

Thank you to the Christine Garmann and Samira Loschiavo for hosting today’s Coffee Hour. Please join them in the parlor following the service.

Congratulations! We extend our warmest wishes to Hadi and Mirella Hajjar on the birth of their handsome grandson, Benjamin Hadi Chemali. Born on January 27, 2016, Benjamin weighed in at a generous 10 lbs and 5 oz! Now that’s a bundle of joy! Everyone is in excellent health and the proud parents are overjoyed!

Youth Confirmation class will take place today after the service in Rev. Dan Haugh’s office.

We invite the entire congregation to come back today at 4pm for our "First Sundays at Round Hill" Super Sunday.  Our guest today, Bryan Nurnberger, will return to offer a unique message and music will be led by Kristen Graves.  Wear your favorite team colors or jerseys and join us following the service for a Super Bowl supper or a “grab and go” bag with sandwich and chips to enjoy while watching the big game!

Page 8: CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Kristin Graves Web viewyour word alone, through. Jesus Christ. Amen. *THE LORD’S PRAYER. ... Grada. Herrick . for ushering during this morning’s service. Our

On Saturday February 13th from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. all single women of the RHCC and their friends are invited to participate in an examination of the religious understandings regarding forgiveness. Prior to the discussion, attendees should have read a specific selection that will soon appear in the new book by author, Anita Keire, Who is Jesus and Why Does He Matter? If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Anita Keire directly, or to the church office, so that you can receive the advance reading materials. Bring your own brown bag lunch.

Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to clean out your closet? Do you have gently used interview clothes -- shirts, pants, jackets, suits, or shoes? On the second Sunday of each month beginning February 14th the Outreach Committee will collect clothing for St. Ann’s in the South Bronx. Please bring clothing (laundered and pressed) on hangers. All donations will be delivered to St. Ann’s each month. If you have any questions please contact Caroline Lazzara ([email protected]) or Alice Fisher ([email protected]).

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others" – Gandhi. On Saturday, February 20th, our church has an opportunity to serve at Neighbor to Neighbor in Greenwich.  Volunteers will help sort and organize clothes or pack the food pantry and help clients.  Please sign up at the welcome table for a two-hour time slot: 8:30 to 10:30am or 10:30am to 12:30pm.  Contact Dan for more info - [email protected].

A leader who didn’t want to lead. A Community organizer who didn’t know how to organize people. A man for the future, with a troubled past. That’s Moses. Join us on February 21st after the morning service for the next installment of the People of the Book series to discuss this key prophetic figure in the life and history of Israel, who stood toe to toe with Pharaoh and declared in no uncertain terms: “Let my people go!”

On Wednesday, February 24th at 7pm RHCC will host a presentation on “Choosing Hope: The Power of Choice”, featuring former Newtown teacher, critically-acclaimed author of Choosing Hope: Moving Forward from Life’s

Page 9: CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Kristin Graves Web viewyour word alone, through. Jesus Christ. Amen. *THE LORD’S PRAYER. ... Grada. Herrick . for ushering during this morning’s service. Our

Darkest Hours and Founder of Classes-4-Classes, Kaitlin Roig-DeBellis. A wine and cheese reception with Ms. Roig-DeBellis will follow.

Join us in our exciting #RHCCHope campaign on Facebook….grab an event flyer on your way out this morning and snap a shot of yourself hanging it in a public space anywhere in town (we’d especially like to get these up on bulletin boards in our public and private schools!) Be sure to post it to your own FB page with the hashtag #RHCCHope as well as, the location where you’ve posted it. Participate, and be entered to win a signed copy of Kaitlin’s book!

Page 10: CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Kristin Graves Web viewyour word alone, through. Jesus Christ. Amen. *THE LORD’S PRAYER. ... Grada. Herrick . for ushering during this morning’s service. Our


 Do you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure? Have members of your family suffered from these ailments? Do you have a poor diet? If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, you may want to consider being screened for your risk of stroke through the services of Life Line Screening. Life Line Screening uses ultrasound technology to view the plaque build-up in your carotid arteries, the main arteries that carry blood to the brain. Blockages in these arteries are a leading cause of stroke. Life Line Screening will be offering screenings on February 19th in the Community House.

We are happy to announce that Life Line Screening is working with us to provide our members $10 discounts off any screening package (priced at $149 and higher) in addition to a $10 donation to Round Hill Community House. If you would like to take the next step in possibly saving your life or the life of someone you know, and if you would like to help the church as well, please call 1-800-324-9458 or by visiting www.helpinghandsforhealth.com today. Please note that you must sign up via either of these methods in order for us to receive our $10 donation as well.

Page 11: CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Kristin Graves Web viewyour word alone, through. Jesus Christ. Amen. *THE LORD’S PRAYER. ... Grada. Herrick . for ushering during this morning’s service. Our
Page 12: CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Kristin Graves Web viewyour word alone, through. Jesus Christ. Amen. *THE LORD’S PRAYER. ... Grada. Herrick . for ushering during this morning’s service. Our
Page 13: CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Kristin Graves Web viewyour word alone, through. Jesus Christ. Amen. *THE LORD’S PRAYER. ... Grada. Herrick . for ushering during this morning’s service. Our


To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something, if we remember those times and places — and there are so many —where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction.

Howard Zinn

Senior Pastor: The Rev. Dr. Edward G. HorstmannAssociate Pastor: The Rev. Dan Haugh

Minister Emeritus: The Rev. Dr. Ralph AhlbergMinister of Music: Christopher Kabala

Church School Coordinator: Connie BlundenRound Hill Community Church

395 Round Hill Road, Greenwich, CT 06831203.869.1091 roundhillcommunitychurch.org

Page 14: CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Kristin Graves Web viewyour word alone, through. Jesus Christ. Amen. *THE LORD’S PRAYER. ... Grada. Herrick . for ushering during this morning’s service. Our