CHINA. CHINA’S Geography China is the third largest country in area after Russia and Canada, and just slightly larger than the U.S. Rugged mountians

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CHINA’S Geography China is the third largest country in area after Russia and Canada, and just slightly larger than the U.S. Rugged mountians cover about 1/3 of China’s land. The world’s largest plateau resides in China: the Plateau of Tibet, often called the roof of the world. China also has very low areas such as the Turpan Depression which can get up to 125 degrees during the day.

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CHINA CHINAS Geography China is the third largest country in area after Russia and Canada, and just slightly larger than the U.S. Rugged mountians cover about 1/3 of Chinas land. The worlds largest plateau resides in China: the Plateau of Tibet, often called the roof of the world. China also has very low areas such as the Turpan Depression which can get up to 125 degrees during the day. Deserts Two of the largest deserts in the world are in China: the Taklimakan and the Gobi. Taklimakan: Sandstorms here are very fierce and can last for days. These create huge sand dunes that move. Gobi: This desert is about the size of Texas. It contains rocks and stones and very little sand. Rivers China has three major waterways. Yangtze River, Yellow River, and Xi River. These rivers serve as both a source of transportation and a source of soil. They flood annually to help rebuild the soil in fields along their banks. Chinas most productive farmland is found along these rivers. Chinas Economy Since 1949, China has been a communist state. This means that the government controls all aspects of the countries economy. The government makes all of the laws, and also tells people what religions are acceptable. Because of its change to communism, China has fallen behind many other countries in terms of financial growth and technology. Chinas Economy Cont. In order to catch up with the rest of the world, China has begun to allow more people to control what they sell and produce. As a result, China has become the worlds leader in production of certain agricultural goods such as rice, tea, wheat, and potatoes. Because of the new expansion in production, Chinese people make more money and can afford more products. Human Rights China has a long history of Human Rights Violations. China suppresses any opposition to its government very harshly Tiananmen Square Tibet Media Population Control Chinese Industrial Pollution In order to catch up with other nations, China has set aside many regulations and rules about pollution and the environment. China also uses chemicals in its products that can be harmful to humans, especially babies and young children. Smog and air pollution is causing breathing related illnesses to increase in China. Two Chinas In 1949, the Nationalist under Chiang Kai Shek arrived in Tiawan fleeing from the Chinese mainland. They opposed Chinese communist rule. They call themselves the Republic of China Mainland of China is called the Peoples Republic of China. +