China’s Dream, the Dream of Constitutionalism Between Heaven and Earth come times of blossom.  This is our rst encount er in 2013. We hope that our dr eams will enli!hten ou. "n 2012# ou have protected our life# and the have protected their wor$. %rotectin! this wor$ means protectin! their dreams towards life. "n 2012# the voices of constitution echoed loudl amon! those who !overn. &s the proclaimed# '(the life of the constitution lies in its implementation# the authorit of the constitution also lies in its implementation.) We loo$ forward to the !rowth of the constitution and the birth of a constitutional !overnment. *nl b this can we achieve the tortuous transformation of this ancient nation. *nl b this can our nation and people stand a!ain on solid !rounds.  T oda is the da +hina becomes able to dream. T oda is also the da we can realise our dr eams. We e,perienced the ni!htmare of the +ultural -evolution when the constitution was absent# and it too$ us more than thirt ears to return to rationalit and common sense. rom the household responsibilit sstem to the creation of the self/emploed# township enterprises and private enterprises# we have e,perienced the partial return of ri!hts for people to arran!e their own lives autonomousl. We have then created a prosperous cit hoarded with !ood harvest of food. We a!ain e,perience what is real and what is false. We tell the truth and reect the lies. We re$indled our passion for ustice and our lon!in! for freedom. We march to!ether hand in hand to confront violence and cruelt# to overcome the hard times to!ether# and to welcome a new turnin! point in life.  T oda# we can nall stand tall from the dust of our heav histor . We can raise our head from the trivialit of our dail lives. We can repeat the lon! march underta$en b our predecessors towards constitutionalism and revisit their mi!ht dreams. &round 10 ears a!o# we be!an to wa$e up from the nations illusor dream. We su4ered a defeat b the British and then another defeat b the 5apanese. %eople lived in !rowin! miseries. The feelin! of shame penetrated the heart of the +hinese !entr. 6efe nd the nation7 6efe nd the diver sit of the race7 We travel led fr om the self / stren!thenin! to constitutional monarch# from the constitutional establishment to the revolution. Then the an!r masses hesitated no lon!er to remove the fet ter s of +onfucianism in the form of obects# sstem and culture# and the decided with no merc to uproot their civili8ation thorou!hl. &fter the 1911 revolution# the :in! emperor abdicated# and our ancestors nall built the rst republic in &sia. But a free# democratic and stron! +hinese constitutional !overnment did not follow.  The nation was pla!ued b on!oin! wars outside and from within. The people were faced with endless cruelt.

Chinese Dream, Constitutional Dream

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8/17/2019 Chinese Dream, Constitutional Dream

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China’s Dream, the Dream of Constitutionalism

Between Heaven and Earth come times of blossom.

This is our rst encounter in 2013. We hope that our dreams will enli!hten ou.

"n 2012# ou have protected our life# and the have protected their wor$. %rotectin!this wor$ means protectin! their dreams towards life.

"n 2012# the voices of constitution echoed loudl amon! those who !overn. &s theproclaimed# '(the life of the constitution lies in its implementation# the authorit of theconstitution also lies in its implementation.) We loo$ forward to the !rowth of theconstitution and the birth of a constitutional !overnment. *nl b this can we achievethe tortuous transformation of this ancient nation. *nl b this can our nation andpeople stand a!ain on solid !rounds.

Toda is the da +hina becomes able to dream. Toda is also the da we can realiseour dreams. We e,perienced the ni!htmare of the +ultural -evolution when theconstitution was absent# and it too$ us more than thirt ears to return to rationalitand common sense. rom the household responsibilit s stem to the creation of theself/emplo ed# township enterprises and private enterprises# we have e,perienced thepartial return of ri!hts for people to arran!e their own lives autonomousl . We havethen created a prosperous cit hoarded with !ood harvest of food.

We a!ain e,perience what is real and what is false. We tell the truth and re ect the

lies. We re$indled our passion for ustice and our lon!in! for freedom. We marchto!ether hand in hand to confront violence and cruelt # to overcome the hard timesto!ether# and to welcome a new turnin! point in life.

Toda # we can nall stand tall from the dust of our heav histor . We can raise ourhead from the trivialit of our dail lives. We can repeat the lon! march underta$en bour predecessors towards constitutionalism and revisit their mi!ht dreams.

&round 1 0 ears a!o# we be!an to wa$e up from the nation s illusor dream. Wesu4ered a defeat b the British and then another defeat b the 5apanese. %eople livedin !rowin! miseries. The feelin! of shame penetrated the heart of the +hinese !entr .6efend the nation7 6efend the diversit of the race7 We travelled from the self/stren!thenin! to constitutional monarch # from the constitutional establishment to therevolution. Then the an!r masses hesitated no lon!er to remove the fetters of +onfucianism in the form of ob ects# s stem and culture# and the decided with nomerc to uproot their civili8ation thorou!hl .

&fter the 1911 revolution# the :in! emperor abdicated# and our ancestors nall builtthe rst republic in &sia. But a free# democratic and stron! +hinese constitutional!overnment did not follow.

The nation was pla!ued b on!oin! wars outside and from within. The people werefaced with endless cruelt .

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&t one time# people are distanced from benevolence# ri!hteousness and the wa s of heaven. The distanced from the commitment to freedom.

&t another time# people replaced wron! with ri!ht. The saw the deer as a horse. Thevitalit of thousands of creatures was severed.

Beautiful dreams and mountains and rivers# all shattered into pieces. reedom andconstitutionalism both vanished.

6espite the misfortunes of life# and despite the dar$ness of humanit # we remain to bepeople who can still dream# because we all have a heart to dream.

Toda # we dream not onl of material wealth; we dream also of the enrichment of oursoul. We dream not onl of stron!er state power; we dream also for the di!nit of thepeople. Between renewin! the people and renewin! the nation# between salvation and

enli!htenment# none can do without another and none can override another. &ndconstitutionalism is the foundation of this beautiful dream.

Enact constitutionalism and defend our ri!hts# so that the hearts of all can shine li$e amoon over clear waters; so that the widowed and the need can feel the warmth inthe winter chill and shield them from shiverin!# so that the )+it <ana!ement) o=cersand haw$ers tal$ li!htheadedl li$e friends; so that homes can become the safebulwar$ for our families.

Enact constitutionalism and limit and divide power# so that people can voice their

criticism towards public authorit ; so that all of us can live a free life on the basis of our beliefs; so that we can build a free and stron! nation.

Enact the !rand dream of constitutionalism so that ever one can ful l his or her owndreams. &nd this re>uires us to act ri!ht now with our hands# to protect our currentlivelihoods rather than leavin! this important responsibilit to our !randchildren.

<an people understand this point deepl . <an people have lon! been strivin! topractice it.

6reams are not the e,clusive privile!e of outstandin! individuals. 6reams are for !ooddreamers.

?ou have an inherent ri!ht to dream and to reali8e the dream7

+elebrate our dream# and ma$e an e4ort for the dream of this nation. This is thedream of man of those in the ournalistic industr # their modest ambition. The arelo al to ournalism and even more so to their soul. <a ou also have a ros dream.<a ou pursue our own !oals with freedom and complete what Heaven hasendowed ou with.

&lwa s dream that ever one ma live a di!ni ed life# re!ardless of whether the areprivile!ed or not.

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&lwa s dream for love inside ever one s heart. @othin! is unfor!ivabl evil even whenit comes to a criminal# for the s mpathetic heart alwa s beams freel .

&lwa s dream that class is merel a motivatin! force for people to move freel fromone to another# and not a boundar that breeds hatred and ealous .

&lwa s dream that a civilisation of ve thousand ears of perpetuall renews itself toimprove the modernit of human bein!s# and to pro4er humanit a sweet# Aowin!sprin!.

et us reali8e our hundred millions of dreams so that we can relieve the e,cruciatin!pain of the past centur .

Coin! around in circles in the past 1 0 ears# how di=cult it is for a dream to cometrue7 &fter 1 0 ears# there are still people who hope that our consciences will sprout#

to !o bac$ to what the <andate of Heaven ou!ht to be. There are still people whoinsist on !roundin! our ri!hts# on returnin! politics to ri!hteousness# and on ma$in!

ustice Aow freel .

There are still people who believe# re!ardless of how di=cult it is# that the dream of aconstitutional !overnment will become a realit # and that modest will become oursocial norm.

*ur predecessors strived for ustice and benevolence when the pioneered in tatteredclothes. @ow# our !eneration will inherit their aspirations and march forward with our

li!hts lit.

We must reAect on the wisdoms of our predecessors to reali8e our dream# to mediatewith their beliefs# customs and sentiments. +onfucianism# Buddhism# 6aoism#

e!alism and <ohism# all of them are sources of inspiration. Dhou# Han# Tan!# on!and <in!# ever d nast o4ers learnin!.

This is b no means simpl to restore tradition. &ncient sa!es cannot !ive all that isre>uired toda . et us not dispara!e our predecessors easil but calml absorb#transform and pro!ress# so that the +hinese civili8ation can blossom and bear newfruits.

essons from the world must be learnt to reali8e our dreams. We must earnestlassess the democrac of the Cree$s# the laws of the -omans. We must learn fromBritish and &merican constitutionalism and catch up with modern technolo! andcivili8ation.

?et# this is not to sa we should simpl learn from the Western civili8ation li$e obedientstudents. The West has pro!ressed throu!h its own trac$s. These trac$s ma not beable to provide us with what we need toda .

We stand on our land# to!ether with people from other nations# to mer!e the old wa sof livin! into a new livelihood and to create a new civilisation b combinin! the Eastand the West. We have to compl with the common values of man$ind from the

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ancient and the modern# the East and the West# but at the same time we must not fearto ma$e new dreams.

%raise our predecessors and compliment our nei!hbours# not because the are perfectbut because we reco!ni8e the familiar happiness in their e es# the Aow of freedom

that lies in their hearts.

The +hinese people are supposed to be free. The dream of the +hinese nation issupposed to be a dream of constitutionalism.

*nl under a constitutional !overnment can our nation and our people continue to!row stron! and prosperous. *nl under a constitutional !overnment can we ful l thedream of constitutionalism. *nl after reali8in! the constitutional dream can we spea$of safe!uardin! our soverei!nt and protectin! our civil ri!hts and freedom. Then thefreedom of the state will come down to the freedom of the people# and come down to

a time when people can spea$ their own mind and dream with their hearts.

"s there an one born who has no a4ection for freedomF This freedom is not e,pressedmerel in terms of ri!hts a!ainst authorit . "t is also for the sa$e of for!iveness#wisdom# benevolence and virtue a!ainst ven!eance# i!norance# cruelt and vice.

The wa of virtue is that the world belon!s to all the people. Thousands of bein!s e,istfreel # and live for their well/bein!. This is the dream of our ancient sa!es# of ourpredecessors. This is also the dream of man of us toda .

The dream of +hina is the dream of freedom# the dream of constitutionalism.

&ll thin!s are mortal but dreams are everlastin!. &ll thin!s are born because dreamscontinue inde nitel . 6reams are the ori!ins of the livin!. "f# after hundreds of failedattempts ou still $eep tr in!# the hundred/and/ rst attempt will remind ou of ourimmortal dream.

There are still people willin! to listen to our dreams and e,pectin! that ou dare todream. The will cheer for ou when ou stand up to harsh times. Whether oue,perience the cold of humanit or en o a wonderful life the will cheer ou. Thehave nothin! to capitalise on# e,cept the pursuit of promises. The are !ood atnothin!# e,cept their persistence for the truth.

*ne word of truth outwei!hs the whole world. *ne dream can ma$e life shine withA in! colours7