Phone: 941-739-2900 Fax: 941-739-2009 8608 East State Road 70 Email: [email protected] Bradenton, FL 34202 Website: www.lwrchiropractic.com Date: _____________ Chiropractic Registration and History Patient Information First Name_________________________________________ Last Name_________________________________________ Street Address______________________________________ City__________________________ State________________ Zip Code______________________ Sex: M F Email_____________________________________________ Cell Phone (_____) __________________________________ Home Phone (_____) ________________________________ Birthdate__________________________ Age___________ Social Security Number ______________________________ Please Circle One Below Married Widowed Single Minor Separated Divorced Partnered Employment/School Employer/School________________________________ Occupation_____________________________________ Address_______________________________________ Employer Phone________________________________ In Case of Emergency, Contact Name_________________________________________ Relationship_______________ Phone_______________ Patient Condition/Accident Information Is this condition due to an Accident: Y N Type of Accident: Auto Work Home Other_________________ Reason for Visit: _________________________________________________________________________________ When did your symptoms appear? _______________________ Is this condition getting worse? Y N Unknown Mark an X on the picture where you have pain, numbness or tingling Rate the severity of pain from 1-10 ______ How often do you have this pain? _______________ Is it constant or does it come and go? ______________________________________________ Does it interfere with (Circle)? Work Sleep Daily Routine Recreation Activities painful to perform? Sitting Standing Walking Bending Lying Down Type of Pain: Sharp Dull Throbbing Numbness Aching Shooting Burning Tingling Cramps Stiffness Swelling

Chiropractic Registration and History...Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic does not charge for this service, but standard text messaging rates may apply as provided in your wireless plan

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Page 1: Chiropractic Registration and History...Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic does not charge for this service, but standard text messaging rates may apply as provided in your wireless plan

Phone: 941-739-2900 Fax: 941-739-2009

8608 East State Road 70 Email: [email protected] Bradenton, FL 34202 Website: www.lwrchiropractic.com

Date: _____________ Chiropractic Registration and History

Patient Information

First Name_________________________________________

Last Name_________________________________________

Street Address______________________________________

City__________________________ State________________

Zip Code______________________ Sex: M F


Cell Phone (_____) __________________________________

Home Phone (_____) ________________________________

Birthdate__________________________ Age___________

Social Security Number ______________________________

Please Circle One Below

Married Widowed Single Minor

Separated Divorced Partnered





Employer Phone________________________________

In Case of Emergency, Contact


Relationship_______________ Phone_______________

Patient Condition/Accident Information

Is this condition due to an Accident: Y N Type of Accident: Auto Work Home Other_________________

Reason for Visit: _________________________________________________________________________________

When did your symptoms appear? _______________________ Is this condition getting worse? Y N Unknown

Mark an X on the picture where you have pain, numbness or tingling

Rate the severity of pain from 1-10 ______ How often do you have this pain? _______________

Is it constant or does it come and go? ______________________________________________

Does it interfere with (Circle)? Work Sleep Daily Routine Recreation

Activities painful to perform? Sitting Standing Walking Bending Lying Down

Type of Pain: Sharp Dull Throbbing Numbness Aching Shooting

Burning Tingling Cramps Stiffness Swelling

Page 2: Chiropractic Registration and History...Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic does not charge for this service, but standard text messaging rates may apply as provided in your wireless plan

Health History

What treatment have you already received for your condition? (Circle)

Medication Surgery Physical Therapy Chiropractic Services None Other_______________________________

Name and address of other doctor(s) who have treated you for your condition____________________________________________________

Date of Last: Physical Exam_______________________ Spinal X-Ray________________________ Spinal Exam________________________

Chest X-Ray_____________________ Dental X-Ray_____________________ MRI, CT-Scan, Bone Scan________________________________

Please “circle” to indicate if you have had any of the following:

AIDS/HIV Diabetes Measles Rheumatoid Arthritis

Alcoholism Emphysema Migraine Headaches Rheumatic Fever

Allergy Shots Epilepsy Mononucleosis Shingles

Anemia Fractures Multiple Sclerosis Stroke

Appendicitis Glaucoma Mumps Suicide Attempt

Arthritis Gout Osteoporosis Thyroid Problems

Asthma Heart Disease Pacemaker Tuberculosis

Bleeding Disorders Hepatitis Parkinson’s Disease Tumors, Growths

Breast Lump Hernia Pinched Nerve Ulcers

Bronchitis Herniated Disk Pneumonia Whooping Cough

Cancer High Blood Pressure Polio Other________________________________

Cataracts High Cholesterol Prostate Problem _____________________________________

Chemical Dependency Kidney Disease Prosthesis _____________________________________

Chicken Pox Liver Disease Psychiatric Care _____________________________________

Exercise (Circle):

None Moderate Daily Heavy

Work Activity (Circle):

Sitting Standing Light Labor Heavy Labor


Smoking/Packs Per Day_________ Alcohol /Cups Per Day__________ Caffeinated Drinks /Cups Per Day___________

High Stress Level: Reason_____________________________________

Are you pregnant? Yes No Due Date___________________

Injuries/Surgeries you have had:

Description Date

Falls _________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Head Injuries _________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Broken Bones _________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Dislocations _________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Surgeries _________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Medications Allergies Vitamins/Herbs/Minerals

_________________________________ _______________________________________ ____________________________________

_________________________________ _______________________________________ ____________________________________

_________________________________ _______________________________________ ____________________________________

_________________________________ ______________________________________ ____________________________________

Page 3: Chiropractic Registration and History...Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic does not charge for this service, but standard text messaging rates may apply as provided in your wireless plan

Phone: 941-739-2900 Fax: 941-739-2009 8608 East State Road 70 Email: [email protected] Bradenton, FL 34202 Website: www.lwrchiropractic.com

Consent to Chiropractic Services

I hereby request and consent to Chiropractic Manipulation, neuromuscular therapy, exercise and other procedures including

various modes of physiotherapy, diagnostics/tests by Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic, Inc. and its staff, who now or in the future

will treat myself (or the named patient for whom I am legally responsible).

I hereby authorize and provide full consent to Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic, Inc. to obtain and verify any and all medical and

insurance information. I have had an opportunity to discuss with the physician and/or other clinical personnel the nature and

purpose of the treatment indicated. I understand that results are not guaranteed and have been informed that in the practice

of chiropractic, as in any practice of medicine, there may be some risks in receiving treatment. Those risks include but are not

limited to: fractures, disc injuries, strokes, dislocations and sprains. I do not expect the doctor to be able to anticipate and

explain all risks and complications, and do wish to rely on the doctor to exercise correct judgement during the course of any

procedure which the doctor feels is in my best interest at any time during my treatment at Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic, Inc.

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read, or have had read to me, the full consent above and have had the

opportunity to ask questions about its content. I acknowledge that I completely understand the content above and agree to

the terms and procedures. I intend this consent to cover any treatment for my present condition, and for any future

conditions for which I seek treatment by this clinic and/or employed staff.

___________________________________________ Patient Name (Printed)

_______________________________________ ________________________ Patient Signature Date

Consent to Treatment of a Minor Child

I hereby authorize the licensed doctor and/or employed staff to administer chiropractic care as deemed necessary to the minor patient ________________________________________. Print Minor’s Name

_______________________________________ ______________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Relationship to Minor Patient

______________________________ Date

Page 4: Chiropractic Registration and History...Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic does not charge for this service, but standard text messaging rates may apply as provided in your wireless plan

Phone: 941-739-2900 Fax: 941-739-2009 8608 East State Road 70 Email: [email protected] Bradenton, FL 34202 Website: www.lwrchiropractic.com

Consent to Email or Text Message Usage for Appointment Reminders and Other Healthcare


Patients in our practice may be contacted via email and/or text messaging to remind you of an appointment, to obtain

feedback on your experience with our healthcare team, and/or to provide general health reminders/information.

Please select one of the options listed below.

__________ (Patient Initials) I consent to receive text messages and/or emails from Lakewood Ranch chiropractic

regarding communications as stated above. I understand that this request to receive text messages and/or emails will

apply to all future appointment reminders/feedback/health information unless I request a change in writing.

The cell phone number that I authorize to receive text messages for communications as

Stated above is _____________________________.

My cell phone carrier is _____________________________.

The email that I authorize to receive communications as stated above is


__________ (Patient Initials) I do not consent to receive text messages and/or emails from Lakewood Ranch chiropractic

regarding the communications as stated above.

Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic does not charge for this service, but standard text messaging rates may apply as provided in your wireless plan.

(Contact your carrier for pricing plans and details)

_______________________________________ ___________________

Patient Signature Date

Page 5: Chiropractic Registration and History...Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic does not charge for this service, but standard text messaging rates may apply as provided in your wireless plan

Phone: 941-739-2900 Fax: 941-739-2009 8608 East State Road 70 Email: [email protected] Bradenton, FL 34202 Website: www.lwrchiropractic.com

Assignment of Benefits

I hereby assign and convey directly to Dr. John Nichols and Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic as my designated authorized

representative, any and all medical benefits and/or insurance reimbursement, if any, otherwise payable to me for

services, treatments, therapies and/or medications rendered or provided by Dr. John Nichols of Lakewood Ranch

Chiropractic, regardless of managed care network participation status. I understand that I am financially responsible for

all charges regardless of any applicable insurance or benefit payments. I hereby authorize Dr. John Nichols of Lakewood

Ranch Chiropractic to release all medical information necessary to process my claims. Further, I hereby authorize my

plan administrator, fiduciary, insurer and/or attorney to release to Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic any and all plan

documents, summary benefit description, insurance policy and/or settlement information upon written request from

Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic or its attorneys in order to claim such medical benefits.

In addition to the assignment of all medical benefits and/or insurance reimbursement above, I also assign and/or convey

Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic any legal or administrative claim or chose an action arising under any group health plan,

employee benefits plan, health insurance or tort feasor insurance concerning medical expenses incurred as a result of

the medical services, treatments, therapies and/or medication I receive from Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic (including

any right to pursue those legal or administrative claims or chose an action). This constitutes an express and knowing

assignment of ERISA breach or fiduciary duty claims and other legal and/or administrative claims.

I intend by this assignment and designation of authorized representative to convey to Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic all

of my rights to claim (or place a lien on) the medical benefits related to the services, treatments, therapies and/or

medications provided by Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic, including rights to any settlement, insurance or applicable legal

or administrative remedies (including damages arising from ERISA breach of fiduciary duty claims). The assignee and/or

designated representative (Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic) is given the right by me to (1) obtain information regarding

the claim to the same extent as me; (2) submit evidence; (3) make statements about facts or law; (4) make any request

including providing or receiving notice of appeal proceedings; (5) participate in any administrative and judicial actions

and pursue claims or chose an action or right again any liable party, insurance company, employee benefit plan, health

care benefit plan, or plan administrator. Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic as my assignee and my designated authorized

representative may bring suit again any such health care benefit plan, employee benefit plan, plan administrator or

insurance company in my name with derivative standing at provider’s expense.

Unless revoked, this assignment is valid for all administrative and judicial reviews under PPACA (health care reform

legislation), ERISA, Medicare and applicable federal and state laws. A photocopy of this assignment is to be considered

valid, the same as if it was the original. I have read and fully understand this agreement.

_________________________________________ Patient Printed Name

_________________________________________ __________________________ Patient Signature Date

Page 6: Chiropractic Registration and History...Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic does not charge for this service, but standard text messaging rates may apply as provided in your wireless plan

Phone: 941-739-2900 Fax: 941-739-2009 8608 East State Road 70 Email: [email protected] Bradenton, FL 34202 Website: www.lwrchiropractic.com

Patient Authorization for Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information

By signing, I authorize Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic to use/or disclose certain Protected Health Information

(PHI) about my treatment, payment or healthcare operations (TPO) as listed in our extended Notice of Privacy


This authorization permits Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic to use and/or disclose the following individually

identifiable health information about me: Demographic Information, Treatment, Diagnosis, Payments,

Notes/Narratives, Diagnostic Studies, etc.

The practice will not receive payment or any other remuneration from a third party in exchange for using or

disclosing PHI.

Note: This information will only be disclosed at the written request of your health insurance company or a

previously authorized third party.

I do not have to sign this authorization in order to receive treatment from Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic. In

fact, I have the right to refuse to sign this authorization. I also understand by not signing this form, Lakewood

Ranch Chiropractic will not be authorized to disclose my PHI, and therefore my health insurance cannot be

billed, and the full charge of treatment becomes my responsibility. When my information is used or disclosed

pursuant to this authorization, it may be subject to redisclosure by the recipient and may no longer be

protected by the federal HIPPA Privacy Rule. I have the right to revoke this authorization in writing except to

the extent that the practice has acted in reliance upon this authorization. My written revocation must be

submitted to the privacy office at the address listed above.

____________________________________________ ________________________ Signature of Patient or Legal Guardian Relationship to Patient

____________________________________________ ________________________ Print Patient or Legal Guardian Name Date

Page 7: Chiropractic Registration and History...Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic does not charge for this service, but standard text messaging rates may apply as provided in your wireless plan

Phone: 941-739-2900 Fax: 941-739-2009 8608 East State Road 70 Email: [email protected] Bradenton, FL 34202 Website: www.lwrchiropractic.com

Privacy Practices Patient Reception Form

I have received or reviewed the privacy practice notice (6 pages) for Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic, and

understand the situations in which this practice may need to utilize or release my medical records. I also

understand that I agreed to use of those records when I initiated care at this office on my first visit, whenever

that may have occurred.

I understand that this office will properly maintain my records, and will use all due means to protect my

privacy as outlined in this privacy practices statement.


Patient Name (Print)

___________________________________ _______________

Patient/Guardian Signature Date

Page 8: Chiropractic Registration and History...Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic does not charge for this service, but standard text messaging rates may apply as provided in your wireless plan

Phone: 941-739-2900 Fax: 941-739-2009 8608 East State Road 70 Email: [email protected] Bradenton, FL 34202 Website: www.lwrchiropractic.com





A federal regulation, known as the “HIPAA Privacy Rule” requires that we provide detailed notice in writing of

our privacy practices.


In this notice, we describe the ways that we may use and disclose health information about you. The HIPAA

Privacy Rule requires that we protect the privacy of health information that identifies an individual or where

there is a reasonable basis to believe the information can be used to identify an individual. This information is

called “Protected Health Information” (PHI). This notice describes your rights and our obligations regarding the

use and disclosure of PHI. We are required by law to:

1. Maintain the privacy of PHI about you;

2. Give you this notice of our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to PHI; and

3. Comply with the terms of our notice of privacy practices that is currently in effect.

We reserve the right to make changes to this notice and to make such changes effective for all PHI we

may already have about you. If and when this notice is changed, we will post this information on our

website and provide you with a copy of the revised notice upon your request.



The following categories describe the different ways we may use and disclose PHI for treatment,

payment, or health care operations. The examples included with each category do not list every type of

use or disclosure that may fall within that category.

Treatment: No disclosures are anticipated in this category since medical care and treatment is provided

only by licensed physicians and medical providers.

Payment: We may use and disclose PHI so that we can bill, collect and remit eligibility information to

your designated health benefit carrier. For example, we must provide your health carrier with periodic

reports showing that you are eligible for benefits and have paid your premiums for their coverage. We

may use and disclose PHI when you apply for any insurance coverage that requires you to provide a

medical history. We may use and disclose PHI when you apply for disability retirement or disability

Page 9: Chiropractic Registration and History...Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic does not charge for this service, but standard text messaging rates may apply as provided in your wireless plan

benefits that require you to provide your detailed medical records. We may use and disclose your PHI

to verify your health benefit enrollment to a health benefit carrier or health care provider when you seek

medical treatment or care. We may use and disclose your PHI to an insurance carrier that provides you

with, or has previously provided you with, additional health coverage. We may use and disclose your

PHI to the members of a health plan grievance review panel convened at your request to consider the

denial of a medical claim by our third-party administrator.

Health Care Operations: We may use and disclose your PHI in performing business operations that are

called health care operations. We may use and disclose your PHI to our compliance consulting company

to audit claim payments. We may use and disclose your PHI as part of the demographic information that

is included when we solicit bids on our health plans. We may use and disclose your PHI as requested by

federal or state legislative bodies as they review health costs. We may use and disclose your PHI to

provide training to new employees who work with PHI within the scope of their employment.

Communications From Our Office: We may contact you to provide you with information about

changes to your health benefit plans or other health-related benefits and services that may be of interest

to you.



Uses and Disclosures for Which You Have the Opportunity to Agree or Object: We may use and

disclose PHI about you in some situations where you have the opportunity to agree or object to certain

uses and disclosures of PHI about you. If you do not object, then we may use and disclose these types of


Individuals Involved in Your Care or Payment for Your Care: We may disclose PHI about you to

your family member, close friend, or any other person identified by you if that information is directly

relevant to the person’s involvement in your care or payment for your care. If you are present and able to

consent or object (or if you are available in advance), then we may use or disclose PHI only if you do

not object after you have been informed of your opportunity to object. If you are not present or you are

unable to consent or object, we may exercise professional judgment in determining whether the use or

disclosure of PHI is in your best interests. For example, if you are unable to communicate normally with

us for some reason, we may find it is in your best interest to give your benefit eligibility and premium

payment information to the friend or relative who is with you. We may also use and disclose PHI to

notify such persons of your location, general condition or death. We also may coordinate with disaster

relief agencies to make this type of notification. We may also use professional judgment and our

experience with common practice to make reasonable decisions about your best interest in allowing a

person to act on your behalf to pay premiums or communicate information about your benefits that

contains PHI about you.



We may use and disclose PHI about you in the following circumstances without your authorization or

opportunity to agree or object, provided that we comply with certain conditions that may apply.

Required By Law: We may use and disclose PHI as required by federal, state or local law. Any

disclosure must comply with the law and is limited to the requirements of the law.

Public Health Activities: We may use or disclose PHI to public health authorities or other authorized

persons to carry out certain activities related to public health, including the following:

1. To prevent or control disease, injury or disability;

Page 10: Chiropractic Registration and History...Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic does not charge for this service, but standard text messaging rates may apply as provided in your wireless plan

2. To report disease, injury, birth or death;

3. To report child abuse or neglect;

4. To report reactions to medications or problems with products or devices regulated by the federal

Food and Drug Administration or other activities related to quality, safety, or effectiveness of FDA

regulated products or activities;

5. To locate and notify persons of recalls of products they may be using;

6. To notify a person who may have been exposed to a communicable disease in order to control who

may be at risk of contracting or spreading the disease; or

7. To report to your employer, under limited circumstances, information related primarily to workplace

injuries or illness, or workplace medical surveillance.

Abuse, Neglect, or Domestic Violence: We may disclose PHI in certain cases to proper government

authorities if we reasonably believe that a patient has been a victim of domestic violence, abuse, or


Health Oversight Activities: We may disclose PHI to a health oversight agency for oversight activities

including, for example, claims audits, investigations, inspections, licensure and disciplinary activities,

and other activities conducted by health oversight agencies to monitor the health care system,

government health care programs, and compliance with certain laws.

Lawsuits and Other Legal Proceedings: We may use or disclose PHI when required by a court or

administrative tribunal order. We may also disclose PHI in response to subpoenas, discovery requests, or

other required legal processes when efforts have been made to advise you of the request or to obtain an

order protecting the information requested.

Law Enforcement: Under certain conditions, we may disclose PHI to law enforcement officials for the

following purposes where the disclosure is:

1. About a suspected crime victim if, under certain limited circumstances, we are unable to obtain a

person’s agreement because of incapacity or emergency;

2. To alert law enforcement of a death that we suspect was the result of criminal conduct;

3. Required by law;

4. In response to a court order, warrant, subpoena, summons, administrative agency request, or other

authorized process;

5. To identify or locate a suspect, fugitive, material witness, or missing person;

6. About a crime or suspected crime committed at the workplace; or

7. In response to a medical emergency not occurring at the workplace, if necessary to report a crime,

including the nature of the crime, the locations of the crime or the victim, and the identity of the

person who committed the crime.

Coroners, Medical Examiners, Funeral Directors: We may disclose PHI to a coroner or medical

examiner to identify a deceased person and determine the cause of death. In addition, we may disclose

PHI to funeral directors, as authorized by law, so that they may do their jobs.

Organ and Tissue Donation: If you are an organ donor, we may use or disclose PHI to organizations

that help procure, locate, and transplant organs in order to facilitate an organ, eye, or tissue donation and


Research: We may use and disclose PHI about you for research purposes under certain limited

circumstances. We must obtain a written authorization to use and disclose PHI about you for research

purposes except in situations where a research project meets specific, detailed criteria established by the

HIPAA Privacy Rule to ensure the privacy of PHI.

Page 11: Chiropractic Registration and History...Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic does not charge for this service, but standard text messaging rates may apply as provided in your wireless plan

To Avert a Serious Threat to Health or Safety: We may use or disclose PHI about you in limited

circumstances when necessary to prevent a threat to the health or safety of a person or to the public. This

disclosure can be made only to a person who is able to help prevent the threat.

Specialized Government Functions: Under certain circumstances, we may disclose PHI:

1. For certain military and veteran activities, including determination of eligibility for veterans’

benefits and where deemed necessary by military command authorities;

2. For national security and intelligence activities;

3. To help provide protective services for the president and others;

4. For the health or safety of inmates and others at correctional institutions or other law enforcement

custodial situations for the general safety and health related to the facility.

Disclosures Required by HIPAA Privacy Rule: We are required to disclose PHI to the Secretary of

the United States Department of Health and Human Services when requested by the Secretary to review

our compliance with the HIPAA Privacy Rule. We are also required in certain cases to disclose PHI to

you upon your request to access PHI or for an accounting of certain disclosures of PHI about you as

described in Section III of this notice.

Workers’ Compensation: We may disclose PHI as authorized by workers’ compensation laws or other

similar programs that provide benefits for work-related injuries or illness.



All other uses and disclosures of PHI about you will be made only with your written authorization. If

you have authorized us to use or disclose PHI about you, you may revoke your authorization at any time,

except to the extent we have taken action based on the authorization.



Under federal law, you have the following rights regarding PHI about you:

Right to Request Restrictions: You have the right to request additional restrictions on the PHI that we may use

for treatment, payment, and health care operations. You may also request additional restrictions on our

disclosure of PHI to certain individuals involved in your care or benefit coverage that otherwise are permitted

by the Privacy Rule. We are not required to agree to your request. If we do agree to your request, we are

required to comply with our agreement except in certain cases, including where the information is needed to

treat you or verify coverage in the case of an emergency. To request restrictions, you must make your request in

writing to our Privacy Official. In your request, please include (1) the information that you want to restrict, (2)

how you want to restrict the information (for example, restricting use to this office, restricting disclosure only to

persons outside this office, or restricting both), and (3) to whom you want those restrictions to apply.

Right to Receive Confidential Communications: You have the right to request that you receive

communications regarding PHI in a certain manner or at a certain location. For example, you may request that

we contact you at home, rather than at work. You must make your request in writing to our Privacy Official.

You must specify how you would like to be contacted (for example, by regular mail to your post office box and

not your home). We are required to accommodate reasonable requests.

Right to Inspect and Copy: You have the right to request the opportunity to inspect and receive a copy of PHI

about you in certain records that we maintain. This includes your insurance and billing records but does not

include information gathered or prepared for a civil, criminal, or administrative proceeding. We may deny your

Page 12: Chiropractic Registration and History...Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic does not charge for this service, but standard text messaging rates may apply as provided in your wireless plan

request to inspect and copy PHI only in limited circumstances. To inspect and copy PHI contact our Privacy

Official. If you request a copy of PHI about you, we may charge you a reasonable fee for the copying, postage,

labor, and supplies used to meet your request.

Right to Amend: You have the right to request that we amend PHI about you as long as such information is

kept by or for our office. To make this type of request, you must submit your request in writing to our Privacy

Official. You must also give us a reason for your request. We may deny your request in certain cases, including

if it is not in writing or if you do not give us a reason for the request.

Right to Receive an Accounting of Disclosures: You have the right to request an accounting of certain

disclosures that we made of PHI about you. This is a list of disclosures made by us during a specified period of

up to six years except for disclosures made:

1. For treatment, payment, and health care operations;

2. For use in or related to a facility directory;

3. To family members or friends involved in your care;

4. To you directly;

5. Pursuant to an authorization of you and your personal representative;

6. For certain notification purposes (including national security, intelligence, correctional, and law

enforcement purposes); or

7. Before April 14, 2003.

If you wish to make such a request, please contact our Privacy Official, who is identified below. The first list

that you request in a 12-month period will be free, but we may charge you for our reasonable costs of providing

additional lists in the same 12-month period. We will tell you about these costs, and you may cancel your

request at any time before costs are incurred.

Right to a Paper Copy of this Notice: You have a right to receive a paper copy of this notice at any time, even

if you have previously agreed to receive this notice electronically. To obtain a paper copy of this notice, contact

the Privacy Official.


If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint with us or The U.S. Department

of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue, S.W.

Washington, D.C. 20201. To file a complaint with us, please contact our Privacy Official at the address and

number listed below. We will not retaliate or take action against you for filing a complaint.


If you have any questions about this notice, please contact our Privacy Officer at the address and telephone

number listed below.

Danielle Ely

8608 East State Rd 70

Bradenton, FL 34202
