Symp. zool. Soc. Lond. (1995) No. 67: OOQ-{)OO Chiropteran nocturnality DepartmentofZoorogy University of Aberdeen Aberdeen AB9 2TN. Scotland, UK John R. SPEAKMAN Synopsis Despite their diverse feeding habits almost aU bats are exclusively nocturnal Explanations of chiropteran nocturnality have focused on three potentially negative consequences of feeding in daylight : competition with insectivorous (and frugivorous) birds, risk of avian predation and risk of hyperthermia. A survey of daylight flying by bats in the UK suggested that the risk of avian predation might be the most significant factor, and thiswas supported by observed predation rates on bats deliberately released to fly during daylight in south-eastern Australia. There are many island groups where bats are found but where there are no avian predators likely to take bats. If avian predation is the most significant factor influencing nocturnality then I predict that these bats should fly in daylight. One group of islands where this behaviour would be predicted is the Azores. Early observations of the indigenous Azorean bat (Nyctalus azoreum) suggested that this bat flies in daylight. However, more recent detailed studies of temporal patterning of activity in the Azorean bat indicate that it is primarily nocturnal, thus contradicting the predation hypothesis. Anecdotal records of several other island populations of insectivorous bats also indicate that they have retained noetumality in the absence of diurnal predators. In contrast, several studies of activity patterns in pteropodid bats suggest that they fly during the day when predators are absent. A heat balance model was constructed to evaluate the significance of the hyperthermia hypothesis. Although there is a high endogenous heat production during flight, incoming solar radiation may place a heat burden on a flying bat an order of magnitude greater. Flying bats can dilate blood vessels in their wings to dissipate the heat burden convectively. However, there is a critical air temperature above which this physiological mechanism fails to dissipate all the incoming heat, and fatal hyperthermia results. A multitude of factors influences the critical air temperature. Globai vsriation in these factors leads to a ywjctiQi.l ilia: hyperthermia could constrain 517,:;]} (9g) bats between 20 and 40 "N 31.-:: :, and of la:,;;..: (900g) bats at aU latitudes lower than 50 "N and S. None of the proposed hypotheses can explain aU the observed features of chiropteran nocturnaliry, Introduction There are almost 950 species of bats (Hill & Smith 1984), making them the second most diverse order within the class Mammalia (Corbet 1978). ZOOLOGICAL SYMPOSIUM No. 67 Copyright C 1995 TheZoologico.lSoci<tJ'of Leadon ISBN 0 19 8549'\'; s All right>of repredocrlce in any form ...<ned

Chiropteran nocturnality - abdn.ac.uk · 2015. 6. 17. · activity to the night, chiropteran nocturnality is a key behavioural feature which requires an evolutionary explanation

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Page 1: Chiropteran nocturnality - abdn.ac.uk · 2015. 6. 17. · activity to the night, chiropteran nocturnality is a key behavioural feature which requires an evolutionary explanation

Symp. zool. Soc. Lond. (1995) No. 67: OOQ-{)OO

Chiropteran nocturnality

DepartmentofZoorogy University of Aberdeen Aberdeen AB9 2TN. Scotland, UK



Despite their diverse feeding habits almost aU bats are exclusively nocturnal Explanations of chiropteran nocturnality have focused on three potentially negative consequences of feeding in daylight : competition with insectivorous (and frugivorous) birds, risk of avian predation and risk of hyperthermia. A survey of daylight flying by bats in the UK suggested that the riskof avian predation might be the most significant factor, and thiswas supported by observed predation rates on bats deliberately released to fly during daylight in south-eastern Australia. There are many island groups where bats are found but where there are no avian predators likely to take bats. If avian predation is the most significant factor influencing nocturnality then I predict that these bats should fly in daylight. One group of islands where this behaviour would be predicted is the Azores. Early observations of the indigenous Azorean bat (Nyctalus azoreum) suggested that this bat flies in daylight. However, more recent detailed studies of temporal patterning of activity in the Azorean bat indicate that it is primarily nocturnal, thus contradicting the predation hypothesis. Anecdotal records of several other island populations of insectivorous bats also indicate that they have retained noetumality in the absence of diurnal predators. In contrast, several studies of activity patterns in pteropodid bats suggest that they fly during the day when predators are absent. A heat balance model was constructed to evaluate the significance of the hyperthermia hypothesis. Although there is a high endogenous heat production during flight, incoming solar radiation may place a heat burden on a flying bat an order of magnitude greater. Flying bats can dilate blood vessels in their wings to dissipate the heat burden convectively. However, there is a critical air temperature above which this physiological mechanism fails to dissipate all the incoming heat, and fatal hyperthermia results. A multitude of factors influences the critical air temperature. Globai vsriation in these factors leads to a ywjctiQi.l ilia: hyperthermia could constrain ,~:u.tc:~i ,,_-:iIi~; 0~ 517,:;]} (9g) bats between 20 and 40 "N 31.-:: :, and of la:,;;..: (900g) bats at aU latitudes lower than 50 "N and S. None of the proposed hypotheses can explain aU the observed features of chiropteran nocturnaliry,


There are almost 950 species of bats (Hill & Smith 1984), making them the second most diverse order within the class Mammalia (Corbet 1978).

ZOOLOGICAL SYMPOSIUM No. 67 Copyright C 1995 TheZoologico.lSoci<tJ'of Leadon ISBN 0 19 8549'\'; s All right> of repredocrlce in any form ...<ned


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Furthermore, the diversity of bat feeding habits is the greatest for any order of mammals (Hill & Smith 1984). In spite of this wealth of phylogenetic and ecological diversity, it is remarkable that almost all bat species are exclusively nocturnal By restricting their foraging activity periods to darkness, bats £ail to exploit abundant resources which are available during the day. This is particularly so for small temperate-zone insectivorous bats during summer, when the night is relatively short and the peak aerial insect availability occurs during the late afternoon or early evening, before it gets dark (Fig. 1; and Williams 1961; Rydell 1992). A direct consequence of noeturnality for these bats is' that they frequently fail to meet their energy requirements and they must use torpor to balance their energy budgets (Kunz 1980; Kurta, Johnson & Kunz 1987; Speakman & Racey 1987; Audet & Fenton 1988; Kurta, Bell, Nagy & Kunz 1989). Being on a knife edge of energy balance is probably the most important factor restricting chiropteran liner sizes (Kurta & Kunz 1987; but see Barclay this volume pp. 000-000). The greater aerial insect resources available by day in the temperate zone are reflected in the large clutch sizes which are raised by many diurnal insectivorous birds. Hirundines, for example, typically raise two clutches of four to seven eggs (Bruun & Singer 1970) over the same summer period as that in which most bats raise only a single young or, more rarely, twins. Nocturnal insectivorous birds, like Caprimulgiformes

RYDELL (1993 unpub)


Bats active


~ 'Vi 60c:: QJ


U 40QJ CII c::


o 4 8 12 16 20 24

Time of Day (h)

FIg. 1. The die! pattern of aerial insect availability at Aberdeen, UK (57 "N) (data collected by J. Rydell, unpublished and used with permission, using a Johnson Taylor suction trap). The data represent the mean numbers of insects trapped in each hour averaged across three consecutive days in mid summer 0= 1993). The peak insect abundance occurred between 16:00 and 22:00 during daylight. The bats emerged to feed around 21:45 and had returned to roost by 14:00. This activity period is denoted by a bar at the top of the 6gure. The activity of bats did not coincide with the period when the maximum numbers of insects were available.

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on the other hand, also have small clutches of usually two eggs (Bruun & Singer 1970). The only insectivorous birds which do not conform to this pattern are the Apodiformes, which are diurnal but also raise small clutches of two to three eggs. This probably reflects the high costs of their more continuously aerial lifestyle, since time in flight is an important factor influencing avian daily energy demands (Bryant & Tamer 1991).

Given the energetic and nutritional disadvantages of restricting foraging activity to the night, chiropteran nocturnality is a key behavioural feature which requires an evolutionary explanation. Attempts to explain it have focused on direct fitness disadvantages which might outweigh the potential energetic or nutritional benefits of diurnality. First, bats may be outcompeted by diurnal birds exploiting the same food sources (Tugendhat 1966; Moore 1975). Second, bats may be exposed to increased risks of predation by diurnal predatory birds (e.g. Gillette & Kimbourgh 1970). Finally, bats may be unable to dissipate the radiative heat burden from the sun at the relatively high diurnal temperatures, and consequently may fatally overheat (S.P. Thomas & Suthers 1972; S.P. Thomas, Follette & Farabaugh 1991).

Caraco, Martindale & Whitman (1980) suggested that foraging animals might be sensitive in their foraging behaviour to both the mean and variance in energy returns, and coined the terms risk-averse (feeding at low variance sites and times) and risk-prone (feeding at high variance sites and times) foraging strategies. This concept was extended to include non-energetic risks, for example predation, that might be associated with foraging at given places and times (Milinski & Heller 1978). The hypotheses that bats forage at night to avoid competition, predation or hyperthermia are all equivalent to interpreting nocturnality as a risk-averse foraging strategy. Risk-averse explanations of noeturnality predict that bats should occasionally fly in daylight (become risk-prone in their foraging behaviour). This is because there are situations where bats would inevitably die if they rigidly adopted nocturnality. Consider, for example, a prolonged cold spell during the summer. Nocturnal and diurnal insect availabilities will be depressed and bats flying exclusively at night would fail to meet an energy balance and would thus fall torpid during the day. If the cold spell continued then the bats would run down their energy reserves to a point where they would die during the next daytime period, even if th_ey fdl torpid. This would happen rapidly early in the ye:,.; when the bats Lave few fat reserves (Ransome 1990), but more slowly later in the summer. Despite its risks, flying in daylight would be a profitable strategy in this situation because the probability of survival by flying in daylight (P > 0) would exceed that of ~al 9¥1 remaining nocturnal (P = 0).

Another situation favouring daylight flying occurs in winter when insec­tivorous bats in the temperate zone are hibernating. A bat rousing from torpor early in the day (Twente & Twente 1987; D. W. Thomas 1993 and this volume pp. 000-000) would have to wait several hours until the next dark period. Waiting until it was dark before emerging to feed (Avery 1985;

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Hays, Speakman & Webb 1992) or drink (Speakman & Racey 1989, 1990; D. W. Thomas this volume pp. 000-000) would be extremely costly, and the resulting use of energy might compromise survival during the subsequent period of prolonged torpor. The bat might do better to risk flying in the day, and this behaviour might be particularly expected if it was warm and the bat could cover the costs of its flight by some feeding when it emerged.

Bats are occasionally observed flying during daylight. This infrequent behaviour, however, could represent sporadic acts of disturbance to day­roosting bats, forcing them to emerge and fly. Does the pattern of these occasional daylight flights correspond with that expected from the risk-prone dr risk-averse theory, or is it random? To gather data on this subject I organized a survey of daylight flying behaviour of bats throughout the UK between 1986 and 1989 (Speakman 1990, 1991a). I sent circulars to bat conservation groups and local ornithological societies soliciting information on sightings of bats flying in daylight. A total of 420 records had been received by the end of 1989, when formal recording ended. Bats observed flying in daylight in winter were ., significantly more likely to be seen on warm days than on cold days (Speakman 1990). During summer, however, the daytime temperature was unimportant but, at least early in the summer, days when bats were seen flying in daylight were preceded by colder nights than were days when they were not seen (Speakman 1990). These survey data therefore indicated that diurnal activity .of insectivorous bats in the UK was consistent with a risk-prone strategy, and .thus by implication that noctumality was its risk-averse equivalent. What these data do not indicate, however, is the nature of the risk that bats were routinely avoiding by being nocturnal. In the remainder of this paper I will consider the evidence for and against each of the alternative disadvantages suggested for chiropteran diurnaliry,

The avian competition hypothesis

The principal data in favour of the avian competition hypothesis are direct observations that bats which are occasionally observed flying in daylight are attacked by diurnal flying competitive birds (e.g. Tugendhat 1966). These attacks, however, are generally not fatal, and insectivorous bats easily outmanoeuvre any attacking insectivorous bird. Although the apparent direct consequences of attacks may be relatively trivial, the actual consequences may be more serious because a bat continually avoiding attack by an avian competitor may be unable to feed effectively. Unfortunately there are currently no measurements of the feeding rates of diurnally feeding bats either in the absence of, or during, attack by a competitor.

Attacks by competitive birds on daylight-flying bats are rarely seen, when compared with all the records of day-flying bats. For example, among the 420 reports submitted in the UK survey (Speakman 1990) there were only 19 records of hirundines or apodids using the same airspace, and in only six

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of these were antagonistic interactions observed (Speakman 1991a). Although most observed bats used airspace generally not occupied by hirundines or apodids, this does not indicate that competition is unimportant, since the bats may have been forced into such airspace by competition and this airspace may have had lower densities of aerial insects.

Vernier (1990) observed that in the early evening above the town of Padua in Northern Italy (35 "N), both Kuhl's pipistrelles (Pipistrellus kuhli'J and swifts (Apus apus) overlapped in their activity for about 30 min before nightfall. The bats generally fed above the swifts until the birds depaned, at which time the bats descended to feed at the lower level. These observations are consistent with competitive displacement of the bats by the swifts. However, the same pattern of bat movement was observed when the swifts were absent, suggesting that competition was not the most important factor influencing the spatial exploitation patterns of the bats. Indeed, if the bats were exploiting the most abundant food source independently of the presence or absence of swifts, then it could be reasoned that the bats were competitively displacing the swifts.

If we consider non-insectivorous species of bats, then there are clearly some situations where it is not possible to suggest that competition with other diurnal animals is the cause of noctumality, For example, th5 sanguinivorous vampire bats (Desmodus and Diadema sp.) have no knownjdiurnal counter­parts with which to compete. For these species there may be other risks that are more important, or they may be unable to feed on their diurnally active prey until these become quiescent at night. There are, however, many diurnal frugivorous, nectarivorous and carnivorous birds and mammals which could compete with frugivorous, neetarivorous and carnivorous bats. I am not aware of any reports of interactions between such animals and the occasionally observed diurnally active bats in these trophic gr~ups. "

The avian predation hypothesis

There are many records of bats falling prey to diurnal predatory birds (see reviews in Macy & Macy 1969; Gillette & Kimbourgh 1970; Speakman 1991b). Taken alone, the velum. of these records by far exceeds the numbers of published records of interactions between daylight flying bats and competitive birds. There are, however, two problems with these records. First, the number of records alone may bear no relation to the ecological and evolutionary importance of the phenomenon. Attacks.by predatory birds on daylight flying bats are dramatic events which are, perhaps, more likely to be noticed, written up and published than less dramatic interactions between bats and avian competitors. This may give a biased indication of the importance of predation as a factor restricting chiropteran diurnality. Second, it is not the number of reponed attacks which is important, but rather the rate at which these attacks occur relative to the rate of nocturnal predation. There are far

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more records of bats being preyed upon by owls (Strigiformes), for example (e.g, Bauer 1956; Ruprecht 1979), than by diurnal avian predators. Probably about 200000 bats are killed by predators annually in the UK (c. 10-12% of total mortality) and approximately 93% of these fall prey to owls, particularly tawny owls iStri» aluco), with only 5% falling prey to diurnal predatory birds (accipiters and falcons; Speakman 1991b).

I estimated the rate of predation on diurnal flying bats using the 420 records in the British survey (Speakman 1990, 1991a). These 420 records included 13 attempted acts of predation, at least four of which were successful. Using the reported times for which bats were observed, this leads to an estimated probability of being killed of 0.01 per hour. This translates to an average life expectancy for a daylight-flying bat of only about 14.3 b. We can compare this with a maximum estimate for the probability of being preyed on when flying around at night (after Speakman 1991a). This estimate is based on the pipistrelle bat (PipistTellus pipistTellus) which comprised about 65% of the daylight flying records in the UK survey. The annual survival of the pipistrelle bat is about 0.33 (Thompson 1987). Pipistrelle bats fly on average for 225 min per night (Swift 1980), for a summer which lasts around 150 days. The total annual flight time at night (ignoring winter activity; Avery 1985) is thus about 450 h. Assuming that all the annual mortality is a consequence of predation, then the maximum hourly risk of mortality is around 0.0001, or one hundredth the risk of flying in the day. A more realistic estimate of the contribution of predation to total annual mortality is about 10% (see above; Speakman 1991b). Thus the risk of nocturnal predation may be as low as one thousandth the risk of flying in daylight. This is strong evidence favouring the hypothesis that predation is the principal constraint on diurnal activity.

This calculation, however, may also be compromised by the problems of over-reporting of dramatic predation events in the survey. To test this, I analysed the recorded fates of 1023 bats deliberately released during daylight in south-eastern Australia by Lindy Lumsden (Speakman, Lumsden & Hays 1994). Of these released bats, four were killed by predators. The interpretation of these data depends on how they are calculated and on what assumptions are made about the actual risks of predation at both locations. If it is assumed that the actual risks of predation in south-eastern Australia and in the UK W2U'

equal and if predation events are expressed as a proportion of total releases, then the calculated predation rates indicate that there was a bias towards reporting predation events in the UK survey, where 1% of bats seen were preyed upon, compared with 0.4% in south-eastern Australia. On the other hand the rate per unit time for which bats were in view was about 10 times greater in Australia than in the UK. The most likely scenario explaining these data is that reporters in the UK were biased in their reporting of predation events but that they also over-estimated the times for which the bats were in sight. The two biases in the British survey probably do not cancel exactly, and this may mean that the estimated risks of diurnal predation, at 100 to 1000

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times the risks of nocturnal predation, were underestimated. This assessment of risks, however, takes no account of the potentially different risks of predation while roosting at night and in the day, which are thus assumed to be trivial relative to the predation risks whilst flying.

For non-insectivorous bats there are also numerous data suggesting that predation by diurnal predatory birds is potentially significant. For exam­ple, records of kills brought to nests suggest that peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) in Fiji prey regularly on pteropodid fruit bats (Clunie 1972). Again, however, such records alone are only circumstantial evidence that predation might be important, and a full assessment of the balance of diurnal and nocturnal predation risks is required for these bats. Constructing such a risk assessment for pteropodids would be more complex than for most insec­tivorous bats because there is not only the risk of predation whilst flying, but also significant risks of predation in trees whilst roosting and feeding, mostly from arboreal snakes. These snakes can have significant population impacts on bats (e.g, in Guam: Wiles 1987), and different species of these predators are potentially active both diurnally and nocturnally. Activity patterns in fruit bats might then reflect a complex trade-off in the predation risks associated with roosting, feeding and flying in daylight and at night. Such a risk assessment is not currently available.

A potential test of the predation hypothesis would be to examine the activity patterns of bats inhabiting remote islands where there are no diurnal birds likely to prey upon them. Several island populations of bats potentially meet these requirements. However, in the majority of these islands there have been no detailed studies of the activity patterns of the resident bats, although for many islands there are anecdotal records. The exceptions are detailed studies of the Samoan flying fox (Pteropus samoensis) on Western Samoa (Cox 1983; Wilson & Engbring 1992), Pteropus melanotus on Christmas Island in the Indian ocean (Tidemann 1987) and Pteropus livingstonii and P. seychellensis in the Comores (Trewhella & Reason 1992). In all of these situations where fruit bats are released from predation, except P. seychellensis in the Comores, the bats are mostly diurnally active, supporting the predation hypothesis. In 1988 Peter Webb and I visited the Azores archipelago to assess the extent of diurnal and nocturnal flight in the indigenous insectivorous Azorean bat (N)'etalus azoreum; Speakman & Webb 1993). Previous records of this bat, which date back to the tum of the century, indicated that it was diurnal (Ulfstrand 1961; Bannerman & Bannerman 1966; Moore 1975). We found that this bat flies frequently in daylight (Speakman & Webb 1993). However, thisdiurnal activity, at least on the main island of Sao Miguel, was restricted to the area around the upland caldera lakes (> 500 m elevation), and at lowland sites, despite extensive searches and continuous tape-recording linked to a bat detector, we found no diurnally active bats (Speakman & Webb 1993). In contrast, bats were more active in these lowland sites, and to a much lesser extent at the upland sites, during the night. Nocturnal flying in this bat was

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found over an area 1.5 times greater than diurnal flying and the maximum number of bats seen was almost 10 times greater at night than during the day. Overall, therefore, although this bat is more diurnally active than many species, the diurnal activity was spatially restricted, and the routine activity of this bat was clearly nocturnal. Detailed studies of the activity patterns of insectivorous bats inhabiting other islands where there are anecdotal records of diurnality (for example Sao Tome: P.Jones pers. comm.) are clearly required. For the only detailed study of activity cycles of insectivorous bats inhabiting islands where the predation hypothesis would predict they should fly in daylight (Speakman & Webb 1993), the overwhelming evidence points to noctumality being retained as the dominant activity pattern. There are also several anecdotal records of insectivorous bats on predator-free islands that are nocturnal despite the release from predation: notably the hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus; on Hawaii (R.M. Barclay, J. Fullard, D. Jacobs pers. comm. and pers, obs.) and the hoary and red bats (Lasiurus brachyotis) on the Galapagos (G. MacCraken pers, comm.).

Pteropodid fruit bats seem to fit the expectations of the predation hypothesis better than do insectivorous bats in that three of the four well-studied species living on predator-free islands do fly in daylight in accord with the expectation. The only notable discrepancy is P. seycbellensis living on the Comores, However, there is considerable anecdotal evidence that many islands harbour pteropodids which are nocturnal despite the absence of avian predators (e.g, on Guam: G. Wiles, pers. comm.), so perhaps here also the predation hypothesis does not stand up to close scrutiny. "fore detailed studies are Glearlf required(

The hyperthermia hypothesis

Daylight-flying bats may experience hyperthermia because of the difficulty in dissipating the high endogenous heat production which occurs during bat flight (5. P. Thomas 1975; Carpenter 1986; Speakman & Racey 1991) when it is combined with a high external short-wave radiative heat load from sunlight. Short-wave radiation is more readily absorbed across the naked wing membranes of bats because tl-ey have a low albedo (Speakman & Hays 1992). 'This contrasts with the highly insulated wings of birds (5. P. Thomas & Suthers 1972; S.P. Thomas et al. 1991) that playa minor role in heat balance of avian flight (Martineau & Larochelle 1988).

Several behavioural observations are consistent with the hyperthermia hypothesis. First, the incidence of daylight flying activity relative to the local populations of bats within the UK increases with increases in latitude and is greatest in areas where it is cooler (Speakman 1990). Second, the winter activity of bats in daylight, when ambient temperatures are lower than in summer, is almost as frequent as that observed in midsummer, even though the numbers of bats active at night in winter (Avery 1985) are very

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m .2! 15

m:::l_r::: 0 ra-­.c E 0 0

- to0 ~

10 0 0

~1lI cr:o 1lIQ. .c Er::: :::llll Z~





lD 0


ot o 0

~ CD m C) CDO CD OlllrnlD ern

0 6 8 10 12 14 16 18


Fig. 2. The diurnal activity of the Azorean bat (Nyctalus azoreum) at high altitude (500 m) on the island of Sao Miguel, Azores, Observations were made continuously and the maximum number of bats that bad been simultaneousl'iin the air were recorded at the end of each minute. These data were then summed over IJ-min periods U. R. Speakman and P. I. Webb unpuhl. obs.). There was a lull in activity in mid-afternoon when ambient temperatures were at their greatest.

much reduced Third, in the Azores, where diurnality is more frequent than in other areas (Speakman & Webb 1993), we recorded a lull in activity of diurnally flying bats in the mid-afternoon, when temperatures were at their highest U.R. Speakman & P.I. Webb pers. obs. ; Fig. 2). Fourth, bats flown in wind tunnels, where they do not even experience solar radiation, appear unable to regulate their body temperatures when ambient temperatures exceed 28-35. oC (Carpenter 1985; S. P. Thomas et al. 1991).

Speakman, Hays & Webb ~s) constructed a bio-physical model which evaluated the potential of a bat to dissipate heat convectively to the environment under different conditions of heat load from solar radiation. The model generated values for a critical ambient air temperature (TacriJ above which bats would be unable to dissipate the combined net radiative heat load and endogenous heat production of flight, and would consequently fatally overheat. This model suggests that the exogenous heat load from radiation may amount to up to 10 times the endogenous heat load from flight metabolism. This balance is surprising because we generally consider flight to be a very costly activity generating a great deal of endogenous heat. However, it is consistent with the evaluated heat balance of flying butterflies (Colias sp. ; Tsuji, Kingsolver & Watt 1986). The important question is, at what air temperature would dissipating this heat load by convection become untenable?

Speakman, Hays & Webb (~) identified the important environmental and organismal variables which largely determined what ambient temperature

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would restrict daytime bat flight. The most important environmental factors were the angle of incident radiation, and hence the latitude and time of day, and the cloud cover (or foliage cover) and hence the ability to avoid the input of direct solar radiation. The most important organismal factors were body mass with correlated changes in wing span and area, larger bats being more susceptible to over-heating, and absorptivity of the wing membranes for solar radiation. At a given body mass and wing area, the bats with lower aspect ratios were also predicted to be the more susceptible to over-heating. Bats which can tolerate greater body temperatures would be able to fly at higher 'ambient temperatures than would bats which can tolerate only lower elevations of body temperature above resting levels,

To assess the importance of hyperthermia as a constraint on daylight flying activity Speakman, Hays & Webb ~) made predictions of the expected Tacrit for bats which vary over three orders of magnitude in their body masses (small-0.009 kg, medium-0.09 kg and large-0.9 kg) and live in a range of different latitudes (0 to 60 ON or S). Because of the interaction of the variables, the estimated Tacrit was remarkably constant over a wide range of latitudes; hence between the equator and 50 ON or S the T for small aerit

bats (9 g) varied between 307.0 and 307.8 K, for medium sized bats (90 g) between 304.7 and 305.5 K and for the largest bats (900 g) between 300.4 and 301.8 K. At latitudes above 50 "N or S the critical temperatures for all size classes increased by between 2 K (9 g bat) and 3.5 K (900 g bat).

We collated data on the mean maximum daily shade air temperatures in summer (july in the northern and January in the southern hemisphere) at 554 sites between the equator and 800 latitude. Sites around the equator were hot (c. 306 K) but very consistent in their temperatures (standard deviation across sites approx. 1 K). Temperatures increased to a maximum around 20 to 30 ON or S, corresponding to the hot arid desertregions. In this zone the temperatures were also more variable, with the standard deviation across sites at 40 to 50 "N averaging 7 K. We combined the spatial variations in daylight temperature with the predicted Tacrit values for bats of 9,90 and 900 g to predict at each latitude the proportion of sites at which the ambient temperature would exceed Tacnt and hence bats 'Would be constrained from flying in daylight by ,",}'perthermia (Fig. 3).

These estimates suggest that hyperthermia is likely to be a constraint on the daylight flying behaviour of large bats at about 85% of sites between the equator and approximately 40 ON or S. For intermediate-sized bats, hyperthermia is also likely to be a significant constraint at about 60% of sites between 20 and 30 ON, but at only 10% of sites at the equator. For the smallest bats, hyperthermia is likely only to constrain daylight flying at, on average, about 40% of sites between 20 and 30 "N or S. At the equator, hyperthermia would almost never be a constraint. For small and medium sized bats (9 and 90 g), hyperthermia would be a constraint on diurnal activity at less than 0.5% of sites greater than 50 ON or S and for large bats at less than 0.5% of

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"tJ cu c:::

1.0ctI... Cii c::: 0.8 o o en 0.6

-~ Ui

0.4 o c::: .g... o C­o... c,

"tJ cu 1.0c::: ctI... Cii 0.8c::: o U

til 0.6

.~ til

"0 0.4

c::: o 0.2t o c­

20 40 Latitude

(a) 9g bat

60 80

(b) 90g bat

0.0 +--~-""--~-""--""-.......--+---,o... o 20 40 60 80c-Latitude

"tJ cu c::: 1.0

"E Cii c::: 0.8 (e) 900g bat o U

til 0.6 .~ til

"0 0.4

c::: o 0.2 t o c­o... c,

0.0 + o -~

20 '----'--' ~---,-­

40 ".60 80

Fig. 3. The probability that flying in daylight will be constrained at a given site as a function of latitude for bats of three body masses representative of typical bats (9 g, 90 g and 900 g). Calculations were made from the probability density function of a normal distribution using a z score (calculated as the predicted critical ambient air temperature calculated for that bat at that latitude minus the mean ambient air temperature across a range of sites at the appropriate latitude, and this difference divided by the standard deviation of air temperature estimates across the sites). (After calculations in Speakman, Hays & Webb~)


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sites above 60 ON or S. This model suggests that in many regions, particularly in the tropics where bats are most abundant, the risk of hyperthermia might represent a significant factor inhibiting daytime activity, as suggested by S. P. Thomas & Suthers (1972) and S. P. Thomas et al. (1991).

Nevertheless, some large tropical pteropodid species do fly diurnally (see above). This has been most extensively documented (Cox 1983; Wilson & Engbring 1992) in the Samoan fruit bat Pteropus samoensis. The calculated

for this bat varies between 301.8 and 304.5 K depending on theTacrit assumptions used in the model, and this range straddles the mean daily maximum air temperature for Western Samoa in January (303.8 K: Oliver & Fairchild 1984). It might be expected then that there would be significant diurnal and seasonal variability in the times that this bat is recorded in flight, dependent upon such critical factors as sun elevation and cloud cover. This is consistent with the recorded diurnal variability reported by Wilson & Engbring (1992) who suggested the bat had a 'lull in activity around mid-day' when solar input would be greatest. However, this contrasts with the observations of Cox (1983), who suggested that the bats were most active between 10:00 and 14:00. Site and seasonal differences in climatic conditions may, however, contribute to this observed variability and a more detailed investigation of the thermal relations during flight for this species would be profitable.


This review of chiropteran nocturnality has, I hope, revealed that it is an important phenomenon which has an over-riding impact on many aspects of bat biology-particularly energy balance and thus reproductive output and life histories. It should also be clear that there are many gaps in our knowledge concerning chiropteran nocturnaliry, particularly detailed studies of the activity patterns of bats in predator-free habitats. The available information suggests that we cannot explain the nocturnality of bats as the consequence of a single causal factor. Predation would appear to be important at some sites, in particular in the temperate zone and, in theory at least, hyperthermia might also be significant, notably for large tropical bats. The least likely explanation of nocturnaliry on the basis of current evidence would appear to be competition with diurnal birds or other animals that exploit the same food sources,


I am grateful to Paul Racey for inviting me to speak at this symposium. My thoughts on chiropteran noeturnality have benefited greatly from stimulating discussions with many colleagues, in particular Peter Webb, Graeme Hays, Jack Hayes, Jens Rydell, Gareth Jones, Bill Rainey, Dixie Pierson, Robert Barclay, James Fullard, Susan Thomson, Richard Stone and Regina McDevitt. I thank jens Rydell for allowing me to use his data on 24h patterns of aerial insect

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availability in Aberdeen (Fig. 1). Peter Webb and I visited the Azores in 1988 with financial assistance from the BES, Carnegie Trust, TAP (Air Portugal), Waterstones and Bissets bookshops and Zonal tapes Ltd.


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