Choppin It Up

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  • 8/4/2019 Choppin It Up


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    "A person who knows and knows not, that he knows is asleep- Awaken them-"

    "A person who knows not, and knows that he knows not is simple- Teach them...,."

    "Many who come before us said there were no real answers to the ultimate question

    because they did not know them. While scientists build devices that allow them to see far

    beyond what the naked eye allows, we create internal walls that prevent our minds from

    doing the same---we do not question what lies within, and we do not encourage our

    consciousness to develop and evolve. Others have constructed walls that confine our

    consciousness and separate us from the universe---yet I know that the universe gave me a

    brain with an intellect and free will so that I could ask questions and discover answers.---

    (The Navigator, Eric Pepin)"

    A wise God once said, I can see as far as the 3rd eye can see." The mind of man is as infinite as the

    universe, With no beginning and no ending. The universe or mind has always existed in one form or


    "This is the first mystery that man must learn to understand; then will he be able to

    understand GOD as unity; and only finally will he understand the greatest mystery of all--

    man, the thing each of us now are, GOD in multiplicity- (The Gnostic Crucifixion)"

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    Because of what I know, those with no understanding have referred to me as being Satan, Devil, and

    Lucifer, all of which are synonymous and one in the same, at least on the surface. Therefore, I have no

    problem being referred to as Lucifer. The (LUCI-) Means Light on which to shine. And the (FER-) means;

    that which carries a thing. Therefore, I am, because truth is the light that which light uses to travel on.

    The duty of the GODS and EARTHS is to teach civilization to all human families of the planet earth. In

    performing this duty there is no room for hatred. One with knowledge, wisdom and under- standing in

    all things should not have the capacity to hate. Onewho understands a thing, cannot hate that very

    same thing. The GODS and EARTHS promote peace, knowledge and understanding that the original man

    is GOD. Only through Peace, Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding, can the GODS and EARTHS bring

    in an old new way of life.

    Some have considered me to be an extremist, and, I guess the reason for such titles will proceed from

    this degree. Based on the Gods, that I self-lord am master have had the pleasure of being in the

    company of, eye consider myself to be the black sheep of this culture, because my views and

    understandings do not conform to what may be commonly excepted among the GODS and EARTHS.

    Sometimes though, it takes a revolutionary mind to shake people out of there comfort zone, or so a

    GOD told me. Which may be why my methods of teaching are considered (hard) and (aggressive). I am

    often told that I lack (humility), and that my understandings are based on a lack of understanding. But

    people develop different levels of understanding of the same knowledge that is theirs, this is mine.

    I self lord am master, has not had the pleasure of being around a significant number of Gods. Most were

    only Gods in name. My enlightener dubbed them,"Peace Gods", others were savage, and some called

    themselves Gods and at the same time called their selves, Crips, bloods and G.D.'s. Others did not see

    eye to eye with self, because self did not make salats and other things associated with that.

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    I self lord am master did not see the point of Gods attending juma, taleem, ramadan, or making salats.

    My enlightener, a God that eye respect highly, participated in Ramadan. Eye asked him why did he

    participate in it. And once he gave me his reasons, I respected it although, I did not agree. However, my

    reasons for not agreeing were different then my reasons for not agreeing with the others who

    participated. My enlightener gave me reasons that had nothing to do with the Quran, while the others

    were based solely on the Quran commanding it. To me, there was no distinction between Gods and

    Muslims. Which was strange, Gods know that we are Gods, and Muslims believe that god was a spook.

    Eye was not accepted by the Muslim community because eye said I was God, moreless, considered a

    bratha. So, the thought had occurred to me, how some are being accepted if they are teaching that the

    Original man is God, and eye was not for doing the same. Eye wondered how people thought they were

    Muslim rather than Gods. Like I said before, they were just Muslims to me. We must make a distinction

    between the culture of Arab people, that has been infused into the Quran, and our history and

    knowledge that is contained in it as well.

    I self-lord am master, for reasons that are comprised within this degree, am against, or should Eye say,

    do not agree with Gods and Earths calling ourselves Muslims, or Asiatic, or Allah, or saying we practice

    Islam, or saying wisdom is before understanding, or that W.F. Muhammad, Elijah Muhammad, and

    Father Allah represent a holy triunit or trinity, or computing Elijah as the wisdom, and various other

    things. Because of these views, self was highly criticized.

    Further reasons for criticism arouse when self-manifest, some Education Lessons. They were meant to

    be a tool, to give the brown seeds, or those thinking of coming into this way of life, knowledge of self

    and some history. Eye self-lord am master had plans of making two versions, in accord with knowledge,

    wisdom, and understanding. One of which has already been provided to us by W.D. Fard and Elijah. The

    first was fashioned afterThe 120 because that was the foundation of my knowledge of this culture. Self

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    was accused of playing with high explosives, and trying to start my own faction though, Father Allah

    started his own faction, and was criticized, that was not my intent.

    The Education Lessons were just a compilation of all the books that self-had read since 1999. Self does

    not believe in pacifying or candy coating. The truth hurts. When eye gained the truth, it hurt, but that

    was a good pain. Pain lets one know that he is alive, pain awakens the sleepers, pain exposes

    dissatisfaction, which awakens the mental dead. I self-lord am master, who is an original man, who is

    GodIs my revelation any less important than Fard, Gandhi, Malcolm, Martin, Elijah, Jesus, or Father

    Allah? All of which, revealed a message to the people of their time that were willing to listen. Can eye

    not reveal my message to the people of my time that are willing to listen?

    Self teaches freedom, justice and equality, also truth and civilization. Eye also have a practice of

    denouncing unoriginal words and terms. Eye teach that anyone can be a devil, and one who has

    understanding cannot hate. People hate what they do not understand, because hate is the highest

    elevation or the lowest depreciation of ignorance, just as love is the highestelevationof understanding.

    Thus love in this form is not an emotion, and hate is not an emotion. Rather, it is a state of mind,

    brought on by grave ignorance, or ascended understanding.

    Some may think that self is explaining my own actions, however self does not think so, Eye consider it a

    build. Eye consider it teaching. And since minds are sparked and enlightened by the truth and not clever

    little deceptions and infiltrations, I have often recommended to those who did not agree with my

    knowledge, to write degree's on why Eye am wrong. After all, my knowledge is not absolute and I am

    eternally a student.

    Some have said that they are beyond such things. That they do not need to explain their understanding

    through degrees. I say to them, you are depriving the seeds. Imagine Father Allah, or W.D. Fard, or

    Jesus, depriving people of their understanding and their knowledge. Where would humanity be right

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    now? Self-did not learn this culture by actions alone, therefore, cannot teach it by actions alone. Eye

    read, and degrees are for seeds to read, they are for students. My duty is to teach. Father is one who

    furthers anothers education. And I self lord am master is FAAther Time Neteru.

    This is the conclusion of the introduction. As eye have stated before, this is only a build to me. I am an

    eternal student. If someones, logic, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom surpasses my own, I self-

    lord and master will embrace it. Therefore, Eye look forward to being enlightened.


    Does Wisdom come before Understanding?To know why is the differance between understanding knowledge and becoming wise. There is a

    difference between one who understands knowledge, and one who can recite the wisdom of one

    without having an' understanding of what the individual cogitated that gave them their understanding.

    For example, eye can tell a person that the sq. root of 36 is 6, with an understanding of how that is. A

    person can hear me say this, and simply recite it to others. They will say,"6 is the sq.root to 36.", while

    doing so, they will be giving off the impression of a mathematical knowledge, when in fact this person is

    only copy catting. Thedifference is, the person does not understand WHY 6 is the sq root of 36, only

    know that 6 is the square root of 36. Theyhave the knowledge, but having the knowledge does not make

    them wise, they have to understand the knowledge to become wise in it.

    Another example, i can tell a person that i represent the sun moon and stars, that I am the 5% on the

    poor part of the planet earth. Now being that I understand what that all means, another individual can

    hear me say this, then themselves say that they represent the Sun,Moon and Stars.That they represent

    the 5% on the poor part of the planet Earth.but, when you ask me what does it all mean, i will say, The

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    Black man, The Black woman, and The Black child. The 5% are the poor righteous teachers, who know

    who the true and living God is; me, you, us. When you ask the other, they will say the sun, moon and

    star. It's a celestial thing. Youask them about the 5% thing, they will say, it's a math equation dealing

    with the cosmos or something like that.

    A reflexion is not real; it is a trickery of light. Light is the truth, or truth is the light, so you can say that an

    illusion of wisdom is trickery. When i stand in the mirror, that image that I see, may give the appearance

    of myself, but it is not real. I breathe; the image in the mirror does not. I eat; the image in the mirror

    does not. So, with this understanding, a person can reflect the wisdom of a person, and not be wise, just

    as well as they can reflect the knowledge of a person and not be knowledgeable. One must not confuse

    the concepts. Any person that speaks wisely does so because they have an understanding of what it is

    they speak of. If they do not understand the knowledge they speak, they may give the appearance,

    reflexion, or illusion of wise words, but those words are hollow. Those words are just as hollow as a

    preacher giving an eloquent and beautiful sermon professing how Jesus died on the cross for the sins of

    the world, that all may be saved, when Jesus himself said in John 17:9 that he pray not for the world.

    This accompanied by the fact that we know Jesus, though a God, was not the son of some spirit god,

    who died on the cross for our sins.

    Therefore, having that understanding of the knowledge and listening to the preacher giving that

    eloquent illusion of wise words, Iwould not be so amused, because the preacher lacks an understanding

    of the knowledge that Jesus manifested and conveyedin the bible. He lacks a true understanding of

    truth, therefore, he has tricknowledge, because it is an illusion, a reflexion, and can sprout no seeds on

    which knowledge and truth can grow. It is the same as putting salt in fertile earth.

    Another example, look at the plump, nicely shaped butt of a woman. Why does the sight of it make any

    normal man desire her sexually, even when she is ugly.You already have the knowledge; which is, her

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    butt is attractive. Knowing this does not make you wise, and saying what we already know and think

    does not make your words wise either. Why does Megan Goode's butt look so good? Do you really

    know? I don't, I just know it is. But, in order for me to be wise on this issue, I have to understand why.

    Why does a plump nicely shaped butt of a woman so attractive that it could cause a man to gain an

    erection when it has no bearing on sexual intercourse? To know the why of this eternal paradox would

    make us wise to the issue.

    Another example is this, one may know that the Culture Seed is the physical embodiment of our devilish

    nature, an entity that was created by our ego as a means of making an enemy outside of ourselves, so

    that we will have an outside force in which to blameall the woes of the world on. However, knowing that

    the Culture seed nature is the devil does not make one wise to the culture seed or his nature. In order to

    find wisdom, one must understand why the Culture Seeds nature is the devil. History manifesting his

    nature is only Knowledge. To understand ones lower self or inner devils is learning wisdom in the nature

    of the Culture Seed. And, why history manifests that his nature is the devil. His nature is the devil

    because we were devilish.

    Without this understanding, to call a white man the devil is mechanical, and hollow empty words. You

    see what is in self. The devil will disappear, when the one within self disappears. When that transpires,

    you will not see devils, only people.

    Calling them the devil without first acknowledging your own, is like a drunk man with no arm saying,

    "I'm gonna punch your face in." There is no reason to believe his words, if they can't be shown and

    proven. Showing and proving, is the only way the GODS and EARTHS can teach the truth of the true and

    living GOD. Simply giving one the knowledge that the original man is GOD is nothing, but showing which

    is the equivalent of making them understand, how and why gives birth to wisdom.

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    OUT WITH THE OLD IN WITH THE NEWA wise Culture Seed by the name of Eric Pepin has said that,"The most dependable quality in the

    universe is that of change. And I agree with these words, because with change, evolution, or elevation,

    you can see that,"There are no boundaries. You become open to all possibilities.-(The Magic of Conflict,

    The AikiAproach)"

    ALL ancient cultures of the world were changed for the better by the knowledge of an original man.

    Examples of this are; Mexico and the Olmec Indians; Lao Tse, the founder of Taoisim, and the Chinese,

    John Hanson and America; Buddah of India and Asia; Zahaand Japan; Tyr and Scandinavia;

    Sommonaoom and Siam; and Jesus just to name a few. When most of these original men made their

    revelation, it was turned into a religion. Their philosophy was turned into a religious format. That

    philosophy was melded into the preexistingculture of the people.

    They revealed a way of thought, that thought intern, was turned into a religion by the people for the

    people it was given to, and infused with their culture giving birth to a new culture. However, we here

    today, are not in need of a 1400 year culture. The prophet Muhammad did not know that he was GOD,

    and he did not teach the people that they were GODS.

    The Quran and Hadiths are conclusive that Muhammad worshipped a god not of himself. Oral and other

    traditions are conclusive that The prophet seen Allah as a 16 year old looking youth in a vision, this

    youth was not himself.

    So we must ask ourselves, (The GODS and EARTHS) what does his revelation mean to us to day? What

    does this 1400 year old culture mean to us today? To me,it is only something to build from. No one

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    stops building their Home at the foundation, and neither can we. Father Allah built from that

    foundation, and so must we build. We can't be stuck 1400 years in the past.

    It is possible for the GODS and MUSLIMS to find a commonality other than the culture of Arab people

    that has been infused into Islam. We do not need to speak Arabic, dress Arabic, enjoin in Arabic cultural

    rituals to be GODS and MUSLIMS.

    To quote Nairn Akbar:

    "Being a MUSLIM does not make me an arab-- I believe we as

    AfricanAmericans, have something specai1 to bring to any system of

    thought. Truth is truth, but it must be a relevantexspression in our time,

    space and condition. I am not going to prove that I am a MUSLIM by

    dressing up in the cultural dress of Arabpeople. I am not going to ride a

    camel, and I am going to speak English toEnglish speakers~- Chapter 2:

    Transcending Images of Black Manhood"

    Arab people performed salats, original people practiced Yoga which is the origin of the salats, Jews and

    Arabs wore kufi and yamakas as a way of distinguishing themselves from one another, 90% of the

    worlds original people do not grow beards, or can't grow them naturally. Arab people had juma, taleem,

    and rammadom, the original people had the ShetuatNeter, AKA the "Mysteries System", which taught of

    the inner divine, of the knowledge and science of everything in life, love, peace and happiness.

    We fasted to cleanse, clarify and purify the mind and body. It was a path to enlightenment, emphasis on

    path, because it was not the only one. Enlightenment leads to the freedom of the mind, religions lead to

    the enslavement of the mind.

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    Is it my natural way of life towear a kufi? Or make physical salats? Or attend juma, taleem, orramadon? I

    think not. This is a way of life given to the Arabic people to clean them up, a culture that has now spread

    allover the world, but has its birth 1400 years ago. A culture that some GODS and all MUSLIMS feel

    required to participate in. But, if that be their path to enlightenment, then it is there to have, but it is

    not mine. My knowledge is my kufi, when I build with self and others and study, that is my juma, and

    taleem.Breathing is one of my salatsin the physical. When I have time i will learn Yoga, to bring a calm

    and stillness to my mind and body. The last three days of every month, I fast, and that is to purify the

    body, eventually, I will encorporate other forms of fasting, such as, eating nothing but fruits and

    vegetables for 9 days in a row. I am already a vegetarian, but, I enjoy pizza and vitamin(S) AKA,

    (SWEETS). I also enjoy Marco's Cheesy bread, so my fasts are solely for my physical self, my constant

    search for truth and knowledge, feed my mental. Incorporate these things with yoga and martial arts, I

    will complete myself and become one with my 90%, and would have obtained this without someone

    else's culture.

    While in prison, daily I see my people, who strive to be MUSLIM work so diligently and perseveringly at

    reading, writing, and speaking Arabic, but can barely speak English. I watch them in their microcosm,

    claiming to be MUSLIM, while looking at smut, smoking, cursingprofusely, referring to each other

    neggas, lying, cheating and deceiving, representing gangs, while wearingkufi's, and going to

    juma,taleem, and Ramadan.

    I see these brathas and others, boastful and arrogant, gambling while feeling their knowledge is

    absolute, lacking humilitywhile accusing others of the same, and it is easy for me to see all of these

    things, because I at one point in time or another have done, seen, or been all of them at one time or

    another, in one form or another. I exhibit great deals of humility when dealing with my brathas-

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    (MUSLIM and GODS) opting not to speak to avoid conflict or confrontation, and by trying not to let

    emotion break that silence, but as of now, self is not one with my 90%, therefore, I am not perfect.

    An intuitive Culture Seed by, the name of James Redfield, said in his book:

    ~The Celestine Prophecy'; -

    Humans will learn to perceive what was formally an invisible type of energy--the insight brings a

    transformed understanding of the physical universe. we will discover a new energy which formed

    the basis of radiating outward from all things including ourselves--human perception of this energy

    first begins with a heightend sensitivity to beauty.

    Therefore, I am trying to see the beauty and not the negativity in myself, thereby, seeing it in my

    brathas and my A-B-C- alikesand for me, that: would be a change.

    Another issue that I will bring up is the calling or the use of the word Asia . Many degrees have dubbed it

    as a name that has been used in time immortal. Even the 120 refers to Asia, claiming that the culture

    seed called it Africa, but the inhabitants called it Asia. The term Asia, GOD, and a whole sort of other

    names are not original. Both the words Asia and GOD have the Greeks in common. The Greeks called the

    original men who came and taught them all that they knew, which was the science of everything in life,

    GOMAR OZ DOBAR, which means, beauty strength, and wisdom.

    Thus, the word GOD is nothing more than an acronym used by the Greeks to describe their teachers, but

    in time, the word took on other attributes, such as spirit, and creator and other things, all of these

    attributes except the spirit part also befit the original man. So, in essence, we are what they proclaim us

    to be. We were GODS before they called us GODS. We were the NETER and the NETERU Before they

    called us GODS. We were divine beings before they called us divine beings, AKA, GODS, and NETER!!and


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    "The ancient greeks who were amoung the founders of European

    civilization, named the land to their immediate East, 'ASIA, Theterm

    which meant, "Region of the Rising sun.

    7 Lands and Peoples- Vol. 2, lOOth Anniversary Library Edition"

    The land to the immediate East of Greese, would be Turkey, and the lands following that. Africa, would

    be to the immediate south. Another original man, by the name of Dr. Yose ben Jochannan, in his book,

    The Black Man of the Nile, revealed that the name of Africa originally, was ALKEBULAN not Asia or Asu.

    It was once told to me,"A wise man looks for evidence to discredit what he knows, not to support what

    he knows, because he knows."

    Therefore, I have a habit of finding evidence to discredit everything that I am told, until I am left with

    nothing but the truth. My studies have turned up evidence that afica was never called asia, though the

    continent of Africa is connected to the continent of asia. In fact, according to the Histories of Herodotus,

    Aside from Egypt, and Ethiopia, Africa was called Libya, by the Greeks.

    This is in no way, to be misconstrude as an order to stop refering to ones self as Asiatic. I am simply

    presenting another view or option. In the end, you are the sun of your universe. One should never be

    side tracked in their efforts to find the Truth,or except anyones word on face value. That is what the 85

    do not the 5%.

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    TO ADD ON WE MUST DESTROYGOD is an original blackmanwho has the power to build and destroy. So, when trying to rr~b*jld . a

    culture that has in essence been crippled due to weakness; physical and mental, should the GODS and

    EARTHS let the entire ship sink for a few weak ones, or should we set sail and let the weak one fall

    overboard, leaving them behind?

    To bring about this new culture, to add on to the growth and developement of the 5% nation, you have

    to be either strong of mind, or strong of body. If you are lacking both, what good are you to your self or

    your people? Why should the boat sink for you?

    The world that we live in, and everything in it is a reflexionof us. We are GOD manifesting in various

    forms, so when I see wild animals breeding for strength, and avoiding weak mates, weak animals not

    being able to spread their genetic material, it seems logical, because it is for survival. Are we not as a

    people fighting for our surival? Does not this fight, give us the right and means to weed out the weak

    from amoung us?

    A wise GOD once told me that,"You got to be either physically strong or mentally strong, even better if

    both, but if you aintneither, we don't need you."

    Weakness of the mind and body is what cause the fall of the original man and woman. Weakness

    created lust, greed hate, and envy. Weakness created slaves, and caused the original man to place a god

    before himself. Weakness created drugs and prisons.

    There is a reason the term,"Rules were made to be brokenll, was made. It is because you don't give

    rules or laws to a ciiilizedpeople. Morals command civilized people. Morals are innate and not given.

    Rules are made and broken because the people that they are given too, have ani affinity for

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    disobediance. We were once a proud and strong people, and we will not make cipher iftbuild with

    cracked concrete, or rotted wood as a foundation. The human physique, so seemingly perfect, and yet

    so very flawed, with it's dormant muscle fibers and sensory organs, and glands, easily afflicted immune

    system, and body that is so easily rendered lifeless.

    How can it be logical for a life that was so hafd'anddelicatlycreated; a life that we would do anything to

    keep or fight for, can be so easily taken? So seemingly perfect and yet so flawed. Pound for pound, the

    weakest life form on earth. All life forms on earth use the full potential of their brains except humans.

    Weak.E- (enfeeble) = Me (mankind) SQ (north,south, east, west, 196,940,000)

    To make our people strong we must weed out the weak. If a person does not care to change their living

    conditions, their mental condition, or their physical conditions, what good are they to them selves and

    us, if they do not care about themselves and us? To build, we must destroy.



    Do we exist? Is our true self beyond existence? This is a complex and sensitive topic that I have spent

    much of myself on cognitating. Some have the opinion that our true self is beyond existence. However, I

    have the opinion that, as long as a thing is, it is never beyond existence. To say that a thing is beyond

    existence, is to say it exist; but at a level that is incomprehensible. A thing is only incomprehensible to a

    mind unwilling to grasp or except the concept. To some people, it is incomprehensible that man is GOD,

    yet, it is so.

    As long as a thing is, it exist. to say that our true self is beyond existence, is to make it separate from the

    original people, and since we exist, our true self is turned into a spook that exist where? It is turned into

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    a mystery that is beyond what? Remember, we had to agree, that we would no longer search for that

    which does not exist. Meaning, we searched for something that was beyond existence, and called it our

    true self, under the impression that we uncovered one of the great mysteries of our origin. When in

    essence, we made our origin and our true self a mystery that was beyond existence.

    How could our origin or true self be beyond existence, if we exist? Our true self is not beyond existence,

    it is only latent. We will know our true self when we have the full use of our brain. Then, we will not be a

    mystery, we will exist at a higher divine level.

    "The more we raise our conciousness, which is energy, the closer we come to the

    frequency of the force, and the closer we come to awakening.-- GOD exist as a

    multi-dimensional being, man is testiment to this. the fle sh that exist in this

    realm is a conduit for the hyper dimensional high er self, which is our GOD self.

    Meaning we exist in this realm and the next. the physical and the immate rial. a

    lessor form of energy moving at a lower ra te of of vibration, harnessing a hi gher

    form of energy moving at a higher speed of vibration.--Thi s true self, bur true

    conciousness, the part of us that is timeles s, eternal, and stores the collective

    memories of our past lives, is our h yper dimensional concious-- It is our energy

    conciousness that exist in a higher frequen cy of energy, a separate dimensional

    state--our true self exists in a hyper dimensional state-[Eric Pepin, The


    (But, with the full use of the brain, the two dimensions meld into one, and we are able to move about

    freely at will. Our physical self becomes as our higher self and shares in the timelessness, and

    eternalness.)"Emphasis added"

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    After reading many~ degrees speaking on Fard, Elijah, and Father Allah, the conversations in the degrees

    and with GODS that self has built with on the topic, it all sounded remarkably like the christains and

    their holy trinity of, the father, the son and the holy spirit. Self had to ponder on the validity of this

    trinity. Pard was called the Knowledge, Elijah was called the Wisdom, and Father Allah is called the

    understanding. However, self has another position that may be worth considering.

    In the Theology of Time, pg 279, first sentence, second para- graph, Elijah makes this statement,"Our

    GOD, master Fard Muhammad taught us his name himself."This is very interesting, that Elijah

    referred to Fard as OUR GOD. But, he also makes another similar sta t eme n t in the Message to The

    Blackman. llL-Masterfard Muhammad, my god and your god."

    In The Greatest Story Never Tol~, Father Allah was suspended indefinatly from the NOr, becRBs -while

    teaching from the build/destroy degree in the knowledge to culture Eipher he proclaimed that the

    original man causes all this to come about. Others heard his teaching and said only master Fard

    Muhammad can bring these things about.

    What father Allah taught is what the lessons taught, that is what Fard taught Elijah, and that was the

    answer that Elijah gave Fard when he asked him what brings rain hail snow and earth- quakes. So, why

    he was suspended self can not say. The brathas of that day had the knowledge, but did not understand

    it, and thus, Father Allah was suspended. Father Allah had an understanding of the knowledge

    wisomcipher, therefore, he taught that the original black man was God. The NOI in those days taught

    that Fard was the big supreme god and we were little gods. however, Fard did not teach such things. in

    the BOOK OF THE GODS, Fard is qouted saying,"I am Allah. You are Allah. We are all Allahs."

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    How is it that the teachings differed? W.F. Muhammad was the knowledge, however, Elijah was only a

    conduit of that knowledge. Elijah worshipped Fard as his God. It is evident in all his books. Elijah could

    not have been the wisdom.

    Father Allah understood the knowledge that the blackman was GOD. This is why he left, because of their

    beleifs that Fard was thee GOD over us all. Therefore, Father Allahs teaching were the same as Fards,

    except in regard to who the devil is. Therefore, the GODS and EARTHS are the wisdom. Because he gave

    us an understanding of the knowledge.

    Therefore, in my humble opinion, Elijah Muhammad, and those who followed him, where in the time of

    the knowldge that the original black man is GOD, however, most did not understand, and began to

    worship Fard as GOD.

    THen came Clarance 13X, better known as Father Allah, he I. under stood the message, he understood

    the knowledge, we, the GODS and EARTHS are the wisdom. Though, it must be said, that even some of

    us do not understand. So, the 5% within the 5% are the wisdom, born from understanding a knowledge.

    It is safe to say that, FloydMayweather Jr., was given the knowledge that in boxing, you must be quick,

    you must be agile, and you must learn to slip, duck, and weave. Having received this knowledge, when

    he got in the ring, and was hit, he understood why he had to be quick, agile, slip, weave, and duck, so

    when he applied that understanding, he became wise in the knowledge of boxing.

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    I am the hydrogen, I am the oxygen, I am the water, I am the metals, I am the worm, I am the fish, I am

    the worm on the hook that was cast into the lake, I am the fish that ate the worm off of the metal hook.

    I am the carbon dioxide, and I am the tree that inhales it,

    I am also the oxygen that the tree expells.

    I am the tree.

    I am the woodpecker, that pecks a hole in the tree to make a shelter and to lay eggs.

    I am the eggs, I am the nest. I am the snake that crawled up the tree and ate the eggs.

    I am the earth that fed the tree to maturity, and I am the earth that the tree rotted back into.

    I am the universe.

    We are everything.

    Without us there is nothing.

    So, our true name is everything. Many have taken the position that our true name is Allah. The children

    dubbed father Allah,"Allah". Father Allah gave the name meaning for himself and us, because the

    lessons say,"The oign~i people who is Allah-" the knowledge degree of the knowledge to culture

    cipher. ]i~*~ are?*}lah;~ Allah had to mean, Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head.

    W.D. Muhammad has been qouted saying,"I am Allah, You are Allah, We are all Allahs" Hinceforth, the

    name Allah has a special significance in regards to the NOI, and the Nation of GODS and EARTHS. But, is

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    this truely our true name? Self has stated in previous degrees, but for the sake of repeating my self, i will

    say this again, until the advent of islam and the prophet, pre-islamicarabs worshipped 360 gods, Allah

    was one of those gods.

    In that time, he was not the god of creation, or the all in all, he was the storm God. (see-Is Allah a man,

    part two- by True Islam) Muhammad being the author and promulgator of the quran and Islam, he

    wanted his God to prosper, and added the philosophy of the creator, the all in all, and so on and so


    It is the position held by man, that Allah means GOD in arabic. However, according to the Noble Quran,

    GOD in arabicmeans "ILAH" Which would be logical, because how could Allah be GOD in arabic, when

    they worshipped over 300 GODS. Allah was just a name. Had Fard been a buddist, with knowledge of

    self, would we then be calling ourselves BUDDAH? Then also, from anotherperspcetive, if Fard had been

    christian, would we then be calling ourselves JESUS? Allah is just the name of a GOD just like Time is the

    name of a GOD. Had it been myself who revealed the knowledge to Elijah, would the people of today

    refer to themselves as Time or Neter? Some may be offended by my words, I get that alot, however, it is

    only meant to be another light in which to see things.

    Call us by our true name~ We are the earth that nurtured the tree that was cut down. We are the metals

    that were molded and shaped into machines that processed the tree into the paper that I am writing on.

    We are the paper that I am writing on. We are everything, that is our true name.

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    Elijah Muhammad taught that the moon and earth were once one, and that a dispute was had over the

    people one langauge versus speaking multiple langaues. When one mans will to have us all speak one

    language was not excepted, he attempted to destroy the planet by placing high explosives in the

    earthscore .. The result of the blast separated the earth and the moon.

    Some argue that evidence of gun powder was found on the moon, and also that some of the same

    elements contained in the earth are also contained in the moon, which in their opinion, supports the

    teachings of Elijah. Some say that the grand canyon could be the possible sight o~ the moons split from

    the earth. Elijah taught that "WE" the survivors, or the lost tribe of Shabazz migrated to he part of the

    planet that was still alive.

    Self had already builded on this issue in a degree entitled "Triple Stages of Light", however, self did not

    go into great detail in my logic regarding this topic, so in this degree, self will go more indepth in the

    topic, and present another position. And, since we do not except things on face value, self implores the

    reader of this degree to Properly Evaluate And Calculate Everything.

    Moderenscientist have conducted many tests to determine the origins of the moon. Self will build on

    the three most popular scientific theroies. But, before self gets into that, eye must discuss the topic of

    the Anunnaki.

    The Anunnaki have been discussed by two very popular authors, one being Malakize York, and the other

    being ZechariaSitchen. The ancient Sumerians have long known the science of the heavens. The

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    Encyclopedia Britanica Almanac 2004, pg, 190, states that,"In Sumerain times, some 5,000 years ago,

    it(MERCURY) was already known as a planet."

    In these last few centuries it was beleived that the earth was flat, and that if you traveled far enough,

    you would falloff the planet into space. these same minds only recently found out that there are 8 other

    planets orbiting the sun. think of the knowledge of the people 5,000 years ago, who knew about

    mercury the closet planet to the sun compared to the people a few 100 years ago, who thought the

    earth was flat. 7,000 year old clay tablets found in ancient Sumer, or what is present day iraq/iran,

    depict our entire solar system, in size proportion relative to each planet, totaling 12 celestial bodies

    including the moon and the sun, and one other planet called Nibaru.

    The tablets boast of the 'Gods who from heaven to earth came', also known as the ANUNNAKI. Now as

    eye have said before, the tablets display our entire solar system, plus three other bodies; the moon, the

    sun, and a 12th object; Nibaru.

    The translation of the tablets say that the planet earth was once apart of Nibaru, but a celestial object

    such as a comet or astroid hit the planet and disloged a portion of the planet. This same

    catathropiccollison is shared by scientists of today inregardsto the earth and the moon. with the

    exception that scientists beleivewhile in the early years of the earth, some 4.6 billion years ago a comet

    or astroid plastered the earth while it was still forming and that the moon is the result of cooled molten

    debry that was subjected to the earths gravity, and then collected into what is the moon.

    In these early days of the earth, there was no life, it was not habitable. It was a place of magma, and

    flame. A rewinding of the continental drifts, depict a place where all the continients are located

    together, and on one side of the planet. The evidence suggests, or rather points to the fact that the

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    earth was violently detached from a object larger then it's self. Careful study of the moon reveils these


    1) Scientist beleived that the moon formed as the result of a collision known as the Giant Impact, or the

    'Big Whack', according to this idea, the earth collided with a planet sized CCi4.6 billion years ago. as a

    result of the impact a cloud of vaporized rock shot off the earthssurface, and went into orbit around the

    earth. The cloud cooled and condensed into a ring of small solid bodies, which then gathered together

    forming the moon- encyclopedia p.g. 788-

    2) Though there is evidence that the earth was violently detatched from another object, there is none

    the moon suffered the same fate. Remember that all the continents were once all stuck to- gether on

    one side of the planet. being that the earth is covered under aproximately 3/4's of it's surface under

    water, remove the water, and evidence of the earths violent past is appearentto the naked eye.

    3) In 1827, a frenchMathmatician and astronemornamed Pierre-Simon de Laplace invented the "Sister

    Theroy", he argued that the moon and earth were formed together as companions, mean- ing, they

    would be made of the same materials, however, scientists have discovered that the earth and moon are

    made of some similar materials the moon does not contain some important metals that the earth has

    such as nicle, zinc, and gold. so they could not have been formed together as companions.

    4) In 1878, a britishmathmatician and astromomernamed Sir Goerge Darwin invented the "Daughter

    Theroy", that the moon was once apart of the earth, and was thrown off due to the earths, then speed

    of rotation. then in 1882, a physicist named Osmond Fischer proposed a variation to George

    Darwinstheroy.he proposed that the privioustheroy could not be possible because the earth and the

    moon are made from different materials, and the earth could never have spun fast enough to dislodge a

    portion big as the moon. He then he then propos sed that when the earth was young and molten, the

    suns gravity pulled a portion of the earth off, and that was molten material, and it bcame the moon. he

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    then suggested that the pacific ocean was the location of the moons birth, however, the scientist of

    today know that the pacific basin was formed much sooner then 4.6 billion years ago, so neither theroy

    could be true.

    5) In the 1970's, A.G.W. Cameron, a professor of astronomy at havard, and his friend named William

    Ward invented the impact theroy. theirtheroycorresponds to that of the encyclopedia.

    computerimaging technology and research conducted on moon rocks, indicate that this is the most

    plausible explination of the moons origin. scientist who support this theroy agree that the moon and

    earth were once one, but because of the impact, and it's added material, the moon is made up from

    different materials. it is beleived that the heavier elements such as plutonium, and uranium had sunk

    deep into the earths core, therefore, the impact released the lighter elements such as aluminum,

    calcium, and magnesium.

    According to elijah, an original man tried to blow up the planet by drilling into the earths core and

    setting explosives within the earths core. in any case senario, the moon and the earth would be made of

    the same materials, contain the same metals and elements, and be the same age.

    It simply is not logical, that the moon was dislodged from the earth as a result of an emplosion, rather

    then an impact explosion. Further, the mass lost, does not compinsate for the earths detached and

    water covered lithosphere. the earths lithosphere suggest that the earth was detached from an object

    much lagerthen it's self, and that the moon was formed as the result of impact debree.

    With that being said, we now return back to the 12th planet called Nibaru, that the ancient sumerians

    claimed the earth to have once been a part of. the depiction on the tablets show the planet as being

    around the size of saturn and jupiter.

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    Nibaru was struck by a celestial object, that not only broke off a peice of the planet, but also sent it into

    an orbit different then the other planets, a looping oblong orbit rather then a horizontal oribit.

    thislooping orbit brings it within the earths orbit every 3,500 years.

    Being that we are trillions of years old, and the earth is only billions, we had to of had a past on another

    planet, therefore self will continue to search for evidence to discredit what eye know. and you should




    It is beleived by some of the GODS that they are muslims. Some of this is due to Master Fard

    Muhammad saying that we are all muslims. in the knowledge to understanding equality, elijah was

    asked "Does this have anything to do with the above question#10? he replied"Yes, it makes him

    otherthen his own self." then Fard asked him,"What is is own self." His answer was,"His own self is a

    righteous muslim."

    The other reason that some GODS refer to themseleves as muslim is because of the root word or root

    meaning of the word, from which, eye begin this build. Before eye can begin this build, self is inclined to

    say the following; Some may think that this is a pointless build, a debate to establish opositioninorder to

    show and prove ones own self or existence. Some may think that this is a debate over titles, titles that

    divide us as a whole, though eye agree that titles divide, eye do not however, agree that this is a

    pointless build. one could proclaim that if our ancient conciousness, had to show and prove it's own

    existence, then our collective consciousness of today has not changed from the beginning. however,

    displacing our ancient selves from ourselves, is searching for that which does not exist.

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    Words and titles have lives, mentalities, and stigmas, that are attached to them. some of these words,

    names, and titles uplift and some degrade, some give identity, and purpose, or the direction of purpose

    and identity . some show the mind what it never saw in a way it never thought.

    What does it mean to be GOD? To me it means my essence, my higher self that is latent, my true

    conciousness, created all that the physical eye can see, and all that it can't. it means that perfection is

    my beginning, knowledge is my beginning. eye am far away from my beginning. But, despite what some

    may think, even when or collective conciousness was all that there was, and did not need to think, and

    was aware, and just knew, our collective consciousness, was nothing but knowledge. that is why it was

    beyond thinking and just knew everything.

    Everything we created, we did so perfectly. We put one proton in the nucleus of an atom to make one

    element and two to make another. Everything was a build, we added on to what we brought into

    existence. there was nothing to destroy only build. flesh was a build. it was an upgrade. we were all

    knowing, it makes no since that we would put perfection within. imperfection. Gaining a vocabulary is a

    build. words give you the power to articulate your thoughts, or in other words manifest your thoughts.

    when we made the flesh, we added on to our perfection.

    Often times, brathas make the mistake of dividing self, and they cannot see this division because they

    are to focused on other outside forces of division. they also do this because thier true self is

    incomprehensible to their own self. and it is incomprehinsible to their own self because they or we lack

    the full use of our brains. this limits our understanding as a whole. one must know from which he came,

    to understand what he is.

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    So, eye say, being GOD to me, is knowing that eye am knowledge. it is the differance between being 36

    and behaving like a 20 year old. knowing that you are a man, and being a man is two different things I

    know that eye am GOD, but to be GOD, eye must gain knowledge, all knowledge. knowledge will bring

    mine and your individual consciousness back to it's original self.

    In this pursuit, one should not be deterred because others think that this quest for ~nowledge or truth is

    silly, pointless and absurd. one should be tenaacious in his or her pursuit. one should get to the bottom

    of everything, how else can you be all knowing? And why would a GOD not get to the bottom of

    everything. The Mulanna Ali Quran states that the meaning for the word muslim and islam have their

    origin with the word ASLAMA, which means he submitted himself, or he entered into peace. The word

    islam does not only signify submission, it also signifies entering into peace,--see footnotes, 156, 400,

    and 1711--

    The word aslama has a duel, yet sycranous meaning,'he sub- mitted himself, or he entered into peace.'

    the latter half of the meaning is why some GODS consider themselves to be muslims. Eye however,

    propose this-- though eye cannot deny that the word signifies peace, there, is a reason that eye said,


    PEACE- means A state of security or order within a community provided for by law, custom or public


    SUBMISSION- The condition of being submissive: humble or compliant behavior: humble or submissive

    deferance in conduct or bearing- a yeilding of power or authority or a surrendering of person and power

    to the control of another.

    SUBMIT- to grant precedence: defer to superiorintelli- gence, political wisdom, and tough leadership.

    ENTER- to pass or come into some particular state.

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    The word slim and slam, both signify peace, however, it signifies a peace brought on through

    submission. Meaning, if you defer to superior intelligence(ALLAH) and yeild and surrender the power of

    your person to (ALLAH) with humble and submissive conduct, you will then come into or pass into a

    particular state of security or order with in a community(ISLAM orMUSLIM) provided for by law, custom

    or public opinion .

    It is a peace through submission of ALLAHS will, the will of Allah is the Quran. The Quran provides for

    muslims law and customs. An easy example of a law is not to eat the meat of swine. Another easy

    example of a custom is ,juma, taleem, and ramadon, Another example of a law is the five daily salat

    prostrations. if you adhere to these laws and customs, you will know peace. This is the reason both slam

    and slim signify both peace and submission.

    Again, eye must ademately say, this is in no way a command or order for one to not refer to them selves

    as muslim. Humility is and aspect of the meanings of the words and peace is an aspect of the meanings

    to the words. ulitimately, there are many roads to enlightenment. which ever one chooses is his journey

    to take, self is only stateing why this is not his path. The GODS and EARTHS greet one another with

    peace, because. Positive Energy Always Corrects Errors. With an understanding of the knowledge of self,

    one becomes humble.Conflict is ever present in the human psyche. Right or wrong should eye or

    shouldn't eye? by seeing the understandings of others, some are able to settle conflict that is present in

    their own minds, that enables them to choose right or wrong, should eye or shouldn't eye.

    FAAther Time Neteru