Chosen Actors Our trailer “Savage” had 2 main characters & 2 supporting characters.

Chosen Actor(Savage)

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Chosen Actors

Our trailer “Savage” had 2 main characters & 2 supporting characters.

Page 2: Chosen Actor(Savage)

Danyal Zafar

Danyal Zafar is 19 year old, currently studying in BDC. Danyal has been remarked as a tremendous actor by various people. The main reason behind casting Danyal for the role of protagonist was that our inspiration for his character was from Hugh Jackman’s character from the film “Prisoners”. His hero alike looks were again an advantage because it could surely

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attract female audience as female viewers mostly avoid crime thrillers due to violence and action, which could be in the best

interest for us. Secondly, we needed actors who had a smooth American English Accent and Danyal was the right option, as some Asians have fake American English accents which ruin the depth of dialogues. Danyal had past experience of acting in small time videos for different media competitions and was critically acclaimed by different judges for his acting skills. There was never really a doubt about which role Danyal was to play as the moment he entered for auditions, I was convinced that he could do the job. Danyal took his role pretty seriously and was always punctual for shoot or rehearsal. On the location, Danyal brought great energy when he was rehearsing and shooting which made our work very easy as most of the time he knew what were his movements & expressions.

Mahnoor Naeem:

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Mahnoor Naeem currently studies in BDC. She played a very short supporting character in our trailer, the role of receptionist. Though she had maximum 5 seconds on camera but casting her role wasn’t easy as it looks; reason being that we wanted her character of a receptionist to look real and make sense. However, we could’ve casted any female character because the role was very short instead we went with the actor with proper looks for a working young girl as mostly hotel receptionists are young skinny female with a fine American accent and Mahnoor Naeem was promising in her short role.

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Ali Kazmi (Detective):

Ali Kazmi is currently doing his A-levels from BDC. When we took auditions for the role of detective, Ali Kazmi showed up for the trials as well. The moment Kazmi stepped in the room, I at once knew that I found the detective for our trailer “Savage”. After all those boring and non serious candidates, Kazmi mesmerized us by his acting skills. If we talk about acting, there was a tough competition between Ali Kazmi and Aman Ahmed Khan (another participant). The only factor that led us in making our final decision was considering the looks as well. Since Aman is someone who has a childish face and would not

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look like a detective despite of his great acting skills, we had to choose Kazmi due to his mature looks that meet the requirement set by the detective role. Detective was the second main role after the protagonist and demanded extremely good acting which no doubt Kazmi offered. Ali Kazmi performed as expected when on location due to which there was little chance of time wastage.

Momil khan (Wife):

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Momil khan like others, is currently doing her A-levels from BDC. She is somewhat a main character since the whole story revolves around her i.e. everyone is trying to find her. However our trailer demanded her for the first few scenes. The reason behind choosing her was that she best suited the character as compared to other candidates giving try outs for the same role. Momil with her attractive looks and innocent voice best attracts the audience and makes them feel distressed when she gets kidnapped. The power of involving audience with her is something we found unique in her due which she was offered the role. Despite being in the trailer for first few second, she leaves a lasting impact on the audience.