8/9/2019 Chp1 - 11th Edition http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/chp1-11th-edition 1/40 Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn & Uhl-Bien – Organizational Behavior, 11 th  ed. Chater 1 !est Ban" #ile$ ch%1, Chater 1$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior !rue'#alse 1. Organizational behavior is the stud( o) human behavior in organizations. *ns$ !rue +i))icult($ as( esonse$ See age e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior /. 0earning about organizational behavior ill hel individuals develo a better or"-related understanding about themselves and others. *ns$ !rue +i))icult($ 2edium esonse$ See age e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 3. !he earl( )ocus o) the s(stematic stud( o) management as on h(sical or"ing conditions,  rinciles o) administration, and rinciles o) industrial engineering. *ns$ !rue +i))icult($ 2edium esonse$ See age e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior . Organizational behavior is an interdiscilinar( bod( o) "noledge ith strong ties to  s(cholog(, sociolog(, criminal 4ustice, and anthroolog(. *ns$ #alse +i))icult($ 2edium esonse$ See age 5 e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior Co(right 6 /%1% 7ohn 8ile( & Sons, nc. 1-1

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Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn & Uhl-Bien – Organizational Behavior, 11th ed. Chater 1 !est Ban"  

#ile$ ch%1, Chater 1$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 


1. Organizational behavior is the stud( o) human behavior in organizations.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

/. 0earning about organizational behavior ill hel individuals develo a better or"-relatedunderstanding about themselves and others.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

3. !he earl( )ocus o) the s(stematic stud( o) management as on h(sical or"ing conditions,

 rinciles o) administration, and rinciles o) industrial engineering.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

. Organizational behavior is an interdiscilinar( bod( o) "noledge ith strong ties to s(cholog(, sociolog(, criminal 4ustice, and anthroolog(.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 5e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

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Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn & Uhl-Bien – Organizational Behavior, 11th ed. Chater 1 !est Ban"  

5. Organizational behavior seldom uses scienti)ic methods to develo generalizations about behavior in organizations.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 5e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

9. esearch in organizational behavior is based on scienti)ic thin"ing hich means the roosede:lanations are care)ull( tested and the e:lanations that can be scienti)icall( veri)ied are the onl(ones that are acceted.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 5e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

;. Scienti)ic methods models in OB are not able to lin" causes ith outcomes due to the humanelement.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 5e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

<. Commonl( used organizational behavior research methods include case studies, surve( studies,meta anal(ses, )ield studies and laborator( studies.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 9e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

=. 8hen organizational behavior researchers collect data in real-li)e organizational settings, theresearch method o) case studies is being used.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 9e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

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Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn & Uhl-Bien – Organizational Behavior, 11th ed. Chater 1 !est Ban"  

1%. 0aborator( studies are being used hen organizational behavior researchers collect data insimulated and controlled settings.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 9e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

11. 8hen organizational behavior researchers collect data b( using >uestionnaires and interviesin samle oulations, the research method o) meta anal(sis is being used.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 9e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

1/. Organizational behavior scholars believe that there is one ?best@ or universal a( to manage eole and organizations.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 9e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

13. *n essential resonsibilit( o) the science o) organizational behavior is to create and testmodels that o))er evidence-based )oundations )or decision ma"ing and action.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 9e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

1. Arogressive or"laces toda( loo" and act ver( similar to those o) the ast.

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Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn & Uhl-Bien – Organizational Behavior, 11th ed. Chater 1 !est Ban"  

15. mortant trends in the contemorar( business orld include the demise o) ?command-and-control@ o) organizational structures and a commitment to ethical behavior.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age ;-<e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

19. Organizations toda( are more vertical and less horizontal in )ocus.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age <e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

1;. *n organization is de)ined as a collection o) eole or"ing together in a division o) labor toachieve a common urose.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age <e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

1<. 2ission statements are seci)icall( ritten )or the bene)it o) an organizations customers andnot the organizations emlo(ees.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age =e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

1=. * mission statement is a comrehensive lan that guides organizations to oerate in a(s thatallo them to outer)orm their cometitors.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age =e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

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/%. :amles o) cororate strategies revalent in business toda( include$ mergers, ac>uisitions, 4oint venture, global alliances, restructuring and divestitures.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age =e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

/1. Understanding the d(namics o) organizational behavior hels managers better mobilize andactivate human caital and talents to best imlement organizational strategies.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ 2edium

esonse$ See age 1%e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

//. Organizations that obtain resource inuts )rom the environment and trans)orm them intooututs that are returned to the environment in the )orm o) )inished goods or services are vieedas oen s(stems.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ 2edium

esonse$ See age 1%e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

/3. Customers, oners, emlo(ees, suliers, regulators, and local communities are among the"e( sta"eholders o) most business organizations.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 11e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

/. Organizational sta"eholders t(icall( have the same business interests and ob4ectives.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 11

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e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

/5. Organizations ith ?strong@ cultures@ oerate ith a clear vision o) the )uture that issuorted b( ell-develoed and ell-communicated belie)s and values.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1/e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

/9. *ccording to the Organizational Culture nventor(, in assive'de)ensive cultures,organizational members tend to act )orce)ull( in their or"ing relationshis in order to rotecttheir status and ositions.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 1/e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

/;. esearchers indicate that in assive'de)ensive cultures, motivation tends to be higher andor" attitudes more ositive than in aggressive'de)ensive cultures.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 1/e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

/<. 8or")orce diversit( involves di))erences based on gender, race and ethnicit(, age, able- bodiedness, and se:ual orientation.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 13e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

/=. !oda(s labor )orce is comosed o) )eer omen than in rior (ears.

*ns$ #alse

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+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 13e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

3%. !he roortion o) *)rican-*mericans, Hisanics and *sians in the labor )orce is increasing.

*ns$ !rueesonse$ See age 13-1+i))icult($ 2ediume)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

31. +emograhic trends indicate that, in the )uture, eole o) color ill constitute the ma4orit( o)the U.S. oulation.

*ns$ !rueesonse$ See age 13-1+i))icult($ Harde)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

3/. * "e( element in an( organization that embraces multiculturalism is inclusivit(.

*ns$ !rue

+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

33. *n e))ective manager is one hose organizational unit, grou, or team consistentl( achieves itsgoals desite the )act that its members are uncommitted and unenthusiastic.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 1e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

3. !as" er)ormance is de)ined as the >ualit( and >uantit( o) the or" roduced or the services rovided b( a or" unit as a hole.

*ns$ !rue

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+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 1e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

35. Organizational behavior clearl( indicates that managers should be held accountable )or tas" er)ormance results, but not 4ob satis)action results.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 1e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

39. n the ne or"lace, management is most e))ectivel( accomlished through ?directing@ and

?controlling@ rather than ?suorting@.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

3;. !he ord manager is increasingl( being lin"ed in the ne or"lace to roles described b(such titles as ?coordinator,@ ?coach,@ and ?team-leader.@

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

3<. !he )our basic )unctions o) management are delegating, leading, controlling, and decisionma"ing.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 15e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

3=. Controlling is the rocess o) creating or" structures and s(stems, and arranging resources toaccomlish goals and ob4ectives.

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*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 15e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

%. 8hen managers are instilling enthusiasm b( communicating ith others, motivating them toor" hard, and maintaining good interersonal s"ills, the( are engaged in the managerial )unctiono) leading.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 15e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

1. 2anagers or" at )ragmented and varied tas"s, at an intense ace, and send much timeor"ing alone.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 15e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

/. Henr( 2intzberg identi)ied a set o) roles that managers er)orm. !hese roles are$interersonal, in)ormational, and decisional.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 19e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

3. Henr( 2intzberg identi)ied the set o) roles that managers er)orm as technical, human, andconcetual.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 19e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

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. *ccording to Henr( 2intzberg, managerial roles that involve or"ing directl( ith other eole are called human roles.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 19e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

5. * managers in)ormational roles include being a )igurehead, leader, and liaison.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 19e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

9. *ccording to Henr( 2intzberg, hen a manager acts as a disturbance handler, this is aninterersonal role.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 19e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

;. *ccording to Henr( 2intzberg, managerial roles involving decision-ma"ing that a))ects other eole are called technical roles.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 19e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

<. +ecisional roles include see"ing out roblems to solve and oortunities to e:lore, helingto resolve con)lict, allocating resources, and negotiating ith other arties.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 19e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

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=. ood interersonal relationshis are essential to success in the interersonal, in)ormational,and decisional roles, and in all managerial or".

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 19e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

5%. *ccording to obert Datz, the essential s"ills o) management can be groued into threecategories. !hese categories are$ interersonal, in)ormational, and decisional.

*ns$ #alse

+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 19e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

51. *ccording to obert Datz, the relative imortance o) technical, human and concetual s"illsvaries across the di))erent levels o) management.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ 2edium

esonse$ See age 19e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

5/. *ccording to Datz, ro)icienc( in ord rocessing is considered a technical s"ill in toda(sor"lace.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1;e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

53. motional intelligence, the abilit( to understand and deal ith emotions, )alls into the categor(o) concetual s"ills according to obert Datz.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ as(

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esonse$ See age 1;e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

5. motional intelligence includes the human s"ills o) sel)-aareness, sel)-regulation, motivation,emath(, and social s"ill.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1;e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

55. *ccording to *rchie Carroll, an immoral manager does not subscribe to ethical rinciles, butinstead ma"es decisions and acts to ta"e best ersonal advantage o) a situation.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1<e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

59. *ccording to *rchie Carroll, the manager ho unintentionall( acts unethicall( is consideredamoral.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1<e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

5;. thics mind)ulness is an ?enriched aareness@ that causes a manager to behave ith an ethicalconsciousness )rom one decision or behavioral event to another.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1<e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

5<. Organizational learning is the rocess o) ac>uiring "noledge and utilizing in)ormation toadat success)ull( to changing circumstances.

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*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1=e)erence$ 0earning about Organizational Behavior 

5=. 0i)e-long learning re)ers to the need to learn )rom da(-to-da( or" e:eriences, conversationsith colleagues and )riends, counseling and advice )rom mentors, success models, trainingseminars and or"shos, and other dail( oortunities.

*ns$ !rue+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1=e)erence$ 0earning about Organizational Behavior 

9%. !he visual learner learns hands-on b( draing and utting things together.

*ns$ #alse+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age /%e)erence$ 0earning about Organizational Behavior 

2ultile Choice

91. EEEEEEEEEE is a multidiscilinar( )ield devoted to understanding individual and grou behavior, interersonal rocesses, and organizational d(namics.aF organizational behavior. bF motivation.cF er)ormance management.dF or"grou anal(sis.eF human resource management.

*ns$ a+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

9/. !he )olloing statements are accurate descritions o) the evolution o) the scienti)ic stud( o)organizations GCA!$

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aF the earl( )ocus o) the s(stematic stud( o) management as on h(sical or"ing conditions, rinciles o) administration, and rinciles o) industrial engineering. bF as management research rogressed, emhasis as laced on the human )actor ith resect toindividual attitudes, grou d(namics, and relationshis beteen managers and or"ers.cF organization behavior continues to evolve as a disciline devoted to understanding individualsand grous in organizations.dF organization behavior continues to evolve as a disciline devoted to understanding the er)ormance imlications o) organizational rocesses, s(stems, and structures.eF the rimar( )ocus on the human )actor began in the 1< th centur(.

*ns$ e+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

93. #rom its scienti)ic heritage, organizational behavior has develoed all o) the )olloingGCA!$aF an emhasis on )inding the ?one best a(@ to comlete a tas". bF an interdiscilinar( bod( o) "noledge.cF use o) scienti)ic methods.dF a )ocus on alication.eF contingenc( thin"ing.

*ns$ a+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age -9

e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

9. Organizational behavior is an interdiscilinar( bod( o) "noledge ith strong ties to all o) the)olloing discilines GCA!$aF s(cholog(. bF h(sics.cF sociolog(.dF anthroolog(.eF economics.

*ns$ b+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 5e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

95. 8hich o) the )olloing statements about organizational behavior is O! accurateI

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aF organizational behavior has strong ties to the behavioral sciences and allied social sciences. bF organizational behavior see"s to integrate the diverse insights o) the behavioral sciences andallied social sciences.cF organizational behavior is divorced )rom the discilines o) olitical science and economics.dF organizational behavior see"s to imrove the >ualit( o) or" li)e.eF organizational behavior see"s to imrove the er)ormance o) eole, grous, and organizations.

*ns$ c+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 5e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

99. Organizational behavior goals include all o) the )olloing GCA!$aF imrove the er)ormance o) eole. bF imrove the er)ormance o) grous.

cF imrove the er)ormance o) organizations.dF imrove the >ualit( o) overall or" li)e.eF imrove the level o) organizational ro)its.

*ns$ e+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 5e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

9;. Scienti)ic methods models lin" EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ith EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE .aF indeendent variables, deendent variables. bF seci)ic variables, contingenc( variables.cF roven variables, non-roven variables.dF discovered variables, ith undisclosed variables.eF highl( ublicized variables, ith undisclosed variables.

*ns$ a+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 5e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

9<. Scienti)ic thin"ing is imortant to organizational behavior researchers and scholars )or all o)the )olloing reasons GCA!$aF the rocess o) data collection is controlled. bF the rocess o) data collection is s(stematic.cF roosed e:lanations are care)ull( tested.dF onl( e:lanations that can be scienti)icall( veri)ied are acceted.

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eF the rocess o) data collection is discretionar(.

*ns$ e+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 5e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

9=. 8hich o) the )olloing is O! an imortant research >uestion addressing alications ithinthe )ield o) organizational behaviorIaF hat creates 4ob satis)action )or eole at or"I bF ho can ethical and sociall( resonsible behavior in and b( organizations be assuredIcF should decisions be made b( individual, consultative, or grou methodsIdF hat are the ingredients )or mar"eting romotions ithin organizationsIeF ho can organizational cultures be changedI

*ns$ d+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 5e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

;%. 8hen OB researchers use statistics to ool the results o) di))erent studies, hich researchmethod are the( usingIaF surve( studies bF case studies

cF meta anal(sisdF )ield studieseF laborator( studies

*ns$ c+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 9e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

;1. 8hich o) the )olloing as O! cited as a ossible leadershi strength o) omen in theresearch b( agle(IaF good at mentoring bF more trans)ormationalcF encourage creativit(dF ver( insiringeF )air in unishing

*ns$ e

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+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 9e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

;/. ather than assume that there is one ?best@ or universal a( to manage eole inorganizations, hich aroach do researchers use to tr( to identi)( ho di))erent situations can be best understood and handledIaF scienti)ic bF industrial engineeringcF contingenc(dF emotionall( intelligenteF laborator( stud(

*ns$ c+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 9e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

;3. Arogressive or"laces toda( loo" and act EEEEEEEEEE.aF ver( similar to those o) the ast. bF somehat similar to those o) the ast.cF ver( dissimilar to those o) the ast.dF somehat dissimilar to those o) the ast.eF virtuall( identical to those o) the ast.

*ns$ c

+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age ;e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

;. !he realities o) the contemorar( business orld include all o) the )olloing trends GCA!$aF the demise o) ?command-and-control@ organizational structures. bF the imortance o) human caital.cF a commitment to ethical behavior.dF an emhasis on individuals or"ing indeendentl( o) one another.eF a changing de)inition o) 4obs and career.

*ns$ d+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age ;-<e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

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;5. 8hich o) the )olloing is O! a trend in the contemorar( business orldIaF a ervasive in)luence o) in)ormation technolog(. bF a resect )or ne or")orce e:ectations.cF an emhasis on teamor".dF an increase in ?command-and-control@ leadershi.eF changing careers.

*ns$ d+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age ;-<e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

;9. 8hich o) the )olloing re)lects the e:ectations o) the ne generation o) or"ersIaF more tolerant o) hierarch(. bF more in)ormal.

cF more concerned about status.dF less )ocus on or"'li)e balance.eF more )ocus on structure.

*ns$ b+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age <e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

;;. !he increase in teamor" toda( is a )unction o) all o) the )olloing GCA!$aF managements disli"e )or individual contributors. bF organizations are less vertical and more horizontal in )ocus.cF organizations are driven b( comle: environments.dF organizations are driven b( customer demands.eF or" is increasingl( )ocused on eer contributions.

*ns$ a+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age <e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

;<. * collection o) eole or"ing together in a division o) labor to achieve a common urosere)ers to aJnFaF club. bF labor union.cF organization.dF mission.

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eF team.

*ns$ c+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age <e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

;=. *ll o) the )olloing are e:amles o) organizations GCA!$aF labor unions. bF businesses.cF voluntar( organizations.dF a government reresentative.eF clubs.

*ns$ d

+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age <e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

<%. !he creation o) goods or services )or customers is generall( the statement o) theorganizationsaF strateg(. bF core urose.cF )ocus.

dF sta"eholders.eF culture.

*ns$ b+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age <e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

<1. 8hich o) the )olloing statements about mission statements is )alseIaF 2ission statements )ocus the attention o) organizational members on the organizations core urose. bF 2ission statements are ritten to communicate a clear vision.cF 2ission statements are ambiguous organizational visions that dra organization memberstogether in the ursuit o) high er)ormance.dF 2ission statements )ocus on long-term goals and )uture asirations.eF 2ission statements )ocus the attention o) e:ternal constituents on the organizations core urose.

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*ns$ c+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age =e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

</. *le Comuters statement that it is ?bringing the best ossible ersonal comutinge:erience to students, educators, creative ro)essionals, businesses and consumers around theorld@ re)lects itsaF mission statement. bF strateg(.cF ob4ective.dF culture.eF sta"eholders.

*ns$ a

+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age =e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

<3. * comrehensive lan that guides organizations to oerate in a(s that allo them toouter)orm their cometitors is "non as theaF mission statement. bF strateg(.cF ob4ective.

dF culture.eF sta"eholders.

*ns$ b+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age =e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

<. 8hich o) the )olloing statements about strateg( is trueIaF all organizations do not need good strategies. bF sustainable high er)ormance is achieved onl( hen strategies are ell imlemented.cF "noledge o) organizational behavior is not relevant in strateg( imlementation.dF onl( success)ul comanies have good strategies.eF a good strateg( can guarantee success.

*ns$ b+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1%

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e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

<5. Since organizations obtain resource inuts )rom the environment and trans)orm them intooututs that are returned to the environment in the )orm o) )inished goods or services, the( ma( be vieed asaF sta"eholders. bF suliers.cF oen s(stems.dF trans)ormational s(stems.eF resource allocators.

*ns$ c+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1%e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

<9. *n oen s(stems ersective laces great signi)icance on understanding the relationshi beteen an organization and its EEEEEEEEEE.aF ersonnel ractices. bF internal resources.cF chain o) command.dF caital structure.eF e:ternal environment.

*ns$ e+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1%e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

<;. 8hich o) the )olloing is considered a sta"eholderIaF customers bF onerscF emlo(eesdF local communitieseF all o) the above.

*ns$ e+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 11e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

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<<. !he shared belie)s and values that in)luence the behavior o) organizational members re)ers toaF mission. bF urose.cF strateg(.dF organizational culture.eF sta"eholders.

*ns$ d+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 1/e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

<=. Organizations ith strong cultures o)ten share all o) the )olloing characteristics GCA!$aF the( have a high-er)ormance orientation.

 bF the( oerate ith a clear vision o) the )uture.cF the( care)ull( limit the use o) technological resources.dF the( clearl( communicate their belie)s and values.eF the( have ell-develoed belie)s and values.

*ns$ c+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1/e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

=%. 2embers tend to act )orce)ull( in their or"ing relationshis to rotect their status and ositions in hich t(e o) organizational cultureIaF assive'de)ensive bF strongcF constructivedF aggressive'de)ensiveeF more e))ective culture

*ns$ d+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 1/e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

=1. 8hich organizational culture is most o)ten associated ith high er)ormance organizationsIaF assive'de)ensive bF constructivecF aggressive'de)ensive

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dF aggressiveeF assive

*ns$ b+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 1/e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

=/. n constructive cultures, researchers )ind that eole tend to or" ith all o) the )olloingGCA!$aF greater motivation. bF greater satis)action.cF greater teamor".dF greater er)ormance.eF greater ethical concerns.

*ns$ e+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1/e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

=3. n assive'de)ensive and aggressive'de)ensive cultures, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.aF motivation tends to be higher and or" attitudes less ositive. bF motivation tends to be loer and or" attitudes less ositive.cF motivation tends to be higher and or" attitudes more ositive.

dF motivation tends to be loer and ethical attitudes less ositive.eF motivation tends to be loer, and or" attitudes, values and ethics less ositive.

*ns$ b+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 1/e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

=. *s used in OB, the term multiculturalism re)ers to EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.aF hiring eole )rom di))erent cultures to or" in one coman(. bF luralism, and resect )or diversit( and individual di))erences.cF develoing emlo(ees to better understand eole )rom non-United States cultures.dF a 4ob rotation s(stem hereb( emlo(ees move )rom countr( to countr(.eF a 4ob design s(stem hereb( managers are re>uired to oversee eole )rom di))erent countries.

*ns$ b+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 13

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e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

=5. +emograhic trends driving or")orce diversit( in *merican societ( toda( include EEEEEEEEEEE.aF )eer numbers o) omen in the labor )orce. bF )eer *)rican-*mericans in the labor )orce.cF )eer Hisanics in the labor )orce.dF an increasing ercentage o) eole o) color in the labor )orce.eF more hite males are in the labor )orce.

*ns$ d+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 13e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

=9. !he degree to hich the culture resects and values diversit( and is oen to an(one ho can er)orm a 4ob, regardless o) their diversit( attributes, is "non asaF or")orce diversit(. bF inclusion.cF multiculturalism.dF cultural sensitivit(.eF constructive culture.

*ns$ b

+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

=;. * core organizational behavior theme that re)ers to managing and or"ing ith others in )ullresect )or their individual di))erences isaF sensitivit( to diversit(. bF valuing diversit(.cF elevating diversit(.dF tolerating diversit(.eF diversit( chamioning.

*ns$ b+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

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=<. *n individual hose organizational unit, grou, or team consistentl( achieves its goals hilemembers remain caable, committed, and enthusiastic is aJnFaF e:ecutive. bF e))ective manager.cF director.dF suervisor.eF team )acilitator.

*ns$ b+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

==. 8hich o) the )olloing is O! one o) the )our basic )unctions o) managementI

aF lanning bF organizingcF leadingdF directingeF controlling

*ns$ d+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 15e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

1%%. 8hen managers de)ine goals, set er)ormance ob4ectives, and identi)( action stes )oraccomlishing them, the( are engaged in hich management )unctionIaF lanning bF organizingcF leadingdF directingeF controlling

*ns$ a+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 15e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

1%1. Suose that the coman(s resident decides to develo a olic( to increase the coman(scommitment to its emlo(ees and then develos a set o) rocedures to imlement this olic(. !he resident is engaged in hich management )unctionI

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aF lanning bF organizingcF leadingdF directingeF controlling

*ns$ a+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 15e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

1%/. Suose that a manager sets u a committee to develo rocedures )or dealing ithcoman(-ide training needs and then assigns eole to conduct seci)ic training rograms. !hismanager is engaged in hich management )unctionIaF lanning.

 bF organizing.cF motivating.dF leading.eF controlling.

*ns$ b+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 15e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

1%3. Suose a manager starts an a))irmative action rogram to increase oortunities )orminorit( advancement and then clearl( and convincingl( communicates the ob4ectives o) the rogram to all emlo(ees. B( doing this the manager gains their suort and articiation. !hismanager is engaged in hich management )unctionIaF lanning. bF organizing.cF leading.dF motivating.eF controlling.

*ns$ c+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 15e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

1%. 8hen a manager monitors the rogress o) an a))irmative action rogram to advanceminorities ithin the cororation, revies rogress on changes in emlo(ee attitudes, calls a

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cF negotiator, entrereneur, and resource allocator dF leader, disseminator, and entrereneur eF entrereneur, disturbance handler, and resource allocator 

*ns$ b+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 19e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

1%<. 8hich o) the )olloing descritions o) 2intzbergs managerial roles is correctIaF interersonal roles include the monitor, disseminator, and so"eserson. bF in)ormational roles include the )igurehead, leader, and liaison.cF decisional roles include the entrereneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, andnegotiator.dF decisional roles include the leader, disturbance handler and so"eserson.

eF in)ormational roles include the )igurehead, monitor, leader and so"eserson.

*ns$ c+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 19e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

1%=. *ccording to obert Datz, the essential s"ills o) management can be groued into hich o)the )olloing three categoriesI

aF technical, interersonal, and in)ormational bF technical, human, and concetualcF interersonal, decisional, and in)ormationaldF organizing, lanning, and leadingeF leading, decisional, and human

*ns$ b+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 19e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

11%. *ccording to obert Datz, all o) the )olloing statements are correct GCA!$aF technical s"ills are considered imortant )or suervisors and team leaders ho must deal ith 4ob-seci)ic roblems. bF concetual s"ills are imortant )or senior e:ecutives ho deal ith organizational urose,mission and strateg( issues.cF technical s"ills are e>uall( imortant )or both entr( and senior level management ositions.

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dF concetual s"ills are imortant )or senior e:ecutives ho must deal ith broad, ambiguous andlong-term decisions.eF human s"ills are consistentl( imortant across all managerial levels.

*ns$ c+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 19-1;e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

111. * manager ho is using sreadsheet so)tare to reare a deartmental budget is usinghich managerial s"ill according to DatzIaF suervisor(. bF concetual.cF creative.dF technical.

eF human.

*ns$ d+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1;e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

11/. n tr(ing to or" out an accetable solution to a roblem, managers ho rel( on theirunderstanding o) other eole and ho emathize ith others )eelings are using hich

managerial s"ill according to DatzIaF suervisor(. bF concetual.cF creative.dF technical.eF human.

*ns$ e+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1;e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

113. mortant dimensions o) emotional intelligence include all o) the )olloing human s"illsGCA!$aF sel)-aareness. bF sel)-regulation.cF technical s"ill.dF emath(.

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eF social s"ill.

*ns$ c+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1;e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

11. 8hich managerial s"ill involves the caacit( to anal(ze and solve comle: and interrelated roblemsIaF suervisor(. bF concetual.cF creative.dF technical.eF human.

*ns$ b+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1;e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

115. * manager ho thin"s criticall( and anal(ticall( hen develoing an organizational strateg()or dealing ith a highl( cometitive global environment is using hich managerial s"illIaF suervisor(. bF concetual.

cF creative.dF technical.eF human.

*ns$ b+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 1;e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

119. *ccording to *rchie Carroll, i) a manager doesnt subscribe to an( ethical rinciles ma"ingdecisions and acts in an( situation to siml( ta"e best ersonal advantage, he or she ould beclassi)ied as aJnFaF moral manager. bF amoral manager cF immoral manager dF unethical manager eF oortunistic manager 

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*ns$ c+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1<e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

11;. !he ethics center o) gravit( can be moved ositivel( in a virtuous shi)t ithaF emotionall( intelligent leadershi. bF immoral leadershi.cF amoral leadershi.dF moral leadershi.eF hilanthroic leadershi.

*ns$ d+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 1<

e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

11<. !he rocess o) ac>uiring "noledge and utilizing in)ormation to adat success)ull( tochanging circumstances is re)erred to asaF learning. bF managerial sense-ma"ing.cF organizational learning.dF li)elong learning.eF managerial scholarshi.

*ns$ c+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1=e)erence$ 0earning about Organizational Behavior 

11=. n the e:eriential learning c(cle in an organizational behavior course, initial e:erience)ocuses on EEEEEEEEEE.aF ersonal e:eriences, the classroom as an organization, in-class e:ercises and simulations,grou ro4ect assignments, and cases. bF ersonal thought, class discussion, in)ormal discussion, readings, lectures, and rittenassignments.cF ersonal e:eriences, ersonal thought, ersonal theories, and tr(ing ne ersonal behaviors.dF theories in readings, theories )rom lectures, ersonal theories, and theories )rom other sources.eF tr(ing ne behaviors in or" e:eriences, class e:eriences, and ever(da( e:eriences.

*ns$ a+i))icult($ Hard

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esonse$ See age 1=e)erence$ 0earning about Organizational Behavior 

1/%. !hose eole ho learn through conversation and sharing in)ormation re)er hich learningst(leIaF visual. bF auditor(.cF "inesthetic.dF rint.eF interactive.

*ns$ e+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age /%e)erence$ 0earning about Organizational Behavior 

Short *nser 

1/1. 8hat is the stud( o) human behavior in organizations calledI

*ns$ Organization behavior +i))icult($ as(

esonse$ See age e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

1//. 8hen organizational behavior researchers collect data in real-li)e organizational settings,hat research method is being usedI

*ns$ )ield studies+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 9e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

1/3. 8hen organizational behavior researchers collect data in simulated and controlled settings,hat research method is being usedI

*ns$ laborator( studies+i))icult($ as(

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esonse$ See age 9e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

1/. ather than assume that there is one ?best@ or universal a( to manage eole inorganizations, hat aroach do researchers use to tr( to identi)( ho di))erent situations can be best understood and handledI

*ns$ contingenc(+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 9e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

1/5. 8hat is a strateg(I

*ns$ a comrehensive lan that guides organizations to oerate in a(s that allo them toouter)orm their cometitors.+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age =e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

1/9. 8ho are the eole, grous, and institutions that are a))ected b( and thus have an interest inan organizations er)ormanceI

*ns$ Sta"eholders+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 11e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

1/;. 8hat is organizational cultureI

*ns$ the shared belie)s and values that in)luence the behavior o) organizational members+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1/e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

1/<. 8hich organizational culture is most associated ith high-er)ormance organizationsI

*ns$ constructive culture

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+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 1/e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

1/=. 8hat is or")orce diversit(I

*ns$ in a business organization, the resence o) di))erences based on gender, race and ethnicit(,age, able-bodiedness, and se:ual orientation+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 13e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

13%. B( the (ear /%9%, hich demograhic grou ill comrise nearl( 3%K o) the US oulationI

*ns$ Hisanic+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 1e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

131. 8hat is a "e( element in an( organization that embraces multiculturalismI

*ns$ inclusivit(

+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 1e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

13/. 8hat are the to "e( outcomes on hich an e))ective manager ill )ocusI

*ns$ !as" er)ormance and 4ob satis)action+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 1e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

133. 8hat are the )our basic )unctions o) managementI

*ns$ lanningL organizingL leadingL controlling+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 15

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e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

13. +e)ining goals, setting er)ormance ob4ectives, and identi)(ing action stes )oraccomlishing them describes hich management )unctionI

*ns$ lanning+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 15e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

135. EEEEEEEEEE is the rocess o) creating or" structures and s(stems, and arranging resourcesto accomlish goals and ob4ectives.

*ns$ Organizing+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 15e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

139. +escribe the managerial )unction o) leading.

*ns$ instilling enthusiasm b( communicating ith others, motivating them to or" hard, andmaintaining good interersonal s"ills is the managerial activit( o) EEEEEEEEEE.+i))icult($ as(

esonse$ See age 15e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

13;. nsuring that things go ell b( monitoring er)ormance and ta"ing corrective action hennecessar( describes hich managerial )unctionI

*ns$ controlling+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 15e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

13<. *ccording to Henr( 2intzberg, hich managerial roles involve or"ing directl( ith other eoleI

*ns$ interersonal roles+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 19

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e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

13=. *ccording to Henr( 2intzberg, hich managerial roles involve the e:change o) in)ormationith other eoleI

*ns$ in)ormational roles+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 19e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

1%. *ccording to obert Datz, hat are the three categories o) managerial s"illsI

*ns$ technicalL humanL concetual

+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 19e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

11. *ccording to obert Datz, hat is an abilit( to er)orm secialized tas"sI

*ns$ a technical s"ill+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1;

e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

1/. n tr(ing to or" out an accetable solution to a roblem, managers ho rel( on theirunderstanding o) other eole and ho emathize ith others )eelings are using hichmanagerial s"ill according to DatzI

*ns$ human+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 1;e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

13. *ccording to +aniel oleman, hat is the abilit( to understand and deal ith emotionsI

*ns$ motional intelligence+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 1;

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time emlo(ees JhF concern )or sustainabilit( – managers and organization members are thin"ingmore about decision ma"ing and goal setting in organizations a(ing attention to the environment,climate 4ustice and reservation o) resources.

+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age ;-<e)erence$ ntroducing Organizational Behavior 

1;. +e)ine the term or")orce diversit(. 8h( is or")orce diversit( an imortant issue )orcontemorar( organizationsI

Suggested *nser$ 8or")orce diversit( is the resence o) di))erences in a )irms emlo(ees basedon gender, race and ethnicit(, age, able-bodiedness, and se:ual orientation. 8or")orce diversit( isan imortant issue )or contemorar( organizations because success in the or"lace increasingl(re>uires a set o) s"ills )or or"ing success)ull( ith a broad mi: o) eole )rom di))erent racial

and ethnic bac"grounds, o) di))erent ages and genders, and o) di))erent domestic and nationalcultures.+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 13e)erence$ Organizations as 8or" Settings

1<. Brie)l( describe each o) the )our )unctions o) management. +escribe 2intzbergs managerialroles and e:lain ho the( are hel)ul in er)orming the )our )unctions o) management.

Suggested *nser$ !he )our )unctions o) management are lanning, organizing, leading, andcontrolling. Alanning is the rocess o) setting ob4ectives and determining hat actions should beta"en to accomlish them. Organizing is the rocess o) assigning tas"s, allocating resources, andarranging and coordinating the activities o) individuals and grous to imlement lans. 0eading isthe rocess o) arousing eoles enthusiasm to or" hard and directing their e))orts to )ul)ill lansand accomlish ob4ectives. Controlling is the rocess o) measuring or" er)ormance, comaringresults to ob4ectives, and ta"ing corrective action as needed. 2intzbergs managerial roles includethe )olloing$ JaF interersonal roles J)igurehead, leader, and liaisonF involve interactions ith eole inside and outside the or" unitL JbF in)ormational roles Jmonitor, disseminator, andso"esersonF involve giving, receiving, and anal(zing in)ormationL and JcF decisional rolesJentrereneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiatorF involve using in)ormationto ma"e decisions, solve roblems, or address oortunities. 8hile all ten managerial roles might be used at one time or another in er)orming each o) the )our )unctions o) management, man( o)them are more li"el( to be used in carr(ing out certain managerial )unctions. !he entrereneurialrole, )or instance, is closel( lin"ed to the managerial )unction o) lanning. n this role, direction is being set )or the organization. !he liaison, disseminator, and resource allocator roles are closel(associated ith organizing. !he )igurehead, leader, and so"eserson roles are closel( alignedith leading. !he monitor role is related rimaril( to controlling.+i))icult($ Hardesonse$ See age 15-19

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e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

1=. Human s"ills such as emotional intelligence are indisensable in the ne age o)organizations. denti)( and de)ine )ive imortant dimensions o) emotional intelligence that can andshould be develoed b( an( manager toda(.

Suggested *nser$ Sel)-aareness is the abilit( to understand ones on moods and emotions.Sel)-regulation is the abilit( to thin" be)ore acting and control disrutive imulses. 2otivation isthe abilit( to or" hard and ersevere. math( is the abilit( to understand the emotions o)others. Social s"ill is the abilit( to gain raort ith others and build good relationshis.+i))icult($ 2ediumesonse$ See age 1;e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

15%. 8hen it comes to ethics and moralit(, *rchie Carroll dras a distinction beteen managers.denti)( and brie)l( e:lain the three managerial categories de)ined b( Carroll.

Suggested *nser$ !he immoral manager does not subscribe to an( ethical rinciles, but insteadma"es decisions and acts to sta"e best ersonal advantage o) a situation. !he amoral manager, b(contracts, )ails to consider the ethics o) a decision or behavior. !his manager acts unethicall( attime, but unintentionall(. !he moral manager is one ho incororates ethics rinciles and goalsinto his or her ersonal behavior. #or this manager, ethical behavior is a goal, a standard, and evena matter o) routine.+i))icult($ 2edium

esonse$ See age 1<e)erence$ Organizational Behavior and 2anagement

151. 8hat is organizational learningI 8h( is it imortant )or )irms to emhasize organizationallearningI

Suggested *nser$ Organizational learning is the rocess o) ac>uiring "noledge and usingin)ormation to adat success)ull( to changing circumstances. n toda(s challenging times,organizations must be able to change continuousl( and ositivel(L the( must commit to searchingcontinuousl( )or ne ideas and oortunities )or imrovement. !he abilit( to "no hen tochange and ho to change success)ull( is largel( a )unction o) organizational learning.+i))icult($ as(esonse$ See age 1=e)erence$ 0earning about Organizational Behavior 

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