----------------·- America t Editor: Fr. Francis E. Fenton, STL No. 6 t September 1, 1983 The American Conciliar Church Bishops and CHRI SA When our risen Lord appeared to the in closed room, greeted them, saying, "Peace be you; it is I, fear " and issued their sion ("As the Father ha.th sent me, I also "). Here, and in His discourse to them at the Last Supper ("Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid."), Christ sought to reassure them, despite the opposition they would en- counter ("If the world hate you, know ye, that it hated me before you. This assistance rud- the Christian soul to pass unscathed througt1 life's toughest trials and tribulations. char- acteristic fruits of this inner tranquility are a closer har- mony of the individual with and the establishment of peace between man and his neighbor. This true peace of Christ - or pax Christi - is the basis upon which St Benedict directly founded his venerable religious order, it is an indispensable need peace among nations. With a!I in it would seem natural which identifies as the "lnternationai Movement for to select as its Christi." Unfortunately, Pax Christi (the organization) seem to distinguishing the Christ from world giveth." For pages, will to show how Pax falls short in of being an accurate the Catholic position, but actually represents a danger- ous force advocating in many instances positions that are compatible with the stated opinions of the enemies of the Church. Two subjects that come to mind in connection with Pax Christi theory of what issue of the recent - John Kenneth Weiskittel of the U.S. Conciliar bishops endorsing a "halt" in the production deployment of nuclear weapons and the morality of the use of such weapons. of these topics have treated in The Athanasian and elsewhere in the tradi- tional Catholic press, and for the sake of brevity, I will make only a few scattered remarks about them. A Word About Peoce The stated "primary objective" of Christi is "to work with all for for all humankind, ways witnessing to the peace of Christ." moving on to the focus of this article, I'd pause to touch upon and misuse of the term "peace." The historian Polybius, writing over a hundred years before the birth of Christ, makes this distinction different kinds of peace: "For peace, with jus- tice and honor, is the fairest and most profitable of pos- sessions, but with disgrace and shameful cowardice it is the most infamous harmful of all." Of the kind of peace, reconciliations affectecl medieval popes conflicting Christian doms come to America's betrayal Vietnamese people under guise of "peace with honor" exemplifies is not enough, then, to be for peace; it is necessary to choose real peace. The need to recognize is meant when a group or individuai "peace" has never more urgent than it is . The USSR, while spreading subversion around the globe, ruthlessly . smothering opposition at home and in its satellites, and engaging in the most stupendous arms build-up in his- tory, claims to be peace-loving. The Communist re- gime there has supported "peace" in one form or another for all of its sixty plus years. "It is the banner of peace," declared Khrushchev, "that enables us to rally the broadest masses around us.

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America t Editor: Fr. Francis E. Fenton, STL No. 6 t September 1, 1983

The American Conciliar Church Bishops and


When our risen Lord appeared to the in closed room, greeted them, saying, "Peace be you; it is I, fear " and issued their sion ("As the Father ha.th sent me, I also "). Here, and in His discourse to them at the Last Supper ("Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid."), Christ sought to reassure them, despite the opposition they would en­counter ("If the world hate you, know ye, that it hated me before you.

This assistance rud­

the Christian soul to pass unscathed througt1 life's toughest trials and tribulations. char­acteristic fruits of this inner tranquility are a closer har­mony of the individual with and the establishment of peace between man and his neighbor. This true peace of Christ - or pax Christi - is the basis upon which St Benedict directly founded his venerable religious order, it is an indispensable need peace among nations.

With a!I in it would seem natural which identifies as the "lnternationai Movement for to select as its Christi." Unfortunately, Pax Christi (the organization) seem to distinguishing the Christ from world giveth." For pages, will to show how Pax falls short in of being an accurate the Catholic position, but actually represents a danger­ous force advocating in many instances positions that are compatible with the stated opinions of the enemies of the Church.

Two subjects that come to mind in connection with Pax Christi theory of what

issue of the recent

- John Kenneth Weiskittel

of the U.S. Conciliar bishops endorsing a "halt" in the production deployment of nuclear weapons and the morality of the use of such weapons. of these topics have treated in The Athanasian and elsewhere in the tradi­tional Catholic press, and for the sake of brevity, I will make only a few scattered remarks about them.

A Word About Peoce The stated "primary objective" of Christi is "to work with all for for all humankind, ways witnessing to the peace of Christ." moving on to the focus of this article, I'd pause to touch upon and misuse of the term "peace."

The historian Polybius, writing over a hundred years before the birth of Christ, makes this distinction

different kinds of peace: "For peace, with jus­tice and honor, is the fairest and most profitable of pos-sessions, but with disgrace and shameful cowardice it is the most infamous harmful of all." Of the kind of peace, reconciliations affectecl medieval popes conflicting Christian doms come to America's betrayal Vietnamese people under guise of "peace with honor" exemplifies is not enough, then, to be for peace; it is necessary to choose real peace.

The need to recognize is meant when a group or individuai "peace" has never more urgent than it is . The USSR, while spreading subversion around the globe, ruthlessly

. smothering opposition at home and in its satellites, and engaging in the most stupendous arms build-up in his­tory, claims to be peace-loving. The Communist re­gime there has supported "peace" in one form or another for all of its sixty plus years. "It is the banner of peace," declared Khrushchev, "that enables us to rally the broadest masses around us.

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carry high the banner of peace, we shall score even greater successes."

For Americans, to "coexist peacefully" means to live­and-let-live. We see it rooted in the Golden Ruie; it a hoped-for goal of Christians, a good. Not so with the USSR. For them - and for Red China and other Communist governments - it is simply a deceptive means to an end ... world conquest. It is deceptive

because impressic:·. given to vvary t:1at their of the the same as

In the first volume of his popular Life is Worth Living Bishop) Fulton Sheen included a chapter

"Peace of the " His repeatin;;r

Communist notion of peace iS both a tactic and a For no other people on earth is peace both a tactic and a goal as it is for the In this quality of purpose lies their trir:kery.

means the nonviolent non·military iethocs in order prepare fo; lent and the demoralization of other na­tions. The goal of Communist peace is the com­plete subservience of the world to Communist dict:;1torship. For Communists ti~ere can

peace there has t.1ser complets struction of ail private property, abolition of morals religion, subjection of demo­cratic processes to totalitarian dictator. That is

qoal; but in inriL;::;e nations

the Moscow··inspired revoi 1• , ·:ms are local. these ruses hope to demoralize the rest of the world prepare for its ultimate conquest

If, German ·,v;ote, war is tt:e relaL;:s other means, then for the Communists, peace is the continuation of war by other means. in 1930,

The sad fact of the matter is that our down -and has down for decades. Since 1959 alone, the USSR has entered into 14 arms-control agreements;

exception, has broken every single the USA was far-and-away most powerful na-


tion on the face of the earth; the latest Defense ment figures show us trailing the Kremlin in both nu­clear and conventional arsenals. (Such evidence should be grounds enough for any thinking American to oppose the proposed nuclear freeze.)

Some have recognized the threat, and have sought to warn the American public. The American Bar Associa­tion published a 1964 report entitled Peaceful Coexis-

.. A Commt1nist Blueprint Victory. The by out that

The great of our timo well turn to be our inability to recognize that the cold war has in reality become more intense despite the in-creasing appearances of peace. it not be ernphasized sentiment

free woricJ illusion of for genuine peace wouid bs

a profoundly dangerous, perhaps fatal mistake. Elsewhere, the A.B.A. has provided what may be the best illustration of 1.,vhat tr,e Communists mean wh8n

say "peace". a man enters cage with a it is only after lion has the man that

two can down together in peace.

::ranee, by five of From ':140-45 she

fered greatly from some of the most savage fighting seen anywhere during Second Worid War. The German invasion and occupation, by the

Allied ha:J France in broken

year at Lourdes that Monsignor Pierre M. Theas, bishop of Compiegne, proposes a bold

t,-j heal the relations his the people. l calis

from and forming an organization

is called Pax Christi.

sources set year as

corrvss rnind: is the Gxtreme today·s Criristi consistent with ttie aims Bishop Theas had in mind thirty-five years ago or does it stem from some later additions changes made? Accord-

to literature from Christi USA, he in part because he was , 'convinced the

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Gospel message of peace must challenge the horrors of modern war." That really doesn't tell us much, since any rational Catholic would agree vvith such senti-

the arises when considering the secured

books of Cathoiic history trying to uncover leads, but found few references to Bishop Theas none of them shedding light on his motives.

of today's Pax Christi is an of Purpose" found in a

tional foider announces: " Christi USA invites con­cerned Catholics to respond to the Church's call to evaluate war with an entirely new attitude and to take

active role in secure peace based love." same

accomplish its group w!II ,, Catholic cornrnunities and agencies, and also collabo­rate with other groups committed to nonviolent peace­making," key points in these quotes, I believe, are

are being to Emtirely nevv concerninq c:ind that Ci:;isti

with various pacifist in addition to aiieged Catholic ones, I'll take each point individuaily and then show how are interconnected.

no t0ut that, of innovat any cost :\merica's

Church to prepare them, the bishops' pastorai letter on nuclear 'Weapons took many surprise, Daniel P. Reilly (Diocese of Norwich, Connecticut), a member

:ommittez~ ::i1arge of the response to posed

nc.t:ona! newspaper USA is fascinated" (by the letter),

says, "because the Catholic Church is 108i<ed upon a8 2 bs2tion

people in press: ' ever ge! with

come out on vvhat wouid of things?'"

2r;f:wer is not

56 of to Pax

Ttmmas Gumbieton, auxiliary bishop in Detroit {more about him

bac!< to enumerates its as

a just w:::1rld cYder; (3) of conscience; 3

(4) eduation for peace; and (5) alternatives to violence. For them, disarmament means not only the curtailment of nuclear arms, but also a "general disarmament" and

seeking reorient the of our government away from heavy spending

trading to policies which have as their chief concern the truly human development of all people,'' How there can be "truly human development of people"

the ideology on earth is tiew world

by Pax is in the tions, which it "strongly endorses." The feeling is mutual: "In i 979 Pax International received Consultive Status at the United Nations." Why a hang­

internatio11a1 terrorists is world ever the

I guess nitpicking, Frankly, I to being somewhat confused regarding "primacy of conscience" business or, at least, Pax Christi's posi-tion or the subject Now, I have any problem vvith

eone who role, but hew these people logically

uom this into advocacy ot a World Peace Tax Fund, designed to "designate tax funds to peace groups, peace education human " Then

the to "While Pax this is not c::mdition of

I take they will separate any gullible souls from their money. "Peace and justice" courses, especially in "Catholic schools and universities," are the educational alternatives


lo survive, programs in no:wiclent spiritua!iiy, nonviolent fesistance and reconciliation, nonvio­lent civilian social defense" are required. This, too,

me a bit puzzled; I mean, what is "nonviolent social isn'i: a

dawned :·1e: Why cuurse, this Bishop Gumbleton is talking about when says that it Russia us, we are to "surrender to invader ... the perfect nonviolent defense."

Enter Bishop (Jumbletori. r'riends ... Stage Left

"Surrender to the invader" - Bishop Gumbleton's "so­lution" to America's nuclear holocaust Really brilliant, isn't it? And you thought being run over by a

tank was . Nuclear war wrong murder, but complianr3 to nuclear

mail is high virtue! (VJhen Yuri gets iO Detroit, wiil Tom Gumbleton there to present him the key to the city?)

-taken Chicago' Cardinal Joseph drafting


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version - shows Bishop Gumbleton seated at his side, smiling like a Cheshire cat. And why not? After all, the outlook of Church and state found in that document re-

(closely places) the reai inc!ictment of bishops from their tion of him (Gumbieton) to that all-important conHnittee in the first place, for that selection was long after his widely-publicized, near-treasonous "surrender"

(I say near-treasonous since, treason only treason wr,en the

state of war.)

Bishop Gumbleton's radicalism is not confined to his devotion to disarmament t~o mere flirtation, his long-

taking controversial issue is a bordering on obsession. with anti-war preaching U.S.

ment in Vietnam in the 960's, he has a for radi-calism is tough to top. His remarks on Latin America have given vocal aid and comfort to the Marx-

subversives El Salvador, he denies awareness of in Communist Cuba. (I sume he thinks the Cuban "boat people" were on a pleasure cruise.)

be just as social religious a meeting RENEW -

ciliar program for so-called "spiritual renewal" - in Toledo, Ohio, the Michigan firebrand eccles-iastical of the Mansour Affair as injustice."

Na.s the case involving (now Miss) Mansour, former Mercy who

Detroit's Conc!i:ar Archbist1op Edmund over her insistence that permitted to continue in her position as director Michigan Department of Social Services, a jo~ that includes the allocs+ion of

funding contendec opposed" H'Jortion, p1actice

empty phrase, equivalent to some bureaucrat in Nazi Germany alleging to be "personally opposed" to the gassing of Jews but signing papers to fund

" If Catholic Law had she would been exr:;omrnunicated for

abortions; Conciliar Law" held sway, she was given the choice of remain­ing a religious (so to speak) or keeping secular job. She opted for the latter. But even this slap on the hand

(nuch for Gumbleton, says "was with you'd

to l1ave within Church structures,'' tnat she did nor receive "the minimum process we expect from civil society." (Did, I the unborn, murdered

stroke her pen, due This, &·gues, is but

;p;1omen, 4

rights" in the Church. Bishop Gumbleton then admira­bly condemns the absolute poverty of millions around the world as "so degrading as to insult human dignity,"

never abortions equally

Though Thomas Gumbleton is the big newsmaker over at Pax Christi, his colleagues are of a

. Pax preiates part of a some dinner of extremis:s in the

Seattle's Archbishop Bishop Leroy Matthieson of Amarillo, Texas; and Bishop Sullivan (Richmond, Virginia) are the leading headline grabbers. The visitor to these men's dioceses should surprised to . - amid the

Eixhortations to drop U.S. defenses - lit! and the against in the

including tr1e push for homosexual " " Arch­bishop Hunthausen's Seattle archdiocese, for exam­ple, is one of th9 nation's leaders in the promotion cf

t::hrist-denyinQ Masses."

The best-known foreign member of Pax Christi is Brazil's "Red Bishop," Dom Helder Camara. He is known as a subversive in his own country for his es-

of synthesizing Marxism Catholicism theo'o9y." Dom Helder' speech for

!nternationa.1 during the .'s Second .. ,v,A,,u.,

Session on Disarmament is featured in a packet avail­able from Pax Christi USA a contribution of only $2.50 ... tax-deductible, of course).

mentioned previously, Christi is a co-vvcncer with other pacifist/radica! organizations within outside the New Church. Conciliar group I've already alluded to is RENEW; another is the Marykroll Order .. h,n "educational tool" utilized at Pa~{

presentarions the film :· produced fv1aryknolL the two

(Pax Christi Maryknoll) were among the sponsors of last year's Catholic Disarmament Assembly held in New York. Other "Catholic" groups involved included:

of Brotr1ers Sisters and E3enedictin.es Mission i,ssociation; f\J,qtional

Assembly of Women Religious; Catholic Peace Fel­lowship; The Catholic Worker; Jesuit Office, New York; Dominican Fathers and Brothers: Dominican Sisters of

Poor; Network, Social listing of sprinsoring

The nuciear freeze movement's ties with international Communism are well documented and appeared

and One of Called Peace: The Soviet

a detaileci look at the rnovement

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by Western Goals, a non-profit foundation with the ad­mirable stated purpose of working " ... to rebuild and strengthen the political, economic, and social structure of the United States and Western Civilization so as to make any merger with totalitarians impossible." The World Peace Council (WPC) is identified as "the major Soviet-controlled front group," that operates "under the joint control of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union (CPSU) and the KGB." The American branch of the WPC is the United States Peace Council (USPC). "Pax Christi," notes The War Called Peace, " ... has had members participating in WPC disarmament activities."

Halloween 1981 was an appropriate date for the Second Special Session on Disarmament's organizing meeting, held at Riverside Church in New York City. Reverend William Sloan Coffin, pastor at Riverside, is truly a world class leftist whose interests seem to ex­tend into every facet of the "New Theology" (he was one of the three radical ministers - Reverend William Howard and Bishop Gumbleton were his companions -selected by President Carter to visit the American hostages in Iran). The meeting was an extravaganza that was attended, notes The War Called Peace, "by nearly 200 representatives from 72 groups, including the Communist Party, U.S.A. (CPUSA); the U.S. Peace Council (USPC); the Trotskyite Communist Socialist Workers Party (SWP); the U.S. Section of the Brussels­based Fourth International; Workers World Party (WWP), a strident supporter of Cuba, North Korea and Soviet-supported revolutionary terrorist groups that has earned a reputation for street confrontations with police; the WWP-controlled People's Anti-War Move­ment (PAM); the Coalition for a People's Alternative (CPA), a revolutionary "party-building" formation in­cluding the Castroite Puerto Rican Socialist Party (PSP) and American Indian Movement (AIM) ... ; Vieques Support Network, that backs PSP causes aimed at making Puerto Rico the next Cuba in the Caribbean; All-African People's Revolutionary Party (AAPRP); and the National Lawyer's Guild (NLG)." The United Na­tions sent a delegate, and representatives from the following religious communities attended: Muslim, Jewish, Lutheran, Church of Christ, Presbyterian and "Catholic," as well as "ecumenists" and Riverside's own Church Disarmament Program. Inevitably, Pax Christi was involved at the Session.

Certainly this shows a great deal about where the senti­ments of Pax Christi lie. The get-together was every­thing you'd imagine a reunion of Communistic factions to be: a public flagellation of U.S. defense and an abso­lution of Soviet aggression. The blame for the "arms race" was placed squarely on the doorstep of the United States (funny, as President Reagan has ob-


served, that the American nuclear arsenal was never used after Hiroshima/Nagasaki, despite the fact that we were the only country capable of "delivering the goods" for more than a decade - strange tactics for one bent on commencing an arms race or intimidating neighbors). The consensus of those assembled was that we are to blame precisely because we refuse to see the "good intentions" of the peaceloving USSR, but continue to cling to the "myth" of a Communist threat. Echoing Manuilski's pledge of the "most spec­tacular peace movement on record," the meeting's Civil Disobedience task force promised to "build for the largest outpouring of disarmament sentiment this na­tion, and possibly the world, has ever seen."

This philosophy, that it's permissible to work with the forces of Communism to solve the problems of the nu­clear age, is held by Pax Christi International as fer­vently as by its U.S. branch. It has attended "peace" conferences in East Germany and other Iron Curtain nations which were sponsored by Communist disarm­ament organizations and presided over by leaders like Patriarch Pimen of the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow. What the great Cardinal Mindszenty once said about the "religious"leaders of his native Hungary applies to those in other Communist lands also: "The regime decides who is to occupy ecclesiastical posi­tions and for how long. Furthermore, the regime also decides what persons the bishops will be allowed to consecrate as priests." It goes without saying that the "peace priests" and "bearded bishops," as the late cardinal described them, will be only those amicable to and willing to teach from the "Christian Marxist" cate­chism. Some, such as Patriarch Pimen, are K.G.B. (or its equivalent) agents. Yet we find Monsignor Bruce Kent of Great Britain's Pax Christi sending a greeting to the 1980 World Peace Council's World Congress in Sofia, Bulgaria and, five years before that, Bishop Gumbleton was a sponsor of the same Communist front's U.S. Tour. The only question in my mind is how professed Catholics can sit across the table from WPC­types and not know that they are face-to-face with their sworn enemies. Or perhaps they do know. Although the Church has always condemned collaboration with those who would destroy her, those leaders mentioned above seem ready to jump into such situations with both feet. Can they really be that innocent? I like to avoid using worn cliches as much as possible, but in light of Pax Christi's willing assistance to world Com­munism, I find myself thinking, "with friends like these ... "

The Bishop's "Prophetic" Peace Pastoral and Pax Christi

Archbishop Philip Hannan (New Orleans) was fighting a losing battle and he knew it. Down on the floor of the

"Pax Christi" continued on page 8

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The Conservative \Ving of the American Conciliar Church

- Fr. Francis E

Of the numerous religious newsletters, and magazines which are received in our TCi\. office in the course of a month, there are perhaps a dozen or so which I quite thoroughly from beginning to end of each issue. Since I have long since ceased to

most of the publications associated with the Conciliar Church, practically of those to which I refer are traditional Roman Catholic There are, , two newspapers which I ly read are neither traditional in strict term nor Roman cause with the Concilia: Those two publications are The Wanderer Remnant. Perhaps they are best described as conserva­tive "Catholic" publications.

Both The Wanderer and are different in many respects from just about all other publications of national allied with the Church. contain much fine which no Roman Catholic ably take And therein lies the contention of the readers of tions are traditional, or at least inclined, and think that are Roman Cath­olic if they concur with the stance of these publica-

in relation to the Church. This is particularly true of the readers of The so many of whom consider themselves to traditional Roman Cath-olics even they hension Remnant.

though they are not so in fact, such so long as

Catholicism is

Nor are cor:npre--

Take, for treatment by the n.vo cations in question of current occupant ot the papal throne. One not otherwise informed on the record would never suspect reading that he may be other as being, while nant does the most part, occasional criticism of him. His heretical statements and actions over the past few years; presiding over

most rampant heresy in Conciliar Church and his failure to take any decisive action to punish the culprits; his appointment scores of bishops in this country and throughout the world who just pen to be, invariably, of the "liberal," persuasion, some of them, I have


Communists or his failure to in the most forthnght terms the abominable practice

\vholesale granting of marriage annulments, a number of them contrary to divine law, by various dioceses in this country - all of this relating to John

and much more of the same, is practically ig­nored in the pages of The Wanderer and, in The Rem-nant, is generally with much less complete forthrightness these ters demand. a strong case made by some Catholic writers Holiness" is not pontiff at all, neither two publications discussion has ever, to my knowledge, presented to the consideration of its read­ership the reasons why an increasing number of tra­

take that position. The Wanderer ignores the issue; The Remnant beclouds or ridicules it.

As for the bishops of the Conciliar Church, since been discussed in a of past issues there is no into that here. Suffice that they are a as any honest and individual a body, they bear no semblance to genuine Roman Catholic prelates - and,

course, they are not. From a regular reading of The and The Remnant, however, worst one

conclude regarding these bishops is that they are and/ or uninformed individuals who just happen to lack the knowledge and/ or the courage to stand up for country and morality freedom. They are to the Church are more and more aiding and abetting sworn enemies and country, yes, really mean Rather does it more sense to me at this stage to conclude that at least some of these American Conciliar Church bish-ops know they're about and are conscious and destroyers of man Catholic of the USA. Could that some Freemasons or nists? I believe it could well be. Indeed, those known to be Masons or Communists could hardly do the job more effectively. In any case, it must surely make more sense to The Wanderer The Remnant that there are enemy agents among the hierarchy of the Conciliar Church rather than the assumption that the more than of that hierarchy weak and/ or men. If so, I do not

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ever seeing so much as a cation.

of in either publi-

And then matter of the true service. The Wanderer

accepts unreservedly since appears criticizing it as such, much con-demning it. The Remnant, while highly critical of the many "abuses" associated with the Novus Ordo and while even finding much fault with the service itself, has nonetheless never condemned it nor urged its readership not to attend this false form of worship. No rightly informed, truly traditional Roman Catho-lic, however, anything whatsoever with either Ordo or with any Conciliar

As has so stated in the pages letter, the "ecumenical" Conciliar Church is simply not the Roman Catholic Church. Once this premise is accepted, then all of the abominations and immo­ralities associated with it, and which so many of its bishops and priests condone or encourage, and in which a number of them are participants - and about which the "Holy does little or nothing - all of this at make sense if the Church

munism; it members to join the and has in some of its highest echelons; permits members of its clergy and "religious" who are Marxists and self-proclaimed homosexuals and who

fundamental doctrines of divine revelation to remain "in good standing"; it brazenly ignores the

and teaching of the true Church on the matter of sex education; its American bishops openly play into the of Communist conspirators their declarations nuclear weapons; so on. And yet and The Remnant believe abhorrent Conciliar Church is Roman Church, the Mystical Christ? And The Remnant continues to urge its readers to petition the Vatican and various Conciliar Church this, that or the - with nothing of course, to shmv

But, one may view of the scores of " leftist and pro-Communist publications aligned

with the Conciliar Church, why this denunciation of The Wanderer and The Remnant? Even though they clearly profess their affiliation with the Conciliar Church, are not they at conservative periodicals and, to some traditionally oriented, especially the latter and it is, again, this reason, are singled out


Because they are conservative and because much of their content (markedly applicable to The Remnant) is of a traditional nature, countless individuals suppose that their is solidly Roman Catholic they find themselves agreement with the of these two relative to the Church. In although the resemblance

Roman Catholic is today, except m some externals, almost nonex­istent, the people to whom I refer are, in general, either unaware of or indifferent to this most funda­mental matter because The Wanderer and The Remnant assure them, at least by implication, that there is no problem here. Indeed, it is my strong conviction in particular, its allegiance Conciliar Church, does harm to the cause authentic traditional cism than any publication on the scene. At least a majority of its readers, after a steady diet of The Remnant treatment, are, in my opinion, more or less totally neutralized and actually believe that they are truly traditional Roman Cath­olics. how can a person be a member of the Con­ciliar Church and be a Roman Catholic at all? And,

Paul II is the undisputed head of the non­how can he be a

And so, however some of be, are all those -who belong Church non-Catholics,

my mind, I have no doubt traditional Catholicism alone is preserved today the totality of the historic Roman Catholic Faith, pure and unadul­terated. The Conciliar Church is no more the One,

Church than, say, Hinduism - it is with that Church that The W/anderer and The Remnant are allied, their and quasi-traditionalisrn notwithstanding.

ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt RENEWALS

The date on address label indicates the month year which the recipient's subscription is due for renewal. the proper time, a subscription envelope be enclosed with the newsletter. One may enter a new sub­scription at any time, of course, will then receive the eight following newsletter issues.


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"Pax Christi" continued from page 5

National Bishops' Conference last spring, he was doing everything he could to a degree of sanity into proceedings but no one was listening. Dubbed by Time as "most persistent conservative meeting, Hannan - a chaplain II - warned "I don't think you you're all, not having You're enemy in if you nuclear weapons we have." In a press conferance after his return to his diocese, he elaborated, saying: "The bishops don't know anything about weaponry

yet they're making statements about it." Although disappointed by the Chicago Archbishop Hannan must be heartened that his office

favor of my stand." position was also

"The Peace: God's Response" (the official of the pastoral letter) has been nothing if not controversial. the surrenderists, it is seen as an almost prophetic statement, "a voice of one crying in the desert," a vindication. Interestingly,

military leaders with backgrounds have as enthusiastic in

of them is general in the Agency

High Frontier (a ;cmd a member of

of Catholics for a One difficulty in letter, according to an article he wrote recently, "is its failure to distinguisl1 between those ele-ments in it which constitute long-held moral principles of the Catholic the bishops' · own more or less private theological conclusi0ns reached attempting to apply

realities at hand."

'li"1e Gospels and Jesus a condemnation of violence, and it praises these individuals for "courageous" pacifisrrL piaces pacifists on moral men who have

t1ave laid down for

Nowhere in the document is it made clear that pacifists fly in the face of Just tradition of the Church, and that those the country in its armed forces in fact are fulfilling a solemn moral obligation, i.e., to contribute to (comrnon a society whose they


To my thinking, the author hits upon one of life's great­est ironies: for the pacifists to exist thrive - much iess together to work out a refined and rarified ideology - witr1out and sacrifices of the mi!-itary to is impossible (there pacifists in the those few are non-entities); warmonger the very ones who a debt of gratitude for protecting their life and liberty.

This militant pacifism is very much in line with that of Pax Christi. Also consistent is the in the pastoral letter a "halt" to new arms negotia-

with Pax Christi's urging of a nuclear freeze. The bishops had of trouble making minds as to phrase this tion (under tl1e Promoting while, the term favored, but the changed to " final draft tence in "We support

verifiable agreements the testing, pro-deployment of new systems.") But mean the same as does if we

beiieve National Council of Bishop's Archbishop John to the

same question: "That's That's absolutely right!"

Christi Disarmament tional Counc:i the arms " "mistake,"

an "injustice") and its on lives ("the waste involved in the overdeve!opment of military de­

their cost alone armaments kill the poor by them to starve"), the its view.

of life in the nuclear the Declaration suggests, leave us no alternative to search "to find a new system, new methods enable us to of humanity." race which urges "new

in the world.''

The "new U.S. Bishops ready examined the world order" the promotion schemes as the World Peace ultimately, the

Nations as a world government best able to bring about such an "order." the purely

view that the nations of must rely more on one another; that they must become

"interdependent." In turn, the bishops write (also in the section "On

We support,

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world, political and economic policies designed to human and to the hu-man of every person, especially least of us. In this regard, we call for the establishment of some form of global authority adequate to the needs the international common

Whether or not they mean lhe United Nations is to serve as the groundwork for the "global authority" isn't spelled out although, based on the near-unanimous support the U.N. U.S. bisr1ops (knrnN any of them who dissents?), plus its enthusiastic endorsement from every post-Conciliar pontiff, it would seem well within the bounds of possibility. Connected with this outl'.'Yok

the implication by Christi "for estimated cost of the MX missile program alone, 50 million mal­nourished children in developing countries could be adequately fed, 65,000 health care centers 340,000 primary schools could built." And the U bishops are on the same wavelength. "The next 'Peace and Justice' (pastoral) on the bishops' agenda," notes Father Anthony Cekada in the June issue of The F/oman Catholic, "wii! 'redirecting human resources to human needs of our citizens and the poor of the globe.' Translation: raising taxes on the money you've earned giving to someone " (A Income is being considered the U. imagine twice as much of our tax dollars going to per-petuate Bolshevism in Russia, to procure abor-tions in and the proppin~:i up of anti-Christian, anti-American regimes around

I would like to close this section much as I began it by quoting leader, matter of pastoral letter. Register recently talked with Major James F. Kealey, whom it identified as "a Catho!ic with i 3 years Jesuit E,ducation under militarv the U.S. chairman oi' the Strategic Arms :~eduction Talks." "I take very seriously," Major Kealey the Register, "v.-hat each and every one (of tie bishops)

But, having that, I find it on responsible say, a Father Frank Winters (anotller pacifist) or a Bishop Gumbleton or some of the others to preface their personal opinions with Church be to to personai opinions. But I it irresponsible that they're not labeled as such." The major could save himself

worry he only v1ould use this when comments from '"""'"'"\?,

Gumbleton and friends and from New Church in general: if the topic in question is of the infallible teaching the Catholic Churct1. is open debate if it is of the modernir~t malarkey the "new magisterium," one is obliged to hold it as re­vealed truth in its entirety. At least that's what much of the Conciliar Churcl1 moving towards, though


placate their more conservative members by making appeals the true in to their error

an aura ortho,joxy.

'"Peace, Peace'.,. Though There No Peace"

Tr,e parallel of this quotation from the O!d Testament (Jeremiah 8:1 i) with the Pax Christi movement is, I believe, obvious. By eagerly joining with Communist fronts as the and USPC, lose credibility they might have as a "Catholic Peace Move­ment." It is irrelevant to the question being considered as to whether individual Pax Christi members are co!·

such groups of ignornJ1ce or (certainly many grassroots members are ignorant of the nature of fronts just as certainly, many iHaders been aware the these yet continue - whatever reason · work with them). The reason it is irrelevant is - to go back to an earlier distinction - simply because trying to mconci!e Christian notion of peace the false p,3ace of Communists is as futile as att!:.'m1pting mix water and oil ... no matter how hard one tries to mix the two substances and regardless of the good inten-tions of would-be mixer, it be done

And that's the whole point: Pax Christi doesn't know what it's talking about. does It takes its pro-

from the pacifists, as darling, Dr. Helen

says the U.S., not the U.S.S.R., is the nation that is the greatest threat to world peace), as from Church sources does quote Pope Paul II then, he

muci1 pro-United Nations ·which - wr:ether knows it or not - is the largest Communist front in the worid!). Pax Christi endangers the world in direct

the that viewpoint by the sha.:;ers of public policy. In the next several paragraphs I will identify a number of danger areas of thougllt that are underlying current and that spill ever into the pastoral.


this an Personally speak here only myself, other newsletter staff mem­bers possibly having other views on subject), I find

difficult imagine conditions which full-sca!e, empty-ali··rnissile-siios-type nuclear war be garded as moral. I can even agree a point made by the bishops' letter, if taken out of its questionable context - is trut!1 wherever found - that point tl·:at "no defensive strategy, or tY\Cl\/ClnT!n

which exceeds the limits proportionality is morally permissible." Unlike the innovative theology found eisewhere in this this back to one of the

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bases of the Just War Theory - the Principle of Double Effect. That principle states, as described by the pro­life leader Father Charles Fiore, O.P., "that under cer­tain circumstances an action may be performed even though it is forseen that one of its effects will be either a physical or moral evil." Four conditions must be met to justify the act. The first is that such an action cannot, of itself, be immoral and, skipping over to the fourth (since that is what is involved with the notion of proportional­ity), that "the good effect must be sufficiently beneficial to compensate for the permitting of the bad effect." No sane person longs to gaze upon the nightmare land­scapes strewn with the incinerated remains of neigh­bors and loved ones, and do so knowing that this dead hull was once a thriving city. But in spite of the real capacity for terror, claims of "annihilation" (found so often in the literature of Pax Christi and other related groups) do not hold up under the light of dispassionate scrutiny. Even the worst possible scenario, i.e., an un­expected nuclear strike giving a city no time for evacu­ation and to take cover, doesn't warrant the exagger­ated doom and gloom picture of a dead planet painted by the professional scare-mongers. No reputable scientist with any expertise in this field has ever offered so dark a view, yet Pax Christi has no qualms about of­fering it, and is thus guilty of irresponsibly spreading unjustifiable rumors and fear.

(2) MORE MONEY FOR SOCIAL PROGRAMS, LESS FOR DEFENSE. In a section of Pax Christi's Declara­tion on Disarmament and Security entitled "Character­istics of This New Way of Thinking and Approach," it is stated that "there should be a search for ... initiatives to diminish the military-strategic elements of security in our societies, and to improve the socio-economic, political and cultural-ideological elements." Here they beg the question, since it is not so much a case of either/or but, rather, both/and. This is to say that so­ciety has several components, all needed for its prop­erly ordered working, and a drive to divide them into warring factions, as such proposals tend to do, has a detrimental effect on the whole. Indeed, it's reasonable to hope for improved economic conditions or better social structures in a given nation and to work accord­ingly but there can be none of this without a climate of freedom and security, and this, in turn, is possible only by means of a vigilant guarding of citizens - and society itself - from those enemies that would try to attack from within and without. Can we really consider cutting back defense outlays in the U.S. budget in favor of more so­cial ( or "entitlement") programs? Hardly. The 1983 budget is now spending nearly $2.00 in welfare-ori­ented funding for every dollar spent on the military. One last point: conspicuously absent, in the Pax Christi passage quoted above, is any mention of religion as an "element" of society worthy to be considered with the


"socio-economic, political, and cultural-ideological" - a strange omission for a "Catholic" peace movement.

(3) A BILATERAL, VERIFIABLE NUCLEAR ARMS FREEZE. One of the most dangerous of all proposi­tions to be outlined and yet, seemingly, the most inno­cent. It is based on two equally false assumptions: first, that the U.S. is as much a threat to peace as the U.S.S.R. and therefore as guilty of inciting the "arms race"; and second, that the Soviet government can be trusted. I have already covered the first assumption in the text above, so I'll go on to the second. As also stated above, the Soviets have an abysmal record when it comes to compliance with arms control trea­ties. Freeze groups tell us that the Communists have finally come to a realization of the need for world peace, and have made an eleventh hour conversion (if such is the case, someone should tell the people of Af­ghanistan, Poland, and Russia itself, since they haven't been told). No, the successors of Lenin still subscribe to the article of his Credo that reads "Promises are like pie crusts - made to be broken." It is a disturbing after­math of the bishops' pastoral to learn that Defense Sec­retary Caspar Weinberger says it is "consistent" with Administration policy to work for a freeze - after "parity" of arms is reached. The U.S.S.R. has always refused to allow on-site inspections, a land whose bor­ders encompass an area twice as large as that of the U.S. What Pax Christi, the American bishops and the U.S. government all deny is the most obvious of obser­vations: that as long as the sky is blue and the grass is green; as long as babies cry and nightingales sing; just as long will the committed Communist continue to lie.

(4) THE PUSH FOR A "NEW WORLD ORDER." Fifty-three years ago, Pope Benedict XV warned the faithful of subversive moves for world government "longed for, and confidently expected, by all the worst and most distorted elements." This would be a god­less, communistic regime reigning over the planet with a merciless iron fist of "unheard-of-terror." The spectre of nuclear Armageddon has moved many to turn to this idea of a community of nations (even with Communists controlling). How naive! Red insurgents in Zimbabwe pull an infant from its mother's arms and, after lopping off its four limbs, begin tossing and kicking the twitch­ing body in a game of macabre football, before the mother's helpless and horrified gaze. This scene can be projected to countries all over the earth, and multi- · plied literally by the millions. Such is life - and death -wherever the poison of Marxism is injected directly into the body politic. Nuclear death is only one of many gruesome ways to die, and torture has been refined to an art form by people who are consciously evil. When the anti-war protestors helped Vietnam fall nearly a decade ago, refugees in their tiny crafts managed to

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flee to America; if the protesters are successful this time, where are we to go? The point is made in a some­what different fashion by writer Walter Berns, in his "The New Pacifism and World Government," which appeared in the 27th issue of National Review. His description of this "new 11vorld order" notes: "This universal and homogeneous state will differ from the Soviet Union in only one important respect: there will be no escape from it." (emphasis added.)

Where does this !t~ave Pope John Paul II and the "new Rome"? Squarely in the middle, it seems. To begin with, John Paul II has gotten in the habit of honoring the Pax Christi-sponsored World Day of Peace each year with special On of that,

nothing to public his dissatisfaction -he is dissatisfied - over Joseph

inger's political remarks praising the U bishops' let-ter for having "the courage to confront (governmen~ policy squarely." Cardinal Ratzinger's statements

suggest this is the of the "new on the since he, as prefect of the

gregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, is one of its very highest officials.

In final by its own

has consislently rubbed with some of the worst mass murderers, refused to speak out against them (indeed, it encourages us to be "receptive" to disarmament proposals by "the

Blshop knew firsthanc: under the totalitar

concentratiu:1 camp.) cism fellow bisr1ops who failed to warn their flocks of the coming danger, and his own commitment to warn them, is not unlike the situation we have today

who out - or refus0 speak out -ever-growing ffii.~nace of Communisrn, '

not wish," insisted Bishop Theas, "to be a aog that does not When danger comes, I that is my duty. Silence would be a betrayal."

Thomas /le once hope for c:s peace,

apropos to our situation We must choose be­tween living peace that is Jesus Christ or a bleak and lifeless one offered us the world. However de-

individuai of P2.x may b·,, for kind, it f:,grettably, for which

are spending "It is on2 tt1ing," wrote great Doctor of the Church, St. Augustine, "to see the land of peace from a ridge. . . another to tread the road that !eads to it." In the case of Pax

it is an to see forest for the

0 11

The Church Before the Bible Christ never commanded His Apostles and disciples to write anything. Yes, the Bible is the most precious

in the world and is one of the two sources divine revelation, the other being tradition. But the Church antedates or predates the complete Bible by some 3 V2 centuries. It is the Church then - the Roman Catholic Church - which is the ultimate authority on divine revelation as contained in

The interpretation of the is just that: the personal opinion of the individual -hardly a sound basis for determining the eternal, un­changeable revealed truths of Almighty God. How

true indeed words of one the most 19th century ccinverts to Roman

John Cardinal r,Jewman: o deep in history is to cease to be a Protestant." 0

Dria"'·., Ii '•/ dt~ ',; .,,I

the Rosary Dair\,


] oy i\Jrddst Adcuersity Any Catholic who has a real and strong faith and who firmly believes in goodness and mercy of

be joyful even under for such person has

l\Jmighty God bring forth in good time. It is a contradiction that any genuine fol­lower Christ become discouraged and lose heart hecause of the sufferings which are his. The servant is

than }\;faster Master nd died

, we Catholics should be always, arising from conviction this short

merely a of probati~n trial happiness i God's Kingdom awaits who remaic faithful. We

olics should cultivate an abiding spirit of as our Christian duty, a joy which is beyond the world and the hardness of circumstances as was of our di-vine Model, He could say beloved

the eve crucifixion: of good overcome the world!". whenever we

to become sad and depressed, Christ's words of en­couragement to His Apostles at the Last Supper should renew in us a joyful spirit: ",,. you have sor-rmv now, but I your heart

and your no one take from you,"

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