© Christopher Everard 2009 © Christopher Everard 2009 This article is the first part of a booklet I have written as an 'occult primer' for people who view my film ILLUMINATI IV: Brotherhood of the Beast. I shall email through the next part of this booklet as soon as it is ready. Partly autobiographical, and partly a commentary on my films about The Illuminati, it is written from the heart, with love - love for all the people out there who are willing to stand up and be counted - and fight until their last breath for justice. Because it's written with such honesty, without the veil of ambiguity, I expect many legal writs, and yet even more 'gripe sites' on the internet claiming that I own a helicopter, eat babies, and am generally more evil than Hitler! FEED YOUR BRAIN magazine.com Subscribe to 12 issues & get a FREE DVD directed by CHRIS EVERARD © CHRIS EVERARD 2010 www.EnigmaTV.com CHRIS EVERARD & the Illuminati A Free Companion PDF Booklet to the film Illuminati IV: Brotherhood of the Beast Published in Association with FEED YOUR BRAIN Magazine http://www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com PART ONE

Chris Everard & the Illuminati Part 1

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Page 1: Chris Everard & the Illuminati Part 1

© Christopher Everard 2009

© Christopher Everard 2009

This article is the first part of a booklet I have written as an 'occult primer' for people who view my film ILLUMINATI IV: Brotherhood of the Beast. I shall email through the next part of this booklet as soon as it is ready. Partly autobiographical, and partly a commentary on my films about The Illuminati, it is written from the heart, with love - love for all the people out there who are willing to stand up and be counted - and fight until their last breath for justice. Because it's written with such honesty, without the veil of ambiguity, I expect many legal writs, and yet even more 'gripe sites' on the internet claiming that I own a helicopter, eat babies, and am generally more evil than Hitler!

FEED YOUR BRAINmagazine.com

Subscribe to 12 issues & get a FREE DVD

directed by CHRIS EVERARD





A Free Companion PDF

Booklet to the


Illuminati IV:Brotherhood of the Beast

Published in Association with FEED YOUR BRAIN Magazine

http://www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.comPART ONE

Page 2: Chris Everard & the Illuminati Part 1

page 002

Entering The Jaws of Demons... Unfortunately, during the many years I have invested in making films and interviewing authors, I have discovered that the vast majority of underhanded attacks, and snyde behaviour comes from those who seem to have been under the impression that the information I reveal in my articles and films was somehow theirs, that it was 'stepping on their toes' to even write about subjects which are mildly similar. There has been - since the publication of John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (pub. 1798) - somewhat of a small publishing industry in anti-masonic literature - and many authors for the last two centuries have entered into futile, envious and nonsensical ‘flame wars’ with eachother, when in reality, they should really be assisting eachother's research and forming a united front. My role as a filmmaker has been to amalgamate and present on screen the most verifiable evidence, and give a cinematically captivating stage for the most well informed authors to have their say about the New World Order. Unfortunately, I was too naive and underestimated that the 'Money Bomb' is a more important incentive to some anti-NWO personalities than the Nuclear Bomb! Consequently, I have been undermined and attacked and wrongly accused of arrogance by some of these people - even from people who have made a career by warning you and me about the evil in the banking and judiciary - when the truth comes too close to home - they all resort to using Barristers (Tony Blair was a barrister) and judges (Tony Blair's wife is a judge) to shut me up. Lol. Just watch and see what happens... All I can say, is that I hope you thoroughly enjoy reading my research. When I first interviewed David Icke on camera in 2001 and asked "David, are we being ruled by people who worship Baphomets and Demons?" in a whiplash instant, David forwent his normally very professional television-savy way of answering questions (so that each answer can cleanly and concisely be edited into a self contained video capsule which does not require the film editor to include the opening question) with a very abrupt "yes we are!". David's answer was the first time I had recorded on camera a person willing, like me, to say on camera what we had all suspected for a long time - that members of the royal-political elite were more than just dabbling in Black Magick - they had developed ancient techniques of summoning Demons and it was this quest - to summon demons - which lay at the heart of all Masonic, Templar and high ceremonial magick.

By 1999, there had been thousands of books written exposing Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and Black Magicians - but just a tiny few of the 300 million web-blog pages on the subject of the New World Order dared to mention the actual reason why rituals took place. David's answer showed that on this topic we were both on the same page as it were - I knew that my hunch to make a motion picture documentary film about the black magick rituals performed by the world's richest people - was a correct hunch - and that the public's consciousness was now elevated to the point where many millions of people were ready for this information. At that moment, I knew that the previous 17 years' worth of collecting video and film footage, reading and research that I had done, building a library on the Occult with mainly original first and second edition books was all worth while. I was kind of worried at the time that I would be labeled as a 'heretic' film director for making films from the heart about black masses, witch covens, poltergeists and the dark world of Freemasonry - my concerns were unjustified - I have had people buy my films from all over the world - including the lawyers representing the Bush family, Hollywood superstars, sports personalities and, yes, of course, even Royalty. So, in a nutshell, I have put into this booklet all the most important pieces of information about the evil demonic forces summoned to rule over Mankind by the royal-political elite - so that when you come to view my series of Illuminati films (especially ILLUMINATI Vol IV), hopefully, many pieces of the jigsaw puzzle will fall into place - effortlessly - with minimal ambiguity. Enjoy.

[author's note; I would suggest just taking a few moments to close your eyes and slow your breathing into nice deep breaths and get really very comfortable before proceeding - this first part of my booklet concerns magickal information which is so fundamentally vital to understand that it is, in actual fact, the very essence and root of the information used by the Illuminati to influence and control Mankind. It's time to sling the cat out and put the phone off the hook!].


Imagine yourself in inky blackness. Without light. A vast space without form. This blackness is black because there is no light. Light does not exist. This space has no ceiling. It has no walls. It has no floor. It has no reference point of what is up, down or sideways. There is absolutely no form to this blackness - no limit to it's extent of nothingness. It is not even a 'dimension'. This emptiness is personified by the utter lack of any form or sound. No air. No nothing. Not even a glimmer of Hope. Not an utter cell. Utter perpetual nothingness. No heat. No cold. No abstract thought or concept. No actual awareness that there could ever be anything except nothingness. No emotion. Not even an illusion, as one has to have a point of awareness to even comprehend an illusion. Nothing. Nothingness is alien to the existence of Mankind and Life. Nothingness is the complete and utter lack of all faculties which can even comprehend a vacuum. Without light, spatial dimension, without thought, without sound, heat, air, and therefore without vibrations... one can imagine a black silent womb. But nothingness is more vacuous than this - as there are no thoughts and so it is impossible to even conceive of a 'womb'. There is not really a 'void' or 'vacuum' either, as these concepts all rely on the existence of a congniscient entity to perceive a 'vacuum'. The concept of a vacuum presupposes that there is actually some kind of three dimensional space in which the air has been sucked out. Nothingness is just that - NOTHING... Not even an illusion can exist.

But wait... now imagine yourself floating and observing this nothingness.

All of a sudden, you hear - for the first time in a million millennia - the

hissing and rumble of a far off sound... it gets louder and louder, and your

atrophied and never before used hearing faculties begin to dance as the

scillia hairs of your ears become electrified by the vibration of invisible

gasses that have crept up and now surround you... You perceive for the first

time ever, a far off thunderous explosion.... Then, a point of infintisimally

small light penetrates like an unexpected penis into the newly perceived

womb of utter nothingness that you have existed in since the beginning of


The light - and rumbling hissing sounds - grow - and you realise that these distant explosions are emanating from a point in space which hitherto you did not even know existed. Your senses are finally being fed an amazing smorgasbord of phenomena... You perceive in one swooping, graceful and elegant shuddering revelation that YOU EXIST... and ARE NOT ALONE... The hissing and rumbling become louder, even a tremor - physical vibration - transmits itself through your newly found being - you are alive! You FEEL this - this is really happening! Before that revelation is completely welded into your new found consciousness, a hot searing wind of plasmic vitality... a cosmic happening, an inter-galactic, deep space gale, a fireball of white hot , super multi thousand degree heat - from all directions - engulfs you in a tsunami of sheer, unadulterated pure light, sound, vibration... OMG! This is REALITY! You are alive and there is something

else awesomely alive also sharing this huge space with you... Welcome to

the beginning of the plasmic electrolytic single cell amino acid lightning-

forming primordial soupy nuclear hurricane which we laughingly call the


At that infinitesimal point, which quantum physicists and other leather-elbowed pontficators and fans of Val Doonican spasmodically publish books about... we see the Creation, the virginal first love cosmic orgasm which gives birth to the UNIVERSE. Particles, fire, plasma, electrons, neutrons, quarks and the basic building blocks which would become Starbucks, I Love Lucy TV shows, planets, Galaxies, asteroids, comets, David Icke on the Wogan show (twice), and solar systems hurtle past your previously dormant Self... In an instant, an instantaneous blink in the eye of a previously undiscovered Godhead sub-atomic particles radiate out in all directions and begin to cool and coalesce into the Universe we know today. Congratulations... you have just witnessed the stunning energy which would become 'Mother Nature' burst forth - all the positive and negatively charged particles that would soon amalgamate and gather into self-regulating clusters of atoms. Unfortunately, some of these particles amalgamate into groups which were almost entirely negatively charged - and this is the true meaning of the word Kliphothic. These negative energies coalesced into ‘astral corpses’.

The Black Magick of the Cosmos...

In one instant, there was absolutely nothing, and the next, the

Big Bang releases forces of a Nature which previously did not exist - a

Nature which has come into being - when I asked a Rabbi-Magician the

simple question 'why?', he smiled and answered " ...Because, let's face it...

Nothingness is boring!". This sudden, and rarely discussed emanation of existence is a common theme expressed in many Creation texts found the world over - the Mayans, the ancient Sumerians, the Egyptians - all describe a primordial darkness which is then brought into Light. According to the early texts which influenced the books which make up the Hebrew magical tradition, or 'Kabbalah', God and the universe (albeit the vacuum which contains the ever expanding Universe) have always existed. These texts describe the universe as being a physical manifestation of the Godhead's own conscious awareness. The cosmos is considered in the Kabbalistic tradition to be the Godhead's awareness of himself.

'Creation' is described by the ancient Hebrew occultists as a series of simultaneous thoughts, represented by lights - described as ineffable lights. God brought into being ten of these lights - these orbs of light were created first out of pure thought energy, pure angelic energy direct from the Godhead. As each of these ten spheres were created, God made the density of the light stronger and stronger - with less and less divine material - until the tenth and last ineffable light was created - bathed in the supreme and most important ingredient for the creation of living things on planet Earth - sunlight.

This concept of divine essence being transmuted into physical substance is the bedrock of the Kabbalah and many occult teachings. Occultists and priests, soothsayers, skywatchers, nuclear physicists, oracles and magicians have all collectively struggled throughout history to put the above cosmic Big Bang/creation scenario into words. Indeed, the very divine thoughts of God which created us and the cosmos are referred to in ancient texts as 'words' - and thus we have the ridiculous over simplification "...in the beginning there was the word...". In fact, the words of the ancient texts which revealed this mystical (I would say romatically inaccurate) version of Creation, are formed of letters which themselves are modeled on the form and shape of star constellations (see my previous writings about the linguistic evidence of contact with the Star Gods in Feed Your Brain Magazine, summer 2009 - http://www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com ). Morphing through many versions, syntaxes and grammatical constraints, we call this mystical, magickal language 'Hebrew' and it is considered the most effective of all languages for summoning the invisible godly and ungodly Kliphothic forces which were created with the Universe...

Kliphothic Connundrum... Apparently, according to Hebrew teachings, not all went well during the Creation. If we are to believe the archaeological record and also believe the ancient Hebrew scriptures, the almighty force and unbridled, unconstrained massive tsunami of incandescense which brought into being the entire cosmos, simultaneously created a whole raft of physical and non physical living beings which fed off each other, were infused with 'too much' of the brazen negative cosmic force, and set about mutually feeding off each other in an aqueous dog-eat-dog soup of ugly, selfish and bizarre creatures. Many of these creatures, the old Rabbis teach us, were a 'cosmic mistake' - a kind of prehistoric version of Eastenders, with one selfish act leading to another, with each single cell, evolving and dividing into clusters of cells, then into plasmoid jellyfish type creatures, then vertebrates - but all of them hugely ugly, indifferent to one another and hopelessly doomed to be alone... Stubborn, and infused with too much of the hot cosmic forces released at the time of the Big Bang, the first life forms which appeared were far from attractive. Many lacked a soul & compassion, and therefore stalked around like corpses, or ‘shells’ of beings. These strange primordial life forms are described in the Kabbalah as the Kliphothic beings - creatures (both physical and spiritual) which were created before God got it 'just right'. It is these Kliphothic forces which the evil magicians of millennia have always sought to summon and master - for they are the spiritual equivalent of the incredible Hulk - on a bad day - with a dash of demonic, selfish intent thrown in. In all my years of research, it is these morphing, evil, shape-shifting entities which most closely resemble the eye witness testimonies contained in David Icke's book The Biggest Secret.

Great secrecy surrounds the existence of the Kliphothic beings - it is forbidden for anyone under the age of 40 in the Jewish tradition to study them. Of the hundreds of millions of web pages out there that discuss the Kabbalah and New World Order, barely a handful mention the world of the kliphothic. Curiously, neither David Icke, nor Arizona, nor Pamela Icke who I questioned on these subjects ever mentioned The Goetia, Goetic nor Kliphothic demons. I discovered, in 1981, the existence of these forces by reading a training manual on Magic written by a former employee of Her Majesty's Inland Revenue. I had bought the book from a friend whose brother was making a name for himself in the stock market and had purchased this book of Magic in order to cast spells to bring him wealth. This is not the only time that I have found someone working for the Banking Elite to be interested in black magick. Mastery of these dark Kliphothic forces is one of the biggest secrets in the arcane occult wisdom of black magicians. This secret wisdom is referred to as hokmahnistarah, and the passing on of this part of magickal tradition, or 'Kabbalah', is only permitted once someone has attained an age of suitable intellectual and religious maturity. Since Madonna and Britney got 'into' the Kabbalah, many thousands of non Jewish people have started to study the kabbalah at college. If you are one of these people, then perhaps when you started your course, you wondered why the word 'kabbalah' was spelt 'Cabala' with a 'C'? Most students are never told about the selfish, arrogant vagrant and demonic forces of the Kliphothic realm. The Cabala, spelt with a ‘C’, is actually a Christianized ‘love-n-peace’ version of the Kabbalah which was developed as a ‘cover’ in the occult centre of Cassel in Germany - this is the town where the Rosicrucian Manifestos emerged. The Christianized Cabala has since been used as a kind of ‘primer’ gently indoctrinating the intelligentsia who join Rosicrucian and Masonic lodges - of course, this eventually leads to a career as a full time magician of the black arts if the student is so disposed. So, as we progress through this booklet, I welcome you all to one of the rarest opportunities for non Jewish people to learn about the spiritual forces which Rabbis have gained mastery over since ancient times...

Knowledge of these brutish astral forces, mastery over them and temples designed to worship them were first built in Chaldea, a province of Babylon, long before the family dynasties of Egypt came to power. The tradition of summoning and invoking these Kliphothic forces has been handed down from (usually) father to son, and has caused a rift of envy & jealousy against the Jewish people which has rippled throughout history, with one nasty tyrant after another seeking to learn the tradition (kabbalah) and then exterminate all those who would also invoke - and therefore dilute - the angry spiritual forces which Hitler, Himmler, the British-Bavarian Royals, Napoleon, Popes and Alexander the Great have all used to create the present New World Order.

Without understanding the nihlistic manifesto of these jealous

and ugly Kliphothic demons, one cannot make any sense of the planetary

destruction which the global network of witches, freemasons and

magicians are inflicting on planet Earth. The destruction of the

rainforests and all the land burnt to a cinder is, of course, of no concern to

a SPIRIT-DEMON who actually nihlistically wishes utter destruction and

horror on the physical plane - causing widespread havoc and genocide

and thus jettisoning millions of souls into the astral world where poor

wretches killed by the Illuminati’s programme of planetary chaos can be

tormented and possessed in perpetuity. The character and personality of

these demons is typically seductive, promising vast riches and wealth to

the magicians and illuminati who carry out their disgusting ambitions in

the physical world.

Origins of the Written Kabbalah... Commonly, one of the the first lessons taught about the Kabbalah tradition of magick is that the Godhead's divineness, His cosmic awareness of Himself is represented by the Universe itself - both the physical elements which make up all planets and material life forms and also all the unseen electro-magnetic-nuclear-spiritual forces in the invisible realms which surround us. The Universe is, as it were, a 'mirror' showing us the brilliance and magnitude of the Godhead. These concepts existed for at least 1,000 years in an oral tradition, and these were eventually written down and distributed in hand-copied scrolls in the pre-Biblical era. In fact, it is highly likely that these concepts go back 10,000 years or more. The first of these manuscript versions of the Creation - according to Kabbalah - is called the Sefer Yetsirah, or the Book of Formation, which is thought to date from the 6th century AD (though it is important to remember that it contains concepts which stretch back into antiquity). The Book of Formation is essential to understand if we are to explain the remarkable and terrifying metamorphosis of members of the royal family as described by Arizona Wilder. The Book of Formation has been used by black magicians and misguided Rabbis in medieval Europe to create and animate ‘Golems’ - this is an important subject which I shall cover in a subsequent part of this booklet. Around 700 years later, in the 13th century (the era in which the Knights Templar all of a sudden became the richest and most pre-eminent semi monarchial force in Europe), another text - now included in the corpus of teachings we call the 'kabbalah' was published - entitled the Sefer Hazzohar (commonly referred to as the Zohar, or Book of Brightness). Authorship of both the Sefer Yetsirah and also the Zohar are hotly debated amongst scholars. Some scholars believe that these texts were divinely inspired and just 'appeared' - but the facts available to us from the historical record tend to suggest that these texts were authored in Europe - most probably in Barcelona and Provençe (home county to Michel Nostradamus) and were the written chronicles of secret wisdom which had previously been passed from Rabbi to son since antiquity. It is widely agreed that the Zohar has it's roots in the mystical teachings of 2nd century Palestine, when a mystic called Simeon ben Yochai first wrote it down on paper (or I should say papyrus). A European traveller, known as Moses de Leon claims that he 'discovered' this 2nd century version of the Zohar - but it is equally likely that Moses de Leon actually authored the Zohar himself and just claimed an older provenance for the writings to give it more spiritual gravitas.

Another very influential text from the kabbalah corpus is the Book of Bahir, whose real title is the Sefer-hab-Bahir which was probably written in the 6th century by a Rabbi called 'Isaac The Blind'. There are actually two (and possibly three) Rabbis who have taken on the name 'Isaac the Blind' throughout history - and it is not uncommon for Rabbis to adopt the name and title of previous kabbalistic scholars from history - in fact, the Roman Catholic church often copies this form of reverence, when popes take on the name of previous pontiffs as a mark of gratitude and homage to their predecessors. The scriptual and physical evidence for the origination of the kabbalah is, of course, denied by kabbalist fundamentalists - these people passionately believe that the wisdom of the kabbalah corpus was in actual fact set down into mankind's mind via the prophet known as Enoch. Some modern interpretations of the Book of Enoch say that the arcane kabbalistic wisdom found in the 6th and 13th century texts were 'betrayed' to Mankind by none other than the 'Fallen Angels' (ie. Kliphothic entities described above). Another Talmudic tradition makes the unlikely claim that God Almighty himself whispered it directly into the ear of Moses on Mount Sinai. According to this version of ‘history’, seventy carefully chosen Elders were then given the task of preserving the secret wisdom - which from that point onwards would be communicated orally - and only to those who had reached the age of 40.

One cannot help to see that the Enochian version of the origination of the kabbalah has led many skeptics and anti-semites to deduce that the Kabbalah is the work of demons and possibly the devil himself. In fact, there is a scriptual history of ancient works which suggest that the God Almighty and the 'Lord' transliterated from the Old and New Testaments are NOT the same Supreme Being - but one is in actual fact the 'Devil' and the other is Adonai - God of the Christians. Whatever the case, the complex and abstract concept of an unseen universe of divine particles and lights containing the essence of God's intellect and willpower were at once shocking and fascinating to the non Jewish intelligentsia of the 13th century, who hungrily read and absorbed the mystical conceptual basis for the Creation of the Universe which we find in the kabbalistic corpus of works.

The Real Bible Code... The first five books of the Holy Bible are called the Pentateuch and can be considered a vulgarization of the arcane teachings which explained the mystical process of Creation at the time of the Big Bang. The Book of Genesis, as just one example, is in actual fact a re-transliteration of the Creation Myths featuring the Annunaki in ancient Sumeria. Zealous and fundamentalist kabbalists have claimed - and still claim - that the very root of these five books of the Old Testament are in actual fact an exoteric, codified set of scrolls which have their literary foundation in kabbalistic oral teachings from ancient Babylon. The basis for Jewish law is the Old Testament, and the Commandments from Moses. This 'Law' of the Jewish people was given by Moses, apparently after some mystical communion with God, and the Hebrew word for 'law' is 'Torah'. Kabbalists read the five books of the Old Testament in a very different way to the uninitiated 'goyim' which they deplore. What is 'goyim'? - it is a derogatory term for non Jewish races used by racist members of (usually) the zealot temples that have sporadically existed around the world for several centuries. Many kabbalists see a hidden encoded message within the Torah which can be unlocked by understanding how to read the first and last letters of each word, and also reading entire chapters from 'outside-in', with alternate words taken from the primary sentences and last words in the final sentences progressively retrograding towards the centre of each chapter. This cryptogrammatical method reveals a hidden layer of prophecies and meanings - and, thus, have effectively cemented the Kabbalah, or tradition of magick, into the modern age, where black magicians are now using it as a blueprint.

In addition to the above system of encryption, kabbalists employ the esoteric science of Gematria which requires the conversion of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet into numerical equivalents, and then substituting certain words which have the same numerical total. As an example, a phrase "...and lo, three men' (Gen xviii 2) can be reconstructed to read 'These Were Michael, Gabriel & Raphael'. As you can see, the hidden language of the Rabbis is comprehensive and arcane to understand. The Gematrical version of the Torah reveals a VERY different version of the Creation. Gematrically speaking, the lord God Almighty - referred to as Yod Ha Vah Hey (YHVH) - is regarded gematrically as the same person as ADAM - a human artificially created by spiritual force. The belief that a person can be created using spiritual forces is fundamental to the Book of Formation and the legend of the ‘Golem’. Hebrew has no vowels, and therefore, this also gave rise to a sigil-istic method of encoding the Will of God into each sentence of holy Hebrew texts. This has given Black Magicians a kind of ‘Screenplay’ which they use to stage and control geopolitical events. The ‘Movie’ they are making is, in actual fact, a ‘Horror’ film, directed by Kliphothic, shape-shifting demonic entities. Much of this ‘Screenplay’ is represented in Symbols or ‘Sigils’ which subconsciously influence the minds of the occultists and members of the public alike. What is a ‘Sigil’? A sigil is actually a talisman, or symbol which represents the will or desire of the magician. A talismanic symbol - or sigil - is made by writing down the desire or will of the magician - for example 'Bring Me Treasure', and erasing all vowels and repeated consonants, re-writing the sentence 'BrngMTs' - these remaining letters would be etched into a tablet of beaten zinc, or silver, or gold, and arranged so that they would look like a logo - a talisman - which would immediately remind the magician of the original will or desire contained in the sigil. It would often be worn as a necklace or bracelet and never removed from the magician's body - thus infusing and conjoining the magician's physical body with his Will.

A related grammatical arcane 'science' grew up around these techniques, which took every letter of a given word in the Torah and used these letters as the first letter of subsequent words, thus forming new sentences based on the standard text. I have purchased ancient manuscripts published (indeed, some are hand copies) from the 14th century which employ this system - which is known as Notarikon. By taking just a few words from the familiar sentences of the Torah, one can immediately 'discover' the names of angels and demons hidden within these texts.

Another method used as a 'key' to expose the hidden and alternative version of the Torah was called Temura - which is a divinatory method for deciphering messages from the 'divine' (and not so divine) beings within the scriptures. An ancient manuscript attributed to the scholar Philo entitled De Vita Contemplativa describes the Torah as a 'living being' whose body is the literal text of the Pentateuch and whose soul is the hidden occult meaning that is buried within the lines of text - placed there for only the select few to understand. Gematrically deciphered portions of the first five books of the Old Testament - especially those which have side notes written in the hand of kabbalists and annotations which correct many of the deliberate 'booby trap' mistakes which magicians insert in order to nullify their competitors, often sell for a minimum of £2,000. The bidders are very often those who are seeking to unlock the names of demons and the secret sets of incantations with which to summon and control them). Le Bibliotech Bleu series of pulp non-fiction magickal mini 'Grimoires' sold on the streets of Paris for a penny in the 18th century are now changing hands for £3,000 or more! And it is within this corpus of texts - which describe the many thousands of Kliphothic demonic entities - that we see some kind of historical provenance which goes a long way in explaining the incredibly bizarre happenings at magickal rituals. Once you have absorbed the above information and read the historical accounts of rituals that summon demons, then the eye-witness reports relayed to David Icke a decade ago by a woman using a 'cover' name 'Arizona Wilder' (apparently, her real name is 'Jennifer Greene') seem worthy of much, much closer investiagtion...


AUTHOR’s NOTE: I have been patiently waiting for Arizona to write more on the

subjects which she covered in the video Confessions of a Mother Goddess - and hope to

interview her - for the time being, I present here in this multi-part booklet all the

research findings I have made - in the hope that we can put into context Arizona’s

testimony into an easily digestible PDF booklet which, hopefully, will put an end to all

these ridiculous arguments that have so far dissipated and wasted so many people's time

during the last few years. If information and research along the lines of the Goetia had

previously been published alongside the material contained in The Biggest Secret, then I

am sure there would not have been so many pointless arguments! I hope my new film

and magazine articles help, in some way, to explain many of the questions and doubts

raised following the publication of The Biggest Secret.


(above), released at the

Cannes Film Festival in

2005, this 2 hour film took

more than five years to

create. Many of the

authors featured in my

film had some kind of

‘gripe’ or axe to grind

against eachother - one of

the most contentious

issues were the claims of

shape-shifting reptilians

published by David Icke

five years previously.

DAVID ICKE: The first

author to report eye witness

testimonies of shape-shifting

‘reptilians’ in his book THE


in 1999.

THE ILLUMINATI Vol.2, released on 06-06-06, was the

first film to reveal that Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard

had performed a black magick ritual with Marjorie Parsons

- attempting to create a ‘golem’ child. The embryo was

placed inside an enormous steel & concrete tank and

irradiated by the world’s first atomic explosion. The tank

is still lying in the desert. www.AntiChristDVD.com

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ABOVE: The Grand Grimoire is a black magic grimoire that claims to date back to 1522.

It is possibly written some point after the eighteenth century, but it’s provenance comes from The Sworn Book of Honorius, a 13th century text about black magic attributed to Pope Honorius. Also known as "The Red Dragon", this book contains instructions purported to

summon a human-reptoid-monster called ‘Lucifuge Rofocale’, for the purpose of forming a pact with the Devil. The book is called "Le Veritable Dragon Rouge" ("The True Red Dragon") in Haiti, where it is revered among many practitioners of Voodoo.

Lucifuge Rofocale is a powerful demonic entity who acts as the ‘Prime minister’ of Hell. It is one of many thousands of such manuscripts I have been collecting since 1981. Neither David Icke, nor Arizona Wilder mention the existence of this library of

balck magic manuscripts - many of which feature demonic half-human and half-reptilian entities.

Entering The Jaws of Demons... Unfortunately, during the many years I have invested in making films and interviewing authors, I have discovered that the vast majority of underhanded attacks, and snyde behaviour comes from those who seem to have been under the impression that the information I reveal in my articles and films was somehow theirs, that it was 'stepping on their toes' to even write about subjects which are mildly similar. There has been - since the publication of John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (pub. 1798) - somewhat of a small publishing industry in anti-masonic literature - and many authors for the last two centuries have entered into futile, envious and nonsensical ‘flame wars’ with eachother, when in reality, they should really be assisting eachother's research and forming a united front. My role as a filmmaker has been to amalgamate and present on screen the most verifiable evidence, and give a cinematically captivating stage for the most well informed authors to have their say about the New World Order. Unfortunately, I was too naive and underestimated that the 'Money Bomb' is a more important incentive to some anti-NWO personalities than the Nuclear Bomb! Consequently, I have been undermined and attacked and wrongly accused of arrogance by some of these people - even from people who have made a career by warning you and me about the evil in the banking and judiciary - when the truth comes too close to home - they all resort to using Barristers (Tony Blair was a barrister) and judges (Tony Blair's wife is a judge) to shut me up. Lol. Just watch and see what happens... All I can say, is that I hope you thoroughly enjoy reading my research. When I first interviewed David Icke on camera in 2001 and asked "David, are we being ruled by people who worship Baphomets and Demons?" in a whiplash instant, David forwent his normally very professional television-savy way of answering questions (so that each answer can cleanly and concisely be edited into a self contained video capsule which does not require the film editor to include the opening question) with a very abrupt "yes we are!". David's answer was the first time I had recorded on camera a person willing, like me, to say on camera what we had all suspected for a long time - that members of the royal-political elite were more than just dabbling in Black Magick - they had developed ancient techniques of summoning Demons and it was this quest - to summon demons - which lay at the heart of all Masonic, Templar and high ceremonial magick.

By 1999, there had been thousands of books written exposing Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and Black Magicians - but just a tiny few of the 300 million web-blog pages on the subject of the New World Order dared to mention the actual reason why rituals took place. David's answer showed that on this topic we were both on the same page as it were - I knew that my hunch to make a motion picture documentary film about the black magick rituals performed by the world's richest people - was a correct hunch - and that the public's consciousness was now elevated to the point where many millions of people were ready for this information. At that moment, I knew that the previous 17 years' worth of collecting video and film footage, reading and research that I had done, building a library on the Occult with mainly original first and second edition books was all worth while. I was kind of worried at the time that I would be labeled as a 'heretic' film director for making films from the heart about black masses, witch covens, poltergeists and the dark world of Freemasonry - my concerns were unjustified - I have had people buy my films from all over the world - including the lawyers representing the Bush family, Hollywood superstars, sports personalities and, yes, of course, even Royalty. So, in a nutshell, I have put into this booklet all the most important pieces of information about the evil demonic forces summoned to rule over Mankind by the royal-political elite - so that when you come to view my series of Illuminati films (especially ILLUMINATI Vol IV), hopefully, many pieces of the jigsaw puzzle will fall into place - effortlessly - with minimal ambiguity. Enjoy.

[author's note; I would suggest just taking a few moments to close your eyes and slow your breathing into nice deep breaths and get really very comfortable before proceeding - this first part of my booklet concerns magickal information which is so fundamentally vital to understand that it is, in actual fact, the very essence and root of the information used by the Illuminati to influence and control Mankind. It's time to sling the cat out and put the phone off the hook!].


Imagine yourself in inky blackness. Without light. A vast space without form. This blackness is black because there is no light. Light does not exist. This space has no ceiling. It has no walls. It has no floor. It has no reference point of what is up, down or sideways. There is absolutely no form to this blackness - no limit to it's extent of nothingness. It is not even a 'dimension'. This emptiness is personified by the utter lack of any form or sound. No air. No nothing. Not even a glimmer of Hope. Not an utter cell. Utter perpetual nothingness. No heat. No cold. No abstract thought or concept. No actual awareness that there could ever be anything except nothingness. No emotion. Not even an illusion, as one has to have a point of awareness to even comprehend an illusion. Nothing. Nothingness is alien to the existence of Mankind and Life. Nothingness is the complete and utter lack of all faculties which can even comprehend a vacuum. Without light, spatial dimension, without thought, without sound, heat, air, and therefore without vibrations... one can imagine a black silent womb. But nothingness is more vacuous than this - as there are no thoughts and so it is impossible to even conceive of a 'womb'. There is not really a 'void' or 'vacuum' either, as these concepts all rely on the existence of a congniscient entity to perceive a 'vacuum'. The concept of a vacuum presupposes that there is actually some kind of three dimensional space in which the air has been sucked out. Nothingness is just that - NOTHING... Not even an illusion can exist.

But wait... now imagine yourself floating and observing this nothingness.

All of a sudden, you hear - for the first time in a million millennia - the

hissing and rumble of a far off sound... it gets louder and louder, and your

atrophied and never before used hearing faculties begin to dance as the

scillia hairs of your ears become electrified by the vibration of invisible

gasses that have crept up and now surround you... You perceive for the first

time ever, a far off thunderous explosion.... Then, a point of infintisimally

small light penetrates like an unexpected penis into the newly perceived

womb of utter nothingness that you have existed in since the beginning of


The light - and rumbling hissing sounds - grow - and you realise that these distant explosions are emanating from a point in space which hitherto you did not even know existed. Your senses are finally being fed an amazing smorgasbord of phenomena... You perceive in one swooping, graceful and elegant shuddering revelation that YOU EXIST... and ARE NOT ALONE... The hissing and rumbling become louder, even a tremor - physical vibration - transmits itself through your newly found being - you are alive! You FEEL this - this is really happening! Before that revelation is completely welded into your new found consciousness, a hot searing wind of plasmic vitality... a cosmic happening, an inter-galactic, deep space gale, a fireball of white hot , super multi thousand degree heat - from all directions - engulfs you in a tsunami of sheer, unadulterated pure light, sound, vibration... OMG! This is REALITY! You are alive and there is something

else awesomely alive also sharing this huge space with you... Welcome to

the beginning of the plasmic electrolytic single cell amino acid lightning-

forming primordial soupy nuclear hurricane which we laughingly call the


At that infinitesimal point, which quantum physicists and other leather-elbowed pontficators and fans of Val Doonican spasmodically publish books about... we see the Creation, the virginal first love cosmic orgasm which gives birth to the UNIVERSE. Particles, fire, plasma, electrons, neutrons, quarks and the basic building blocks which would become Starbucks, I Love Lucy TV shows, planets, Galaxies, asteroids, comets, David Icke on the Wogan show (twice), and solar systems hurtle past your previously dormant Self... In an instant, an instantaneous blink in the eye of a previously undiscovered Godhead sub-atomic particles radiate out in all directions and begin to cool and coalesce into the Universe we know today. Congratulations... you have just witnessed the stunning energy which would become 'Mother Nature' burst forth - all the positive and negatively charged particles that would soon amalgamate and gather into self-regulating clusters of atoms. Unfortunately, some of these particles amalgamate into groups which were almost entirely negatively charged - and this is the true meaning of the word Kliphothic. These negative energies coalesced into ‘astral corpses’.

The Black Magick of the Cosmos...

In one instant, there was absolutely nothing, and the next, the

Big Bang releases forces of a Nature which previously did not exist - a

Nature which has come into being - when I asked a Rabbi-Magician the

simple question 'why?', he smiled and answered " ...Because, let's face it...

Nothingness is boring!". This sudden, and rarely discussed emanation of existence is a common theme expressed in many Creation texts found the world over - the Mayans, the ancient Sumerians, the Egyptians - all describe a primordial darkness which is then brought into Light. According to the early texts which influenced the books which make up the Hebrew magical tradition, or 'Kabbalah', God and the universe (albeit the vacuum which contains the ever expanding Universe) have always existed. These texts describe the universe as being a physical manifestation of the Godhead's own conscious awareness. The cosmos is considered in the Kabbalistic tradition to be the Godhead's awareness of himself.

'Creation' is described by the ancient Hebrew occultists as a series of simultaneous thoughts, represented by lights - described as ineffable lights. God brought into being ten of these lights - these orbs of light were created first out of pure thought energy, pure angelic energy direct from the Godhead. As each of these ten spheres were created, God made the density of the light stronger and stronger - with less and less divine material - until the tenth and last ineffable light was created - bathed in the supreme and most important ingredient for the creation of living things on planet Earth - sunlight.

This concept of divine essence being transmuted into physical substance is the bedrock of the Kabbalah and many occult teachings. Occultists and priests, soothsayers, skywatchers, nuclear physicists, oracles and magicians have all collectively struggled throughout history to put the above cosmic Big Bang/creation scenario into words. Indeed, the very divine thoughts of God which created us and the cosmos are referred to in ancient texts as 'words' - and thus we have the ridiculous over simplification "...in the beginning there was the word...". In fact, the words of the ancient texts which revealed this mystical (I would say romatically inaccurate) version of Creation, are formed of letters which themselves are modeled on the form and shape of star constellations (see my previous writings about the linguistic evidence of contact with the Star Gods in Feed Your Brain Magazine, summer 2009 - http://www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com ). Morphing through many versions, syntaxes and grammatical constraints, we call this mystical, magickal language 'Hebrew' and it is considered the most effective of all languages for summoning the invisible godly and ungodly Kliphothic forces which were created with the Universe...

Kliphothic Connundrum... Apparently, according to Hebrew teachings, not all went well during the Creation. If we are to believe the archaeological record and also believe the ancient Hebrew scriptures, the almighty force and unbridled, unconstrained massive tsunami of incandescense which brought into being the entire cosmos, simultaneously created a whole raft of physical and non physical living beings which fed off each other, were infused with 'too much' of the brazen negative cosmic force, and set about mutually feeding off each other in an aqueous dog-eat-dog soup of ugly, selfish and bizarre creatures. Many of these creatures, the old Rabbis teach us, were a 'cosmic mistake' - a kind of prehistoric version of Eastenders, with one selfish act leading to another, with each single cell, evolving and dividing into clusters of cells, then into plasmoid jellyfish type creatures, then vertebrates - but all of them hugely ugly, indifferent to one another and hopelessly doomed to be alone... Stubborn, and infused with too much of the hot cosmic forces released at the time of the Big Bang, the first life forms which appeared were far from attractive. Many lacked a soul & compassion, and therefore stalked around like corpses, or ‘shells’ of beings. These strange primordial life forms are described in the Kabbalah as the Kliphothic beings - creatures (both physical and spiritual) which were created before God got it 'just right'. It is these Kliphothic forces which the evil magicians of millennia have always sought to summon and master - for they are the spiritual equivalent of the incredible Hulk - on a bad day - with a dash of demonic, selfish intent thrown in. In all my years of research, it is these morphing, evil, shape-shifting entities which most closely resemble the eye witness testimonies contained in David Icke's book The Biggest Secret.

Great secrecy surrounds the existence of the Kliphothic beings - it is forbidden for anyone under the age of 40 in the Jewish tradition to study them. Of the hundreds of millions of web pages out there that discuss the Kabbalah and New World Order, barely a handful mention the world of the kliphothic. Curiously, neither David Icke, nor Arizona, nor Pamela Icke who I questioned on these subjects ever mentioned The Goetia, Goetic nor Kliphothic demons. I discovered, in 1981, the existence of these forces by reading a training manual on Magic written by a former employee of Her Majesty's Inland Revenue. I had bought the book from a friend whose brother was making a name for himself in the stock market and had purchased this book of Magic in order to cast spells to bring him wealth. This is not the only time that I have found someone working for the Banking Elite to be interested in black magick. Mastery of these dark Kliphothic forces is one of the biggest secrets in the arcane occult wisdom of black magicians. This secret wisdom is referred to as hokmahnistarah, and the passing on of this part of magickal tradition, or 'Kabbalah', is only permitted once someone has attained an age of suitable intellectual and religious maturity. Since Madonna and Britney got 'into' the Kabbalah, many thousands of non Jewish people have started to study the kabbalah at college. If you are one of these people, then perhaps when you started your course, you wondered why the word 'kabbalah' was spelt 'Cabala' with a 'C'? Most students are never told about the selfish, arrogant vagrant and demonic forces of the Kliphothic realm. The Cabala, spelt with a ‘C’, is actually a Christianized ‘love-n-peace’ version of the Kabbalah which was developed as a ‘cover’ in the occult centre of Cassel in Germany - this is the town where the Rosicrucian Manifestos emerged. The Christianized Cabala has since been used as a kind of ‘primer’ gently indoctrinating the intelligentsia who join Rosicrucian and Masonic lodges - of course, this eventually leads to a career as a full time magician of the black arts if the student is so disposed. So, as we progress through this booklet, I welcome you all to one of the rarest opportunities for non Jewish people to learn about the spiritual forces which Rabbis have gained mastery over since ancient times...

Knowledge of these brutish astral forces, mastery over them and temples designed to worship them were first built in Chaldea, a province of Babylon, long before the family dynasties of Egypt came to power. The tradition of summoning and invoking these Kliphothic forces has been handed down from (usually) father to son, and has caused a rift of envy & jealousy against the Jewish people which has rippled throughout history, with one nasty tyrant after another seeking to learn the tradition (kabbalah) and then exterminate all those who would also invoke - and therefore dilute - the angry spiritual forces which Hitler, Himmler, the British-Bavarian Royals, Napoleon, Popes and Alexander the Great have all used to create the present New World Order.

Without understanding the nihlistic manifesto of these jealous

and ugly Kliphothic demons, one cannot make any sense of the planetary

destruction which the global network of witches, freemasons and

magicians are inflicting on planet Earth. The destruction of the

rainforests and all the land burnt to a cinder is, of course, of no concern to

a SPIRIT-DEMON who actually nihlistically wishes utter destruction and

horror on the physical plane - causing widespread havoc and genocide

and thus jettisoning millions of souls into the astral world where poor

wretches killed by the Illuminati’s programme of planetary chaos can be

tormented and possessed in perpetuity. The character and personality of

these demons is typically seductive, promising vast riches and wealth to

the magicians and illuminati who carry out their disgusting ambitions in

the physical world.

Origins of the Written Kabbalah... Commonly, one of the the first lessons taught about the Kabbalah tradition of magick is that the Godhead's divineness, His cosmic awareness of Himself is represented by the Universe itself - both the physical elements which make up all planets and material life forms and also all the unseen electro-magnetic-nuclear-spiritual forces in the invisible realms which surround us. The Universe is, as it were, a 'mirror' showing us the brilliance and magnitude of the Godhead. These concepts existed for at least 1,000 years in an oral tradition, and these were eventually written down and distributed in hand-copied scrolls in the pre-Biblical era. In fact, it is highly likely that these concepts go back 10,000 years or more. The first of these manuscript versions of the Creation - according to Kabbalah - is called the Sefer Yetsirah, or the Book of Formation, which is thought to date from the 6th century AD (though it is important to remember that it contains concepts which stretch back into antiquity). The Book of Formation is essential to understand if we are to explain the remarkable and terrifying metamorphosis of members of the royal family as described by Arizona Wilder. The Book of Formation has been used by black magicians and misguided Rabbis in medieval Europe to create and animate ‘Golems’ - this is an important subject which I shall cover in a subsequent part of this booklet. Around 700 years later, in the 13th century (the era in which the Knights Templar all of a sudden became the richest and most pre-eminent semi monarchial force in Europe), another text - now included in the corpus of teachings we call the 'kabbalah' was published - entitled the Sefer Hazzohar (commonly referred to as the Zohar, or Book of Brightness). Authorship of both the Sefer Yetsirah and also the Zohar are hotly debated amongst scholars. Some scholars believe that these texts were divinely inspired and just 'appeared' - but the facts available to us from the historical record tend to suggest that these texts were authored in Europe - most probably in Barcelona and Provençe (home county to Michel Nostradamus) and were the written chronicles of secret wisdom which had previously been passed from Rabbi to son since antiquity. It is widely agreed that the Zohar has it's roots in the mystical teachings of 2nd century Palestine, when a mystic called Simeon ben Yochai first wrote it down on paper (or I should say papyrus). A European traveller, known as Moses de Leon claims that he 'discovered' this 2nd century version of the Zohar - but it is equally likely that Moses de Leon actually authored the Zohar himself and just claimed an older provenance for the writings to give it more spiritual gravitas.

Another very influential text from the kabbalah corpus is the Book of Bahir, whose real title is the Sefer-hab-Bahir which was probably written in the 6th century by a Rabbi called 'Isaac The Blind'. There are actually two (and possibly three) Rabbis who have taken on the name 'Isaac the Blind' throughout history - and it is not uncommon for Rabbis to adopt the name and title of previous kabbalistic scholars from history - in fact, the Roman Catholic church often copies this form of reverence, when popes take on the name of previous pontiffs as a mark of gratitude and homage to their predecessors. The scriptual and physical evidence for the origination of the kabbalah is, of course, denied by kabbalist fundamentalists - these people passionately believe that the wisdom of the kabbalah corpus was in actual fact set down into mankind's mind via the prophet known as Enoch. Some modern interpretations of the Book of Enoch say that the arcane kabbalistic wisdom found in the 6th and 13th century texts were 'betrayed' to Mankind by none other than the 'Fallen Angels' (ie. Kliphothic entities described above). Another Talmudic tradition makes the unlikely claim that God Almighty himself whispered it directly into the ear of Moses on Mount Sinai. According to this version of ‘history’, seventy carefully chosen Elders were then given the task of preserving the secret wisdom - which from that point onwards would be communicated orally - and only to those who had reached the age of 40.

One cannot help to see that the Enochian version of the origination of the kabbalah has led many skeptics and anti-semites to deduce that the Kabbalah is the work of demons and possibly the devil himself. In fact, there is a scriptual history of ancient works which suggest that the God Almighty and the 'Lord' transliterated from the Old and New Testaments are NOT the same Supreme Being - but one is in actual fact the 'Devil' and the other is Adonai - God of the Christians. Whatever the case, the complex and abstract concept of an unseen universe of divine particles and lights containing the essence of God's intellect and willpower were at once shocking and fascinating to the non Jewish intelligentsia of the 13th century, who hungrily read and absorbed the mystical conceptual basis for the Creation of the Universe which we find in the kabbalistic corpus of works.

The Real Bible Code... The first five books of the Holy Bible are called the Pentateuch and can be considered a vulgarization of the arcane teachings which explained the mystical process of Creation at the time of the Big Bang. The Book of Genesis, as just one example, is in actual fact a re-transliteration of the Creation Myths featuring the Annunaki in ancient Sumeria. Zealous and fundamentalist kabbalists have claimed - and still claim - that the very root of these five books of the Old Testament are in actual fact an exoteric, codified set of scrolls which have their literary foundation in kabbalistic oral teachings from ancient Babylon. The basis for Jewish law is the Old Testament, and the Commandments from Moses. This 'Law' of the Jewish people was given by Moses, apparently after some mystical communion with God, and the Hebrew word for 'law' is 'Torah'. Kabbalists read the five books of the Old Testament in a very different way to the uninitiated 'goyim' which they deplore. What is 'goyim'? - it is a derogatory term for non Jewish races used by racist members of (usually) the zealot temples that have sporadically existed around the world for several centuries. Many kabbalists see a hidden encoded message within the Torah which can be unlocked by understanding how to read the first and last letters of each word, and also reading entire chapters from 'outside-in', with alternate words taken from the primary sentences and last words in the final sentences progressively retrograding towards the centre of each chapter. This cryptogrammatical method reveals a hidden layer of prophecies and meanings - and, thus, have effectively cemented the Kabbalah, or tradition of magick, into the modern age, where black magicians are now using it as a blueprint.

In addition to the above system of encryption, kabbalists employ the esoteric science of Gematria which requires the conversion of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet into numerical equivalents, and then substituting certain words which have the same numerical total. As an example, a phrase "...and lo, three men' (Gen xviii 2) can be reconstructed to read 'These Were Michael, Gabriel & Raphael'. As you can see, the hidden language of the Rabbis is comprehensive and arcane to understand. The Gematrical version of the Torah reveals a VERY different version of the Creation. Gematrically speaking, the lord God Almighty - referred to as Yod Ha Vah Hey (YHVH) - is regarded gematrically as the same person as ADAM - a human artificially created by spiritual force. The belief that a person can be created using spiritual forces is fundamental to the Book of Formation and the legend of the ‘Golem’. Hebrew has no vowels, and therefore, this also gave rise to a sigil-istic method of encoding the Will of God into each sentence of holy Hebrew texts. This has given Black Magicians a kind of ‘Screenplay’ which they use to stage and control geopolitical events. The ‘Movie’ they are making is, in actual fact, a ‘Horror’ film, directed by Kliphothic, shape-shifting demonic entities. Much of this ‘Screenplay’ is represented in Symbols or ‘Sigils’ which subconsciously influence the minds of the occultists and members of the public alike. What is a ‘Sigil’? A sigil is actually a talisman, or symbol which represents the will or desire of the magician. A talismanic symbol - or sigil - is made by writing down the desire or will of the magician - for example 'Bring Me Treasure', and erasing all vowels and repeated consonants, re-writing the sentence 'BrngMTs' - these remaining letters would be etched into a tablet of beaten zinc, or silver, or gold, and arranged so that they would look like a logo - a talisman - which would immediately remind the magician of the original will or desire contained in the sigil. It would often be worn as a necklace or bracelet and never removed from the magician's body - thus infusing and conjoining the magician's physical body with his Will.

A related grammatical arcane 'science' grew up around these techniques, which took every letter of a given word in the Torah and used these letters as the first letter of subsequent words, thus forming new sentences based on the standard text. I have purchased ancient manuscripts published (indeed, some are hand copies) from the 14th century which employ this system - which is known as Notarikon. By taking just a few words from the familiar sentences of the Torah, one can immediately 'discover' the names of angels and demons hidden within these texts.

Another method used as a 'key' to expose the hidden and alternative version of the Torah was called Temura - which is a divinatory method for deciphering messages from the 'divine' (and not so divine) beings within the scriptures. An ancient manuscript attributed to the scholar Philo entitled De Vita Contemplativa describes the Torah as a 'living being' whose body is the literal text of the Pentateuch and whose soul is the hidden occult meaning that is buried within the lines of text - placed there for only the select few to understand. Gematrically deciphered portions of the first five books of the Old Testament - especially those which have side notes written in the hand of kabbalists and annotations which correct many of the deliberate 'booby trap' mistakes which magicians insert in order to nullify their competitors, often sell for a minimum of £2,000. The bidders are very often those who are seeking to unlock the names of demons and the secret sets of incantations with which to summon and control them). Le Bibliotech Bleu series of pulp non-fiction magickal mini 'Grimoires' sold on the streets of Paris for a penny in the 18th century are now changing hands for £3,000 or more! And it is within this corpus of texts - which describe the many thousands of Kliphothic demonic entities - that we see some kind of historical provenance which goes a long way in explaining the incredibly bizarre happenings at magickal rituals. Once you have absorbed the above information and read the historical accounts of rituals that summon demons, then the eye-witness reports relayed to David Icke a decade ago by a woman using a 'cover' name 'Arizona Wilder' (apparently, her real name is 'Jennifer Greene') seem worthy of much, much closer investiagtion...


AUTHOR’s NOTE: I have been patiently waiting for Arizona to write more on the

subjects which she covered in the video Confessions of a Mother Goddess - and hope to

interview her - for the time being, I present here in this multi-part booklet all the

research findings I have made - in the hope that we can put into context Arizona’s

testimony into an easily digestible PDF booklet which, hopefully, will put an end to all

these ridiculous arguments that have so far dissipated and wasted so many people's time

during the last few years. If information and research along the lines of the Goetia had

previously been published alongside the material contained in The Biggest Secret, then I

am sure there would not have been so many pointless arguments! I hope my new film

and magazine articles help, in some way, to explain many of the questions and doubts

raised following the publication of The Biggest Secret.

Born Jennifer Ann Greene, aka Arizona Wilder: this lady first came to prominence with the publication of David Icke’s book ‘The Biggest Secret’. A book which

describes shape-shifting 9 foot tall godzilla-dragon type monsters presiding over rituals having morphed

from the bodies of various members of the Royal Family - including the recently deceased Queen

Mother. I ask; “Were these the REAL royal family - or were they actually demonically infused ‘Golems’?” Or

was the event the result of magickally induced Hypno-gogic suggestion? Or perhaps all three? READ ON...

When I first got my copy of The Biggest

Secret, I used to hide it so my Mum

wouldn’t find it when she visited to tidy

up my house! This book claims that

Laurence Gardner - who I have met at a

Nexus Magazine conference - was a

shape-shifting reptilian/human hybrid -

the Queen and other Royals too.

Page 4: Chris Everard & the Illuminati Part 1

Entering The Jaws of Demons... Unfortunately, during the many years I have invested in making films and interviewing authors, I have discovered that the vast majority of underhanded attacks, and snyde behaviour comes from those who seem to have been under the impression that the information I reveal in my articles and films was somehow theirs, that it was 'stepping on their toes' to even write about subjects which are mildly similar. There has been - since the publication of John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (pub. 1798) - somewhat of a small publishing industry in anti-masonic literature - and many authors for the last two centuries have entered into futile, envious and nonsensical ‘flame wars’ with eachother, when in reality, they should really be assisting eachother's research and forming a united front. My role as a filmmaker has been to amalgamate and present on screen the most verifiable evidence, and give a cinematically captivating stage for the most well informed authors to have their say about the New World Order. Unfortunately, I was too naive and underestimated that the 'Money Bomb' is a more important incentive to some anti-NWO personalities than the Nuclear Bomb! Consequently, I have been undermined and attacked and wrongly accused of arrogance by some of these people - even from people who have made a career by warning you and me about the evil in the banking and judiciary - when the truth comes too close to home - they all resort to using Barristers (Tony Blair was a barrister) and judges (Tony Blair's wife is a judge) to shut me up. Lol. Just watch and see what happens... All I can say, is that I hope you thoroughly enjoy reading my research. When I first interviewed David Icke on camera in 2001 and asked "David, are we being ruled by people who worship Baphomets and Demons?" in a whiplash instant, David forwent his normally very professional television-savy way of answering questions (so that each answer can cleanly and concisely be edited into a self contained video capsule which does not require the film editor to include the opening question) with a very abrupt "yes we are!". David's answer was the first time I had recorded on camera a person willing, like me, to say on camera what we had all suspected for a long time - that members of the royal-political elite were more than just dabbling in Black Magick - they had developed ancient techniques of summoning Demons and it was this quest - to summon demons - which lay at the heart of all Masonic, Templar and high ceremonial magick.

By 1999, there had been thousands of books written exposing Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and Black Magicians - but just a tiny few of the 300 million web-blog pages on the subject of the New World Order dared to mention the actual reason why rituals took place. David's answer showed that on this topic we were both on the same page as it were - I knew that my hunch to make a motion picture documentary film about the black magick rituals performed by the world's richest people - was a correct hunch - and that the public's consciousness was now elevated to the point where many millions of people were ready for this information. At that moment, I knew that the previous 17 years' worth of collecting video and film footage, reading and research that I had done, building a library on the Occult with mainly original first and second edition books was all worth while. I was kind of worried at the time that I would be labeled as a 'heretic' film director for making films from the heart about black masses, witch covens, poltergeists and the dark world of Freemasonry - my concerns were unjustified - I have had people buy my films from all over the world - including the lawyers representing the Bush family, Hollywood superstars, sports personalities and, yes, of course, even Royalty. So, in a nutshell, I have put into this booklet all the most important pieces of information about the evil demonic forces summoned to rule over Mankind by the royal-political elite - so that when you come to view my series of Illuminati films (especially ILLUMINATI Vol IV), hopefully, many pieces of the jigsaw puzzle will fall into place - effortlessly - with minimal ambiguity. Enjoy.

[author's note; I would suggest just taking a few moments to close your eyes and slow your breathing into nice deep breaths and get really very comfortable before proceeding - this first part of my booklet concerns magickal information which is so fundamentally vital to understand that it is, in actual fact, the very essence and root of the information used by the Illuminati to influence and control Mankind. It's time to sling the cat out and put the phone off the hook!].


Imagine yourself in inky blackness. Without light. A vast space without form. This blackness is black because there is no light. Light does not exist. This space has no ceiling. It has no walls. It has no floor. It has no reference point of what is up, down or sideways. There is absolutely no form to this blackness - no limit to it's extent of nothingness. It is not even a 'dimension'. This emptiness is personified by the utter lack of any form or sound. No air. No nothing. Not even a glimmer of Hope. Not an utter cell. Utter perpetual nothingness. No heat. No cold. No abstract thought or concept. No actual awareness that there could ever be anything except nothingness. No emotion. Not even an illusion, as one has to have a point of awareness to even comprehend an illusion. Nothing. Nothingness is alien to the existence of Mankind and Life. Nothingness is the complete and utter lack of all faculties which can even comprehend a vacuum. Without light, spatial dimension, without thought, without sound, heat, air, and therefore without vibrations... one can imagine a black silent womb. But nothingness is more vacuous than this - as there are no thoughts and so it is impossible to even conceive of a 'womb'. There is not really a 'void' or 'vacuum' either, as these concepts all rely on the existence of a congniscient entity to perceive a 'vacuum'. The concept of a vacuum presupposes that there is actually some kind of three dimensional space in which the air has been sucked out. Nothingness is just that - NOTHING... Not even an illusion can exist.

But wait... now imagine yourself floating and observing this nothingness.

All of a sudden, you hear - for the first time in a million millennia - the

hissing and rumble of a far off sound... it gets louder and louder, and your

atrophied and never before used hearing faculties begin to dance as the

scillia hairs of your ears become electrified by the vibration of invisible

gasses that have crept up and now surround you... You perceive for the first

time ever, a far off thunderous explosion.... Then, a point of infintisimally

small light penetrates like an unexpected penis into the newly perceived

womb of utter nothingness that you have existed in since the beginning of


The light - and rumbling hissing sounds - grow - and you realise that these distant explosions are emanating from a point in space which hitherto you did not even know existed. Your senses are finally being fed an amazing smorgasbord of phenomena... You perceive in one swooping, graceful and elegant shuddering revelation that YOU EXIST... and ARE NOT ALONE... The hissing and rumbling become louder, even a tremor - physical vibration - transmits itself through your newly found being - you are alive! You FEEL this - this is really happening! Before that revelation is completely welded into your new found consciousness, a hot searing wind of plasmic vitality... a cosmic happening, an inter-galactic, deep space gale, a fireball of white hot , super multi thousand degree heat - from all directions - engulfs you in a tsunami of sheer, unadulterated pure light, sound, vibration... OMG! This is REALITY! You are alive and there is something

else awesomely alive also sharing this huge space with you... Welcome to

the beginning of the plasmic electrolytic single cell amino acid lightning-

forming primordial soupy nuclear hurricane which we laughingly call the


At that infinitesimal point, which quantum physicists and other leather-elbowed pontficators and fans of Val Doonican spasmodically publish books about... we see the Creation, the virginal first love cosmic orgasm which gives birth to the UNIVERSE. Particles, fire, plasma, electrons, neutrons, quarks and the basic building blocks which would become Starbucks, I Love Lucy TV shows, planets, Galaxies, asteroids, comets, David Icke on the Wogan show (twice), and solar systems hurtle past your previously dormant Self... In an instant, an instantaneous blink in the eye of a previously undiscovered Godhead sub-atomic particles radiate out in all directions and begin to cool and coalesce into the Universe we know today. Congratulations... you have just witnessed the stunning energy which would become 'Mother Nature' burst forth - all the positive and negatively charged particles that would soon amalgamate and gather into self-regulating clusters of atoms. Unfortunately, some of these particles amalgamate into groups which were almost entirely negatively charged - and this is the true meaning of the word Kliphothic. These negative energies coalesced into ‘astral corpses’.

The Black Magick of the Cosmos...

In one instant, there was absolutely nothing, and the next, the

Big Bang releases forces of a Nature which previously did not exist - a

Nature which has come into being - when I asked a Rabbi-Magician the

simple question 'why?', he smiled and answered " ...Because, let's face it...

Nothingness is boring!". This sudden, and rarely discussed emanation of existence is a common theme expressed in many Creation texts found the world over - the Mayans, the ancient Sumerians, the Egyptians - all describe a primordial darkness which is then brought into Light. According to the early texts which influenced the books which make up the Hebrew magical tradition, or 'Kabbalah', God and the universe (albeit the vacuum which contains the ever expanding Universe) have always existed. These texts describe the universe as being a physical manifestation of the Godhead's own conscious awareness. The cosmos is considered in the Kabbalistic tradition to be the Godhead's awareness of himself.

'Creation' is described by the ancient Hebrew occultists as a series of simultaneous thoughts, represented by lights - described as ineffable lights. God brought into being ten of these lights - these orbs of light were created first out of pure thought energy, pure angelic energy direct from the Godhead. As each of these ten spheres were created, God made the density of the light stronger and stronger - with less and less divine material - until the tenth and last ineffable light was created - bathed in the supreme and most important ingredient for the creation of living things on planet Earth - sunlight.

This concept of divine essence being transmuted into physical substance is the bedrock of the Kabbalah and many occult teachings. Occultists and priests, soothsayers, skywatchers, nuclear physicists, oracles and magicians have all collectively struggled throughout history to put the above cosmic Big Bang/creation scenario into words. Indeed, the very divine thoughts of God which created us and the cosmos are referred to in ancient texts as 'words' - and thus we have the ridiculous over simplification "...in the beginning there was the word...". In fact, the words of the ancient texts which revealed this mystical (I would say romatically inaccurate) version of Creation, are formed of letters which themselves are modeled on the form and shape of star constellations (see my previous writings about the linguistic evidence of contact with the Star Gods in Feed Your Brain Magazine, summer 2009 - http://www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com ). Morphing through many versions, syntaxes and grammatical constraints, we call this mystical, magickal language 'Hebrew' and it is considered the most effective of all languages for summoning the invisible godly and ungodly Kliphothic forces which were created with the Universe...

Kliphothic Connundrum... Apparently, according to Hebrew teachings, not all went well during the Creation. If we are to believe the archaeological record and also believe the ancient Hebrew scriptures, the almighty force and unbridled, unconstrained massive tsunami of incandescense which brought into being the entire cosmos, simultaneously created a whole raft of physical and non physical living beings which fed off each other, were infused with 'too much' of the brazen negative cosmic force, and set about mutually feeding off each other in an aqueous dog-eat-dog soup of ugly, selfish and bizarre creatures. Many of these creatures, the old Rabbis teach us, were a 'cosmic mistake' - a kind of prehistoric version of Eastenders, with one selfish act leading to another, with each single cell, evolving and dividing into clusters of cells, then into plasmoid jellyfish type creatures, then vertebrates - but all of them hugely ugly, indifferent to one another and hopelessly doomed to be alone... Stubborn, and infused with too much of the hot cosmic forces released at the time of the Big Bang, the first life forms which appeared were far from attractive. Many lacked a soul & compassion, and therefore stalked around like corpses, or ‘shells’ of beings. These strange primordial life forms are described in the Kabbalah as the Kliphothic beings - creatures (both physical and spiritual) which were created before God got it 'just right'. It is these Kliphothic forces which the evil magicians of millennia have always sought to summon and master - for they are the spiritual equivalent of the incredible Hulk - on a bad day - with a dash of demonic, selfish intent thrown in. In all my years of research, it is these morphing, evil, shape-shifting entities which most closely resemble the eye witness testimonies contained in David Icke's book The Biggest Secret.

Great secrecy surrounds the existence of the Kliphothic beings - it is forbidden for anyone under the age of 40 in the Jewish tradition to study them. Of the hundreds of millions of web pages out there that discuss the Kabbalah and New World Order, barely a handful mention the world of the kliphothic. Curiously, neither David Icke, nor Arizona, nor Pamela Icke who I questioned on these subjects ever mentioned The Goetia, Goetic nor Kliphothic demons. I discovered, in 1981, the existence of these forces by reading a training manual on Magic written by a former employee of Her Majesty's Inland Revenue. I had bought the book from a friend whose brother was making a name for himself in the stock market and had purchased this book of Magic in order to cast spells to bring him wealth. This is not the only time that I have found someone working for the Banking Elite to be interested in black magick. Mastery of these dark Kliphothic forces is one of the biggest secrets in the arcane occult wisdom of black magicians. This secret wisdom is referred to as hokmahnistarah, and the passing on of this part of magickal tradition, or 'Kabbalah', is only permitted once someone has attained an age of suitable intellectual and religious maturity. Since Madonna and Britney got 'into' the Kabbalah, many thousands of non Jewish people have started to study the kabbalah at college. If you are one of these people, then perhaps when you started your course, you wondered why the word 'kabbalah' was spelt 'Cabala' with a 'C'? Most students are never told about the selfish, arrogant vagrant and demonic forces of the Kliphothic realm. The Cabala, spelt with a ‘C’, is actually a Christianized ‘love-n-peace’ version of the Kabbalah which was developed as a ‘cover’ in the occult centre of Cassel in Germany - this is the town where the Rosicrucian Manifestos emerged. The Christianized Cabala has since been used as a kind of ‘primer’ gently indoctrinating the intelligentsia who join Rosicrucian and Masonic lodges - of course, this eventually leads to a career as a full time magician of the black arts if the student is so disposed. So, as we progress through this booklet, I welcome you all to one of the rarest opportunities for non Jewish people to learn about the spiritual forces which Rabbis have gained mastery over since ancient times...

Knowledge of these brutish astral forces, mastery over them and temples designed to worship them were first built in Chaldea, a province of Babylon, long before the family dynasties of Egypt came to power. The tradition of summoning and invoking these Kliphothic forces has been handed down from (usually) father to son, and has caused a rift of envy & jealousy against the Jewish people which has rippled throughout history, with one nasty tyrant after another seeking to learn the tradition (kabbalah) and then exterminate all those who would also invoke - and therefore dilute - the angry spiritual forces which Hitler, Himmler, the British-Bavarian Royals, Napoleon, Popes and Alexander the Great have all used to create the present New World Order.

Without understanding the nihlistic manifesto of these jealous

and ugly Kliphothic demons, one cannot make any sense of the planetary

destruction which the global network of witches, freemasons and

magicians are inflicting on planet Earth. The destruction of the

rainforests and all the land burnt to a cinder is, of course, of no concern to

a SPIRIT-DEMON who actually nihlistically wishes utter destruction and

horror on the physical plane - causing widespread havoc and genocide

and thus jettisoning millions of souls into the astral world where poor

wretches killed by the Illuminati’s programme of planetary chaos can be

tormented and possessed in perpetuity. The character and personality of

these demons is typically seductive, promising vast riches and wealth to

the magicians and illuminati who carry out their disgusting ambitions in

the physical world.

Origins of the Written Kabbalah... Commonly, one of the the first lessons taught about the Kabbalah tradition of magick is that the Godhead's divineness, His cosmic awareness of Himself is represented by the Universe itself - both the physical elements which make up all planets and material life forms and also all the unseen electro-magnetic-nuclear-spiritual forces in the invisible realms which surround us. The Universe is, as it were, a 'mirror' showing us the brilliance and magnitude of the Godhead. These concepts existed for at least 1,000 years in an oral tradition, and these were eventually written down and distributed in hand-copied scrolls in the pre-Biblical era. In fact, it is highly likely that these concepts go back 10,000 years or more. The first of these manuscript versions of the Creation - according to Kabbalah - is called the Sefer Yetsirah, or the Book of Formation, which is thought to date from the 6th century AD (though it is important to remember that it contains concepts which stretch back into antiquity). The Book of Formation is essential to understand if we are to explain the remarkable and terrifying metamorphosis of members of the royal family as described by Arizona Wilder. The Book of Formation has been used by black magicians and misguided Rabbis in medieval Europe to create and animate ‘Golems’ - this is an important subject which I shall cover in a subsequent part of this booklet. Around 700 years later, in the 13th century (the era in which the Knights Templar all of a sudden became the richest and most pre-eminent semi monarchial force in Europe), another text - now included in the corpus of teachings we call the 'kabbalah' was published - entitled the Sefer Hazzohar (commonly referred to as the Zohar, or Book of Brightness). Authorship of both the Sefer Yetsirah and also the Zohar are hotly debated amongst scholars. Some scholars believe that these texts were divinely inspired and just 'appeared' - but the facts available to us from the historical record tend to suggest that these texts were authored in Europe - most probably in Barcelona and Provençe (home county to Michel Nostradamus) and were the written chronicles of secret wisdom which had previously been passed from Rabbi to son since antiquity. It is widely agreed that the Zohar has it's roots in the mystical teachings of 2nd century Palestine, when a mystic called Simeon ben Yochai first wrote it down on paper (or I should say papyrus). A European traveller, known as Moses de Leon claims that he 'discovered' this 2nd century version of the Zohar - but it is equally likely that Moses de Leon actually authored the Zohar himself and just claimed an older provenance for the writings to give it more spiritual gravitas.

Another very influential text from the kabbalah corpus is the Book of Bahir, whose real title is the Sefer-hab-Bahir which was probably written in the 6th century by a Rabbi called 'Isaac The Blind'. There are actually two (and possibly three) Rabbis who have taken on the name 'Isaac the Blind' throughout history - and it is not uncommon for Rabbis to adopt the name and title of previous kabbalistic scholars from history - in fact, the Roman Catholic church often copies this form of reverence, when popes take on the name of previous pontiffs as a mark of gratitude and homage to their predecessors. The scriptual and physical evidence for the origination of the kabbalah is, of course, denied by kabbalist fundamentalists - these people passionately believe that the wisdom of the kabbalah corpus was in actual fact set down into mankind's mind via the prophet known as Enoch. Some modern interpretations of the Book of Enoch say that the arcane kabbalistic wisdom found in the 6th and 13th century texts were 'betrayed' to Mankind by none other than the 'Fallen Angels' (ie. Kliphothic entities described above). Another Talmudic tradition makes the unlikely claim that God Almighty himself whispered it directly into the ear of Moses on Mount Sinai. According to this version of ‘history’, seventy carefully chosen Elders were then given the task of preserving the secret wisdom - which from that point onwards would be communicated orally - and only to those who had reached the age of 40.

One cannot help to see that the Enochian version of the origination of the kabbalah has led many skeptics and anti-semites to deduce that the Kabbalah is the work of demons and possibly the devil himself. In fact, there is a scriptual history of ancient works which suggest that the God Almighty and the 'Lord' transliterated from the Old and New Testaments are NOT the same Supreme Being - but one is in actual fact the 'Devil' and the other is Adonai - God of the Christians. Whatever the case, the complex and abstract concept of an unseen universe of divine particles and lights containing the essence of God's intellect and willpower were at once shocking and fascinating to the non Jewish intelligentsia of the 13th century, who hungrily read and absorbed the mystical conceptual basis for the Creation of the Universe which we find in the kabbalistic corpus of works.

The Real Bible Code... The first five books of the Holy Bible are called the Pentateuch and can be considered a vulgarization of the arcane teachings which explained the mystical process of Creation at the time of the Big Bang. The Book of Genesis, as just one example, is in actual fact a re-transliteration of the Creation Myths featuring the Annunaki in ancient Sumeria. Zealous and fundamentalist kabbalists have claimed - and still claim - that the very root of these five books of the Old Testament are in actual fact an exoteric, codified set of scrolls which have their literary foundation in kabbalistic oral teachings from ancient Babylon. The basis for Jewish law is the Old Testament, and the Commandments from Moses. This 'Law' of the Jewish people was given by Moses, apparently after some mystical communion with God, and the Hebrew word for 'law' is 'Torah'. Kabbalists read the five books of the Old Testament in a very different way to the uninitiated 'goyim' which they deplore. What is 'goyim'? - it is a derogatory term for non Jewish races used by racist members of (usually) the zealot temples that have sporadically existed around the world for several centuries. Many kabbalists see a hidden encoded message within the Torah which can be unlocked by understanding how to read the first and last letters of each word, and also reading entire chapters from 'outside-in', with alternate words taken from the primary sentences and last words in the final sentences progressively retrograding towards the centre of each chapter. This cryptogrammatical method reveals a hidden layer of prophecies and meanings - and, thus, have effectively cemented the Kabbalah, or tradition of magick, into the modern age, where black magicians are now using it as a blueprint.

In addition to the above system of encryption, kabbalists employ the esoteric science of Gematria which requires the conversion of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet into numerical equivalents, and then substituting certain words which have the same numerical total. As an example, a phrase "...and lo, three men' (Gen xviii 2) can be reconstructed to read 'These Were Michael, Gabriel & Raphael'. As you can see, the hidden language of the Rabbis is comprehensive and arcane to understand. The Gematrical version of the Torah reveals a VERY different version of the Creation. Gematrically speaking, the lord God Almighty - referred to as Yod Ha Vah Hey (YHVH) - is regarded gematrically as the same person as ADAM - a human artificially created by spiritual force. The belief that a person can be created using spiritual forces is fundamental to the Book of Formation and the legend of the ‘Golem’. Hebrew has no vowels, and therefore, this also gave rise to a sigil-istic method of encoding the Will of God into each sentence of holy Hebrew texts. This has given Black Magicians a kind of ‘Screenplay’ which they use to stage and control geopolitical events. The ‘Movie’ they are making is, in actual fact, a ‘Horror’ film, directed by Kliphothic, shape-shifting demonic entities. Much of this ‘Screenplay’ is represented in Symbols or ‘Sigils’ which subconsciously influence the minds of the occultists and members of the public alike. What is a ‘Sigil’? A sigil is actually a talisman, or symbol which represents the will or desire of the magician. A talismanic symbol - or sigil - is made by writing down the desire or will of the magician - for example 'Bring Me Treasure', and erasing all vowels and repeated consonants, re-writing the sentence 'BrngMTs' - these remaining letters would be etched into a tablet of beaten zinc, or silver, or gold, and arranged so that they would look like a logo - a talisman - which would immediately remind the magician of the original will or desire contained in the sigil. It would often be worn as a necklace or bracelet and never removed from the magician's body - thus infusing and conjoining the magician's physical body with his Will.

A related grammatical arcane 'science' grew up around these techniques, which took every letter of a given word in the Torah and used these letters as the first letter of subsequent words, thus forming new sentences based on the standard text. I have purchased ancient manuscripts published (indeed, some are hand copies) from the 14th century which employ this system - which is known as Notarikon. By taking just a few words from the familiar sentences of the Torah, one can immediately 'discover' the names of angels and demons hidden within these texts.

Another method used as a 'key' to expose the hidden and alternative version of the Torah was called Temura - which is a divinatory method for deciphering messages from the 'divine' (and not so divine) beings within the scriptures. An ancient manuscript attributed to the scholar Philo entitled De Vita Contemplativa describes the Torah as a 'living being' whose body is the literal text of the Pentateuch and whose soul is the hidden occult meaning that is buried within the lines of text - placed there for only the select few to understand. Gematrically deciphered portions of the first five books of the Old Testament - especially those which have side notes written in the hand of kabbalists and annotations which correct many of the deliberate 'booby trap' mistakes which magicians insert in order to nullify their competitors, often sell for a minimum of £2,000. The bidders are very often those who are seeking to unlock the names of demons and the secret sets of incantations with which to summon and control them). Le Bibliotech Bleu series of pulp non-fiction magickal mini 'Grimoires' sold on the streets of Paris for a penny in the 18th century are now changing hands for £3,000 or more! And it is within this corpus of texts - which describe the many thousands of Kliphothic demonic entities - that we see some kind of historical provenance which goes a long way in explaining the incredibly bizarre happenings at magickal rituals. Once you have absorbed the above information and read the historical accounts of rituals that summon demons, then the eye-witness reports relayed to David Icke a decade ago by a woman using a 'cover' name 'Arizona Wilder' (apparently, her real name is 'Jennifer Greene') seem worthy of much, much closer investiagtion...


AUTHOR’s NOTE: I have been patiently waiting for Arizona to write more on the

subjects which she covered in the video Confessions of a Mother Goddess - and hope to

interview her - for the time being, I present here in this multi-part booklet all the

research findings I have made - in the hope that we can put into context Arizona’s

testimony into an easily digestible PDF booklet which, hopefully, will put an end to all

these ridiculous arguments that have so far dissipated and wasted so many people's time

during the last few years. If information and research along the lines of the Goetia had

previously been published alongside the material contained in The Biggest Secret, then I

am sure there would not have been so many pointless arguments! I hope my new film

and magazine articles help, in some way, to explain many of the questions and doubts

raised following the publication of The Biggest Secret.

Qliphoth, kliffoth,

klippot or kellipot

qelippot, or kliphothic

- meaning "shells" or

outer matter, in the

Hebrew ‘!"#$%&’ means

the primeval "husks" of

impure form -

referring to the

representation of evil

forces created at the

birth of the universe -

found in the mystical

teachings of Judaism

(such as in the

Kabbalah). The

Qliphoth are similar to

the Kanchukas in

Kashmir Shivaism. In

western translations, it

is often spelt


ABOVE: Josef Mengele: According to Arizona Wilder and David Icke, former NAZI Joseph Mengele was a student of the Kabbalah and a High Priest in black magick covens. Many Black Magick texts - attributed to

King Solomon (who is most likely to be a composite historical character, or ‘pen’ name) - state that Demonic entities were formed as part of the Creation of the universe. Some ancient texts claim that there are millions of demonic entities in the astral planes. NAZIs were funded and managed by the Sovereign houses of Bavaria.

page 004

ABOVE: Amazingly, the

above artistic

representation is one

of the more attractive

of the demons created

at the Big Bang! 72 of

the most powerful

demons - which shape-

shift their form - are

described in the Goetia

- Book of Howling.

Page 5: Chris Everard & the Illuminati Part 1

page 005


Entering The Jaws of Demons... Unfortunately, during the many years I have invested in making films and interviewing authors, I have discovered that the vast majority of underhanded attacks, and snyde behaviour comes from those who seem to have been under the impression that the information I reveal in my articles and films was somehow theirs, that it was 'stepping on their toes' to even write about subjects which are mildly similar. There has been - since the publication of John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (pub. 1798) - somewhat of a small publishing industry in anti-masonic literature - and many authors for the last two centuries have entered into futile, envious and nonsensical ‘flame wars’ with eachother, when in reality, they should really be assisting eachother's research and forming a united front. My role as a filmmaker has been to amalgamate and present on screen the most verifiable evidence, and give a cinematically captivating stage for the most well informed authors to have their say about the New World Order. Unfortunately, I was too naive and underestimated that the 'Money Bomb' is a more important incentive to some anti-NWO personalities than the Nuclear Bomb! Consequently, I have been undermined and attacked and wrongly accused of arrogance by some of these people - even from people who have made a career by warning you and me about the evil in the banking and judiciary - when the truth comes too close to home - they all resort to using Barristers (Tony Blair was a barrister) and judges (Tony Blair's wife is a judge) to shut me up. Lol. Just watch and see what happens... All I can say, is that I hope you thoroughly enjoy reading my research. When I first interviewed David Icke on camera in 2001 and asked "David, are we being ruled by people who worship Baphomets and Demons?" in a whiplash instant, David forwent his normally very professional television-savy way of answering questions (so that each answer can cleanly and concisely be edited into a self contained video capsule which does not require the film editor to include the opening question) with a very abrupt "yes we are!". David's answer was the first time I had recorded on camera a person willing, like me, to say on camera what we had all suspected for a long time - that members of the royal-political elite were more than just dabbling in Black Magick - they had developed ancient techniques of summoning Demons and it was this quest - to summon demons - which lay at the heart of all Masonic, Templar and high ceremonial magick.

By 1999, there had been thousands of books written exposing Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and Black Magicians - but just a tiny few of the 300 million web-blog pages on the subject of the New World Order dared to mention the actual reason why rituals took place. David's answer showed that on this topic we were both on the same page as it were - I knew that my hunch to make a motion picture documentary film about the black magick rituals performed by the world's richest people - was a correct hunch - and that the public's consciousness was now elevated to the point where many millions of people were ready for this information. At that moment, I knew that the previous 17 years' worth of collecting video and film footage, reading and research that I had done, building a library on the Occult with mainly original first and second edition books was all worth while. I was kind of worried at the time that I would be labeled as a 'heretic' film director for making films from the heart about black masses, witch covens, poltergeists and the dark world of Freemasonry - my concerns were unjustified - I have had people buy my films from all over the world - including the lawyers representing the Bush family, Hollywood superstars, sports personalities and, yes, of course, even Royalty. So, in a nutshell, I have put into this booklet all the most important pieces of information about the evil demonic forces summoned to rule over Mankind by the royal-political elite - so that when you come to view my series of Illuminati films (especially ILLUMINATI Vol IV), hopefully, many pieces of the jigsaw puzzle will fall into place - effortlessly - with minimal ambiguity. Enjoy.

[author's note; I would suggest just taking a few moments to close your eyes and slow your breathing into nice deep breaths and get really very comfortable before proceeding - this first part of my booklet concerns magickal information which is so fundamentally vital to understand that it is, in actual fact, the very essence and root of the information used by the Illuminati to influence and control Mankind. It's time to sling the cat out and put the phone off the hook!].


Imagine yourself in inky blackness. Without light. A vast space without form. This blackness is black because there is no light. Light does not exist. This space has no ceiling. It has no walls. It has no floor. It has no reference point of what is up, down or sideways. There is absolutely no form to this blackness - no limit to it's extent of nothingness. It is not even a 'dimension'. This emptiness is personified by the utter lack of any form or sound. No air. No nothing. Not even a glimmer of Hope. Not an utter cell. Utter perpetual nothingness. No heat. No cold. No abstract thought or concept. No actual awareness that there could ever be anything except nothingness. No emotion. Not even an illusion, as one has to have a point of awareness to even comprehend an illusion. Nothing. Nothingness is alien to the existence of Mankind and Life. Nothingness is the complete and utter lack of all faculties which can even comprehend a vacuum. Without light, spatial dimension, without thought, without sound, heat, air, and therefore without vibrations... one can imagine a black silent womb. But nothingness is more vacuous than this - as there are no thoughts and so it is impossible to even conceive of a 'womb'. There is not really a 'void' or 'vacuum' either, as these concepts all rely on the existence of a congniscient entity to perceive a 'vacuum'. The concept of a vacuum presupposes that there is actually some kind of three dimensional space in which the air has been sucked out. Nothingness is just that - NOTHING... Not even an illusion can exist.

But wait... now imagine yourself floating and observing this nothingness.

All of a sudden, you hear - for the first time in a million millennia - the

hissing and rumble of a far off sound... it gets louder and louder, and your

atrophied and never before used hearing faculties begin to dance as the

scillia hairs of your ears become electrified by the vibration of invisible

gasses that have crept up and now surround you... You perceive for the first

time ever, a far off thunderous explosion.... Then, a point of infintisimally

small light penetrates like an unexpected penis into the newly perceived

womb of utter nothingness that you have existed in since the beginning of


The light - and rumbling hissing sounds - grow - and you realise that these distant explosions are emanating from a point in space which hitherto you did not even know existed. Your senses are finally being fed an amazing smorgasbord of phenomena... You perceive in one swooping, graceful and elegant shuddering revelation that YOU EXIST... and ARE NOT ALONE... The hissing and rumbling become louder, even a tremor - physical vibration - transmits itself through your newly found being - you are alive! You FEEL this - this is really happening! Before that revelation is completely welded into your new found consciousness, a hot searing wind of plasmic vitality... a cosmic happening, an inter-galactic, deep space gale, a fireball of white hot , super multi thousand degree heat - from all directions - engulfs you in a tsunami of sheer, unadulterated pure light, sound, vibration... OMG! This is REALITY! You are alive and there is something

else awesomely alive also sharing this huge space with you... Welcome to

the beginning of the plasmic electrolytic single cell amino acid lightning-

forming primordial soupy nuclear hurricane which we laughingly call the


At that infinitesimal point, which quantum physicists and other leather-elbowed pontficators and fans of Val Doonican spasmodically publish books about... we see the Creation, the virginal first love cosmic orgasm which gives birth to the UNIVERSE. Particles, fire, plasma, electrons, neutrons, quarks and the basic building blocks which would become Starbucks, I Love Lucy TV shows, planets, Galaxies, asteroids, comets, David Icke on the Wogan show (twice), and solar systems hurtle past your previously dormant Self... In an instant, an instantaneous blink in the eye of a previously undiscovered Godhead sub-atomic particles radiate out in all directions and begin to cool and coalesce into the Universe we know today. Congratulations... you have just witnessed the stunning energy which would become 'Mother Nature' burst forth - all the positive and negatively charged particles that would soon amalgamate and gather into self-regulating clusters of atoms. Unfortunately, some of these particles amalgamate into groups which were almost entirely negatively charged - and this is the true meaning of the word Kliphothic. These negative energies coalesced into ‘astral corpses’.

The Black Magick of the Cosmos...

In one instant, there was absolutely nothing, and the next, the

Big Bang releases forces of a Nature which previously did not exist - a

Nature which has come into being - when I asked a Rabbi-Magician the

simple question 'why?', he smiled and answered " ...Because, let's face it...

Nothingness is boring!". This sudden, and rarely discussed emanation of existence is a common theme expressed in many Creation texts found the world over - the Mayans, the ancient Sumerians, the Egyptians - all describe a primordial darkness which is then brought into Light. According to the early texts which influenced the books which make up the Hebrew magical tradition, or 'Kabbalah', God and the universe (albeit the vacuum which contains the ever expanding Universe) have always existed. These texts describe the universe as being a physical manifestation of the Godhead's own conscious awareness. The cosmos is considered in the Kabbalistic tradition to be the Godhead's awareness of himself.

'Creation' is described by the ancient Hebrew occultists as a series of simultaneous thoughts, represented by lights - described as ineffable lights. God brought into being ten of these lights - these orbs of light were created first out of pure thought energy, pure angelic energy direct from the Godhead. As each of these ten spheres were created, God made the density of the light stronger and stronger - with less and less divine material - until the tenth and last ineffable light was created - bathed in the supreme and most important ingredient for the creation of living things on planet Earth - sunlight.

This concept of divine essence being transmuted into physical substance is the bedrock of the Kabbalah and many occult teachings. Occultists and priests, soothsayers, skywatchers, nuclear physicists, oracles and magicians have all collectively struggled throughout history to put the above cosmic Big Bang/creation scenario into words. Indeed, the very divine thoughts of God which created us and the cosmos are referred to in ancient texts as 'words' - and thus we have the ridiculous over simplification "...in the beginning there was the word...". In fact, the words of the ancient texts which revealed this mystical (I would say romatically inaccurate) version of Creation, are formed of letters which themselves are modeled on the form and shape of star constellations (see my previous writings about the linguistic evidence of contact with the Star Gods in Feed Your Brain Magazine, summer 2009 - http://www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com ). Morphing through many versions, syntaxes and grammatical constraints, we call this mystical, magickal language 'Hebrew' and it is considered the most effective of all languages for summoning the invisible godly and ungodly Kliphothic forces which were created with the Universe...

Kliphothic Connundrum... Apparently, according to Hebrew teachings, not all went well during the Creation. If we are to believe the archaeological record and also believe the ancient Hebrew scriptures, the almighty force and unbridled, unconstrained massive tsunami of incandescense which brought into being the entire cosmos, simultaneously created a whole raft of physical and non physical living beings which fed off each other, were infused with 'too much' of the brazen negative cosmic force, and set about mutually feeding off each other in an aqueous dog-eat-dog soup of ugly, selfish and bizarre creatures. Many of these creatures, the old Rabbis teach us, were a 'cosmic mistake' - a kind of prehistoric version of Eastenders, with one selfish act leading to another, with each single cell, evolving and dividing into clusters of cells, then into plasmoid jellyfish type creatures, then vertebrates - but all of them hugely ugly, indifferent to one another and hopelessly doomed to be alone... Stubborn, and infused with too much of the hot cosmic forces released at the time of the Big Bang, the first life forms which appeared were far from attractive. Many lacked a soul & compassion, and therefore stalked around like corpses, or ‘shells’ of beings. These strange primordial life forms are described in the Kabbalah as the Kliphothic beings - creatures (both physical and spiritual) which were created before God got it 'just right'. It is these Kliphothic forces which the evil magicians of millennia have always sought to summon and master - for they are the spiritual equivalent of the incredible Hulk - on a bad day - with a dash of demonic, selfish intent thrown in. In all my years of research, it is these morphing, evil, shape-shifting entities which most closely resemble the eye witness testimonies contained in David Icke's book The Biggest Secret.

Great secrecy surrounds the existence of the Kliphothic beings - it is forbidden for anyone under the age of 40 in the Jewish tradition to study them. Of the hundreds of millions of web pages out there that discuss the Kabbalah and New World Order, barely a handful mention the world of the kliphothic. Curiously, neither David Icke, nor Arizona, nor Pamela Icke who I questioned on these subjects ever mentioned The Goetia, Goetic nor Kliphothic demons. I discovered, in 1981, the existence of these forces by reading a training manual on Magic written by a former employee of Her Majesty's Inland Revenue. I had bought the book from a friend whose brother was making a name for himself in the stock market and had purchased this book of Magic in order to cast spells to bring him wealth. This is not the only time that I have found someone working for the Banking Elite to be interested in black magick. Mastery of these dark Kliphothic forces is one of the biggest secrets in the arcane occult wisdom of black magicians. This secret wisdom is referred to as hokmahnistarah, and the passing on of this part of magickal tradition, or 'Kabbalah', is only permitted once someone has attained an age of suitable intellectual and religious maturity. Since Madonna and Britney got 'into' the Kabbalah, many thousands of non Jewish people have started to study the kabbalah at college. If you are one of these people, then perhaps when you started your course, you wondered why the word 'kabbalah' was spelt 'Cabala' with a 'C'? Most students are never told about the selfish, arrogant vagrant and demonic forces of the Kliphothic realm. The Cabala, spelt with a ‘C’, is actually a Christianized ‘love-n-peace’ version of the Kabbalah which was developed as a ‘cover’ in the occult centre of Cassel in Germany - this is the town where the Rosicrucian Manifestos emerged. The Christianized Cabala has since been used as a kind of ‘primer’ gently indoctrinating the intelligentsia who join Rosicrucian and Masonic lodges - of course, this eventually leads to a career as a full time magician of the black arts if the student is so disposed. So, as we progress through this booklet, I welcome you all to one of the rarest opportunities for non Jewish people to learn about the spiritual forces which Rabbis have gained mastery over since ancient times...

Knowledge of these brutish astral forces, mastery over them and temples designed to worship them were first built in Chaldea, a province of Babylon, long before the family dynasties of Egypt came to power. The tradition of summoning and invoking these Kliphothic forces has been handed down from (usually) father to son, and has caused a rift of envy & jealousy against the Jewish people which has rippled throughout history, with one nasty tyrant after another seeking to learn the tradition (kabbalah) and then exterminate all those who would also invoke - and therefore dilute - the angry spiritual forces which Hitler, Himmler, the British-Bavarian Royals, Napoleon, Popes and Alexander the Great have all used to create the present New World Order.

Without understanding the nihlistic manifesto of these jealous

and ugly Kliphothic demons, one cannot make any sense of the planetary

destruction which the global network of witches, freemasons and

magicians are inflicting on planet Earth. The destruction of the

rainforests and all the land burnt to a cinder is, of course, of no concern to

a SPIRIT-DEMON who actually nihlistically wishes utter destruction and

horror on the physical plane - causing widespread havoc and genocide

and thus jettisoning millions of souls into the astral world where poor

wretches killed by the Illuminati’s programme of planetary chaos can be

tormented and possessed in perpetuity. The character and personality of

these demons is typically seductive, promising vast riches and wealth to

the magicians and illuminati who carry out their disgusting ambitions in

the physical world.

Origins of the Written Kabbalah... Commonly, one of the the first lessons taught about the Kabbalah tradition of magick is that the Godhead's divineness, His cosmic awareness of Himself is represented by the Universe itself - both the physical elements which make up all planets and material life forms and also all the unseen electro-magnetic-nuclear-spiritual forces in the invisible realms which surround us. The Universe is, as it were, a 'mirror' showing us the brilliance and magnitude of the Godhead. These concepts existed for at least 1,000 years in an oral tradition, and these were eventually written down and distributed in hand-copied scrolls in the pre-Biblical era. In fact, it is highly likely that these concepts go back 10,000 years or more. The first of these manuscript versions of the Creation - according to Kabbalah - is called the Sefer Yetsirah, or the Book of Formation, which is thought to date from the 6th century AD (though it is important to remember that it contains concepts which stretch back into antiquity). The Book of Formation is essential to understand if we are to explain the remarkable and terrifying metamorphosis of members of the royal family as described by Arizona Wilder. The Book of Formation has been used by black magicians and misguided Rabbis in medieval Europe to create and animate ‘Golems’ - this is an important subject which I shall cover in a subsequent part of this booklet. Around 700 years later, in the 13th century (the era in which the Knights Templar all of a sudden became the richest and most pre-eminent semi monarchial force in Europe), another text - now included in the corpus of teachings we call the 'kabbalah' was published - entitled the Sefer Hazzohar (commonly referred to as the Zohar, or Book of Brightness). Authorship of both the Sefer Yetsirah and also the Zohar are hotly debated amongst scholars. Some scholars believe that these texts were divinely inspired and just 'appeared' - but the facts available to us from the historical record tend to suggest that these texts were authored in Europe - most probably in Barcelona and Provençe (home county to Michel Nostradamus) and were the written chronicles of secret wisdom which had previously been passed from Rabbi to son since antiquity. It is widely agreed that the Zohar has it's roots in the mystical teachings of 2nd century Palestine, when a mystic called Simeon ben Yochai first wrote it down on paper (or I should say papyrus). A European traveller, known as Moses de Leon claims that he 'discovered' this 2nd century version of the Zohar - but it is equally likely that Moses de Leon actually authored the Zohar himself and just claimed an older provenance for the writings to give it more spiritual gravitas.

Another very influential text from the kabbalah corpus is the Book of Bahir, whose real title is the Sefer-hab-Bahir which was probably written in the 6th century by a Rabbi called 'Isaac The Blind'. There are actually two (and possibly three) Rabbis who have taken on the name 'Isaac the Blind' throughout history - and it is not uncommon for Rabbis to adopt the name and title of previous kabbalistic scholars from history - in fact, the Roman Catholic church often copies this form of reverence, when popes take on the name of previous pontiffs as a mark of gratitude and homage to their predecessors. The scriptual and physical evidence for the origination of the kabbalah is, of course, denied by kabbalist fundamentalists - these people passionately believe that the wisdom of the kabbalah corpus was in actual fact set down into mankind's mind via the prophet known as Enoch. Some modern interpretations of the Book of Enoch say that the arcane kabbalistic wisdom found in the 6th and 13th century texts were 'betrayed' to Mankind by none other than the 'Fallen Angels' (ie. Kliphothic entities described above). Another Talmudic tradition makes the unlikely claim that God Almighty himself whispered it directly into the ear of Moses on Mount Sinai. According to this version of ‘history’, seventy carefully chosen Elders were then given the task of preserving the secret wisdom - which from that point onwards would be communicated orally - and only to those who had reached the age of 40.

One cannot help to see that the Enochian version of the origination of the kabbalah has led many skeptics and anti-semites to deduce that the Kabbalah is the work of demons and possibly the devil himself. In fact, there is a scriptual history of ancient works which suggest that the God Almighty and the 'Lord' transliterated from the Old and New Testaments are NOT the same Supreme Being - but one is in actual fact the 'Devil' and the other is Adonai - God of the Christians. Whatever the case, the complex and abstract concept of an unseen universe of divine particles and lights containing the essence of God's intellect and willpower were at once shocking and fascinating to the non Jewish intelligentsia of the 13th century, who hungrily read and absorbed the mystical conceptual basis for the Creation of the Universe which we find in the kabbalistic corpus of works.

The Real Bible Code... The first five books of the Holy Bible are called the Pentateuch and can be considered a vulgarization of the arcane teachings which explained the mystical process of Creation at the time of the Big Bang. The Book of Genesis, as just one example, is in actual fact a re-transliteration of the Creation Myths featuring the Annunaki in ancient Sumeria. Zealous and fundamentalist kabbalists have claimed - and still claim - that the very root of these five books of the Old Testament are in actual fact an exoteric, codified set of scrolls which have their literary foundation in kabbalistic oral teachings from ancient Babylon. The basis for Jewish law is the Old Testament, and the Commandments from Moses. This 'Law' of the Jewish people was given by Moses, apparently after some mystical communion with God, and the Hebrew word for 'law' is 'Torah'. Kabbalists read the five books of the Old Testament in a very different way to the uninitiated 'goyim' which they deplore. What is 'goyim'? - it is a derogatory term for non Jewish races used by racist members of (usually) the zealot temples that have sporadically existed around the world for several centuries. Many kabbalists see a hidden encoded message within the Torah which can be unlocked by understanding how to read the first and last letters of each word, and also reading entire chapters from 'outside-in', with alternate words taken from the primary sentences and last words in the final sentences progressively retrograding towards the centre of each chapter. This cryptogrammatical method reveals a hidden layer of prophecies and meanings - and, thus, have effectively cemented the Kabbalah, or tradition of magick, into the modern age, where black magicians are now using it as a blueprint.

In addition to the above system of encryption, kabbalists employ the esoteric science of Gematria which requires the conversion of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet into numerical equivalents, and then substituting certain words which have the same numerical total. As an example, a phrase "...and lo, three men' (Gen xviii 2) can be reconstructed to read 'These Were Michael, Gabriel & Raphael'. As you can see, the hidden language of the Rabbis is comprehensive and arcane to understand. The Gematrical version of the Torah reveals a VERY different version of the Creation. Gematrically speaking, the lord God Almighty - referred to as Yod Ha Vah Hey (YHVH) - is regarded gematrically as the same person as ADAM - a human artificially created by spiritual force. The belief that a person can be created using spiritual forces is fundamental to the Book of Formation and the legend of the ‘Golem’. Hebrew has no vowels, and therefore, this also gave rise to a sigil-istic method of encoding the Will of God into each sentence of holy Hebrew texts. This has given Black Magicians a kind of ‘Screenplay’ which they use to stage and control geopolitical events. The ‘Movie’ they are making is, in actual fact, a ‘Horror’ film, directed by Kliphothic, shape-shifting demonic entities. Much of this ‘Screenplay’ is represented in Symbols or ‘Sigils’ which subconsciously influence the minds of the occultists and members of the public alike. What is a ‘Sigil’? A sigil is actually a talisman, or symbol which represents the will or desire of the magician. A talismanic symbol - or sigil - is made by writing down the desire or will of the magician - for example 'Bring Me Treasure', and erasing all vowels and repeated consonants, re-writing the sentence 'BrngMTs' - these remaining letters would be etched into a tablet of beaten zinc, or silver, or gold, and arranged so that they would look like a logo - a talisman - which would immediately remind the magician of the original will or desire contained in the sigil. It would often be worn as a necklace or bracelet and never removed from the magician's body - thus infusing and conjoining the magician's physical body with his Will.

A related grammatical arcane 'science' grew up around these techniques, which took every letter of a given word in the Torah and used these letters as the first letter of subsequent words, thus forming new sentences based on the standard text. I have purchased ancient manuscripts published (indeed, some are hand copies) from the 14th century which employ this system - which is known as Notarikon. By taking just a few words from the familiar sentences of the Torah, one can immediately 'discover' the names of angels and demons hidden within these texts.

Another method used as a 'key' to expose the hidden and alternative version of the Torah was called Temura - which is a divinatory method for deciphering messages from the 'divine' (and not so divine) beings within the scriptures. An ancient manuscript attributed to the scholar Philo entitled De Vita Contemplativa describes the Torah as a 'living being' whose body is the literal text of the Pentateuch and whose soul is the hidden occult meaning that is buried within the lines of text - placed there for only the select few to understand. Gematrically deciphered portions of the first five books of the Old Testament - especially those which have side notes written in the hand of kabbalists and annotations which correct many of the deliberate 'booby trap' mistakes which magicians insert in order to nullify their competitors, often sell for a minimum of £2,000. The bidders are very often those who are seeking to unlock the names of demons and the secret sets of incantations with which to summon and control them). Le Bibliotech Bleu series of pulp non-fiction magickal mini 'Grimoires' sold on the streets of Paris for a penny in the 18th century are now changing hands for £3,000 or more! And it is within this corpus of texts - which describe the many thousands of Kliphothic demonic entities - that we see some kind of historical provenance which goes a long way in explaining the incredibly bizarre happenings at magickal rituals. Once you have absorbed the above information and read the historical accounts of rituals that summon demons, then the eye-witness reports relayed to David Icke a decade ago by a woman using a 'cover' name 'Arizona Wilder' (apparently, her real name is 'Jennifer Greene') seem worthy of much, much closer investiagtion...


AUTHOR’s NOTE: I have been patiently waiting for Arizona to write more on the

subjects which she covered in the video Confessions of a Mother Goddess - and hope to

interview her - for the time being, I present here in this multi-part booklet all the

research findings I have made - in the hope that we can put into context Arizona’s

testimony into an easily digestible PDF booklet which, hopefully, will put an end to all

these ridiculous arguments that have so far dissipated and wasted so many people's time

during the last few years. If information and research along the lines of the Goetia had

previously been published alongside the material contained in The Biggest Secret, then I

am sure there would not have been so many pointless arguments! I hope my new film

and magazine articles help, in some way, to explain many of the questions and doubts

raised following the publication of The Biggest Secret.

A baron and his jester pay an

Old Wife to sacrifice peasant

children bought at white slave

markets in the 1700s.

Woodcuts like this were

distributed in anti Bourgeois

pamphlets. Satirical in nature,

these pamphlets nevertheless

depicted what was going on in

the covens of the Royal-

Political Elite.

Going for a song - at £300

- this 1977 reprint of a

book about walking the

kabbalistic Tree of Death

and summoning the

demonic, imperfect and

impure demons created at

the beginning of the

universe is typical of the

prices rich arseholes of

The Illuminati families pay

for texts which allow

them to invoke demons at

rituals. At nearly every

opportunity, I try and

out-bid these sad sods and

take over what few texts

of black magic there are

and put them under lock

and key. Unfortunately,

Google Inc. have digitally

photographed nearly all

these texts and now have

them stored online.

Google’s UK HQ is in

Buckingham Palace Road.

Page 6: Chris Everard & the Illuminati Part 1

page 006

Entering The Jaws of Demons... Unfortunately, during the many years I have invested in making films and interviewing authors, I have discovered that the vast majority of underhanded attacks, and snyde behaviour comes from those who seem to have been under the impression that the information I reveal in my articles and films was somehow theirs, that it was 'stepping on their toes' to even write about subjects which are mildly similar. There has been - since the publication of John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (pub. 1798) - somewhat of a small publishing industry in anti-masonic literature - and many authors for the last two centuries have entered into futile, envious and nonsensical ‘flame wars’ with eachother, when in reality, they should really be assisting eachother's research and forming a united front. My role as a filmmaker has been to amalgamate and present on screen the most verifiable evidence, and give a cinematically captivating stage for the most well informed authors to have their say about the New World Order. Unfortunately, I was too naive and underestimated that the 'Money Bomb' is a more important incentive to some anti-NWO personalities than the Nuclear Bomb! Consequently, I have been undermined and attacked and wrongly accused of arrogance by some of these people - even from people who have made a career by warning you and me about the evil in the banking and judiciary - when the truth comes too close to home - they all resort to using Barristers (Tony Blair was a barrister) and judges (Tony Blair's wife is a judge) to shut me up. Lol. Just watch and see what happens... All I can say, is that I hope you thoroughly enjoy reading my research. When I first interviewed David Icke on camera in 2001 and asked "David, are we being ruled by people who worship Baphomets and Demons?" in a whiplash instant, David forwent his normally very professional television-savy way of answering questions (so that each answer can cleanly and concisely be edited into a self contained video capsule which does not require the film editor to include the opening question) with a very abrupt "yes we are!". David's answer was the first time I had recorded on camera a person willing, like me, to say on camera what we had all suspected for a long time - that members of the royal-political elite were more than just dabbling in Black Magick - they had developed ancient techniques of summoning Demons and it was this quest - to summon demons - which lay at the heart of all Masonic, Templar and high ceremonial magick.

By 1999, there had been thousands of books written exposing Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and Black Magicians - but just a tiny few of the 300 million web-blog pages on the subject of the New World Order dared to mention the actual reason why rituals took place. David's answer showed that on this topic we were both on the same page as it were - I knew that my hunch to make a motion picture documentary film about the black magick rituals performed by the world's richest people - was a correct hunch - and that the public's consciousness was now elevated to the point where many millions of people were ready for this information. At that moment, I knew that the previous 17 years' worth of collecting video and film footage, reading and research that I had done, building a library on the Occult with mainly original first and second edition books was all worth while. I was kind of worried at the time that I would be labeled as a 'heretic' film director for making films from the heart about black masses, witch covens, poltergeists and the dark world of Freemasonry - my concerns were unjustified - I have had people buy my films from all over the world - including the lawyers representing the Bush family, Hollywood superstars, sports personalities and, yes, of course, even Royalty. So, in a nutshell, I have put into this booklet all the most important pieces of information about the evil demonic forces summoned to rule over Mankind by the royal-political elite - so that when you come to view my series of Illuminati films (especially ILLUMINATI Vol IV), hopefully, many pieces of the jigsaw puzzle will fall into place - effortlessly - with minimal ambiguity. Enjoy.

[author's note; I would suggest just taking a few moments to close your eyes and slow your breathing into nice deep breaths and get really very comfortable before proceeding - this first part of my booklet concerns magickal information which is so fundamentally vital to understand that it is, in actual fact, the very essence and root of the information used by the Illuminati to influence and control Mankind. It's time to sling the cat out and put the phone off the hook!].


Imagine yourself in inky blackness. Without light. A vast space without form. This blackness is black because there is no light. Light does not exist. This space has no ceiling. It has no walls. It has no floor. It has no reference point of what is up, down or sideways. There is absolutely no form to this blackness - no limit to it's extent of nothingness. It is not even a 'dimension'. This emptiness is personified by the utter lack of any form or sound. No air. No nothing. Not even a glimmer of Hope. Not an utter cell. Utter perpetual nothingness. No heat. No cold. No abstract thought or concept. No actual awareness that there could ever be anything except nothingness. No emotion. Not even an illusion, as one has to have a point of awareness to even comprehend an illusion. Nothing. Nothingness is alien to the existence of Mankind and Life. Nothingness is the complete and utter lack of all faculties which can even comprehend a vacuum. Without light, spatial dimension, without thought, without sound, heat, air, and therefore without vibrations... one can imagine a black silent womb. But nothingness is more vacuous than this - as there are no thoughts and so it is impossible to even conceive of a 'womb'. There is not really a 'void' or 'vacuum' either, as these concepts all rely on the existence of a congniscient entity to perceive a 'vacuum'. The concept of a vacuum presupposes that there is actually some kind of three dimensional space in which the air has been sucked out. Nothingness is just that - NOTHING... Not even an illusion can exist.

But wait... now imagine yourself floating and observing this nothingness.

All of a sudden, you hear - for the first time in a million millennia - the

hissing and rumble of a far off sound... it gets louder and louder, and your

atrophied and never before used hearing faculties begin to dance as the

scillia hairs of your ears become electrified by the vibration of invisible

gasses that have crept up and now surround you... You perceive for the first

time ever, a far off thunderous explosion.... Then, a point of infintisimally

small light penetrates like an unexpected penis into the newly perceived

womb of utter nothingness that you have existed in since the beginning of


The light - and rumbling hissing sounds - grow - and you realise that these distant explosions are emanating from a point in space which hitherto you did not even know existed. Your senses are finally being fed an amazing smorgasbord of phenomena... You perceive in one swooping, graceful and elegant shuddering revelation that YOU EXIST... and ARE NOT ALONE... The hissing and rumbling become louder, even a tremor - physical vibration - transmits itself through your newly found being - you are alive! You FEEL this - this is really happening! Before that revelation is completely welded into your new found consciousness, a hot searing wind of plasmic vitality... a cosmic happening, an inter-galactic, deep space gale, a fireball of white hot , super multi thousand degree heat - from all directions - engulfs you in a tsunami of sheer, unadulterated pure light, sound, vibration... OMG! This is REALITY! You are alive and there is something

else awesomely alive also sharing this huge space with you... Welcome to

the beginning of the plasmic electrolytic single cell amino acid lightning-

forming primordial soupy nuclear hurricane which we laughingly call the


At that infinitesimal point, which quantum physicists and other leather-elbowed pontficators and fans of Val Doonican spasmodically publish books about... we see the Creation, the virginal first love cosmic orgasm which gives birth to the UNIVERSE. Particles, fire, plasma, electrons, neutrons, quarks and the basic building blocks which would become Starbucks, I Love Lucy TV shows, planets, Galaxies, asteroids, comets, David Icke on the Wogan show (twice), and solar systems hurtle past your previously dormant Self... In an instant, an instantaneous blink in the eye of a previously undiscovered Godhead sub-atomic particles radiate out in all directions and begin to cool and coalesce into the Universe we know today. Congratulations... you have just witnessed the stunning energy which would become 'Mother Nature' burst forth - all the positive and negatively charged particles that would soon amalgamate and gather into self-regulating clusters of atoms. Unfortunately, some of these particles amalgamate into groups which were almost entirely negatively charged - and this is the true meaning of the word Kliphothic. These negative energies coalesced into ‘astral corpses’.

The Black Magick of the Cosmos...

In one instant, there was absolutely nothing, and the next, the

Big Bang releases forces of a Nature which previously did not exist - a

Nature which has come into being - when I asked a Rabbi-Magician the

simple question 'why?', he smiled and answered " ...Because, let's face it...

Nothingness is boring!". This sudden, and rarely discussed emanation of existence is a common theme expressed in many Creation texts found the world over - the Mayans, the ancient Sumerians, the Egyptians - all describe a primordial darkness which is then brought into Light. According to the early texts which influenced the books which make up the Hebrew magical tradition, or 'Kabbalah', God and the universe (albeit the vacuum which contains the ever expanding Universe) have always existed. These texts describe the universe as being a physical manifestation of the Godhead's own conscious awareness. The cosmos is considered in the Kabbalistic tradition to be the Godhead's awareness of himself.

'Creation' is described by the ancient Hebrew occultists as a series of simultaneous thoughts, represented by lights - described as ineffable lights. God brought into being ten of these lights - these orbs of light were created first out of pure thought energy, pure angelic energy direct from the Godhead. As each of these ten spheres were created, God made the density of the light stronger and stronger - with less and less divine material - until the tenth and last ineffable light was created - bathed in the supreme and most important ingredient for the creation of living things on planet Earth - sunlight.

This concept of divine essence being transmuted into physical substance is the bedrock of the Kabbalah and many occult teachings. Occultists and priests, soothsayers, skywatchers, nuclear physicists, oracles and magicians have all collectively struggled throughout history to put the above cosmic Big Bang/creation scenario into words. Indeed, the very divine thoughts of God which created us and the cosmos are referred to in ancient texts as 'words' - and thus we have the ridiculous over simplification "...in the beginning there was the word...". In fact, the words of the ancient texts which revealed this mystical (I would say romatically inaccurate) version of Creation, are formed of letters which themselves are modeled on the form and shape of star constellations (see my previous writings about the linguistic evidence of contact with the Star Gods in Feed Your Brain Magazine, summer 2009 - http://www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com ). Morphing through many versions, syntaxes and grammatical constraints, we call this mystical, magickal language 'Hebrew' and it is considered the most effective of all languages for summoning the invisible godly and ungodly Kliphothic forces which were created with the Universe...

Kliphothic Connundrum... Apparently, according to Hebrew teachings, not all went well during the Creation. If we are to believe the archaeological record and also believe the ancient Hebrew scriptures, the almighty force and unbridled, unconstrained massive tsunami of incandescense which brought into being the entire cosmos, simultaneously created a whole raft of physical and non physical living beings which fed off each other, were infused with 'too much' of the brazen negative cosmic force, and set about mutually feeding off each other in an aqueous dog-eat-dog soup of ugly, selfish and bizarre creatures. Many of these creatures, the old Rabbis teach us, were a 'cosmic mistake' - a kind of prehistoric version of Eastenders, with one selfish act leading to another, with each single cell, evolving and dividing into clusters of cells, then into plasmoid jellyfish type creatures, then vertebrates - but all of them hugely ugly, indifferent to one another and hopelessly doomed to be alone... Stubborn, and infused with too much of the hot cosmic forces released at the time of the Big Bang, the first life forms which appeared were far from attractive. Many lacked a soul & compassion, and therefore stalked around like corpses, or ‘shells’ of beings. These strange primordial life forms are described in the Kabbalah as the Kliphothic beings - creatures (both physical and spiritual) which were created before God got it 'just right'. It is these Kliphothic forces which the evil magicians of millennia have always sought to summon and master - for they are the spiritual equivalent of the incredible Hulk - on a bad day - with a dash of demonic, selfish intent thrown in. In all my years of research, it is these morphing, evil, shape-shifting entities which most closely resemble the eye witness testimonies contained in David Icke's book The Biggest Secret.

Great secrecy surrounds the existence of the Kliphothic beings - it is forbidden for anyone under the age of 40 in the Jewish tradition to study them. Of the hundreds of millions of web pages out there that discuss the Kabbalah and New World Order, barely a handful mention the world of the kliphothic. Curiously, neither David Icke, nor Arizona, nor Pamela Icke who I questioned on these subjects ever mentioned The Goetia, Goetic nor Kliphothic demons. I discovered, in 1981, the existence of these forces by reading a training manual on Magic written by a former employee of Her Majesty's Inland Revenue. I had bought the book from a friend whose brother was making a name for himself in the stock market and had purchased this book of Magic in order to cast spells to bring him wealth. This is not the only time that I have found someone working for the Banking Elite to be interested in black magick. Mastery of these dark Kliphothic forces is one of the biggest secrets in the arcane occult wisdom of black magicians. This secret wisdom is referred to as hokmahnistarah, and the passing on of this part of magickal tradition, or 'Kabbalah', is only permitted once someone has attained an age of suitable intellectual and religious maturity. Since Madonna and Britney got 'into' the Kabbalah, many thousands of non Jewish people have started to study the kabbalah at college. If you are one of these people, then perhaps when you started your course, you wondered why the word 'kabbalah' was spelt 'Cabala' with a 'C'? Most students are never told about the selfish, arrogant vagrant and demonic forces of the Kliphothic realm. The Cabala, spelt with a ‘C’, is actually a Christianized ‘love-n-peace’ version of the Kabbalah which was developed as a ‘cover’ in the occult centre of Cassel in Germany - this is the town where the Rosicrucian Manifestos emerged. The Christianized Cabala has since been used as a kind of ‘primer’ gently indoctrinating the intelligentsia who join Rosicrucian and Masonic lodges - of course, this eventually leads to a career as a full time magician of the black arts if the student is so disposed. So, as we progress through this booklet, I welcome you all to one of the rarest opportunities for non Jewish people to learn about the spiritual forces which Rabbis have gained mastery over since ancient times...

Knowledge of these brutish astral forces, mastery over them and temples designed to worship them were first built in Chaldea, a province of Babylon, long before the family dynasties of Egypt came to power. The tradition of summoning and invoking these Kliphothic forces has been handed down from (usually) father to son, and has caused a rift of envy & jealousy against the Jewish people which has rippled throughout history, with one nasty tyrant after another seeking to learn the tradition (kabbalah) and then exterminate all those who would also invoke - and therefore dilute - the angry spiritual forces which Hitler, Himmler, the British-Bavarian Royals, Napoleon, Popes and Alexander the Great have all used to create the present New World Order.

Without understanding the nihlistic manifesto of these jealous

and ugly Kliphothic demons, one cannot make any sense of the planetary

destruction which the global network of witches, freemasons and

magicians are inflicting on planet Earth. The destruction of the

rainforests and all the land burnt to a cinder is, of course, of no concern to

a SPIRIT-DEMON who actually nihlistically wishes utter destruction and

horror on the physical plane - causing widespread havoc and genocide

and thus jettisoning millions of souls into the astral world where poor

wretches killed by the Illuminati’s programme of planetary chaos can be

tormented and possessed in perpetuity. The character and personality of

these demons is typically seductive, promising vast riches and wealth to

the magicians and illuminati who carry out their disgusting ambitions in

the physical world.

Origins of the Written Kabbalah... Commonly, one of the the first lessons taught about the Kabbalah tradition of magick is that the Godhead's divineness, His cosmic awareness of Himself is represented by the Universe itself - both the physical elements which make up all planets and material life forms and also all the unseen electro-magnetic-nuclear-spiritual forces in the invisible realms which surround us. The Universe is, as it were, a 'mirror' showing us the brilliance and magnitude of the Godhead. These concepts existed for at least 1,000 years in an oral tradition, and these were eventually written down and distributed in hand-copied scrolls in the pre-Biblical era. In fact, it is highly likely that these concepts go back 10,000 years or more. The first of these manuscript versions of the Creation - according to Kabbalah - is called the Sefer Yetsirah, or the Book of Formation, which is thought to date from the 6th century AD (though it is important to remember that it contains concepts which stretch back into antiquity). The Book of Formation is essential to understand if we are to explain the remarkable and terrifying metamorphosis of members of the royal family as described by Arizona Wilder. The Book of Formation has been used by black magicians and misguided Rabbis in medieval Europe to create and animate ‘Golems’ - this is an important subject which I shall cover in a subsequent part of this booklet. Around 700 years later, in the 13th century (the era in which the Knights Templar all of a sudden became the richest and most pre-eminent semi monarchial force in Europe), another text - now included in the corpus of teachings we call the 'kabbalah' was published - entitled the Sefer Hazzohar (commonly referred to as the Zohar, or Book of Brightness). Authorship of both the Sefer Yetsirah and also the Zohar are hotly debated amongst scholars. Some scholars believe that these texts were divinely inspired and just 'appeared' - but the facts available to us from the historical record tend to suggest that these texts were authored in Europe - most probably in Barcelona and Provençe (home county to Michel Nostradamus) and were the written chronicles of secret wisdom which had previously been passed from Rabbi to son since antiquity. It is widely agreed that the Zohar has it's roots in the mystical teachings of 2nd century Palestine, when a mystic called Simeon ben Yochai first wrote it down on paper (or I should say papyrus). A European traveller, known as Moses de Leon claims that he 'discovered' this 2nd century version of the Zohar - but it is equally likely that Moses de Leon actually authored the Zohar himself and just claimed an older provenance for the writings to give it more spiritual gravitas.

Another very influential text from the kabbalah corpus is the Book of Bahir, whose real title is the Sefer-hab-Bahir which was probably written in the 6th century by a Rabbi called 'Isaac The Blind'. There are actually two (and possibly three) Rabbis who have taken on the name 'Isaac the Blind' throughout history - and it is not uncommon for Rabbis to adopt the name and title of previous kabbalistic scholars from history - in fact, the Roman Catholic church often copies this form of reverence, when popes take on the name of previous pontiffs as a mark of gratitude and homage to their predecessors. The scriptual and physical evidence for the origination of the kabbalah is, of course, denied by kabbalist fundamentalists - these people passionately believe that the wisdom of the kabbalah corpus was in actual fact set down into mankind's mind via the prophet known as Enoch. Some modern interpretations of the Book of Enoch say that the arcane kabbalistic wisdom found in the 6th and 13th century texts were 'betrayed' to Mankind by none other than the 'Fallen Angels' (ie. Kliphothic entities described above). Another Talmudic tradition makes the unlikely claim that God Almighty himself whispered it directly into the ear of Moses on Mount Sinai. According to this version of ‘history’, seventy carefully chosen Elders were then given the task of preserving the secret wisdom - which from that point onwards would be communicated orally - and only to those who had reached the age of 40.

One cannot help to see that the Enochian version of the origination of the kabbalah has led many skeptics and anti-semites to deduce that the Kabbalah is the work of demons and possibly the devil himself. In fact, there is a scriptual history of ancient works which suggest that the God Almighty and the 'Lord' transliterated from the Old and New Testaments are NOT the same Supreme Being - but one is in actual fact the 'Devil' and the other is Adonai - God of the Christians. Whatever the case, the complex and abstract concept of an unseen universe of divine particles and lights containing the essence of God's intellect and willpower were at once shocking and fascinating to the non Jewish intelligentsia of the 13th century, who hungrily read and absorbed the mystical conceptual basis for the Creation of the Universe which we find in the kabbalistic corpus of works.

The Real Bible Code... The first five books of the Holy Bible are called the Pentateuch and can be considered a vulgarization of the arcane teachings which explained the mystical process of Creation at the time of the Big Bang. The Book of Genesis, as just one example, is in actual fact a re-transliteration of the Creation Myths featuring the Annunaki in ancient Sumeria. Zealous and fundamentalist kabbalists have claimed - and still claim - that the very root of these five books of the Old Testament are in actual fact an exoteric, codified set of scrolls which have their literary foundation in kabbalistic oral teachings from ancient Babylon. The basis for Jewish law is the Old Testament, and the Commandments from Moses. This 'Law' of the Jewish people was given by Moses, apparently after some mystical communion with God, and the Hebrew word for 'law' is 'Torah'. Kabbalists read the five books of the Old Testament in a very different way to the uninitiated 'goyim' which they deplore. What is 'goyim'? - it is a derogatory term for non Jewish races used by racist members of (usually) the zealot temples that have sporadically existed around the world for several centuries. Many kabbalists see a hidden encoded message within the Torah which can be unlocked by understanding how to read the first and last letters of each word, and also reading entire chapters from 'outside-in', with alternate words taken from the primary sentences and last words in the final sentences progressively retrograding towards the centre of each chapter. This cryptogrammatical method reveals a hidden layer of prophecies and meanings - and, thus, have effectively cemented the Kabbalah, or tradition of magick, into the modern age, where black magicians are now using it as a blueprint.

In addition to the above system of encryption, kabbalists employ the esoteric science of Gematria which requires the conversion of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet into numerical equivalents, and then substituting certain words which have the same numerical total. As an example, a phrase "...and lo, three men' (Gen xviii 2) can be reconstructed to read 'These Were Michael, Gabriel & Raphael'. As you can see, the hidden language of the Rabbis is comprehensive and arcane to understand. The Gematrical version of the Torah reveals a VERY different version of the Creation. Gematrically speaking, the lord God Almighty - referred to as Yod Ha Vah Hey (YHVH) - is regarded gematrically as the same person as ADAM - a human artificially created by spiritual force. The belief that a person can be created using spiritual forces is fundamental to the Book of Formation and the legend of the ‘Golem’. Hebrew has no vowels, and therefore, this also gave rise to a sigil-istic method of encoding the Will of God into each sentence of holy Hebrew texts. This has given Black Magicians a kind of ‘Screenplay’ which they use to stage and control geopolitical events. The ‘Movie’ they are making is, in actual fact, a ‘Horror’ film, directed by Kliphothic, shape-shifting demonic entities. Much of this ‘Screenplay’ is represented in Symbols or ‘Sigils’ which subconsciously influence the minds of the occultists and members of the public alike. What is a ‘Sigil’? A sigil is actually a talisman, or symbol which represents the will or desire of the magician. A talismanic symbol - or sigil - is made by writing down the desire or will of the magician - for example 'Bring Me Treasure', and erasing all vowels and repeated consonants, re-writing the sentence 'BrngMTs' - these remaining letters would be etched into a tablet of beaten zinc, or silver, or gold, and arranged so that they would look like a logo - a talisman - which would immediately remind the magician of the original will or desire contained in the sigil. It would often be worn as a necklace or bracelet and never removed from the magician's body - thus infusing and conjoining the magician's physical body with his Will.

A related grammatical arcane 'science' grew up around these techniques, which took every letter of a given word in the Torah and used these letters as the first letter of subsequent words, thus forming new sentences based on the standard text. I have purchased ancient manuscripts published (indeed, some are hand copies) from the 14th century which employ this system - which is known as Notarikon. By taking just a few words from the familiar sentences of the Torah, one can immediately 'discover' the names of angels and demons hidden within these texts.

Another method used as a 'key' to expose the hidden and alternative version of the Torah was called Temura - which is a divinatory method for deciphering messages from the 'divine' (and not so divine) beings within the scriptures. An ancient manuscript attributed to the scholar Philo entitled De Vita Contemplativa describes the Torah as a 'living being' whose body is the literal text of the Pentateuch and whose soul is the hidden occult meaning that is buried within the lines of text - placed there for only the select few to understand. Gematrically deciphered portions of the first five books of the Old Testament - especially those which have side notes written in the hand of kabbalists and annotations which correct many of the deliberate 'booby trap' mistakes which magicians insert in order to nullify their competitors, often sell for a minimum of £2,000. The bidders are very often those who are seeking to unlock the names of demons and the secret sets of incantations with which to summon and control them). Le Bibliotech Bleu series of pulp non-fiction magickal mini 'Grimoires' sold on the streets of Paris for a penny in the 18th century are now changing hands for £3,000 or more! And it is within this corpus of texts - which describe the many thousands of Kliphothic demonic entities - that we see some kind of historical provenance which goes a long way in explaining the incredibly bizarre happenings at magickal rituals. Once you have absorbed the above information and read the historical accounts of rituals that summon demons, then the eye-witness reports relayed to David Icke a decade ago by a woman using a 'cover' name 'Arizona Wilder' (apparently, her real name is 'Jennifer Greene') seem worthy of much, much closer investiagtion...


AUTHOR’s NOTE: I have been patiently waiting for Arizona to write more on the

subjects which she covered in the video Confessions of a Mother Goddess - and hope to

interview her - for the time being, I present here in this multi-part booklet all the

research findings I have made - in the hope that we can put into context Arizona’s

testimony into an easily digestible PDF booklet which, hopefully, will put an end to all

these ridiculous arguments that have so far dissipated and wasted so many people's time

during the last few years. If information and research along the lines of the Goetia had

previously been published alongside the material contained in The Biggest Secret, then I

am sure there would not have been so many pointless arguments! I hope my new film

and magazine articles help, in some way, to explain many of the questions and doubts

raised following the publication of The Biggest Secret.

Anyone who drinks blood

in a ritualized setting is

referred to as a

‘Vampire’. The drinking

of not only human but

also cat’s blood is often a

part of black magick.

Arizona Wilder reported

that arsenic was mixed

with the blood of

sacrificial victims.

ABOVE: The notorious INFERNAL DICTIONARY published for the benefit

of the well heeled French occultists. During the 18th and 19th centuries, Paris was the world capital of Occultism.

KING BAEL or BAAL - part spider, part human (crowned nobility of Hell, to be precise) and part cat - this demon is fervently worshipped by none other

than the Knights Templar. BAAL is one of the foremost demons described in The Goetia - and this cartoonish representation drawn by a psychic artist matches a similar creature carved into the walls of

Aigues Mortes castle in the south of France - the very place where the Knights Templar launched their

‘crusades’ in order to search for magickal texts near the site of King Solomon’s Temple. If you muck about

with Black Magick - it’s likely this demon - or one equally horrific will possess your mind.

Page 7: Chris Everard & the Illuminati Part 1

page 007www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com


Entering The Jaws of Demons... Unfortunately, during the many years I have invested in making films and interviewing authors, I have discovered that the vast majority of underhanded attacks, and snyde behaviour comes from those who seem to have been under the impression that the information I reveal in my articles and films was somehow theirs, that it was 'stepping on their toes' to even write about subjects which are mildly similar. There has been - since the publication of John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (pub. 1798) - somewhat of a small publishing industry in anti-masonic literature - and many authors for the last two centuries have entered into futile, envious and nonsensical ‘flame wars’ with eachother, when in reality, they should really be assisting eachother's research and forming a united front. My role as a filmmaker has been to amalgamate and present on screen the most verifiable evidence, and give a cinematically captivating stage for the most well informed authors to have their say about the New World Order. Unfortunately, I was too naive and underestimated that the 'Money Bomb' is a more important incentive to some anti-NWO personalities than the Nuclear Bomb! Consequently, I have been undermined and attacked and wrongly accused of arrogance by some of these people - even from people who have made a career by warning you and me about the evil in the banking and judiciary - when the truth comes too close to home - they all resort to using Barristers (Tony Blair was a barrister) and judges (Tony Blair's wife is a judge) to shut me up. Lol. Just watch and see what happens... All I can say, is that I hope you thoroughly enjoy reading my research. When I first interviewed David Icke on camera in 2001 and asked "David, are we being ruled by people who worship Baphomets and Demons?" in a whiplash instant, David forwent his normally very professional television-savy way of answering questions (so that each answer can cleanly and concisely be edited into a self contained video capsule which does not require the film editor to include the opening question) with a very abrupt "yes we are!". David's answer was the first time I had recorded on camera a person willing, like me, to say on camera what we had all suspected for a long time - that members of the royal-political elite were more than just dabbling in Black Magick - they had developed ancient techniques of summoning Demons and it was this quest - to summon demons - which lay at the heart of all Masonic, Templar and high ceremonial magick.

By 1999, there had been thousands of books written exposing Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and Black Magicians - but just a tiny few of the 300 million web-blog pages on the subject of the New World Order dared to mention the actual reason why rituals took place. David's answer showed that on this topic we were both on the same page as it were - I knew that my hunch to make a motion picture documentary film about the black magick rituals performed by the world's richest people - was a correct hunch - and that the public's consciousness was now elevated to the point where many millions of people were ready for this information. At that moment, I knew that the previous 17 years' worth of collecting video and film footage, reading and research that I had done, building a library on the Occult with mainly original first and second edition books was all worth while. I was kind of worried at the time that I would be labeled as a 'heretic' film director for making films from the heart about black masses, witch covens, poltergeists and the dark world of Freemasonry - my concerns were unjustified - I have had people buy my films from all over the world - including the lawyers representing the Bush family, Hollywood superstars, sports personalities and, yes, of course, even Royalty. So, in a nutshell, I have put into this booklet all the most important pieces of information about the evil demonic forces summoned to rule over Mankind by the royal-political elite - so that when you come to view my series of Illuminati films (especially ILLUMINATI Vol IV), hopefully, many pieces of the jigsaw puzzle will fall into place - effortlessly - with minimal ambiguity. Enjoy.

[author's note; I would suggest just taking a few moments to close your eyes and slow your breathing into nice deep breaths and get really very comfortable before proceeding - this first part of my booklet concerns magickal information which is so fundamentally vital to understand that it is, in actual fact, the very essence and root of the information used by the Illuminati to influence and control Mankind. It's time to sling the cat out and put the phone off the hook!].


Imagine yourself in inky blackness. Without light. A vast space without form. This blackness is black because there is no light. Light does not exist. This space has no ceiling. It has no walls. It has no floor. It has no reference point of what is up, down or sideways. There is absolutely no form to this blackness - no limit to it's extent of nothingness. It is not even a 'dimension'. This emptiness is personified by the utter lack of any form or sound. No air. No nothing. Not even a glimmer of Hope. Not an utter cell. Utter perpetual nothingness. No heat. No cold. No abstract thought or concept. No actual awareness that there could ever be anything except nothingness. No emotion. Not even an illusion, as one has to have a point of awareness to even comprehend an illusion. Nothing. Nothingness is alien to the existence of Mankind and Life. Nothingness is the complete and utter lack of all faculties which can even comprehend a vacuum. Without light, spatial dimension, without thought, without sound, heat, air, and therefore without vibrations... one can imagine a black silent womb. But nothingness is more vacuous than this - as there are no thoughts and so it is impossible to even conceive of a 'womb'. There is not really a 'void' or 'vacuum' either, as these concepts all rely on the existence of a congniscient entity to perceive a 'vacuum'. The concept of a vacuum presupposes that there is actually some kind of three dimensional space in which the air has been sucked out. Nothingness is just that - NOTHING... Not even an illusion can exist.

But wait... now imagine yourself floating and observing this nothingness.

All of a sudden, you hear - for the first time in a million millennia - the

hissing and rumble of a far off sound... it gets louder and louder, and your

atrophied and never before used hearing faculties begin to dance as the

scillia hairs of your ears become electrified by the vibration of invisible

gasses that have crept up and now surround you... You perceive for the first

time ever, a far off thunderous explosion.... Then, a point of infintisimally

small light penetrates like an unexpected penis into the newly perceived

womb of utter nothingness that you have existed in since the beginning of


The light - and rumbling hissing sounds - grow - and you realise that these distant explosions are emanating from a point in space which hitherto you did not even know existed. Your senses are finally being fed an amazing smorgasbord of phenomena... You perceive in one swooping, graceful and elegant shuddering revelation that YOU EXIST... and ARE NOT ALONE... The hissing and rumbling become louder, even a tremor - physical vibration - transmits itself through your newly found being - you are alive! You FEEL this - this is really happening! Before that revelation is completely welded into your new found consciousness, a hot searing wind of plasmic vitality... a cosmic happening, an inter-galactic, deep space gale, a fireball of white hot , super multi thousand degree heat - from all directions - engulfs you in a tsunami of sheer, unadulterated pure light, sound, vibration... OMG! This is REALITY! You are alive and there is something

else awesomely alive also sharing this huge space with you... Welcome to

the beginning of the plasmic electrolytic single cell amino acid lightning-

forming primordial soupy nuclear hurricane which we laughingly call the


At that infinitesimal point, which quantum physicists and other leather-elbowed pontficators and fans of Val Doonican spasmodically publish books about... we see the Creation, the virginal first love cosmic orgasm which gives birth to the UNIVERSE. Particles, fire, plasma, electrons, neutrons, quarks and the basic building blocks which would become Starbucks, I Love Lucy TV shows, planets, Galaxies, asteroids, comets, David Icke on the Wogan show (twice), and solar systems hurtle past your previously dormant Self... In an instant, an instantaneous blink in the eye of a previously undiscovered Godhead sub-atomic particles radiate out in all directions and begin to cool and coalesce into the Universe we know today. Congratulations... you have just witnessed the stunning energy which would become 'Mother Nature' burst forth - all the positive and negatively charged particles that would soon amalgamate and gather into self-regulating clusters of atoms. Unfortunately, some of these particles amalgamate into groups which were almost entirely negatively charged - and this is the true meaning of the word Kliphothic. These negative energies coalesced into ‘astral corpses’.

The Black Magick of the Cosmos...

In one instant, there was absolutely nothing, and the next, the

Big Bang releases forces of a Nature which previously did not exist - a

Nature which has come into being - when I asked a Rabbi-Magician the

simple question 'why?', he smiled and answered " ...Because, let's face it...

Nothingness is boring!". This sudden, and rarely discussed emanation of existence is a common theme expressed in many Creation texts found the world over - the Mayans, the ancient Sumerians, the Egyptians - all describe a primordial darkness which is then brought into Light. According to the early texts which influenced the books which make up the Hebrew magical tradition, or 'Kabbalah', God and the universe (albeit the vacuum which contains the ever expanding Universe) have always existed. These texts describe the universe as being a physical manifestation of the Godhead's own conscious awareness. The cosmos is considered in the Kabbalistic tradition to be the Godhead's awareness of himself.

'Creation' is described by the ancient Hebrew occultists as a series of simultaneous thoughts, represented by lights - described as ineffable lights. God brought into being ten of these lights - these orbs of light were created first out of pure thought energy, pure angelic energy direct from the Godhead. As each of these ten spheres were created, God made the density of the light stronger and stronger - with less and less divine material - until the tenth and last ineffable light was created - bathed in the supreme and most important ingredient for the creation of living things on planet Earth - sunlight.

This concept of divine essence being transmuted into physical substance is the bedrock of the Kabbalah and many occult teachings. Occultists and priests, soothsayers, skywatchers, nuclear physicists, oracles and magicians have all collectively struggled throughout history to put the above cosmic Big Bang/creation scenario into words. Indeed, the very divine thoughts of God which created us and the cosmos are referred to in ancient texts as 'words' - and thus we have the ridiculous over simplification "...in the beginning there was the word...". In fact, the words of the ancient texts which revealed this mystical (I would say romatically inaccurate) version of Creation, are formed of letters which themselves are modeled on the form and shape of star constellations (see my previous writings about the linguistic evidence of contact with the Star Gods in Feed Your Brain Magazine, summer 2009 - http://www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com ). Morphing through many versions, syntaxes and grammatical constraints, we call this mystical, magickal language 'Hebrew' and it is considered the most effective of all languages for summoning the invisible godly and ungodly Kliphothic forces which were created with the Universe...

Kliphothic Connundrum... Apparently, according to Hebrew teachings, not all went well during the Creation. If we are to believe the archaeological record and also believe the ancient Hebrew scriptures, the almighty force and unbridled, unconstrained massive tsunami of incandescense which brought into being the entire cosmos, simultaneously created a whole raft of physical and non physical living beings which fed off each other, were infused with 'too much' of the brazen negative cosmic force, and set about mutually feeding off each other in an aqueous dog-eat-dog soup of ugly, selfish and bizarre creatures. Many of these creatures, the old Rabbis teach us, were a 'cosmic mistake' - a kind of prehistoric version of Eastenders, with one selfish act leading to another, with each single cell, evolving and dividing into clusters of cells, then into plasmoid jellyfish type creatures, then vertebrates - but all of them hugely ugly, indifferent to one another and hopelessly doomed to be alone... Stubborn, and infused with too much of the hot cosmic forces released at the time of the Big Bang, the first life forms which appeared were far from attractive. Many lacked a soul & compassion, and therefore stalked around like corpses, or ‘shells’ of beings. These strange primordial life forms are described in the Kabbalah as the Kliphothic beings - creatures (both physical and spiritual) which were created before God got it 'just right'. It is these Kliphothic forces which the evil magicians of millennia have always sought to summon and master - for they are the spiritual equivalent of the incredible Hulk - on a bad day - with a dash of demonic, selfish intent thrown in. In all my years of research, it is these morphing, evil, shape-shifting entities which most closely resemble the eye witness testimonies contained in David Icke's book The Biggest Secret.

Great secrecy surrounds the existence of the Kliphothic beings - it is forbidden for anyone under the age of 40 in the Jewish tradition to study them. Of the hundreds of millions of web pages out there that discuss the Kabbalah and New World Order, barely a handful mention the world of the kliphothic. Curiously, neither David Icke, nor Arizona, nor Pamela Icke who I questioned on these subjects ever mentioned The Goetia, Goetic nor Kliphothic demons. I discovered, in 1981, the existence of these forces by reading a training manual on Magic written by a former employee of Her Majesty's Inland Revenue. I had bought the book from a friend whose brother was making a name for himself in the stock market and had purchased this book of Magic in order to cast spells to bring him wealth. This is not the only time that I have found someone working for the Banking Elite to be interested in black magick. Mastery of these dark Kliphothic forces is one of the biggest secrets in the arcane occult wisdom of black magicians. This secret wisdom is referred to as hokmahnistarah, and the passing on of this part of magickal tradition, or 'Kabbalah', is only permitted once someone has attained an age of suitable intellectual and religious maturity. Since Madonna and Britney got 'into' the Kabbalah, many thousands of non Jewish people have started to study the kabbalah at college. If you are one of these people, then perhaps when you started your course, you wondered why the word 'kabbalah' was spelt 'Cabala' with a 'C'? Most students are never told about the selfish, arrogant vagrant and demonic forces of the Kliphothic realm. The Cabala, spelt with a ‘C’, is actually a Christianized ‘love-n-peace’ version of the Kabbalah which was developed as a ‘cover’ in the occult centre of Cassel in Germany - this is the town where the Rosicrucian Manifestos emerged. The Christianized Cabala has since been used as a kind of ‘primer’ gently indoctrinating the intelligentsia who join Rosicrucian and Masonic lodges - of course, this eventually leads to a career as a full time magician of the black arts if the student is so disposed. So, as we progress through this booklet, I welcome you all to one of the rarest opportunities for non Jewish people to learn about the spiritual forces which Rabbis have gained mastery over since ancient times...

Knowledge of these brutish astral forces, mastery over them and temples designed to worship them were first built in Chaldea, a province of Babylon, long before the family dynasties of Egypt came to power. The tradition of summoning and invoking these Kliphothic forces has been handed down from (usually) father to son, and has caused a rift of envy & jealousy against the Jewish people which has rippled throughout history, with one nasty tyrant after another seeking to learn the tradition (kabbalah) and then exterminate all those who would also invoke - and therefore dilute - the angry spiritual forces which Hitler, Himmler, the British-Bavarian Royals, Napoleon, Popes and Alexander the Great have all used to create the present New World Order.

Without understanding the nihlistic manifesto of these jealous

and ugly Kliphothic demons, one cannot make any sense of the planetary

destruction which the global network of witches, freemasons and

magicians are inflicting on planet Earth. The destruction of the

rainforests and all the land burnt to a cinder is, of course, of no concern to

a SPIRIT-DEMON who actually nihlistically wishes utter destruction and

horror on the physical plane - causing widespread havoc and genocide

and thus jettisoning millions of souls into the astral world where poor

wretches killed by the Illuminati’s programme of planetary chaos can be

tormented and possessed in perpetuity. The character and personality of

these demons is typically seductive, promising vast riches and wealth to

the magicians and illuminati who carry out their disgusting ambitions in

the physical world.

Origins of the Written Kabbalah... Commonly, one of the the first lessons taught about the Kabbalah tradition of magick is that the Godhead's divineness, His cosmic awareness of Himself is represented by the Universe itself - both the physical elements which make up all planets and material life forms and also all the unseen electro-magnetic-nuclear-spiritual forces in the invisible realms which surround us. The Universe is, as it were, a 'mirror' showing us the brilliance and magnitude of the Godhead. These concepts existed for at least 1,000 years in an oral tradition, and these were eventually written down and distributed in hand-copied scrolls in the pre-Biblical era. In fact, it is highly likely that these concepts go back 10,000 years or more. The first of these manuscript versions of the Creation - according to Kabbalah - is called the Sefer Yetsirah, or the Book of Formation, which is thought to date from the 6th century AD (though it is important to remember that it contains concepts which stretch back into antiquity). The Book of Formation is essential to understand if we are to explain the remarkable and terrifying metamorphosis of members of the royal family as described by Arizona Wilder. The Book of Formation has been used by black magicians and misguided Rabbis in medieval Europe to create and animate ‘Golems’ - this is an important subject which I shall cover in a subsequent part of this booklet. Around 700 years later, in the 13th century (the era in which the Knights Templar all of a sudden became the richest and most pre-eminent semi monarchial force in Europe), another text - now included in the corpus of teachings we call the 'kabbalah' was published - entitled the Sefer Hazzohar (commonly referred to as the Zohar, or Book of Brightness). Authorship of both the Sefer Yetsirah and also the Zohar are hotly debated amongst scholars. Some scholars believe that these texts were divinely inspired and just 'appeared' - but the facts available to us from the historical record tend to suggest that these texts were authored in Europe - most probably in Barcelona and Provençe (home county to Michel Nostradamus) and were the written chronicles of secret wisdom which had previously been passed from Rabbi to son since antiquity. It is widely agreed that the Zohar has it's roots in the mystical teachings of 2nd century Palestine, when a mystic called Simeon ben Yochai first wrote it down on paper (or I should say papyrus). A European traveller, known as Moses de Leon claims that he 'discovered' this 2nd century version of the Zohar - but it is equally likely that Moses de Leon actually authored the Zohar himself and just claimed an older provenance for the writings to give it more spiritual gravitas.

Another very influential text from the kabbalah corpus is the Book of Bahir, whose real title is the Sefer-hab-Bahir which was probably written in the 6th century by a Rabbi called 'Isaac The Blind'. There are actually two (and possibly three) Rabbis who have taken on the name 'Isaac the Blind' throughout history - and it is not uncommon for Rabbis to adopt the name and title of previous kabbalistic scholars from history - in fact, the Roman Catholic church often copies this form of reverence, when popes take on the name of previous pontiffs as a mark of gratitude and homage to their predecessors. The scriptual and physical evidence for the origination of the kabbalah is, of course, denied by kabbalist fundamentalists - these people passionately believe that the wisdom of the kabbalah corpus was in actual fact set down into mankind's mind via the prophet known as Enoch. Some modern interpretations of the Book of Enoch say that the arcane kabbalistic wisdom found in the 6th and 13th century texts were 'betrayed' to Mankind by none other than the 'Fallen Angels' (ie. Kliphothic entities described above). Another Talmudic tradition makes the unlikely claim that God Almighty himself whispered it directly into the ear of Moses on Mount Sinai. According to this version of ‘history’, seventy carefully chosen Elders were then given the task of preserving the secret wisdom - which from that point onwards would be communicated orally - and only to those who had reached the age of 40.

One cannot help to see that the Enochian version of the origination of the kabbalah has led many skeptics and anti-semites to deduce that the Kabbalah is the work of demons and possibly the devil himself. In fact, there is a scriptual history of ancient works which suggest that the God Almighty and the 'Lord' transliterated from the Old and New Testaments are NOT the same Supreme Being - but one is in actual fact the 'Devil' and the other is Adonai - God of the Christians. Whatever the case, the complex and abstract concept of an unseen universe of divine particles and lights containing the essence of God's intellect and willpower were at once shocking and fascinating to the non Jewish intelligentsia of the 13th century, who hungrily read and absorbed the mystical conceptual basis for the Creation of the Universe which we find in the kabbalistic corpus of works.

The Real Bible Code... The first five books of the Holy Bible are called the Pentateuch and can be considered a vulgarization of the arcane teachings which explained the mystical process of Creation at the time of the Big Bang. The Book of Genesis, as just one example, is in actual fact a re-transliteration of the Creation Myths featuring the Annunaki in ancient Sumeria. Zealous and fundamentalist kabbalists have claimed - and still claim - that the very root of these five books of the Old Testament are in actual fact an exoteric, codified set of scrolls which have their literary foundation in kabbalistic oral teachings from ancient Babylon. The basis for Jewish law is the Old Testament, and the Commandments from Moses. This 'Law' of the Jewish people was given by Moses, apparently after some mystical communion with God, and the Hebrew word for 'law' is 'Torah'. Kabbalists read the five books of the Old Testament in a very different way to the uninitiated 'goyim' which they deplore. What is 'goyim'? - it is a derogatory term for non Jewish races used by racist members of (usually) the zealot temples that have sporadically existed around the world for several centuries. Many kabbalists see a hidden encoded message within the Torah which can be unlocked by understanding how to read the first and last letters of each word, and also reading entire chapters from 'outside-in', with alternate words taken from the primary sentences and last words in the final sentences progressively retrograding towards the centre of each chapter. This cryptogrammatical method reveals a hidden layer of prophecies and meanings - and, thus, have effectively cemented the Kabbalah, or tradition of magick, into the modern age, where black magicians are now using it as a blueprint.

In addition to the above system of encryption, kabbalists employ the esoteric science of Gematria which requires the conversion of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet into numerical equivalents, and then substituting certain words which have the same numerical total. As an example, a phrase "...and lo, three men' (Gen xviii 2) can be reconstructed to read 'These Were Michael, Gabriel & Raphael'. As you can see, the hidden language of the Rabbis is comprehensive and arcane to understand. The Gematrical version of the Torah reveals a VERY different version of the Creation. Gematrically speaking, the lord God Almighty - referred to as Yod Ha Vah Hey (YHVH) - is regarded gematrically as the same person as ADAM - a human artificially created by spiritual force. The belief that a person can be created using spiritual forces is fundamental to the Book of Formation and the legend of the ‘Golem’. Hebrew has no vowels, and therefore, this also gave rise to a sigil-istic method of encoding the Will of God into each sentence of holy Hebrew texts. This has given Black Magicians a kind of ‘Screenplay’ which they use to stage and control geopolitical events. The ‘Movie’ they are making is, in actual fact, a ‘Horror’ film, directed by Kliphothic, shape-shifting demonic entities. Much of this ‘Screenplay’ is represented in Symbols or ‘Sigils’ which subconsciously influence the minds of the occultists and members of the public alike. What is a ‘Sigil’? A sigil is actually a talisman, or symbol which represents the will or desire of the magician. A talismanic symbol - or sigil - is made by writing down the desire or will of the magician - for example 'Bring Me Treasure', and erasing all vowels and repeated consonants, re-writing the sentence 'BrngMTs' - these remaining letters would be etched into a tablet of beaten zinc, or silver, or gold, and arranged so that they would look like a logo - a talisman - which would immediately remind the magician of the original will or desire contained in the sigil. It would often be worn as a necklace or bracelet and never removed from the magician's body - thus infusing and conjoining the magician's physical body with his Will.

A related grammatical arcane 'science' grew up around these techniques, which took every letter of a given word in the Torah and used these letters as the first letter of subsequent words, thus forming new sentences based on the standard text. I have purchased ancient manuscripts published (indeed, some are hand copies) from the 14th century which employ this system - which is known as Notarikon. By taking just a few words from the familiar sentences of the Torah, one can immediately 'discover' the names of angels and demons hidden within these texts.

Another method used as a 'key' to expose the hidden and alternative version of the Torah was called Temura - which is a divinatory method for deciphering messages from the 'divine' (and not so divine) beings within the scriptures. An ancient manuscript attributed to the scholar Philo entitled De Vita Contemplativa describes the Torah as a 'living being' whose body is the literal text of the Pentateuch and whose soul is the hidden occult meaning that is buried within the lines of text - placed there for only the select few to understand. Gematrically deciphered portions of the first five books of the Old Testament - especially those which have side notes written in the hand of kabbalists and annotations which correct many of the deliberate 'booby trap' mistakes which magicians insert in order to nullify their competitors, often sell for a minimum of £2,000. The bidders are very often those who are seeking to unlock the names of demons and the secret sets of incantations with which to summon and control them). Le Bibliotech Bleu series of pulp non-fiction magickal mini 'Grimoires' sold on the streets of Paris for a penny in the 18th century are now changing hands for £3,000 or more! And it is within this corpus of texts - which describe the many thousands of Kliphothic demonic entities - that we see some kind of historical provenance which goes a long way in explaining the incredibly bizarre happenings at magickal rituals. Once you have absorbed the above information and read the historical accounts of rituals that summon demons, then the eye-witness reports relayed to David Icke a decade ago by a woman using a 'cover' name 'Arizona Wilder' (apparently, her real name is 'Jennifer Greene') seem worthy of much, much closer investiagtion...


AUTHOR’s NOTE: I have been patiently waiting for Arizona to write more on the

subjects which she covered in the video Confessions of a Mother Goddess - and hope to

interview her - for the time being, I present here in this multi-part booklet all the

research findings I have made - in the hope that we can put into context Arizona’s

testimony into an easily digestible PDF booklet which, hopefully, will put an end to all

these ridiculous arguments that have so far dissipated and wasted so many people's time

during the last few years. If information and research along the lines of the Goetia had

previously been published alongside the material contained in The Biggest Secret, then I

am sure there would not have been so many pointless arguments! I hope my new film

and magazine articles help, in some way, to explain many of the questions and doubts

raised following the publication of The Biggest Secret.

THE ROYALS, THE OCCULT and The ORDER of the GARTER: The patron saint of the Order of the Garter is St George (patron saint of soldiers and also of England) and the spiritual home of the Order is St George's Chapel, Windsor. Every knight is required to display a banner of his arms in the Chapel, together with a helmet, crest and sword and an enameled stallplate. These 'achievements' are taken down on the knight's death (and the insignia are returned to the Sovereign), but the stallplates remain - a ceremonial version of this process was performed at Weiselberg Castle by Himmler’s SS. Many of the “mythological” creatures featured on these royal crests and stallplate banners are in actual fact demonic effigies mostly influenced by the illustrations of demons in medieval Grimoires.

Black magicians believe that a ‘Tree of Death’ made from orbs of negative energy

was also created - alongside the Tree of Life - during the Big Bang. The Kabbalah

instructs the Magus on how to converse with both Angelic and Diabolic entities. I wonder if Britney and Madonna have ever been told

that there is a NEGATIVE version of the Tree of Life? It is often referred to as the

Tree of the Qlipoth, or Kliphoth.

Page 8: Chris Everard & the Illuminati Part 1

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Entering The Jaws of Demons... Unfortunately, during the many years I have invested in making films and interviewing authors, I have discovered that the vast majority of underhanded attacks, and snyde behaviour comes from those who seem to have been under the impression that the information I reveal in my articles and films was somehow theirs, that it was 'stepping on their toes' to even write about subjects which are mildly similar. There has been - since the publication of John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (pub. 1798) - somewhat of a small publishing industry in anti-masonic literature - and many authors for the last two centuries have entered into futile, envious and nonsensical ‘flame wars’ with eachother, when in reality, they should really be assisting eachother's research and forming a united front. My role as a filmmaker has been to amalgamate and present on screen the most verifiable evidence, and give a cinematically captivating stage for the most well informed authors to have their say about the New World Order. Unfortunately, I was too naive and underestimated that the 'Money Bomb' is a more important incentive to some anti-NWO personalities than the Nuclear Bomb! Consequently, I have been undermined and attacked and wrongly accused of arrogance by some of these people - even from people who have made a career by warning you and me about the evil in the banking and judiciary - when the truth comes too close to home - they all resort to using Barristers (Tony Blair was a barrister) and judges (Tony Blair's wife is a judge) to shut me up. Lol. Just watch and see what happens... All I can say, is that I hope you thoroughly enjoy reading my research. When I first interviewed David Icke on camera in 2001 and asked "David, are we being ruled by people who worship Baphomets and Demons?" in a whiplash instant, David forwent his normally very professional television-savy way of answering questions (so that each answer can cleanly and concisely be edited into a self contained video capsule which does not require the film editor to include the opening question) with a very abrupt "yes we are!". David's answer was the first time I had recorded on camera a person willing, like me, to say on camera what we had all suspected for a long time - that members of the royal-political elite were more than just dabbling in Black Magick - they had developed ancient techniques of summoning Demons and it was this quest - to summon demons - which lay at the heart of all Masonic, Templar and high ceremonial magick.

By 1999, there had been thousands of books written exposing Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and Black Magicians - but just a tiny few of the 300 million web-blog pages on the subject of the New World Order dared to mention the actual reason why rituals took place. David's answer showed that on this topic we were both on the same page as it were - I knew that my hunch to make a motion picture documentary film about the black magick rituals performed by the world's richest people - was a correct hunch - and that the public's consciousness was now elevated to the point where many millions of people were ready for this information. At that moment, I knew that the previous 17 years' worth of collecting video and film footage, reading and research that I had done, building a library on the Occult with mainly original first and second edition books was all worth while. I was kind of worried at the time that I would be labeled as a 'heretic' film director for making films from the heart about black masses, witch covens, poltergeists and the dark world of Freemasonry - my concerns were unjustified - I have had people buy my films from all over the world - including the lawyers representing the Bush family, Hollywood superstars, sports personalities and, yes, of course, even Royalty. So, in a nutshell, I have put into this booklet all the most important pieces of information about the evil demonic forces summoned to rule over Mankind by the royal-political elite - so that when you come to view my series of Illuminati films (especially ILLUMINATI Vol IV), hopefully, many pieces of the jigsaw puzzle will fall into place - effortlessly - with minimal ambiguity. Enjoy.

[author's note; I would suggest just taking a few moments to close your eyes and slow your breathing into nice deep breaths and get really very comfortable before proceeding - this first part of my booklet concerns magickal information which is so fundamentally vital to understand that it is, in actual fact, the very essence and root of the information used by the Illuminati to influence and control Mankind. It's time to sling the cat out and put the phone off the hook!].


Imagine yourself in inky blackness. Without light. A vast space without form. This blackness is black because there is no light. Light does not exist. This space has no ceiling. It has no walls. It has no floor. It has no reference point of what is up, down or sideways. There is absolutely no form to this blackness - no limit to it's extent of nothingness. It is not even a 'dimension'. This emptiness is personified by the utter lack of any form or sound. No air. No nothing. Not even a glimmer of Hope. Not an utter cell. Utter perpetual nothingness. No heat. No cold. No abstract thought or concept. No actual awareness that there could ever be anything except nothingness. No emotion. Not even an illusion, as one has to have a point of awareness to even comprehend an illusion. Nothing. Nothingness is alien to the existence of Mankind and Life. Nothingness is the complete and utter lack of all faculties which can even comprehend a vacuum. Without light, spatial dimension, without thought, without sound, heat, air, and therefore without vibrations... one can imagine a black silent womb. But nothingness is more vacuous than this - as there are no thoughts and so it is impossible to even conceive of a 'womb'. There is not really a 'void' or 'vacuum' either, as these concepts all rely on the existence of a congniscient entity to perceive a 'vacuum'. The concept of a vacuum presupposes that there is actually some kind of three dimensional space in which the air has been sucked out. Nothingness is just that - NOTHING... Not even an illusion can exist.

But wait... now imagine yourself floating and observing this nothingness.

All of a sudden, you hear - for the first time in a million millennia - the

hissing and rumble of a far off sound... it gets louder and louder, and your

atrophied and never before used hearing faculties begin to dance as the

scillia hairs of your ears become electrified by the vibration of invisible

gasses that have crept up and now surround you... You perceive for the first

time ever, a far off thunderous explosion.... Then, a point of infintisimally

small light penetrates like an unexpected penis into the newly perceived

womb of utter nothingness that you have existed in since the beginning of


The light - and rumbling hissing sounds - grow - and you realise that these distant explosions are emanating from a point in space which hitherto you did not even know existed. Your senses are finally being fed an amazing smorgasbord of phenomena... You perceive in one swooping, graceful and elegant shuddering revelation that YOU EXIST... and ARE NOT ALONE... The hissing and rumbling become louder, even a tremor - physical vibration - transmits itself through your newly found being - you are alive! You FEEL this - this is really happening! Before that revelation is completely welded into your new found consciousness, a hot searing wind of plasmic vitality... a cosmic happening, an inter-galactic, deep space gale, a fireball of white hot , super multi thousand degree heat - from all directions - engulfs you in a tsunami of sheer, unadulterated pure light, sound, vibration... OMG! This is REALITY! You are alive and there is something

else awesomely alive also sharing this huge space with you... Welcome to

the beginning of the plasmic electrolytic single cell amino acid lightning-

forming primordial soupy nuclear hurricane which we laughingly call the


At that infinitesimal point, which quantum physicists and other leather-elbowed pontficators and fans of Val Doonican spasmodically publish books about... we see the Creation, the virginal first love cosmic orgasm which gives birth to the UNIVERSE. Particles, fire, plasma, electrons, neutrons, quarks and the basic building blocks which would become Starbucks, I Love Lucy TV shows, planets, Galaxies, asteroids, comets, David Icke on the Wogan show (twice), and solar systems hurtle past your previously dormant Self... In an instant, an instantaneous blink in the eye of a previously undiscovered Godhead sub-atomic particles radiate out in all directions and begin to cool and coalesce into the Universe we know today. Congratulations... you have just witnessed the stunning energy which would become 'Mother Nature' burst forth - all the positive and negatively charged particles that would soon amalgamate and gather into self-regulating clusters of atoms. Unfortunately, some of these particles amalgamate into groups which were almost entirely negatively charged - and this is the true meaning of the word Kliphothic. These negative energies coalesced into ‘astral corpses’.

The Black Magick of the Cosmos...

In one instant, there was absolutely nothing, and the next, the

Big Bang releases forces of a Nature which previously did not exist - a

Nature which has come into being - when I asked a Rabbi-Magician the

simple question 'why?', he smiled and answered " ...Because, let's face it...

Nothingness is boring!". This sudden, and rarely discussed emanation of existence is a common theme expressed in many Creation texts found the world over - the Mayans, the ancient Sumerians, the Egyptians - all describe a primordial darkness which is then brought into Light. According to the early texts which influenced the books which make up the Hebrew magical tradition, or 'Kabbalah', God and the universe (albeit the vacuum which contains the ever expanding Universe) have always existed. These texts describe the universe as being a physical manifestation of the Godhead's own conscious awareness. The cosmos is considered in the Kabbalistic tradition to be the Godhead's awareness of himself.

'Creation' is described by the ancient Hebrew occultists as a series of simultaneous thoughts, represented by lights - described as ineffable lights. God brought into being ten of these lights - these orbs of light were created first out of pure thought energy, pure angelic energy direct from the Godhead. As each of these ten spheres were created, God made the density of the light stronger and stronger - with less and less divine material - until the tenth and last ineffable light was created - bathed in the supreme and most important ingredient for the creation of living things on planet Earth - sunlight.

This concept of divine essence being transmuted into physical substance is the bedrock of the Kabbalah and many occult teachings. Occultists and priests, soothsayers, skywatchers, nuclear physicists, oracles and magicians have all collectively struggled throughout history to put the above cosmic Big Bang/creation scenario into words. Indeed, the very divine thoughts of God which created us and the cosmos are referred to in ancient texts as 'words' - and thus we have the ridiculous over simplification "...in the beginning there was the word...". In fact, the words of the ancient texts which revealed this mystical (I would say romatically inaccurate) version of Creation, are formed of letters which themselves are modeled on the form and shape of star constellations (see my previous writings about the linguistic evidence of contact with the Star Gods in Feed Your Brain Magazine, summer 2009 - http://www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com ). Morphing through many versions, syntaxes and grammatical constraints, we call this mystical, magickal language 'Hebrew' and it is considered the most effective of all languages for summoning the invisible godly and ungodly Kliphothic forces which were created with the Universe...

Kliphothic Connundrum... Apparently, according to Hebrew teachings, not all went well during the Creation. If we are to believe the archaeological record and also believe the ancient Hebrew scriptures, the almighty force and unbridled, unconstrained massive tsunami of incandescense which brought into being the entire cosmos, simultaneously created a whole raft of physical and non physical living beings which fed off each other, were infused with 'too much' of the brazen negative cosmic force, and set about mutually feeding off each other in an aqueous dog-eat-dog soup of ugly, selfish and bizarre creatures. Many of these creatures, the old Rabbis teach us, were a 'cosmic mistake' - a kind of prehistoric version of Eastenders, with one selfish act leading to another, with each single cell, evolving and dividing into clusters of cells, then into plasmoid jellyfish type creatures, then vertebrates - but all of them hugely ugly, indifferent to one another and hopelessly doomed to be alone... Stubborn, and infused with too much of the hot cosmic forces released at the time of the Big Bang, the first life forms which appeared were far from attractive. Many lacked a soul & compassion, and therefore stalked around like corpses, or ‘shells’ of beings. These strange primordial life forms are described in the Kabbalah as the Kliphothic beings - creatures (both physical and spiritual) which were created before God got it 'just right'. It is these Kliphothic forces which the evil magicians of millennia have always sought to summon and master - for they are the spiritual equivalent of the incredible Hulk - on a bad day - with a dash of demonic, selfish intent thrown in. In all my years of research, it is these morphing, evil, shape-shifting entities which most closely resemble the eye witness testimonies contained in David Icke's book The Biggest Secret.

Great secrecy surrounds the existence of the Kliphothic beings - it is forbidden for anyone under the age of 40 in the Jewish tradition to study them. Of the hundreds of millions of web pages out there that discuss the Kabbalah and New World Order, barely a handful mention the world of the kliphothic. Curiously, neither David Icke, nor Arizona, nor Pamela Icke who I questioned on these subjects ever mentioned The Goetia, Goetic nor Kliphothic demons. I discovered, in 1981, the existence of these forces by reading a training manual on Magic written by a former employee of Her Majesty's Inland Revenue. I had bought the book from a friend whose brother was making a name for himself in the stock market and had purchased this book of Magic in order to cast spells to bring him wealth. This is not the only time that I have found someone working for the Banking Elite to be interested in black magick. Mastery of these dark Kliphothic forces is one of the biggest secrets in the arcane occult wisdom of black magicians. This secret wisdom is referred to as hokmahnistarah, and the passing on of this part of magickal tradition, or 'Kabbalah', is only permitted once someone has attained an age of suitable intellectual and religious maturity. Since Madonna and Britney got 'into' the Kabbalah, many thousands of non Jewish people have started to study the kabbalah at college. If you are one of these people, then perhaps when you started your course, you wondered why the word 'kabbalah' was spelt 'Cabala' with a 'C'? Most students are never told about the selfish, arrogant vagrant and demonic forces of the Kliphothic realm. The Cabala, spelt with a ‘C’, is actually a Christianized ‘love-n-peace’ version of the Kabbalah which was developed as a ‘cover’ in the occult centre of Cassel in Germany - this is the town where the Rosicrucian Manifestos emerged. The Christianized Cabala has since been used as a kind of ‘primer’ gently indoctrinating the intelligentsia who join Rosicrucian and Masonic lodges - of course, this eventually leads to a career as a full time magician of the black arts if the student is so disposed. So, as we progress through this booklet, I welcome you all to one of the rarest opportunities for non Jewish people to learn about the spiritual forces which Rabbis have gained mastery over since ancient times...

Knowledge of these brutish astral forces, mastery over them and temples designed to worship them were first built in Chaldea, a province of Babylon, long before the family dynasties of Egypt came to power. The tradition of summoning and invoking these Kliphothic forces has been handed down from (usually) father to son, and has caused a rift of envy & jealousy against the Jewish people which has rippled throughout history, with one nasty tyrant after another seeking to learn the tradition (kabbalah) and then exterminate all those who would also invoke - and therefore dilute - the angry spiritual forces which Hitler, Himmler, the British-Bavarian Royals, Napoleon, Popes and Alexander the Great have all used to create the present New World Order.

Without understanding the nihlistic manifesto of these jealous

and ugly Kliphothic demons, one cannot make any sense of the planetary

destruction which the global network of witches, freemasons and

magicians are inflicting on planet Earth. The destruction of the

rainforests and all the land burnt to a cinder is, of course, of no concern to

a SPIRIT-DEMON who actually nihlistically wishes utter destruction and

horror on the physical plane - causing widespread havoc and genocide

and thus jettisoning millions of souls into the astral world where poor

wretches killed by the Illuminati’s programme of planetary chaos can be

tormented and possessed in perpetuity. The character and personality of

these demons is typically seductive, promising vast riches and wealth to

the magicians and illuminati who carry out their disgusting ambitions in

the physical world.

Origins of the Written Kabbalah... Commonly, one of the the first lessons taught about the Kabbalah tradition of magick is that the Godhead's divineness, His cosmic awareness of Himself is represented by the Universe itself - both the physical elements which make up all planets and material life forms and also all the unseen electro-magnetic-nuclear-spiritual forces in the invisible realms which surround us. The Universe is, as it were, a 'mirror' showing us the brilliance and magnitude of the Godhead. These concepts existed for at least 1,000 years in an oral tradition, and these were eventually written down and distributed in hand-copied scrolls in the pre-Biblical era. In fact, it is highly likely that these concepts go back 10,000 years or more. The first of these manuscript versions of the Creation - according to Kabbalah - is called the Sefer Yetsirah, or the Book of Formation, which is thought to date from the 6th century AD (though it is important to remember that it contains concepts which stretch back into antiquity). The Book of Formation is essential to understand if we are to explain the remarkable and terrifying metamorphosis of members of the royal family as described by Arizona Wilder. The Book of Formation has been used by black magicians and misguided Rabbis in medieval Europe to create and animate ‘Golems’ - this is an important subject which I shall cover in a subsequent part of this booklet. Around 700 years later, in the 13th century (the era in which the Knights Templar all of a sudden became the richest and most pre-eminent semi monarchial force in Europe), another text - now included in the corpus of teachings we call the 'kabbalah' was published - entitled the Sefer Hazzohar (commonly referred to as the Zohar, or Book of Brightness). Authorship of both the Sefer Yetsirah and also the Zohar are hotly debated amongst scholars. Some scholars believe that these texts were divinely inspired and just 'appeared' - but the facts available to us from the historical record tend to suggest that these texts were authored in Europe - most probably in Barcelona and Provençe (home county to Michel Nostradamus) and were the written chronicles of secret wisdom which had previously been passed from Rabbi to son since antiquity. It is widely agreed that the Zohar has it's roots in the mystical teachings of 2nd century Palestine, when a mystic called Simeon ben Yochai first wrote it down on paper (or I should say papyrus). A European traveller, known as Moses de Leon claims that he 'discovered' this 2nd century version of the Zohar - but it is equally likely that Moses de Leon actually authored the Zohar himself and just claimed an older provenance for the writings to give it more spiritual gravitas.

Another very influential text from the kabbalah corpus is the Book of Bahir, whose real title is the Sefer-hab-Bahir which was probably written in the 6th century by a Rabbi called 'Isaac The Blind'. There are actually two (and possibly three) Rabbis who have taken on the name 'Isaac the Blind' throughout history - and it is not uncommon for Rabbis to adopt the name and title of previous kabbalistic scholars from history - in fact, the Roman Catholic church often copies this form of reverence, when popes take on the name of previous pontiffs as a mark of gratitude and homage to their predecessors. The scriptual and physical evidence for the origination of the kabbalah is, of course, denied by kabbalist fundamentalists - these people passionately believe that the wisdom of the kabbalah corpus was in actual fact set down into mankind's mind via the prophet known as Enoch. Some modern interpretations of the Book of Enoch say that the arcane kabbalistic wisdom found in the 6th and 13th century texts were 'betrayed' to Mankind by none other than the 'Fallen Angels' (ie. Kliphothic entities described above). Another Talmudic tradition makes the unlikely claim that God Almighty himself whispered it directly into the ear of Moses on Mount Sinai. According to this version of ‘history’, seventy carefully chosen Elders were then given the task of preserving the secret wisdom - which from that point onwards would be communicated orally - and only to those who had reached the age of 40.

One cannot help to see that the Enochian version of the origination of the kabbalah has led many skeptics and anti-semites to deduce that the Kabbalah is the work of demons and possibly the devil himself. In fact, there is a scriptual history of ancient works which suggest that the God Almighty and the 'Lord' transliterated from the Old and New Testaments are NOT the same Supreme Being - but one is in actual fact the 'Devil' and the other is Adonai - God of the Christians. Whatever the case, the complex and abstract concept of an unseen universe of divine particles and lights containing the essence of God's intellect and willpower were at once shocking and fascinating to the non Jewish intelligentsia of the 13th century, who hungrily read and absorbed the mystical conceptual basis for the Creation of the Universe which we find in the kabbalistic corpus of works.

The Real Bible Code... The first five books of the Holy Bible are called the Pentateuch and can be considered a vulgarization of the arcane teachings which explained the mystical process of Creation at the time of the Big Bang. The Book of Genesis, as just one example, is in actual fact a re-transliteration of the Creation Myths featuring the Annunaki in ancient Sumeria. Zealous and fundamentalist kabbalists have claimed - and still claim - that the very root of these five books of the Old Testament are in actual fact an exoteric, codified set of scrolls which have their literary foundation in kabbalistic oral teachings from ancient Babylon. The basis for Jewish law is the Old Testament, and the Commandments from Moses. This 'Law' of the Jewish people was given by Moses, apparently after some mystical communion with God, and the Hebrew word for 'law' is 'Torah'. Kabbalists read the five books of the Old Testament in a very different way to the uninitiated 'goyim' which they deplore. What is 'goyim'? - it is a derogatory term for non Jewish races used by racist members of (usually) the zealot temples that have sporadically existed around the world for several centuries. Many kabbalists see a hidden encoded message within the Torah which can be unlocked by understanding how to read the first and last letters of each word, and also reading entire chapters from 'outside-in', with alternate words taken from the primary sentences and last words in the final sentences progressively retrograding towards the centre of each chapter. This cryptogrammatical method reveals a hidden layer of prophecies and meanings - and, thus, have effectively cemented the Kabbalah, or tradition of magick, into the modern age, where black magicians are now using it as a blueprint.

In addition to the above system of encryption, kabbalists employ the esoteric science of Gematria which requires the conversion of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet into numerical equivalents, and then substituting certain words which have the same numerical total. As an example, a phrase "...and lo, three men' (Gen xviii 2) can be reconstructed to read 'These Were Michael, Gabriel & Raphael'. As you can see, the hidden language of the Rabbis is comprehensive and arcane to understand. The Gematrical version of the Torah reveals a VERY different version of the Creation. Gematrically speaking, the lord God Almighty - referred to as Yod Ha Vah Hey (YHVH) - is regarded gematrically as the same person as ADAM - a human artificially created by spiritual force. The belief that a person can be created using spiritual forces is fundamental to the Book of Formation and the legend of the ‘Golem’. Hebrew has no vowels, and therefore, this also gave rise to a sigil-istic method of encoding the Will of God into each sentence of holy Hebrew texts. This has given Black Magicians a kind of ‘Screenplay’ which they use to stage and control geopolitical events. The ‘Movie’ they are making is, in actual fact, a ‘Horror’ film, directed by Kliphothic, shape-shifting demonic entities. Much of this ‘Screenplay’ is represented in Symbols or ‘Sigils’ which subconsciously influence the minds of the occultists and members of the public alike. What is a ‘Sigil’? A sigil is actually a talisman, or symbol which represents the will or desire of the magician. A talismanic symbol - or sigil - is made by writing down the desire or will of the magician - for example 'Bring Me Treasure', and erasing all vowels and repeated consonants, re-writing the sentence 'BrngMTs' - these remaining letters would be etched into a tablet of beaten zinc, or silver, or gold, and arranged so that they would look like a logo - a talisman - which would immediately remind the magician of the original will or desire contained in the sigil. It would often be worn as a necklace or bracelet and never removed from the magician's body - thus infusing and conjoining the magician's physical body with his Will.

A related grammatical arcane 'science' grew up around these techniques, which took every letter of a given word in the Torah and used these letters as the first letter of subsequent words, thus forming new sentences based on the standard text. I have purchased ancient manuscripts published (indeed, some are hand copies) from the 14th century which employ this system - which is known as Notarikon. By taking just a few words from the familiar sentences of the Torah, one can immediately 'discover' the names of angels and demons hidden within these texts.

Another method used as a 'key' to expose the hidden and alternative version of the Torah was called Temura - which is a divinatory method for deciphering messages from the 'divine' (and not so divine) beings within the scriptures. An ancient manuscript attributed to the scholar Philo entitled De Vita Contemplativa describes the Torah as a 'living being' whose body is the literal text of the Pentateuch and whose soul is the hidden occult meaning that is buried within the lines of text - placed there for only the select few to understand. Gematrically deciphered portions of the first five books of the Old Testament - especially those which have side notes written in the hand of kabbalists and annotations which correct many of the deliberate 'booby trap' mistakes which magicians insert in order to nullify their competitors, often sell for a minimum of £2,000. The bidders are very often those who are seeking to unlock the names of demons and the secret sets of incantations with which to summon and control them). Le Bibliotech Bleu series of pulp non-fiction magickal mini 'Grimoires' sold on the streets of Paris for a penny in the 18th century are now changing hands for £3,000 or more! And it is within this corpus of texts - which describe the many thousands of Kliphothic demonic entities - that we see some kind of historical provenance which goes a long way in explaining the incredibly bizarre happenings at magickal rituals. Once you have absorbed the above information and read the historical accounts of rituals that summon demons, then the eye-witness reports relayed to David Icke a decade ago by a woman using a 'cover' name 'Arizona Wilder' (apparently, her real name is 'Jennifer Greene') seem worthy of much, much closer investiagtion...


AUTHOR’s NOTE: I have been patiently waiting for Arizona to write more on the

subjects which she covered in the video Confessions of a Mother Goddess - and hope to

interview her - for the time being, I present here in this multi-part booklet all the

research findings I have made - in the hope that we can put into context Arizona’s

testimony into an easily digestible PDF booklet which, hopefully, will put an end to all

these ridiculous arguments that have so far dissipated and wasted so many people's time

during the last few years. If information and research along the lines of the Goetia had

previously been published alongside the material contained in The Biggest Secret, then I

am sure there would not have been so many pointless arguments! I hope my new film

and magazine articles help, in some way, to explain many of the questions and doubts

raised following the publication of The Biggest Secret.

Amduscias is one of the 72 major demons of The Goetia - he governs twenty-nine legions of lesser demons. His true form is as a unicorn, but shape-shifts into human form when commanded. Ancient texts say that this demon can affect the forces of the weather - able to bend trees to his command. Below, we see the Sigil of Amdusias, usually written on consecrated parchment and pinned to the robes of the magician who then calls forth this demon into the magic circle. When pinned to a robe, these embroidered or written sigils are known as ‘lamens’.

Amduscias is portrayed on the insignia of American PSYOPS BATALLIONS.

“Let’s Have a Quiet Night In Tonight, Honey?” - Not on your

Nelly - every vernal Equinox and Pagan date in the Wiccan

and Satanic Calendar sees magicians donning robes and

chancing their arms at summoning very nasty demons.

They ‘purify’ themselves for days and days before each

ceremony - many magicians are born into families of adepts who are employed by the Royal Elite.

Whilst quaffing fine vintage champagne and muching

Ferroro Rocher, the conversation at these gatherings

revolves around the Tree of Death, or the Tree of the

Qlipoth, or Kliphoth.

Page 9: Chris Everard & the Illuminati Part 1

page 009www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com

Entering The Jaws of Demons... Unfortunately, during the many years I have invested in making films and interviewing authors, I have discovered that the vast majority of underhanded attacks, and snyde behaviour comes from those who seem to have been under the impression that the information I reveal in my articles and films was somehow theirs, that it was 'stepping on their toes' to even write about subjects which are mildly similar. There has been - since the publication of John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (pub. 1798) - somewhat of a small publishing industry in anti-masonic literature - and many authors for the last two centuries have entered into futile, envious and nonsensical ‘flame wars’ with eachother, when in reality, they should really be assisting eachother's research and forming a united front. My role as a filmmaker has been to amalgamate and present on screen the most verifiable evidence, and give a cinematically captivating stage for the most well informed authors to have their say about the New World Order. Unfortunately, I was too naive and underestimated that the 'Money Bomb' is a more important incentive to some anti-NWO personalities than the Nuclear Bomb! Consequently, I have been undermined and attacked and wrongly accused of arrogance by some of these people - even from people who have made a career by warning you and me about the evil in the banking and judiciary - when the truth comes too close to home - they all resort to using Barristers (Tony Blair was a barrister) and judges (Tony Blair's wife is a judge) to shut me up. Lol. Just watch and see what happens... All I can say, is that I hope you thoroughly enjoy reading my research. When I first interviewed David Icke on camera in 2001 and asked "David, are we being ruled by people who worship Baphomets and Demons?" in a whiplash instant, David forwent his normally very professional television-savy way of answering questions (so that each answer can cleanly and concisely be edited into a self contained video capsule which does not require the film editor to include the opening question) with a very abrupt "yes we are!". David's answer was the first time I had recorded on camera a person willing, like me, to say on camera what we had all suspected for a long time - that members of the royal-political elite were more than just dabbling in Black Magick - they had developed ancient techniques of summoning Demons and it was this quest - to summon demons - which lay at the heart of all Masonic, Templar and high ceremonial magick.

By 1999, there had been thousands of books written exposing Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and Black Magicians - but just a tiny few of the 300 million web-blog pages on the subject of the New World Order dared to mention the actual reason why rituals took place. David's answer showed that on this topic we were both on the same page as it were - I knew that my hunch to make a motion picture documentary film about the black magick rituals performed by the world's richest people - was a correct hunch - and that the public's consciousness was now elevated to the point where many millions of people were ready for this information. At that moment, I knew that the previous 17 years' worth of collecting video and film footage, reading and research that I had done, building a library on the Occult with mainly original first and second edition books was all worth while. I was kind of worried at the time that I would be labeled as a 'heretic' film director for making films from the heart about black masses, witch covens, poltergeists and the dark world of Freemasonry - my concerns were unjustified - I have had people buy my films from all over the world - including the lawyers representing the Bush family, Hollywood superstars, sports personalities and, yes, of course, even Royalty. So, in a nutshell, I have put into this booklet all the most important pieces of information about the evil demonic forces summoned to rule over Mankind by the royal-political elite - so that when you come to view my series of Illuminati films (especially ILLUMINATI Vol IV), hopefully, many pieces of the jigsaw puzzle will fall into place - effortlessly - with minimal ambiguity. Enjoy.

[author's note; I would suggest just taking a few moments to close your eyes and slow your breathing into nice deep breaths and get really very comfortable before proceeding - this first part of my booklet concerns magickal information which is so fundamentally vital to understand that it is, in actual fact, the very essence and root of the information used by the Illuminati to influence and control Mankind. It's time to sling the cat out and put the phone off the hook!].


Imagine yourself in inky blackness. Without light. A vast space without form. This blackness is black because there is no light. Light does not exist. This space has no ceiling. It has no walls. It has no floor. It has no reference point of what is up, down or sideways. There is absolutely no form to this blackness - no limit to it's extent of nothingness. It is not even a 'dimension'. This emptiness is personified by the utter lack of any form or sound. No air. No nothing. Not even a glimmer of Hope. Not an utter cell. Utter perpetual nothingness. No heat. No cold. No abstract thought or concept. No actual awareness that there could ever be anything except nothingness. No emotion. Not even an illusion, as one has to have a point of awareness to even comprehend an illusion. Nothing. Nothingness is alien to the existence of Mankind and Life. Nothingness is the complete and utter lack of all faculties which can even comprehend a vacuum. Without light, spatial dimension, without thought, without sound, heat, air, and therefore without vibrations... one can imagine a black silent womb. But nothingness is more vacuous than this - as there are no thoughts and so it is impossible to even conceive of a 'womb'. There is not really a 'void' or 'vacuum' either, as these concepts all rely on the existence of a congniscient entity to perceive a 'vacuum'. The concept of a vacuum presupposes that there is actually some kind of three dimensional space in which the air has been sucked out. Nothingness is just that - NOTHING... Not even an illusion can exist.

But wait... now imagine yourself floating and observing this nothingness.

All of a sudden, you hear - for the first time in a million millennia - the

hissing and rumble of a far off sound... it gets louder and louder, and your

atrophied and never before used hearing faculties begin to dance as the

scillia hairs of your ears become electrified by the vibration of invisible

gasses that have crept up and now surround you... You perceive for the first

time ever, a far off thunderous explosion.... Then, a point of infintisimally

small light penetrates like an unexpected penis into the newly perceived

womb of utter nothingness that you have existed in since the beginning of


The light - and rumbling hissing sounds - grow - and you realise that these distant explosions are emanating from a point in space which hitherto you did not even know existed. Your senses are finally being fed an amazing smorgasbord of phenomena... You perceive in one swooping, graceful and elegant shuddering revelation that YOU EXIST... and ARE NOT ALONE... The hissing and rumbling become louder, even a tremor - physical vibration - transmits itself through your newly found being - you are alive! You FEEL this - this is really happening! Before that revelation is completely welded into your new found consciousness, a hot searing wind of plasmic vitality... a cosmic happening, an inter-galactic, deep space gale, a fireball of white hot , super multi thousand degree heat - from all directions - engulfs you in a tsunami of sheer, unadulterated pure light, sound, vibration... OMG! This is REALITY! You are alive and there is something

else awesomely alive also sharing this huge space with you... Welcome to

the beginning of the plasmic electrolytic single cell amino acid lightning-

forming primordial soupy nuclear hurricane which we laughingly call the


At that infinitesimal point, which quantum physicists and other leather-elbowed pontficators and fans of Val Doonican spasmodically publish books about... we see the Creation, the virginal first love cosmic orgasm which gives birth to the UNIVERSE. Particles, fire, plasma, electrons, neutrons, quarks and the basic building blocks which would become Starbucks, I Love Lucy TV shows, planets, Galaxies, asteroids, comets, David Icke on the Wogan show (twice), and solar systems hurtle past your previously dormant Self... In an instant, an instantaneous blink in the eye of a previously undiscovered Godhead sub-atomic particles radiate out in all directions and begin to cool and coalesce into the Universe we know today. Congratulations... you have just witnessed the stunning energy which would become 'Mother Nature' burst forth - all the positive and negatively charged particles that would soon amalgamate and gather into self-regulating clusters of atoms. Unfortunately, some of these particles amalgamate into groups which were almost entirely negatively charged - and this is the true meaning of the word Kliphothic. These negative energies coalesced into ‘astral corpses’.

The Black Magick of the Cosmos...

In one instant, there was absolutely nothing, and the next, the

Big Bang releases forces of a Nature which previously did not exist - a

Nature which has come into being - when I asked a Rabbi-Magician the

simple question 'why?', he smiled and answered " ...Because, let's face it...

Nothingness is boring!". This sudden, and rarely discussed emanation of existence is a common theme expressed in many Creation texts found the world over - the Mayans, the ancient Sumerians, the Egyptians - all describe a primordial darkness which is then brought into Light. According to the early texts which influenced the books which make up the Hebrew magical tradition, or 'Kabbalah', God and the universe (albeit the vacuum which contains the ever expanding Universe) have always existed. These texts describe the universe as being a physical manifestation of the Godhead's own conscious awareness. The cosmos is considered in the Kabbalistic tradition to be the Godhead's awareness of himself.

'Creation' is described by the ancient Hebrew occultists as a series of simultaneous thoughts, represented by lights - described as ineffable lights. God brought into being ten of these lights - these orbs of light were created first out of pure thought energy, pure angelic energy direct from the Godhead. As each of these ten spheres were created, God made the density of the light stronger and stronger - with less and less divine material - until the tenth and last ineffable light was created - bathed in the supreme and most important ingredient for the creation of living things on planet Earth - sunlight.

This concept of divine essence being transmuted into physical substance is the bedrock of the Kabbalah and many occult teachings. Occultists and priests, soothsayers, skywatchers, nuclear physicists, oracles and magicians have all collectively struggled throughout history to put the above cosmic Big Bang/creation scenario into words. Indeed, the very divine thoughts of God which created us and the cosmos are referred to in ancient texts as 'words' - and thus we have the ridiculous over simplification "...in the beginning there was the word...". In fact, the words of the ancient texts which revealed this mystical (I would say romatically inaccurate) version of Creation, are formed of letters which themselves are modeled on the form and shape of star constellations (see my previous writings about the linguistic evidence of contact with the Star Gods in Feed Your Brain Magazine, summer 2009 - http://www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com ). Morphing through many versions, syntaxes and grammatical constraints, we call this mystical, magickal language 'Hebrew' and it is considered the most effective of all languages for summoning the invisible godly and ungodly Kliphothic forces which were created with the Universe...

Kliphothic Connundrum... Apparently, according to Hebrew teachings, not all went well during the Creation. If we are to believe the archaeological record and also believe the ancient Hebrew scriptures, the almighty force and unbridled, unconstrained massive tsunami of incandescense which brought into being the entire cosmos, simultaneously created a whole raft of physical and non physical living beings which fed off each other, were infused with 'too much' of the brazen negative cosmic force, and set about mutually feeding off each other in an aqueous dog-eat-dog soup of ugly, selfish and bizarre creatures. Many of these creatures, the old Rabbis teach us, were a 'cosmic mistake' - a kind of prehistoric version of Eastenders, with one selfish act leading to another, with each single cell, evolving and dividing into clusters of cells, then into plasmoid jellyfish type creatures, then vertebrates - but all of them hugely ugly, indifferent to one another and hopelessly doomed to be alone... Stubborn, and infused with too much of the hot cosmic forces released at the time of the Big Bang, the first life forms which appeared were far from attractive. Many lacked a soul & compassion, and therefore stalked around like corpses, or ‘shells’ of beings. These strange primordial life forms are described in the Kabbalah as the Kliphothic beings - creatures (both physical and spiritual) which were created before God got it 'just right'. It is these Kliphothic forces which the evil magicians of millennia have always sought to summon and master - for they are the spiritual equivalent of the incredible Hulk - on a bad day - with a dash of demonic, selfish intent thrown in. In all my years of research, it is these morphing, evil, shape-shifting entities which most closely resemble the eye witness testimonies contained in David Icke's book The Biggest Secret.

Great secrecy surrounds the existence of the Kliphothic beings - it is forbidden for anyone under the age of 40 in the Jewish tradition to study them. Of the hundreds of millions of web pages out there that discuss the Kabbalah and New World Order, barely a handful mention the world of the kliphothic. Curiously, neither David Icke, nor Arizona, nor Pamela Icke who I questioned on these subjects ever mentioned The Goetia, Goetic nor Kliphothic demons. I discovered, in 1981, the existence of these forces by reading a training manual on Magic written by a former employee of Her Majesty's Inland Revenue. I had bought the book from a friend whose brother was making a name for himself in the stock market and had purchased this book of Magic in order to cast spells to bring him wealth. This is not the only time that I have found someone working for the Banking Elite to be interested in black magick. Mastery of these dark Kliphothic forces is one of the biggest secrets in the arcane occult wisdom of black magicians. This secret wisdom is referred to as hokmahnistarah, and the passing on of this part of magickal tradition, or 'Kabbalah', is only permitted once someone has attained an age of suitable intellectual and religious maturity. Since Madonna and Britney got 'into' the Kabbalah, many thousands of non Jewish people have started to study the kabbalah at college. If you are one of these people, then perhaps when you started your course, you wondered why the word 'kabbalah' was spelt 'Cabala' with a 'C'? Most students are never told about the selfish, arrogant vagrant and demonic forces of the Kliphothic realm. The Cabala, spelt with a ‘C’, is actually a Christianized ‘love-n-peace’ version of the Kabbalah which was developed as a ‘cover’ in the occult centre of Cassel in Germany - this is the town where the Rosicrucian Manifestos emerged. The Christianized Cabala has since been used as a kind of ‘primer’ gently indoctrinating the intelligentsia who join Rosicrucian and Masonic lodges - of course, this eventually leads to a career as a full time magician of the black arts if the student is so disposed. So, as we progress through this booklet, I welcome you all to one of the rarest opportunities for non Jewish people to learn about the spiritual forces which Rabbis have gained mastery over since ancient times...

Knowledge of these brutish astral forces, mastery over them and temples designed to worship them were first built in Chaldea, a province of Babylon, long before the family dynasties of Egypt came to power. The tradition of summoning and invoking these Kliphothic forces has been handed down from (usually) father to son, and has caused a rift of envy & jealousy against the Jewish people which has rippled throughout history, with one nasty tyrant after another seeking to learn the tradition (kabbalah) and then exterminate all those who would also invoke - and therefore dilute - the angry spiritual forces which Hitler, Himmler, the British-Bavarian Royals, Napoleon, Popes and Alexander the Great have all used to create the present New World Order.

Without understanding the nihlistic manifesto of these jealous

and ugly Kliphothic demons, one cannot make any sense of the planetary

destruction which the global network of witches, freemasons and

magicians are inflicting on planet Earth. The destruction of the

rainforests and all the land burnt to a cinder is, of course, of no concern to

a SPIRIT-DEMON who actually nihlistically wishes utter destruction and

horror on the physical plane - causing widespread havoc and genocide

and thus jettisoning millions of souls into the astral world where poor

wretches killed by the Illuminati’s programme of planetary chaos can be

tormented and possessed in perpetuity. The character and personality of

these demons is typically seductive, promising vast riches and wealth to

the magicians and illuminati who carry out their disgusting ambitions in

the physical world.

Origins of the Written Kabbalah... Commonly, one of the the first lessons taught about the Kabbalah tradition of magick is that the Godhead's divineness, His cosmic awareness of Himself is represented by the Universe itself - both the physical elements which make up all planets and material life forms and also all the unseen electro-magnetic-nuclear-spiritual forces in the invisible realms which surround us. The Universe is, as it were, a 'mirror' showing us the brilliance and magnitude of the Godhead. These concepts existed for at least 1,000 years in an oral tradition, and these were eventually written down and distributed in hand-copied scrolls in the pre-Biblical era. In fact, it is highly likely that these concepts go back 10,000 years or more. The first of these manuscript versions of the Creation - according to Kabbalah - is called the Sefer Yetsirah, or the Book of Formation, which is thought to date from the 6th century AD (though it is important to remember that it contains concepts which stretch back into antiquity). The Book of Formation is essential to understand if we are to explain the remarkable and terrifying metamorphosis of members of the royal family as described by Arizona Wilder. The Book of Formation has been used by black magicians and misguided Rabbis in medieval Europe to create and animate ‘Golems’ - this is an important subject which I shall cover in a subsequent part of this booklet. Around 700 years later, in the 13th century (the era in which the Knights Templar all of a sudden became the richest and most pre-eminent semi monarchial force in Europe), another text - now included in the corpus of teachings we call the 'kabbalah' was published - entitled the Sefer Hazzohar (commonly referred to as the Zohar, or Book of Brightness). Authorship of both the Sefer Yetsirah and also the Zohar are hotly debated amongst scholars. Some scholars believe that these texts were divinely inspired and just 'appeared' - but the facts available to us from the historical record tend to suggest that these texts were authored in Europe - most probably in Barcelona and Provençe (home county to Michel Nostradamus) and were the written chronicles of secret wisdom which had previously been passed from Rabbi to son since antiquity. It is widely agreed that the Zohar has it's roots in the mystical teachings of 2nd century Palestine, when a mystic called Simeon ben Yochai first wrote it down on paper (or I should say papyrus). A European traveller, known as Moses de Leon claims that he 'discovered' this 2nd century version of the Zohar - but it is equally likely that Moses de Leon actually authored the Zohar himself and just claimed an older provenance for the writings to give it more spiritual gravitas.

Another very influential text from the kabbalah corpus is the Book of Bahir, whose real title is the Sefer-hab-Bahir which was probably written in the 6th century by a Rabbi called 'Isaac The Blind'. There are actually two (and possibly three) Rabbis who have taken on the name 'Isaac the Blind' throughout history - and it is not uncommon for Rabbis to adopt the name and title of previous kabbalistic scholars from history - in fact, the Roman Catholic church often copies this form of reverence, when popes take on the name of previous pontiffs as a mark of gratitude and homage to their predecessors. The scriptual and physical evidence for the origination of the kabbalah is, of course, denied by kabbalist fundamentalists - these people passionately believe that the wisdom of the kabbalah corpus was in actual fact set down into mankind's mind via the prophet known as Enoch. Some modern interpretations of the Book of Enoch say that the arcane kabbalistic wisdom found in the 6th and 13th century texts were 'betrayed' to Mankind by none other than the 'Fallen Angels' (ie. Kliphothic entities described above). Another Talmudic tradition makes the unlikely claim that God Almighty himself whispered it directly into the ear of Moses on Mount Sinai. According to this version of ‘history’, seventy carefully chosen Elders were then given the task of preserving the secret wisdom - which from that point onwards would be communicated orally - and only to those who had reached the age of 40.

One cannot help to see that the Enochian version of the origination of the kabbalah has led many skeptics and anti-semites to deduce that the Kabbalah is the work of demons and possibly the devil himself. In fact, there is a scriptual history of ancient works which suggest that the God Almighty and the 'Lord' transliterated from the Old and New Testaments are NOT the same Supreme Being - but one is in actual fact the 'Devil' and the other is Adonai - God of the Christians. Whatever the case, the complex and abstract concept of an unseen universe of divine particles and lights containing the essence of God's intellect and willpower were at once shocking and fascinating to the non Jewish intelligentsia of the 13th century, who hungrily read and absorbed the mystical conceptual basis for the Creation of the Universe which we find in the kabbalistic corpus of works.

The Real Bible Code... The first five books of the Holy Bible are called the Pentateuch and can be considered a vulgarization of the arcane teachings which explained the mystical process of Creation at the time of the Big Bang. The Book of Genesis, as just one example, is in actual fact a re-transliteration of the Creation Myths featuring the Annunaki in ancient Sumeria. Zealous and fundamentalist kabbalists have claimed - and still claim - that the very root of these five books of the Old Testament are in actual fact an exoteric, codified set of scrolls which have their literary foundation in kabbalistic oral teachings from ancient Babylon. The basis for Jewish law is the Old Testament, and the Commandments from Moses. This 'Law' of the Jewish people was given by Moses, apparently after some mystical communion with God, and the Hebrew word for 'law' is 'Torah'. Kabbalists read the five books of the Old Testament in a very different way to the uninitiated 'goyim' which they deplore. What is 'goyim'? - it is a derogatory term for non Jewish races used by racist members of (usually) the zealot temples that have sporadically existed around the world for several centuries. Many kabbalists see a hidden encoded message within the Torah which can be unlocked by understanding how to read the first and last letters of each word, and also reading entire chapters from 'outside-in', with alternate words taken from the primary sentences and last words in the final sentences progressively retrograding towards the centre of each chapter. This cryptogrammatical method reveals a hidden layer of prophecies and meanings - and, thus, have effectively cemented the Kabbalah, or tradition of magick, into the modern age, where black magicians are now using it as a blueprint.

In addition to the above system of encryption, kabbalists employ the esoteric science of Gematria which requires the conversion of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet into numerical equivalents, and then substituting certain words which have the same numerical total. As an example, a phrase "...and lo, three men' (Gen xviii 2) can be reconstructed to read 'These Were Michael, Gabriel & Raphael'. As you can see, the hidden language of the Rabbis is comprehensive and arcane to understand. The Gematrical version of the Torah reveals a VERY different version of the Creation. Gematrically speaking, the lord God Almighty - referred to as Yod Ha Vah Hey (YHVH) - is regarded gematrically as the same person as ADAM - a human artificially created by spiritual force. The belief that a person can be created using spiritual forces is fundamental to the Book of Formation and the legend of the ‘Golem’. Hebrew has no vowels, and therefore, this also gave rise to a sigil-istic method of encoding the Will of God into each sentence of holy Hebrew texts. This has given Black Magicians a kind of ‘Screenplay’ which they use to stage and control geopolitical events. The ‘Movie’ they are making is, in actual fact, a ‘Horror’ film, directed by Kliphothic, shape-shifting demonic entities. Much of this ‘Screenplay’ is represented in Symbols or ‘Sigils’ which subconsciously influence the minds of the occultists and members of the public alike. What is a ‘Sigil’? A sigil is actually a talisman, or symbol which represents the will or desire of the magician. A talismanic symbol - or sigil - is made by writing down the desire or will of the magician - for example 'Bring Me Treasure', and erasing all vowels and repeated consonants, re-writing the sentence 'BrngMTs' - these remaining letters would be etched into a tablet of beaten zinc, or silver, or gold, and arranged so that they would look like a logo - a talisman - which would immediately remind the magician of the original will or desire contained in the sigil. It would often be worn as a necklace or bracelet and never removed from the magician's body - thus infusing and conjoining the magician's physical body with his Will.

A related grammatical arcane 'science' grew up around these techniques, which took every letter of a given word in the Torah and used these letters as the first letter of subsequent words, thus forming new sentences based on the standard text. I have purchased ancient manuscripts published (indeed, some are hand copies) from the 14th century which employ this system - which is known as Notarikon. By taking just a few words from the familiar sentences of the Torah, one can immediately 'discover' the names of angels and demons hidden within these texts.

Another method used as a 'key' to expose the hidden and alternative version of the Torah was called Temura - which is a divinatory method for deciphering messages from the 'divine' (and not so divine) beings within the scriptures. An ancient manuscript attributed to the scholar Philo entitled De Vita Contemplativa describes the Torah as a 'living being' whose body is the literal text of the Pentateuch and whose soul is the hidden occult meaning that is buried within the lines of text - placed there for only the select few to understand. Gematrically deciphered portions of the first five books of the Old Testament - especially those which have side notes written in the hand of kabbalists and annotations which correct many of the deliberate 'booby trap' mistakes which magicians insert in order to nullify their competitors, often sell for a minimum of £2,000. The bidders are very often those who are seeking to unlock the names of demons and the secret sets of incantations with which to summon and control them). Le Bibliotech Bleu series of pulp non-fiction magickal mini 'Grimoires' sold on the streets of Paris for a penny in the 18th century are now changing hands for £3,000 or more! And it is within this corpus of texts - which describe the many thousands of Kliphothic demonic entities - that we see some kind of historical provenance which goes a long way in explaining the incredibly bizarre happenings at magickal rituals. Once you have absorbed the above information and read the historical accounts of rituals that summon demons, then the eye-witness reports relayed to David Icke a decade ago by a woman using a 'cover' name 'Arizona Wilder' (apparently, her real name is 'Jennifer Greene') seem worthy of much, much closer investiagtion...


AUTHOR’s NOTE: I have been patiently waiting for Arizona to write more on the

subjects which she covered in the video Confessions of a Mother Goddess - and hope to

interview her - for the time being, I present here in this multi-part booklet all the

research findings I have made - in the hope that we can put into context Arizona’s

testimony into an easily digestible PDF booklet which, hopefully, will put an end to all

these ridiculous arguments that have so far dissipated and wasted so many people's time

during the last few years. If information and research along the lines of the Goetia had

previously been published alongside the material contained in The Biggest Secret, then I

am sure there would not have been so many pointless arguments! I hope my new film

and magazine articles help, in some way, to explain many of the questions and doubts

raised following the publication of The Biggest Secret.

A mere snip at £300, this

hardback edition of

Kenneth Grant’s Nightside

of Eden explores the role

of Lilith and the other

demonic forces created at

the birth of the Cosmos.

Grant took over Aleister

Crowley’s O.T.O secret

society dedicated to Sex


In my new ILLUMINATI IV film, which I have

just completed, I decode some of the themes

expressed and described in perhaps the

world’s most notorious manuscript. Until the

publication of my research, all scholars who

had previously published their theories about

the Voynich Manuscript had not realized that it

was in fact a Grimoire in the tradition of the

medieval Jesuit black occult orders of France.

The ZOHAR - one of the

central texts of The


Page 10: Chris Everard & the Illuminati Part 1

page 010

page 011

Entering The Jaws of Demons... Unfortunately, during the many years I have invested in making films and interviewing authors, I have discovered that the vast majority of underhanded attacks, and snyde behaviour comes from those who seem to have been under the impression that the information I reveal in my articles and films was somehow theirs, that it was 'stepping on their toes' to even write about subjects which are mildly similar. There has been - since the publication of John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (pub. 1798) - somewhat of a small publishing industry in anti-masonic literature - and many authors for the last two centuries have entered into futile, envious and nonsensical ‘flame wars’ with eachother, when in reality, they should really be assisting eachother's research and forming a united front. My role as a filmmaker has been to amalgamate and present on screen the most verifiable evidence, and give a cinematically captivating stage for the most well informed authors to have their say about the New World Order. Unfortunately, I was too naive and underestimated that the 'Money Bomb' is a more important incentive to some anti-NWO personalities than the Nuclear Bomb! Consequently, I have been undermined and attacked and wrongly accused of arrogance by some of these people - even from people who have made a career by warning you and me about the evil in the banking and judiciary - when the truth comes too close to home - they all resort to using Barristers (Tony Blair was a barrister) and judges (Tony Blair's wife is a judge) to shut me up. Lol. Just watch and see what happens... All I can say, is that I hope you thoroughly enjoy reading my research. When I first interviewed David Icke on camera in 2001 and asked "David, are we being ruled by people who worship Baphomets and Demons?" in a whiplash instant, David forwent his normally very professional television-savy way of answering questions (so that each answer can cleanly and concisely be edited into a self contained video capsule which does not require the film editor to include the opening question) with a very abrupt "yes we are!". David's answer was the first time I had recorded on camera a person willing, like me, to say on camera what we had all suspected for a long time - that members of the royal-political elite were more than just dabbling in Black Magick - they had developed ancient techniques of summoning Demons and it was this quest - to summon demons - which lay at the heart of all Masonic, Templar and high ceremonial magick.

By 1999, there had been thousands of books written exposing Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and Black Magicians - but just a tiny few of the 300 million web-blog pages on the subject of the New World Order dared to mention the actual reason why rituals took place. David's answer showed that on this topic we were both on the same page as it were - I knew that my hunch to make a motion picture documentary film about the black magick rituals performed by the world's richest people - was a correct hunch - and that the public's consciousness was now elevated to the point where many millions of people were ready for this information. At that moment, I knew that the previous 17 years' worth of collecting video and film footage, reading and research that I had done, building a library on the Occult with mainly original first and second edition books was all worth while. I was kind of worried at the time that I would be labeled as a 'heretic' film director for making films from the heart about black masses, witch covens, poltergeists and the dark world of Freemasonry - my concerns were unjustified - I have had people buy my films from all over the world - including the lawyers representing the Bush family, Hollywood superstars, sports personalities and, yes, of course, even Royalty. So, in a nutshell, I have put into this booklet all the most important pieces of information about the evil demonic forces summoned to rule over Mankind by the royal-political elite - so that when you come to view my series of Illuminati films (especially ILLUMINATI Vol IV), hopefully, many pieces of the jigsaw puzzle will fall into place - effortlessly - with minimal ambiguity. Enjoy.

[author's note; I would suggest just taking a few moments to close your eyes and slow your breathing into nice deep breaths and get really very comfortable before proceeding - this first part of my booklet concerns magickal information which is so fundamentally vital to understand that it is, in actual fact, the very essence and root of the information used by the Illuminati to influence and control Mankind. It's time to sling the cat out and put the phone off the hook!].


Imagine yourself in inky blackness. Without light. A vast space without form. This blackness is black because there is no light. Light does not exist. This space has no ceiling. It has no walls. It has no floor. It has no reference point of what is up, down or sideways. There is absolutely no form to this blackness - no limit to it's extent of nothingness. It is not even a 'dimension'. This emptiness is personified by the utter lack of any form or sound. No air. No nothing. Not even a glimmer of Hope. Not an utter cell. Utter perpetual nothingness. No heat. No cold. No abstract thought or concept. No actual awareness that there could ever be anything except nothingness. No emotion. Not even an illusion, as one has to have a point of awareness to even comprehend an illusion. Nothing. Nothingness is alien to the existence of Mankind and Life. Nothingness is the complete and utter lack of all faculties which can even comprehend a vacuum. Without light, spatial dimension, without thought, without sound, heat, air, and therefore without vibrations... one can imagine a black silent womb. But nothingness is more vacuous than this - as there are no thoughts and so it is impossible to even conceive of a 'womb'. There is not really a 'void' or 'vacuum' either, as these concepts all rely on the existence of a congniscient entity to perceive a 'vacuum'. The concept of a vacuum presupposes that there is actually some kind of three dimensional space in which the air has been sucked out. Nothingness is just that - NOTHING... Not even an illusion can exist.

But wait... now imagine yourself floating and observing this nothingness.

All of a sudden, you hear - for the first time in a million millennia - the

hissing and rumble of a far off sound... it gets louder and louder, and your

atrophied and never before used hearing faculties begin to dance as the

scillia hairs of your ears become electrified by the vibration of invisible

gasses that have crept up and now surround you... You perceive for the first

time ever, a far off thunderous explosion.... Then, a point of infintisimally

small light penetrates like an unexpected penis into the newly perceived

womb of utter nothingness that you have existed in since the beginning of


The light - and rumbling hissing sounds - grow - and you realise that these distant explosions are emanating from a point in space which hitherto you did not even know existed. Your senses are finally being fed an amazing smorgasbord of phenomena... You perceive in one swooping, graceful and elegant shuddering revelation that YOU EXIST... and ARE NOT ALONE... The hissing and rumbling become louder, even a tremor - physical vibration - transmits itself through your newly found being - you are alive! You FEEL this - this is really happening! Before that revelation is completely welded into your new found consciousness, a hot searing wind of plasmic vitality... a cosmic happening, an inter-galactic, deep space gale, a fireball of white hot , super multi thousand degree heat - from all directions - engulfs you in a tsunami of sheer, unadulterated pure light, sound, vibration... OMG! This is REALITY! You are alive and there is something

else awesomely alive also sharing this huge space with you... Welcome to

the beginning of the plasmic electrolytic single cell amino acid lightning-

forming primordial soupy nuclear hurricane which we laughingly call the


At that infinitesimal point, which quantum physicists and other leather-elbowed pontficators and fans of Val Doonican spasmodically publish books about... we see the Creation, the virginal first love cosmic orgasm which gives birth to the UNIVERSE. Particles, fire, plasma, electrons, neutrons, quarks and the basic building blocks which would become Starbucks, I Love Lucy TV shows, planets, Galaxies, asteroids, comets, David Icke on the Wogan show (twice), and solar systems hurtle past your previously dormant Self... In an instant, an instantaneous blink in the eye of a previously undiscovered Godhead sub-atomic particles radiate out in all directions and begin to cool and coalesce into the Universe we know today. Congratulations... you have just witnessed the stunning energy which would become 'Mother Nature' burst forth - all the positive and negatively charged particles that would soon amalgamate and gather into self-regulating clusters of atoms. Unfortunately, some of these particles amalgamate into groups which were almost entirely negatively charged - and this is the true meaning of the word Kliphothic. These negative energies coalesced into ‘astral corpses’.

The Black Magick of the Cosmos...

In one instant, there was absolutely nothing, and the next, the

Big Bang releases forces of a Nature which previously did not exist - a

Nature which has come into being - when I asked a Rabbi-Magician the

simple question 'why?', he smiled and answered " ...Because, let's face it...

Nothingness is boring!". This sudden, and rarely discussed emanation of existence is a common theme expressed in many Creation texts found the world over - the Mayans, the ancient Sumerians, the Egyptians - all describe a primordial darkness which is then brought into Light. According to the early texts which influenced the books which make up the Hebrew magical tradition, or 'Kabbalah', God and the universe (albeit the vacuum which contains the ever expanding Universe) have always existed. These texts describe the universe as being a physical manifestation of the Godhead's own conscious awareness. The cosmos is considered in the Kabbalistic tradition to be the Godhead's awareness of himself.

'Creation' is described by the ancient Hebrew occultists as a series of simultaneous thoughts, represented by lights - described as ineffable lights. God brought into being ten of these lights - these orbs of light were created first out of pure thought energy, pure angelic energy direct from the Godhead. As each of these ten spheres were created, God made the density of the light stronger and stronger - with less and less divine material - until the tenth and last ineffable light was created - bathed in the supreme and most important ingredient for the creation of living things on planet Earth - sunlight.

This concept of divine essence being transmuted into physical substance is the bedrock of the Kabbalah and many occult teachings. Occultists and priests, soothsayers, skywatchers, nuclear physicists, oracles and magicians have all collectively struggled throughout history to put the above cosmic Big Bang/creation scenario into words. Indeed, the very divine thoughts of God which created us and the cosmos are referred to in ancient texts as 'words' - and thus we have the ridiculous over simplification "...in the beginning there was the word...". In fact, the words of the ancient texts which revealed this mystical (I would say romatically inaccurate) version of Creation, are formed of letters which themselves are modeled on the form and shape of star constellations (see my previous writings about the linguistic evidence of contact with the Star Gods in Feed Your Brain Magazine, summer 2009 - http://www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com ). Morphing through many versions, syntaxes and grammatical constraints, we call this mystical, magickal language 'Hebrew' and it is considered the most effective of all languages for summoning the invisible godly and ungodly Kliphothic forces which were created with the Universe...

Kliphothic Connundrum... Apparently, according to Hebrew teachings, not all went well during the Creation. If we are to believe the archaeological record and also believe the ancient Hebrew scriptures, the almighty force and unbridled, unconstrained massive tsunami of incandescense which brought into being the entire cosmos, simultaneously created a whole raft of physical and non physical living beings which fed off each other, were infused with 'too much' of the brazen negative cosmic force, and set about mutually feeding off each other in an aqueous dog-eat-dog soup of ugly, selfish and bizarre creatures. Many of these creatures, the old Rabbis teach us, were a 'cosmic mistake' - a kind of prehistoric version of Eastenders, with one selfish act leading to another, with each single cell, evolving and dividing into clusters of cells, then into plasmoid jellyfish type creatures, then vertebrates - but all of them hugely ugly, indifferent to one another and hopelessly doomed to be alone... Stubborn, and infused with too much of the hot cosmic forces released at the time of the Big Bang, the first life forms which appeared were far from attractive. Many lacked a soul & compassion, and therefore stalked around like corpses, or ‘shells’ of beings. These strange primordial life forms are described in the Kabbalah as the Kliphothic beings - creatures (both physical and spiritual) which were created before God got it 'just right'. It is these Kliphothic forces which the evil magicians of millennia have always sought to summon and master - for they are the spiritual equivalent of the incredible Hulk - on a bad day - with a dash of demonic, selfish intent thrown in. In all my years of research, it is these morphing, evil, shape-shifting entities which most closely resemble the eye witness testimonies contained in David Icke's book The Biggest Secret.

Great secrecy surrounds the existence of the Kliphothic beings - it is forbidden for anyone under the age of 40 in the Jewish tradition to study them. Of the hundreds of millions of web pages out there that discuss the Kabbalah and New World Order, barely a handful mention the world of the kliphothic. Curiously, neither David Icke, nor Arizona, nor Pamela Icke who I questioned on these subjects ever mentioned The Goetia, Goetic nor Kliphothic demons. I discovered, in 1981, the existence of these forces by reading a training manual on Magic written by a former employee of Her Majesty's Inland Revenue. I had bought the book from a friend whose brother was making a name for himself in the stock market and had purchased this book of Magic in order to cast spells to bring him wealth. This is not the only time that I have found someone working for the Banking Elite to be interested in black magick. Mastery of these dark Kliphothic forces is one of the biggest secrets in the arcane occult wisdom of black magicians. This secret wisdom is referred to as hokmahnistarah, and the passing on of this part of magickal tradition, or 'Kabbalah', is only permitted once someone has attained an age of suitable intellectual and religious maturity. Since Madonna and Britney got 'into' the Kabbalah, many thousands of non Jewish people have started to study the kabbalah at college. If you are one of these people, then perhaps when you started your course, you wondered why the word 'kabbalah' was spelt 'Cabala' with a 'C'? Most students are never told about the selfish, arrogant vagrant and demonic forces of the Kliphothic realm. The Cabala, spelt with a ‘C’, is actually a Christianized ‘love-n-peace’ version of the Kabbalah which was developed as a ‘cover’ in the occult centre of Cassel in Germany - this is the town where the Rosicrucian Manifestos emerged. The Christianized Cabala has since been used as a kind of ‘primer’ gently indoctrinating the intelligentsia who join Rosicrucian and Masonic lodges - of course, this eventually leads to a career as a full time magician of the black arts if the student is so disposed. So, as we progress through this booklet, I welcome you all to one of the rarest opportunities for non Jewish people to learn about the spiritual forces which Rabbis have gained mastery over since ancient times...

Knowledge of these brutish astral forces, mastery over them and temples designed to worship them were first built in Chaldea, a province of Babylon, long before the family dynasties of Egypt came to power. The tradition of summoning and invoking these Kliphothic forces has been handed down from (usually) father to son, and has caused a rift of envy & jealousy against the Jewish people which has rippled throughout history, with one nasty tyrant after another seeking to learn the tradition (kabbalah) and then exterminate all those who would also invoke - and therefore dilute - the angry spiritual forces which Hitler, Himmler, the British-Bavarian Royals, Napoleon, Popes and Alexander the Great have all used to create the present New World Order.

Without understanding the nihlistic manifesto of these jealous

and ugly Kliphothic demons, one cannot make any sense of the planetary

destruction which the global network of witches, freemasons and

magicians are inflicting on planet Earth. The destruction of the

rainforests and all the land burnt to a cinder is, of course, of no concern to

a SPIRIT-DEMON who actually nihlistically wishes utter destruction and

horror on the physical plane - causing widespread havoc and genocide

and thus jettisoning millions of souls into the astral world where poor

wretches killed by the Illuminati’s programme of planetary chaos can be

tormented and possessed in perpetuity. The character and personality of

these demons is typically seductive, promising vast riches and wealth to

the magicians and illuminati who carry out their disgusting ambitions in

the physical world.

Origins of the Written Kabbalah... Commonly, one of the the first lessons taught about the Kabbalah tradition of magick is that the Godhead's divineness, His cosmic awareness of Himself is represented by the Universe itself - both the physical elements which make up all planets and material life forms and also all the unseen electro-magnetic-nuclear-spiritual forces in the invisible realms which surround us. The Universe is, as it were, a 'mirror' showing us the brilliance and magnitude of the Godhead. These concepts existed for at least 1,000 years in an oral tradition, and these were eventually written down and distributed in hand-copied scrolls in the pre-Biblical era. In fact, it is highly likely that these concepts go back 10,000 years or more. The first of these manuscript versions of the Creation - according to Kabbalah - is called the Sefer Yetsirah, or the Book of Formation, which is thought to date from the 6th century AD (though it is important to remember that it contains concepts which stretch back into antiquity). The Book of Formation is essential to understand if we are to explain the remarkable and terrifying metamorphosis of members of the royal family as described by Arizona Wilder. The Book of Formation has been used by black magicians and misguided Rabbis in medieval Europe to create and animate ‘Golems’ - this is an important subject which I shall cover in a subsequent part of this booklet. Around 700 years later, in the 13th century (the era in which the Knights Templar all of a sudden became the richest and most pre-eminent semi monarchial force in Europe), another text - now included in the corpus of teachings we call the 'kabbalah' was published - entitled the Sefer Hazzohar (commonly referred to as the Zohar, or Book of Brightness). Authorship of both the Sefer Yetsirah and also the Zohar are hotly debated amongst scholars. Some scholars believe that these texts were divinely inspired and just 'appeared' - but the facts available to us from the historical record tend to suggest that these texts were authored in Europe - most probably in Barcelona and Provençe (home county to Michel Nostradamus) and were the written chronicles of secret wisdom which had previously been passed from Rabbi to son since antiquity. It is widely agreed that the Zohar has it's roots in the mystical teachings of 2nd century Palestine, when a mystic called Simeon ben Yochai first wrote it down on paper (or I should say papyrus). A European traveller, known as Moses de Leon claims that he 'discovered' this 2nd century version of the Zohar - but it is equally likely that Moses de Leon actually authored the Zohar himself and just claimed an older provenance for the writings to give it more spiritual gravitas.

Another very influential text from the kabbalah corpus is the Book of Bahir, whose real title is the Sefer-hab-Bahir which was probably written in the 6th century by a Rabbi called 'Isaac The Blind'. There are actually two (and possibly three) Rabbis who have taken on the name 'Isaac the Blind' throughout history - and it is not uncommon for Rabbis to adopt the name and title of previous kabbalistic scholars from history - in fact, the Roman Catholic church often copies this form of reverence, when popes take on the name of previous pontiffs as a mark of gratitude and homage to their predecessors. The scriptual and physical evidence for the origination of the kabbalah is, of course, denied by kabbalist fundamentalists - these people passionately believe that the wisdom of the kabbalah corpus was in actual fact set down into mankind's mind via the prophet known as Enoch. Some modern interpretations of the Book of Enoch say that the arcane kabbalistic wisdom found in the 6th and 13th century texts were 'betrayed' to Mankind by none other than the 'Fallen Angels' (ie. Kliphothic entities described above). Another Talmudic tradition makes the unlikely claim that God Almighty himself whispered it directly into the ear of Moses on Mount Sinai. According to this version of ‘history’, seventy carefully chosen Elders were then given the task of preserving the secret wisdom - which from that point onwards would be communicated orally - and only to those who had reached the age of 40.

One cannot help to see that the Enochian version of the origination of the kabbalah has led many skeptics and anti-semites to deduce that the Kabbalah is the work of demons and possibly the devil himself. In fact, there is a scriptual history of ancient works which suggest that the God Almighty and the 'Lord' transliterated from the Old and New Testaments are NOT the same Supreme Being - but one is in actual fact the 'Devil' and the other is Adonai - God of the Christians. Whatever the case, the complex and abstract concept of an unseen universe of divine particles and lights containing the essence of God's intellect and willpower were at once shocking and fascinating to the non Jewish intelligentsia of the 13th century, who hungrily read and absorbed the mystical conceptual basis for the Creation of the Universe which we find in the kabbalistic corpus of works.

The Real Bible Code... The first five books of the Holy Bible are called the Pentateuch and can be considered a vulgarization of the arcane teachings which explained the mystical process of Creation at the time of the Big Bang. The Book of Genesis, as just one example, is in actual fact a re-transliteration of the Creation Myths featuring the Annunaki in ancient Sumeria. Zealous and fundamentalist kabbalists have claimed - and still claim - that the very root of these five books of the Old Testament are in actual fact an exoteric, codified set of scrolls which have their literary foundation in kabbalistic oral teachings from ancient Babylon. The basis for Jewish law is the Old Testament, and the Commandments from Moses. This 'Law' of the Jewish people was given by Moses, apparently after some mystical communion with God, and the Hebrew word for 'law' is 'Torah'. Kabbalists read the five books of the Old Testament in a very different way to the uninitiated 'goyim' which they deplore. What is 'goyim'? - it is a derogatory term for non Jewish races used by racist members of (usually) the zealot temples that have sporadically existed around the world for several centuries. Many kabbalists see a hidden encoded message within the Torah which can be unlocked by understanding how to read the first and last letters of each word, and also reading entire chapters from 'outside-in', with alternate words taken from the primary sentences and last words in the final sentences progressively retrograding towards the centre of each chapter. This cryptogrammatical method reveals a hidden layer of prophecies and meanings - and, thus, have effectively cemented the Kabbalah, or tradition of magick, into the modern age, where black magicians are now using it as a blueprint.

In addition to the above system of encryption, kabbalists employ the esoteric science of Gematria which requires the conversion of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet into numerical equivalents, and then substituting certain words which have the same numerical total. As an example, a phrase "...and lo, three men' (Gen xviii 2) can be reconstructed to read 'These Were Michael, Gabriel & Raphael'. As you can see, the hidden language of the Rabbis is comprehensive and arcane to understand. The Gematrical version of the Torah reveals a VERY different version of the Creation. Gematrically speaking, the lord God Almighty - referred to as Yod Ha Vah Hey (YHVH) - is regarded gematrically as the same person as ADAM - a human artificially created by spiritual force. The belief that a person can be created using spiritual forces is fundamental to the Book of Formation and the legend of the ‘Golem’. Hebrew has no vowels, and therefore, this also gave rise to a sigil-istic method of encoding the Will of God into each sentence of holy Hebrew texts. This has given Black Magicians a kind of ‘Screenplay’ which they use to stage and control geopolitical events. The ‘Movie’ they are making is, in actual fact, a ‘Horror’ film, directed by Kliphothic, shape-shifting demonic entities. Much of this ‘Screenplay’ is represented in Symbols or ‘Sigils’ which subconsciously influence the minds of the occultists and members of the public alike. What is a ‘Sigil’? A sigil is actually a talisman, or symbol which represents the will or desire of the magician. A talismanic symbol - or sigil - is made by writing down the desire or will of the magician - for example 'Bring Me Treasure', and erasing all vowels and repeated consonants, re-writing the sentence 'BrngMTs' - these remaining letters would be etched into a tablet of beaten zinc, or silver, or gold, and arranged so that they would look like a logo - a talisman - which would immediately remind the magician of the original will or desire contained in the sigil. It would often be worn as a necklace or bracelet and never removed from the magician's body - thus infusing and conjoining the magician's physical body with his Will.

A related grammatical arcane 'science' grew up around these techniques, which took every letter of a given word in the Torah and used these letters as the first letter of subsequent words, thus forming new sentences based on the standard text. I have purchased ancient manuscripts published (indeed, some are hand copies) from the 14th century which employ this system - which is known as Notarikon. By taking just a few words from the familiar sentences of the Torah, one can immediately 'discover' the names of angels and demons hidden within these texts.

Another method used as a 'key' to expose the hidden and alternative version of the Torah was called Temura - which is a divinatory method for deciphering messages from the 'divine' (and not so divine) beings within the scriptures. An ancient manuscript attributed to the scholar Philo entitled De Vita Contemplativa describes the Torah as a 'living being' whose body is the literal text of the Pentateuch and whose soul is the hidden occult meaning that is buried within the lines of text - placed there for only the select few to understand. Gematrically deciphered portions of the first five books of the Old Testament - especially those which have side notes written in the hand of kabbalists and annotations which correct many of the deliberate 'booby trap' mistakes which magicians insert in order to nullify their competitors, often sell for a minimum of £2,000. The bidders are very often those who are seeking to unlock the names of demons and the secret sets of incantations with which to summon and control them). Le Bibliotech Bleu series of pulp non-fiction magickal mini 'Grimoires' sold on the streets of Paris for a penny in the 18th century are now changing hands for £3,000 or more! And it is within this corpus of texts - which describe the many thousands of Kliphothic demonic entities - that we see some kind of historical provenance which goes a long way in explaining the incredibly bizarre happenings at magickal rituals. Once you have absorbed the above information and read the historical accounts of rituals that summon demons, then the eye-witness reports relayed to David Icke a decade ago by a woman using a 'cover' name 'Arizona Wilder' (apparently, her real name is 'Jennifer Greene') seem worthy of much, much closer investiagtion...


AUTHOR’s NOTE: I have been patiently waiting for Arizona to write more on the

subjects which she covered in the video Confessions of a Mother Goddess - and hope to

interview her - for the time being, I present here in this multi-part booklet all the

research findings I have made - in the hope that we can put into context Arizona’s

testimony into an easily digestible PDF booklet which, hopefully, will put an end to all

these ridiculous arguments that have so far dissipated and wasted so many people's time

during the last few years. If information and research along the lines of the Goetia had

previously been published alongside the material contained in The Biggest Secret, then I

am sure there would not have been so many pointless arguments! I hope my new film

and magazine articles help, in some way, to explain many of the questions and doubts

raised following the publication of The Biggest Secret.

Doctor John Dee wrote a manifesto for world

domination which had

been dictated to him by demons - his ‘manifesto’

written for Queen

Elizabeth the 1st is featured in the film


Brotherhood of the Beastwww.EnigmaTV.com

Utter chaos and destruction: Without a physical body - even

jealous of those in a physical body -

demons often carry out a campaign of seduction - inciting magicians to

kill, burn, rape and ravage people

and their habitats. In return, demons promise vast fortunes.

Enigma Motion Pictures are

producing a cinema feature film on this very subject, featuring some of

the world’s most talented

cinematographers and ecologists.www.EnigmaTV.com

According to many ancient texts, Demons can

morph and shape-shift

into many, many forms - not just Reptilian. At

times of special

astrological conjunctions, the Demons can gather

etheric life-force power

from a recently sacrificed victim and use this energy

to manifest into a visible

and physical apparition. More usually, they

possess the mind of people - leading to

misdiagnosis of ‘split

personality’ disorder. For the most part, demons

are not visible - they

usually present themselves in the ‘minds

eye’ of the magician.

Page 11: Chris Everard & the Illuminati Part 1

page 011

page 012www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com

Entering The Jaws of Demons... Unfortunately, during the many years I have invested in making films and interviewing authors, I have discovered that the vast majority of underhanded attacks, and snyde behaviour comes from those who seem to have been under the impression that the information I reveal in my articles and films was somehow theirs, that it was 'stepping on their toes' to even write about subjects which are mildly similar. There has been - since the publication of John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (pub. 1798) - somewhat of a small publishing industry in anti-masonic literature - and many authors for the last two centuries have entered into futile, envious and nonsensical ‘flame wars’ with eachother, when in reality, they should really be assisting eachother's research and forming a united front. My role as a filmmaker has been to amalgamate and present on screen the most verifiable evidence, and give a cinematically captivating stage for the most well informed authors to have their say about the New World Order. Unfortunately, I was too naive and underestimated that the 'Money Bomb' is a more important incentive to some anti-NWO personalities than the Nuclear Bomb! Consequently, I have been undermined and attacked and wrongly accused of arrogance by some of these people - even from people who have made a career by warning you and me about the evil in the banking and judiciary - when the truth comes too close to home - they all resort to using Barristers (Tony Blair was a barrister) and judges (Tony Blair's wife is a judge) to shut me up. Lol. Just watch and see what happens... All I can say, is that I hope you thoroughly enjoy reading my research. When I first interviewed David Icke on camera in 2001 and asked "David, are we being ruled by people who worship Baphomets and Demons?" in a whiplash instant, David forwent his normally very professional television-savy way of answering questions (so that each answer can cleanly and concisely be edited into a self contained video capsule which does not require the film editor to include the opening question) with a very abrupt "yes we are!". David's answer was the first time I had recorded on camera a person willing, like me, to say on camera what we had all suspected for a long time - that members of the royal-political elite were more than just dabbling in Black Magick - they had developed ancient techniques of summoning Demons and it was this quest - to summon demons - which lay at the heart of all Masonic, Templar and high ceremonial magick.

By 1999, there had been thousands of books written exposing Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and Black Magicians - but just a tiny few of the 300 million web-blog pages on the subject of the New World Order dared to mention the actual reason why rituals took place. David's answer showed that on this topic we were both on the same page as it were - I knew that my hunch to make a motion picture documentary film about the black magick rituals performed by the world's richest people - was a correct hunch - and that the public's consciousness was now elevated to the point where many millions of people were ready for this information. At that moment, I knew that the previous 17 years' worth of collecting video and film footage, reading and research that I had done, building a library on the Occult with mainly original first and second edition books was all worth while. I was kind of worried at the time that I would be labeled as a 'heretic' film director for making films from the heart about black masses, witch covens, poltergeists and the dark world of Freemasonry - my concerns were unjustified - I have had people buy my films from all over the world - including the lawyers representing the Bush family, Hollywood superstars, sports personalities and, yes, of course, even Royalty. So, in a nutshell, I have put into this booklet all the most important pieces of information about the evil demonic forces summoned to rule over Mankind by the royal-political elite - so that when you come to view my series of Illuminati films (especially ILLUMINATI Vol IV), hopefully, many pieces of the jigsaw puzzle will fall into place - effortlessly - with minimal ambiguity. Enjoy.

[author's note; I would suggest just taking a few moments to close your eyes and slow your breathing into nice deep breaths and get really very comfortable before proceeding - this first part of my booklet concerns magickal information which is so fundamentally vital to understand that it is, in actual fact, the very essence and root of the information used by the Illuminati to influence and control Mankind. It's time to sling the cat out and put the phone off the hook!].


Imagine yourself in inky blackness. Without light. A vast space without form. This blackness is black because there is no light. Light does not exist. This space has no ceiling. It has no walls. It has no floor. It has no reference point of what is up, down or sideways. There is absolutely no form to this blackness - no limit to it's extent of nothingness. It is not even a 'dimension'. This emptiness is personified by the utter lack of any form or sound. No air. No nothing. Not even a glimmer of Hope. Not an utter cell. Utter perpetual nothingness. No heat. No cold. No abstract thought or concept. No actual awareness that there could ever be anything except nothingness. No emotion. Not even an illusion, as one has to have a point of awareness to even comprehend an illusion. Nothing. Nothingness is alien to the existence of Mankind and Life. Nothingness is the complete and utter lack of all faculties which can even comprehend a vacuum. Without light, spatial dimension, without thought, without sound, heat, air, and therefore without vibrations... one can imagine a black silent womb. But nothingness is more vacuous than this - as there are no thoughts and so it is impossible to even conceive of a 'womb'. There is not really a 'void' or 'vacuum' either, as these concepts all rely on the existence of a congniscient entity to perceive a 'vacuum'. The concept of a vacuum presupposes that there is actually some kind of three dimensional space in which the air has been sucked out. Nothingness is just that - NOTHING... Not even an illusion can exist.

But wait... now imagine yourself floating and observing this nothingness.

All of a sudden, you hear - for the first time in a million millennia - the

hissing and rumble of a far off sound... it gets louder and louder, and your

atrophied and never before used hearing faculties begin to dance as the

scillia hairs of your ears become electrified by the vibration of invisible

gasses that have crept up and now surround you... You perceive for the first

time ever, a far off thunderous explosion.... Then, a point of infintisimally

small light penetrates like an unexpected penis into the newly perceived

womb of utter nothingness that you have existed in since the beginning of


The light - and rumbling hissing sounds - grow - and you realise that these distant explosions are emanating from a point in space which hitherto you did not even know existed. Your senses are finally being fed an amazing smorgasbord of phenomena... You perceive in one swooping, graceful and elegant shuddering revelation that YOU EXIST... and ARE NOT ALONE... The hissing and rumbling become louder, even a tremor - physical vibration - transmits itself through your newly found being - you are alive! You FEEL this - this is really happening! Before that revelation is completely welded into your new found consciousness, a hot searing wind of plasmic vitality... a cosmic happening, an inter-galactic, deep space gale, a fireball of white hot , super multi thousand degree heat - from all directions - engulfs you in a tsunami of sheer, unadulterated pure light, sound, vibration... OMG! This is REALITY! You are alive and there is something

else awesomely alive also sharing this huge space with you... Welcome to

the beginning of the plasmic electrolytic single cell amino acid lightning-

forming primordial soupy nuclear hurricane which we laughingly call the


At that infinitesimal point, which quantum physicists and other leather-elbowed pontficators and fans of Val Doonican spasmodically publish books about... we see the Creation, the virginal first love cosmic orgasm which gives birth to the UNIVERSE. Particles, fire, plasma, electrons, neutrons, quarks and the basic building blocks which would become Starbucks, I Love Lucy TV shows, planets, Galaxies, asteroids, comets, David Icke on the Wogan show (twice), and solar systems hurtle past your previously dormant Self... In an instant, an instantaneous blink in the eye of a previously undiscovered Godhead sub-atomic particles radiate out in all directions and begin to cool and coalesce into the Universe we know today. Congratulations... you have just witnessed the stunning energy which would become 'Mother Nature' burst forth - all the positive and negatively charged particles that would soon amalgamate and gather into self-regulating clusters of atoms. Unfortunately, some of these particles amalgamate into groups which were almost entirely negatively charged - and this is the true meaning of the word Kliphothic. These negative energies coalesced into ‘astral corpses’.

The Black Magick of the Cosmos...

In one instant, there was absolutely nothing, and the next, the

Big Bang releases forces of a Nature which previously did not exist - a

Nature which has come into being - when I asked a Rabbi-Magician the

simple question 'why?', he smiled and answered " ...Because, let's face it...

Nothingness is boring!". This sudden, and rarely discussed emanation of existence is a common theme expressed in many Creation texts found the world over - the Mayans, the ancient Sumerians, the Egyptians - all describe a primordial darkness which is then brought into Light. According to the early texts which influenced the books which make up the Hebrew magical tradition, or 'Kabbalah', God and the universe (albeit the vacuum which contains the ever expanding Universe) have always existed. These texts describe the universe as being a physical manifestation of the Godhead's own conscious awareness. The cosmos is considered in the Kabbalistic tradition to be the Godhead's awareness of himself.

'Creation' is described by the ancient Hebrew occultists as a series of simultaneous thoughts, represented by lights - described as ineffable lights. God brought into being ten of these lights - these orbs of light were created first out of pure thought energy, pure angelic energy direct from the Godhead. As each of these ten spheres were created, God made the density of the light stronger and stronger - with less and less divine material - until the tenth and last ineffable light was created - bathed in the supreme and most important ingredient for the creation of living things on planet Earth - sunlight.

This concept of divine essence being transmuted into physical substance is the bedrock of the Kabbalah and many occult teachings. Occultists and priests, soothsayers, skywatchers, nuclear physicists, oracles and magicians have all collectively struggled throughout history to put the above cosmic Big Bang/creation scenario into words. Indeed, the very divine thoughts of God which created us and the cosmos are referred to in ancient texts as 'words' - and thus we have the ridiculous over simplification "...in the beginning there was the word...". In fact, the words of the ancient texts which revealed this mystical (I would say romatically inaccurate) version of Creation, are formed of letters which themselves are modeled on the form and shape of star constellations (see my previous writings about the linguistic evidence of contact with the Star Gods in Feed Your Brain Magazine, summer 2009 - http://www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com ). Morphing through many versions, syntaxes and grammatical constraints, we call this mystical, magickal language 'Hebrew' and it is considered the most effective of all languages for summoning the invisible godly and ungodly Kliphothic forces which were created with the Universe...

Kliphothic Connundrum... Apparently, according to Hebrew teachings, not all went well during the Creation. If we are to believe the archaeological record and also believe the ancient Hebrew scriptures, the almighty force and unbridled, unconstrained massive tsunami of incandescense which brought into being the entire cosmos, simultaneously created a whole raft of physical and non physical living beings which fed off each other, were infused with 'too much' of the brazen negative cosmic force, and set about mutually feeding off each other in an aqueous dog-eat-dog soup of ugly, selfish and bizarre creatures. Many of these creatures, the old Rabbis teach us, were a 'cosmic mistake' - a kind of prehistoric version of Eastenders, with one selfish act leading to another, with each single cell, evolving and dividing into clusters of cells, then into plasmoid jellyfish type creatures, then vertebrates - but all of them hugely ugly, indifferent to one another and hopelessly doomed to be alone... Stubborn, and infused with too much of the hot cosmic forces released at the time of the Big Bang, the first life forms which appeared were far from attractive. Many lacked a soul & compassion, and therefore stalked around like corpses, or ‘shells’ of beings. These strange primordial life forms are described in the Kabbalah as the Kliphothic beings - creatures (both physical and spiritual) which were created before God got it 'just right'. It is these Kliphothic forces which the evil magicians of millennia have always sought to summon and master - for they are the spiritual equivalent of the incredible Hulk - on a bad day - with a dash of demonic, selfish intent thrown in. In all my years of research, it is these morphing, evil, shape-shifting entities which most closely resemble the eye witness testimonies contained in David Icke's book The Biggest Secret.

Great secrecy surrounds the existence of the Kliphothic beings - it is forbidden for anyone under the age of 40 in the Jewish tradition to study them. Of the hundreds of millions of web pages out there that discuss the Kabbalah and New World Order, barely a handful mention the world of the kliphothic. Curiously, neither David Icke, nor Arizona, nor Pamela Icke who I questioned on these subjects ever mentioned The Goetia, Goetic nor Kliphothic demons. I discovered, in 1981, the existence of these forces by reading a training manual on Magic written by a former employee of Her Majesty's Inland Revenue. I had bought the book from a friend whose brother was making a name for himself in the stock market and had purchased this book of Magic in order to cast spells to bring him wealth. This is not the only time that I have found someone working for the Banking Elite to be interested in black magick. Mastery of these dark Kliphothic forces is one of the biggest secrets in the arcane occult wisdom of black magicians. This secret wisdom is referred to as hokmahnistarah, and the passing on of this part of magickal tradition, or 'Kabbalah', is only permitted once someone has attained an age of suitable intellectual and religious maturity. Since Madonna and Britney got 'into' the Kabbalah, many thousands of non Jewish people have started to study the kabbalah at college. If you are one of these people, then perhaps when you started your course, you wondered why the word 'kabbalah' was spelt 'Cabala' with a 'C'? Most students are never told about the selfish, arrogant vagrant and demonic forces of the Kliphothic realm. The Cabala, spelt with a ‘C’, is actually a Christianized ‘love-n-peace’ version of the Kabbalah which was developed as a ‘cover’ in the occult centre of Cassel in Germany - this is the town where the Rosicrucian Manifestos emerged. The Christianized Cabala has since been used as a kind of ‘primer’ gently indoctrinating the intelligentsia who join Rosicrucian and Masonic lodges - of course, this eventually leads to a career as a full time magician of the black arts if the student is so disposed. So, as we progress through this booklet, I welcome you all to one of the rarest opportunities for non Jewish people to learn about the spiritual forces which Rabbis have gained mastery over since ancient times...

Knowledge of these brutish astral forces, mastery over them and temples designed to worship them were first built in Chaldea, a province of Babylon, long before the family dynasties of Egypt came to power. The tradition of summoning and invoking these Kliphothic forces has been handed down from (usually) father to son, and has caused a rift of envy & jealousy against the Jewish people which has rippled throughout history, with one nasty tyrant after another seeking to learn the tradition (kabbalah) and then exterminate all those who would also invoke - and therefore dilute - the angry spiritual forces which Hitler, Himmler, the British-Bavarian Royals, Napoleon, Popes and Alexander the Great have all used to create the present New World Order.

Without understanding the nihlistic manifesto of these jealous

and ugly Kliphothic demons, one cannot make any sense of the planetary

destruction which the global network of witches, freemasons and

magicians are inflicting on planet Earth. The destruction of the

rainforests and all the land burnt to a cinder is, of course, of no concern to

a SPIRIT-DEMON who actually nihlistically wishes utter destruction and

horror on the physical plane - causing widespread havoc and genocide

and thus jettisoning millions of souls into the astral world where poor

wretches killed by the Illuminati’s programme of planetary chaos can be

tormented and possessed in perpetuity. The character and personality of

these demons is typically seductive, promising vast riches and wealth to

the magicians and illuminati who carry out their disgusting ambitions in

the physical world.

Origins of the Written Kabbalah... Commonly, one of the the first lessons taught about the Kabbalah tradition of magick is that the Godhead's divineness, His cosmic awareness of Himself is represented by the Universe itself - both the physical elements which make up all planets and material life forms and also all the unseen electro-magnetic-nuclear-spiritual forces in the invisible realms which surround us. The Universe is, as it were, a 'mirror' showing us the brilliance and magnitude of the Godhead. These concepts existed for at least 1,000 years in an oral tradition, and these were eventually written down and distributed in hand-copied scrolls in the pre-Biblical era. In fact, it is highly likely that these concepts go back 10,000 years or more. The first of these manuscript versions of the Creation - according to Kabbalah - is called the Sefer Yetsirah, or the Book of Formation, which is thought to date from the 6th century AD (though it is important to remember that it contains concepts which stretch back into antiquity). The Book of Formation is essential to understand if we are to explain the remarkable and terrifying metamorphosis of members of the royal family as described by Arizona Wilder. The Book of Formation has been used by black magicians and misguided Rabbis in medieval Europe to create and animate ‘Golems’ - this is an important subject which I shall cover in a subsequent part of this booklet. Around 700 years later, in the 13th century (the era in which the Knights Templar all of a sudden became the richest and most pre-eminent semi monarchial force in Europe), another text - now included in the corpus of teachings we call the 'kabbalah' was published - entitled the Sefer Hazzohar (commonly referred to as the Zohar, or Book of Brightness). Authorship of both the Sefer Yetsirah and also the Zohar are hotly debated amongst scholars. Some scholars believe that these texts were divinely inspired and just 'appeared' - but the facts available to us from the historical record tend to suggest that these texts were authored in Europe - most probably in Barcelona and Provençe (home county to Michel Nostradamus) and were the written chronicles of secret wisdom which had previously been passed from Rabbi to son since antiquity. It is widely agreed that the Zohar has it's roots in the mystical teachings of 2nd century Palestine, when a mystic called Simeon ben Yochai first wrote it down on paper (or I should say papyrus). A European traveller, known as Moses de Leon claims that he 'discovered' this 2nd century version of the Zohar - but it is equally likely that Moses de Leon actually authored the Zohar himself and just claimed an older provenance for the writings to give it more spiritual gravitas.

Another very influential text from the kabbalah corpus is the Book of Bahir, whose real title is the Sefer-hab-Bahir which was probably written in the 6th century by a Rabbi called 'Isaac The Blind'. There are actually two (and possibly three) Rabbis who have taken on the name 'Isaac the Blind' throughout history - and it is not uncommon for Rabbis to adopt the name and title of previous kabbalistic scholars from history - in fact, the Roman Catholic church often copies this form of reverence, when popes take on the name of previous pontiffs as a mark of gratitude and homage to their predecessors. The scriptual and physical evidence for the origination of the kabbalah is, of course, denied by kabbalist fundamentalists - these people passionately believe that the wisdom of the kabbalah corpus was in actual fact set down into mankind's mind via the prophet known as Enoch. Some modern interpretations of the Book of Enoch say that the arcane kabbalistic wisdom found in the 6th and 13th century texts were 'betrayed' to Mankind by none other than the 'Fallen Angels' (ie. Kliphothic entities described above). Another Talmudic tradition makes the unlikely claim that God Almighty himself whispered it directly into the ear of Moses on Mount Sinai. According to this version of ‘history’, seventy carefully chosen Elders were then given the task of preserving the secret wisdom - which from that point onwards would be communicated orally - and only to those who had reached the age of 40.

One cannot help to see that the Enochian version of the origination of the kabbalah has led many skeptics and anti-semites to deduce that the Kabbalah is the work of demons and possibly the devil himself. In fact, there is a scriptual history of ancient works which suggest that the God Almighty and the 'Lord' transliterated from the Old and New Testaments are NOT the same Supreme Being - but one is in actual fact the 'Devil' and the other is Adonai - God of the Christians. Whatever the case, the complex and abstract concept of an unseen universe of divine particles and lights containing the essence of God's intellect and willpower were at once shocking and fascinating to the non Jewish intelligentsia of the 13th century, who hungrily read and absorbed the mystical conceptual basis for the Creation of the Universe which we find in the kabbalistic corpus of works.

The Real Bible Code... The first five books of the Holy Bible are called the Pentateuch and can be considered a vulgarization of the arcane teachings which explained the mystical process of Creation at the time of the Big Bang. The Book of Genesis, as just one example, is in actual fact a re-transliteration of the Creation Myths featuring the Annunaki in ancient Sumeria. Zealous and fundamentalist kabbalists have claimed - and still claim - that the very root of these five books of the Old Testament are in actual fact an exoteric, codified set of scrolls which have their literary foundation in kabbalistic oral teachings from ancient Babylon. The basis for Jewish law is the Old Testament, and the Commandments from Moses. This 'Law' of the Jewish people was given by Moses, apparently after some mystical communion with God, and the Hebrew word for 'law' is 'Torah'. Kabbalists read the five books of the Old Testament in a very different way to the uninitiated 'goyim' which they deplore. What is 'goyim'? - it is a derogatory term for non Jewish races used by racist members of (usually) the zealot temples that have sporadically existed around the world for several centuries. Many kabbalists see a hidden encoded message within the Torah which can be unlocked by understanding how to read the first and last letters of each word, and also reading entire chapters from 'outside-in', with alternate words taken from the primary sentences and last words in the final sentences progressively retrograding towards the centre of each chapter. This cryptogrammatical method reveals a hidden layer of prophecies and meanings - and, thus, have effectively cemented the Kabbalah, or tradition of magick, into the modern age, where black magicians are now using it as a blueprint.

In addition to the above system of encryption, kabbalists employ the esoteric science of Gematria which requires the conversion of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet into numerical equivalents, and then substituting certain words which have the same numerical total. As an example, a phrase "...and lo, three men' (Gen xviii 2) can be reconstructed to read 'These Were Michael, Gabriel & Raphael'. As you can see, the hidden language of the Rabbis is comprehensive and arcane to understand. The Gematrical version of the Torah reveals a VERY different version of the Creation. Gematrically speaking, the lord God Almighty - referred to as Yod Ha Vah Hey (YHVH) - is regarded gematrically as the same person as ADAM - a human artificially created by spiritual force. The belief that a person can be created using spiritual forces is fundamental to the Book of Formation and the legend of the ‘Golem’. Hebrew has no vowels, and therefore, this also gave rise to a sigil-istic method of encoding the Will of God into each sentence of holy Hebrew texts. This has given Black Magicians a kind of ‘Screenplay’ which they use to stage and control geopolitical events. The ‘Movie’ they are making is, in actual fact, a ‘Horror’ film, directed by Kliphothic, shape-shifting demonic entities. Much of this ‘Screenplay’ is represented in Symbols or ‘Sigils’ which subconsciously influence the minds of the occultists and members of the public alike. What is a ‘Sigil’? A sigil is actually a talisman, or symbol which represents the will or desire of the magician. A talismanic symbol - or sigil - is made by writing down the desire or will of the magician - for example 'Bring Me Treasure', and erasing all vowels and repeated consonants, re-writing the sentence 'BrngMTs' - these remaining letters would be etched into a tablet of beaten zinc, or silver, or gold, and arranged so that they would look like a logo - a talisman - which would immediately remind the magician of the original will or desire contained in the sigil. It would often be worn as a necklace or bracelet and never removed from the magician's body - thus infusing and conjoining the magician's physical body with his Will.

A related grammatical arcane 'science' grew up around these techniques, which took every letter of a given word in the Torah and used these letters as the first letter of subsequent words, thus forming new sentences based on the standard text. I have purchased ancient manuscripts published (indeed, some are hand copies) from the 14th century which employ this system - which is known as Notarikon. By taking just a few words from the familiar sentences of the Torah, one can immediately 'discover' the names of angels and demons hidden within these texts.

Another method used as a 'key' to expose the hidden and alternative version of the Torah was called Temura - which is a divinatory method for deciphering messages from the 'divine' (and not so divine) beings within the scriptures. An ancient manuscript attributed to the scholar Philo entitled De Vita Contemplativa describes the Torah as a 'living being' whose body is the literal text of the Pentateuch and whose soul is the hidden occult meaning that is buried within the lines of text - placed there for only the select few to understand. Gematrically deciphered portions of the first five books of the Old Testament - especially those which have side notes written in the hand of kabbalists and annotations which correct many of the deliberate 'booby trap' mistakes which magicians insert in order to nullify their competitors, often sell for a minimum of £2,000. The bidders are very often those who are seeking to unlock the names of demons and the secret sets of incantations with which to summon and control them). Le Bibliotech Bleu series of pulp non-fiction magickal mini 'Grimoires' sold on the streets of Paris for a penny in the 18th century are now changing hands for £3,000 or more! And it is within this corpus of texts - which describe the many thousands of Kliphothic demonic entities - that we see some kind of historical provenance which goes a long way in explaining the incredibly bizarre happenings at magickal rituals. Once you have absorbed the above information and read the historical accounts of rituals that summon demons, then the eye-witness reports relayed to David Icke a decade ago by a woman using a 'cover' name 'Arizona Wilder' (apparently, her real name is 'Jennifer Greene') seem worthy of much, much closer investiagtion...


AUTHOR’s NOTE: I have been patiently waiting for Arizona to write more on the

subjects which she covered in the video Confessions of a Mother Goddess - and hope to

interview her - for the time being, I present here in this multi-part booklet all the

research findings I have made - in the hope that we can put into context Arizona’s

testimony into an easily digestible PDF booklet which, hopefully, will put an end to all

these ridiculous arguments that have so far dissipated and wasted so many people's time

during the last few years. If information and research along the lines of the Goetia had

previously been published alongside the material contained in The Biggest Secret, then I

am sure there would not have been so many pointless arguments! I hope my new film

and magazine articles help, in some way, to explain many of the questions and doubts

raised following the publication of The Biggest Secret.

The Voynich Grimoire (below) contains

astronomical and also

astrological information. Some gatefold pages are

alchemical, stylized

diagrams of the Milky Way galaxy. Advanced

astronomical knowledge

such as this was severely controlled and censored

by the Jesuit-Vatican

inquisitions. However, recently published lists of

the Vatican archives clearly shows that

Cardinals and Popes

owned books of Jewish magick such as the

Grimoiric corpus of texts

which the Knights Templar used as the basis

for their rituals which

were eventually outlawed (at least publicly anyhow).

Placed in the hands of inexperienced and evil magicians, the Book of Formation contains instructions for the creation of

‘Frankenstein’ type monsters which can be infused with ‘life’

by way of incantations. Essentially, these ‘golems’ are walking demons - inhabiting artificially or surgically

assembled bodies. Anglican priest and exorcist LIONEL

FANTHORPE is in discussion with CHRIS EVERARD about the ‘Golem of Prague’ this week on The Enigma Channel.

Was what ARIZONA WILDER saw a ritual performed by

Golem-Demons fashioned to resemble Royals & Celebrities?

Page 12: Chris Everard & the Illuminati Part 1

page 012www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com

Entering The Jaws of Demons... Unfortunately, during the many years I have invested in making films and interviewing authors, I have discovered that the vast majority of underhanded attacks, and snyde behaviour comes from those who seem to have been under the impression that the information I reveal in my articles and films was somehow theirs, that it was 'stepping on their toes' to even write about subjects which are mildly similar. There has been - since the publication of John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (pub. 1798) - somewhat of a small publishing industry in anti-masonic literature - and many authors for the last two centuries have entered into futile, envious and nonsensical ‘flame wars’ with eachother, when in reality, they should really be assisting eachother's research and forming a united front. My role as a filmmaker has been to amalgamate and present on screen the most verifiable evidence, and give a cinematically captivating stage for the most well informed authors to have their say about the New World Order. Unfortunately, I was too naive and underestimated that the 'Money Bomb' is a more important incentive to some anti-NWO personalities than the Nuclear Bomb! Consequently, I have been undermined and attacked and wrongly accused of arrogance by some of these people - even from people who have made a career by warning you and me about the evil in the banking and judiciary - when the truth comes too close to home - they all resort to using Barristers (Tony Blair was a barrister) and judges (Tony Blair's wife is a judge) to shut me up. Lol. Just watch and see what happens... All I can say, is that I hope you thoroughly enjoy reading my research. When I first interviewed David Icke on camera in 2001 and asked "David, are we being ruled by people who worship Baphomets and Demons?" in a whiplash instant, David forwent his normally very professional television-savy way of answering questions (so that each answer can cleanly and concisely be edited into a self contained video capsule which does not require the film editor to include the opening question) with a very abrupt "yes we are!". David's answer was the first time I had recorded on camera a person willing, like me, to say on camera what we had all suspected for a long time - that members of the royal-political elite were more than just dabbling in Black Magick - they had developed ancient techniques of summoning Demons and it was this quest - to summon demons - which lay at the heart of all Masonic, Templar and high ceremonial magick.

By 1999, there had been thousands of books written exposing Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and Black Magicians - but just a tiny few of the 300 million web-blog pages on the subject of the New World Order dared to mention the actual reason why rituals took place. David's answer showed that on this topic we were both on the same page as it were - I knew that my hunch to make a motion picture documentary film about the black magick rituals performed by the world's richest people - was a correct hunch - and that the public's consciousness was now elevated to the point where many millions of people were ready for this information. At that moment, I knew that the previous 17 years' worth of collecting video and film footage, reading and research that I had done, building a library on the Occult with mainly original first and second edition books was all worth while. I was kind of worried at the time that I would be labeled as a 'heretic' film director for making films from the heart about black masses, witch covens, poltergeists and the dark world of Freemasonry - my concerns were unjustified - I have had people buy my films from all over the world - including the lawyers representing the Bush family, Hollywood superstars, sports personalities and, yes, of course, even Royalty. So, in a nutshell, I have put into this booklet all the most important pieces of information about the evil demonic forces summoned to rule over Mankind by the royal-political elite - so that when you come to view my series of Illuminati films (especially ILLUMINATI Vol IV), hopefully, many pieces of the jigsaw puzzle will fall into place - effortlessly - with minimal ambiguity. Enjoy.

[author's note; I would suggest just taking a few moments to close your eyes and slow your breathing into nice deep breaths and get really very comfortable before proceeding - this first part of my booklet concerns magickal information which is so fundamentally vital to understand that it is, in actual fact, the very essence and root of the information used by the Illuminati to influence and control Mankind. It's time to sling the cat out and put the phone off the hook!].


Imagine yourself in inky blackness. Without light. A vast space without form. This blackness is black because there is no light. Light does not exist. This space has no ceiling. It has no walls. It has no floor. It has no reference point of what is up, down or sideways. There is absolutely no form to this blackness - no limit to it's extent of nothingness. It is not even a 'dimension'. This emptiness is personified by the utter lack of any form or sound. No air. No nothing. Not even a glimmer of Hope. Not an utter cell. Utter perpetual nothingness. No heat. No cold. No abstract thought or concept. No actual awareness that there could ever be anything except nothingness. No emotion. Not even an illusion, as one has to have a point of awareness to even comprehend an illusion. Nothing. Nothingness is alien to the existence of Mankind and Life. Nothingness is the complete and utter lack of all faculties which can even comprehend a vacuum. Without light, spatial dimension, without thought, without sound, heat, air, and therefore without vibrations... one can imagine a black silent womb. But nothingness is more vacuous than this - as there are no thoughts and so it is impossible to even conceive of a 'womb'. There is not really a 'void' or 'vacuum' either, as these concepts all rely on the existence of a congniscient entity to perceive a 'vacuum'. The concept of a vacuum presupposes that there is actually some kind of three dimensional space in which the air has been sucked out. Nothingness is just that - NOTHING... Not even an illusion can exist.

But wait... now imagine yourself floating and observing this nothingness.

All of a sudden, you hear - for the first time in a million millennia - the

hissing and rumble of a far off sound... it gets louder and louder, and your

atrophied and never before used hearing faculties begin to dance as the

scillia hairs of your ears become electrified by the vibration of invisible

gasses that have crept up and now surround you... You perceive for the first

time ever, a far off thunderous explosion.... Then, a point of infintisimally

small light penetrates like an unexpected penis into the newly perceived

womb of utter nothingness that you have existed in since the beginning of


The light - and rumbling hissing sounds - grow - and you realise that these distant explosions are emanating from a point in space which hitherto you did not even know existed. Your senses are finally being fed an amazing smorgasbord of phenomena... You perceive in one swooping, graceful and elegant shuddering revelation that YOU EXIST... and ARE NOT ALONE... The hissing and rumbling become louder, even a tremor - physical vibration - transmits itself through your newly found being - you are alive! You FEEL this - this is really happening! Before that revelation is completely welded into your new found consciousness, a hot searing wind of plasmic vitality... a cosmic happening, an inter-galactic, deep space gale, a fireball of white hot , super multi thousand degree heat - from all directions - engulfs you in a tsunami of sheer, unadulterated pure light, sound, vibration... OMG! This is REALITY! You are alive and there is something

else awesomely alive also sharing this huge space with you... Welcome to

the beginning of the plasmic electrolytic single cell amino acid lightning-

forming primordial soupy nuclear hurricane which we laughingly call the


At that infinitesimal point, which quantum physicists and other leather-elbowed pontficators and fans of Val Doonican spasmodically publish books about... we see the Creation, the virginal first love cosmic orgasm which gives birth to the UNIVERSE. Particles, fire, plasma, electrons, neutrons, quarks and the basic building blocks which would become Starbucks, I Love Lucy TV shows, planets, Galaxies, asteroids, comets, David Icke on the Wogan show (twice), and solar systems hurtle past your previously dormant Self... In an instant, an instantaneous blink in the eye of a previously undiscovered Godhead sub-atomic particles radiate out in all directions and begin to cool and coalesce into the Universe we know today. Congratulations... you have just witnessed the stunning energy which would become 'Mother Nature' burst forth - all the positive and negatively charged particles that would soon amalgamate and gather into self-regulating clusters of atoms. Unfortunately, some of these particles amalgamate into groups which were almost entirely negatively charged - and this is the true meaning of the word Kliphothic. These negative energies coalesced into ‘astral corpses’.

The Black Magick of the Cosmos...

In one instant, there was absolutely nothing, and the next, the

Big Bang releases forces of a Nature which previously did not exist - a

Nature which has come into being - when I asked a Rabbi-Magician the

simple question 'why?', he smiled and answered " ...Because, let's face it...

Nothingness is boring!". This sudden, and rarely discussed emanation of existence is a common theme expressed in many Creation texts found the world over - the Mayans, the ancient Sumerians, the Egyptians - all describe a primordial darkness which is then brought into Light. According to the early texts which influenced the books which make up the Hebrew magical tradition, or 'Kabbalah', God and the universe (albeit the vacuum which contains the ever expanding Universe) have always existed. These texts describe the universe as being a physical manifestation of the Godhead's own conscious awareness. The cosmos is considered in the Kabbalistic tradition to be the Godhead's awareness of himself.

'Creation' is described by the ancient Hebrew occultists as a series of simultaneous thoughts, represented by lights - described as ineffable lights. God brought into being ten of these lights - these orbs of light were created first out of pure thought energy, pure angelic energy direct from the Godhead. As each of these ten spheres were created, God made the density of the light stronger and stronger - with less and less divine material - until the tenth and last ineffable light was created - bathed in the supreme and most important ingredient for the creation of living things on planet Earth - sunlight.

This concept of divine essence being transmuted into physical substance is the bedrock of the Kabbalah and many occult teachings. Occultists and priests, soothsayers, skywatchers, nuclear physicists, oracles and magicians have all collectively struggled throughout history to put the above cosmic Big Bang/creation scenario into words. Indeed, the very divine thoughts of God which created us and the cosmos are referred to in ancient texts as 'words' - and thus we have the ridiculous over simplification "...in the beginning there was the word...". In fact, the words of the ancient texts which revealed this mystical (I would say romatically inaccurate) version of Creation, are formed of letters which themselves are modeled on the form and shape of star constellations (see my previous writings about the linguistic evidence of contact with the Star Gods in Feed Your Brain Magazine, summer 2009 - http://www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com ). Morphing through many versions, syntaxes and grammatical constraints, we call this mystical, magickal language 'Hebrew' and it is considered the most effective of all languages for summoning the invisible godly and ungodly Kliphothic forces which were created with the Universe...

Kliphothic Connundrum... Apparently, according to Hebrew teachings, not all went well during the Creation. If we are to believe the archaeological record and also believe the ancient Hebrew scriptures, the almighty force and unbridled, unconstrained massive tsunami of incandescense which brought into being the entire cosmos, simultaneously created a whole raft of physical and non physical living beings which fed off each other, were infused with 'too much' of the brazen negative cosmic force, and set about mutually feeding off each other in an aqueous dog-eat-dog soup of ugly, selfish and bizarre creatures. Many of these creatures, the old Rabbis teach us, were a 'cosmic mistake' - a kind of prehistoric version of Eastenders, with one selfish act leading to another, with each single cell, evolving and dividing into clusters of cells, then into plasmoid jellyfish type creatures, then vertebrates - but all of them hugely ugly, indifferent to one another and hopelessly doomed to be alone... Stubborn, and infused with too much of the hot cosmic forces released at the time of the Big Bang, the first life forms which appeared were far from attractive. Many lacked a soul & compassion, and therefore stalked around like corpses, or ‘shells’ of beings. These strange primordial life forms are described in the Kabbalah as the Kliphothic beings - creatures (both physical and spiritual) which were created before God got it 'just right'. It is these Kliphothic forces which the evil magicians of millennia have always sought to summon and master - for they are the spiritual equivalent of the incredible Hulk - on a bad day - with a dash of demonic, selfish intent thrown in. In all my years of research, it is these morphing, evil, shape-shifting entities which most closely resemble the eye witness testimonies contained in David Icke's book The Biggest Secret.

Great secrecy surrounds the existence of the Kliphothic beings - it is forbidden for anyone under the age of 40 in the Jewish tradition to study them. Of the hundreds of millions of web pages out there that discuss the Kabbalah and New World Order, barely a handful mention the world of the kliphothic. Curiously, neither David Icke, nor Arizona, nor Pamela Icke who I questioned on these subjects ever mentioned The Goetia, Goetic nor Kliphothic demons. I discovered, in 1981, the existence of these forces by reading a training manual on Magic written by a former employee of Her Majesty's Inland Revenue. I had bought the book from a friend whose brother was making a name for himself in the stock market and had purchased this book of Magic in order to cast spells to bring him wealth. This is not the only time that I have found someone working for the Banking Elite to be interested in black magick. Mastery of these dark Kliphothic forces is one of the biggest secrets in the arcane occult wisdom of black magicians. This secret wisdom is referred to as hokmahnistarah, and the passing on of this part of magickal tradition, or 'Kabbalah', is only permitted once someone has attained an age of suitable intellectual and religious maturity. Since Madonna and Britney got 'into' the Kabbalah, many thousands of non Jewish people have started to study the kabbalah at college. If you are one of these people, then perhaps when you started your course, you wondered why the word 'kabbalah' was spelt 'Cabala' with a 'C'? Most students are never told about the selfish, arrogant vagrant and demonic forces of the Kliphothic realm. The Cabala, spelt with a ‘C’, is actually a Christianized ‘love-n-peace’ version of the Kabbalah which was developed as a ‘cover’ in the occult centre of Cassel in Germany - this is the town where the Rosicrucian Manifestos emerged. The Christianized Cabala has since been used as a kind of ‘primer’ gently indoctrinating the intelligentsia who join Rosicrucian and Masonic lodges - of course, this eventually leads to a career as a full time magician of the black arts if the student is so disposed. So, as we progress through this booklet, I welcome you all to one of the rarest opportunities for non Jewish people to learn about the spiritual forces which Rabbis have gained mastery over since ancient times...

Knowledge of these brutish astral forces, mastery over them and temples designed to worship them were first built in Chaldea, a province of Babylon, long before the family dynasties of Egypt came to power. The tradition of summoning and invoking these Kliphothic forces has been handed down from (usually) father to son, and has caused a rift of envy & jealousy against the Jewish people which has rippled throughout history, with one nasty tyrant after another seeking to learn the tradition (kabbalah) and then exterminate all those who would also invoke - and therefore dilute - the angry spiritual forces which Hitler, Himmler, the British-Bavarian Royals, Napoleon, Popes and Alexander the Great have all used to create the present New World Order.

Without understanding the nihlistic manifesto of these jealous

and ugly Kliphothic demons, one cannot make any sense of the planetary

destruction which the global network of witches, freemasons and

magicians are inflicting on planet Earth. The destruction of the

rainforests and all the land burnt to a cinder is, of course, of no concern to

a SPIRIT-DEMON who actually nihlistically wishes utter destruction and

horror on the physical plane - causing widespread havoc and genocide

and thus jettisoning millions of souls into the astral world where poor

wretches killed by the Illuminati’s programme of planetary chaos can be

tormented and possessed in perpetuity. The character and personality of

these demons is typically seductive, promising vast riches and wealth to

the magicians and illuminati who carry out their disgusting ambitions in

the physical world.

Origins of the Written Kabbalah... Commonly, one of the the first lessons taught about the Kabbalah tradition of magick is that the Godhead's divineness, His cosmic awareness of Himself is represented by the Universe itself - both the physical elements which make up all planets and material life forms and also all the unseen electro-magnetic-nuclear-spiritual forces in the invisible realms which surround us. The Universe is, as it were, a 'mirror' showing us the brilliance and magnitude of the Godhead. These concepts existed for at least 1,000 years in an oral tradition, and these were eventually written down and distributed in hand-copied scrolls in the pre-Biblical era. In fact, it is highly likely that these concepts go back 10,000 years or more. The first of these manuscript versions of the Creation - according to Kabbalah - is called the Sefer Yetsirah, or the Book of Formation, which is thought to date from the 6th century AD (though it is important to remember that it contains concepts which stretch back into antiquity). The Book of Formation is essential to understand if we are to explain the remarkable and terrifying metamorphosis of members of the royal family as described by Arizona Wilder. The Book of Formation has been used by black magicians and misguided Rabbis in medieval Europe to create and animate ‘Golems’ - this is an important subject which I shall cover in a subsequent part of this booklet. Around 700 years later, in the 13th century (the era in which the Knights Templar all of a sudden became the richest and most pre-eminent semi monarchial force in Europe), another text - now included in the corpus of teachings we call the 'kabbalah' was published - entitled the Sefer Hazzohar (commonly referred to as the Zohar, or Book of Brightness). Authorship of both the Sefer Yetsirah and also the Zohar are hotly debated amongst scholars. Some scholars believe that these texts were divinely inspired and just 'appeared' - but the facts available to us from the historical record tend to suggest that these texts were authored in Europe - most probably in Barcelona and Provençe (home county to Michel Nostradamus) and were the written chronicles of secret wisdom which had previously been passed from Rabbi to son since antiquity. It is widely agreed that the Zohar has it's roots in the mystical teachings of 2nd century Palestine, when a mystic called Simeon ben Yochai first wrote it down on paper (or I should say papyrus). A European traveller, known as Moses de Leon claims that he 'discovered' this 2nd century version of the Zohar - but it is equally likely that Moses de Leon actually authored the Zohar himself and just claimed an older provenance for the writings to give it more spiritual gravitas.

Another very influential text from the kabbalah corpus is the Book of Bahir, whose real title is the Sefer-hab-Bahir which was probably written in the 6th century by a Rabbi called 'Isaac The Blind'. There are actually two (and possibly three) Rabbis who have taken on the name 'Isaac the Blind' throughout history - and it is not uncommon for Rabbis to adopt the name and title of previous kabbalistic scholars from history - in fact, the Roman Catholic church often copies this form of reverence, when popes take on the name of previous pontiffs as a mark of gratitude and homage to their predecessors. The scriptual and physical evidence for the origination of the kabbalah is, of course, denied by kabbalist fundamentalists - these people passionately believe that the wisdom of the kabbalah corpus was in actual fact set down into mankind's mind via the prophet known as Enoch. Some modern interpretations of the Book of Enoch say that the arcane kabbalistic wisdom found in the 6th and 13th century texts were 'betrayed' to Mankind by none other than the 'Fallen Angels' (ie. Kliphothic entities described above). Another Talmudic tradition makes the unlikely claim that God Almighty himself whispered it directly into the ear of Moses on Mount Sinai. According to this version of ‘history’, seventy carefully chosen Elders were then given the task of preserving the secret wisdom - which from that point onwards would be communicated orally - and only to those who had reached the age of 40.

One cannot help to see that the Enochian version of the origination of the kabbalah has led many skeptics and anti-semites to deduce that the Kabbalah is the work of demons and possibly the devil himself. In fact, there is a scriptual history of ancient works which suggest that the God Almighty and the 'Lord' transliterated from the Old and New Testaments are NOT the same Supreme Being - but one is in actual fact the 'Devil' and the other is Adonai - God of the Christians. Whatever the case, the complex and abstract concept of an unseen universe of divine particles and lights containing the essence of God's intellect and willpower were at once shocking and fascinating to the non Jewish intelligentsia of the 13th century, who hungrily read and absorbed the mystical conceptual basis for the Creation of the Universe which we find in the kabbalistic corpus of works.

The Real Bible Code... The first five books of the Holy Bible are called the Pentateuch and can be considered a vulgarization of the arcane teachings which explained the mystical process of Creation at the time of the Big Bang. The Book of Genesis, as just one example, is in actual fact a re-transliteration of the Creation Myths featuring the Annunaki in ancient Sumeria. Zealous and fundamentalist kabbalists have claimed - and still claim - that the very root of these five books of the Old Testament are in actual fact an exoteric, codified set of scrolls which have their literary foundation in kabbalistic oral teachings from ancient Babylon. The basis for Jewish law is the Old Testament, and the Commandments from Moses. This 'Law' of the Jewish people was given by Moses, apparently after some mystical communion with God, and the Hebrew word for 'law' is 'Torah'. Kabbalists read the five books of the Old Testament in a very different way to the uninitiated 'goyim' which they deplore. What is 'goyim'? - it is a derogatory term for non Jewish races used by racist members of (usually) the zealot temples that have sporadically existed around the world for several centuries. Many kabbalists see a hidden encoded message within the Torah which can be unlocked by understanding how to read the first and last letters of each word, and also reading entire chapters from 'outside-in', with alternate words taken from the primary sentences and last words in the final sentences progressively retrograding towards the centre of each chapter. This cryptogrammatical method reveals a hidden layer of prophecies and meanings - and, thus, have effectively cemented the Kabbalah, or tradition of magick, into the modern age, where black magicians are now using it as a blueprint.

In addition to the above system of encryption, kabbalists employ the esoteric science of Gematria which requires the conversion of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet into numerical equivalents, and then substituting certain words which have the same numerical total. As an example, a phrase "...and lo, three men' (Gen xviii 2) can be reconstructed to read 'These Were Michael, Gabriel & Raphael'. As you can see, the hidden language of the Rabbis is comprehensive and arcane to understand. The Gematrical version of the Torah reveals a VERY different version of the Creation. Gematrically speaking, the lord God Almighty - referred to as Yod Ha Vah Hey (YHVH) - is regarded gematrically as the same person as ADAM - a human artificially created by spiritual force. The belief that a person can be created using spiritual forces is fundamental to the Book of Formation and the legend of the ‘Golem’. Hebrew has no vowels, and therefore, this also gave rise to a sigil-istic method of encoding the Will of God into each sentence of holy Hebrew texts. This has given Black Magicians a kind of ‘Screenplay’ which they use to stage and control geopolitical events. The ‘Movie’ they are making is, in actual fact, a ‘Horror’ film, directed by Kliphothic, shape-shifting demonic entities. Much of this ‘Screenplay’ is represented in Symbols or ‘Sigils’ which subconsciously influence the minds of the occultists and members of the public alike. What is a ‘Sigil’? A sigil is actually a talisman, or symbol which represents the will or desire of the magician. A talismanic symbol - or sigil - is made by writing down the desire or will of the magician - for example 'Bring Me Treasure', and erasing all vowels and repeated consonants, re-writing the sentence 'BrngMTs' - these remaining letters would be etched into a tablet of beaten zinc, or silver, or gold, and arranged so that they would look like a logo - a talisman - which would immediately remind the magician of the original will or desire contained in the sigil. It would often be worn as a necklace or bracelet and never removed from the magician's body - thus infusing and conjoining the magician's physical body with his Will.

A related grammatical arcane 'science' grew up around these techniques, which took every letter of a given word in the Torah and used these letters as the first letter of subsequent words, thus forming new sentences based on the standard text. I have purchased ancient manuscripts published (indeed, some are hand copies) from the 14th century which employ this system - which is known as Notarikon. By taking just a few words from the familiar sentences of the Torah, one can immediately 'discover' the names of angels and demons hidden within these texts.

Another method used as a 'key' to expose the hidden and alternative version of the Torah was called Temura - which is a divinatory method for deciphering messages from the 'divine' (and not so divine) beings within the scriptures. An ancient manuscript attributed to the scholar Philo entitled De Vita Contemplativa describes the Torah as a 'living being' whose body is the literal text of the Pentateuch and whose soul is the hidden occult meaning that is buried within the lines of text - placed there for only the select few to understand. Gematrically deciphered portions of the first five books of the Old Testament - especially those which have side notes written in the hand of kabbalists and annotations which correct many of the deliberate 'booby trap' mistakes which magicians insert in order to nullify their competitors, often sell for a minimum of £2,000. The bidders are very often those who are seeking to unlock the names of demons and the secret sets of incantations with which to summon and control them). Le Bibliotech Bleu series of pulp non-fiction magickal mini 'Grimoires' sold on the streets of Paris for a penny in the 18th century are now changing hands for £3,000 or more! And it is within this corpus of texts - which describe the many thousands of Kliphothic demonic entities - that we see some kind of historical provenance which goes a long way in explaining the incredibly bizarre happenings at magickal rituals. Once you have absorbed the above information and read the historical accounts of rituals that summon demons, then the eye-witness reports relayed to David Icke a decade ago by a woman using a 'cover' name 'Arizona Wilder' (apparently, her real name is 'Jennifer Greene') seem worthy of much, much closer investiagtion...


AUTHOR’s NOTE: I have been patiently waiting for Arizona to write more on the

subjects which she covered in the video Confessions of a Mother Goddess - and hope to

interview her - for the time being, I present here in this multi-part booklet all the

research findings I have made - in the hope that we can put into context Arizona’s

testimony into an easily digestible PDF booklet which, hopefully, will put an end to all

these ridiculous arguments that have so far dissipated and wasted so many people's time

during the last few years. If information and research along the lines of the Goetia had

previously been published alongside the material contained in The Biggest Secret, then I

am sure there would not have been so many pointless arguments! I hope my new film

and magazine articles help, in some way, to explain many of the questions and doubts

raised following the publication of The Biggest Secret.

TEEN-CULT-EROTICA: One of the biggest money spinners in Hollywood

are TV shows such as Buffy The

Vampire Slayer - seen here reading from her copy of the Clavicule of

Solomon Grimoire (the British Museum

in London has a copy just as large). Other Hollywood offerings include

Samantha The Teenage Witch and The

Craft - which contained accurate invocations of demons! Of course, who

could forget the Voodoo scene in

Witches of Eastwick? A friend tried one of the incantations featured in THE

CRAFT and found himself confronted with an 8 foot tall spirit!

The Book of Bahir - an 1896 block printed version

with handwritten

annotations - typically sells for around 50 - 100

dollars. Much of the

Hebrew magical incantations are based on

ancient Arabic spells -

such as those found in the Picatrix.

Spitting and trampling on the Crucifix, kissing eachothers’ anuses and worshipping a severed head in a casket was the Order of the day for the KNIGHTS TEMPLARS who at one time owned the island of MALTA. Their black magick was eventually pardoned by the Pope and the Maltese Cross is featured on medals awarded by the Royal Family. The former Knights of Malta now own an entire country with a seat at the United Nations! The Knights of Malta has a population of 900 people and no actual territory - just an office in Rome! They issue passports, postage stamps and have a currency. Watch CHRIS EVERARD walk straight into this ‘Nation’s’ office and demand a passport - on the Enigma Channel soon! www.EnigmaTV.com

Page 13: Chris Everard & the Illuminati Part 1

page 013www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com

The notion of having a

virgin sacrificially

impregnated by a demonic

entity has inspired many

films. BELOW: The alluring

17 year old daughter of

German actor Klaus Kinski

appeared in the film version

of a Dennis Wheatley novel


DAUGHTER. My motion

picture documentary THE


CONSPIRACY deals with

just such an attempt, with

rituals performed by Jack

Parsons and the founder of

Scientology L. Ron


Entering The Jaws of Demons... Unfortunately, during the many years I have invested in making films and interviewing authors, I have discovered that the vast majority of underhanded attacks, and snyde behaviour comes from those who seem to have been under the impression that the information I reveal in my articles and films was somehow theirs, that it was 'stepping on their toes' to even write about subjects which are mildly similar. There has been - since the publication of John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (pub. 1798) - somewhat of a small publishing industry in anti-masonic literature - and many authors for the last two centuries have entered into futile, envious and nonsensical ‘flame wars’ with eachother, when in reality, they should really be assisting eachother's research and forming a united front. My role as a filmmaker has been to amalgamate and present on screen the most verifiable evidence, and give a cinematically captivating stage for the most well informed authors to have their say about the New World Order. Unfortunately, I was too naive and underestimated that the 'Money Bomb' is a more important incentive to some anti-NWO personalities than the Nuclear Bomb! Consequently, I have been undermined and attacked and wrongly accused of arrogance by some of these people - even from people who have made a career by warning you and me about the evil in the banking and judiciary - when the truth comes too close to home - they all resort to using Barristers (Tony Blair was a barrister) and judges (Tony Blair's wife is a judge) to shut me up. Lol. Just watch and see what happens... All I can say, is that I hope you thoroughly enjoy reading my research. When I first interviewed David Icke on camera in 2001 and asked "David, are we being ruled by people who worship Baphomets and Demons?" in a whiplash instant, David forwent his normally very professional television-savy way of answering questions (so that each answer can cleanly and concisely be edited into a self contained video capsule which does not require the film editor to include the opening question) with a very abrupt "yes we are!". David's answer was the first time I had recorded on camera a person willing, like me, to say on camera what we had all suspected for a long time - that members of the royal-political elite were more than just dabbling in Black Magick - they had developed ancient techniques of summoning Demons and it was this quest - to summon demons - which lay at the heart of all Masonic, Templar and high ceremonial magick.

By 1999, there had been thousands of books written exposing Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and Black Magicians - but just a tiny few of the 300 million web-blog pages on the subject of the New World Order dared to mention the actual reason why rituals took place. David's answer showed that on this topic we were both on the same page as it were - I knew that my hunch to make a motion picture documentary film about the black magick rituals performed by the world's richest people - was a correct hunch - and that the public's consciousness was now elevated to the point where many millions of people were ready for this information. At that moment, I knew that the previous 17 years' worth of collecting video and film footage, reading and research that I had done, building a library on the Occult with mainly original first and second edition books was all worth while. I was kind of worried at the time that I would be labeled as a 'heretic' film director for making films from the heart about black masses, witch covens, poltergeists and the dark world of Freemasonry - my concerns were unjustified - I have had people buy my films from all over the world - including the lawyers representing the Bush family, Hollywood superstars, sports personalities and, yes, of course, even Royalty. So, in a nutshell, I have put into this booklet all the most important pieces of information about the evil demonic forces summoned to rule over Mankind by the royal-political elite - so that when you come to view my series of Illuminati films (especially ILLUMINATI Vol IV), hopefully, many pieces of the jigsaw puzzle will fall into place - effortlessly - with minimal ambiguity. Enjoy.

[author's note; I would suggest just taking a few moments to close your eyes and slow your breathing into nice deep breaths and get really very comfortable before proceeding - this first part of my booklet concerns magickal information which is so fundamentally vital to understand that it is, in actual fact, the very essence and root of the information used by the Illuminati to influence and control Mankind. It's time to sling the cat out and put the phone off the hook!].


Imagine yourself in inky blackness. Without light. A vast space without form. This blackness is black because there is no light. Light does not exist. This space has no ceiling. It has no walls. It has no floor. It has no reference point of what is up, down or sideways. There is absolutely no form to this blackness - no limit to it's extent of nothingness. It is not even a 'dimension'. This emptiness is personified by the utter lack of any form or sound. No air. No nothing. Not even a glimmer of Hope. Not an utter cell. Utter perpetual nothingness. No heat. No cold. No abstract thought or concept. No actual awareness that there could ever be anything except nothingness. No emotion. Not even an illusion, as one has to have a point of awareness to even comprehend an illusion. Nothing. Nothingness is alien to the existence of Mankind and Life. Nothingness is the complete and utter lack of all faculties which can even comprehend a vacuum. Without light, spatial dimension, without thought, without sound, heat, air, and therefore without vibrations... one can imagine a black silent womb. But nothingness is more vacuous than this - as there are no thoughts and so it is impossible to even conceive of a 'womb'. There is not really a 'void' or 'vacuum' either, as these concepts all rely on the existence of a congniscient entity to perceive a 'vacuum'. The concept of a vacuum presupposes that there is actually some kind of three dimensional space in which the air has been sucked out. Nothingness is just that - NOTHING... Not even an illusion can exist.

But wait... now imagine yourself floating and observing this nothingness.

All of a sudden, you hear - for the first time in a million millennia - the

hissing and rumble of a far off sound... it gets louder and louder, and your

atrophied and never before used hearing faculties begin to dance as the

scillia hairs of your ears become electrified by the vibration of invisible

gasses that have crept up and now surround you... You perceive for the first

time ever, a far off thunderous explosion.... Then, a point of infintisimally

small light penetrates like an unexpected penis into the newly perceived

womb of utter nothingness that you have existed in since the beginning of


The light - and rumbling hissing sounds - grow - and you realise that these distant explosions are emanating from a point in space which hitherto you did not even know existed. Your senses are finally being fed an amazing smorgasbord of phenomena... You perceive in one swooping, graceful and elegant shuddering revelation that YOU EXIST... and ARE NOT ALONE... The hissing and rumbling become louder, even a tremor - physical vibration - transmits itself through your newly found being - you are alive! You FEEL this - this is really happening! Before that revelation is completely welded into your new found consciousness, a hot searing wind of plasmic vitality... a cosmic happening, an inter-galactic, deep space gale, a fireball of white hot , super multi thousand degree heat - from all directions - engulfs you in a tsunami of sheer, unadulterated pure light, sound, vibration... OMG! This is REALITY! You are alive and there is something

else awesomely alive also sharing this huge space with you... Welcome to

the beginning of the plasmic electrolytic single cell amino acid lightning-

forming primordial soupy nuclear hurricane which we laughingly call the


At that infinitesimal point, which quantum physicists and other leather-elbowed pontficators and fans of Val Doonican spasmodically publish books about... we see the Creation, the virginal first love cosmic orgasm which gives birth to the UNIVERSE. Particles, fire, plasma, electrons, neutrons, quarks and the basic building blocks which would become Starbucks, I Love Lucy TV shows, planets, Galaxies, asteroids, comets, David Icke on the Wogan show (twice), and solar systems hurtle past your previously dormant Self... In an instant, an instantaneous blink in the eye of a previously undiscovered Godhead sub-atomic particles radiate out in all directions and begin to cool and coalesce into the Universe we know today. Congratulations... you have just witnessed the stunning energy which would become 'Mother Nature' burst forth - all the positive and negatively charged particles that would soon amalgamate and gather into self-regulating clusters of atoms. Unfortunately, some of these particles amalgamate into groups which were almost entirely negatively charged - and this is the true meaning of the word Kliphothic. These negative energies coalesced into ‘astral corpses’.

The Black Magick of the Cosmos...

In one instant, there was absolutely nothing, and the next, the

Big Bang releases forces of a Nature which previously did not exist - a

Nature which has come into being - when I asked a Rabbi-Magician the

simple question 'why?', he smiled and answered " ...Because, let's face it...

Nothingness is boring!". This sudden, and rarely discussed emanation of existence is a common theme expressed in many Creation texts found the world over - the Mayans, the ancient Sumerians, the Egyptians - all describe a primordial darkness which is then brought into Light. According to the early texts which influenced the books which make up the Hebrew magical tradition, or 'Kabbalah', God and the universe (albeit the vacuum which contains the ever expanding Universe) have always existed. These texts describe the universe as being a physical manifestation of the Godhead's own conscious awareness. The cosmos is considered in the Kabbalistic tradition to be the Godhead's awareness of himself.

'Creation' is described by the ancient Hebrew occultists as a series of simultaneous thoughts, represented by lights - described as ineffable lights. God brought into being ten of these lights - these orbs of light were created first out of pure thought energy, pure angelic energy direct from the Godhead. As each of these ten spheres were created, God made the density of the light stronger and stronger - with less and less divine material - until the tenth and last ineffable light was created - bathed in the supreme and most important ingredient for the creation of living things on planet Earth - sunlight.

This concept of divine essence being transmuted into physical substance is the bedrock of the Kabbalah and many occult teachings. Occultists and priests, soothsayers, skywatchers, nuclear physicists, oracles and magicians have all collectively struggled throughout history to put the above cosmic Big Bang/creation scenario into words. Indeed, the very divine thoughts of God which created us and the cosmos are referred to in ancient texts as 'words' - and thus we have the ridiculous over simplification "...in the beginning there was the word...". In fact, the words of the ancient texts which revealed this mystical (I would say romatically inaccurate) version of Creation, are formed of letters which themselves are modeled on the form and shape of star constellations (see my previous writings about the linguistic evidence of contact with the Star Gods in Feed Your Brain Magazine, summer 2009 - http://www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com ). Morphing through many versions, syntaxes and grammatical constraints, we call this mystical, magickal language 'Hebrew' and it is considered the most effective of all languages for summoning the invisible godly and ungodly Kliphothic forces which were created with the Universe...

Kliphothic Connundrum... Apparently, according to Hebrew teachings, not all went well during the Creation. If we are to believe the archaeological record and also believe the ancient Hebrew scriptures, the almighty force and unbridled, unconstrained massive tsunami of incandescense which brought into being the entire cosmos, simultaneously created a whole raft of physical and non physical living beings which fed off each other, were infused with 'too much' of the brazen negative cosmic force, and set about mutually feeding off each other in an aqueous dog-eat-dog soup of ugly, selfish and bizarre creatures. Many of these creatures, the old Rabbis teach us, were a 'cosmic mistake' - a kind of prehistoric version of Eastenders, with one selfish act leading to another, with each single cell, evolving and dividing into clusters of cells, then into plasmoid jellyfish type creatures, then vertebrates - but all of them hugely ugly, indifferent to one another and hopelessly doomed to be alone... Stubborn, and infused with too much of the hot cosmic forces released at the time of the Big Bang, the first life forms which appeared were far from attractive. Many lacked a soul & compassion, and therefore stalked around like corpses, or ‘shells’ of beings. These strange primordial life forms are described in the Kabbalah as the Kliphothic beings - creatures (both physical and spiritual) which were created before God got it 'just right'. It is these Kliphothic forces which the evil magicians of millennia have always sought to summon and master - for they are the spiritual equivalent of the incredible Hulk - on a bad day - with a dash of demonic, selfish intent thrown in. In all my years of research, it is these morphing, evil, shape-shifting entities which most closely resemble the eye witness testimonies contained in David Icke's book The Biggest Secret.

Great secrecy surrounds the existence of the Kliphothic beings - it is forbidden for anyone under the age of 40 in the Jewish tradition to study them. Of the hundreds of millions of web pages out there that discuss the Kabbalah and New World Order, barely a handful mention the world of the kliphothic. Curiously, neither David Icke, nor Arizona, nor Pamela Icke who I questioned on these subjects ever mentioned The Goetia, Goetic nor Kliphothic demons. I discovered, in 1981, the existence of these forces by reading a training manual on Magic written by a former employee of Her Majesty's Inland Revenue. I had bought the book from a friend whose brother was making a name for himself in the stock market and had purchased this book of Magic in order to cast spells to bring him wealth. This is not the only time that I have found someone working for the Banking Elite to be interested in black magick. Mastery of these dark Kliphothic forces is one of the biggest secrets in the arcane occult wisdom of black magicians. This secret wisdom is referred to as hokmahnistarah, and the passing on of this part of magickal tradition, or 'Kabbalah', is only permitted once someone has attained an age of suitable intellectual and religious maturity. Since Madonna and Britney got 'into' the Kabbalah, many thousands of non Jewish people have started to study the kabbalah at college. If you are one of these people, then perhaps when you started your course, you wondered why the word 'kabbalah' was spelt 'Cabala' with a 'C'? Most students are never told about the selfish, arrogant vagrant and demonic forces of the Kliphothic realm. The Cabala, spelt with a ‘C’, is actually a Christianized ‘love-n-peace’ version of the Kabbalah which was developed as a ‘cover’ in the occult centre of Cassel in Germany - this is the town where the Rosicrucian Manifestos emerged. The Christianized Cabala has since been used as a kind of ‘primer’ gently indoctrinating the intelligentsia who join Rosicrucian and Masonic lodges - of course, this eventually leads to a career as a full time magician of the black arts if the student is so disposed. So, as we progress through this booklet, I welcome you all to one of the rarest opportunities for non Jewish people to learn about the spiritual forces which Rabbis have gained mastery over since ancient times...

Knowledge of these brutish astral forces, mastery over them and temples designed to worship them were first built in Chaldea, a province of Babylon, long before the family dynasties of Egypt came to power. The tradition of summoning and invoking these Kliphothic forces has been handed down from (usually) father to son, and has caused a rift of envy & jealousy against the Jewish people which has rippled throughout history, with one nasty tyrant after another seeking to learn the tradition (kabbalah) and then exterminate all those who would also invoke - and therefore dilute - the angry spiritual forces which Hitler, Himmler, the British-Bavarian Royals, Napoleon, Popes and Alexander the Great have all used to create the present New World Order.

Without understanding the nihlistic manifesto of these jealous

and ugly Kliphothic demons, one cannot make any sense of the planetary

destruction which the global network of witches, freemasons and

magicians are inflicting on planet Earth. The destruction of the

rainforests and all the land burnt to a cinder is, of course, of no concern to

a SPIRIT-DEMON who actually nihlistically wishes utter destruction and

horror on the physical plane - causing widespread havoc and genocide

and thus jettisoning millions of souls into the astral world where poor

wretches killed by the Illuminati’s programme of planetary chaos can be

tormented and possessed in perpetuity. The character and personality of

these demons is typically seductive, promising vast riches and wealth to

the magicians and illuminati who carry out their disgusting ambitions in

the physical world.

Origins of the Written Kabbalah... Commonly, one of the the first lessons taught about the Kabbalah tradition of magick is that the Godhead's divineness, His cosmic awareness of Himself is represented by the Universe itself - both the physical elements which make up all planets and material life forms and also all the unseen electro-magnetic-nuclear-spiritual forces in the invisible realms which surround us. The Universe is, as it were, a 'mirror' showing us the brilliance and magnitude of the Godhead. These concepts existed for at least 1,000 years in an oral tradition, and these were eventually written down and distributed in hand-copied scrolls in the pre-Biblical era. In fact, it is highly likely that these concepts go back 10,000 years or more. The first of these manuscript versions of the Creation - according to Kabbalah - is called the Sefer Yetsirah, or the Book of Formation, which is thought to date from the 6th century AD (though it is important to remember that it contains concepts which stretch back into antiquity). The Book of Formation is essential to understand if we are to explain the remarkable and terrifying metamorphosis of members of the royal family as described by Arizona Wilder. The Book of Formation has been used by black magicians and misguided Rabbis in medieval Europe to create and animate ‘Golems’ - this is an important subject which I shall cover in a subsequent part of this booklet. Around 700 years later, in the 13th century (the era in which the Knights Templar all of a sudden became the richest and most pre-eminent semi monarchial force in Europe), another text - now included in the corpus of teachings we call the 'kabbalah' was published - entitled the Sefer Hazzohar (commonly referred to as the Zohar, or Book of Brightness). Authorship of both the Sefer Yetsirah and also the Zohar are hotly debated amongst scholars. Some scholars believe that these texts were divinely inspired and just 'appeared' - but the facts available to us from the historical record tend to suggest that these texts were authored in Europe - most probably in Barcelona and Provençe (home county to Michel Nostradamus) and were the written chronicles of secret wisdom which had previously been passed from Rabbi to son since antiquity. It is widely agreed that the Zohar has it's roots in the mystical teachings of 2nd century Palestine, when a mystic called Simeon ben Yochai first wrote it down on paper (or I should say papyrus). A European traveller, known as Moses de Leon claims that he 'discovered' this 2nd century version of the Zohar - but it is equally likely that Moses de Leon actually authored the Zohar himself and just claimed an older provenance for the writings to give it more spiritual gravitas.

Another very influential text from the kabbalah corpus is the Book of Bahir, whose real title is the Sefer-hab-Bahir which was probably written in the 6th century by a Rabbi called 'Isaac The Blind'. There are actually two (and possibly three) Rabbis who have taken on the name 'Isaac the Blind' throughout history - and it is not uncommon for Rabbis to adopt the name and title of previous kabbalistic scholars from history - in fact, the Roman Catholic church often copies this form of reverence, when popes take on the name of previous pontiffs as a mark of gratitude and homage to their predecessors. The scriptual and physical evidence for the origination of the kabbalah is, of course, denied by kabbalist fundamentalists - these people passionately believe that the wisdom of the kabbalah corpus was in actual fact set down into mankind's mind via the prophet known as Enoch. Some modern interpretations of the Book of Enoch say that the arcane kabbalistic wisdom found in the 6th and 13th century texts were 'betrayed' to Mankind by none other than the 'Fallen Angels' (ie. Kliphothic entities described above). Another Talmudic tradition makes the unlikely claim that God Almighty himself whispered it directly into the ear of Moses on Mount Sinai. According to this version of ‘history’, seventy carefully chosen Elders were then given the task of preserving the secret wisdom - which from that point onwards would be communicated orally - and only to those who had reached the age of 40.

One cannot help to see that the Enochian version of the origination of the kabbalah has led many skeptics and anti-semites to deduce that the Kabbalah is the work of demons and possibly the devil himself. In fact, there is a scriptual history of ancient works which suggest that the God Almighty and the 'Lord' transliterated from the Old and New Testaments are NOT the same Supreme Being - but one is in actual fact the 'Devil' and the other is Adonai - God of the Christians. Whatever the case, the complex and abstract concept of an unseen universe of divine particles and lights containing the essence of God's intellect and willpower were at once shocking and fascinating to the non Jewish intelligentsia of the 13th century, who hungrily read and absorbed the mystical conceptual basis for the Creation of the Universe which we find in the kabbalistic corpus of works.

The Real Bible Code... The first five books of the Holy Bible are called the Pentateuch and can be considered a vulgarization of the arcane teachings which explained the mystical process of Creation at the time of the Big Bang. The Book of Genesis, as just one example, is in actual fact a re-transliteration of the Creation Myths featuring the Annunaki in ancient Sumeria. Zealous and fundamentalist kabbalists have claimed - and still claim - that the very root of these five books of the Old Testament are in actual fact an exoteric, codified set of scrolls which have their literary foundation in kabbalistic oral teachings from ancient Babylon. The basis for Jewish law is the Old Testament, and the Commandments from Moses. This 'Law' of the Jewish people was given by Moses, apparently after some mystical communion with God, and the Hebrew word for 'law' is 'Torah'. Kabbalists read the five books of the Old Testament in a very different way to the uninitiated 'goyim' which they deplore. What is 'goyim'? - it is a derogatory term for non Jewish races used by racist members of (usually) the zealot temples that have sporadically existed around the world for several centuries. Many kabbalists see a hidden encoded message within the Torah which can be unlocked by understanding how to read the first and last letters of each word, and also reading entire chapters from 'outside-in', with alternate words taken from the primary sentences and last words in the final sentences progressively retrograding towards the centre of each chapter. This cryptogrammatical method reveals a hidden layer of prophecies and meanings - and, thus, have effectively cemented the Kabbalah, or tradition of magick, into the modern age, where black magicians are now using it as a blueprint.

In addition to the above system of encryption, kabbalists employ the esoteric science of Gematria which requires the conversion of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet into numerical equivalents, and then substituting certain words which have the same numerical total. As an example, a phrase "...and lo, three men' (Gen xviii 2) can be reconstructed to read 'These Were Michael, Gabriel & Raphael'. As you can see, the hidden language of the Rabbis is comprehensive and arcane to understand. The Gematrical version of the Torah reveals a VERY different version of the Creation. Gematrically speaking, the lord God Almighty - referred to as Yod Ha Vah Hey (YHVH) - is regarded gematrically as the same person as ADAM - a human artificially created by spiritual force. The belief that a person can be created using spiritual forces is fundamental to the Book of Formation and the legend of the ‘Golem’. Hebrew has no vowels, and therefore, this also gave rise to a sigil-istic method of encoding the Will of God into each sentence of holy Hebrew texts. This has given Black Magicians a kind of ‘Screenplay’ which they use to stage and control geopolitical events. The ‘Movie’ they are making is, in actual fact, a ‘Horror’ film, directed by Kliphothic, shape-shifting demonic entities. Much of this ‘Screenplay’ is represented in Symbols or ‘Sigils’ which subconsciously influence the minds of the occultists and members of the public alike. What is a ‘Sigil’? A sigil is actually a talisman, or symbol which represents the will or desire of the magician. A talismanic symbol - or sigil - is made by writing down the desire or will of the magician - for example 'Bring Me Treasure', and erasing all vowels and repeated consonants, re-writing the sentence 'BrngMTs' - these remaining letters would be etched into a tablet of beaten zinc, or silver, or gold, and arranged so that they would look like a logo - a talisman - which would immediately remind the magician of the original will or desire contained in the sigil. It would often be worn as a necklace or bracelet and never removed from the magician's body - thus infusing and conjoining the magician's physical body with his Will.

A related grammatical arcane 'science' grew up around these techniques, which took every letter of a given word in the Torah and used these letters as the first letter of subsequent words, thus forming new sentences based on the standard text. I have purchased ancient manuscripts published (indeed, some are hand copies) from the 14th century which employ this system - which is known as Notarikon. By taking just a few words from the familiar sentences of the Torah, one can immediately 'discover' the names of angels and demons hidden within these texts.

Another method used as a 'key' to expose the hidden and alternative version of the Torah was called Temura - which is a divinatory method for deciphering messages from the 'divine' (and not so divine) beings within the scriptures. An ancient manuscript attributed to the scholar Philo entitled De Vita Contemplativa describes the Torah as a 'living being' whose body is the literal text of the Pentateuch and whose soul is the hidden occult meaning that is buried within the lines of text - placed there for only the select few to understand. Gematrically deciphered portions of the first five books of the Old Testament - especially those which have side notes written in the hand of kabbalists and annotations which correct many of the deliberate 'booby trap' mistakes which magicians insert in order to nullify their competitors, often sell for a minimum of £2,000. The bidders are very often those who are seeking to unlock the names of demons and the secret sets of incantations with which to summon and control them). Le Bibliotech Bleu series of pulp non-fiction magickal mini 'Grimoires' sold on the streets of Paris for a penny in the 18th century are now changing hands for £3,000 or more! And it is within this corpus of texts - which describe the many thousands of Kliphothic demonic entities - that we see some kind of historical provenance which goes a long way in explaining the incredibly bizarre happenings at magickal rituals. Once you have absorbed the above information and read the historical accounts of rituals that summon demons, then the eye-witness reports relayed to David Icke a decade ago by a woman using a 'cover' name 'Arizona Wilder' (apparently, her real name is 'Jennifer Greene') seem worthy of much, much closer investiagtion...


AUTHOR’s NOTE: I have been patiently waiting for Arizona to write more on the

subjects which she covered in the video Confessions of a Mother Goddess - and hope to

interview her - for the time being, I present here in this multi-part booklet all the

research findings I have made - in the hope that we can put into context Arizona’s

testimony into an easily digestible PDF booklet which, hopefully, will put an end to all

these ridiculous arguments that have so far dissipated and wasted so many people's time

during the last few years. If information and research along the lines of the Goetia had

previously been published alongside the material contained in The Biggest Secret, then I

am sure there would not have been so many pointless arguments! I hope my new film

and magazine articles help, in some way, to explain many of the questions and doubts

raised following the publication of The Biggest Secret.

ABOVE: Do Hebrew texts contain

‘prophecies’ or are they actually

BLUEPRINTS for the black

magicians who summon the

Kliphothic demons? (LEFT): Note

the odd creatures on this

illuminated manuscript of the first

five books of the Bible. Many

‘mythological’ creatures are actually

Goetic demons which have had a

‘Media Spin’ put on them and added

to Faery Tales written by - usually -

less than honorable authors.


Arguments over the testimonies in The Biggest Secret sharply divided opinions in the ‘Truth Movement’. Following 9-11, the NWO agenda accelerated. Will sending “Love Vibes” stop the NWO

Reptilians? This concept is difficult to slip into a chat down the Pub!

Page 14: Chris Everard & the Illuminati Part 1

page 014

Entering The Jaws of Demons... Unfortunately, during the many years I have invested in making films and interviewing authors, I have discovered that the vast majority of underhanded attacks, and snyde behaviour comes from those who seem to have been under the impression that the information I reveal in my articles and films was somehow theirs, that it was 'stepping on their toes' to even write about subjects which are mildly similar. There has been - since the publication of John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (pub. 1798) - somewhat of a small publishing industry in anti-masonic literature - and many authors for the last two centuries have entered into futile, envious and nonsensical ‘flame wars’ with eachother, when in reality, they should really be assisting eachother's research and forming a united front. My role as a filmmaker has been to amalgamate and present on screen the most verifiable evidence, and give a cinematically captivating stage for the most well informed authors to have their say about the New World Order. Unfortunately, I was too naive and underestimated that the 'Money Bomb' is a more important incentive to some anti-NWO personalities than the Nuclear Bomb! Consequently, I have been undermined and attacked and wrongly accused of arrogance by some of these people - even from people who have made a career by warning you and me about the evil in the banking and judiciary - when the truth comes too close to home - they all resort to using Barristers (Tony Blair was a barrister) and judges (Tony Blair's wife is a judge) to shut me up. Lol. Just watch and see what happens... All I can say, is that I hope you thoroughly enjoy reading my research. When I first interviewed David Icke on camera in 2001 and asked "David, are we being ruled by people who worship Baphomets and Demons?" in a whiplash instant, David forwent his normally very professional television-savy way of answering questions (so that each answer can cleanly and concisely be edited into a self contained video capsule which does not require the film editor to include the opening question) with a very abrupt "yes we are!". David's answer was the first time I had recorded on camera a person willing, like me, to say on camera what we had all suspected for a long time - that members of the royal-political elite were more than just dabbling in Black Magick - they had developed ancient techniques of summoning Demons and it was this quest - to summon demons - which lay at the heart of all Masonic, Templar and high ceremonial magick.

By 1999, there had been thousands of books written exposing Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and Black Magicians - but just a tiny few of the 300 million web-blog pages on the subject of the New World Order dared to mention the actual reason why rituals took place. David's answer showed that on this topic we were both on the same page as it were - I knew that my hunch to make a motion picture documentary film about the black magick rituals performed by the world's richest people - was a correct hunch - and that the public's consciousness was now elevated to the point where many millions of people were ready for this information. At that moment, I knew that the previous 17 years' worth of collecting video and film footage, reading and research that I had done, building a library on the Occult with mainly original first and second edition books was all worth while. I was kind of worried at the time that I would be labeled as a 'heretic' film director for making films from the heart about black masses, witch covens, poltergeists and the dark world of Freemasonry - my concerns were unjustified - I have had people buy my films from all over the world - including the lawyers representing the Bush family, Hollywood superstars, sports personalities and, yes, of course, even Royalty. So, in a nutshell, I have put into this booklet all the most important pieces of information about the evil demonic forces summoned to rule over Mankind by the royal-political elite - so that when you come to view my series of Illuminati films (especially ILLUMINATI Vol IV), hopefully, many pieces of the jigsaw puzzle will fall into place - effortlessly - with minimal ambiguity. Enjoy.

[author's note; I would suggest just taking a few moments to close your eyes and slow your breathing into nice deep breaths and get really very comfortable before proceeding - this first part of my booklet concerns magickal information which is so fundamentally vital to understand that it is, in actual fact, the very essence and root of the information used by the Illuminati to influence and control Mankind. It's time to sling the cat out and put the phone off the hook!].


Imagine yourself in inky blackness. Without light. A vast space without form. This blackness is black because there is no light. Light does not exist. This space has no ceiling. It has no walls. It has no floor. It has no reference point of what is up, down or sideways. There is absolutely no form to this blackness - no limit to it's extent of nothingness. It is not even a 'dimension'. This emptiness is personified by the utter lack of any form or sound. No air. No nothing. Not even a glimmer of Hope. Not an utter cell. Utter perpetual nothingness. No heat. No cold. No abstract thought or concept. No actual awareness that there could ever be anything except nothingness. No emotion. Not even an illusion, as one has to have a point of awareness to even comprehend an illusion. Nothing. Nothingness is alien to the existence of Mankind and Life. Nothingness is the complete and utter lack of all faculties which can even comprehend a vacuum. Without light, spatial dimension, without thought, without sound, heat, air, and therefore without vibrations... one can imagine a black silent womb. But nothingness is more vacuous than this - as there are no thoughts and so it is impossible to even conceive of a 'womb'. There is not really a 'void' or 'vacuum' either, as these concepts all rely on the existence of a congniscient entity to perceive a 'vacuum'. The concept of a vacuum presupposes that there is actually some kind of three dimensional space in which the air has been sucked out. Nothingness is just that - NOTHING... Not even an illusion can exist.

But wait... now imagine yourself floating and observing this nothingness.

All of a sudden, you hear - for the first time in a million millennia - the

hissing and rumble of a far off sound... it gets louder and louder, and your

atrophied and never before used hearing faculties begin to dance as the

scillia hairs of your ears become electrified by the vibration of invisible

gasses that have crept up and now surround you... You perceive for the first

time ever, a far off thunderous explosion.... Then, a point of infintisimally

small light penetrates like an unexpected penis into the newly perceived

womb of utter nothingness that you have existed in since the beginning of


The light - and rumbling hissing sounds - grow - and you realise that these distant explosions are emanating from a point in space which hitherto you did not even know existed. Your senses are finally being fed an amazing smorgasbord of phenomena... You perceive in one swooping, graceful and elegant shuddering revelation that YOU EXIST... and ARE NOT ALONE... The hissing and rumbling become louder, even a tremor - physical vibration - transmits itself through your newly found being - you are alive! You FEEL this - this is really happening! Before that revelation is completely welded into your new found consciousness, a hot searing wind of plasmic vitality... a cosmic happening, an inter-galactic, deep space gale, a fireball of white hot , super multi thousand degree heat - from all directions - engulfs you in a tsunami of sheer, unadulterated pure light, sound, vibration... OMG! This is REALITY! You are alive and there is something

else awesomely alive also sharing this huge space with you... Welcome to

the beginning of the plasmic electrolytic single cell amino acid lightning-

forming primordial soupy nuclear hurricane which we laughingly call the


At that infinitesimal point, which quantum physicists and other leather-elbowed pontficators and fans of Val Doonican spasmodically publish books about... we see the Creation, the virginal first love cosmic orgasm which gives birth to the UNIVERSE. Particles, fire, plasma, electrons, neutrons, quarks and the basic building blocks which would become Starbucks, I Love Lucy TV shows, planets, Galaxies, asteroids, comets, David Icke on the Wogan show (twice), and solar systems hurtle past your previously dormant Self... In an instant, an instantaneous blink in the eye of a previously undiscovered Godhead sub-atomic particles radiate out in all directions and begin to cool and coalesce into the Universe we know today. Congratulations... you have just witnessed the stunning energy which would become 'Mother Nature' burst forth - all the positive and negatively charged particles that would soon amalgamate and gather into self-regulating clusters of atoms. Unfortunately, some of these particles amalgamate into groups which were almost entirely negatively charged - and this is the true meaning of the word Kliphothic. These negative energies coalesced into ‘astral corpses’.

The Black Magick of the Cosmos...

In one instant, there was absolutely nothing, and the next, the

Big Bang releases forces of a Nature which previously did not exist - a

Nature which has come into being - when I asked a Rabbi-Magician the

simple question 'why?', he smiled and answered " ...Because, let's face it...

Nothingness is boring!". This sudden, and rarely discussed emanation of existence is a common theme expressed in many Creation texts found the world over - the Mayans, the ancient Sumerians, the Egyptians - all describe a primordial darkness which is then brought into Light. According to the early texts which influenced the books which make up the Hebrew magical tradition, or 'Kabbalah', God and the universe (albeit the vacuum which contains the ever expanding Universe) have always existed. These texts describe the universe as being a physical manifestation of the Godhead's own conscious awareness. The cosmos is considered in the Kabbalistic tradition to be the Godhead's awareness of himself.

'Creation' is described by the ancient Hebrew occultists as a series of simultaneous thoughts, represented by lights - described as ineffable lights. God brought into being ten of these lights - these orbs of light were created first out of pure thought energy, pure angelic energy direct from the Godhead. As each of these ten spheres were created, God made the density of the light stronger and stronger - with less and less divine material - until the tenth and last ineffable light was created - bathed in the supreme and most important ingredient for the creation of living things on planet Earth - sunlight.

This concept of divine essence being transmuted into physical substance is the bedrock of the Kabbalah and many occult teachings. Occultists and priests, soothsayers, skywatchers, nuclear physicists, oracles and magicians have all collectively struggled throughout history to put the above cosmic Big Bang/creation scenario into words. Indeed, the very divine thoughts of God which created us and the cosmos are referred to in ancient texts as 'words' - and thus we have the ridiculous over simplification "...in the beginning there was the word...". In fact, the words of the ancient texts which revealed this mystical (I would say romatically inaccurate) version of Creation, are formed of letters which themselves are modeled on the form and shape of star constellations (see my previous writings about the linguistic evidence of contact with the Star Gods in Feed Your Brain Magazine, summer 2009 - http://www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com ). Morphing through many versions, syntaxes and grammatical constraints, we call this mystical, magickal language 'Hebrew' and it is considered the most effective of all languages for summoning the invisible godly and ungodly Kliphothic forces which were created with the Universe...

Kliphothic Connundrum... Apparently, according to Hebrew teachings, not all went well during the Creation. If we are to believe the archaeological record and also believe the ancient Hebrew scriptures, the almighty force and unbridled, unconstrained massive tsunami of incandescense which brought into being the entire cosmos, simultaneously created a whole raft of physical and non physical living beings which fed off each other, were infused with 'too much' of the brazen negative cosmic force, and set about mutually feeding off each other in an aqueous dog-eat-dog soup of ugly, selfish and bizarre creatures. Many of these creatures, the old Rabbis teach us, were a 'cosmic mistake' - a kind of prehistoric version of Eastenders, with one selfish act leading to another, with each single cell, evolving and dividing into clusters of cells, then into plasmoid jellyfish type creatures, then vertebrates - but all of them hugely ugly, indifferent to one another and hopelessly doomed to be alone... Stubborn, and infused with too much of the hot cosmic forces released at the time of the Big Bang, the first life forms which appeared were far from attractive. Many lacked a soul & compassion, and therefore stalked around like corpses, or ‘shells’ of beings. These strange primordial life forms are described in the Kabbalah as the Kliphothic beings - creatures (both physical and spiritual) which were created before God got it 'just right'. It is these Kliphothic forces which the evil magicians of millennia have always sought to summon and master - for they are the spiritual equivalent of the incredible Hulk - on a bad day - with a dash of demonic, selfish intent thrown in. In all my years of research, it is these morphing, evil, shape-shifting entities which most closely resemble the eye witness testimonies contained in David Icke's book The Biggest Secret.

Great secrecy surrounds the existence of the Kliphothic beings - it is forbidden for anyone under the age of 40 in the Jewish tradition to study them. Of the hundreds of millions of web pages out there that discuss the Kabbalah and New World Order, barely a handful mention the world of the kliphothic. Curiously, neither David Icke, nor Arizona, nor Pamela Icke who I questioned on these subjects ever mentioned The Goetia, Goetic nor Kliphothic demons. I discovered, in 1981, the existence of these forces by reading a training manual on Magic written by a former employee of Her Majesty's Inland Revenue. I had bought the book from a friend whose brother was making a name for himself in the stock market and had purchased this book of Magic in order to cast spells to bring him wealth. This is not the only time that I have found someone working for the Banking Elite to be interested in black magick. Mastery of these dark Kliphothic forces is one of the biggest secrets in the arcane occult wisdom of black magicians. This secret wisdom is referred to as hokmahnistarah, and the passing on of this part of magickal tradition, or 'Kabbalah', is only permitted once someone has attained an age of suitable intellectual and religious maturity. Since Madonna and Britney got 'into' the Kabbalah, many thousands of non Jewish people have started to study the kabbalah at college. If you are one of these people, then perhaps when you started your course, you wondered why the word 'kabbalah' was spelt 'Cabala' with a 'C'? Most students are never told about the selfish, arrogant vagrant and demonic forces of the Kliphothic realm. The Cabala, spelt with a ‘C’, is actually a Christianized ‘love-n-peace’ version of the Kabbalah which was developed as a ‘cover’ in the occult centre of Cassel in Germany - this is the town where the Rosicrucian Manifestos emerged. The Christianized Cabala has since been used as a kind of ‘primer’ gently indoctrinating the intelligentsia who join Rosicrucian and Masonic lodges - of course, this eventually leads to a career as a full time magician of the black arts if the student is so disposed. So, as we progress through this booklet, I welcome you all to one of the rarest opportunities for non Jewish people to learn about the spiritual forces which Rabbis have gained mastery over since ancient times...

Knowledge of these brutish astral forces, mastery over them and temples designed to worship them were first built in Chaldea, a province of Babylon, long before the family dynasties of Egypt came to power. The tradition of summoning and invoking these Kliphothic forces has been handed down from (usually) father to son, and has caused a rift of envy & jealousy against the Jewish people which has rippled throughout history, with one nasty tyrant after another seeking to learn the tradition (kabbalah) and then exterminate all those who would also invoke - and therefore dilute - the angry spiritual forces which Hitler, Himmler, the British-Bavarian Royals, Napoleon, Popes and Alexander the Great have all used to create the present New World Order.

Without understanding the nihlistic manifesto of these jealous

and ugly Kliphothic demons, one cannot make any sense of the planetary

destruction which the global network of witches, freemasons and

magicians are inflicting on planet Earth. The destruction of the

rainforests and all the land burnt to a cinder is, of course, of no concern to

a SPIRIT-DEMON who actually nihlistically wishes utter destruction and

horror on the physical plane - causing widespread havoc and genocide

and thus jettisoning millions of souls into the astral world where poor

wretches killed by the Illuminati’s programme of planetary chaos can be

tormented and possessed in perpetuity. The character and personality of

these demons is typically seductive, promising vast riches and wealth to

the magicians and illuminati who carry out their disgusting ambitions in

the physical world.

Origins of the Written Kabbalah... Commonly, one of the the first lessons taught about the Kabbalah tradition of magick is that the Godhead's divineness, His cosmic awareness of Himself is represented by the Universe itself - both the physical elements which make up all planets and material life forms and also all the unseen electro-magnetic-nuclear-spiritual forces in the invisible realms which surround us. The Universe is, as it were, a 'mirror' showing us the brilliance and magnitude of the Godhead. These concepts existed for at least 1,000 years in an oral tradition, and these were eventually written down and distributed in hand-copied scrolls in the pre-Biblical era. In fact, it is highly likely that these concepts go back 10,000 years or more. The first of these manuscript versions of the Creation - according to Kabbalah - is called the Sefer Yetsirah, or the Book of Formation, which is thought to date from the 6th century AD (though it is important to remember that it contains concepts which stretch back into antiquity). The Book of Formation is essential to understand if we are to explain the remarkable and terrifying metamorphosis of members of the royal family as described by Arizona Wilder. The Book of Formation has been used by black magicians and misguided Rabbis in medieval Europe to create and animate ‘Golems’ - this is an important subject which I shall cover in a subsequent part of this booklet. Around 700 years later, in the 13th century (the era in which the Knights Templar all of a sudden became the richest and most pre-eminent semi monarchial force in Europe), another text - now included in the corpus of teachings we call the 'kabbalah' was published - entitled the Sefer Hazzohar (commonly referred to as the Zohar, or Book of Brightness). Authorship of both the Sefer Yetsirah and also the Zohar are hotly debated amongst scholars. Some scholars believe that these texts were divinely inspired and just 'appeared' - but the facts available to us from the historical record tend to suggest that these texts were authored in Europe - most probably in Barcelona and Provençe (home county to Michel Nostradamus) and were the written chronicles of secret wisdom which had previously been passed from Rabbi to son since antiquity. It is widely agreed that the Zohar has it's roots in the mystical teachings of 2nd century Palestine, when a mystic called Simeon ben Yochai first wrote it down on paper (or I should say papyrus). A European traveller, known as Moses de Leon claims that he 'discovered' this 2nd century version of the Zohar - but it is equally likely that Moses de Leon actually authored the Zohar himself and just claimed an older provenance for the writings to give it more spiritual gravitas.

Another very influential text from the kabbalah corpus is the Book of Bahir, whose real title is the Sefer-hab-Bahir which was probably written in the 6th century by a Rabbi called 'Isaac The Blind'. There are actually two (and possibly three) Rabbis who have taken on the name 'Isaac the Blind' throughout history - and it is not uncommon for Rabbis to adopt the name and title of previous kabbalistic scholars from history - in fact, the Roman Catholic church often copies this form of reverence, when popes take on the name of previous pontiffs as a mark of gratitude and homage to their predecessors. The scriptual and physical evidence for the origination of the kabbalah is, of course, denied by kabbalist fundamentalists - these people passionately believe that the wisdom of the kabbalah corpus was in actual fact set down into mankind's mind via the prophet known as Enoch. Some modern interpretations of the Book of Enoch say that the arcane kabbalistic wisdom found in the 6th and 13th century texts were 'betrayed' to Mankind by none other than the 'Fallen Angels' (ie. Kliphothic entities described above). Another Talmudic tradition makes the unlikely claim that God Almighty himself whispered it directly into the ear of Moses on Mount Sinai. According to this version of ‘history’, seventy carefully chosen Elders were then given the task of preserving the secret wisdom - which from that point onwards would be communicated orally - and only to those who had reached the age of 40.

One cannot help to see that the Enochian version of the origination of the kabbalah has led many skeptics and anti-semites to deduce that the Kabbalah is the work of demons and possibly the devil himself. In fact, there is a scriptual history of ancient works which suggest that the God Almighty and the 'Lord' transliterated from the Old and New Testaments are NOT the same Supreme Being - but one is in actual fact the 'Devil' and the other is Adonai - God of the Christians. Whatever the case, the complex and abstract concept of an unseen universe of divine particles and lights containing the essence of God's intellect and willpower were at once shocking and fascinating to the non Jewish intelligentsia of the 13th century, who hungrily read and absorbed the mystical conceptual basis for the Creation of the Universe which we find in the kabbalistic corpus of works.

The Real Bible Code... The first five books of the Holy Bible are called the Pentateuch and can be considered a vulgarization of the arcane teachings which explained the mystical process of Creation at the time of the Big Bang. The Book of Genesis, as just one example, is in actual fact a re-transliteration of the Creation Myths featuring the Annunaki in ancient Sumeria. Zealous and fundamentalist kabbalists have claimed - and still claim - that the very root of these five books of the Old Testament are in actual fact an exoteric, codified set of scrolls which have their literary foundation in kabbalistic oral teachings from ancient Babylon. The basis for Jewish law is the Old Testament, and the Commandments from Moses. This 'Law' of the Jewish people was given by Moses, apparently after some mystical communion with God, and the Hebrew word for 'law' is 'Torah'. Kabbalists read the five books of the Old Testament in a very different way to the uninitiated 'goyim' which they deplore. What is 'goyim'? - it is a derogatory term for non Jewish races used by racist members of (usually) the zealot temples that have sporadically existed around the world for several centuries. Many kabbalists see a hidden encoded message within the Torah which can be unlocked by understanding how to read the first and last letters of each word, and also reading entire chapters from 'outside-in', with alternate words taken from the primary sentences and last words in the final sentences progressively retrograding towards the centre of each chapter. This cryptogrammatical method reveals a hidden layer of prophecies and meanings - and, thus, have effectively cemented the Kabbalah, or tradition of magick, into the modern age, where black magicians are now using it as a blueprint.

In addition to the above system of encryption, kabbalists employ the esoteric science of Gematria which requires the conversion of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet into numerical equivalents, and then substituting certain words which have the same numerical total. As an example, a phrase "...and lo, three men' (Gen xviii 2) can be reconstructed to read 'These Were Michael, Gabriel & Raphael'. As you can see, the hidden language of the Rabbis is comprehensive and arcane to understand. The Gematrical version of the Torah reveals a VERY different version of the Creation. Gematrically speaking, the lord God Almighty - referred to as Yod Ha Vah Hey (YHVH) - is regarded gematrically as the same person as ADAM - a human artificially created by spiritual force. The belief that a person can be created using spiritual forces is fundamental to the Book of Formation and the legend of the ‘Golem’. Hebrew has no vowels, and therefore, this also gave rise to a sigil-istic method of encoding the Will of God into each sentence of holy Hebrew texts. This has given Black Magicians a kind of ‘Screenplay’ which they use to stage and control geopolitical events. The ‘Movie’ they are making is, in actual fact, a ‘Horror’ film, directed by Kliphothic, shape-shifting demonic entities. Much of this ‘Screenplay’ is represented in Symbols or ‘Sigils’ which subconsciously influence the minds of the occultists and members of the public alike. What is a ‘Sigil’? A sigil is actually a talisman, or symbol which represents the will or desire of the magician. A talismanic symbol - or sigil - is made by writing down the desire or will of the magician - for example 'Bring Me Treasure', and erasing all vowels and repeated consonants, re-writing the sentence 'BrngMTs' - these remaining letters would be etched into a tablet of beaten zinc, or silver, or gold, and arranged so that they would look like a logo - a talisman - which would immediately remind the magician of the original will or desire contained in the sigil. It would often be worn as a necklace or bracelet and never removed from the magician's body - thus infusing and conjoining the magician's physical body with his Will.

A related grammatical arcane 'science' grew up around these techniques, which took every letter of a given word in the Torah and used these letters as the first letter of subsequent words, thus forming new sentences based on the standard text. I have purchased ancient manuscripts published (indeed, some are hand copies) from the 14th century which employ this system - which is known as Notarikon. By taking just a few words from the familiar sentences of the Torah, one can immediately 'discover' the names of angels and demons hidden within these texts.

Another method used as a 'key' to expose the hidden and alternative version of the Torah was called Temura - which is a divinatory method for deciphering messages from the 'divine' (and not so divine) beings within the scriptures. An ancient manuscript attributed to the scholar Philo entitled De Vita Contemplativa describes the Torah as a 'living being' whose body is the literal text of the Pentateuch and whose soul is the hidden occult meaning that is buried within the lines of text - placed there for only the select few to understand. Gematrically deciphered portions of the first five books of the Old Testament - especially those which have side notes written in the hand of kabbalists and annotations which correct many of the deliberate 'booby trap' mistakes which magicians insert in order to nullify their competitors, often sell for a minimum of £2,000. The bidders are very often those who are seeking to unlock the names of demons and the secret sets of incantations with which to summon and control them). Le Bibliotech Bleu series of pulp non-fiction magickal mini 'Grimoires' sold on the streets of Paris for a penny in the 18th century are now changing hands for £3,000 or more! And it is within this corpus of texts - which describe the many thousands of Kliphothic demonic entities - that we see some kind of historical provenance which goes a long way in explaining the incredibly bizarre happenings at magickal rituals. Once you have absorbed the above information and read the historical accounts of rituals that summon demons, then the eye-witness reports relayed to David Icke a decade ago by a woman using a 'cover' name 'Arizona Wilder' (apparently, her real name is 'Jennifer Greene') seem worthy of much, much closer investiagtion...


AUTHOR’s NOTE: I have been patiently waiting for Arizona to write more on the

subjects which she covered in the video Confessions of a Mother Goddess - and hope to

interview her - for the time being, I present here in this multi-part booklet all the

research findings I have made - in the hope that we can put into context Arizona’s

testimony into an easily digestible PDF booklet which, hopefully, will put an end to all

these ridiculous arguments that have so far dissipated and wasted so many people's time

during the last few years. If information and research along the lines of the Goetia had

previously been published alongside the material contained in The Biggest Secret, then I

am sure there would not have been so many pointless arguments! I hope my new film

and magazine articles help, in some way, to explain many of the questions and doubts

raised following the publication of The Biggest Secret.

The Holocaust: Financed

by the Sovereign houses

of Bavaria and banks in

New York; Anyone with

any magickal knowledge

such as Freemasons and

Jewish rabbis were

rounded up, interrogated

and then tortured and

starved to death. Hitler

was an occultist, and if

there’s one thing which

occultists hate - is other

occultists. By

exterminating all occult

factions and Jewish

magicians - many of which

owned private libraries of

esoteric Chaldean and

Hebrew magick - Hitler

believed that the

primeval spirits of chaos

would be his - and his

alone - to summon. The

plan basically worked -

but not in Hitler’s favour

- he was disposed of, and

the newly ‘purified’ Royal

Elite embarked on a

horrific plan which divided

the developed world into

two systems - Capitalism

and Communism - both

basically the same - the

main difference was that

Communism refused

people to have credit and

thus created poverty,

whilst Capitalism printed

‘lamens’ full of magickal

sigils and called these bits

of paper ‘MONEY’. The

$1 bill is a sigil-talisman

printed on paper.

LEFT: Baal Shem Tov, sorcerer and founder of Hassisism/Chassidism: Ba’al Shem (means "Master of the Names" ie: the names of demons of the Goetia) he is traditionally the sorcerer who uses the Name of the Jewish Godhead Tetragramaton/YodHaVehHeh (spellings differ) to compel the Goetic and/or Kliphothic demons to serve and protect him - much like the legend of King Solomon.

Page 15: Chris Everard & the Illuminati Part 1

page 015 © Chris Everard 2009


Entering The Jaws of Demons... Unfortunately, during the many years I have invested in making films and interviewing authors, I have discovered that the vast majority of underhanded attacks, and snyde behaviour comes from those who seem to have been under the impression that the information I reveal in my articles and films was somehow theirs, that it was 'stepping on their toes' to even write about subjects which are mildly similar. There has been - since the publication of John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (pub. 1798) - somewhat of a small publishing industry in anti-masonic literature - and many authors for the last two centuries have entered into futile, envious and nonsensical ‘flame wars’ with eachother, when in reality, they should really be assisting eachother's research and forming a united front. My role as a filmmaker has been to amalgamate and present on screen the most verifiable evidence, and give a cinematically captivating stage for the most well informed authors to have their say about the New World Order. Unfortunately, I was too naive and underestimated that the 'Money Bomb' is a more important incentive to some anti-NWO personalities than the Nuclear Bomb! Consequently, I have been undermined and attacked and wrongly accused of arrogance by some of these people - even from people who have made a career by warning you and me about the evil in the banking and judiciary - when the truth comes too close to home - they all resort to using Barristers (Tony Blair was a barrister) and judges (Tony Blair's wife is a judge) to shut me up. Lol. Just watch and see what happens... All I can say, is that I hope you thoroughly enjoy reading my research. When I first interviewed David Icke on camera in 2001 and asked "David, are we being ruled by people who worship Baphomets and Demons?" in a whiplash instant, David forwent his normally very professional television-savy way of answering questions (so that each answer can cleanly and concisely be edited into a self contained video capsule which does not require the film editor to include the opening question) with a very abrupt "yes we are!". David's answer was the first time I had recorded on camera a person willing, like me, to say on camera what we had all suspected for a long time - that members of the royal-political elite were more than just dabbling in Black Magick - they had developed ancient techniques of summoning Demons and it was this quest - to summon demons - which lay at the heart of all Masonic, Templar and high ceremonial magick.

By 1999, there had been thousands of books written exposing Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and Black Magicians - but just a tiny few of the 300 million web-blog pages on the subject of the New World Order dared to mention the actual reason why rituals took place. David's answer showed that on this topic we were both on the same page as it were - I knew that my hunch to make a motion picture documentary film about the black magick rituals performed by the world's richest people - was a correct hunch - and that the public's consciousness was now elevated to the point where many millions of people were ready for this information. At that moment, I knew that the previous 17 years' worth of collecting video and film footage, reading and research that I had done, building a library on the Occult with mainly original first and second edition books was all worth while. I was kind of worried at the time that I would be labeled as a 'heretic' film director for making films from the heart about black masses, witch covens, poltergeists and the dark world of Freemasonry - my concerns were unjustified - I have had people buy my films from all over the world - including the lawyers representing the Bush family, Hollywood superstars, sports personalities and, yes, of course, even Royalty. So, in a nutshell, I have put into this booklet all the most important pieces of information about the evil demonic forces summoned to rule over Mankind by the royal-political elite - so that when you come to view my series of Illuminati films (especially ILLUMINATI Vol IV), hopefully, many pieces of the jigsaw puzzle will fall into place - effortlessly - with minimal ambiguity. Enjoy.

[author's note; I would suggest just taking a few moments to close your eyes and slow your breathing into nice deep breaths and get really very comfortable before proceeding - this first part of my booklet concerns magickal information which is so fundamentally vital to understand that it is, in actual fact, the very essence and root of the information used by the Illuminati to influence and control Mankind. It's time to sling the cat out and put the phone off the hook!].


Imagine yourself in inky blackness. Without light. A vast space without form. This blackness is black because there is no light. Light does not exist. This space has no ceiling. It has no walls. It has no floor. It has no reference point of what is up, down or sideways. There is absolutely no form to this blackness - no limit to it's extent of nothingness. It is not even a 'dimension'. This emptiness is personified by the utter lack of any form or sound. No air. No nothing. Not even a glimmer of Hope. Not an utter cell. Utter perpetual nothingness. No heat. No cold. No abstract thought or concept. No actual awareness that there could ever be anything except nothingness. No emotion. Not even an illusion, as one has to have a point of awareness to even comprehend an illusion. Nothing. Nothingness is alien to the existence of Mankind and Life. Nothingness is the complete and utter lack of all faculties which can even comprehend a vacuum. Without light, spatial dimension, without thought, without sound, heat, air, and therefore without vibrations... one can imagine a black silent womb. But nothingness is more vacuous than this - as there are no thoughts and so it is impossible to even conceive of a 'womb'. There is not really a 'void' or 'vacuum' either, as these concepts all rely on the existence of a congniscient entity to perceive a 'vacuum'. The concept of a vacuum presupposes that there is actually some kind of three dimensional space in which the air has been sucked out. Nothingness is just that - NOTHING... Not even an illusion can exist.

But wait... now imagine yourself floating and observing this nothingness.

All of a sudden, you hear - for the first time in a million millennia - the

hissing and rumble of a far off sound... it gets louder and louder, and your

atrophied and never before used hearing faculties begin to dance as the

scillia hairs of your ears become electrified by the vibration of invisible

gasses that have crept up and now surround you... You perceive for the first

time ever, a far off thunderous explosion.... Then, a point of infintisimally

small light penetrates like an unexpected penis into the newly perceived

womb of utter nothingness that you have existed in since the beginning of


The light - and rumbling hissing sounds - grow - and you realise that these distant explosions are emanating from a point in space which hitherto you did not even know existed. Your senses are finally being fed an amazing smorgasbord of phenomena... You perceive in one swooping, graceful and elegant shuddering revelation that YOU EXIST... and ARE NOT ALONE... The hissing and rumbling become louder, even a tremor - physical vibration - transmits itself through your newly found being - you are alive! You FEEL this - this is really happening! Before that revelation is completely welded into your new found consciousness, a hot searing wind of plasmic vitality... a cosmic happening, an inter-galactic, deep space gale, a fireball of white hot , super multi thousand degree heat - from all directions - engulfs you in a tsunami of sheer, unadulterated pure light, sound, vibration... OMG! This is REALITY! You are alive and there is something

else awesomely alive also sharing this huge space with you... Welcome to

the beginning of the plasmic electrolytic single cell amino acid lightning-

forming primordial soupy nuclear hurricane which we laughingly call the


At that infinitesimal point, which quantum physicists and other leather-elbowed pontficators and fans of Val Doonican spasmodically publish books about... we see the Creation, the virginal first love cosmic orgasm which gives birth to the UNIVERSE. Particles, fire, plasma, electrons, neutrons, quarks and the basic building blocks which would become Starbucks, I Love Lucy TV shows, planets, Galaxies, asteroids, comets, David Icke on the Wogan show (twice), and solar systems hurtle past your previously dormant Self... In an instant, an instantaneous blink in the eye of a previously undiscovered Godhead sub-atomic particles radiate out in all directions and begin to cool and coalesce into the Universe we know today. Congratulations... you have just witnessed the stunning energy which would become 'Mother Nature' burst forth - all the positive and negatively charged particles that would soon amalgamate and gather into self-regulating clusters of atoms. Unfortunately, some of these particles amalgamate into groups which were almost entirely negatively charged - and this is the true meaning of the word Kliphothic. These negative energies coalesced into ‘astral corpses’.

The Black Magick of the Cosmos...

In one instant, there was absolutely nothing, and the next, the

Big Bang releases forces of a Nature which previously did not exist - a

Nature which has come into being - when I asked a Rabbi-Magician the

simple question 'why?', he smiled and answered " ...Because, let's face it...

Nothingness is boring!". This sudden, and rarely discussed emanation of existence is a common theme expressed in many Creation texts found the world over - the Mayans, the ancient Sumerians, the Egyptians - all describe a primordial darkness which is then brought into Light. According to the early texts which influenced the books which make up the Hebrew magical tradition, or 'Kabbalah', God and the universe (albeit the vacuum which contains the ever expanding Universe) have always existed. These texts describe the universe as being a physical manifestation of the Godhead's own conscious awareness. The cosmos is considered in the Kabbalistic tradition to be the Godhead's awareness of himself.

'Creation' is described by the ancient Hebrew occultists as a series of simultaneous thoughts, represented by lights - described as ineffable lights. God brought into being ten of these lights - these orbs of light were created first out of pure thought energy, pure angelic energy direct from the Godhead. As each of these ten spheres were created, God made the density of the light stronger and stronger - with less and less divine material - until the tenth and last ineffable light was created - bathed in the supreme and most important ingredient for the creation of living things on planet Earth - sunlight.

This concept of divine essence being transmuted into physical substance is the bedrock of the Kabbalah and many occult teachings. Occultists and priests, soothsayers, skywatchers, nuclear physicists, oracles and magicians have all collectively struggled throughout history to put the above cosmic Big Bang/creation scenario into words. Indeed, the very divine thoughts of God which created us and the cosmos are referred to in ancient texts as 'words' - and thus we have the ridiculous over simplification "...in the beginning there was the word...". In fact, the words of the ancient texts which revealed this mystical (I would say romatically inaccurate) version of Creation, are formed of letters which themselves are modeled on the form and shape of star constellations (see my previous writings about the linguistic evidence of contact with the Star Gods in Feed Your Brain Magazine, summer 2009 - http://www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com ). Morphing through many versions, syntaxes and grammatical constraints, we call this mystical, magickal language 'Hebrew' and it is considered the most effective of all languages for summoning the invisible godly and ungodly Kliphothic forces which were created with the Universe...

Kliphothic Connundrum... Apparently, according to Hebrew teachings, not all went well during the Creation. If we are to believe the archaeological record and also believe the ancient Hebrew scriptures, the almighty force and unbridled, unconstrained massive tsunami of incandescense which brought into being the entire cosmos, simultaneously created a whole raft of physical and non physical living beings which fed off each other, were infused with 'too much' of the brazen negative cosmic force, and set about mutually feeding off each other in an aqueous dog-eat-dog soup of ugly, selfish and bizarre creatures. Many of these creatures, the old Rabbis teach us, were a 'cosmic mistake' - a kind of prehistoric version of Eastenders, with one selfish act leading to another, with each single cell, evolving and dividing into clusters of cells, then into plasmoid jellyfish type creatures, then vertebrates - but all of them hugely ugly, indifferent to one another and hopelessly doomed to be alone... Stubborn, and infused with too much of the hot cosmic forces released at the time of the Big Bang, the first life forms which appeared were far from attractive. Many lacked a soul & compassion, and therefore stalked around like corpses, or ‘shells’ of beings. These strange primordial life forms are described in the Kabbalah as the Kliphothic beings - creatures (both physical and spiritual) which were created before God got it 'just right'. It is these Kliphothic forces which the evil magicians of millennia have always sought to summon and master - for they are the spiritual equivalent of the incredible Hulk - on a bad day - with a dash of demonic, selfish intent thrown in. In all my years of research, it is these morphing, evil, shape-shifting entities which most closely resemble the eye witness testimonies contained in David Icke's book The Biggest Secret.

Great secrecy surrounds the existence of the Kliphothic beings - it is forbidden for anyone under the age of 40 in the Jewish tradition to study them. Of the hundreds of millions of web pages out there that discuss the Kabbalah and New World Order, barely a handful mention the world of the kliphothic. Curiously, neither David Icke, nor Arizona, nor Pamela Icke who I questioned on these subjects ever mentioned The Goetia, Goetic nor Kliphothic demons. I discovered, in 1981, the existence of these forces by reading a training manual on Magic written by a former employee of Her Majesty's Inland Revenue. I had bought the book from a friend whose brother was making a name for himself in the stock market and had purchased this book of Magic in order to cast spells to bring him wealth. This is not the only time that I have found someone working for the Banking Elite to be interested in black magick. Mastery of these dark Kliphothic forces is one of the biggest secrets in the arcane occult wisdom of black magicians. This secret wisdom is referred to as hokmahnistarah, and the passing on of this part of magickal tradition, or 'Kabbalah', is only permitted once someone has attained an age of suitable intellectual and religious maturity. Since Madonna and Britney got 'into' the Kabbalah, many thousands of non Jewish people have started to study the kabbalah at college. If you are one of these people, then perhaps when you started your course, you wondered why the word 'kabbalah' was spelt 'Cabala' with a 'C'? Most students are never told about the selfish, arrogant vagrant and demonic forces of the Kliphothic realm. The Cabala, spelt with a ‘C’, is actually a Christianized ‘love-n-peace’ version of the Kabbalah which was developed as a ‘cover’ in the occult centre of Cassel in Germany - this is the town where the Rosicrucian Manifestos emerged. The Christianized Cabala has since been used as a kind of ‘primer’ gently indoctrinating the intelligentsia who join Rosicrucian and Masonic lodges - of course, this eventually leads to a career as a full time magician of the black arts if the student is so disposed. So, as we progress through this booklet, I welcome you all to one of the rarest opportunities for non Jewish people to learn about the spiritual forces which Rabbis have gained mastery over since ancient times...

Knowledge of these brutish astral forces, mastery over them and temples designed to worship them were first built in Chaldea, a province of Babylon, long before the family dynasties of Egypt came to power. The tradition of summoning and invoking these Kliphothic forces has been handed down from (usually) father to son, and has caused a rift of envy & jealousy against the Jewish people which has rippled throughout history, with one nasty tyrant after another seeking to learn the tradition (kabbalah) and then exterminate all those who would also invoke - and therefore dilute - the angry spiritual forces which Hitler, Himmler, the British-Bavarian Royals, Napoleon, Popes and Alexander the Great have all used to create the present New World Order.

Without understanding the nihlistic manifesto of these jealous

and ugly Kliphothic demons, one cannot make any sense of the planetary

destruction which the global network of witches, freemasons and

magicians are inflicting on planet Earth. The destruction of the

rainforests and all the land burnt to a cinder is, of course, of no concern to

a SPIRIT-DEMON who actually nihlistically wishes utter destruction and

horror on the physical plane - causing widespread havoc and genocide

and thus jettisoning millions of souls into the astral world where poor

wretches killed by the Illuminati’s programme of planetary chaos can be

tormented and possessed in perpetuity. The character and personality of

these demons is typically seductive, promising vast riches and wealth to

the magicians and illuminati who carry out their disgusting ambitions in

the physical world.

Origins of the Written Kabbalah... Commonly, one of the the first lessons taught about the Kabbalah tradition of magick is that the Godhead's divineness, His cosmic awareness of Himself is represented by the Universe itself - both the physical elements which make up all planets and material life forms and also all the unseen electro-magnetic-nuclear-spiritual forces in the invisible realms which surround us. The Universe is, as it were, a 'mirror' showing us the brilliance and magnitude of the Godhead. These concepts existed for at least 1,000 years in an oral tradition, and these were eventually written down and distributed in hand-copied scrolls in the pre-Biblical era. In fact, it is highly likely that these concepts go back 10,000 years or more. The first of these manuscript versions of the Creation - according to Kabbalah - is called the Sefer Yetsirah, or the Book of Formation, which is thought to date from the 6th century AD (though it is important to remember that it contains concepts which stretch back into antiquity). The Book of Formation is essential to understand if we are to explain the remarkable and terrifying metamorphosis of members of the royal family as described by Arizona Wilder. The Book of Formation has been used by black magicians and misguided Rabbis in medieval Europe to create and animate ‘Golems’ - this is an important subject which I shall cover in a subsequent part of this booklet. Around 700 years later, in the 13th century (the era in which the Knights Templar all of a sudden became the richest and most pre-eminent semi monarchial force in Europe), another text - now included in the corpus of teachings we call the 'kabbalah' was published - entitled the Sefer Hazzohar (commonly referred to as the Zohar, or Book of Brightness). Authorship of both the Sefer Yetsirah and also the Zohar are hotly debated amongst scholars. Some scholars believe that these texts were divinely inspired and just 'appeared' - but the facts available to us from the historical record tend to suggest that these texts were authored in Europe - most probably in Barcelona and Provençe (home county to Michel Nostradamus) and were the written chronicles of secret wisdom which had previously been passed from Rabbi to son since antiquity. It is widely agreed that the Zohar has it's roots in the mystical teachings of 2nd century Palestine, when a mystic called Simeon ben Yochai first wrote it down on paper (or I should say papyrus). A European traveller, known as Moses de Leon claims that he 'discovered' this 2nd century version of the Zohar - but it is equally likely that Moses de Leon actually authored the Zohar himself and just claimed an older provenance for the writings to give it more spiritual gravitas.

Another very influential text from the kabbalah corpus is the Book of Bahir, whose real title is the Sefer-hab-Bahir which was probably written in the 6th century by a Rabbi called 'Isaac The Blind'. There are actually two (and possibly three) Rabbis who have taken on the name 'Isaac the Blind' throughout history - and it is not uncommon for Rabbis to adopt the name and title of previous kabbalistic scholars from history - in fact, the Roman Catholic church often copies this form of reverence, when popes take on the name of previous pontiffs as a mark of gratitude and homage to their predecessors. The scriptual and physical evidence for the origination of the kabbalah is, of course, denied by kabbalist fundamentalists - these people passionately believe that the wisdom of the kabbalah corpus was in actual fact set down into mankind's mind via the prophet known as Enoch. Some modern interpretations of the Book of Enoch say that the arcane kabbalistic wisdom found in the 6th and 13th century texts were 'betrayed' to Mankind by none other than the 'Fallen Angels' (ie. Kliphothic entities described above). Another Talmudic tradition makes the unlikely claim that God Almighty himself whispered it directly into the ear of Moses on Mount Sinai. According to this version of ‘history’, seventy carefully chosen Elders were then given the task of preserving the secret wisdom - which from that point onwards would be communicated orally - and only to those who had reached the age of 40.

One cannot help to see that the Enochian version of the origination of the kabbalah has led many skeptics and anti-semites to deduce that the Kabbalah is the work of demons and possibly the devil himself. In fact, there is a scriptual history of ancient works which suggest that the God Almighty and the 'Lord' transliterated from the Old and New Testaments are NOT the same Supreme Being - but one is in actual fact the 'Devil' and the other is Adonai - God of the Christians. Whatever the case, the complex and abstract concept of an unseen universe of divine particles and lights containing the essence of God's intellect and willpower were at once shocking and fascinating to the non Jewish intelligentsia of the 13th century, who hungrily read and absorbed the mystical conceptual basis for the Creation of the Universe which we find in the kabbalistic corpus of works.

The Real Bible Code... The first five books of the Holy Bible are called the Pentateuch and can be considered a vulgarization of the arcane teachings which explained the mystical process of Creation at the time of the Big Bang. The Book of Genesis, as just one example, is in actual fact a re-transliteration of the Creation Myths featuring the Annunaki in ancient Sumeria. Zealous and fundamentalist kabbalists have claimed - and still claim - that the very root of these five books of the Old Testament are in actual fact an exoteric, codified set of scrolls which have their literary foundation in kabbalistic oral teachings from ancient Babylon. The basis for Jewish law is the Old Testament, and the Commandments from Moses. This 'Law' of the Jewish people was given by Moses, apparently after some mystical communion with God, and the Hebrew word for 'law' is 'Torah'. Kabbalists read the five books of the Old Testament in a very different way to the uninitiated 'goyim' which they deplore. What is 'goyim'? - it is a derogatory term for non Jewish races used by racist members of (usually) the zealot temples that have sporadically existed around the world for several centuries. Many kabbalists see a hidden encoded message within the Torah which can be unlocked by understanding how to read the first and last letters of each word, and also reading entire chapters from 'outside-in', with alternate words taken from the primary sentences and last words in the final sentences progressively retrograding towards the centre of each chapter. This cryptogrammatical method reveals a hidden layer of prophecies and meanings - and, thus, have effectively cemented the Kabbalah, or tradition of magick, into the modern age, where black magicians are now using it as a blueprint.

In addition to the above system of encryption, kabbalists employ the esoteric science of Gematria which requires the conversion of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet into numerical equivalents, and then substituting certain words which have the same numerical total. As an example, a phrase "...and lo, three men' (Gen xviii 2) can be reconstructed to read 'These Were Michael, Gabriel & Raphael'. As you can see, the hidden language of the Rabbis is comprehensive and arcane to understand. The Gematrical version of the Torah reveals a VERY different version of the Creation. Gematrically speaking, the lord God Almighty - referred to as Yod Ha Vah Hey (YHVH) - is regarded gematrically as the same person as ADAM - a human artificially created by spiritual force. The belief that a person can be created using spiritual forces is fundamental to the Book of Formation and the legend of the ‘Golem’. Hebrew has no vowels, and therefore, this also gave rise to a sigil-istic method of encoding the Will of God into each sentence of holy Hebrew texts. This has given Black Magicians a kind of ‘Screenplay’ which they use to stage and control geopolitical events. The ‘Movie’ they are making is, in actual fact, a ‘Horror’ film, directed by Kliphothic, shape-shifting demonic entities. Much of this ‘Screenplay’ is represented in Symbols or ‘Sigils’ which subconsciously influence the minds of the occultists and members of the public alike. What is a ‘Sigil’? A sigil is actually a talisman, or symbol which represents the will or desire of the magician. A talismanic symbol - or sigil - is made by writing down the desire or will of the magician - for example 'Bring Me Treasure', and erasing all vowels and repeated consonants, re-writing the sentence 'BrngMTs' - these remaining letters would be etched into a tablet of beaten zinc, or silver, or gold, and arranged so that they would look like a logo - a talisman - which would immediately remind the magician of the original will or desire contained in the sigil. It would often be worn as a necklace or bracelet and never removed from the magician's body - thus infusing and conjoining the magician's physical body with his Will.

A related grammatical arcane 'science' grew up around these techniques, which took every letter of a given word in the Torah and used these letters as the first letter of subsequent words, thus forming new sentences based on the standard text. I have purchased ancient manuscripts published (indeed, some are hand copies) from the 14th century which employ this system - which is known as Notarikon. By taking just a few words from the familiar sentences of the Torah, one can immediately 'discover' the names of angels and demons hidden within these texts.

Another method used as a 'key' to expose the hidden and alternative version of the Torah was called Temura - which is a divinatory method for deciphering messages from the 'divine' (and not so divine) beings within the scriptures. An ancient manuscript attributed to the scholar Philo entitled De Vita Contemplativa describes the Torah as a 'living being' whose body is the literal text of the Pentateuch and whose soul is the hidden occult meaning that is buried within the lines of text - placed there for only the select few to understand. Gematrically deciphered portions of the first five books of the Old Testament - especially those which have side notes written in the hand of kabbalists and annotations which correct many of the deliberate 'booby trap' mistakes which magicians insert in order to nullify their competitors, often sell for a minimum of £2,000. The bidders are very often those who are seeking to unlock the names of demons and the secret sets of incantations with which to summon and control them). Le Bibliotech Bleu series of pulp non-fiction magickal mini 'Grimoires' sold on the streets of Paris for a penny in the 18th century are now changing hands for £3,000 or more! And it is within this corpus of texts - which describe the many thousands of Kliphothic demonic entities - that we see some kind of historical provenance which goes a long way in explaining the incredibly bizarre happenings at magickal rituals. Once you have absorbed the above information and read the historical accounts of rituals that summon demons, then the eye-witness reports relayed to David Icke a decade ago by a woman using a 'cover' name 'Arizona Wilder' (apparently, her real name is 'Jennifer Greene') seem worthy of much, much closer investiagtion...


AUTHOR’s NOTE: I have been patiently waiting for Arizona to write more on the

subjects which she covered in the video Confessions of a Mother Goddess - and hope to

interview her - for the time being, I present here in this multi-part booklet all the

research findings I have made - in the hope that we can put into context Arizona’s

testimony into an easily digestible PDF booklet which, hopefully, will put an end to all

these ridiculous arguments that have so far dissipated and wasted so many people's time

during the last few years. If information and research along the lines of the Goetia had

previously been published alongside the material contained in The Biggest Secret, then I

am sure there would not have been so many pointless arguments! I hope my new film

and magazine articles help, in some way, to explain many of the questions and doubts

raised following the publication of The Biggest Secret.

If you have purchased

my new film, then PART

TWO of this companion

booklet to The Illuminati

Vol.4: Brotherhood of

the Beast will arrive in

your e-mail inbox very

soon. My film can be

ordered on DVD in a

special Collector Pack at:


www.EnigmaTV.com -

click ‘cyberstore’. My

film, as you can see from

what I explain in this

booklet, contains images

and information which is


for CHILDREN - please

do not ‘Video Share’ it to

web-pages where

children may see it - it is

totally unsuitable

viewing for children and

has been made for a

MATURE audience. As I

have explained, in the

wrong hands, this

information can lead to

serious demonic

possession and chaos -

YouTube is not an

‘intellectual sewer’ where

you should dump this

kind of film.

© copyright -

Christopher Everard


“Better the Demon You Know - Than The

Demon You Don’t!”

Page 16: Chris Everard & the Illuminati Part 1

For a limited period, THE ENIGMA CHANNEL are offering a set of 8 motion picture documentaries directed


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A Special Report by CHRIS EVERARD about the possible impact of an enormous

asteroid on Friday 13th April 2029 is being broadcast right now on THE ENIGMA CHANNEL.

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